SHIMO Etsuko

General Education DivisionProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Master of Education(State University of NewYork, University at Buffalo)
  • Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies(Kyoto University)

Research Keyword

  • teacher beliefs, learner autonomy, collaborative learning activities, foreign language education policy.   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education



  • 2020/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Applied Sociology Faculty of Applied Sociology教授
  • 2010/04 - 2020/03  Kinki University Factulty of Applied SociologyAssociate Professor
  • 2009/04 - 2010/03  Kinki University Department of Language EducationAssociate Professor
  • 2007/04 - 2009/03  Kinki University Department of Language EducationLecturer
  • 2003 - 2007  Miyazaki Municipal UniversityFaculty of Humanities, Department of Intercultural Studies

Educational Background

  •        - 2020/03  Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
  •        - 2001  State University of New York, University at Buffalo  School of Education, Department of Learning and Instruction  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  •        - 1996  Tokyo University of Foreign Studies  Faculty of Foreign Studies  英米語学科
  •        - 1996  Tokyo University of Foreign Studies  Department of Foreign Studies  Anglo-American Studies

■Research activity information


  • 2023/05 日本英語教育史学会 2023年度 日本英語教育史学会著作賞
     『多言語教育に揺れる近代日本 ―「一外国語主義」浸透の歴史』 (出版社名)東進堂(発行)2022年2月25日


  • 小学校・中学校の学習指導要領にみる英語教育強化の変遷
    下 絵津子
    石井隆之教授退任記念論集 5 - 16 2023/03
  • A historical analysis of modern Japan’s exclusively English-focused foreign language education policies
    Etsuko Shimo
    European Journal of Language Policy 14 (1) 109 - 129 2022/04 [Refereed]
  • 「日本の外国語教育史における「一外国語主義」の採用と結果」
    下 絵津子
    『英語教育の歴史に学び・現在を問い・未来を拓く―江利川春雄教授退職記念論集―』 3 - 26 2021/03 [Refereed]
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Japan: To Divide or Not to Divide
    Etsuko Shimo
    近畿大学教育総論 32 (1) 207 - 228 2020/09
  • 「教育調査会における学制改革案と外国語教育の方針」
    下 絵津子
    『外国語教育研究』 22 199 - 214 2019/12 [Refereed]
  • Higher School Entrance Exams and Middle School Foreign Language Education in Meiji- and Taisho-Era Japan: The Case of Daiichi Koto Gakko
    Etsuko Shimo
    JALT Journal 41 (1) 27 - 48 2019/05 [Refereed]
  • The 1898 Japan Middle School Principals National Convention: Teaching English or German?
    SHIMO Etsuko
    Language Policy 15 31 - 56 2019/03 [Refereed]
  • Teachers’ perceptions of their students’ English abilities and attitudes towards learning English: A comparison of English L1 and Japanese L1 teachers.
    Etsuko Shimo
    Kindai University Applied Sociology Review 7 (1) 15 - 30 2018
  • The Purposes of Foreign Language Education: Koto Kyoiku Kaigi and Foreign Language Education in Meiji Era Middle Schools
    SHIMO Etsuko
    Language Policy 14 29 - 54 2018 [Refereed]
  • 下 絵津子
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University 近畿大学総合社会学部 4 (2) 35 - 55 2186-6260 2016/03 
    日本の大学で1・2 年生の英語科目を教える教師を対象に、学生に関する教師ビリーフを探求するアンケート調査を2014 年に実施した。本稿では、アンケート調査結果をもとに、学生の性格や英語学習に対する態度、教室内での英語使用についての態度、授業の形態に関する好みに関して、教師がどのように認識しているかを、英語第一言語教師(ETs:154 名)と日本語第一言語教師(JTs:170 名)の間で比較分析した。その結果、「受身的」「素直」「恥ずかしがりや」といった認識に類似点が見られた一方、いくつかの相違点も観察された。「明るい」「英語でコミュニケーションを取りたがる」「どうしたら英語力が上がるかに関心がある」との認識のETs が多かったのに対して、JTs は「学習に真面目に取り組む」との回答が多かった。また、学生が学習者中心を好むのか、教師中心の教室を好むのかなどについても両グループで認識に差が見られた。これらの相違点を生み出した背景要因には、 (1)授業における目標スキルが異なっていること、(2)学生の教師に対する期待とその期待への教師の対応の間に存在する相互関係的状況要因、そして(3)授業における教師と学生、あるいは学生と学生同士の実際のやり取りの内容と量が関係している可能性が指摘される。majour: English Education
  • 下 絵津子
    近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University 近畿大学総合社会学部 3 (2) 31 - 48 2186-6260 2014/07 
    (Abstract) The purposes of this paper are twofold: a) to discuss how previous researchers have explored teachers' beliefs in the field of second language education and b) to report the findings of a pilot survey conducted among Japanese university English teachers about their beliefs regarding Japanese learners of English at universities. First, I will review the definitions of teachers' beliefs and their roles in teaching practices. Teachers' beliefs can be a critical factor that makes a difference in the outcome of curriculum goals because of the potentially strong influences on individual teachers' instructional practices. Second, I will examine teachers' beliefs collected through a pilot questionnaire survey. Data were collected from six native English-speaking teachers (ETs) and eleven native Japanese-speaking teachers (JTs). The main purpose of the pilot study was to examine the questionnaire items for use in a larger-scale survey, and therefore a small group of teachers was selected. Despite its small scale, the survey revealed potential differences and similarities between ETs' and JT's beliefs about Japanese learners of English at universities in Japan: The findings indicated the possibility that the teachers share similar impressions of their students, but that their judgments and interpretations of the students' skills and attitudes toward learning English (i.e., motivations and preferences for class formats and activities) could be very different.専攻: 英語教育学, 修正箇所: 39ページ右欄30~33行目
  • Shimo Etsuko; Nitta Kaori
    近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 外国語編 近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター 2 (1) 225 - 245 2185-6982 2011 
    著者専攻(下): 英語教育学, 著者専攻(新田): 英語教育学
  • Learner autonomy and English language proficiency: An exploration among non-English majors at a Japanese university
    語学教育部紀要 8 (2) 153 - 178 2008
  • Shimo Etsuko
    Kinki University Department of Language Education Bulletin 近畿大学語学教育部 8 (2) 153 - 178 1346-9134 2008 
    [Abstract] This study explored the following research questions: Are there any differences in the level of self-perceived learner autonomy depending on the students' proficiency level? If so, what differences are there? A self-reportquestionnaire was developed in order to gather data about students' learner autonomy levels. The questionnaire responses were collected from 106 non-English majors at a Japanese university in the 2007 fall semester. In addition to the questionnaire results, proficiency-test scores of the students were used for the analysis in the study. The analysis suggests the following points: 1) There are two factors in learner autonomy measured by the questionnaire: "orientation towards improving learning environment" and "orientation towards reflective learning." 2)The "orientation towards reflective learning" seems to be a better prediction of learners' higher proficiency. 3) In addition to proficiency level, a number of variables appear to explain differences in the students' learner autonomy level, including students' motivation, learning objectives, interest in language learning, and class atmosphere.
  • Etsuko SHIMO
    宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities 14 (1) 149 - 167 2007/03 
    ポートフォリオとは基本的には「ある目的のもとに学習者の作品などを収集したもの」であるが、それを有効に活用するためには、「収集・選択・内省」(Hamp-Lyons & Condon,2000)などの特徴を考慮しなければならない。本稿では、まず、語学教室においてポートフォリオを効果的に活用するためのこのような特徴を整理し、ヨーロッパ各国の第二言語教育において組織的なポートフォリオの導入を試みるヨーロッパ言語ポートフォリオ(ELP)を紹介する。さらに、「評価用ポートフォリオ」を利用した筆者の授業におけるその使用を考察し、日本の語学教室におけるポートフォリオの活用・普及にむけての課題を整理する。ポートフォリオは、学習者と教師の「協働評価」であり、その活用によって、両者が自らの活動に対して互いからフィードバックを受け取るという構図が実現できる。また、それは、学習者オートノミー、教師オートノミーを促進することにつながる。ELPプロジェクトがそうであるように、ポートフォリオ活用は語学教育にプラスの効果をもたらす可能性は非常に高い。そのようなポートフォリオ活用への理解を促進するために、また、日本の語学教室での効果的な活用方法をさらに吟味するために、日本の中学、高校、大学の語学教育の現場でのポートフォリオ活用例を集めることが必要だろう。普及にあたっては、その機能を明確化し、ポートフォリオの特徴の整理や、その活用の流れ、具体的な方法の提示が必須だと考える。
  • Etsuko SHIMO
    宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities 13 (1) 85 - 99 2006/03 
    This paper first introduces sample collaborative shadowing activities used in university-level English courses, discusses concepts to support these activities, and then explores their benefits and drawbacks based on instructor observations and student responses from an end-of-the-semester questionnaire survey and reflection essays on course activities. In a collaborative shadowing activity, a student shares his or her written work orally and the partner repeats his or her words in the form of a dialogue. This activity, termed dialogue-formed shadowing, provides ample opportunities for students to expose themselves to input, to produce output, and to have interaction with each other and receive more feedback on their output, helping to create a cooperative and autonomous learning space. Such practice with nonnative speaker classmates allows students to become aware of the benefits of practicing with non-native speakers. This study shows that a large number of students identified benefits of collaborative shadowing activities. Students found it fun to speak with classmates and to know more about their fellow classmates. They enjoyed communicating with classmates in English, sharing personal stories, and learning from each other. Collaborative shadowing was a new way of practicing the language for them; they reported that shadowing activities provided good listening and speaking practice. However, a few problems were pointed out such as a) repetition of classmates' errors and mistakes, b) uncertainty of correct pronunciation, and c) negative emotions about their own writing. This paper will suggest a few teaching tools and techniques to deal with problems. In the end, this study has raised two issues to be explored in the future. One is whether collaborative shadowing works for a certain type of student group or not, and the other is how the teacher's instructions in shadowing activities change students' performances and their consequent effects upon language learning.
  • SHIMO Etsuko
    Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities 宮崎公立大学 13 (1) 85 - 99 1340-3613 2006/03 
    This paper first introduces sample collaborative shadowing activities used in university-level English courses, discusses concepts to support these activities, and then explores their benefits and drawbacks based on instructor observations and student responses from an end-of-the-semester questionnaire survey and reflection essays on course activities. In a collaborative shadowing activity, a student shares his or her written work orally and the partner repeats his or her words in the form of a dialogue. This activity, termed dialogue-formed shadowing, provides ample opportunities for students to expose themselves to input, to produce output, and to have interaction with each other and receive more feedback on their output, helping to create a cooperative and autonomous learning space. Such practice with nonnative speaker classmates allows students to become aware of the benefits of practicing with non-native speakers. This study shows that a large number of students identified benefits of collaborative shadowing activities. Students found it fun to speak with classmates and to know more about their fellow classmates. They enjoyed communicating with classmates in English, sharing personal stories, and learning from each other. Collaborative shadowing was a new way of practicing the language for them; they reported that shadowing activities provided good listening and speaking practice. However, a few problems were pointed out such as a) repetition of classmates' errors and mistakes, b) uncertainty of correct pronunciation, and c) negative emotions about their own writing. This paper will suggest a few teaching tools and techniques to deal with problems. In the end, this study has raised two issues to be explored in the future. One is whether collaborative shadowing works for a certain type of student group or not, and the other is how the teacher's instructions in shadowing activities change students' performances and their consequent effects upon language learning.


  • 下 絵津子  語学教育部ジャーナル = Kinki University Department of Language Education journal  (6)  177  -184  2010/03
  • 下 絵津子  Kinki University Center for Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Education journal Foreign language edition  1-  (1)  133  -149  2010
  • 学習者オートのミート協力的学習をキーワードとした授業実践報告
    下 絵津子  『語学教育部ジャーナル』  (6)  177  -184  2010
  • 中学入学以前の英語学習経験が高校生の情意面に及ぼす影響
    樋口 忠彦; 田邉 義隆; 大村 吉弘; 下 絵津子; 加賀田 哲也  英語授業研究学会紀要 Journal of Teaching English  (18)  47  -79  2009/07
  • Koch Thomas  語学教育部ジャーナル = Kinki University Department of Language Education journal  (5)  129  -139  2009/03
  • 九州産業大学の特色ある大学教育支援プログラムについての視察報告
    新田香織; Tom Koch; 下 絵津子  語学教育部ジャーナル  (5)  129  -139  2009
  • 下 絵津子  Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin  9-  (1)  1  -19  2009
  • Shimo Etsuko  JACET Kansai journal  11-  (11)  33  -49  2009
  • 樋口忠彦; 田邉 義隆; 大村 吉弘; 下 絵津子; 加賀田 哲也  Kinki University Department of Language Education bulletin  8-  (2)  179  -234  2008/12
  • 小学校英語学習経験者の追跡調査と小・中学校英語教育への示唆
    大村 吉弘; 下 絵津子; 田邉 義隆  近畿大学語学教育部紀要  8-  (2)  179  -234  2008/12
  • 中学校入学以前の英語学習経験が大学生の情意面に及ぼす影響
    大村 吉弘; 下 絵津子; 田邉 義隆  JASEC 研究紀要  (27)  25  -51  2008/09
  • 樋口忠彦; 国方太司; 大村吉弘; 田邉義隆; 下 絵津子; 泉惠美子; 衣笠知子; 加賀田哲也; 箱崎雄子  英語教育増刊号  57-  (8)  58  -69  2008
  • Student empowerment through portfolio and cooperative learning activities
    Kinki University, Department of Language Education Journal  (4)  2008
  • Student empowerment through portfolio and cooperative learning activities
    Kinki University, Department of Language Education Journal  (4)  91  -103  2008
  • 小学校英語学習経験者の追跡調査と小・中英語教育への示唆
    樋口忠彦; 国方太司; 大村吉弘; 田邉義隆; 下 絵津子; 泉惠美子; 衣笠知子; 加賀田哲也; 箱崎雄子  英語教育増刊号  58  -69  2008
  • Student empowerment through portfolio and cooperative learning activities
    近畿大学語学教育部ジャーナル  (4)  91  -103  2008
  • 宮崎と異文化理解:摩擦と融和
    倉 真一; 下 絵津子  14  -24  2007/03
  • 第二言語教育におけるポートフォリオの活用
    宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要  14-  (1)  149  -167  2006
  • SHIMO Etsuko  Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities  14-  (1)  149  -167  2006
  • The effective use of collaborative shadowing activities in second language classrooms
    宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要  13-  (1)  85  -99  2005
  • Let's learn to write better through collaboration!
    JALT 2004 Proceedings  1147  -1157  2005
  • Learners to teacher: “Portfolios, please!”: Students’ perceptions of portfolio assessment in EFL classrooms
    M. Apple; E. Shimo  JALT PAN-SIG2004 Proceedings  on line  2005
  • The effective use of collaborative shadowing activities in second language classrooms
    宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要  13-  (1)  85  -99  2005
  • Learners to teacher: "Portfolios, please!": Students’ perceptions of portfolio assessment in EFL classrooms
    M. Apple; E. Shimo  JALT PAN-SIG2004 Proceedings  On line  2005
  • Cooperative learning in an EFL writing course: A step toward motivation and autonomy
    Learner Development: Context, Curricula, Connections, Proceedings of the Kobe Conference  25  -33  2005
  • 英語リーディングへのアプローチ-ある授業の考察から-
    宮崎公立大学開学10周年記念論文集 宮崎~九州~アジア:地域に根ざして  249  -264  2004
  • 英語リーディングへのアプローチ-ある授業の考察から-
    宮崎公立大学開学10周年記念論文集 宮崎~九州~アジア:地域に根ざして  249  -264  2004
  • Learners' affect and learning of listening comprehension skills
    The Proceedings of JALT 2002  29  -35  2003
  • Learners' affect and learning of listening comprehension skills
    The Proceedings of JALT 2002  29  -35  2003
  • Learning listening comprehension skills in English: the analysis of Japanese learners' beliefs and its implications
    The Language Teacher  26-  (10)  15  -18  2002
  • Learning listening comprehension skills in English: the analysis of Japanese learners' beliefs and its implications
    The Language Teacher  26-  (10)  15  -18  2002
  • Japanese learners of English: their beliefs about listening skills and their use of listening strategies
    Unpublishied master's Thesis  2001
  • Japanese learners of English: their beliefs about listening skills and their use of listening strategies
    Unpublishied master's Thesis  2001
  • Cooperative learning in an EFL writing course: A step toward motivation and autonomy
    Learner Development: Context, Curricula, Connections, Proceedings of the Kobe Conference  25  -33
  • Let's learn to write better through collaboration!
    JALT 2004 Proceedings  1147  -1157

Books and other publications

  • A Can-Do framework based curriculum in a university-level English language learning program: Course goals, activities, and assessment.
    SHIMO Etsuko; RAMIRES Carlos; NITTA Kaori (Joint workIn F. O'Dwyer, M. Hunke, A. Imig, N. Nagai, N. Naganuma, M. Schmidt (Eds.). (2017). Critical, constructive assessment of CEFR-informed language teaching in Japan and beyond, English Profile Studies, volume 6 (pp. 118-154).)Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press. 2017
  • Teacher and learner autonomy in Japan, Vol. 2: More of autonomy you ask![E. Skier and M. Kohyama (Eds.)] (pp.49-60)
    JALT Learner Development SIG 2006 4931424163
  • Teacher and learner autonomy in Japan, Vol. 1: Autonomy you ask! [A. Barfield & M. Nix (Eds.)] (pp. 175-186)
    JALT Learner Development SIG 2006 4931424295
  • Teacher and learner autonomy in Japan, Vol. 2: More autonomy you ask!
    JALT Learner Development SIG 2006 4931424295
  • 『多文化の時代 衝突と対応』 (pp.12-32)
    宮崎公立大学・鉱脈社 2004
  • 『多文化の時代 衝突と対応』
    宮崎公立大学・鉱脈社 2004
  • Teacher and learner autonomy in Japan, Vol. 1: Autonomy you ask!
    JALT Learner Development SIG 2003 4931424163

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 複数言語学習の視点から分析する嘉納治五郎の言語教育観
    日本英語教育史学会 全国大会  2024/05
  • 【自著を語る】『多言語教育に揺れる近代日本:「一外国語主義」浸透の歴史』
    指定討論者:孫工 季也 氏(京都大学大学院)
    日本英語教育史学会例会  2022/07
  • “Teaching EFL in Japan: To Divide or Not to Divide”
    Belonging, Identity, Language, Diversity, Research Group Meeting (McGill University, Montreal)  2019/03
  • 第一高等学校入学試業の外国語科目:1880年代から1910年代の変遷  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    日本英語教育史学会例会  2018/07
  • 1898年全国中学校長会議:英語かドイツ語か  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    日本英語教育史学会(第34回全国大会)  2018/05
  • Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Students’ English Abilities and Attitudes Towards Learning English: A Comparison of English L1 and Japanese L1 Teachers  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    The Fifth International Language in Focus Conference  2018/05
  • 中学・高校学習指導要領に見る日本の外国語教育政策  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    日本言語政策学会第18回大会  2016/06
  • How do Japanese-university English learners look to you?  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    JALT Nara Chapter Meeting  2015/10
  • Exploring Japanese university English teachers’ beliefs about their students’ characteristics  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    JACET 54th International Conference  2015/08
  • Can-Doフレームワークを基盤とした大学英語学習カリキュラム:運営の振り返りと改善に向けて  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    英語授業研究会関西支部例会  2015/02
  • Exploring Japanese university English teachers’ beliefs about their students  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    ClaSIC  2014/12
  • English Teachers’ Beliefs: A Review of Previous Research and Findings from a Pilot Study  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    JACET 53rd International Conference  2014/08
  • Exploration into language teachers’ beliefs in the field of second language teaching  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    JALT PanSIG 2014  2014/05
  • Review of a can-do-framework-based curriculum in a university-level English language learning program: course goals, activities and assessment  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    JALT PLF SIG Symposium  2014/05
  • Collaborative Learning Activities and Motivation for Learning English  [Not invited]
    SHIMO Etsuko
    全国語学教育学会学習者ディベロプメント特別研究部会20周年記念大会  2013/11
  • Collaborating with science students about their EFL motivation  [Not invited]
    Matthew Apple; Glen Hill; Joseph Falout; Etsuko Shimo
    JACET 52nd International Conference  2013/08
  • Implementation of Writing Tests for First-year University Students by Use of “Criterion”  [Not invited]
    西村 香奈絵; 石井 隆之; 下 絵津子
    大学英語教育学会  2010/11  関西学院大学  大学英語教育学会
  • The Role of Cooperative Learning in Promoting Learner Autonomy  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    自立学習学会(Independent Learning Association)  2007/10  神田外語大学(千葉)  自立学習学会(Independent Learning Association)
  • ポートフォリオ:英語教室における利用とその意義  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    英語授業研究学会  2007/08  近畿大学(東大阪)  英語授業研究学会
  • Student power: Portfolio assessment in an EFL writing class  [Not invited]
    下 絵津子
    Asia TEFL  2007/06  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  Asia TEFL

Affiliated academic society

  • SOCIETY FOR HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ENGLISH LEARNING AND TEACHING IN JAPAN   JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR LANGUAGE POLICY   Japan Association of College English Teachers   Japan Association for Language Teaching   Japanese Association for Asian Englishes   

Research Themes

  • 「日本の大学の英語学習者に関する教師ビリーフ:英語母語話者・日本語母語話者の比較」
    MEXT/JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research:Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    Author : SHIMO Etsuko
  • 近代都市における中等教育利用に関する基礎的研究―実業層の学校利用を中心に―
    Author : 研究代表者 加藤 善子(信州大学) 研究分担者 冨岡 勝(近畿大学) 研究分担者 堤 ひろゆき(上武大学)


  • 2021/04 -2022/03  明治・大正期日本の外国語教育政策に関する研究(一外国語主義の波及:近代日本の外国語教育政策) 
    近畿大学学内研究助成金 研究種目:研究成果刊行助成金 課題番号:KJ03