Department of Cultural and Historical StudiesProfessor/Vice President

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 遺跡整備計画   エジプト   ビール   ナカダ文化   穀物倉   初期国家形成期   初期国家形成   穀物調理   ヒエラコンポリス遺跡   都市化   専業化   エジプト先王朝時代   麦   ヒエラコンポリス   ラメセス2世   カエムワセト   石造建造物   新王国時代   アブ・シール南   北サッカラ   トトメス4世   保存科学   地質   観光   環境マネジメント   ロ-マ時代   考古学   彩画片   材質分析   新王朝時代   末期王朝時代   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / History - Asia/Africa / Egyptology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Archaeology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Museology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Cultural properties



  • 2011/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies教授
  • 2004/04 - 2011/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies助教授・准教授
  • 2001/04 - 2004/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies講師

■Research activity information


  • エジプトから見た古墳時代像
    一瀬和夫・福永伸哉・北条芳隆編『古墳時代の考古学 9』同成社 143 - 157 2014/06 [Invited]
  • サッカラのホルエムヘブの墓におけるレリーフ装飾について-レリーフのタイプの使用方法に関する一考察-
    『吉村作治先生古期記念論文集 永遠に生きる』中央公論美術出版 315 - 330 2013/01 [Invited]
  • 古代エジプトのビール:醸造方法とその研究をめぐって
    酒史研究 (28) 11 - 18 2012/03 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Khaemwaset and his momument at North Saqqara: a record of multiple aspects of "the First Egyptologist".
    Izumi Takamiya; Hiroyuki Kishiwagi; Sakuji Yoshimura
    C.V. Gae, L. Bares, J. Jannak & J Krejci (eds.), Time, Signs and Pyramids: Studies in honour of Miroslav Verner on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Prague/ Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Pregue 401 - 421 2011 [Invited]
  • Variations in Lithic Production at Hierakonpolis: A preliminary report from the excavation of HK11C Square A6-A7.
    Izumi Takamiya; Hitoshi Endo
    Egypt at Its Origins 3: Proceedings of te Third International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. Leuven/Peeters 727 - 744 2011 [Invited]
  • 水と古代エジプト文明
    秋道智彌編『水と文明-制御と共存の新たな視点-』昭和堂 75 - 101 2010/03 [Invited]
  • ヒエラコンポリス遺跡とナカダ遺跡-エジプト先王朝時代の両面加工石器に関する比較考察-
    菊池徹夫編『比較考古学の地平』同成社 1054 - 1064 2010/02 [Invited]
  • TAKAMIYA Izumi
    Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 53 (1) 186 - 189 0030-5219 2010
  • ナイル河下流域における交易システムの発展と初期国家の形成-所もヌビアにおけるナカダ文化とヌビアAグループ文化の交易システム-
    岩崎卓也監修『現代の考古学』大7巻 朝倉書店 160 - 178 2008/11 [Invited]
  • Firing Installation and Specialization: A View from Recent Excavations at Hierakonpolis.
    Izumi Takamiya
    B. Miant-Reyens & Y. Trestant (eds.), Egypt at Its Origins 2: Proceedings of the International Conference "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Tourouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005. Leuven/Petters 187 - 202 2008/11 [Invited]
  • メンフィス・ネクロポリスにおける遺跡の保存整備に関する概要調査
    青木繁夫; 高宮いづみ
    エジプト学研究 別冊第12号 アブ・シール南丘陵遺跡第15次調査概報(早稲田大学エジプト学会) 16 - 33 2008/03 [Invited]
  • Thee Thebes-Armant Region during the Predynastic (Naqada) Period in Egypt.
    Izumi Takamiya
    Orient 43 23 - 44 2008/03 [Refereed][Invited]
  • 未知としての環境:古代エジプトの視点から
    渾沌 (5) 143 - 162 2008/03 [Invited]
  • 石造建造物の壁面装飾復元について
    エジプト学研究 別冊第11集 アブ:シール南丘陵遺跡第15次調査報告(早稲田大学エジプト学会) 59 - 77 2007/03 [Invited]
  • Izumi H. Takamiya
    Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Vols I and II PEETERS PUBLISHERS 150 1757 - 1768 2007 [Invited]
  • 高宮いづみ
    史潮 弘文堂 (新58) 12 - 19 0385-762X 2005/11 [Refereed][Invited]
  • IH Takamiya
    This paper explores exchange systems in the Predynastic and Early Dynastic Nile valley by examining distribution patterns of Egyptian pottery vessels in A-Group cemeteries of Lower Nubia. So-called `Hard Orange Ware' vessels, manufactured within the Naqada culture area, were widely distributed along the valley, from the Delta to the Second Cataract region and beyond. Their presence in A-Group cemeteries, imported front the north, provides suitable material for investigating exchange systems between Naqada and A-Group societies. Quantitative analyses, including those on form assemblages and `fall-off patterns', are applied, with the aim of elucidating distribution patterns, which may indicate developing complexity in exchange systems in Lower Nubia as complex societies developed within the Naqada Culture.
  • IH Takamiya
    EGYPT AT ITS ORIGINS PEETERS PUBLISHERS 138 1027 - 1039 2004 [Refereed][Invited]
  • ステイタス・シンボルから見た王権の成立
    角田文衛・上田正昭監修『古代王権の誕生 Ⅲ中央ユーラシア・西アジア・北アフリカ編』 角川書店 245 - 258 2003/06 [Invited]
  • 前4千年紀のナイル河下流域における文化認識のパラダイム
    屋形禎亮編『古代エジプトの歴史と社会』 3 - 19 2003/06 [Invited]
  • エジプト・ナカダ文化の「赤褐色彩文土器」について-埋葬のコンテクストからの理解-
    大塚初重先生喜寿記念論文集刊行会『新世紀の考古学-大塚初重先生喜寿記念論文集-』 1055 - 1070 2003/05 [Invited]
  • Prestage Goods and Status Symbols in the Naqada Period Cemeteries of Predynastic Egypt
    Izumi Takamiya
    Egyptology at the Down of the 21th Century: The Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000. ed. by Z. Hawass, Cairo: The Americab University in Cairo Press 486 - 494 2003
  • 吉村 作治; 高宮 いづみ; 柏木 裕之
    ヒュ-マンサイエンス 早稲田大学人間総合研究センタ- 13 (2) 64 - 80 0914-8973 2001/03
  • 前4千年紀ナイル河下流域におけるラピスラズリ交易について
    西アジア考古学 2 21 - 37 2001/03 [Refereed]
  • Waseda University Excavations at North Saqqara, from 1991 to 1999.
    S. Yoshimura; I.H.Takamiya
    M. Barta & J. Krejci (eds.), Saqqara and Abusir in the Year 2000. Prague: Check Institute of Egyptology 161 - 172 2000 [Invited]
  • TAKAMIYA Izumi
    Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来 43 (1) 1 - 18 0030-5219 2000 
    Scholars have long been interested in early state formation in the Nile Valley, and they have often argued about urbanization during the predynastic period in relation to the development of a complex society. Settlement patterns of the period, however, remain ambiguous, mainly because of the scarcity of known settlement sites in Upper Egypt. In this study, a reconstruction of macro-level settlement patterns in the Badari region is attempted on the basis of cemetery data rather than evidence from settlements themselves, in order to try to understand the basic settlement structures of the Naqada culture. If we assume that each cemetery reflected the location and chronological range of the settlement to which it belonged, it is possible to infer settlement patterns, in terms of spatial distri-bution of settlements and chronological diversities in patterns, from cemetery data. Comparison with settlement patterns in the Abydos region may be expected to provide a general image of Naqada culture societies.The analyses elucidated a chronological change in the settlement patterns in the Badari region, from the scarce and equidistant distribution of settlements during the Naqada I-IIa/b period to the relatively dense and uneven distribution observable from the Naqada IIc/d period onwards. Drastic changes, including the abandonment and shift in location of many cemeteries, as well as alternations in mortuary practices, occurred between the Naqada III period and the Early Dynastic period. These patterns are quite different from those in the Abydos region hypothesized by D. C. Patch. In contrast to the nucleation of settlements in the Abydos area, a dispersal of population and the emergence of new settlements are detected in the Badari region around the middle of the Naqada II period. Furthermore, the continuity in settlement pattern, which has been observed in the Abydos region from the late predynastic to the dynastic period, was not detected in the Badari region. Such differences obviously indicate the existence of local variations in settlement patterns. It is probable that while development of urbanization was in progress in historically and/or socially advanced areas of the Naqada culture, such as the Abydos region, small villages remained relatively undeveloped in other areas such as the Badari region. This local diversity may have affected the rapid cultural and political unification of the entire Nile Valley.
  • S. Yoshimura; I.H. Takamiya; H. Kashiwagi; S. Akiyama; J. Kondo; T. Nakagawa; S. Nishimoto; R. Takahashi; T. Kikuchi; J. Nagasaki; S. Hasegawa
    The Journal of the Egyptian studies 早稲田大学エジプト学会 7 (7) 5 - 28 0919-2417 1999/03 [Refereed][Invited]
  • S. Yoshimura; I.H. Takamiya; H. Kashiwagi
    Orient The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 34 22 - 47 1884-1392 1999/03 [Refereed]
  • エジプトの都市研究と都市の起源
    近藤秀夫代表監修『古代オリエントにおける都市の形成とその起源』(平成8~10年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金研究成果報告)東海大学文学部考古学研究室 5 - 13 1999/03 [Invited]
  • 吉村 作治; 高宮 いづみ; 柏木 裕之
    ヒュ-マンサイエンス 早稲田大学人間総合研究センタ- 11 (2) 93 - 107 0914-8973 1999
  • ナカダ文化論-ナイル河下流域における初期国家の形成-
    『岩波講座世界歴史 第2巻 オリエント世界』岩波書店 125 - 144 1998/12 [Invited]
  • 吉村 作治; 高宮 いづみ; 柏木 裕之
    ヒュ-マンサイエンス 早稲田大学人間総合研究センタ- 10 (2) 117 - 130 0914-8973 1998/03
  • Shinnichi Akiyama; Izumi Takamiya
    Orient The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 33 (32) 46 - 65 1884-1392 1998/03 [Refereed]
    The excavations of Khaemwaset's monument at North Saqqara have yielded a number of hieratic dockets on building materials. These represent rare New Kingdom examples of their type, and promise to provide significant information about organization of labour. It is here proposed that these dockets related to the transportation of building materials for the monument. They perhaps also suggest a gang system slightly different from that in evidence at Deir el-Medina. Future studies of these hieratic dockets, as well as of other marks, will hopefully elucidate this organization further.
  • Waseda University Excavations at North Saqqara: A Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season, August - September 1995.
    S. Yoshimura; I.H. Takamiya; H. Kashiwagi; S. Akiyama; T. Nakagawa; S. Nishimoto; T. Kikuchi; J. Kondo; R. Takanashi
    エジプト学研究 5 5 - 34 1997/03 [Refereed]
  • Izumi Takamiya; Sakuji Yoshimura
    Orient The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 32 69 - 83 1884-1392 1997 [Refereed]
  • 高宮いづみ; 磯部久美子; 斎藤正憲
    エジプト学研究 別冊大1号 アブ・シール丘陵頂部発掘調査における研究成果と今後の展望・その1(早稲田大学エジプト学会) (1) 8 - 29 1995/06 [Invited]
  • トータルステーション使用遺跡測量データのデータベース処理について
    高宮いづみ; 藤田礼子
    エジプト学研究 (4) 4 - 19 1995/03
  • TAKAMIYA Izumi
    Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 37 (1) 104 - 116 0030-5219 1994/09 [Refereed]
  • Egyptian Pottery in A-Group Cemeteries, Nubia: Towards an understanding of pottery production and distribution in pre-dynastic and early dynastic Egypt.
    Izumi Takamiya
    Dept. of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge 1994/08 [Refereed]
  • 早稲田大学第1次アブ・シール南丘陵頂部発掘調査概報
    吉村作治; 高宮いづみ; 長谷川奏
    エジプト学研究 (2) 87 - 100 1994/03 [Invited]
    Pigments painted on Egyptian excavations in the 18th Dynasty were analyzed successfully by external PIXE with the aid of the X-ray diffraction. A white pigment was composed of Mg3Ca(CO3)4; red: alphaFe2O3, alphaFeO . OH and AsS; pink: mixtures of white and red pigments; yellow: alphaFeO . OH and As2S3; and blue: CaO . CuO . 4SiO2.
  • エジプト赤色スリップ土器Aについて -マルカタ南遺跡イシス神殿井戸址内出土土器からの一考察-
    『二十一世紀への考古学 桜井清彦先生古希記念論文集』雄山閣出版 371 - 380 1993/02 [Invited]
  • ナイル河流域のブラックトップ土器
    インド考古学研究 (15) 66 - 70 1993/02 [Invited]
  • TAKAMIYA Izumi
    Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 35 (1) 123 - 138 0030-5219 1992
  • エジプト・ナカダ文化における象牙製品について
    『古代探叢Ⅲ』早稲田大学出版部 635 - 650 1991/05 [Invited]
  • エジプト・ナカダ文化期の牙形製品について
    古代 (90) 1 - 20 1990/09 [Refereed]
  • ナカダ文化墓地における被葬者について-ヒエラコンポリス遺跡からの考察-
    文学研究科紀要別冊 哲学・史学編(早稲田大学文学研究科) (16) 109 - 117 1989 [Refereed]
  • 古東京湾周辺における縄文時代黒浜期の貝塚形成と古環境
    小杉正人; 金山善昭; 張替いづみ; 樋泉岳二; 小池裕子
    考古学と自然科学 (21) 1 - 20 1989 [Refereed]
  • エジプト先王朝期ナカダ文化の編年に関する一考察
    文学研究科紀要別冊 哲学・史学編(早稲田大学文学研究科) 12 53 - 66 1986/01 [Refereed]
  • 古代エジプト先王朝期および初期王朝期における階層構造
    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科 1985/03 [Refereed]


  • 高宮 いづみ  西アジア考古学 = Journal of West Asian archaeology  (17)  13  -23  2016/03
  • 第23次アブ・シール南丘陵遺跡調査概報
    吉村作治; 河合 望; 近藤二郎; 高宮いづみ; 高橋寿光; 竹野内恵太; 山崎美奈子; 福田莉紗  エジプト学研究  (22)  15  -28  2016/03
  • 第24次アブ・シール南丘陵遺跡調査概報
    吉村作治; 河合 望; 近藤二郎; 高宮いづみ; 柏木裕之; 高橋寿光; 米山由夏; 松永修平; 山崎世理愛  エジプト学研究  (22)  29  -40  2016/03
  • The Inside Story: The Installation and Granary at HK24B.
    I.H.Takamiya; N. Shirai  Nekhen news  23-  20  -21  2011  [Invited]
  • Beer after sheep? HK11C Squares A6-A7 in 2007.
    I.H. Takamiya  Nekhen News  19-  28  -28  2007  [Invited]
  • Another look at HK11C Square A6-A7.
    I.H.Takamiya; M. Aoki  Nekhen News  17-  18  -19  2005  [Invited]
  • Kilns in Square A6: The Other Side of the Story.
    I.H. Takamiya; M. Baba  Nekhen News  16-  19  -20  2004  [Invited]
  • ウルク・ワールドシステム-エジプトの場合-
    高宮いづみ  西アジア考古学  (3)  54  -54  2002/03  [Refereed][Invited]
  • TAKAMIYA Izumi  Shigaku zasshi  109-  (5)  943  -947  2000/05
  • 高宮 いづみ; 山田 重郎; 清水 和裕  史学雑誌  109-  (5)  943  -961  2000/05
  • エジプト最先端考古学 -「ダハシュール北遺跡」「アブ・シール南遺跡」など-
    吉村作治; 高宮いづみ  『平成10年度古代オリエント世界を掘る(第6回西アジア発掘調査報告会)』(日本西アジア考古学会)  62  -66  1999/12  [Invited]
  • カエムワセトの石造建造物の年代について
    高宮いづみ  オリエント  40-  (2)  166  -167  1998/03  [Invited]
  • 高宮いづみ  日本オリエント学会第37回大会発表  1995
  • A Monument of Khaemwaset discovered by Waseda University at North Saqqara.
    S. Yoshimura; I. Takamiya  The Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Abstructs of Papers. Cambridge  207  -208  1995
  • A monument of Khaemwaset at Saqqara.
    S. Yoshimura; I. Takamiya  The Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society  (5)  19  -23  [Invited]
  • アブシール南・丘陵上の建築遺構に関する発掘調査
    柏木裕之; 吉村作治; 中川武; 高宮いづみ; 長谷川奏  日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(関東)  [Invited]

Books and other publications

  • 古代エジプト 文明社会の形成
    高宮いづみ (Single work)京都大学学術出版会 2006/06
  • 早稲田大学エジプト学研究所編『アブ・シール南 [Ⅱ]』
    早稲田大学エジプト学研究所編 (Joint editor発掘調査、レリーフ装飾他)アケト 2006/03
  • 古代オリエント事典
    日本オリエント学会編 (Joint editor)岩波書店 2004/12
  • エジプト文明の誕生(世界の考古学 14)
    高宮いづみ (Single work)同成社 2003/06
  • アブ・シール南 Ⅰ
    吉村作治; 中川武; 森啓; 高宮いづみ; 長谷川奏他 (Joint editor発掘調査・出土遺物一部)早稲田大学エジプト学研究所 2001/03
  • 古代エジプトを発掘する
    高宮いづみ (Single work)岩波書店 1999/04
  • 世界美術大全集2 エジプト美術
    友部直責任監修; 中川武; 吉村作治; 近藤二郎; 高宮いづみ; 長谷川奏他 (Joint work先王朝時代、工芸品)小学館 1994/04
  • マルカタ南[Ⅳ] -イシス神殿北西部の遺構と遺物-
    早稲田大学古代エジプト調査委員会編; 桜井清彦; 菊池徹夫; 吉村作治; 張替いづみ; 近藤二郎他 (Joint work出土土器他・編集)1992/03
  • Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation (2) Studies in Egyptian Culture.
    S. Yoshimura; T. Nakagawa; S. Tonouchi (Contributor"Background and Process")Waseda University, Egyptian Culture Center 1988
  • 古河市史資料 原始・古代編
    古河市史編纂委員会; 大塚初重; 鈴木素行; 橋本裕行; 張替いづみ; 小池裕子; 松谷暁子他 (Joint work縄文時代一部)古河市史編纂委員会 1986/03
  • 原町西貝塚発掘調査報告書
    大塚初重; 鈴木素行; 橋本裕之; 小杉康; 小池裕子; 松谷暁子; 張替いづみ他 (Joint work遺構報告、貝塚分析)原町西貝塚発掘調査団 1985/03
  • 古河市遺跡分布調査報告書
    大塚初重; 鈴木素行; 橋本裕行; 張替いづみ他 (Joint work遺跡報告)古河市史編纂委員会 1984/04

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/06 -2023/03 
    Author : 近藤 二郎; 内田 杉彦; 馬場 匡浩; 河合 望; 西本 真一; 矢澤 健; 田澤 恵子; 辻村 純代; 柏木 裕之; 高宮 いづみ; 周藤 芳幸; 長谷川 奏; 中野 智章; 山崎 世理愛
    先王朝研究班では、先王朝時代に最初の都市化が興ったヒエラコンポリス遺跡で発掘調査を実施、都市の構成要素を明らかにすることを目的とした。中王国・新王国時代研究班では、ダハシュール北遺跡の発掘調査で、中王国時代の墓地を墓の規模から3つのグループに分類し、階層差を示しているとした。テーベ西岸のアル=コーカ地区でアメンへテプ3世治世下の高官ウセルハト墓とラメセス朝のビール醸造長コンスウエムヘブ墓の発掘と記録調査を行った。調査中には、これらの墓と造営当時のテーベ・ネクロポリスの景観と配置、テーベ都市全体の中での位置付けについて検討した。 また、北の行政の中心地メンフィスの主要な墓地サッカラ遺跡で調査を実施。新王国時代の墓地の分布を明らかにし、都市や祝祭との関係で論じた。末期王朝・ヘレニズム時代研究班では、主に中エジプトの都市遺跡アコリスの発掘調査とデルタ地帯の地中海沿岸部に位置するコム・アル=ディバーゥ遺跡の発掘調査で大きな進展がみられた。アコリス遺跡の発掘調査の成果を通じて、アコリスの通時的盛衰を明らかにし、それを巨視的に当時のエジプト史の文脈に位置付けた。地中海沿岸の低地にあるコム・アル=ディバーゥ遺跡でのサーベイで神殿を中心とする居住域を明らかにし、当該遺跡の景観を明らかにした。また、リモートセンシングの成果を駆使し、ヘレニズム時代のメンフィスの都市空間と墓地空間の変遷を明らかにした。 都市計画・建築班では、テーベ西岸に位置する新王国第18王朝のアメンへテプ3世のマルカタ王宮の景観と構造について、既往研究を検討しつつ、その問題点を明らかにし、今後の課題について有益な示唆が示された。研究班全体として、2019年9月に海外から研究者を招き、早稲田大学にてアメンへテプ3世の治世の都市テーベに関する国際シンポジウム Thebes under Amenhotep IIIを開催した。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2019/03 
    Author : FUKUNAGA Shin'ya
    The goal of this research was to utilize the significant amount of Japan's Kofun-period archaeological material in order to clarify the historical significance of mounded-tomb building within human history. Comparison with the mounded-tomb building cultures of the world revealed that the mounded tomb (kofun) culture of Japan was unique: not only is Japan home to the greatest number of mounded tombs throughout the world measuring over 200m in length, but the shape and size of the tombs represented the political hierarchy centered on the paramount king. Furthermore, this unique nature of the kofun culture derived from the fact that Japan's state formation was accomplished through regional consolidation rather than through warfare, and that this widespread integration was represented in a set of shared mortuary rituals.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009/04 -2015/03 
    Author : TAKAMIYA Izumi; SHIRAI Noriyuki; ENDO Hitoshi
    Purposes of this study are to elucidate the development process of large cooking installations for grains and to understand their effects on the urbanization of settlements during the state formation period in Egypt, i.e. the 4th millennium BC. For the purposes, excavations of a large cooking installation were carried out at the Locality HK24B in the settlement area of Hierakonpolis, the largest Predynastic settlement site on the west bank of the Nile. The installation, dated to the first half of the 4th millennium BC, could produce about one thousand litters of food staff mixed with water and grains (beer malt?), which far exceeded an amount for domestic consumption. Additional field research and studies on previous excavations indicated that such cooking installations would have influenced on cooperation of settlement members and settlement organization towards urbanization.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2012 
    Author : YOSHIMURA Sakuji; KONDO Jiro; TAKAMIYA Izumi; HASEGAWA So; NAKAGAWA Takeshi; AOKI Shigeo; NISHIURA Tadateru; MASUZAWA Fumitake; NAKAI Izumi; IKEUCHI Katsushi; ETAYA Masahiro; TSUMURA Hiroomi; IWASAKI Yoshiki; NAKAGAWA Kouichi; NISHIMOTO Shinichi; KASHIWAGI Hiroyuki; KIKUCHI Takao; KAWAI Nozomu; BABA Masahiro; NISHISAKA Akiko; TAKAHASHI Kazumitsu; YAZAWA Ken
    This research project aims to propose a site management plan for the Memphite Necropolis in Egypt by interdisciplinary research such as archaeology, conservation science, architectural history, geology, tourism, satellite image interpretation and etc. The process and order for this project consisted of three parts: Documentation and Collection of Information concerning the value of the archeological sites, Management Analysis of Data, and Proposal. The result of this project provides a model for the practical strategy for the future protection and management of the Memphite Necropolis.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : YOSHIMURA Sakuji; NAKAGAWA Takeshi; TAKAMIYA Izumi; KONDO Jiro; KASHIWAGI Hiroyuki; NISHIMOTO Shinichi
    The site of our excavation is situated on a top of the small hill. which located about 1km north-west of the Serapeum at Saqqara. On the top of the hill, a stone building of Khaemwaset, the fourth son of Ramesses II, was discovered in 1991. During the last two seasons, we extended the excavation area to the north-west of the stone monument. The excavation of this area produced a good result : we found another building, that was built with mud-bricks and the dimensions of which are about 22m by 25m. Because this area was thoroughly disturbed, only the foundation bricks were preserved. However, great quantities of small fragments of mural painting and faience tiles were uncovered around the mud-brick building. After the thick layers were removed, it came to light that this building was constructed in a very unique way : it was built at the top of the steep incline, and moreover the ground around the building was artificially shaped to rise the building than its surroundings, as if it was intended to be built on the platform which was dug out from the surrounding ground. So far more than ten stelae depicting Tuthmosis IV were discovered. We also found some stamped bricks and mud sealings with the name of Tuthmosis IV. These objects could be strong evidence that Tuthmosis IV was active on the top of the hill. Elaborate blue-painted pottery sherds, so-called palace ware are also supporting this evidence. Abundance of the middle 18th Dynasty materials suggests that the Khaemwaset's monument was preceded by the mud-brick structure. Moreover, this mud-brick structure probably remained standing when Khaemwaset built his monument. Thus, it is likely that the existence of the mud-brick building had influence on the construction of the stone monument of Khaemwaset at this site.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1997 
    Author : YOSHIMURA Sakuji; KASHIWAGI Hiroyuki; AKIYAMA Shinichi; TAKAMIYA Izumi; KONDO Jiro; NISHIMOTO Shinichi
    The project has been carrying out excavation on the summit of a limestone outcrop at North Saqqara since December 1991. The excavations have uncovered a large limestone monument of Khaemwaset, the forthe son of Ramesses II of Dynasty 19. The purposes of the excavation of this season was two-fold : to complete excavation of the stone monument, and to identify structures around the monument. A southern part of an outer wall and the south-west corner of the monument were uncovered, and the overall structure of this monument was revealed during the season. Its general dimensions are 25m (north-south) by 30m (east-west). A foundation deposit discovered at the north-west corner of the monument include several faience scarabs inscribed with the name and titles of Khaemwaset, indicating that the monument was founded by the prince himself. A limestone alignment and a limestone pavement were excavated to the east and to the north of the monument respectively. They seem to date to a period later than the monument itself, though their precise date has not yet been determined. From the west slope of the site, a number of objects including fragments of blue painted pottery were collected. They indicate that certain structures of the middle Dynasty 18 existed at the site, as was supposed from bricks which were recovered in the last season, and stamped with cartouches of Amenophis II and Tuthmosis (IV? ). An analysis of finds indicates that the site was occupied from Dynasty 18 to the Byzantine period, for almost two thousands years.