Department of Mechanical EngineeringProfessor/Director/Assistant Dean

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Researcher number


Research Keyword

  • 計測制御工学   自動化   ロボット工学   機械力学・制御   人間工学   

Research Field

  • Informatics / Mechanics and mechatronics
  • Informatics / Robotics and intelligent systems
  • Informatics / Human interfaces and interactions
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Control and systems engineering
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Agricultural environmental and information engineering



  • 2018/04 - Today  Kindai University教授
  • 2010/04 - 2018/03  Kindai University准教授
  • 2013/09 - 2014/08  カーネギーメロン大学客員研究員
  • 2006/04 - 2010/03  Kindai University講師
  • 2004/10 - 2006/03  Tokyo University of Agriculture講師
  • 1996/04 - 2004/09  Tokyo University of Agriculture助手

Educational Background

  • 1995/04 - 1996/03  Hosei University  Graduate School  of Social Sciences
  • 1993/04 - 1995/03  Hosei University  Graduate School  of Social Sciences
  • 1989/04 - 1993/03  Hosei University  工学部  電気工学科電気電子専攻

■Research activity information


  • Junya Tatsuno; Iori Hisada; Kazuma Ishimatsu; Hitomi Nakamura; Setsuo Maeda
    AHFE International AHFE International 2771-0718 2024 
    This study aims to derive findings applicable to the interior design of fully automated vehicles, focusing on the impact of external scenery information on ride comfort and motion sickness. Experiments were conducted using a driving simulator with three monitors, simulating automatic driving scenarios in two different environments: a suburban road with no buildings (Experiment 1) and an urban setting with buildings along the road (Experiment 2). Participants experienced 60 minutes of travel with moderate whole-body vibration exposure, and reported their perceived discomfort and motion sickness. Two foreground scenery conditions were tested: a three-display condition with all displays turned on, and a two-display condition where participants could not receive visual front window scenery from the center display, which was turned off. The results showed that motion sickness was more induced in the two-display condition in an urban environment. Discomfort results between both conditions were contradictory. Blocking visual scenery from front window during traveling in suburban areas may enhance ride comfort. Meanwhile, in an urban environment surrounded by structures, blocking the visual front window scenery may not only induce motion sickness but also decrease ride comfort.
  • Jay Prakash Goit; Masakage Taguchi; Junya Tatsuno; Takatsugu Kameda
    WIND ENERGY WILEY 25 (7) 1222 - 1237 1095-4244 2022/07 
    In wind energy, the general practice in assessing the wind resource of a site is to employ a 10-min averaging to measured wind data. However, small wind turbines (SWTs) with rotor diameters <15 m will have a shorter response time scale; thus, an averaging time window of 10 min is too long for accurate wind resource assessments. The current study investigates the effect of averaging time windows on wind resource assessment and power estimation of SWTs. To that end, wind data from a 1-year measurement campaign is analysed using two short-term averaging windows of 30 and 60 s and two long-term averaging windows of 5 and 10 min. Although the average wind speed over the 1-year period is 1.3 m/s with all four windows, when wind speeds higher than 3 m/s are considered, the average wind speed obtained using a 30-s averaging window is 8% higher than that obtained using a 10-min window. Power prediction using the 10 kW SWT shows that the predicted power using a 30-s window is almost twice as large compared to that estimated using a 10-min window. Finally, the rotational speed of the SWT obtained with short-term averaging shows better agreement with that computed by direct modelling of the turbine with the measured wind speed as the input to the model. The study thus shows that the performance of SWTs will be better predicted if short-term averaging windows are used.
  • Koyachi Noriho; Huang Jian; Tatsuno Junya; Shirai Atsushi; Shibata Mizuho; Tomokuni Nobuyasu; Tagami Masaharu; Matsutani Yuki
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Fuji Technology Press Ltd. 34 (1) 6 - 9 0915-3942 2022 

    An outline of the Advanced Robotic Technology Research Center, Kindai University Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute is given. The research activities of the Advanced Robotic Technology Research Center are classified into the following five fields, field robotics, medical and welfare robot, dynamics controlled robot, soft-robotics, and parallel link robot.

  • Tatsuno Junya; Tajima Kiyoshi; Kato Masayoshi
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Fuji Technology Press Ltd. 34 (1) 10 - 17 0915-3942 2022 

    The study aims to develop automatic transplanting equipment for chain pot seedlings. We intend to practice the shaft tillage cultivation using an autonomous farming robot. We had developed an autonomous working vehicle and automatic transplanting equipment for plug seedlings used in shaft tillage cultivation. To reinforce the robot system's versatility, we developed transplanting equipment for the chain pot seedlings. We experimentally investigated the transplanting performance. Approximately 84% of the seedlings were automatically transplanted using the developed equipment. Since the equipment was performed well in the failure samples, we assumed that the cause of such failures was attributed to seedling quality. In addition, we measured the power consumption of the equipment used to build an electrical power supply system. Consequently, we calculated the power requirements for each process. Compared with the plug seedling equipment developed in the previous study, the chain pot seedlings' power requirement was lower because the conveying actions of seedlings were different. In the next stage of our research, to construct a fully automatic system, we will consider the seedling raising method in which seedlings can become uniformly high-quality and investigate the plant establishment performance using the developed equipment.

  • 田端 道彦; 田中 一基; 樹野 淳也; 酒井 英樹; 亀田 孝嗣
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (12) 13 - 16 2185-8802 2021/08 
    1. センター活動
  • 小谷内 範穗; 黄 健; 樹野 淳也; 白井 敦; 柴田 瑞穂; 友國 伸保; 田上 将治; 松谷 祐希
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (12) 17 - 23 2185-8802 2021/08 
    1. センター活動
  • Goit Jay Prakash; 田口 誠景; 樹野 淳也
    風力エネルギー 日本風力エネルギー学会 45 (1) 52 - 55 0387-6217 2021
  • 樹野 淳也
    車載テクノロジー = Automotive technology 技術情報協会 7 (12) 12 - 16 2432-5694 2020/09
  • 田端 道彦; 田中 一基; 樹野 淳也; 酒井 英樹; 亀田 孝嗣
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (11) 15 - 18 2185-8802 2020/07 
    1. センター活動
  • 小谷内 範穗; 黄 健; 樹野 淳也; 柴田 瑞穂; 友國 伸保; 田上 将治
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (11) 19 - 25 2185-8802 2020/07 
    1. センター活動
  • 田口誠景; GOIT Jay Prakash; 樹野淳也
    風力エネルギー利用シンポジウム 42nd (CD-ROM) 1884-4588 2020
  • Junya Tatsuno; Koki Suyama; Hitomi Nakamura; Setsuo Maeda
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1212 AISC 276 - 282 2194-5357 2020 [Refereed]
    © 2020, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We have focused on the unconscious movements of participants. Previously, we checked all video off-line to obtain the frequencies of participants’ movement. Although we could discuss the relationship between the subjective ratings of participants and the frequencies of the unconscious movements, we recognized that the visual judgment was too heavy for us to carry out. Thus, in this paper, we installed the body pressure measurement system. First, we analyzed time-series data of participant’s body pressures on the seat during some typical movements. As a result, we found the relationship between the movement types and the characteristics of the COP trajectories. Next, we carried out the driving simulator experiments. When we made a comparison between the frequency with the visual inspection of video images and those counted with the body pressure data, we found that there were some false detections with the analysis of the body pressure data.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Koki Suyama; Hiroki Mitani; Hitomi Nakamura; Setsuo Maeda
    To evaluate human discomfort in a vehicle seat, we have focused on the involuntary movements of participants. In our previous studies, we carried out the driving simulator experiment to investigate a change in human discomfort during 60 min of traveling. In the experiment, we video-recorded the participant's movements and checked all video off-line to obtain the frequencies of participants' movement. Consequently, we could discuss the relationship between the subjective ratings of participants and the frequencies of the involuntary movements. However, we recognized that the visual judgment was too heavy for us to carry out. Thus, we have developed other methods to detect involuntary movements. In this paper, we proposed the unrestrained method with flex sensors, and we reported the comparison result between the subjective discomfort and the frequency of the involuntary index as an objective index.
  • 小谷内 範穗; 黄 健; 樹野 淳也; 柴田 瑞穂; 友國 伸保; 田上 将治
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (10) 23 - 28 2185-8802 2019/10 
    1. センター活動
  • 田端 道彦; 角田 勝; 竹原 伸; 田中 一基; 前田 節雄; 樹野 淳也; 酒井 英樹; 亀田 孝嗣
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (10) 15 - 21 2185-8802 2019/10 
    1. センター活動
  • Junya Tatsuno; Setsuo Maeda
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 786 857 - 865 2194-5357 2019/01 
    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019. We have studied the evaluation of human discomfort with the seat fidgets and movements (SFMs). In our previous studies, we video-recorded the participants’ movements during all experiment and checked all video off-line to derive the SFMs frequencies of participants. In this methodology, our workloads were too heavy to obtain SFMs of participants. In addition, we sometimes missed SFMs of participants due to the occlusion problem like as right leg overlapped the left leg when we video-recorded the participant from right side with the single camera. Thus, we have studied a simple detection method of SFMs to evaluate personal discomfort in a vehicle seat. In this article, we described a new methodology with flex sensors and showed a possibility of SFMs extraction by observing the outputs of six flex sensors attached to participant body.
  • 黄 健; 小谷内 範穗; 樹野 淳也; 柴田 瑞穂; 田上 将治
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (9) 22 - 26 2185-8802 2018/07 
    1. センター活動
  • 田端 道彦; 角田 勝; 栗田 耕一; 竹原 伸; 田中 一基; 前田 節雄; 樹野 淳也; 酒井 英樹
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 (9) 15 - 21 2185-8802 2018/07 
    1. センター活動
  • Junya Tatsuno; Setsuo Maeda; George Sammonds; Neil Mansfield
    In the previous study, we suggested the seat fidgets and movements (SFMs) to evaluate driver discomfort which increases with time. As the next stage, we investigated application possibility of SFMs to the evaluation of the automobile seats. In the experiment, three types of automobile seat were provided. The participants were asked to travel on the road with some vibration section for 60 min. During the experiment, they executed reading task instead of a driving task to simulate front seat passenger. Besides, the participant movement was video-recorded to analyze the frequency of SFMs off-line. As a result, the acceleration values varied according to the type of seat and were significantly different. The participants' discomfort ratings had a different tendency from the acceleration values. The SFMs frequency occasionally indicated a similar tendency to the discomfort ratings. These results exhibit that SFMs will be one of the useful ways to evaluate ride comfort objectively.
  • TATSUNO Junya; TAKEHARA Shin; MAEDA Setsuo
    Human Factors in Japan 日本プラント・ヒューマンファクター学会 22 (1) 18 - 29 1349-4910 2017/08 [Refereed]
    It is common to evaluate automobile seats with the objective values like transmissibility. In such conventional evaluation methods, psychological factors of occupants have not been considered even though occupants eventually judge ride comfort. In this paper, we executed the driving simulator experiment to investigate the applicability of the evaluation by the subjective score as well as the objective value to ride comfort evaluation of automobile sear. In the experiment, five kinds of test seat were randomly fixed on the driving simulator, and twenty participants drove on the test course where the whole body vibration was exposed. We measured the vibration accelerations and obtained discomfort rating of the participants. From the experimental results of the scaling with the vibration accelerations and the participant's discomfort rating, we could show particular characteristics of the test seats. Since some previous studies reported that the measurement of the whole-body vibration based on ISO2631-1 has many problems, we recognized that we should explore the measurement of the whole-body vibration as well as continue the seat evaluation experiment under another course layout where the rolling and yawing vibration is exposed to participants.
  • 田端 道彦; 田中 一基; 角田 勝; 栗田 耕一; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄; 酒井 英樹; 樹野 淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 8 15 - 20 2185-8802 2017/06 
    1. センター活動
  • 黄 健; 小谷内 範穗; 樹野 淳也; 柴田 瑞穂; 田上 将治
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Annual Report of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation Research Institute, Kindai University 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 8 21 - 25 2185-8802 2017/06 
    1. センター活動
  • 樹野淳也; 前田節雄
    ヒューマンファクターズ The Society for Industrial Plant Human Factors of Japan 21 (2) 49‐58 - 58 1349-4910 2017/02 [Refereed]
    This paper investigates the influence of hands-free device on the braking operation of drivers. In the driving simulator experiment, participants performed a simple driving task and talking task with four types of hands-free device. When participants recognized the cautionary voice of fellow passenger, they braked as soon as possible. We developed the measurement system to evaluate reaction time, which is from the generation of the cautionary signal to the beginning of braking. As a result of calculating the mean of reaction time, the smallest was the non-talking condition, followed in order by the bone conduction headset condition, the earphone headset condition, and the speaker condition. Moreover, there are significant differences between hands-free devices by one-way analysis of variance. In addition, the Shaffer's multiple comparison showed that some comparisons differed significantly. It is suggested that the bone conduction device has less influence on the delay of the brake pedal operation.
  • Setsuo Maeda; Junya Tatsuno; Yasunari Abe; Haruhisa Tomoda
    INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet Institute of Noise Control Engineering 2017- 2017 
    Peoples such as drivers or passengers are listening to music by using a different kind of listening devices such as speaker, headphone, earphone, and bone conduction earphone. During this listening condition, when some accident has happened, driver or passenger has to recognize the emergency signals or speech from the outside of vehicle having different noise and vibration exposure environment conditions. But, during these conditions, it is not clear exactly whether which listening device is better to understand the external signals. To clarify the good listening device, during listening music, the signals with different STI (Speech Transmission Index) voice from the outside were presented to the driver or passenger on the driving simulator under some noise and vibration condition. They had to need to evaluate the speech intelligibility of each STI signals. After these experiments, it was clear that the speech intelligibility had the difference among speaker, headphone, earphone, and bone conduction earphone. It was also clear the bone conduction listening device was the best device.
  • Setsuo Maeda; Junya Tatsuno
    INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet Institute of Noise Control Engineering 2017- 2017 
    On the ISO 2631-1 standard, although the ride comfort evaluation is defined by the 12-axis measurement and evaluation method, the real ISO 2631-1 standard algorithm has not been used by many researchers. Mainly, the ride comfort evaluation has been performed by using 3-axis measurement data on the seat. Also, on that ride comfort evaluation, they are using the comfort evaluation multiplier or the health evaluation multiplier of 3-axis measurement vibrations for assessing the ride comfort to compare the subjective scaling of the ISO 2631-1 standard. In this paper, the different kinds of evaluation algorithms were applied to the real 12-axis measurement data on the vehicle seat according to the ISO 2631-1 standard. From these calculations, this paper is showing the misunderstanding of usage of ISO 2631-1 standard in the world.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Kiyoshi Tajima; Katsuhiko Inagaki
    We studied shaft tillage cultivation as practiced by an autonomous robot. Through previous studies, we determined that leg locomotion has a higher compatibility with the shaft tillage method than wheeled locomotion. Therefore, we are currently developing a legged robot for shaft tillage cultivation. In general, robots require a positioning system to autonomously travel in fields. The objectives of this study are the development of a localization method for an agricultural legged robot and an evaluation of the localization method. We assumed that an agricultural legged robot exhibits its slowest wave gait when walking. In this gait, after each leg is sequentially moved, the body is moved forward to complete one movement. This means that the body stops for a long time despite the robot is walking. The proposed localization method utilizes this unique characteristic of the legged robot. This study first reports on the development of localization using a laser distance sensor and a pan-tilt unit. Secondly, we report on a localization experiment to evaluate the localization accuracy of the proposed method. In this experiment, a total station with automatic target recognition was used as a ground truth. From the experimental results, we found that the measurement error between the proposed method and the total station data was approximately 14 mm and 0 .232 degrees Additionally, we found that we could improve the localization accuracy if we could fix the reflector sheet with higher accuracy and replace the laser distance sensor with a more precise resolution. Therefore, we determined that the legged robot will be able to autonomously travel with a positioning accuracy of approximately 10 mm when using the proposed localization method.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Setsuo Maeda
    Unlike other autonomous working vehicles such as farm and construction machinery, autonomous cars have at least an occupant, even if the driving operations are automated. Thus, the whole-body vibration problem continues to be a research topic with respect to autonomous vehicles. Several technologies have been developed to decrease whole-body vibration exposure. Most of technologies have focused on the development and improvement of automotive components such as the suspension system, automotive seats and tires. This paper examines the reduction in whole-body vibrations using autonomous functions such as lane-change control. In this paper, a subject experiment with a driving simulator is reported so as to discuss the influence of decreasing the whole-body vibration exposure on ride comfort improvement and low back pain prevention.
  • 黄 健; 岡 正人; 矢野 智昭; 小谷内 範穗; 樹野 淳也; 友國 伸保; 柴田 瑞穂
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kindai University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 7 (7) 21 - 26 2185-8802 2016/07 
    1. センター活動
  • 田端 道彦; 角田 勝; 竹原 伸; 田中 一基; 前田 節雄; 酒井 英樹; 樹野 淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kindai University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 7 15 - 20 2185-8802 2016/07 
    1. センター活動
  • Nobutake Hiraoka; Junya Tatsuno; Katsuhiko Inagaki
    This paper presents another type of robotic cart. In recent years there are a variety of power-assisted machines being researched. From them, robotic carts can help older people carry heavy objects easily and efficiently. Because of the similarity of conventional carts, they can be used in a variety of situations. However, robotic carts have the common mechanism that their wheels are driven directly by actuators. Because of that, energy efficiency is low, and those carts cannot move when battery power is low. As a result, older people are burdened by this disadvantage. To counter this, we tried to develop another type of robotic cart that has passive wheels instead of using regular active wheels. By using passive wheels, the robotic cart has high energy efficiency.
  • Nobutake Hiraoka; Junya Tatsuno; Katsuhiko Inagaki
    This paper presents a new type of leg-wheeled robot, which is constructed with passive wheels and the idea of reduced degrees of freedom (DOF). Even though there are variety types of mobile robots researched, some of them cannot be used practical purpose because of their high number of DOF, resulting in complex structure and complicated control system. Typical leg-wheeled robots also have a high number of DOF, and because of that, it is very difficult to put them in practical purpose. Thus, we try to develop another type of leg-wheeled robot with reduced DOF, which only have 10 DOF even though they have 6 legs. The motion plan for the robot discussed in previous study was simply moving forward, and those motion plans cannot be applied for moving omnidirectionaly. Therefore, we propose new motion plans, which can be applied for moving in omnidirection, and more details about the motion planning of moving forward by using the new motion plan.
  • 樹野 淳也; 前田 節雄; 横田 和樹; 平 雄一郎
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 6 61 - 66 2185-8802 2015/06 
    Many kinds of the anti-vibration glove have been developed for reducing hand-arm vibration during the operation with vibration tools. International standard ISO 10819 evaluates the physical effect of gloves' vibration transmissibility but not evaluates the physiological effect of human hands. Thus, in this paper, we proposed the evaluation using the temporary threshold shift of vibrotactile perception threshold to evaluate the hand-arm vibration reducing effect of anti-vibration glove. We performed the experiments where subjects were exposed to hand-arm vibration under the three glove conditions; two kinds of gloves and barehanded. As a result, we could confirm wearing the anti-vibration gloves provides positive effects for human hands physiologically and the proposed method might be effective for evaluation of the hand-arm vibration reducing effect of anti-vibration glove.Ⅲ.論文集
  • 黄 健; 岡 正人; 矢野 智昭; 小谷内 範穗; 樹野 淳也; 友國 伸保; 柴田 瑞穂
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 6 (6) 20 - 26 2185-8802 2015/06 
    1. センター活動
  • Junya Tatsuno; Setsuo Maeda
    2015 10TH ASIAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ASCC) IEEE 1 - 6 2072-5639 2015 [Refereed]
    Unlike other autonomous working vehicles such as farm and construction machinery, autonomous cars have at least one occupant inside, even if driving operations are automated. Thus, the whole-body vibration problem must continue to be a research topic for autonomous vehicles. We believe that an autonomous vehicle can mitigate whole body vibration by utilizing autonomous functions such as lane change control. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to verify the effectiveness of lane change control in reducing the whole-body vibration exposure of occupants in autonomous cars. We performed numerical simulations with experimental data obtained using the measurement techniques of ISO2631-1. Thus, we observed that if an autonomous car could skirt rough road surfaces using a lane change function, the degree of ride comfort would be enhanced during travel and the maximum acceptable exposure time as health effect evaluation would be lengthened.
  • 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 藤井隆志
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 5 55 - 62 2185-8802 2014/06 
    The objectives of this paper are to investigate the effects of auditory feedback and tactile feedback on usability of touch panel and to find out the improving mechanism of touch panel usability. Four kinds of stimulus conditions are prepared with the absence or presence of auditory feedback and vibration feedback. In experiments, subjects are given phone number task under the stimulus conditions. In order to evaluate the usability, task duration is measured by using timer counter function in the touch panels, and eye-fixation duration is measured with an eye tracking system. From the experimental results of 24 subjects, it was found that not only the task duration but also the fixation duration on the touch panel are influenced by the stimulus conditions. Accordingly, the reason why the task duration under the condition with auditory feedback or vibration feedback becomes shorter seems to depend on the fixation duration on the touch panel. Since it is well known that auditory reaction time and tactile reaction time are faster than visual reaction time, it was guessed that subjects could more quickly judge the completion of phone number input by using auditory and tactile senses.
  • 黄 健; 岡 正人; 樹野 淳也; 友國 伸保; 柴田 瑞穂
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 5 (5) 20 - 23 2185-8802 2014/06
  • 田端 道彦; 角田 勝; 竹原 伸; 田中 一基; 前田 節雄; 酒井 英樹; 樹野 淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 5 15 - 19 2185-8802 2014/06
  • Makiko Yonehara; Hirokazu Yoshino; Junya Tatsuno; Setsuo Maeda; Hideki Kyogoku
    INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control 2014/01 
    "Texture"is one of the elements that contribute to the appearance of industrial products. It is an important element in improving a surface's added value. In this study, we quantified the surface of various irregular shapes using areal surface texture parameters compliant with ISO25178-2:2012. Then, we investigated the relations of roughness sensations and areal surface texture parameters. Moreover, we investigated the effects on a car passenger's sense of roughness when exposed to whole-body vibration. By investigating the areal surface texture parameters of textured surfaces, parameters that were effective for characterizing irregularities in different surfaces were described. In conclusion, design guidelinesfor surfaces that include tactile factors were suggested.
  • 米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 5 129 - 138 2185-8802 2014
  • 米原牧子; 樹野淳也; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 藤井隆志; 福本知輝
    人間工学 Japan Ergonomics Society 49 (6) 279 - 288 0549-4974 2013/12 [Refereed]
    This paper describes some experiments on the positional accuracy of active touch. Plate surfaces having a gradational unevenness pattern are prepared. The gradational pattern consists of many dots. First, the condition of natural gradation is investigated. The height and pitch of the dots are constant, and their diameters are intergraded. The condition of the logarithmically changing diameter of the dots is evaluated as the natural pattern when the participants touch these dots. Then, the positional accuracy of active touch between a gradationally patterned plate and a smooth plate is compared. Further, the positional accuracy of the gradationally patterned plate is compared to that of a control switch using a lever. As a result, we conclude that the gradationally patterned plate can control the position of a fingertip more accurately than the other plate and switch. Moreover, the results obtained in both the abovementioned cases are significantly different statistically.
  • 樹野淳也; 土屋賢太; 米原牧子; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 前田節雄
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 4 63 - 69 2185-8802 2013/06 
    [Abstract]For the disabled and the long-lived, wheelchairs are effective to expand their field of activities. It is well known that wheelchair users are exposed to whole-body vibration when they move around on wheelchairs. Then, this paper discusses the whole-body vibration in driving an electrically powered scooter. We executed experiments to measure three axes of the frequency weighted r.m.s. acceleration on seat surface of an electrically powered scooter at three types of road surface. The experiment results suggest that the user of electrically powered scooter was exposed to considerable amplitude of whole-body vibration. In addition, it is recognized that the future work is to propose countermeasures for improving the discomfort and health effect from whole-body vibration of an electrically powered scooter seat by using 12 axes acceleration measurement based on ISO2631-1.
  • 竹原 伸; 宮田 繁春; 黄 健; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 米原 牧子
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 4 14 - 19 2185-8802 2013/06
  • Guidance of a Transplanting Skid Steer Vehicle with Variable Center of Gravity
    樹野 淳也
    International Journal of Environmental Rural Development 4 (1) 75 - 80 2013/04
    JES Ergonomics Japan Ergonomics Society 49 S350 - S351 0549-4974 2013
  • NAKAMURA Hitomi; TATSUNO Junya; Yonehara Makiko; Takehara Shin; Yamada Yasue
    Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology The Japanese Society of Toxicology 40 (0) 2003181 - 2003181 2013 
    【目的】交通環境では排気ガスをはじめとする悪臭物質が自動車室内へと流れ込んでいる.そこで本研究では自動車の空調システムにおいて異臭原因物質の主成分であるプロピオン酸,吉草酸,酪酸に着目し,各物質がマウスの自発運動能におよぼす影響を調べた.また,定量的な評価をおこなうため,各物質の投与方法は腹腔内への注射による投与とした.【方法】本研究には18週齢のC57BL雄性マウス24匹を用いた.全てのマウスに対し,自発運動能測定システム(Wheel Manager, MED Associates Inc.)を用いて回し車(直径10.9cm)の回転数を60分間測定し,controlデータとした.次に24匹のマウスを,注射の有無による影響を調べるためのリンゲル液投与群,悪臭物質による影響を調べるためのプロピオン酸(1µg/kg)投与群,吉草酸(1µg/kg)投与群,酪酸(0.5µg/kg)投与群の4群各6匹ずつに分けた.なお,4群のcontrolデータにおいて一元配置の分散分析をおこなった結果,各群の間に統計学的な有意差はなかった(P>0.05).各物質をそれぞれの群のマウスの腹腔内に投与し,controlデータと同様に自発運動能を60分間測定した.各物質の投与による統計学的有意差の検定にはウィルコクソンの符号順位和検定を用いた.【結果および考察】リンゲル液を投与した群では投与の有無による統計学的な有意差はなかった(P>0.05)ため,注射による腹腔内投与の影響はないと判断した.プロピオン酸,吉草酸,酪酸を投与した群では,controlデータと比較して回転数が減少した.とくに酪酸を投与した群においては,統計学的な有意差があった(P<0.05).本研究を通して,悪臭物質がマウスの自発運動能に影響をおよぼすことがわかった.以上のことから,ヒトにおいても悪臭物質は快/不快の感覚に影響を与えるだけではなく,運動能に影響を与える可能性が示唆された.
  • Tatsuno Junya; Tsuchiya Kenta; Nakamura Hitomi; Yonehara Makiko; Takehara Shin; Maeda Setsuo
    JSAE Transactions 公益社団法人 自動車技術会 44 (1) 93 - 98 0287-8321 2013 
    ISO 2631-1, which defines methods for the measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration, describes factors contributing to the discomfort from vibration. However, investigations of the effect of sound and visual images on whole-body vibration are necessary to evaluate ride comfort truly. Then, we developed a new driving simulator to realize virtual driving easily. This paper reports the psychometric experiments with various conditions of vibration and audiovisual stimulation. For evaluation of whole-body vibration, we used the category judgment method. We discussed the relationship between the stimulation condition and subjects' assessment.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Hitomi Nakamura; Shin Takehara; Kenta Tsuchiya; Makiko Yonehara; Setsuo Maeda
    41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012 3 2442 - 2450 2012/12 
    ISO 2631-1, which defines the methods for the measurement and evaluation of humans' exposure to whole-body vibration, describes factors that contribute to discomfort from vibration. Moreover, Annex C of ISO 2631-1 ("Guide to the effects of vibration on comfort and perception") states that "the reactions at various magnitudes depended on passenger expectancies with regards to trip duration and the type of activities passengers expect to accomplish (e.g., reading, eating, writing, etc.) and many other factors (acoustic noise, temperature, etc.)." However, only a few studies have been conducted on the effects of sound and visual images on whole-body vibration perception. Therefore, we developed a virtual driving system that easily simulates and can be used to clarify the extent to which visual images and acoustic noise contribute to vibration discomfort. This paper discusses our psychometric experiments using the driving simulator. In this study, as the first trial, two types of auditory stimuli and visual stimuli were prepared. Under the conditions of these stimuli combinations, the subjects were exposed to whole-body vibration while driving virtually on a road with various speed bumps. We summarized the relationship between the stimulus condition and subjects' assessments. The results suggested that the visual and auditory stimuli affect the subjects' sense of vibration.
  • JITSUNO Masataka; TAJIMA Kiyoshi; KATO Masayoshi; TOYODA Nariaki; LOPEZ Noe Velazquez; SAKAGUCHI Eiichiro; TATSUNO Junya
    沙漠研究 : 日本沙漠学会誌 22 (1) 341 - 344 0917-6985 2012/06
  • 樹野淳也; 中村一美; 米原牧子; 田中一基; 竹原伸
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 3 47 - 54 2185-8802 2012/06 
    [Abstract] Most traffic accidents are caused by inattentive driving. Inattentive driving occurs when drivers operate devices unrelated to driving. This paper evaluates the maneuverability of control switch of the air conditioning unit. We performed an experiment to compare the operation of three kinds of control switches: lever switch, knob rotary switch, and dial rotary switch. The experimental results showed that the subjects could perform the tasks more accurately using the knob rotary switch compared to that using the dial rotary switch and lever switch. The difference in the operation of three different control switches is as follows: In the case of the knob rotary switch and lever switch, the subjects are able to hold the switch at the central position by arm kinesthetic sense, and the motion error gets canceled when the subjects operate the control switch continuously. In contrast, in the case of the dial rotary switch, subjects are not able to recognize the switch rotation without visual confirmation, and the error accumulates whenever the subjects operate the switch. The next stage of this research involves the development of a switch that operates without visual confirmation. In the future, it is expected that the control switch of the air conditioning unit will not only possess a merchantable design but will also produce better results during its operation.
  • 竹原 伸; 田中 一基; 宮田 繁春; 黄 健; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 米原 牧子
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 3 12 - 16 2185-8802 2012/06
  • Tsuchiya Kenta; Tatsuno Junya; Nakamura Hitomi; Yonehara Makiko; Takehara Shin; Maeda Setsuo; Ogura Yumi; Fujita Etsunori
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society Japan Ergonomics Society 48 (0) 286 - 287 2012
  • 米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 3 73 - 77 2185-8802 2012 
    [Abstract] Texture is one of the important factors to characterize appearance of products. However, its quantitative evaluation is difficult and the proper evaluation method has not been developed yet. In order to solve this problem, in the present study, we proposed several parameters applicable for quantitative texture evaluation. Effects of surface roughness on glossiness and surface color were investigated for wrinkly textured surfaces in car interior. With decreasing skewness Rsk, glossiness increased. The lightness L* and color coordinate b* change with the arithmetical mean roughness, Ra. The present experimental results showed that the texture can be evaluated quantitatively by using three combined parameters: surface roughness, glossiness and surface color.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Hitomi Nakamura; Makiko Yonehara; Shin Takehara; Kazuma Ishimatsu; Setsuo Maeda
    40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011 4 3576 - 3583 2011/12 
    ISO 2631-1, which defines the acceptable standard of body vibration, constitutes the generally accepted criteria for evaluating whole-body vibration as a part of overall in-vehicle comfort. Annex C of ISO 2631-1 (''Guide to the effects of vibration on comfort and perception'') states that "the reactions at various magnitudes depended on passenger expectancies with regards to trip duration and the type of activities passengers expect to accomplish (e.g., reading, eating, writing, etc.) and many other factors (acoustic noise, temperature, etc.)". Although previous studies have reported factors contributing to the discomfort from vibration, some studies on the effects of sound and visual images (i.e., audio-visual stimulation) on whole-body vibration perception have been reported recently. In order to validate the effect of sound and visual images on whole-body vibration evaluation, the multi-modal simulator or the driving simulator is necessary to perform the psychometric experiments. We developed a new driving simulator for the psychometric experiments. In this study, the hardware specification and control system of the driving simulator are described first. Then, we described plans for a psychometric experiment using the driving simulator to obtain data for the revision of the ISO 2631-1 standard.
  • 樹野淳也; 西澤貴史; 米原牧子; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 藤井隆志
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 2 83 - 88 2185-8802 2011/06 
    [Abstract] The touch panel iswidely used in many applications; ATM, FA instrument, car navigation system, cell phone and so on. Although the advantage of the touch panel is that change and update work are easy compared to mechanical switches, the touch panel has a serious problem that it gives no click feeling to operators. Therefore, as a result of researches on touch panel with tactile feedback, some items have been available commercially. However, there are few researches to evaluate the touch panel with tactile feedback. Then we carry out experiments where subjects enter sixteen telephone numbers to touch panel. So, we discuss the affects of differences in sensory feedback on task duration of subject.
  • 竹原 伸; 宮田 繁春; 黄 健; 長谷川 誠; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 米原 牧子
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 = Kinki University Research Institute of Fundamental Technology for Next Generation 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 2 12 - 14 2185-8802 2011/06
  • 樹野淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 1 51 - 56 2185-8802 2011/03
  • Yuki Shirato; Hiromi Mochiyama; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Fuji Technology Press 23 (3) 393 - 399 1883-8049 2011 [Refereed]
    The master-slave suction/exhalation we proposed for micromanipulation enables remote operation between a master and slave. Specifically, solenoid valves connected to pressure sources controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generate suction or exhalation at the end of a straw based on an air flow generated by an operator. Our exploration of its basic performance, i.e., force generation capability and response, demonstrates its micromanipulation potential.
  • 樹野 淳也; 西澤 貴史; 米原 牧子
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 2 (0) 83 - 88 2185-8802 2011 
    [Abstract] The touch panel iswidely used in many applications; ATM, FA instrument, car navigation system, cell phone and so on. Although the advantage of the touch panel is that change and update work are easy compared to mechanical switches, the touch panel has a serious problem that it gives no click feeling to operators. Therefore, as a result of researches on touch panel with tactile feedback, some items have been available commercially. However, there are few researches to evaluate the touch panel with tactile feedback. Then we carry out experiments where subjects enter sixteen telephone numbers to touch panel. So, we discuss the affects of differences in sensory feedback on task duration of subject.
  • Yuki Shirato; Hiromi Mochiyama; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Fuji Technology Press 23 (3) 393 - 399 1883-8049 2011 
    The master-slave suction/exhalation we proposed for micromanipulation enables remote operation between a master and slave. Specifically, solenoid valves connected to pressure sources controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generate suction or exhalation at the end of a straw based on an air flow generated by an operator. Our exploration of its basic performance, i.e., force generation capability and response, demonstrates its micromanipulation potential.
  • 竹原 伸; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 2 (0) 141 - 148 2185-8802 2011
  • Micro-manipulation System with Straw Interface based on Body Image Embedding
    Yuki, Shirato; Hiromi, Mochiyama; Hisato, Kobayashi; Junya, Tatsuno; Hiroyuki, Kawai
    Proceedings of the First IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (Asian MMS 2010) (1-6)  2010/10 [Refereed]
  • Tatsuno Junya; Nakamura Hitomi; Tanaka Kazumoto; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society Japan Ergonomics Society 46 220 - 221 2010
  • NAKAMURA Hitomi; TATSUNO Junya; TANAKA Kazumoto; MIYATA Shigeharu; TAKEHARA Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society Japan Ergonomics Society 46 474 - 475 2010
  • 樹野 淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告 近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所 1 51 - 56 2185-8802 2010 
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Yuki Shirato; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science: From Micro and Nano Scale Systems to Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, MHS 2010, Micro-Nano GCOE 2010, Bio-Manipulation 2010 290 - 295 2010 
    In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of the micro-manipulation system with a robotic straw proposed by the authors for the microorganism isolation task. Isolating microorganism is one of the fundamental bio-manipulation tasks. This task has been conventionally achieved with a straw connected with a rubber tube. However, some skill is required by an operator for this isolation task, because it is difficult for a naive operator to place the tip of pipette at a desired position under a microscope. We show that the microorganism isolation task is successfully achieved with the proposed system even by a naive operator of the conventional microorganism isolation task without long-term training. ©2010 IEEE.
  • Minoru Kanamaru; Hiroyuki Kawai; Hisato Kobayashi; Junyo Tatsuno; Hiromi Mochiyama; Nobuaki Kobayashi
    In this paper, we propose a networked cellular motion detection system for surveillance by using pyroelectric infrared sensors. The networked sensor technology has a potential to solve some of our most important scientific and societal problems. However, the distributed vision system makes it difficult to process the information acquired in such considerable amount. The proposed method gets a hint from the information processing of human hearing organs and compound eyes of insects. By constructing the testbed as a motion detection cell, we confirmed that the proposed method can be utilized to detect human behavior in a real situation.
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Yuki Shirato; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    2010 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science: From Micro and Nano Scale Systems to Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, MHS 2010, Micro-Nano GCOE 2010, Bio-Manipulation 2010 290 - 295 2010 
    In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of the micro-manipulation system with a robotic straw proposed by the authors for the microorganism isolation task. Isolating microorganism is one of the fundamental bio-manipulation tasks. This task has been conventionally achieved with a straw connected with a rubber tube. However, some skill is required by an operator for this isolation task, because it is difficult for a naive operator to place the tip of pipette at a desired position under a microscope. We show that the microorganism isolation task is successfully achieved with the proposed system even by a naive operator of the conventional microorganism isolation task without long-term training. ©2010 IEEE.
  • Minoru Kanamaru; Hiroyuki Kawai; Hisato Kobayashi; Junyo Tatsuno; Hiromi Mochiyama; Nobuaki Kobayashi
    In this paper, we propose a networked cellular motion detection system for surveillance by using pyroelectric infrared sensors. The networked sensor technology has a potential to solve some of our most important scientific and societal problems. However, the distributed vision system makes it difficult to process the information acquired in such considerable amount. The proposed method gets a hint from the information processing of human hearing organs and compound eyes of insects. By constructing the testbed as a motion detection cell, we confirmed that the proposed method can be utilized to detect human behavior in a real situation.
  • 樹野 淳也
    研究結果報告書集 : 交通安全等・高齢者福祉 三井住友海上福祉財団 16 23 - 26 2010
  • 樹野 淳也; 山田 良一
    日本機械学會誌 一般社団法人日本機械学会 112 (1089) 679 - 679 0021-4728 2009/08
  • 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 石井忠司; 玉木浩二
    農業機械学会誌 The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers 71 (2) 46 - 52 0285-2543 2009/03 
    We describe a solar-powered robotic farming system. A high-precision localization system with a laser distance sensor for guidance of a working vehicle was studied in the field. In addition, we attempted to develop a shaft-tillage and transplanting attachment based on our findings on robot-oriented farming. Here we report the findings of a vehicle positioning experiment in which the vehicle was instructed to undertake repeated stop-and-go driving and execute tillage and transplanting operations while the vehicle was stopped. The root mean square of the positioning error was approximately 13mm and was due to a measurement error of the developed localization system. Factoring in the decrease in measurement accuracy will result in an ideal positioning accuracy of less than 10mm.
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Takeyulci Dohda; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    In this paper, we propose a novel macro-micro tele-manipulation system based on body image embedding with contact feel, spatial motion and stereo vision for micromanipulation under a microscope. The basic concept of body image embedding for macro-micro tele-manipulation has been already proposed by the authors. The system proposed here has three new realization ideas. The first idea is the realization of realistic contact feeling which is attained by driving a voice coil motor according to the binary on/off information of the switch between micro-tools. The use of a voice coil motor not only saves the cost of the system, but also generates clearer tactile and auditory stimuli than a piezo actuator for sending contact information in a micro world to an operator. The switch between micro-tools does not detect the contact between the object to be manipulated and the tool for manipulation directly, but can be useful for some tasks. The second idea is the realization of spatial motion of the manipulation tool relative to the object to be manipulated, which is realized by the appropriate coordination of the 2-degree-of-freedom motions of the slave manipulators. The third idea is the realization of stereo vision under the constraint of the position/orientation consistency of an operator's body image between proprioception and vision, which is achieved by the special placement of the dual joysticks of the dual micro-manipulators. The effectiveness of the proposed realization method is verified experimentally by micro-drawing tasks where we need appropriate hybrid position/force control of the micro-tool for manipulation in a three-dimensional space.
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Yuki Shirato; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    20th Anniversary MHS 2009 and Micro-Nano Global COE - 2009 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science 332 - 337 2009 
    In this paper, we propose a novel master-slave system for micro-manipulation of the mechanical contact type. In the proposed system, suck and blow movements in the master side are scaled and transmitted to the slave side, i.e., we generate the air flow at the tip of the micro-straw in the slave side according to operator's suck and blow in the master side. The air flows by operator's suck and blow are detected by a series of two flow sensors opposite in direction each other. The output air flow at the micro-straw is controlled by switching a series of two solenoid valves whose three inputs are connected to an air compressor, a vacuum pump, and the atmosphere respectively. The switching law is calculated based on the data from the flow sensors. Moreover, by vibrating the straw at an operator's mouth according to the detected contact between the microstraw and a micro-object, we also expect immersive feel as if the operator sucks or blows the micro-object directly with the straw. The suck-and-blow master-slave system proposed here is compatible with the master-slave system based on the body image embedding the authors proposed previously. By combining the two systems, we expect to realize the rapid pick-and-place in a micro-world. We show some results on very basic experiments, i.e., measurement of air flows by operator's suck and blow, and picking a micro-particle by suction, to prove the potential of the proposed micro-manipulation system. ©2009 IEEE.
    Japanese journal of farm work research 日本農作業学会 43 (3) 135 - 141 0389-1763 2008/09
  • 大原 良友; 堀田 一郎; 足立 章; 石川 聡; 佐田 守弘; 佐々木 正人; 福田 隆文; 荒木 克洋; 樹野 淳也; 加部 隆史
    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 一般社団法人日本機械学会 111 (1077) 709 - 710 0021-4728 2008/08
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    2008 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2008 285 - 290 2008 
    In this paper, in order to provide with an inex- pensive solution to efficient bio-manipulation under microscope, we propose a macro-micro tele-operation system based on body image embedding. It is known in neuroscience that we could feel our body image for the object which is not our own body in certain conditions. Our idea is to utilize the body image illusion for generating high immersive feelings in bio-manipulation under microscope, instead of aiming at the perfect transparency, the conventional target of tele-manipulation system, which is difficult to attain. Our proposed system has two additional components as well as the conventional system where micro manipulators hydraulically connected to joysticks or dials handled by an operator are used for fine bio-manipulation under a microscope. The one component is for the body posi- tion/orientation consistency between proprioception and vision. In this component, due to appropriate use of a camera for a microscope, a visual display, mirrors and tiny dummy hands, an operator can see the magnified visual image of the tiny dummy hands similar to his/her own hands in shape at the position and orientation where he/she feel them proprioceptively. The other component is for the contact consistency between touch and vision. In this component, the contact between a tool grasped by an operator's hands and a manipulated object observed by eyes should coincide to the contact felt by his/her hand skin. To do this, haptic stimulators such as piezo actuators are activated at the timing of contact which is detected, for example, by the vision processing from the microscopic images. © 2008 IEEE.
  • 樹野 淳也
    日本機械学會誌 一般社団法人日本機械学会 110 (1065) 640 - 640 0021-4728 2007/08
  • KOBAYASHI Hisato; MOCHIYAMA Hiromi; TATSUNO Junya; KAWAI Hiroyuki
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan The Robotics Society of Japan 25 (2) 210 - 210 0289-1824 2007/03
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Keisuke Murakawa; Junya Tatsuno; Hiromi Mochiyama; Hiroyuki Kawai
    This paper proposes a method to improve the operability of micro-macro tele-operations in biological researches and developments. In such fields, there are lots of labor intensive works and the smooth execution of the works requires some trained human skills. Thus, if we can improve the operability of the equipments, the efficiency of the researches and developments will be improved remarkably. The idea is to add a pseudo haptic feedback and artificial responding sounds beside the real magnified image. The image itself has enough information to operate, but adding other sensory information may ease the operation. Naturally, the real magnified haptic feedback must be helpful, but its realization is not so easy. Even pseudo or artificial sensory feedback may help enough to improve the operability. As a start of our research, this paper shows a simple experiment to ensure the effectiveness of adding the other sensory feedback.
  • HONG Youngki; TATSUNO Junya; SHIMADA Sawahiko; NAKAMURA Takahiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi; TAMAKI Koji
    Shokubutsu Kankyo Kogaku 日本生物環境工学会 18 (4) 247 - 254 1880-2028 2006/12 
    Numerous studies on the reclamation of saline land have been conducted in northeastern Thailand. Despite the importance of long-term evaluations of this phenomenon, relatively few studies on this have been reported in the scientific literature. Consequently, we propose a new method for understanding the 3D salt distribution in soil. The general technique employed for evaluating salt accumulation in soil is to measure the electrical conductivity of soil samples in the laboratory. However, the collection of soil samples can be difficult when groundwater levels increase such as they do during ...
  • 荒木 克洋; 樹野 淳也
    日本機械学會誌 一般社団法人日本機械学会 109 (1053) 683 - 683 0021-4728 2006/08
  • HONG Youngki; TATSUNO Junya; NAKAMURA Takahiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi; TAMAKI Koji
    Shokubutsu Kankyo Kogaku 日本生物環境工学会 18 (1) 28 - 34 1880-2028 2006/03 
    We developed an instrument capable of measuring electrical conductivity in saturated soils below groundwater level. Electrical conductivity of each layer is simply measured by inserting the probe into the soil. Initial research demonstrated the applicability of the probe for measuring the electrical conductivity in saturated soils. The next phase of this study was divided into two experiments designed to understand electrical conductivity dynamics in saturated soils. Specifically, the first experiment was designed to determine if the probe could be employed to differentiate between two soil...
  • 私立大学学術研 究高度化推進事業研究成果報告書,自然エネルギー利用型農業・施設のロボット化
    樹野 淳也
  • Simple Quality Evaluation of Chili Pepper Based on Continuous Weight Measurement During Dehydration Process
    樹野 淳也
    Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 36 (2) 84 - 89 2005/10
  • 樹野 淳也; 田島 淳; 寺田 裕
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery 農業機械学会事務局 67 (5) 45 - 53 0285-2543 2005/09
  • Junya Tatsuno; Yoshimichi Umeki; Yuki Ishida; Hisato Kobayashi
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 125 (2) 308 - 313 1348-8155 2005 
    This paper proposes a practical method of collision-free motion planning for multi-degree of freedom manipulators. The proposed method has mainly two concepts. Under this method, the motion planning is considered in real space instead of configuration space in order to reduce the calculation amount. Meanwhile, it is well known that a path planning is executed without local minima under a potential field based on Laplace's equation because such environment has no minimal point. Therefore, we introduced an electrostatic field based on Laplace's equation for path planning of multi-degree of freedom manipulator. Specifically, the path planning of the end-effecter of manipulator is executed under the potential field produced by solving Laplace's differential equation. On the other hand, for the determination of the whole manipulator's shape after the end-effecter position has been derived, we implemented the form changing of the electrical-charged wire in the electrostatic field. Here, this electrical-charged wire is named as "Electrified Wire". By using this method, the collision-free shape of manipulator can be determined easily. For the explanation of this method, we produced the collision-free motion planning of 10DOF manipulator as a simple example. © 2005, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Yohei Hashimoto; Kiyoshi Tajima; Tsuneo Oishi; Chaiyanam Dissataporn; Pramote Yamclee; Koji Tamaki
    Environmental Control in Biology Biotron Institute 43 (3) 155 - 163 1883-0986 2005 
    A low agricultural productivity in northeastern Thailand primarily results from saline soils predominately distributed throughout the region. We proposed a remediation technique for the saline soil by using a solar-powered pump and subsurface drainage system (SPSD system). This study was conducted in Khon Kaen Province, northeastern Thailand. The SPSD system could lower the groundwater levels and subsequently reduce the capillary rise of saline groundwater toward the soil surface. The SPSD system first collects excess groundwater through the drainage pipes connected to a water tank under the ground. Groundwater collected in the tank is automatically discharged out by the solar-powered pump. The electrical conductivity of groundwater (ECw) measured in the area where the SPSD system was installed suggested that lowering of the groundwater levels using the SPSD system could enhance salt leaching from the soil profile by rainfall. The electrical conductivity of soils at the sampling point where the SPSD system was installed was lower than those obtained from the same soil profile at the control sites. Consequently, this study suggests that lowering groundwater levels using the SPSD system may be an effective means for reducing salinity degree of soil and groundwater in northeastern Thailand.
  • TAJIMA Kiyoshi; YOSHIMURA Masataka; KATO Masayoshi; TATSUNO Junya; TAMAKI Koji
    Japanese journal of farm work research 日本農作業学会 38 (4) 207 - 213 0389-1763 2003/12
  • TATSUNO Junya; OSONE Takefumi; NISHIDA Tomofumi; KOBAYASHI Hisato
    The Japanese journal of ergonomics 日本人間工学会 39 (5) 201 - 209 0549-4974 2003/10
  • TAJIMA Kiyoshi; KATO Masayoshi; TATSUNO Junya; TAMAKI Koji
    Japanese journal of farm work research 日本農作業学会 38 (1) 17 - 24 0389-1763 2003/03
  • 樹野淳也; 大石常夫; 田島淳; 玉木浩二
    工業用水 日本工業用水協会 0 (533) 2 - 8 0454-1545 2003/02
  • 田島 淳; 樹野 淳也; 玉木 浩二; 石井 忠司
    農業機械学会誌 The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers 65 (0) 157 - 158 0285-2543 2003
  • TAJIMA Kiyoshi; YOSHIMURA Masataka; KATO Masayoshi; TATSUNO Junya; TAMAKI Koji
    Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research 日本農作業学会 38 (4) 207 - 213 0389-1763 2003 
    Shortening the composting time for tree pruning chips obtained in urban areas is important in reducing the area required for composing. We have developed several composting techniques over the last ten years. According to our study, using the closed-type reactor with the intermittent aeration effectively enhanced composting of secondary-crushed wood chips under the initial condition of 60% (w. b.) moisutre content without turning the compost pile. In this paper, the effects of amendments on composting of secondary-crushed wood chips were examined using a small-scale reactor (0.125m<sup>3</sup>) with the intermittent aeration (aeration: 30min with 30L min.<sup>-1</sup> and 60 minites interruption).<br>The composting amendments used for this study were chicken manure, rice bran, rice bran & chicken manure and control (no amendment). From this experiment, we obtained the following results.<br>1) The amendment of rice bran & chicken manure had the highest rate of decomposition.<br>2) The chicken manure amendment rapidly increased the temperature of material in the early stage, and the rice bran amendment maintained material decomposition in the mid-stage of composting.<br>3) The C-N ratio of composting material amended with rice bran & chicken manure reduced 3 points, compared to the rice bran amendment.<br>4) The moisture loss of composting material due to the temperature rise was dependent on the type of amendment. Optimizing the aeration quantity of each amendment may allow composting material to be continuously decomposed.
  • HONG Y; 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 関山哲雄; 玉木浩二
    日本海水学会誌 日本海水学会 56 (5) 393 - 401 0369-4550 2002/10 
    For the improvement and restoration of soil saturated with salt, it is important to investigate the vertical and horizontal distribution of salt accumulation in a wide area. Under the conventional methods of soil sampling, the soil layer below groundwater level could not be measured. In this paper, a prototype sensor based on Edlefsen's 4-electrode method was developed in order to enable to measure vertical distribution of the electric conductivity. From experimental results in the laboratory as well as the experimental field in Northeastern Thailand, the following results were obtained.<BR>1) From the results of calibration using an NaCl solution and the experiment in saturated soil, it was found that the prototype sensor could be used as an electric conductivity sensor by calibrating the measurement value.<BR>2) Conventionally, it had been considered that electric conductivity was uniform in the vertical direction below groundwater, but the result in laboratory experiments with a controlled groundwater level showed the difference in electric conductivity at every soil layer<BR>3) The experimental results in saline soil in Northeast Thailand indicate that the prototype sensor enables to measure the extent of salt accumulation at various depths.
  • T Osone; J Tatsuno; T Nishida; H Kobayashi
    IEEE ROMAN 2002, PROCEEDINGS IEEE 488 - 493 2002 
    Human friendly robots must not give us strange feelings in their behaviors. Namely, such robots should behave like human beings. This paper proposes a cost function, which generates human like movements when robots execute dual arm cooperative tasks. Considering human behaviors, we established a cost function based on two factors: "second derivatives of joint torques" and "degree of visibility". As a result of several simulations, we could conclude that the proposed cost function generated human like movements, which was closer to real human behavior comparing with the conventional cost functions.
  • WIDODO Teguh Wikan; TATSUNO Junya; TAJIMA Kiyoshi; TAMAKI Koji
    Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan. Nogyo shisetsu 農業施設学会 32 (1) 1 - 10 0388-8517 2001/06
  • T Yamada; J Tatsuno; M Kobayashi
    This paper proposes a concept to build a human friendly interface for robot tele-operation. This interface is based on a knowledge database of our daily lives, thus any human-operators. men and women of all ages, can easily transfer their intentions to the robots. The proposed method also includes interactive communication path between human-operators and robots, which compensates for vague instructions.
    Japanese journal of farm work research 日本農作業学会 35 (4) 223 - 228 0389-1763 2000/12
  • 斎藤誠; 樹野淳也; 梅木嘉道; 川端邦明; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集 18th 1411 - 1412 2000/09
  • 梅木嘉道; 高橋和幸; 松村勇; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    法政大学計算科学研究センター研究報告 法政大学計算科学研究センター 12 25 - 32 1347-6726 1999/03
  • K Takahashi; J Tatsuno; H Kobayashi
    This paper describes the construction of a robot vision. In order to enable robots to participate actively in our living, image recognition by robots is important. However we have many problems to The solved in this rea. Human being can recognize images naturally without special effort. Even though an image of object isn't enough as it is, we can get the information by closing to the object or by bringing it to our face. These behavior are done unconsciously. We think that human natural behavior may be a great hint to construct a robot vision system. On this point of view, vie propose a robot vision system that behaves like human natural manner.
  • TATSUNO Junya; KOKUBO Yoshiyuki; MATSUMURA Isamu; KOBAYASHI Hisato
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C 電気学会 118 (4) 599 - 605 0385-4221 1998/04
  • Kiyoshi Tajima; Junya Tatsuno; Koji Tamaki
    Paper - American Society of Agricultural Engineers 1 0145-0166 1997/12 
    Natural energy is widely distributed and hard to utilize as a energy sources. When we think of development of agricultural robot using natural energy, such as solar energy, it is important to develop small and light body instead of current heavy equipment and a cultivation system that is suitable for the machine. The machine has specialized for each operation so that it stimulates to develop simpler machine. We have been developing the total system of agricultural robot for a field use. We introduce working vehicle positioning system for the robot, that is a combination of a movable guidance beacon along operating fields and flexible boom which connects working and control vehicle.
  • Matsumura, I; J Tatsuno; Y Kokubo; H Kobayashi
    This paper describes about a construction of human-friendly man-machine interface. We think that we should model after human natural communication to construct human-friendly man-machine interface. lit this paper, especially, we will try to realize the man-machine communication by the commands with demonstrative pronoun and simple action. We construct a fundamental system and do some simple experiment.
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 松山新吾
    計測技術 日本工業出版 24 (13) 61 - 66 0385-9886 1996/12
  • J Tatsuno; S Matsuyama; Y Kokubo; H Kobayashi
    This paper considers a human friendly teaching way which can be used by every human being. The method represents robots' motion by a set of keywords which are frequently used in daily conversation. The sequence of keywords is interpreted as a sequence of robot command, and realized our intended motion. This paper also considers a method which translates human gesture to the keywords, because human gesture greatly assists to describe our intention as a set of keywords. To avoid mis-operation, me can also verify the consistency between the human gesture and typed keywords. Moreover, keyword description enables us to expand the interface to being more human friendly.
  • J Tatsuno; S Matsuyama; Y Kokubo; K Kawabata; H Kobayashi
    A human friendly method of teaching industrial robots has been developed. The methods involved teaching by keywords which represent almost all tasks required from industrial robots. It was observed that there is a need to develop intelligent control method with visual or tactile feedback which is essential for fine motion teaching.
  • J Tatsuno; H Kobayashi; S Matsuyama
    This paper tries to extract human intention from time series data in operator's arm action, and to let robots move as if robots have the same intention as the operator. Since human being is not always good at to verbalize one's own mind, it is helpful for human-machine interface of teleoperaiotion to interpret human arm actions.
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 松山新吾; 小久保芳行
    法政大学計算センター研究報告 9 43 - 50 0913-8420 1996
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C 電気学会 115 (10) 1109 - 1114 0385-4221 1995/09
  • H Kobayashi; J Tatsuno; S Ito; S Matsuyama
    This paper describes a control structure of tele-operation system with communication time delay. Tele-operation systems need real time force and position information in bilateral way to realize natural operation feeling, while communication paths usually have nonnegligible time delay. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a dual model approach, which has a master model in the slave side and a slave model in the master side.
  • H Kobayashi; J Tatsuno; A Kuroda; S Matsuyama; K Yana; H Mizuta
    This paper describes an attempt to use a biodynamical measure to evaluate the performance of human-robot interfaces that should be comfortable for human operators. Since the comfort is a sense of human being, we should adopt some biodynamical measure to evaluate the comforts of human operator; This paper proposes a quantitative biodynamical measure that depends on heart rate, instantaneous lung volume and arterial blood pressure. Experiments show that there exists clear relation between the measure and the task stress of operators.
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC 55-1 329 - 337 1994/12 
    This paper treats a basic system which realizes scaled manipulation environment. Tools for scaled manipulation are necessary when we manipulate an extremely large or small size target. This type of tool has to scale up or down size and force in bilateral way. But time scaling should also be considered to build up such ideal environment as we can feel our body size is scaled to the target size. This paper proposes a possible time scaling method which can be used in bilateral force-position control for unknown targets. On the other hand, in case of different scale, it is difficult to design these manipulators as same form. Thus, a different configuration with some intelligent control is necessary for such master-slave manipulators. This paper also proposes a primary control method by using virtual model to improve the maneuverability of different scale master-slave manipulators.
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Satoshi Ito; Akinori Kuroda
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop 130 - 133 1994/12 
    This paper treats a basic system which realizes a scaled manipulation environment. Tools for scaled manipulation are necessary when we manipulate an extremely large or small size target. In case of manipulation without scaling, it is possible to let the slave-manipulators have same configuration as the master-manipulators. But in case of different scale, it is difficult to design these manipulators as same configuration. Thus a different configurations with some intelligent control is necessary for such master-slave manipulators. In this paper we propose a control method for different scale master-slave manipulator.
  • J Tatsuno; Y Kokubo; S Matsuyama; K Kawabata; H Kobayashi
    In future, robots may be familiar to human-being. In such case, more human friendly communication methods are necessary, In this paper, we discuss the simple teaching way for robots, We represent robots' motion by a set of keywords, and try to describe robots' tasks by sequence of them, Furthermore, we simulate a simple task execution with our proposed method.

Books and other publications

  • 技術情報協会 技術情報協会 2019 9784861047572 512p
  • 株式会社シーエムシー出版, リアルタイム計測による生命現象の解析
    樹野 淳也 (Joint work)2011/03 
  • 環境修復の技術 -地域環境科学からのアプローチ-
    樹野 淳也 (Joint work)東京農大出版会 2007/07 
  • Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation
    樹野 淳也 (Joint work)Institute of Environment Rehabilitaion and Conservation 2004/11 
    , Institute of Environment Rehabilitaion and Conservation (ERECON), 担当箇所:”Effective Use of Reservoir Water with Solar Pumping System at Integrated Farming System in Northeastern Thailand”, pp.93-pp.96, ”A method for 3D salt distribution measurement on saline land in northeastern Thailand”, pp.161-pp.166
  • 理工図書, 地域環境科学概論II
    樹野 淳也 (Joint work)2002/09 

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Evaluation of Navigation System with Laser Distance Sensors for Positioning of Farming Robot in Greenhouses
    西田翔; 樹野淳也
    計測自動制御学会中国支部学術講演会(Web)  2023
  • Development of handheld system for growth monitoring in orchard terraces
    武田旭生; 樹野淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部総会・講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2023
  • Development of Agricultural Robot Vehicle Working in Greenhouse-Consideration of Omnidirectional Mechanism-
    宮崎光介; 樹野淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部総会・講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2023
  • Development of Small Agricultural Robot in Greenhouse-Navigation System with Laser Distance Sensors-
    西田翔; 樹野淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部総会・講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2023
  • Research on Ride Comfort of Autonomous Vehicles-Effect of Visual Information through Front View on Vibration Perception of Occupants-
    伊藤勇太; 樹野淳也; 石松一真; 中村一美; 前田節雄
    計測自動制御学会中国支部学術講演会(Web)  2022
  • Research on Ride Comfort of Autonomous Vehicles - Effect of Seat Layout on Vibration Perception of Occupants -
    筧大輝; 樹野淳也; 石松一真; 中村一美; 前田節雄
    人間工学  2022
  • Effect of Long-term Whole-body Vibration on Discomfort Evaluation
    久田伊織; 樹野淳也; 石松一真; 中村一美; 前田節雄
    人間工学  2022
  • MATSUZAWA Kazuki; TATSUNO Junya; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  2020  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Planting works of Allium × wakegi Araki bulbs is too heavy for old farmers to practice in the field because they have to work with half vent posture. Thus, the mechanization of the bulb planting process has been desired. When the bulbs are planted into the soil, farmers vertically put bulbs into the soil, and half of the bulbs are below the soil surface eventually. From a realistic viewpoint, it is necessary to develop an affordable system that can realize such a complicated process. This paper reports a trial of the development of a planting machine for the Allium × wakegi Araki Bulbs.

  • Suenaga Nobuhito; Suyama Koki; Tatsuno Junya; Maeda Setsuo
    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  2020  Japan Ergonomics Society
  • A method of estimating averaging time wind resource assessment for small wind turbines
    田口誠景; GOIT Jay Prakash; 樹野淳也
    風力エネルギー利用シンポジウム  2020
  • 中村一美; 岡信翔太; 曽根拓矢; 樹野淳也; 米田智史; 横山博志
    Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science  2018/06
  • 中村一美; 岡信翔太; 曽根拓矢; 樹野淳也; 米田智史; 横山博志
    Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science  2018/06
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    日本感性工学会春季大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2018
  • 中村一美; 濱田勇輝; 岡田悠吾; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    人間工学  2018
  • 前田節雄; 樹野淳也; 宮下和久; 宮本邦彦
    日本機械学会交通・物流部門大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2017/12
  • 樹野淳也; 前田節雄; 宮下和久; 宮本邦彦
    農業食料工学会年次大会講演要旨  2017/09
  • 藤波俊亮; 江上親宏; 蕪木嶺介; 緒形百合恵; 田島淳; 樹野淳也
    農業食料工学会関東支部年次報告  2017/06
  • 樹野淳也; 稲垣克彦; 田島淳
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2017/05 

    We studied shaft tillage cultivation as practiced by an autonomous robot. Through previous studies, we found that leg locomotion has a higher compatibility with the shaft tillage method than wheeled locomotion. Therefore, we are currently developing a legged robot for shaft tillage cultivation. In this article, we will report the progress on developing the real scale model of the legged robot. In particular, we describe the development of a backlash free servo module for the swing leg motion, the power transmission method of the standing leg and the sensing method of the ground contact.

  • Setsuo Maeda; Junya Tatsuno; Yasunari Abe; Haruhisa Tomoda
    INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet  2017/01 
    © 2017 Institute of Noise Control Engineering. All Rights Reserved. Peoples such as drivers or passengers are listening to music by using a different kind of listening devices such as speaker, headphone, earphone, and bone conduction earphone. During this listening condition, when some accident has happened, driver or passenger has to recognize the emergency signals or speech from the outside of vehicle having different noise and vibration exposure environment conditions. But, during these conditions, it is not clear exactly whether which listening device is better to understand the external signals. To clarify the good listening device, during listening music, the signals with different STI (Speech Transmission Index) voice from the outside were presented to the driver or passenger on the driving simulator under some noise and vibration condition. They had to need to evaluate the speech intelligibility of each STI signals. After these experiments, it was clear that the speech intelligibility had the difference among speaker, headphone, earphone, and bone conduction earphone. It was also clear the bone conduction listening device was the best device.
  • Setsuo Maeda; Junya Tatsuno
    INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet  2017/01 
    © 2017 Institute of Noise Control Engineering. All Rights Reserved. On the ISO 2631-1 standard, although the ride comfort evaluation is defined by the 12-axis measurement and evaluation method, the real ISO 2631-1 standard algorithm has not been used by many researchers. Mainly, the ride comfort evaluation has been performed by using 3-axis measurement data on the seat. Also, on that ride comfort evaluation, they are using the comfort evaluation multiplier or the health evaluation multiplier of 3-axis measurement vibrations for assessing the ride comfort to compare the subjective scaling of the ISO 2631-1 standard. In this paper, the different kinds of evaluation algorithms were applied to the real 12-axis measurement data on the vehicle seat according to the ISO 2631-1 standard. From these calculations, this paper is showing the misunderstanding of usage of ISO 2631-1 standard in the world.
  • Ride comfort evaluation by using Seat Fidget Movements  [Not invited]
    TATSUNO Junya
    junya.tatsuno  2016/12
  • 田島淳; 砂川光; 江上親宏; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2016/03
  • Hiraoka Nobutake; Tatsuno Junya; Inagaki Katsuhiko
    IEEE Conference Proceedings  2016
  • 中村一美; 林克政; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2016
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2015/11
  • HANAMURA Takeshi; HANAMURA Kojiro; TATSUNO Junya
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    In this paper, we describe the newly grafting robot with high efficiency. The conventional semi-automatic grafting robot needs three workers to execute a series of grafting operation. Although the full-automatic grafting robot that can be operated by one worker has been developed, it is hard to say that both types of grafting robot has become widely used in Japan. The developed grafting robot can be operated by one worker and can graft about 1800 seedlings per hour. From the test results, we recognise the necessity of the mechanism improvement for easy operation as well as the cultivation system for super-uniform seedling.
  • TATSUNO Junya; HIRONO Kazuya; NISHIMURA Kiminobu
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2015/05 
    This paper reports the engineering design education through the project based learning in our department. This class consists of four experiments and the passive walker kit assembly is offered as the experiment on dynamics, measurement and control. Each team, which consisted of three students, develops passive walker in three weeks. While the goal of this project is set to 100cm walking, 17% of team could achieve the goal in FY 2014. We installed the mutual evaluation in order to evaluate an ability to work in a team. As a result, we recognized positive changing of students' attitude toward the class.
  • 樹野淳也; 広野和也; 西村公伸
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2015/05
  • 花村健; 花村幸次朗; 樹野淳也
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2015/05
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 竹原伸
    計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2014/11
  • 劉錦洪; 實野雅太; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 中野誠史; LOPEZ Noe Velazquez; THANH Do Tuan; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農業食料工学会関東支部年次報告  2014/07
  • 樹野淳也; 酒井英樹
    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集  2014/05
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 森谷美紀; 井出章; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2014/05
  • 實野雅太; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 砂川光; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2014/05
  • 荻原昭夫; 中原大二朗; 田中一基; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2014/03
  • Ogihara Akio; Nakahara Daijiro; Tanaka Kazumoto; Tatsuno Junya; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  2014/03
  • 防振手袋の評価方法の開発 -人工手を用いた測定-  [Not invited]
    前田 節雄; 樹野 淳也; 横田一樹; 平雄
  • 手動車いすにおける防振クッションが全身振動暴露量に与える影  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2013/12  第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 性別の違いが全身振動暴露量の知覚におよぼす影響  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2013/12  第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • シボ加工面における面領域の表面性状パラメータを用いた粗さ感の評価  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2013/12  第46回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 竹原伸; 新宅光男
    産業保健人間工学研究  2013/09  産業保健人間工学会 第18 回大会
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 山田康枝; 竹原伸
    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2013/09  生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会 (LIFE2013)
  • 中村 一美; 樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子
    産業保健人間工学研究 = Journal of ergonomics in occupational safety and health  2013/09
  • 車室内空間の快適性向上を目指して  [Not invited]
    中村 一美; 樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 山田 康枝; 竹原 伸
    生活生命支援医療福祉工学系学会連合大会講演要旨集  2013/09
  • Comparison between Old JIS T 8114 and Current ISO10819 STANDARDS  [Not invited]
    前田 節雄; 樹野 淳也; 横田一樹; 平雄
  • 中野誠史; LOPEZ Noe Velazquez; 田中秀幸; THANH Do Tuan; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 石井忠司; 樹野淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2013/07
  • ヒトの温冷感覚知覚を利用した自動車空調システムに関する基礎研究  [Not invited]
    中村 一美; 樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 竹原 伸
  • グラデーションパターンがなぞり動作の精度に与える影響  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 藤井隆志; 福本知輝
  • マルチモーダルなタッチパネルの操作性評価  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 藤井隆志
  • Problems of Subjective Scaling of ISO 2631-1 Standard  [Not invited]
    前田 節雄; 樹野 淳也; 土屋 賢太; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸
    5th International Conference on Whole Body Vibration Injuries  2013/06  Amsterdam  5th International Conference on Whole Body Vibration Injuries
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 竹原伸; 山田康枝
    J Toxicol Sci  2013/06 
    【目的】交通環境では排気ガスをはじめとする悪臭物質が自動車室内へと流れ込んでいる.そこで本研究では自動車の空調システムにおいて異臭原因物質の主成分であるプロピオン酸,吉草酸,酪酸に着目し,各物質がマウスの自発運動能におよぼす影響を調べた.また,定量的な評価をおこなうため,各物質の投与方法は腹腔内への注射による投与とした.【方法】本研究には18週齢のC57BL雄性マウス24匹を用いた.全てのマウスに対し,自発運動能測定システム(Wheel Manager, MED Associates Inc.)を用いて回し車(直径10.9cm)の回転数を60分間測定し,controlデータとした.次に24匹のマウスを,注射の有無による影響を調べるためのリンゲル液投与群,悪臭物質による影響を調べるためのプロピオン酸(1µg/kg)投与群,吉草酸(1µg/kg)投与群,酪酸(0.5µg/kg)投与群の4群各6匹ずつに分けた.なお,4群のcontrolデータにおいて一元配置の分散分析をおこなった結果,各群の間に統計学的な有意差はなかった(P>0.05).各物質をそれぞれの群のマウスの腹腔内に投与し,controlデータと同様に自発運動能を60分間測定した.各物質の投与による統計学的有意差の検定にはウィルコクソンの符号順位和検定を用いた.【結果および考察】リンゲル液を投与した群では投与の有無による統計学的な有意差はなかった(P>0.05)ため,注射による腹腔内投与の影響はないと判断した.プロピオン酸,吉草酸,酪酸を投与した群では,controlデータと比較して回転数が減少した.とくに酪酸を投与した群においては,統計学的な有意差があった(P<0.05).本研究を通して,悪臭物質がマウスの自発運動能に影響をおよぼすことがわかった.以上のことから,ヒトにおいても悪臭物質は快/不快の感覚に影響を与えるだけではなく,運動能に影響を与える可能性が示唆された.
  • 土屋賢太; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 前田節雄
    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集  2013/05  横浜  自動車技術会
  • 樹野淳也; 酒井英樹
    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集  2013/05
  • 荻原昭夫; 田中一基; 樹野淳也; 竹原伸
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集  2013/03
  • Ogihara Akio; Tanaka Kazumoto; Tatsuno Junya; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  2013/03
  • 帯電ワイヤ法を用いた移動ロボットの動的障害物回避  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会  2013/03  高知  日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 乗富夏紀; 松本海理; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2013/03
  • 田中秀幸; ロペス ノエ ベラスケス; 行本航; 森裕太郎; タン ドウ タン; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2013/03
  • 實野雅太; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 豊田成章; 大神田憲; 深井智子; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2013/03
  • 中村一美; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 山田康枝; 竹原伸
    日本感性工学会大会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2013
    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  2013
    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  2013
    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  2013
  • ブレーキランプのデザインが後方車両のドライバの制動動作に及ぼす 影響について-ベンチ試験による検討-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸
    第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2012/12  第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • ハンドル形電動車椅子における全身振動暴露量の測定  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2012/12  第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 全身振動の軸成分の違いが心理評価と生体応答に与える影響  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄; 小倉由美; 藤田
    第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2012/12  第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 全身振動が粗さ感覚に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2012/12  第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 表面性状パラメータを物理指標とした粗さ感覚の評価  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 土屋 賢太; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2012/12  第45回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 土屋賢太; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 中村一美; 竹原伸; 前田節雄
    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集  2012/10
  • Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Roughness Sensation  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 土屋 賢太; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第20回日本人体振動学会  2012/09  大阪  第20回日本人体振動学会
  • Relationship between whole-body vibration exposure and seat location in automobile  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 土屋 賢太; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 前田 節雄
    第20回 日本人体振動学会  2012/09  大阪  第20回 日本人体振動学会
  • 自動車室内の操作性・快適性に関する研究  [Not invited]
    中村 一美; 樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 宮田 繁春; 竹原 伸
    第14回日本感性工学会大会  2012/08  東京  第14回日本感性工学会大会
  • 次世代自動車技術への取り組み ~ 快適性の向上を目指して ~  [Not invited]
    中村 一美; 樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 宮田 繁春; 竹原 伸
    第14回日本感性工学会大会  2012/08  東京  第14回日本感性工学会大会
  • Tsuchiya Kenta; Tatsuno Junya; Nakamura Hitomi; Yonehara Makiko; Takehara Shin; Maeda Setsuo; Ogura Yumi; Fujita Etsunori
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2012/06  人間工学会第53回大会
  • 樹野淳也; 横山弘樹; 稲垣克彦; 田島淳
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2012/05
  • TATSUNO Junya; YOKOYAMA Hiroki; INAGAKI Katsuhiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2012/05 
    We propose a method of shaft tillage cultivation using an autonomous robot and discuss the possibility of introducing legged locomotion in our robot. In order to work autonomously in the field, the robot should have any positioning function. This paper presents an affordable and high-precision 2-D localization method for the agricultural legged robot. Particularly, we report the development of 2-D localization using a laser distance sensor, and the results of vehicle positioning experiments, in which the vehicle repeated stop-and-go driving, stopping every 1 m. As a result, the calculated RMS positioning error in stopping was found to be about 15 mm and 0.25°.
  • 樹野淳也; 土屋賢太; 中村一美; 米原牧子; 竹原伸; 前田節雄
    自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集  2012/05  自動車技術会2012年春季大会
  • 稲吉賢人; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 橋本洋平; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • 全自動定植システムにおける苗トレイ自動補給機構の基礎的研究  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
  • 樹野淳也; 田島淳; ロペス ノエベラスケス; 加藤雅義
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • 田中秀幸; ロペス ノエベラスケス; 行本航; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • 局所耕うん器具を用いた耕うん同時評価法に関する研究 ―圃場通気性試験装置の数学モデルによる土壌物理性の推定と測定範囲について―  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
  • ロペス ノエベラスケス; 田中秀幸; 伊藤淳; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • 行本航; 田中秀幸; ロペス ノエベラスケス; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • 實野雅太; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 豊田成章; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2012/03
  • グラデーションパターンの仕様の違いが触知覚に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    米原 牧子; 樹野 淳也; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 藤井隆志; 福
    第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2011/11  第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • スピードメータのデザインの違いがドライバの視認性に与える影響について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸
    第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2011/11  第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • ブレーキランプのデザインが後方車両のドライバの制動動作に及ぼす影響について -職業ドライバへのアンケート-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸
    第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会  2011/11  第44回日本人間工学会 中国・四国支部大会
  • 田中秀幸; ノエベラスケス ロペス; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2011/07
  • 實野雅太; 豊田成章; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2011/07
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 渡邉慎太郎; 橋本洋平; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2011/07
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2011/06  日本人間工学会第52回大会
  • Tatsuno Junya; Nakamura Hitomi; Yonehara Makiko; Tanaka Kazumoto; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2011/06  日本人間工学会第52回大会
  • 中村一美; 西原健太; 樹野淳也; 米原牧子; 宮田繁春; 竹原伸
    人間工学  2011/06  日本人間工学会第52回大会
  • TATSUNO Junya; MAGOCHI Hiroshi; INAGAKI Katsuhiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2011/05 
    We propose a method of shaft tillage cultivation using an autonomous robot and discuss the possibility of introducing legged locomotion in our robot. One of the advantages of legged locomotion is the ability it offers in selecting the ground contact points. Since the tillage and transplanting site is managed as point coordinates in shaft tillage cultivation, the compatibility between the leg locomotion and the shaft tillage method is high. This paper treats the locomotion of the five-legged robot for shaft tillage cultivation. The five-legged robot discovers its ground position based on a cultivation plan. We report about the computer simulation where the robot moves about to do various work based on the plan.
  • 局所耕うん栽培を実践する脚式ロボットの開発 -栽培計画と接地位置を考慮した移動シミュレーション-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 1A1-B6,  2011/05  日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 1A1-B6,
  • 局所耕うん栽培を実践する六脚ロボットの開発 -5脚ロボットの移動シミュレーション-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
  • 自動車用エアコンスイッチの形式が操作性に与える影響について-3種類のスイッチの比較-
    樹野淳也; 中村一美; 米原牧子; 田中一基; 竹原伸
    人間工学  2011
  • Nakamura Hiotmi; Nishihara Kenta; Tatsuno Junya; Yonehara Makiko; Miyata Shigeharu; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2011
  • スピードメータのサイズの違いがドライバの視認性に与える影響について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也; 米原 牧子; 中村 一美; 竹原 伸; 藤井隆志; 廣安良久; 渡辺
    日本人間工学会中国・四国支部第43回大会  2010/10  日本人間工学会中国・四国支部第43回大会
  • Tatsuno Junya; Nakamura Hitomi; Tanaka Kazumoto; Takehara Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2010/06  日本人間工学会第51回大会
  • NAKAMURA Hitomi; TATSUNO Junya; TANAKA Kazumoto; MIYATA Shigeharu; TAKEHARA Shin
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society  2010/06  日本人間工学会第51回大会
  • 樹野淳也; 河合宏之; 望山洋; 小林尚登
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2010/06  日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 2A2-A06,
  • 白土勇輝; 望山洋; 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 河合宏之
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2010/06  日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 2A2-A03,
  • 樹野淳也; 稲垣克彦; 田島淳
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2010/06
  • 局所耕うん栽培を実践する脚式ロボットの開発 -スケールモデルの試作-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 1A1-A23,  2010/06  日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 1A1-A23,
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 石澤義崇; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2010/05  農作業研究Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.125-126,
  • 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 宮内康弘; 川本靖信
    農作業研究  2010/05  農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.123-124,
  • 加藤雅義; 田島淳; 新堀祥英; 小谷周士; 豊田成章; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2010/05  農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.43-44
  • 實野雅太; 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 小泉絵理子; 坂口栄一郎; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2010/05  農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.41-42
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 安岡寿々恵; 橋本洋平; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2010/05  農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.23-24
  • 局所耕うん栽培圃場の土壌団粒構造と有機物特性  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.21-22,  2010/05  農作業研究,Vol.45,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.21-22,
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 橋本洋平; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2010/05
    Annu Conf IEEE Ind Electron Soc  2010
  • 樹野 淳也
    近畿大学次世代基盤技術研究所報告  2010 
  • 白土勇輝; 望山洋; 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 河合宏之
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2010
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2010 
    In this paper, we show a performance of the suck-and-blow master-slave system for micro-manipulation. The system was proposed by authors. In the proposed system, we can generate the air flow at the tip of the micro-straw in the slave side according to operator's suck and blow in the master side. We measure the pulling and pushing force which are generated by the proposed system. We show results of the force measurement. the proposed system is constructed by simple mechanism and achieved a motion DOF like a straw. Moreover, by vibrating the straw at an operator's mouth according to the detec...
  • TATSUNO Junya; KAWAI Hiroyuki; MOCHIYAMA Hiromi; KOBAYASHI Hisato
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2010 
    The operability of micro-manipulator is a key issue to improve the efficiency of research and development in biological field. Though the real magnified haptic feedback must be helpful to improve the maneuverability of micro-manipulator, its realization is not so easy. Then we consider the use of acoustic sensory feedback. To improve the operability, pseudo or artificial acoustic information is provided to operator. In this paper, we describe the system structure to use acoustic sensory feedback in the micro-injection as a case study.
  • TATSUNO Junya; INAGAKI Katsuhiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2010 
    We propose a method of shaft tillage cultivation using an autonomous robot. In this cultivation system, a deep vertical shaft is drilled by rotating a tillage tool, after which seedlings are transplanted into the shaft, where they grow until harvest time. We discuss the possibility of the application of legged locomotion in our robot. One of the advantages of legged locomotion is the ability it offers in selecting the ground contact points. In shaft tillage cultivation, the tillage and transplanting site is managed as point coordinates. We propose the operation to utilize high compatibility...
  • マイクロマニピュレーションのための吸込み/吹出しマスタ・スレーブシステム  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    第10回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会, (2009-12)  2009/12  第10回SICEシステムインテグレーション部門講演会, (2009-12)
  • Suck-and-Blow Master-Slave System for Micro-manipulation based on Body Image Embedding  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Proc. of 2009 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2009), pp. 33  2009/11  Proc. of 2009 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2009), pp. 33
  • 望山洋; 堂田丈行; 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 河合宏之
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2009/09  日本ロボット学会学術講演会, (2009-9)
  • Development of a Legged Robot for Shaft Tillage Cultivation - Proposal of Basic Concept-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    4th IFAC International Workshop on Bio‐Robotics, Information Technology, and Intelligent Control for  2009/09  4th IFAC International Workshop on Bio‐Robotics, Information Technology, and Intelligent Control for
  • Macro-Micro Tele-Manipulation System Based on Body Image Embedding with Contact Feel, Spatial Motion and Stereo Vision  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Proceeding of 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communiation  2009/09  Proceeding of 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communiation
  • TATSUNO Junya; INAGAKI Katsuhiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2009/05 
    We proposed the shaft tillage cultivation for autonomous robot. Under this cultivation, deep vertical shaft is drilled by rotating the tillage tool, after that, seedling is transplanted to the shaft and grows until harvest time. We have discussed the possibility of application of legged locomotion to our robot. The feature of wheel locomotion is not made good use of, because the robot must stop to do the shaft tillage and transplanting. Meanwhile, one of the effectiveness of legged locomotion is to select ground contact point. Under the shaft tillage cultivation, the tillage and transplanti...
  • 樹野淳也; 稲垣克彦; 田島淳
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2009/05  日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会講演論文集CD-ROM, 1A2-C01,
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 松葉知剛; 松田正吾; 山本淳平; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司
    農作業研究  2009/04  農作業研究,Vol.44,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.53-54,
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 渥美隆平; 石井彰; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2009/04  農作業研究,Vol.44,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.89-90,
  • 田島淳; 加藤雅義; 安藤智哉; 川口渉; 豊田成章; 樹野淳也; 中山夏希
    農作業研究  2009/04  農作業研究,Vol.44,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.87-88,
  • Hiromi Mochiyama; Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hiroyuki Kawai
    2008 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science, MHS 2008  2008/12 
    In this paper, in order to provide with an inex- pensive solution to efficient bio-manipulation under microscope, we propose a macro-micro tele-operation system based on body image embedding. It is known in neuroscience that we could feel our body image for the object which is not our own body in certain conditions. Our idea is to utilize the body image illusion for generating high immersive feelings in bio-manipulation under microscope, instead of aiming at the perfect transparency, the conventional target of tele-manipulation system, which is difficult to attain. Our proposed system has two additional components as well as the conventional system where micro manipulators hydraulically connected to joysticks or dials handled by an operator are used for fine bio-manipulation under a microscope. The one component is for the body posi- tion/orientation consistency between proprioception and vision. In this component, due to appropriate use of a camera for a microscope, a visual display, mirrors and tiny dummy hands, an operator can see the magnified visual image of the tiny dummy hands similar to his/her own hands in shape at the position and orientation where he/she feel them proprioceptively. The other component is for the contact consistency between touch and vision. In this component, the contact between a tool grasped by an operator's hands and a manipulated object observed by eyes should coincide to the contact felt by his/her hand skin. To do this, haptic stimulators such as piezo actuators are activated at the timing of contact which is detected, for example, by the vision processing from the microscopic images. © 2008 IEEE.
  • Macro-micro Tele-manipulation System based on Body Image Embedding for Bio-manipulation under Microscope  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Proc. of 2008 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2008), pp. 28  2008/11  Proc. of 2008 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2008), pp. 28
  • 樹野淳也; 村川圭介; 河合宏之; 望山洋; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2008/09  日本ロボット学会学術講演会
  • 田島淳; 荒川直毅; 佐々木豊; 加藤雅義; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2008/05
  • 田島淳; 中山夏希; 加藤雅義; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2008/05
  • 局所耕うん栽培を実践する六脚ロボットの開発-基本コンセプトの提案-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会第38回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集,pp.305  2008/03  日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会第38回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集,pp.305
  • 高齢者農業を支援する電動作業機械の開発-基本コンセプトの提案-  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会第38回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集,pp.304,  2008/03  日本機械学会中国四国支部学生会第38回学生員卒業研究発表講演会講演前刷集,pp.304,
  • 局所耕うん法の開発―クラッシュアイスを用いた耕うん法の提案―  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.43,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.63-64  2008/03  農作業研究,Vol.43,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.63-64
  • 局所耕うん栽培圃場における耕うん同時評価法の関する研究―耕うん所要動力による土壌物理性の評価―  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.43,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.61-62,  2008/03  農作業研究,Vol.43,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.61-62,
  • 川島平太; 田島淳; 佐々木豊; 樹野淳也
    農業環境工学関連学会合同大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2007/09  農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会講演要旨集CD-ROM, No.A42
  • 中山夏希; 田島淳; 佐々木豊; 加藤雅義; 樹野淳也
    農作業研究  2007/06
  • 局所耕うん法の開発 ―クラッシュアイスを用いたシャフト底部の拡大―  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.42,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.77-78,  2007/03  農作業研究,Vol.42,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.77-78,
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Keisuke Murakawa; Junya Tatsuno; Hiromi Mochiyama; Hiroyuki Kawai
    IEEE RO-MAN 2007, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, August 26-29, 2007, Jeju Island, Korea, Proceedings  2007
  • 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 寺田裕; 加藤雅義; 石井忠司; 宮内康弘; 木下栄一郎; 玉木浩二
    農業環境工学関連学会合同大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM)  2006/09  農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会講演要旨集CD-ROM, No.O011411,
  • 大原良友; 児島淳; 手塚巌; 太田進; 佐田守弘; 佐々木正人; 福田隆文; 荒木克洋; 樹野淳也; 加部隆史
    日本機械学会誌  2006/08
  • 太陽電池駆動型農作業システムの消費電力について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第42回年次大会講演要旨,pp.16-17  2006/07  農業機械学会関東支部第42回年次大会講演要旨,pp.16-17
  • 川島平太; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 石井忠司; 木下榮一郎; 宮内康弘
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2006/06
  • 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 寺田裕; 加藤雅義; 石井忠司; 木下榮一郎; 宮内康弘
    農作業研究  2006/06
  • 中滞基; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 加藤雅義
    農作業研究  2006/06
  • 中山夏希; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 加藤雅義
    農作業研究  2006/06
  • 局所耕うん栽培圃場の経年変化の評価  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.155-156,  2006/03  農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.155-156,
  • セル成型トレイによる均一育苗技術について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.83-84,  2006/03  農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.83-84,
  • 局所耕うん用全自動移植機によるチンゲンサイの定植  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.157-158,  2006/03  農作業研究,Vol.41,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.157-158,
  • 洪寧基; 吉田雄司; 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 玉木浩二
    農業環境工学関連7学会合同大会講演要旨集  2005/09  農業環境工学関連7学会2005年合同大会講演要旨集,pp.289,
  • 寺田裕; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 加藤雅義; 玉木浩二; 石井忠司
    農業環境工学関連7学会合同大会講演要旨集  2005/09  農業環境工学関連7学会2005年合同大会講演要旨集,pp.345,
  • 洪寧基; 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 玉木浩二; 山本がい
    農業環境工学関連7学会合同大会講演要旨集  2005/09
  • 施設内乗用型電動作業車の開発と走行性能  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業環境工学関連7学会2005年合同大会講演要旨集,pp.464  2005/09  農業環境工学関連7学会2005年合同大会講演要旨集,pp.464
  • 圃場内運搬車両の四輪接地機構について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第41回年次大会講演要旨,pp.16-17,  2005/07  農業機械学会関東支部第41回年次大会講演要旨,pp.16-17,
  • 佐藤かける; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 三浦雄介; 寺田裕; 玉木浩二; 石井忠司
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2005/06
  • 農作業研究,Vol.40,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.59-60  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
  • Effective Use of Reservoir Water with Solar Pumping System at Integrated Farming System in Northeastern Thailand  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Abstracts of International Symposium on Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation, p.16  2004/11  Abstracts of International Symposium on Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation, p.16
  • A method for 3D salt distribution measurement on saline land in northeastern Thailand  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Abstracts of International Symposium on Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation, p.27  2004/11  Abstracts of International Symposium on Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation, p.27
  • レーザー距離計による二次元座標計測の精度について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第40会年次大会講演要旨,pp.18-19  2004/07  農業機械学会関東支部第40会年次大会講演要旨,pp.18-19
  • 寺田裕; 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 玉木浩二; 石井忠司
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2004/06
  • モンシロチョウの作物への静止時間による産卵の予測  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.39,Ex.2,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.87-88,  2004/03  農作業研究,Vol.39,Ex.2,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.87-88,
  • 郡司島淳; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)  2003/09  第21回日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集CD-ROM, 3F16,
  • 個体管理ロボットによる重量計測の自動制御  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.32-33,  2003/09  農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.32-33,
  • 立体トラスハウスのエネルギー負荷特性に関する研究  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.10-11  2003/09  農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.10-11
  • 農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.12-13,  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
  • 太陽電池駆動型農作業システムの開発  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.6-7  2003/09  農業機械学会関東支部第39回年次大会講演要旨pp.6-7
  • 寺田裕; 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 玉木浩二; 石井忠司
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2003/08
  • 洪寧基; 樹野淳也; 小島寛明; 田島淳; 吉村正敬; 玉木浩二
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2003/08
  • 洪寧基; 樹野淳也; 吉田雄司; 田島淳; 吉村正敬; 玉木浩二
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2003/08
  • 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 吉村正敬; 玉木浩二; 加藤雅義
    農業機械学会関東支部年次報告  2003/08
  • 西田知史; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM)  2003/05  日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会'03講演論文集CD-ROM, 2P2-1F-C4,
    本研究では, 双腕マニピュレータが長尺物を扱う際の協調動作計画を扱う。特に, 人間の動作に似た動作生成を目標とし, 最小トルク変化や可操作性, 手先の相対位置変化などで構成された評価関数の提案を行い, シミュレーションによりその有効性を確認する。
  • 田島淳; 樹野淳也; 玉木浩二; 石井忠司
    農業機械学会年次大会講演要旨  2003/04  第62回農業機械学会年次大会講演要旨, pp.157-158,
  • モンシロチョウの作物への静止時間と産卵の関係  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.38,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.137-138,  2003/03  農作業研究,Vol.38,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.137-138,
  • 局所耕うん栽培におけるシャフト径・シャフト深さが圃場の通気性に及ぼす影響について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.38,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.129-130,  2003/03  農作業研究,Vol.38,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.129-130,
  • Takefumi Osone; Junya Tatsuno; Tomofumi Nishida; Hisato Kobayashi
    Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication  2002/12 
    Human friendly robots must not give us strange feelings in their behaviors. Namely, such robots should behave like human beings. This paper proposes a cost function, which generates human like movements when robots execute dual arm cooperative tasks. Considering human behaviors, we established a cost function based on two factors: "second derivatives of joint torques" and "degree of visibility". As a result of several simulations, we could conclude that the proposed cost function generated human like movements, which was closer to real human behavior comparing with the conventional cost functions. © 2002 IEEE.
  • Cooperative Motion Planning for Dual Arm Robot to Demonstrate Human Arm Movements  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Proceeding of 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.488-493,  2002/09  Proceeding of 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.488-493,
  • 洪寧基; 樹野淳也; 田島淳; 関山哲雄; 玉木浩二
    日本農業気象学会全国大会日本生物環境調節学会大会合同大会講演要旨  2002/08  農業環境工学関連4学会2002年合同大会講演要旨, pp.167
  • Application of Solar Pumping and Subsurface Drainage System for Reclamation of Saline Land in Northeastern Thailand  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    Transactions of 17th World Congress of Soil Science, CDROM, Paper No. 2032,  2002/08  Transactions of 17th World Congress of Soil Science, CDROM, Paper No. 2032,
  • 栽培方法の違いがモンシロチョウの産卵行動に及ぼす影響について --マーキングによる産下卵粒の追跡--  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.83-84,  2002/03  農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.83-84,
  • 局所耕うん栽培におけるシャフト径・ シャフト深さがチンゲンサイの生育に及ぼす影響について  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.97-98,  2002/03  農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.97-98,
  • 栽培方法の違いがモンシロチョウの産卵行動に及ぼす影響について --リビングマルチの効果--  [Not invited]
    樹野 淳也
    農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.81-82  2002/03  農作業研究,Vol.37,Ex.1,春季大会講演要旨集,pp.81-82
  • Takefumi Yamada; Junya Tatsuno; Hisato Kobayashi
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  2001/12 
    This paper proposes a concept to build a human friendly interface for robot tele-operation. This interface is based on a knowledge database of our daily lives, thus any human-operators, men and women of all ages, can easily transfer their intentions to the robots. The proposed method also includes interactive communication path between human-operators and robots, which compensates for vague instructions.
  • Takefumi Yamada; Junya Tatsuno; Hisato Kobayashi
    Proceedings - IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication  2001/12 
    This paper proposes a concept to build a human friendly interface for robot tele-operation. This interface is based on a knowledge database of our daily lives, thus any human-operators, men and women of all ages, can easily transfer their intentions to the robots. The proposed method also includes interactive communication path between human-operators and robots, which compensates for vague instructions. © 2001 IEEE.
  • 小池宏明; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  2001/09
  • 大曽根威文; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  2001/09
  • 大曽根威文; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  2001/09
  • 小池宏明; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  2001/09
  • 関根大一郎; 金井康頼; 川端邦明; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集  2001/06
  • Sekine T; Kanai Y; Kawabata K; Tatsuno J; Kobayashi H
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集  2001/06
  • 横田祥; 川端邦明; 樹野淳也; 小林尚登
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集  2001/03
  • Yokota Sho; Kawabata Kuniaki; Tatsuno Junya; Kobayashi Hisato
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集  2001/03 
    We develop an active colonoscopy system for realizing easy medical operation. In this report, we discuss required functions and specifications for the active colonoscopy system, and construct a prototype. 0ur proposed system is like a hyper redundant manipulator, which consists of plural units. Each unit consists of one actuated joint and two links, and control system is contained in the units. FSR(Force Sensing Resister) is also equipped as a tactile sensor for detecting the collision with colon. Using our prototype, we have basic experiments with a colon-shaped tube model and confirm the ...
  • Kazuyuki Takahashi; Junya Tatsuno; Hisato Kobayashi
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1999/12 
    This paper describes the construction of a robot vision. In order to enable robots to participate actively in our living, image recognition by robots is important. However we have many problems to be solved in this area. Human being can recognize images naturally without special eãort. Even though an image of object isn't enough as it is, we can get the information by closing to the object or by bringing it to our face. These behavior are done unconsciously. We think that human natural behavior may be a great hint to construct a robot vision system. On this point of view, we propose a robot vision system that behaves like human natural manner.
  • Isamu Matsumura; Junya Tatsuno; Yoshiyuki Kokubo; Hisato Kobayashi
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1997/12 
    This paper describes about a construction of human-friendly man-machine interface. We think that we should model after human natural communication to construct human-friendly man-machine interface. In this paper, especially, we will try to realize the man-machine communication by the commands with demonstrative pronoun and simple action. We construct a fundamental system and do some simple experiment.
  • Kiyoshi Tajima; Junya Tatsuno; Koji Tamaki
    Paper - American Society of Agricultural Engineers  1997/12 
    Natural energy is widely distributed and hard to utilize as a energy sources. When we think of development of agricultural robot using natural energy, such as solar energy, it is important to develop small and light body instead of current heavy equipment and a cultivation system that is suitable for the machine. The machine has specialized for each operation so that it stimulates to develop simpler machine. We have been developing the total system of agricultural robot for a field use. We introduce working vehicle positioning system for the robot, that is a combination of a movable guidance beacon along operating fields and flexible boom which connects working and control vehicle.
  • 小久保芳行; 松村勇; 小林尚登; 樹野淳也
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1997/09
  • 松村勇; 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 小久保芳行
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集  1997/06
  • 小林 尚登; 樹野 淳也; 松山 新吾
    計測技術  1996/12
  • Junya Tatsuno; Singo Matsuyama; Yoshiyuki Kokubo; Hisam Kobayashi
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1996/12 
    This paper considers a human friendly teaching way which can be used by every human being. The method represents robots' motion by a set of keywords which are frequently used in daily conversation. The sequence of keywords is interpreted as a sequence of robot command, and realized our intended motion. This paper also considers a method which translates human gesture to the keywords, because human gesture greatly assists to describe our intention as a set of keywords. To avoid misoperation, we can also verify the consistency between the human gesture and typed keywords. Moreover, keyword description enables us to expand the interface to being more human friendly.
  • J. Tatsuno; H. Kobayashi; S. Matsuyama
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1996/12 
    This paper tries to extract human intention from time series data in operator's arm action, and to let robots move as if robots have the same intention as the operator. Since human being is not always good at to verbalize one's own mind, it is helpful for human-machine interface of teleoperation to interpret human arm actions.
  • Junya Tatsuno; Yoshiyuki Kokubo; Shingo Matsuyama; Kuniaki Kawabata; Hisato Kobayashi
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology  1996/12 
    In future, robots may be familiar to human-being. In such case, more human friendly communication methods are necessary. In this paper, we discuss the simple teaching way for robots. We represent robots' motion by a set of keywords, and try to describe robots' tasks by sequence of them. Furthermore, we simulate a simple task execution with our proposed method.
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 松山新吾; 小久保芳行
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集  1996/06
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Akinori Kuroda; Shingo Matsuyama; Kazuo Yana; Hirohisa Mizuta
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1995/12 
    This paper describes an attempt to use a biodynamical measure to evaluate the performance of human-robot interfaces that should be comfortable for human operators. Since the comfort is a sense of human being, we should adopt some biodynamical measure to evaluate the comforts of human operator; This paper proposes a quantitative biodynamical measure that depends on heart rate, instantaneous lung volume and arterial blood pressure. Experiments show that there exists clear relation between the measure and the task stress of operators.
  • H. Kobayashi; J. Tatsuno; S. Ito; S. Matsuyama
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1995/12 
    This paper describes a control structure of tele-operation system with communication time delay. Tele-operation systems need real time force and position information in bilateral way to realize natural operation feeling, while communication paths usually have nonnegligible time delay. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a dual model approach, which has a master model in the slave side and a slave model in the master side.
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 松山新吾; 小久保芳行
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1995/11
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 松山新吾; 増淵英行
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集  1995/06
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno; Satoshi Ito; Akinori Kuroda
    Robot and Human Communication - Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop  1994/12 
    This paper treats a basic system which realizes a scaled manipulation environment. Tools for scaled manipulation are necessary when we manipulate an extremely large or small size target. In case of manipulation without scaling, it is possible to let the slave-manipulators have same configuration as the master-manipulators. But in case of different scale, it is difficult to design these manipulators as same configuration. Thus a different configurations with some intelligent control is necessary for such master-slave manipulators. In this paper we propose a control method for different scale master-slave manipulator.
  • Hisato Kobayashi; Junya Tatsuno
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC  1994/12 
    This paper treats a basic system which realizes scaled manipulation environment. Tools for scaled manipulation are necessary when we manipulate an extremely large or small size target. This type of tool has to scale up or down size and force in bilateral way. But time scaling should also be considered to build up such ideal environment as we can feel our body size is scaled to the target size. This paper proposes a possible time scaling method which can be used in bilateral force-position control for unknown targets. On the other hand, in case of different scale, it is difficult to design these manipulators as same form. Thus, a different configuration with some intelligent control is necessary for such master-slave manipulators. This paper also proposes a primary control method by using virtual model to improve the maneuverability of different scale master-slave manipulators.
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 黒田明伯
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1994/11
  • 尚林尚登; 樹野淳也; 伊藤賢
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1994/11
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 伊藤賢
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1994/11
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也; 黒田明伯; 伊藤賢
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集  1994/06
  • 小林尚登; 樹野淳也
    日本機械学会通常総会講演会講演論文集  1994/03
  • 小林尚登; 飯島秀治; 樹野淳也
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集  1993/11
  • H. Kobayashi; H. Nakamura; J. Tatsuno; S. Iijima
    Proceedings of 1993 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, RO-MAN 1993  1993/01 
    © 1993 IEEE. In recent years, robotic manipulator system have been developed in various fields for various purposes. Today there are many systems in practical use. However most of them are considered on the assumption that the size of slave manipulator is nearly equal to the size of master manipulator. We have developed a bilateral controlled master-slave manipulator system to manipulate targets of quite different size from our body. We can not manipulate such size of targets by conventional ways. Thus, we try to make the target scale equal to our scale virtually. In this paper we describe the basic control structure, and report the primary experimental results.

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2026/03 
    Author : 樹野 淳也
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2015 
    Author : TATSUNO Junya; INAGAKI Katsuhiko; TAJIMA Kiyoshi
    We proposed the shaft tillage cultivation for autonomous robot. Under this cultivation, deep vertical shaft is drilled by rotating the tillage tool, after that, seedling is transplanted to the shaft and grows until harvest time. We have discussed the possibility of application of legged locomotion to our robot. In this research we started to develop the legged robot to practice the shaft tillage cultivation. At first, we made prototype of the leg structure and the robot body. Second, we proposed an affordable and high-precision 2-D positioning method for the legged robot. As a result of the experiment to evaluate the measurement error, the RMSE was found to be about 15 mm. In addition, we experimentally investigated the transplanting performance of the transplanting equipment for chain pot seedlings. Although most seedlings were successfully transplanted into the shafts, we recognized some problem to be solved in future.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : Kiyoshi TAJIMA; Yohei HASHIMOTO; Jyunya TATSUNO; Masayoshi KATO
    The formation of soil aggregates was remarkable for the farmland under conservation tillage, compared to that under rotary tillage. For conservation tillage, the organic matter(OM) content in soil aggregated was found more in larger aggregated than in smaller ones. Our study showed that the change of functional groups in soil organic matter can be monitored easily by using a reflection type FTIR analyzer. A ratio of aromatic to aliphatic(Ar/Al) functional group determined by FTIR sensitively reflected the change of decomposition of OM more than a ratio of aromatic to amide(Ar/Am) functional group. The soil under conservation tillage had a greater value of Ar/Al than rotary tillage. The greatest Ar/Al value in the surface soil was found under conservation tillage, followed conventional cultivation and rotary tillage(control). Further study is needed to investigate the mechanistic relationship between soil OM functional groups and soil carbon sequestration.
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : Junya TATSUNO
    The purpose of this research is to develop the farm work machine for aged farmer. They can practice the shaft tillage cultivation with the farm work machine. The developed farm work machine consists of two units for shaft tillage and seedling supply. The seedling supply unit is manufactured using some parts of the chain pot planter on the market. The planting test was carried out by the developed farm. As a result of the experiment, the success rate became about 90%. The factor of the planting failure originated chiefly in the seedling. Then, we suggested the higher technology of sowing and raising seedling must to be researched to supply more uniform seedling.
  • 産学が連携した研究開発成果の展開 研究成果展開事業 地域事業 地域イノベーション創出総合支援事業 シーズ発掘試験
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2009 
    Author : 樹野 淳也
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(特定領域研究)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2009 
    Author : 小林 尚登; 望山 洋; 樹野 淳也; 河合 宏之
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(特定領域研究)
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007 
    Author : 小林 尚登; 望山 洋; 樹野 淳也; 河合 宏之
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : Koji TAMAKI; Junya TATSUNO; Kiyoshi TAJIMA; Masayoshi KATO; Masataka YOSHIMURA
    Because of deforestation, ecosystem has been devastated in Northeast of Thailand. More than 1.5million ha of area is nos affected by salt accumulation. In such area, water in ponds and groundwater are also including much salt, and there are many difficulties to use such water for agriculture.In this study, methods for effective utilization of the water in ponds and groundwater on saline land such as Northeast of Thailand were discussed.For desalination of the brackish water, a lot of ways as solar distillation methods were introduced. In this research, a new type of solar still was proposed. The system is separated ito two parts, one is evaporator and another is condenser, which forced to make vapor air condensed dirctly into the soil. This forced condensing process is called as the "Vapor irrigation".Some experiments of evaporation and condensation were carried out to evaluate the performance of the new type of solar still. In forced condensing process, it is important to increase the difference of temperature between water vapor and condensing surface. For that purpose, it might be effective to decrease heat losses of devices, to use heat collectors for increasing temperature of water vapor and to use the cooling devices like peltier element for decreasing temperature of condensign surface.With combining with PV drainage pump for groundwarer control, this study will be useful for recovering vegetalion on the saline land as Northeast of Thailand.

Industrial Property Rights


  • 樹野淳也, 地方私大における人間工学関連研究の実践と学生教育, 会報・人間工学専門家認定機構,Vol.61,(2019-11)