Major in East Asian Studies Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/04/19

Researcher Information

J-Global ID

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2019/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International Studies准教授
  • 2018/04 - 2019/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International Studies講師
  • 2016/04 - 2018/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of International Studies特任講師
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03  Ritsumeikan UniversityLanguage Education Center外国語嘱託講師
  • 2011/04 - 2013/03  京都大学文学研究科日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2


  • 2007/04 - 2013/03  Kyoto University  文学研究科  文献文化学専攻 中国哲学史専修 博士後期課程
  • 2008/09 - 2010/07  南京大学  哲学系 高級進修生(中国政府公費留学生)
  • 2005/04 - 2007/03  Kyoto University  文学研究科  文献文化学専攻 中国哲学史専修 修士課程
  • 2003/04 - 2005/03  Osaka City University  文学研究科  アジア都市文化学専攻 前期博士課程
  • 1999/04 - 2003/03  Kindai University  Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies  文化学科

Association Memberships


Published Papers

  • Numinosisty and Image in Treatises about Landscape Painting of the Six Dynasties: With a Focus on Tsung Ping and Wang Wei
    Murata Mio
    ACTA ASIATICA Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture 125 83 - 99 2023/08 [Invited]
  • An Annotated Translation of Wang Wei’s “Xuhua” in Lidaiminghuaji juan 6
    Mio Murata
    Journal of International Studies 7 165 - 189 2022/06 
    This paper is an annotated translation of part of Wang Wei in Zhang Yanyuan’s Lidaiminghuaji juan 6, including Wang Wei’s “Xuhua”. There are many critical editions and annotated translations of Lidaiminghuaji, including the part of Wang Wei. Also, there are research books that discuss Wang Wei in detail. However, each of the above research results has a different form, and there are considerable variations in proofreading and interpretation about “Xuhua”. This paper proofread part of Wang Wei in Lidaiminghuaji juan 6, including Wang Wei’s “Xuhua”, translated into Japanese, and annotated again. The main purpose of this paper is to review the past research results, synthesize their advantages, and supplement annotations of the examples. KEYWORDS: 歴代名畫記, 王微, 敍畫, 山水畫, 畫論
  • A Translation with Notes of Huixiang's Hongzanfahuazhuan Vol.1 Tuxiang
    Mio Murata
    Journal of International Studies 6 117 - 164 2021/11 
    This paper is a translation with notes of Hongzanfahuazhuan Vol.1 Tuxiang. Hongzanfahuanzhuan was written by the Buddhist monk Huixiang, who lived around the Early Tang dynasty. This translation with notes is based on a manuscript owned by the Todaiji Library in Nara. Taisho-zo was also based on that but contains typographical errors. For that reason, this paper reprinted the handwritten manuscript again, then proofread, translated into Japanese, and provided notes about related matters. KEYWORDS: 慧詳, 弘贊法華傳, 圖像, 初唐, 譯注
  • 賈晋華著; 村田みお訳
    ANNUAL REPORT of THE INSTITUTE FOR ZEN STUDIES 禅文化研究所 33 (33) 207 - 248 0289-9604 2016/03
  • 姚ベン『三教不斉論』執筆の経緯と三教論争における位置づけ――あわせて空海『三教指帰』序文への影響をも論じる
    『最澄・空海将来『三教不斉論』の研究』 209 - 230 2016/01
  • 聖凱著; 村田みお訳
    佛教學セミナー 大谷大学佛教学会 99 (99) 1 - 22 0287-1556 2014/06
  • Mio Murata
    東方学報 京都 京都大學人文科學研究所 88 151 - 187 0304-2448 2013/12 [Refereed]
    Golden scriptures made of gold pigment and dark colored paper were originally made in China, and introduced into Korea and Japan later. According to some old history books, the earliest golden scriptures in China were made by members of the royal family of the northern Wei 北魏 in the early 6th century. Their golden scriptures expressed the nobility of scriptures and their owners. In the 530's-540's, Xiao Yan 蕭衍, emperor of the southern Liang dynasty, made golden manuscripts of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom 摩訶般若波羅蜜經, which he used to give four lectures. His lectures with golden scriptures were imported into a series of ceremonies like Shidian 釋奠. Furthermore, the purpose of his lectures was to reproduce the story of Sadāprarudita 薩陀波崙 and Dharmodgata 曇無竭. In the 550's, worrying about the Latter Day of the Law 末法, Nanyue Huisi 南嶽彗思 made golden manuscripts of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom and the Lotus sutra 妙法蓮華經. His golden scriptures were based on the idea that gold is a symbol of eternity. Golden scriptures actually are rather fragile, but were considered to be everlasting just as were stone scriptures. Golden scriptures and the way to make them were imported to Japan as early as the 8th century. In the 11th century, the idea of the Latter Day of the Law increased in Japan. Fujiwara Michinaga 藤原道長, who like Huisi used gold to symbolize eternity, made golden manuscripts of some sutras and buried them in the ground at Kimpusen 金峯山. As described above, in those days, golden scriptures were not only decoration, but also the reproduction of the story of the bodhisattvas and were symbols of eternity.
  • 血字経の淵源と意義
    中国思想史研究 (34) 187 - 207 2013/03 [Refereed]
  • 血経的淵源以及意義
    中国佛教文化研究所『佛学研究』第二十一期 (21) 56 - 63 2012/12 [Refereed]
  • 金経的淵源以及意義――以梁武帝与慧思為中心
    南岳仏教協会摩鏡台文庫『慧思大師研究』、岳麓書社 264 - 277 2012/12
  • 六朝隋唐期の佛典書寫をめぐる思想的考察
    日本中国学会 第一回若手シンポジウム論文集 中国学の新局面 107 - 121 2012/02 [Refereed]
  • 村田 みお
    中国思想史研究 京都大学文学部中国哲学史研究会 0 (29) 69 - 107 0388-3086 2009/03 [Refereed]
  • 庭園の造営とそのテキスト化―王世貞「弇山園記」をめぐって―
    『中国思想における美・気・忌・死』 平成17年度~19年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)「〈醜〉と〈排除〉の感性論―否定美の力学に関する基盤研究―」研究成果報告書附篇 157 - 187 2008/03

Books etc

Conference Activities & Talks

  • 書評シンポジウム・パネルⅠ 松下道信著『宋金元道教内丹思想研究』
    松下道信; 齋藤智寛; 藤井倫明; 村田みお; 奥野新太郎; 劉青
    日本中国学会第75回大会  2023/10
  • Numinosity and Image in Buddhist Painting and Landscape Painting of the Six Dynasties  [Invited]
    MURATA Mio
  • 「正書」、「正字」を手がかりとした写本時代の書物作成過程をめぐる一考察  [Not invited]
    第65回日本中国学会  2013/10
  • 姚〓(功+言)『三教不斉論』執筆の動機と論調をめぐって  [Not invited]
    日本印度学仏教学会第64回学術大会  2013/09
  • 血経的淵源以及意義  [Not invited]
    清華・京都2011年聯合漢学工作坊「文学・芸術・宗教与物質文化」  2011/11
  • 金経的淵源以及意義――以梁武帝与慧思為中心  [Not invited]
    「慧思大師与南岳仏教」学術検討会  2011/08
  • 六朝隋唐期の佛典書寫をめぐる思想的考察  [Not invited]
    日本中国学会第一回若手シンポジウム  2011/03


  • 形神・体用・輪廻・機根・感応から考える宋金元道教内丹思想
    村田みお  日本中國学會二〇二三年度『研究集録』書評シンポジウム報告  21  -27  2024/03

Awards & Honors

  • 2014/11 一般財団法人橋本循記念会 第二十四回蘆北賞・論文部門
    受賞者: 村田みお

Teaching Experience

  • 専門導入セミナー専門導入セミナー Kindai University
  • 留学セミナー留学セミナー Kindai University
  • セミナーセミナー Kindai University
  • 基礎ゼミ基礎ゼミ Kindai University
  • 中国現代文化1中国現代文化1 Kindai University
  • ビジネス中国語1・2ビジネス中国語1・2 Kindai University
  • 中国語文法(上級)中国語文法(上級) Kindai University
  • 中国語表現中国語表現 Kindai University
  • 中国語文法(入門)中国語文法(入門) Kindai University

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