Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication EngineeringResearch associate

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Doctor(Engineering)(Kinki University)
  • Master(Engineering(Kinki University)

Research Keyword

  • 低次元化   制御理論   Model Reduction   Control Theory   

Research Field

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering) / Control and systems engineering



  • 2007  - 同 助教
  • 2007  - Assistant Professor, School of Science and Engineering, Kinki University
  • 1998 - 2006  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering
  • 1998 - 2006  Research Associate, School of Science and Engineering, Kinki University

Educational Background

  •        - 1998  Kindai University  工学研究科  電子工学専攻
  •        - 1998  Kinki University  Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  •        - 1993  Kindai University  Faculty of Science and Engineering  電子工学科
  •        - 1993  Kinki University  Faculty of Science and Engineering

■Research activity information


  • Amano Ryo; Yoshida Minoru
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 一般社団法人 電気学会 139 (1) 113 - 118 0385-4221 2019/01 [Refereed]
    Pulse fiber lasers have high beam quality and stability and are being used as industrial lasers. In recent years, pulse fiber lasers with higher power have been required for processing of difficult-to-cut materials and high speed processing. Accordingly, as one of methods for improving power of pulse fiber lasers, various systems based on coherent beam combining have been proposed. It is necessary for coherent beam combining that the optical phase and polarizations of individual beams to be combined are kept the same. Therefore, some system for adjusting them is needed.</p><p>In this paper, we propose a method for adjusting the optical phase of beams to be combined, by optical path length control in an all fiber coherent beam combining system which was developed through our past work. This system is one such that the optical phase and polarizations are kept the same by controlling only the optical phase because polarization changes are automatically compensated. We also confirm effectiveness of our method for controlling the optical phase through computer simulation.
  • TANIMOTO Hirokazu; AMANO Ryo; OCHI Youji; MAEDA Yoshinobu
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 52 (7) 408 - 410 0453-4654 2016/07 
    We demonstrated a pup-up tag which is attached to fish and records action data for a fixed period. The tag is collected using the ARGOS system. The pop-up tag has an accelerometer, an angular velocity sensor and a pressure/temperature sensor. The characteristics of the accelerometer showed available performance from the relation between the acceleration and the angular velocity of turntable.
  • 天野 亮; 谷本 浩一; 中山 敬三; 越智 洋司; 前田 佳伸
    Journal of smart processing 高温学会 5 (3) 215 - 217 2186-702X 2016/05 [Refereed]
    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 16 (3) 144 - 146 1342-5668 2003/03 [Refereed]
  • R Amano; K Horiguchi; T Nishimura; A Nagata
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN SCRIPTA TECHNICA-JOHN WILEY & SONS 126 (2) 31 - 39 0424-7760 1999/01 [Invited]
    We propose a numerical method of frequency-weighted model reduction. The model to be reduced (an original model) is a stable SISO discrete-time model described by high-order state-space equations. We design the reduced-order model so that it can interpolate 1st- and 2nd-order information of the original model at complex frequency points (interpolation points) in the unit circle. The characteristics of the reduced-order model greatly depend on the choice of the interpolation points. The proposed model reduction method is a numerical one that chooses the interpolation points by searching in the unit circle to find the reduced-order model such that L-infinity-norm of the reduction error is less than a prescribed value. This method has the following features that show that it is an effective numerical method of the frequency-weighted model reduction, i) The reduced-order model is guaranteed to be stable. ii) The procedure for finding the reduced-order model is simple and requires a relatively small amount of computation. iii) The order of the reduced-order model can be controlled by choosing the number of interpolation points. (C) 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 126(2): 31-39, 1999.
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C 電気学会 117 (10) 1472 - 1478 0385-4221 1997/10 [Refereed]
  • Kazumi Horiguchi; Ryo Amano; Takuya Nishimura; Akira Nagata
    Proceedings of 2nd Asian Control Conference III 467 - 470 1997/07 [Refereed]
  • Ryo Amano; Kazumi Horiguchi; Takuya Nishimura; Akira Nagata
    Proceedings of 2nd Asian Control Conference 1 493 - 496 1997/07 [Refereed]
    Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会 9 (8) 356 - 365 1342-5668 1996/08 [Refereed]
    In this paper, we provide a model reduction method for stable MIMO linear discrete-time systems such that the reduced-order model interpolates a finite series of 1st-order information (information associated with the transfer function) and 2nd-order information (information associated with the power spectrum function) of the original system with respect to a direction. The directional interpolation approach to the model reduction guarantees the stability of the reduced-order model and can suppress the unnecessary increase of its order involved by the increase of interpolated information. We also propose an algorithm of the output frequency-weighted model reduction as an effective application of the model reduction via directional interpolation.


Books and other publications

  • UNIX(増補) -基礎から簡単な応用まで、さあ使ってみよう-
    西村 卓也; 加藤 暢; 広永 美喜也; 山口 孜; 天野 亮; 淺井 恒信; 湯本 真樹; 松居 哲生; 樋口 昌宏; 堀口和己 (Joint work)コロナ社 2002/05 
    本書はUNIX・Linux に関する実用的な入門書である。対象は大学理工系学部の学生だが、他学部や高専の学生にも利用できるように、全体を基礎部分と応用部分とに大別している。基礎部分では、UNIXを学習するすべての学生に必要な事項であるファイルシステム、コマンド、シェル、ウィンドウ、エディタ、メール、シェルスクリプトについて解説している。応用部分では、文書作成(LaTex)、ホームページ作成(HTML)、プログラミング言語(C及びFORTRAN)、数理解析(Mathematica)、GUIプログラミング(Tcl/Tk)のような独立した章を用意しており、必要な章だけを選んで学習できるように構成している。
  • UNIX-基礎から簡単な応用まで、さぁ使ってみよう-
    谷本 浩一; 西村 卓也; 広永 美喜也; 笹野 博; 山口 孜; 天野 亮; 浅井 恒信; 堀口 和己; 松居 哲生 (Joint work)1998/06 

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • パルスファイバレーザーの高出力化を目的とした光路長の自動制御  [Not invited]
    天野 亮
    平成29年電気関係学会関西連合大会  2017/11
  • 安定な2次の制御対象に対するPI制御器の一設計法  [Not invited]
    天野 亮; 谷本 浩一; 山脇 重信
    平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会  2010/11  立命館大学(草津市)  平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会
  • Kamei Yuusuke; Ogami Yuuki; Amano Ryou; Nishimura Takuya
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  2001/03
  • 1次・2次情報を用いたモデル低次元化  [Not invited]
    天野亮; 堀口和己; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第43回自動制御連合講演会  2000/11
  • 補間条件を満たす離散時間正実関数行列  [Not invited]
    堀口和己; 天野亮; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第40回自動制御連合講演会  1997/11
  • Model Reduction for Linear Discrete-Time Systems Using 1st-and 2nd-Order Data(jointly worked)  [Not invited]
    Proceedings of 2nd Asian Control Conference  1997
  • A Parametrization of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Inter-polating Input-Output Data(jointly worked)  [Not invited]
    Proceedings of 2nd Asian Control Conference  1997
  • 1次・2次情報を用いた線形離散時間システムの低次元化  [Not invited]
    堀口和己; 天野亮; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第39回自動制御連合講演会  1996/10
  • 入出力データを補間するシステムのパラメトリゼーション  [Not invited]
    天野亮; 堀口和己; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第39回自動制御連合講演会  1996/10
  • 補間による周波数重み付きモデル低次元化  [Not invited]
    天野亮; 堀口和己; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第38回自動制御連合講演会  1995/12
  • 補間によるモデル低次元化  [Not invited]
    天野亮; 高木和也; 堀口和己; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会  1995/11
  • 方向補間によるモデル低次元化  [Not invited]
    天野亮; 堀口和己; 西村卓也; 長田朗
    第39回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会  1995/05
  • Amano Ryo; Horiguchi Kazumi; Nishimura Takuya; Nagata Akira
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference  1995/03 
  • 2自由度補償法による非干渉デッドビート制御  [Not invited]
    西村卓也; 堀口和己; 長田朗; 谷本浩一; 平城久雄; 天野亮
    電子情報通信学会春季大会  1994/03

Affiliated academic society

  • IEEE(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.Inc.)   システム制御情報学会   計測自動制御学会   SICE   ISCIE   IEEE   

Research Themes

  • 入出力デ-タを補間するシステムのパラメトリゼーション
  • 補間によるモデル低次元化
  • A Parametrization of the systems interpolating input-output data
  • Model Reduction via Interpolation