Major in Global StudiesAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments


視覚文化論入門 アジア文化芸術論 文化遺産論

List of press-related appearances

視覚表象(絵画・建築・彫刻・写真など)を通して、文化の意味を深く理解することがねらいです。この世界についての知覚は、言葉よりも絶え間なく目に飛び込んでくるイメージに実は多くを負っていますが、そのことは日常的にあまり意識されません。私たちの目は「世界」を向いていながら、意外と「その世界」をきちんと見ていないのです。 ゼミでは、英語の基本文献輪読とグループ研究を通してイメージ解読の基礎を学んだのち、受講生各自がテーマを設定して、プレゼンテーションとディスカッションによって研究を深めます。イメージに込められた声なき声を聞き、今まで何気なく見ていたものの本当の姿を知ることを通して、異文化コミュニケーション能力を高めます。また、イメージという非言語表現を言語で効果的に説明する作業を通じて、社会で役立つプレゼンスキルを身に着けます。習得した言語で語る引き出しを増やしたい人、ぜひ一緒に勉強しましょう!

■Researcher basic information


  • PhD(Kansai University 2008)
  • MA(Kansai University 2002)
  • BA(Kinki University 2000)

Research Keyword

  • cave temple   cultural heritage   trade   tile   art history   India   

Current research field

視覚文化論入門 アジア文化芸術論 文化遺産論

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Art history



  • 2024/09 - Today  National University of SingaporeDepartment of HistoryVisiting Scholar
  • 2019/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesAssociate Professor
  • 2016/04 - 2019/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International StudiesLecturer
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03  National Museum of EthnologyCentre for Contemporary India Area StudiesResearch Fellow
  • 2013/04 - 2016/03  Miyagi Gakuin Women's UniversityThe Institute of Christian CultureVisiting Fellow
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03  National Museum of EthnologyVisiting Fellow
  • 2009/04 - 2012/03  Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceOsaka UniversityPostdocrtal Fellow
  • 2008/04 - 2009/03  Kansai UniversityGraduate School of LettersResearch Fellow

Educational Background

  • 2002/04 - 2008/03  Kansai University  Graduate School of Letters  PhD Course, Art History and Aesthetics Major, Department of Philosophy
  • 2000/04 - 2002/03  Kansai University  Graduate School of Letters  MA Course, Art History and Aesthetics Major, Department of Philosophy
  • 1996/04 - 2000/03  Kinki University  Faculty of Literature, Art, and Cultural Studies  Department of Cultural Studies

Member History

  • 2021/07 -2023/12   Special Exhibition "Divine Affection: Enchanting Images of Hindu Deities," National Museum of Ethnology   Organizing Committee

■Research activity information


  • Aki Toyoyama
    Journal of the Society for Arts and Anthropology 39 58 - 69 2023/03 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Historical Studies in Japan, 2021, South Asia (From Ancient to Early Modern Periods)
    Aki Toyoyama
    Journal of the Historical Society of Japan (Shigaku-Zasshi) 131 (5) 287 - 291 2022/05 [Refereed][Invited]
  • Aki Toyoyama
    Journal of the Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society 27 1 - 7 2021/11 [Refereed]
  • Aki Toyoyama
    The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt 1 (2) 2050010 - 2050010 2717-5413 2020/08 [Refereed]
    This paper examines the political, socio-economic, and cultural aspects of Japanese decorative tiles or the so-called majolica tiles widely diffused in colonial South Asia in the early twentieth century. A tile became a popular building material in European countries by the first half of the nineteenth century, and European tiles spread over the world with the expansion of colonialism. Japan in the making of a modern nation established domestic manufacturing of tiles mainly after British models, and the industry’s rapid development was helped by the First World War (1914–1918) and the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923). The Japanese tile industry successfully entered into foreign markets, among which India was the largest and most important market that resulted in developing a variety of new Indian or Hindu designs associated with the rise of nationalism and mode of consumption. Not only within India, tiles, however, also played a crucial role in formulating cosmopolitan identities of migrant mercantile networks exemplified by the Chettiar architecture in South and Southeast Asia. However, in the late 1930s, cosmopolitanism shared by different communities in colonial urban settings became overwhelmed by nationalisms as seen in Sri Lanka where Japanese majolica tiles were differently used as a means to express religiously-regulated nationalisms in the Chettiar and Sinhalese Buddhist architecture. Thus, the analysis reveals visual politics of different religious nationalisms symbolized by Japanese majolica tiles in the interwar period that still structure the present visualscapes.
  • Aesthetics, Sanitation, and Nationalism: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Late Colonial India
    International Journal of South Asian Studies 9 37 - 66 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • Transaction and Translation of Modernity: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Colonial India
    History of Consumer Culture: Objects, Desire and Sociability 112 - 121 2018/03
  • Symbolism of Japanese Tiles in Interwar India
    Socio-Economic History 82 (3) 35 - 50 2016/11 [Refereed]
  • 豊山亜希
    『現代インド・フォーラム』 (28) 3 - 9 2016
  • 豊山 亜希
    多民族社会における宗教と文化 : 共同研究 宮城学院女子大学 (17) 3 - 33 2014/03
  • Cave Temples as the Imagining of India: The Negotiation between Early Modern Indian Tradition and Colonial Knowledge
    The Challenge of the Object: The Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, Part 2 482 - 486 2013 [Refereed]
  • 豊山 亜希
    ICIS次世代国際学術フォーラムシリーズ 第4輯『近代世界の「言説」と「意象」―越境的文化交渉学の視点から―』 Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies, Kansai University 239 - 270 2012/01 
    The examination of modernity in Asia is often accompanied by the evaluation of the colonial experience and its refl ection onpostcoloniality. Among Asian experience of colonialism, that of India may have infl uenced highly on the awakening of identity indiff erent levels of the world. Of various facets of colonial experience of India, this paper focuses on the mercantile community of India called Marwari. The recent development of Indian economy highly owed to conglomerates, among which not a few leading fi rms such as Birlas and Bajajs are from this community. Their ancestors left their homes in the barren region of Shekhawati in north India, and made their fortunes in the nineteenth-century colonial cities. From the early twentieth century, they gradually entered into industry and developed into conglomerates. While the preceding studies on the Marwari community have been led mainly by the fi elds of economic history and anthropology, aiming to understand the characteristics of their moral economy, this paper argues on their cultural practices from an art-historical perspective, particularly on their residential mansions called havelis.Living in humble style in colonial cities or their economic headquarters, the Marwaris spent their fortunes for philanthropicdeeds in the form of architectural projects such as havelis, temples, and wells in their hometowns of Shekhawati, dating between the1830s and 1930s. Famous for their colourful mural paintings, it has been generally considered that havelis were the visual spectacles of the Marwaris to show off their economic success to the eyes of their hometowns. It may be likely that havelis were cultural devices that were strategically created for self-representation of the Marwaris in thecolonial economy. However, it may be questionable to see the haveliconstruction of the Marwaris continued on the basis of a single intention for about a hundred years, even though colonial Indiaduring this period experienced drastic changes from British high imperialism to national movement. This paper attempts to see those changes through mural representations of havelis, thereby the characteri stics of colonialityin Asia and its refl ection on postcoloniality are substantiallyunderstood. The paper fi rstly defi nes as to who the Marwaris are. Secondly, the reason why the Marwaris invested their fortunes in the hometowns rather than the economic headquarters is argued. Thirdly, the mural paintings on havelis are analysed according to their subject matters, and those mural paintings and its relationwith contemporary visual culture are discussed. And lastly, the making of identity of the Marwari community in diff erent stages of colonial India is revealed.
  • Toyoyama Aki
    JJASAS JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES 2012 (24) 56 - 80 0915-5643 2012 [Refereed]
    The mercantile community Marwaris built their residential mansions called havelis in their hometowns of the Shekhawati region during the 1830s and 1930s. Most of the havelis are decorated with mural paintings that are divided into two phases-prior/posterior to 1900. It is generally considered that the murals prior to 1900 retain indigenous tradition while most of the murals after 1900 are inferior copies of prints, destructing indigenous tradition.<br> The iconographical analysis of the murals prior to 1900 suggests that they were influenced by contemporary popular culture such as Kalighat painting and Battala woodprint that were common in the colonial port city of Calcutta where the Marwaris had their economical strongholds. A perspective, in which pre-1900 murals are considered indigenous and traditional, can be indeed traced back to the cultural administration of the colonial power.<br> The murals after 1900, on the other hand, are dominated by the copies of newly emerged prints such as oleograph and chromolithograph. In terms of the impact of popular art, the haveli murals both prior/posterior to 1900 are stylistically continuous rather than disconnection of tradition/modernity. This stylistic development may also reflect the changing identity of the Marwaris from merchants to industrialists in colonial India
  • Through Ports, Passes, and Junctions: Reconsideration of the Excavational Patterns of Minor Buddhist Caves in Western India
    Nobuo NAKATANI; Fumitaka YONEDA; Akinori UESUGI; Aki TOYOYAMA
    South Asian Archaeology 2007: Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the European Association of South Asian Archaelogy, Vol. II Historic Periods 225 - 232 2010 [Refereed]
  • 米田 文孝; 豊山 亜希; 森下 真企; 松並 真帆
    関西大学博物館紀要 関西大学 14 1 - 23 1341-4895 2008/03 [Refereed]
  • The Patterning of Landscape and Ideology: A Study of Buddhist Rock-cut Monasteries in the Early Historic Western Deccan (Unpublished PhD Thesis)
    Kansai University 2008 [Refereed]
    関西大学哲学 関西大学 25 109 - 141 0910-531X 2005/10 [Refereed]
  • ジュンナル石窟マーンモーディー第25窟及び第26窟について―紀元前後のインド社会における仏教僧院の役割―
    第55回美学会全国大会 若手研究者フォーラム論文集 169 - 179 2005
  • マヘート遺跡出土のヒンドゥー彫刻に関する若干の考察
    インド共和国マヘート(舎衛城)遺跡の研究―王宮地区の調査―(平成14-16年度科学研究費補助金・基盤研究B2・研究成果報告書 79 - 92 2005
  • 西インドの石窟寺院―ジュンナル石窟寺院を中心として
    米田文孝; 豊山亜希
    関西大学国際シンポジウム資料集 古代インドの都市像を探る 33 - 66 2004


  • Imagined Traditions: India's Open-Air Art Gallery
    Aki TOYOYAMA  Minpaku Monthly  40-  (8)  16  -17  2016/08  [Invited]
  • インドのナショナリズムを「扇動」した日本のタイル
    豊山亜希  民族藝術学会会報  (88)  5  2016
  • 『アジャンター遺跡の保存修復にむけた専門家会議』
    東京文化財研究所; 文化遺産国際協力センター編; 発行  2010
  • 『インド石窟寺院の美術史的研究―西インド地域を中心として―』
    山岡泰造; 中谷伸生; 上杉彰紀; 豊山亜希ほか  2006

Books and other publications

  • Minoru Mio, ed. (Contributor「ヒンドゥー神像をつくる異教徒たち」「日常に顕現するヒンドゥーの神々」「交感か研究かー博物館に収蔵されるヒンドゥー神像」)National Museum of Ethnology 2023/09 9784910055107 199p
  • New Waves of South Asia: Part II
    Aki Toyoyama (Contributor消費がつくるアイデンティティ――植民地インドにおける和製マジョリカタイルのヴィジュアル・ポリティクス)昭和堂 2022/03
  • Hindu Gods and Goddesses across Time
    Fukuoka Asian; Art Museum; Okayama Orient Museum; The Ancient Orient; Museum Tokyo (ContributorColumn "Japanese Pottery Products Exported to Colonial India", Genre Description "Ceramic Dolls and Tiles Made in Japan")Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Okayama Orient Museum, The Ancient Orient Museum Tokyo 2022/01
  • The Vibrance of Indian Fabrics
    (Contributor「神と出会うために――礼拝儀礼布ピチュワーイー」「民族独立運動をつなげる――手紡ぎ手織り布カーディー」「国民形成の象徴――インド独立にみる国旗」「イギリスのインド植民地支配」「意匠転用――布から陶器へ」)Showado 2021/10
  • 金型の精緻・精巧美の世界―世界へ羽ばたいた和製マジョリカタイル―
    (Contributorインドを描いた和製マジョリカタイル―日印交流史のカケラをたどって―)多治見市モザイクタイルミュージアム 2020/09
  • Japan-made Majolica Tiles: Trail of Inspiration
    Aki TOYOYAMA (ContributorA Passage to Independence: Japanese Majolica Tiles in India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar)LIXIL Publishing 2018/12 9784864809153 64 pp.52-55
  • Encyclopedia of Indian Culture
    Editorial Commitee on; Encyclopedia of; Indian Culture (Joint editorChapter 15: Art)Maruzen 2018/01 9784621302354 770 pp.563, 588-589, 599-600 
    Contribution: Chapter 15 "Foreword" (p.563), "Exposition and Art Administration" (pp.588-589), "Photography" (p.599), "Art and Multiculturalism" (p.600)
  • Contextualizing Material Culture in South and Central Asia in Pre-Modern Times
    Verena Widorn; Ute Franke; Petra Latschenberger, eds (ContributorPowers of Altering Sanctuaries: The Excavation and Revival of Minor Rock-Cut Temples in the Western Deccan)Brepols 2016 9782503566429 377 253-267
  • Routledge Handbook of Heritage in Asia
    Patrick Daly; Tim Winter; ed (ContributorCh.22. Asian Orientalism: Perceptions of Buddhist Heritage in Japan, pp.339-349)Routledge 2012

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Aki Toyoyama
    The 9th International Congress of Maritime History  2024/08  Busan  National Korea Maritime and Ocean University
  • Aki Toyoyama
    Arts of the Indian Ocean Conference  2024/05  University of Toronto  University of Toronto
  • 豊山亜希
    人間文化研究機構グローバル地域研究推進事業 グローバル地中海地域研究・環インド洋地域研究合同ワークショップ  2024/02
  • Aki Toyoyama
    Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History  2023/11
  • 戦前期日本でつくられた「ヒンズー神像」の足跡をたどる  [Invited]
    みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン  2023/11
  • Aki Toyoyama
    The 3rd International Conference on Indian Business and Economic History  2023/09
  • Spinning Nationalism: A Political History of Indian Crafts  [Invited]
    Aki Toyoyama
    The 38th Annual Conference of Society for Arts and Anthropology  2022/04
  • 神と出会うために――礼拝儀礼布ピチュワーイー  [Invited]
    みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン  2021/11
  • 西デカンの小規模石窟集積にみる古代インドの仏教と社会経済  [Invited]
    東アジアの宮都と宗教行事研究会  2021/09
  • Indian Gods in Tile: Metal Molds Tells the History of Indo-Japan Relations  [Invited]
    Aki Toyoyama
    受託記念企画展「金型の精緻・精巧美の世界 世界へ羽ばたいた和製マジョリカタイル」開催記念講演会  2020/11
  • Aki Toyoyama
    The 33rd JASAS Annual Conference  2020/10
  • Visualising Religious Nationalisms: Architectural Idioms and Intra-regional Trade Networks in Colonial South and Southeast Asia  [Invited]
    The 3rd Asian Consortium of South Asian Studies  2019/11
  • Visualized Nationalism: Changes of Buddhist Temple Architecture in Colonial Ceylon  [Not invited]
    The 32nd Japanese Association for South Asian Studies Annual Conference  2019/10
  • Ravi Varma Revisited: Towards a Reconstruction of Modern Indian Art History  [Invited]
    The 52nd Annual Meeting of South Asian Studies  2019/07
  • Visuality in South Asia  [Invited]
    NIHU Project "INDAS-South Asia" South Asian Seminar 2018  2018/08
  • The Tiling of the Colonial Built Environment across the Indian Ocean  [Not invited]
    AAS-in-Asia 2018 New Delhi  2018/07
  • The Politics of Collection and Display in Colonial Indian Exhibitions  [Not invited]
    The 1st Workshop of the Textile Study Group at the MINPAKU Center for South Asian Studies  2018/05
  • Majolica Fever in India: Sanitary Aestheticism in the Age of Colonial Empires  [Not invited]
    Association for Asian Studies 2018 Annual Conference  2018/03
  • Majolica Fever from Japan: The National Landscape in Colonial India  [Invited]
    Tokyo Humanities Cafe  2018/01
  • Majolica Tiles from Japan: India Modern and Nationalism in Colonial Architecture  [Invited]
    Political Economy Tokyo Seminar  2017/09
  • Making the Most out of Conferences  [Invited]
    HIstorians' Workshop  2017/09
  • Transaction and Translation of Modernity: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Colonial India  [Not invited]
    History of Consumer Culture 2017 Conference: Objects, Desire and Sociability  2017/03
  • The Tiling of Indian Modernity: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Marwari Architecture  [Not invited]
    45th Annual Conference on South Asia  2016/10
  • The Tiling of Indian Modernity: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Marwari Architecture  [Not invited]
    45th Annual Meeting of Southwest Conference on Asian Studies  2016/10
  • Modernity, Hybridity, and New Identities: Architectural Representations of the 'Black Town' in Late Colonial Calcutta  [Not invited]
    The 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies  2015/12  Tokyo University of Foreign Languages
  • The Tiling of Indian Modernity: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Marwari Architecture  [Not invited]
    International Workshop "Representing Marwaris in 1920s-30s India"  2015/10  Otemon Gakuin Osaka-Umeda Satellite
  • マールワーリーの近代的アイデンティティとしての日本製マジョリカタイル  [Not invited]
    日本南アジア学会第28回全国大会  2015/09  東京大学
  • Japanese Majolica Tiles in Inter-war India: Modernization, Sanitization, and Beautification of the National Landscape  [Not invited]
    The 17th World Economic History Congress  2015/08  Kyoto International Conference Center
  • インドを彩る日本のタイル:インド近代化遺産のもうひとつの物語  [Invited]
    第445回国立民族学博物館友の会講演会  2015/08  国立民族学博物館
  • Japanese Majolica Tiles and National Aestheticism in Late Colonial Asia  [Not invited]
    The 9th International Convention of Asian Scholars  2015/07  Adelaide, Australia  Adelaide Convention Centre
  • 石窟寺院をめぐる西デカンの長期の景観変容:立地環境・建築様式・装飾形式の分析から  [Not invited]
    2014年度マハーラーシュトラ研究会例会  2015/03  東京大国語大学本郷サテライト
  • Japanese Majolica Tiles in the Making of Indian Modernism and Nationalism  [Not invited]
    SNU-INDAS Conference  2014/12  New Delhi, India  India Habitat Centre
  • 植民地インドにおける日本製マジョリカタイルの受容:公衆衛生、消費、アイデンティティ表象  [Not invited]
    第262回民博研究懇談会  2014/12  国立民族学博物館
  • Aesthetics, Sanitation, and Nationalism: Japanese Majolica Tiles in Late Colonial India  [Not invited]
    Seminar Series of the Centre for South Asian Studies  2014/10  The University of Edinburgh
  • 植民地インドと日本製〈マジョリカ〉タイル―公衆衛生と民族意識をめぐる美学  [Not invited]
    2014年度現代インド・南アジアセミナー  2014/09  広島大学
  • 大戦間期のインド建築における日本製マジョリカタイルの受容とその記号性  [Not invited]
    社会経済史学会第83回全国大会  2014/05  同志社大学
  • Majolica Tiles and Pan-Asianism in Interwar Japan  [Not invited]
    HISTART '13 Conference: Politics, Ideology, Identity  2013/11  Istanbul, Turkey  Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
  • 大戦間期のインド建築における日本製マジョリカタイルの受容―シェーカーワーティー地方のハヴェーリーを中心に―  [Not invited]
    現代インド地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点平成25年度第3回合同研究会  2013/10  国立民族学博物館
  • 大戦間期のハヴェーリー建築におけるモダニズムとナショナリズム―日本製マジョリカタイルの受容に着目して―  [Not invited]
    日本南アジア学会第26回全国大会  2013/10  広島大学
  • 英領期の北インド・ラージプーターナーにおける商家建築ハヴェーリーの変容  [Not invited]
    宮城学院女子大学附属キリスト教文化研究所公開研究会  2013/07  宮城学院女子大学
  • 両大戦間期の英領インドにおける日本製マジョリカタイルの受容について  [Not invited]
    第66回美術史学会全国大会  2013/05  関西大学
  • インドの商家建築ハヴェーリーを飾る日本製マジョリカタイル  [Not invited]
    第29回民族藝術学会  2013/04  郡山女子大学
  • The Cave Temples as the Imagining of India: The Negotiation between Early Modern Indian Tradition and Colonial Knowledge  [Not invited]
    The 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art  2012/07  Nuremberg, Germany  Nuremberg Convention Center
  • The Marwari Haveli as Re-presentation of Colonial Modernity  [Not invited]
    The British Association of South Asian Studies Annual Conference  2012/04  SOAS, University of London
  • マールワーリーの邸宅ハヴェーリーの壁画装飾からみる植民地経験とグローバリゼーション  [Not invited]
    現代インド地域研究国立民族学博物館拠点平成23年度第3回合同研究会  2012/02  福岡アジア美術館
  • 植民地経験の表象としてのハヴェーリー:英領インドにおける商業集団マールワーリーの文化交渉実践  [Not invited]
    関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点第4回次世代国際学術フォーラム  2011/12  関西大学
  • ハヴェーリーからみたマールワーリーと〈故郷〉のローカル社会との関係性―視点・表象・伝統をめぐって―  [Not invited]
    日本南アジア学会第24回全国大会  2011/10  大阪大学
  • カラード石窟群造営に関する一試論―初期歴史時代の西デカン地方南半部における社会と仏教の関係性を踏まえて―  [Not invited]
    美術史学会西支部例会  2010/11  京都国立博物館
  • Environment and Sanctification in the Making of Cultural Landscape at the Caves of Pateshvar  [Not invited]
    The 20th International Conference on European Association of South Asian Archaeology  2010/07  Vienna, Austria  University of Vienna
  • Indian Antiquities in Imagination, Empiricism and Scientism: A Reconsideration of Cave Temple Studies of the Imperial Intellect  [Not invited]
    The 21st Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia  2010/06  Singapore  River View Hotel (Singapore)
  • インドにおける文化遺産概念の形成と諸問題:石窟寺院を事例とした美術史的考察  [Not invited]
    第42回南アジア研究集会  2009/07  旅館「伯梁」
  • Cutting Practice on the Rock, Layering Sanctuaries on the Water: Assimilation and Reproduction of Tradition in the Western Deccan Caves  [Not invited]
    The 3rd International Conference on South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion  2009/06  Denpasar, Indonesia  Institut Seni Indonesia
  • The Reconstruction of Oriental Identity through Buddhist Heritage: The Study of Indian Cave Temples, Its Reaction and Interpretation in Asian Countries from the 19th Century till Today  [Not invited]
    The International Conference on Heritage in Asia: Converging Forces, Conflicting Values  2009/01  National University of Singapore
  • ターナーレー(ナードスル)第7窟浮彫の考察―西インド初期歴史時代における仏教石窟寺院への新視点―  [Not invited]
    第61回美術史学会全国大会  2008/06  東京大学
  • 西インド仏教石窟寺院の分布と造営時期に関する考察  [Not invited]
    米田文孝; 豊山亜希
    日本考古学協会第74回総会  2008/05  東海大学
  • Through Ports, Passes, and Junctions: Reconsideration of the Excavational Patterns of Minor Buddhist Caves in Western India  [Not invited]
    Nobuo NAKATANI; Fumitaka YONADA; Akinori UESUGI; Aki TOYOYAMA
    The 19th International Conference on European Association of South Asian Archaeology  2007/07  Ravenna, Italy  Bologna University (Ravenna Section)
  • Buddhist Caves as a Symbol of Socio-economy: With Special Reference to Junnar Caves in India  [Not invited]
    The 2nd International Conference on South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion  2007/05  Nakhon Pathom, Thailand  Mahidol Unversity
  • ジュンナル石窟レーニアードリー第6窟について  [Not invited]
    第58回美術史学会全国大会  2005/05  大阪大学
  • 西インドの石窟寺院―ジュンナル石窟寺院を中心として―  [Not invited]
    米田文孝; 豊山亜希
    国際シンポジウム「古代インドの都市像を探る」  2004/11  関西大学
  • ジュンナル石窟マーンモーディー第25窟及び第26窟について  [Not invited]
    第55回美学会全国大会若手研究者フォーラム  2004/10  京都工芸繊維大学

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2028/03 
    Author : 藤岡 穣; 肥田 路美; 川瀬 由照; 山口 隆介; 大澤 信; 大河内 智之; 濱田 瑞美; 豊山 亜希; 稲本 泰生; 中島 悠太; 長原 一; 皿井 舞; 内記 理
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2023/04 -2028/03 
    Author : 藤岡 穣; 肥田 路美; 川瀬 由照; 山口 隆介; 大澤 信; 大河内 智之; 濱田 瑞美; 豊山 亜希; 稲本 泰生; 中島 悠太; 長原 一; 皿井 舞; 内記 理
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A))
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : Aki Toyoyama
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2024/03 
    Author : Aki Toyoyama
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists B
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : Aki TOYOYAMA
    The project analyzed architecture of the Chettiars, the Hindu migrant merchants from Tamil Nadu who became prominent in the clonial period. Their mansions in Tamil villages and Hindu temple buildings in the migrant regions reflect the changes of the Chettiar's caste identity and nationalistic perceptions in their mural paintings and other decorative elements.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2018/03 
    Author : Tomizawa Kana; HAZAMA Eijiro; HIRANO Kuniko
    “Modern concepts of religion” have long been criticized as modern Western constructs subsequently imposed on the rest of the world. At the same time, however, we need to note that this critique holds the risk of neglecting the agency the non-Western world exerted in shaping modernity. This research project examines the agency of the non-Western world in constructing modern concepts of religion, with particular focus on the discourses on the religious and the secular by Neo-Vedanta and M. K. Gandhi, and figurative expressions in modern India, such as tile decoration, paintings, and tombstones of British cemeteries. The important findings were that their religious/secular discourses were neither a simple consumption nor rejection of Western concepts, but were quite uniquely, yet globally, developed, and that new religious figurative expressions came about due to global economic changes, beyond the East/West and tradition/modernity dichotomies.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2018/03 
    Author : NAKATANI Sumie; TANAKA Tetsuya
    In this study, researchers with different disciplines; art history, Hindi literature, religious studies, social anthropology, and economic history got together and discussed how groups of migrant traders from Rajasthan became a community called "Marwari" which shared a common identity and culture in 1920-30s. It was shown how important were the influence given and role played by the Marwari in the formation of 'Indian modernity' and how the Marwari exercised their power and position when they were adopting modern economic, political and law system.
  • 植民地インドにおける商業カーストの邸宅建築に関する基礎的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03 
    Author : 豊山亜希
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2009 -2011 
    Author : NAKATANI Sumie; KOMATSU Hisae; TOYOYAMA Aki
    This study reconsidered the Marwari, one of the most successful business communities in India. Previous studies have discussed on the strength of Marwaris in Indian industry and explored the reason for their disproportionate success, but have not understood them in a historical context of the native towns from which they migrated. Based on the field works in towns of Shekhawati, politics of identity and representations of Marwairis are discussed in this study.
  • インド仏教石窟寺院の展開過程における〈ミッシング・リンク〉を求めて―コーンカン地方の造営例に関する美術考古学的研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2008/04 -2009/03 
    Author : 豊山亜希
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金(若手研究スタートアップ)
    Date (from‐to) : 2008/04 -2009/03 
    Author : 豊山亜希
    本研究課題は、インド西部マハーラーシュトラ州に分布する仏教石窟寺院のうち、先行研究によって看過されてきた同州南半部の造営例を研究対象として、実地調査による最新の現状記録を行い、基礎資料を再整備することを主旨とするものである。 3年目となる平成23年度は、前年度までの基礎資料の整備という成果を踏まえて明らかとなった課題-すなわち、英領インド期の初期調査成果の言説を再検討するという課題-に取り組んだ。 この課題を遂行するにあたって実施したのは、英領インド期に集成された文献群の重点調査である。その対象は、インドの石窟寺院を実見したイギリス人の紀行文や講演録、スケッチ、写真といった記録の刊行本および未刊行史料、18世紀以降にイギリスを含む西欧で好古主義やオリエンタリズムの興隆を反映して発刊された定期刊行物、さらに英領インド最盛期に編纂・刊行された調査報告書や地誌事典である。さらに、当時のイギリスが植民地において収集した文物を、知識体系としてどのようにその支配に応用しようとしたのかを明らかにするため、植民地インド博覧会をはじめとする文化行政の目録や関連刊行物についても調査を実施した。 さらに、イギリスにおける文献調査の成果と前年度までのフィールド調査での成果を照合するため、平成24年3月にインドを訪問し、石窟寺院周辺からの出土品、あるいは石窟寺院の造営と同時期に編年される遺物を所蔵する、ニューデリー国立博物館およびチャトラパティ・シヴァージー博物館を訪問して資料調査を実施した。さらに、英領インドにおいて開催された内国博覧会の出品作を所蔵するジャイプル市博物館および付属図書館、ムンバイ市博物館において、所蔵品と当時の博覧会出品目録を調査した。
  • 西インド前期仏教石窟の消長過程に関する研究―ジュンナル石窟における建築様式の展開を中心に―
    Date (from‐to) : 2007/04 -2008/03 
    Author : 豊山亜希
  • 西インド仏教石窟の消長過程に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2006/04 -2007/03 
    Author : 豊山亜希