Department of Informatics Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/25

Researcher Information


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J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 形式モデル   物流システム   プロセス代数   プログラミング言語意味論   Semantics for Programming Languages   

Research Areas

  • Informatics / Software
  • Informatics / Information theory


  •        - 1997  Okayama University  自然科学研究科  知能開発科学
  •        - 1997  Okayama University  Graduate School, Division of Science and Technology
  •        - 1991  Okayama University  Faculty of Engineering  情報工学科
  •        - 1991  Okayama University  Faculty of Engineering

Association Memberships

  • 電子情報通信学会   ソフトウェア科学会   情報処理学会   

Published Papers

  • T. Kato; Y. Hirashima
    Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier 994 114479  2024/05 [Refereed]
  • The Integrated Development Environment for the Multiple Ambient Calculus
    Toru Kato; Ryota Yamada; Hayato Toriyama; Ryousuke Okura; Masahiro Higuchi
    情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用 2020/12 [Refereed]
  • Model Checking for Dynamic Freight Schedule with Multiple Ambient Calculus
    Toru Kato; Hisahiro Takaoka; Masahiro Higuchi; Hiroshi Ohyama
    情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用 11 (3) 84 - 99 2018/12 [Refereed]
  • Y.Fujisaka; K.Inamori; M.Higuchi; T. Kato
    IPSJ Transactions on Programming 10 (4) 12 - 27 1882-7802 2017/07 [Refereed]
    本論文では,Ambient Calculus(AC)を時間的な制約が記述できるよう拡張した混合型時間アンビアント計算(HTAC)と,それを用いた物流計画記述法を提案する.HTACはACのケーパビリティに加えて,有効期限付きケーパビリティと待機ケーパビリティを持つ.これにより,ACの特徴であった階層構造の動的な変化の表現に加え,タイムアウト動作や2つのイベント間の発生間隔の上下限の指定などの時間制約が指定可能となる.有効期限付きケーパビリティを連続するイベントが離散的に発生するオブジェクトの移動の表現に用い,ACのケーパビリティを瞬時に発生するべきオブジェクトの移動情報の通知などに用いることで,各種交通機関を用いた人の移動や海上物流などの物流計画が記述できる.このようなケーパビリティを使い分ける基準として,プロセス式が物流計画の記述と見なせるための条件を与える.また,HTACプロセス式から実行可能なイベントを選択し,式を遷移させる処理系を開発した.この処理系を用いて,プロセス式が意図どおりの動作をするかなどの確認を行うことができる.その処理系を活用した物流監視システムの構築方法について述べる.物流監視システムはHTAC式による物流計画に違反したオブジェクトの移動を検出するとともに,HTAC式に沿った移動を誘導するようなシステムである.In this paper, we propose the hybrid timed ambient calculus (HTAC) as an extension of the ambient calculus (AC). We also propose a way for specifying logistics plans using HTAC. In addition to the capabilities of AC, HTAC contains expiration time and waiting capabilities that enable us to specify timeout-like behaviors and specify the lower or upper bounds of the timing interval between two events. Therefore, we can represent logistics specifications such as human travel plans with various transportation systems or maritime logistics. In HTAC logistics specifications, we use the expiration time capabilities for physical movements, which occur discretely, and the original AC capabilities for the physical movement notifications, which occur simultaneously. We give a condition for the HTAC formula, which is regarded as a logistics specification. We developed a formula processing system, which can reduce a process formula by selecting executable events, enabling us to confirm whether the process formula behaves as intended. We will describe the method to build a logistics monitoring system with the formula processing system. The system can detect the physical movement that violates the logistics plan, or can guide the movements in compliance with the logistics plan.
  • Toru Kato; Manami Shimazu; Masahiro Higuchi; Hiroshi Ohyama
    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering IEEE Computer Society 2016- 367 - 372 2161-8089 2016/11 [Refereed]
    We propose an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing formulae written in the multiple ambient calculus (MAC). MAC is a kind of process algebra designed for modeling freight systems in which a lot of containers are transported by several vessels from one port to another port via several hub ports. We have been studying a handling management system that confirms the validity of container handling during shipping. The system checks whether containers are being correctly handled by comparing the movement of the containers, which is sensed by radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, with formal models (formulae) written in MAC. For accurate and automatic management, we need to develop MAC formulae that accurately express the nested structure of the entire freight system (ports, vessels, and containers) and the movement of those objects. The IDE presented in this paper (IDE4MAC) enables us to develop such formulae with ordinal editing functions and several debugging functions such as a selective execution function and backward tracing function that are useful for checking all non-deterministic actions of MAC processes. We developed IDE4MAC as plugins of Eclipse so that it can be easily installed and used.
  • Toru Kato; Atom Miyai; Masahiro Higuchi
    2015 Second International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and in Industry (MCSI) IEEE 191 - 198 2015 [Refereed]
    We are developing a freight management system that confirms the correctness of container handling during shipping. The system determines the correctness by comparing container handling, which is sensed by UHF RFID tags, with formal models (formulae) written in the Multiple Ambient Calculus(MAC). MAC is a formal description language extended from the Ambient Calculus(AC) in order to express freight systems with nested structures that dynamically change. Using MAC, whole the freight system is modeled by a set of formulae each of which represents the handling of each container while, using AC, the freight systems are modeled by a large formula. Thanks to this feature of MAC, we can express symmetric and concurrent property of freight systems more appropriately and adding or retracting formulae (representing adding or canceling containers for a voyage) becomes easier than using AC. This paper shows the implementation of the freight management system and the results of several experiments.
  • Toru Kato; Atom Miyai; Masahiro Higuchi
    We propose an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing mobile processes written in the ambient calculus (AC). AC is a kind of process algebra designed for modeling mobile processes in network environments. This IDE is equipped with not only ordinal editing functions but also characteristic ones for AC: a graphical editor for describing tree structures of AC processes that can be converted to AC processes, a selective executing function and backward tracing function that enable us to check every non-deterministic action of AC processes, a distributed executing function for mobile processes that enables us to debug those processes in a network environment by deploying IDEs, and the ability for Java programs to be conveyed by ambients while keeping their activated conditions. We developed the IDE as plugins of Eclipse.
  • T. Hashimoto; T. Kato; M.Higuchi
    IPSJ Transactions on Programming 6 (2) 1 - 12 1882-7802 2013/08 [Refereed]
    我々は,多重Ambient Calculus(MAC)による物流システムの記述方法の研究および,実際の物流が正しく行われているかを監視するシステムの開発を行っている.物流システムは,より小さなパッケージをより大きなパッケージに収容する階層構造を持っている.これに対し,プロセス代数の一種であるMACは,階層構造を持ち動的に構造が変化するシステムを形式的に記述できる.MACは,通常のAmbient Calculus(AC)と異なり,個々の貨物の取扱いを個別のプロセス式として記述し,それらの集合により物流システム全体をモデル化するものである.この特徴により,通常のACと比較して物流システムの持つ対称性,並行性をより適切に表現でき,貨物が追加,削除される際のプロセス式の変更も容易となる.本稿では,MACとUHF帯RFID機器を用いた物流監視システムを提案する.本システムは,実際のコンテナ輸送で使われる数種類の書類をもとに,各コンテナの搬送経路を表現するMAC式を自動生成するシステム,MACの個別式を適切な端末へと分散するシステム,およびRFIDを用いて検知した貨物の動きや,船の乗り換えがMAC式の遷移に沿ったものであるかを監視するシステムからなる.また,本システムの有用性を示すために,車をコンテナと見立てて行った屋外実験についても述べる.We are investigating a way of modeling freight system in the Multiple Ambient Calculus (MAC) and the management systems ensuring the correctness of container handling during shipping using the model. Freight systems have nested structures, i.e., packages (e.g. containers) containing smaller packages (e.g. luggage) that are accommodated by a larger entity such as a container ship. MAC is a formal description language that is suitable for modeling such systems with the nested structures that dynamically change. Using MAC, whole the freight system is modeled by a set of formulae each of which represents the handling of each containers while, using the Ambient Calculus, the freight systems are modeled by a large formula. Thanks to this feature of MAC, we can express symmetric and concurrent property of freight systems more appropriately and adding or retracting formulae (representing adding or canceling containers for a voyage) becomes easier than using AC. The management system propsesed in this paper consists of three sub systems. The first generates formulae that represent freight systems based on several trading documents, the second deploys the formulae to each devices (PCs and RFID tags), the last senses the handling of containers by using UHF RFID devices and checks their consistency with the transitions of corresponding formulae. We also show the results of preliminary experiments in which a car is used as a container.
  • 多重Ambient Calculusによる物流記述に対する弱双模倣等価性を用いたモデル検査
    樋口 昌宏; 森田 哲平; 加藤 暢
    情報処理学会論文誌 プログラミング 情報処理学会 5 (3) 50 - 60 2012/08
  • 物流システム記述のための多重Ambient Calculus
    樋口 昌宏; 加藤 暢
    情報処理学会論文誌 プログラミング 情報処理学会 5 (2) 79 - 87 2012/03
  • Toru Kato; Masahiro Higuchi
    Proceedings of the 2012 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBIS 2012 364 - 371 2012 [Refereed]
    This paper proposes a freight management system that confirms the correctness of container handling during shipping. The system determines the correctness by comparing container handling, which is sensed by UHF RFID tags, with formal models (formulae) written in the ambient calculus. The ambient calculus is a formal description language that is suitable for expressing freight systems with nested structures that dynamically change. The management system generates formulae automatically from several documents used in real freight systems. An implementation of the system and the results of several experiments using it are presented. © 2012 IEEE.
  • 時間オートマトンによるフェースディスプレイの上位設計と形式的検証
    田川 聖治; 高橋佑輔; 加藤 暢
    情報処理学会論文誌:数理モデル化と応用 情報処理学会 3 (3) 44 - 53 2010 
  • Toru Kato; Masahiro Higuchi
    We investigate a management system that ensures the correctness of cargo distribution in freight systems The system determines the correctness by comparing the movement of containers, which sensed by IC tags with formal models. These models are written in the ambient calculus and generated automatically based on several documents used in real freight systems. The ambient calculus is a formal description language that is suitable for representing freight systems with nested structures that dynamically change. An implementation of the system and the results of a simple experiment using it are presented.
  • A Conformance Decision System for Physical Distribution with the Ambient Calculus
    加藤 暢; 樋口 昌宏; 森本大輔
    情報処理学会論文誌:プログラミング 情報処理学会 48 (SIG10) 151 - 164 2007/06 
    Ambient Calculusの持つ階層構造を用いて物流システムをモデル化し、バーコード機器を利用して検知した実際の貨物の動作とモデルの動作を比較することで貨物の取り扱いを監視するシステムを構築した。

Books etc

  • オブジェクト指向Javaプログラミング入門
    多田昌裕; 半田久志; 加藤暢; 波部斉 (Joint work11章 ラムダ式とストリーム)近代科学社 2018/03
  • 数理論理学
    加藤暢; 高田司郎; 新出尚之 (Joint work1, 2, 3, 4, 7章)コロナ社 2014/10
  • 加藤 暢; 樋口 昌宏; 高田 司郎 (Joint work)近代科学社 2008/08 
  • 例題で学ぶJavaの言語
    近代科学社 2003
  • UNIX(増補)-基礎から応用まで、さあ使ってみよう-
    コロナ社 2002

Conference Activities & Talks

  • A Logistics Simulator with the Ambient Calculus for Modelling Intraregional Truck Transportation  [Not invited]
    Toru Kato
    the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society  2023/10
  • Container Shipping Route Recommendation System by Modeling Logistics System with the Ambient Calculus  [Not invited]
    Toru Kato
    the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications  2022/12
  • 内航フィーダー輸送へのモーダルシフトを目的としたフィジカルインターネットサービス実現のためのフィージビリティスタディ
    加藤 暢
    内航海運研究会  2022/05
  • 加藤 暢
    IIIS  2003/08  米国  IIIS
    Ambient Calculus is a process algebra designed by Cardelli and Gordon of Microsoft Research for modeling mobile agents on network environments. They also proposed a basic implementation of the calculus in `Mobile Ambient Synchronization' though the ambient class only dealt with In and Out actions.Thus, we give the class extensions up to Open action,Replication and Communication primitives.Especially, the implementation includes a unique algorithm for the replication mechanism.Replication is the useful method that enables us to easily design server processes dealing with many demands from numerous clients. A naive implementation, however, would cause divergence of the number of processes. We propose a replication mechanism that does not generate infinite processes. As another feature of our implementation, ambients can bring several kind of applications, such as editor, file finder, and games with keeping running.
  • 加藤 暢
    IIIS  2002/08  米国  IIIS
    Ambient calculus is a process algebra designed for describing mobile processes. When we describe a network with ambients malicious processes can destroy nodes of the network or alter the construction of the network. Thus, a type system was introduced to ambient calculus so that we can give each node a desirable character that prevent malicious processes from cracking the network.The designers of the calculus defined an equational relation for untyped ambient calculus. Our revious work pointed out there exist identified processes up to the relation that have different properties, and it refined the relation so that we can discriminate those processes.This paper shows the original and our former relations are no longer available for typed ambient calculus and it presents another relation that is available for typed ambient calculus.
  • 村上 昌己; 加藤 暢
    SSGRR  2000/07  イタリア  SSGRR
    Ambients represent the substances of movement and the fields of the ambients themselves. Having this hierarchy, this calculus can model various kinds of mobile computation. We found that an existing equational relation for ambient calculus can identify the processes which have different properties when we construct a choice operation consisting of only parallel and restricting primitives. We propos an equational relation which distinguish processes the existing equivalence identified.


Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Science and Technology Agency:SBIR フェーズ 1 支援
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/11 -2022/03 
    Author : Toru Kato
    We conducted a feasibility study of a project to promote a modal shift to coastal feeder transport. In this project, we developed the system for modeling the entire maritime container transport system by taking advantage of the properties of the process algebra the Ambient Calculus. The system can be used as a part of physical Internet service that checks all container transport routes from the port of entry of an ocean vessel to its final destination and extracts transport routes that satisfy all criteria, including travel time, transport cost, and CO2 emissions.
  • Japan Science and Technorolgy Agency:START
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/11 -2021/03 
    Author : Yoichi Hirashima; Toru Kato; Masahito Aoyama; Noriyoshi Kuroda
    The "combinatorial explosion" problem, which is extremely difficult to solve even with AI such as deep learning or with the latest spec supercomputers, has been putting pressure on the management of real businesses as a problem that cannot be dealt with. Based on a unique reinforcement learning algorithm (we call it phi method) that can solve this problem, we have developed a system for optimization of food stocking in supermarkets. The system receives sales and purchasing data from supermarkets as input, provides proposal data (optimal purchasing contents) via the cloud, and receives subscription compensation from the supermarkets based on the amount used (number of items x frequency x number of stores). The study of optimal stocking contents is a "combination explosion" problem, and while the conventional service achieves a loss reduction of about 10%, we achieve a loss reduction of 50%.
  • 小さなAIで実現する食品スーパーの仕入れ最適化
    Japan Science and Technorolgy Agency:SORRE
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/08 -2019/03 
    Author : Yoichi Hirashima; Toru Kato; Masahito Aoyama; Noriyoshi Kuroda
  • 多重Ambient 計算RFID機器を用いた物流監視システム構築に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 加藤 暢
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : KATO Toru
    We have proposed a way of modeling freight system with a process algebra and constructed a handling management system for freights in order to establish a formal way to supervise how containers are treated during shipping. The Multiple Ambient Calculus(MAC) is a kind of process algebra which we have proposed to model fright systems for accurately describing nested structure and concurrency of fright systems. We also have constructed a handling management system that can supervise the treatment of containers by sensing movement of them using UHF RFID devices and comparing the movement to the model written in MAC recorded in RFID tags on the containers.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : 加藤 暢

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