Department of ScienceProfessor/Manager/Senior Staff

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Doctor of Science(Hiroshima University)

Research Keyword

  • 熱測定   圧縮率   タンパク質   物理化学   Physical chemistry   

Research Field

  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Biochemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Materials / Basic physical chemistry



  • 2000 - 2001  広島大学ベンチャー・ビジネス・ラボラトリー中核的研究機関 研究員
  • 2000 - 2001  Hiroshima University Venture Business Laboratory, Post Doctoral Fellow

Educational Background

  •        - 2000  Hiroshima University  理学研究科  遺伝子科学
  •        - 2000  Hiroshima University  Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
  •        - 1995  Hiroshima University  Faculty of Science  物性
  •        - 1995  Hiroshima University  Faculty of Science

■Research activity information


  • 日本熱測定学会奨励賞(2011)


  • Taro Yamamoto; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Thermochimica Acta Elsevier BV 730 179629 - 179629 0040-6031 2023/12 [Refereed]
  • Taro Yamamoto; Yuki Nagae; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Soft matter 19 (8) 1492 - 1498 2023/02 [Refereed]
    A differential scanning calorimeter equipped with a shearing system (shear rate of  < 400 s-1) was developed to elucidate the thermodynamic properties of liquid crystalline phase transitions under shear flow. An analytical method was proposed to accurately estimate the heat flow caused by shear friction to evaluate the transition entropies. The phase transitions of 4'-n-octyl-4-cyano-biphenyl (8CB) under shear flow were investigated using the developed calorimeter. Although several shear-induced transitions for 8CB have been reported in the past using viscosity and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, only the nematic-isotropic (N-I) and smectic-A-nematic (SA-N) transitions were detected as heat flow peaks. The N-I transition temperature was almost independent of the shear rate. The SA-N transition temperature was also independent of the shear rate, but the transition peak was broadened by applying shear flow. For both transitions, the transition entropies were independent of the shear rate. These results suggest that the thermodynamic properties were not considerably changed by shearing because the molecular alignments in the domains were not substantially changed, whereas shearing changed the LC domain directions, which can be detected by viscosity and SAXS measurements.
  • Miyu Umeda; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Polymer Elsevier BV 254 125105 - 125105 0032-3861 2022/07 [Refereed]
  • Taro Yamamoto; Yusuke Yagi; Toshimitsu Hatakeyama; Tomonari Wakabayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hal Suzuki
    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Elsevier BV 625 126859 - 126859 0927-7757 2021/09 [Refereed]
  • Tadashi Kamiyama
    Netsu Sokutei 47 (1) 8 - 13 2020/01 [Refereed]
  • Thermodynamics and kinetics of aggregation of myoglobin with 1,4- dioxane
    KAMIYAMA Tadashi
    Netsu sokutei 45 (2) 63 - 69 2018/04 [Refereed]
  • Tomokadu Marutani; Takashi Inomata; Tadashi Kamiyama
    Thermochimica Acta Elsevier B.V. 659 8 - 12 0040-6031 2018/01 [Refereed]
    The thermodynamic properties and phase diagram of the thermal-induced fibrous aggregation of cytochrome c with a simple organic co-solvent, 1,4-dioxane, were determined by differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, and scanning electron microscopy at various concentrations of 1,4-dioxane. At x = 0.2–0.3 mol fraction of 1,4-dioxane, cytochrome c transformed to an alpha helix-rich denatured state at 25 °C, which transformed into a fibrous aggregation upon heating. The enthalpy change for the fibrous aggregation, −456 kJ/mol (x = 0.30), was numerically greater than the thermal denaturation of the native state, 298 kJ/mol (x = 0), indicating that aggregate formation involved a conformation with many intermolecular interactions. At x > 0.3, cytochrome c aggregated and precipitated at 25 °C without heating, and the precipitate transformed into an amorphous state. These results suggest that the previous state is important for transition into the fibrous state. Thermodynamic data on the use of co-solvents for globular proteins will facilitate understanding of the aggregation mechanism.
  • Tadashi Kamiyama; Tomokadu Marutani; Dai Kato; Takuya Hamada; Keiichi Kato; Takayoshi Kimura
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 123 (3) 1861 - 1869 1388-6150 2016/03 [Refereed]
    To reveal the contribution of hydrophobic interactions to the stability of the molten globule (MG) state of proteins, the effect of sorbitol on the structure of acid-unfolded (AU) equine heart myoglobin was examined at pH 2 by means of circular dichroism (CD), stopped-flow CD, rheometry, and differential scanning calorimetry. The AU state of myoglobin was refolded by adding sorbitol to the MG state, which had a secondary structure and hydrodynamic volume similar to the native (N) state. The thermal denaturation of the MG state showed considerably small enthalpy change, low cooperativity, and small heat capacity compared to the N state unlike MG state of cytochrome c, indicating that the presence of the heme is important to preserve the strict tertiary structure of MG state not only N state, for heme proteins. The refolding was induced by preferential exclusion of three sorbitol molecules from the AU state compared to the MG state. The transition from the N-MG state kinetically proceeded via the AU state, followed by gradual refolding due to the preferential exclusion of sorbitol with 1.98 x 10(-3) s(-1) of kinetic constant at 3.3 M sorbitol and 10.9 A degrees C.
  • Kunisato Kuroi; Koji Okajima; Masahiko Ikeuchi; Satoru Tokutomi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masahide Terazima
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B AMER CHEMICAL SOC 119 (7) 2897 - 2907 1520-6106 2015/02 [Refereed]
    The effect of pressure on the dissociation reaction of the TePixD decamer was investigated by high-pressure transient grating (TG). The TG signal intensity representing the dissociation reaction of the TePixD decamer significantly decreased by applying a relatively small pressure. On the other hand, the reaction rate increased with increasing pressure. The equilibrium between the pentamer and the decamer was investigated by high-pressure dynamic light scattering; The results indicated that the fraction of the decamer slightly increased in the high-pressure region: From these measurements, it was concluded that the pressure-dependent signal intensity originated from the decrease of the quantum yield of the dissociation reaction of the decamer, indicating that this reaction efficiency is very sensitive to pressure. Using densimetry at high pressures, the compressibility was found to be pressure dependent even in a relatively low pressure range. We attributed the origin of the pressure-sensitive reaction yield to the decrease of compressibility at high pressure. Because the compressibility is related to the volume fluctuation, this observation suggests that the driving force for this reaction is fluctuation of the protein. The relationship between the cavities at the interfaces of the monomer units and the reactivity is also discussed.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Tasunori Suzuki; Keisuke Takata; Akina Soga; Yutsa Nomoto; Tadashi Kamiyama; Yousuke Nakai; Hideo Matsui; Masao Fujisawa
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 113 (3) 1467 - 1474 1388-6150 2013/09 [Refereed]
    The molar excess enthalpies of eight systems of butylamines + propanols were determined at 298.15 K using a twin-microcalorimeter. All excess enthalpies were exothermic and large. An equilibrium constant K 1 expressed in terms of mole fractions and standard thermodynamic properties of formation (Δf H, Δf G, Δf S) of 1:1 complex were evaluated by ideal mixtures of monomeric molecules and their associated complexes. Concentration dependence of the FT-Raman spectrum showed systematic changes of bands. Spectroscopic considerations based on this and ab initio calculations on molecules were performed at the Mp2/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. Interaction energies between butylamine and propanol were calculated by the supermolecular and NBO methods. The results were discussed with previous results to clarify the steric and positional effect of the amino and hydroxyl group. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Tadashi Kamiyama; Toshiya Tanaka; Megumi Satoh; Takayoshi Kimura
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Springer 113 (3) 1491 - 1496 1388-6150 2013/09 [Refereed]
    To clarify the effect of cyclodextrin (CD) on the stability of cytochrome c, the thermal denaturation of cytochrome c was measured by differential scanning calorimetry in aqueous solutions of β-CD modified with three substituents: methyl, acetyl, and 2-hydroxylpropyl groups. The midpoint temperature of thermal denaturation decreased with the addition of modified β-CDs, indicating that cytochrome c was destabilized. The destabilization effect of CD depended on the substituent and increased in the order of acetyl> methyl> 2-hydroxypropyl. The estimated binding number and binding constant of the modified β-CDs for cytochrome c are 5.0 ± 1.0 and 10.3 ± 2.9 M-1 for methyl-β-CD, 13.8 ± 3.6 and 4.7 ± 1.6 M-1 for acetyl-β-CD, and 2.8 ± 0.9 and 7.0 ± 3.0 M-1 for 2-hydroxypropyl-β-CD. The destabilization effect of acetyl-β-CD is the highest because many CD molecules interact with proteins by the inclusion effect of CD and the inhibition effect of the acetyl group on the hydrogen bond in the secondary structure. In contrast, the stabilization effect of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-CD is the smallest because the steric exclusion of the 2-hydroxypropyl group inhibits the binding of CD to cytochrome c as compared with the smaller structure of the methyl group. Dependency of the destabilization effect on the molar ratio of CD to cytochrome c suggests that the destabilization effect of CD is caused not only by the "direct" interaction of CD with proteins but also by the "indirect" interaction of CD which promotes the solvation of hydrophobic groups by altering the water structure as observed in urea. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.
  • KAMIYAMA Tadashi
    Netsu Sokutei 日本熱測定学会 39 (2) 47 - 53 0386-2615 2012/03 [Refereed]
  • Tadashi Kamiyama; Megumi Satoh; Takahiro Tateishi; Tomoaki Nojiri; Daisuke Takeuchi; Takayoshi Kimura
    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 532 10 - 14 0040-6031 2012/03 [Refereed]
    Effects of cyclic oligosaccharide cyclodextrin (CD) on stability and conformation of lysozyme were clarified thermodynamically and rheologically by DSC, viscosity, and circular dichroism measurements. The modified beta-CD relatively destabilized the folded state of lysozyme by stabilizing the unfolded state due to inclusion of hydrophobic part into the hydrophobic interior of CD. The order of higher destabilization effect was acetyl-beta-CD > methyl-beta-CD > hydroxypropyl-beta-CD. Apparent number of bound CD to unfolded state for methyl-, hydroxypropyl-, and acetyl-beta-CD is 6.7 +/- 0.7, 4.2 +/- 1.1, and 18.6 +/- 4.3 and the binding constant is 5.5 +/- 0.8, 6.7 +/- 2.4, and 4.4 +/- 1.2 Lmol(-1), respectively. The viscosity for unfolded state was increased with an increase in the each modified beta-CD concentration, suggesting that the inclusion of CD on a part of hydrophobic core at unfolded state leads to break the hydrophobic core, then lysozyme would be more spread structure. The substituent of CD can accelerate instability by directly breaking hydrogen bond and/or can restrain instability by increase in hydrophobic interaction. The fact that the each modified CDs has different destabilization effect shows a possibility to control the stability of protein by the substitution of CD. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Shigefumi Mimura; Takahisa Yamato; Tadashi Kamiyama; Kunihiko Gekko
    BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 161 39 - 45 0301-4622 2012/02 [Refereed]
    The evolution of structural fluctuations of proteins was examined by calculating the isothermal compressibility (beta(T)) values of chicken lysozyme and its six evolutionary mutants at Thr40, Ile55, and Ser91 (a ternary mutant corresponding to bobwhite lysozyme) from their X-ray structures by normal-mode analysis at 300 K. The Or values of the two extant lysozymes from chicken and bobwhite were 1.61 and 1.59 Mbar(-1), respectively, but five other evolutionary mutants showed larger beta(T) values of up to 2.17 Mbar(-1). These results suggest that ancestral lysozymes exhibit larger volume fluctuations than extant ones, and hence that the molecular evolution of lysozymes has followed a nonneutral evolutionary pathway. The evolutionary mutants contained large amount of cavities, although no change was visible in the X-ray structures. There was a linear correlation between beta(T) and total cavity volume, predicting that the cavity volume or atomic packing is an important factor regulating volume fluctuations during the molecular evolution of this protein. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Effects of cyclodextrin on thermal stability of cytochrome c
    KAMIYAMA Tadashi
    Netsusokutei W39 1 - 5 2012 [Refereed]
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Satoshi Fujie; Takashi Yukiyama; Masao Fujisawa; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hatsumi Aki
    Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 70 (3-4) 269 - 278 0923-0750 2011/08 [Refereed]
    In order to investigate the contribution of the hydrophilic parts of guest molecules of aliphatic compounds to the inclusion reaction, the thermodynamic properties of inclusion compounds of cyclodextrin (α-CD) with eight pentane derivatives into the cavity of α-CD in dilute aqueous solutions were measured by micro-calorimeter at 298.15 K. The thermodynamic properties of the inclusion reactions of pentane derivatives into α-CD were compared to the hydrophobicity and polarizability of guest molecules and discussed. The interaction energies of inclusion compounds of α-CD and pentane derivatives were determined by DFT calculation (B3LYP/6-31G (d,p)) in water and compared with the experimental results. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Satoshi Fujie; Takashi Yukiyama; Masao Fujisawa; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hatsumi Aki
    In order to investigate the contribution of the hydrophilic parts of guest molecules of aliphatic compounds to the inclusion reaction, the thermodynamic properties of inclusion compounds of cyclodextrin (alpha-CD) with eight pentane derivatives into the cavity of alpha-CD in dilute aqueous solutions were measured by micro-calorimeter at 298.15 K. The thermodynamic properties of the inclusion reactions of pentane derivatives into alpha-CD were compared to the hydrophobicity and polarizability of guest molecules and discussed. The interaction energies of inclusion compounds of alpha-CD and pentane derivatives were determined by DFT calculation (B3LYP/6-31G (d,p)) in water and compared with the experimental results.
  • Hongli Liu; Satoko Kido; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masao Fujisawa; Takayoshi Kimura
    Excess enthalpies for binary mixtures (S-fenchone + ethanol/benzene/cyclohexane/carbon tetrachloride) were measured over the whole concentration at T = 298.15 K. The experimental results were compared with the values obtained from the UNIFAC, COSMO-RS and regular solution theory. Excess enthalpies of binary mixtures of R-fenchone and S-fenchone in ethanol, benzene, and cyclohexane solution at different specified mole fractions of fenchone have been measured under the same conditions. With the decreasing of the specified mole fraction of fenchone in different solutions, the excess enthalpies of mixing of chiral orientated solutions increased and became close to zero. Results were compared with those of chiral limonene in ethanol solution. Pair interaction energies were also investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Satoko Kido; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masao Fujisawa
    CHIRALITY WILEY-BLACKWELL 23 (1E) E98 - E104 0899-0042 2011 [Refereed]
    Enthalpies of mixing of R- and S-limonene in non-polar solvents in the entire range of mole fractions were measured at 298.15 K. The enthalpies of mixing were negative for all concentrations in dilute concentration, but increased by increasing the concentration of limonenes in solutions. Ultimately positive excess enthalpies were shown in high concentration. Enthalpies of mixing were compared with theoretical estimation by COSMO-RS. Chirality 23: E98-E104, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Hongli Liu; Satoko Kido; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masao Fujisawa; Takayoshi Kimura
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 102 (3) 1123 - 1133 1388-6150 2010/12 
    To obtain further systematic information for the isomer systems, the excess molar enthalpies for binary (o + m), (o + p), (m + p)-isomers of methoxymethylbenzene, ethylmethylbenzene, diethylbenzene, chloromethylbenzene, tolunitrile and fluorobenzonitrile, tolylacetonitrile were measured at 298.15 K. In this article, the results are discussed and compared with those of previous works. The excess enthalpies of binary systems in different solid and liquid states were measured when the pure component of o-/m-tolunitrile, fluorobenzonitrile was titrated into the prior (o + p) or (m + p) mixtures. A series calculation for the interaction energies (IE) between the isomers was carried out for the pair molecules by ab initio MO of Gaussian 09. Correlations between the excess enthalpies at a molar fraction of x = 0.5 and the intermolecular energy are discussed.
  • 神山 匡
    物性研究 物性研究刊行会 95 (3) 317 - 319 0525-2997 2010/12
  • 神山 匡
    JASCO Report JASCO 52 (2) 16 - 19 0916-3492 2010/10 
  • LIU HongLi; KIDO Satoko; KAMIYAMA Tadashi; FUJISAWA Masao; LIU Shijun; KIMURA Takayoshi
    Netsu Sokutei 日本熱測定学会 37 (3) 96 - 103 0386-2615 2010/09 
    o-キシレンと12個のo-異性体(エチルトルエン,メトキシトルエン,フルオロトルエン, クロロトルエン, ブロモトルエン,ヨードトルエン,トリルアセトニトリル, フルオロイオドベンゼン,ブロモフルオロベンゼン,クロロフルオロベンゼン,フルオロニトロベンゼン,アミノフルオロベンゼン)系について全濃度範囲の過剰エンタルピーを決定した。比較的大きな吸熱を示したフルオロニトロトルエン系およびアミノフルオロトルエン系を除いて小さなエンタルピー変化を示した。 UNIFAC、密度汎関数COSMO-RS、正則溶液論による推算値と比較した結果、UNFACの結果は実測値から大きく正に外れたが密度汎関数COSMO-RSが最もよく一致した。Keesom-Israelachvili 式によって過剰エンタルピーと双極子相互作用の効果を検討した(英語)
  • Hongli Liu; Tomoko Yamashita; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masao Fujisawa; Takayoshi Kimura
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 99 (1) 95 - 103 1388-6150 2010/01 [Refereed]
    The excess molar enthalpies of 8 binary mixtures for the o-, m-, and p-isomers of fluoroiodobenzene, fluoromethoxybenzene, bromofluorobenzene, chlorofluoro-benzene, difluorobenzene, fluoromethylbenzene, fluoronitrobenzene, and aminofluoro-benzene were measured at 298.15 K. The changes of the measured enthalpies were very small. The experimental results revealed that the isomers containing two electron-acceptor groups showed the most positive excess enthalpy change, while isomers containing both one electron donor and one electron acceptor group, such as aminofluorobenzene, showed more stable and always the most negative results.
  • Thermodynamics of Lysozyme in Binary Solutions of Water + DMSO
    神山 匡
    Netsu Sokutei 日本熱測定学会 36 (5) 263 - 270 2009/12 
    二成分溶液中(水+DMSO)におけるリゾチームの熱力学的特性を固有粘度,部分比容,粘性流動に対する活性化自由エネルギー,DSC測定を指標にして明らかにした。リゾチームはDMSO低濃度(x2 =0.05)において安定化を示し,x2=0.3 ~0.4 における構造崩壊に伴い,[h],vo,DμO*3が増加した。二成分溶液での過剰熱力学量に反映されるように水‐DMSO間の強い水素結合により水‐リゾチームの相互作用が影響を受け構造転移に至ったものと思われる。また,見かけのリゾチームの部分比容はリゾチームとDMSO濃度に大きく依存しており,選択的な水和や溶媒和の存在を示唆している。これらの結果は二成分溶液中のタンパク質の熱力学量が構造崩壊に伴うタンパク質のパッキングや表面積変化に伴う溶媒との相互作用変化を敏感に反映していることを示している。
  • Kunihiko Gekko; Mariko Araga; Tadashi Kamiyama; Eiji Ohmae; Kazuyuki Akasaka
    BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 144 (1-2) 67 - 71 0301-4622 2009/09 
    There are some theoretical arguments related to interpreting the adiabatic compressibility (beta(s)) of a protein determined from the sound velocity and the difference between beta(s) and isothermal compressibility (beta(T)). To address these problems experimentally, we constructed a high-pressure oscillating densitometer and used it to measure the apparent specific volume of bovine serum albumin as a function of pressure (0.1-78 MPa) and temperature (5-35 degrees C). The beta(T) determined from plots of the apparent specific volume vs. pressure was slightly larger than beta(s) at all temperatures examined, with the difference between the two compressibilities increasing as the temperature was decreased. Only at room temperature did the observed beta(T) agree with those estimated from beta(s) using the heat capacity and the thermal expansibility of the protein, suggesting that there are significant as-yet-unknown mechanisms that affect protein compressibility. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Kamiyama; H. L. Liu; T. Kimura
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 95 (2) 353 - 359 1388-6150 2009/02 
    To reveal the denaturation mechanism of lysozyme by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), thermal stability of lysozyme and its preferential solvation by DMSO in binary solutions of water and DMSO was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and using densities of ternary solutions of water (1), DMSO (2) and lysozyme (3) at 298.15 K. A significant endothermic peak was observed in binary solutions of water and DMSO except for a solution with a mole fraction of DMSO (x (2)) of 0.4. As x (2) was increased, the thermal denaturation temperature T (m) decreased, but significant increases in changes in enthalpy and heat capacity for denaturation, Delta H (cal) and Delta C (p), were observed at low x (2) before decreasing. The obtained amount of preferential solvation of lysozyme by DMSO (a,g (2)/a,g (3)) was about 0.09 g g(-1) at low x (2), indicating that DMSO molecules preferentially solvate lysozyme at low x (2). In solutions with high x (2), the amount of preferential solvation (a,g (2)/a,g (3)) decreased to negative values when lysozyme was denatured. These results indicated that DMSO molecules do not interact directly with lysozyme as denaturants such as guanidine hydrochloride and urea do. The DMSO molecules interact indirectly with lysozyme leading to denaturation, probably due to a strong interaction between water and DMSO molecules.
  • Kristian Boehm; Jessica Guddorf; Alexander Albers; Tadashi Kamiyama; Susanne Fetzner; H. -J. Hinz
    BIOCHEMISTRY AMER CHEMICAL SOC 47 (27) 7116 - 7126 0006-2960 2008/07 
    Thermodynamic stability parameters and the equilibrium unfolding mechanism of HiS(6)HodC69S, a mutant of 1H-3-hydroxy-4-oxoquinaldine 2,4-dioxygenase (Hod) having a Cys to Ser exchange at position 69 and an N-terminal hexahistidine tag (HiS(6)HodC69S), have been derived from isothermal unfolding studies using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) or urea as denaturants. The conformational changes were monitored by following changes in circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and dynamic light scattering (DLS), and the resulting transition curves were analyzed on the basis of a sequential three-state model N = I = D. The structural changes have been correlated to catalytic activity, and the contribution to stability of the disulfide bond between residues C37 and C184 in the native protein has been established. A prominent result of the present study is the finding that, independent of the method used for denaturing the protein, the unfolding mechanism always comprises three states which can be characterized by, within error limits, identical sets of thermodynamic parameters. Apparent deviations from three-state unfolding can be rationalized by the inability of a spectroscopic probe to discriminate clearly between native, intermediate, and unfolded ensembles. This was the case for the CD-monitored urea unfolding curve.
  • T. Kimura; M. Fujisawa; Y. Nakano; T. Kamiyama; T. Otsu; M. Maeda; S. Takagi
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 90 (2) 581 - 585 1388-6150 2007/11 
    The enthalpies of transfer 2-propanol, 1,2-butanediol (BD) and 1-hexanol from aqueous to aqueous a-cyclodextrin (CD) solutions have been determined by microcalorimetry at various mole fractions at 298.15 K. To clarify stabilities of inclusion complexes in aqueous solutions, hydration Gibbs energies calculation of inclusion complex of CD-alcohol were performed by using the molecular mechanics with the MMFF94s force field in the generalized bom/surface area (GB/SA) model. The largest stabilization in Gibbs energy is obtained by the hydration (Delta H-hyd) of alpha-CD-1,2-butanediol complex among alpha-CD- butanediol isomers complexes.
  • T. Kimura; Y. Takahashi; T. Kamiyama; M. Fujisawa
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 88 (2) 587 - 595 1388-6150 2007/05 
    Excess enthalpies (H-E) of 17 binary mixtures of o- and m-isomers of dichlorobenzene, difluorobenzene, methoxymethylbenzene, dimethylbenzene, dimethoxybenzene, aminofluorobenzene, fluoronitrobenzene, diethylbenzene, chlorofluorobenzene, fluoroiodobenzene, bromofluorobenzene, chloromethylbenzene, fluoromethylbenzene, bromomethylbenzene, iodomethylbenzene, fluoromethoxybenzene, dibromobenzene at 298.15 K were measured. All excess enthalpies measured were very small, and those of o-+m-isomers of aminofluorobenzene, dibromobenzene and iodomethylbenzene were negative but 14 other binary mixtures of isomers were positive over the whole range of mole fractions. H-E of o-+m-isomers of dimethoxybenzene showed the largest enthalpic instability and those of aminofluorobenzene showed the largest enthalpic stability. There was a correlation between dipole-dipole interaction, dipole-induced dipole interaction or entropies of vaporization and excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution.
  • T. Kimura; T. Kitai; T. Kamiyama; A. Fujisawa
    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 450 (1-2) 91 - 95 0040-6031 2006/11 
    The molar excess enthalpies of 1,2- and 1,3-propanediamine + 1 - or 2-propanol and 1,2- and 1,3-propanediol + 1- or 2-propaneamine have been determined at 298.15 K using a twin-microcalorimeter for a series of runs over the whole range of mole fractions. All excess enthalpies were large exothermic, in particular, the systems of amines + propanediols were more than -5 kJ mol(-1) at the minimum. Primary or secondary alcohols and an-tines showed systematically different enthalpic behaviors. Equilibrium constant K1 expressed in terms of mole fractions and standard enthalpy of the formation of a 1: 1 complex have been evaluated by ideal mixtures of momomeric molecules and their associated complexes. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Kimura; M. A. Khan; T. Kamiyama
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 85 (3) 559 - 565 1388-6150 2006/09 
    Enthalpies of mixing of R- and S-enantiomers of dicarboxylic acids such as 2-methylbutanedioic acid (MBA), 2-hydroxylbutanedioic acid (HBA), 2-methylpentanedioic acid (MPA) and 2-hydroxyl-2-methylbutanedioic acid (HMBA) in ethanol solution have been measured for a large range of mole fraction of heterochiral dicarboxylic acid at 298.15 K. Also densities of ethanol solution of the dicarboxylic acids were determined. Enthalpies of mixing were exothermic for all the concentrations. Enthalpic stabilization on mixing was increased with decreasing concentration of all dicarboxylic acids measured. Sequence of enthalpic stabilization on mixing was MBA mixing was MBA < DHBA < MPA < HMBA < HBS at 0.5 mass%.
  • T. Kimura; M. A. Khan; T. Kamiyama
    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY SPRINGER 85 (3) 575 - 580 1388-6150 2006/09 
    Enthalpies of mixing of R- and S-enantiomers of liquid chiral compounds such as 2-aminohexane, 2-aminoheptane, 2-aminooctane, 2-aminononane, 1-( 4-chlorophenyl)-ethylamine, 1-(4-fluorophenyl) ethylamine, 2-amino-butane- 1-ol have been measured over the whole range of mole fractions at 298.15 K. Mixing of heterochiral liquids observed, realized enthalpic destabilization over entire compositions. The extreme values of enthalpies of mixing and the intermolecular interaction obtained by the molecular mechanics calculations showed a linear correlation, except the few compounds measured.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Mohammed Abdullah Khan; Masakazu Ishii; Tadashi Kamiyama
    CHIRALITY WILEY-LISS 18 (8) 581 - 586 0899-0042 2006/08 
    Enthalpy change on the mixing of R- and S-enantiomers of chiral liquid compounds such as dimethyl malate (1), methyl 3-hydroxylbutanoate (2), 2-butanol (3), ethyl 4-chloro-3-hydroxylbutanoate (4), 1,3,3-trimethylbicycle-[2.2.1]heptan-2-one (5), 3,7-dimethyl-6-octenal (6), and 8-bromo-2,6-dimethyl-2-octene (7) is measured over the entire range of mole fractions at 298.15 K, albeit very small values. The mixing of chiral liquids of R-1 + S-1, R-2 + S-2, R-3 + S-3, R-6 + S-6, and R-7 + S-7 produces enthalpic destabilization over the entire range of mole fractions, while that of R-4 + S-4 and R-5 + S-5 shows enthalpic stabilization over entire compositions. Enthalpy change on mixing at an equimolar concentration and the intermolecular interaction obtained by the molecular mechanics calculations show a linear correlation, except for a few compounds measured.
  • T. Kimura; Mohammad A. Khan; Masakazu Ishii; Kana Ueda; Takanori Matsushita; Tadashi Kamiyama; Masao Fujisawa
    Enthalpies of mixing of (R)- and (S)-enantomers of liquid chiral compounds such as benzyl-(1-phenyl-ethyl)-amine (1), 1-phenylethylamine (2), 1-phenyl-ethanol (3), butyric acid oxiranylmethyl ester (4), 4-methyl-[1,3]dioxolan-2-one (5), 2-Chloromethyloxirane (6) and 3-hydroxyisobutyric acid methyl ester (7) have been measured over the whole range of mole fractions at 298.15 K, albeit very small values. Mixing of heterochiral liquids of R-1 + S-1, R-5 + S-5, and R-7 + S-7 realized enthalpic stabilization over the whole range of mole fractions, whereas that of R-2 + S-2, R-3 + S-3, R-4 + S-4, and R-6 + S-6 realized enthalpic destabilization over entire compositions. The extreme values of enthalpies of mixing and the intermolecular interaction obtained by the molecular mechanics calculations showed a linear correlation, except few the compounds measured. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • M Iwakura; K Maki; H Takahashi; T Takenawa; A Yokota; K Katayanagi; T Kamiyama; K Gekko
    We developed a strategy for finding out the adapted variants of enzymes, and we applied it to an enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase ( DHFR), in terms of its catalytic activity so that we successfully obtained several hyperactive cysteine- and methionine-free variants of DHFR in which all five methionyl and two cysteinyl residues were replaced by other amino acid residues. Among them, a variant ( M1A/M16N/M20L/M42Y/C85A/M92F/C152S), named as ANLYF, has an approximately seven times higher k(cat) value than wild type DHFR. Enzyme kinetics and crystal structures of the variant were investigated for elucidating the mechanism of the hyperactivity. Steady-state and transient binding kinetics of the variant indicated that the kinetic scheme of the catalytic cycle of ANLYF was essentially the same as that of wild type, showing that the hyperactivity was brought about by an increase of the dissociation rate constants of tetrahydrofolate from the enzyme-NADPH-tetrahydrofolate ternary complex. The crystal structure of the variant, solved and refined to an R factor of 0.205 at 1.9-A resolution, indicated that an increased structural flexibility of the variant and an increased size of the N-( p-aminobenzoyl)-L-glutamate binding cleft induced the increase of the dissociation constant. This was consistent with a large compressibility ( volume fluctuation) of the variant. A comparison of folding kinetics between wild type and the variant showed that the folding of these two enzymes was similar to each other, suggesting that the activity enhancement of the enzyme can be attained without drastic changes of the folding mechanism.
  • Thermodynamic properties of D- and L-tartaric acid in aqueous and ethanol solution at 298.15 K
    木村 隆良; Mohammed Abdullah Khan; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫
    J. Chem. Eng. Data American Chemical Society 51 (4) 909 - 913 2006/04 
    298.15 Kにおける D- および L-酒石酸水溶液及びエタノール溶液の混合エンタルピーを決定し、その濃度変化ならびに安定性について溶媒効果をしらべた。また溶液中おける酒石酸の分子充填の様子を明らかにした。(英文)
  • Excess enthalpies of { Methyl Methylthiomethyl Sulfoxide + (CnH2n+1OH, n=4~12)} and {Dimethyl Sulfoxide +(CnH2n+1OH, n=4~12) } at 298.15 K
    木村 隆良; 松下隆宣; 水野浩也; 上林正尚; 藤澤 雅夫; 神山 匡; 高木定夫; 桃木町男; 利康義雄
    Thermochimica Acta Elsevia 424 83 - 90 2004/11 
    Excess enthalpies of nine mixtures between methyl methylthiomethyl sulfoxide (MMTSO) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and each of aliphatic alcohols{CH3(CH2)nOH, n=3 to 11} have been determined at 298.15 K. All the systems show the positive enthalpies over the whole range of mole fraction. Excess enthalpies of MMTSO + alcohols are larger than that of DMSO + alcohols and increased with increasing the number of methylene groups of alcohols. The excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution of butane-1-ol showed the boundary between the two linear relationships obtained between those of MMTSO or DMSO and dipole-dipole interaction of aliphatic alcohols{CH3(CH2)nOH, n=0 to 11}-sulfoxides.
  • T Kimura; T Matsushita; T Kamiyama; S Takagi
    JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA AMER CHEMICAL SOC 49 (4) 1046 - 1051 0021-9568 2004/07 
    Excess enthalpies of binary mixtures between each of {CH3(CH2)(n)CN (n = 5-12)} and methyl methylthiomethyl sulfoxide or dimethyl sulfoxide have been determined at 298.15 K. All mixtures show positive enthalpy changes over the whole range of mote fractions. Excess enthalpies of the mixtures of nitriles increased with increasing size of the aliphatic groups. The increments of dipole interaction terms of mu(1)(2)mu(2)(2)(r(1) + r(2))(-6) on excess partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution showed different behavior on the border of pentanenitrile.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Takanori Matsushita; Tadashi Kamiyama
    Journal of Solution Chemistry springer 33 (6-7) 875 - 886 0095-9782 2004/06 
    The enthalpies of solution of aliphatic compounds [{aliphatic amine, H(CH 2) nNH 2, n = 3 to 10}, aliphatic benzene {H(CH 2) nC 6H 5, n = 0 to 8}, and alkane {H(CH 2) nH, n = 6 to 10}] in dimethyl sulfoxide have been measured at 298.15 K in the low concentration range from x = 5 × 10 -6 to x = 0.002. The partial molar enthalpies at infinite dilution of each aliphatic compound were determined and were found to increase linearly with increasing number of methylene groups. The enthalpic group contribution of methylene, phenyl, methyl, hydroxyl, nitrile, and amine in aliphatic compounds were 1.55, 2.65, 3.81, -2.55, -3.71, and -4.43 kJ-mol -1, respectively.
  • T Kimura; T Matsushita; T Kamiyama
    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 416 (1-2) 129 - 134 0040-6031 2004/06 
    Enthalpies of solution of aliphatic alcohols {CH3(CH2)(n)OH, n = 0-10} and aliphatic nitrites {CH3(CH2)(n)CN, n = 0-12} in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been determined at 298.15 K for the mole fraction range 5 x 10(-5) to 0.002. In all cases enthalpies of solution were found to be positive. Partial molar enthalpies of solution at infinite dilution were derived. Linear relations between the limiting excess partial molar enthalpies and the number of methylene groups were found for both groups of compounds investigated. McMillan-Mayer's parameters, h(xx) and h(xxx), showed unfavorable and favorable interactions, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Kimura; T Matsushita; K Ueda; F Aktar; T Matsuda; T Kamiyama; M Fujisawa
    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 414 (2) 209 - 214 0040-6031 2004/05 [Refereed]
    Enthalpies of mixing of (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of liquid chiral compounds such as heptane-2-ol, octane-2-ol, nonane-2-ol, 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol and 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol have been measured over a range of mole fractions at 298.15 K, albeit very small values. Mixing of heterochiral liquids of heptane-2-ol, octane-2-ol, nonane-2-ol, 3-chloro-propane-1,2-diol, realized enthalpic destabilization over the whole range of mole fractions, whereas that of 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol realized enthalpic stabilization over entire compositions. The maximum values of enthalpies of mixing and the intermolecular interaction of cohesive energy density and entropy of vaporization showed a linear correlation except for the compounds having two chiral centers and others. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Enthalpy changes on mixing two couples of S- and R-enantiomers of heptane-2-ol, octane-2-ol, nonane-2-ol, 3-chloro-propane-1,2-diol, 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol at 298.15 K
    木村 隆良; 松下隆宣; 植田佳奈; 松田哲雄; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫; Farida AKTAR
    Thermochimica Acta Elsevier 405 129 - 139 2004/05 
    Enthalpies of mixing of (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of liquid chiral compounds such as heptane-2-ol, octane-2-ol, nonane-2-ol, 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol and 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol have been measured over a range of mole fractions at 298.15 K, albeit very small values. Mixingof heterochiral liquids of heptane-2-ol, octane-2-ol, nonane-2-ol, 3-chloro-propane-1,2-diol, realized enthalpic destabilization over the wholerange of mole fractions, whereas that of 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol realized enthalpic stabilization over entire compositions. The maximum values of enthalpies of mixing and the intermolecular interaction of cohesive energy density and entropy of vaporization showed a linearcorrelation except for the compounds having two chiral centers and others.
  • Takayoshi Kimura; Yuichi Kasai; Tomohide Tsujimoto; Emi Kawamura; Tadashi Kamiyama; Hatsumi Aki
    J. Mass. Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan 51 (2) 242 - 246 1340-8097 2003 [Refereed]
    Thermal behaviors of the inclusion compounds of deoxycholic acid with methanol, ethanol, propane-1-ol, propane-2-ol, and butane-1-ol have been studied by TG-DTA-MS and DSC. Liberation processes of guest molecules from their inclusion compounds of methanol, ethanol were carried out in a single step. Those of propanols and butane-1-ol from the corresponding inclusion compounds proceed in complicated steps. The elimination temperatures, enthalpies and the activation enthalpies of eliminations have been determined by TG, DSC, and MS.
  • K Gekko; T Kamiyama; E Ohmae; K Katayanagi
    The partial specific volume (v(o)) and adiabatic compressibility (beta(s)(o)) of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) are largely influenced by binding ligands (DHF, THF, NADPH, NADP+, and methotrexate) and single amino acid substitutions at Gly67, Gly121, and Ala145 located in three flexible loops (18 mutants). The variations in v(o) and beta(s)(o) are mainly ascribed to the amount of cavity with a minor contribution of hydration (solvent accessible surface area). The beta(s)(o) of DHFR changes alternatively by binding or releasing the coenzyme and substrate. A mutant with a large beta(s)(o) value shows high enzymatic activity. These results demonstrate that a small alteration in the local structure due to ligand binding and mutation is dramatically magnified in the overall protein dynamics to affect the function, possibly via modification of cavity or long range interactions.


Books and other publications

  • 化学便覧 基礎編 改訂6版
    (Contributor10.6.3 熱的性質・希釈エンタルピー・生体関連物質)日本化学会・丸善 2021/01
  • 熱量測定・熱分析ハンドブック 第3版
    神山 匡 (Contributorタンパク質の安定性(DSC)-安定化剤-; 糖と低分子の結合(ITC))丸善出版 2020/08
  • Journal of Japanese Scientists
    KAMIYAMA Tadashi (Contributorシクロデキストリンの包接におけるエントロピーの役割)本の泉社 2019/03

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • タンパク質の構造・熱安定性に及ぼす添加物の影響  [Invited]
    神山 匡
    熱・エントロピー科学シンポジウム(STES2019)  2019/06
  • Cytochrome cおよびBSAの熱安定性に及ぼすシクロデキストリンの包接効果  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 木村 隆良
  • Effects of cyclodextrin on thermal stability of cytochrome c and Bovine serum albumin  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 木村 隆良
    ICTAC15  2012/08  ICTAC15
    神山 匡; 木村 隆良
    5th Internationa Symposium on Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions  2012/01  Nara  5th Internationa Symposium on Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions
  • Stability and unfolding of 1H-3-Hydroxy-4-oxoquinaldine 2,4-Dioxygenase.  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; J. Guddorf; A. Albers; S. Fetzner; H.-J. Hinz
    日本生物物理学会  2007/12  横浜  日本生物物理学会
  • Stability and unfolding of 1H-3-Hydroxy-4-oxoquinaldine 2,4-Dioxygenase.  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; J. Guddorf; A. Albers; S. Fetzner; H.-J. Hinz
    日本熱測定学会  2007/10  札幌  日本熱測定学会
  • リゾチームの熱安定性に及ぼす修飾化シクロデキストリンの添加効果  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 木村 隆良
    日本熱測定学会  2007/10  札幌  日本熱測定学会
  • The degradation process of protein in aqueous solution by microcalorimeter  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 戸島 由実
    日本熱測定学会 第41回シンポジウム  2006/03  近畿大学(大阪)  日本熱測定学会 第41回シンポジウム
    In order to research the protein and preserve the food, it is very important to observe and prevent putrefaction (degradation) of these substances. In this study, the degradation process of proteins in aqueous solutions were measured by microcalorimeter, UV, CD, and viscosimetry at 298.15 K and thermodynamic and kinetic analyses of the degradation were performed.
  • Study of destabilization of protein by cyclodextrin as revealed by interactions of cyclodextrin and amino acids  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 山根 拓也; 北宿 智嗣; 木村 隆良
    日本化学会第86春季年会  2006/03  日本大学(千葉県)  日本化学会第86春季年会
    和文概要:タンパク質水溶液にシクロデキストリンを添加すると タンパク質の安定性が低下する。この不安定化機構を明らかにす るために、アミノ酸とシクロデキストリンの相互作用を体積を指 標にして明らかにした。 英文概要:The stability of protein was decreased by adding of cyclodextrin to the solution. Cyclodextrin destablized protein in aqueous solution.To clarify the mechanism of the destabilization, the interaction of the amino acid and the cyclodextrin was clarified studied as revealed by apparent partial specific volume.
  • Volume changes of Cyclodextrin with amino acids in aqueous solution  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 山根 拓也; 木村 隆良
    PACIFICHEM2005  2005/12  Hawaii  PACIFICHEM2005
    It is important to clarify the molecular identification mechanism and the intermolecular interaction in vivo. The densities of various aqueous alpha- and methyl beta- Cyclodextrin (CD) solutions with 19 kinds of amino acids were respectively measured at 298.15 K. Influences on the molecular recognition by difference in properties of side chain of amino acids were discussed by the obtained molar volume changes of inclusion compounds and the binding constants.
  • TG-DTAを用いた蛋白質の水和・脱水和  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 戸島 由実; 木村 隆良
    日本熱測定学会 第41回熱測定討論会  2005/10  九州大学(福岡)  日本熱測定学会 第41回熱測定討論会
  • Thermodynamic and kinetic study of enzymatic reaction by microcalorimeter  [Not invited]
    戸島 由実; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
    CATS-2005  2005/10  Fukuoka(JAPAN)  CATS-2005
  • Thermodynamic study of metabolic reaction in various aqueous protein solutions  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 戸島 由実; 木村 隆良
    CATS-2005  2005/10  Fukuoka(JAPAN)  CATS-2005
    In researching the preservation of protein and food, it is very important to observe and prevent putrefaction of the substances. Calorimeters with high stability and sensitivity are suitable for measuring slow thermal reactions such as enzyme activity or solid reactions, because the calorimeter can detect total thermal reactions of samples both thermodynamically and kinetically [1,2]. We studied the metabolic reactions in aqueous myoglobin solutions at various conditions by calorimeter and thermodynamic and kinetic analyses of metabolism were also performed [3]. In this study, the metabolic reactions in various aqueous protein solutions were measured by microcalorimeter at 298.15 K and thermodynamic and kinetic analyses of metabolism were performed.
  • Thermal expansion coefficients of inclusion compounds of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrin in aqueous solutions  [Not invited]
    石井 亮太; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
    CATS-2005  2005/10  Fukuoka (JAPAN)  CATS-2005
  • デオキシコール酸包接化合物のTG―MS  [Not invited]
    木村 隆良; 足立祐樹; 中西雄大; 神山 匡
    第52回質量分析総合討論会  2005/06  名古屋市  第52回質量分析総合討論会
  • Highly flexible structure of hyper-active mutant of DHFR as revealed by compressibility  [Not invited]
    月向 邦彦; 神山 匡; 片柳 克夫; 巌倉 正寛
    日本生物物理学会  2004/11  日本生物物理学会
  • DMSO水溶液中におけるリゾチームの変性機構  [Not invited]
    神山 匡
    日本溶液化学会 第27回溶液化学シンポジウム プレシンポジウム  2004/11  東京電機大学(埼玉)  日本溶液化学会 第27回溶液化学シンポジウム プレシンポジウム
    タンパク質の立体構造形成や安定性において溶媒は重要な役割を担っている。本研究では水と任意の比率で混合し、水と強い相互作用を示す非電離性両親媒性溶媒のジメチルスルフォキシド(DMSO)を用い、さまざまなDMSOモル分率中におけるリゾチームの構造変化を蛍光スペクトル、密度、粘度測定を用いて298.15 Kにおいて観測し、DMSO変性にともなうリゾチームの部分比容、固有粘度、粘性流動に関する活性化自由エネルギーを決定すると共に、選択的溶媒和量変化を用いてリゾチームのDMSO変性機構を考察した。
  • 水溶液中でのシクロデキストリン空洞へのニトリルの包接に伴うエンタルピーおよびエントロピー変化  [Not invited]
    木村 隆良; 雪山 聖; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫
    第22回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム  2004/09  熊本市  第22回シクロデキストリンシンポジウム
    野口耕一; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
    18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics  2004/08  Beijing, China  18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
  • Enthalpies of mixing of d- and l- tartaric acid in aqueous and ethanol solution  [Not invited]
    木村 隆良; Abdulla Khan; 神山 匡
    18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics  2004/08  Beijing, China  18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
    神山 匡; 戸島 由実; 松下 隆宣; 木村 隆良
    IUPAC ICCT-2004  2004/08  Peking  IUPAC ICCT-2004
    The high sensitive and stable calorimeter is suitable for measuring slow thermal reactions like an enzyme activity or a solid reaction. Such slow reactions can sensitively reflect so many complicated molecular interactions and conformational changes although it may be difficult to quantitatively divide the differences of the interactions. In this work, the slow reactions which were occurred in myoglobin aqueous solutions were measured at 298.15 K and thermodynamic and kinetic study about the slow reactions were carried out. Aqueous solutions of myoglobin were measured by a twin micro-calorimeter of heat conduction type (Thermal Activity Monitor) with a sealed glass cell for solution. Myoglobin solutions were prepared by dissolving with water and/or hydrochloric acid. The slow reactions were measured under various conditions such as pH and volume of solution (V), concentration of myoglobin (c), and incubation temperature.
    木村 隆良; 北井良子; 神山 匡
    18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics  2004/08  Beijing, China  18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
    松下隆宣; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
    18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics  2004/08  Beijing, China  18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
    乾 真也; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
    18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics  2004/08  Beijing, China  18th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
  • 水溶液中でのα‐シクロデキストリン+ブタンジオール包接化合物の熱力学的性質  [Not invited]
    木村 隆良; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫
    日本化学会第84春季年会  2004/03  関西学院大学 西宮市  日本化学会第84春季年会
  • 脂肪族アセテート+FAMSO,+DMSO 系の混合熱  [Not invited]
    松下隆宣; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
    日本化学会第84春季年会  2004/03  関西学院大学 西宮市  日本化学会第84春季年会
  • デオキシコール酸-ブタノール系包接化合物の溶解熱  [Not invited]
    野口 耕一; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
    日本化学会第84春季年会  2004/03  関西学院大学 西宮市  日本化学会第84春季年会
  • アミン+アルコールの三成分溶液下における過剰エンタルピー  [Not invited]
    林 英貴; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • a-ラクトアルブミンの構造変化と柔軟性の相関  [Not invited]
    石田 将忠; 丸谷 智迦津; 神山 匡
  • 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazorium iodide水溶液の過剰熱力学量  [Not invited]
    吉田 祥; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • タンパク質の圧縮率に与えるイオン液体の効果  [Not invited]
    下谷 一貴; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • Thermodynamic properties of aggregate state of proteins in dioxane aqueous Solutions  [Not invited]
    Tadashi KAMIYAMA; Takashi INOMATA; Takayoshi KIMURA
  • Excess enthalpies of propylamine and alcohol isomers  [Not invited]
    Hidetaka Hayashi; Tadashi Kamiyama; Takayoshi Kimura
  • Volume fluctuation of protein in ionic liquid aqueous solutions at various temperatures  [Not invited]
    Kazuki Shimotani; Takashi Inomata; Takayoshi Kimura; Tadashi Kamiyama
  • Stability of protein in ionic liquids at various mole fraction  [Not invited]
    Madoka Okabe; Toshiki Miki; Takayoshi Kimura; Tadashi Kamiyama
  • 水中におけるイオン液体+シクロデキストリン+タンパク質間相互作用  [Not invited]
    林 英貴; 三木 稔生; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • プロピルアミン+アルコール異性体の過剰エンタルピー  [Not invited]
    林 英貴; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • ジオキサン水溶液中におけるタンパク質の凝集体形成機構  [Not invited]
    丸谷 智迦津; 福本 彩華; 猪股 孝史; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • a-Lactalbuminのソルビトール誘起モルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究  [Not invited]
    丸谷 智迦津; 石田 将忠; 森 麻由香; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide及びCyclodextrin水溶液中でのタンパク質の熱安定性  [Not invited]
    岡部 円香; 三木 稔生; 田口 真依帆; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • 高圧下における三成分溶液の等温圧縮率  [Not invited]
    下谷 一貴; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • 溶解熱測定によるタンパク質の構造転移熱測定  [Not invited]
    花岡 洸樹; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
  • イオン液体+水系の過剰熱力学量  [Not invited]
    吉田 祥; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
  • 第2族金属塩水和物結晶の脱水機構  [Not invited]
    吉田 祥; 宮地 敏浩; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
  • 低モル分率イオン液体水溶液中におけるタンパク質の体積−圧力相関  [Not invited]
    下谷 一貴; 神山 匡
  • ミオグロビンのソルビトール誘起モルテングロビュール  [Not invited]
    丸谷 智迦津; 加藤 大; 浜田 拓也; 木村 隆良; 神山 匡
  • FAMSO+プロパノール系の蒸気圧  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 高橋雅; 西沢諒太; 神山匡; 藤沢雅夫
  • 胆汁酸-水-包接化合物の熱分析  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 岡部円香; 山口慎太郎; 神山匡
  • Aspergillusoryzaeの熱測定  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 小林直矢; 水田直樹; 神山匡; 藤澤雅夫
  • ペンタノール+プロピルアミン系の混合エンタルピー  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 中山庄太郎; 林英貴; 神山匡; 藤澤雅夫
  • 第2族塩化物水和結晶の脱水過程  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 宮地敏浩; 吉田祥; 神山匡
  • Methyl-b-Cyclodextrin水溶液中におけるアミノ酸の溶解度  [Not invited]
    濱千拡; 北株慎士; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • 生体高分子の構造および安定性に及ぼす糖添加効果  [Not invited]
    加藤圭一; 五百旗頭孝之; 加藤大; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • 等温圧縮率を指標としたイオン液体水溶液中におけるタンパク質の体積揺らぎ  [Not invited]
    下谷一貴; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • 1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumiodide+水+タンパク質の断熱圧縮率および熱膨張率  [Not invited]
    金川奈央; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • リモネン+アルコール系の混合エンタルピー  [Not invited]
    木村隆良; 小菅友理; 神山匡; 藤澤雅夫
  • 溶液中におけるキラルフェンコンのエンタルピー識別  [Not invited]
    冨樫平; 神山匡; 藤澤雅夫; 木村隆良
  • シクロデキストリン及びイオン液体水溶液中におけるタンパク質の熱安定性  [Not invited]
    三木稔生; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • ミオグロビンのソルビトール誘起モルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究  [Not invited]
    丸谷智迦津; 神山匡; 加藤大; 浜田拓也; 木村隆良
  • Enthalpic descrimination of chiral fenchones in various solutions  [Not invited]
    H. Togashi; T. Kamiyama; M. Fujisawa; T. Kimura
    The 7th international and the 9th China-Japan Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis(China)
  • Thermal stability of proteins in Cyclodextrin and Ionic liquid aqueous solutions  [Not invited]
    Toshiki MIKI; Tadashi KAMIYAMA; Takayoshi KIMURA
    The 7th international and the 9th China-Japan Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis(China)
  • Thermodynamic properties of sorbitol-induced molten globule state of Myoglobin  [Not invited]
    Tomokadu MARUTANI; Tadashi KAMIYAMA; Dai KATO; Takuya HAMADA; Takayoshi KIMURA
    The 7th international and the 9th China-Japan Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis(China)
  • Dehydration of alkali-earth metal chloride hydrates  [Not invited]
    T. Kimura; T. Miyaji; S. Yoshida; T. Kamiyama
    The 7th international and the 9th China-Japan Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis(China)
  • Mechanism of Denaturation and Aggregate Formation of Proteins in Dioxane Aqueous Solutions  [Not invited]
    Tadashi KAMIYAMA; Takashi INOMATA; Takayoshi KIMURA
    International Conference of Chemical Thermodynamics 2014(南アフリカ)
  • ソルビトール誘起モルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的研究/  [Not invited]
    丸谷 智迦津; 加藤大; 浜田 拓也; 木村隆良; 神山匡
  • Cyclodextrin及び1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide水溶液中におけるタンパク質の熱安定  [Not invited]
    三木 稔生; 木村隆良; 神山匡
  • FAMSO + 脂肪族アルコール系における熱力学的研究  [Not invited]
    高橋雅; 山口淳; 神山匡; 藤澤 雅夫; 脇坂昭弘; 木村隆良
  • 構造異性体中における光学活性リモネンのキラル認識  [Not invited]
    小菅 友理; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫; 木村 隆良
  • 水溶液中でのα-シクロデキストリン+ブタン化合物の包接化機構  [Not invited]
    辻川 哲史; 藤江 智之; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫; 木村 隆良
  • ジオキサン水溶液中におけるタンパク質の変性と凝集体形成機構  [Not invited]
    猪股 孝史; 神山 匡; 木村 隆良
  • ソルビトール誘起モルテングロビュール状態の熱力学的及び速度論的性質  [Not invited]
    神山 匡; 加藤 大; 木村 隆良
  • 様々な溶媒中におけるキラルフェンコンの相互作用について  [Not invited]
    冨樫 平; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫; 木村 隆良
  • ブチルアミン+ブタノール系の混合エンタルピー  [Not invited]
    木村 隆良; 鈴木 辰規; 神山 匡; 藤澤 雅夫
  • タンパク質の熱変性における部分比容、断熱圧縮率、熱膨張率  [Not invited]
    高岡徹郎; 浜田拓也; 木村隆良; 神山匡
  • シクロデキストリン+タンパク質+メチルオレンジ・ヨウ素系における包接機構  [Not invited]
    丸谷智迦津; 木村隆良; 神山匡
  • タンパク質の熱安定性に及ぼすシクロデキストリンの包接効果  [Not invited]
    三木稔生; 五百旗頭孝之; 木村隆良; 神山 匡
    Tadashi Kamiyama
    The 5th International Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials(Yokohama)
  • Effects of Cyclodextrin on Stability of Proteins  [Not invited]
    Tadashi Kamiyama
    3rd European Conference on Cyclodextrins (Turky)
  • シクロデキストリン+メチルオレンジ+ヨウ素系における包接機構  [Not invited]
    丸谷智迦津; 神山匡; 木村隆良
  • 球状タンパク質の熱安定性に及ぼすMe-β-CDの包接効果  [Not invited]
    三木稔生; 神山匡; 木村隆良

Affiliated academic society

  • イオン液体研究会   溶液化学研究会   生物物理学会   日本化学会   シクロデキストリン学会   蛋白質科学会   日本熱測定学会   

Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2010 
    Author : 神山 匡
    蛋白質の揺らぎは機能を発現する上で重要な要因であり、その定量化が望まれている。本研究では蛋白質の構造的な体積揺らぎを反映する等温圧縮率を決定するために、高温・高圧での密度測定(10^<-6>g/cm^3)が可能な装置の開発と改良および測定を行った。 【装置改良】新たな試料導入口の設置と圧媒体に水を使用することにより、測定試料量を25mlから4mlへの減量化に成功した。この減量化により、希少サンプルの測定が可能となった。【等温圧縮率測定】改良した高温・高圧密度計を用いて球状蛋白質(Bovine Albumin、Chicken Albumin、Lysozyme)、アミノ酸(Proline、Glutamic acid)、糖(Cyclodextrin)の水溶液における高温・高圧密度測定を行い、各温度における等温圧縮率を決定した。Prolineの等温圧縮率は負であったが、他の溶質は正の圧縮率を示しており、立体構造の形成に伴う内部の空間(cavity)が圧縮スペースになっていることが分かった。タンパク質の等温圧縮率は断熱圧縮率(文献値)よりも大きい傾向があり、圧縮率から求まる25℃における体積揺らぎは、全体積のおよそ0.22-0.38%に相当することがわかった。等温圧縮率は温度と共に増加し、また、体積揺らぎの割合は分子量が大きいほど小さくなっており、熱振動に由来する揺らぎとcavityに由来する揺らぎが存在することが示唆された。【熱膨張率測定】高度分岐環状デキストリンの熱膨張率は球状蛋白質の数倍であったことから、蛋白質は糖鎖よりも分子内相互作用が強く、熱的振動の影響を受けにくいことが分かった。
  • タンパク質の機能・構造相関に関する熱力学的研究
  • Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between conformation and function of protein
    Cooperative Research