Department of Information and Computer ScienceProfessor/Manager

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • モバイルネットワーク   IoT   

Research Field

  • Informatics / Information networks



  • 2019/04 - Today  Kindai University産業理工学部Professor
  • 2016/10 - 2019/03  国際電気通信基礎技術研究所 広帯域ワイヤレス研究室 室長
  • 1982/04 - 2019/03  KDDI株式会社
  • 2010/10 - 2016/09  KDDI研究所 スマートワイヤレスG グループリーダー
  • 2008/04 - 2010/09  トヨタ自動車株式会社IT・ITS企画部主任

Member History

  • 2019/04 - Today   KES   Members of the KES Journal Board of Reviewers
  • 2009/04 - Today   International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems   Program Committee and Session Co-Chair

■Research activity information


  • 2018/09 SECURWARE 2018 Best Paper Award
    受賞者: Toshihiko Kato;Shihan Cheng;Ryo Yamamoto;Satoshi Ohzahata;Nobuo Suzuki
  • 2011/01 情報処理学会高度交通システム研究会 優秀論文賞
    受賞者: 鈴木信雄;金井秀樹;林康博;見並一明;小林亜令


  • Nobuo Suzuki
    Procedia Computer Science Elsevier BV 225 712 - 719 1877-0509 2023/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Toshiyuki Maeyama; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Akio Hasegawa; Hiroyuki Yokoyama
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEE Japan) 143 (8) 778 - 785 0385-4221 2023/08 [Refereed]
  • Keiichi Takahashi; Nobuo Suzuki
    Procedia Computer Science Elsevier BV 207 1562 - 1570 1877-0509 2022/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kentaro Tajiri; Miyu Sato
    Procedia Computer Science Elsevier BV 207 343 - 350 1877-0509 2022/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Akio Hasegawa; Hiroyuki Yokoyama; Toshiyuki Maeyama
    2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) IEEE 2022/01 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Taiga Harada; Takuya Fujihata
    Procedia Computer Science Elsevier BV 192 2115 - 2121 1877-0509 2021/09 [Refereed]
  • 中村徹; ウェルデルファエル B テスファイ; バネッサ ブラカモンテ; 清本晋作; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会論文誌 62 (1) 332 - 345 2021/01 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Hiromi Matsuno; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Toshinori Suzuki
    2020 23rd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) IEEE 2020/10 [Refereed]
  • 鈴木信雄; 松野宏己; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木利則
    Technical Journal of Advanced Mobility 1 (1) 24 - 31 2020/04 [Refereed]
  • Toru Nakamura; Andrew A. Adams; Kiyoshi Murata; Shinsaku Kiyomoto; Nobuo Suzuki
    Journal of Information Processing Information Processing Society of Japan 27 787 - 801 2019/12 [Refereed]
  • Tatsuya Yoshioka; Nobuo Suzuki; Toshiyuki Maeyama; Hiroyuki Yokoyama
    The 22nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications IEEE 2019/11 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Toshiyuki Maeyama
    2019 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM) IEEE 2019/08 [Refereed]
  • Toshihiko Kato; Adhikari Diwakar; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    Proceedings of the International Conferences Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2019; and Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2019 IADIS Press 2019/07 [Refereed]
  • Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Eavesdropping Protection Method over MPTCP Using Data Scrambling and Path Dispersion
    Toshihiko Kato; Shihan Cheng; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    International Journal on Advances in Security 12 (1&2) 69 - 78 2019/06 [Refereed]
  • Performance Evaluation of MultiPath TCP Congestion Control
    Toshihiko Kato; Adhikari Diwakar; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    The 18th International Conference on Networks 2019/03 [Refereed]
  • Kazuya Okada; Shigeru Kashihara; Yoshihisa Kondo; Nobuo Suzuki; Hiroyuki Yokoyama
    2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) IEEE 2019/01 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Hiroki Hosoi; Toshiyuki Maeyama
    2018 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM) IEEE 2018/12 [Refereed]
  • Morihiko Tamai; Akio Hasegawa; Nobuo Suzuki
    2018 21st International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) IEEE 182 - 187 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • D2Dリレー通信におけるD2D区間の通信品質情報通知法
    山口明; 北川幸一郎; 堅岡良知; 趙兵選; 新保宏之; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会第26回マルチメディア通信と分散処理ワークショップ D (5) 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • Implementation of Eavesdropping Protection Method over MPTCP Using Data Scrambling and Path Dispersion
    Toshihiko Kato; Shihan Cheng; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    The 12th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies 108 - 113 2018/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Tatsuya Yoshioka
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. 126 1434 - 1441 2018/09 [Refereed]
  • Kazuya Okada; Shigeru Kashihara; Nao Kawanishi; Nobuo Suzuki; Keizo Sugiyama; Youki Kadobayashi
    Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Theory and Practice for Integrated Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing Paradigms ACM 29 (34) 2018/07 [Refereed]
  • Proposal and Study on Implementation of Data Eavesdropping Protection Method over Multipath TCP Communication Using Data Scrambling and Path Dispersion
    Toshihiko Kato; Shihan Cheng,; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    International Journal on Advances in Security 11 (1&2) 118 - 126 2018/06 [Refereed]
  • Toshihiko Kato; Adhikari Diwakar; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag 746 614 - 624 2194-5357 2018 [Refereed]
    Recently, the multipath transport protocol such as Multipath TCP becomes increasingly important. It allows more than one TCP connections via different paths to compose one Multipath TCP communication. However, it has some problems when those paths have different delay. Especially, the limited buffer space at either sender or receiver may degrade the throughput due to head-of-line blocking. Our previous paper pointed out that insufficient send socket buffer and receive socket buffer provide different situations of performance degradation, and that insufficient send socket buffer gives poorer throughput. This paper extends the performance analysis of our previous paper in the conditions with various combinations of send socket buffer size and transmission delay. It gives more detailed analysis using Multipath TCP level sequence number and congestion window size, and suggests the reasons for performance degradation.
  • Tatsuya Yoshioka; Hiromi Matsuno; Nobuo Suzuki; Keizo Sugiyama
    2017 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO) IEEE 230 - 233 2017/11
  • Verification of Dynamic Frequency Sharing System with Wideband Sensing for 5G
    Nobuo Suzuki; Hiromi Matsuno; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Morihiko Tamai; Masaki Kitsunezuka; Kazuaki Kunihiro; Shota Yamashita; Koji Yamamoto; Yuki Koizumi; Toru Hasegawa
    The 4th International Workshop on Smart Wireless Communications (4) 2017/10 [Refereed]
  • Protecting Eavesdropping over Multipath TCP Communication Based on Not-Every-Not-Any Protection
    Toshihiko Kato; Shihan Cheng; Ryo Yamamoto; Satoshi Ohzahata; Nobuo Suzuki
    11th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies 87 - 92 2017/09 [Refereed]
  • Masanori Yofune; Suto Masayuki; Yasuharu Amezawa; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Nobuo Suzuki
    IEICE Communications Express The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 6 (7) 454 - 459 2017/07 [Refereed]

    Future 5th generation (5G) mobile system is required to accommodate a huge amount of mobile data traffic with different quality of services (QoS) in a large number of devices. To realize 5G system, a new waveform such as generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) has been researched. In this paper, we propose a proportional fair (PF) scheduling method considering the delay budget of users for the coexistence system of GFDM and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). From computer simulation, we show that the proposed method can improve the average delay time for users of small delay budget without large degradation of system throughput.

  • Power Estimation by Power Contour to Monitor Sharable Frequency with Mobile Phone Sensors
    Nobuo Suzuki; Hiromi Matsuno; Keizo Sugiyama
    IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (89) 2017/03 [Refereed]
  • Power Allocation for Uplink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G
    Roya Rezagah; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Nobuo Suzuki
    IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (81) 2017/03 [Refereed]
  • Azuma Hiroki; Fujita Yoshikatsu; Suzuki Nobuo; Matsuodani Tohru; Tsuda Kazuhiko
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 137 (3) 513 - 520 0385-4221 2017/03 [Refereed]
    Payment after delivery is a distinctive feature in the Japanese mail order system. The customer under payment after delives pays based on the payment form included in the packaging of the product after receiving the product. It gives peace of mind to customers, and so increases the revenue of the mail order operators. On the other hand, it may causes payment delays and irrecoverable debt. The increase of irrecoverable debt is a concern for stakeholders. Mail order operators are required to perform more effective and efficient credit management. They need to know the deposit rate at early stage and manage the cost appropriately. Firstly, this paper investigates the verification of dunning effect to difference in the customer deposit situation depending on whether they make demands. Next, it proposes a method of predicting the deposit rate based on the accumulation of deposits from the customer with actual data.
  • Hiroki Azuma; Yoshikatsu Fujita; Nobuo Suzuki; Tohru Matsuodani; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 137 (3) 513 - 520 1348-8155 2017 [Refereed]
    Payment after delivery is a distinctive feature in the Japanese mail order system. The customer under payment after delives pays based on the payment form included in the packaging of the product after receiving the product. It gives peace of mind to customers, and so increases the revenue of the mail order operators. On the other hand, it may causes payment delays and irrecoverable debt. The increase of irrecoverable debt is a concern for stakeholders. Mail order operators are required to perform more effective and efficient credit management. They need to know the deposit rate at early stage and manage the cost appropriately. Firstly, this paper investigates the verification of dunning effect to difference in the customer deposit situation depending on whether they make demands. Next, it proposes a method of predicting the deposit rate based on the accumulation of deposits from the customer with actual data.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Hiromi Matsuno
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. Elsevier B.V. 112 1396 - 1403 1877-0509 2017 [Refereed]
    IoT devices using radio wave functions continue to significantly increase. Since the frequency resources of radio waves are insufficient, acquiring them is a big problem for 5th generation wireless communication systems. Frequency sharing with radio systems is one of critical techniques to get more frequency resources. Data mining technologies are often used to determine the overall tendencies from some sample data. Frequent sequence mining technology is sometimes used to get the characteristics by a series of data. This study analyzed the characteristics of the radio environments of the ground and the sky in suburban areas using frequent sequence mining technology and identified the differences in the appearance of the sequences of every place and frequency. This study also observed the effects of radio wave fading in a series of high frequent sequences.
  • Push notification system for in-vehicle equipment based on Device-to-Device communication
    Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Nobuo Suzuki
    23th ITS World Congress (AP-TP0077) 2016/10 [Refereed]
  • Feng Lu; Katsuo Yunoki; Nobuo Suzuki
    This paper examines the influence of the human body on the radio propagation characteristics of 60-GHz band mm Wave (millimeter wave) communication systems in terms of the RSSI in the passenger car of bullet trains. We simulated the propagation characteristics of the 60-GHz hand by a ray tracing method and investigated how many mmWave access points are necessary to meet the desired throughput at all the seats in the passenger car under the scenario that passengers enjoy the mmWave service while sitting in their seats. However, under scenarios such as a conductor or several passengers walking along the aisle from end to end through the passenger car, the propagation of min NV:we is easily mitigated by obstructions such as the human body. So it is also important to further investigate to what extent human body movement along the aisle affects the RSSI of the STAs of those passengers sitting in their own seats. This paper first establishes a all simulation model of an ordinary passenger car and a 3D model of the human body. The simulation results numerically show the effect of human body movement and that the negative effect of human body movement can be absorbed if the mm Wave APs are suitably allocated.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 96 939 - 945 1877-0509 2016 [Refereed]
    Smart devices such as smartphones mount the wireless communication. function by standard features. Although this fitnction is necessary in modern society, the wireless devices sometimes have serious radio quality problems. They include connection impossibly and insufficient transmission speed. It takes long time and much human resources to solve such problems with analyzing each wireless device. Machine learning technologies are utilized in data mining issues and provide possible solutions for several problems. An unsupervised learning method especially is able to reduce the cost of collecting right data and analysis because it doesn't need the right data. This study proposes the method identifies wireless devices which have radio quality problems by classifying the devices with an unsupervised learning technology from radio information of Wireless LAN. The evaluation experiment on three kinds of unsupervised learning technology with selecting features of radio quality worsen is also described. Gaussian mixture model showed the highest precision accuracy.
  • Hiroki Azuma; Nobuo Suzuki; Tohru Matsuodani; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    In the Japanese mail order system, there is "payment after delivery." With payment after delivery, the customer pays based on the payment form included in the packaging of the product after receiving the product. Payment after delivery gives peace of mind to customers, and so increases the revenue of the mail order operators. On the other hand, with payment after delivery, payment delays and irrecoverable debt may occur. The increase of irrecoverable debt is a concern for stakeholders. Mail order operators are required to perform more effective and efficient credit management. For this reason, they require a transition in the deposit rate at an early stage. Firstly, in this paper, we investigate differences in the customer deposit situation depending on whether they make demands. Next, we use actual data we propose a method of predicting the deposit rate based on the accumulation of deposits from the customer.
  • Expansion of millimeter wave communication area utilizing effective reflection paths
    Feng Lu; Satoshi Imata; Naoyasu Kamiya; Nobuo Suzuki; Kazunori Takeuchi
    The 4th ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS (EN-A-068) 2015/11 [Refereed]
  • Controlling a wireless LAN communication based on access history of an in-vehicle router
    Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Go Hirakawa; Satoshi Imata; Nobuo Suzuki
    22th ITS World Congress (1841) 2015/10 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 60 792 - 799 1877-0509 2015/09 [Refereed]
    Wireless communication devices such as smartphones are essential in our recent daily life. The devices are also able to apply to understand human behaviors besides connecting a network via high speed communication links. One of such network services includes public wireless LAN services. The service is provided at many public spaces and stores. The stores especially need some added values by the public wireless LAN service. Concrete services such as avoiding disasters and inducement customers via coupons already have begun at many stores in Japan. This study proposes the extraction method of human's standing in line behavior to contribute increasing added values of public wireless LAN services at several stores. The shop owners are able to know how long the standing in line in front of their shops and provide appropriate services to their customers. This study uses wireless LAN frame data on the air. The estimation model with Bayesian estimation method is applied by using the received signal strength in actual wireless LAN frames. It achieved high accuracy of 0.868 through the evaluation experiment by 5-fold cross validation. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Yoshitaka Shibata; Satoshi Imata; Nobuo Suzuki
    Recently, many research studies have contributed to the connection of in-vehicle devices with a cloud network and to management of the status of these devices on a server outside the vehicle. For these cases, an in-vehicle router is important because in-vehicle devices communicate with the external server via the in-vehicle router. The in-vehicle router activates devices outside the vehicle as necessary and maintain a stable speed for the in-vehicle devices. We proposed two methods to reduce the inaccurate activation of wireless devices and improve the throughput for in-vehicle wireless communication. The proposed methods were evaluated through field tests. These results showed that the probability of false positives was reduced and the throughput for each passenger was improved for each vehicle. These two methods were integrated into one system, and the system was used to provide appropriate information only for users who visited a destination.
  • Feng Lu; Satoshi Imata; Naoyasu Kamiya; Nobuo Suzuki; Kazunori Takeuchi
    This paper deals with propagation characteristics of 60GHz band millimeter wave communication systems and technical issues on how to deploy millimeter wave enabled access points (APs) in passenger car of bullet trains. Propagation characteristics of wireless LAN system in 2.4GHz and 5GHz band deployed in car of commuter trains and in passenger car of high speed trains have been investigated. In this paper we simulated the propagation characteristics of 60GHz band by a ray tracing method and calculated how many millimeter wave access points are necessary to meet the desired throughput at all the seats in the passenger car. In order to make clear the practical issues for millimeter wave AP deployment, we also investigated how much does each of the following parameters such as the height of STA, TX power level, seat occupancy rate, co-channel interference and dielectric parameter or permittivity of in car materials, affect the propagation characteristics of millimeter wave communication systems.
  • Tomohiko Harada; Kazuhiko Tsuda; Nobuo Suzuki; Yoshikatsu Fujita
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 52 (2-3) 186 - 195 0952-8091 2015 [Refereed]
    Inquiries through web forms and emails are becoming increasingly common. These inquiry texts usually include many informal expressions, using a colloquial style more akin to spoken language, with words omitted, causing the meaning of sentences to become ambiguous and sometimes misunderstood. In this paper, we focus on the frequently omitted noun 'B' in the noun phrase 'A NO B' (usually meaning B of A) seen in colloquial style inquiry text and propose a method to predict the omitted noun 'B' from the context and knowledge using topic information. From the results of an evaluation experiment, we confirm that our method improved the prediction accuracy by 11.34% compared to the conventional method and predicted the omitted word with an accuracy of more than 75% using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA).
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 35 894 - 901 1877-0509 2014/09 [Refereed]
    This study proposed the habitual behavior information extraction method from the data on Internet to build effective behavioral change support system so far. It is well known that habitual behavior improvement is important to avoid risk behaviors for a safety driving and a health improvement. It used Latent Dirichlet Allocation approach and evaluated by using telecommunication behaviors in Question and answering Web sites. This paper describes another evaluation by using travel behavior information. On the other hand, the dependency relation is often used to extract valuable information from text data. It also shows the comparative evaluation between our proposed method and the dependency relation method. It is realized the proposed method is more accurate than the dependency relation method according to the result of the evaluation. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V.
  • Improving the quality of in-vehicle Wireless-LAN based on measured throughput
    Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Satoshi Imata; Nobuo Suzuki
    21th ITS World Congress TS15 (12083) 2014/09 [Refereed]
  • Effects of OJT on Elementary School Teachers
    Masaaki Murakami; Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences (0663) 2014/08 [Refereed]
  • Connection control of in-vehicle wireless LAN for public transport with high-density passengers
    Satoshi Imata; Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Nobuo Suzuki
    IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 9 - 10 2013/12 [Refereed]
  • Reducing false positives in wake-on-demand in-vehicle communication
    Tsuyoshi Takahashi; Satoshi Imata; Nobuo Suzuki
    20th ITS World Congress TS050 (3067) 2013/10 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 22 599 - 605 1877-0509 2013/10 [Refereed]
    Many research studies are being conducted about the analysis of human behavior using sensor devices in the real world, and a variety of information can be found all over Internet. The primary objective is to improve social behavior and habits, such as the prohibition against smoking and the use mobile phones while driving. These unhealthy social behaviors and habits tend to cause health problems and antisocial behaviors. Behavioral modification specialists understand that habitual behavior is one of the most important behaviors in solving these issues. This paper proposes a new method to extract habitual behaviors for discovering the objectives of the behavioral modification. Specifically, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, or LDA, is used for clustering words into appropriate topics of periodical behaviors from literary expressions, and Point-wise Mutual Information, or PMI, is applied to select suitable words for habitual behaviors. The technique by using text data from question-answering websites from the telecommunications industry area was evaluated and showed good performance results. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • Tomohiko Harada; Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Generally inquiries through Web forms and emails are increasing. These inquiry texts usually include many informal expressions use of the colloquial style, such as a spoken language, and many omitted words. An omitted word causes the meaning of a sentence to become ambiguous and may make the reader misread and misunderstand the context. In this paper we focus on the frequently omitted noun "B" in the noun phrase "A NO1 B" (usually meaning B of A) seen in the colloquial style inquiry text and propose a method to predict omitted noun "B" from context and knowledge using topic information. From the results of the evaluation experiment, we have confirmed that our method improved 11.34 points from the conventional method, and predicted the omitted word with an accuracy rate of more than 75% using "Latent Dirichlet Allocation" (LDA.)
  • Suzuki Nobuo; Fujita Yoshikatsu; Tsuda Kazuhiko
    Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Engineering and Innovative Applications Springer Berlin Heidelberg 246 16 - 24 1865-0929 2013 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Yoshikatsu Fujita; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Many studies of the human behavior understanding are forwarding by using sensors and huge data on the Internet in recent years. On the other hand, the research of the behavioral modification is also preceded continuously. These make users to change their behavior and realize better society which is represented by prohibition of smoking and a route guidance of a car navigation system. This research aims to construct the model of the behavioral modification by the information technology. This paper examines the technique of extracting the knowledge about the behavioral modification from the question-answering sites on the Internet in which user's problems and opinions often appear. Specifically, the extraction of the utterances expressing the loss aversion is carried out from a series of question-answering text sentences. The loss aversion means that men strongly tendency to select to avoid a loss rather than get a profit. Therefore, it is possible to build a system which presents users a series of actions of maximizing a profit by investigating what kind of loss aversion actions men perform. This paper shows examples of the loss aversion utterances in question-answering text sentences and tries to classify loss aversion utterances on the basis of the expected utility index that is computed only from the text sentences.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Yoshikatsu Fujita; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 6883 378 - 384 0302-9743 2011/09 [Refereed]
    Question and answering sites have a lot of meaningless dialogues which are different from the intention of questioners, because many speakers speak in the same site at the same time. We tried to extract an egocentrism of the human from speeches of question and answering sites and showed the mutual understanding gap based on the method to solve this issue. In this paper, we propose the method to extract the mutual understanding gap in short dialogues such as two or less speeches that is not focused so far. As a result, the mutual understanding gap in wide-ranging dialogue data can be detected, and it is extensible to a further applications. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems IOS Press 15 (2) 79 - 87 1327-2314 2011/05 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Mariko Yamamura; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN 6278 1 - 6 0302-9743 2010/09 [Refereed]
    It is possible to get the flow information of people and transportation efficiently by collecting travel information of people and vehicles in the Internet. In the meantime, Q&A Web sites on the Internet express human requests more directly and they are the useful resources to extract many kinds of knowledge and intentions. This paper proposes the classification method for Japanese speeches in the sites based on the road traffic census by MLIT in Japan to extract traveling requests. Specifically, this method presumes the traveling purposes by SVM. Learning with the frequency of parts of speech that express traveling requests and TFIDF as the features of SVM is carried out. We also evaluated the performance by the experiment and got the result the accuracy 45.5%.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 38 (4) 316 - 323 0952-8091 2010/08 [Refereed]
    The prospect of widespreading the internet in the world is enabling new ways of solving our several problems with many Q& A web sites. It is difficult to say that smooth communication is carried out in these sites, because a lot of speakers may speak inconsistently in the same site at the same time. Therefore, we proposed to extract the egocentrism from language expressions in words at some Japanese Q& A sites and tried to extract the mutual understanding gap in these words based on the egocentrism in this paper. Specifically, we defined the intensity for properties of the egocentrism with the method that presumed the egocentrism from language expressions in our previous study. This method presumes mutual understanding gap in the text data of Q& A sites that have dialogue form by using the intensity and calculating the score of the egocentrism in each speech. This paper shows the characteristics of the gap are expressed by the shape of graphs with these scores. We also evaluate this method with text data in actual Q& A sites and confirm its effectiveness, describing the precision is 98.8%. It also analyses features for the mutual understanding gap at the Q& A site. It was identified that the score of the mutual understanding gap is evenly distributed and most communications are attempted by the few speeches. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Effective Extraction Method for the Gap of the Mutual Understanding Based on the Egocentrism in Business Communications
    Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 5712 317 - 324 2009/09 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN 5178 1002 - 1009 0302-9743 2008/09 [Refereed]
    For the business communication by e-mail with cellular phones, we think there is a serious problem. We sometimes misunderstand the intention of a sender and,et into trouble as a result. Such missing each other is caused by a human egocentrism. Therefore, this egocentrism becomes a prevention factor of the good communication on e-Business. To handle this problem, this paper proposes a new model of the egocentrism for e-Business on the Internet based on DSM method which is the standard evaluation index of mental diseases in the psychiatry. It also describes a technique to predict egocentrism using N-gram model. Finally, we examined an evaluation experiment and got results that the precision was 100% and the recall was 34%. From these results, we conclude that this egocentrism presumption method is useful way to reduce misunderstanding the intention of messages on the Internet for e-Business.
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology Inderscience Publishers 33 (2/3) 99 - 108 0952-8091 2008 [Refereed]
  • Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN 4252 296 - 302 0302-9743 2006/09 [Refereed]
    For the business communication by email with cellular phones, it has an important weak point, That is to hard to tell to be utterance speed and the pitch of sounds involved in the sentences, because it communicate by letters only. Emoticons are often used to make up for this weak point. This paper describes techniques to predict emotions of sentences in Japanese entails and give an emoticon to end of a sentence automatically. This is achieved by learning information of emotions with emoticons used and analyzing the text of email with cellular phone by collecting and analyzing our corpus of emails. We also examined consistency evaluation with real email sentences input by cellular phones and emoticons automatically generated by this technique. We could get correct answer rate of 87.7%.
  • Automatic emoticons generation method for Web community
    Nobuo Suzuki; Kazuhiko Tsuda
    IADIS International Conference Web based Communications 2006 2006/02 [Refereed]

Books and other publications

  • 未来へつなぐデジタルシリーズ「モバイルネットワーク」
    (Joint work)共立出版 2016/03
  • Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Practice Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol.30
    (Joint work)Springer International Publishing 2015/03

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Current status and issues of 5G fake base station  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 松中隆志; 横山浩之
    2024電子情報通信学会総合大会(B-6-09)  2024/03
  • 5G AKAプロトコルにおける脆弱性の評価  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 松中隆志
    2023電子情報通信学会総合大会(B-6-73)  2023/03
  • 自律分散型動的周波数共用技術の研究開発  [Invited]
    吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 横山浩之; 長谷川晃朗; 青木寛; 前山利幸
    ICTイノベーションフォーラム2022  2022/12
  • Wi-Fi 周波数共用のための干渉判定方法に関する実験的検討  [Not invited]
    前山利幸; 小國治也; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2022電子情報通信学会総合大会(B-17-19)  2022/03
  • 自律分散型動的周波数共用における干渉信号の検出手法  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 吉岡達哉; 前山利幸; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2022電子情報通信学会総合大会(B-17-18)  2022/03
  • 自律分散型動的周波数共用のためのflexible symbolを利用した共用判定手法  [Not invited]
    吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 前山利幸; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2022電子情報通信学会総合大会(B-17-17)  2022/03
  • スマートコントラクトとCAを用いた動的周波数共用の自動化  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    電子情報通信学会移動通信ワークショップ(2021-SR-0077)  2022/03
  • Wi-Fiと周波数共用を可能にする干渉判定方法の検討  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2021電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-6)  2021/09
  • 電車内における自律的周波数共用システムの干渉に関する一検討  [Not invited]
    前山利幸; 小國治也; 吉岡達也; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2021電子情報通信学会総合大会 (B-17-34)  2021/03
  • オープン環境における動的周波数共用の基礎検討  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 吉岡達也; 前山利幸; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2021電子情報通信学会総合大会 (B-17-16)  2021/03
  • 自律分散型動的周波数共用のための5G信号検出に関する一検討  [Not invited]
    吉岡達也; 鈴木信雄; 前山利幸; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2021電子情報通信学会総合大会 (B-17-17)  2021/03
  • 動的・自律分散を指向した周波数共用システムの一検討  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告スマート無線研究会,SR2020-48,pp.9-14  2021/01
  • 自律的周波数共用のためのセンシングに関する一検討  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗; 横山浩之
    2020電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, B-17-16  2020/09
  • Point to Pointシステムを対象とした自律的周波数共用システムの一検討  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 長谷川晃朗
    2020電子情報通信学会総合大会, B-17-34  2020/03
  • ブロックチェーンを用いた周波数共用研究の現状と課題  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 吉岡達哉; 長谷川晃朗; 前山利幸
    電子情報通信学会スマート無線研究会,SR2019-100,p.63-68  2019/12
  • 周波数共用のための機械学習を用いた電波利用状況予測に関する検討  [Not invited]
    細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会無線通信システム研究会,RCS2019-216,pp.79-84  2019/11
  • 周波数共用のための周波数利用調査  [Not invited]
    小國治也; 細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄
    2019電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-17-3  2019/09
  • 角度毎に補正を行う電力推定方式の一検討  [Not invited]
    細井宏樹; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 前山利幸
    2019電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-17-4  2019/09
  • 第5 世代移動通信システムにおける複数移動通信網の最適利用を実現する制御基盤技術の研究開発  [Not invited]
    石津健太郎; 村上誉; 児島史秀; 水谷圭一; 松村武; 原田博司; 狐塚正樹; 西尾理志; 山本高至; 小泉佑揮; 長谷川亨; 鈴木信雄; 新保宏之; 伊深和雄
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,BP-1-4  2019/03
  • クラウドセンシングにおける移動端末間データ集約によるデータ収集遅延の調査  [Not invited]
    玉井森彦; 吉岡達哉; 長谷川晃朗; 鈴木信雄
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-8  2019/03
  • プライマリユーザの許容SINRを用いた周波数共用システム  [Not invited]
    細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-9  2019/03
  • 5G ホットスポットにおけるソフトウェア無線を用いた周波数共用可否判定  [Not invited]
    前山利幸; 吉岡達哉; 細井宏樹; 鈴木信雄
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-10  2019/03
  • ブロックチェーンによる周波数共用調停の改善  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 吉岡達哉; 前山利幸
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-11  2019/03
  • 第5世代移動通信システムの屋内環境における実証試験  [Not invited]
    吉田享広; 横山浩之; 鈴木信雄
    2019電子情報通信学会総合大会,BI-4-5  2019/03
  • Document Embeddingを用いたプライバシポリシ自動要約手法の評価  [Not invited]
    中村徹; Welderufael B. Tesfay; Vanessa Bracamonte; 清本晋作; 鈴木信雄
    2019 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS2019)  2019/01
  • エッジコンピューティングに対応した無線インタフェースの選択方式  [Not invited]
    岡田和也; 樫原 茂; 近藤良久; 鈴木信雄; 横山浩之
    電子情報通信学会モバイルネットワークとアプリケーション研究会,MoNA2018-23,pp.7-12  2018/11
  • 一次利用者の現実的な許容SINRによる干渉判定手法  [Not invited]
    吉岡達哉; 前山利幸; 中村 徹; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-22)  2018/09
  • 波源推定方式における端末の偏り検出についての一検討  [Not invited]
    細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 中村 徹; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-21)  2018/09
  • 頻出パターンマイニングを用いた周波数利用状況の推定  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 吉岡達哉
    2018電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-20)  2018/09
  • 移動端末間センサデータ集約におけるアップロード量抑制手法  [Not invited]
    玉井森彦; 長谷川晃朗; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-15)  2018/09
  • Dual ConnectivityにおけるSmall Cell基地局の選択方式  [Not invited]
    近藤良久; 長谷川晃朗; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 (B-17-14)  2018/09
  • プライバシ保護設定推測における推測値の平行シフトが受容度に与える影響  [Not invited]
    中村徹; アダムス・アンドリュー; 清本晋作; 村田潔; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会セキュリティ心理学とトラスト研究会,Vol.32, SPT2018-35,pp.1-8  2018/07
  • 都市部伝搬環境における動的周波数共用システムの性能評価  [Not invited]
    吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 狐塚正樹; 國弘和明; 山下翔大; 山本高至; 小泉佑揮; 長谷川亨
    電子情報通信学会スマート無線研究会, Vol.118, No.58, SR2018-14, pp.81-86  2018/05
  • 第5世代移動通信システムの屋内環境における実証試験  [Not invited]
    山田雅也; 鈴木信雄; 杉山敬三
    2018電子情報通信学会総合大会 (BP-1-4)  2018/03
  • 電力推定方式を応用した波源推定の一検討  [Not invited]
    細井宏樹; 前山利幸; 松野宏己; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会総合大会 (B-17-24)  2018/03
  • 周波数センシングのための移動端末間データ集約における端末間通信負荷軽減  [Not invited]
    玉井森彦; 長谷川晃朗; 鈴木信雄
    2018電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-11  2018/03
  • 周波数共用を想定したスプリアス検出の実験的検討  [Not invited]
    松野宏己; 鈴木信雄; 前山利幸
    2018電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-17-10  2018/03
  • 上空エリアの電波強度推定を目指した基本検討  [Not invited]
    鈴木利則; 松野宏己; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会衛星通信研究会,SAT2017-71,pp.81-86  2018/02
  • 上空の電波環境可視化に向けた電力分布の測定  [Not invited]
    松野宏己; 吉岡達哉; 鈴木信雄; 鈴木利則
    電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会, AP2017-175, pp.137-141  2018/01
  • マルチアクセスエッジコンピューティングの課題分析と実装の一検討  [Not invited]
    岡田和也; 樫原茂; 川西直; 鈴木信雄; 門林雄基; 杉山敬三
    電子情報通信学会モバイルネットワークとアプリケーション研究会, MoNA2017-41, pp.1-6  2018/01
  • 5Gに向けた高度化マルチキャリアによる柔軟な多元接続の研究開発
    岩井誠人; 杉山敬三; 鈴木信雄; 鈴木利則; 吉岡達哉; Roya Rezagah; 雨澤泰治; 周東雅之; 夜船誠至
    ICT イノベーションフォーラム2017,C-11  2017/10
  • 頻出パターンマイニングを用いた高さの違う電波環境の解析  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 松野宏己
    2017電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-18-15  2017/09
  • 実測データを用いた広帯域スペクトラムモデルの一検討  [Not invited]
    前山利幸; 細井宏樹; 松野宏己; 鈴木信雄
    2017電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-17-21  2017/09
  • 周波数共用を想定した分散モニタリングにおけるデータ集約効果と電力推定精度の評価  [Not invited]
    松野宏己; 玉井森彦; 鈴木信雄; 前山利幸
    2017電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-17-18  2017/09
  • 広帯域周波数共用システムのフレームワークに関する一検討  [Not invited]
    吉岡達哉; 松野宏己; 鈴木信雄; 杉山敬三
    2017電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会,B-17-9  2017/09
  • データスクランブル化と経路分散化によるマルチパスTCPの秘匿性向上  [Not invited]
    程詩涵; 山本嶺; 大坐畠智; 加藤聰彦; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会CQ研究会, CQ2017-69, pp.105-111  2017/08
  • Power Optimization for Interleave Division Multiple Access in 5G  [Not invited]
    Roya E. Rezagah; Tatsuya Yoshioka; Nobuo Suzuki
    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会, A-9-2  2017/03
  • データスクランブル化と複数経路転送によるMPTCPの秘匿性の向上  [Not invited]
    加藤聰彦; 程詩涵; 山本嶺; 大坐畠智; 鈴木信雄
    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会, B-11-4  2017/03
  • 複数事業者による複数移動通信網同時利用に向けた検討  [Not invited]
    川西直; 長谷川晃朗; 鈴木信雄; 杉山敬三
    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会 (B-17-20)  2017/03
  • 周波数共用を想定した広帯域スペクトラムモデルの一検討  [Not invited]
    前山利幸; 松野宏己; 鈴木信雄
    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会, B-17-18  2017/03
  • 周波数共用を想定した広帯域スペクトラムのスプリアス検出  [Not invited]
    松野宏己; 前山利幸; 鈴木信雄
    2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会, B-17-17  2017/03
  • 異なる伝送遅延と不十分なソケットバッファの条件下でのMPTCPの性能評価  [Not invited]
    天真正晶; 山本嶺; 大坐畠智; 加藤聰彦; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会CQ研究会, CQ2016-121, pp.61-66  2017/03
  • Behavior-aware Angle-based Estimation of the Receiving Power for Mobile Robot  [Not invited]
    Bingxuan Zhao; Naoyasu Kamiya; Tatsuhiro Minamikawa; Hiroko Otsuka; Nobuo Suzuki
    2016年電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, A-17-6  2016/09
  • ロボット動作における電波推定のためのアンテナ位置変化モデル  [Not invited]
    神谷尚保; 趙兵選; 鈴木信雄; 南川達浩; 大塚弘子
    2016年電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会, A-17-5  2016/09
  • 教師なし学習による無線品質の自動クラスタリング  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第30回全国大会, 1F5-4  2016/06
  • 移動ロボットの床下段差乗越え動作に適応した電波伝搬モデル  [Not invited]
    神谷尚保; 鈴木信雄; 南川達浩; 大塚弘子
    電子情報通信学会高信頼制御通信研究会, RCC-2016-01, Vol.116, No.24, pp.1-6  2016/05
  • 車載ルータの通信履歴に基づく情報配信システムの開発  [Not invited]
    高橋幹; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    平成27年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, 1G06,  2015/08
  • 無線情報による行列行動の抽出  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第29回全国大会, 2G4-OS-25a-2  2015/05
  • Onboard Millimeter wave communication area construction considering reflection characteristics  [Not invited]
    Feng Lu; Satoshi Imata; Katsuo Yunoki; Nobuo Suzuki; Kazunori Takeuchi
    電子情報通信学会アンテナ伝播研究会, AP201510-15  2015/05
  • 車両内での通信サービスを高度化する車載ルータの通信制御  [Not invited]
    高橋幹; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ研究会, 2015-ITS-61, No.6, pp.1-7  2015/05
  • ネットワークへの接続履歴に応じた車載ルータの通信制御  [Not invited]
    高橋幹; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会第77回全国大会, 3E-04  2015/03
  • OJTが効果に与える影響  [Not invited]
    村上正昭; 鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    プロジェクトマネジメント学会2015年度春季研究発表大会, No.2312  2015/03
  • 車輌内ミリ波通信システム向け伝搬シミュレーション評価  [Not invited]
    盧鋒; 今田諭志; 神谷尚保; 鈴木信雄; 竹内和則
    電子情報通信学会2015年総合大会, B-19-17  2015/03
  • リアルタイムデータ伝送のための適応的な無線LAN再送制御  [Not invited]
    神谷尚保; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会2015年総合大会, A-22-12  2015/03
  • リアルタイムデータ伝送のための無線LAN再送制御  [Not invited]
    今田諭志; 神谷尚保; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会2014年ソサエティ大会, A-22-5  2014/09
  • トピックによる習慣行動抽出手法の評価  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第28回全国大会, 1A3-5  2014/05
  • 移動車両におけるスループット計測を用いた無線LAN接続制御  [Not invited]
    高橋幹; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会第76回全国大会, 5D-1  2014/03
  • 高密度ユーザ環境における無線LAN接続制御  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 今田諭志; 高橋幹
    電子情報通信学会2013年ソサエティ大会, B-8-32  2013/09
  • 行動変容のための習慣行動情報の抽出  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第27回全国大会, 1F3-2  2013/06
  • 列車内無線LANの伝搬特性  [Not invited]
    須郷剛裕; 林昌孝; 前山利幸; 今田諭志; 鈴木信雄; 渡辺伸吾
    電子情報通信学会アンテナ伝播研究会, AP-2013-13, Vol.113, No.34, pp.59-64  2013/05
  • 車載ルータ用ウェイクアップ無線の誤作動低減手法  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 今田諭志; 高橋幹
    情報処理学会第75回全国大会, 6E-2  2013/03
  • WirelessMAN-Advanced(IEEE 802.16m)標準概要  [Not invited]
    今田諭志; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会2012年ソサイエティ大会, BP-2-4  2012/09
  • 期待効用に基づく損失回避発言の抽出に関する一考察  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第26回全国大会, 4I1-R-9-5  2012/06
  • フェムトセルを想定した屋内伝搬モデル化の検討  [Not invited]
    渡辺伸吾; 野原光夫; 鈴木信雄
    電子情報通信学会2012年総合大会, B-1-46  2012/03
  • 短い対話における意志疎通のズレの抽出  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第25回全国大会, 2F2-1  2011/06
  • 移動要求抽出のための移動目的発言分類法に関する一考察  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    人工知能学会第24回全国大会, 3D3-1  2010/06
  • デジタル放送メディアを用いた大容量交通情報配信手法の提案と評価  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 金井英樹; 林康博; 見並一明; 小林亜令
    情報処理学会第72回全国大会, 2F-3  2010/03
  • デジタル放送メディアに適した大容量交通情報の配信手法の提案と評価  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 金井秀樹; 林康博; 見並一明; 小林亜令
    情報処理学会高度交通システム研究会, 2010-ITS-40, No.9, pp.1-7  2010/03
  • 自己中心性を用いたインターネットにおける意思疎通のズレの推定  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    電気学会情報システム研究会, IS-09-074  2009/12
  • 自己中心性に基づく質問回答サイトにおける意思疎通のズレの表現  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    情報処理学会第71回全国大会, 5H-2  2009/03
  • 情報漏洩を防ぐWebメールフィルタリング手法の提案と設計  [Not invited]
    浦川順平; 鈴木信雄; 鈴木健二
    情報処理学会第71回全国大会, 5E-1 大会奨励賞  2009/03
  • n-gramを用いた自己中心性の推定手法  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    情報処理学会第70回全国大会, 3D-4  2008/03
  • 体言止め表現に基づく感情推定と応答の自動生成  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    FIT2007  2007/09
  • 三点リーダ文の感情推定手法  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    情報処理学会第69回全国大会, 1C-3  2007/03
  • 携帯メールにおける顔文字自動付与手法  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 津田和彦
    情報処理学会第68回全国大会, 5C-4  2006/03
  • 連続数字認識を利用した悪戯電話排除システム  [Not invited]
    河井恒; 黒岩眞吾; 清水徹; 樋口宜男; 鈴木信雄; 大野晃生
    電子情報通信学会2000年総合大会, 情報・システム(1), No.197  2000/03
  • スレッドレベル動的再構成システムにおけるスレッド間通信の拡張  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    情報処理学会第56回全国大会, 2J-2  1998/03
  • スレッド移送の実装とスレッドレベル動的再構成システムの検討  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    情報処理学会第54回全国大会, 5N-7  1997/03
  • スレッドレベル動的再構成のためのスレッド移送方式の検討  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    電子情報通信学会1996総合大会, D-56  1996/03
  • SunOSにおけるマルチスレッド・プロセス移送方式の提案  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    情報処理学会第50回全国大会, 5H-5  1995/03
  • OSI CCRを用いたUNIX用分散トランザクション処理方式  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    情報処理学会計算機アーキテクチャ研究会, 1992-ARC-096  1992/10
  • OSI CCRを用いたUNIX用分散トランザクション処理機能の実現  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    情報処理学会第45回全国大会, 4R-05  1992/10
  • オープン環境を指向した分散トランザクション機能の構成法  [Not invited]
    鈴木信雄; 脇英世
    電子情報通信学会1992秋季大会, D-67  1992/03
  • OSI CCRにおける障害回復機能の実現手法  [Not invited]
    杉山敬三; 小花貞夫; 鈴木信雄
    情報処理学会第40回全国大会, 6N-4  1990/03

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • 安全な無線通信サービスのための新世代暗号技術に関する研究開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2021/04
  • 自律分散型動的周波数共用技術の研究開発
    Date (from‐to) : 2019/04