Major in Community Design, Department of Applied SociologyProfessor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 都市緑地   生物多様性   景観生態学   生態系管理   里地里山   

Research Field

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Biological resource conservation
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Landscape science
  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Environmental agriculture



  • 2023/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Applied SociologyProfessor
  • 2014/04 - 2023/03  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Applied Sociology准教授
  • 2012/06 - 2014/03  Osaka UniversityCenter for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences准教授
  • 2010/05 - 2012/03  京都大学大学院地球環境学堂特定助教
  • 2009/06 - 2010/04  Kyoto UniversityField Science Education and Research Center特定研究員
  • 2006/10 - 2009/05  京都大学大学院地球環境学堂寄附講座助手・助教

Educational Background

  • 2003/04 - 2006/04  京都大学大学院  農学研究科  森林科学専攻 博士課程
  • 2001/04 - 2003/03  京都大学大学院  農学研究科  森林科学専攻 修士課程
  • 1997/04 - 2001/03  Kyoto University  Faculty of Agriculture  生産環境科学科

■Research activity information


  • 2016/10 日本緑化工学会 優秀ポスター賞
    受賞者: 木村元則;今西純一;今西亜友美;井鷺裕司;陶山佳久;柴田昌三
  • 2012/06 日本造園学会 ベストペーパー賞
     滋賀県南東部の水田地帯におけるハルリンドウ生育地の環境条件 JPN 
    受賞者: 今西亜友美;今西純一;河瀬直幹;夏原由博
  • 2010/05 日本地球惑星科学連合 ポスター賞最優秀賞
    受賞者: 福島慶太郎;大槻あずさ;河本晴恵;吉岡崇仁;徳地直子;今西亜友美;向昌宏;谷尾陽一;白澤紘明
  • 2006/06 International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia Poster Award
     Changes in herbaceous plants at an urban ecological park for 9 years after construction 
    受賞者: Imanishi, A;Kitagawa, C;Nakamura, S;Hashimoto, H;Tabata, K;Imanishi, J;Morimoto, Y;Miyamoto, M


  • 2023年度前期認定の自然共生サイトの特徴
    今西亜友美; 松川日菜子
    日本緑化工学会誌 49 (3) 280 - 283 2024/03
  • Junichi Imanishi; Ayumi Imanishi; Yoshihisa Suyama; Yuji Isagi
    Landscape and Ecological Engineering Springer Science and Business Media LLC 1860-1871 2023/05 [Refereed]
  • Ayumi IMANISHI
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 48 (3) 481 - 484 0916-7439 2023/02
  • Factors Affecting Attitudes Towards Extermination of Native Harmful Animals and Invasive Non-native Species
    Ayumi Imanishi; Nozomu Suda
    環境情報科学 学術研究論文集 35 107 - 112 2021/12 [Refereed]
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Yosihiro Natuhara; Junichi Imanishi; Inpeng Duangvongsa; Sisomphone Southavong
    Landscape and Ecological Engineering Springer Science and Business Media LLC 17 (4) 493 - 505 1860-1871 2021/07 [Refereed]
  • Differences in ant species diversity and species composition between managed and abandoned bamboo forests
    Imanishi, A; Odani, Y
    Landscape Ecology and Management 25 (2) 159 - 162 2020/12
  • 江戸時代における神社の森の資源利用の実態
    ランドスケープ研究 84 (3) 250 - 253 2020/11
  • 歩行者から見た街路樹の「枝張り-歩道幅員比」による景観イメージの評価
    環境情報科学学術研究論文集 32 287 - 290 2018/12 [Refereed]
    Landscape Research Japan Online 公益社団法人 日本造園学会 81 (5) 513 - 516 1340-8984 2018/07 [Refereed]
    <p>Forest kindergarten, a type of preschool education for infants is gradually increasing in number in Japan. Because activities in forest kindergartens are conducted in natural environments, there exists concern about a higher frequency of injuries among children in such preschools when compared to ordinary preschools. To study the safety of children enrolled in forest kindergartens, we compared the frequency, types, and causes of injuries in such preschools with those seen in ordinary preschools, and checked the safety measures in place to prevent them. To this end, questionnaires were sent to 96 forest kindergartens, of whom 23 responded. Compiling the results, we found that the frequency of occurrence of injury was not appreciably higher in forest kindergartens. Burns, wasp stings, and tick bites were specific to forest kindergartens while common injuries such as scratches, cuts, and bruises were comparable to those occurring in ordinary preschools. As for the causes of injuries, those from collisions were less frequent, probably as a result of more space and fewer children in forest kindergartens, while injuries due to falls frequently occurred, similar to ordinary preschools. Safety measures in forest kindergartens were well-observed and appeared to diminish the frequency of occurrence of injury.</p>
  • 今西亜友美; 松本愛
    日本緑化工学会誌 42 (1) 220‐223  0916-7439 2016/08 [Refereed]
  • Yuichi Toma; Junichi Imanishi; Masashi Yokogawa; Hiroshi Hashimoto; Ayumi Imanishi; Yukihiro Morimoto; Yuki Hatanaka; Yuji Isagi; Shozo Shibata
    LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY SPRINGER 30 (8) 1435 - 1447 0921-2973 2015/10 [Refereed]
    Habitat fragmentation is likely to have deleterious genetic consequences for plant populations. Although the genetic effects of fragmentation in plants have been investigated in various landscapes, such studies are scarce in urban landscapes where forests tend to be fragmented and have a complex internal structure.This study aimed to determine the factors, including patch and sub-patch level spatial factors, affecting the genetic diversity of a herbaceous species in urban fragmented forests.We collected 30-39 leaf samples of Viola grypoceras A. Gray var. grypoceras, a perennial herbaceous species with short-distance seed dispersal, from 12 fragmented and 12 suburban forests each at Kyoto City, Japan, and analyzed the genetic diversity of this species by developing six simple sequence repeat markers. Field survey was conducted to collect demographic and spatial data.There was no significant difference in allelic richness between the urban fragmented and suburban forests. However, statistical analysis revealed that the area of vegetation, distribution pattern of populations in a forest, and average distance between nearest populations affected the genetic diversity of this species in urban fragmented forests.Although V. grypoceras has traits that allow it to tolerate fragmentation, such as self-pollination and seed bank-formation ability, pure loss of habitat and reduced fragment size might have deleterious effects on this species, and these effects might become more apparent if fragmentation continues to proceed in the future.
  • 仁淀川源流域におけるスギ・ヒノキ人工林の土壌特性と間伐の影響
    中西 麻美; 深田 英久; 福島 慶太郎; 今西 亜友美
    文部科学省(連携融合事業)「森里海連環学による地域循環木文化社会創出事業(木文化プロジェクト)」2013年度報告書 256 - 261 2015/03
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Shingo Kaneko; Yuji Isagi; Junichi Imanishi; Yosihiro Natuhara; Yukihiro Morimoto
    We analyzed the population genetic structure of Euryale ferox Salisb. (Nymphaeaceae), an annual aquatic herb, to obtain information useful for conservation of this species. A total of 391 plants from 58 populations throughout Japan and four plants from a population in China were sampled and genotyped using eight microsatellite markers. Within- and among-population genetic diversity of E. ferox in Japan was basically low, with all eight microsatellite loci fixed to single alleles in many populations. However, multilocus genotypes including heterozygous loci were detected from three populations; these populations had inbreeding coefficients (F-IS) not equal to 1.0 and it is assumed that these multilocus genotypes are produced by outbreeding of genetically different individuals. Principal coordinate analysis (PCO) and population genetic structure analysis using INSTRUCT software uncovered at least two genetically distinct groups within Japanese E. ferox populations, neither of which had a simple geographical distribution pattern. This complex genetic structure may be the result of a random fixation of MLGs through genetic drift after habitat loss and by spatial and temporal admixture among populations through seed dispersal and seed banks.
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Junichi Imanishi
    AQUATIC BOTANY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 119 (C) 80 - 83 0304-3770 2014/10 [Refereed]
    Populations of Euryale ferox Salisb. have declined throughout its global range because of habitat loss and degradation. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of storage temperature (4 and 20 degrees C), storage period (0, 90, 180, 270, and 360 days), light condition (light and darkness), germination temperature (constant 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 degrees C), and seed size (two classes from 0.5 cm to less than 1.2 cm, and from 1.2 cm to less than 1.6 cm) on germination of E. ferox seeds. Our results indicated that seeds were dormant when shed and 4 degrees C stratification promoted germination more effectively than 20 degrees C. After stratification at 4 degrees C, the germination frequency of the larger seeds peaked at 90 days' stratification, whereas the smaller seeds maintained high germination frequencies up to 180 days' stratification. The different germination responses between smaller and larger seeds may reflect a difference in the rate of induction of dormancy in the annual dormancy cycle. Seeds germinated in both light and darkness, which demonstrated that light is not involved in the regulation of E. ferox seed germination. The optimal temperature for germination was 25 degrees C. Light condition x germination temperature interaction caused significantly higher germination frequency at 30 degrees C in light than in darkness, and the opposite trend at 15 degrees C. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Imanishi Ayumi; Imanishi Junichi
    大阪大学高等教育研究 = Osaka University higher education studies 大阪大学全学教育推進機構 2 (2) 49 - 54 2187-6002 2014 [Refereed]
    A seminar in which university students develop teaching materials for environmental education through group work was conducted to improve their interest and knowledge of environmental issues, to promote willingness to tackle environmental problems and pro-environmental behavior, and to cultivate their social adaptability. Then the environmental educational effects for university students were measured. The students' knowledge about environmental issues increased through studying the issues by themselves and hearing from other students who studied other things for development of teaching materials. On the other hand, willingness to tackle environmental problems remained at the level "Do if there is a part that I can do." and did not improve to "Do actively." The number of pro-environmental behaviors that students practiced increased after the seminar, but the types of action that students practiced were limited. For social adaptability, independence, inference ability, information utilization skill, presentation skill, listening
  • Masaru Sakai; Yosihiro Natuhara; Keitaro Fukushima; Ayumi Imanishi; Kensuke Imai; Makoto Kato
    JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH SPRINGER JAPAN KK 18 (2) 190 - 199 1341-6979 2013/04 [Refereed]
    Stream macroinvertebrate assemblages are expected to be affected by the abundance and constitution of litter from surrounding forests. We compared forest floor cover, overland flow, stream environment, and stream macroinvertebrate assemblages between the catchments of a Japanese cedar plantation (CP) and a primary deciduous forest (DF). Both systems experience excessive deer browsing. Understory vegetation cover was higher in the DF than in the CP in summer, although cover was low (< 20 %), possibly because of excessive deer browsing. Litter cover was much higher in the CP than in the DF in summer as a result of the long abscission period, slow breakdown, and low rate of dispersal of Japanese cedar litter compared to deciduous litter. Monthly overland flow was always lower in the CP than in the DF, and substrate size was smaller in the DF stream. In the CP, cedar litter accumulated in the stream, probably because of its low breakdown rate and morphology, and abundant shredder taxa characterized the macroinvertebrate assemblage. In contrast, abundant burrower taxa characterized the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the DF stream. These results imply that Japanese cedar litter functions in structuring the macroinvertebrate assemblage by supplying persistent food resources for detritivores, and by buffering fine sedimentation via overland flow under excessive deer browsing.
  • 今西亜友美; 乾徹; 勝見武; 小林愼太郎
    大阪大学高等教育研究 = Osaka University higher education studies 大阪大学全学教育推進機構 (1) 67 - 75 2187-6002 2013/03 [Refereed]
  • Maiko Nakau; Jiro Imanishi; Junichi Imanishi; Satoko Watanabe; Ayumi Imanishi; Takeshi Baba; Kei Hirai; Toshinori Ito; Wataru Chiba; Yukihiro Morimoto
    EXPLORE-THE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND HEALING ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 9 (2) 87 - 90 1550-8307 2013/03 [Refereed]
    Background: Psycho-oncological care, including spiritual care, is essential for cancer patients. Integrated medicine, a therapy combining modern western medicine with various kinds of complementary and alternative medicine, can be appropriate for the spiritual care of cancer because of the multidimensional characteristics of the spirituality. In particular, therapies that enable patients to establish a deeper contact with nature, inspire feelings of life and growth of plants, and involve meditation may be useful for spiritual care as well as related aspects such as emotion. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of spiritual care of cancer patients by integrated medicine in a green environment. Methods: The present study involved 22 cancer patients. Integrated medicine consisted of forest therapy, horticultural therapy, yoga meditation, and support group therapy, and sessions were conducted once a week for 12 weeks. The spirituality (the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being), quality of life (Short Form-36 Health Survey Questionnaire), fatigue (Cancer Fatigue Scale), psychological state (Profile of Mood States, short form, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) and natural killer cell activity were assessed before and after intervention. Results: In Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being, there were significant differences in functional well-being and spiritual well-being pre- and postintervention. This program improved quality of life and reduced cancer-associated fatigue. Furthermore, some aspects of psychological state were improved and natural killer cell activity was increased. Conclusions: It is indicated that integrated medicine performed in a green environment is potentially useful for the emotional and spiritual well-being of cancer patients.
  • Risa Naito; Michimasa Yamasaki; Ayumi Imanishi; Yosihiro Natuhara; Yukihiro Morimoto
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 29 (9) 577 - 584 0289-0003 2012/09 [Refereed]
    In Japan, rice paddies play an important role as a substitute habitat for wetland species, and support rich indigenous ecosystems. However, since the 1950s, agricultural modernization has altered the rice paddy environment, and many previously common species are now endangered. It is urgently necessary to evaluate rice paddies as habitats for conservation. Among the species living in rice paddies, frogs are representative and are good indicator species, so we focused on frog species and analyzed the influence of environmental factors on their habitat use. We found four frog species and one subspecies (Hyla japonica, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, Glandirana rugosa, Lithobates catesbeianus, and Pelophylax porosa brevipoda) at our study sites in Shiga prefecture. For all but L. catesbeianus, we analyzed the influence of environmental factors related to rice paddy structure, water management and availability, agrochemical use, connectivity, and land use on breeding and non-breeding habitat use. We constructed generalized additive mixed models with survey date as the smooth term and applied Akaike's information criterion to choose the best-ranked model. Because life histories and biological characteristics vary among species, the factors affecting habitat use by frogs are also expected to differ by species. We found that both breeding and non-breeding habitat uses of each studied species were influenced by different combinations of environmental factors and that in most cases, habitat use showed seasonality. For frog conservation in rice paddies, we need to choose favorable rice paddy in relation to surrounding land use and apply suitable management for target species.
  • 石原 正恵; 今西 亜友美; 阪口 翔太; 福澤 加里部; 向 昌宏; 吉岡 崇仁
    森林研究 京都大学大学院農学研究科附属演習林 78 (78) 39 - 56 1344-4174 2012/09 [Refereed]
    Heavy grazing by Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon) has caused alteration of grasslands in various places over Japan in recent years. Grassland community dominated by Miscanthus sinensis near Choji Valley Station, Ashiu Research Forest has disappeared since 2007 due to grazing by sika deer. To examine recovery process of grassland community by exclosure, we studied changes in diversity and biomass one to three years after fencing by vegetation census and harvest. Since one year after fencing, diversities of species and functional groups classified by functional traits were higher inside the exclosure than the outside, and species compositions were different clearly between inside and outside. Seventy seven species, including species that were reported to have disappeared since 2003 around the research site, were found inside the exclosure. Two years after fencing, vegetation height, cover, and biomass increased to the level of M. sinensis grasslands in Japan. The quick recovery of the grassland in terms of diversity and biomass may be due to early fencing just after the disappearance of M. sinensis grassland. Inside the exclosure, tall plants such as M. sinensis, Lysimachia clethroides, shrub and small trees species dominated resulting in the exclusion of some short branching forbs, and inhibition of tree recruitment. These results suggest that M. sinensis grassland will continue to dominate and that plant diversity will decrease. Plant community outside the exclosure shifted toward a simpler community dominated by an unpalatable species, Juncus effusus var. decipiens and a branching annual forb, Centipeda minima.
  • IMANISHI Ayumi; ODA Kimisato; IMANISHI Junichi; NATUHARA Yosihiro; MORIMOTO Yukihiro
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 38 (1) 85 - 90 0916-7439 2012/08 [Refereed]
    We examined propagule bank in dredged soils collected from 8 sites in Lake Biwa using the seedling emergence method to reveal species composition and environmental variables related to spatial distribution of the sediment propagule bank. Fifty species and 5 taxa consisting of 2 Characeae, 1 bryophyte, 2 pteridophyte, and 50 angiosperms were recorded. Alien aquatic plant species such as <I>Egeria densa</I> and <I>Elodea nuttallii</I> which were recorded before dredging didn't germinate. Generalized linear models revealed that number of aquatic species was explained by percentage of sand, and that numbers of seedlings of submerged species, aquatic species, and indigenous wetland species were explained by percentage of sand and years after previous dredging. These results suggested that grain size composition of sediments and years after previous dredging are important environmental variables to find species-rich and high-density propagule bank.
  • IMANISHI Ayumi; IMANISHI Junichi; KAWASE Naoki; NATUHARA Yosihiro
    Landscape Research Japan Online Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 75 (5) 419 - 422 1340-8984 2012/03 [Refereed]
    Gentiana thunbergii (G. Don) Griseb. is a small winter annual plant that flowers in early spring. Because of habitat development and over collection for horticulture, this plant has become an endangered grassland species. Semi-natural grasslands established on small landscape components, such as levees of paddy fields and agricultural reservoirs, are important alternative habitats for this species. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal environmental conditions of the alternative habitats of this species in semi-natural grasslands maintained by agricultural practices. The mean soil volumetric water content of the study sites was 50.4%, while there was a significant moderate negative partial correlation between plant population density and soil water content. These findings indicate that although a moderately wet environment is necessary for species growth, excessive wetness is unsuitable. A significant moderate positive partial correlation between number of individuals and relative photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was found, and relative PAR had a significant fairly strong negative correlation with the height of the surrounding plants. It is considered that the well-lighted environment, maintained by agricultural activities such as regular mowing management contributes to survival of the G. thunbergii population in the levees of paddy fields and the other landscape components in paddy-field areas.
    環境情報科学 40 (5) 119 - 128 0389-6633 2012/03 [Refereed]
  • 松本仁; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 森本幸裕
    景観生態学 Japan Association for Landscape Ecology 16 (2) 79 - 88 1880-0092 2012/02 [Refereed]
    The Oguraike area is now planned for natural environmental conservation and restoration under the Grand Design about Urban Environment Infrastructure in the Kinki Region. Actual vegetation at the Ograike area is expected as a seed source to conserve and restore wetland environment. The purpose of this study was to reveal species composition of actual vegetation in river bank of the Uji River, the Yokoojinuma and the Oguraike drained lands, Kyoto prefecture, Japan. Five quadrats were placed in these areas and all the vascular plant species were recorded. Two hundred and eight species including 10 endangered plant species and 71 alien plant species were recorded. Actual vegetation in the river bank of the Uji River and the two drained lands were useful seed sources of floodplain species and wetland species, respectively. Especially, we found the desirable vegetation with only one alien plant species and some endangered plant species at the center part of the river bank of the Uji River.
  • Y. Natuhara; A. Imanishi; M. Kanzaki; S. Southavong; I. Duangvongsa
    LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SPRINGER TOKYO 8 (1) 115 - 122 1860-1871 2012/01 [Refereed]
    The species and uses of trees located in paddy fields were investigated in three villages in Champasak Province, Lao PDR. The villages were different in their distance from Pakse City, the capital of the province, and age since foundation. A total of 71 species were recorded, and most were used by local people. The most frequent use was for fruit, firewood, and medicine, though most trees also offered shade for cattle and people. Species composition differed among villages. The youngest paddy supported more trees, remnants of the original forest, for timber. Older paddies supported fewer trees for timber but more for fruit and firewood. The introduced species increased according to the age of the paddy. Products other than timber obtained from the trees were common among villages. The significance of trees in rice cultivation in Laos was compared with that in the Satoyama landscape of Japan.
  • Masaru Sakai; Yosihiro Natuhara; Ayumi Imanishi; Kensuke Imai; Makoto Kato
    POPULATION ECOLOGY SPRINGER TOKYO 54 (1) 65 - 74 1438-3896 2012/01 [Refereed]
    Over the past decade, the abundance of sika deer has rapidly increased around Japan. Previous studies have showed overabundance of deer causes drastic reduction of forest understory vegetation, leading excessive soil erosion. However, no study has investigated the effects of excessive deer browsing on aquatic insect assemblages via sediment runoff. These effects are important to understand whether the terrestrial alteration by deer influences aquatic ecosystems. In a primary deciduous forest catchment in Ashiu, Kyoto, a deer exclusion fence has been in place since 2006. We compared forest floor cover, overland flow, stream environment, and aquatic insect assemblages in first-order streams and catchments inside and outside of the deer-exclosure from May-2008 to April-2009. The floor inside the deer-exclosure catchment was covered by lush understory vegetation, whereas outside was almost bare. The overland flow runoff rate at midslope and the dominancy of fine sediment deposition in the streambed were higher outside than inside. Among aquatic insects, burrowers, which are tolerant against fine sediment deposition, were significantly more abundant outside than inside, whereas clingers exhibited the opposite patterns. Collector-gatherers, which feed on fine detritus, were significantly more abundant outside than inside. Meanwhile, filterers were more abundant inside. The Simpson's diversity index of the aquatic insect assemblages was higher inside than outside. These results suggest that the demise of understory vegetation due to excessive deer browsing has indirectly caused changes in the aquatic insect assemblages of this catchment via increased sediment runoff and subsequent sandy sedimentation of the streambed.
  • 松本仁; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 須崎純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    環境情報科学 Center for Environmental Information Science 25 227 - 232 0389-6633 2011/11 [Refereed]
    Oguraike drained land in Kyoto prefecture, Japan, had rich aquatic plant diversity before drainage. The purpose of this study was to consider possibility of restoring endangered wetland plants, and to reveal effect of subtle relative elevation on germination and growth of wetland plant species by conducting submergence test in a fallow paddy field. As a result, the possibility of restoring two endangered species, Rotala pusilla and Chara braunii, was demonstrated under the environment having water fluctuation. Six species frequently observed were analyzed by Generalized Additive Model. Subtle difference in relative elevation affected probability of occurrence for Lindernia sp., Ludwigia decurrens, Cyperus difformis and Leptochloa chinensis.
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Shingo Kaneko; Yuji Isagi; Junichi Imanishi; Yosihiro Natuhara; Yukihiro Morimoto
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY WILEY 98 (8) E233 - E235 0002-9122 2011/08 [Refereed]
    Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed to investigate genetic diversity and genetic structure of Euryale ferox, a vulnerable aquatic plant.Methods and Results: Ten microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for this species. Eight loci showed polymorphisms with two or three alleles per locus. As for the polymorphic markers, the expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.00 to 0.08 and 0.17 to 0.64, respectively.Conclusions: The 10 microsatellite markers described here will be useful for investigating genetic diversity, genetic structure, and gene flow between populations of E. ferox.
  • IMANISHI Ayumi
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 36 (3) 383 - 384 0916-7439 2011/02
  • 今西 亜友美; 杉田 そらん; 今西 純一; 森本 幸裕
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 社団法人 日本造園学会 74 (5) 463 - 468 1340-8984 2011 [Refereed]
    In Japan, the public tends to believe that shrine forests are remnant of primary vegetation of a region. However, recent studies show that several shrine forests in Kansai region were once dominated by pine trees. We studied relationship between vegetative landscape of the Kamo-wake-ikazuchi Shrine and resource utilization from the 17th to 18th century. Comparison of old drawings and the historical documents on forest management of the shrine indicated that there were pine, Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress and broad-leaved trees at the precinct and that the neighboring shrine mountains were dominated by pine trees. The historical documents also revealed that 1) trees including Japanese cedar were planted at the precinct for aesthetic purposes, 2) illegal collection of forest resources at the shrine mountains was prohibited, 3) the right of forest resource utilization including loggings were bid, 4) underbrush were cut and collected by shrine families. These results indicated that the shrine mountains were protected not as sanctuaries but as properties of the shrine. Comparison with another shrine indicated that periodical loggings and underbrush cleanings were once common management at shrine forests and pine trees were naturally regenerated by them.
  • 今西 純一; 今西 亜友美; 杉田 そらん
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 社団法人 日本造園学会 74 (5) 419 - 424 1340-8984 2011 [Refereed]
    Aerial photographs, especially those taken before World War II, are valuable documents to know the historical changes in gardens and open spaces. In the academia of photogrammetry and geography, it is an accepted view that the existing aerial photographs of Kyoto City taken before the World War II were taken in 1928; this view is based on the work of Hattori. However, Kyoto Shimbun News (dated December 22, 1993) reported that Shimizu conducted an investigation and found that the photographs were taken in 1927. As the details of Shimizu's investigation are unknown, both assertions need to be reexamined. First, we confirmed that the aerial photographs that were archived in three different locations were identical, and as such, the assertions of Hattori and Shimizu are conflicting. Then, we analyzed buildings, railways and roads as appearing in the photographs, and determined that the photographs were taken in 1927. Furthermore, we examined the condition of tree canopies and the shades of two buildings, and estimated the period when these aerial photographs were taken. As a result, we concluded that the aerial photographs were taken in 1927 and most likely between late August and early September.
  • Urban woodland for stress reduction: An experimental study on effects of walking, environment and experiences of woodland play
    Baba, T; Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Watanabe, E; Ohgitani, E; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y
    Journal of Landscape Architecture in Asia 5 249 - 254 2010/10 [Refereed]
  • Hiroaki T. Ishii; Tohru Manabe; Keitaro Ito; Naoko Fujita; Ayumi Imanishi; Daisuke Hashimoto; Ayako Iwasaki
    LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SPRINGER TOKYO 6 (2) 307 - 315 1860-1871 2010/07 [Refereed]
    In Japan, forests associated with shrines and temples are recognized as important components of urban green space, which can potentially function as centers for ecosystem conservation in rapidly urbanizing Japanese cities. In addition to their ecological value, shrine/temple forests have social value, providing recreational and aesthetic needs to residents of urban areas. We review the historical development of shrine/temple forests in Japan and discuss current conservation issues from both ecological and sociological perspectives. Generally, shrine forests are minimally managed and public access is discouraged, whereas temple forests are intensively managed for public display. Shrines tend to be spatially scattered across the landscape but associated with specific geographical features, whereas temples tend to be clustered. Their wide and random distribution in urban areas suggests that shrine forests can potentially be used as stepping stones in the urban green space network, whereas spatially clustered temple forests can be integrated to form large areas of green space. Species diversity of shrine/temple forests declines with decreasing area. The distribution pattern of species is not completely nested, indicating that although conservation of large forest fragments may be effective for maintaining landscape-level biodiversity, smaller forest fragments and adjacent precincts are sometimes significant because rare species occasionally inhabit them. Active management and ecological restoration, such as removal of invasive species, are also important to maintain the desirable near-natural forest conditions. A working group including the owner, community, regional government, and ecologists should be involved in creating an effective, long-term management plan. Because social and cultural values are diverse, basic ecological studies of shrine/temple forests would contribute a scientific basis that fosters public confidence in the process.
  • Junichi Imanishi; Aki Nakayama; Yoko Suzuki; Ayumi Imanishi; Nobuyuki Ueda; Yukihiro Morimoto; Minoru Yoneda
    LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SPRINGER JAPAN KK 6 (2) 219 - 234 1860-1871 2010/07 [Refereed]
    Leaf chlorophyll quantification is a key technique in tree vigor assessment. Although many studies have been conducted on nondestructive and in-field spectroscopic determination, it is reasonable to develop species-specific chlorophyll indices for accurate determination, because leaf spectra can vary independently of chlorophyll content due to leaf surface and structural differences among species. The present study aimed to develop optimal reflectance and absorptance indices for estimating the leaf chlorophyll content of Cerasus jamasakura (Siebold ex Koidz.) H. Ohba var. jamasakura and Cerasus x yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino,' and to examine their performance by comparing them with 46 published chlorophyll indices and SPAD. For 96 and 100 leaf samples, measurements were taken using a spectroradiometer with a leaf-clip attachment and a SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter, and chlorophyll content was determined by extraction with N,N'-dimethylformamide. The optimal leaf chlorophyll indices were then developed systematically by testing eight types of indices. As a result, we confirmed that the optimal chlorophyll indices performed better than any of the published leaf chlorophyll indices or SPAD, giving RMSEs that were approximately twice as good as those for SPAD, and found that the newly proposed index type-a difference and ratio combination type-may be a useful form of chlorophyll content estimation. We also found that absorptance indices achieved equivalent results to reflectance indices despite the hypothesis that absorptance measurement is direct and has more potential. Among the published indices, the reflectance ratio index of Datt [Datt B (1999) Int J Remote Sens 20(14):2741-2759] and the red edge chlorophyll index of Ciganda et al. [Ciganda V, Gitelson A, Schepers J (2009) J Plant Physiol 166:157-167] were effective at estimating the leaf chlorophyll contents of both flowering cherries.
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Junko Morimoto; Junichi Imanishi; Shozo Shibata; Asami Nakanishi; Naoya Osawa; Shinjiro Sakai
    LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SPRINGER TOKYO 6 (2) 325 - 333 1860-1871 2010/07 [Refereed]
    Secondary forests in Japan have been abandoned and the ecosystem has degraded since the high economic growth period. We carried out cutting in January in three small areas of a long-abandoned secondary forest and investigated the sprout initiation and growth of woody plants for three years in order to reveal the early stage of sprout regeneration and to understand the sprouting ability and characteristics of each species for effective management. The percentage of sprouted stumps and the number of sprouting shoots was substantially maximized in autumn in the first year. These results suggest that autumn monitoring in the first year after cutting shows the maximum percentage of sprouted stumps and the maximum sprout number when cutting was conducted in the dormant season. With regards to species characteristics, Eurya japonica showed a low percentage of sprouted stumps in the lower plot, where the mean diameter at breast height for this species was smaller than in the other plots. The sprouting ability of E. japonica was deemed to be influenced by parent tree size. Ilex pedunculosa and Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica had high percentages of sprouted stumps and many sprouts. These species are useful for obtaining sprouting shoots (e.g., for firewood), but it is difficult to control their sprouting.
  • ラオス南部チャンパサック郡における水田内樹木とその利用
    夏原由博; 今西亜友美; 向井康夫; Sisomphone Southavong; 神崎護
    里山学研究 自然・歴史・文化と景観 213 - 217 2010/03 [Refereed]
  • 川成川およびヒウラ谷流域におけるスギ、ヒノキ林の土壌と葉の窒素特性
    中西 麻美; 深田 英久; 今西 亜友美; 福島 慶太郎
    概算要求事業「森里海連環学による地域循環木文化社会創出事業(木文化プロジェクト)」2009年度報告書 217 - 222 2010
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 35 (2) 363 - 369 0916-7439 2009/11 [Refereed]
    現代都市生活における過度の精神的ストレスや不安は,多くの病気の原因となっており,これらの軽減は,都市生活者の健康を維持,増進する上で重要である。そこで, 本研究では,公募による60〜63 歳の7 名(女性6 名,男性1 名)を対象として,森林療法,園芸療法,ヨーガからなる健康増進プログラムを,大阪の万博記念公園において,週1 日,2 月〜5 月の12 週間実施して,その心理的,生化学的,免疫学的効果を検討した。なお,本研究では対照群は設定しなかった。各療法の短期的評価では,気分プロフィール検査(POMS)および状態―特性不安検査(STAI)において,統計学的有意差が得られた項目はすべてポジティブな変化であり,これらは先行研究とほぼ一致する結果であった。健康増進プログラムの長期的評価では,POMS の緊張―不安,怒り― 敵意,疲労,混乱が有意に低減した。また,血清コルチゾール濃度が有意に低下したことから,被験者のストレスが軽減されたことが示唆された。長期的評価では,STAIやNK 細胞活性に有意な変化は見られなかった。
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 35 (1) 158 - 161 0916-7439 2009/08 [Refereed]
  • IMANISHI Ayumi; SHIBATA Shozo; IMANISHI Junichi; TERAI Atsumi; NAKANISHI Asami; SAKAI Shinjiro; OSAWA Naoya; MORIMOTO Yukihiro
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 34 (4) 641 - 648 0916-7439 2009/05 [Refereed]
    Cutting of small areas (0.06-0.09 ha) was conducted at a suburban secondary forest in Kyoto city in order to change dominant species from <I>Chamaecyparis obtusa</I> to <I>Pinus densiflora</I> and/or deciduous broad-leaved trees. No species disappeared and more than or equal to 10 species increased at all three plots (upper, middle and lower) by the end of the third year after the cutting. The Fagetea crenatae species, which are main components of deciduous broad-leaved forest, increasedbysix at theupperand middleplots andbyfourat the lower plot. It is considered that the cutting of small areas was effective in increasing the number of deciduous broad-leaved tree species. As most advance seedlings died after the cutting, it was deemed that they made little contribution to change of species composition. <I>C. obtusa</I>, dispersed by wind, occupied high percentage in seed dispersal and seemed to have great influence on regeneration after the cutting. The fact that only two species newly appeared in the third year indicated that dispersal of new species from surrounding forests were limited because the present study site was located within the forest of <I>C. obtusa</I> which has generally low species diversity of woody plants. As for the upper plot (0.09 ha) , the intensive solar radiation, which was over 60% of relative solar radiation, reduced seed germination and seedling survival of <I>C. obtusa</I>, and the vegetation was shifting to the mixed forest of <I>P. densiflora</I> and <I>C. obtusa</I>. As for the middle and lower plots, the percentages of seedlings of <I>C. obtusa</I> were more than 50% in the third year after the cutting, suggesting that selective cutting will be needed for maintaining species diversity of woody plants
  • 松本 仁; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 72 (5) 543 - 546 1340-8984 2009/03 [Refereed]
    The nature restoration of wetlands is strongly required as they have been severely altered. We focused on the drained lands, widely spread in the 20th century. It is important to study the diaspores of aquatic plants in the soil to grasp the regeneration potential of the drained lands. The purpose of this study was to reveal the vertical distribution of diaspores of aquatic plants in the soil of Oguraike and Yokoojinuma drained lands, where more than 50 years passed after the reclamation. The soil cores with the length of 50 cm were collected from nine locations. The cores were cut into five sections and studied on the germination ability of the diaspores in the soil under 0-cm and 5-cm depth of water. As a result, we found that the number of species and individuals exponentially decreased when depth of soil sampling became greater. Six endangered plant species were germinated in the experiment and the two among them were the species that could not be found on site at the locations of soil core samplings.
  • IMANISHI Ayumi; YOSHIDA Saori; IMANISHI Junichi; MORIMOTO Yukihiro
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 71 (5) 519 - 524 1340-8984 2008 [Refereed]
    In Japan, the public tends to believe that shrine forests are the remnant of primary vegetation of the region. However, recent studies demonstrate that the forest was once dominated by pine trees at several shrine forests in Kansai region and suppose that forest resources were constantly utilized. We studied the relationship between the vegetative landscape of Kamomioya Shrine and resource utilization from the latter 17th to 18th century. Comparison of old drawings indicated that there was a mixed forest with pine-type trees and broadleaved-type trees, which is different from present-day landscape dominated by broadleaved trees and that Japanese-cedar-type trees existed around the shrine pavilions. The precinct also included bamboo forests. The old diary of a shrine family revealed that dead pines, bamboos and underbrush were cut and collected from specified places and utilized in various forms. Pine trees were rarely planted and would be naturally regenerated by periodical underbrush clearings and floods.
  • 孤立した都市緑地における植物の保全と課題−社寺林と境内の生育地としての特徴−
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 橋本啓史; 森本幸裕; 里村明香
    景観生態学, 12(1), 23-34 2007/12 [Refereed]
  • 今西 亜友美; 村上 健太郎; 今西 純一
    Landscape ecology and management 日本景観生態学会 12 (1) 23 - 34 1880-0092 2007/12 [Refereed]
  • Junichi Imanishi; Yukihiro Morimoto; Ayumi Imanishi; Kayoko Sugimoto; Kazutaka Isoda
    Landscape and Ecological Engineering 3 (1) 55 - 65 1860-1871 2007/05 [Refereed]
    Measurement of vegetation drought stress or leaf density is essential in ecosystem and agronomic studies. The normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI), a widely used vegetation index in remote sensing, seems to have some limitations as it is known to be affected by both drought stress and leaf density. A field experiment was conducted, using two-year-old potted Quercus serrata (a deciduous tree) and Q. glauca (an evergreen tree), to determine the optimal indices of vegetation drought stress or leaf density that have the least a simultaneous effect, and to test if the existing vegetation indices are useful for independently detecting drought stress or leaf density. The results showed that NDVI and similar indices, which utilize the difference or ratio between the reflectance of red and near infrared bands, such as the ratio vegetation index (RVI), the difference vegetation index (DVI), the atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI), the renormalized difference vegetation index (RDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), the perpendicular vegetation index (PVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) and the improved variants of SAVI, were effective for the independent detection of leaf density but relatively ineffective for drought stress because they were significantly affected by leaf area index (LAI). Similarly, vegetation indices developed as detectors of vegetation stress, such as the water index (WI), the stress index (SI) and the derivative chlorophyll index (DCI), showed weak correlation (r) and partial correlation (r p) with leaf water content (LWC). The optimal hyperspectral indices were proposed as (F 502.8 - F 852.0)/(F 502.8 + F 852.0) for LWC (r = 0.847, r p = 0.849) and R 750/R 550 (R750R550 Lichtenthaler et al. in J Plant Physiol 148:483-493, 1996) for LAI (r = 0.926, r p = 0.940) where R λ and F λ represent reflectance and first derivatives at wavelength λ nm, respectively. A simulation of lower spectral sampling intervals (ca. 3-nm intervals of original to 10-nm intervals) indicated that it will be necessary to check the appropriateness of the derivative indices approximate to the proposed indices before application because derivative spectra are less smooth as a function of wavelength than reflectance spectra. © International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering and Springer 2007.
  • Ayumi Imanishi; Chieko Kitagawa; Susumu Nakamura; Hiroshi Hashimoto; Keizo Tabata; Junichi Imanishi; Kentaro Murakami; Yukihiro Morimoto; Mifumi Miyamoto
    Landscape and Ecological Engineering 3 (1) 67 - 77 1860-1871 2007/05 [Refereed]
    To understand the characteristics and problems of artificial urban ecological environments, we investigated the changes in herbaceous plants in an urban habitat garden for 9 years after construction and compared the results with 15 remnant semi-natural green spaces in Kyoto city, Japan. The area of the habitat garden is 0.6 ha and it was constructed approximately 3 km from the nearest mountains in 1996. From 1996 to 2004, 301 unplanted species, including 218 native species and 83 alien species, were recorded. Most newly recorded species were recorded in 1998 and the timing of colonization was different from ferns. The species turnover rate per year decreased from 30.8% in 1998 to 18.5% in 2004. This indicates that established species in the habitat garden have been gradually determined. In the species recorded in the habitat garden in 2004, the percentage of high-temperature species, which were relatively departed from the nested pattern of species composition for the 15 green spaces, was significantly high. It was considered that herbaceous plant succession in the habitat garden was at an early stage, even though it was 9 years ago since construction. Buried seeds and various environments are likely to contribute to higher species richness in the habitat garden as compared to remnant green spaces of approximately the same area. On the other hand, the high percentage of alien species and the low percentages of forest and forest edge species in the habitat garden indicate the problems of a habitat garden constructed in the center of a city. © International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering and Springer 2007.
    環境情報科学 35 (3) 82 - 83 0389-6633 2006/11
  • 今西 亜友美
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 32 (2) 374 - 374 0916-7439 2006/11
  • IMANISHI Ayumi
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 32 (2) 367 - 368 0916-7439 2006/11
  • バイオラング植生調査報告書
    今西純一; 森本幸裕; 今西亜友美; 鈴木皓子
    都市緑化技術開発機構, 2006.3.1 2006
  • N Osawa; A Terai; K Hirata; A Nakanishi; A Makino; S Sakai; S Sibata
    We hypothesized that small-area logging (< 1 ha) would greatly affect microhabitats of carabid beetles. To test this hypothesis, we studied the carabid assemblages at Kamigamo Experimental Station, Kyoto, Japan, from June 1999 to May 2001. From the analysis of the number of individuals and niche breadth, the numbers of large carnivores (Carabus dehanii Chaudoir, Carabus maiyasanus Bates, and Carabus yaconinus Bates) and large insectivores (Chlaenius posticalis Motschulsky and Haplochlaenius costiger (Chaudoir)) decreased because of logging, whereas the small carabids, Synuchus arcuaticollis (Motschulsky) and Synuchus cycloderus (Bates), may not have been negatively influenced by logging. The mass of the FH layer significantly affected the total number of Pterostichus latemarginatus (Straneo) and marginally affected the number of S. cycloderus. However, soil water content (%) and the mass of the L layer did not affect the total number of individuals in any species. The results of this study imply that (1) the richness of the FH layer and vegetation, that is, the potential food abundance and habitat richness, is involved in determining species richness and the density of the carabid assemblages and (2) even small-area logging may have a negative impact on the density of the large predatory carabids, which are sensitive indicators of forest disturbance.
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 31 (2) 278 - 283 0916-7439 2005/11 [Refereed]
    We studied 1) the relationships of species richness of herbaceous plants to environmental variables such as area and shape, or to artificial disturbances and 2) species distribution pattern and characteristics of the species that are likely to depart from nested distribution pattern (species recorded at a lower-level subset are entirely embedded within an upper-level subset) at 14 precincts of shrines (non-forest area with unpaved surface) in Kyoto city, for acquiring basic information about conservation of biodiversity at urban area. Consequently, there was a strong relationship between species richness and area. Alien species richness significantly had negative partial correlation with the percentage of tramped area and positive partial correlation with the percentage of clearing management area. Since species distribution was significantly nested, conservation from the upper-level subsets was basically a better option. However, perennials and the species recorded at one precinct tended to depart from nested pattern. Some red-listed species were recorded at the lower-level subsets. Conserving several precincts including the lower-level ones was deemed necessary.
  • A study for conservation of herbaceous plants at urban green spaces: a comparison to suburban secondary forest
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Murakami, K; Morimoto, Y
    Journal of Landscape Architecture in Asia 1 127 - 132 2005/10 [Refereed]
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 31 (1) 51 - 56 0916-7439 2005/08 [Refereed]
    We investigated 1)the relationships between species richness of herbaceous plants and environmental variables of landscape scale, 2) species distribution pattern and characteristics of species which are likely to depart from nested distribution pattern at 12 fragmented forests in Kyoto city in order to contribute to the ecological urban greenery planning. Consequently, there was a strong relationship between species richness and forest area. Species distribution was significantly nested and perennials and anemochores, endozoochores relatively departed from nested pattern. Moreover, species recorded at one fragmented forest did not significantly depart from nested pattern. Thus, it was deemed a basically acceptable option to emphasize the conservation of the fragmented forests at the upper level of nested subsets.
  • MURAKAMI Kentaro; MAKINO Ayumi; MORIMOTO Yukihiro; SATOMURA Asuka
    Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture 社団法人日本造園学会 68 (5) 633 - 636 1340-8984 2005/03 [Refereed]
    The present study was performed to determine whether a single large or several small (SLOSS) forest fragments contain greater numbers of plant species in urban areas. We calculated the cumulative numbers of plant species and total area of 1-5 patch combinations in 22 fragmented forest patches in the Kyoto City area. The number of plant species in several (2-5) small patches tended to be greater than that in single large patches. Combinations of several patches containing more plants had longer perimeters, shorter isolation distances from mountain forests, or more micro landform types. Therefore, in an urban plant conservation strategy, small patches should be created, and such distributions should take into consideration landscape elements, such as perimeter, isolation, and internal habitat diversity.
  • Makino Ayumi; Morimoto Junko; Shibata Shozo; Osawa Naoya; Nakanishi Asami
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 28 (1) 286 - 289 0916-7439 2002/08 [Refereed]
  • Yoshida Hironobu; Makino Ayumi; Matsuoka Tatsuro; Takeda Atsuo
    Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会 28 (1) 3 - 7 0916-7439 2002/08 [Refereed]
    The geological feature of the man-made slopes in Kobe Municipal Sports Park is under the Kobe clay layer which is composed of weathered rocks and the pH degree shows high in alkalinity. Evergreen and deciduous seedlings were planted into the improved Masa soil layer more than 30cm thick upon the slope surface in 1980. Monitorings of the vegetative and soil condition were carried out in 12 and 20 years after a revegetative construction on the man-made slopes. As the results, the reforestation of a mixed forest with evergreen and deciduous trees was ascertained. Its basal area was checked as 11m^2/ha in 1992 to 13m^2/ha in 2000. In addition, it is confirmed that the soil solidity got lower and also the root distribution extended wider in 2000.


  • メドハギの遺伝的地域性の検討状況について
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司  第50回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 九州産業大学, 福岡  2019/09
  • 自生および外国産コマツナギにおける葉緑体ゲノムの遺伝的差異
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司  2019年度日本景観生態学会第29回京都大会, 京都先端科学大学太秦キャンパス, 京都  2019/06
  • メドハギの葉緑体DNA変異の地理的分布について
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司  2019年度日本景観生態学会第29回京都大会, 京都先端科学大学太秦キャンパス, 京都  2019/06
  • 緑化植物メドハギの遺伝的地域性について
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司  2019年度日本造園学会全国大会, 筑波大学筑波キャンパス, 茨城  2019/05
  • Analysis on genetic characteristics of Lespedeza cuneata utilized for revegetation works in Japan using MIG-seq
    Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Suyama, Y; Isagi, Y  International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) 9th Conference, Taichung, Taiwan  2018/11
  • MIG-seqによるメドハギ類の緑化用種子および緑化法面生育個体の遺伝的特徴の解析
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司  第49回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 東京都市大学横浜キャンパス, 神奈川  2018/09
  • 日本国内におけるコマツナギの遺伝的変異とその地理的分布
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 井鷺裕司  第49回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 東京都市大学横浜キャンパス, 神奈川  2018/09
  • The geographical distribution of genetic variation of Lespedeza cuneata (Dum.Cours.) G.Don
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Kimura, M; Mitsuyuki, C; Tsunamoto, Y; Isagi, Y; Suyama, Y  International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) 8th Conference, September 22-25, 2017, Nagoya, Japan  2017/09
  • イタドリにみられる地理的変異の解明-在来緑化植物の地域性の検討に向けて-
    木村元則; 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 井鷺裕司; 陶山佳久; 柴田昌三  第47回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 京都府立大学, 京都  2016/10
  • コマツナギ、メドハギの国内産および外国産種子の形状、重量に みられる差異の検討
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 木村元則  第47回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 京都府立大学, 京都  2016/10
  • イタドリ類の形質にみられる地理的変異~ 在来緑化植物の地域性の検討に向けて
    木村元則; 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 柴田昌三  第26回日本景観生態学会大会,酪農学園大学, 北海道  2016/07
  • 天水田地域における灌漑施設の導入による草本植物相および食用雑草への影響
    今西亜友美; 夏原由博; 今西純一; DUANGVONGSA, I; SOUTHAVONG, S  第63回日本生態学会大会, 仙台国際センター, 宮城  2016/03
  • Mowing in agricultural activity maintains alterative habitat of an endangered grassland species Gentiana thunbergii (G. Don) Griseb.
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Kawase, N; Natuhara, Y  The 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.  2015/07
  • The vegetative landscape and resource utilization of two Japanese shrines found in historical documents of forest management from the 17th to 18th centuries
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J  The 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.  2015/07
  • Spatial arrangement of populations within a forest affects genetic diversity of a violet in urban fragmented forests
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, J; Yokogawa, M; Hashimoto, H; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Hatanaka, Y; Isagi, Y; Shibata, S  The 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.  2015/07
  • 断片化した都市林に生育するタチツボスミレの遺伝的多様性に影響を及ぼす要因
    藤馬裕一; 今西純一; 横川昌史; 橋本啓史; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕; 畑中佑紀; 井鷺裕司; 柴田昌三  第25回日本景観生態学会大会, 九州工業大学, 福岡  2015/06
  • Cultural landscape and habitats of aquatic plants in a lakeside city with spring-fed water
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Fukamachi, K; Morimoto, Y  The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2014), October 9-12, 2014. POSCO Global R&D Center, Incheon, Korea  2014/10
  • Conservation of Euryale ferox Salisb. in Japan based on genetic evaluation using microsatellite markers
    Imanishi, A; Kaneko, S; Isagi, Y; Imanishi, J; Natuhara Y; Morimoto, Y  The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2014), October 9-12, 2014. POSCO Global R&D Center, Incheon, Korea.  2014/10
  • ラオス南部の水田における食用雑草とその生育環境
    今西亜友美; 鷲谷寧子; 夏原由博; 今西純一; Sisomphone Southavong; Inpeng Duangvongsa  第45回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 帯広畜産大学, 北海道  2014/08
  • 絶滅危惧植物オニバスの種子発芽特性
    今西亜友美; 今西純一  第61回日本生態学会大会, 広島国際会議場, 広島  2014/03
  • 天水田地域における灌漑施設の導入が草本植物相と食用雑草へ及ぼす影響
    今西亜友美; 鷲谷寧子; 夏原由博; 今西純一; Sisomphone Southavong; Inpeng Duangvongsa  第4回琵琶湖地域の水田生物研究会, 琵琶湖博物館, 滋賀.  2013/12
  • 水田地帯におけるハルリンドウの生育環境条件
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 河瀬直幹; 夏原由博  第3回琵琶湖地域の水田生物研究会, 琵琶湖博物館, 滋賀  2012/12
  • Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on herbaceous plants in urban areas: Case study on Viola grypoceras A. Gray var. grypoceras in Kyoto City, Japan
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, J; Hashimoto, H; Yokogawa, M; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Hatanaka, Y; Isagi, Y; Shibata, S  The 3rd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change (URBIO2012), October 8-12, 2012. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India  2012/10
  • 滋賀県南東部の水田地帯におけるハルリンドウの分布と生息地の環境条件
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 河瀬直幹; 夏原由博  第58回日本生態学会大会, 札幌コンベンションセンター, 北海道  2011/03
  • 江戸期における賀茂別雷神社の植生景観と資源利用
    今西亜友美; 杉田そらん; 今西純一; 森本幸裕  第20回日本景観生態学会大会, とりぎん文化会館, 鳥取  2010/07
  • 京都大学芦生研究林におけるナラ枯れを含む枯死拡大の経年変化と地形条件の解析
    今西純一; 矢野裕美子; 山崎理正; 今西亜友美; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕  日本景観生態学会第20回鳥取大会  2010/07
  • A new utilization of urban green spaces for managing spiritual health of people
    Imanishi, J; Nakau, M; Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Watanabe, S; Watanabe, E; Baba, T; Kimura, M; Hirai, K; Ito, T; Chiba, W  The 2nd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2010), May 18-22. WINC AICHI, Nagoya, Japan  2010/05
  • The factors affecting plant distribution in a fallow paddy field under consideration of nature restoration in Oguraike drained land
    Matsumoto, H; Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Susaki, J; Morimoto, Y; Natuhara Y  The 2nd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO2010), May 18-22. WINC AICHI, Nagoya, Japan  2010/05
  • 今西亜友美; 小田龍聖; 今西純一; 中薗孝介; 吉田和男; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕  日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  57th-  474  2010/03
  • 都市の生物多様性:フィールド研究の現在
    森本幸裕; 村上健太郎; 橋本啓史; 田端敬三; 今西亜友美; 大石善隆  Bio City  43-  116  -121  2010
  • 緑地を利用した統合医療プログラムががん患者の心身に及ぼす効果
    中右麻衣子; 今西二郎; 今西純一; 渡邊聡子; 今西亜友美; 馬場健; 森本幸裕; 人見滋樹; 千葉渉; 伊藤壽記; 平井啓  第13回日本統合医療学会, 東京大学, 東京  2009/11
  • がん患者の心身のケアを目的とした都市緑地の活用に関する研究
    中右麻衣子; 今西二郎; 今西純一; 渡邊聡子; 今西亜友美; 馬場健; 森本幸裕; 人見滋樹; 千葉渉; 伊藤壽記; 平井啓  第40回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会, 淡路夢舞台国際会議場, 兵庫  2009/09
  • 絶滅危惧植物オニバスの日本における遺伝的変異とその地理的分布
    今西亜友美; 兼子伸吾; 今西純一; 井鷺裕司; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕  第19回日本景観生態学会大会, 新潟大学, 新潟  2009/06
  • 巨椋池地域における現存する湿地と干拓された湿地の水生植物の散布体バンクの比較
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 松本仁; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博  第56回日本生態学会大会, 岩手県立大学, 岩手  2009/03
  • 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 宋泳根; 上田佳史; 森本幸裕  日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  55th-  474  2008/03
  • 巨椋池・横大路沼干拓地の土壌中に含まれる水生植物の散布体の鉛直分布
    松本仁; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博  第55回日本生態学会大会, 福岡国際会議場, 福岡  2008/03
  • 横大路沼干拓地における絶滅危惧植物の再生に向けた埋土種子の発芽実験
    今西亜友美; 松本仁; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博  平成19年度日本生態学会近畿地区会, 神戸大学, 兵庫  2007/12
  • 京都市南部の横大路沼干拓地から出現した絶滅危惧種オニバスの保存
    今西亜友美; 松本仁; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博  平成19年度日本造園学会関西支部大会, 岡山大学, 岡山  2007/10
  • The characteristics and problems of an artificial urban ecological environment from the viewpoint of herbaceous flora
    Imanishi, A; Kitagawa, C; Nakamura, S; Imanishi, J; Murakami, K; Morimoto, Y  The 4th International Symposium on Preservation and Restoration of Environmental Ecology, July 14-17. Yanji, China  2007/07
  • A conceptual model for restoration site selection based on a review of reserve selection procedures
    Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Natuhara, Y; Morimoto, Y  Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress, July 8-12. Wageningen, the Nethrelands. 125  2007/07
  • The factors that affected forest landscape change of the World Heritage Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto, Japan after the Middle Ages
    Imanishi, A; Yoshida, S; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y  Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress, July 8-12. Wageningen, the Nethrelands.744  2007/07
  • Saito Seiko; Shibata Syozo; Imanishi Ayumi  The Japanese Forest Society Congress  118-  607  -607  2007
  • 都市内孤立林の植物の種数と分布のパターン
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 里村明香  平成18年度日本造園学会関西支部大会, 京都大学, 京都  2006/10
  • 広域スケールにおける生物多様性評価手法の再検討
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕  第16回日本景観生態学会大会, 徳島大学, 徳島  2006/09
  • 中世以降における下鴨神社糺の森の景観変化に関わる要因
    今西亜友美; 吉田早織; 今西純一; 森本幸裕  第16回日本景観生態学会大会, 徳島大学, 徳島  2006/09
  • Greenery on vertical walls: lessons from Biolung in Expo 2005, Aichi, Japan
    Imanishi, J; Suzuki, A; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Fujita, T  International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia 2006. Osaka, Japan  2006/06
  • Changes in herbaceous plants at an urban ecological park for 9 years after construction
    Imanishi, A; Kitagawa, C; Nakamura, S; Hashimoto, H; Tabata, K; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y; Miyamoto  International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia 2006. Osaka, Japan  2006/06
  • 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 馬場健; 森本幸裕; 今西二郎  平成18年度日本造園学会全国大会分科会講演集, 64-65  25  -26  2006/05
  • 京都市内孤立緑地における植物相の出現パターンと保全計画への応用
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕  第53回日本生態学会大会, 朱鷺メッセ(新潟コンベンションセンター), 新潟  2006/03
  • MAKINO AYUMI; SHIBATA SHOZO; OSAWA NAOYA; NAKANISHI ASAMI  日本林学会大会学術講演集  114th-  420  2003/03

Books and other publications

  • 日本景観生態学会 (Contributor4.3 景観や生物に関する過去の情報の収集、4.4 社会調査法に基づく人間の意識や関わり方の情報収集)共立出版 2022/03 9784320058347 xvi, 246p
  • にぎやかな田んぼ イナゴが跳ね,鳥は舞い,魚の泳ぐ小宇宙
    今西亜友美 (Contributor攪乱に適応して生き延びてきた田んぼとその周辺の植物たち)京都通信社 2015/03 118-125
  • 生物多様性 子どもたちにどう伝えるか?
    今西亜友美 (Contributor子どもたちから遠くなった自然)昭和堂 2012/10
  • 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕 (Contributor絵図と古文書で読み解く社寺林の秘密)京都通信社 2012/07 4903473511 223

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 今西亜友美; 今西純一
    日本造園学会 2024 年度全国大会  2024/06
  • 今西亜友美; 今西純一
    第71回日本生態学会大会  2024/03
  • Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Isagi, Y
    The 13th Conference of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE), Jeju, Korea.  2023/12
  • 今西亜友美
    日本緑化工学会大会第54回大会  2023/09
  • 今西亜友美; 今西純一
    第70回日本生態学会大会  2023/03
  • Junichi Imanishi; Ayumi Imanishi; Yoshihisa Suyama; Yuji Isagi
    The 12th Conference of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE)  2022/11
  • 緑化工学分野とOECM  [Not invited]
    ELR2022 つくば  2022/09
  • Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Suyama, Y; Isagi, Y
    International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) 2021
  • MIG-seqによるメドハギの自生地生育個体・緑化法面生育個体・緑化用種子の遺伝的特徴の解析  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    第52回日本緑化工学会大会 研究発表交流会  2021/09
  • メドハギの遺伝的地域性の検討状況について  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    第50回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会  2019/09
  • 自生および外国産コマツナギにおける葉緑体ゲノムの遺伝的変異  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    日本景観生態学会第29回京都大会  2019/06
  • メドハギの葉緑体DNA変異の地理的分布について  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    日本景観生態学会第29回京都大会  2019/06
  • 緑化植物メドハギの遺伝的地域性について  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    日本造園学会2019年度全国大会ポスターセッション  2019/05
  • Analysis on genetic characteristics of Lespedeza cuneata utilized for revegetation works in Japan using MIG-seq  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Suyama, Y; Isagi, Y
    nternational Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) 9th Conference  2018/11
  • MIG-seqによるメドハギ類の緑化用種子および緑化法面生育個体の遺伝的特徴の解析  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 陶山佳久; 井鷺裕司
    第49回日本緑化工学会大会 研究交流部門  2018/09
  • 日本国内におけるコマツナギの遺伝的変異とその地理的分布  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 井鷺裕司
    第49回日本緑化工学会大会 研究交流部門  2018/09
  • The geographical distribution of genetic variation of Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Kimura, M; Mitsuyuki, C; Tsunamoto, Y; Isagi, Y; Suyama, Y
    8th ICLEE Conference  2017/09
  • イタドリにみられる地理的変異の解明−在来緑化植物の地域性の検討に向けて−  [Not invited]
    木村元則; 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 井鷺裕司; 陶山佳久; 柴田昌三
    第47回日本緑化工学会大会 研究交流部門  2016/10
  • コマツナギ,メドハギの国内産および外国産種子の形状  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 木村元則
    第47回日本緑化工学会大会 研究交流部門  2016/10
  • イタドリ類の形質にみられる地理的変異〜 在来緑化植物の地域性の検討に向けて  [Not invited]
    木村元則; 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 柴田昌三
    第26回日本景観生態学会大会  2016/07
  • 今西亜友美; 夏原由博; 今西純一; DUANGVONGSA Inpeng; SOUTHAVONG Sisomphone
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)  2016
  • Seed dormancy and germination traits of Euryale ferox  [Invited]
    Imanishi, A
    Invited lecture at Kunsan National University  2015/12
  • Spatial arrangement of populations within a forest affects genetic diversity of a violet in urban fragmented forests  [Not invited]
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, J; Yokogawa, M; Hashimoto, H; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Hatanaka, Y; Isagi, Y; Shibata, S
    9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress  2015/07
  • Mowing in agricultural activity maintains alterative habitat of an endangered grassland species Gentiana thunbergii (G. Don) Griseb  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Kawase, N; Natuhara, Y
    9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress  2015/07
  • The vegetative landscape and resource utilization of two Japanese shrines found in historical documents of forest management from the 17th to 18th centuries  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J
    9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress  2015/07
  • 断片化した都市林に生育するタチツボスミレの遺伝的多様性に影響を及ぼす要因  [Not invited]
    藤馬裕一; 今西純一; 横川昌史; 橋本啓史; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕; 畑中佑紀; 井鷺裕司; 柴田昌三
    第25回日本景観生態学会大会  2015/06
  • ラオス南部における灌漑施設の導入が水田雑草の散布体バンクへ及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; Inpeng Duangvongsa
    第25回日本景観生態学会大会  2015/06
  • Cultural landscape and habitats of aquatic plants in a lakeside city with spring-fed water  [Not invited]
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Fukamachi, K; Morimoto, Y
    The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design  2014/10
  • Conservation of Euryale ferox Salisb. in Japan based on genetic evaluation using microsatellite markers  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Kaneko, S; Isagi, Y; Imanishi, J; Natuhara, Y; Morimoto, Y
    The 4th International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design  2014/10
  • ラオス南部の水田における食用雑草とその生育環境  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 鷲谷寧子; 夏原由博; 今西純一; Southavong, S; Duangvongsa, I
    第45回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会  2014/08
  • 中西麻美; 稲垣善之; 柴田昌三; 今西亜友美; 大澤直哉
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM)  2014/03
  • 今西亜友美; 今西純一
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)  2014
  • 天水田地域における灌漑施設の導入が草本植物相と食用雑草へ及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 鷲谷寧子; 夏原由博; 今西純一; Southavong, S; Duangvongsa, I
    第4回琵琶湖地域の水田生物研究会  2013/12
  • 水田地帯におけるハルリンドウの生育環境条件  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 河瀬直幹; 夏原由博
    第3回琵琶湖地域の水田生物研究会  2012/12
  • Genetic Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Herbaceous Plants in Urban Areas: Case Study on Viola grypoceras A. Gray var. grypoceras in Kyoto City, Japan  [Not invited]
    Toma, Y; Imanishi, J; Hashimoto, H; Yokogawa, M; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Hatanaka, Y; Isagi, Y; Shibata, S
    Urban Biodiversity Conference 2012  2012/10
  • Differences in weed vegetation between rain-fed and irrigated paddies in Champasak Province, Lao PDR  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Washitani, Y; Natuhara, Y; Duangvongsa, I; Southavong, S; Chalernesouk, V
    Joint Meeting of The 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ and The 5th EAFES International Congress  2012/03
  • ラオス南部における灌漑施設の導入が水田の植物相に与える影響  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 鷲谷寧子; 夏原由博; Duangvongsa; I; Southavong, S; Chalernesouk, V
    日本景観生態学会第21回千葉大会  2011/06
  • 境優; 夏原由博; 今西亜友美; 加藤真
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2011/03
  • 滋賀県南東部の水田地帯におけるハルリンドウの分布と生育地の環境条件  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 今西純一; 河瀬直幹; 夏原由博
    第58回日本生態学会  2011/03
  • 琵琶湖の植物相の現状と希少種の再生可能性  [Invited]
    第9回京都大学地球環境フォーラム  2011/02
  • 大槻あずさ; 福崎康司; 吉岡崇仁; 徳地直子; 福島慶太郎; 今西亜友美; 向昌宏; 谷尾陽一; 白澤紘明; 河本晴恵
    日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集  2010/09
  • 京都大学芦生研究林におけるナラ枯れを含む枯死拡大の経年変化と地形条件の解析  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 矢野裕美子; 山崎理正; 今西亜友美; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第20回鳥取大会  2010/07
  • 江戸期における賀茂別雷神社の植生景観と資源利用  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 杉田そらん; 今西純一; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第20回鳥取大会  2010/07
  • Impacts of deer overbrowsing on benthic arthoropod assemblages in headwater (first-order) streams  [Not invited]
    Sakai, M; Natuhara, Y; Imanishi, A
    Joint Meeting with ASLO & NABS  2010/06
  • 由良川流域における溶存物質の動態について -森里海連環学ことはじめ-  [Not invited]
    吉岡崇仁; 徳地直子; 福島慶太郎; 今西亜友美; 向昌宏; 大槻あずさ; 河本晴恵; 谷尾陽一
    日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会  2010/05
  • 由良川流下過程に伴う溶存有機物および溶存鉄の濃度変化  [Not invited]
    福島慶太郎; 大槻あずさ; 河本晴恵; 吉岡崇仁; 徳地直子; 今西亜友美; 向昌宏; 谷尾陽一; 白澤紘明
    日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会  2010/05
  • The factors affecting plant distribution in a fallow paddy field under consideration of nature restoration in Oguraike drained land  [Not invited]
    Matsumoto, H; Imanishi, A; Imanishi, J; Susaki, J; Morimoto, Y; Natuhara, Y
    URBIO 2010 International Conference  2010/05
  • A new utilization of urban green spaces for managing spiritual health of people  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, J; Nakau, M; Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Watanabe, S; Baba, T; Kimura, M; Hirai, K; Ito, T; Chiba, W
    URBIO 2010 International Conference  2010/05
  • Change of woody-species composition in an early stage of plant succession after cutting in a suburban secondary forest dominated by Chamaecyparis obtusa  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Shibata, S; Nakanishi, A; Osawa, N
    URBIO 2010 International Conference  2010/05
  • 今西亜友美; 小田龍聖; 今西純一; 中薗孝介; 吉田和男; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2010/03
  • 境優; 夏原由博; 今西亜友美
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2010/03
  • 緑地を利用した統合医療プログラムががん患者の心身に及ぼす効果  [Not invited]
    中右麻衣子; 今西二郎; 今西純一; 渡辺聡子; 今西亜友美; 馬場健; 森本幸裕; 人見滋樹; 千葉渉; 伊藤壽記; 平井啓
    第13回日本統合医療学会  2009/11
  • がん患者の心身のケアを目的とした都市緑地の活用に関する研究  [Not invited]
    中右麻衣子; 今西二郎; 今西純一; 渡辺聡子; 今西亜友美; 馬場健; 森本幸裕; 人見滋樹; 千葉渉; 伊藤壽記; 平井啓
    第40回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会  2009/09
  • 水田環境と周辺土地利用がカエル類の生息に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    内藤梨沙; 夏原由博; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第19回新潟大会  2009/06
  • 絶滅危惧植物オニバスの日本における遺伝的変異とその地理的分布  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 兼子伸吾; 今西純一; 井鷺裕司; 夏原由博; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第19回新潟大会  2009/06
  • 境優; 夏原由博; 今西亜友美
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM)  2009/03
  • 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 松本仁; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2009/03
  • 巨椋池氾濫原自然再生を目指したシナリオ研究  [Not invited]
    坂元大樹; 菊池俊平; 細垣彩加; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 松本仁; 森本幸裕
    川の全国シンポジウム−淀川からの発信−  2008/11
  • History of urban woods in Kyoto, Japan  [Not invited]
    Hashimoto, H; Imanishi, A; Murakami, K; Morimoto, Y
    IUFRO Landscape Ecology International Conference : Landscape Ecology and Forest Management Challenges and Solutions  2008/09
  • 松本仁; 今西亜友美; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2008/03
  • 今西純一; 今西亜友美; 宋泳根; 上田佳史; 森本幸裕
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集  2008/03
  • 横大路沼干拓地における絶滅危惧植物の再生に向けた埋土種子の発芽実験  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 松本仁; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    日本生態学会近畿地区会  2007/12
  • 京都市南部の横大路沼干拓地から出現した絶滅危惧種オニバスの保存  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 松本仁; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博; 太田周作; 井上雅裕
    平成19年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2007/10
  • 京都市南部の横大路沼干拓地における埋土種子による水生植物の再生  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 松本仁; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 夏原由博
    平成19年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2007/10
  • 下鴨神社糺の森の景観変化と江戸中期の森の維持管理  [Invited]
    社叢学会関西定例研究会  2007/09
  • The factors that affected forest landscape change of the world heritage Shimogamo shrine, Kyoto, Japan after the middle ages  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Yoshida, S; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y
    IALE World Congress 2007  2007/07
  • A conceptual model for restoration site selection based on a review of reserve selection  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, J; Imanishi, A; Natuhara, Y; Morimoto, Y
    IALE World Congress 2007  2007/07
  • Indicators for the linkage of forest  [Not invited]
    Natuhara, Y; Imanishi, A; Imai, K
    IALE World Congress 2007  2007/07
  • The characteristics and problems of an artificial urban ecological environment from the viewpoint of herbaceous flora  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Kitagawa, C; Nakamura, S; Imanishi, J; Murakami, K; Morimoto, Y
    The 4th International Symposium Preservation and Restoration of Environmental Ecology  2007/07
  • 斉藤誠子; 柴田昌三; 今西亜友美
    日本森林学会大会学術講演集(CD-ROM)  2007/04
  • 都市内孤立林の植物と分布のパターン  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 里村明香
    平成18年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2006/10
  • 京都市内孤立林の管理形態の違いが樹林性鳥類の種数に影響するか?  [Not invited]
    橋本啓史; 村上健太郎; 里村明香; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    平成18年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2006/10
  • 孤立林に生育する林床植物の保全のための都市デザイン  [Not invited]
    村上健太郎; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    平成18年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2006/10
  • 都市孤立林の樹幹着生蘚苔類種組成と環境要因との関係  [Not invited]
    大石善隆; 田端敬三; 村上健太郎; 橋本啓史; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    平成18年度日本造園学会関西支部大会  2006/10
  • 中世以降における下鴨神社糺の森の景観変化に関わる要因  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 吉田早織; 今西純一; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第16回徳島大会  2006/09
  • 広域スケールにおける生物多様性評価手法の再検討  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    日本景観生態学会第16回徳島大会  2006/09
  • 都市緑地における森林浴の効果について―心理学的・生理学的評価法を用いて―  [Not invited]
    馬場健; 今西亜友美; 上嶋拓哉; 今西純一; 今西二郎
    (社)環境情報科学センター 大阪シンポジウム・ポスターセッション  2006/09
  • 都市の樹幹着生蘚苔類生育分布モデル−保全すべき都市林を決定する一次的な手法の考案−  [Not invited]
    大石善隆; 田端敬三; 村上健太郎; 橋本啓史; 今西亜友美; 森本幸裕
    日本蘚苔類学会第35回宮崎県高鍋町大会  2006/08
  • Changes in herbaceous plants at an urban ecological park for 9 years after construction  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, A; Kitagawa, C; Nakamura, S; Hashimoto, H; Tabata, K; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y; Miyamoto, M
    International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia  2006/06
  • Greenery on vertical walls: lessons from Biolung in Expo 2005, Aichi, Japan  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, J; Suzuki, A; Imanishi, A; Morimoto, Y; Fujita, T
    International Conference on Ecological Restoration in East Asia  2006/06
  • 京都市内孤立緑地における植物相の出現パターンと保全計画への応用  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕
    第53回日本生態学会新潟大会自由集会  2006/03
  • 京都市内の神社境内における草本植物の種数と種の出現パターン  [Not invited]
    今西亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕; 里村明香
    第15回日本景観生態学会東京大会  2005/06
  • 小面積皆伐がヒノキ落葉の季節性に及ぼす影響  [Not invited]
    中西麻美; 平田啓一; 柴田昌三; 寺井厚海; 牧野亜友美; 境慎二郎; 大澤直哉
    日本林学会関西支部会  2004/10
  • An analysis on the nested subset patterns of herbaceous plant species at fragmented forest patches in Kyoto city, Japan: a hint about the SLOSS issue  [Not invited]
    Makino, A; Murakami, K; Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y
    1st EAFES International Congress MOKPO 2004  2004/10
  • A research on drought stress detection of broadleaved tree species using hyperspectral remote sensing  [Not invited]
    Imanishi, J; Morimoto, Y; Makino, A; Sugimoto, K; Isoda, K
    1st EAFES International Congress MOKPO 2004  2004/10
  • 都市草本植物相における大陸−島モデルの適用可能性  [Not invited]
    牧野亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 森本幸裕
    第51回日本生態学会大会  2004/08
  • 京都市孤立緑地における草本植物の種数と面積との関係  [Not invited]
    牧野亜友美; 村上健太郎; 今西純一; 橋本啓史; 里村明香; 森本幸裕
    第14回日本景観生態学会  2004/03
  • 里山構成樹種の萠芽特性  [Not invited]
    牧野亜友美; 森本淳子; 柴田昌三; 大澤直哉; 中西麻美
    第34回日本緑化工学会大会研究交流発表会  2003/09
  • Accounting for diversity of plant species in watershed ecosystems by integrating field study and remote sensing  [Not invited]
    Morimoto, J; Makino, A; Ishiwatari, S; Hirota, F; Taguchi, H; Fukui, H
    IEEE IGARSS 2003  2003/07
  • ハビタット適性評価のためのハイパースペクトルによる樹冠の計測−散乱比の影響について  [Not invited]
    今西純一; 磯田一岳; 牧野亜友美; 杉本香葉子; 森本幸裕
    国際景観生態学会日本支部会第13回北九州大会  2003/06
  • 京都市近郊の里山ヒノキ二次林の小面積除間伐直後の樹林の動態  [Not invited]
    牧野亜友美; 森本淳子; 柴田昌三; 大澤直哉; 中西麻美
    国際景観生態学会日本支部会第12回京都大会  2002/06

Affiliated academic society

  • International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering   水草研究会   環境情報科学   日本環境教育学会   日本生態学会   日本景観生態学会   日本緑化工学会   日本造園学会   

Research Themes

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Date (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 今西 亜友美
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    Date (from‐to) : 2016 -2020 
    Author : 今西亜友美
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013 -2015 
    Author : IMANISHI Ayumi
    In order to determine the effects of development of irrigation system on weed flora and utilization in the paddy fields of Southeast Asia, we conducted interview survey regarding edible weeds, vegetation and propagule bank survey in the irrigated and rainfed paddy fields of southern Lao P.D.R. Nine weed species are utilized as edible weeds and almost all respondents reported no changes in either frequency of use or edible weed type eaten before and after the development of the irrigation system. As a result of vegetation survey, species associated with the irrigated paddies were three harmful weeds, Fimbristylis miliacea, Echinochloa colona, and Panicum repens. Moreover, edible weeds germinated only from the rainfed paddy soil samples. In conclusion, the development of irrigation system didn’t influence weed utilization at the present time, but it changed species composition of both ground vegetation and propagule bank in the irrigated paddy fields.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2010 -2012 
    Author : MORIMOTO Yukihiro; NATUHARA Yoshihiro; ISAGI Yuji; ASAEDA Takashi; KAMADA Mahito; IMANISHI Junichi; OISHI Yoshitaka; KOBAYASHI Tatsuaki
    The City Biodiversity Index (Singapore Index, CBI) is authorized at the COP 10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity. However, the index has issues to be reconsidered, such as the environment of each city, applicability etc. So, we re-examined the evaluation methods from the viewpoints of ‘biodiversity’, ‘ecosystem services’ and ‘governance’ to apply on Japanese cities. And, we successfully committed to establish a Japanese version of CBI (preliminary edition) compiled by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. We also revealed the various knowledge and methods to improve the evaluation methods, including genetic diversity evaluation of plants in isolated forests, and urban forest habitat evaluation method using intensive airborne LiDAR.
  • 京都大学大学院地球環境学堂:地球環境学堂若手教員に対する研究助成
    Date (from‐to) : 2010/08 -2011/03 
    Author : 今西亜友美
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2010 
    Author : NATUHARA Yosihiro; ITO Satoshi; IMANISHI Junichi; IMANISHI Ayumi; KAMATA Mahito; KAMITANI Tomohiko; NAGASAWA Ryota; NAGAMATSU Dai; HARA Keitaro; FUKAMACHI Katsue; FUJIHARA Michiro; MORIMOTO Yukihiro
    By the studies on the changes in Satoyama landscape and their effects on biodiversity in Japan, priority of the local Satoyama for conservation was assessed and management methods were developed. Satoyama landscapes in Japan was classified and mapped. Risks of Satoyama landscape endangered by urban sprawl and by depopulation were analyzed using GIS. We traced the history of urban and suburban vegetations in Edo period (1600-1867) by old paintings. Ecosystem services of Satoyama landscape were assessed.
  • 草本植物の多様性に及ぼす侵略種の影響からみた都市孤立林の保全に関する研究
    Date (from‐to) : 2003/04 -2006/03 
    Author : 牧野亜友美