Department of Management and BusinessProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Ph.D.(International Public Policy)

Research Keyword

  • 森林問題   都市経済学   環境経済学   Urban Economics   Environmental Economics   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic policy
  • Humanities & social sciences / Theoretical economics
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental policy and society
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental impact assessment



  • 2013/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering Department of Management and BusinessProfessor
  • 2002/04 - Today  The Open University of Japan
  • 2019/09 - 2020/08  Copenhagen UniversityVisiting researcher
  • 2014/10 - 2018/09  近畿大学産業理工学部 経営ビジネス学科学科長
  • 2008/04 - 2013/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Economics Department of Public ManagementProfessor
  • 2008/10 - 2012/09  近畿大学経済学部 総合経済政策学科学科長
  • 2010/04 - 2010/08  育児休業
  • 2004/04 - 2008/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2000/04 - 2004/03  Kagoshima UniversityFaculty of Law, Economics and the Humanities Economics助教授
  • 1999 - 2000  Kagoshima UniversityFaculty of Law, Economics and the Humanities Economics講師

Educational Background

  •        - 1999  Osaka University  国際公共政策研究科  国際公共政策
  •        - 1999  Osaka University
  •        - 1994  Osaka University  School of Law  Department of Law
  •        - 1994  Osaka University  Faculty of Law

■Research activity information


  • Takao Iijima; Masaya Ota; Yusuke Sakata
    Journal of Fair Trade Pluto Journals 4 (1) 39 - 57 2513-9525 2023/08 [Refereed]
    Cause-related marketing (CRM) has received attention from companies around the world in recent years. Companies in Japan use CRM, but they are struggling with it because Japanese consumers have little interest in social contribution and have negative attitudes toward CRM. This study addresses the reason why Japanese consumers display negative attitudes toward products related to CRM from the viewpoint of company motives toward CRM. An online survey was completed by 290 university students in Japan. We estimated the data using the Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) method. We found that Japanese consumers displayed negative willingness to pay (WTP) toward a well-known brand’s product with CRM information (β = −2.485, WTP = −106.7, p < .001). Providing information on the company’s motive for long-term commitment to CRM (the company’s positive motive for CRM) mitigates the negative effect of CRM (β = −1.721, WTP = −46.3, p < .001). Given this information, the overall assessment (WTP) of CRM (whether a CRM campaign has positive effects on product choice or not) is 2.6, which value is larger than the −45.2 WTP value where a consumer is not given this information. Our results contribute to the theoretical and practical aspects of CRM. Theoretically, we investigate the negative aspects of CRM, whereas many studies focus only on the positive aspects. We concluded that, in Japan, a company is required to demonstrate the motive behind their CRM campaign for it to have an impact on product choice.
  • Masaya Ota; Takao Iijima; Yusuke Sakata
    Journal of International Consumer Marketing Informa UK Limited 33 (3) 1 - 12 0896-1530 2020/07 [Refereed]
  • Masaya Ota; Yusuke Sakata; Takao Iijima
    Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility Springer Science and Business Media LLC 4 (1) 1 - 14 2019/12 [Refereed]
  • 太田 壮哉; 坂田 裕輔
    流通 日本流通学会 ; 1988- 40 (40) 1 - 14 0914-9937 2017/06 [Refereed]
  • 手工芸品のフェアトレード~タイ山岳民族の現地調査
    坂田 裕輔
    アジア市場経済学会年報 (18) 35 - 47 2015/07 [Refereed][Invited]
  • The Economic Foundation Of The Economic Foundation For Ecological ServicesThe Economic Foundation For Ecological Services In Forest Management Industries
    SAKATA Yusuke
    経営ビジネス学論集 (4) 73 - 88 2015/03 [Refereed]
  • 坂田 裕輔; フェアトレードシティくまもと推進委員会
    かやのもり : 近畿大学産業理工学部研究報告 : reports of School of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering, Kinki University 近畿大学産業理工学部 (23) 41 - 49 1349-5801 2015 
    [概要] フェアトレードに対する認識は拡大しているといわれている. 日本の認知率を調査するために, 11の都市と全国を対象にして, 合計2,000サンプル以上に対して, アンケート調査を実施した. このうち, 筆者は福岡市と熊本市の調査を担当した. なお, 熊本市は, 2011年よりフェアトレードタウンに認定されている. 調査の結果, 熊本市は全国データに近い傾向が観察されたが, 福岡市は, 全国と異なる傾向が見られた. 認知率は, 熊本市が福岡市よりも12.6%高い結果となった. [Abstract] The recognition rate of fairtrade is said to be growing. We implemented an online survey to estimate the recognition rate in 11 cities in Japan. This report shows the result for Fukuoka city and Kumamoto city. Kumamoto city has been authorized as a fair trade town for 5 years. The recognition rate in Kumamoto city is higher than in Fukuoka city by 12.6%.
  • 坂田 裕輔
    かやのもり : 近畿大学産業理工学部研究報告 : reports of School of Humanity-Oriented Science and Engineering, Kinki University 近畿大学産業理工学部 (20) 15 - 20 1349-5801 2014 
    [Abstract] The recycling rate of paper tube is estimated to be about 36 % while the recycling rate of used paper is almost 68 %. The low recycling rate is caused by 2 reasons in Japanese market. (1) Paper tube is hard to resolve in the recycling process. (2) There is no collection route for paper tube to recycle. In this paper, we revealed the material flow of paper tube and estimated the economic effect of paper tube recycling. For recycling scenario, we assume that `green paper tube' , which dissolves as easy as usual corrugated cardboard, is generally accepted. The estimation result showed that the effect was 2,412 million yen compared to no recycling scenario. It is difficult to identify whether the tube is `green' or not. Thus, it is necessary to introduce labeling system to show easiness of recycling.
  • 瀋 俊毅; 坂田 裕輔; 橋本 介三
    Hiroshima journal of international studies 広島市立大学国際学部 (Hiroshima City University, Faculty of International Studies) 16 55 - 65 1341-3546 2010 
    In this paper, under the consideration of both local environmental status and transportation network, we13;implement Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) for the southward extension plan of Osaka Monorail Loop-line13;by applying a Choice Experiment (CE) method. It is estimated that the benefit cost (B/C) ratio is 1.35 under a13;basic scenario. In addition, with a consideration of different kinds of uncertainty in the future, a number13;of sensitivity analyses are implemented. The results of sensitivity analysis indicate that the possibility of13;generating net benefit is extremely high for the extension plan studied here.
  • Junyi Shen; Yusuke Sakata; Yoshizo Hashimoto
    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY ELSEVIER SCI LTD 12 (3) 338 - 346 1462-9011 2009/05 [Refereed]
    We consider that transport modal choices are influenced by natural environmental change and transport network improvement. This paper examines how these impacts affect Keywords: individuals' decisions on selecting transport mode under an extension plan for the Osaka Environmental deterioration Monorail Loop-line. To estimate these impacts, we perform a Stated Choice (SC) experiment Network improvement for collecting data in the neighborhood along the monorail's extended line. We estimate our Network externality model with the Heteroskedastic Extreme Value (HEV) specification in order to avoid the Transport modal choice Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) assumption in the Multinomial Logit (MNL) Heteroskedastic Extreme Value model. Both the results of full-sample and sub-sample data imply that residents prefer model public transport modes (monorail or bus) to private cars when either the natural environment becomes worse or the transport network improves. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 坂田 裕輔
    マッセOsaka研究紀要 大阪府市町村振興協会おおさか市町村職員研修研究センター (12) 49 - 61 2009/03
  • 坂田 裕輔
    Ikoma journal of economics 近畿大学経済学会 6 (3) 203 - 224 1348-8686 2009/03 
    トセパン協同組合(メキシコ)は, 持続可能な森林経営とコーヒーの生産を両立させる取り組みを行いながら, マイクロファイナンスの導入によって, 地域住民の生活の安定を目指しているグループである。 トセパンの取り組みについて, 持続可能性指標による評価を行うため, 事業内容と生産基盤の関係に着目した。 事業は, 森林農法によるコーヒー栽培を中心としながら, 複数の作物の育成とエコツーリズム事業の育成により,多角化を図っている。いずれも森林資源を活用する事業であり, 無理のない展開である。 新規事業の展開と会員の拡大という面では, トセパントミンが組織を支える役割を果たしている。 同銀行が持つ啓発機能は, 住民の生活を安定化させる役割も果たしている。 (英文) Tosepan Titaniske is an example of attempts to build a sustainable society. Tosepan sells coffee and allspices with organic and fairtrade certification around the world. It also builds microfinance systems in their region. This paper evaluates their sustainability of their production and the services produced by their natural capital.
  • Junyi Shen; Yusuke Sakata; Yoshizo Hashimoto
    APPLIED ECONOMICS ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 40 (10) 1229 - 1239 0003-6846 2008 [Refereed]
    This article models negative impact on the environment as one of the attributes of transport mode. By this modelling, we are able to examine whether individual environmental consciousness of this impact plays a significant role in his/her choice of transport mode. A survey data from Saito and Onohara Area in Northern Osaka of Japan is used to estimate the model with the Heteroscedastic Extreme Value specification. Both of the estimated and simulated results imply that individual environmental consciousness does influence his/her decision on transport mode choice in the sample. Furthermore, the likelihood ratio tests indicate that both the utility and scale parameters are not equivalent across sub-samples of university commuters, research-facility commuters and residents. The results of the comparison across sub-samples suggest that sometimes we may learn more from sub-dividing a whole sample into several sub-samples if we could distinguish them by their characteristics.
  • Yusuke Sakata
    WASTE MANAGEMENT PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 27 (5) 639 - 644 0956-053X 2007 [Refereed]
    Municipal governments have attempted to reduce waste disposal and increase recycling rates in Japan. However, it is difficult to get full cooperation from residents. Using experiments in which residents are given an opportunity to choose the components of the waste management system (choice experiments), we measure the cost of each characteristic of the waste collection services. The estimation result reveals that there are trade-offs between the risk, payments, and handling costs. The marginal loss in utility revenues from an increase in the types of waste being separated is almost 200 yen (US$ 1.74) and a 1% increase in the recycling rate raises the cost of service by 53 yen (US$ 0.46). In addition, the results show the need for communications about risks between municipal authorities and residents. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yusuke, Sakata
  • 柴崎 茂光; 坂田 裕輔; 永田 信
    Bulletin of the Tokyo University Forests 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林 (110) 1 - 25 0371-6007 2003/12 
    観光統計(入込観光客数や観光需要特性など)は以前から公表されているが,統計としての精度は疑問視されている。本研究では,鹿児島県屋久島を対象として現在公表されている観光統計よりも精度の高い推計値を導き出すことを目的とした。具体的には,入込地点である屋久島空港,宮之浦港,安房港の3カ所において,季節変動の影響を考慮して2001年11月から2002年8月にかけて計4回のアンケート調査を実施した。この際,一定の抽出率を保つために搭乗者の5-6分の1を抽出するように工夫し,合計3,591名分の有効回答数を得た。分析の結果,屋久島を来訪する観光客数は年間20万人前後であることが推計され,鹿児島県熊毛支庁が公表している数値は過小評価されていることがわかった。また屋久島の観光需要には季節変動が見られ,春期から夏期にかけては個人客が中心であるのに対して,それ以外の時期は団体客が主体となっていた。またパック旅行客の割合が増えていることも判明し,屋久島が大衆観光地化しつつあることがわかった。さらにエコツアー・登山ガイド業も1997-2002年の間に急激に利用客数を伸ばしており,屋久島の観光業は盛隆期を迎えていたことが推察された。ただし,山岳地域・世界遺産登録地域への訪問者増加によって,繁忙期にはオーバーユースの可能性があり,環境資産の劣化が憂慮された。In Japan, official statistics on the number of tourists and characteristics of tourism demand are published, but the reliability of these statistics is said to be questionable. This paper aims to find a better way of estimating the number of tourists and characteristics of tourism demand by applying a method of sampling at a certain rate. Using such a method, a questionnaire survey was conducted to estimate tourism statistics on Yakushima Island, a part of which was included in the World Heritage List in 1993. The survey consisted of 4 five-day investigations at the ports of entry during November 2001 and August 2002, drawing a sample at a give rate. The overall sample size was 3,591. The percentage of visitors who were tourists was estimated to be between 65-69%, so the number of tourists to Yakushima Island should be around 200 thousand a year. The Kagoshima prefectural office has estimated that the percentage of visitors who were tourists should be 59-60%; therefore, it is clear that Kagoshima prefectural office underestimated the number of tourists to Yakushima Island. Also it should be noted that there was a seasonal fluctuation in tourism demand. During the off-season, most tourists joined package tours that travel agencies had planned, while most tourists in the peak season did not. Furthermore, the number of tourists who participated in ecotourism has been dramatically rising during these five years. Although an increasing number of tourists contributes to the development of the local economy, there is a possibility that overuse of mountainous areas may cause depletion of environmental assets in the near future.
  • 持続可能な地域開発を支援するための地域通貨システムのデザイン
    ワールドワイドビジネスレビュー、同志社大学ワールドワイドビジネス研究センター 4(3)、pp. 161-177 2003
  • 坂田 裕輔
    環境と公害 岩波書店 32 (3) 58 - 63 0918-7537 2003
  • FUKAMI Satoshi; SAKATA Yusuke; SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu
    The Journal of Island Studies The Japan Society of Island Studies 2003 (4) 41 - 55 1884-7013 2003 
    The number of tourists coming to the Yaku Islands had increased rapidly since 1993 when it was designated as World Natural Heritage site. Most tourists are interested only in its natural resources while it has rich cultural resources and attractive people.<br>In this paper, the potential of a new tourism style which enphasis on staying longer and the experiences in Yaku-Island have been observed. In Yaku Island, the field research is held in Haruo area which is the south east side of the island.<br>The Haruo area is proved to have plenty of regional resources that can provide various experiences such as farm staying and envrionmental studies.<br>To encourage Eco-tourism in Haruo area, the potential of using LETS system (Local Exchange and Transfer System) are examined. It has shown that some new trades between local people and tourists such as teaching local culture and local foods would stimulate local economies.
  • Sakata Yusuke
    Journal of economics and sociology, Kagoshima University 鹿児島大学 58 79 - 92 0389-0104 2002/12
  • SAKATA Yusuke
    IEICE technical report. Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 102 (505) 25 - 30 0913-5685 2002/12 
    I have considered the potential of the LETS system to urban regeneration in this paper. Though there are some examples of LETS and other point card systems used in urban malls, but they does not contribute for the long-term development. Current systems are not intended to do so, but to activate un-used resources of the region. In this paper, I propose the 2^nd and 3^rd generation LETS system to develop urban malls in long term which includes 投資 functions.
  • Sakata Yusuke
    Journal of economics and sociology, Kagoshima University 鹿児島大学 55, pp. 1-10 1 - 10 0389-0104 2001/11
  • 坂田 裕輔
    経済学論集 鹿児島大学経済学会 (53) 171 - 214 0389-0104 2000/11
  • 坂田 裕輔
    経済学論集 鹿児島大学経済学会 (52) 49 - 99 0389-0104 2000/03
  • HASHIMOTO Yoshizo; NAKAGAWA Ikuro; SAKATA Yusuke
    City planning review 日本都市計画学会 47 (5) 33 - 37 0495-9280 1998/12
  • Sakata Yusuke
    国際公共政策研究 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 3 (1) 117 - 134 1342-8101 1998/10
  • Sakata Yusuke
    国際公共政策研究 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 2 (1) 205 - 217 1342-8101 1998/03
  • Sakata Yusuke
    国際公共政策研究 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 1 (1) 189 - 199 1342-8101 1997/03


Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 震災後の経済復興と新たな公益事業  [Invited]
    公益事業学会シンポジウム  2017/06
  • Economics theory of multi production process of forests
    Yusuke Sakata
    ANZSEE Conference 2013  2013/11
  • 森林の多面的機能を考慮した経済モデルの検討
    日本応用経済学会  2013/11
  • 多面的機能を考慮した林業経営と森林保全
    日本地域学会  2013/10
  • 紙管リサイクルによるフロー改善がもたらす効果
    坂田裕輔; 服部 雄一郎; 平野 研一
    廃棄物資源循環学会  2012/10
  • 上田 健二; 白井 信雄; 坂田 裕輔
    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集  2008/11
  • 小池 啓道; 坂田 裕輔
    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集  2008/11
  • エネルギーの持続可能性を考慮した経済評価指標の開発  [Invited]
    高温・環境セミナー(高温学会)  2008/10
  • The effct of environmental tax for Climate Change
    Yusuke Sakata
    The 3rd workshop on Environment and Energy  2006/03
  • 大阪府における中小企業の省エネルギー取組の現状と課題
    坂田裕輔; 岡村薫; 小野顕弘
    環境経済・政策学会  2005/10
  • リサイクル事業の社会的評価と利用促進政策の形成−エコレンガ事業の事例を中心としたCVM分析−
    坂田裕輔; 裘春き; 橋本介三
    環境経済・政策学会  2004/10
  • Sustainable Tourism in Yakushima Island
    Yusuke Sakata; SHIBASAKI, Shigemitsu
    The 15th International Symposium, The Secretariat of the PRSCO of the RSAI on Regional Sciences  2003/11
  • 屋久島のエコツアー業に関する経済分析
    柴崎茂光; 坂田裕輔; 永田信
  • 屋久島における年間観光客数と観光需要特性の推計-離島におけるより精度の高い推計方法-
    柴崎茂光; 坂田裕輔; 永田信
    環境経済・政策学会  2003/09
  • Weblogツールの環境・情報教育への応用
    2003 PCカンファレンス(コンピューター利用教育協議会)  2003/08
  • 地域発展を目指した新しい地域通貨システムの提案
    環境自治体会議屋久島会議  2003/05
  • 屋久島における物質フローモデルの構築」、(豊橋技術科学大学)、2003年3月(との共同報告)
    浦野真弥; 後藤尚弘; 藤江幸一; 坂田裕輔; 柴崎茂光; 永田信
    土木学会中部支部  2003/03
  • 地域通貨システムの地域開発への貢献
    「日本経済再生へのシナリオと競争社会の功罪」同志社大学ワールドビジネス研究センター  2003/01
  • 地域通貨システムの地域開発への貢献
    電子情報通信学会技術と社会・倫理研究会(電子情報通信学会)  2002/12
  • 京都メカニズムの運用ルールの評価
    大島堅一; 林宰司; 坂田裕輔
    日本環境学会  2002/06
  • 都市特性とごみ収集方法が排出量に与える影響の実証分析
    西日本理論経済学会  2001/03
  • 鹿児島における循環型社会に向けた方向性
    新しい鹿児島学研究報告会  2001/01
  • 金繁 千代美; 坂田 裕輔; 西 麻衣子
    計画行政  2000/03
  • 都市規模とごみ排出傾向の実証分析
    日本経済学会  1999
  • ごみ減量化施策の検討
    坂田 裕輔
    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts  1998/10
  • 坂田 裕輔
    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts  1998/10

Affiliated academic society

  • 国際開発学会   アジア市場経済学会   応用経済学会   環境経済・政策学会   廃棄物・資源循環学会   日本地域学会   計画行政学会   


  • 米国カリフォルニア州における循環型社会にむけた取組状況調査、2003年3月、カリフォルニア州立フンボルト大学、Arcata(米国カリフォルニア州)
  • 環境を含んだ政策評価モデルの構築
    2001 -2002
  • 環境と開発に関する国連会議(WSSD)2002年8月、ヨハネスブルグ(南アフリカ)
  • 気候変動枠組条約第6回締約国会議(COP6 Part2)、2001年7月、ボン(ドイツ)
  • 日本におけるCO2排出量削減の可能性と日本のエネルギー政策について
    1999 -2000
  • Study of the Japanese CO2 reduction feasibility and Energy Policy
    1999 -2000

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 坂田 裕輔
    これまで、コロナのため、デンマーク現地調査、国内調査ができていない。また海外における学会発表にも参加ができていない。 2021年度までは、現地調査ができていない分、森林に関する文献研究を実施してきた。 森林問題における経済学的な研究は、主に生産者・組織に着目した研究と消費者に着目した研究に分けることができる。本研究はこのうち生産者の取り組みを対象として調査を行った。 森林関連事業において多くの生産者は新規事業を開発しようと取り組んでおり、意欲も高い。 一方で、商品を選択する側の消費者については、木材製品の利用意向自体が低いことが環境省等の調査で明らかになっている。生産者が新規事業を開発しても、購買に結び付けられていない状況がある。 そこで、本研究でも消費者の需要動向に関する調査を実施して、生産者の取り組みとのマッチングを行うことが必要であることが明らかになってきた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 牧田 りえ; 山尾 政博; 箕曲 在弘; 畑山 要介; 池上 甲一; 坂田 裕輔
    世界的なコロナ禍の影響を受け、本研究の核となるフィールド調査が全く実施できなかったことは本研究の本来の目的を達成する上での大きな障害となった。したがって、これまでの二年間は、①それ以前に収集したデータに基づく論文の執筆、②関連文献の読み込み、および文献サーベイに基づく論文執筆、③オンライン研究会の開催、以上三種類の活動を行なった。①、②については、別記の通り、ある程度の実績を出しつつある。 ②については、本研究のトピックに関連した過去の研究成果のメタ分析を行なうことにより、国際的な食料主権運動における先進国と途上国の取り組みの相違、ローカルフード(地産地消)運動と有機運動の重複が生じる理由等、オルタナティブ・フード運動研究の今後の方向性を示すような視座を見つけることにつながった。 ③については、初年度に3回、二年度に8回、合計11回の研究会を開催し、多くの研究者、実務者の参加を得て、オルタナティブ・フードの問題を幅広く把握する機会を設けることができた。取り上げたテーマは、食農をめぐる社会運動、持続可能なサプライチェーン、欧州の先進的な都市食料政策、倫理的生産者と倫理的消費者をつなぐ流通業、産消提携運動、地産地消や有機振興のために地方行政が果たす役割、そして農福連携による地域活性化と多岐にわたった。また、本科研メンバーが中心となり、国際開発学会の中に「倫理的食農システムと農村発展」研究部会を立ち上げ、上記の研究会のうちの大半を共催で実施した。オンライン開催の利点を生かし、参加者は九州から東北在住者までに及び、活発な議論の場を提供することができた。
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : OHNO ATSUSHI
    This research project provided a philosophical foundation for ethical consumption based on fieldwork. Research on ethical consumption has not been based on integrated data or consistent methodology. In this research project, we found that the global ethical consumption movement shares a standard orientation of correcting capitalism or responding to market failure in the production and consumption areas. Furthermore, we showed that in the process of localization, there are laws that force the global movement itself to make its modifications. This is a new hypothesis in the previous studies on ethical consumption and shows the originality and significance of this research.
  • An application of joint production theory for forest management with eco-system service.
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/11 -2018/10 
    Author : SAKATA Yusuke
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : IKEGAMI Koichi; NISHIYAMA Mima; ONO Atsushi; MINO Arihiro
    The purpose of this study is to propose fundamental framework for evaluating the impacts of Fair Trade, including direct and indirect ones, and positive and negative ones as well as economic and social ones. The final purpose of Fair Trade is to behave as self-reliant player in terms of not only economic, but also social and political spheres. Consumers of Fair Trade commodities are keen to know the effect of their support by purchasing. Fair Trade market is rapidly growing, but the size is not sufficient to meet demands of marginalized people in the Global South. Accordingly, it is required to analyze and to inform consumers of what kind of impacts and what extents Fair Trade cause. Although there are many case studies on Fair Trade impacts, it is very difficult to compare them because of lack of a common framework for analyzing. This paper aims at creating a common framework. Five Capitals approach is helpful for this purpose.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03 
    Author : IKEGAMI Koichi; YAMAO Masahiro; TSUJIMURA Hideyuki; SAKATA Yusuke; TSURUTA Tadasu; SUZUKI Motoi; SHIROUZU Shirou; NISHIYAMA Mima; YAMAMORI Ryo
    Fair trade aims at supporting socio-economic efforts to be independent by marginalized producers. The most important pillars of fair trade are the floor price system of commodities and the social premium for producers empowerment. This study evaluated the direct and indirect effects on marginalized people and their communities, including the positive and negative ones, and examined the conditions for how conscious consumers appear, as well as clarifying the ideological and the theoretical bases of fair trade from the context of economy of virtue. The result of the study was published as "Poverty reduction and Rural Development through Alternative Socio-economic Regimes: Fair Trade Movement and Economy of Virtue" (in English) and "Theoretical and Empirical Study on Poverty Alleviation through Fair Trade and Construction of "Economy of Virtue" (in Japanese). Both will be uploaded onto the website of Alter trade Research several months later (
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013 
    Author : SAKATA Yusuke
    It is appropriate to explain forestry industry with the joint production model as the forestry industry produces multiple products. The rate of income from timber is alomost 30-40 %. There are many examples to monetize ecosystem services other than timber production. On the other hand, consumers have low willingness to pay for wood products according to the survey of wood product market.
  • 易離解性グリーン紙管による環境面での経済的効果の評価
    Date (from‐to) : 2007/09 -2009/03 
    Author : 坂田裕輔
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2007 -2009 
    Author : ARAI Keita; SAKATA Yusuke
    The degree of participation to the regional economy is, from our researches onregionally created "social capital" which indicates social bonding in the region, found to be influenced not by the level of income of habitants, but by the level of urbanization, commercialization, and the states of household. SC itself is measured to be quite significant in case for entrepreneurs while it is not shared among others who are not involved in regional commerce activity.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2008 
    Author : SAKATA Yusuke
    持続可能な経済づくりを目指す取り組みを行う人々に対して、個別にヒアリング調査をおこない、結果をとりまとめた.研究過程で、持続可能なライフスタイルを送る人々や、持続可能な産業に従事する人々の動機と現在の経済活動に焦点を絞って調査を行った. 国内で持続可能な活動をおこなう人々に対して、ヒアリング調査とアンケート調査を実施したほか、メキシコで持続可能なコミュニティづくりにとりくむトセパン共同組合に対して現地調査をおこなった.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : SHIMOMURA Ken-ichi; SHIRAHATA Shingo; FUKUSHIGE Mototsugu; YAMAJI Hidetoshi; HASHIMOTO Yoshizo; KOIKE Atsushi
    We conducted both theoretical and empirical analyses of policy assessments focusing on actual performances of economic policies. The analytical methods are economic theory, statistics, econometrics, and experimental economics. We regularly had meetings to check the processes and the results of works in progress, and finally published outputs of the researches. We form two research groups. One is a team to study environment, traffics and policy assessment, the members of which reviewed literatures of Japan and other countries about environmental and traffic problems such as garbage, industrial wastes, air pollutions, natural environment of sightseeing spots, and public transportation facilities. This group examined what kind of analytical methods and evaluation methods are suitable for these problems. Some of them carried out field surveys and hearing about the slow life and the recycling activities in the environmental policies of Italy. In addition, other members conducted cost-benefit analysis on the extension plan of the Osaka monorail, which is called "Saito project," with the choice experiment method. The other group specialized in the research of local public finance and the urban policy. They collected and analyzed data of sustainable growth of economies of remote islands and information disclosure problems of local governments. In particular, they employed questionnaire surveys to those who concern tourism of Amami Oshima Island and those who suffered from the Chuetsu earthquake. Some members also studied a tendency of convergence of income per capita based on data of the metropolitan area of Japan with Markov matrices. In the experimental economic analysis, other members showed that decentralized market mechanisms may not work out for unstable equilibria of perfect competition, or any types of equilibria of monopolistic competition. In the dynamic spatial general equilibrium analysis incorporated economies of scale, other members analyzed the influence of the traffic jam in the city part of the Netherlands from an aspect of the social economy and a living standard aspect, and investigated what influene congestions have on what type of industries.
  • 循環型社会の屋久島モデルの構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2001/04 -2004/03 
    Author : 鈴木基之; 坂田裕輔; 他
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : MIZUTANI Yoichi; TAKAMURA Yukari; SAKATA Yushuke; OSHIMA Ken'ichi; UEZONO Masatake; LEE Tae-yeoun
    1.Analysis of climate change and energy policies and measures of foreign developed countries, especially EU countries. (persons -in-charge : TAKAMURA and UEZONO) 2.Research on environmental arrangements between enterprises and the government with special attention to Germany case. (person -in-charge : UEZONO) 3.In-depth review on climate change policies and measures method (regulation method, economic method and pull method) in industrial sector, transportation sector, commercial/residential sector and electric power supply sector. (persons -in-charge : UEZONO, KONDO, YOKEMOTO, OSHIMA and MIZUTANI) 4.Research on green reform of energy tax and finance system including CO2 tax introduction. (persons -in-charge : TERANISHI and OSHIMA) 5.Simulation analysis of costs to attain Kyoto target by variations of policy mix. (persons -in-charge : SAKATA and LEE) 6.Developing policy evaluation model for analysis on climate change policy outcomes. (persons -in-charge : SAKATA and LEE)
  • ごみ問題の経済分析
  • Economic study on the Waste Management Policy