SAWA Yasuto

General Education DivisionAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • (BLANK)(Kobe University)

Research Keyword

  • 意味範囲   翻訳分析   日英語比較   誤訳   point of view   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Literature - General


Educational Background

  •        -   Osaka University of Foreign Studies  Faculty of Foreign Studies  英語学科
  •        -   Kobe University  文学研究科  英米文学専攻

■Research activity information


  • 澤 泰人
    近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要(外国語編) 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 2 (2) 57 - 75 2185-6982 2012/03 [Refereed]
    著者専攻 : 日英語翻訳学
  • 人称詞に関する日英語対照翻訳分析―視点と主観性の観点から―
    YASEELE (Yamaguchi Studies in English and English Language Education) 13 2009/10 [Refereed]
  • の観点からの日英語対照翻訳分析
    沖縄国際大学外国語研究 13 (1) 2009/09
  • King Henry VI, Part 1とその日本語版に見られるメタファーとメトニミー表現
    沖縄国際大学外国語研究 12 (1) 2009/03
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research report of Ube Technical College Ube National College of Technology 53 65 - 71 0386-4359 2007/03 
    Concluded in 2003, so far our academic partnership with the University of Newcastle in Australia has allowed four students to take short-term language training at the Language Center there, with three of them completing the five-week training course in August, 2006. With the further development of this academic partnership and a growing number of students eager to get a chance to learn English at the center, it is crucial to make an overall review of the language training system itself, with special emphasis on its curriculum, classes, and tests, which are covered in detail in this paper. Based on the reports of two students who studied English at the center last year, this paper also aims to find out problems of the current system and to offer suggestions for the possible enhancement of our academic partnership as well as of the training system in the future.
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research report of Ube Technical College Ube National College of Technology 52 77 - 82 0386-4359 2006/03 
    There has been a growing need for technical college students to improve their foreign language proficiency as is required by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education). In particular, they are expected to develop presentation skills in foreign languages, which has prompted many technical colleges to enhance their curriculum of teaching foreign languages with greater emphasis on practical skills such as making presentations and discussing a wide range of topics in languages studied. For this purpose, an increasing number of technical colleges have entered into academic partnership with universities overseas, encouraging students to study foreign languages there. In 2003, our college reached an agreement on academic exchange with the University of Newcastle in Australia. Following this, the first student went to the university to take 5 weeks of language training at its language center. The author was also given an opportunity to visit the university for the purpose of exchanging greetings with the staff and observing the lessons provided there as well, which is reported in detail in this paper.
  • 日本語物語文の情況描写の英訳に関する認知言語学的分析
    YASEELE (Yamaguchi Studies in English and English Language Education) 8 2004/08 [Refereed]
  • Sawa Yasuto
    Research report of Ube Technical College Ube National College of Technology 50 91 - 95 0386-4359 2004/03
  • Sawa Yasuto
    Research report of Ube Technical College Ube National College of Technology 50 85 - 90 0386-4359 2004/03
  • 物語文における情況描写と視点との関わり
    YASEELE (Yamaguchi Studies in English and English Language Education) 7 2003/08 [Refereed]
  • 澤 泰人
    宇部工業高等専門学校研究報告 宇部工業高等専門学校 49 71 - 76 0386-4359 2003/03
  • 学習英和辞典における類義語の語義比較-動詞編-
    宇部工業高等専門学校研究報告 49 2003/03
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research Reports of Ube National College of Technology Ube National College of Technology 48 119 - 126 0386-4359 2002/03
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research Reports of Ube National College of Technology Ube National College of Technology 47 141 - 148 0386-4359 2001/03
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research Reports of Ube National College of Technology Ube National College of Technology 47 129 - 139 0386-4359 2001/03
  • SAWA Yasuto
    Research Reports of Ube National College of Technology Ube National College of Technology 46 107 - 113 0386-4359 2000/03


Books and other publications

  • 英検準1級神速マスター
    (Single work)実務教育出版 2019/08
  • 英検2級神速マスター
    (Single work)実務教育出版 2019/08
  • 英検とTOEICテストにでる単語・熟語が同時に身につく本
    (Single work)かんき出版 2018/04
  • TOEICテストに必要な文法・単語・熟語が同時に身につく本
    (Joint work第1部(3~272頁)を担当、および著書全体を統括)かんき出版 2017/02
  • TOEIC TEST単語→熟語→例文→演習 4ステップ プラチナマスター
    (Single work)アチーブメント出版 2014/10
  • TOEIC TEST 単語・熟語・文法トリプルマスター
    (Single work)国際語学社 2012/08
  • 宇部工業高等専門学校 読んで楽しいカルチャー講座 パート3
    (Joint work「英語の誤用にご用心」(7~10頁))宇部時報社(現・宇部日報社) 2002/03

Affiliated academic society

  • THE JAPAN ASSOCIATION OF COMPARATIVE CULTURE   日本文体論学会   日本実用英語学会   日本英語表現学会