Department of Biotechnological ScienceAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Master (agriculture)(Kyoto University)

Research Keyword

  • イネ   細粒遺伝子   ペリルアルデヒド   青色LED   耐冷性   農業形質   突然変異誘発遺伝子(mutator)   遺伝子構造解析   施設園芸   補光技術   リモネン   ペリラアルデヒド   成分育種   青色光補光   機能性精油成分   精油胞   腺鱗   花成制御   薬用紫蘇   粒型   遺伝子タギング   選択塩基   トランスポゾンディスプレイ   転移因子   遠赤色光   細粒遺伝子(slg)   脱粒性   組織培養   植物生理学   植物遺伝学   植物育種学   Plant physiology   Plant genetics   Plant breeding   

Research Field

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Agricultural environmental and information engineering
  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Energy chemistry
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Landscape science
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental agriculture
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Horticulture
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Plant genetics and breeding
  • Life sciences / Molecular biology
  • Life sciences / Genetics



  • 2017 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
  • 1997 - Today  Kindai UniversityInstitute of Advanced Technology
  • 2002 - 2016  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
  • 1993 - 2002  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology
  • 1993 - 2002  Research Associate,
  • 2002  - Assintant Professor,
  • 1991 - 1993  株式会社三菱化成(現、三菱ケミカル) 株式会社植物工学研究所勤務
  • 1991 - 1993  Full-time Researcher,
  • Kinki University
  • Faculty of Biology Oriented Science and Technology,
  • Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
  • Plantech Research Institute,

Educational Background

  •        - 1991  Kyoto University  農学研究科  農学専攻
  •        - 1991  Kyoto University  Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  •        - 1989  Kyoto University  Faculty of Agriculture  農学
  •        - 1989  Kyoto University  Faculty of Agriculture

Member History

  • 2021/05 - Today   Japan solar energy society   Fellow

■Research activity information


  • Genetic infiltration from cultivated Japanese wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum (L.) Kuntze) to the closely related native wax tree, 'Yama-haze' (Toxicodendron sylvestre (Siebold et Zucc.) Kuntze) that accompanied the widespread introduction of the Japanese wax industry.
    Akira Horibata; Yuuki Teraguchi; Yui Hashimoto; Takashi Tanimoto
    Journal of Crop Research 68 15 - 23 2023/06 [Refereed]
  • Variations between cultivars or mutant-lines in the increased gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents during germination of brown rice, and applicability to GABA-enriched polished rice.
    Horibata, A; T. Kato
    Journal of crop research (67) 57 - 63 2022/07 [Refereed]
  • A novel allele for an ibcrease in spikelet number par panicle at GNA1 locus of rice
    Kato, T; A. Horibata
    Journal of crop research (67) 7 - 15 2022/07 [Refereed]
  • Tsuneo Kato; Akira Horibata
    EUPHYTICA SPRINGER 218 (3) 0014-2336 2022/03 [Refereed]
    In order to obtain novel information about QTL-by-QTL, QTL-by-environment, and QTL-by-QTL-by-environment interactions (QQ, QE, and QQE, respectively), four loci controlling grain length in rice (Oryza sativa L.), that is, GW2, OsLG3b, and GS3, derived from a large-grain cultivar, BG 1, and LKF, from another cultivar, Fusayoshi, were targeted as a model system of quantitative trait. First, four single-QTL near-isogenic lines (NILs), each of which was a homozygote of a long-grain allele at one of the four loci in a common genetic background of cultivar Gimbozu, were developed. Then, pyramiding of these long-grain alleles was conducted through intercrossing between single-QTL NILs and selection of segregants of the longest grains, leading to another series of double-QTL NILs. All of these NILs, which were confirmed genotypes using molecular markers, were grown with their parents over eight years (environments). QQ, QE and QQE, as well as the additive effect and environmental effect, were estimated based on a linear model and analyzed using interaction principal component analysis (IPCA). All genetic terms and environmental effects showed highly significant variations. QQs showed all negative values and their magnitude tended to be smaller than those of the additive effects on average. The IPCA clearly showed that the additive effects and QQs responded to environments differentially and not randomly. In addition, a similar differential response was also observed between QQs including the long-grain allele at LKF and those excluding this allele. Such a demonstrated nature of these interactions may provide valuable suggestions on practical breeding.
  • Tsuneo Kato; Akira Horibata
    Plant Production Science Informa UK Limited 24 (2) 256 - 265 1343-943X 2021/04 [Refereed]
  • Tsuneo Kato; Ryutaro Morita; Shinjiro Ootsuka; Yu Wakabayashi; Naohiro Aoki; Akira Horibata
    Crop Science Wiley 61 (2) 1154 - 1167 0011-183X 2021/03 [Refereed]
    Poor grain filling, characterized by incidence of partially filled grain, is one of the major problems to be improved for maximizing the yield potential in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars with numerous spikelets in a panicle (extra-heavy panicle type [EHPT]). This study evaluated the grain-filling-related alleles at APS2 and APL2, the loci for the small and large subunits of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), respectively, and at SUT1, sucrose transporter, for their effects and interactions on grain filling and associated traits of EHPT cultivars. Two sets of derived lines were developed. Each of these lines was one of the eight possible homozygotes of alleles derived from rice cultivars Akenohoshi and Milyang 23 at the three loci in nearly common genetic backgrounds. They were examined for grain-filling traits in two different years. Results showed that APL2-2, and SUT1-2 in part, derived from Milyang 23 showing relatively good grain filling, significantly improved grain filling compared with APL2-1 and SUT1-1 from Akenohoshi showing poor filling. This improvement in grain filling may result from increased AGPase activity and expression of APL2 and SUT1 proteins, by means of APL2-2 and SUT1-2. However, the variations in AGPase activity, protein expression, and the degree of grain filling were not associated with the gene expression of the three loci, implying post-transcriptional regulation. These results strongly suggested that APL2-2 and SUT1-2 are associated with good grain filling.
  • Akira Horibata; Tsuneo Kato
    Open Agriculture Walter de Gruyter GmbH 5 (1) 243 - 251 2020/06 [Refereed]
    AbstractA total of 145 accessions of the genus Citrus and related genera, maintained in the Conservation Garden for Citrus Germplasm at the Experimental Farm of Kindai University, Yuasa, Wakayama, Japan, were examined for their phylogenetic relationships. The present classification was conducted using an inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) method based on the insertion polymorphism of a retrotransposon, CIRE1, identified in C. sinensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the IRAP method for citrus classification. The constructed dendrogram showed that the 145 accessions and two outgroup species were successfully classified into five major clades. A large number of C. sinensis accessions were divided into three traditional groups, navel orange, sweet orange, and blood orange, almost corresponding to the sub-clades in the dendrogram. Several other accessions belonging to the same species, and also many hybrid cultivars from crossbreeding, were localized into the respective sub-clades or near positions in the dendrogram. Several unclassified accessions could also be located in the dendrogram, suggesting novel relationships with other accessions. It was concluded that the IRAP method based on CIRE1 insertion polymorphism was suitable for the classification of citrus from a molecular point of view.
  • Tsuneo Kato; Akira Horibata
    Euphytica Springer Netherlands 214 (3) 60  1573-5060 2018/03 [Refereed]
    The LKF locus, which regulates grain size in the rice cultivar ‘Fusayoshi’ showing large grain, has been mapped to the proximal part of the long arm of chromosome 3. An incomplete dominant allele, Lkf, caused large grain size of Fusayoshi. The structure and function of this locus, however, have not yet been determined. In a similar position to LKF on chromosome 3, two loci, Os03g0407400 (GS3) and LOC_Os03g44500, have been already reported as loci also regulating rice grain size. The objective of the present study was to determine the nucleotide sequences of both Os03g0407400 and LOC_Os03g44500 for different alleles at the LKF locus. Results showed that only one known single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 10 of LOC_Os03g44500 was detected between a large-grain allele (Lkf) and a small-grain allele at the LKF locus, whereas no polymorphisms in Os03g0407400. This SNP, visualized using a dCAPS marker, clearly demonstrated nearly complete co-segregation with grain length in an F2 population segregating the Lkf at LKF. Other large-grain mutant lines with large-grain alleles at the LKF locus, which originated from another cultivar ‘Gimbozu’, also showed the same SNP in exon 10 of LOC_Os03g44500. It was concluded from these results that LKF is identical to LOC_Os03g44500, and the detected SNP in exon 10, at least, which is included in Kelch-like repeat motif, could be essential for expression of the large-grain phenotype.
  • 堀端章; 松川哲也
    作物研究 62 11 - 17 2017/11 [Refereed]
  • Tsuneo Kato; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Akira Horibata
    PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 20 (4) 459 - 466 1343-943X 2017 [Refereed]
    gamma-Oryzanol is a main oleophilic component in rice bran oil and has been well recognized as a good dietary supplement for human health, as well as having uses in industrial materials. japonica-type rice cultivars generally showed significantly higher contents of total gamma-oryzanol in brown rice compared with indica-type cultivars, although within-group variation was significant. The objective of this study was to explore quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for the difference in the gamma-oryzanol content between japonica-type and indica-type rice cultivars, using recombinant inbred lines (RILs), backcross inbred lines (BILs), and corresponding chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from crosses between japonica-type and indica-type. Results from RILs and BILs showed that eight QTLs were detected with R-2 from.09 to.16. Nine candidate regions for QTL were also suggested from corresponding CSSLs. These QTLs from RILs and BILs and the candidate regions from CSSLs were not overlapped, although one QTLs was mapped near the boundaries of the respective candidate region. At four QTLs and three candidate regions, alleles or segments from japonica-type caused higher contents than those from indica-type. On the other hand, at the other four QTLs and six candidate regions, alleles or segments from indica-type caused higher contents than those from japonica-type, which is a reverse result to the parental differences. This result strongly suggested that alleles with increasing effects on.-oryzanol content could be accumulated not only from japonica-type but also from indica-type, leading to a potential for increase in gamma-oryzanol content in future breeding programs.
  • A. Horibata; T. Ito; M. Kotani; T. Kawanishi; H. Shinto; K. Tsuji; S. Kusu; T. Kato
    Agricultural Sciences 7 (7) 439 - 446 2016/07 [Refereed]
  • 川西孝秀; 小谷真主; 堀端章; 松本比呂起; 楠茂樹; 小谷真主; 堀端章; 松本比呂起; 楠茂樹
    Bulletin of the Wakayama Prefectural Experiment Stations of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 和歌山県農林水産部 4 (4) 41 - 54 2187-5634 2016/03
  • Kato Tsuneo; Shimatani Chisato; Horibata Akira
    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ CROP SCIENCE SOCIETY OF JAPAN 241 139 - 139 2016
  • Alleles for good grain filling in rice extra-heavy panicle types and their distribution among rice cultivars
    Kato, T; A. Horibata
    Proceedings of 8th Asian Crop Science Association Conference 51 - 61 2015/12
  • 鈴木高広; 堀端章; 坂本勝; 古川道郎; 神田紀
    太陽/風力エネルギー講演論文集 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2015 455‐458 - 458 2015/11
  • Studies on the transposition activity and utilization of rice transposon mPing
    HORIBATA Akira
    近畿大学 1 - 145 2015/09 [Refereed]
  • Akira Horibata; Yoshihiro Kakikubo; Tsuneo Kato
    BREEDING SCIENCE JAPANESE SOC BREEDING 65 (4) 340 - 344 1344-7610 2015/09 [Refereed]
    A class II transposable element, mPing exists in the rice genome ubiquitously and can transpose even in ordinary cultivation conditions. A copy of mPing was identified at the long arm of chromosome 12. In reciprocal backcrossed F(1)s between a heterozygote and a homozygote without mPing, the male gametes with this mPing from heterozygotes were transmitted to the next generation at a lower frequency than those without mPing, resulting in distorted genetic segregation in self-fertilized progenies, as well as in F(1)s after backcrossing. Pollens with mPing tended to germinate on stigma less than those without mPing. These results, however, could not explain the lower transmission of male gametes with mPing. In addition, no excision of mPing was observed in a homozygote. Thus, it was suggested that male gametes with mPing were eliminated partly from pollination to fertilization by negative competition against male gametes without mPing. Less formation of microspores with mPing in meiosis could also be a cause for the distorted segregation, although this could not be examined. At least two ORFs, whose functions have not been identified, are located near this mPing. It is plausible that either of these ORFs or both are necessary for the normal functioning of male gametes.
  • YAMANISHI Hirokuni; HORIBATA Akira; SUZUKI Takahiro; FURUKAWA Michio; INAGAKI Masayo; WAKABAYASHI Genichiro; HOHARA Sin-ya; ITOH Tetsuo; TANAKA Naomichi; ISHIWATA Shunji; TAGA Atsushi; OGATA Fumihiko
    Journal of Smart Processing Smart Processing Society for Materials, Environment & Energy (High Temperature Society of Japan) 4 (6) 268 - 274 2186-702X 2015
  • Hirotomo Kihara; Maya Tanaka; Katsuyuki T. Yamato; Akira Horibata; Atsushi Yamada; Sayaka Kita; Kimitsune Ishizaki; Masataka Kajikawa; Hideya Fukuzawa; Takayuki Kohchi; Yoshihiko Akakabe; Kenji Matsui
    PHYTOCHEMISTRY PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 107 42 - 49 0031-9422 2014/11 [Refereed]
    Eight-carbon (C8) volatiles, such as 1-octen-3-ol, octan-3-one, and octan-3-ol, are ubiquitously found among fungi and bryophytes. In this study, it was found that the thalli of the common liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, a model plant species, emitted high amounts of C8 volatiles mainly consisting of (R)-1-octen-3-ol and octan-3-one upon mechanical wounding. The induction of emission took place within 40 min. In intact thalli, 1-octen-3-yl acetate was the predominant C8 volatile while tissue disruption resulted in conversion of the acetate to 1-octen-3-ol. This conversion was carried out by an esterase showing stereospecificity to (R)-1-octen-3-yl acetate. From the transgenic line of M. polymorpha (des6(KO)) lacking arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, formation of C8 volatiles was only minimally observed, which indicated that arachidonic and/or eicosapentaenoic acids were essential to form C8 volatiles in M. polymorpha. When des6(KO) thalli were exposed to the vapor of 1-octen-3-ol, they absorbed the alcohol and converted it into 1-octen-3-yl acetate and octan-3-one. Therefore, this implied that 1-octen-3-ol was the primary C8 product formed from arachidonic acid, and further metabolism involving acetylation and oxidoreduction occurred to diversify the C8 products. Octan-3-one was only minimally formed from completely disrupted thalli, while it was formed as the most abundant product in partially disrupted thalli. Therefore, it is assumed that the remaining intact tissues were involved in the conversion of 1-octen-3-ol to octan-3-one in the partially disrupted thalli. The conversion was partly promoted by addition of NAD(P)H into the completely disrupted tissues, suggesting an NAD(P)H-dependent oxidoreductase was involved in the conversion. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Kubo Ryuichi; Horibata Akira; Kato Tsuneo
    Journal of crop research 近畿作物・育種研究会 59 (59) 17 - 22 1882-885X 2014/07 [Refereed]
    Photoassimilates are accumulated as starch at rice stems before heading, are converted to sucrose, and are translocated to panicles after heading. Efficient translocation of photoassimilates to panicles should be a key to improve poor grain filling of rice cultivars with numerous spikelets per panicle. On the other hand, rice cultivars accumulating photoassimilates at stems should be utilized in the development of forage cultivars as whole crop silage. In this study, we investigated the starch content of the culms on the first node below frag leaf after heading for three years (in 2009, 2010 and 2012), using 9 rice recombinant inbred lines (RILs) (derived from Nakateshinsenbon/Milyang 23) which showed characteristic dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate contents after heading. Among these RILs, we selected three RILs showing stable dynamics in starch contents in culms among different years, and examined the expression of genes involved in starch metabolism in this organ. Results showed that one RIL, which increased the starch content at later stages of grain filling, tended to increase the expression levels of genes for soluble starch synthase (SSIIIB) and sucrose synthase (RSUS1), both of which are involved in starch synthesis pathway. However, other two RILs, which did not show such re-accumulation of the starch content, also showed no increase in the expression levels of these two genes. These results suggested that the expression of these two genes would contribute to the re-accumulation of starch content at the first node culm, and could be available to develop forage rice cultivars.
  • Akira Horibata; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Takuji Itoh; Toshiaki Watanabe; Toshiroh Matsumoto
    2013 ISES SOLAR WORLD CONGRESS ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 57 1502 - 1507 1876-6102 2014 [Refereed]
    The utilization efficiency of solar energy through photosynthesis by crops is only a few percent at most. Therefore, most solar energy in the field (on-site) remains unused. Plants are, however, able to use certain types of monochromatic light as an environmental signal, and they exhibit various physiological responses to even small amounts of the light. In particular, the significant induction of secondary metabolite production by blue light is well documented. Here, we propose a novel cropping method where unused solar energy is captured on-site by solar cells and converted to monochromatic light by using LEDs. The crops are then irradiated to stimulate enhanced production of secondary metabolites, thus improving crop function without the need for an external energy source. In this study, the effect of blue light on the production of functional secondary metabolites was evaluated in perilla (Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea), a traditional medicinal crop in Japan. Perilla leaves contain several functional substances such as perillaldehyde, rosmarinic acid, and anthocyanins, which have notable stomachic, antipyretic, detoxification, sedation, and diuretic efficacy. Plants were grown under natural daylight supplemented with blue light irradiation (460 nm, approx. 10 mu mol/m(2)/s, 24 h,) for 108 days before harvest. Control plants were grown without supplemental lighting. The content ratio of perillaldehyde in plants grown with blue light was 60% higher at harvest than in the controls. Moreover, in the vegetative growth stage, the perillaldehyde content increased significantly after only three days of blue light irradiation. These findings suggest that the present approach will benefit agricultural practices in developing countries through more efficient usage of on-site solar energy. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Takuji Tsukiyama; Shota Teramoto; Kanako Yasuda; Akira Horibata; Nanako Mori; Yutaka Okumoto; Masayoshi Teraishi; Hiroki Saito; Takatoshi Tanisaka
    GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS GENETICS SOC JAPAN 88 (6) 358 - 358 1341-7568 2013/12 [Refereed]
  • 松本 俊郎; 堀端 章; 伊藤 卓爾
    太陽/風力エネルギー講演論文集 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2013 551 - 554 2013/11
  • Horibata Akira; Yata Kiyoshi; Matsukawa Tetsuya
    Journal of crop research 近畿作物・育種研究会 58 (58) 43 - 50 1882-885X 2013/07 [Refereed]
    We found one line of Perilla herb with good smell, as a local genetic resource that may have been cultivated in the Kinokawa plain since ancient times. In this study, firstly, we revealed the morphological and aromatic characteristic of this line by comparison with that of four varieties of Perilla frutescens. Since the leaves of this plant were dark purplish-red color on both surfaces without crepe-like undulations, and this plant contained a notable amount of perillaldehyde and limonene, it was suggested that this line of perilla was one of the varieties belonging to the medicinal red perilla, P. frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea. Secondly, to grow up this resource as a local special product, we have begun to develop the cultivation method for year round production and open up new uses. Supplemental lighting by blue LEDs to the perilla plants which were grown under the natural daylight dreadfully inhibited the flower formation, and allowed the continuous differentiation of young leaves wealthy in perillaldehyde. This cultivation method is useful to inhibit flower formation during short-day period and to improve the functional component content in this perilla herb.
  • Takuji Tsukiyama; Shota Teramoto; Kanako Yasuda; Akira Horibata; Nanako Mori; Yutaka Okumoto; Masayoshi Teraishi; Hiroki Saito; Akiko Onishi; Kanako Tamura; Takatoshi Tanisaka
    Molecular Plant Oxford University Press 6 (3) 790 - 801 1752-9867 2013 [Refereed]
    Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are widespread in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, where their copy numbers can attain several thousands. Little is known, however, about the genetic factor(s) affecting their transpositions. Here, we show that disruption of a gene encoding ubiquitin-like protein markedly enhances the transposition activity of a MITE mPing in intact rice plants without any exogenous stresses. We found that the transposition activity of mPing is far higher in the lines harboring a non-functional allele at the Rurm1 (Rice ubiquitin-related modifier-1) locus than in the wild-type line. Although the alteration of cytosine methylation pattern triggers the activation of transposable elements under exogenous stress conditions, the methylation degrees in the whole genome, the mPing-body region, and the mPing-flanking regions of the non-functional Rurm1 line were unchanged. This study provides experimental evidence for one of the models of genome shock theory that genetic accidents within cells enhance the transposition activities of transposable elements.© 2012 The Author.
  • Tsuneo Kato; Akira Horibata
    EUPHYTICA SPRINGER 184 (1) 65 - 72 0014-2336 2012/03 [Refereed]
    The rice FRIZZY PANICLE (FZP) locus on chromosome 7, in which an ERF and acidic domain are present, is concerned with the regulation of spikelet meristem identity and the determination of panicle architecture. Many fzp mutants drastically alter panicle morphology with higher-order rachis-branches developing successively instead of the development of floral organs in these mutants. A new mutant showing the same fzp phenotype was induced by gamma-ray irradiation of seeds of a rice cultivar "Gimbozu". Examination of this fzp-like mutant for its allelism to a known allele of fzp-1, nucleotide sequence, and panicle and agronomic characteristics clearly indicated that the allele of this fzp-like mutant is located in FZP. Because there is a previously identified allele called fzp-9, we designated this new allele as fzp-10. fzp-10 has a single nucleotide (cytosine) deletion between the ERF domain and the acidic domain, which results in a frameshift mutation and a premature stop codon, thereby altering the C-terminus of the encoded protein. The degree of higher-order branching in the panicles was significantly reduced in the fzp-10 mutant compared with that of fzp-1. Moreover, the fzp-10 mutant showed highly depressed culm and panicle lengths and panicle number, as well as delayed heading dates compared with its wild type and also with fzp-1. fzp-10 has several new characteristics, its altered nucleotide position and severity of phenotype alteration, and, therefore, could be a new gene resource to examine the function of FZP and the determination of rice panicle architecture.
  • Toshiro Matsumoto; Akira Horibata; Takuji Itoh; Toshiaki Watanabe; Nobumasa Nitoh
    30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, SWC 2011 2 1675 - 1679 2011/12 [Refereed]
  • 堀端 章; 小谷 真主; 加藤 恒雄
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2011 (0) 333 - 336 2011/09
  • 堀端 章; 松川 哲也; 矢田 清
    Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学生物理工学部 (28) 13 - 20 1342-7202 2011/09 [Refereed]
    本研究は日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金22658077および近畿大学生物理工学部戦略的研究No.09-IV-1, 2010の助成を受けた.[要旨] 本研究は、機能性成分含有量の高い'紀州在来薬用紫蘇' の自然光併用型植物工場での高効率生産を目的とする。自然光下(ガラスハウス内)で栽培している'紀州在来薬用紫蘇'および'赤ちりめんしそ'に青色LEDの光を24時間連続照射し、草丈、主茎節数および機能性成分の一種であるペリルアルデヒドの含有量の変化を調査した。青色光補光による草丈の減少と主茎節数の増加が観察されたが、これらの変化は同時に観察された青色光補光による花成阻害に起因すると考えられた。一方、収穫された葉におけるペリルアルデヒド含有量は青色光照射によって有意に増加した。 [Abstract] Two cultivars of perilla, 'Kishu-zairai' (Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea, red s mooth 1 eat) and 'Aka-chirimen-shiso' (Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. crispa, red wrinkled leaf), were grown in a greenhouse and were lighted continuously by blue LEDs (460nm, approximately 10μmol/m^2/s). As a result, it was revealed that the blue supplemental-lighting reduced the plant height and increased the number of nodes on main stem in both kind of perilla. These two phenomena were thought to be associated with the inhibition of flower formation by the blue supplemental-lighting. While, the content of perillaldehyde (a kind of functional chemical component) in harvested leaves was increased by the blue supplemental-lighting.
  • Tsuneo Kato; Akira Horibata
    BREEDING SCIENCE JAPANESE SOC BREEDING 61 (2) 217 - 220 1344-7610 2011/06 [Refereed]
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) genes AS2-2 and SUT1-2, which are alleles at OsAGPS2 (AS2) on chromosome 8 and OsSUT1 (SUT1) on chromosome 3, respectively, were suggested to improve grain filling in extra-heavy panicle rice cultivars. This study examined the distribution of these alleles among 315 rice cultivars. A discriminant function based on phenol reaction of hulls, apiculus hair length and KClO3 sensitivity in seedlings was used to classify cultivars into japonica (192 cultivars) and indica (123 cultivars). Genotyping for the AS2 and SUT1 alleles were performed with In/Del and SSR markers, respectively. In japonica cultivars, the frequencies of AS2-2 and SUT1-2 were very low (3.6% and 6.3%, respectively), whereas they were more common in indica cultivars (56.1% and 74.0%, respectively). In addition, in indica cultivars the genotypes of AS2-2 SUT1-2, as well as AS2-1 SUT1-1, were more frequent than expected from independent segregation of these alleles. It was suggested that artificial and/or natural selection contributed to this non-random distribution of alleles at AS2 and SUT1. The alleles for good grain filling should, thus, be explored in indica cultivars to improve the grain filling of extra-heavy panicle types of rice in future breeding programs.
  • 堀端 章; 小谷 真主; 加藤 恒雄
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2010 (0) 509 - 512 2010/11
  • Tsuneo Kato; Ayano Taniguchi; Akira Horibata
    CROP SCIENCE CROP SCIENCE SOC AMER 50 (6) 2448 - 2456 0011-183X 2010/11 [Refereed]
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of extra-heavy panicle type (EHPT), which have numerous spikelets in a panicle, often fail to realize their high-yield potential due to poor grain filling in general, while some EHPTs showed relatively better grain filling. This study first surveyed nucleotide polymorphisms in rice genes possibly related to grain filling, that is, genes for ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) subunits, OsAGPS2 and OsAGPL2, and a sucrose transporter gene, OsSUT1, to clarify the causes underlying such genetic variation. Many types of polymorphisms were detected in all three genes, but none of them affected amino acid sequences. OsAGPS2 and OsSUT1 had an identical series of polymorphisms in two EHPT cultivars, Milyang 23 and Nanjing 11, both of which have a high degree of grain filling, while another series for these genes was detected in other EHPTs showing a low grain filling. The former polymorphisms could constitute alleles for good grain filling in OsAGPS2 and OsSUT1, designated as AS2-2 and SUT1-2, respectively. Second, new molecular markers based on the polymorphisms for OsAGPS2 and OsSUT1 were developed. Finally, three EHPT cultivars with AS2-2 SUT1-2 genotype showed a higher degree of grain filling and higher activity of AGPase than three other EHPTs with another genotype at these loci. These results suggest that these AS2-2 and SUT1-2 alleles can contribute to the improvement of poor grain filling of EHPTs assisted with the developed markers.
    太陽/風力エネルギー講演論文集 2009 563 - 564 2009/11
  • HORIBATA Akira; ITOH Takuji; NITO Nobumasa; WATANABE Toshiaki; MATSUMOTO Toshiro
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2008 (0) 103 - 106 2008/11
  • Yoshihiro Ohmori; Mafumi Abiko; Akira Horibata; Hiro-Yuki Hirano
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY OXFORD UNIV PRESS 49 (8) 1176 - 1184 0032-0781 2008/08 [Refereed]
    The YABBY gene DROOPING LEAF (DL) regulates midrib formation in the leaves and carpel specification in the flowers of rice (Oryza sativa L). We found a new dl allele (dl-5) that caused a mild phenotype in the descendants of a mutable line, IM294. In plants homozygous for this allele, midrib structures were formed but their sizes were reduced. Molecular analysis revealed that a transposon, Ping, was inserted in the fourth intron of DL. Together with mPing and Pong, Ping is a member of a transposon family that was first identified as a group of active transposable elements in rice. Our finding of the Ping insertion in the DL gene is a first indication that Ping is active in planta, and that it can be transposed and integrated in a new locus. Ping seems to be still active because it was excised from intron 4 of DL at a relatively high frequency in rice calli. Real-time PCR analysis and in situ hybridization indicated that DL transcript levels were reduced in dl-5 without alterations in the spatial expression pattern of the DL gene. The reduction of DL expression may be due to inefficient splicing of the large intron caused by Ping insertion. By comparing the expression levels of DL and leaf phenotypes in the dl mutants with different severities, we confirmed our previous hypothesis that DL promotes cell proliferation in the central region of leaf primordia, and that this cell proliferation is critical for midrib formation in the mature leaves.
  • MATSUMOTO Toshiro; WATANABE Toshiaki; ITOH Takuji; HORIBATA Akira
    Proceedings of JSES/JWEA Joint Conference 日本太陽エネルギー学会 2007 (0) 109 - 111 2007/10
  • INOUE Etsuko; YOSHIHIRO Takuya; KAWAJI Hideya; HORIBATA Akira; NAKAGAWA Masaru
    Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge 情報知識学会 16 (1) 28 - 38 0917-1436 2006/01 [Refereed]
    We developed a database system to support whole experiments which analyze correlation between genotypes and phenotypes by using transposons. We also evaluated the system by applying to our experiments with transposon mPing in rice. Our research group grow large-scale mutant series of rice by taking advantage of mPings, and study correlation between genotypes and phenotypes for predictions of gene functions. However, the analytical phase, in which we find mutation spots from waveform data, involves several problems from a viewpoint of labor amount, and it becomes one of bottlenecks in large-...
  • Matsui Kazuyuki; Horibata Akira
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 16 (0) 7 - 12 1342-7202 2005/09 [Refereed]
    We are currently performing a functional genomics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) via insertion mutagenesis induced by mPing, an active inherent transposon of rice. Transposon display is an excellent method for exhaustive detection of numerous polymorphisms at mPing insertion sites in whole rice genome. In many cases, however, too many copies of mPing were present originally in rice genome, which makes difficult to identify truly polymorphic signals from such background involving many non-polymorphic amplified signals. In this study, we verified whether one or two selective bases added to an adap...
  • Watanabe Toshiaki; Matsumoto Toshiroh; Itoh Takuji; Horibata Akira
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 16 (0) 53 - 57 1342-7202 2005/09 [Refereed]
    A mixture of artificial and natural light is indispensable for producing crops. This study develops a low-cost system for the short-time irradiation of plants in addition to natural daylight. Blue light (400-500nm) is employed by a highly autonomous production system. Using the proposed method, the total consumed energy is reduced by about 26%. The assistant light is supplied in the early morning to avoid energy generation conflicts.
  • Mizutani Katsumi; Omasa Mitsushi; Horibata Akira; Tokugawa Yusuke
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 16 (0) 67 - 76 1342-7202 2005/09 [Refereed]
    This study describes a prototype TiNi shape memory alloy microgripper which could be used in an assembly process of a micro factory. The microgripper consists of two units, displacement direction-conversion unit and unit for the displacement drive, integrated with same material for miniaturization. Assuming to grip a pin of the about 0.5mm diameter, measuring the characteristics of the alloy on deformation and transformation, designing a microgripper using FEM, trial manufacturing and the characteristic evaluation of the gripper were carried out. As the results, the following were obtained:...
  • 前田 哲; 堀端 章
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 10,13-18 (10) 13 - 17 1346-8693 2005/03 [Refereed]
    筆者らは、水稲の幼苗期耐冷性を、幼苗が急激に強度の低温に曝されたときに即座に発現する常発型耐冷性と、幼苗が徐々に強い低温にさらされていく過程でその発現が誘導される順化型耐冷性の2 つの側面に分けて考えている。本報では、この順化型耐冷性が、これを誘導する低温順化処理を行う幼苗のステージによって影響をうけるか否かを調査した。その結果、催芽種子の播種後3日から12日の幼苗に低温順化処理を行った場合、順化型耐冷性の発現が安定的に認められることが示された。
  • 短時間の青色光照射を用いたエンドウの生長調節への透光性太陽電池の適用
    Papers of EXPO WCWRF 2005, MIK International Co. Ltd. No.2016,1-3 2005
  • 温室内における青色蛍光灯補光への太陽電池の高効率利用
    近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 16,53-58 2005 [Refereed]
  • イネRURM1活性化酵素遺伝子Ruba4のデータベース情報からの探索
    近畿作物・育種研究 50,45-48 2005 [Refereed]
  • Horibata Akira; Itoh Takuji; Watanabe Toshiaki; Matsumoto Toshiroh
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 14,17-22 (0) 17 - 22 1342-7202 2004/09 [Refereed]
    To construct the technical foundation of the new cropping system using short-time irradiation of blue light in addition to the natural daylight, we designed the irradiation equipment that consisted of blue fluorescence light and translucent solar cell. The additional irradiation of blue light to plantlets of pea (Pisum sativum L. cultivar Kisyu-Usui) for a half hour before daylight influenced the growth of the pea plants. The plant height, number of nodes on the main stem and fresh weight of the pea plants were significantly increased with the increase of relative intensity of irradiated bl...
  • 堀端 章
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 0 (9) 27 - 33 1346-8693 2004/02 [Refereed]
    イネ細粒遺伝子slg の内部に見出されたトランスポゾンmPing の転移活性は、slg 座の遺伝子型によって制御されているように見えた。本研究では、その原因を明らかにするため、slg がゲノム全体のシトシンのメチル化に及ぼす影響を調査した。その結果、slg は、ゲノム全体のシトシンのメチル化にも、また、CGメチラーゼおよびCNG メチラーゼの活性にも影響しないことが明らかになった。
  • イネ細粒遺伝子slgがゲノムDNAのメチル化に及ぼす影響
    近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 9,27-33 2004 [Refereed]
  • Horibata Akira
    Memoirs of The School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 12 (0) 15 - 21 1342-7202 2003/09 [Refereed]
    The gene concerned with the formation of panicle neck of the rice plant is the gene which works at the conversion from the vegetative growth stage to the reproductive growth stage, therefore, the general and molecular genetic analysis of such genes is very important for breeding of rice (Oryza sativa L.). In this study, first of all, genetic analysis was done about two different types of mutant for knob formation on panicle neck, which are induced from a rice variety Gimbozu by gamma irradiation. As the result, it was clarified that this trait in both cases was controlled by single recessive gene. Next, the morphological observation of the knob on panicle neck was carried out using scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that this knob would be derived from hypertrophy of the palea leaf base and the panicle neck knot to support developing palea leaves. The gene related to this trait may regulate the timing of the growth termination of palea leaves.
  • T Nakazaki; Y Okumoto; A Horibata; S Yamahira; M Teraishi; H Nishida; H Inoue; T Tanisaka
    NATURE NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 421 (6919) 170 - 172 0028-0836 2003/01 [Refereed]
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important crop worldwide and, with the availability of the draft sequence(1,2), a useful model for analysing the genome structure of grasses(3),(4). To practice efficient rice breeding through genetic engineering techniques, it is important to identify the economically important genes in this crop. The use of mobile transposons as gene tags in intact plants is a powerful tool for functional analysis because transposon insertions often inactivate genes(5). Here we identify an active rice transposon named miniature Ping (mPing) through analysis of the mutability of a slender mutation of the glume(6)-the seed structure that encloses and determines the shape of the grain. The mPing transposon is inserted in the slender glume (slg) mutant allele but not in the wild-type allele. Search of the O. sativa variety Nipponbare genome identified 34 sequences with high nucleotide similarity to mPing, indicating that mPing constitutes a family of transposon elements. Excision of mPing from slg plants results in reversion to a wild-type phenotype. The mobility of the transposon mPing in intact rice plants represents a useful alternative tool for the functional analysis of rice genes.
  • 前田 哲; 堀端 章
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 8,15-20 (8) 15 - 20 1346-8693 2002/11 [Refereed]
    水稲の幼苗期耐冷性には、幼苗が急激に強度の低温に遭遇すると即座に発現する常発型耐冷性と幼苗が徐々に強い低温にさらされていく過程で発現が誘導される順化型耐冷性の2 種が存在すると考えている。本報では、このうち順化型耐冷性に着目し、品種銀坊主の幼苗に休止期間を挟む2 回の低温処理、低温順化処理と耐冷性評価処理を行い、耐冷性の発現における低温順化処理の効果と誘導された順化型耐冷性の保持期間について検討した。その結果、5℃の低温順化処理によって順化型耐冷性が誘導されて耐冷性評価処理の障害を軽減すること、また、その誘導された順化型耐冷性は少なくとも8日間保持されることが明らかになった。
    近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 (8) 21 - 26 1346-8693 2002/11 [Refereed]
    japonica 型水稲品種を用いて幼苗期耐冷性品種を育成する上で必要な遺伝学的知見を得るため、耐冷性弱の銀坊主と耐冷性強のはやゆきの交雑後代F_3 系統を供試し、生体重を評価指標として幼苗期における系統の耐冷性を調査した。その結果、F_3系統間で幼苗期耐冷性に関する大きな変異が認められ、また、両親品種の幼苗期耐冷性を超越するF_3 系統が出現した。このことから、幼苗期耐冷性は両親品種間で複数の遺伝子座について異なっており、交雑後代で幼苗期耐冷性遺伝子を集積できることが推察された。
  • 堀端 章; 山縣 弘忠
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 7,18-28 (7) 18 - 28 1346-8693 2002/01 [Refereed]
    水稲品種銀坊主種子のγ 線照射後代に見いだされた突然変異誘発遺伝子mutator を効率良く育種に利用するには,mutator によって誘発される変異のスペクトラムを明らかにする必要がある.本研究では,この観点から,葉から抽出した脂質の脂肪酸組成に関する変異の検出を試みた.種子に含まれる全脂質の脂肪酸組成に変異が認められたmutator 由来の突然変異固定型系統12系統について,葉から抽出した全脂質を8脂質分子種に分画した上で,各脂質分子種における脂肪酸組成を調査したところ,いずれの分子種についても,脂肪酸含有比率が原品種銀坊主と明瞭に異なる系統が認められ,mutator によって脂肪酸組成に関する変異が誘発されることが示された.
  • イネ易変性細粒遺伝子┣DBslg(/)-┫DB座を含むYACクローンの同定
    ゲノム 44 1 - 6 2001 [Refereed]
  • Horibata Akira; Yamagata Hirotada
    Breeding research 日本育種学会 2 (3) 125 - 132 1344-7629 2000/09 [Refereed]
    A mutagenic factor, mutator, that was detected in the progeny from a γ-ray irradiated M_1 seed of a japonica rice variety Gimbozu, generated novel mutations at many different loci, when activated by the reversion of a mutable slender-glume gene slg, which was induced by γrays in the above identical M_1 seed. For the effective utilization of the mutator in plant breeding, the reversion mutability of slg was analyzed for its genetic behavior and relationship with the mutator activity. First, changes in the reverse mutation frequency of slg(RMF)were traced among several generations, using 39 slender-glume lines which originated from a single slender-glume mutant but were more or less different from each other in background genotype. The results revealed that the mutability of slg was essentially an inherited character, but that it often increased or decreased. Secondly, eleven of the 39 slender-glume lines were each estimated for the mutator activity by examining the frequency of mutator-induced heading-date mutations that appeared in the porgenies of non-slender-glume plants from the slender-glume lines, using 424 sublines derived from the 11 lines. As a result, it was found that the mutability of slg did not influence the mutagenic activity of the mutator.
  • 堀端 章; 前田 哲; 山縣 弘忠
    Memoirs of the Research Institute of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学生物理工学研究所 4 (4) 29 - 38 1344-414X 2000/03 [Refereed]
    継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University水稲品種銀坊主種子のγ線照射後代に見いだされた突然変異誘発造伝子mutatorは、上記γ線照射で誘発された1細粒遺伝子slgの正常粒遺伝子(+)への復帰突然変異に伴って活性化し、形態的あるいは生理的形質に種々の変異を誘発する。しかし、植物体構成物質の成分についてはまだ突然変異誘発の有無が明らかにされていない。そこで、本研究では、生体膜を形成する重要な成分であり、すでに一部の代謝反応系が解明されている脂質に着目し、mutatorによって誘発された形態的あるいは生理的形質に関する突然変異固定型48系統を供試して、脂質代謝経路におけるmutator誘発突然変異の有無を探索した。まず、供試全系統について全脂質の脂肪酸組成を調査したところ、組成脂肪酸の含有比率が正規分布から有意に外れる9系統が見いだされた。ついで、これら9系統のうち解析に十分な量の種子が得られた6系統および上記9系統についで大きな変異を示した8系統計14系統について、種子中に多く含まれる3脂質分子種フォスファチジルセリン、フォスファチジルエタノールアミンおよびフォスファチジルコリンの脂肪酸組成を調査したところ、いずれの分子種についても、脂肪酸含有比率が原品種銀坊主と有意に異なる系統が相当数認められた、このことから,mutatorは植物体構成物質の成分に関する変異も誘発すると考えられた。 (英文) The mutator that was found out first in the M_3 progeny derived from a γ-ray irradiated M_1 seed of a japonica rice variety Gimbozu, causes novel mutations in many different loci for morphological and/or physiological traits, when activated by the reversion of a mutable slender-glume gene slg., which was induced by γ rays in the above identical M_1 seed. However, it has not yet been confirmed if the mutator also mutate the structure material of plants. Lipid is one of the most important components of biomembrane, and has partly been elucidated for metabolic pathway. In view of this situation, the mutations that might have been induced by the mutator on lipid metabolic pathway was screened through the analysis of the fatty acid composition of lipid contained in seeds, using 48 mutant lines with some mutator-induced morphological and/or physiological mutations. First, the 48 lines were analyzed for their respective fatty acid composition in total lipid, and nine of these lines each proved to be significantly apart from the population mean in at least one of the percent contents of 5 sorts of fatty acid. Then, 14 lines the percent contents of which largely deviated from the population mean, inclusive of 6 from the above 9 lines, were selected and analyzed for fatty acid composition of 3 lipid molecular classes, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. As a result, it was observed in all the classes that a considerable number of lines were significantly different from the original variety in the percent content of fatty acid. This may strongly suggest that the mutator induces mutations also in the components of structure material of plants.
  • Horibata Akira; Maruyama Seigou; Yamagata Hirotada
    Memoirs of The School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 6 (6) 23 - 30 1342-7202 2000/02 [Refereed]
    The genetics of leaf senescence, one of the most important yield-determinant characters in cereals, has been a great concern in plant breeding. From this point of view, an early leaf-senescence (ELS) mutant induced by tissue culture of a rice variety, Nipponbare, and detected first in the next generation (R_1) of a regenerated plant (R_o) was analyzed for the gene concerning the relevant mutation. First, the R_2 progeny lines derived from the normal-type plants which belonged to the same R_1 line as the ELS mutant did were examined for their genetic segregation with early leaf-senescence. The result revealed that ELS was controlled by a single recessive gene. Secondly, using 10 normal-type plants and 15 mutants of R_3 eneration, chlorophyll content in several leaves per plant was measured every 3 days for 2 months around heading time. The result suggested that the gene responsible for ELS might advance the time of beginning of senescence in lower leaves (8-12 th leaves), while retard the progress of senescence in each leaf.
    近畿作物・育種研究 44 (44) 17 - 20 0912-3733 1999/03
    近畿作物・育種研究 44 (44) 53 - 56 0912-3733 1999/03 [Refereed]
    近畿作物・育種研究 43,16-21 (43) 16 - 21 0912-3733 1998/03 [Refereed]
  • イネ細粒遺伝子の復帰突然変異性の遺伝
    近畿作物・育種研究 42 29 - 33 1997 [Refereed]
    近畿作物・育種研究 (41) 33 - 35 0912-3733 1996/03 [Refereed]
    近畿作物・育種研究 (40) 41 - 46 0912-3733 1995/03
    近畿作物・育種研究 35,75-78 (35) 75 - 78 0912-3733 1990/03


  • Genetic infiltration into wild japan wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum) or 'Yama-haze' (Toxicodendron sylvestre) caused by the rise of japan wax production
    Akira Horibata; Yuuki Teraguchi; Yui Hashimoto; Takashi Tanimoto  近畿作物・育種研究会第193回例会 要旨集  9  -9  2022/12
  • Search for variations on the occurrence rate and on the size of white core in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains by using mPing taglines
    Takeru Hibi; Hiroto Tanaka; Akira Horibata  Breeding Science  24-  (別冊2)  167  2022/09
  • Identification of the rice grain size-related genes were first detected by QTL analysis, by next generation sequencing using a quasi-homogeneous gene lines
    Hirotaka Suzuki; Akira Horibata  Breeding Science  24-  (別冊2)  166  2022/09
  • Laboratory Introduction
    Akira Horibata  Journal of Japan Solar Energy Society  48-  (5)  104  -106  2022/09
  • 龍神地区の在来サトイモ系統‘クロヅル’の子芋の特性
    吉岡大輝; 田中遊野; 堀端章  園芸学会近畿支部和歌山大会研究発表・基調講演要旨  10  -10  2022/08
  • Solar energy from the perspective of an agronomist
    Akira Horibata  Journal of Japan Solar Energy Society  47-  (3)  3  -3  2021/05
  • 堀端 章  21世紀わかやま  84-  5  -9  2016/12  [Invited]
  • HORIBATA AKIRA; KAWANISHI TAKAHIDE; MATSUMOTO HIROKI; KUSUNOKI SHIGEKI  和歌山県農業試験場暖地園芸センター試験研究成績書  2012-  23  -24  2013/03
  • Suzuki Takahiro; Horibata Akira; Umeda Tomohiro; Itao Kiyoshi  日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集  22-  123  -123  2010
  • KATO T.; HORIBATA A.  Japanese Journal of Crop Science  77-  130  -131  2008/03
  • Effect of the nucleotide polymorphism for OsAGPS2 on the grain filling of rice extra-heavy panicle genotypes
    Kato T; Horibata A  Japanese Journal of Crop Science  76-  (suppl.2)  206  -207  2007
  • Destruction of Rice ubiquitin-related modifier-1, Rurm1, enhances the transposition activity of transposable elements
    Tamura K; Tsukiyama T; Okumoto Y; Horibata A; Inagaki H; Nakazaki T; Tanisaka T  Breeding Research  9-  (suppl.2)  65  2007
  • The origin and expression of the week allele of the DROOPING LEAF gene
    Ohmori Y; Horibata A; Hirano H  Breeding Research  9-  (suppl.2)  59  2007
  • Mobility of a transposon mPing in successive generations after the reverse mutation of mutable rice slender-glume gene, slg.
    Kakikubo Y; Horibata A  Breeding Research  9-  (suppl.2)  251  2007
  • Genetic variation and improvement of grain filling in rice cultivars with extra-heavy panicles
    加藤 恒雄; 堀端 章  (財)サッポロ生物科学振興財団第20回助成研究報告書  13  -18  2006/05
  • Transposon tagging of insertional mutant genes on agronomic traits induced by the endogenous active MITE, mPing in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Horibata A; Matsui K; Inoue E; Yoshihiro T; Kawaji H; Nakagawa M; Okumoto Y; Nakazaki T; Tanisaka T  5th Plant Genomics European Meetings: Abstracts  280  2006
  • Transposon display of mutations on quantitative traits induced by the endogenous active transposon, mPing in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Horibata A; Matsui K; Inoue E; Yoshihiro T; Kawaji E; Nakagawa M; Okumoto Y; Nakazaki T; Tanisaka T  Breeding Research  8-  (suppl.2)  127  2006
  • The effects of the selective bases on discrimination in transposon display with anchored PCR (APCR) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Memoirs of The Scool of B.O.S.T. of Kinki University  16,7-12-  2005
  • Relationship between the cool-weather tolerance at seedling stage and fatty acid composition in rice cultivars
    10th international congress of SABRAO, Abstracts  E-14-  2005
  • Efficient discrimination of signals in transposon display using anchored PCR (APCR) in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    10th international congress of SABRAO, Abstracts  D-5-  2005
  • Identification of a single copy of mPing that cosegregates with the induced mutation by transposon-display in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Breeding Research  7-  (Suppl.1)  2,413  2005
  • Database search of Ruba4 encoding RURM1-activating enzyme
    Kinki Journal of crop science and breeding  50,45-48-  2005
  • Application of See-through solar cells to the growth promotion of Pea plants using short-time irradiation of blue light
    Papers of EXPO WCWRF 2005, MIK International Co. Ltd.  No.2016,1-3-  2005
  • Rapid amplification of transposons, Ping and mPing, in japonica rice varieties
    Rice is Life, world rice research conference 2004 abstract  149-  2004
  • Comparative analysis of quantitative trait loci controlling the cool weather tolerance at seedling stage in japonica rice
    Rice is Life, world rice research conference 2004 abstract  331-  2004
  • Enhancement of the cool weather tolerance at seedling stage of rice by seedling acclimation with cold treatment
    Rice is Life, world rice research conference 2004 abstract  330-  2004
  • Effect of the short-time irradiation of blue light in the dawn on the growth of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.)
    Memoirs of The School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University  14,17-22-  2004
  • Specific amplification of the transposon Ping and mPing in the rice variety Gimbozu.
    Breeding Research  6-  (suppl.1)  244  2004
  • Imperfect methylation of cytosine in the terminal regions of the transposonmPing in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Breeding Research  6-  (suppl.1)  107  2004
  • Transposition of the transposon mPing at the site other than Rurm1 locus in intact rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants
    Breeding Research  6-  (suppl.1)  106  2004
  • Gene tagging utilizing the transposon mPing in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Breeding Research  6-  (1)  105  2004
  • The effect of slender-glume gene slg on the methylation of genomic DNA.
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University  9,27-33-  2004
  • Mobilization of a transposon MITE in tha rice plants.
    Breeding Research  5-  (suppl.2)  20  -21  2003
  • The monitoring of the transposition of mPing by transposon-display method.
    Breeding Research  5-  (suppl.2)  76  2003
  • Excision of mPing elements in the mutable slender-glume line IM294.
    Breeding Research  5-  (suppl.1)  25  2003
  • A cause of the decline in germinating rate and in survival rate of the slg homozygous lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
    Breeding Research  5-  (suppl.1)  132  2003
  • Transposition of the transposon 'mPing' inserted in two different loci under somatic cell culture in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
    Breeding Research  5-  (suppl.1)  26  2003
  • T Nakazaki; Y Okumoto; A Horibata; S Yamahira; M Teraishi; H Nishida; H Inoue; T Tanisaka  NATURE  421-  (6919)  170  -172  2003/01
  • NAKAZAKI T; YAMAHIRA S; OKUMOTO Y; HORIBATA A; TSUKIYAMA T; TANISAKA T  育種学研究 = Breeding research  4-  122  -122  2002/08
  • HORIBATA A; OHMORI Y; NAKAZAKI T; OKUMOTO Y; TANISAKA T; YAMAGATA H  育種学研究 = Breeding research  4-  (1)  29  -29  2002/03
  • A transposon display by MITEs, named as Sairyu, which was found in the mutable slender-glume gene, slg of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Proceedings of 20th General Congress of The Japanese Societi for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology  74-  2002
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties. 9. Term retaining the effect of cold-acclimation treatment.
    Breeding Research  4-  (suppl.1)  233  2002
  • Allelism test between the Sairyu-insertion allele at the Rurm1 locus and the slender glume gene slg.
    Breeding Research  4-  (suppl.1)  28  2002
  • M Teraishi; H Hirochika; Y Okumoto; A Horibata; H Yamagata; T Tanisaka  GENOME  44-  (1)  1  -6  2001/02
  • Mutations induced by the mutator on the fatty asid composition of 8 lipid molecular classes extracted from rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves.
    Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University  7,18-28-  2001
  • Insertion-polymorphism of trabsposable-element-like fragment within the resion spanning the mutable slender-glume gene slg
    Breeding Research  3-  (suppl.2)  116  2001
  • Transmission of higher frequency of reverse mutation of slender-glume gene slg as observed in some slender-glume lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Breeding Research  3-  (suppl.2)  59  2001
  • Nonparticipation of transposon RMu in reversion of mutable slender-glume gene slg
    Breeding Research  3-  (suppl.1)  242  2001
  • OTA YOSHIMOTO; SOTOMURA BEN'ICHIRO; YUKINAGA HISAJIRO; WATANABE KAZUO; AKITA MOTOMU; HORIBATA AKIRA  遺伝子操作による新型遺伝資源の生産とその応用に関する技術開発 平成8-12年度 近畿大学生物理工学研究所研究成果報告書  389(1),389-689  2001
  • HORIBATA A.; YAMAGATA H.  育種学研究 = Breeding research  2-  (2)  130  -130  2000/09
  • HORIBATA A; ASAME K; OKUMOTO Y; TANISAKA T; YAMAGATA H  育種学研究 = Breeding research  2-  (1)  132  -132  2000/04
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties 8. Effect of cold-acclimation treatment on cold tolerance at seedling stage
    Breeding Research  2-  (suppl.2)  166  2000
  • M Teraishi; Y Okumoto; H Hirochika; A Horibata; H Yamagata; T Tanisaka  MOLECULAR AND GENERAL GENETICS  261-  (3)  487  -494  1999/04
  • Studies on the utilization of a mutator induced in rice. 13. Control of the reverse mutation of the mutable slerder-glume gene slg by tissue culture.
    Breeding Research  1-  (suppl.2)  246  1999
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties. 6. Genetic analysis of cold tolerance at seedling stage.
    Breeding Research  1-  (suppl.2)  85  1999
  • Aptitude for direct sowing as inferred from the responses to low tempereture of seed and seedling in rice(Oryza sativa L.)
    Kinki Journal of Crop Science and Breeding  44,53-56-  1999
  • Relationship of cold tolerance between young seedling and cultured tissue in rice(Oryza sativa L.)
    Kinki Journal of Crop Science and Breeding  44,17-20-  1999
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties. 5. A method for the detection of cold tolerance in progeny test.
    Breeding Science  48-  (suppl.2)  237  1998
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties. 4. Relationship of cold tolerance with germinability at low temperature.
    Breeding Science  48-  (suppl.1)  295  1998
  • Effect of seedling age on cool-weather tolerance in rice(Oryza sativa L)
    Proceedings of 8th SABRAO General Congress and the Annual Meeting of Korean Breeding Society  315  -316  1997
  • Pleiotropic effects of the slender-glume(slg)on morphlogical and physiological characters in rice.
    Breeding Science  47-  (suppl.2)  242  1997
  • A Mutable Gene for Seed Sterility that Occurred in a Rice Line, IM152.
    Kinki Journal of Crop Science and Breeding  41,33-35-  1996
  • Cold tolerance at seedling stage in Japonica rice varieties. 2. Estimation of the cold tolerance bassed on the response of root part to low temperature.
    Breeding Scinece  45-  (suppl.2)  94  1995
  • Adoptability to tissue culture of the slender-glume rice lines carrying a mutator
    Report of the Society of Crop Science and Breeding in Kinki, Japan  40,41-46-  1995
  • Method for early developmental stage detection of Non-slender-glume plants induced by the mutator of rice.
    Report of the Society of Crop Science and Breeding in Kinki, Japan  35,75-78-  1990

Books and other publications

  • 量的形質の遺伝子分析
    植物遺伝育種学実験法,朝倉書店 1995

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 和歌山を知る-伝統を支える作物  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    近畿大学生物理工学部ミニ講義  2024/08
  • きのくにのちから~新しい産業の興隆が自然に及ぼす影響~  [Invited]
    近畿大学生物理工学部公開講座  2024/07
  • ソーラーシェアリングの現在地  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    太陽エネルギー学会関西支部  2024/04
  • Genetic infiltration into wild japan wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum) or 'Yama-haze' (Toxicodendron sylvestre) caused by the rise of japan wax production  [Not invited]
    Akira Horibata; Yuuki Teraguchi; Yui Hashimoto; Takashi Tanimoto
    近畿作物・育種研究会第193回例会  2022/12
  • Search for variations on the occurrence rate and on the size of white core in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains by using mPing taglines  [Not invited]
    日比建瑠; 田中寛人; 堀端章
    日本育種学会第142回講演会  2022/09
  • Identification of the rice grain size-related genes were first detected by QTL analysis, by next generation sequencing using a quasi-homogeneous gene lines
    鈴木啓剛; 堀端章
    日本育種学会第142回講演会  2022/09
  • 龍神地区の在来サトイモ系統‘クロヅル’の子芋の特性
    吉岡大輝; 田中遊野; 堀端章
    園芸学会近畿支部和歌山大会  2022/08
  • イネの穎花数/穂に関連するGN1A座における新規多粒型アレル
    加藤恒雄; 堀端章
    近畿作物・育種研究会第190回例会  2021/06
  • 胚芽処理にともなう玄米および白米のGABA増加に関する遺伝的差異の探索
    堀端章; 加藤恒雄
    近畿作物・育種研究会第190回例会  2021/06
  • Variations on the grain density of rice (Oryza sativa L.) panicle discovered in mPing tag lines.  [Not invited]
    日本育種学会第137回講演会  2020/03
  • 異なる遺伝的背景および環境下でのイネ登熟関連3遺伝子座上アレルの登熟に及ぼす平均効果と相互作用
    加藤恒雄; 青木直大; 堀端章
  • 農業6次産業化への羅針盤~チャンスを見出し、ビジョンを描く~  [Invited]
    紀の川市青年農業経営者協議会  2020/03
  • Development of a novel rice cultivar of super-extra-heavy panicle type “Tsubumasari” and its productivity  [Not invited]
    加藤恒雄; 桂圭佑; 堀端章
    日本作物学会第248回講演会  2019/09
  • 発芽玄米由来白米における高GABA含有量の遺伝的変異の探索(第2報)  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 加藤恒雄
    機能性健康米協会第4回シンポジウム  2019/05
  • Distribution of γ-oryzanol in outer layers of brown rice and tis variation among rice cultivars  [Not invited]
    日本作物学会第247回講演会  2019/03
  • Development of mutants with high GABA content using a transposon of rice  [Not invited]
    第3回次世代生物研究会  2018/11
  • Possibility of molecular agriculture by industrial production of functional plant material  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 松川哲也; 坂東未来; 坂東純一; 加藤俊作
    近畿作物・育種研究会第186回例会  2018/11
  • 農業6次産業化への羅針盤-TrendからWaveへ-  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    紀の川市まちづくり人材育成塾  2018/11
  • Effects of Os05g0118700 and Os05g0118900 on glabrous leaf and hull in rice  [Not invited]
    日本育種学会第134回講演会  2018/09
  • 美味いコメを求めて  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    開智オープンセミナー  2018/07
  • 良食味イネの品種改良  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    稲作研究会  2018/06
  • うまい飯が食べたい! ―コシヒカリを超えて―  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    神戸新聞文化センターさわやか大学  2018/04
  • 白米および胚芽白米におけるγ-オリザノール含量とγ-アミノ酪酸含量に関する品種間変異  [Not invited]
    加藤恒雄; 堀端章
    日本作物学会第245回講演会  2018/03
  • 発芽玄米由来白米における高GABA含有量の遺伝的変異の探索  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 加藤恒雄
    機能性健康米協会第3回シンポジウム  2018/03
  • 高機能性植物素材による分子農業に向けて  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    俯瞰ワークショップ  2018/03
  • ⾼機能性植物素材の植物⼯場による⼤量⽣産技術  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 松川哲也
    生物理工学部産官学交流会  2018/01
  • 作物の生産性と光環境-バイオマス生産と機能性物質生産  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    大府府立大学空調プロジェクト  2018/01
  • ⾼機能性植物素材の植物⼯場による⼤量⽣産技術  [Invited]
    堀端 章; 松川哲也
    はりま産学交流会  2017/10
  • ⾼機能性植物素材の太陽光利用型植物⼯場による⼤量⽣産技術  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松川哲也
    アグリビジネス創出フェア2017  2017/10
  • うまい飯が食べたい! ―コシヒカリを超えて―  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    近畿大学生物理工学部公開講座  2017/07
  • The locus regulating large grain of rice cultivar ‘Fusayoshi', LKF, is identical to OsPPKL1 locus  [Not invited]
    KATO Tsuneo; HORIBATA Akira
    日本育種学会第131回講演会  2017/03
  • 紀州在来薬用植物資源による地域ブランドの育成  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松川哲也; 山脇伸行
    和歌山県特産農産物を活用した健康産業イノベーション推進事業  2016/12
  • 紀州在来薬用植物資源による地域ブランドの育成  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松川哲也; 山脇伸行
    第25回わかやまテクノビジネスフェア  2016/11
  • 紀州在来薬用植物資源による地域ブランドの育成  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松川哲也; 山脇伸行
    アグリビジネス創出フェア2016  2016/11
  • レトロトランスポゾンCIRE1の挿入多型に基づくカンキツ類の分類  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 加藤恒雄
    第9回近畿作物・育種研究会現地検討会  2016/10
  • The horticultural crops production by the plant factories using a translucent solar cell, and the improvement of marketability of the crops using supplementary monochromatic lighting technology.  [Not invited]
    EuroSun2016  2016/10
  • Classification of Citrus germplasm coserved in the Citrus Germplasm Arboretum of Kindai Univ. using a retrotransposon CIRE1 as a marker.  [Not invited]
    HORIBATA Akira; KATO Tsuneo
    日本育種学会第130回講演会  2016/09
  • Dose effect on the flowering delay of the red light irradiation intensity that has been observed in the dark phase interruption of rice (Oryza sativa)  [Not invited]
    HORIBATA Akira
    第34回日本植物細胞分子生物学会  2016/09
  • 光のマリオネット-植物の生長を光刺激であやつる-  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    近畿大学生物理工学部公開講座  2016/06
  • イネにおける株開張性と分げつ期での茎の重力屈性との関係  [Not invited]
    加藤恒雄; 堀端章
    近畿作物・育種研究会第181回例会  2016/05
  • 和歌山におけるアカジソ在来遺伝資源  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 松川哲也
    近畿作物・育種研究会第181回例会  2016/05
  • アンスリウム栽培ハウス用低コストカーテン制御システム  [Not invited]
    星岳彦; 堀端章; 林孝洋
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2016/04
  • サツマイモからはじめるエネルギー教育とバイオマスコンビナート構想  [Not invited]
    鈴木高広; 堀端章
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2016/04
  • 川俣メソッド ― 復興へのビジネスモデル  [Not invited]
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2016/04
  • イネOsAGPS2,OsAGPL2およびOsSUT1座上アレルの登熟に及ぼす主効果と相互作用  [Not invited]
    加藤恒雄; 島谷千里; 堀端章
    日本作物学会第241回講演会  2016/03
  • イネの内生トランスポゾンmPingを変異原とするタグライン中に見出された葉器官分化周期に関する変異  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    日本育種学会第129回講演会  2016/03
  • 和歌山在来アカジソ遺伝資源の探索と評価  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    わかやま産業振興財団 第14回農産物有用化合物活用研究会  2016/02
  • 単色光刺激を使った植物の性質制御  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    太陽エネルギー学会関西支部  2016/01
  • バイオマスコンビナート構想の実現に向けた課題と取り組み  [Not invited]
    堀端 章 ほか
    エコプロダクツ2015  2015/12
  • QTL-by-QTL-by-environment interactions for grain length of a rice large-grain cultivar detected from near-isogenic lines  [Not invited]
    Kato, T; A. Horibata
    3rd Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding  2015/11
  • 地域にねむる遺伝資源から地域特産品を育てよう~紀州伝来の薬用遺伝資源植物の機能性と商品開発~  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    近畿大学先端技術総合研究所公開講座  2015/10
  • サツマイモからはじめるエネルギー教育とバイオマスコンビナート構想  [Not invited]
    鈴木高広; 堀端章
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/05
  • スマート農業による「見守りハウス」ICTによる絆で育つ施設花き  [Not invited]
    星岳彦; 堀端章; 林孝洋
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/05
  • 川俣メソッド ― 復興へのビジネスモデル  [Not invited]
    堀端 章 ほか
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/05
  • サツマイモからはじめるエネルギー教育とバイオマスコンビナート構想  [Not invited]
    鈴木高広; 堀端章
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/04
  • スマート農業による「見守りハウス」ICTによる絆で育つ施設花き  [Not invited]
    星岳彦; 堀端章; 林孝洋
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/04
  • 川俣メソッド ― 復興へのビジネスモデル  [Not invited]
    堀端 章 ほか
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2015/04
  • サツマイモからはじめるエネルギー教育とバイオマスコンビナート構想  [Not invited]
    鈴木高広; 堀端章
    アグリビジネス創出フェア2014  2014/11
  • スマート農業による「見守りハウス」ICTによる絆で育つ施設花き  [Not invited]
    星岳彦; 堀端章; 林孝洋
    アグリビジネス創出フェア2014  2014/11
  • 川俣メソッド ― 復興へのビジネスモデル  [Not invited]
    堀端 章 ほか
    アグリビジネス創出フェア2014  2014/11
  • Alleles for good grain filling in rice extra-heavy panicle types and their distribution among rice cultivars  [Not invited]
    Kato, T; A. Horibata
  • 地域固有の遺伝資源を利用した機能性素材の開発と利用  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    わかやま産業振興財団 第7回農産物有用化合物活用研究会  2014/05
    園芸学会近畿支部奈良大会  2014/03
  • サツマイモ空中栽培による児童への環境教育・食育とサツマイモのハウス大量栽培試験  [Not invited]
    鈴木高広; 堀端章
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2014/03
    日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web)  2014/03
  • 福島県における バイオマスエネルギー産業の 可能性  [Invited]
    堀端 章
    太陽エネルギー学会関西支部幹事会  2014/01
  • サツマイモの空中栽培  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 鈴木高広
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト 川俣町産業振興提言会  2013/12
  • 紀州在来の薬用紫蘇遺伝資源を利用した機能性素材の開発  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    SMBCアグリビジネスマッチング  2013/12
  • A Novel Cropping Method for Production of High Functioning Crops by Utilizing On-site Solar Energy  [Not invited]
    Horibata, A; T. Matsukawa; T. Itoh; T. Watanabe; T. Matsumoto
    SOLAR WORLD CONGRESS 2013  2013/11
    日本遺伝学会第85回大会  2013/08
  • Dynamics of starch content and the expression profile of the genes involved in starch metabolism in culms after heading of rice recombinant inbred lines  [Not invited]
    久保竜一; 堀端 章; 加藤 恒雄
    近畿作物・育種研究会第175回例会  2013/07  和歌山県紀の川市  近畿作物・育種研究会第175回例会
  • 薬用紫蘇に関する地域遺伝資源の再評価と機能性素材としての利用  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    Biotech2013アカデミックフォーラム  2013/05
  • “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト産業振興グループがめざすもの  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    “オール近大”川俣町復興支援プロジェクト報告会  2013/03
  • 紀州在来の薬用紫蘇遺伝資源を利用した機能性素材の開発  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    ヘルスケアビジネスフェア2013  2013/02
  • 和歌山県在来の薬用紫蘇系統の特徴および単色光補光による生育調節  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 矢田清; 松川哲也
    近畿作物・育種研究会(第174回)  2012/12
  • 紀州在来の薬用紫蘇遺伝資源を利用した機能性素材の開発  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    イノベーションフェア関西  2012/12
  • 紀州在来の薬用紫蘇遺伝資源を利用した機能性素材の開発  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    イノベーションジャパン2012  2012/09
  • イネユビキチン様タンパク質RURM1の不活性化が細胞分裂におよぼす効果の解析  [Not invited]
    築山拓司; 那須田周平; 堀端章; 角谷磨美; 中﨑鉄也; 寺石政義; 谷坂隆俊; 奥本裕
    近畿作物・育種研究会(第173回)  2012/07
  • 加藤恒雄; 柿窪善浩; 堀端章
    日本育種学会第129回講演会  2011/09
  • 堀端章; 堀端章; 矢田清
    第29回日本植物細胞分子生物学会大会・シンポジウム  2011/09
    園芸学会平成23年度春季大会  2011/03
  • 鈴木 高広; 堀端 章; 梅田 智広; 板
    第62回日本生物工学会大会  2010/10  ワールドコンベンションセンターサミット フェニックス・シーガイア・リゾート  第62回日本生物工学会大会
  • 鈴木高広; 堀端章; 梅田智広; 板生清
    日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集  2010/09
  • 加藤恒雄; 堀端章
    日本育種学会第118回講演会  2010/09
  • 鈴木高広; 堀端章; 梅田智広; 板生清
    日本生物環境工学会大会講演要旨  2010/09  京都大学吉田キャンパス  日本生物環境工学会2010年大会
  • 堀端章; 小谷真主; 加藤恒雄; 伊東卓爾; 辻和良; 神藤宏; 谷口輝樹
    園芸学会近畿支部兵庫大会  2010/08
    園芸学会平成22年度春季大会  2010/03
  • イネFZP (FRIZZY PANICLE) 座における新規フレームシフト突然変異遺伝子, fzp-10  [Not invited]
    加藤恒雄; 堀端章
    育種学研究  2010
  • Alleles improving the grain filling of rice extra-heavy panicle types at OsAGPS2 and OsSUT1  [Not invited]
    加藤 恒雄; 堀端 章
    6th International Rice Genetics Symposium  2009/11  Manila, Philippines  6th International Rice Genetics Symposium
  • 単色光照射による園芸作物の発育制御  [Not invited]
    和歌山県エンドウに関する研究会  2009
  • 極穂重型イネ品種のOsAGPS2座およびOsSUT1座における良登熟型遺伝子  [Not invited]
    6th International Rice Genetics Symposium  2009
  • 太陽光発電によって得られた電力を利用した単色光補光点灯制御による新形質植物の生産に関する研究  [Not invited]
    和歌山県大学等地域貢献促進事業成果報告会  2009
  • Application of See-through solar cells to a growth plant using supplemental blue light during morning twilight  [Not invited]
    松本 俊郎; 堀端 章; 伊東 卓爾; 渡辺 俊明
    3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference Asia Pacific Region  2008/11  シドニー  3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference Asia Pacific Region
  • 加藤 恒雄; 堀端 章
    2nd International Symposium "Rice and Disease Prevention"  2008/10  和歌山市  2nd International Symposium "Rice and Disease Prevention"
    園芸学研究 別冊  2008/03
    園芸学研究 別冊  2008/03
  • Kato Tsuneo; Horibata Akira
    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2008/03
  • 透光性太陽電池を利用した未明の青色光補光による植物の成長制御  [Not invited]
    3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference Asia Pacific Region  2008
  • イネに内在する活性型トランスポゾンmPingを利用した経済形質に関連するゲノム領域の検出・同定システム  [Not invited]
    日本分子生物学会第31回年会  2008
  • トランスポゾンによる新規有用遺伝子の創成とタギング  [Not invited]
    Second International Symposium on Rice and Disease Prevention  2008
  • イネ極重型の登熟を向上させる遺伝子  [Not invited]
    Second International Symposium on Rice and Disease Prevention  2008
  • 玄米脂質の脂肪酸組成に関わる突然変異の選抜  [Not invited]
    Second International Symposium on Rice and Disease Prevention  2008
  • 農業上有用なイネゲノム領域のトランスポゾンタギングによる検出  [Not invited]
    第7回 国際バイオEXPO  2008
  • 登熟能力の改良による超多収イネ品種の開発を目指して  [Not invited]
    第7回 国際バイオEXPO  2008
  • 決定木および階層的t-検定によるイネの有用ゲノム領域の同定  [Not invited]
    第7回 国際バイオEXPO  2008
  • 短時間補光によるスプレーギク花色変化の誘導  [Not invited]
    近畿作物・育種研究会  2008
  • mPingタギングシステムを用いたイネの経済形質に関わるゲノムサイトの検出と同定  [Not invited]
    柿窪善浩; 堀端章
    育種学研究  2008
  • mPingタギングのための決定木および階層的t-検定を用いたデータマイニングシステム  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 柿窪善浩; 吉廣卓哉; 瀧寛和; 井上悦子; 中川優
    育種学研究  2008
    日本作物学会講演会要旨・資料集  2007/09
  • 日中における人工光源補光処理は花卉類にどのような影響を与えうるのか  [Not invited]
    園芸学会近畿支部奈良大会  2007
  • スプレーギク切り花への紫外線照射による花色変化の誘導  [Not invited]
    園芸学会近畿支部奈良大会  2007
  • What kind of effect can the artificial source complementary light processing in the daytime give to flowering plants ?  [Not invited]
    Meeting of Kinki branch of the Japanese Soc. for Horticultural Sci.  2007
  • The induction of color change of spray-type chrysanthemum flowers by the ultraviolet irradiation  [Not invited]
    Meeting of Kinki branch of the Japanese Soc. for Horticultural Sci.  2007
  • Gene function analysis system using active transposon in rice  [Not invited]
    6th international Bio-Expo JAPAN  2007
  • イネユビキチン様タンパク質遺伝子Rurm1の機能喪失はトランスポゾン転移活性を高める  [Not invited]
    田村佳奈子; 築山拓司; 奥本裕; 堀端章; 稲垣晴香; 中﨑鉄也; 谷坂隆俊
    育種学研究  2007
  • DROOPING LEAF (DL)遺伝子の弱いアリルの起源と発現制御に関する研究  [Not invited]
    大森良弘; 堀端章; 平野博之
    育種学研究  2007
  • イネ易変性細粒遺伝子の復帰突然変異にともなって活性化されたトランスポゾンmPingの自殖後代における転移活性の推移  [Not invited]
    柿窪善浩; 堀端章
    育種学研究  2007
  • Kato Tsuneo; Horibata Akira
    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2007
    日本作物学会講演会要旨・資料集  2006/03
  • 活性型トランスポゾンを利用したイネの遺伝子機能解析システム  [Not invited]
    第6回 国際バイオEXPO  2006
  • トランスポゾンディスプレイによるmPingタグラインの解析  [Not invited]
    近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム国際シンポジウム  2006
  • イネの内生トランスポゾンを活用した経済形質関連遺伝子のタギングシステム  [Not invited]
    近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム国際シンポジウム  2006
  • 光による植物の改良―有用形質の発現誘導と経済的生産技術―  [Not invited]
    日本太陽エネルギー学会関西支部第30回シンポジウム  2006
  • 内在性トランスポゾンを用いた網羅的遺伝子機能解析技術の開発  [Not invited]
    平成18年度地域結集型発研究成果移転フェア  2006
  • 動く遺伝子―トランスポゾン―の生物学と利用  [Not invited]
    近畿大学生物理工学部公開講座  2006
  • The analysis of the mPing tag line by the transposon display  [Not invited]
    International symposium of The21st century COE program, Kinki Univ.  2006
  • Tagging system for the economy characteristic related gene which utilized endogenous transposon of rice  [Not invited]
    International symposium of The21st century COE program, Kinki Univ.  2006
  • Induction of the useful character of the plant by irradiation of monochromatic light  [Not invited]
    30th symposium of the Japan Solar Energy Soc. Kansai branch  2006
  • The technology of comprehensive analysis on gene function using the endogenous active transposon.  [Not invited]
    Research result transfer fair of CREATE in 2006  2006
  • “Mobile Gene”- it's biology and utilization  [Not invited]
    The extension lecture of BOST, Kinki Univ.  2006
  • イネの活性型内生トランスポゾンmPingによって誘発された量的形質関連変異のトランスポゾンディスプレイ  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 松井和幸; 井上悦子; 吉廣卓哉; 川路英哉; 中川優; 奥本裕; 中﨑鉄也; 谷坂隆俊
    育種学研究  2006
  • 内生活性型トランスポゾンmPingの転移によって誘発された農業形質関連変異遺伝子のトランスポゾンタギング  [Not invited]
    堀端章; 松井和幸; 井上悦子; 吉廣卓哉; 川路英哉; 中川優; 奥本裕; 中﨑鉄也; 谷坂隆俊
    5th Plant Genomics European Meetings 講演要旨集  2006
  • Kato Tsuneo; Taniguchi Ayano; Horibata Akira
    Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ  2006
  • Identification of a single copy of mPing that cosegregates with the induced mutation by transposon-display in rice (Oryza sativa L.)  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松井 和幸; 井上 悦子; 中川; 吉廣 卓哉; 川路 英哉; 奥本 裕; 中﨑; 鉄也; 谷坂 隆俊
    日本育種学会  2005/08  茨城県つくば市  日本育種学会
  • Screening of genetic resources for the sheath blight resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    近畿大学先端技術総合研究所シンポジウム  2005/06  和歌山県海南市  近畿大学先端技術総合研究所シンポジウム
  • 植物のストレス耐性-低温耐性と病害抵抗性-  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業成果報告会  2005/03  和歌山市  和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業成果報告会
  • アンカーPCRを用いたイネのトランスポゾンディスプレイにおけるシグナル数の効果的減少  [Not invited]
    10th international congress of SABRAO, Abstracts  2005
  • イネ品種における幼苗期耐冷性と脂肪酸組成との関係  [Not invited]
    10th international congress of SABRAO, Abstracts  2005
  • イネの特定実験系統におけるMITE型トランスポゾンmPingの自然かつ高頻度な転移  [Not invited]
    10th international congress of SABRAO, Abstracts  2005
  • 大規模なイネトランスポゾン解析のためのデータベースシステム  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2005
  • 誘発突然変異遺伝子と共分離するmPingのトランスポゾンディスプレイによる同定  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2005
  • The database retrieval of Ruba4, activating enzyme gene for RURM1 of rice  [Not invited]
    中﨑 鉄也; 堀端 章; 奥本 裕; 大西; 麻紀子; 谷坂 隆俊
    近畿作物育種研究会  2004/12  大阪市  近畿作物育種研究会
  • A comparative QTL analysis of the genes which control the cool-weather tolerance at seedling stage of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.)  [Not invited]
    柿窪 善浩; 堀端 章; 加藤 恒雄
    近畿大学先端技術総合研究所シンポジウム  2004/10  海南市  近畿大学先端技術総合研究所シンポジウム
  • 加藤 恒雄; 谷口綾乃; 堀端 章; 新村大
    4th International Crop Science Congress  2004/09  Brisbane, Australia  4th International Crop Science Congress
  • Nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes for sucrose-metabolism enzymes among rice cultivars with extra-heavy panicles differing in their grain filling ability.  [Not invited]
    谷口綾乃; 加藤 恒雄; 堀端 章
    近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム「食資源動物分子工学研究拠点」第4回国際シンポジウム  2004/09  和歌山  近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム「食資源動物分子工学研究拠点」第4回国際シンポジウム
  • The functional analysis of rice genome using a “mobile DNA”, transposon mPing.  [Not invited]
    堀端 章
    和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第1回公開シンポジウム  2004/03  和歌山市  和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第1回公開シンポジウム
  • Transposition of the transposon mPing at the site other than Rurm1 locus in intact rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants.  [Not invited]
    大森 良弘; 堀端 章; 松井 和幸; 奥本 裕; 中﨑; 鉄也; 谷坂 隆俊
    日本育種学会  2004/03  東京  日本育種学会
  • Gene tagging utilizing the transposon mPing in rice (Oryza sativa L.).  [Not invited]
    松井 和幸; 堀端 章; 奥本 裕; 中﨑; 鉄也; 谷坂 隆俊
    日本育種学会  2004/03  東京  日本育種学会
  • ジャポニカイネ品種におけるトランスポゾンPingおよびmPingの急速な増加  [Not invited]
    世界イネ研究会議抄録集  2004
  • ジャポニカイネの幼苗期における低温耐性を支配する遺伝子の比較QTL解析  [Not invited]
    世界イネ研究会議抄録集  2004
  • 低温順化によるイネ幼苗期低温耐性の強化  [Not invited]
    世界イネ研究会議抄録集  2004
  • イネのトランスポゾンmPing の端部領域におけるシトシンの不完全なメチル化  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2004
  • イネ品種銀坊主におけるトランスポゾンPingおよびmPingの特異的増幅  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2004
  • Mobilization of a transposon MITE in the rice plants  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 中﨑鉄也; 奥本裕; 谷坂隆俊
    日本育種学会第104 回講演会シンポジウム(神戸)  2003/09  日本育種学会第104 回講演会シンポジウム(神戸)
    イネの易変性細粒遺伝子slg の内部に見出されたトランスポゾンmPing について、自然栽培条件下の植物体内における可動性を示した。またイネ品種群におけるmPing の分布から、可動性を維持しているシステムに関する考察を行った。
  • Monitoring of the transposition of mPing, a MITE-type transposon in rice, by transposon-display  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 松井和幸; 加藤 恒雄; 奥本裕; 中﨑鉄也; 谷坂隆俊
    21 世紀COE プログラム国際シンポジウム(泉佐野)  2003/09  21 世紀COE プログラム国際シンポジウム(泉佐野)
    イネのトランスポゾンmPing の転移を全ゲノムに渡ってモニタリングするためのトランスポゾンディスプレイの実施条件について最適化を行った。その結果、この方法を用いれば、供試サンプル間で複数コピーのmPing の転移を検出できることが明らかになった。
  • Methylation in the terminal inverted repeats of mPing, a MITE-type transposon inserted in slg(slender-glume)locus of rice, in relation to its transposition  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 大森良弘; 加藤 恒雄; 奥本裕; 中﨑鉄也; 谷坂隆俊
    21 世紀COE プログラム国際シンポジウム(泉佐野)  2003/09  21 世紀COE プログラム国際シンポジウム(泉佐野)
    イネのトランスポゾンmPing の端部にあるGGCC 配列中のシトシンのメチル化の有無についてPCR による調査を行った。その結果、葉組織では、この配列がメチル化されており、このことがmPing の可動性を制御する要因の一つではないかと考えられた。
  • Excision of mPing elements in the mutable slender.glume line IM294  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 山平諭; 中﨑鉄也; 奥本裕; 谷坂隆俊
    日本育種学会第103回講演会(千葉)  2003/04  日本育種学会第103回講演会(千葉)
  • トランスポゾンディスプレイ法によるmPing転移のモニタリング  [Not invited]
    育種学雑誌  2003
  • イネのslgホモ型系統にみられる発芽率の低下および幼苗枯死の原因  [Not invited]
    育種学雑誌  2003
  • 異なる遺伝子座に挿入されているトランスポゾンmPingの培養細胞における転移  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2003
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2002/08
    日本植物細胞分子生物学会大会・シンポジウム講演要旨集  2002/07
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2002/03
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2002/03
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2002/03
  • Allelism test between the Sairyu insertion allele at the Rurm1 locus and the slender glume gene slg  [Not invited]
    堀端 章; 山縣 弘忠; 奥本裕; 中﨑鉄也; 山平諭; 谷坂隆俊
    日本育種学会第 101 回大会 (町田)  2002/03  日本育種学会第 101 回大会 (町田)
    イネの易変性細粒遺伝子 s/g と Rurm1 座内の MITE 様転移因子 Sairyu の挿入との対立性検定を行った。 その結果、 両者は互いに対立関係にあって、 s/g の易変性は Sairyu の転移によって発現することが明らかになった。
  • イネ細粒遺伝子slgホモ系統に見られたトランスポゾン'Sairyu'によるRurm1座の塩基配列多型  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2002
  • イネ易変性細粒遺伝子slgとRurm1座のSairyu挿入遺伝子との対立性検定  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2002
  • 易変性細粒遺伝子slg座領域におけるトランスポゾン様配列の挿入多型性  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2001
  • 一部のイネ細粒系統に見られる細粒遺伝子slgの高頻度復帰突然変異の次代への伝達  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2001
  • 易変性細粒遺伝子┣DBslg(/)-┫DBの復帰突然変異とトランスポゾン┣DBRMu(/)-┫DBとの関係  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2001
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2000/09
    育種学研究 = Breeding research  2000/04 
    A mutagenic factor, mutator, that was detected in the progeny from a γ-ray irradiated M_1 seed of a japonica rice variety Gimbozu, generated novel mutations at many different loci, when activated by the reversion of a mutable slender-glume gene slg, which was induced by γrays in the above identical M_1 seed. For the effective utilization of the mutator in plant breeding, the reversion mutability of slg was analyzed for its genetic behavior and relationship with the mutator activity. First, changes in the reverse mutation frequency of slg(RMF)were traced among several generations, using 39 s...
  • 2、3のイネ細粒系統に見られる細粒遺伝子┣DBslg(/)-┫DBの高頻度復帰突然変異について  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2000
  • イネmutatorの育種的利用に関する研究14.組織培養が易変性細粒遺伝子slgの復帰突然変異に及ぼす遺伝的効果  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  2000
    育種学研究  1999/09
    育種学研究  1999/09
  • ジャポニカ型水稲の幼苗期耐冷性7.脂肪酸組成との関係  [Not invited]
    育種学研究  1999
    育種学雑誌  1998/09
    育種学雑誌  1998/04
  • イネ細粒遺伝子(slg)が形態的・生理的形質に及ぼす多面効果  [Not invited]
    育種学雑誌  1997
    育種学雑誌  1997
  • ジャポニカ型水稲の幼苗期耐冷性 2.根部の低温反応による耐冷性評価  [Not invited]
    育種学雑誌  1995
    Jpn J Breed  1992
    Jpn J Breed  1989


  • Plant Production EnvironmentologyPlant Production Environmentology Kindai University

Affiliated academic society



  • 水稲新品種『ツブマサリ』の育成
  • 水稲新品種『はれやか』の育成
    1992 -1993
  • Breeding of new rice variety, 'Hareyaka'.
    1992 -1993
  • 水稲新品種『夢ごこち』の育成
    1992 -1992
  • Breeding of new rice variety, 'yumegokochi'.
    1992 -1992

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03 
    Author : 堀端 章
    2021年度は、研究室に保存されている品種、および、トランスポゾンmPingの転移によって生じた突然変異遺伝子を保有する系統について、浸水処理にともなうGABAの増加量を調査した。これまでGABAの定量にはGABAseを利用した酵素法を用いてきたが、2段階の酵素反応を利用しているため、特にGABA濃度が低い場合に著しく定量性が低下することが課題となっいた。このため、HPLC装置を用いた遊離アミノ酸定量法の適用も検討したが、当研究室が保有している装置では定量することができなかった。そこでさらに、Enzyme Sensor Co. Ltd.から発売されたGABAseとは異なる酵素を利用した酵素法を用いたGABA定量キットの適用を検討している。定量の精度について現在検証をすすめつつあるが、実験操作は極めて容易であり所要時間を大幅に短縮できるこメリットがある。定量性の検証が終われば、この方法に採用して研究を進める予定である。 これに並行して、供試する品種および突然変異系統について、十分な量の玄米サンプルを得るための種子増殖をはかった。紀の川市内の実験圃場に、100品種および1000突然変異系統を栽植し、それぞれから籾を収穫し乾燥させた。 また、水浸過程ではGABAの増加と同時に、胚から誘導されるアミラーゼによるデンプンの部分分解も始まる。このため催芽した玄米に由来する白米では、デンプンの物理特性が変化して食味が変化する可能性がある。そこで、デンプンの物理特性を評価するための装置を準備して、GABAを増加させるための処理が食味に与える影響を評価する準備を進めている。 これまでに得られた研究成果については、2021年6月に近畿作物・育種研究会において口頭発表を行い、同内容で投稿準備中である。
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2017 -2019 
    Author : 加藤恒雄
  • 発芽玄米由来白米における高GABA含有量の遺伝的変異の探索
    一般社団法人 機能性健康米協会:
    Date (from‐to) : 2017 
    Author : 堀端 章
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽研究)
    Date (from‐to) : 2012 -2013 
    Author : 松本俊郎
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2013 
    Author : 加藤恒雄
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2011 
    Author : HORIBATA Akira; MATSUKAWA Tetsuya
    In this study, we described one line of Perilla herb, as a local genetic resource in the Kinokawa plain. First, we observed morphological and aromatic characteristics of the line and evaluated the genetic variation for perillaldehyde content. As a result, this line has been fixed genetically for these characteristics. And then, we have begun to develop the cultivation method for year round production and for enrichment of the functionality of the perilla. Supplemental lighting by blue LEDs significantly inhibited the flower formation of perilla, and allowed the continuous differentiation of young leaves related to higher content of perillaldehyde.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : 仁藤伸昌; 松本俊郎; 伊東卓爾; 渡辺俊明; 堀端章
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : Tetsuya NAKAZAKI; 谷坂隆俊; 奥本裕; 堀端章
    Transposable activity of an active-transposon mPing in a rice mutant line, IM294 is much higher than in the original variety Gimbozu. Because IM294 is considered harboring a recessive mutation allele at Rurm1 locus, it is very likely that the destruction of the normal Rurm1 gene participates in high mPing transposable activity of IM294. We analyzed a change to occur by function loss of the Rurm1 gene to elucidate a novel rice protein conjugation system relating to the RURM1 protein (Rurm1 system), and this study was going to get the due to clarify the induction mechanism for the transpositi...
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : Yutaka OKUMOTO; 山田利昭; 堀端章; 中崎鉄也; 谷坂隆俊; 寺石政義
    In a mutant line IM294 (slender glume mutant) which harbors Rurm1 (Rice Ubiquitine Related Modifier-1) allele inactivated by mPing insertion shows high excision frequency (ca.1%) of mPing from mutant Rurm1 allele (Rurm1^m). Expression levels of two ORFs of Ping were also high in IM294 comparing to the original variety Gimbozu. To clarify the relation between the function of Rurm1 and Ping activity under the same genetic background, the mutant allele of Rurm1 was introduced into Gimbozu background through recurrent backcrossing. Also, a pair of non-slender glume line (Rurm1^+/Rrum1^+) and sl...
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2003 -2005 
    Author : 堀端章
  • 単色光照射による園芸作物の生産性・市場性の改善
    Date (from‐to) : 2005
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2002 -2004 
    Author : Takatoshi TANISAKA; 堀端章; 中崎鉄也; 奥本裕; 寺石政義
    A mutable slender mutant (line : IM294) was induced with gamma-ray irradiation to seeds of the rice variety Gimbozu. This mutant character is governed by a recessive mutant gene and has never been fixed in spite of repeated self-propagation. Our previous study suggested that the mutability is caused by the precise excision of a MITE (Miniature Invereted-repeat Transposable Element mPing) that was inserted in the wild type allele at the Rurm1(Rice ubiquitin related modifier 1) locus. The present study confirmed this point, and also indicated that mPing, which lacks coding region, is a deleti...
  • イネの内在性トランスポゾンmPingを利用した遺伝子タギング法の開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2003
  • Development of gene tagging system using the endogenus transposon mPing of the rice
    Date (from‐to) : 2003
  • イネの脂質生合成に関与する遺伝変異の探索
    Date (from‐to) : 2002
  • The search of the gene mutation on the lipid metabolic pathway
    Ordinary Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2002
  • Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
    Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000 
    Author : Takatoshi TANISAKA; 堀端章; 中崎鉄也; 奥本裕
    A mutable slender glume gene slg was induced by gamma-ray irradiation to seeds of the rice variety Gimbozu. Occasionally reverting to its wild-type, slg is assumed to involve an active transposable element in it. To identify the molecular characteristics of this element, we attempted to clone slg with a positional cloning method. slg has already been mapped on the overlapping region of two YAC clones, Y1774 and Y3356. We first selected 209 candidate clones from the cDNA clone library of the rice variety Nipponbare using a YAC clone Y1774 as a probe, and then partially sequenced 54 clones. B...
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999 
    Author : 堀端章
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    Date (from‐to) : 1995 -1995 
    Author : 堀端章
  • イネ細粒遺伝子(slg)の機能解析
    Date (from‐to) : 1993
  • The functional analysis of the slender-glume gene in rice
    Date (from‐to) : 1993
  • 水稲幼苗期耐冷性の評価と有用遺伝資源の探索
    Date (from‐to) : 1992
  • Estimating of the cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice. Evaluation of the cool-weather tolerance in paddy rice and search of the useful germplasm stock.
    Date (from‐to) : 1992

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