Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Civil engineering (planning and transportation)

■Research activity information


  • Simulation on pedestrian serious congestion on some bridges over Yodo-river after Osaka Northern Earthquake(2018)
    Yasuo Tomita; Takao Yanagihara; Hiroshi Kitagawa
    Transportation Science 53 2022 [Refereed]
  • Dynamic traffic light control method of single traffic crossroad by applying Deep Q-Network
    Yasuo Tomita
    Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium Gree & Sustainable Technology 2021 2021/09 [Refereed]
  • Socio-Psychological Behavioral Model of Saving Electric Energy
    Yasuo Tomita
    AIP conference Proceedings 2157 (1) 2019/07 [Refereed]
  • Yasuo Tomita; Akihiko Nakayama
    WORLD CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORT RESEARCH - WCTR 2016 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 25 (C) 3416 - 3424 2352-1465 2017 [Refereed]
    In cities of European countries many public bicycle sharing systems have been introduced in the last ten years. However, European bicycle sharing systems are not applicable or feasible in cities where populations are not so dense and where owned private bicycles have already been widely used. On the other hand, the Japanese bicycle sharing system called "Ekirin-kun" has expanded successfully in Japanese cities where bicycles have already been widely used both in urban and rural areas. Ekirin-kun, which means railway-station-bicycle in Japanese, installs cycle ports at railway stations. In this paper, the factors of Ekirin-kun's success are analysed by regression analysis, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), and by formulating and examining revenue and costs. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • TOMITA Yasuo; ISHIHARA Shunsuke; IWAMOTO Kouki
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 27 (0) 903 - 908 0913-4034 2010 [Refereed]
     In Japan, many community bus systems have already been tried after the community bus in Musashino-city, called “Mu-Bus” was operated in 1995. Most of these services depend on subsidies from the local municiparities and many of them have now be forced to discontinue due to budget cuts of the subsidizing local government. As a case study of a successful operation of a community bus system, the cost analysis of Sumiyoshidai Kurukuru Bus system in Kobe, which is operated without public subsidy, has been performed. In the cost analysis, formulas for estimating various costs, which are applicable to other bus services, are proposed. From the cost analysis and sensitivity analysis of Kurukuru Bas, the reasons for its success have been found to be its relatively short service length of eight kilometers.
  • Yasuo Tomita; Yoshinori Akutagawa
    International Journal of Urban Sciences 13 (2) 172 - 186 2161-6779 2009 [Refereed]
    In order to solve the global environmental problems we are forced to switch our lifestyle from an energy-consuming type to an energy-saving type. For this shift, we need to change our minds and way of thinking to an environmentally conscious one. The purpose of this paper is to propose an efficient and unbiased questionnaire method to identify people's environmental value consciousness and its influencing factors. The method is similar to that of proposed by Inglehart (1997, 2005) but modified for the measurement of environmental value consciousness. Although the survey is limited to a few groups of people in Japan, the analyzed results indicate that the personal attributes like age, living area and childhood experiences are strong factors influencing the environmental value consciousness but gender and adult experiences are found to be unrelated. © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • Yasuo Tomita; Kouki Iwamoto
    International Journal of Urban Sciences 13 (2) 150 - 160 2161-6779 2009 [Refereed]
    In Japan, many community bus systems were already in operation when the bus service industry was deregulated in 2002. Most of these services depend on subsidies from the local municipalities and many of them have now been forced to discontinue due to budget cuts of the subsidizing local governments. As a case study of a successful operation of a community bus system, the cost analysis of Sumiyoshidai Kurukuru Bus system in Kobe, Japan, which is operated without public subsidy, has been performed. In the cost analysis, formulas for estimating various costs, which are applicable to other bus services, are proposed. From the cost analysis and the sensitivity analysis of Kurukuru Bus, the reasons for its success have been found to be its relatively short service length of eight kilometers and lower level of driver wages. © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • 芥川 善典; 冨田 安夫
    Memoirs of Construction Engineering Research Institute Foundation 建設工学研究所 (50) 71 - 81 1347-2771 2008/11 [Refereed]
  • Possibility and Problems of a Community Based Museum Bus to Support Local Culture in the Hanshin Area
    Journal of the 6th East Asia Society of Transport Studies 7 2007/10 [Refereed]
  • Backcast Analysis by Applysing a Computable Urban Economic Model for Making Sustainable Land-Use and Transport Policy
    Proceedings of the 4th Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2007/06 [Refereed]
  • Yasuo Tomita; Daisuke Terashima; Akihiko Nakayama
    International Journal of Urban Sciences 11 (2) 85 - 97 2161-6779 2007 
    In this paper, a social surplus maximization model to find an optimal urban form and a policy package is developed. Its social surplus function is defined by three factors: 1) household's EV (equivalent variation). 2) vehicle's CO2 emission cost, and 3) changes in land rent. The behaviors of households, developers and landowners in the model are formulated by using a Computable Urban Economic Model (CUE model). To solve this maximization problem, an algorism is developed by using a modified Fowkes's method. Furthermore, the model is applied to Nagoya. Japan in order to show the model's usefulness. © 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
  • Yasuo Tomita
    CD-ROM Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Vol. 6 3851 - 3866 2005/10 
    In this paper, a CUE model to find optimal policy package and optimal population distribution is developed by expanding a CUE model by Mutou and Ueda (2000) into social surplus maximization model. The social surplus function is defined by household's EV (equivalent variation), vehicle's CO2 emission cost, and capital gain due to land rent change. Then a calculation method for solving the maximization problem is developed by modifying Fowkes's method (1998), which can be applied to the other mathematical problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). Finally, the model is applied in Nagoya metropolitan area, and optimal policy of income subsidy and optimal population distribution are found.
  • Backcasting analysis of locational interactions between business sectors
    Yasuo Tomita
    Computers in Urban Planning & Urban Management Vol.9 2005/05
  • TERASHIMA Daisuke; TOMITA Yasuo
    The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences 日本不動産学会誌 18(1),41-48 (1) 41 - 48 0911-3576 2004 
    In Japan, land price would not be expected to rise rapidly as before. Therefore, the value of urban redevelopment projects would depend on cash-flow of income gain more than capital gain. The value of income gain would be so sensitive to uncertainty such as floor rent and vacancy rate etc. In addition, recent researches indicate that flexibility of decision making on projects, which is called real option, should be considered in project evaluation. Kariya (2001) and Kawaguchi (2002) developed evaluation methods for real estate projects including uncertainty and real option. Kariya (2001) developed standard method considering uncertainties of floor rent and vacancy rate on building usage stage, and Kawaguchi (2002) expanded it to evaluate various uncertainties on from project planning stage to building usage stage. In this study, we expand those methods of Kariya (2001) and Kawaguchi (2002) as to evaluate urban redevelopment project including real option of multiple staged constructions which can be found in real world. Then the calculation method is presented using Dynamic Discount Cash Flow Method. Finally in application the usefulness and feature of the method are proved.
  • TOMITA Yasuo; TERASHIMA Daisuke
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 21(1),225-232 (1) 225 - 232 0913-4034 2004 
    Many cities in Japan are facing such various problems as economic recession, population decrease, shortage of financial resource, decline in city centre, and global and local environment problems. Compact city policies are required in order to lessen those problems. However we do not have a method to examine what urban structure is optimal and how the urban structure can be achieved. In this study, the method was developed by expanding CUE model (Computable Urban Economics Model), which was developed by Mutou and Ueda et. al., to an optimization model with objective function of social surplus, and then a modified Fowkes's method was applied for the optimization problem. Finally the developed method was applied in Nagoya metropolitan area, and the optimal population distribution to be achieved by income subsidy to households was found, which proved the applicability of the developed method.
  • YAGI Hideo; TOMITA Yasuo; TERASHIMA Daisuke
    The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences 日本不動産学会誌 16(4),136-142 (4) 136 - 142 0911-3576 2003 
    In this study, an attitude survey on supply and demand for fixed rental term housing (FRTH) is implemented. Then the logit models for the supplier's/demander's choice behaviours for fixed rental term housing are estimated. The results are summarized as follows:<BR>1) The diffusion of the FRTH to demanders is not enough, then younger generation prefers the FRTH to usual rental housing, and for the generation, the shorter rental term housing tend to be preferred, which should be considered in the advertisement and for the diffusion of FRTH in future.<BR>2) Owners of the older rental housing hope to change to the FRTH in order to rebuild at an adequate period. However, it would be disturbed, because the aged persons tends to live in the order rental housing and they would not prefer to change to the FRTH.<BR>3) Demanders prefer the fixed term of FRTH is between 4 and 6 years, on the other hand, supplies prefer that the term is between 2 and 4 years, whose deference should be adjusted through the FRTH market to be developed well in near future.<BR>4) Finally, the logit models of demanders and suppliers were estimated, which are useful for predicting the amounts of demand/supply for the FRTH.
  • Yasuo Tomita; Daisuke Terashima; Amin Hammad; Yoshitsugu Hayashi
    Built Environment 29 (1) 16 - 24 0263-7960 2003 
    Because cities vary greatly from one to another there is no ideal sustainable urban form which can be applied to all. Here the case of Nagoya is considered, and the application of backcast analysis, using an integrated land-use and transport model, to investigate the appropriate policy scenario to realize an ideal urban form under given environmental and financial constraints is described.
  • TERASHIMA Daisuke; TOMITA Yasuo
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 20 (20) 427 - 432 0913-4034 2003 
    Urban landscape is largely affected by land-use patterns, the design of individual buildings, and the spatial harmony among these buildings. In this paper, we have developed a building spatial distribution model for visualizing urban space in blocks. In this model, it is assumed that the developers determine rebuilding and a choice of building type (i. e., land-use type and building height) according to the expected profit. Their decision probability is formulated by disaggregate logit model with explanatory variable of the expected benefit. Then the simulation method and its algorithm are developed. Finally, the validity test of the model is implemented in blocks in the city center of Nagoya.
  • Tomita Yasuo; Yagi Hideo; Nomura Tomoyuki
    Memoirs of Construction Engineering Research Institute 神戸大学 42 131 - 140 0453-5146 2000/11
  • Tomita Yasuo; Yagi Hideo; Nomura Tomoyuki
    Memoirs of Construction Engineering Research Institute Kobe University (42) 131 - 140 1347-2771 2000/11
  • TOMITA Yasuo
    IATSS review 国際交通安全学会 25 (3) 197 - 204 0386-1104 2000/05
  • TOMITA Yasuo
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 17 (17) 765 - 769 0913-4034 2000 
    In the UK, the paradigm of urban transport planning changed from &ldquo;predict and supply&rdquo; to &ldquo;predict and prevent&rdquo; around in 1990, and then the policy is announced through the Transport White Paper in 1998. In this paper, why the paradigm-shift happened is clarified by the review of the context of the urban planning since 1960's. Then Based on the transport white paper, the features of new transport policy are examined in order to have lessons for the transport policy in Japan.
  • TOMITA Yasuo; TOKUNAGA Daisuke
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 17 (17) 129 - 134 0913-4034 2000 
    Some surplus soil coordination models between construction sites have been developed in order to make efficient soil transport plan for recycling of surplus soil. However these models can't consider the uncertainties related to construction commencing time, duration, and soil volume, except of Minami and Simazu Model (1988) that can deal with the only uncertainty of construction commencing time. In this study, a model dealing with all of the above uncertainties was developed by improving the Minami and Simazu model. Then the model's applicability was shown through the application.
  • 冨田 安夫; 寺嶋 大輔
    日本環境共生学会学術大会発表論文集 日本環境共生学会 2000 51 - 54 2000
  • TOMITA Yasuo; TERASHIMA Daisuke
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 14 (14) 79 - 85 0913-4034 1997 
    In metropolises, many projects are under construction during the same and overlapping time periods. To convey soil for the projects, much heavy lorry traffic is generated, which causes more seriously urban environmental problems. Some models are developed to coordinate the projects in order to lessen the traffic. However these models can not be applied in practical cases involving many projects because of the limitation of computer memory storage.<BR>In this paper to relax the restriction, a periodical hierarchical calculation method of a surplus soil transport model which was presented by Tomita and Terashima (1996), is developed by applying Dantzig and Wolfe's decomposition principle, and the availability of the calculation method is proved in case study.
  • Tomita Yasuo; Terashima Daisuke; Hatanaka Hitoshi
    Research report of Construction Engineering Research Institute 神戸大学 38 57 - 69 0453-5146 1996/11
  • TOMITA Yasuo; HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; IEDA Hitoshi; NAKAGAWA Dai
    Papers on city planning 日本都市計画学会 31 775 - 780 0913-1280 1996/11
  • HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; KIMURA Minoru; TOMITA Yasuo; NIIMI Yoshirou; HARADA Kenji
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research) 公益社団法人 土木学会 24 (24) 300 - 308 0915-0390 1996 
    Disposing a large quantity of surplus soil, generated by constructions, has become problems of the increase of transportation cost and lacking of disposal sites. On the other hand, supply of soil to some construction sites have also become a serious problem. Therefore the recycle of surplus soil from a construction site to another construction site is necessary.<BR>This paper proposes a regional coordination model for recycle use of soil between construction projects. Then the application is presented by useing the hypothetical data.
  • TOMITA Yasuo; TERASHIMA Daisuke
    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management) 公益社団法人 土木学会 13 (13) 331 - 337 0913-4034 1996 
    Disposing a large quantity of surplus soil, generated by constructions, has become proble ms of the increase of transportation cost and lacking of disposal sites. On the other hand, supply of soil to some construction sites have also become a serious problem. Therefore the recycle of surplus soil from a construction site to another construction site is necessary. It is necessary to coordinate the starting time and period of constructions in the planning stage. This paper proposes surplus soil transportation model, considering the coordination of starting time and period of constructions with &ldquo;mixed 0-1 integer linear programing model&rdquo;. The application is then presented by using the hypothetical data.
  • Tomita Yasuo; Hayashi Yoshitsugu; Ieda Hitoshi; Nakagawa Dai
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会 31 (0) 775 - 780 0916-0647 1996 
  • 林 良嗣; 富田 安夫; 土井 健司
    都市計画 日本都市計画学会 (171) p91 - 101 0495-9280 1991/09
  • 富田 安夫; 林 良嗣; 奥田 隆明
    土木学会論文集 土木学会 (395) p125 - 128 0289-7806 1988/07
  • TOMITA Yasuo; HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; OKUDA Takaaki
    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu 公益社団法人 土木学会 1988 (395) 125 - 128 0289-7806 1988 
    This paper introduces a procedure for plotting partial residuals for multinomial logit models. This provides a method for graphical determination of utility functions of disaggregate logit models which offers significant advantages over the established &ldquo;black box&rdquo; method. An empirical example is developed in the context of revealed dwelling type choices in the Nagoya metropolitan area which shows the usefulness of the method.
  • HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; TOMITA Yasuo
    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu 公益社団法人 土木学会 1988 (395) 85 - 94 0289-7806 1988 
    This study is an attempt to develop a forecasting method of population attributes by zone in a metropolitan area. Random utility models are used to formulate each event of household related to individual's life cycle and residential relocations. As the forecasting method, a micro-simulation technique, which can chase individuals' behaviours and can provide flexible aggregation, is employed. The validity test and policy tests proved the advantages of the model, compared with existing models.
  • 林 良嗣; 磯部 友彦; 富田 安夫
    都市計画 別冊 日本都市計画学会 (17) p37 - 42 0913-1280 1982/11
  • 林 良嗣; 磯部 友彦; 富田 安夫
    都市計画 別冊 日本都市計画学会 (17) p37 - 42 0913-1280 1982/11


Books and other publications

  • 山田, 浩之; 冨田, 安夫; 兒山, 真也; 新田, 保次; 松村, 暢彦; 北村, 隆一; 松沢, 俊雄; 金, 美鏡; 小林, 清晃; 秋山, 孝正; 田渕, 隆俊; 文, 世一; 山内, 弘隆; 松本, 秀暢; 太田, 勝敏 勁草書房 2001/09 432654807X xi, 332p

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : DOI Tsutomu; TOMITA Yasuo; YAMADA Keijio
    Bicycle use is increasing from both the correspondence of an environmental problem and the healthy intention, and the illegally parked bicycle is also increasing. There is a limit in three measures which are performed from the former, the development of a large-scale parking lot for bicycles and the withdrawal of illegally parked bicycles, and manners campaign. From grasp of the use actual condition of bicycle use, it checked that development of the parking system adapted to the use and development of the rental bicycle system in a station were effective. Moreover, although the start of full-capacity operation has not been carried out yet from the present condition of our country, it is necessary to gaze also about the trend of the community cycle system expanded all over the world mainly on Europe.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2004 -2006 
    Author : HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; TANIGUCHI Mamoru; DOI Kenji; SASAKI Yoh; SUGIHARA Kenichi; TOMITA Yasuo
    This study, of which Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture is selected as a case, shows that the dual strategies, namely "planned retreat from suburban areas" and "restructuring of central built-up areas" are required for Japanese local cities under the rapid population decline and aging, and indicates the practical methodologies for implementation. 1. Examination of future situation: Quality of Life (QoL), infrastructure maintenance cost, and environmental load are the fundamental factors for analyzing sustainable urban form, and that the necessity for dual strategy is indicated. The reduction effect of infrastructure maintenance cost by compact urban area is evaluated through Generation Accounting method. 2. Evaluation indices for political goals : A multi-dimensional methodology for evaluating QoL, infrastructure maintenance cost, and environmental load is developed. This is applied to the examination of urban form, and the result shows that cluster-typed urban form is appropriate in terms of QoL improvement. 3. Physical design of built-up areas : The automatic generation system for 3-dimensional virtual urban form to examine the design of a built-up area is developed. Comparison of several design scenarios shows the importance of down zoning policy. Maximal potential market for neighborhood car sharing is investigated considering optimization of car use within household. Results of empirical analysis suggest that household fleet can be reduced by about 35% on weekdays and about 55% on weekends. 4. Management scheme: The roles of private nonprofit organization in the development of a densely built-up area are identified by the research about the advanced case examples. The containment of development in farmland by TDR (Transfer of Development Rights) and its impacts for urban greening are examined.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2005 
    Author : 杉浦 邦征; 大島 義信; 伊藤 義人; 冨田 安夫
    豊かで,快適で,便利で,安全で,活力のある社会の持続的発展に力強く対応し,社会情勢の変化に柔軟に順応できる技術開発の仕組みの構築が望まれている.特に,循環型社会形成を目標として,中・長期的視点のもと,既存の環境保全,自然との共生および新たな環境創造の各種技術が21世紀の研究のキーワードでもある.このような社会的要請のもと,建設分野においては,低環境負荷型社会基盤施設の開発ならびに建設リサイクルの推進が緊急課題であり,(1)既設構造物の健全性評価および延命化技術,(2)老朽構造物の解体施工技術,(3)建設廃棄物の再資源化技術,(4)社会基盤施設のライフサイクルにおける環境負荷評価に対する取り組みが精力的に行われている. 本調査研究では,設計寿命が100年に及び,設計段階から予測が困難な社会情勢変化にも十分対応できるよう,橋梁の構造諸元の変更が容易に可能な構造形態・その設計法について調査するとともに,このような設計サイクルにおける橋梁構造物の長期的資産評価法について議論し,工学と社会科学の複合・総合領域として将来の特定領域の新規発足に向けて事前調査を行うことを目的として実施した. 具体的には,道路資産を管理する国・地方の建設局,道路関連公団の橋梁設計技術者を研究協力者として招聘し,維持管理および資産管理に関する現状認識を把握するためのヒアリングを実施した.建設リサイクル法が施工され,建設廃棄物の適切な処理に対する配慮はなされるようになったものの,材料リサイクル・部材のリユースによって老朽橋梁から新設橋梁を生み出す社会システムの構築には至っておらず,『材料リサイクル・構造リユース』を前提とした橋梁構造物の長期的資産評価は行われていないのが現状である.歴史的な建造物が多く残される北米・欧州の先進国においても,また,日本と同様に成長著しい東アジアの隣国である中国・韓国においても,材料リサイクル・部材リユースを視野に入れた社会基盤整備は行われていない.循環型社会構築に向けた法的諸問題,特に減価償却によらない資産評価法などを早急に確立する必要がある.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : 朝倉 康夫; 冨田 安夫; 井料 隆雅; 羽藤 英二
    本研究の目的は,歩行者の経路誘導のための「ことばの地図」,言い換えると,言語による都市交通空間の表現手法を開発することを最終的な目的とするものである.具体的には・認知科学的アプローチによる歩行者の経路認知・行動メカニズムの分析・自然言語処理分析による都市の交通空間・経路の言語表現構造の分析・現実空間を対象とした歩行者の経路誘導のための「ことばの地図」の作成と利用者評価を行うことを目的としている. (1)シソーラスの分析による都市の交通空間・経路の言語表現構造の分析: 平成15年度に収集された言語データを用いて,自然言語処理分析で用いられるシソーラスの分析手法を用いて交通空間の言語表現構造を分析した.抽出された言語の意味的関連性を分析し,交通空間・交通経路の言語変換プロセスをモデル化した. (2)歩行者の経路誘導のための「ことばの地図」の作成と利用者評価: 交通空間・経路を言語で表現した「ことばの地図」のひとつとして,交通空間の特性に応じた言語の選択,意味的関連性を考慮した「経路案内文作成モデル」を構築した.経路上のランドマークの抽出した「ランドマークグラフ」,文節をつなぐ「流れのことば」概念の導入などがモデルの特徴である.目的地への到達の容易性などを指標として,作成した「ことばの地図」の利用者評価を行った. (3)研究成果のとりまとめと公表 2年間の成果をとりまとめ,土木学会(全国大会・計画学研究発表会)・交通工学研究会発表会・ITS世界会議などで研究発表を行った.年度内に成果報告書をとりまとめ公表の予定である.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2004 
    Author : ASAKURA Yasuo; TOMITA Yasuo; IRYO Takamasa; HATO Eiji; TANABE Jun
    Travel behaviour models have been highly developed in these years and are able to describe detailed human behaviour. Measurements with high accuracy are now requested to estimate parameters of these modern models, however, traditional survey methods like questionnaire techniques cannot get requested precision because they rely on human capability of memory. Mobile communication tools can be used to collect travel behaviour data with highly accuracy in time and space. These tools, which can measure precise position and record these data automatically, are considered as a new means of travel behaviour surveys. This study aims to develop and evaluate a methodology of survey of travel behaviour using PHS telecommunication systems, which is a sort of mobile communication instruments. This study consists of three subjects, such as, "Developing and evaluating a position detection method", "Developing methods for obtaining information on travel behaviour from position data", and "Carrying out an application of a travel behaviour survey. A new method of position detection with PHS system has been developed. This method needs no information on position data of base stations, which is needed in previous methods and can be hard to obtain from telephone companies. Precision and other characteristics are examined with a numerical simulation and an empirical study, and good performance has been confirmed. A method of travel route determination has been also developed. The position data obtained by PHS can have an error which interferes fair route determination with simple methods. This method can estimate a route chosen by a traveller from the position data with poor accuracy. A concept of "route topology index" has been proposed. This is a tool to find topological characteristics of routes which travellers have taken. An experiment has been carried out in Kobe Kitano sightseeing area. Numbers of people are hired and asked to get around the area as a normal tourist. PHS terminals are distributed among these subjects and whole trajectories are collected during their wandering. Data are treated with the methods proposed by this study and some interesting knowledge is obtained by this experiment.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2001 -2003 
    Author : HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; KATAGI Atsushi; TOMITA Yasuo; YONEYAMA Masaru; SUGIHARA Kenichi; OKUDA Takaaki
    a) Examining the spatial distribution of residential and commercial business locations: Due to severe motorization, the urban areas spread disorderly, and therefore in order to ensure compact cities in such urban areas we suggested a modeling approach for specifying the areas that are subject to planned retreat and re-concentration. In such cases, for evaluation, we proposed an assessment indicator "Social Hazard" which is a widened concept natural disaster Hazard map. Besides, a model for forecasting the land use changes and buildings distribution that are likely to occur as a result of compact development in urban consolidations, was introduced at the level of street blocks. b) Explaining the street blocks of city centers, urban zones by public transport nodes, and suburbs in more depth: By comparing the existing urban policies since World War II for other cities such as "Urban Restructuring" in U.S.A., "New town" in the U.K., "Villeneuve" in France, "INA-Casa" in Italy, we comprehended the aspects of metropolitan development and compact urban development policies and measures. Then, we were able to grasp what roles the railway station and the airport terminal played in metropolitan area development together with the underpinning of their designs. Furthermore, taking the Toyota city in Aichi prefecture as the target city we adapted "the model by urban restructuring" which is based on environmental resources, existing urban structure and community. We also held a regional workshop presenting master plans and street designs. c) Examining the policies required for realizing the plan: Considering the changes of population composition and buildings, a quantitative methodology to evaluate the feasibility of the construction projects in the city centers was developed. By adapting the given methodology to Toyota city in Aichi Prefecture, we clarified some perquisites for realizing the building constructions.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1996 
    Author : HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; TOMITA Yasuo; OKUDA Takaaki; NAKAMURA Hideki
    Recently, a lot of polices are tackled to reduce global environmental emission from transport sector in Europe. At first, in this study, it is explained what transport policies were introduced in Europe and it is revealed that there are some differences in transport policies and Japan. Secondly, it is considered what transport policies should be tackled in Japan so as to reduce the environmental emission. Thirdly, some environmental and economic models are developed and it is analyzed how these transport polices will be able to reduce global environmental emission in Japan and how they will influence economic activities when they are introduced. Finally, we discuss the evaluation of these transport policies as global environmental polices.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 1993 -1994 
    Author : HAYASHI Yoshitsugu; OKUDA Takaaki; TOMITA Yasuo; MORIKAWA Takayuki
    In this study, we has been engaged in the following three analysis, to reveal effects of policy mix between infrastructure Improvement and other regional policies. (1) Evaluation of National Land Development Observed from Internal Migration in the Postwar Japan. The regional population is one of the most important factor for national land development. Total migrants reached peak in the later half of 1970s, with rapidly increasing inflow in the three large metropolitan areas, and we have an overpopulated/depopulated area problem. This analysis aims to analyze the mechanism population changes effected with national policies by using the AGE Model with endogenous population changes. In order to conform to AGE Model, the another construct a Residential Choice Model and evaluate the national policies in the view of regional population changes in the postwar Japan. (2) Evaluation of Interregional High Speed Transport Networks for Decenralization of Business Headquaters Since the overconcentration in Tokyo Metropolitan Area has caused various economic social problems in Japan it is often said that political and business headquaters functions should be decentralized. Current high speed transport networks, however, might not be able to supply enough service for the decentralization policies. This research aims to evaluate high-speed transport networks for alternative policies by means of interregional travel demand models. (3) An Estimation of Energy Consumption due to Interregional Commodity Flows in Japan. In the recent trend of energy consumption by sector, on one hand the energy consumed by industrial sector is diminishing gradually, on the other the energy consumed by transport sector is increasing. Therefor to control transport energy consumption is important for global and local environmental problems. In this analysis as the basic study for the problem, an energy quantity consumed by interregional commodity flows in Japan is estimated. Firstly interregional commodity flows are estimated by the commodity flow census. Secondly the flows are changed to energy consumption quantity by an energy consumed by transporting a unit commodity flow. Finally in the case study, the energy diminishing quantity due to the modal shift from track/car to ship/train is estimated.