Department of InformaticsProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Dr. of Engineering(1991/03)
  • Dr. of Medical Science(2001/05)

Research Keyword

  • PET   positron emission tomography   陽電子断層像   AI   kinetics analysis   医用画像   動態解析   コンパートメントモデル   核医学   分子イメージング   molecular imaging   nuclear medicine   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Radiology
  • Life sciences / Radiology
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Measurement engineering
  • Life sciences / Medical systems
  • Life sciences / Biomaterials
  • Life sciences / Biomedical engineering



  • 2022/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of InformaticsProcessor
  • 2021/01 - Today  Kindai UniversityCyber Informatics Research Institute教授
  • 2017/10 - Today  Yokohama City University医学部 生理学教室客員教授
  • 2013/05 - Today  Fujita Health University医学部 放射線医学教室客員教授
  • 2013/04 - 2022/03  Kindai UniversityDepartment of Computational Systems Biology, Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and TechnologyProfessor
  • 2007/04 - 2022/03  Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of GerontologyResearch Team for Neuroimaging非常勤研究員
  • 2007/04 - 2013/03  National Institute of Radiological Sciences分子イメージング研究センターチームリーダー, 室長
  • 1999/09 - 2007/03  東京都老人総合研究所ポジトロン医学研究部門主任研究員
  • 1999/02 - 1999/08  Tokyo Medical and Dental University医用器材研究所 計測機器研究部門助教授
  • 1994/08 - 1999/01  Tokyo Medical and Dental University医用器材研究所 計測機器研究部門助手
  • 1999  Senior research scientist, Tokyo Metropolitan
  • 1999  Associate Professor, Institute for Medical and
  • 1991/04 - 1994/07  Nihon UniversityCollege of Industrial Technology助手
  • 1994  Research associate, Institute for Medical and
  • 1988/04 - 1991/03  Waseda UniversitySchool of Science and Engineering助手
  • 1991  Research associate, School of Industrial Engineering,
  • 1988  Research associate, School of Science and Engineering,
  • Institute of Gerontology
  • Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Denial University
  • Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  • Nihon University
  • Waseda University

Educational Background

  • 1984/04 - 1989/03  Waseda University  Graduate School of Science and Engineering  電気工学専攻
  • 1980/04 - 1984/03  Waseda University  School of Science and Engineering  電子通信学科
  • 1976/04 - 1979/03  国立金沢大学教育学部附属高等学校
  •        -   Waseda University
  •        -   Graduate School of Waseda University

■Research activity information


  • 2019/06 日本生体医工学会 Young Investigator's Award
     深層畳み込みオートエンコーダーを用いた健常データの教師無し学習による病変認識特徴量の汎用的自動生成 japan_society 
    受賞者: 牛房 和之受賞研究を指導。
  • 2017/11 日本核医学会・核医学理工分科会 奨励研究賞
     PETアミロイドイメージングによるアルツハイ マー病の早期画像診断のための雑音除去アルゴリズムの性能評価 japan_society 
    受賞者: 山田 誉大受賞研究を指導
  • 2017/06 日本青年会議所 超生産性大賞
     超ライフの創出 ー ゆりかごのデータから墓場のデータまで ー 
    受賞者: 永岡 隆;吉田 久;木村 裕一
  • 2012/11 日本生体医工学会 関東支部 若手発表会 優秀発表賞
    受賞者: 須田 雄貴;内山 智之;樋口 佳則;関根 正樹;木村 裕一;田村 俊世
  • 2011 日本核医学会 Hisada Award
     Quantitative Analysis of Dopamine Tranporters in Human Brain Using [11C]PE2I and Positron Emission Tomography: Evaluation of Refernce Tissue Models 
    受賞者: C Seki;H Ito;T Ichimiya;R Arakawa;Y Ikoma;M Shidahara;J Maeda;A Takano;H Takahashi;Y Kimura;K Suzuki;I Kanno;T Suhara
  • 2011 日本医用画像工学会 大会奨励賞,
     パラメトリック固有空間を利用したPET 動態データの雑音除去 
    受賞者: 星野直輝;本谷秀堅;坂口和也;坂田宗之;石渡喜一;木村裕一
  • 2009 日本老人医学会 Best Article Award
     Effects of a Robotic Walking Exercise on Walking Performance in Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults 
    受賞者: Hiroyuki Shimada;Takashi Hirata;Yuichi Kimura;Takako Naka;Keishiro Kikuchi;Keiichi Oda;Kenji Ishii;Kiichi Ishiwata;Takao Suzuki
  • 2008 Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Annals of Nuclear Medicine Frequently Cited Paper 2011, 2013, and 2014
     Low Density of Sigma1 Receptros in Early Alzheimer's Disease 
    受賞者: Masahiro Mishina;Masaki Ohyama;Kenji Ishii;Shin Kitamura;Yuichi Kimura;Kei-ichi Oda;Kazunori Kawamura;Toru Sasaki;Shiro Kobayashi;Yasuo Katayama;Kiichi Ishiwata
  • 2001/01 日本核医学会 Article Award, JSNM
     \Fast and Reliable Method to Generate FDG Parametric Images by Clustering Voxels Based on Principal Components japan_society 
    受賞者: 木村 裕一
  • 1996 日本医用画像工学会論文賞
  • Medical Imaging
  • Article of the year 1995 in Japanese Society of


  • Mika Yamamuro; Yoshiyuki Asai; Takahiro Yamada; Yuichi Kimura; Kazunari Ishii; Yohan Kondo
    Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing Springer Science and Business Media LLC 0140-0118 2024/09
  • Arata Segawa; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Hayato Kaida; Yuichi Kimura; Takashi Nagaoka; Katsuhiro Mikami; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Tatsuya Tsuchitani; Kazuhiro Kitajima; Kazunari Ishii
    Medical Imaging 2024: Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research, and Applications SPIE 2024/04
  • Yukako Nakamae; Ryusuke Deguchi; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Shimpei Yamashita; Yasuo Kohjimoto; Isao Hara
    Urolithiasis Springer Science and Business Media LLC 52 (1) 1 - 8 2023/12 [Refereed]
  • てんかん病態を制御する脳内AMPA受容体の動態
    永露 毅; 宮崎 智之; 波多野 真依; 中島 和希; 有澤 哲; 高田 由貴; 木村 キミト; 野田 賀大; 内田 裕之; 木村 裕一; 高橋 琢哉
    核医学技術 (NPO)日本核医学技術学会 43 (予稿集) 321 - 321 0289-100X 2023/10
  • GPUスパコンを用いたPET四次元再構成
    大島 聡史; 湯淺 義尚; 松村 海飛; 横田 達也; 本谷 秀堅; 坂田 宗之; 木村 裕一; 片桐 幸洋; 永井 亨; 塙 敏博; 星野 哲也
    Medical Imaging Technology 日本医用画像工学会 41 (4--5) 150 - 156 2023/09 [Refereed]
  • Mitsutaka Nemoto; Kazuyuki Ushifusa; Yuichi Kimura; Takashi Nagaoka; Takahiro Yamada; Takeharu Yoshikawa
    Applied Sciences MDPI AG 13 (14) 8330 - 8330 2023/07 [Refereed]
    There are growing expectations for AI computer-aided diagnosis: computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can be used to improve the accuracy of diagnostic imaging. However, it is not easy to collect large amounts of disease medical image data with lesion area annotations for the supervised learning of CAD systems. This study proposes an unsupervised local image feature extraction method running without such disease medical image datasets. Local image features are one of the key determinants of system performance. The proposed method requires only a normal image dataset that does not include lesions and can be collected easier than a disease dataset. The unsupervised features are extracted by applying multiple convolutional autoencoders to analyze various 2.5-dimensional images. The proposed method is evaluated by two kinds of problems: the detection of cerebral aneurysms in head MRA images and the detection of lung nodules in chest CT images. In both cases, the performance is high, showing an AUC of more than 0.96. These results show that the proposed method can automatically learn features that are useful for lesion recognition from lesion-free normal data, regardless of the type of image or lesion.
  • Tsuyoshi Eiro; Tomoyuki Miyazaki; Mai Hatano; Waki Nakajima; Tetsu Arisawa; Yuuki Takada; Kimito Kimura; Akane Sano; Kotaro Nakano; Takahiro Mihara; Yutaro Takayama; Naoki Ikegaya; Masaki Iwasaki; Akitoyo Hishimoto; Yoshihiro Noda; Takahiro Miyazaki; Hiroyuki Uchida; Hideaki Tani; Nobuhiro Nagai; Teruki Koizumi; Shinichiro Nakajima; Masaru Mimura; Nozomu Matsuda; Kazuaki Kanai; Kazuhiro Takahashi; Hiroshi Ito; Yoji Hirano; Yuichi Kimura; Riki Matsumoto; Akio Ikeda; Takuya Takahashi
    Cell reports. Medicine 4 (5) 101020 - 101020 2023/04 [Refereed]
    The excitatory glutamate α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptors (AMPARs) contribute to epileptogenesis. Thirty patients with epilepsy and 31 healthy controls are scanned using positron emission tomography with our recently developed radiotracer for AMPARs, [11C]K-2, which measures the density of cell-surface AMPARs. In patients with focal-onset seizures, an increase in AMPAR trafficking augments the amplitude of abnormal gamma activity detected by electroencephalography. In contrast, patients with generalized-onset seizures exhibit a decrease in AMPARs coupled with increased amplitude of abnormal gamma activity. Patients with epilepsy had reduced AMPAR levels compared with healthy controls, and AMPARs are reduced in larger areas of the cortex in patients with generalized-onset seizures compared with those with focal-onset seizures. Thus, epileptic brain function can be regulated by the enhanced trafficking of AMPAR due to Hebbian plasticity with increased simultaneous neuronal firing and compensational downregulation of cell-surface AMPARs by the synaptic scaling.
  • 櫻井 理紗; 杉町 勝; 木村 裕一; 鈴木 孝司; 黒田 知宏
    生体医工学 公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会 Annual61 (Abstract) 79_1 - 79_1 1347-443X 2023 
    2018年4月に施行された臨床研究法は、臨床研究の信頼性と被験者の安全性の確保のために、同法の定める「臨床研究」に該当する研究を実施する場合は医師が研究の責任主体となり、認定臨床研究審査委員会を経て研究を実施することを求めた。この同法の定める「臨床研究」に、各自の研究が該当するか判断するのは研究者本人であるが、この同法の定める「臨床研究」の対象範囲がわかりにくく、該当性の判断を行うことが難しい状況であった。特に、医工学研究の多くは、工学研究者によって行われており、生体医工学会内では萌芽的研究をはじめとする医療機器開発研究が、該当性判断が難しいことで停止する懸念や研究そのものができなくなる懸念があった。一方で、これまで被験者の安全性が危惧される研究を取り締まる法が存在しなかったことから臨床研究法の公布は必要な側面もあった。そこで生体医工学会では、臨床研究法WGを設置し、医工学研究における臨床研究法の該当性判断に関するガイドラインを公開してきた。 本講演では、臨床研究法WGの設置から4年が経ち、今後のWG活動における論点を再考するために、臨床研究法WG設置前の学会としての懸念事項をはじめ本ガイドライン作成に至った経緯から振り返る。
  • Hiroshi Matsuda; Kyoji Okita; Yumiko Motoi; Toshiki Mizuno; Manabu Ikeda; Nobuo Sanjo; Koji Murakami; Taiki Kambe; Toshiki Takayam; · Kei Yamad; Takashi Suehiro; Keiko Matsunag; Takanori Yokota; Ukihide Tateishi; Yoko Shigemoto; Yukio Kimura; Emiko Chiba; Takahiro Kawashim; Yui Tomo; Hisateru Tachimori; Yuichi Kimura; Noriko Sato
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine Springer Science and Business Media LLC 36 (12) 1039 - 1049 0914-7187 2022/10 [Refereed]
    Abstract Objective Amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) can reliably detect senile plaques and fluorinated ligands are approved for clinical use. However, the clinical impact of amyloid PET imaging is still under investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic impact and clinical utility in patient management of amyloid PET using 18F-florbetapir in patients with cognitive impairment and suspected Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We also aimed to determine the cutoffs for amyloid positivity for quantitative measures by investigating the agreement between quantitative and visual assessments. Methods Ninety-nine patients suspected of having AD underwent 18F-florbetapir PET at five institutions. Site-specialized physicians provided a diagnosis of AD or non-AD with a percentage estimate of their confidence and their plan for patient management in terms of medication, prescription dosage, additional diagnostic tests, and care planning both before and after receiving the amyloid imaging results. A PET image for each patient was visually assessed and dichotomously rated as either amyloid-positive or amyloid-negative by four board-certified nuclear medicine physicians. The PET images were also quantitatively analyzed using the standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) and Centiloid (CL) scale. Results Visual interpretation obtained 48 positive and 51 negative PET scans. The amyloid PET results changed the AD and non-AD diagnosis in 39 of 99 patients (39.3%). The change rates of 26 of the 54 patients (48.1%) with a pre-scan AD diagnosis were significantly higher than those of 13 of the 45 patients with a pre-scan non-AD diagnosis (χ2 = 5.334, p = 0.0209). Amyloid PET results also resulted in at least one change to the patient management plan in 42 patients (42%), mainly medication (20 patients, 20%) and care planning (25 patients, 25%). Receiver-operating characteristic analysis determined the best agreement of the quantitative assessments and visual interpretation of PET scans to have an area under the curve of 0.993 at an SUVR of 1.19 and CL of 25.9. Conclusion Amyloid PET using 18F-florbetapir PET had a substantial clinical impact on AD and non-AD diagnosis and on patient management by enhancing diagnostic confidence. In addition, the quantitative measures may improve the visual interpretation of amyloid positivity.
  • Mitsutaka Nemoto; Atsuko Tanaka; Hayato Kaida; Yuichi Kimura; Takashi Nagaoka; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Kazuhiro Kitajima; Tatsuya Tsuchitani; Kazunari Ishii
    Physics in medicine and biology 67 (19) 2022/09 [Refereed]
    We propose a method to detect primary and metastatic lesions with Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation in the lung field, neck, mediastinum, and bony regions on the FDG-PET/CT images. To search for systemic lesions, various anatomical structures must be considered. The proposed method is addressed by using an extraction process for anatomical regions and a uniform lesion detection approach. The uniform approach does not utilize processes that reflect any region-specific anatomical aspects but has a machine-learnable framework. Therefore, it can work as a lesion detection process for a specific anatomical region if it machine-learns the specific region data. In this study, three lesion detection processes for the whole-body bone region, lung field, or neck-mediastinum region are obtained. These detection processes include lesion candidate detection and false positive (FP) candidate elimination. The lesion candidate detection is based on a voxel anomaly detection with a one-class support vector machine. The FP candidate elimination is performed using an AdaBoost classifier ensemble. The image features used by the ensemble are selected sequentially during training and are optimal for candidate classification. Three-fold cross-validation was used to detect performance with the 54 diseased FDG-PET/CT images. The mean sensitivity for detecting primary and metastatic lesions at 3 FPs per case was 0.89 with a 0.10 standard deviation (SD) in the bone region, 0.80 with a 0.10 SD in the lung field, and 0.87 with a 0.10 SD in the neck region. The average areas under the ROC curve were 0.887 with a 0.125 SD for detecting bone metastases, 0.900 with a 0.063 SD for detecting pulmonary lesions, and 0.927 with a 0.035 SD for detecting the neck-mediastinum lesions. These detection performances indicate that the proposed method could be applied clinically. These results also show that the uniform approach has high versatility for providing various lesion detection processes.
  • 教職課程履修学生のICT活用指導力の現状と課題 --- 「教育の情報化手引き」と「教員のICT活用指導力チェックリスト」に基づいて ---
    伊藤 大輔; 木村 竜也; 木村 裕一
    秋田県立大学ウェブジャーナル A 10 2022/09
  • Mika Yamamuro; Yoshiyuki Asai; Naomi Hashimoto; Nao Yasuda; Hiroto Kimura; Takahiro Yamada; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Hisashi Handa; Hisashi Yoshida; Koji Abe; Masahiro Tada; Hitoshi Habe; Takashi Nagaoka; Seiun Nin; Kazunari Ishii; Yongbum Lee
    16th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2022) SPIE 2022/07
  • Mika Yamamuro; Yoshiyuki Asai; Naomi Hashimoto; Nao Yasuda; Hiroto Kimura; Takahiro Yamada; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Hisashi Handa; Hisashi Yoshida; Koji Abe; Masahiro Tada; Hitoshi Habe; Takashi Nagaoka; Seiun Nin; Kazunari Ishii; Yohan Kondo
    Biomedical physics & engineering express 8 (4) 2022/06 [Refereed]
    This study investigates the equivalence or compatibility between U-Net and visual segmentations of fibroglandular tissue regions by mammography experts for calculating the breast density and mean glandular dose (MGD). A total of 703 mediolateral oblique-view mammograms were used for segmentation. Two region types were set as the ground truth (determined visually): (1) one type included only the region where fibroglandular tissue was identifiable (called the 'dense region'); (2) the other type included the region where the fibroglandular tissue may have existed in the past, provided that apparent adipose-only parts, such as the retromammary space, are excluded (the 'diffuse region'). U-Net was trained to segment the fibroglandular tissue region with an adaptive moment estimation optimiser, five-fold cross-validated with 400 training and 100 validation mammograms, and tested with 203 mammograms. The breast density and MGD were calculated using the van Engeland and Dance formulas, respectively, and compared between U-Net and the ground truth with the Dice similarity coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis. Dice similarity coefficients between U-Net and the ground truth were 0.895 and 0.939 for the dense and diffuse regions, respectively. In the Bland-Altman analysis, no proportional or fixed errors were discovered in either the dense or diffuse region for breast density, whereas a slight proportional error was discovered in both regions for the MGD (the slopes of the regression lines were -0.0299 and -0.0443 for the dense and diffuse regions, respectively). Consequently, the U-Net and ground truth were deemed equivalent (interchangeable) for breast density and compatible (interchangeable following four simple arithmetic operations) for MGD. U-Net-based segmentation of the fibroglandular tissue region was satisfactory for both regions, providing reliable segmentation for breast density and MGD calculations. U-Net will be useful in developing a reliable individualised screening-mammography programme, instead of relying on the visual judgement of mammography experts.
  • Takashi Nagaoka; Takenori Kozuka; Takahiro Yamada; Hitoshi Habe; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Masahiro Tada; Koji Abe; Hisashi Handa; Hisashi Yoshida; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 11 76 - 86 2022 [Refereed]
  • Keisuke Matsubara; Masanobu Ibaraki; Mitsutaka Nemoto a; Hiroshi Watabe; Yuichi Kimura
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine 2021/12 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Paulus Kapundja Shigwedha; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Yutaka Fukuoka
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference 2021 3680 - 3683 2021/11 
    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a physiological, non-invasive imaging technique, which forms an essential part of nuclear medicine. The data obtained in a PET scan represent the concentration of an administered radiotracer in tissues over time. Quantitative analysis of PET data makes possible the assessments of in-vivo physiological processes. The Logan graphical analysis (LGA) is one of the methods that are used for quantitative analysis of PET data. LGA transforms PET data into a simple linear relationship. The slope of the LGA linear relationship is a physiological quantity denoting receptor availability. This quantity is termed distribution volume ratio (DVR). LGA-based estimates of the DVR are negatively affected by the noise in PET data -leading to the DVR being underestimated. A number of approaches proposed to address this issue have been observed to reduce the bias at the cost precision. An alternative regression method, least-squares cubic (LSC), was recently applied to estimate the DVR in order to reduce the bias. LSC was observed to reduce the bias in the LGA-based estimates. However, slight increases were also observed in the variance of the LSC-based estimates. This calls for methods to act against the variance in the LSC-based estimates. In this study, an alternative method is applied for tTAC denoising. This method is referred to as correlated component analysis (CorrCA). CorrCA transform the data by searching for dimensions of maximum correlation. This technique is closely related to other well-known methods such as principal component analysis and independent component analysis. In this study, the data were denoised by CorrCA (to act against the variance in the estimate) and the DVR was estimated by LSC, which provides for minimal bias. The resulting method LSC-CorrCA, gave less-biased estimated with increased precision. This was observed for both simulation results as well as for clinical data, both for 11C Pittsburgh compound B. Simulation data revealed reduced variances in LCS-CorrCA-based estimates, and the clinical data showed improved contrast between gray and white matter regions.Clinical Relevance-Improved DVR estimates would ease the interpretation of medical images, which will in turn positively influence the clinical processes, from diagnosis to treatment and follow-ups.
  • Shogo Watanabe; Tomohiro Ueno; Yuichi Kimura; Masahiro Mishina; Naozo Sugimoto
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine Springer Science and Business Media LLC 35 1203 - 1213 0914-7187 2021/08 [Refereed]
  • Tanyaluck Thientunyakit; Thonnapong Thongpraparn; Chakmeedaj Sethanandha; Takahiro Yamada; Yuichi Kimura; Weerasak Muangpaisan; Kazunari Ishii
    Japanese Journal of Radiology Springer Science and Business Media LLC 39 (10) 984 - 993 1867-1071 2021/05 [Refereed]
    PURPOSE: To determine the association between occipital amyloid-PET uptake and neurocognitive performance in Alzheimer's disease (AD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-eight participants with normal aged, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to AD and AD subjects who underwent F-18 florbetapir brain PET/CT scans were divided into four groups (A, normal; B, MCI; C, mild AD; and D, moderate/severe AD). Semiquantitative analyses of SUVR images were performed. The differences between groups and the correlations between florbetapir uptake and Thai Mental State Examination (TMSE) scores were determined. Significant differences were defined using a P < 0.001, uncorrected, or a P < 0.05, FWE for the voxel-based analyses with Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). RESULTS: There was a slightly higher florbetapir uptake in the precuneus, parietal, and occipital association cortices in Group B > A. The occipital florbetapir uptake in Groups C and D was significantly higher than in Group A, in addition to the precuneus, anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, temporoparietal, and frontal cortices. There was a strong negative correlation between TMSE scores and florbetapir uptake in the occipital lobe. CONCLUSIONS: Occipital amyloid uptake is associated with clinically advanced AD, and is inversely correlated with neurocognitive performance and may be useful for evaluating AD severity.
  • Paulus Kapundja Shigwedha; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Yutaka Fukuoka
    Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express IOP Publishing 7 (3) 035003 - 035003 2021/05 [Refereed]
    Logan graphical analysis (LGA) is a method for in vivo quantification of tracer kinetics in positron emission tomography (PET). The shortcoming of LGA is the presence of a negative bias in the estimated parameters for noisy data. Various approaches have been proposed to address this issue. We recently applied an alternative regression method called least-squares cubic (LSC), which considers the errors in both the predictor and response variables to estimate the LGA slope. LSC reduced the bias in non-displaceable binding potential estimates while causing slight increases in the variance. In this study, we combined LSC with a principal component analysis (PCA) denoising technique to counteract the effects of variance on parametric image quality, which was assessed in terms of the contrast between gray and white matter. Tissue time-activity curves were denoised through PCA, prior to estimating the regression parameters using LSC. We refer to this approach as LSC-PCA. LSC-PCA was assessed against OLS-PCA (PCA with ordinary least-squares (OLS)), LSC, and conventional OLS-based LGA. Comparisons were made for simulated11C-carfentanil and11C Pittsburgh compound B (11C-PiB) data, and clinical11C-PiB PET images. PCA-based methods were compared over a range of principal components, varied by the percentage variance they account for in the data. The results showed reduced variances in distribution volume ratio estimates in the simulations for LSC-PCA compared to LSC, and lower bias compared to OLS-PCA and OLS. Contrasts were not significantly improved in clinical data, but they showed a significant improvement in simulation data |indicating a potential advantage of LSC-PCA over OLS-PCA. The effects of bias reintroduction when many principal components are used were also observed in OLS-PCA clinical images. We therefore encourage the use of LSC-PCA. LSC-PCA can allow the use of many principal components with minimal risk of bias, thereby strengthening the interpretation of PET parametric images.
  • Mika Yamamuro; Yoshiyuki Asai; Naomi Hashimoto; Nao Yasuda; Takahiro Yamada; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Hisashi Handa; Hisashi Yoshida; Koji Abe; Masahiro Tada; Hitoshi Habe; Takashi Nagaoka; Yoshiaki Ozaki; Seiun Nin; Kazunari Ishii; Yongbum Lee
    Medical Imaging 2021: Computer-Aided Diagnosis SPIE 2021/02
  • Kuroda Tomohiro; Sakurai Risa; Kimura Yuichi
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Annual59 (Abstract) 201 - 201 1347-443X 2021 
    The Clinical Research Act enforced in April 2018 states that only those with a doctor's license can carry out clinical research. Therefore, to clarify whether a research is categorized as clinical research or not is quite important issue for biomedical engineering researchers. In October 2019, JSMBE issued guideline to Classify Biomedical Engineering Research under the act. In this guideline, the two conditions of 1) not including prevention / diagnosis / treatment and 2) not affecting the structure or function of the body are used as criteria. Since detailed judgment criteria of condition 2 may differ, it is required to create an attached table to show the criterion for each individual field. In this panel discussion, we will discuss how the activities can affect the ongoing amendment of the act with an MHLW personnel.
  • 在宅医療と人工臓器の過去・現在・未来 在宅医療を取り巻く個人情報保護法制の実際
    黒田 知宏; 黒田 佑輝; 櫻井 理紗; 木村 裕一
    人工臓器 (一社)日本人工臓器学会 49 (2) S - 25 0300-0818 2020/10
  • Risa Sakurai; Tomohiro Kuroda; Masaru Sugimachi; Hideo Nakamura; Yuichi Kimura
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 58 (4-5) 134 - 146 1881-4379 2020/10 [Refereed][Invited]
    The Clinical Trials Act introduced in Japan in April 2018 requires measures to ensure the safety of subjects. As defined in the act, the term “clinical trials” refers to such research that is conducted to clarify an efficacy or safety of medicines, medical devices, and medical instrument by testing them in people, that is, by using them in a medical practice. If a research is recognized as a clinical trial, the act requests judicious procedure to conduct the research. However, the definition of medical practice has not been interpreted systematically. Therefore, medical-engineering researchers have difficulty in deciding whether their study involves a medical practice. As a result, the act may cause reduction of researches in biomedical engineering. Here, we try to clarify the principles used to decide whether a research is classified as a “clinical trial” and to provide a summary for medical-engineering researchers as a guideline of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering. We apply the guideline to several examples to show its efficiency.
  • 【臨床研究法と該当性判断のためのガイドライン特集論文】生体医工学研究における臨床研究法への該当性判断の原理
    櫻井 理紗; 黒田 知宏; 杉町 勝; 中村 英夫; 木村 裕一
    生体医工学 (公社)日本生体医工学会 58 (4-5) 134 - 145 1347-443X 2020/09
  • One-class SVMによる画素悪性度の集中性を用いたFDG-PET/CT上の病変自動検出
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 牛房 和之; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 槌谷 達也; 石井 一成
    日本医用画像工学会大会予稿集 日本医用画像工学会 39回 29 - 29 2020/09
  • One-class SVMによる画素悪性度の集中性を用いたFDG-PET/CT上の病変自動検出
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 牛房 和之; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 槌谷 達也; 石井 一成
    日本医用画像工学会大会予稿集 日本医用画像工学会 39回 153 - 158 2020/09
  • Regional Gray-Matter-Dedicated SUVR with 3D-MRI Detects Positive Amyloid Deposits in Equivocal Amyloid PET Images
    Kazunari Ishii; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Hayato Kaida; Koichi Miyazaki; Masami Ueda; Kazushi Hanada; Kazumasa Saigoh; Julia Sauerbeck; Axel Rominger; Peter Bartenstein; Yuichi Kimura
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine 34 (10) 0 - 0 2020/09 [Refereed]
    in press. Accepted on July 27, 2020.
  • Yuichi Kimura; Aya Watanabe; Takahiro Yamada; Shogo Watanabe; Takashi Nagaoka; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Koichi Miyazaki; Kohei Hanaoka; Hayato Kaida; Kazunari Ishii
    Annals of nuclear medicine 34 (7) 512 - 515 2020/07 [Refereed]
    OBJECTIVE: An artificial intelligence (AI)-based algorithm typically requires a considerable amount of training data; however, few training images are available for dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Therefore, this study aims to present the potential of cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks (CycleGAN) to obtain enough number of training images for AI-based computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) algorithms for diagnosing dementia. METHODS: We trained CycleGAN using 43 amyloid-negative and 45 positive images in slice-by-slice. RESULTS: The CycleGAN can be used to synthesize reasonable amyloid-positive images, and the continuity of slices was preserved. DISCUSSION: Our results show that CycleGAN has the potential to generate a sufficient number of training images for CAD of dementia.
  • Ginji Hirano; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Yoshio Kiyohara; Hiroshi Koga; Naoya Yamazaki; Gustav Christensen; Christian Ingvar; Kari Nielsen; Atsushi Nakamura; Takayuki Sota; Takashi Nagaoka
    Skin Research and Technology 26 (6) 891 - 897 2020/06 [Refereed]
    Published online 2020/6/25.
  • Paulus K Shigwedha; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Yutaka Fukuoka
    BMC medical imaging 20 (1) 15 - 15 2020/02 [Refereed]
    BACKGROUND: The Logan graphical analysis (LGA) algorithm is widely used to quantify receptor density for parametric imaging in positron emission tomography (PET). Estimating receptor density, in terms of the non-displaceable binding potential (BPND), from the LGA using the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method has been found to be negatively biased owing to noise in PET data. This is because OLS does not consider errors in the X-variable (predictor variable). Existing bias reduction methods can either only reduce the bias slightly or reduce the bias accompanied by increased variation in the estimates. In this study, we addressed the bias reduction problem by applying a different regression method. METHODS: We employed least-squares cubic (LSC) linear regression, which accounts for errors in both variables as well as the correlation of these errors. Noise-free PET data were simulated, for 11C-carfentanil kinetics, with known BPND values. Statistical noise was added to these data and the BPNDs were re-estimated from the noisy data by three methods, conventional LGA, multilinear reference tissue model 2 (MRTM2), and LSC-based LGA; the results were compared. The three methods were also compared in terms of beta amyloid (A β) quantification of 11C-Pittsburgh compound B brain PET data for two patients with Alzheimer's disease and differing A β depositions. RESULTS: Amongst the three methods, for both synthetic and actual data, LSC was the least biased, followed by MRTM2, and then the conventional LGA, which was the most biased. Variations in the LSC estimates were smaller than those in the MRTM2 estimates. LSC also required a shorter computational time than MRTM2. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that LSC provides a better trade-off between the bias and variability than the other two methods. In particular, LSC performed better than MRTM2 in all aspects; bias, variability, and computational time. This makes LSC a promising method for BPND parametric imaging in PET studies.
  • Takahiro Yamada; Shogo Watanabe; Takashi Nagaoka; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Kohei Hanaoka; Hayato Kaida; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura
    Annals of nuclear medicine 34 (2) 102 - 107 2020/02 [Refereed]
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop an algorithm named AutoRef to delineate a reference region for quantitative PET amyloid imaging. METHODS: AutoRef sets the reference region automatically using a distinguishing feature in the kinetics of reference region. This is reflected in the shapes of the tissue time activity curve. A statistical shape recognition algorithm of the gaussian mixture model is applied with considering spatial and temporal information on a reference region. We evaluate the BPND with manually set reference region and AutoRef using 86 cases (43 positive cases, 10 equivocal cases, and 33 negative cases) of dynamically scanned 11C-Pittsburgh Compound-B. RESULTS: From the Bland-Altman plot, the difference between two BPND is 0.099 ± 0.21 as standard deviation, and no significant systematic error is observed between the BPND with AutoRef and with manual definition of a reference region. Although a proportional error is detected, it is smaller than the 95% limits of agreement. Therefore, the proportional error is negligibly small. CONCLUSIONS: AutoRef presents the same performance as the manual definition of the reference region. Further, since AutoRef is more algorithmic than the ordinary manual definition of the reference region, there are few operator-oriented uncertainties in AutoRef. We thus conclude that AutoRef can be applied as an automatic delineating algorithm for the reference region in amyloid imaging.
  • Tomoyuki Miyazaki; Waki Nakajima; Mai Hatano; Yusuke Shibata; Yoko Kuroki; Tetsu Arisawa; Asami Serizawa; Akane Sano; Sayaka Kogami; Tomomi Yamanoue; Kimito Kimura; Yushi Hirata; Yuuki Takada; Yoshinobu Ishiwata; Masaki Sonoda; Masaki Tokunaga; Chie Seki; Yuji Nagai; Takafumi Minamimoto; Kazunori Kawamura; Ming-Rong Zhang; Naoki Ikegaya; Masaki Iwasaki; Naoto Kunii; Yuichi Kimura; Fumio Yamashita; Masataka Taguri; Hideaki Tani; Nobuhiro Nagai; Teruki Koizumi; Shinichiro Nakajima; Masaru Mimura; Michisuke Yuzaki; Hiroki Kato; Makoto Higuchi; Hiroyuki Uchida; Takuya Takahashi
    Nature medicine 26 (2) 281 - 288 2020/02 [Refereed]
    Although aberrations in the number and function of glutamate AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid) receptors are thought to underlie neuropsychiatric disorders, no methods are currently available for visualizing AMPA receptors in the living human brain. Here we developed a positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for AMPA receptors. A derivative of 4-[2-(phenylsulfonylamino)ethylthio]-2,6-difluoro-phenoxyacetamide radiolabeled with 11C ([11C]K-2) showed specific binding to AMPA receptors. Our clinical trial with healthy human participants confirmed reversible binding of [11C]K-2 in the brain according to Logan graphical analysis (UMIN000020975; study design: non-randomized, single arm; primary outcome: dynamics and distribution volumes of [11C]K-2 in the brain; secondary outcome: adverse events of [11C]K-2 during the 4-10 d following dosing; this trial met prespecified endpoints). In an exploratory clinical study including patients with epilepsy, we detected increased [11C]K-2 uptake in the epileptogenic focus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, which was closely correlated with the local AMPA receptor protein distribution in surgical specimens from the same individuals (UMIN000025090; study design: non-randomized, single arm; primary outcome: correlation between [11C]K-2 uptake measured with PET before surgery and AMPA receptor protein density examined by biochemical study after surgery; secondary outcome: adverse events during the 7 d following PET scan; this trial met prespecified endpoints). Thus, [11C]K-2 is a potent PET tracer for AMPA receptors, potentially providing a tool to examine the involvement of AMPA receptors in neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Hirano Ginji; Nemoto Mitsutaka; Kimura Yuichi; Nagaoka Takashi
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Annual58 (Abstract) 275 - 275 1347-443X 2020 
    Melanoma is a type of superficial tumor and should be treated in an early stage. Early-stage melanoma is difficult to diagnose because it looks like a benign lesion. However, melanoma is still subjectively diagnosed by a dermatologist. Therefore, there is strong need for development of a quantitative diagnostic method. We are developing an automatic melanoma diagnostic system using convolutional neural network and hyperspectral imager. Hyperspectral imager acquires position and wavelength information simultaneously. 3D patches (16x16x201) extracted from hyperspectral data (560x680x210) is input to our newly proposed network. The total number of hyperspectral data was 202, including 88 melanomas and 114 non-melanomas. Our dataset was evaluated by 5-fold cross-validation and calculated sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. In this paper, the result of training and validation using patch data is reported.
  • Kuroda Tomohiro; Sakurai Risa; Shunsuke Yoshimoto; Nakamura Hideo; Sugimachi Masaru; Yuichi Kimura
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 58 217 - 217 1347-443X 2020 

    Japan has introduced Clinical Trials Act in April 2018 with unique definition of "clinical trials". Once defined as a clinical trial, the research has to be conducted by ones with medical doctor license. As a result, the act discourages medical and biomedical engineering researchers, mostly engineering-origin researchers without medical doctor license, to engage in research activities. In order to promote medical and biomedical engineering researches, Japanese Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering issued guideline for researchers to check whether a particular research is classified as clinical trial under the clinical trial act definition on October 2019. Although the guideline provides general classification criteria, contributions of members to develop detailed criteria should be given for each research approach, such as electric-stimuli, motor-assistance, etc. is expected. Keywords: The Clinical Trials Act of Japan, Guideline, Classification Criteria.

  • Kuroda Tomohiro; Sakurai Risa; Shunsuke Yoshimoto; Nakamura Hideo; Sugimachi Masaru; Yuichi Kimura
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 58 550 - 552 1347-443X 2020 

    Japan has introduced Clinical Trials Act in April 2018 with unique definition of "clinical trials". Once defined as a clinical trial, the research has to be conducted by ones with medical doctor license. As a result, the act discourages medical and biomedical engineering researchers, mostly engineering-origin researchers without medical doctor license, to engage in research activities. In order to promote medical and biomedical engineering researches, Japanese Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering issued guideline for researchers to check whether a particular research is classified as clinical trial under the clinical trial act definition on October 2019. Although the guideline provides general classification criteria, contributions of members to develop detailed criteria should be given for each research approach, such as electric-stimuli, motor-assistance, etc. is expected. Keywords: The Clinical Trials Act of Japan, Guideline, Classification Criteria.

  • Kana Kato; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Yoshio Kiyohara; Hiroshi Koga; Naoya Yamazaki; Gustav Christensen; Christian Ingvar; Kari Nielsen; Atsushi Nakamura; Takayuki Sota; Takashi Nagaoka
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering 9 62 - 70 2020/01 [Refereed]
  • Tatsuya Yokota; Kazuya Kawai; Muneyuki Sakata; Yuichi Kimura; Hidekata Hontani
    International Conference on Computer Vision IEEE 3126 - 3135 2019/10 [Refereed]
  • Akinori Takenaka; Yoshitaka Inui; Yuichi Kimura; Chikara Miyake; Yoichi Fujiyama; Takashi Yamada; obuya Hashizume; Takashi Kato; Kengo Ito; Hiroshi Toyama
    Annals of Nuclear Medicine 33 (8) 586 - 593 2019/08 [Refereed]
  • Mitsutaka Nemoto; Kazuyuki Ushifusa; Atsuko Tanaka; Takahiro Yamada; Yuichi Kimura; Naoto Hayashi
    We propose an automatic feature generation by deep convolutional autoencoder (deep CAE) without lesion data. The main idea of the proposed method is based on anomaly detection. Deep CAE is trained by only normal volume patches. Trained deep CAE calculates low-dimensional features and reproduction error from 2.5 dimensional (2.5D) volume patch. The proposed method was evaluated experimentally with 150 chest CT cases. By using both previous features and the deep CAE based features, an improved classification performance was obtained; AUC=0.989 and ANODE=0.339.
  • 田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 石井 一成
    生体医工学 公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会 57 (0) S249_2 - S249_2 1347-443X 2019 

    【目的】臨床的価値の高いFDG-PET/CT画像診断における医師の負担軽減及び診断精度向上のため、FDG-PET/CTの画像パターンに対する異常検知処理に基づく頸胸部病変の自動検出法を提案する。【手法】FDG-PETは、糖代謝亢進を反映し腫瘍部位では異常集積を呈する。そこで提案法では、CTの閾値処理及びモルフォロジ処理にて左右肺野を自動抽出し、肺野を基準に縦隔領域を自動抽出する。次に領域ごとの健常組織画素値に関する統計モデルを用いた異常検知による病変候補の検出を行う。異常検知に用いる統計モデルは健常画像の画素(HU, SUV)の2次元正規分布モデルとし、マハラノビス距離を異常度として計測する。左肺、右肺、縦隔で個別に算出した異常度の閾値処理にて病変候補を得る。得られた候補領域から微小体積のものを削除し、腫瘍が疑われる部位を検出する。図に病変検出例を示す。【結果】臨床撮像された食道癌、肺癌の10症例の全身PET/CTを用いて提案法の評価実験を行ったところ、検出感度94.7%(18/19病変)、過検出数14.0個/例の性能が得られ、提案法の有用性を確認した。【結論】今後の課題は、病変検出感度の改善や誤検出病変候補の削減処理の追加が挙げられる。

  • NAGAOKA Takashi; KIMURA Yuichi
    Skin Research Technology 25 (3) 318 - 324 2018/12 [Refereed]
  • K. Kawai; H. Hontani; T. Yokota; M. Sakata; Y. Kimura
    Proceedings of APSIPA-ASC 2018 IEEE 1334 - 1337 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • Yamada Takahiro; Kimura Yuichi; Fujii kosuke; Watanabe Shogo; Nagaoka Takashi; Nemoto Mitsutaka; Hanaoka Kohei; Kaida Hayato; Ishii Kazunari
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 56 (0) S294 - S294 1347-443X 2018 

    This study aims to develop a noise reduction algorithm for amyloid PET imaging. A visualization of a small amyloid-β (Aβ) deposit is required for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology, and a noise in amyloid image should be reduced without any loss of spatial resolution. Conventional noise reduction algorithms use spatial averaging, but our proposed algorithm, CAKS, averages pixels that have similar kinetics of administered PET radiopharmaceutical. As a result of CAKS applying to actual clinical images, the noise is reduced and the image quality is improved. The contrast between gray and white matters is significantly improved (p<.05). We concluded that CAKS is applied to clinical amyloid PET imaging is useful for diagnosis of AD pathology.

  • K. Kawai; J. Yamada; H. Hontani; T. Yokota; M. Sakata; Y. Kimura
    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC) IEEE 1815 - 1818 2017/12 [Refereed]
  • Masahiro Mishina; Yuichi Kimura; Muneyuki Sakata; Kenji Ishii; Keiichi Oda; Jun Toyohara; Kazumi Kimura; Kiichi Ishiwata
    FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY FRONTIERS MEDIA SA 8 (903) 1663-9812 2017/12 [Refereed]
    Adenosine A(1) receptors (A(1)Rs) are widely distributed throughout the entire human brain, while adenosine A(2A) receptors (A(2A)Rs) are present in dopamine-rich areas of the brain, such as the basal ganglia. A past study using autoradiography reported a reduced binding ability of A(1)R in the striatum of old rats. We developed positron emission tomography (PET) ligands for mapping the adenosine receptors and we successfully visualized the A(1)Rs using 8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-C-11-methyl-3-propylxanthine (C-11-MPDX). We previously reported that the density of A(1)Rs decreased with age in the human striatum, although we could not observe an age-related change in A(2A)Rs. The aim of this study was to investigate the age-related change of the density of A(1)Rs in the thalamus and cerebral cortices of healthy participants using C-11-MPDX PET. We recruited eight young (22.0 +/- 1.7 years) and nine elderly healthy male volunteers (65.7 +/- 8.0 years). A dynamic series of decay-corrected PET scans was performed for 60 min starting with the injection of C-11-MPDX. We placed the circular regions of interest of 10 mm in diameter in C-11-MPDX PET images. The values for the binding potential (BPND) of C-11-MPDX in the thalamus, and frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal cortices were calculated using a graphical analysis, wherein the reference region was the cerebellum. BPND of C-11-MPDX was significantly lower in elderly participants than young participants in the thalamus, and frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal cortices. In the human brain, we could observe the age-related decrease in the distribution of A(1)Rs.
  • Naoki Kawamura; Tatsuya Yokota; Hidekata Hontani; Muneyuki Sakata; Yuichi Kimura
    ENTROPY MDPI AG 19 (11) 629  1099-4300 2017/11 [Refereed]
    It is known that the process of reconstruction of a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) image from sinogram data is very sensitive to measurement noises; it is still an important research topic to reconstruct PET images with high signal-to-noise ratios. In this paper, we propose a new reconstruction method for a temporal series of PET images from a temporal series of sinogram data. In the proposed method, PET images are reconstructed by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the observed sinogram data and sinogram data derived from a parametric model of PET images. The contributions of the proposition include the following: (1) regions of targets in images are explicitly expressed using a set of spatial bases in order to ignore the noises in the background; (2) a parametric time activity model of PET images is explicitly introduced as a constraint; and (3) an algorithm for solving the optimization problem is clearly described. To demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method, quantitative evaluations are performed using both synthetic and clinical data of human brains.
  • Masahiro Mishina; Kenji Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Masahiko Suzuki; Shin Kitamura; Kenji Ishibashi; Muneyuki Sakata; Keiichi Oda; Shiro Kobayashi; Kazumi Kimura; Kiichi Ishiwata
    SYNAPSE WILEY 71 (8) 0887-4476 2017/08 [Refereed]
    Adenosine A(1) receptors (A(1)Rs) interact negatively with dopamine D-1 receptors (D(1)Rs) in neurons of the basal ganglia's direct pathway, while adenosine A(2A) receptors (A(2A)Rs) negatively interact with dopamine D-2 receptors (D(2)Rs) in indirect-pathway neurons. The aim of this study was to investigate the cerebral density of A(1)Rs in Parkinson's disease (PD) in its early stages, using PET scans with the radioligand 8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-C-11-methyl-3-propylxanthine (C-11-MPDX). We studied 10 drug-naive patients with early PD. Each patient was also examined for dopamine transporters (DATs) and D(2)Rs by PET using C-11-2--carbomethoxy-3--(4-fluorophenyl)-tropane (C-11-CFT) and C-11-raclopride (C-11-RAC), respectively. Ten elderly, healthy volunteers were recruited as controls for C-11-MPDX PET scanning and eight elderly volunteers were recruited as controls for C-11-CFT and C-11-RAC PET scanning. The PET scans revealed a decrease in the uptake ratio index (URI) of C-11-CFT and an increase in the URI of C-11-RAC in patients. In the temporal lobe, the binding potential for C-11-MPDX was higher in the patient group than in healthy subjects, but not in the other regions examined, including the striatum. In patients, we observed motor-symptom asymmetry and a relationship between parkinsonism and the striatal density of DATs, but not A(1)R density. In the putamen of early PD, asymmetrical down-regulation of A(2A)Rs is likely a compensatory mechanism in response to a decrease in dopamine. However, our study suggests that A(1)Rs are unaltered in the putamen of early PD.
  • 薬剤動態に基づいたアミロイドイメージングに対する雑音低減アルゴリズム
    木村 裕一; 藤井 康介; 山田 誉大; 細川 知紗; 坂田 宗之; 石井 一成; 村上 卓道
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 53 (Suppl.) S277 - S277 0022-7854 2016/10
  • Yamada Takahiro; Kimura Yuichi; Nagaoka Takashi; Okada Shima; Hosokawa Chisa; Ishii Kazunari
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 54 (26) S45 - S45 2016 

    A deposit of amyloid β (Aβ) to the central nervous system causes Alzheimer's disease (AD). A periodical evaluation on Aβ, a year, can therefor detect the beginning of AD, and it realizes an effective medical treatment for AD. For quantitative measurement of Aβ deposit is available using PET, and it requires to delineate the cerebellum gray matter as a reference region, when no Aβ deposit occurs physiologically and it has complicated shape. This study aim at proposing automated delineation algorithm based on a kinetics of administered PET tracer for Aβ imaging. The validation using a clinical data presented no significant difference (p < 0.05) between the amount of Aβ deposit using an ordinary manual delineation and the automated method. We can conclude that the algorithm is clinically useful.

  • Chisa Hosokawa; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Tomoko Hyodo; Makoto Hosono; Kenta Sakaguchi; Kimio Usami; Kenji Shimamoto; Yuzuru Yamazoe; Takamichi Murakami
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOC NUCLEAR MEDICINE INC 56 (12) 1910 - 1915 0161-5505 2015/12 [Refereed]
    The goal of this study was to clarify whether binding potential (BP) images using C-11-Pittsburgh compound B (C-11-PiB) and dynamic PET can reliably detect cortical amyloid deposits for patients whose C-11-PiB PET static images are ambiguous and whether visual ratings are affected by white matter retention. Methods: Static and BP images were constructed for 85 consecutive patients with cognitive impairment after C-11-PiB dynamic PET. Cortical uptake was visually assessed as positive, negative, or equivocal for both types of images. Quantitatively, the standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) from the static image, the nondisplaceable BP from the dynamic image for mean gray matter uptake, and the ratio of gray matter uptake to white matter retention were compared among C-11-PiB-positive, C-11-PiB-equivocal, and C-11-PiB-negative groups. Results: Forty-three scans were visually assessed as C-11-PiB-positive in both the static and the BP images. Ten scans were C-11-PiB-equivocal in the static images. In 8 of them, the BP images were C-11-PiB-positive, whereas the other 2 were C-11-PiB-equivocal. Thirty-two scans were assessed as C-11-PiB-negative in the static images. In the BP images, 4 were C-11-PiB-positive and 2 were C-11-PiB-equivocal. The mean gray matter uptake of C-11-PiB in SUVR and nondisplaceable BP, respectively, showed statistically significant differences among the C-11-PiB-positive, C-11-PiB-equivocal, and C-11-PiB-negative groups. The ratio of gray matter uptake to white matter retention was lower in the BP images than static images from the C-11-PiB-negative and C-11-PiB-equivocal groups, whereas it was higher in the C-11-PiB-positive group. Conclusion: C-11-PiB PET BP images can clarify visual interpretation of clinical static C-11-PiB-equivocal images by reducing the interference of nonspecific white matter retention. We conclude that C-11-PiB-equivocal PET findings on static images reflect cortical amyloid deposits, which can be verified using BP images. Furthermore, quantitative assessments, such as SUVR and nondisplaceable BP, are of no use for correctly rating equivocal visual findings.
  • PiB陰性例の18F-FDG PETによる脳代謝分布の検討
    細川 知紗; 石井 一成; 若林 雄一; 兵頭 朋子; 花田 一志; 甲斐田 勇人; 細野 眞; 木村 裕一; 村上 卓道
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 52 (3) 262 - 262 0022-7854 2015/09
  • アミロイドイメージングにおける組織放射能時間曲線に対するパターン認識による参照領域設定アルゴリズム
    木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 細川 知紗; 石井 一成; 村上 卓道
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 52 (3) 293 - 293 0022-7854 2015/09
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 53 S214_02 - S214_02 2015 
    The authors studied the quality of dynamic PET images reconstructed from not a sinogram measured at each time but a set of sinograms measured during the observation. Representing a time activity curve observed at each voxel using set of basis functions, the authors reconstructed the images by estimating the coefficients for linear sum of the basis functions that maximize the likelihood. The likelihood is defined under the assumption that the measurement obey the Poisson distribution and maximized by means of an EM algorithm. In this presentation, the authors report that you can improve the image quality by simulnaneously reconstructing dynamic PET images from a set of all sinogram data.
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 53 S95_02 - S95_02 2015 
  • Kimura Yuichi; Sugimachi Masaru
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 53 S95_01 - S95_01 2015 
  • Yuichi Kimura; Masaru Sugimachi
    Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Japan Soc. of Med. Electronics and Biol. Engineering 52 1 - ESY-2 1347-443X 2014/08 
    Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering launched a new English journal, Advanced Biomedical Engineering (ABE) on June, 2012 to provide English publishing environments. This article aimed at presenting some points to publish research achievements in English: organization of scientific articles, three issues for scientific articles, English writing and proofreading, figures, and the way to respond to review comments.
  • Makoto Hosono; Tsuneo Saga; Kengo Ito; Shinichiro Kumita; Masayuki Sasaki; Michio Senda; Jun Hatazawa; Hiroshi Watanabe; Hiroshi Ito; Shinichi Kanaya; Yuichi Kimura; Hideo Saji; Seishi Jinnouchi; Hiroyoshi Fukukita; Koji Murakami; Seigo Kinuya; Junichi Yamazaki; Mayuki Uchiyama; Koichi Uno; Katsuhiko Kato; Tsuyoshi Kawano; Kazuo Kubota; Takashi Togawa; Norinari Honda; Hirotaka Maruno; Mana Yoshimura; Masami Kawamoto; Yukihiko Ozawa
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 28 (6) 597 - 602 0914-7187 2014/07 [Refereed]
  • Chisa Hosokawa; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Kenta Sakaguchi; Makoto Hosono; Takamichi Murakami
  • Kimura Yuichi; Yamada Takashi; Hashizume Nobuya; Nomura Masahiko; Ota Seiichiro; Kitamura Keishi; Toyama Hiroshi
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 55 (22) 7889 - 7903 0161-5505 2014/05 [Refereed]
  • Toshiyo Tamura; Sohichi Maeno; Takumu Hattori; Yutaka Kimura; Yuichi Kimura; Masaki Yoshida; Kotaro Minato
    We investigated the effectiveness of a Web-based healthcare system that allows participants to record measurements of blood pressure, body weight, and the number of steps walked per day. After receiving a medical examination, participants were registered on the Web-based system and encouraged to record data. A total of 223 participants initiated contact with the system; however, only 27 monitored their blood pressure on more than 60 days during the 3-month period. Furthermore, only 46 participants monitored their body weight, and 79 monitored the number of steps taken per day. Although specific health checkups are important to prevent diseases, we conclude that existing health checkup monitoring is not sufficient, and we should develop a new Web-based health checkup and monitoring system that is more familiar to the participants. (C) 2013 Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
  • Tatsuya Kon; Takashi Obi; Muneyuki Sakata; Nagaaki Ohyama; Yuichi Kimura
    Adv Biomed Eng Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 3 7 - 13 2187-5219 2014 [Refereed]
    Spatio-temporal reconstruction methods for positron emission tomography estimate the tissue time-activity curves that are required for functional imaging. Since the time-related change of activity at a voxel has a temporal correlation by itself, temporal basis function approaches can be adopted. However, these image reconstruction methods suffer from a high computational cost. We have proposed a novel spatio-temporal reconstruction method using a temporal basis function approach, which is based on a fast block-iterative algorithm named Dynamic Row-Action Maximum-Likelihood Algorithm (DRAMA). Using the proposed method, data quickly converge to an estimate after around two iterations. This study aimed to validate the performance of the proposed algorithm on small animal PET data. We applied the proposed method to 18F-FDG mouse dynamic PET data. A parametric image of regional glucose metabolism reconstructed from the proposed method was almost identical to those obtained from conventional reconstruction algorithms. The proposed method took 14.3 h for computation, which was twice as fast as conventional algorithms. These results support the usability of the proposed algorithm for voxel-by-voxel estimation.
  • Masaki Sekine; Toshiyo Tamura; Masaki Yoshida; Yuki Suda; Yuichi Kimura; Hiroaki Miyoshi; Yoshifumi Kijima; Yuji Higashi; Toshiro Fujimoto
    Background: Root mean square (RMS) of trunk acceleration is seen frequently in gait analysis research. However, many studies have reported that the RMS value was related to walking speed. Therefore, the relationship between the RMS value and walking speed should be considered when the RMS value is used to assess gait abnormality. We hypothesized that the RMS values in three sensing axes exhibit common proportions for healthy people if they walk at their own preferred speed and that the RMS proportions in abnormal gait deviate from the common proportions. In this study, we proposed the RMS ratio (RMSR) as a gait abnormality measure and verified its ability to discriminate abnormal gait. Methods: Forty-seven healthy male subjects (24-49 years) were recruited to examine the relationship between walking speed and the RMSR. To verify its ability to discriminate abnormal gait, twenty age-matched male hemiplegic patients (30-48 years) participated as typical subjects with gait abnormality. A tri-axial accelerometer was attached to their lower back, and they walked along a corridor at their own preferred speed. We defined the RMSR as the ratio between RMS in each direction and the RMS vector magnitude. Results: In the healthy subjects, the RMS in all directions related to preferred walking speed. In contrast, RMSR in the mediolateral (ML) direction did not correlate with preferred walking speed (rs = -0.10, p = 0.54) and represented the similar value among the healthy subjects. Moreover, the RMSR in the ML direction for the hemiplegic patients was significantly higher than that for the healthy subjects (p < 0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that the RMSR in the ML direction exhibits a common value when healthy subjects walk at their own preferred speed, even if their preferred walking speed were different. For subjects with gait abnormality, the RMSR in the ML direction deviates from the common value of healthy subjects. The RMSR in the ML direction may potentially be a quantitative measure of gait abnormality.
  • Masaki Sekine; Toshiyo Tamura; Masaki Yoshida; Yuki Suda; Yuichi Kimura; Hiroaki Miyoshi; Yoshifumi Kijima; Yuji Higashi; Toshiro Fujimoto
    Background: Root mean square (RMS) of trunk acceleration is seen frequently in gait analysis research. However, many studies have reported that the RMS value was related to walking speed. Therefore, the relationship between the RMS value and walking speed should be considered when the RMS value is used to assess gait abnormality. We hypothesized that the RMS values in three sensing axes exhibit common proportions for healthy people if they walk at their own preferred speed and that the RMS proportions in abnormal gait deviate from the common proportions. In this study, we proposed the RMS ratio (RMSR) as a gait abnormality measure and verified its ability to discriminate abnormal gait. Methods: Forty-seven healthy male subjects (24-49 years) were recruited to examine the relationship between walking speed and the RMSR. To verify its ability to discriminate abnormal gait, twenty age-matched male hemiplegic patients (30-48 years) participated as typical subjects with gait abnormality. A tri-axial accelerometer was attached to their lower back, and they walked along a corridor at their own preferred speed. We defined the RMSR as the ratio between RMS in each direction and the RMS vector magnitude. Results: In the healthy subjects, the RMS in all directions related to preferred walking speed. In contrast, RMSR in the mediolateral (ML) direction did not correlate with preferred walking speed (rs = -0.10, p = 0.54) and represented the similar value among the healthy subjects. Moreover, the RMSR in the ML direction for the hemiplegic patients was significantly higher than that for the healthy subjects (p < 0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that the RMSR in the ML direction exhibits a common value when healthy subjects walk at their own preferred speed, even if their preferred walking speed were different. For subjects with gait abnormality, the RMSR in the ML direction deviates from the common value of healthy subjects. The RMSR in the ML direction may potentially be a quantitative measure of gait abnormality.
  • 細川 知紗; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一; 兵頭 朋子; 坂口 健太; 宇佐美 公男; 細野 眞; 村上 卓道
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 50 (4) 327 - 327 0022-7854 2013/11
  • Yuichi Kimura; Chie Seki; Nobuya Hashizume; Takashi Yamada; Hidekatsu Wakizaka; Takahiro Nishimoto; Kentaro Hatano; Keishi Kitamura; Hiroshi Toyama; Iwao Kanno
    PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY IOP PUBLISHING LTD 58 (22) 7889 - 7903 0031-9155 2013/11 [Refereed]
    This study aimed to develop a new system, named CD-Well, for mouse PET dynamic study. CD-Well allows the determination of time-activity curves (TACs) for arterial whole blood and plasma using 2-3 mu L of blood per sample; the minute sample size is ideal for studies in small animals. The system has the following merits: (1) measures volume and radioactivity of whole blood and plasma separately; (2) allows measurements at 10 s intervals to capture initial rapid changes in the TAC; and (3) is compact and easy to handle, minimizes blood loss from sampling, and delay and dispersion of the TAC. CD-Well has 36 U-shaped channels. A drop of blood is sampled into the opening of the channel and stored there. After serial sampling is completed, CD-Well is centrifuged and scanned using a flatbed scanner to define the regions of plasma and blood cells. The length measured is converted to volume because the channels have a precise and uniform cross section. Then, CD-Well is exposed to an imaging plate to measure radioactivity. Finally, radioactivity concentrations are computed. We evaluated the performance of CD-Well in in vitro measurement and in vivo F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose and [C-11] 2-carbomethoxy-3 beta-(4-fluorophenyl) tropane studies. In in vitro evaluation, per cent differences (mean +/- SE) from manual measurement were 4.4 +/- 3.6% for whole blood and 4.0 +/- 3.5% for plasma across the typical range of radioactivity measured in mouse dynamic study. In in vivo studies, reasonable TACs were obtained. The peaks were captured well, and the time courses coincided well with the TAC derived from PET imaging of the heart chamber. The total blood loss was less than 200 mu L, which had no physiological effect on the mice. CD-Well demonstrates satisfactory performance, and is useful for mouse PET dynamic study.
  • 細野 眞; 佐賀 恒夫; 伊藤 健吾; 汲田 伸一郎; 佐々木 雅之; 千田 道雄; 畑澤 順; 渡邉 浩; 伊藤 浩; 金谷 信一; 木村 裕一; 佐治 英郎; 陣之内 正史; 福喜多 博義; 村上 康二; 絹谷 清剛; 山崎 純一; 内山 眞幸; 宇野 公一; 加藤 克彦; 川野 剛; 窪田 和雄; 戸川 貴史; 本田 憲業; 丸野 廣大; 吉村 真奈; 川本 雅美; 小澤 幸彦; 日本核医学会PET核医学委員会, 日本核医学会健保委員会
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 50 (3) 1 - 9 0022-7854 2013/09
  • 細川 知紗; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一; 兵頭 朋子; 細野 眞; 坂口 健太; 宇佐美 公男; 村上 卓道
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 50 (3) S182 - S182 0022-7854 2013/09
  • Toshiyo Tamura; Yuki Suda; Masaki Sekine; Yuichi Kimura; Tomoyuki Uchiyama
    Biosystems and Biorobotics Springer International Publishing 1 717 - 720 2195-3570 2013 [Refereed]
    A new treatment, deep brain stimulation (DBS), is available for the management Parkinson’s disease. However, the assessment of its efficacy is limited by the inadequacies of current methods. The present study was performed to develop and validate a portable device capable of objectively measuring the performance and therapeutic efficiency of Parkinson’s disease by walking performance. The developed wearable motion sensor with accelerometer and gyro sensor was used to measure walking performance under DBS-off, DBS-on, and medication conditions. The root mean square (RMS) and coefficient of variations (CV) of acceleration signals were compared between controls and patients with medication. The results indicated significantly improved walking balance after medication. DBS-on improved performance but the effect was not statistically significant.
  • Masahiro Mishina; Yuichi Kimura; Kiich Ishiwata
    Imaging of the Human Brain in Health and Disease Elsevier Inc. 161 - 186 2013 [Refereed]
    Adenosine is an endogenous modulator of various physiological functions mediated by adenosine receptors (ARs). Advances in radiotracer chemistry have led to the development of novel imaging probes for ARs, especially adenosine A< inf> 1< /inf> and A< inf> 2A< /inf> receptors. In this review, we discuss (1) functions of adenosine and ARs in the central nervous system (2) brain imaging for ARs, including postmortem studies and positron emission tomography (3) comparison of radioligands for AR imaging in health and diseases and (4) kinetic analysis for quantitative AR imaging. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Toshiyo Tammura; Soichi Maeno; Yutaka Kimira; Takumu Hattori; Yuichi Kimura; Kotaro Minato
    A pedometer is a popular wearable sensor used to enumerate walking steps taken per day and in this way determines the approximate distance traveled. In this study, we used blood pressure and walking step data, obtained from 48 patients in a home healthcare system, to investigate the effectiveness of the pedometer in a clinical setting. Changes in blood pressure and walking steps per day were compared. Our results indicate that walking, as a regular form of exercise, contributed to lowering of blood pressure. Thus the pedometer is useful for improving the quality of life of patients in the home healthcare setting
  • Hiroyuki Ohba; Norihiro Harada; Shingo Nishiyama; Takeharu Kakiuchi; Yuichi Kimura; Hideo Tsukada
    We have developed a feedback-controlled bolus plus infusion (FC-B/I) method for monitoring the interaction between positron emission tomography (PET) ligands and their specific target molecules with PET. The usefulness of the FC-B/I method was evaluated by the direct interaction between [C-11]raclopride, a dopamine D-2 receptor (D2R) ligand, and cold raclopride (10 and 100 mu g/kg) in the brains of conscious monkeys. The present results demonstrated that the FC-B/I method could achieve the equilibrium state of [C-11]raclopride in the striatum of monkey brain, and also that the cold raclopride-induced reduction of [C-11]raclopride binding to D2R was observed in a dose-dependent manner. Good correlations of distribution volume ratio of the striatum to cerebellum between the conventional bolus plus infusion (B/I) method and the FC-B/I method as well as between the conventional bolus injection method and the FC-B/I method were observed. These results indicated that the system could be a useful tool for the evaluation of interaction between drug candidates and their target molecules like enzymes, receptors, and transporters by using of their specific PET ligands. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2013) 33, 85-90; doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2012.134; published online 12 September 2012
  • Yukihisa Suzuki; Tadashi Nariai; Motohiro Kiyosawa; Manabu Mochizuki; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiich Ishiwata
    CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 37 (12) 1146 - 1151 0363-9762 2012/12 [Refereed]
    Purpose: The aim of this study was to apply positron emission tomography (PET) with C-11-8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-methyl-3-propylxanthine (MPDX), a radioligand for adenosine A(1) receptor (A1R), to patients with hemianopia caused by brain injury to study neurorepair mechanisms in the brain. Patients and Methods: Four patients with homonymous hemianopia and 15 healthy subjects were examined using PET to measure cerebral glucose metabolism, C-11-flumazenil (FMZ) binding to the central benzodiazepine receptor, and MPDX binding to A1R. Left and right regions of interest (ROIs) were selected, and semiquantitative data on the 3 kinds of PET examinations were obtained. The ROIs were referenced using the data for homologous regions in the contralateral hemisphere [ipsilateral/contralateral (I/C) ratio]. Results: The I/C ratios for cerebral glucose metabolism and FMZ binding were low in the primary visual cortex (PVC) and visual association cortex in all the patients, whereas MPDX binding increased in the PVC in patients 1 and 2. Patients 1 and 2 experienced improvement in their visual field after 1 year. However, the other 2 patients showed no changes. We observed an increase in MPDX binding to A1R in the injured portion of the PVC in the patients who recovered. Conclusions: Evaluation of A1R by MPDX-PET may be useful for predicting prognosis and understanding the compensatory and reorganization processes in hemianopia caused by organic brain damage.
  • 細野 眞; 佐賀 恒夫; 伊藤 健吾; 汲田 伸一郎; 佐々木 雅之; 千田 道雄; 畑澤 順; 渡邉 浩; 伊藤 浩; 金谷 信一; 木村 裕一; 佐治 英郎; 陣之内 正史; 福喜多 博義; 村上 康二; 絹谷 清剛; 山崎 純一; 内山 眞幸; 宇野 公一; 加藤 克彦; 川野 剛; 日下部 きよ子; 窪田 和雄; 戸川 貴史; 本田 憲業; 丸野 廣大; 吉村 真奈; 宍戸 文男; 井上 登美夫; 福田 寛; 中村 佳代子
    Jpn J Nucl Med (Kaku Igaku) (一社)日本核医学会 49 (4) 391 - 401 0022-7854 2012/11
  • Masahiro Mishina; Yuichi Kimura; Mika Naganawa; Kenji Ishii; Keiichi Oda; Muneyuki Sakata; Jun Toyohara; Shiro Kobayashi; Yasuo Katayama; Kiichi Ishiwata
    SYNAPSE WILEY-BLACKWELL 66 (9) 832 - 839 0887-4476 2012/09 [Refereed]
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age on the distribution of adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs) and adenosine A2A receptors (A2ARs) in the striatum of healthy subjects using PET imaging with 8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-[11C]methyl-3-propylxanthine ([11C]MPDX) and [7-methyl-11C]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([11C]TMSX), respectively. We recruited 8 young (22.0 +/- 1.7 years) and 10 elderly (65.4 +/- 7.6 years) volunteers to undergo [11C]MPDX PET scanning, and 11 young (22.7 +/- 2.7 years) and six elderly (60.7 +/- 8.5 years) volunteers to undergo [11C]TMSX PET scanning. A dynamic series of decay-corrected PET scans was performed for 60 min following injection of [11C]MPDX or [11C]TMSX. We calculated the binding potential (BPND) of [11C]MPDX and distribution volume ratio (DVR) of [11C]TMSX in the striatum. The BPND of [11C]MPDX was significantly lower in elderly than in young subjects, both in the putamen and head of the caudate nucleus. The BPND was negatively correlated with age in both the putamen and the head of the caudate nucleus. However, no difference was found between the DVR of [11C]TMSX in the striata of young and elderly subjects, nor was there a correlation between age and the DVR of [11C]TMSX. The effect of age on the distribution of A1Rs in the human striatum described herein is similar to previous reports of age-related decreases in dopamine D1 and D2 receptors. Unlike A1Rs, however, this study suggests that the distribution of A2ARs does not change with age. Synapse 66:832839, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • R. Todd Ogden; Yuichi Kimura
  • Christoph Leuze; Yuichi Kimura; Jeff Kershaw; Sayaka Shibata; Tsuneo Saga; Kai-Hsiang Chuang; Ichiro Shimoyama; Ichio Aoki
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 60 (1) 392 - 399 1053-8119 2012/03 [Refereed]
    The ability of manganese ions (Mn2+) to enter cells through calcium ion (Ca2+) channels has been used for depolarization dependent brain functional imaging with manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI). The purpose of this study was to quantify changes to Mn2+ uptake in rat brain using a dynamic manganese-enhanced MRI (dMEMRI) scanning protocol with the Patlak and Logan graphical analysis methods. The graphical analysis was based on a three-compartment model describing the tissue and plasma concentration of Mn. Mn2+ uptake was characterized by the total distribution volume of manganese (Mn) inside tissue (V-T) and the unidirectional influx constant of Mn2+ from plasma to tissue (K-i). The measurements were performed on the anterior (APit) and posterior (PPit) parts of the pituitary gland, a region with an incomplete blood brain barrier. Modulation of Ca2+ channel activity was performed by administration of the stimulant glutamate and the inhibitor verapamil. It was found that the APit and PPit showed different Mn2+ uptake characteristics. While the influx of Mn2+ into the PPit was reversible, Mn2+ was found to be irreversibly trapped in the APit during the course of the experiment. In the PPit, an increase of Mn2+ uptake led to an increase in V-T (from 2.8 +/- 0.3 ml/cm(3) to 4.6 +/- 1.2 ml/cm(3)) while a decrease of Mn2+ uptake corresponded to a decrease in V-T (from 2.8 0.3 ml/cm(3) to 1.4 +/- 0.3 ml/cm(3)). In the APit, an increase of Mn2+ uptake led to an increase in K-i (from 0.034 +/- 0.009 min(-1) to 0.049 +/- 0.012 min(-1)) while a decrease of Mn2+ uptake corresponded to a decrease in K-i (from 0.034 0.009 min(-1) to 0.019 +/- 0.003 min(-1)). This work demonstrates that graphical analysis applied to dMEMRI data can quantitatively measure changes to Mn2+ uptake following modulation of neural activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Kazunori Kawamura; Yuichi Kimura; Joji Yui; Hidekatsu Wakizaka; Tomoteru Yamasaki; Akiko Hatori; Katsushi Kumata; Masayuki Fujinaga; Yuichiro Yoshida; Masanao Ogawa; Nobuki Nengaki; Toshimitsu Fukumura; Ming-Rong Zhang
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 39 (2) 199 - 206 0969-8051 2012/02 [Refereed]
    Introduction: We recently developed a selective C-11-labeled I-2-imidazoline receptor (I2R) ligand, 2-(3-fluoro-4[C-11]tolyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole ([C-11]FTIMD). [C-11]FTIMD showed specific binding to I(2)Rs in rat brains having a high density of I2R, as well as to I(2)Rs those in monkey brains, as illustrated by positron emission tomography (PET) and autoradiography. However, [C-11]FTIMD also showed moderate non-specific binding in rat brains. In order to increase the specificity for 1,2 in rat brains, we synthesized [C-11]FTIMD with ultra-high specific activity and evaluated its binding. Methods: [C-11)FTIMD with ultra-high specific activity was prepared by a palladium-promoted cross-coupling reaction of the tributylstannyl precursor and [C-11]methyl iodide, which was produced by iodination of [C-11]methane using the single-pass method. Dynamic PET scans were conducted in rats, and the kinetic parameters were estimated. Results: [C-11]FTIMD with ultra-high specific activity was successfully synthesized with an appropriate level of radioactivity and ultra-high specific activity (4470 +/- 1660 GBq/mu mol at end of synthesis, n=11) for injection. In the PET study, distribution volume (V-T) values in all the brain regions investigated whether I2R expression was greatly reduced in BU224-pretreatead rats compared with control rats (29-45% decrease). Differences in V-T values between control and BU224-pretreated rats using [C-11]FTIMD with ultra-high specific activity were greater than those using [C-11]FTIMD with normal specific activity (17-34% decrease) in all brain regions investigated. Conclusion: Quantitative PET using [C-11]FTIMD with ultra-high specific activity can contribute to the detection of small changes in I2R expression in the brain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroyuki Shimada; Daina Sturnieks; Yosuke Endo; Yuichi Kimura; Takao Suzuki; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata
    AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH EDITRICE KURTIS S R L 23 (3) 175 - 182 1594-0667 2011/06 [Refereed]
    Background and aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between whole body energy metabolism measured as oxygen consumption (VO(2)) and local muscle activity measured by positron emission tomography (PET) and [ (18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Methods: Ten community-dwelling older women (73-83 yrs) had FDG PET and VO(2) measured while walking at a comfortable speed. Results: A significant positive correlation was found between VO(2) and FDG uptake in the biceps femoris (r=0.83), gluteus minimus (r=0.67), gluteus medius (r=0.77) and pelvis section muscles (r=0.76). The subjects who showed high FDG uptake in the hip muscle group had significantly higher VO(2) while walking, compared with subjects without high FDG uptake in the hip muscles. Conclusions: These results indicate that FDG PET provides an index which reflects whole body energy metabolism during walking, and revealed that excess muscle activity in the hip muscles during walking plays a key role in increasing VO(2) in older adults. (Aging Clin Exp Res 2011; 23:175-182) (c) 2011, Editrice Kurtis
  • Kazunori Kawamura; Tomoteru Yamasaki; Fujiko Konno; Joji Yui; Akiko Hatori; Kazuhiko Yanamoto; Hidekatsu Wakizaka; Makoto Takei; Yuichi Kimura; Toshimitsu Fukumura; Ming-Rong Zhang
    MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY SPRINGER 13 (1) 152 - 160 1536-1632 2011/02 [Refereed]
    GF120918 has a high inhibitory effect on P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). We developed [C-11]GF120918 as a positron emission tomography (PET) probe to assess if dual modulation of P-gp and BCRP is useful to evaluate brain penetration. PET studies using [C-11]GF120918 were conducted on P-gp and/or Bcrp knockout mice as well as wild-type mice. In PET studies, the AUC(brain) ([0-60 min]) and K (1) value in P-gp/Bcrp knockout mice were nine- and 26-fold higher than that in wild-type mice, respectively. These results suggest that brain penetration of [C-11]GF120918 is related to modulation of P-gp and BCRP and is limited by two transporters working together. PET using [C-11]GF120918 may be useful for evaluating the function of P-gp and BCRP. PET using P-gp/Bcrp knockout mice may be an effective method to understand the overall contributions the functions of P-gp and BCRP.
  • Masahiro Mishina; Kiichi Ishiwata; Mika Naganawa; Yuichi Kimura; Shin Kitamura; Masahiko Suzuki; Masaya Hashimoto; Kenji Ishibashi; Keiichi Oda; Muneyuki Sakata; Makoto Hamamoto; Shiro Kobayashi; Yasuo Katayama; Kenji Ishii
    PLOS ONE PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 6 (2) e17338  1932-6203 2011/02 [Refereed]
    Adenosine A(2A) receptors (A2ARs) are thought to interact negatively with the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R), so selective A2AR antagonists have attracted attention as novel treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD). However, no information about the receptor in living patients with PD is available. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between A2ARs and the dopaminergic system in the striata of drug-naive PD patients and PD patients with dyskinesia, and alteration of these receptors after antiparkinsonian therapy. We measured binding ability of striatal A2ARs using positron emission tomography (PET) with [7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([C-11]TMSX) in nine drug-naive patients with PD, seven PD patients with mild dyskinesia and six elderly control subjects using PET. The patients and eight normal control subjects were also examined for binding ability of dopamine transporters and D2Rs. Seven of the drug-naive patients underwent a second series of PET scans following therapy. We found that the distribution volume ratio of A2ARs in the putamen were larger in the dyskinesic patients than in the control subjects (p < 0.05, Tukey-Kramer post hoc test). In the drug-naive patients, the binding ability of the A2ARs in the putamen, but not in the head of caudate nucleus, was significantly lower on the more affected side than on the less affected side (p < 0.05, paired t-test). In addition, the A2ARs were significantly increased after antiparkinsonian therapy in the bilateral putamen of the drug-naive patients (p < 0.05, paired t-test) but not in the bilateral head of caudate nucleus. Our study demonstrated that the A2ARs in the putamen were increased in the PD patients with dyskinesia, and also suggest that the A2ARs in the putamen compensate for the asymmetrical decrease of dopamine in drug-naive PD patients and that antiparkinsonian therapy increases the A2ARs in the putamen. The A2ARs may play an important role in regulation of parkinsonism in PD.
  • KIMURA Yuichi
    BME Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 49 (2) 375 - 375 1347-443X 2011
  • パラメトリック固有空間を利用したPET動態データの雑音除去
    星野直輝; 本谷秀堅; 坂口和也; 坂田宗之; 石渡喜一; 木村裕一
    Med Imaging Tech 13 (1) 152 - 160 2011 [Refereed]
  • N. Hoshino; H. Hontani; K. Sakaguchi; M. Sakata; K. Ishiwata; Y. Kimura
    日本医用画像工学会論文誌 28 (5) 362 - 370 2185-3193 2010/11 [Refereed]
  • Hiroyuki Ohba; Shingo Nishiyama; Takeharu Kakiuchi; Norihiro Harada; Yuichi Kimura; Hideo Tsukada
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 52 S28 - S28 1053-8119 2010/08 [Refereed]
  • Kazunori Kawamura; Mika Naganawa; Fujiko Konno; Joji Yui; Hidekatsu Wakizaka; Tomoteru Yamasaki; Kazuhiko Yanamoto; Akiko Hatori; Makoto Takei; Yuichiro Yoshida; Kazuya Sakaguchi; Toshimitsu Fukumura; Yuichi Kimura; Ming-Rong Zhang
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 37 (5) 625 - 635 0969-8051 2010/07 [Refereed]
    Introduction: Imidazoline receptors (IRs) have been established as distinct receptors, and have been categorized into at least two subtypes (I1R and I2R). I(2)Rs are associated with depression, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease. A few positron emission tomography (PET) probes for I(2)Rs have been synthesized, but a selective PET probe has not been evaluated for the imaging of I(2)Rs by PET. We labeled a selective I2R ligand 2-(3-fluoro-4-tolyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole (FTIMD) with C-11 and performed the first imaging of I(2)Rs by PET using 2-(3-fluoro-[4-C-11]tolyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole ([C-11]FTIMD). Methods: [C-11]FTIMD was prepared by a palladium-promoted cross-coupling reaction of the tributylstannyl precursor and [C-11]methyl iodide in the presence of tris(dibenzylideneacetone)dipalladium(0) and tri(o-tol)phosphine. Biodistribution was investigated in rats by tissue dissection. [C-11]FTIMD metabolites were measured in brain tissues and plasma. Dynamic PET scans were acquired in rats, and the kinetic parameters estimated. Results: [C-11]FTIMD was successfully synthesized with a suitable radioactivity for the injection. Co-injection with 0.1 mg/kg of cold FTIMD and BU224 induced a significant reduction in the brain-to-blood ratio 15 and 30 mm after the injection. In metabolite analysis, unchanged [C-11]FTIMD in the brain was high (98%) 30 min after the injection. In PET studies, high radioactivity levels were observed in regions with a high density of I2R. The radioactivity levels and V-T values in the brain regions were prominently reduced by 1.0 mg/kg of BU224 pretreatment as compared with control. Conclusion: [C-11]FTIMD showed specific binding to I(2)Rs in rat brains with a high density of I2R. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Daisuke Kokuryo; Yuichi Kimura; Takayuki Obata; Taiga Yamaya; Kazunori Kawamura; Ming-Rong Zhang; Iwao Kanno; Ichio Aoki
    PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY IOP PUBLISHING LTD 55 (14) 4119 - 4130 0031-9155 2010/07 [Refereed]
    This study presents a combined small animal holding fixture system, termed a 'bridge capsule', which provides for small animal re-fixation with positional reproducibility. This system comprises separate holding fixtures for the head and lower body and a connecting part to a gas anesthesia system. A mouse is fixed in place by the combination of a head fixture with a movable part made from polyacetal resin, a lower body fixture made from vinyl-silicone and a holder for the legs and tail. For re-fixation, a similar posture could be maintained by the same holding fixtures and a constant distance between the head and lower body fixtures is maintained. Artifacts caused by the bridge capsule system were not observed on magnetic resonance (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) images. The average position differences of the spinal column and the iliac body before and after re-fixation for the same modality were approximately 1.1 mm. The difference between the MRI and PET images was approximately 1.8 mm for the lower body fixture after image registration using fiducial markers. This system would be useful for longitudinal, repeated and multimodal imaging experiments requiring similar animal postures.
  • Kiichi Ishiwata; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Muneyuki Sakata; Keiichi Kawasaki; Tadashi Nariai; Yukihisa Suzuki; Kenji Ishibashi; Masahiro Mishina; Masaya Hashimoto; Masatomo Ishikawa; Jun Toyohara
    GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL WILEY-BLACKWELL 10 S180 - S196 1444-1586 2010/07 [Refereed]
    The Positron Medical Center has developed a large number of radiopharmaceuticals and 36 radiopharmaceuticals have been approved for clinical use for studying aging and geriatric diseases, especially brain functions. Positron emission tomography (PET) has been used to provide a highly advanced PET-based diagnosis. The current status of the development of radiopharmaceuticals, and representative clinical and methodological results are reviewed. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2010; 10 (Suppl. 1): S180-S196.
  • Chie Seki; Hiroshi Ito; Tetsuya Ichimiya; Ryosuke Arakawa; Yoko Ikoma; Miho Shidahara; Jun Maeda; Akihiro Takano; Hidehiko Takahashi; Yuichi Kimura; Kazutoshi Suzuki; Iwao Kanno; Tetsuya Suhara
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 24 (4) 249 - 260 0914-7187 2010/05 [Refereed]
    Dopamine transporter (DAT) is a reuptake carrier of dopamine at presynapse that regulates dopaminergic neural transmission. [C-11]PE2I is a cocaine analog developed as a potent positron emission tomography (PET) ligand for DAT with high selectivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of quantification methods using reference tissue models for [C-11]PE2I. Dynamic PET scans were performed in 6 young healthy male volunteers after an intravenous bolus injection of [C-11]PE2I. Metabolite-corrected arterial plasma-input functions were obtained. Compartment model analysis and plasma-input Logan analysis were performed to determine the kinetic parameters and distribution volume (V (T)). The distribution volume ratio (DVR) was calculated as the ratio of V (T) in the cerebral region to that in the cerebellum. DVRs were also determined by the original multilinear reference tissue model method (MRTMo) and the simplified reference tissue model method (SRTM), comparing the results with those obtained from graphical analysis using arterial input function. To estimate errors in DVR calculated using the reference tissue model, a simulation study that focused on cerebellar kinetics and scan duration was performed. The highest [C-11]PE2I binding was observed in the striatum, followed by the midbrain and thalamus. The 2-tissue model was preferable to the 1-tissue model for describing the [C-11]PE2I kinetics in the cerebellum. Both the measured and 90-min simulated data showed that reference tissue models caused an underestimation of DVR in the striatum. The simulation showed that 90-min scan duration was insufficient when cerebellar kinetics was described as a 1-tissue model. Nevertheless, DVR values determined by MRTMo and SRTM were in good agreement with those by the graphical approach in other lower binding regions. Due to the [C-11]PE2I kinetics in the cerebellum and limited scan duration for C-11, MRTMo and SRTM underestimated the striatal DVR. Despite this limitation, the present study demonstrated the applicability of reference tissue models. Since DAT in the midbrain and thalamus is of interest in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disease, this noninvasive quantitative analysis will be useful for clinical investigations.
  • Miho Shidahara; Hiroshi Ito; Tatsui Otsuka; Yoko Ikoma; Ryosuke Arakawa; Fumitoshi Kodaka; Chie Seki; Harumasa Takano; Hidehiko Takahashi; Federico E. Turkheimer; Yuichi Kimura; Iwao Kanno; Tetsuya Suhara
    The purpose of this study is to investigate errors in quantitative analysis for estimating dopamine D-2 receptor occupancy of antipsychotics with agonist radioligand [C-11]MNPA by numerical simulation, with particular attention to the validity of a quantitative approach based on the use of a reference region. Synthetic data were validated using clinical data combined with a bootstrap approach. Time-activity curves (TACs) of [C-11]MNPA were simulated, and the reliability of binding potential (BPND) and occupancy estimated by nonlinear least square (NLS) fitting and a simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) were investigated for various noise levels and scan durations. In the human positron emission tomography (PET) study with and without antipsychotic, risperidone, the uncertainty of BPND and occupancy estimated by SRTM was investigated using resampled TACs based on bootstrap approach with weighted residual errors of fitting. For both NLS and SRTM, it was possible to have < 3% of bias in occupancy estimates of [C-11]MNPA by 60 mins. However, shortened scan duration degrades the quantification of very small binding potentials, especially in case of SRTM. Observations were replicated on the clinical data. Results showed that dopamine D-2 receptor occupancy by antipsychotics can be estimated precisely in region of interest analysis by SRTM with a longer than 60-min [C-11]MNPA PET scan duration. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2010) 30, 187-195; doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2009.193; published online 16 September 2009
  • Hiroshi Ito; Takashi Yokoi; Yoko Ikoma; Miho Shidahara; Chie Seki; Mika Naganawa; Hidehiko Takahashi; Harumasa Takano; Yuichi Kimura; Masanori Ichise; Tetsuya Suhara
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 49 (1) 578 - 586 1053-8119 2010/01 [Refereed]
    In positron emission tomography (PET) studies with radioligands for neuroreceptors, tracer kinetics have been described by the standard two-tissue compartment model that includes the compartments of nondisplaceable binding and specific binding to receptors. In the present Study, we have developed a new graphic plot analysis to determine the total distribution volume (V(T)) and nondisplaceable distribution volume (V(ND)) independently, and therefore the binding potential (BP(ND)). In this plot, Y(t) is the ratio of brain tissue activity to time-integrated arterial input function, and X(t) is the ratio of time-integrated brain tissue activity to time-integrated arterial input function. The x-intercept of linear regression of the plots for early phase represents V(ND), and the x-intercept of linear regression of the plots for delayed phase after the equilibrium time represents V(T). BP(ND) can be calculated by BP(ND) = V(T)/V(ND) - 1. Dynamic PET scanning with measurement of arterial input function was performed on six healthy men after intravenous rapid bolus injection of [ (11)C]FLB457. The plot yielded a curve in regions with specific binding while it yielded a straight line through all plot data in regions with no specific binding. V(ND), V(T), and BP(ND) values calculated by the present method were in good agreement with those by conventional non-linear least-squares fitting procedure. This method can be used to distinguish graphically whether the radioligand binding includes specific binding or not. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroyuki Shimada; Takashi Hirata; Yuichi Kimura; Takako Naka; Keishiro Kikuchi; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata; Takao Suzuki
    Background: Reduced gait speed and stride length are characteristic of gait in elderly people and increase their dependency on assistance. We developed a robotic stride assistance system (SAS) to automatically control the walk ratio during walking. Our aim was to quantify the effects of a walking exercise with the SAS on walking performance and glucose metabolism during walking in community-dwelling elderly adults. Methods: For 3 months, 15 women (72-85 years old) performed the walking exercise twice weekly for 90 min/session. We assessed walking for 5 m at a comfortable speed before and after the intervention. Positron emission tomography with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) was used to assess muscle activity during an unassisted 50-min walk. Results: Walking speed was improved by the intervention and FDG uptake by the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and rectus femoris, and pelvic muscles (iliacus and gluteus muscles) were reduced. Conclusion: These results suggest that a walking intervention program using an applied robotic system is useful for improving the walking ability and the efficiency of muscle activities during walking in the elderly.
  • TAMURA Toshiyo; KIMURA Yuichi
    BME Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 47 (5) 470 - 470 1347-443X 2009/10
  • Masatomo Ishikawa; Muneyuki Sakata; Kenji Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Jun Toyohara; Jin Wu; Kiichi Ishiwata; Masaomi Iyo; Kenji Hashimoto
    The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor donepezil is also a sigma(1) receptor agonist. We examined whether donepezil binds to a, receptors in the living human brain after a single oral administration. Dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) data acquisition using the selective sigma(1) receptor ligand [C-11]SA4503 was performed to evaluate quantitatively the binding of [C-11]SA4503 to at receptors in eight healthy male volunteers. Each subject had a PET scan before and after receiving a single dose of donepezil (5 or 10 mg). The binding potential of [C-11]SA4503 was calculated. Doses of 5 mg and 10 mg donepezil bound to a, receptors in the human brain with occupancies of similar to 60% and similar to 75%, respectively, in a dose-dependent manner. This study demonstrated that donepezil binds to sigma(1) receptors in the Living human brain at therapeutic doses. Therefore, sigma(1) receptors may be implicated in the pharmacological mechanism of donepezil in the human brain.
  • Tadashi Nariai; Kiichi Ishiwata; Yuichi Kimura; Motoki Inaji; Toshiya Momose; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Akira Matsumura; Kenji Ishii; Kikuo Ohno
    Appl Radiat Isot 67 (7-8 Suppl) S348 - S350 1872-9800 2009/07 
    To plan the optimal BNCT for patients with malignant cerebral glioma, estimation of the ratio of boron concentration in tumor tissue against that in the surrounding normal brain (T/N ratio of boron) is important. We report a positron emission tomography (PET) imaging method to estimate T/N ratio of tissue boron concentration based on pharmacokinetic analysis of amino acid probes.
    Twelve patients with cerebral malignant glioma underwent 60 min dynamic PET scanning of brain after bolus injection of (18)F-borono-phenyl-alanine (FBPA) with timed arterial blood sampling. Using kinetic parameter obtained by this scan, T/N ratio of boron concentration elicited by one-hour constant infusion of BPA, as performed in BNCT, was simulated on Runge-Kutta algorithm. (11)C-methionine (MET) PET scan, which is commonly used in worldwide PET center as brain tumor imaging tool, was also performed on the same day to compare the image characteristics of FBPA and that of MET.
    PET glioma images obtained with FBPA and MET are almost identical in all patients by visual inspection. Estimated T/N ratio of tissue boron concentration after one-hour constant infusion of BPA, T/N ratio of FBPA on static condition
  • Tadashi Nariai; Kiichi Ishiwata; Yuichi Kimura; Motoki Inaji; Toshiya Momose; Tetsuya Yamamoto; Akira Matsumura; Kenji Ishii; Kikuo Ohno
    APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 67 (7-8) S348 - S350 0969-8043 2009/07 [Refereed]
    Introduction: To plan the optimal BNCT for patients with malignant cerebral glioma, estimation of the ratio of boron concentration in tumor tissue against that in the surrounding normal brain (T/N ratio of boron) is important. We report a positron emission tomography (PET) imaging method to estimate T/N ratio of tissue boron concentration based on pharmacokinetic analysis of amino acid probes. Methods: Twelve patients with cerebral malignant glioma underwent 60 min dynamic PET scanning of brain after bolus injection of (18)F-borono-phenyl-alanine (FBPA) with timed arterial blood sampling. Using kinetic parameter obtained by this scan, T/N ratio of boron concentration elicited by one-hour constant infusion of BPA, as performed in BNCT, was simulated on Runge-Kutta algorithm. (11)C-methionine (MET) PET scan, which is commonly used in worldwide PET center as brain tumor imaging tool, was also performed on the same day to compare the image characteristics of FBPA and that of MET. Result: PET glioma images obtained with FBPA and MET are almost identical in all patients by visual inspection. Estimated T/N ratio of tissue boron concentration after one-hour constant infusion of BPA, T/N ratio of FBPA on static condition, and T/N ratio of MET on static condition showed significant linear correlation between each other. Conclusion: T/N ratio of boron concentration that is obtained by constant infusion of BPA during BNCT can be estimated by FBPA PET scan. This ratio can also be estimated by MET-PET imaging. As MET-PET study is available in many clinical PET center, selection of candidates for BNCT may be possible by MET-PET images. Accurate planning of BNCT may be performed by static images of FBPA PET. Use of PET imaging with amino acid probes may contribute very much to establish an appropriate application of BNCT for patients with malignant glioma. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Keiichi Oda; Hinako Toyama; Yasuoki Mashima; Kenji Ishii; Toru Kosaka; Yuichi Kimura; Masahiro Fukushi; Kiichi Ishiwata
    Radiological Physics and Technology 2 (2) 145 - 150 1865-0333 2009/07 [Refereed]
    We propose a new method for diagnostic assistance in oncology, [fluorine-18]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET). Early and delayed scans were performed on 10 patients with lung cancer by use of an ECAT EXACT 47 PET scanner, and standardized-uptake-value (SUV) images were created. Three segmentation (S1, S2, and S3) maps were created from the early and delayed SUV images according to various thresholds (SUV threshold = 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0) based on the early image and the percentage change defined as (SUVdelayed - SUVearly) × 100/SUVearly. Voxels that had larger voxel values in their early images than the SUVthreshold were clustered into three classes: S1 if the percentage change was larger than 10, S2 if the percentage change was between 0 and 10, and S3 if the percentage change was negative. The S1 segments showed malignant lesions clearly however, the S2 segments showed an SUV that had decreased from the S1 areas due to the partial volume effect or misalignment between the early and delayed scans. The S3 areas showed benignity or physiologic accumulation. The segmented images, S1, S2, and S3, were useful for clinical diagnosis with dual-phase FDG-PET scans and offer an easy way of exploring the longitudinal alteration in the SUV. © 2009 Japanese Society of Radiological Technology and Japan Society of Medical Physics.
  • H. Shimada; Y. Kimura; S. R. Lord; K. Oda; K. Ishii; T. Suzuki; K. Ishiwata
    Glucose metabolism in lower limb muscles during walking has an important role in gait efficiency and endurance. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in muscle activity during walking between healthy young and older adults using positron emission tomography (PET) and [ (18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Ten healthy young men (24 +/- 2 years) and 10 healthy older men (76 +/- 2 years) participated in this study. An FDG PET assessment of each subject was conducted after 50 min of treadmill walking. The images of glucose metabolism in 18 regions of interest were estimated from the standardized uptake value (SUV). The older adults showed a significantly higher FDG uptake in the semitendinosus, biceps femoris, iliacus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus muscles than the young adults: FDG uptake ratios of SUV in the old to SUV in the young were 3.02, 3.19, 1.66, 1.64, 3.68, and 3.05, respectively. During walking, the FDG uptake in older adults was higher in hamstrings and deep layer hip muscles than that in young adults. These results suggest that intervention to facilitate efficient muscle activity during walking should be practiced to improve gait endurance in older adults with impaired walking patterns.
  • Miho Shidahara; Chie Seki; Mika Naganawa; Muneyuki Sakata; Masatomo Ishikawa; Hiroshi Ito; Iwao Kanno; Kiichi Ishiwata; Yuichi Kimura
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 23 (2) 163 - 171 0914-7187 2009/02 [Refereed]
    To reduce variance of the total volume of distribution (V (T)) image, we improved likelihood estimation in graphical analysis (LEGA) for dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images using maximum a posteriori (MAP). In our proposed MAP estimation in graphical analysis (MEGA), a set of time-activity curves (TACs) was formed with V (T) varying in physiological range as a template, and then the most similar TAC was sought out for a given measured TAC in a feature space. In simulation, MEGA was compared with other three methods, Logan graphical analysis (GA), multilinear analysis (MA1), and LEGA using 500 noisy TACs, under each of seven physiological conditions (from 9.9 to 61.5 of V (T)). PET studies of [ (11)C]SA4503 were performed in three healthy volunteers. In clinical studies, the V (T) images estimated from MEGA were compared with region of interest (ROI) estimates from a nonlinear least square (NLS) fitting over four brain regions. In the simulation study, the estimated V (T) by GA had a large underestimation (y = 0.27x + 8.72, r (2) = 0.87). Applying the other methods (MA1, LEGA, and MEGA), these noise-induced biases were improved (y = 0.80x + 4.04, r (2) = 0.98; y = 0.85x + 3.05, r (2) = 0.99; y = 0.96x + 1.21, r (2) = 0.99, respectively). MA1 and LEGA produced increased variance of the estimated V (T) in clinical studies. However, MEGA improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in V (T) images with linear correlations between ROI estimates with NLS (y = 0.87x + 5.1, r (2) = 0.96). MEGA was validated as an alternative strategy of LEGA to improve estimates of V (T) in clinical PET imaging.
  • Nobuyoshi Fukumitsu; Kenji Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Masaya Hashimoto; Masahiko Suzuki; Kiichi Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 22 (10) 841 - 847 0914-7187 2008/12 [Refereed]
    Adenosine is an endogenous modulator of synaptic functions in the central nervous system. The effects of adenosine are mediated by at least four adenosine receptor subtypes. Decreased density of adenosine A1 receptors, which is a major subtype adenosine receptor in the hippocampus, has been reported in vitro in Alzheimer's disease. We evaluated adenosine A1 receptor in the brain of elderly normal subjects and patients with Alzheimer's disease (n = 8 and 6, respectively), using positron emission tomography (PET) and 8- dicyclopropylmethyl-1-[C-11]methyl-3-propylxanthine ([C-11]MPDX). A 60-min PET scan with [C-11]MPDX was performed. The patients with Alzheimer's disease also underwent PET with [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). The binding potential of [11C]MPDX was quantitatively calculated in the regions of interest (ROIs) placed on the frontal, medial frontal, temporal, medial temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum, and pons. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM2) was used for analysis of [C-11]MPDX and FDG-PET. In the ROI-based analysis, the binding potential of [C-11]MPDX in patients with Alzheimer's disease was significantly lower in the temporal and medial temporal cortices and thalamus than that in elderly normal subjects (P = 0.038, 0.028, and 0.039, respectively). SPM analysis also showed significant decreased binding potential in the temporal and medial temporal cortices and thalamus in patients with Alzheimer's disease. FDG uptake was significantly decreased in the temporoparietal cortex and posterior cingulate gyrus. Decreased binding of [C-11]MPDX in patients with Alzheimer's disease was detected in temporal and medial temporal cortices and thalamus. This pattern possibly differed from the hypometabolism pattern of FDG. [C-11]MPDX PET is valuable for the detection of degeneration in the temporal and medial temporal cortices and corticothalamic transmission, and may provide a different diagnostic tool from FDG-PET in brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.
  • H. Shimada; T. Suzuki; Y. Kimura; T. Hirata; M. Sugiura; Y. Endo; K. Yasuhara; K. Shimada; K. Kikuchi; K. Oda; K. Ishii; K. Ishiwata
    BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE B M J PUBLISHING GROUP 42 (11) 922 - 929 0306-3674 2008/11 [Refereed]
    Objective: To identify the effects of an automated stride assistance system (SAS) on walking scores and muscle activities in the lower extremities of elderly people. Methods: Seven healthy elderly men (73 -81 years) participated in this study. Subjects walked continuously at a constant speed for 50 min on a treadmill with and without the SAS, which is a device to control the walk ratio (step length/cadence) and to add support power to the thigh during walking. A step counter equipped with an infrared device was used to record walking data. The average speeds during treadmill walking were 2.89 -3.82 km/h without the SAS and 3.03-4.03 km/h with the SAS. Positron emission tomography (PET) and [ (18)F] fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) evaluation of glucose metabolism were conducted on each subject twice after walking with and without the SAS. Results: Walk ratio, walking speed and step length were significantly improved in all subjects by the SAS, while cadence was significantly decreased by the SAS in all subjects except one. The SAS did not have a significant effect on glucose metabolism of the muscles of the lower extremities. There were no significant correlations between change in walking speed and change in glucose metabolism in each muscle without the SAS and with the SAS. In contrast, significant correlations between walking speed and glucose metabolism were shown in gluteus minimus (r= -0.929), hip-related muscles (r= -0.862), soleus (r= -0.907), and medial gastrocnemius (r= -0.952) without the SAS. With the SAS, there were significant correlations in gluteus medius (r= -0.899), hip-related muscles (r= -0.819), and medial gastrocnemius (r= -0.817) in the elderly subjects. Conclusions: The SAS increases walking scores in elderly people without increasing energy consumption of lower-extremity muscles. The elderly subjects with low walking speed showed higher glucose metabolism in hiprelated muscles and triceps surae. Thus, this association suggested that decreased walking speed in elderly adults has a higher metabolic cost in these muscle regions.
  • Yoko Ikoma; Hiroshi Ito; Ryosuke Arakawa; Masaki Okumura; Chie Seki; Miho Shidahara; Hidehiko Takahashi; Yuichi Kimura; Iwao Kanno; Tetsuya Suhara
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 42 (4) 1285 - 1294 1053-8119 2008/10 [Refereed]
    Dopamine D(2) receptor occupancy by antipsychotic drugs has been measured with positron emission tomography (PET) by comparing the binding potential (BP) values before and after drug administration. This occupancy has been found to be related to clinical effects and side effects. in this study, we evaluated the in simulation and human studies of [ (11)C]raclopride and for the high affinity ligand [ (11)C]FLB 457. Time-activity curves of [ (11)C]raclopride and [ (11)C]FLB 457 were simulated, and the reliability of BP estimated by a simplified reference tissue model and the calculated Occupancy were investigated for various noise levels, BP values, and scan durations. Then, in the human PET study with and without antipsychotics, the uncertainty of BP and occupancy estimates and the scan duration required for a reliable estimation were investigated by a bootstrap approach. Reliable and unbiased estimates of [ (11)C]raclopride BP(ND) could be obtained with recording as short as 32 min, with the relative standard deviation (SD) of the striatal occupancy remaining less than 10%. Conversely, in [ (11)C]FLB 457 Studies, the mean value increased and SD of the temporal cortex and thalamus exceeded 10% when the scan duration was shorter than 60 min. These results demonstrated that dopamine D(2) receptor occupancy by antipsychotics can be estimated precisely with an optimal scan duration with [ (11)C]raclopride and [ (11)C]FLB 457. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Kiichi Ishiwata; Kenji Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Kazunori Kawamura; Keiichi Oda; Toru Sasaki; Muneyuki Sakata; Michio Senda
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 22 (5) 411 - 416 0914-7187 2008/06 [Refereed]
    For evaluating a newly developed radioligand for positron emission tomography (PET), successive measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the kinetics of the radioligand in the same subject are preferable in the first clinical trial. In this study, we demonstrate an example for the study of (11)C-labeled 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(3-phenylprophyl) piperazine ((11)C-SA4503) for mapping sigma(1) receptors in the human brain. Five healthy male subjects underwent two successive PET scans with (15)O-H(2)O to measure the rCBF and with (11)C-SA4503 (dynamic 60-min scan). The brain kinetics of (11)C-SA4503 was evaluated using the time-activity curve (TAC) of tissue in each of the 11 regions of the brain and the metabolite-corrected TAC of plasma on the basis of a two-tissue compartment fourparameter model. The estimated parameters were four rate constants: K (1), influx from plasma to brain tissue; k (2), efflux from tissue to plasma; k (3), association between tracer and receptors; and k (4), dissociation of tracer-receptor complex, and the binding potential (BP), k (3)/k (4). (11)CSA4503 was distributed all over the brain, and the TACs exhibited an accumulation pattern in all the 11 regions. K (1) of (11)C-SA4503 correlated with rCBF, but the other three rate constant parameters and BP did not. The regional difference in the BP of (11)C-SA4503 is compatible with those of sigma(1) receptors. In conclusion, successive PET measurements of rCBF and the brain kinetics of radioligand-neuroreceptor binding are useful for the first clinical trial of a newly developed radioligand for mapping neuroreceptors, and the protocol is applicable to pathophysiological studies of brain disorders.
  • Yukihisa Suzuki; Chiharu Horie; Motohiro Kiyosawa; Tadashi Nariai; Manabu Mochizuki; Keiichi Oda; Yuichi Kimura; Kiich Ishiwata; Kenji Ishii
    JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 268 (1-2) 102 - 107 0022-510X 2008/05 [Refereed]
    In order to determine whether functional neuroimaging studies can predict the prognosis of hemianopia due to organic cerebral disorders, we studied 8 patients (6 men and 2 women; age, 56.0 +/- 8.6 years) with homonymous hemianopia and compared them with 15 normal subjects (6 men and 9 women; age, 54.3 +/- 4.4 years). The cerebral glucose metabolism and C-11-flumazenil (FMZ) binding were measured by positron emission tomography, more than I month after the onset of the condition. Bilateral regions of interest (ROIs) were selected in the striate cortex, extrastriate cortex, cuneus and thalamus. Further, semi-quantitative data on the cerebral glucose metabolism and FMZ binding were obtained for the ROIs and compared with the data obtained for homologous regions in the contralateral hemisphere by calculating the ipsilateral/ contralateral (I/C) ratio. The I/C ratios for the cerebral glucose metabolism and FMZ binding in the striate cortex were significantly low in the patients (glucose metabolism, P<0.0005; FMZ binding, P<0.005), while the ratio for the FMZ binding in the cuneus increased (P<0.0005). We observed that 5 patients, whose I/C ratio for the FMZ binding in the striate cortex was >0.850, experienced an improvement in their visual field, while that 3 patients with lower PC ratios did not. The FMZ-PET may be useful to predict the prognosis of hemianopia in the chronic phase. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masahiro Mishina; Masashi Ohyama; Kenji Ishii; Shin Kitamura; Yuichi Kimura; Kei-ichi Oda; Kazunori Kawamura; Toru Sasaki; Shiro Kobayashi; Yasuo Katayama; Kiichi Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 22 (3) 151 - 156 0914-7187 2008/04 [Refereed]
    Objective The sigma, receptor is considered to be involved in cognitive function. A postmortem study reported that the sigma, receptors were reduced in the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, in vivo imaging of sigma, receptors in the brain of AD patients has not been reported. The aim of this study is to investigate the mapping of sigma, receptors in AD using [ (11)C]SA4503 positron emission tomography (PET). Methods We studied five AD patients and, seven elderly volunteers. A dynamic series of decay-corrected PET data acquisition was performed for 90 min starting at the time of the injection of 500 MBq of [ (11)C]SA4503. A two-tissue three-compartment model was used to estimate K(1), k(2), k(3), k(4), and the delay between metabolite-corrected plasma and tissue time activity using a Gauss-Newton algorithm. The ratio of k(3) to k(4) was computed as the binding potential (BP), which is linearly related to the density of sigma, receptors. Unpaired t tests were used to compare K(1) and BP in patients with AD and normal subjects. Results As compared with normals, BP in the AD was significantly lower in the frontal, temporal, and occipital lobe, cerebellum and thalamus, whereas K(1) was significantly lower in the parietal lobe. Conclusions [ (11)C]SA4503 PET can demonstrate that the density of cerebral and cerebellar sigma, receptors is reduced in early AD.
  • Keiichi Kawasaki; Kenji Ishii; Yoko Saito; Keiichi Oda; Yuichi Kimura; Kiichi Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 22 (3) 191 - 200 0914-7187 2008/04 [Refereed]
    Objective In clinical cerebral 2-[ (18)F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) studies, we sometimes encounter hyperglycemic patients with diabetes mellitus or patients who have not adhered to the fasting requirement. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of mild hyperglycemia (plasma glucose range 110-160 mg/dl) on the cerebral FDG distribution patterns calculated by statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Methods We studied 19 healthy subjects (mean age 66.2 years). First, all the subjects underwent FDG-PET scans in the fasting condition. Then, 9 of the 19 subjects (mean age 64.3 years) underwent the second FDG-PET scans in the mild hyperglycemic condition. The alterations in the FDG-PET scans were investigated using SPM- and region of interest (ROT)-based analyses. We used three reference regions: (1) SPM global brain (SPMgb) used for SPM global mean calculation, (2) the gray and white matter region computed from magnetic resonance image (MRIgw), and (3) the cerebellar cortex (Cbll). Results The FDG uptake calculated as the standardized uptake value (average) in SPMgb, MRIgw, and Cbll regions in the mild hyperglycemic condition was 42.7%, 41.3%, and 40.0%, respectively, of that observed in the fasting condition. In SPM analysis, the mild hyperglycemia was found to affect the cerebral distribution patterns of FDG. The FDG uptake was relatively decreased in the gray matter, mainly in the frontal, temporal, and parietal association cortices, posterior cingulate, and precuneus in both SPMgb- and MRIgw-reference-based analyses. When Cbll was adopted as the reference region, those decrease patterns disappeared. The FDG uptake was relatively increased in the white matter, mainly in the centrum semiovale in all the reference-based analyses. Conclusions It is noteworthy that the FDG distribution patterns were altered under mild hyperglycemia in SPM analysis. The decreased uptake patterns in SPMgb(SPM default) and MRIgw-reference-based analyses resembled those observed in Alzheimer's disease. Under mild hyperglycemia, we can recommend Cbll as the reference region to detect decreased uptake patterns. We should pay special attention to controlling the diet condition, monitoring hyperglycemia, and optimizing the reference region in SPM analysis, particularly in the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease in clinical FDG-PET.
  • Mika Naganawa; Yuichi Kimura; Junichi Yano; Masahiro Mishina; Masao Yanagisawa; Kenji Ishii; Kelichi Oda; Klichi Ishiwata
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 40 (1) 26 - 34 1053-8119 2008/03 [Refereed]
    The Logan plot is a powerful algorithm used to generate binding-potential images from dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images in neuroreceptor studies. However, it requires arterial blood sampling and metabolite correction to provide an input function, and clinically it is preferable that this need for arterial blood sampling be obviated. Estimation of the input function with metabolite correction using an intersectional searching algorithm (ISA) has been proposed. The ISA seeks the input function from the intersection between the planes spanned by measured radioactivity curves in tissue and their cumulative integrals in data space. However, the ISA is sensitive to noise included in measured curves, and it often fails to estimate the input function. In this paper, we propose a robust estimation of the cumulative integral of the plasma time-activity curve (pTAC) using ISA (robust EPISA) to overcome noise issues. The EPISA reduces noise in the measured PET data using averaging and clustering that gathers radioactivity curves with similar kinetic parameters. We confirmed that a little noise made the estimation of the input function extremely difficult in the simulation. The robust EPISA was validated by application to eight real dynamic [ (11)C]TMSX PET data sets used to visualize adenosine A(2A) receptors and four real dynamic [ (11)C]PIB PET data sets used to visualize amyloid-beta plaque. Peripherally, the latter showed faster metabolism than the former. The clustering operation improved the signal-to-noise ratio for the PET data sufficiently to estimate the input function, and the calculated neuroreceptor images had a quality equivalent to that using measured pTACs after metabolite correction. Our proposed method noninvasively yields an alternative input function for Logan plots, allowing the Logan plot to be more useful in neuroreceptor studies. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Miho Shidahara; Yoko Ikoma; Chie Seki; Yota Fujimura; Mika Naganawa; Hiroshi Ito; Tetsuya Suhara; Iwao Kanno; Yuichi Kimura
    Purpose We evaluated the noise reduction capability of wavelet denoising for estimated binding potential (BP) images (k(3)/k (4)) of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor using F-18-FEDAA1106 and nonlinear least-square fitting. Methods Wavelet denoising within a three-dimensional discrete dual-tree complex wavelet transform was applied to simulate data and clinical dynamic positron emission tomography images of F-18-FEDAA1106. To eliminate noise components in wavelet coefficients, real and imaginary coefficients for each subband were thresholded individually using NormalShrink. A simulated dynamic brain image of F-18-FEDAA1106 was generated and Gaussian noise was added to mimic PET dynamic scan. The derived BP images were compared with true images using 156 rectangular regions of interest. Wavelet denoising was also applied to data derived from seven young normal volunteers. Results In the simulations, estimated BP by denoised image showed better correlation with the true BP values (Y=0.83X+0.94, r=0.80), although no correlation was observed in the estimates between noise-added and true images (Y=1.2X+0.78, r=0.49). For clinical data, there were visual improvements in the signal-to-noise ratio for estimated BP images. Conclusions Wavelet denoising improved the bias and reduced the variation of pharmacokinetic parameters for BP.
  • Muneyuki Sakata; Yuichi Kimura; Mika Naganawa; Masatomo Ishikawa; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kenji Hashimoto; Kunihiro Chihara; Kiichi Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 22 (2) 143 - 146 0914-7187 2008/02 [Refereed]
    In practical positron emission tomography (PET) diagnosis, a shortened protocol is preferred for patients with brain disorders. In this study, the applicability of a shortened protocol as an alternative to the 90-min PET scan with [ (11)C]SA4503 for quantitative sigma(1) receptor measurement was investigated. Tissue time-activity curves of 288 regions of interest in the brain from 32 [ (11)C]SA4503-PET scans of 16 healthy subjects prior to and following administration of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (fluvoxamine or paroxetine) were applied to two algorithms of quantitative analysis; binding potential (BP) was derived from compartmental analysis based on nonlinear estimation, and total distribution volume (tDV) was derived from Logan plot analysis. As a result, although both BP and tDV tended to be underestimated by the shortened method, the estimates from the shortened protocol had good linear relationships with those of the full-length protocol. In conclusion, if approximately 10% differences in the estimated results are acceptable for a specific purpose, then a 60-min measurement protocol is capable of providing reliable results.
  • Yuichi Kimura; M. Naganawa; K. Oda; K. Ishii; I. Leir; K. Ishiwata
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 41 T68 - T68 1053-8119 2008 [Refereed]
  • Masaya Hashimoto; Keiichi Kawasaki; Masahiko Suzuki; Kazuko Mitania; Shigeo Murayama; Masahiro Mishina; Keiichi Oda; Yuichi Kimura; Kiichi Ishiwata; Kenji Ishiia; Kiyoharu Inoue
    NEUROREPORT LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 19 (2) 145 - 150 0959-4965 2008/01 [Refereed]
    A simultaneous evaluation of presynaptic and postsynaptic dopaminergic positron emission tomography markers, the dopamine transporters and the dopamine D-2-like receptors, was performed in eight patients with parkinsonian phenotype of multiple system atrophy. Both presynaptic and postsynaptic markers were revealed to have declined in such a manner that they kept strong positive correlation throughout the striatum of all patients, suggesting that the degeneration process in the striatum may involve the entire structure of the dopaminergic synapse. In two L-3,4,dihydroxyphenyl-alanine-responsive cases, the balance of decline in two markers was relatively shifted to presynaptic dominant side. Correlative positron emission tomography study of presynaptic and postsynaptic dopaminergic function may be useful for the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy and to understand the mechanisms of its temporal L-3,4,dihydroxyphenyl-alanine responsiveness.
  • Error analysis for PET measurement of dopamine D2 receptor occupancy by antipsychotics
    Yoko Ikoma; Hiroshi Ito; Ryosuke Arakawa; Masaki Okumura; Miho Shidahara; Chie Seki; Hidehiko Takahashi; Harumasa Takano; Yuichi Kimura; Tetsuya Suhara; Iwao Kanno
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 27 (1) PP01 - 07 0271-678X 2007/11 
    Background and aims: The clinical effect of antipsychotic drugs has been reported to be associated with a dopamine D2 receptor occupancy. This occupancy with antipsychotic drugs has been measured using PET by quantifying the binding potential (BP) of receptors with [11C]raclopride or [11C]FLB457 before and after antipsychotic administration. In this quantitative analysis, the uncertainty in estimated kinetic parameters depends on the signal-to-noise ratio of a time-activity curve (TAC) in tissue, which may differ according to injection dose, scan protocol, sensitivity of a PET camera and so on. In this study, the reliability of BP estimates in PET measurement of dopamine D2 receptor occupancy was investigated by means of the computer simulation and measured PET data in humans. The influence of scan protocol on the error of estimated BP was also evaluated. Methods: In the simulation study, 90-min scan TAC of the putamen for [11C]raclopride and the temporal cortex for [11C]FLB457 were created using measured TAC of the cerebellum as an input function and assumed k-values (R1=K1target/K1reference=0.97, k2=0.23, BP=3.2, 0.96, and 0.32 for [11C]raclopride, and R1=0.81, k2=0.05, BP=2.1, 0.63, and 0.21 for [11C]FLB457) with the simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) [1]. The noise was assumed to be Gaussian distribution whose variance was proportional to the true TAC, and added having the same level as observed in volume-of-interest (VOI) based TACs. One thousand noise-added TACs were realized, then kinetic parameters including BP were derived using the SRTM from these TACs, in which length of dynamic PET scan used for the parameter estimation were reduced from 90 to 20 min, and the mean value and SD were calculated. In the human study of [11C]raclopride (injected dose 215±16.6 MBq, specific radioactivity 185±49.6 GBq/μmol) and [11C]FLB457 (injected dose 216±16.2 MBq, specific radioactivity 213±22.6 GBq/μmol) with and without antipsychotics, replicated TACs were generated by resampling the fitting residuals of each frame with bootstrap approach [2][3], and the reliability of BP estimates was evaluated for various scan length. Results: In [11C]raclopride simulation study, a 30-min short PET scan gave us unbiased BP estimates as well as 90-min scan, and the deviation was under 10% in case of VOI-based estimation. Conversely, in [11C]FLB457, the mean value and SD of the BP estimates increased remarkably in case of the shorter scan than 60-min. In human study with [11C]raclopride both with and without antipsychotic administration, SD of the caudate and putamen was under 10% when the scan length was longer than 32 min. Meanwhile, in [11C]FLB457 study, the mean value increased and the SD of temporal cortex was over 10% when the scan length was shorter than 60 min. Conclusions: In a VOI analysis of [11C]raclopride study, the scan length can be shorten to 30 minutes. However, in [11C]FLB457 study, 60-min scan is required for a reliable estimation since its kinetics is slower.
  • Wavelet denoising for parametric imaging of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptors with F-18-FEDAA1106
    Miho Shidahara; Yoko Ikoma; Chie Seki; Yota Fujimura; Hiroshi Ito; Yuichi Kimura; Tetsuya Suhara; Iwao Kanno
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 27 (1) PO04 - 03 0271-678X 2007/11 
    Background and aims: The statistical noise of time activity curve (TAC) at voxel level causes severe bias and poor precision for estimated binding potential, BP(=k3/k4), images using a nonlinear least square fitting (NLS). The purpose of this study is to evaluate noise reduction capability of wavelet denoising for estimated BP images of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR). 18F-FEDAA1106 is a radioligand for PBR, and its BP images should be formed using NLS because no reference regions can be assumed due to the physiological aspects of PBR1. We applied wavelet denoising to simulate data and clinical dynamic image of PBR with 18F-FEDAA1106. Methods: After administration of 18F-FEDAA1106, three dimensional dynamic PET scans were performed by ECAT EXACT HR+ system (CTI-Siemens, Knoxville, USA) having 41 frames. The wavelet processing was applied in a volume fashion with a three-dimensional discrete dual-tree complex wavelet transformation2 at 4 scales with 112 subbands. The advantage of wavelet denoising is to realize spatially adaptive smoothing. In order to eliminate noise component in wavelet coefficients, real and imaginary coefficients for each sub-band were individually thresholded with NormalShrink3. Simulations were conducted to evaluate the performance of the wavelet denoising for parameter estimation. A simulated dynamic data was consisted of 4 parts of 2 gray matters (K1=0.25, k2=0.078, k3=0.043 or 0.0516, k4=0.0086), a white matter (K1=0.15, k2=0.075, k3=0.043, k4=0.01), and CSF to simulate anatomical structure of the brain (Hoffman brain phantom: 12812855 pixels, 222 mm). Each part had the BPs of 5, 6, 4.3, and 0, respectively. Then the phantom was smoothed with Gaussian filter (2.52.5 mm FWHM) and then Gaussian noise was added to mimic exact measurement at the noise level 20%. The BP images derived from wavelet denoising were compared with true BP image using 156 rectangular ROIs (55 pixel). The Wavelet denoising was also applied to clinical data derived from 3 young normal volunteers. Parametric images of BP were formed using voxel-based NLS fitting, and the Results: were compared with an ordinary ROI averaged estimates1. Results: In the simulation studies, estimated BP by denoised image showed better correlation against the true BP values (Fig-1A), although no correlation was observed in the estimates. In clinical data, wavelet denoising improved image quality of the estimates (Fig-1B). Originally estimated BP image includes bias against ROI averaged estimates (Y=1.12X+0.94, R2=0.55), however, estimated BP by denoised image improved relationship with ROI analysis (Y=0.91X+0.95, R2=0.57). Conclusions: Wavelet denoising improves bias and variation of pharmacokinetic parameters, especially, BP.
  • Fluorine-18 labeled SA4503 as a selective SIGMA1 receptor ligand for PET
    Kazunori Kawamura; Kiichi Ishiwata; Hideo Tsukada; Kazuhiro Shiba; Chieko Tsuji; Norihiro Harada; Yuichi Kimura
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 27 (1) PP08 - 03 0271-678X 2007/11 
    Introduction: Sigma receptors are implicated in neurological, psychiatric and movement disorders. Thus, several sigma receptor ligands have been synthesized and evaluated for PET. One of these, SA4503 has been labeled with carbon-11, and was applied to mapping sigma1 receptors in the brain of humans by PET [ref. 1, 2, 3]. Clinically a 90-minutes scan was adapted for [C-11]SA4503-PET due to the half-lives of carbon-11 labeled tracer (half-lives, 20 minutes), however, a longer scan may be more preferable for PET measurement. Therefore, the analogs of SA4503 labeled with fluorine-18 (half-lives, 110 minutes) may be more preferable for PET, if they have similar pharmacokinetic properties as [C-11]SA4503. In this study, we evaluated a novel [F-18]fluoromethyl analog of SA4503 ([F-18]FM-SA4503) as a selective sigma1 receptor ligand for PET. Methods: The affinities of FM-SA4503 for sigma receptors were investigated by membrane binding assay. Biodistribution of [F-18]FM-SA4503 was investigated in mice by tissue dissection. Sigma1 receptor-specific uptake of [F-18]FM-SA4503 in the mouse brain was evaluated in blocking studies with cold FM-SA4503 and haloperidol (2000 nmol/kg co-injection). A conscious male rhesus monkey underwent 180-minutes PET scan with [F-18]FM-SA4503 using a model SHR-7700. After a week, haloperidol- pretreatment measurement with [F-18]FMSA4503 was performed in the same monkey over a period of 180 minutes. Haloperidol (1 mg/kg) was injected into the monkey through a venous catheter 30 minutes before tracer injection. The displacement measurement was also performed in the other monkey over a period of 180 minutes. Results: FM-SA4503 was a selective affinity for sigma1 receptor (Ki for sigma1 receptor, 6.4 nM Ki for sigma2 receptor, 250 nM). In mice, the uptake of [F-18]FM-SA4503 in the brain was gradually increased for 30 minutes after injection, and then decreased. In the blocking study, the uptake the brain was significantly decreased by co-injection of haloperidol (32 % of control) and of FM-SA4503 (52 % of control). In the PET study of the monkey brain, high uptake was found in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and striatum. The radioactivity level of [F-18]FM-SA4503 in the brain regions gradually increased over a period of 120 minutes after injection, followed by a stable plateau phase until 180 minutes after injection. In the pretreatment with haloperidol measurement of the monkey brain, the radioactivity level was 16% of the baseline at 180 minutes after injection, suggesting the high receptor-specific binding. Conclusion: [F-18]FM-SA4503 showed specific binding to sigma1 receptors of the brain in the mice and monkeys. Therefore, [F-18]FM-SA4503 has potential for mapping sigma1 receptors in the brain.
  • Yuichi Kimura; Mika Naganawa; Muneyuki Sakata; Masatomo Ishikawa; Masahiro Mishina; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 21 (9) 533 - 535 0914-7187 2007/11 [Refereed]
    yThe applicability of total distribution volume (DVt) as an alternative to binding potential (BP) was investigated for neuroreceptor mapping by positron emission tomography (PET). BP is defined as a representative quantity of receptor density. However, for making parametric images of BP, a reference region where an aimed receptor has a very low density is assumed to exist in a target region such as the brain. Thus, if the kinetics of a radioligand for target receptors does not permit an appropriate reference region, BP imaging is unattainable. In this study, [C-11]SA4503 PET is taken to be considered which has a high affinity to the sigma(1) receptors. Through a clinical investigation using wide ranges of physiological situations, ages, sex, diseases, and selective drug-loading conditions, DVt has a good linear relationship with BP, and the images can be used as a spatial distribution of sigma(1) density.
  • Masatomo Ishikawa; Kiichi Ishiwata; Kenji Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Muneyuki Sakata; Mika Naganawa; Keiichi Oda; Ryousuke Miyatake; Mihisa Fujisaki; Eiji Shimizu; Yukihiko Shirayama; Masaomi Iyo; Kenji Hashimoto
    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 62 (8) 878 - 883 0006-3223 2007/10 [Refereed]
    Background: Sigma-1 receptors might be implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric diseases, as well as in the mechanisms of action of some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Among the several SSRIs, fluvoxamine has the highest affinity for sigma-1 receptors (Ki = 36 nM), whereas paroxetine shows low affinity (Ki = 1893 nM). The present study was undertaken to examine whether fluvoxamine binds to sigma-1 receptors in living human brain. Methods: A dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) data acquisition using the selective sigma-1 receptor ligand [C-11]SA4503 was performed with arterial blood sampling to evaluate quantitatively the binding of [C-11]SA4503 to sigma-1 receptors in 15 healthy male volunteers. Each subject had two PET scans before and after randomly receiving a single dose of either fluvoxa mine (50,100,150, or 200 mg) or paroxetine (20 mg). The binding potential of [C-11]SA4503 in 9 regions of the brain was calculated by a 2-tissue 3-compartment model. In addition, we examined the effects of functional polymorphisms of the sigma-1 receptor (SIGMARI) gene on the binding potential of [C-11]SA4503. Results: Fluvoxamine bound to sigma-1 receptors in all brain regions in a dose-dependent manner, whereas paroxetine did not bind to sigma-1 receptors. However, there was no association between the SIGMAR1 gene polymorphism GC-241-240TT and binding potential. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that fluvoxamine bound to sigma-1 receptors in living human brain at therapeutic doses. These findings suggest that sigma-1 receptors may play an important role in the mechanism of action of fluvoxamine.
  • Masahiro Mishina; Kiichi Ishiwata; Yuichi Kimura; Mika Naganawa; Keiichi Oda; Shiro Kobayashi; Yasuo Katayama; Kenji Ishii
    SYNAPSE WILEY-BLACKWELL 61 (9) 778 - 784 0887-4476 2007/09 [Refereed]
    Adenosine A(2A) receptor (A2AR) is thought to interact with dopamine D(2) receptor. Selective A2AR antagonists have attracted attention as the treatment of Parkinson's disease. In this study, we investigated the distribution of the A2ARs in the living human brain using positron emission tomography (PET) and [7-methyl-(11)C]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([ (11)C]TMSX). We recruited five normal male subjects. A dynamic series of PET scans was performed for 60 min, and the arterial blood was sampled during the scan to measure radioactivity of the parent compound and labeled metabolites. Circular regions of interest of 10-mm diameter were placed in the PET images over the cerebellum, brainstem, thalamus, head of caudate nucleus, anterior and posterior putamen, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and posterior cingulate gyrus for each subject. A two-tissue, three-compartment model was used to estimate K(1), k(2), k(3), and k(4) between metabolite-corrected plasma and tissue time activity of [ (11)C]TMSX. The binding potential (BP) was the largest in the anterior (1.25) and posterior putamen (1.20), was next largest in the head of caudate nucleus (1.05) and thalamus (1.03), and was small in the cerebral cortex, especially frontal lobe (0.46). [ (11)C]TMSX PET showed the largest BP in the striatum in which A2ARs were enriched as in postmortem and nonhuman studies reported, but that the binding of [ (11)C]TMSX was relatively larger in the thalamus to compare with other mammals. To date, [ (11)C]TMSX is the only promising PET ligand, which is available to clinical use for mapping the A2ARs in the living human brain. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • Mika Naganawa; Yuichi Kimura; Kenji Ishii; Keiichi Oda; Kiichi Ishiwata
    DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 17 (5) 979 - 993 1051-2004 2007/09 [Refereed]
    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine technique that provides tomographic images of the distribution of positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals. We have previously proposed a method for estimating an input blood curve based on a standard independent component analysis using a specially designed cost function and a preprocessing scheme. While the input blood curve was successfully extracted, the voxels with a negative sign remained in the estimated blood volume image. They should be positive because of its physiological meaning. In this study, ensemble learning introduces a nonnegative constraint to correctly estimate temporal and spatial blood information from dynamic cerebral PET images. The rectified Gaussian distribution and exponential distribution were adopted as nonnegative priors on the elements of the time curves and the source images, respectively. The proposed method (extraction of the plasma time-activity curve using ensemble learning, EPEL) was applied to human brain PET studies with three kinds of radiopharmaceuticals for investigating its validity. The results implied that the EPEL-estimated blood curve was similar to the measured curve, and that the estimated blood volume correlated well with that measured clinically. We concluded that EPEL is a valid method for estimating the blood curve and the blood volume image in a noninvasive way. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroyuki Shimada; Yuichi Kimura; Takao Suzuki; Takashi Hirata; Miho Sugiura; Yosuke Endo; Ken Yasuhara; Kei Shimada; Keishiro Kikuchi; Masaya Hashimoto; Masatomo Ishikawa; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata
    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of [F-18] fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography(FDG PET) for quantitative evaluation of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle during walking. Ten young males underwent FDG PET twice during walks, which were done with or without an automated stride assistance system (SAS). Walk ratios were significantly increased by the SAS in seven subjects. Regional glucose metabolism in muscles between the crista iliaca: and the planta was clearly visualized in all ten subjects. Glucose utilization increased significantly in the tibialis posterior and medial gastrocnemius muscles of the seven subjects in whom walk ratios were increased by the SAS. FDG PET is useful for analysis of muscle activity during exercise and rehabilitation.
  • Kazunori Kawamura; Hideo Tsukada; Kazuhiro Shiba; Chieko Tsuji; Norihiro Harada; Yuichi Kimura; Klichi Ishlwata
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 34 (5) 571 - 577 0969-8051 2007/07 [Refereed]
    The [F-18]fluoromethyl analog of the sigma, selective ligand 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine dihydrochloride (SA4503) ([F-18]FM-SA4503) was prepared and its potential evaluated for the in vivo measurement of sigma, receptors with positron emission tomography (PET). FM-SA4503 had selective affinity for the sigma, receptor (K-i for sigma, receptor, 6.4 nM; Ki for sigma(2) receptor, 250 nM) that was compatible with the affinity of SA4503 (K-i for sigma, receptor, 4.4 nM; Ki for sigma2 receptor, 242 nM). [F-18]FM-SA4503 was synthesized by F-18-fluoromethylation of O-demethyl SA4503 in the radiochemical yield of 2.9-16.6% at the end of bombardment with a specific activity of 37.8-283 TBq/mmol at the end of synthesis. In mice, the uptake of [F-18]FM-SA4503 in the brain was gradually increased for 30 min after injection, and then decreased. In the blocking study, brain uptake was significantly decreased by coinjection of haloperidol to 32% of control, and FM-SA4503 to 52% of control. In PET study of the monkey brain, high uptake was found in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and striatum. The radioactivity level of [F-18]FM-SA4503 in the brain regions gradually increased over a period of 120 min after injection, followed by a stable plateau phase until 180 min after injection. In pretreatment with haloperidol measurement of the monkey brain, the radioactivity level was 22-32% and 11-25% of the baseline at 60 and 180 min, respectively, after injection, suggesting high receptor-specific binding. [F-18]FM-SA4503 showed specific binding to sigma, receptors in mice and monkeys;, therefore, [F-18]FMSA4503 has the potential for mapping sigma, receptors in the brain. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Mika Naganawa; Yuichi Kimura; Masahiro Mishina; Yoshitsugu Manabe; Kunihiro Chihara; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata
    Purpose [7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([C-11]TMSX) is a positron-emitting adenosine A(2A) receptor (A2AR) antagonist for visualisation of A2AR distribution by positron emission tomography (PET). The aims of this paper were to use a kinetic model to analyse the behaviour of [C-11]TMSX in the brain and to examine the applicability of the Logan plot. We also studied the applicability of a simplified Logan plot by omitting metabolite correction and arterial blood sampling. Methods The centrum semiovale was used as a reference region on the basis of a post-mortem study showing that it has a negligibly low density of A2ARs. Compartmental analysis was performed in five normal subjects. Parametric images of A2AR binding potential (BP) were also generated using a Logan plot with or without metabolite correction and with or without arterial blood sampling. To omit arterial blood sampling, we applied a method to extract the plasma-related information using independent component analysis (EPICA). Results The estimated K-1/k(2) was confirmed to be common in the centrum semiovale and main cortices. The three-compartment model was well fitted to the other regions using the fixed value of K-1/k(2) estimated from the centrum semiovale. The estimated BPs using the Logan plot matched those derived from compartment analysis. Without the metabolite correction, the estimate of BP underestimated the true value by 5%. The estimated BPs agreed regardless of arterial blood sampling. Conclusion A three-compartment model with a reference region, the centrum semiovale, describes the kinetic behaviour of [C-11]TMSX PET images. A2ARs in the human brain can be visualised as a BP image using [C-11]TMSX PET without arterial blood sampling.
  • Muneyuki Sakata; Yuichi Kimura; Mika Naganawa; Kelichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kunihiro Chihara; Kiichi Ishiwata
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 35 (1) 1 - 8 1053-8119 2007/03 [Refereed]
    The objective of this study was to establish the kinetic analysis for mapping sigma, receptors (cFIRs) in the human brain by positron emission tomography (PET) with [C-11]SA4503. The crlRs are considered to be involved in various neurological and psychiatric diseases. [C-11]SA4503 is a recently developed radioligand with high and selective affinity for cFIRs, and we have first applied it to clinical studies. Nine healthy male subjects each underwent a dynamic 90-min PET scan after injection of [C-11]SA4503. In addition to the baseline measurement, three of the nine subjects underwent a second [C-11] SA4503-PET after partial blockade of sigma IRs by oral administration of haloperidol, a sigma receptor antagonist. Full kinetic analysis using two times nonlinear estimations was applied for fitting a two-tissue three-compartment model to determine the binding potential (BP) and total distribution volume (tDV) of [C-11]SA4503. Graphical analysis with a Logan plot was also applied for estimations of tDV. The regional distribution patterns of BP and tDV in 11 regions were compatible with those of previously reported crlRs in vitro. The reduced binding sites of sigma IRs by haloperidol were appropriately evaluated. The tDVs derived from the two methods matched each other well. The Logan plot offered images of the tDV, which reflected sigma 1R densities, and the tDV in the images decreased after haloperidol loading. Moreover, comparison of BPs calculated with and without metabolite correction for plasma input function indicated that the metabolite correction could be omitted. We concluded that this method enables the quantitative analysis of sigma 1Rs in the human brain. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Eiji Yoshida; Kelshi Kitamura; Yuichi Kimura; Fumihiko Nishikido; Kengo Shibuya; Taiga Yamaya; Hideo Murayama
    In a conventional positron emission tomography (PET) detector, detected events are projected onto a 2D position histogram by an Anger calculation for crystal identification. However, the measured histogram is affected by inter-crystal scatterings (ICS) which occur in the entire detector. Peaks which are projected for each crystal in the histogram are blurred, and this causes ICS mispositioning. A depth-of-interaction (DOI) detector has been developed for the small animal PET scanner jPET-RD. This DOI detector uses 32 x 32 crystals with four layers and a 256-channel multi-anode flat panel photomultiplier tube (FP-PMT) which was developed by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Each crystal element is 1.45 x 1.45 x 4.5 mm(3). The FP-PMT has a large detective area (49 x 49 mm(2)) and a small anode pitch (3.04 mm). Therefore, the FP-PMT can extensively trace the behavior of incident gamma rays in the crystals including ICS event. We, therefore, propose a novel method for ICS estimation using a statistical pattern recognition algorithm based on a support vector machine (SVM). In this study, we applied the SVM for discriminating photoelectric events from ICS events generated from multiple-anode outputs. The SVM was trained by uniform irradiation events generated from a detector simulator using a Monte Carlo calculation. The success rate for ICS event identification is about 78% for non-training data. The SVM can achieve a true subtraction of ICS events from measured events. and it is also useful for random correction in PET. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Ionizing radiation. 応用物理学会放射線分科会 33 (1) 37 - 45 0285-3604 2007 [Refereed]
  • Kiichi Ishiwata; Kenji Oda; Muneyuki Sakata; Yuichi Kimura; Kazunori Kawamura; Keiichi Oda; Toru Sasaki; Mika Naganawa; Kunihiro Chihara; Yoshiro Okubo; Kenji Ishii
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 20 (8) 569 - 573 0914-7187 2006/10 [Refereed]
    We investigated feasibility of positron emission tomography (PET) with [C-11]SA4503 for evaluating the sigma(1) receptor occupancy rate by neuroleptics. Haloperidol, which is well known to bind dopamine D-2-like receptor (D2R) as well as to be a representative non-selective antagonist for sigma I receptor (at R), was selected as a model drug. Three healthy male subjects underwent 60-min [C-11]raclopride-PET and 90-min [C-11]SA4503-PET scans successively at a 120-min interval twice in a day for baseline measurement and on another day for haloperidol-loading measurement 16 hours after peroral administration of 3 mg of halopefidol. Binding potential (BP) of [C-11]raclopfide and [C-11]SA4503 was quantitatively evaluated and the sigma 1R and D2R occupancy rates were determined. D2R occupancy rates by haloperidol were 64% and 62% in the caudate and putamen, respectively, 16 h after the administration, while at R occupancy rates were approximately 80% in all seven regions investigated including the caudate, putamen and cerebellum 18 h after the administration, suggesting that the at R receptor occupancy rate by haloperidol was slightly larger than the D2R receptor occupancy rate. We concluded that [C-11]SA4503-PET can be used for evaluating the sigma lR occupancy rates by neuroleptics or other drugs.
  • Y Kimura; M Naganawa; J Yamaguchi; Y Takabayashi; A Uchiyama; K Oda; K Ishii; K Ishiwata
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 29 (4) 1203 - 1211 1053-8119 2006/02 [Refereed]
    We propose a novel algorithm for voxel-by-voxel compartment model analysis based on a maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm. Voxel-by-voxel compartment model analysis can derive functional images of living tissues, but it suffers from high noise statistics in voxel-based PET data and extended calculation times. We initially set up a feature space of the target radiopharmaceutical composed of a measured plasma time activity curve and a set of compartment model parameters, and measured the noise distribution of the PET data. The dynamic PET data were projected onto the feature space, and then clustered using the Mahalanobis distance. Our method was validated using simulation studies, and compared with ROI-based ordinary kinetic analysis for FDG. The parametric images exhibited an acceptable linear relation with the simulations and the ROI-based results, and the calculation time took about 10 min. We therefore concluded that our proposed MAP-based algorithm is practical. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 加齢傾向検討のためのガウス混合モデルによる脳PET画像の自動セグメンテーション
    増田泰; 木村裕一; 長縄美香; 千原國宏; 大城理
    医用電子と生体工学 44 (1) 207 - 212 2006 [Refereed]
  • M Tashiro; H Mochizuki; Y Sakurada; K Ishii; K Oda; Y Kimura; T Sasaki; K Ishiwata; K Yanai
    Aims The strength of sedation due to antihistamines can be evaluated by using positron emission tomography (PET). The purpose of the present study is to measure histamine H-1 receptor (H1R) occupancy due to olopatadine, a new second-generation antihistamine and to compare it with that of ketotifen. Methods Eight healthy males (mean age 23.5 years-old) were studied following single oral administration of olopatadine 5 mg or ketotifen 1 mg using PET with C-11-doxepin in a placebo-controlled crossover study design. Binding potential ratio and H1R occupancy were calculated and were compared between olopatadine and ketotifen in the medial prefrontal (MPFC), dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC), anterior cingulate (ACC), insular (IC), temporal (TC), parietal (PC), occipital cortices (OC). Plasma drug concentration was measured, and correlation of AUC to H1R occupancy was examined. Results H1R occupancy after olopatadine treatment was significantly lower than that after ketotifen treatment in the all cortical regions (P < 0.001). Mean H1R occupancies for olopatadine and ketotifen were, respectively: MPFC, 16.7 vs. 77.7; DLPFC, 14.1 vs. 85.9; ACC, 14.7 vs. 76.1; IC, 12.8 vs. 69.7; TC, 12.5 vs. 66.5; PC, 13.9 vs. 65.8; and OC, 19.5 vs. 60.6. Overall cortical mean H1R occupancy of olopatadine and ketotifen were 15% and 72%, respectively. H1R occupancy of both drugs correlated well with their respective drug plasma concentrations (P < 0.001). Conclusion It is suggested that 5 mg oral olopatadine, with its low H1R occupancy and thus minimal sedation, could safely be used an antiallergic treatment for various allergic disorders.
  • M Mizuno; Y Kimura; K Tokizawa; K Ishii; K Oda; T Sasaki; Y Nakamura; Muraoka, I; K Ishiwata
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 32 (8) 831 - 836 0969-8051 2005/11 [Refereed]
    We examined the densities of adenosine A(2A) receptors in cardiac and skeletal muscles between untrained and endurance-trained subjects using positron emission tomography (PET) and [7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([C-11]TMSX), a newly developed radioligand for mapping adenosine A(2A) receptors. Five untrained and five endurance-trained subjects participated in this study. The density of adenosine A(2A) receptors was evaluated as the distribution volume of [C-11]TMSX in cardiac and triceps brachii muscles in the resting state using PET. The distribution volume of [C-11]TMSX in the myocardium was significantly greater than in the triceps brachii muscle in both groups. Further, distribution volumes [C-11]TMSX in the trained subjects were significantly grater than those in untrained subjects (myocardium, 3.6 +/- 0.3 vs. 3.1 +/- 0.4 ml g(-1); triceps brachii muscle, 1.7 +/- 0.3 vs. 1.2 +/- 0.2 ml g(-1), respectively). These results indicate that the densities of adenosine A(2A) receptors in the cardiac and skeletal muscles are greater in the endurance-trained men than in the untrained men. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • A Suzuki; M Tashiro; Y Kimura; H Mochizuki; K Ishii; H Watabe; K Yanai; K Ishiwata; K Ishii
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SPRINGER 19 (6) 425 - 433 0914-7187 2005/09 [Refereed]
    The aim of the present study is to evaluate the validity of the simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) and of Logan graphical analysis with reference tissue (LGAR) for quantification of histamine H-1 receptors (H1Rs) by using positron emission tomography (PET) with [C-11]doxepin. These model-based analytic methods (SRTM and LGAR) are compared to Logan graphical analysis (LGA) and to the one-tissue model (1TM), using complete datasets obtained from 5 healthy volunteers. Since H1R concentration in the cerebellum can be regarded as negligibly small, the cerebellum was selected as the reference tissue in the present study. The comparison of binding potential (BP) values estimated by LGAR and 1TM showed good agreement; on the other hand, SRTM turned out to be unstable concerning parameter estimation in several regions of the brain. By including the results of noise analysis, LGAR became a reliable method for parameter estimation of [C-11]doxepin data in the cortical regions.
  • M Mishina; K Ishiwata; K Ishii; S Kitamura; Y Kimura; K Kawamura; K Oda; T Sasaki; O Sakayori; M Hamamoto; S Kobayashi; Y Katayama
    ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA BLACKWELL PUBLISHING 112 (2) 103 - 107 0001-6314 2005/08 [Refereed]
    Objective - The objective of this study was to investigate the mapping of sigma(1) receptors in Parkinson's disease (PD) using [C-11]SA4503 and positron emission tomography (PET), and to assess whether sigma1 receptors are involved in the damaged dopaminergic system in PD patients. Materials and methods - We studied seven normal volunteers and six PD patients. The low density of dopamine transporters and the normal or high density of dopamine receptors were confirmed in the putamen of all patients using [C-11]CFT and [C-11] RAC PET. A dynamic series of PET data acquisition was performed with arterial blood sampling. We computed the binding potential (BP) of [C-11]SA4503. Results - In PD patients, the BP was significantly lower on the more affected than the less affected side of the anterior putamen, although there was no significant difference with respect to the BP between patients and controls. Conclusions - Release of dopamine is reduced asymmetrically in the putamen of early PD. [C-11]SA4503 PET is an indicator of presynaptic dopaminergic damage in PD.
  • M Naganawa; Y Kimura; T Nariai; K Ishii; K Oda; Y Manabe; K Chihara; K Ishiwata
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 26 (3) 885 - 890 1053-8119 2005/07 [Refereed]
    We have previously proposed a statistical method for extracting a plasma time-activity curve (pTAC) from dynamic PET images, named EPICA, for kinetic analysis of cerebral glucose metabolism. We assumed that the dynamic PET images consist of a blood-related component and a tissue-related component which are spatially independent in a statistical sense. The aim of this study is to investigate the utility of EPICA in imaging total distribution volume (DVt) and binding potential (BP) with Logan plots in a neuroreceptor mapping study. We applied EPICA to dynamic [C-11]MPDX PET images in 25 subjects, including healthy subjects and patients with brain diseases, and validated the estimated pTACs. [C-11]MPDX is a newly developed radiopharmaceutical for mapping cerebral adenosine A, receptors. EPICA successfully extracted pTAC for all 25 subjects. Parametric images of DVts were estimated by applying Logan plots with the EPICA-estimated pTAC and then used to define a reference region. The BPs estimated using EPICA were evaluated in 18 subjects by ROI-based comparison with those obtained using the nonlinear least squares method (NLSM). The calculated BPs were identical to the estimates using NLSM in each subject. We conclude that EPICA is a promising technique that generates parametric images of DVt and BP in neuroreceptor mapping without requiring arterial blood sampling. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • K Ishiwata; H Tsukada; K Kubota; T Nariai; N Harada; K Kawamura; Y Kimura; K Oda; R Iwata; K Ishii
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 32 (3) 253 - 262 0969-8051 2005/04 [Refereed]
    We performed preclinical and clinical studies of O-[C-11]methyl-L-tyrosine, a potential tracer for imaging amino acid transport Of tumors by positron emission tomography (PET). Examinations of the radiation-absorbed dose by O-[C-11]methyl-L-tyrosine and the acute toxicity and mutagenicity of O-methyl-L-tyrosine showed suitability of the tracer for clinical use. The whole-body imaging of monkeys and healthy humans by PET showed low uptake of O-[C-11]methyl-L-tyrosine in all normal organs except for the urinary track and bladder, suggesting that the O-[C-11]methyl-L-tyrosine PET has the potential for tumor imaging in the whole-body. Finally, the brain tumor imaging was preliminarily demonstrated. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • K Ishiwata; M Mishina; Y Kimura; K Oda; T Sasaki; K Ishii
    SYNAPSE WILEY-LISS 55 (2) 133 - 136 0887-4476 2005/02 [Refereed]
    [C-11]TMSX is a new positron emission tomography (PET) radioligand that provides visualization of adenosine A(2A) receptors (A(2A)Rs) in the brain, heart and skeletal muscle. Here we report on the first visualization of the A(2A)Rs in the human brain by PET and [C-11]TMSX in a male healthy volunteer, compared with the adenosine A, receptors (A(1)Rs) and dopamine D-2 receptors (D(2)Rs) which were measured by PET with [C-11]MPDX and [C-11]raclopride, respectively. The distribution volume (DV) of [C-11]TMSX in the baseline was relatively high in the head of caudate nucleus, putamen, and thalamus and relatively low in the cortical regions. Infusion of theophylline, a nonselective A(2A)R antagonist (K for A(2A)Rs = 16000 nM for theophylline vs 5.9 nM for TMSX), slightly reduced the DVs in the head of caudate nucleus (8.0% reduction) and putamen (4.5% reduction), but not in the other regions having much lower levels of A(2A)Rs, demonstrating the A(2A)R-specific binding of [C-11]TMSX. On the other hand, the A(1)Rs were widely distributed in the whole brain except for the cerebellum, while the binding potential of [C-11]raclopride was predominantly high in the striatum. We concluded that [C-11]TMSX is an applicable PET ligand for mapping the A(2A)Rs in the caudate nucleus and putamen in clinical studies because of no availability of other radioligands until now. The [C-11]TMSX PET is of great interest for studying the pathophysiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders together with the [C-11]raclopride PET for D(2)Rs evaluation and/or the [C-11]MPDX PET for A(1)Rs evaluation. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • M Naganawa; Y Kimura; K Ishii; K Oda; K Ishiwata; A Matani
    A compartment model has been used for kinetic analysis of dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) data [e.g., 2-deoxy-2-F-18-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG)]. The input function of the model [the plasma time-activity curve (pTAC)] was obtained by serial arterial blood sampling. It is of clinical interest to develop a method for PET studies that estimates the pTAC without needing serial arterial blood sampling. For this purpose, we propose a new method to extract the pTAC from the dynamic brain PET images using a modified independent component analysis [extraction of the pTAC using independent component analysis (EPICA). Source codes of EPICA are freely available at]. EPICA performs the appropriate preprocessing and independent component analysis (ICA) using an objective function that takes the various properties of the pTAC into account. After validation of EPICA by computer simulation, EPICA was applied to human brain FDG-PET studies. The results imply that the EPICA-estimated pTAC was similar to the actual measured pTAC, and that the estimated blood volume image was highly correlated with the blood volume image measured using O-15-CO inhalation. These results demonstrated that EPICA is useful for extracting the pTAC from dynamic PET images without the necessity of serial arterial blood sampling.
  • M Naganawa; Y Kimura; K Ishii; K Oda; K Ishiwata; A Matani
    A compartment model has been used for kinetic analysis of dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) data [e.g., 2-deoxy-2-F-18-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG)]. The input function of the model [the plasma time-activity curve (pTAC)] was obtained by serial arterial blood sampling. It is of clinical interest to develop a method for PET studies that estimates the pTAC without needing serial arterial blood sampling. For this purpose, we propose a new method to extract the pTAC from the dynamic brain PET images using a modified independent component analysis [extraction of the pTAC using independent component analysis (EPICA). Source codes of EPICA are freely available at]. EPICA performs the appropriate preprocessing and independent component analysis (ICA) using an objective function that takes the various properties of the pTAC into account. After validation of EPICA by computer simulation, EPICA was applied to human brain FDG-PET studies. The results imply that the EPICA-estimated pTAC was similar to the actual measured pTAC, and that the estimated blood volume image was highly correlated with the blood volume image measured using O-15-CO inhalation. These results demonstrated that EPICA is useful for extracting the pTAC from dynamic PET images without the necessity of serial arterial blood sampling.
  • M. Naganawa; Y. Kimura; Y. Manabe; K. Chihara
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 7 1120 - 1122 0589-1019 2005 
    Independent component analysis (ICA) is widely used for signal separation in various fields. However, low signal to noise ratio (SNR) of data sometimes causes failures in component estimation. We have proposed a spatial ICA-based method for extracting a blood-related component from medical images measured with positron emission tomography (PET) to omit arterial blood sampling, in which a cost function was designed in consideration of statistical properties of components. In this study, spatial ICA with the proposed cost function or kurtosis, a conventional cost function, was applied to real PET images measured with three kinds of radiopharmaceuticals, and the estimation results were compared. The proposed cost function fails to estimate components from the PET data with low SNR because it is sensitive to outliers. Experimental results suggest that a cost function should be selected depending on SNR of data. © 2005 IEEE.
  • Eiji Yoshida; Yuichi Kimura; Keishi Kitamura; Fumihiko Nishikido; Taiga Yamaya; Hideo Murayama
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 3 1800 - 1803 1095-7863 2005 [Refereed]
    In PET, the incident angle of gamma rays is estimated from coincidence information, but coincidence events are contaminated with random and scatter components. The mean contribution to the image from these components can be measured or estimated, but the noise resulting from the statistical variations in the detected events still remains and decreases noise equivalent count rates (NECR). Theoretically, incident angle to detectors or other related information can be used to discriminate random and scatter events from true events for increasing the NECR. This information can be delineated from spatial distributions of deposited energies on multi-anode photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), which arise from inter-crystal scattering and vary with the coincidence event type (true or random/scatter). In this work, a novel method for random and scatter subtraction has been developed using the support vector machine (SVM), a recently developed and widely used statistical pattern recognition scheme. SVM input data are s a pair of spatial distributions of 256 outputs of multi-anode PMTs from coincidence detectors. The SVM is trained by coincidence events generated from a detector simulator using Monte Carlo calculation. True and random coincidence events are simulated and the results show that the proposed method is applicable for event-by-event estimation of random coincidence. © 2005 IEEE.
  • N Fukumitsu; K Ishii; Y Kimura; K Oda; T Sasaki; Y Mori; K Ishiwata
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOC NUCLEAR MEDICINE INC 46 (1) 32 - 37 0161-5505 2005/01 [Refereed]
    Adenosine is an enclogenous modulator of synaptic functions in the central nervous system. To investigate the physiologic and pathologic roles of the adenosine receptors in the human brain, PET is a powerful in vivo technique. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated the distribution of a major subtype A(1) adenosine receptor in the human brain by PET with a newly developed radioligand, 8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-C-11-methyl-3-propylxanthine (C-11-MPDX). Methods: In 5 healthy volunteers, after PET measurement of the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) with O-15-H2O, a 60-min PET scan with C-11-MPDX was performed. The distribution volume (DV) of C-11-MPDX was quantitatively evaluated by Logan's graphical analysis. Results: C-11-MPDX was taken up at a high level, reaching a peak at 2-2.5 min, followed by a rapid decrease. The unchanged form of C-11-MPDX in plasma was 75% at 60 min after injection. The DV of C-11-MPDX was large in the striaturn and thalamus, moderate in the cerebral cortices and pons, and small in the cerebellum. The distribution pattern of C-11-MPDX in the brain was coincident with that of adenosine A(1) receptors in vitro, reported previously, but discretely different from that of rCBF. Conclusion: C-11-MPDX PET has the potential for mapping adenosine A(1) receptors in the human brain.
  • H Mochizuki; Y Kimura; K Ishii; K Oda; T Sasaki; M Tashiro; K Yanai; K Ishiwata
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 31 (8) 1005 - 1011 0969-8051 2004/11 [Refereed]
    The aim of this study was to develop simplified positron emission tomography measurement using [C-11]doxepin ([C-11]DOX) to evaluate histamine H-1 receptors (H1Rs) in human brains. We evaluated the correlation between the distribution volume (DV) of [C-11]DOX, estimated quantitatively with a two-compartment model, and the [C-11]DOX uptake obtained at various time intervals and normalized using the metabolite-corrected plasma radioactivity. We found that the static 70- to 90-min images normalized using the plasma radioactivity at 10 min postinjection reflected the DV of [C-11]DOX-H1R binding. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Y Kimura; K Ishii; N Fukumitsu; K Oda; T Sasakia; K Kawamura; K Ishiwata
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 31 (8) 975 - 981 0969-8051 2004/11 [Refereed]
    Fully quantitative analysis of the adenosine A(1) receptor (A1R) in the brain with C-11-MPDX and positron emission tomography is reported. The kinetics is described using a two-tissue three-compartment model, and estimated binding potentials correspond well with the estimates made by Logan plot. The image of the binding potential of the MPDX is physiologically reasonable. We conclude that MPDX is applicable to the visualization of the A1Rs in the brain with Logan plot. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • K Ishiwata; M Mizuno; Y Kimura; K Kawamura; K Oda; T Sasaki; Y Nakamura; Muraoka, I; K Ishii
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 31 (7) 949 - 956 0969-8051 2004/10 [Refereed]
    We examined the potential of [7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([C-11]TMSX) for the assessment of adenosine A(2A) receptors in muscle. In rodents, specific binding of [C-11]TMSX was observed in muscle and heart by blockade with A(2A)-selective CSC and non-selective theophylline, but not with A(1)-selective DPCPX. Swimming exercise fluctuated radioligand-receptor binding in these tissues. In a PET study of two subjects, theophylline-infusion slightly deceased the distribution volume of [C-11]TMSX in the heart (20% reduction) and muscle (10% reduction), which suggested the specific binding. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • E Yoshida; Y Kimura; K Kitamura; H Murayama
    A depth of interaction detector is developed for the next generation of positron emission tomography (PET) scanners. The detector unit consists of 8 x 8 crystal blocks with four layers of 2 x 2 Gd2SiO5:Ce arrays coupled to a 52 mm square position sensitive photomultiplier tube (PS-PMT). Each scintillation event is mapped in a two-dimensional (2-D) position histogram through the relative ratio of the output signals of the PS-PMT. To facilitate high spatial resolution imaging, accurate crystal identification is needed. A statistical model based on the approach-of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is introduced for crystal identification. In the GMM, a cluster center and range attributed to individual peaks in the 2-D position histogram are defined. GMM can simultaneously estimate overlapping regions projected each crystal element. After block separation of 8 x 8 on the 2-D distribution, the crystal element regions are identified by the GMM in each block. The GMM method is applied two times, once for the cluster centers and once for determination of the range. These results are used to generate a look-up-table (LUT). This method successfully identified all crystal elements in the clustering area. By Monte Carlo simulation, we also proved that GMM method could choose LUT patterns to high resolution or high sensitivity with one parameter.
  • K Ishiwata; K Kawamura; WF Wang; H Tsukada; N Harada; H Mochizuki; Y Kimura; K Ishii; R Iwata; K Yanai
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 31 (4) 493 - 502 0969-8051 2004/05 [Refereed]
    The specific binding of [C-11]doxepin, which has been used as a radioligand for mapping histamine H-1 receptors in human brain by positron emission tomography, was evaluated in five animal species. In mice the [C-11]doxepin uptake was reduced by treatment with cold doxepin and two H-1 receptor antagonists, but not with H-2/H-3 antagonists. The specific binding evaluated with treatment with (+)-chlorpheniramine (H-1 antagonist) was in the range of 10-30% in mouse, rat, rabbit, and monkey, but was not detected in guinea pig. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • PH Elsinga; H Tsukada; N Harada; T Kakiuchi; K Kawamura; W Vaalburg; Y Kimura; T Kobayashi; K Ishiwata
    SYNAPSE WILEY-LISS 52 (1) 29 - 37 0887-4476 2004/04 [Refereed]
    PET-imaging of the sigma receptors is very helpful to understand processes, e.g., several central nervous system (CNS)-diseases in which the sigma receptors are involved. The [F-18]fluoroethylated analogs of SA4503 and SA5845 ([F-18]FE-SA4503 and [F-18]FE-SA5845) were evaluated in conscious monkeys to estimate its suitability for human application for PET. Conscious monkeys (Macaca Mulatta) were either scanned with [F-18]FE-SA4503 or [F-18]FE-SA5845 (n = 3 for both groups, 220 - 802 MBq). After a dynamic study of 120 min, radioactivity was displaced by intravenous (i.v.) injection of haloperidol (1 mg/kg). One month later the same set of three monkeys were scanned with [F-18]FE-SA4503 for 120 min and "cold" SA4503 (1 mg/kg) was infused to displace the radioactivity, and the other three monkeys were pretreated with haloperidol (1 mg/kg) before the 120-min PET-scan with [F-18]FE-SA5845. Cortical areas (cingulate, frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal), striatum, and thalamus showed high radioactivity uptake. Infusion of haloperidol displaced the radioactivity levels of the two radioligands. The same effect was found for [18F]FE-SA4503 after SA4503 displacement. Pretreatment with haloperidol blocked the [F-18]FE-SA5845 binding to give PET-images with low and uniform uptake in the brain. The findings demonstrated the reversible binding of the two radioligands. Metabolite analysis showed that 14% and 23% parent compound of [F-18]FE-SA5845 and [F-18]FE-SA4503, respectively, at 120 min postinjection was present in plasma. Kinetic analysis showed that the binding potential of [F-18]FE-SA5845 was higher in all brain regions than that of [F-18]FE-SA4503 (4.75-8.79 vs. 1.65-4.04). The highest binding potential was found in the hippocampus, followed by the cortical regions, thalamus, cerebellar hemisphere, striatum and vermis. Both [F-18]FE-SA compounds bound specifically to cerebral sigma receptors of the monkey and have potential for mapping sigma receptors in the human brain. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • H Mochizuki; Y Kimura; K Ishii; K Oda; T Sasaki; M Tashiro; K Yanai; K Ishiwata
    NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 31 (2) 165 - 171 0969-8051 2004/02 [Refereed]
    The aim of this stud), is to establish a method for quantitative measurement of histamine H-1 receptor (H1R) in human brain by PET and ([C-11]doxepin ([C-11]DOX). The estimated parameters with a two-compartment model were stable for the initial values for parameter estimation but those with a three-compartment model were not. This finding suggests that the HIR measured by the [C-11]DOX and PET can be evaluated with a two-compartment model. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • M Mizuno; Y Kimura; T Iwakawa; K Oda; K Ishii; K Ishiwata; Y Nakamura; Muraoka, I
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC 95 (6) 2204 - 2210 8750-7587 2003/12 [Refereed]
    This investigation evaluated regional differences in blood flow and oxygen consumption and their relationship in exercised muscle during recovery from exhaustive exercise. Five healthy men performed exhaustive one-legged cycling exercise. Positron emission tomography was used to measure blood flow, oxygen uptake, and oxygen extraction in the quadriceps femoris muscle before and after exercise. Regions of interest included five areas of the muscle (two proximal, one central, and two distal), which were evenly spaced across the muscle. Before exercise, blood flow and oxygen consumption decreased Significantly (P < 0.05) in the direction from the proximal to the distal portions; blood flow declined from 2.0 +/- 0.5 to 1.4 +/- 0.3 ml center dot 100 g(-1) center dot min(-1), and oxygen consumption decreased from 0.21 +/- 0.04 to 0.17 +/- 0.02 ml center dot 100 g(-1) center dot min(-1). In contrast, these gradients in blood flow and oxygen consumption diminished during recovery after exercise. Consequently, there was a positive relationship between changes in blood flow and oxygen consumption in an exercised muscle during recovery after exercise (r = 0.963, P < 0.01). These changes became larger in the direction from proximal to distal portions: blood flow increased from 2.9 +/- 0.7 to 3.9 +/- 0.8 and oxygen consumption from 1.4 +/- 0.1 to 1.8 +/- 0.4 times resting values. These results suggest that hemodynamic variables are heterogeneous within a muscle both at rest and during recovery from exercise and that there is a systematic difference in these variables in the direction from proximal to distal regions within the quadriceps femoris muscle.
  • M Mizuno; Y Kimura; T Iwakawa; K Oda; K Ishii; K Ishiwata; Y Nakamura; Muraoka, I
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY CENTER ACADEMIC PUBL JAPAN 53 (6) 467 - 470 0021-521X 2003/12 [Refereed]
    We examined regional differences in blood volume and transit time along the length of a resting skeletal muscle by positron emission tomography. In contrast, blood volume didn't change. The blood transit time increased significantly from proximal to distal portions, suggesting that blood flow velocity slows even though there are no changes in blood volume.
  • M Mizuno; Y Kimura; T Iwakawa; K Oda; K Ishii; K Ishiwata; Y Nakamura; Muraoka, I
    We examined regional differences in blood volume and transit time along the length of a resting skeletal muscle by positron emission tomography. In contrast, blood volume didn't change. The blood transit time increased significantly from proximal to distal portions, suggesting that blood flow velocity slows even though there are no changes in blood volume.
  • K Kawamura; Y Kimura; H Tsukada; T Kobayashi; S Nishiyama; T Kakiuchi; H Ohba; N Harada; K Matsuno; K Ishii; K Ishiwata
    NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 24 (5) 745 - 752 0197-4580 2003/09 [Refereed]
    We evaluated in vivo the effect of aging on the sigma, receptors in the monkey brain by the quantitative analysis of the binding of [C-11]SA4503 to sigma, receptors with positron emission tomography. Based on a three-compartment model, the influx rate constant K-1 of [C-11]SA4503 from plasma to brain across the blood-brain barrier in all 10 regions investigated became smaller in the aged monkeys (20-28 years old, n = 5) than in the young adult monkeys (4-8 years old, it = 5), but the reduction was not significant due to the individual differences. On the other hand, the binding potential, which was calculated as the ratio of the association rate constant k(3) to the dissociation rate constant k(4) for the binding of [C-11]SA4503 to sigma, receptors in the brain, significantly increased in nine of the brain regions of the aged monkeys to the 160-210% levels of the young monkeys. We concluded that the sigma, receptor binding sites increased in the aging process of the monkey brain. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
  • K Ishiwata; K Kawamura; Y Kimura; K Oda; K Ishii
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 17 (6) 457 - 462 0914-7187 2003/09 [Refereed]
    In previous in vivo studies with mice, rats, cats and monkeys, we have demonstrated that [7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine ([C-11]TMSX) is a potential radioligand for mapping adenosine A(2A) receptors of the brain by positron emission tomography (PET). In the present study, we studied the potential of [C-11]TMSX for myocardial imaging. Uptake of radioactivity by the heart was high and gradually decreased after an intravenous injection of [C-11]TMSX into mice. In metabolite analysis, 54% and 76% of the radioactivity in plasma and heart, respectively, were present as the unchanged form of [C-11]TMSX 60 min postinjection. The myocardial uptake was reduced by carrier-loading and by co-injection of an adenosine A(2A) antagonist CSC, but not by co-injection of an adenosine A(1) antagonist DPCPX. Pretreatment with a high dose of a non-selective antagonist theophylline also reduced the myocardial uptake of [C-11]TMSX. These findings demonstrate the specific binding of [C-11]TMSX to adenosine A(2A) receptors in the heart. Finally we successfully performed the myocardial imaging by PET with [C-11]TMSX in a normal volunteer. A graphical analysis by Logan plot supported the receptor-mediated uptake of [C-11]TMSX. Peripherally [C-11]TMSX was very stable in human: >90% of the radioactivity in plasma was detected as the unchanged form in a 60-min study. We concluded that [C-11]TMSX PET has the potential for myocardial imaging.
  • N Fukumitsu; K Ishii; Y Kimura; K Oda; T Sasaki; Y Mori; K Ishiwata
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 17 (6) 511 - 515 0914-7187 2003/09 [Refereed]
    We report the first clinical PET study using [1-methyl-C-11]8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-methyl-3-propylxanthine ([C-11]MPDX) for imaging adenosine A(1) receptors in the human brain. The binding of [C-11]MPDX evaluated quantitatively as the distribution volume by a graphical analysis was high in the striatum and thalamus, and low in the cerebellum. The distribution pattern of [C-11]MPDX was coincident with that of adenosine A(1) receptors in vitro reported previously, and was different from those of blood flow and [F-18]FDG. The [C-11]MPDX PET has the potential for mapping adenosine A(1) receptors in the human brain.
  • M Mishina; M Senda; M Kiyosawa; K Ishiwata; AG De Volder; H Nakano; H Toyama; K Oda; Y Kimura; K Ishii; T Sasaki; M Ohyama; Y Komaba; S Kobayashi; S Kitamura; Y Katayama
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 19 (1) 125 - 131 1053-8119 2003/05 [Refereed]
    Before the completion of visual development, visual deprivation impairs synaptic elimination in the visual cortex. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the distribution of central benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) is also altered in the visual cortex in subjects with early-onset blindness. Positron emission tomography was carried out with [O-15]water and [C-11]flumazenil on six blind subjects and seven sighted controls at rest. We found that the CBF was significantly higher in the visual cortex for the early-onset blind subjects than for the sighted control subjects. However, there was no significant difference in the BZR distribution in the visual cortex for the subject with early-onset blindness than for the sighted control subjects. These results demonstrated that early visual deprivation does not affect the distribution of GABA(A) receptors in the visual cortex with the sensitivity of our measurements. Synaptic elimination may be independent of visual experience in the GABAergic system of the human visual cortex during visual development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
  • K Ishiwata; WF Wang; Y Kimura; K Kawamura; K Ishii
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 17 (3) 205 - 211 0914-7187 2003/05 [Refereed]
    In previous in vivo studies with mice, rats and monkeys, we have demonstrated that [C-11]TMSX ([7-methyl-C-11]-(E)-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxystyryl)-1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a potential radioligand for mapping adenosine A(2A) receptors of the brain by positron emission tomography (PET). In the present study, we performed a preclinical study. A suitable preparation method for [C-11]TMSX injection was established. The radiation absorbed-dose by [C-11]TMSX in humans estimated from the tissue distribution in mice was low enough for clinical use, and the acute toxicity and mutagenicity of TMSX were not found. The striatal uptake of [C-11]TMSX in mice was reduced by pretreatment with,theophylline at the dose of 10 and 100 mg/kg, suggesting that the [C-11]TMSX PET should be carefully performed in the patients received with theophylline. We have concluded that [C-11]TMSX is-suitable for mapping adenosine A(2A) receptors in the human brain by PET.
  • Calibration procedure for a DOI detector of high resolution PET through mixture Gaussian model
    Eiji Yoshida; Yuichi Kimura; Keishi Kitamura; Hideo Murayama
    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 4 2491 - 2495 1095-7863 2003 
    A depth of interaction (DOI) detector is developed for the next generation of PET scanners. The detector unit consists of 8×8 crystal blocks with 4 layers of 2×2 Gd2SiO5:Ce (GSO) arrays coupled to a 52 mm square position sensitive photomultiplier tube (PS-PMT). Each scintillation event is mapped in a two-dimensional (2D) distribution through the relative ratio of the output signals of the PS-PMT. To facilitate high spatial resolution imaging, accurate crystal identification is needed. A statistical model based on the approach of a mixture Gaussian model (MGM) is introduced for crystal identification. In the MGM, a cluster center and range attributed to individual peaks in the 2D distribution are defined. The MGM method is applied two times, once for the cluster centers and once for determination of the range. These results are used to generate a Look-Up-Table (LUT). This method successfully identifies 288 crystal elements composing 36 crystal blocks.
  • Functional Image on Glucose Metabolism in Brain using Pet with Short Time Scan
    Yuichi Kimura; Yuki Takabayashi; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 1 967 - 970 0589-1019 2003 
    Dynamic scan in PET has powerful capability to visualize various functionalities in a living tissue. But a dynamic scan requires long scan duration, and it is not practical for routine use. In this study, a shortened scan protocol is investigated in case of imaging of glucose metabolism in brain using 18F-FDG. In ordinary protocol of dynamic PET scan, more than 45 minutes is required. It is found that the first 30 minutes after FDG injection is enough to form a parametric image on glucose metabolism if a statistical clustering algorithm is incorporate to composed the parametric images.
  • Parkinson 病の線条体における節前・節後dopamine 機能の相関的解析, --- A Novel Voxel Based Analysis ---
    鈴木正彦; 井上聖啓; 北村伸; 三品雅洋; 三谷和子; 山之内博; 織田圭一; 木村裕一; 石渡喜一; 石井賢二
    CI学会誌 25 (4) 237 - 244 2003 [Refereed]
  • Regional difference in blood flow and oxygen consumption in exercise muscle and their relationship during recovery fron exhausive exercise
    J Appl Physiolo 95, 2204-2210 2003
  • Masaki Mizuno; Yuichi Kimura; Takashi Iwakawa; Keiichi Oda; Kenji Ishii; Kiichi Ishiwata; Yoshio Nakamura; Isao Muraoka
    J. of. Appl Physiol 53 467 - 470 2003
  • Oda K; Ishii K; Kimura Y; Ishiwata K
    Nihon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai zasshi 58 (12) 1573 - 1578 0369-4305 2002/12 [Refereed]
    [ (11)C]CFT and[ (11)C]raclopride images obtained by positron emission tomography (PET) are used to evaluate pre-synaptic dopamine transporter availability and post-synaptic dopamine D(2) receptor binding, respectively. A combined study with these tracers is useful for the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. We generated three-dimensional (3D) animations of striatum PET images for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Brain images of a normal subject and a typical Parkinson's disease patient with[ (11)C]CFT and[ (11)C]raclopride were obtained using a PET camera. Three-dimensional animations were generated from serial maximum intensity projection (MIP) images created by gradually changing the projection angle. Furthermore, the striatum images extracted from brain data were superimposed over a brain surface magnetic resonance (MR) image that was created by the volume-rendering method, and 3D animations were similarly generated. The present 3D animations were clinically useful for the differential diagnosis of brain diseases, because we were able to observe distributions of[ (11)C]CFT and[ (11)C]raclopride from any angle and to grasp at a glance the regional differences of distributions in reference to anatomical landmarks.
  • K Ishiwata; T Nariai; Y Kimura; K Oda; K Kawamura; K Ishii; M Senda; S Wakabayashi; J Shimada
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 16 (6) 377 - 382 0914-7187 2002/09 [Refereed]
    In previous in vivo studies with mice, rats and cats, we have demonstrated that [C-11]MPDX ([1-methyl- C-11]8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-methyl-3-propylxanthine) is a potential radioligand for mapping adenosine A(1) receptors of the brain by positron emission tomography (PET). In the present study, we performed a preclinical study. The radiation absorbed-dose by [C-11]MPDX in humans estimated from the tissue distribution in mice was low enough for clinical use, and the acute toxicity and mutagenicity of MPDX were not found. The monkey brain was clearly visualized by PET with [C-11]MPDX. We have concluded that [C-11]MPDX is suitable for mapping adenosine A(1) receptors in the human brain by PET.
  • Y Kimura; M Senda; NM Alpert
    PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY IOP PUBLISHING LTD 47 (3) 455 - 468 0031-9155 2002/02 [Refereed]
    Formation of parametric images requires voxel-by-voxel estimation of fate constants, a process sensitive to noise and computationally demanding. A model-based clustering method for a two-parameter model (CAKS) was extended to the FDG three-parameter model. The concept was to average voxels with similar kinetic signatures to reduce noise. Voxel kinetics were categorized by the first two principal components of the tissue time-activity curves for all voxels. k(2) and k(3) were estimated cluster-by-cluster, and K-1 was estimated voxel-by-voxel within clusters. When CAKS was applied to simulated images with noise levels similar to brain FDG scans, estimation bias was well suppressed, and estimation errors were substantially smaller-1.3 times for K-i and 1.5 times for k(3)-than those of conventional voxel-based estimation. The statistical reliability of voxel-level estimation by CAKS was comparable with ROI analysis including 100 voxels. CAKS was applied to clinical cases with Alzheimer's disease (ALZ) and cortico basal degeneration (CBD). In ALZ, the affected regions had low K-i(K(1)k(3)/(k(2) + k(3))) and k(3). In CBD, K-i was low, but k(3) was preserved. These results were consistent with ROI-based kinetic analysis. Because CAKS decreased (lie number of invoked estimations, the calculation time was reduced substantially. In conclusion, CAKS has been extended to allow parametric imaging of a three-compartment model. The method is computationally efficient, with low bias and excellent noise properties.
  • Imaging glucose metabolism of brain using PET with clustering analysis for kinetics
    Yasuhiro Noshi; Yuichi Kimura; Kenji Ishii; Akihiko Uchiyama; Keiichi Oda; Keishi Kitamura; Kiichi Ishiwata
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 2 951 - 952 0589-1019 2002 
    The aim of this study is to visualize glucose metabolism in a brain using PET dynamic data and the proposed clustering analysis (CAKS). PET can give glucose metabolism using 18F-FDG. Voxel-based analysis is not practical because of bad noisy property in voxel-based PET data and a large number of voxels. In CAKS, PET data are clustered to improve reliability in estimation and calculation speed. In CAKS voxels whose concentration history in tissue time activity are similar are gathered before parameter estimation using a statistical clustering algorithm based on mixture Gaussian model, then averaged time course is used for parameter estimation. As results, physiologically acceptable images on glucose metabolism were obtained in ten minutes.
  • Statistical model-based scatter correction for 3D PET
    Yoshiaki Chiba; Yuichi Kimura; Keishi Kitamura; Keiichi Oda; Akihiko Uchiyama; Kiichi Ishiwata
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 2 965 - 966 0589-1019 2002 
    The aim of this study is to propose a scatter correction method based on a statistical model of mixture Gaussian Model (MGM) that has robust capability for information extraction and can make smaller in size of PET data stored. Clustering algorithm based on MGM is applied to extract scatter component. MGM assumed that measured data are sum of unknown components that statistical characteristic is Gaussian. MGM was applied to three different implementations of one-, two-, and three-dimensional projection data. Good extraction performance and reduction of the amount of data are archived.
  • 線条体ドーパミン機能PET画像の三次元表示
    織田圭一; 石井賢二; 木村裕一; 石渡喜一
    日本放射線技術学会誌 58 (12) 1573 - 1578 2002 [Refereed]
  • H Mori; K Momose; N Nemoto; F Okuyama; Y Kimura; M Kiyosawa; M Mochizuki
    Purpose: To determine whether the temporal frequency characteristics of the visual system as determined by visually evoked potentials (VEP) can be used for a preoperative estimation of the visual function in eyes with cataracts. Methods: Light stimuli driven by a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) of 40950 ms duration were presented and EEG recordings were made from 13 control and 20 patients with cataracts preoperatively and 1 week after cataract operation. The first kernel of the PRBS-VEP was obtained as the first-order cross-correlation function between PRBS and PRBS-VER The Fourier transform of this function was used as the temporal frequency characteristic (TFC). Results: The mean +/- standard deviation of the latency and amplitude of the VEP in normal controls were 110.8 +/- 4.3 ms and 2.01 +/- 0.67 muV, respectively. A high correlation (r > 0.7) between the pre- and postoperative VEP waveform was obtained in 13 eyes (65%), and 14 eyes (70%) in the VEP-TFC curves. The sensitivity of the examination was 73%, 27%, and 91% for the latency, amplitude and TFC of the VEP, respectively. The specificity of the examination was 67%, 100%, and 89% for the same measures. Eleven of 12 eyes with abnormal TFC preoperatively showed retinal or optic nerve lesions postoperatively. False-negative results were seen in cases with delayed corneal edema. Conclusion: Postoperative visual function of patients with cataracts can be predicted by preoperative measurement of the TFC obtained by PRBS-VEP.
  • K Oda; H Toyama; K Uemura; Y Ikoma; Y Kimura; M Senda
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 15 (5) 417 - 423 0914-7187 2001/10 [Refereed]
    An ordered subsets expectation maximization (OS-EM) algorithm is used for image reconstruction to suppress image noise and to make non-negative value images. We have applied OS-EM to a digital brain phantom and to human brain F-18-FDG PET kinetic studies to generate parametric images. A 45 min dynamic scan was performed starting injection of FDG with a 2D PET scanner. The images were reconstructed with OS-EM (6 iterations, 16 subsets) and with filtered backprojection (FBP), and K1, k2 and k3 images were created by the Marquardt non-linear least squares method based on the 3-parameter kinetic model. Although the OS-EM activity images correlated fairly well with those obtained by FBP, the pixel correlations were poor for the k2 and k3 parametric images, but the plots were scattered along the line of identity and the mean values for K1, k2 and k3 obtained by OS-EM were almost equal to those by FBP. The kinetic fitting error for OS-EM was no smaller than that for FBP. The results suggest that OS-EM is not necessarily superior to FBP for creating, parametric images.
  • AG De Volder; H Toyama; Y Kimura; M Kiyosawa; H Nakano; A Vanlierde; MC Wanet-Defalque; M Mishina; K Oda; K Ishiwata; M Senda
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC 14 (1) 129 - 139 1053-8119 2001/07 [Refereed]
    Previous neuroimaging studies identified a large network of cortical areas involved in visual imagery in the human brain, which includes occipitotemporal and visual associative areas. Here we test whether the same processes can be elicited by tactile and auditory experiences in subjects who became blind early in life. Using positron emission tomography, regional cerebral blood flow was assessed in six right-handed early blind and six age-matched control volunteers during three conditions: resting state, passive listening to noise sounds, and mental imagery task (imagery of object shape) triggered by the sound of familiar objects. Activation foci were found in occipitotemporal and visual association areas, particularly in the left fusiform gyrus (Brodmann areas 19-37), during mental imagery of shape by both groups. Since shape imagery by early blind subjects does involve similar visual structures as controls at an adult age, it indicates their developmental crossmodal reorganization to allow perceptual representation in the absence of vision. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
  • K Ishiwata; H Tsukada; K Kawamura; Y Kimura; S Nishiyama; T Kobayashi; K Matsuno; M Senda
    SYNAPSE WILEY-LISS 40 (3) 235 - 237 0887-4476 2001/06 [Refereed]
  • Extraction of vessel-related information from PET images without continuous blood sampling using modified independent component analysis
    M. Naganawa; A. Matani; Y. Kimura
    Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University 3 2744 - 2747 0454-9244 2001 
    Quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) analysis with a compartment model requires a plasma time-activity curve (pTAC). In the analysis, continuous blood sampling via an inserted catheter in the brachial artery is widely used to obtain pTAC. However, this continuous blood sampling encounters some difficulties. Therefore, it is of clinical interest to develop a method that does not involve continuous blood sampling. We proposed a method for extracting pTAC from dynamic PET image sequences using a modified independent component analysis (ICA). To improve the mismatch between properties of the dynamic PET image structure and assumptions of ICA, two preprocessings were proposed: (1) appending negative images and (2) standardization. This proposed method was applied to simulated data and clinical data for evaluation. The extracted pTAC obtained using the proposed method was nonnegative and the distribution of the pTAC image was similar to that of blood volume data. In contrast, the extracted pTAC obtained by conventional ICA included negative values. It was concluded that the proposed method is useful for extracting pTAC.
    Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology Japanese Society of Radiological Technology 57 (7) 803 - 805 0369-4305 2001
  • K Kawamura; K Ishiwata; Y Shimada; Y Kimura; T Kobayashi; K Matsuno; Y Homma; M Senda
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 14 (4) 285 - 292 0914-7187 2000/08 [Refereed]
    Our previous in vivo study with rats has demonstrated that C-11-labeled 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(3-phenylpropyl)piperazine ([C-11]SA4503) is a potential radioligand for mapping CNS sigma(1) receptors by positron emission tomography (PET). In the present study, we further characterized this ligand. The radiation absorbed-dose of [C-11]SA4503 in humans estimated with the tissue distribution in mice, was higher in the liver, kidney and pancreas than in other organs studied, but was low enough for clinical use. The brain uptake of [ (11)]SA4503 in mice was reduced to approximately 60-70% by co-injection of carrier SA4S03 and haloperidol, but not by co-injection of any of six ligands for sigma(2) or other receptors, for which SA4503 showed in vitro >100 times weaker affinity than for sigma(1) receptor. In. the cat brain, the uptake in the cortex was higher than that in the cerebellum. The radioactivity in the cortex and cerebellum accumulated for the first 10 min and then gradually decreased until 81.5 min in the baseline measurement, but rapidly decreased in the carrier-loading condition. The receptor-mediated uptake was estimated to be approximately 60-65% of the total radioactivity in. the cortex and cerebellum at 76 min after tracer injection. We have concluded that [C-11]SA4S03 has she potential for mapping sigma(1) receptor by PET.
  • M Mishina; M Senda; Y Kimura; H Toyama; K Ishiwata; M Ohyama; T Nariai; K Ishii; K Oda; T Sasaki; S Kitamura; Y Katayama
    ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE JAPANESE SOCIETY NUCLEAR MEDICINE 14 (3) 193 - 198 0914-7187 2000/06 [Refereed]
    Accumulation of [C-11]flumazenil (FMZ) reflects central nervous system benzodiazepine receptor (BZR). We searched for the optimal time for a static PET scan with FMZ as semi-quantitative imaging of BZR distribution. In 10 normal subjects, a dynamic series of decay-corrected PET scans was performed for 60 minutes, and the arterial blood was sampled during the scan to measure radioactivity and labeled metabolites. We generated 13 kinds of "static scan" images from the dynamic scan in each subject, and analyzed the pixel correlation for these images versus distribution volume (DV) images. We also analyzed the time for the [C-11]FMZ in plasma and tissue to reach the equilibrium. The intra-subject pixel correlation demonstrated that the "static scan" images for the period centering around 30 minutes post-injection had the strongest linear correlation with the DV image. The ratio of radioactivity in the cortex to that in the plasma reached a peak at 40 minutes after injection. Considering the physical decay and patient burden, we conclude that the decay corrected static scan for [C-11]FMZ PET as semi-quantitative imaging of BZR distribution is to be optimally acquired from 20 to 40 minutes after injection.
  • K Uemura; H Toyama; S Baba; Y Kimura; M Senda; A Uchiyama
    We have developed four methods to generate a fractal dimension image and have applied them to the brain MRI. We have adopted four types of scanning methods, "CONVENTIONAL", "OVERLAPPING", "SYMMETRIC" and "FOLDED" to estimate the fractal dimension. The first three methods show almost the same fractal dimension images and their values were between two and three. In the "FOLDED" method, we were able to obtain the images in which the edge of a narrow region including dura and scalp surrounding the brain was selectively enhanced in the T1-weighted MRI, This is found to be a new edge-enhancing filter. We could remove the surrounding structure of the brain by using these filtered images and detect the edge of the brain surface automatically. The brain surface data can be used for various applications such as three-dimensional surface display and registration of inter-modal brain images. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Evaluation of reliability for rate constant estimates in 2-input compartment model for FDOPA kinetic analysis
    Y. Ikoma; H. Toyama; K. Uemura; Y. Kimura; M. Senda; A. Uchiyama
    NeuroImage 11 (6) S40  1053-8119 2000
  • Kouji Uemura; Hinako Toyama; Shigeyuki Baba; Yuichi Kimura; Michio Senda; Akihiko Uchiyama
    Comp Med Image Graph 24 (73) 85 - 85 2000 [Refereed]
  • Assesment of Glucose Metabolism in Exercised Muscle with Positron Emission Tomography
    Kazunobu Ohmori; Shin-ya Kuno; Yuichi Kimura; Masaki Mizuno; Yoshio Nakamura; Isao Muraoka; Fukio Ohta; Masahiro Mishina; Hinako Toyama; Michio Senda
    Adv Exerc Sports Physiol 6 (3) 81 - 84 2000 [Refereed]
  • Y Kimura; H Hsu; H Toyama; M Senda; NM Alpert
    NEUROIMAGE ACADEMIC PRESS INC 9 (5) 554 - 561 1053-8119 1999/05 [Refereed]
    Parametric images are formed by analyzing the concentration history of every voxel in PET data sets. Because PET concentration data at the voxel level are rather noisy, noise propagation into the parametric image is often quite noticeable. To address this problem, a model-based clustering method has been developed to generate parametric images. The basic idea of the clustering method is to average over voxels whose concentration histories have the same shape. We applied the method to a two-parameter (K-1, k(2)) compartment model of local cerebral blood flow. The statistic R = integral tC(t) dtl integral C(t) df = integral te(-k2t) x C-a(t) dtl integral e(-k2t) x C-a(t) dt classifies curves in terms of k(2), where C(t) and C,(t) denote the tissue and blood concentration histories, respectively, and x is the convolution operator. Simulation studies of noise propagation in the clustering statistic showed that 30% voxel noise yielded a 2% standard deviation in R. Parametric images of blood flow and partition coefficient were computed for an O-15 study, with and without clustering. Cluster size affected bias, statistical precision, and computation time. With clusters of 400 voxels, the variance of the flow parameter was around 1/50 smaller with clustering, with negligible bias and a computation time of 30 s on a 64-MHz workstation for 15 x 128 x 128 images with MATLAB 5.1. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
  • PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of VEP in glaucoma
    K. Momose; M. Kiyosawa; N. Nemoto; H. Mori; F. Okuyama; Y. Kimura
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings IEEE 1 426  0589-1019 1999 
    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the PRBS-determined temporal frequency characteristics of the VEP are valid and useful in evaluating the properties of the visual system of glaucomatous patients. TFCs of VEP were measured from 15 normal eyes and 31 eyes with primary open angle or low-tension glaucoma. Glaucomatous eyes were divided into 3 groups according to their visual field defect. The mean TFC values at 4-8, 14-20 and 26-30 Hz were statistically different in normal and three glaucoma (ANOVA, P< 0.05). With the progression of glaucoma, part of the TFC values were selectively depressed and later almost all values were depressed significantly. This correlation between the TFCs and the glaucomatous changes indicates that the PRBS-determined TFC is useful for evaluating glaucomatous eyes.
  • Hidetoshi Hoshikawa; Keiichi Tamaki; Hiroshi Fujimoto; Yuichi Kimura; Hirokazu Saito; Yoshiro Satoh; Yoshio Nakamura; Isao Muraoka
    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 48 (5) 547 - 558 0039-906X 1999 [Refereed]
    The purpose of this study was to compare the effect between cyclists and noncyclists of pedal rates on ankle, knee, and hip joint torque during pedaling exercises. Six male cyclists (CY) and seven male noncyclists (NC) pedaled at 40, 60, 90 and 120 rpm with a power output of 200 W. The lower limb was modeled as three rigid segment links constrained to plane motion. Based on the Newton-Euler method, the equation for each segment was constructed and solved on a computer using pedal force, pedal, crank, and lower limb position data to calculate torque at the ankle, knee, and hip joints. The average planter flexor torque decreased with increasing pedal rates in both groups. The average knee extensor torque for CY decreased up to 90 rpm, and then leveled off at 120 rpm. These results were similar to NC. The average knee flexor torque in both groups remained steady over all pedal rates. The average hip extensor torque for CY decreased significantly up to 90 rpm where it showed the lowest value, but increased at 120 rpm. For NC, the average hip extensor torque did not decrease at 90 rpm compared with 60 rpm, and was significantly higher than CY at 120 rpm (CY : 28.1 ± 9.0 Nm, NC : 38.6 ± 6.7 Nm, p < 0.05). The average hip flexsor torque for NC at 120 rpm increased significanly from 90 rpm, and was significantly higher than CY (CY : 11.6 ± 2.9 Nm, NC : 22.6 ± 11.8 Nm, p < 0.05). These results suggest that it would be better for cyclists to select a pedal rate of between 90 to 110 rpm to minimize joint torque, and, as a result, reduce peripheral muscle fatigue.
  • K Momose; M Kiyosawa; N Nemoto; Y Kimura; F Okuyama; M Senda
    PURPOSE. TO investigate whether a rapid and practical determination of the temporal frequency characteristic (TFC) of the visual system can be obtained by using the visually evoked potentials (VEPs) elicited by pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) stimulation. METHODS. VEPs were recorded from eight volunteers. For the conventional steady state VEPs (S-VEP), the eye was stimulated with five stimulus frequencies. To acquire the PRBS-VEPs, the eye was stimulated with a PRBS stimulus for 40 seconds. The TFC for the S-VEP was calculated from the root mean squared amplitude for each frequency using Fourier transform. For the PRBS stimulus, a cross-correlation function between PRBS (x[t]) and PRBS-VEP (y[t]) was calculated to obtain the TFC. RESULTS. The TFCs obtained by the PRBS and S-VEP methods were highly correlated (P < 0.05), and the TFC curves resembled those in the literature. Most important, the data necessary to determine the TFCs using the PRBS stimulus could be obtained in 4 minutes, whereas that for the S-VEP required 60 minutes for the two eyes. CONCLUSIONS. The high correlation between the TFCs obtained by the two methods indicated that the PRBS technique gives a good measure of the TFC of the human visual system. The significantly shorter time required for this method demonstrated that it is a practical method for determining the linear (and nonlinear) property of the visual system and that it may be useful in clinical applications.
  • S Endo; H Toyama; Y Kimura; K Ishii; M Senda; M Kiyosawa; A Uchiyama
    We developed an objective and quantitative method of mapping the human visual field with positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance image (MRI). The regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) images were acquired with H-2(15)}O- PET under visual fixation as well as under visual stimulation with flickering diodes arranged along the ring at 0 degrees, 3 degrees, 7 degrees, 14 degrees, 21 degrees, or 29 degrees from the fixation point, After coregistration of PET and MR images, we extracted the surface of the calcarine cortex from the MR images and unfolded it to a two-dimensional (2-D) elliptic plane, on which the activated PET images were superimposed. Then we transformed the unfolded calcarine cortex into the visual field coordinates using the complex logarithmic function proposed by Schwartz. A large individual variation was observed in the retinotopical organization as well as in the morphology of the calcarine cortex. The formula was valid only within 15 degrees from the center of the visual field. The constant parameter in the formula was estimated to be 1.5. The cortical linear magnification factor was 12.1, 2.8, and 1.6 at 0, 5, and 10 degrees, respectively, The areas of the central 10 degrees and 40 degrees in the visual field correspond to 50% and 81% of the calcarine surface, respectively.
  • Uemura Koji; Toyama Hinako; Kobayashi Akio; Yamada Takamitsu; Kimura Yuichi; Senda Michio; Uchiyama Akihiko
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association 10 43 - 46 1997 
    Fractal dimension images were generated by box-counting method for MRI and PET glucose metabolic images of the brain. An effect of the noise and spatial resolution on the value of fractal dimension was investigated by smoothing the brain images in a normal volunteer and a patient with corticobasal degeneration. In MRIs with high resolution and low noise, mean values of fractal dimension in the region of degenerated cerebral cortex was shown to be lower than those in the normal cerebral cortex and the relation was not changed by ten times smoothing, which is blurring the image and is reducing the noise. Then the low value of the fractal dimension in the lesion shows character of the corticobasal degeneration. In PET images with low resolution and high noise, however, the difference of the fractal dimension, between the normal and the CBD patient, was disappeared by more than 4 times smoothing. This result shows the spatial resolution of the PET images is critical to evaluate the characteristics of the texture by fractal dimension.
  • Mitsuhiro Ogawa; Yuichi Kimura; Toshiyo Tamura; Tatsuo Togawa
    Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering 35 (1) 82 - 89 0021-3292 1997 
    In this paper we describe personal identification method by using ECG signals obtained from the bathtub ECG. Difference of ECG signals between subjects was used as an index of personal identification. The measured ECG was processed by the wavelet transformation to reduce, the input data of neural network. The network was trained by the back propagation learning algorithm. Personal identification was achieved 89% classification rate in 8 subjects who don't have blood relation. And 92% classification rate was achieved in a family which have 5 members. This method is available to make personal identification in bathing monitor.
  • 小川光洋; 木村裕一; 田村俊世; 戸川達男
    医用電子と生体工学 35 (1) 82 - 89 1997 [Refereed]
  • Toyama Hinako; Uemura Kouji; Kobayashi Akio; Kimura Yuichi; Senda Michio
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association 9 74 - 77 1996 
    Fractal dimension images were generated by a pixel-by-pixel method. The fractal dimension at the target pixel was estimated as Hausdorff dimension (D) which is defined as n (r)=D (1/r) using the surrounding NxN unit cell, where r varies 1 to N-1 and n (r) is the number of unit voxel r covering the three dimensional surface of the unit cell N.We apply this method for the glucose metabolic rate and the oxygen metabolic images of the brain in 5 patients with Alzheimer disease and in 2 normal cases. Mean fractal dimension of the cerebral functional images increased and the fitting error decreased as N increased. In a patient with typical Alzheimer disease, low glucose metabolic rate regions with higher or lower fractal dimension were observed.
  • Mitsuhiro Ogawa; Yuichi Kimura; Toshiyo Tamura; Tatsuo Togawa
    Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings (1) 55 - 56 0589-1019 1996 
    In apply to home health monitoring, we attempted ECG recording in a bathtub. For fully automated data acquisition, personal identification technique was introduced in which differences in ECG waveforms among individuals were used. The wavelet transform was applied to reduce the ECG data, and a neural network was introduced to create a discrimination algorithm by learning. In a preliminary study, it was shown that more than 91% of ECG data could be identified correctly among a family of five members.
  • Yuichi Kimura; Hinako Toyama; Michio Senda
    Kakuigaku 33 (2) 107 - 114 0022-7854 1996 [Refereed]
    For accurate estimation of the rate constants in 18F-FDG dynamic study, the shape of the estimation function (Φ) is crucial. In this investigation, the relationship between the noise level in tissue time activity curve and the shape of the least squared estimation function which is the sum of squarred error between a function of model parameters and a measured data is calculated in 3 parameter model of 18F-FDG. In the first simulation, by using actual plasma time activity curve, the true tissue curve was generated from known sets of rate constants ranging 0.05 ≤ k 1 ≤ 0.15, 0.1 ≤ k 2 ≤ 0.2 and 0.01 ≤ k 3 ≤ 0.1 in 0.01 step. This procedure was repeated under various noise levels in the tissue time activity curve from 1 to 8% of the maximum value in the tissue activity. In the second simulation, plasma and tissue time activity curves from clinical 18F-FDG dynamic study were used to calculate the Φ. Results are: (1) In the noise-free case, because the global minima is separated from neighboring local minimums, it was easy to find out the optimum point. However, with increasing noise level, the optimum point was buried in many neighboring local minima. Making it difficult to find out the optimum point. (2) The optimum point was found within 20% of the convergence point by standard non-linear optimization method. (3) The shape of Φ for the clinical data was similar to that with the noise level of 3 or 5% in the first simulation. Therefore direct search within the area extending 20% from the result of usual non-linear curve fitting procedure is recommended for accurate estimation of the constants.
  • 一様吸収体における2 次元PET 画像の統計ノイズ特性に関す る分析
    村山秀雄; 野原功全; 木村裕一; 篠原広行
    医用画像工学会誌 14 (1) 107 - 114 1996 [Refereed]
  • FDG動態計測における速度定数推定値の分布とノイズの関係に関する 基礎的検討
    木村裕一; 外山比南子; 千田道雄
    核医学 33 (2) 107 - 114 1996 [Refereed]
  • Toyama H.; Kimura Y.; Taguchi A.; Uemura K.; Matsumura Y.; Kobayashi A.; Senda M.
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association 8 29 - 30 1995 
  • 外山 比南子; 木村 裕一; 石井 賢二; 千田 道雄; 織田 圭一; 石渡 喜一; 佐々木 徹
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 31 (7) 711 - 711 0022-7854 1994/07
  • 石井 賢二; 外山 比南子; 千田 道雄; 織田 圭一; 石渡 喜一; 佐々木 徹; 石井 信一; 木村 裕一
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 31 (7) 714 - 714 0022-7854 1994/07
  • 上村 幸司; 外山 比南子; 木村 裕一; 仁科 光貴; 千田 道雄; 内山 明彦
    バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 7 44 - 47 1994
  • 馬場 茂幸; 外山 比南子; 木村 裕一; 千田 道雄; 石井 賢二; 織田 圭一; 大山 雅史; 内山 明彦
    核医学 (一社)日本核医学会 30 (8) 932 - 932 0022-7854 1993/08
  • 星川 秀利; 木村 裕一; 玉木 啓一; 藤本 浩志; 中村 好男; 村岡 功
    バイオメカニズム学会誌 バイオメカニズム学会 17 (3) 173 - 182 1993 
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of training level on indices of effectiveness (IE). Six male cyclists and non cyclists performed pedalling bouts for I minute using a cycle ergometer against the work load of 1 50, 200 and 250W. The subjects were directed to maintain 90 rpm of pedalling rate during the cycling bouts. Rotary encorders and triaxis force sensors were mounted on the ergometer for measuring crank angle, both pedal forces and both pedal angles. Using these data, the resultant pedal force (FR) and the force perpendicular component of the crank force (FE) were calculated. IE represents the ratio of the force component perpendicular to the crank to the appplied force to the pedals and was calculated by FR and FE . IE was not different between cyclist and non cyclist groups. On the other hand, peak FR during 250W was significantly lower in cyclists than non cyclists ( 344.9±37.6 [N] and 398.4±24.6 [N] respectively, p<0.05). Those results suggested that pedalling skill would be reflected by the lower pedalling force which was related with a reduction of negative force during up phase rather than its efficiency converting to effective torque.
  • ペダリング運動におけるスキルの評価
    星川秀利; 木村裕一; 玉木啓一; 藤本浩志; 中村好男; 村岡功
    バイオメカニズム学会誌 17 (3) 18 - 24 1993 [Refereed]
  • Tosiaki Yamanouchi; Akihiko Uchiyama; Yuichi Kimura; Yosio Nakamura
    Japanese journal of medical electronics and biological engineering 31 (1) 18 - 24 0021-3292 1993 [Refereed]
    A method for detecting respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) by using an adaptive filter is proposed. RSA is a correlative component to breath which is comprised in a heart rate fluctuation. Since the spectrum of the breath changes with respiratory rate, methods that assume statistical stationarity, e.g. FFT, cannot detect RSA precisely under free breath. So we have adopted an adaptive filter which has two inputs. One is a primary input to which an interval between successive R-wave in ECG is applied. The other is a reference input to which a respiratory signal, such as chest movement or respiratory flow rate, is applied. This filter extracts correlated component to the reference signal in the primary input. A remarkable merit of an adaptive filter is a tracking capability, such as the characteristics are followed to input signal, even if power spectrum of the signal changes slowly with time. In this paper, a least mean square algorithm is used to control the filter because of its simplicity. There are two parameters to be decided for the adaptive filter. One is dimension n, and the other is convergent parameter µ. These parameters must be optimized, because they affect to tracking speed and error. A small µ causes slow tracking characteristics with small error. A large µ brings fast tracking speed with large error. As a result of simulation, we can conclude that the optimal µl is obtained by 1/(‘power of reference input’ x70x w). To test the filter characteristics, change of RSA during exercise of bicycle ergometer and that with posture characteristics were measured under free breath. The results of experiments have shown that the proposed method is effective for the estimation of RSA. © 1993, Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. All rights reserved.
  • 木村裕一
    通信学会論文誌 電子情報通信学会情報・システムソサイエティ J73-D-II (11) 1879 - 1886 0915-1923 1990 [Refereed]
  • Yoshio Nakamura; Keiichi Tamaki; Minoru Shinohara; Yuichi Kimura; Isao Muraoka
    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 38 (5) 208 - 214 0039-906X 1989 [Refereed]
    Spectral analysis was applied to investigate whether the system for control of heart rate (HR) is influenced by exercise intensity. Five healthy males performed incremental exercise on an electrically braked cycle ergometer until exhaustion. The work rate was increased at 12 W/min following 2 min of exercise at a constant load of 20 W. HR was measured every second from R-R intervals. The power spectrum was calculated every 10 s using the FFT method for 64 consecutive data points. Power spectra during 20 W exercise showed a similar pattern to those in previous reports on resting HR perturbations. Although interindividual differences were observed for the spectrum patterns related to exercise intensity, there was a characteristic pattern revealing dissipation of the spectral power above a frequency of 0.2 Hz for all subjects. This pattern was not maintained for more than 1 min in any of the subjects, and was followed by a semirandom pattern whose magnitude varied among the subjects. These results support the hypothesis that the cardiac pacemaker is influenced by exercise intensity, presumably due to sympatho-vagal interaction with the respiratory control system. © 1989, The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. All rights reserved.
  • 漸増負荷運動中の心拍揺動パワースペクトルの推移
    中村好男; 玉木啓一; 木村裕一
    体力科学 38 (5) 208 - 214 1989 [Refereed]
  • ペダリング運動時 の下肢関節トルクにおけるサイクリストと非サイクリストの比較
    星川秀利; 玉木啓一; 藤本浩志; 木村裕一; 斎藤浩一; 佐藤吉朗; 中村好男; 村岡功
    体力科学 48 547 - 558 [Refereed]


Books and other publications

  • Yuichi Kimura (ContributorIntegrating Bio-metabolism and Structural Changes for the Diagnosis of Dementia)Splinger 2022/11 9789811643255 169 172
  • Human Brain Imaging of Adenosine Receptors
    Masahiro Mishina; Yuichi Kimura; Kiichi Ishiwata (Joint work)Elsevier 2013
  • 実践 医用画像解析ハンドブック
    木村 裕一 (Joint workPETによる分子イメージング)オーム社 2012 9784274212826 490-497
  • 医用画像工学ハンドブック
    木村 裕一 (Joint workPET動態解析)日本医用画像工学会 2012 9784990666705 644-649
  • PET動態解析
    木村裕一 (Single work)日本医用画像工学会 2012
  • PETによる分子イメージング
    木村裕一; 坂田宗之; 坂口和也 (Joint work)オーム社 2012
  • Brain Imaging Using PET
    Michio Senda; Yuichi Kimura; Peter Herscovitch (Joint editor)Academic Press 2002
  • ME用語辞典
    木村 裕一 (Joint editor)コロナ社 1999 9784339070736

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 医用イメージングの新潮流, PETの現状 --- 装置開発及び臨床応用  [Invited]
    第43回日本医用画像工学回大会  2024/08  千代田区  日本医用画像工学会
  • 在宅人工臓器治療研究会設立の経緯と進展  [Not invited]
    第63回日本生体医工学会大会  2024/05  鹿児島市  日本生体医工学会
  • UMAPによるAMPA受容体濃度PETからの精神疾患情報の抽出  [Not invited]
    野口 日奈子; 津川 幸子; 有澤 哲; 阿部 弘基; 高橋 琢哉; 木村 裕一
    第63回日本生体医工学会大会  2024/05  鹿児島市  日本生体医工学会
  • A. Segawa; M. Nemoto; H. Kaida and; Y. Kimura; T. Nagaoka; M. Katsuhiro; Y. Takahiro and; H. Kohei; T. Tatsuya; K. Kazuhiro; I. Kazunari
    SPIE 12931, Medical Imaging 2024  2024/02  San Diego, CA, USA.  SPIE
  • 脳機能定量画像法 ―脳機能画像化の定量性・客観性の向上を目指して  [Invited]
    第63回日本核医学会学術総会  2023/11  大阪市  日本核医学会
  • 新規PETリガンド[11C]K-2および機械学習を用い たAMPA受容体分布に基づく双極性障害と大うつ病性障害の診断  [Not invited]
    津川 幸子; 木村 裕一; 波多野真依; 中島 和希; 内田 裕之; 宮崎 智之; 有澤 哲; 平野 羊嗣; 小坂 浩隆; 高橋 琢哉
    第63回日本核医学会学術総会  2023/11  大阪市  日本核医学会
  • pix2pixよるFDG PET画像からの合成アミロイド画像の画素値による定量評価  [Not invited]
    本田 実沙; 木村裕一
    JAMIT若手医用画像工学シンポジウム  2023/09  つくば市  日本医用画像工学会
  • Aβ集積、受容体定量の理論と実際  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    PETサマーセミナー2023  2023/08  成田  日本核医学会
    夜の学校 技術, 「PET検出器、動態解析、AIを一つ一つ説明しましょう」
  • 夜の学校【技術】 Aβ集積, 受容体定量の理論と実際  [Invited]
    PETサマーセミナー2023 in 成田  2023/08  成田市  日本核医学会PET核医学分科会
  • アミロイドPET撮像判断のための生成系AIによるFDG画像からのアミロイド画像合成の検討  [Not invited]
    本田 実沙; 山田 誉大; 永岡 隆; 三上 勝大; 根本 充貴; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一
    第5回日本核医学会近畿地方支部会  2023/07  近畿大学東大阪キャンパス  日本核医学会関西支部
  • Depressive Disorder Using Novel PET Tracer [11C]K--2 and AI  [Not invited]
    Sakiko Tsugawa; Yuichi Kimura; Mai Hatano; Waki Nakajima; Hiroyuki Uchida; Tomoyuki Miyazaki; Tetsu; Arisawa; Yuuki Takada; Akane Sano; Kotaro Nakano and; Tsyoshi Eiro; Akira Suda; Takeshi Asami; Akitoyo; Hishimoto; Hideaki tani; Nobuhiro Nagai; Teruki Koizumi; Shinichiro Nakajima; Shuna Kurokawa; Yohei Ohtani; Kie; Takahashi; Yuhei Kikuchi; Taisuke Tayomi; Yoji Hirano and; Ryo Mitoma; Shunsuke Tamura; ans; Shingo Baba; Osamk Togao and; Hirotaka Kisaka; Hidehiko Okazawa; Masaru Mimura; Takuya; Takahashi
    SNMMI Annual Conference  2023/06  Chicago, IL  Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
  • Chracterization of Four Major Psychiatric Disorders Based on AMPA Receptor Distributions Measured with [11C]K--2: a Novel PET Tracer Study  [Not invited]
    Mai Hatano and; Waki Nakajima; Hiroyuki Uchida; Tomoyuki Miyazaki; Tetsu; Arisawa; Yuuki Takada; Sakiko Tsugawa; Akane Sano and; Kotaro Nakano; Tsuyoshi Eiro; Hiroki Abe; Akira Suda and; Takeshi Asami; Akitoyo Hishimoto; Hideaki Tani; Nobuhito; Nagai; Teruki Koisuzmi; Shinichiro Nakajima; Sunya; Kurokawa; Yohei Ohtani; Kie Takahashi; Yuhei Kikuchi and; Taisuke yayomi; Shiori Honda; Masahiro z`Jinzaki; Yoji; Hirano; Ryu Mitoma; Shunjukta Tamura; Shingo aBaba an; Osamu Togao; Hirotaka Kisaka; Hidehiko Okazawa; Yuihi Kimura; Masaru Mimura; Takuya Takahashi
    SNMMI Annual Conference  2023/06  Chicago, IL  Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
  • 在宅人工臓器治療に応用可能な無拘束での生体情報モニタリング技術の検討  [Invited]
    第60回日本人工臓器学会大会  2022/11
  • 医工学領域での研究設定と進め方  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    2022年度第5回学術教育セミナー  2022/09  大阪府臨床工学技士会
  • CT画像のAIテクスチャ解析による体外衝撃波結石破砕術の結果予測  [Not invited]
    根本充貴; 中前有香子; 木村裕一; 出口龍良; 山下真平; 柑本康夫; 原勲
    第109回日本泌尿器科学会総会  2021/12
  • ジョイントセッション 日本人工臓器学会/日本生体医工学会,在宅人工臓器治療の最前線と未来への技術開発:在宅血液透析と補助人工心臓治療日本生体医工学会における在宅人工臓器治療に向けた方針と体制  [Invited]
    第59回日本人工臓器学会大会  2021/11
  • 核医学会シンポジウム10 PETにおけるAI --- CycleGANを用いたPET画像合成における定量性の検討  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    第61回日本核医学会学術集会  2021/11
  • 敵対的生成ネットワークで合成したPET画像における定量性の検討  [Not invited]
    渡邉 綾; 木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 渡辺 翔吾; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 宮崎 晃一; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成
    第61回日本核医学会学術総会  2021/11
  • 2種類の異常検知を用いた{FDG-PET/CT}像上のがん骨転移病変の自動検出  [Not invited]
    山口 明乃; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 石井 一成
    第61回日本核医学会学術総会  2021/11
  • Detection of Bone Metastases on FDG-PET/CT Images by Using Two-Step Anomaly Detection  [Not invited]
    H Yamaguchi; M Nemoto; H Kaida; Y Kimura; T Nagaoka; T Yamada; K. Hanaoka; K. Kitajima; T Tsuchitani; K Ishii
    Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exhibition  Munich  International Conference of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
  • 最新の医療画像診断技術 --- PETを用いた認知症・精神疾患の診断を中心に ---  [Invited]
    2021センシング技術応用セミナー, ヘルスセンシングとヘルスケアの最前線 ~アフターコロナのセンシングを展望する ~, センシング技術応用研究会  2021/06
  • CT画像上のテクスチャ解析によるESWL治療可能性な尿路結石の自動認識  [Not invited]
    中前 有香子; 根本 充貴; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆 an; 山田 誉大; 出口 龍良; 山下 真平; 柑本 康夫; 原 勲
    第60回日本生体医工学会大会  2021/06  京都  日本生体医工学会
  • 認知症診断{AI}アルゴリズム学習のための{CycleGAN}で合成した{PET}画像の定量的検証  [Not invited]
    渡邉 綾; 山田 誉大; 渡辺 翔吾; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 宮崎 晃一; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一
    第60回日本生体医工学会大会  2021/06  京都  日本生体医工学会
  • 日本人工臓器学会--日本生体医工学会合同シンポジウム: 補助人工心臓及び血液透析の在宅利用のための医工学研究 --- 在宅人工臓器治療の普及を目指して ---  [Invited]
    木村裕一; 古薗勉
    第60回日本生体医工学会大会  2021/06  京都  日本生体医工学会
  • Integration of clinical needs and research seeds  [Invited]
    第121回日本医学物理学会学術大会  2021/04
  • 最新の医療画像診断技術 --- PETを用いた認知症診断を中心に ---  [Invited]
    第58回センサ & アクチュエーター技術シンポジウム  2020/12  一般社団法人 次世代センサ協議会
  • One-class SVMを用いた異常検知によるPET/CT上の骨転移病変自動検出  [Not invited]
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 牛房 和之; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 槌谷 達也; 石井 一成
    第60回日本核医学学術総会  2020/11
  • 認知症自動診断AIアルゴリズム学習のための深層学習により加増したアミロイド画像の検証  [Not invited]
    渡邉 綾; 木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 渡辺 翔吾; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 宮崎 晃一; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成
    第60回日本核医学学術総会  2020/11
  • 生体医工学での研究の進め方 --- 研究を始めるに当ってこれだけは押さえておこう ---  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    日本生体医工学会北海道支部・北海道臨床工学技士会 共催, 第56回生体医工学研究会  2019/12
  • 11C標識新規トレーサーによるAMPA受容体の定量画像化のための臨床プロトコル  [Not invited]
    木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 波多野 真衣; 中島 和希; 宮崎 智之; 高橋 琢哉
    第59回日本核医学会学術総会  2019/11
  • 認知症自動診断AIアルゴリズム学習のための深層学習によるアミロイド画像の加増手法の検討  [Not invited]
    渡邉 綾; 山田 誉大; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一
    第59回日本核医学会学術総会  2019/11
  • AI異常検知に基づくPET/CT上の頸胸部病変の自動認識  [Not invited]
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 牛房 和之; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 槌谷 達也; 石井 一成
    第59回日本核医学会学術総会  2019/11
  • 認知症自動診断AIアルゴリズム学習のための深層学習によるアミロイド画像の加増手法の検討  [Not invited]
    渡邉 綾; 山田 誉大; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一
    核医学  2019/10  (一社)日本核医学会
  • AI異常検知に基づくPET/CT上の頸胸部病変の自動認識  [Not invited]
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 山田 誉大; 牛房 和之; 花岡 宏平; 北島 一宏; 槌谷 達也; 石井 一成
    核医学  2019/10  (一社)日本核医学会
  • Application of Least-Squares Cubic Linear Regression to the Logan Graphical Analysis to Reduce the Underestimation of BPND for Neuroreceptor Parametric Imaging in Positron Emission Tomography Studies  [Not invited]
    Paulus Kapundja Shigwedha; Takahiro Yamada; Kohei Hanaoka; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura; Yutaka Fukuoka
    生体医工学シンポジウム2019に  2019/09
  • Automatic Diagnosis of Melanoma Using Hyperspectral Data and GoogLeNet  [Not invited]
    Ginji Hirano; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Yoshio Kiyohara; Hiroshi Koga; Naoya Yamazaki; Gustav Christensen; Atsushi Nakamura; Takayuki Sota; Takashi Nagaoka
    生体医工学シンポジウム2019に  2019/09
  • Performance Improvement of Automated Melanoma Diagnosis System by Data Augmentation  [Not invited]
    Kana Kato; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Yuichi Kimura; Yoshio Kiyohara; Hiroshi Koga; Naoya Yamazaki; Gustav Christensen; Atsushi Nakamura; Takayuki Sota; Takashi Nagaoka
    生体医工学シンポジウム2019に  2019/09
  • Weighting Function for Kinetics-Based Noise Reduction in PET Amyloid Imaging  [Not invited]
    Takahiro Yamada; Shogo Watanabe; Takashi Nagaoka; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Kohei Hanaoka; Hayato Kaida; Kazunari Ishii; Yuichi Kimura
    生体医工学シンポジウム2019  2019/09
  • 日本核医学会核医学理工分科会特別セッション  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    PETサマーセミナー2019  2019/08
  • Custering-based data reduction algorithm with simplified reference tissue modelto generate parametric images in amyloid imaging  [Not invited]
    T.Yamad; Y. Kimura; M. Sakata; T. Nagaoka; M. Nemoto; K. Hanaoka; H. Kaida; K. Ishii
    Brain and Brain PET 2019  2019/07
  • Clinical Protocol to Quantify AMPA Receptors Using Novel 11C‐labeled PET Tracer of K2  [Not invited]
    Yuichi Kimura; Takahiro Yamada; Mai Hatano; Waki Nakajima; Tomoyuki Miyazaki; Takuya Takahashi
    2019 SNMMI Annual Meeting  2019/06  Anaheim, California, USA  Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
  • 生体医工学会領域での研究の現状と展望 & 臨床研究法への取り組み  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    兵庫県立大学先端医工学研究センター 第19回学術講演会  2019/06
  • 臨床研究法: 生体医工学研究の該当性を考える  [Not invited]
    黒田 知宏; 木村 裕一
    第58回日本生体医工学会大会  2019/06
  • 深層畳み込みオートエンコーダを用いた健常データの教師なし学習による 病変認識特徴量の汎用的自動生成  [Not invited]
    牛房 和之; 根本 充貴; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 山田 誉大; 林 直人
    第58回日本生体医工学会大会  2019/06
  • FDG-PET/CTの統計的異常検知処理による転移を考慮した頸胸部病変の自動検出病変認識特徴量の汎用的自動生成  [Not invited]
    田中 敦子; 根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 木村 裕一; 永岡 隆; 山田 誉大; 花岡 宏平; 石井 一成
    第58回日本生体医工学会大会  2019/06
  • 撮像認証の流れと撮像体制の調査  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    第19回日本核医学会春季大会  2019/04  東京  日本核医学会
  • Deep Learning ー 基礎と核医学への応用 ー  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    日本メジフィジックス 社内講演会  2019/03
  • SRTM法を用いたアミロイドイメージングに対する空間分解能を損なわないノイズ低減アルゴリズムの検討  [Not invited]
    山田 誉大; 木村 裕一; 根本 充貴; 坂田 宗之; 永岡 隆; 花岡 宏平; 甲斐田勇人; 石井 一成
    第58回日本核医学会学術総会  2018/11
  • 深層学習を用いたDatSCANにおけるパーキン症候群の画像診断  [Not invited]
    渡辺 翔吾; 杉本 直三; 木村 裕一; 根本 充貴; 山田 誉大; 石井 一成; 三品 雅洋
    第58回日本核医学会学術総会  2018/11
  • AI異常検知を用いたPET/CT上の頸胸部原発性・転移性病変の検出  [Not invited]
    根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 田中 敦子; 牛房 和之; 山田 誉大; 木村 裕一; 花岡 宏平; 石井一成
    第58回日本核医学会学術総会  2018/11
  • 撮像施設認証制度の概略  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    第58回日本核医学会学術総会  2018/11  沖縄コンベンションセンター  日本核医学技術学会
  • 11C標識新規トレーサーによるLoganグラフィカル法を用いたAMPA受容体の定量画像化  [Not invited]
    木村 裕一; 宮崎 智之; 高橋 拓磨
    第58回日本核医学会学術総会  2018/11  沖縄コンベンションセンター  日本核医学会
  • AI異常検知を用いたFDG-PET/CT上の頸胸部原発性・転移性病変の検出  [Not invited]
    根本 充貴; 甲斐田 勇人; 田中 敦子; 牛房 和之; 山田 誉大; 木村 裕一; 花岡 宏平; 石井 一成
    核医学  2018/11  (一社)日本核医学会
  • Deep Learning ー 基礎と核医学への応用 ー  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    第22回Neurology SPECT定量検討会  2018/10  ステーションコンファレンス東京
  • Quantitative Imaging of AMPA Receptors Using Novel 11C-labeled PET Tracer for AMPA Receptors  [Not invited]
    KIMURA Yuichi
    Annual Congress of the Europian Association of Nuclear Medicine  2018/10
  • Determination of Appropriate Reconstruction Parameters for Each pf 21 PET Scanner Models from 6 Vendors to Meet the Society Phantom Criteria for Brain Amyloid PET Imaging  [Not invited]
    Yasuhiko Ikari; Keiichi Matsumoto; Goh Akamatsu; Hiroshi Nishida; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Michio Senda
    Annual Congress of the Europian Association of Nuclear Medicine  2018/10
  • A Less-Biased Regression Method to Quantify Receptor Density from the Logan Graphical Analysis in Positron Emission Tomography  [Not invited]
    Paulus Kapundja Shigwedha; Yuichi Kimura; YUtaka Fukuoka
    IEEE EMBC18  2018/07
  • PETアミロイドイメージングのための空間分解能を損なわないノイズ低減アルゴリズムの臨床画像による評価  [Not invited]
    木村 裕一山田; 誉大; 木村 裕一; 藤井 康介; 渡辺 翔吾; 永岡 隆; 根本 充貴; 花岡 宏; 甲斐田 勇人; 石井 一成
    第57回日本生体医工学会大会  2018/06
  • PET施設認証セミナー --- 撮像認証の流れと撮像体制の調査  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
  • Noise Reduction Algorithm for Amyloid Image Preserving Image Resolution --- Quantitative Evaluation Using Clinical Images  [Not invited]
    KIMURA YuichiTakahiro Yamada; Yuichi Kimura; Kosuke Fuji; Shogo Watanabe; Takashi Nagaoka; Mitsutaka Nemoto; Kohei Hanaoka; Hayato Kaida; Chisa Hosokawa; Kazunari Ishii
    Human Amyloid Imaging 2018  2018/01
  • Phantom Test Procedures and Criterion for Standardization of Brain PET Imaging across Different Cameras  [Not invited]
    Go Akamatsu; Yasuhiro Ikari; Hidekatsu Wakizaka; Taiga Yamaya; Yuichi Kimura; Keiichi Oda; Michio Senda
    2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference  2017/10
  • 機械学習によるDatSCANのPD・健常の自動鑑別  [Not invited]
    渡辺 翔吾; 木村 裕一; 根本 充貴; 山田 誉大; 藤井 康介; 林 俊行; 三品 雅洋
    第57回日本核医学会学術総会  2017/10
  • 動態に基づいたアミロイドイメージング雑音除去アルゴリズムの性能評価  [Not invited]
    山田 誉大; 木村 裕一; 藤井 康介; 渡辺 翔吾; 永岡 隆; 花岡 宏平; 細川 知紗; 石井 一成; 村上 卓道
    第57回日本核医学会学術総会  2017/10
  • 機械学習を用いた認知症自動鑑別におけるFDG画像とMR画像の比較  [Not invited]
    坂田 宗之; 王 小宇; 石井 賢二; 木村 裕一; 我妻 慧; 石橋 賢士; 豊原 潤; 矢田 紀子; 眞鍋 佳嗣
    第57回日本核医学会学術総会  2017/10
  • 医用画像工学の応用 ー 分子イメージングと診断支援 ―  [Invited]
    木村 裕一
    第58回 日本放射線技術学会 近畿部会 学術大会  2015/01
  • Qualification of PET cameras and imaging sites for 11C-methionine PET on brain tumor in Japan  [Not invited]
    Kimura Yuichi; Nishida Hiroyuki; Ikari Yasuhiko; Matsumoto Keiichi; Oda Keiichi; Nishio Tomoyuki; Fukukita Hiroyoshi; Inoue Tomio; Senda Michio
  • Comparison between SUV and BP images acquired using 11C-PIB PET: Questionable PIB accumulation in SUV images  [Not invited]
    Hosokawa Chisa; Ishii Kazunari; Kimura Yuichi; Sakaguchi Kenta; Hosono Makoto; Murakami Takamichi
  • 11C-PIB-PET SUV画像の視覚判定と定量評価  [Not invited]
    細川 知紗; 村上 卓道; 石井 一成; 木村 裕一; 兵頭 朋子; 細野 眞; 坂口 健太; 宇佐美 公男
    第46回日本核医学会近畿地方会  2013/07  大阪  第46回日本核医学会近畿地方会
  • [11C]BF-227を用いた脳内アミロイド蓄積に関する動脈採血データを用いた定量解析  [Not invited]
    田代学; 岡村信行; 熊谷和明; 古本祥三; 船木善仁; 木村裕一; 岩田錬; 工藤幸司; 渡部浩司; 荒井啓行; 谷内一彦
    核医学  2009/09  (一社)日本核医学会
  • 伊藤 浩; 横井 孝司; 生駒 洋子; 志田原 美保; 関 千江; 高橋 英彦; 高野 晴成; 木村 裕一; 須原 哲也
    核医学  2008/09  (一社)日本核医学会
  • Formation of parametric images in positron emission tomography using a clustering-based kinetic analysis with statistical clustering  [Not invited]
    Y Kimura; Y Noshi; K Oda; K Ishii
    A method is proposed for forming parametric images in positron emission tomography, using clustering kinetic analysis. To overcome the dual problems experienced in voxel-based data, of signal noise and the very long computational time, the data are clustered before parameter estimation, and then an estimation procedure is applied to the averaged data in eac: hcluster. Using this algorithm, PET data are optimally clustered, depending on the noise that is present, by hierarchically applying a statistical-clustering algorithm based on Mixed Gaussian model. In a computer simulation, the proposed method correctly clustered noise-contaminated data. Applying the proposed algorithm to F-18-FDG clinical data, physiologically acceptable parametric images of glucose metabolism in a brain were obtained in a practical calculation time.

Affiliated academic society

  • 米国核医学会   日本電子情報通信学会   日本核医学会   日本生体医工学会   国際バイオテレメトリ学会   IEEE   The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers   The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   Information and Communication Engineering   The Institute of Electronics   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering   Society of Nuclear Medicine   Japan Society of Nuclear Medicine   Japan Society of Medical and Biological Engineering   International Society of Biotelemetry   


  • 微少採血系開発及び無採血化を含むPETによるマウス神経受容体定量画像手法の構築
    2008 -2010
  • 歩行アシスト装置を使用した際の,心理および運動能力に関する影響の計測および解析
    2006 -2007
  • 参照領域及び動脈採血省略を伴うPET による汎用神経受容体濃度画像作成手法の構築
    2006 -2007
  • 無採血,部分容積効果補正を伴うPETによるFDG糖代謝詳細画像の痴呆診断への応用
    2004 -2005
  • 統計的手法によるPET定量性向上に関する研究
    2001/10 -2002/12
  • 動脈採血の省略を伴う陽電子断層像パラメトリック機能画像の高信頼度・高速生成手法
    2001 -2002
  • 高信頼度核医学パラメトリック画像の高速生成手法に関する研究
    1998 -1999
  • 核医学機能画像の高速生成手法に関する研究

Research Themes

  • 臨床研究法が医療機器開発研究に与えた影響の実態把握に向けた調査研究
    厚生労働省:令和3年度厚生労働行政推進事業費補助金 (厚生労働科学特別研究事業)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/08 -2022/03 
    Author : 黒田知宏; 杉町 勝; 木村裕一; 大城 理; 村垣 義浩; 佐久間 一郎; 鈴木 孝司; 鎮西清行; 吉元俊輔; 櫻井 理紗; 中村秀夫
  • AMPA受容体PET薬剤([11C]K-2)を用いた臨床PETデータの解析
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/06 -2022/03 
    Author : 木村裕一
  • COVID-19下での高次救急病院における医療スタ ッフの人的資源確保のための問診AIに関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 井口信和; 阿部孝司; 波部 斉; 濵砂幸裕; 藤田晃輔; 木村裕一; 中沢 学
  • フロルベタピル(18F)注射液を用いたアミロイドイメージングによる診断インパクト臨床研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03
  • AIによるコロナウィ ルス肺炎診断支援システム(kindAI COVID19)の臨床実用開発
    近畿大学:“オール近大” 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策支援プロジェクト
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/09 -2021/03
  • AMPA受容体標識PETプローブを用いた先進神経疾患横断的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2021/03 
    Author : 高橋琢哉
  • マルチモダリティ・マルチプローブ・多施設研究の基づく人工知能を用いた認知症鑑別診断法の構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2021/03
  • (放射性標識)新規AMPA受容体PETイメージング製剤によるてんかん焦点同定補助診断薬としての臨床開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2019/03 
    Author : 高橋琢哉
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : takenaka akinori; toyama hiroshi; kimura yuichi
    This study aims at evaluating fully automated blood sampling system for kinetic analysis in mice PET studies.Recently, we have developed fully automated blood sampling system (ABDS; Automatic Blood Dispensing System). We verified the operability of ABDS and performed a complete quantitative measurement of glucose cerebral metabolic rate (CMRG1c) in mice using ABDS for the first use, and its usefulness is reported here. CMRG1c in mice was in agreement with the results in the manual blood sampling method reported in the past. The automated micro-liter ordered blood sampling system would be useful for absolute quantification in mice PET studies.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Sakata Muneyuki; ISHII Kenji; WAGATSUMA Kei; KIMURA Yuichi
    Differential diagnosis of dementia type is necessary for treatment and care of dementia. In this research, we provided an automatic discrimination using machine learning of brain FDG-PET images and MR images. Support vector machines were employed for training of extracted features from FDG-PET images as the index of hypometabolism, and MR images as the index of cerebral atrophy. To support the clinical diagnosis, the system automatically classifies the groups of Alzheimer’s disease, front-temporal dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, and healthy subjects, and indicates a novel image index for severity or progression of the dementia from the classification.
  • 医工文理アプローチによる認知症高齢化社会の処方箋
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2018/03
  • 神経不随運動における画像機器を用いた定量解析を通じた医工連携による3学部生の協働
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2018/03 
    Author : 西郷 和真
  • 地域・産学連携のためのライフイノベーション拠点形
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : 本津茂樹
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 木村 裕一
    2016年度は、PETアミロイドイメージングの定量性改善のためのアルゴリズムの確定、アルツハイマー病(AD)進行に対する統計モデルの検討、ADモデルの医学的妥当性を検討するための、タウタンパク質蓄積量の定量化手法の検討を進めた。 PETアミロイドイメージング定量アルゴリズムの確定については、その再現性を評価した。本課題の下で開発している参照領域自動設定アルゴリズム(AutoRef)について、86例の臨床データを使用した評価を行った結果、Aβの定量値であるBPNDの変動において0.4(p>0.95)以下であることが明らかになった。この値は、Aβ蓄積の陰性陽性を鑑別するために読影で使用されている閾値と同程度であることから、AutoRefは臨床的に再現性を確保していると言える。以上より、ADの早期診断において、その病因であるAβの中枢神経系への蓄積量に関する定量値を与える点でADの診断に対して重要な情報を提供し得ると期待されるPETアミロイドイメージングについての測定手法が確定した。 続いて、FDG-PETによる脳局所の活動量、MRIからの脳局所の萎縮評価を併用した、AD進行に係る統計モデルを検討した。特にBPNDについては、生理学的に減少することがないという生理学的な先験情報を加味した特徴量抽出のために、sparse nonnegative matrix factorization法を適用したところ、2次元への縮約が有効であり、且つそのうち一つの重み係数が、ADの進行をよく反映しているという結果が得られたことから、現在症例個別の検討を通して、その医学的な有効性の検討に進めている。 タウイメージングについては、健常例に対する撮像を開始するに至り、タウタンパク質の蓄積量に対する定量解析手法の検討を進める環境を構築した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2017/03 
    Author : Toyohara Jun; ISHIWATA Kiichi; ISHII Kenji; ODA Keiichi; SAKATA Muneyuki; NARIAI Tadashi
    The thymidine derivative 11C-4DST has the potential to visualize in vivo DNA synthesis rates with positron emission tomography (PET). To expand the use of 4DST needs the fluorine-18 version of this compound. In this study, we tried to synthesize the 18F-4DST analogues for practical use of DNA synthesis imaging. The three candidates were selected. The fluoromethyl version of 4DST was not stable and cannot obtained as an purified form. The fluoroethyl version of 4DST can be labeled with using N3-Boc-3',5'-di-O-tolyl-5-tosyloxyethane precursor. However, biodistribution studies did not show tumor selective uptake. The 5-fluoro version of 4DST could be labeled by 18F anion with Cu-mediated nucleophilic fluorination of tin-precursor. However, the yields were very low. The acute toxicity studies indicate 5-fluoro-4DST is acceptable as PET drug for human use. In contrast, 5-fluror-4DST has mutagenic activity in E. Coli as indicated by the Ames study.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2016/03 
    Author : KASAI Rie; TAKEDA Sunao; MIZUSHIMA Iwanori; MUTO Tomokazu; KIMURA Yuichi; NAWAI Kiyoshi
    The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) robot suit is a powered exoskeleton that can assist a user's lower limb movement. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of HAL in stroke rehabilitation, focusing on the change of the sit-to-stand (STS) movement and standing pattern. Five stroke patients participated in this study. Single leg HAL was attached to each subject's paretic lower limb. Forward-tilt angle (FTA) was measured with and without HAL use. Surface electromyography (EMG) of STS was recorded to assess the vastus medialis muscle activities of the paretic limb. The average FTA without HAL use was 35° and it improved to 43° with HAL use. The integrated EMGs of HAL use compared to those without HAL, were 83.6% for STS and 66.3% and standing. Therefore, HAL may be effective in improving STS and standing patterns of stroke patients.
  • 認知症早期診断のための画像検査実現に向けたPET アミロイドイメージングおよび糖代謝撮像・MRI 形態撮像の統合手法の開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2016/03 
    Author : 木村裕一; 村上卓道; 石井一成; 細川知紗; 岡田志麻
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : KIMURA Yuichi; TOYAMA Hiroshi; HONTANI Hidekata; HATANO Kentaro; YAMADA Takashi
    This project aimed at developing methods for blood sampling, metabolite analysis, and noise deduction for quantitative functional molecular imaging using PET and mice. The blood sampling system can be operated automatically, and it can separate the plasma and measure the volume and an amount of radioactivity using a few micro-litter of sampled blood that does not affect mice physiological condition. Direct metabolite analysis is also archived with the sampling system. And, a statistical model for noise in measured data can reduce the noise. These achievements can be applied mice to fully quantitative PET functional imaging to mice.
  • 院内製造PET薬剤の合成装置を用いた核医学診断技術の臨床応用に関するレギュラトリーサイエンスの研究
    厚生労働省:厚生労働科学研究費補助金, 医薬品・医療機器等レギュラトリーサイエンス総合研究事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2015/03 
    Author : 井上 登美夫
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : ODA Keiichi; ISHII Kenji; SAKATA Muneyuki; KIMURA Yuichi; NISHIO Tomoyuki
    We showed scanner dependence of brain 18F-FDG and 11C-PiB images by using phantom examination with nine kinds of PET scanners. We used two types of phantoms, cylindrical phantom with 15cm inside diameter and three-dimensional brain phantom, and we set the body phantom on the bed to examine the effect of scatter and random coefficients from outside of the axial field of view (AFOV). Radioactivity and distance of the two phantoms were determined by a pilot study to obtain a condition similar to clinical study. Axial uniformity was evaluated by circular region of interest (ROI) of 12cm diameter, set in the center of the reconstruction image of the cylindrical phantom. As a result, the standardized uptake value (SUV) was lower than the true value in some scanners, and there was a scanner in which the axial uniformity was deteriorated by high radioactivity outside the AFOV. In the cylindrical phantom, the axial uniformity of the scanner was improved using the new dead-time correction method; however, it was not improved in the 3D brain phantom. Quality-controlled PET scanners are important to maintain constant levels for multicenter studies.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : OBATA Takayuki; MASAMOTO Kazuto; AOKI Ichio; IKEHIRA Hiroo; OHBAYASHI Shigeru; KIMURA Yuichi
    This project aimed to make clear the mechanism of functional magnetic resonance imaging under heavy diffusion weighting(DfMRI). Our results from human and animal MRI indicated that the main source of DfMRI signal is BOLD related, but the signal changes were different from usual BOLD. The human data also included some diffusion related signal contribution to DfMRI. Taking in vitro aquaporin data into consideration, DfMRI may reflect intracellular BOLD and water diffusion changes.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2010 
    Author : KAWAMURA Kazunori; ZHANG Ming-Rong; KIMURA Yuichi; NAGANAWA Mika; YUI Joji; YAMASAKI Tomoteru; HATORI Akiko; KUMATA Katsushi; WAKIZAKA Hidekatsu; YANAMOTO Kazuhiko; SAKAGUCHI Kazuya
    We developed a selective I_2-imidazoline receptor (I_2R) ligand [^<11>C]FTIMD as a positron emission tomography (PET) probe for imaging I_2Rs, because molecular probe for imaging I_2Rs had never developed and evaluated in vivo. We performed preclinical imaging of I_2R by PET study using [^<11>C]FTIMD. PET study using [^<11>C]FTIMD is a promising diagnostic tool for psychiatric diseases that change densities of I_2Rs.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : SEKI Chie; HIGUCHI Makoto; KIMURA Yuichi
    PET imaging using transgenic mice is one of the advantageous methods for the development of the diagnostic imaging technology of neurological disease. Quantitative analysis of radioligand using arterial input function (AIF) provides precise kinetics in the living organs but the measurement of AIF is difficult in mice. In the present study the measurement of AIF was optimized for kinetic analysis and applied to amyloid β plaque ligand for the evaluation of amyloid β deposition in Alzheimer's disease model mice.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : KIMURA Yuichi; TOYAMA Hiroshi; KITAMURA Keishi; HIGUCHI Makoto; SHIDAHARA Miho; HONTANI Hidekata; SEKI Chie; NISHIMOTO Takahiro; WADA Yasuhiro; NAGANAWA Mika; SAKAGUCHI Kazuya
    In this study, the methods for radioactivity counting system for micro-liter ordered blood were investigated. Also, the algorithm to omit arterial blood sampling was studied. For fully quantitative functional imaging using positron emission tomography (PET), the radioactivity concentration in arterial blood is required, and therefore, arterial blood sampling should be conducted. However, due to the small size in mice, the arterial blood sampling is an issue for PET quantitative measurement. This study aimed to realize quantitative PET functional imaging for mice, the system to measure radioactivity concentration in a few micro-liter arterial blood and the algorithm fo reduce the noise in PET data derived from mice based on MAP estimation were investigated.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : ISHIWATA Kiichi; NARIAI Tadashi; MISHINA Masahiro; ISHII Kenji; ODA Keiichi; SAKATA Muneyuki; TOYOHARA Jun; KIMURA Yuichi
    To encourage PET pathophysiological studies and diagnosis of brain functions and brain disorders in Japan, practical and reliable database of many PET probes which evaluate the basic brain function such as blood flow and glucose metabolism and the neural transmission system was built. The database covers normal subjects including elderly and patients with brain disorders for several probes. Methodological improvement of PET measurement and data analysis with PET-MRI fusion was also performed.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : KIMURA Yuichi; ISHIWATA Kiichi; ODA Keiichi; ISHII Kenji; WATABE Hiroshi
    This study aims at developing algorithms for fully quantitative neuroreceptor imaging using PET without serial arterial blood sampling and reference regions. For omission of serial arterial blood sampling, variational Bayesian approach and an intersectional searching approach were investigated based on Logan graphical analysis (LGA). As a result, dynamic studies using FDG, MPDX and TMSX were accomplished without serial arterial blood sampling. The variational Bayesian approach introduces nonnegative constraints to an algorithm based on independent component analysis which has been developed by my group. The approaches improved an estimation performance of a time history of radioactivity in arterial blood (pTAC), and it made an estimated blood volume image, which was another outcome of the algorithm, physiologically reliable. Other algorithm based on LGA is to estimate pTAC using the operational equation of LGA, for which the terms including pTAC were canceled out using pTAC is common among regions. This algorithm was sensitive for noise in PET data due to its mathematical framework. In order to realize reliable pTAC estimation, some data preprocessing procedures were developed using clustering based on a kinetics of administered radiopharmaceutical For the omission of reference region, a feasibility of voxel-based compartment model analysis was investigated. However, it was not practical due to bad noise statistics in voxel-based PET data. Then, total distribution volumes (VT) was estimated for each voxels to decrease the number of estimated rate constants using LGA. The VT estimates by LGA is underestimated under the existence of large noise in PET data. MAP based estimation approach was incorporated with LGA, and fast and statistically reliable voxel-based VT estimation was archived.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : ISHIWATA Kiichi; ISHII Kenji; NARIAI Tadashi; MISHINA Masahiro; KIMURA Yuichi
    The purpose of the present study is to propose new PET diagnosis using [^<11>C]MPDX and [^<11>C]TMSX for imaging adenosine A_1 and A_<2A> receptors, respectively, in the brain, heart and muscle 1. By applying [^<11>C]MPDX-PET and [^<11>C]TMSX-PET to normal subjects, A_1 and A_<2A> receptors, respectively, was quantitatively measured by compartment and graphical analyses using dynamic PET scan and serial arterial blood data. 2. To avoiding invasive arterial blood sampling, a non-invasive quantitative method EPICA was successfully applied to both[^<11>C]MPDX-and [^<11>C]TMSX-PET. 3. In the patients with Alzheimer's disease, a significantly decreased binding of [^<11>C]MPDX was observed in the bilateral medial temporal cortex and left temporo-parietal cortex. The decreased binding pattern of [^<11>C]MPDX was different from hypometabolism. In the patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, binding of [^<11>C]MPDX was significantly decreased in the mesial temporal lobe of focus side outside the hippocampus, but increased in the frontal cortex of focus side. 4. In the patients with Parkinson's disease whose the left-side dopamine transporter was more decreased than the right side one, the dopamine D_2 receptors bindings was increased bilaterally, while the adenosine A_<2A> receptor was decreased on the left side. 5. Following animal experiments, adenosine A_<2A> receptors in the heart and muscle were quantitatively evaluated in normal subjects. Adenosine A_<2A> receptor binding in the cardiac and skeletal muscles was greater in the endurance-trained men than in the untrained men. We concluded that [^<11>C]MPDX-PET and [^<11>C]TMSX-PET provides diagnostic tools of the physiological and pathological states of various diseases in term of adenosine receptors.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2005 
    Author : KIMURA Yuishi; ODA Keiichi; ISHII Kenji; ISHIWATA Kiichi
    MAP-based estimation algorithm could be archived which had better performance than ordinary likelihood approach for imaging of cerebral glucose metabolism. This algorithm could avoid an iterative computation and searching an optimal points, therefore it was free from dependency to an initial value and misconvergence. The results from normal and Alzheimer cases were coincided with ROI-based analysis, and the computation required only 30 minutes. Also, a new algorithm for omission arterial blood sampling based on independent component analysis was established, and using the both algorithm, the practical scheme for glucose metabolism imaging without arterial blood sampling was realized in a shorter measurement duration than usual. On a correction of partial volume effect (PVE), a algorithm using a statistical modeling and morphological operation was developed. The algorithm first segmented a MRI image to some anatomical structures based on voxel values, then a morphological operations were applied to incorporate three-dimensional structure of brain anatomy. Finally, PVE was compensated using a linear estimation assuming regional voxel values in white matter and gray matter were common. When the PVE algorithm was applied to PET data of PK11195, a ligand for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors, PVE could be corrected well.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : 石渡 喜一; 木村 裕一; 成相 直; 石井 賢二
    我々は独自に開発した放射性薬剤の[^<11>C]SA4503を用いて、平成12年度に世界に先駆けてPETによる健常者の脳シグマ1受容体の画像化に成功した。本課題では、1)健常者を対象にこの[^<11>C]SA4503-PET診断法を確立し、2)幾つかの脳疾患に応用することにより新しい診断法の意義を明らかにし、3)また、シグマ1受容体に関する基礎研究も遂行することを目的としている。4)更なる展開を図るため、臨床的に汎用性が期待される^<18>F標識リガンドやシグマ2受容体サブタイプ選択的な新規リガンド開発も目指した。主要な結果は以下の通りである。 1.一般に神経受容体は加齢にともない減少するが、シグマ1受容体はラットやサルでは増加し、ヒトでは増加傾向を示した。 2.アルツハイマー病の診断に[^<18>F]FDG-PETは有用であるが、[^<11>C]SA4503-PETは変性の指標としてより鋭敏であった。 3.パーキンソン病診断では、ドパミントランスポータの減少と同様に、シグマ1受容体の結合能低下が認められた。 4.ハロペリドールのシグマ1受容体占拠率を初めて明らかにした。向精神薬の薬効とシグマ1受容体結合能の関連性の検討が可能になった。 5.統合失症などの精神疾患への応用も期待された。 6.[^<11>C]SA4503-PETは下腹部の癌診断への可能性が明らかになった。 7.[^<11>C]SA4503の脳集積はP糖タンパク質の基質にはならないことが明らかになった。 8.新たに検討した薬剤の中で、[^<18>F]FE-SA5845は、癌の診断薬としても期待できることが明らかになった。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2002 
    Author : KIMURA Yuichi; ODA Keiichi; ISHII Kenji; MATANI Ayumu
    Voxel-based kinetic analysis in PET can visualize various functionalities in a living tissue. Major drawbacks in formation of an parametic image are bad noise statistics in voxel-based PET data. A large amount of voxels in PET causes a huge calculation time, and it makes formation of a parametric image inpractical. The statistical model-based clustering algorithm of CAKS (Clustering Analysis for Kinetics) is proposed to categorize voxels whose PET data has a similar shape and has similar functionalities. In CAKS, PET data was projected in a feature space and mixture Gaussian model was ulitized. As results, a parametric image can be formed in 30 minutes and the estimates were correspond to the estimates by an ordinal ROI-based estimation. Arterial blood sampling is other problem to apply CAKS in a clinical situation. The spatial distribution of tissue and blood vessel in a brain is distinguishable, and statistical algorithm for a blind separation of independent component analysis was applicable. After specialy designed data preprocessing schemes to emphasize the difference between spatial distribution of vessel and tissue, a proposed algorithm can estimate time course of activity in arterial blood and it corresponded to a measured time activity curve.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2001 
    Author : ISHII Kenji; KIMURA Yuichi; ISHIWATA Kiichi
    To investigate the role of nigrostriatal dopamine system in performing a skilled complex motor task without leaning such as writing, we measured endogenous dopamine release in human brain with ^<13>C-raclopride (RAC) and PET. We studied six right-handed healthy volunteers (ages 22.0±1.7 years). After an intravenous injection of RAC, a 60 minites dynamic scan was performed. Each subject participated in RAC-PET twice on the same day (scan interval 145.0±35.2 minutes) under two different conditions ; during hand writing and at rest in balanced order. In the writing condition, the subjects was asked to dictate sentences as quick as possible on a computer-controlled writing pad with pen tool using their right hand. In resting condition, the subject was asked to watch the display without any movement. Endgeneous dopamine release was estimated indirectly based on the occupancy model, from the difference of the binding potential (BP) of PAC in two different conditions. The same subjects also participated in H_<2>^<15>O-PET with the same paradigm to evaluate the regional cerebral activation with the task in terms of regional cerebral blood flow change. The left striatum was activated significantly with H_<2>^<15>5O-PET study with writing task. In the same region, the binding potentials of RAC was significantly reduced by dictation task, thus, the intrinsic dopamine release was considered to be accelerated by the task. The activated region located in the ventro-caudal portion of the putamen which we previosly reported to be corresponding to hand area in the sometotopic organization in the basal ganglia. This result demonstrated the ability of indirect measurement method of intrinsic dopamine release by RAC-PET in physiological condition. Our results are the first report of activation of dopaminergic neurons by a skilled voluntary monements.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : 木村 裕一
    前年度において確立した、2-コンパートメント-2-パラメータモデルを対象とした本手法を、今年度は3-コンパートメントモデルへ拡大した。 3-コンパートメントモデルにおいては、組織放射能曲線(tTAC)の形状を決定するパラメータは、k_2,k_3の二つとなることから、tTACの特徴付ける2種類のRを実データから算出することによって、クラスタリングを行った。 その結果、人脳のFDGについて、妥当なパラメトリック画像を2分程度の計算時間で作成することができた。また計算機シミュレーションによれば、本手法は通常のROIを用いた動態解析とほぼ同等の推定精度を有することが判った。 3-コンパートメントモデルは、PETにおける典型的な放射性薬剤であるFDGを記述する動態モデルであり、これへの適用の拡大は、本手法の実用性を高めるものである。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : 田村 俊世; 木村 裕一; 戸川 達男
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1997 -1999 
    Author : TOGAWA Tatsuo; SAITOH Hirokazu; OTSUKA Kimio; KIMURA Yuichi
    The aim of this study is to develop a non-contact imaging system of emissivity and thermal inertia of the skin. In this study, results as follows have been achieved. The system consists of a thermal camera and a hood covering the object surface in which the temperature of its inside is controlled so as to realize a step change of the surface radiation. The emissivity can be estimated from the apparent change of radiation, and the thermal inertia can be estimated from the slope of increasing object surface temperature. The estimations can be performed at each pixel so that images of emissivity and thermal inertia of skin can be obtained. Observed emissivities were consistent with other measurement data including that of ours using high precision spot radiometer. Thermal inertia values were also consistent with other reports. Parallel relation between thermal inertia and blood flow of the skin was also observed. As an application of this method, the change in thermal inertia before and after arterial occlusion was studied, and we found that non-uniform thermal inertia image was observed together with a reactive hyperemia. This fact suggests that blood flow distribution just after an arterial occlusion is non-uniform. While the system could be used for such physiological studies, improvements of the measurement system were attempted so as to apply in clinical diagnosis. A modified system was proposed in that a radiation source with a mechanical shutter placed distant from the object is used instead of the hood. A preliminary study showed that the method is quite promising. Relating to this measurement principle and configuration of the system, a patent was applied.
  • PET装置開発
    Date (from‐to) : 1999
  • 運動生理学へのPETの応用
    Date (from‐to) : 1999
  • Developement of PET instrumentation
    Date (from‐to) : 1999
  • Application of PET for exercise physiology
    Date (from‐to) : 1999
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 1996 -1996 
    Author : 木村 裕一
    本研究では、核医学動態解析において、トレーサの体内での挙動を記述する際に使用されるコンパートメントモデルの高速な同定手法の構築を目的とした。高速なモデル同定が可能となれば従来行われている関心領域を設定してのモデル同定に比べて、遥かに空間分解能の高い画像を得ることが可能となり、より多くの臨床的知見が得られる可能性が考えられる。本研究では、フルオロデオキシグルコース(FDG)を用いた糖代謝に関する速度定数パラメータの画像と、フロマゼニール(FMZ)によるヘンゾジアゼヒンレセプターの分布画像の作成を対象とした。 FMZに関しては、線形化によってモデル同定の高速化を図っているLogan plot法と、従来通りの非線形計画方に基づく同定手法の一つである、マルケ-ト法との比較を行った。その結果両法は、正常脳組織、および癲癇の焦点,脳血管障害に起因する損傷部位いずれに対しても、ほぼ同一の結果が得られることを確認した。またシミュレーションによって、様々なモデルパラメータの範囲において同様の検討を行った結果、両法はほぼ一致した。演算時間ではLogan plot法は100倍以上高速であることから、Logan plot法は実用手法として妥当であると言える。 FDG に関しては、マルケ-ト法に対して 自提案の冗長重み付き積分法を比較した。冗長重み付き積分法は、マルケ-ト法の概ね100倍の速度でコンパートメントモデルの同定が可能であった。しかし一方で、入力データのノイズに対して、結果が数パーセント変動することが確認された。ノイズレベルに対する依存性は、実用上大きな問題であることから、今後の課題である。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1993 -1994 
    Author : YAMASHITA Yasuo; KIMURA Yuichi
    Changes in tissue elasticity are related to diffuse disease processes of living soft tissue. The goal of this study is to characterize tissue elasticity based on ultrasonic measurement of displacement and strain when the primary cardiac pulsation or the external mechanical force is applied to the soft tissue. A model is presented for the changes in tissue elasticity as a change of internal strain tensor, which results in variation in the Young's or shear modulus of elasticity. Mesurements are performed using real-time ultrasound and the sequences of RF echo signal returned from tissue are digitized to estimate local tissue displacement. In this paper the 2-dimensional distribution of internal displacement is estimated using the spatio-temporal derivative of RF echo envelope signals, from which components of internal strain tensor are computed. Experiments on tissue mimicking phantoms indicate that 2-dimensional fields of components of strain tensor can be estimated with the spatial resolution of 8mm*8mm. The distribution of the relative shear modulus based on strain images is reconstructed. In experiments with living soft tissue, such as liver in vivo, the relative shear modulus is large in less elastic regions. The elasticity of soft tissue can be characterized as the relative shear modulus computed from the local strain tenpor observed in the received RF echo signals.
  • PET画像のデータ処理
  • 医用画像処理 (PET, MRI, CT等)
  • 統計数理処理の医用データへの応用
  • 1.Forming parametric images in PET kinetics analysis 2.Image processing in PET

Industrial Property Rights

  • 画像生成方法
  • 放射線投影データの補正方法
  • 放射線位置検出器の校正方法
  • 放射線同時計数処理方法、放射線同時計数処理プログラムおよび放射線同 時計数処理記憶媒体、並びに放射線同時計数装置およびそれを用いた核医学診断 装置、記憶媒体
  • 液体採取装置、測定装置並びにそれらを備えた液体採取測定システム

Academic Contribution Activities

  • 日本医学物理学会・日本生体医工学会 合同シンポジウム ―臨床における医学物理学の使命―
    Date (from-to) :2024/05/25-2024/05/25
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本生体医工学会
  • PETスキャナーの新潮流
    Date (from-to) :2023/08/26-2023/08/26
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Academic society etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本核医学会
  • 特別企画2 --- デジタル技術の進歩は泌尿器科医療をどのように変えていくか?
    Date (from-to) :2022/10/07-2022/10/07
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 第72回日本泌尿器科学会中部総会
  • 精神・神経疾患の病態解明を目指して,新規AMPA受容体標識PET probeによる正診・神経疾患病態解明
    Date (from-to) :2019/11/01-2019/11/03
    Role: Panel chair etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 第59回日本核医学会学術総会
    松山市 ランチョンセミナー3, 座長
  • 日本核医学会核医学理工学分科会特別セッション
    Date (from-to) :2019/08/30-2019/08/30
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: PETサマーセミナー2019 in 福島
    福島市 企画セッションの企画及び座長
  • 臨床研究法: 生体医工学研究の該当性を考える
    Date (from-to) :2019/06-2019/06
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本生体医工学会 第58回大会
  • 日本医学物理学会・日本生体医工学会 合同セッション
    Date (from-to) :2019/04-2019/04
    Role: Planning etc
    Type: Competition etc
    Organizer, responsible person: 日本医学物理学会


  • 2021/04 - Today  IEEE, Senior member