Kindai University HospitalSpecially Appointed Associate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher comments

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information


  • Medical Doctor(2012/03 Kinki University Faculty of Medicine)

Research Keyword

  • SHC   消化器内視鏡   動脈硬化   超音波医学科   膵臓病学   高コレステロール血症   兄弟支配   検査診断システム   ネフローゼ症候群   M-SHRSP   高血圧症   

Research Field

  • Life sciences / Experimental pathology
  • Life sciences / Medical systems



  • 2006 - 2008  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Medicine講師

■Research activity information


  • Yasuo Otsuka; Kosuke Minaga; Akane Hara; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Takaaki Chikugo; Masatoshi Kudo
    Endoscopy international open 12 (6) E764-E766  2024/06
  • 三長 孝輔; 原 茜; 大塚 康生; 大本 俊介; 鎌田 研; 竹中 完; 工藤 正俊; 筑後 孝章
    消化器内視鏡 (株)東京医学社 36 (5) 726 - 731 0915-3217 2024/05 
    <文献概要>はじめに 膵癌は最も予後不良な固形癌であり,進行した状態で診断されることが多く,過半数の患者が診断後1年以内に死亡する。近年,日本でも罹患数が増加しており,死亡数は増加の一途をたどっている。膵癌は腫瘍径が2cm以下のTS1膵癌で発見されてもその予後はよいとはいいがたく,予後向上には長期予後が見込める上皮内癌(5年生存率86%)や腫瘍径10mm以下の微小浸潤癌(5年生存率80%)の状態でいかに的確に診断できるかが最重要課題といえる。しかしながら,腫瘍径が1cm以下の早期の膵癌症例では症状の出現に乏しいため発見は困難であり,早期診断のためには,どのような対象にどのような画像検査を含む精査を行うのかを考える必要がある。膵癌の画像診断では,腹部US,造影CT,腹部MRI,EUSなどが用いられる。これらの診断モダリティのなかでもEUSは管腔内走査をすることにより,超音波端子を膵臓に近接し固定することができるため,他のモダリティと比較し空間分解能が非常に高く,膵癌の早期発見において欠かすことのできない画像診断検査である。本稿では,膵癌の早期診断においてEUSが果たしている役割,早期診断の精度や限界について概説する。
  • 心窩部痛を契機に診断・治療し得た傍神経節腫の一例
    中 貴史; 吉田 晃浩; 竹中 完; 田中 秀和; 福永 朋洋; 山崎 友裕; 大本 俊介; 三長 孝輔; 鎌田 研; 松本 逸平; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 119回 113 - 113 2023/09
  • Kenichi Suda; Kazuko Sakai; Tatsuo Ohira; Takaaki Chikugo; Takao Satou; Jun Matsubayashi; Toshitaka Nagao; Norihiko Ikeda; Yasuhiro Tsutani; Tetsuya Mitsudomi; Kazuto Nishio
    Cancers 15 (9) 2023/05 
    BACKGROUND: The Idylla™ EGFR Mutation Test is an ultra-rapid single-gene test that detects epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. Here, we compared the performance of the Idylla EGFR Mutation Test with the Cobas® EGFR Mutation Test v2. METHODS: Surgically resected NSCLC specimens obtained at two Japanese institutions (N = 170) were examined. The Idylla EGFR Mutation Test and the Cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2 were performed independently and the results were compared. For discordant cases, the Ion AmpliSeq Colon and Lung Cancer Research Panel V2 was performed. RESULTS: After the exclusion of five inadequate/invalid samples, 165 cases were evaluated. EGFR mutation analysis revealed 52 were positive and 107 were negative for EGFR mutation in both assays (overall concordance rate: 96.4%). Analyses of the six discordant cases revealed that the Idylla EGFR Mutation Test was correct in four and the Cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2 was correct in two. In a trial calculation, the combination of the Idylla EGFR Mutation Test followed by a multi-gene panel test will reduce molecular screening expenses if applied to a cohort with EGFR mutation frequency >17.9%. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the accuracy and potential clinical utility of the Idylla EGFR Mutation Test as a molecular screening platform in terms of turnaround time and molecular testing cost if applied to a cohort with a high EGFR mutation incidence (>17.9%).
  • 脳卒中易発症高血圧自然発症ラットSHRSPは廃用性萎縮からの回復時にユビキチン化の亢進が遅延する
    井上 敬夫; 金澤 佑治; 水口 信行; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 峯 嘉宏; 萩山 満; 米重 あづさ; 和田 昭裕; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 龍生; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本筋学会 8回 129 - 129 2433-975X 2022/08
  • 脳卒中易発症高血圧自然発症ラットSHRSPは廃用性萎縮からの回復時にユビキチン化の亢進が遅延する
    井上 敬夫; 金澤 佑治; 水口 信行; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 峯 嘉宏; 萩山 満; 米重 あづさ; 和田 昭裕; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 龍生; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本筋学会 8回 129 - 129 2433-975X 2022/08
  • Atsushi Nakai; Ken Kamata; Tomoko Hyodo; Takaaki Chikugo; Akane Hara; Yasuo Otsuka; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tomoe Yoshikawa; Rei Ishikawa; Ayana Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamazaki; Shunsuke Omoto; Kosuke Minaga; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Yasutaka Chiba; Tomohiro Watanabe; Ippei Matsumoto; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Masatoshi Kudo
    Endoscopic Ultrasound Medknow 2303-9027 2022/07 [Refereed]
  • Yusuke Makutani; Kazuko Sakai; Masahiro Yamada; Toshiaki Wada; Takaaki Chikugo; Takao Satou; Yoko Iwasa; Hidekazu Yamamoto; Marco A de Velasco; Kazuto Nishio; Junichiro Kawamura
    International journal of clinical oncology 2022/04 
    BACKGROUND: The Biocartis Idylla™ platform is a fully automated, real-time PCR-based diagnostic system. The Idylla™ KRAS and NRAS-BRAF Mutation Tests have been developed for the qualitative detection of mutations in KRAS, NRAS and BRAF genes, facilitating the genomic profiling of patients with colorectal cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical performances of these tests in Japan. METHODS: The RAS and BRAF mutation statuses of 253 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) colorectal cancer tissues were analyzed using the Investigational Use Only Idylla™ KRAS Mutation Test and the Idylla™ NRAS-BRAF Mutation Test and an in vitro diagnostics (IVD) kit (MEBGEN RASKET™-B kit). RESULTS: The success rate for obtaining a valid mutational data without retest of the Idylla tests was 97.6% (247/253): 111 KRAS mutations (43.8%), 9 NRAS mutations (3.6%), and 36 BRAF V600E mutations (14.2%) were detected using the Idylla tests. Compared with the MEBGEN RASKET-B results, the positive concordance rate was 97.4%, the negative concordance rate was 95.7%, and the overall concordance rate was 95.3% (κ = 0.919, 95% CI 0.871-0.967). The average turnaround time to Idylla™ KRAS and NRAS-BRAF Mutation Test was 5.6 working days (range: 3-11 days). CONCLUSION: This result demonstrates a high concordance between the Idylla™ KRAS and NRAS-BRAF Mutation Tests and an existing IVD kit. In this manner, the Idylla™ mutation tests were validated for the detection of clinically significant KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF mutations in FFPE samples from colorectal cancer patients.
  • 浸潤性膵管癌、腺扁平上皮癌が重複膵管に同時発生した1例
    加藤 弘樹; 大本 俊介; 原 茜; 大塚 康夫; 益田 康弘; 高島 耕太; 吉田 晃浩; 福永 朋洋; 岡本 彩那; 山崎 友裕; 鎌田 研; 三長 孝輔; 竹中 完; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 116回 111 - 111 2022/02
  • 浸潤性膵管癌、腺扁平上皮癌が重複膵管に同時発生した1例
    加藤 弘樹; 大本 俊介; 原 茜; 大塚 康夫; 益田 康弘; 高島 耕太; 吉田 晃浩; 福永 朋洋; 岡本 彩那; 山崎 友裕; 鎌田 研; 三長 孝輔; 竹中 完; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 116回 111 - 111 2022/02
  • 脳卒中発症ラットSHRSPは廃用性萎縮からの回復時に筋線維の損傷がみられない
    井上 敬夫; 金澤 佑治; 水口 信行; 峯 嘉宏; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 萩山 満; 米重 あづさ; 和田 昭裕; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 龍生; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本筋学会 7回 125 - 125 2433-975X 2021/11
  • 脳卒中発症ラットSHRSPは廃用性萎縮からの回復時に筋線維の損傷がみられない
    井上 敬夫; 金澤 佑治; 水口 信行; 峯 嘉宏; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 萩山 満; 米重 あづさ; 和田 昭裕; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 龍生; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 (一社)日本筋学会 7回 125 - 125 2433-975X 2021/11
  • Kentaro Yamao; Masakatsu Tsurusaki; Kota Takashima; Hidekazu Tanaka; Akihiro Yoshida; Ayana Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamazaki; Shunsuke Omoto; Ken Kamata; Kosuke Minaga; Mamoru Takenaka; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasutaka Chiba; Tomohiro Watanabe; Masatoshi Kudo
    Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland) 11 (10) 2021/10 
    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic cancer (PC) exhibits extremely rapid growth; however, it remains largely unknown whether the early stages of PC also exhibit rapid growth speed equivalent to advanced PC. This study aimed to investigate the natural history of early PCs through retrospectively assessing pre-diagnostic images. METHODS: We examined the data of nine patients, including three patients with carcinoma in situ (CIS), who had undergone magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) to detect solitary main pancreatic duct (MPD) stenosis >1 year before definitive PC diagnosis. We retrospectively analyzed the time to diagnosis and first-time tumor detection from the estimated time point of first-time MPD stenosis detection without tumor lesion. RESULTS: The median tumor size at diagnosis and the first-time tumor detection size were 14 and 7.5 mm, respectively. The median time to diagnosis and first-time tumor detection were 26 and 49 months, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: No studies have investigated the PC history, especially that of early PCs, including CIS, based on the initial detection of MPD stenosis using MRCP. Assessment of a small number of patients showed that the time to progression can take several years in the early PC stages. Understanding this natural history is very important in the clinical setting.
  • インフリキシマブが有効であった腸型Bechet病のサイトカイン反応の解析
    吉川 馨介; 渡邉 智裕; 瀬海 郁江; 高田 隆太郎; 原 茜; 栗本 真之; 益田 康弘; 大塚 康夫; 吉川 友恵; 正木 翔; 鎌田 研; 三長 孝輔; 米田 頼晃; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 115回 88 - 88 2021/09
  • Yasuo Otsuka; Ken Kamata; Tomoko Hyodo; Takaaki Chikugo; Akane Hara; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tomoe Yoshikawa; Rei Ishikawa; Ayana Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamazaki; Atsushi Nakai; Shunsuke Omoto; Kosuke Minaga; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Yasutaka Chiba; Tomohiro Watanabe; Takuya Nakai; Ippei Matsumoto; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Masatoshi Kudo
    Surgical endoscopy 2021/08 
    BACKGROUND: The value of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (CH-EUS) for T-staging in patients with extrahepatic bile duct cancer was evaluated. METHODS: This single-center, retrospective study included consecutive patients with extrahepatic bile duct cancer who underwent surgical resection after preoperative EUS, CH-EUS, and contrast-enhanced CT (CE-CT) examinations between June 2014 and August 2017. The capacity of these modalities for T-staging of extrahepatic bile duct cancer was evaluated by assessing invasion beyond the biliary wall into the surrounding tissue, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, duodenum, portal vein system (portal vein and/or superior mesenteric vein), inferior vena cava, and hepatic arteries (proper hepatic artery, right. and/or left. hepatic artery). Blind reading of EUS, CH-EUS, and CE-CT images was performed by two expert reviewers each. RESULTS: 38 patients were eligible for analysis, of which eight had perihilar bile duct cancer and 30 had distal bile duct cancer. Postoperative T-staging was T1 in 6, T2 in 16, and T3 in 16 cases. CH-EUS was superior to CE-CT for diagnosing invasion beyond the biliary wall into surrounding tissue (92.1% vs. 45.9%, P = 0.0002); the ability to detect invasion to other organs did not differ significantly between the two modalities. The accuracy of CH-EUS for T-staging of tumors was better than that of CE-CT (73.7% vs. 39.5%, P = 0.0059). CH-EUS tended to have a better accuracy than EUS for the diagnosis of invasion beyond the biliary wall into the surrounding tissue (92.1% vs. 78.9%, P = 0.074) and T-staging (73.7% vs. 60.5%, P = 0.074). CONCLUSION: CH-EUS is useful for T-staging of extra hepatic bile duct cancer, especially in terms of invasion beyond the biliary wall into the surrounding tissue.
  • Ryutaro Takada; Kosuke Minaga; Akane Hara; Yasuo Otsuka; Shunsuke Omoto; Ken Kamata; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Satoru Hagiwara; Hajime Honjo; Shigenaga Matsui; Takaaki Chikugo; Tomohiro Watanabe; Masatoshi Kudo
    Journal of Clinical Medicine MDPI AG 10 (16) 3716 - 3716 2021/08 
    Due to the tendency of gastric linitis plastica (GLP) to cause extensive submucosal infiltration, a superficial endoscopic biopsy sometimes yields no evidence of malignancy, hindering definite diagnosis. The present study was a single-center retrospective analysis of 54 consecutive patients diagnosed with GLP between 2016 and 2020 to evaluate EUS-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) biopsy outcomes in patients with negative endoscopic biopsy findings. A pathological GLP diagnosis was achieved by endoscopic biopsy in 40 patients (74.1%). EUS-FNA biopsy with a 22-gauge needle was performed in 13 of the remaining 14 patients, and GLP diagnosis was confirmed in 10 patients, with a median of three needle passes. The remaining four patients were laparoscopically diagnosed with GLP. The diagnostic ability of EUS-FNA biopsy for GLP was 76.9%, and EUS-FNA biopsy contributed to GLP diagnosis in 18.5% (10/54) of all cases. None of the 13 patients exhibited EUS-FNA biopsy-related adverse events. Univariable and multivariable analyses revealed an absence of superficial ulcerations as a predictor of false-negative endoscopic biopsy findings in patients with GLP. These results suggest EUS-FNA biopsy as a minimally invasive and safe alternative diagnostic modality for GLP in cases where conventional endoscopic biopsy fails to verify malignancy, although prospective studies with larger cohorts are warranted to confirm these findings.
  • Ryutaro Takada; Tomohiro Watanabe; Ikue Sekai; Keisuke Yoshikawa; Akane Hara; Yasuo Otsuka; Tomoe Yoshikawa; Ken Kamata; Kosuke Minaga; Yoriaki Komeda; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasuyuki Arai; Kohei Yamashita; Masatoshi Kudo
    Frontiers in Oncology Frontiers Media SA 11 2021/05 
    Double expressor lymphoma (DEL), defined as overexpression of BCL2 and MYC, is an aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Here we report a case of a 64-year-old female diagnosed with abdominal DEL transformed from jejunum follicular lymphoma (FL). 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography showed diffuse accumulation of FDG into the peritoneum and small bowel wall. Double balloon-assisted enteroscopy revealed whitish submucosal tumors in the proximal jejunum. Aggregation of atypical lymphocytes positive for CD20, CD79a, and BCL2 was seen in the jejunal biopsy samples. These atypical lymphocytes were monoclonal since cell surface expression of Ig light chains was limited to κ chain by flow-cytometry. Thus, immunohistochemical and flowcytometric analyses data were consistent with FL of the jejunum. Neoplastic lymphocytes obtained from ascites were positive for CD10, CD20, CD79a, BCL2, and BCL6. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed formation of BCL2/IgH fusion gene and extra copies of MYC, the former of which is a characteristic chromosomal abnormality of FL. These genetic alterations and protein expression profiles of ascitic fluid cells were consistent with those of DEL transformed from FL. Given that a significant population of patients with indolent FL of the gastrointestinal tract developed into aggressive DLBCL, it is likely that primary FL of the jejunum transformed into the abdominal aggressive DEL in this case. This case is unique in that concurrent occurrence of FL and DEL was confirmed by immunohistochemical and FISH analyses and that abdominal DEL transformed from jejunal FL was highly suspected.
  • Keisuke Yoshikawa; Tomohiro Watanabe; Ikue Sekai; Ryutaro Takada; Akane Hara; Masayuki Kurimoto; Yasuhiro Masuta; Yasuo Otsuka; Tomoe Yoshikawa; Sho Masaki; Ken Kamata; Kosuke Minaga; Yoriaki Komeda; Takaaki Chikugo; Masatoshi Kudo
    Frontiers in Medicine Frontiers Media SA 8 2021/05 
    Behçet's disease (BD) is a rare inflammatory condition characterized by oral and genital ulcers, skin lesions, as well as ophthalmological, neurological, and gastrointestinal manifestations. BD involving the gastrointestinal tract is known as intestinal BD. The mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract of patients with intestinal BD exhibits enhanced levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α. These proinflammatory cytokines play pathogenic roles in the development of BD, as evidenced by the fact that biologics targeting these cytokines effectively induce BD remission. It should be noted, however, that the molecular mechanisms by which the blockade of these cytokines suppresses chronic inflammatory responses in BD are poorly understood. Herein, we report a case of intestinal BD resistant to prednisolone that was successfully treated with infliximab (IFX). The induction of remission by IFX was accompanied by a marked elevation of IL-6 and forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) at mRNA level. This case suggests that induction of remission by IFX is mediated not only by the suppression of TNF-α-mediated signaling pathways, but also by the promotion of IL-6 expression and accumulation of regulatory T cells expressing FOXP3.
  • 田村 奈々; 水野 揺子; 田中 千琴; 植田 清文; 上杉 忠雄; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 60 (Suppl.1) 251 - 251 0387-1193 2021/05
  • Tomohiro Yamazaki; Mamoru Takenaka; Shunsuke Omoto; Tomoe Yoshikawa; Rei Ishikawa; Ayana Okamoto; Atsushi Nakai; Kosuke Minaga; Ken Kamata; Kentaro Yamao; Yoriaki Komeda; Tomohiro Watanabe; Naoshi Nishida; Keiko Kamei; Ippei Matsumoto; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasutaka Chiba; Masatoshi Kudo
    Journal of Clinical Medicine MDPI AG 10 (9) 1818 - 1818 2021/04 
    This study aimed to investigate whether the incorporation of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasound (CH-EUS) into the international consensus guidelines (ICG) for the management of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) could improve its malignancy diagnostic value. In this single-center retrospective study, 109 patients diagnosed with IPMN who underwent preoperative CH-EUS between March 2010 and December 2018 were enrolled. We analyzed each malignancy diagnostic value (sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV)) by replacing fundamental B-mode EUS with CH-EUS as the recommended test for patients with worrisome features (WF) (the CH-EUS incorporation ICG) and comparing the results to those obtained using the 2017 ICG. The malignancy diagnostic values as per the 2017 ICG were 78.9%, 42.3%, 60.0%, and 64.7% for Se, Sp, PPV, and NPV, respectively. The CH-EUS incorporation ICG plan improved the malignancy diagnostic values (Se 78.9%/Sp, 53.8%/PPV, 65.2%/NPV 70.0%). CH-EUS may be useful in determining the appropriate treatment strategies for IPMN.
  • Shigeki Shimizu; Kazuko Sakai; Takaaki Chikugo; Takao Satou; Naoki Shiraishi; Tetsuya Mitsudomi; Kazuto Nishio
    Oncology letters 21 (4) 320 - 320 2021/04 
    Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma (PSC) is classified as poorly differentiated, and non-small cell lung carcinomas that contained a component of sarcoma or sarcoma-like differentiation are rare. The underlying carcinogenetic mechanism governing PSC remains unclear. The current study investigated the underlying carcinogenetic mechanism of PSC based on the hypothesis that it involves the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process. Mutation analysis of PSCs, including carcinosarcoma, pleomorphic carcinoma and epithelial carcinoma specimens, was performed using targeted deep sequencing, whole transcriptome analysis and digital spatial profiling (DSP). PSCs exhibit a distinct mutation profile, with TP53, SYNE1 and APC mutations. Therefore, clustering of the gene expression profiles allowed the PSCs to be distinguished from the epithelial carcinomas. Increased gene expression of fibronectin in PSC was an important contributor to differential profiles. Pathway analysis revealed enhanced activity of the integrin-linked kinase (ILK) signaling pathway in the PSCs. DSP analysis using 56 antibodies of marker proteins confirmed significantly higher expression of fibronectin in PSCs. Intratumor heterogeneity of fibronectin expression was observed in sarcoma components. In conclusion, epithelial-mesenchymal transition process mediated by ILK signaling may be associated with carcinogenetic mechanisms of PSC. Overexpression of fibronectin mediated by ILK signaling appears to serve a role in the EMT involved in the PSC transformation process.
  • 臨床的にGISTが疑われた腹腔内間葉系腫瘍の3例
    筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 木下 春人; 寺岡 均; 加藤 寛章; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 110 (1) 302 - 302 0300-9181 2021/03
  • Kazuko Sakai; Toshiharu Sakurai; Marco A De Velasco; Tomoyuki Nagai; Takaaki Chikugo; Kazuomi Ueshima; Yurie Kura; Takayuki Takahama; Hidetoshi Hayashi; Kazuhiko Nakagawa; Masatoshi Kudo; Kazuto Nishio
    Frontiers in oncology 11 763468 - 763468 2021 
    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have become the standard of care for several cancers. However, ICI therapy has also been associated with various immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Clinical manifestations of immune-related colitis resemble those of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis (UC). The composition of the bowel microflora is thought to influence the development of inflammatory bowel disease and irAE colitis. We profiled the gene expressions and microbe compositions of colonic mucosa from patients with solid cancers receiving anti-PD-L1 antibody treatment; we then compared the expression profiles associated with irAE colitis with those associated with UC. The pathway enrichment analysis revealed functional similarities between inflamed regions of irAE colitis and UC. The common enriched pathways included leukocyte extravasation and immune responses, whereas non-inflamed mucosa from patients with irAE colitis was distinct from patients with UC and was characterized by the recruitment of immune cells. A similarity between the microbiota profiles was also identified. A decreased abundance of Bacteroides species was observed in inflamed regions from both irAE colitis and UC based on a microbiota composition analysis of 16S rDNA sequencing. Pathways associated with molecule transport systems, including fatty acids, were enriched in inflamed and non-inflamed irAE colitis and inflamed UC, similar to Piphillin-inferred KEGG pathways. While UC is characterized by local regions of inflammation, ICI treatment extends to non-inflammatory regions of the colonial mucosa where immune cells are reconstituted. This analysis of the similarity and heterogeneity of irAE colitis and UC provides important information for the management of irAE colitis.
  • 膵臓 良性
    村瀬 貴昭; 松本 逸平; 吉田 雄太; 川口 晃平; 亀井 敬子; 里井 俊平; 武部 敦志; 中居 卓也; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本消化器外科学会 53 (Suppl.2) 324 - 324 0386-9768 2020/11
  • 家根 由典; 肥田 仁一; 幕谷 悠介; 牛嶋 北斗; 吉岡 康多; 岩本 哲好; 大東 弘治; 所 忠男; 上田 和毅; 筑後 孝章; 諸富 公昭; 川村 純一郎
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本消化器外科学会 53 (11) 916 - 924 0386-9768 2020/11 
  • Rei Ishikawa; Ken Kamata; Akane Hara; Hidekazu Tanaka; Ayana Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamazaki; Atsushi Nakai; Shunsuke Omoto; Kosuke Minaga; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Yasunori Minami; Tomohiro Watanabe; Yasutaka Chiba; Takaaki Chikugo; Ippei Matsumoto; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Yuko Matsukubo; Tomoko Hyodo; Masatoshi Kudo
    Digestive Endoscopy Wiley 0915-5635 2020/10
  • Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Rei Ishikawa; Ayana Okamoto; Tomohiro Yamazaki; Atsushi Nakai; Shunsuke Omoto; Ken Kamata; Kosuke Minaga; Ippei Matsumoto; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Isao Numoto; Masakatsu Tsurusaki; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasutaka Chiba; Tomohiro Watanabe; Masatoshi Kudo
    Diagnostics MDPI AG 10 (7) 445 - 445 2020/07 [Refereed]
    Background: This study aimed to evaluate and identify the specific CT findings by focusing on abnormalities in the main pancreatic duct (MPD) and pancreatic parenchyma in patients with small pancreatic cancer (PC) including carcinoma in situ (CIS). Methods: Nine CT findings indicating abnormalities of MPD and pancreatic parenchyma were selected as candidate findings for the presence of small PC ≤ 10 mm. The proportions of patients positive for each finding were compared between small PC and benign MPD stenosis groups. Interobserver agreement between two independent image reviewers was evaluated using kappa statistics. Results: The final analysis included 24 patients with small PC (including 11 CIS patients) and 28 patients with benign MPD stenosis. The proportion of patients exhibiting partial pancreatic parenchymal atrophy (PPA) corresponding to the distribution of MPD stenosis (45.8% vs. 7.1%, p < 0.01), upstream PPA arising from the site of MPD stenosis (33.3% vs. 3.6%, p = 0.01), and MPD abrupt stenosis (45.8% vs. 14.3%, p = 0.03) was significantly higher in the small PC group than in the benign MPD stenosis group. Conclusions: The presence of partial PPA, upstream PPA, and MPD abrupt stenosis on a CT image was highly suggestive of the presence of small PCs including CIS.
  • Kosuke Minaga; Masayuki Kitano; Atsushi Nakai; Shunsuke Omoto; Ken Kamata; Kentaro Yamao; Mamoru Takenaka; Masakatsu Tsurusaki; Takaaki Chikugo; Ippei Matsumoto; Yasutaka Chiba; Tomohiro Watanabe; Masatoshi Kudo
    Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Elsevier BV 0016-5107 2020/06 [Refereed]
  • 木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 板垣 裕子; 長嶋 洋治; 田子 さやか; 菊池 賢
    病理と臨床 (株)文光堂 38 (5) 449 - 453 0287-3745 2020/05
  • Masataka Matsumoto; Keiko Kamei; Takaaki Chikugo; Ippei Matsumoto; Kohei Kawaguchi; Yoshifumi Takeyama
    Pancreas 49 (4) 503 - 508 2020/04 
    OBJECTIVES: Early death in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is caused by pancreatic necrosis and multiple-organ failure due to microcirculation disorder. The aim of this study was to prove that recombinant human-soluble thrombomodulin (rTM) has therapeutic effects on SAP by preventing pancreatic necrosis and organ failure. METHODS: Male Wister rats were used. Cerulein was administered intraperitoneally 4 times every 1 hour, and lipopolysaccharide was administered intraperitoneally 3 hours after. One hour after administration of lipopolysaccharide, rTM was injected intravenously. Rats were observed for 24 hours after starting the experiment, and the survival rate was evaluated. All surviving rats were killed, and the blood sample, liver, and pancreas were excised. Serum amylase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and high mobility group box 1 were measured, and the liver and pancreas were examined histologically. For the evaluation of microcirculation, von Willebrand factor staining was performed. RESULTS: Serum amylase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase were significantly decreased. The survival rate was significantly improved to 100%. Moreover, serum high mobility group box 1 was decreased. Liver injury and pancreatic necrosis became less severe, and microcirculation was preserved histologically. CONCLUSIONS: Early administration of rTM prevents organ failure by maintenance of microcirculation and improves prognoses of SAP.
  • 膵Clear cell carcinomaの1例
    筑後 孝章; 大賀 天弘; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 109 (1) 356 - 356 0300-9181 2020/03
  • 気管支擦過細胞診で分生子頭と発芽管が認められた空洞形成性肺アスペルギルス症の1例
    木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 大賀 天弘; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 109 (1) 420 - 420 0300-9181 2020/03
  • Yoshinori Yane; Jin ichi Hida; Yusuke Makutani; Hokuto Ushijima; Yasumasa Yoshioka; Masayoshi Iwamoto; Koji Daito; Tadao Tokoro; Kazuki Ueda; Takaaki Chikugo; Tadaaki Morotomi; Junichiro Kawamura
    Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery 53 (11) 916 - 924 0386-9768 2020 
    We present a case of locally advanced anal fistula cancer that was resected by total pelvic exenteration with genitalia resection and extensive perineal skin tissue resection. The patient was a 56-year-old man with a history of anal fistula treated at another hospital 15 years earlier. He was referred to our hospital for intractable anal fistula exacerbation and presented with many fistulas and drainage from the buttocks to the scrotum and penis. He was diagnosed with anal fistula cancer by biopsies from a fistula in the posterior wall of the anal canal. Preoperative CT and MRI revealed small bowel fistulas and suspected fistulas involving the urethra and bladder, which caused severe inflammation in the perineum. We performed sigmoid colostomy to improve his general condition prior to curative surgery. The patient then underwent total pelvic exenteration with genitalia resection, extensive perineal skin tissue resection, and treatment with a rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap. He is currently alive without evidence of recurrence 19 months after surgery. For locally advanced anal fistula cancer with massive invasion into surrounding tissues and perineal skin, a wide en bloc resection including external genital resection is the preferred treatment.
  • Takao Inoue; Man Hagiyama; Osamu Maenishi; Masatomo Kimura; Nobuyuki Mizuguchi; Yoshihiro Mine; Ryuichiro Kimura; Takaaki Chikugo; Tatsuki Itoh; Takao Satou; Akihiko Ito
    Life sciences 237 116919 - 116919 0024-3205 2019/11 [Refereed]
    AIMS: Stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) show significantly lower body weight than normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). Our hypotheses are as follows: weight loss of the skeletal muscle is related to hypertension-related diseases, and muscle hypotrophy is useful as a therapeutic target for hypertension and hypertension-related diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate the pathophysiological characteristics of muscle hypotrophy in SHRSP to determine the therapeutic target molecule(s). MAIN METHODS: The difference in skeletal muscles in the lower leg between WKY and SHRSP was evaluated mainly through weight/tibial length, histological, gene expression, and protein expression analyses. KEY FINDINGS: SHRSP had a significantly lower weight/tibial length in soleus and gastrocnemius, but not in plantaris and tibialis anterior, indicating that muscles consisting of a relatively high amount of slow muscle fiber were affected. This result was confirmed by the histological analysis of soleus, showing that type I fiber mainly decreased the fiber size. Microarray and protein expression analyses showed that the muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase, muscle RING finger 1 (MuRF1), but not atrogin-1, was highly expressed in soleus, but not in plantaris, in SHRSP. TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis receptor (TWEAKR) was predicted as a MuRF1 up-regulator by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and immunostained only in type II fiber in WKY but in both type I and II fibers in SHRSP. SIGNIFICANCE: TWEAKR is a type II-specific receptor in the skeletal muscle. Ectopic TWEAKR expression in type I fiber of SHRSP is most likely involved in slow muscle-specific hypotrophy through MuRF1 overexpression.
  • 清水 重喜; 坂井 和子; 白石 直樹; 小原 秀太; 須田 健一; 武本 智樹; 筑後 孝章; 佐藤 隆夫; 光冨 徹哉; 西尾 和人
    肺癌 (NPO)日本肺癌学会 59 (6) 559 - 559 0386-9628 2019/11
  • DLBCLに発症したリンパ管拡張症に対してステロイド投与、食事療法が奏効した1症例
    大塚 康生; 米田 頼晃; 正木 翔; 筑後 孝章; 吉川 馨介; 高島 耕太; 橋本 有人; 山田 光成; 本庶 元; 永井 知行; 櫻井 俊治; 松井 繁長; 渡邉 智裕; 辻 直子; 樫田 博史; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会プログラム・抄録集 日本消化器病学会-近畿支部 111回 91 - 91 2019/10
  • 木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 清水 重喜; 佐藤 隆夫; 佐藤 恵美; 植田 清文; 上杉 忠雄
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 58 (Suppl.2) 724 - 724 0387-1193 2019/10
  • 気管支擦過細胞診で分生子頭と発芽管が認められた空洞形成性肺アスペルギルス症の1例
    木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 清水 重喜; 佐藤 隆夫; 佐藤 恵美; 植田 清文; 上杉 忠雄
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 58 (Suppl.2) 724 - 724 0387-1193 2019/10
  • Kimura M; Chikugo T
    Pathology international 69 (10) 626 - 627 1320-5463 2019/10 [Refereed]
  • 潰瘍性大腸炎関連大腸癌の予防における内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術の役割(Role of endoscopic submucosal dissection for ulcerative colitis-associated cancer prevention)
    櫻井 俊治; 坂井 和子; 永井 知行; 樫田 博史; 筑後 孝章; 根津 理一郎; 西尾 和人; 工藤 正俊
    日本癌学会総会記事 (一社)日本癌学会 78回 P - 3296 0546-0476 2019/09
  • 遅筋特異的発育異常におけるMuRF1の発現上昇と上流因子の解析
    井上 敬夫; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 萩山 満; 水口 信行; 峯 嘉宏; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 龍生; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 日本筋学会 5回 146 - 146 2433-975X 2019/08
  • Kimura M; Enomoto A; Maenishi O; Chikugo T; Sugita T
    Pathology international 1320-5463 2019/06 [Refereed]
  • 胃異物沈着症の2例
    筑後 孝章; 大谷 知之; 田中 伴典; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 南野 弘明; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 367 - 367 0300-9181 2019/04
  • 上顎洞の真菌塊中の根管充填剤および真菌繁殖体(Root canal filler and several kinds of fungal propagules in a fungal ball of maxillary sinus)
    木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 大谷 知之; 大賀 天弘; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 430 - 430 0300-9181 2019/04
  • 本学の病理学教育へのWhole Slide Imaging導入の現状
    筑後 孝章; 大谷 知之; 田中 伴典; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 440 - 440 0300-9181 2019/04
  • 胃異物沈着症の2例
    筑後 孝章; 大谷 知之; 田中 伴典; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 南野 弘明; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 367 - 367 0300-9181 2019/04
  • 上顎洞の真菌塊中の根管充填剤および真菌繁殖体(Root canal filler and several kinds of fungal propagules in a fungal ball of maxillary sinus)
    木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 大谷 知之; 大賀 天弘; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 430 - 430 0300-9181 2019/04
  • 本学の病理学教育へのWhole Slide Imaging導入の現状
    筑後 孝章; 大谷 知之; 田中 伴典; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 108 (1) 440 - 440 0300-9181 2019/04
  • Kashiwagi N; Hyodo T; Ishi K; Maenishi O; Enoki E; Chikugo T; Masakatsu T; Yagyu Y; Kitano M; Tomiyama N
    Dento maxillo facial radiology 48 (5) 20180382  0250-832X 2019/02 [Refereed]
  • Hara A; Kamata K; Takenaka M; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Gastrointestinal endoscopy 89 (6) 1257 - 1259 0016-5107 2019/02 [Refereed]
  • Kaida H; Inui H; Chikugo T; Ishii K
    Case reports in oncology 12 (1) 157 - 163 2019/01 [Refereed]
  • Kimura Y; Shiraishi O; Kawakami H; Ueda H; Okuno T; Hiraki Y; Kato H; Iwama M; Yasuda A; Shinkai M; Chikugo T; Imano M; Imamoto H; Nakagawa K; Yasuda T
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 45 (13) 1812 - 1814 0385-0684 2018/12 [Refereed]
  • Sofue K; Tsurusaki M; Mileto A; Hyodo T; Sasaki K; Nishi T; Chikugo T; Yada N; Kudo M; Sugimura K; Murakami T
    Hepatol Res 48 (12) 1008 - 1019 2018/11 [Refereed]
  • 術中迅速診断で組織型判定に難渋した卵巣ステロイド細胞腫瘍の一例
    筑後 孝章; 立花 幸; 水野 瑶子; 白石 直樹; 佐藤 恵美; 田中 千琴; 植田 清文; 関口 裕美子; 京田 明子; 上杉 忠雄; 榎木 英介; 清水 重樹; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 57 (Suppl.2) 685 - 685 0387-1193 2018/10
  • Ken Kamata; Mamoru Takenaka; Masayuki Kitano; Shunsuke Omoto; Takeshi Miyata; Kosuke Minaga; Kentaro Yamao; Hajime Imai; Tosiharu Sakurai; Naoshi Nishida; Hiroshi Kashida; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasutaka Chiba; Takuya Nakai; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Andrea Lisotti; Pietro Fusaroli; Masatoshi Kudo
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy 60 1611 - 1620 0387-1207 2018/09 
    Copyright© 2018 Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. All rights reserved. Background and Aim: Differential diagnosis of localized gallbladder lesions is challenging. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the utility of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (CH-EUS) for diagnosis of localized gallbladder lesions. Methods: One hundred and twenty-five patients with localized gallbladder lesions were evaluated by CH-EUS between March 2007 and February 2014. This was a single-center retrospective study. Utilities of fundamental B-mode EUS (FB-EUS) and CH-EUS in the differentiation of gallbladder lesions and sludge plug were initially compared. Thereafter, these two examinations were compared with respect to their accuracy in the diagnosis of malignant lesions. Five reviewers blinded to the clinicopathological results evaluated microcirculation patterns in the vascular and perfusion images. Results: In the differentiation between gallbladder lesions and sludge plug, FB-EUS had a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 82%, 100%, and 95%, respectively, whereas CH-EUS had a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 100%, 99%, and 99%, respectively. FB-EUS-based diagnosis of carcinomas based on tumor size and/or shape had a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 61-87%, 71-88%, and 74-86%, respectively. Additional information regarding irregular vessel patterns in the vascular image and/or heterogeneous enhancement in the perfusion image on CH-EUS increased the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for the diagnosis of carcinomas to 90%, 98 %, and 96%, respectively. There was a significant difference between FB-EUS and CH-EUS in terms of carcinoma diagnosis. Conclusion: CH-EUS was useful for the evaluation of localized gallbladder lesions.
  • 大塚 康生; 鎌田 研; 竹中 完; 石川 嶺; 岡本 彩那; 中井 敦史; 大本 俊介; 三長 孝輔; 山雄 健太郎; 筑後 孝章; 兵頭 朋子; 中居 卓也; 竹山 宜典; 工藤 正俊
    胆道 日本胆道学会 32 (3) 567 - 567 0914-0077 2018/08
  • Yoshida A; Yamao K; Takenaka M; Nakai A; Omoto S; Kamata K; Minaga K; Miyata T; Imai H; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 57 (23) 3377 - 3380 0918-2918 2018/08 [Refereed]
  • Kashiwagi N; Nakatsuka S; Murakami T; Enoki E; Nakanishi K; Chikugo T; Kimura M; Hyodo T; Ishii K; Yagyu Y; Tomiyama N
    DMFR 47 (5) 2018/07 [Refereed]
  • 乳癌術後の拘束型心筋症の1剖検例
    筑後 孝章; 田中 伴典; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 清水 重喜; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 107 (1) 501 - 501 0300-9181 2018/04
  • Kamata K; Takenaka M; Minaga K; Omoto S; Miyata T; Yamao K; Imai H; Nakai A; Tanaka H; Chiba Y; Watanabe T; Sakurai T; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Kitano M; Kudo M
    Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 30 (5) 659 - 666 0915-5635 2018/04 [Refereed]
  • 膵体部の膵神経内分泌腫瘍に合併した膵性胸水の一例
    河野 辰哉; 山雄 健太郎; 中井 敦史; 大本 俊介; 鎌田 研; 三長 孝輔; 宮田 剛; 今井 元; 松本 逸平; 竹山 宜典; 田中 伴典; 筑後 孝章; 林 暁洋; 工藤 正俊
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 (一財)日本消化器病学会 115 (臨増総会) A395 - A395 0446-6586 2018/03
  • 幕谷 悠介; 松本 逸平; 大本 俊介; 筑後 孝章; 川口 晃平; 松本 正孝; 村瀬 貴昭; 亀井 敬子; 里井 俊平; 中居 卓也; 竹中 完; 工藤 正俊; 竹山 宜典
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (一社)日本消化器外科学会 51 (2) 114 - 121 0386-9768 2018/02 [Refereed]
  • 亀井 敬子; 松本 逸平; 幕谷 悠介; 川口 晃平; 松本 正孝; 村瀬 貴昭; 里井 俊平; 中居 卓也; 鎌田 研; 今井 元; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典
    癌と化学療法 (株)癌と化学療法社 44 (12) 1191 - 1193 0385-0684 2017/11 [Refereed]
  • Kamei K; Matsumoto I; Makutani Y; Kawaguchi K; Matsumoto M; Murase T; Satoi S; Nakai T; Kamata K; Imai H; Chikugo T; Takeyama Y
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 44 (12) 1191 - 1193 0385-0684 2017/11 [Refereed]
  • Takao Inoue; Kumiko Takemori; Nobuyuki Mizuguchi; Masatomo Kimura; Takaaki Chikugo; Man Hagiyama; Azusa Yoneshige; Tatsufumi Mori; Osamu Maenishi; Takashi Kometani; Tatsuki Itoh; Takao Satou; Akihiko Ito
    Experimental physiology 102 (11) 1435 - 1447 0958-0670 2017/11 [Refereed]
    NEW FINDINGS: What is the central question of this study? An inverse correlation between circulating adiponectin and many diseases has been reported, but some studies have found no correlation. To evaluate this controversy, we investigated the relationship between heart-bound adiponectin and hypertension or cardiac hypertrophy, compared with serum adiponectin. What is the main finding and its importance? Using hypertensive and normotensive rats, we found that heart-bound adiponectin was inversely correlated with cardiac hypertrophy, suggesting that heart-bound adiponectin has a more important function in preventing cardiac hypertrophy than circulating adiponectin. Our study provides new insights regarding the role of adiponectin in diseases. The inverse correlation between circulating adiponectin concentration and hypertension or cardiac hypertrophy is still controversial. In addition to circulating adiponectin, adiponectin is also bound to tissues such as the heart and skeletal muscle. In this study, we investigated the relationship of serum adiponectin and heart-bound adiponectin with hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. Four types of hypertensive rats presenting different blood pressure levels were used at different ages, as follows: normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs); two sub-strains (strains C and B2, having low and high blood pressure, respectively) of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs); and stroke-prone SHRs (SHRSPs). Blood pressure, heart-to-body weight ratio, serum adiponectin and heart-bound adiponectin were determined. Histopathological analysis of the heart was carried out to evaluate the relationship with heart-bound adiponectin. Serum adiponectin concentration was not inversely correlated with blood pressure or heart-to-body weight ratio. In contrast, heart-bound adiponectin levels were significantly lower in SHRSPs than in other strains at respective ages. This resulted from a decrease in T-cadherin expression, which induced adiponectin binding to tissues. No significant difference in heart-bound adiponectin among WKYs and SHRs (C and B2) was detected, indicating that heart-bound adiponectin is not related to hypertension. In addition, differences in heart-bound adiponectin did not affect AMP-activated protein kinase in the traditional adiponectin activation cascade. Histopathological analysis revealed that heart-bound adiponectin was inversely correlated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and left ventricular wall thickness and, in part, with cardiac fibrosis. These results suggest that the decreased level of heart-bound adiponectin in SHRSPs is more related to their cardiac hypertrophy than circulating adiponectin.
  • 松井繁長; 樫田博史; 田中梨絵; 高山政樹; 峯 宏昌; 足立哲平; 米田頼晃; 永井知行; 朝隈 豊; 櫻井俊治; 工藤正俊; 筑後孝章; 月山雅之
    胃と腸 52 (8) 1098 - 1106 2017/07 [Refereed]
  • Kamata K; Takenaka M; Omoto S; Miyata T; Minaga K; Yamao K; Imai H; Sakurai T; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Kudo M
    Gastrointestinal endoscopy 87 (1) 158 - 163 0016-5107 2017/06 [Refereed]
  • Kamata K; Takenaka M; Kitano M; Omoto S; Miyata T; Minaga K; Yamao K; Imai H; Sakurai T; Nishida N; Kashida H; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Nakai T; Takeyama Y; Lisotti A; Fusaroli P; Kudo M
    Digestive endoscopy : official journal of the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 30 (1) 98 - 106 0915-5635 2017/06 [Refereed]
  • 後縦隔Adenomatoid tumorの1例
    筑後 孝章; 清水 重喜; 植田 清文; 田中 千琴; 手嶋 優子; 白石 直樹; 水野 瑤子; 深田 知也; 上杉 忠雄; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 56 (Suppl.1) 395 - 395 0387-1193 2017/04
  • Kamata K; Takenaka M; Nakai A; Omoto S; Miyata T; Minaga K; Matsuda T; Yamao K; Imai H; Chiba Y; Sakurai T; Watanabe T; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 Suppl 1 102 - 106 0030-2414 2017 [Refereed]
  • Kawakami H; Tanizaki J; Tanaka K; Haratani K; Hayashi H; Takeda M; Kamata K; Takenaka M; Kimura M; Chikugo T; Sato T; Kudo M; Ito A; Nakagawa K
    Invest New Drugs. 35 (4) 529 - 536 2017 [Refereed]
  • Okamoto K; Watanabe T; Komeda Y; Kono T; Takashima K; Okamoto A; Kono M; Yamada M; Arizumi T; Kamata K; Minaga K; Yamao K; Nagai T; Asakuma Y; Takenaka M; Sakurai T; Matsui S; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Kashida H; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 (Suppl 1) 35 - 42 2017
  • Yamao K; Takenaka M; Imai H; Nakai A; Omoto S; Kamata K; Minaga K; Miyata T; Sakurai T; Watanabe T; Nishida N; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 (Suppl 1) 76 - 80 2017
  • Komeda Y; Kashida H; Sakurai T; Tribonias G; Okamoto K; Kono M; Yamada M; Adachi T; Mine H; Nagai T; Asakuma Y; Hagiwara S; Matsui S; Watanabe T; Kitano M; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Kudo M
    World J Gastroenterol 23 (2) 328 - 335 2017 [Refereed]
  • Kamata K; Takenaka M; Kitano M; Omoto S; Miyata T; Minaga K; Yamao K; Imai H; Sakurai T; Watanabe T; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Imamoto H; Yasuda T; Lisotti A; Fusaroli P; Kudo M
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 32 (10) 1686 - 1692 2017 [Refereed]
  • Komeda Y; Kashida H; Sakurai T; Kono M; Nagai T; Asakuma Y; Hagiwara S; Matsui S; Watanabe T; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Am J Gastroenterol 112 (6) 833  2017 [Refereed]
  • Yamao K; Takenaka M; Nakai A; Omoto S; Kamata K; Minaga K; Miyata T; Imai H; Sakurai T; Watanabe T; Nishida N; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 (Suppl 1) 81 - 86 2017
  • Komeda Y; Kashida H; Sakurai T; Asakuma Y; Tribonias G; Nagai T; Kono M; Minaga K; Takenaka M; Arizumi T; Hagiwara S; Matsui S; Watanabe T; Nishida N; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 (Suppl 1) 49 - 54 2017
  • Okamoto K; Matsui S; Watanabe T; Asakuma Y; Komeda Y; Okamoto A; Rei I; Kono M; Yamada M; Nagai T; Arizumi T; Minaga K; Kamata K; Yamao K; Takenaka M; Sakurai T; Nishida N; Kashida H; Chikugo T; Kudo M
    Oncology 93 (Suppl 1) 9 - 14 2017
  • 小林 彩香; 木村 雅友; 植田 清文; 田中 千琴; 榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 上杉 忠雄; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 55 (6) 401 - 405 0387-1193 2016/11 
    背景:アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症(allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis:ABPA)は、気管支喘息患者の気管支にアスペルギルスが持続的に腐生し、これに対するI型とIII型アレルギーが成立して発症する疾患群である。臨床像、血清検査、画像をもとに診断されることが多く、気管支内容物の細胞診を見る機会は少ない。今回ABPAの1例を経験し、その特徴的な細胞像について報告する。症例:79歳、女性。喘息発作で入院した。Rosenbergの診断基準を満たし、ABPAと診断された。気管支肺胞洗浄液細胞診で、粘液を背景に好酸球が孤立性および集団で認められ、隔壁を有するY字状分岐菌糸が散在し、シャルコー・ライデン結晶も認められた。培養でAspergillus属真菌が分離された。結論:気管支内容物の細胞診で、粘液を背景に好酸球の集団と隔壁を有するY字状分岐菌糸を認めた場合、ABPAを鑑別する必要がある。(著者抄録)
  • Inoue Takao; Takemori Kumiko; Muzuguchi Nobuyuki; Kimura Masatomo; Chikugo Takaaki; Hagiyama Man; Yoneshige Azusa; Mori Tatsufumi; Kometani Takashi; Itoh Tatsuki; Satou Takao; Ito Akihiko
    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 34 E288  0263-6352 2016/09 [Refereed]
  • Kamata K; Kitano M; Omoto S; Kadosaka K; Miyata T; Yamao K; Imai H; Sakamoto H; Harwani Y; Chikugo T; Chiba Y; Matsumoto I; Takeyama Y; Kudo M
    Endoscopy 48 (1) 35 - 41 0013-726X 2016/01 [Refereed]
  • Yoshioka Y; Togashi Y; Chikugo T; Kogita A; Terashima M; Mizukami T; Hayashi H; Sakai K; de Velasco, MA; Tomida, S; Fujita Y; Tokoro T; Ito A; Okuno K; Nishio K
    Cancer 121 (24) 4359 - 4368 2015/12 [Refereed]
  • SSA/Pの内視鏡診断
    岡崎 能久; 樫田 博史; 櫻井 俊治; 朝隈 豊; 米田 頼晃; 高山 政樹; 峯 宏昌; 足立 哲平; 田中 梨絵; 山田 光成; 岡元 寿樹; 榎本 英介; 前西 修; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫; 工藤 正俊
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会 57 (Suppl.2) 2145 - 2145 0387-1207 2015/09
  • 大腸鋸歯状病変の内視鏡診断について
    岡崎 能久; 樫田 博史; 櫻井 俊治; 朝隈 豊; 米田 頼晃; 高山 政樹; 峯 宏昌; 足立 哲平; 田中 梨絵; 山田 光成; 岡元 寿樹; 榎本 英介; 前西 修; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫; 工藤 正俊
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会 57 (Suppl.1) 829 - 829 0387-1207 2015/04
  • 膵偽脂肪過形成の1例
    筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 104 (1) 422 - 422 0300-9181 2015/03
  • 肺癌の表層壊死部にアスペルギルスの腐生が認められた1例
    榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 彰彦; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 104 (1) 473 - 473 0300-9181 2015/03
  • Kimura M; Maenishi O; Enoki E; Chikugo T; Umeyama T; Ohno H; Miyazaki Y
    Pathology international 65 (6) 329 - 331 1320-5463 2015/02 [Refereed]
  • 大腸鋸歯状病変の内視鏡診断に関する検討
    樫田 博史; 櫻井 俊治; 朝隈 豊; 永井 知行; 高山 政樹; 峯 宏昌; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy (一社)日本消化器内視鏡学会 56 (Suppl.1) 1359 - 1359 0387-1207 2014/04
  • 病理組織実習中の学生によるスマートフォン内蔵デジタルカメラを使った顕微鏡画像撮影
    木村 雅友; 榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 伊藤 彰彦
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 103 (1) 204 - 204 0300-9181 2014/03
  • 新生児Chest wall hamartomaの1例
    筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 103 (1) 250 - 250 0300-9181 2014/03
  • H. Takahashi; N. Kashiwagi; T. Chikugo; K. Nakanishi; Y. Tomita; T. Murakami
    CLINICAL RADIOLOGY W B SAUNDERS CO LTD 69 (1) 41 - 44 0009-9260 2014/01 
    AIM: To report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and corresponding histopathological features of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) originating in the parotid gland. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MRI images of seven patients with histopathologically proven SCC originating in the parotid gland were reviewed retrospectively, with an emphasis on tumour size, shape, contour definition, extraparotid infiltration, signal characteristics, and the presence of central necrosis. These were correlated with the microscopic findings of the surgical specimens. RESULTS: The tumours ranged in size from 3.9-7 cm (mean 4.7 cm). All tumours had an ill-defined margin with extraparotid infiltration, which seemed to reflect the invasive growth of the tumour cells on histopathological examination. The solid portions of the tumours showed predominantly low to intermediate signal intensities on T2-weighted images, which seemed to reflect the high cellularity, intercellular bridges, and/or keratin pearl formation observed at histopathological examination. Five of the seven tumours had central necrosis. CONCLUSION: A relatively large tumour with central necrosis is a useful imaging feature of SCCs originating in the parotid gland, in addition to the well-recognized indicators of parotid malignancy, such as an ill-defined margin, extraparotid infiltration, and low to intermediate signal intensity on T2-weighted images. (C) 2013 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 病理学実習の工夫ースマートフォンでの組織像撮影を利用してー
    木村雅友; 榎木英介; 前西修; 筑後孝章
    病理と臨床 32 (6) 683 - 687 2014 [Refereed]
  • Inoue T; Hagiyama M; Yoneshige A; Kato T; Enoki E; Maenishi O; Chikugo T; Kimura M; Satou T; Ito A
    PloS one 6 9 e100988  2014 [Refereed]
  • 松井繁長; 樫田博史; 高山政樹; 峯 宏昌; 足立哲平; 永井知行; 川崎正憲; 朝隈 豊; 櫻井俊治; 工藤正俊; 筑後孝章
    胃と腸 49 (3) 377 - 384 2014 [Refereed]
  • Kamata K; Kitano M; Kudo M; Sakamoto H; Kadosaka K; Miyata T; Imai H; Maekawa K; Chikugo T; Kumano M; Hyodo T; Murakami T; Chiba Y; Takeyama Y
    Endoscopy 1 46 22 - 29 0013-726X 2014/01 [Refereed]
  • DOBASHI Chikoto; UEDA Kiyofumi; UESUGI Tadao; SATOU Takao; CHIKUGO Takaaki; KIMURA Masatomo
    J. Jpn. Soc. Clin. Cytol. The Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology 52 (5) 444 - 447 0387-1193 2013/09 
    Background : Conidiobolus species are zygomycetous fungi known to cause localized nasopharyngeal infection in relatively healthy persons in the tropics. No human infections have previously been described in Japan. We encountered an autopsy case of disseminated human infection caused by Conidiobolus sp. and describe the cytological features of this fungus.
    Case : The patient was a 61-year-old man who had received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant because of malignant lymphoma. Two months later, he developed pneumonia and died of respiratory failure. Transbronchial aspiration cytology performed a day before death showed thin-walled hyphae branching at right angles or irregularly, consistent with the features of zygomycetes. Vesicular components were also seen. Some hyphae were septate and branched at 45°, consistent with the features of Aspergillus. Similar characteristics of hyphae were also found in histological sections of autopsied tissues. Culture examination identified the fungus as Conidiobolus.
    Conclusion : In the cytology of conidiobolomycosis, the hyphae had features of both zygomycetes and Aspergillus. Careful attention shuld be paid to making the correct cytodiagnosis of fungal infection to avoid the usage of wrong antibiotics.
  • 左室緻密化障害と心内膜線維弾性症のみられた乳児心筋症の1剖検症例
    筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫; 植田 初江
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 102 (2) 38 - 38 0300-9181 2013/09
  • 木村 雅友; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 伊藤 彰彦; 筑後 孝章
    医学教育 日本医学教育学会 44 (2) 85 - 87 0386-9644 2013/04 
  • Keiko Kamei; Takeo Yasuda; Shumpei Satoi; Hajime Ishikawa; Hiroki Sakamoto; Masayuki Kitano; Takaaki Chikugo; Takuya Nakai; Yoshifumi Takeyama
    Clinical journal of gastroenterology 6 (2) 156 - 9 2013/04 
    Cystic lesions of the pancreas are sometimes difficult to diagnose. We report a case of a gastric duplication cyst (GDC) of the pancreas in an adult. A 45-year-old woman was admitted to our department for the investigation of anemia. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large cystic lesion, measuring about 40 × 70 mm with calcification in the tail of the pancreas. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a non-enhanced cystic lesion with non-enhanced wall. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography revealed a mild extended main pancreatic duct and an aberrant pancreatic duct, but there was no communication with the cyst. We could not deny the malignancy, so distal pancreatectomy was performed. The pathological examination revealed that the inner wall of the cyst consisted of columnar epithelium and smooth muscle layer. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the columnar epithelium to be immunopositive for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and immunonegative for cytokeratin 20 (CK20) and the glands to be immunonegative for CK 7 and immunopositive for CK 20. Therefore, a diagnosis of GDC of the pancreas was made. On imaging, a GDC usually mimics a pancreatic pseudocyst or a cystic neoplasm of the pancreas. Therefore, even though it is rare, a GDC should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cystic tumors of the pancreas.
  • 肺のLangerhans cell histiocytosisが疑われた2例
    筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 102 (1) 426 - 426 0300-9181 2013/04
  • NAFLDの臨床病理学的検討
    前西 修; 矢田 典久; 榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 102 (1) 466 - 466 0300-9181 2013/04
  • Cytomorphology of Candida organisms in visceral Candidiasis. Acta Cytologica
    Kimura M; Enoki E; Chikugo T; Maenishi O
    Acta Cytologica 57 (1) 151  2013 [Refereed]
  • Masatomo Kimura; Kazuko Nishimura; Eisuke Enoki; Takaaki Chikugo; Osamu Maenishi
    MYCOPATHOLOGIA SPRINGER 174 (5-6) 441 - 450 0301-486X 2012/12 
    Hyphae are usually the only fungal elements found in tissue of mucormycosis, and other fungal elements are quite rarely encountered. We found chlamydospores in bronchial lumina in autopsied tissue of pulmonary mucormycosis of a diabetic patient. Chlamydospores are thick-walled, asexually produced spores arising from the modification of a hyphal segment. This is the first histologic demonstration of chlamydospores in mucormycosis in which the causative fungus is culturally identified to species level. Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis was isolated from the present autopsied pulmonary tissue. A literature review of human infection by this fungus found 27 cases with histopathologic evidence.
  • 寒川真; 筑後孝章; 塩山実章; 加藤茉里; 濱田征宏; 山藤聖子; 桑原基; 上田昌美; 鈴木秀和; 三井良之; 楠進
    末梢神経 日本末梢神経学会 23 (2) 239 - 240 0917-6772 2012/12
  • 肺切除標本捺印細胞診に認められたクリプトコッカス症の一例
    森 香奈子; 手嶋 優子; 土橋 千琴; 植田 清文; 上杉 忠雄; 佐藤 隆夫; 木村 雅友; 前西 修; 筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (公社)日本臨床細胞学会 51 (Suppl.2) 820 - 820 0387-1193 2012/09
  • Eisuke Enoki; Osamu Maenishi; Takaaki Chikugo; Akihiko Ito; Masatomo Kimura
    PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL WILEY-BLACKWELL 62 (8) 574 - 576 1320-5463 2012/08
  • 木村 雅友; 筑後 孝章; 佐藤 隆夫; 植田清文; 上杉
    日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 51 (4) 290 - 294 2012/07 
  • 皮膚症状から確定診断しえた全身性アミロイドーシスの1例
    松田 洋昌; 栗本 貴弘; 川原 繁; 川田 暁; 筑後 孝章
    皮膚科の臨床 金原出版(株) 54 (5) 739 - 742 0018-1404 2012/05 
  • Kashiwagi N; Murakami T; Chikugo T; Tomita Y; Kawano K; Nakanishi K; Mori K; Tomiyama N
    Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987) 3 53 303 - 306 0284-1851 2012/04 [Refereed]
  • 右後腹膜にみられた血管周囲類上皮細胞腫瘍の1例
    筑後 孝章; 榎木 英介; 前西 修; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 101 (1) 347 - 347 0300-9181 2012/03
  • 卵巣外原発性腹膜癌の一剖検例
    前西 修; 江藤 智磨; 榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 佐藤 隆夫
    日本病理学会会誌 (一社)日本病理学会 101 (1) 423 - 423 0300-9181 2012/03
  • Hiroki Sakamoto; Hideharu Kimura; Masaru Sekijima; Kazuko Matsumoto; Tokuzo Arao; Takaaki Chikugo; Yasuhide Yamada; Masayuki Kitano; Akihiko Ito; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Masatoshi Kudo; Kazuto Nishio
    Background: Anti-angiogenic agents are now being clinically evaluated for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and a detailed investigation of the angiogenic profile of pancreatic cancer is needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plasma concentrations of angiogenesis-related molecules in patients with pancreatic cancer, compared with those with other diseases.Methods: Plasma samples obtained from 45 patients with pancreatic cancer were analyzed and compared with those from 9 patients with pancreatitis, 16 patients with benign hepatobiliary diseases and 58 patients with colorectal cancers. The plasma levels of angiogenesis-related molecules including angiopoietin-2, follistatin, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, hepatocyte growth factor, interleukin-8, leptin, platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor were determined using an antibody suspension bead arrays system.Results: The plasma levels of all the angiogenesis-related molecules were not increased in patients with pancreatic cancer, compared with those with pancreatitis and benign hepatobiliary diseases, whereas the levels of those with colorectal cancer were markedly increased. The plasma interleukin-8 concentration was significantly elevated in patients with distant metastases and was associated with a poor treatment outcome of chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer.Conclusions: The plasma levels of angiogenesis-related molecules were not elevated in patients with pancreatic cancer, compared with those with benign diseases or colorectal cancer. The plasma interleukin-8 level may be a novel biomarker for the response to chemotherapy in patients with pancreatic cancer and warrants further prospective study.
  • 坂本 洋城; 木村 英晴; 松本 和子; 荒尾 徳三; 筑後 孝章; 北野 雅之; 伊藤 彰彦; 竹山 宜典; 工藤 正俊; 西尾 和人; 関島 勝; 山田 康秀
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 42 (2) 105 - 12 2012/02
  • Oiso N; Kurokawa I; Tsuruta D; Narita T; Chikugo T; Tsubura A; Kimura M; Baran R; Kawada A
    The American Journal of dermatopathology 33 (8) 841 - 844 0193-1091 2011/12 [Refereed]
  • 柏木伸夫; 村上卓道; 筑後孝章
    ACTA Radiol 52 (9) 951 - 953 2011/09
  • Hiroki Sakamoto; Masayuki Kitano; Ken Kamata; Takamitsu Komaki; Hajime Imai; Takaaki Chikugo; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Masatoshi Kudo
    OBJECTIVES: Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)-guided celiac plexus neurolysis (EUS-CPN) is safe and effective but not beneficial for some patients with extended abdominal cancer. We compared the effectiveness of standard EUS-CPN and EUS-guided broad plexus neurolysis (EUS-BPN) that extends over the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) using a 25-gauge needle. METHODS: Consecutive patients referred to our quaternary EUS centers were eligible for inclusion. To evaluate the neurolytic spread, contrast was mixed with the neurolytic agent and post-procedure computed tomography scanning was performed. The regions containing the celiac, superior, and inferior mesenteric arteries were divided on the frontal plane into six areas: upper right and left, middle right and left, and lower right and left. The number of contrast-bearing areas after EUS-CPN and EUS-BPN were related to the degree of pain relief achieved. RESULTS: A total of 67 patients with advanced abdominal cancer were included (34 EUS-CPN and 33 EUS-BPN). The qualitative variables of the two groups did not differ significantly. The EUS-BPN group had more patients with six contrast-bearing areas (42%) than the EUS-CPN group (0%). These patients had significantly better short-term and long-lasting pain relief than patients with less than five contrast-bearing areas. EUS-BPN patients exhibited significantly greater reductions in days 7 and 30 visual analog pain scale scores than EUS-CPN patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary data suggested that EUS-BPN using a 25-gauge needle provides patients with advanced abdominal cancer with better pain relief than standard EUS-CPN, and without incurring serious complications. Moreover, it seems that broad neurolysis over the SMA may provide superior analgesia.
  • 食堂扁平上皮癌周辺におけるリンパ管増生の病理学的解析と転移予測因子の検索
    筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 浩行
    近畿大医誌 35 (2) 91 - 98 2010 [Refereed]
  • サブクリニカルクッシング症候群と原発性アルドステロン症を合併したと考えられた両側副腎腫瘍に選択的副腎静脈サンプリングが有用であった1症例
    中坊 麻利; 甲斐 達也; 前嶋 哲也; 金政 健; 筑後 孝章; 野澤 昌弘
    近畿大学医学雑誌 近畿大学医学会 34 (3) 191 - 198 0385-8367 2009/09 
  • Hiroki Sakamoto; Masayuki Kitano; Takamitsu Komaki; Kazu Noda; Takaaki Chikugo; Masatoshi Kudo
    JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY SPRINGER TOKYO 44 (5) 432 - 438 0944-1174 2009/05 
    Small cell carcinoma (SCC) of the pancreas is a rare entity, with only a few cases reported in the literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of combination chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide (CE) in SCC of the pancreas. We performed a retrospective analysis of four patients diagnosed with SCC among 279 patients with malignant pancreatic tumors treated between 2000 and 2007. All patients were treated with combination chemotherapy using a schedule consisting of intravenous (IV) carboplatin (150 mg/m(2)) on day 1 and IV etoposide (80 mg/m(2)) on days 1, 2, and 3 every 28 days. Pathological diagnosis was confirmed by endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) in all patients. Three patients treated with the combination chemotherapy achieved remission, two with a complete response and one with a partial response. The remaining one patient showed no change. One of the two patients with a complete response survived for 56 months following the diagnosis. Combination chemotherapy with CE may be effective for the treatment of SCC of the pancreas; EUS-FNA plays an important role in distinguishing SCC from other pancreatic malignancies, leading to the appropriate treatment being given.
  • Hiroki Sakamoto; Masayuki Kitano; Takamitsu Komaki; Kazu Noda; Takaaki Chikugo; Kensaku Dote; Yoshifumi Takeyama; Kunal Das; Kenji Yamao; Masatoshi Kudo
    The aim of this prospective study was to compare fine-needle aspiration guided by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS-FNA) using 25-gauge and 22-gauge needles with the EUS-guided 19-gauge Trucut needle biopsy (EUS-TNB) in patients with solid pancreatic mass. Twenty-four consecutive patients with pancreatic mass underwent biopsies by both EUS-FNA and EUS-TNB. Three needles were compared with respect to technical success rate, tissue size obtained, overall diagnostic accuracy and accuracy for histological and cytological diagnosis. The 25-gauge EUS-FNA was technically easier and obtained superior overall diagnostic accuracy than the 22-gauge and Trucut needles, especially in lesions of the pancreas head and uncinate process. Overall accuracy for the 25-gauge, 22-gauge and Trucut needle was 91.7%, 79.7% and 54.1%, respectively. Accuracy for cytological diagnosis irrespective the site of lesions with 25-gauge, 22-gauge and Trucut needles was 91.7%, 75.0%, and 45.8%, respectively. For uncinate masses, it was 100%, 33.3%, and 0.0%, respectively. These differences were significant. Among technically successful patients, the accuracy for histological diagnosis using the 25-gauge was significantly inferior (P < 0.05) to 22-gauge and Trucut needles and the rates were 45.8%, 78.9% and 83.3%. The 25-gauge FNA needle was significantly superior in terms of technical success rate and overall diagnostic accuracy, especially for the head and uncinate lesions, compared to the 22-gauge and Trucut needles and could be considered 'the best choice needle for cytological diagnosis' of solid pancreatic lesions. If histological diagnosis is required, the 22-gauge FNA needle and Trucut needle may be advantageous for use in head/uncinate and body/tail lesions, respectively.
  • H. Sakamoto; M. Kitano; K. Dote; T. Tchikugo; Y. Takeyama; M. Kudo
    ENDOSCOPY GEORG THIEME VERLAG KG 40 E15 - E16 0013-726X 2008/12
  • 坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 竹山 宜典; 筑後 孝章; 土手 健作; 工藤 正俊
    消化器画像 10 (6) 539 - 544 2008
  • EUSの適応と限界.
    北野 雅之; 工藤 正俊; 坂本 洋城; 西尾 健; 末冨 洋一郎; 前川 清; 竹山 宜典; 筑後 孝章
    胆と膵 特集胆道と膵臓の新しい内視鏡診療 27 289 - 297 2006
  • N Fukuta; M Kitano; K Maekawa; T Chikugo; M Kudo
    JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY SPRINGER JAPAN KK 40 (3) 247 - 255 0944-1174 2005/03 
    Background. Recently. contrast agents for ultrasonography (US) such as Levovist have been introduced for routine clinical use. The contrast-enhanced US with Levovist permits evaluation of the intratumoral vascularity of hepatic and pancreatic tumors and is useful for their differential diagnosis. The purpose of the present study was to assess tumor vessels and the parenchymal flow of oastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) by contrast-enhanced coded phase-inversion harmonic US and to evaluate whether vascularity is related to the malignant grade of the GISTs. Methods. Thirteen patients with GISTs were included in the present study. Tumors were observed in a real-time fashion of contrast-enhanced coded phase-inversion harmonic US after the injection of Levovist (400 mg/ml). The Vascular patterns were compared with tumor size, histological diagnosis. KIT mutations, and clinical findings such as metastasis. Results. The contrast-enhanced US images of the GISTs were classified into two types according to the blood flow area of the tumors as seen by real-time continuous imaging of the tumor vessels. The image pattern "Poor" represented vessels flowing only in the peripheral part of the tumor, and "Rich" represented abundant vessels flowing from the periphery to the central part of the tumor. According to the contrast-enhanced US images, five GISTs were classified as "Poor" and the others as "Rich." Based on the final diagnosis, all tumors with "Poor" images were determined to be benign GISTs. and the rest tumors except one with "Rich" images were determined to be malignant GISTs. Conclusions. Contrast-enhanced US image is more closely correlated with the final diagnosis than the histological findings.
  • 坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 工藤 正俊; 土師 誠二; 塩﨑 均; 土手 健作; 筑後 孝章; 須田 耕一
    消化器画像 6 153 - 157 2004
  • A case of malignant stromal tumor of the stomach
    筑後 孝章; 阪本一喜; 家永慎一郎; 林部章; 園村哲郎
    Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 日本病理学会 20 (2) 128 - 132 2003/04 
  • 田中 明; 大地 宏昭; 廣岡 大司; 牧本 伸一郎; 仲本 剛; 松尾 吉郎; 羽田 祥子; 園村 哲郎; 筑後 孝章
    気管支学 特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会 21 (1) 80 - 80 1999
  • Y Ohta; T Chikugo; T Suzuki
  • Chichibu Shiko; Ohta Yoshio; Chikugo Takaaki
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 36 (4) 521 - 521 0021-4868 1995
    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS 12 (7) 761 - 768 0263-6352 1994/07 [Refereed]
    Objective: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to investigate the therapeutic effects of imidapril, a newly synthesized angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, on cerebral stroke lesions. Design: Pretreatment with ACE inhibitors is known to prevent stroke in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats, prolonging their lifespan. Malignant stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (M-SHRSP) were treated with imidapril after the onset of stroke. Methods: M-SHRSP with proved stroke were divided into two groups. One group received 40 mg/kg per day imidapril and the other group was used as a control. For 4 weeks, neurological symptoms were scored daily, and MRI images were taken and scored once a week. Results: In the control group the MRI score for cerebral lesions increased during the experiment, and seven out of eight control rats died within 17 days. In rats treated with imidapril the major finding was that imidapril rapidly ameliorated the damage to the blood-brain barrier and resolved brain oedema within 1 week. At the same time the neurological symptoms observed after stroke disappeared. Furthermore, none of the rats treated with imidapril showed recurrence of stroke, and their survival rate was improved. Conclusion: These results suggest that imidapril has therapeutic effects on stroke lesions, as well as prophylactic effects on the recurrence of stroke.
    BRAIN EDEMA IX SPRINGER-VERLAG 60 200 - 202 0065-1419 1994 [Refereed]
    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA SPRINGER WIEN 224 - 227 0001-6268 1994 [Refereed]
    Apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of tissue water were determined in chronic brain lesions of a rat stroke model, the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat, and compared with histology. ADCs increased in the order normal < edema < gliosis < cyst. The differences between individual groups were statistically significant. The increase in ADC is thought to mainly reflect a relative increase in the extracellular space in brain tissue. ADC may be a new parameter for tissue characterization.
    BRAIN EDEMA IX SPRINGER-VERLAG 60 224 - 227 0065-1419 1994 [Refereed]
    ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA SPRINGER WIEN 200 - 202 0001-6268 1994 [Refereed]
    Memory performances of SHRSP with chronic stroke were examined on the three-panel runway task in addition to the histological evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. After recovery from the neurological symptoms with stroke. SHRSP were subjected to acquisition training on the memory tasks, and they exhibited both a delay and a persistent impairment of acquisition on the memory tasks, compared to the non-stroke SHRSP. T2-weighted MRI with the stroke SHRSP suggested marked edematous formation in the cortex, caudate putamen and/or thalamus, preferentially in the frontal and/or occipital cortex. The histological evaluation showed edematous degeneration such as edema, gliosis and cyst preferentially in the cortex, but no degeneration in the hippocampus. Thus, SHRSP with chronic stroke was found to exhibit impairment of learning and memory, which may be due to the cortical edematous degeneration.
    MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE WILLIAMS & WILKINS 30 (4) 485 - 488 0740-3194 1993/10 [Refereed]
    Apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of tissue water were determined in chronic brain lesions of a rat stroke model, stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats and compared with histology. ADCs increased in the order control < edema < gliosis < cyst. The differences between individual groups were statistically significant. The increase in ADC is thought to mainly reflect a relative increase in the extracellular space in brain tissue. ADC values may be a clinically useful parameter for tissue characterization.
  • Chikugo Taka-aki; Ohta Yoshio; Okamoto Kozo
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 34 (4) 520 - 520 0021-4868 1993
  • Y. Hamada; T. Otori; T. Chikugo; Y. Ohta; T. Suzuki; K. Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal 34 (4) 514  0021-4868 1993 [Refereed]
  • M. Takahashi; B. Fritz-Zieroth; N. Yamaguchi; H. Ogawa; T. Tanaka; S. Sasagawa; T. Chikugo; Y. Ohta; K. Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal 33 (4) 576  0021-4868 1992 [Refereed]
    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS 9 (12) 1105 - 1117 0263-6352 1991/12 [Refereed]
    Malignant stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (M-SHRSP) are a useful animal model for studying juvenile malignant hypertension. Using M-SHRSP males, the effects of SQ 29,852 {(S)-1-[6-amino-2-[[hydroxy (4-phenylbutyl) phosphinyl]oxy]-1-oxo-hexyl]-L-proline; 30-40 mg/kg per day}, captopril (30-40 mg/kg per day), hydralazine hydrochloride (10-15 mg/kg per day) and a 33% fish meal diet on the prevention and therapy of malignant hypertension were examined. Drugs and diet were given separately, beginning at weaning, maturity or adulthood. Observed effects included antihypertension, prolonged life span and prevention and/or reversal of angionecrosis. Each treatment resulted in an antihypertensive effect, but some adult rats seemed treatment-resistant. SQ 29,852 was the most effective treatment for reducing blood pressure. The life span of animals in the treated groups was extended significantly beyond that of the controls. In particular, those rats treated with either captopril or SQ 29,852 lived in excess of 500 days. This included not only those in which treatment resulted in a lowering of blood pressure, but also those whose severe hypertension was not so reduced. Angionecrosis was observed in the organs of many of the non-treated animals, including the brain, heart, kidneys and testes. Both hydralazine and the fish meal diet had a limited effect, if any, on the prevention or reversal of angionecrosis. In contrast, almost none of the rats given either captopril or SQ 29,852 showed cerebrovascular lesions or angionecrosis of the brain, heart and kidneys; angionecrosis in adult. M-SHRSP kidneys disappeared within 10 or 18 days after the initiation of SQ 29,852 or captopril, respectively. This data seems to support a possible role for these two drugs not only in prevention, but also in repair, of angionecrosis independent of markedly high blood pressure in M-SHRSP. Based on our overall observations, SQ 29,852 was seen as the most effective of the treatments studied.
  • K. Okamoto; Y. Ohta; N. Morita; H. Shiokawa; T. Chikugo; Y. Hamada
    Clinical and Experimental Hypertension Informa Healthcare A13 (5) 1033 - 1042 1064-1963 1991 
    M-SHRSP rats appear to be a useful animal model for studying juvenile human malignant hypertension. Using M-SHRSP, the present study was conducted. Drugs selected for use were captopril, SQ 29,852 and hydralazine hydrochloride. The rats were also fed a 33% fish meal diet. When given separately, all three drugs were shown to be anti-hypertensive. However, using the fish meal diet combined with hydralazine was more effective than were any of the drugs given separately, while the effect of hydralazine combined with captopril or SQ 29,852 was even greater than that of the combined fish meal diet and hydralazine treatment. Some rats treated with captopril or SQ 29,852 separately were resistant to treatment, however even for these rats life spans were significantly prolonged and hypertensive vascular lesion incidence rates were drastically lowered. It was also found that even such vascular lesions as angionecrosis seemed to disappear with captopril or SQ 29,852 treatment. © 1991 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
  • T. Chikugo; Y. Ohta; K. Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal 32 (4) 598  0021-4868 1991 [Refereed]
  • Y. Ohta; T. Chikugo; K. Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal 32 (4) 563  0021-4868 1991 [Refereed]
  • Y. Hamada; T. Chikugo; Y. Ohta; K. Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal 32 (4) 544  0021-4868 1991 [Refereed]
    M-SHRSP rats appear to be a useful animal model for studying juvenile human malignant hypertension. Using M-SHRSP, the present study was conducted. Drugs selected for use were captopril, SQ 29,852 and hydralazine hydrochloride. The rats were also fed a 33% fish meal diet. When given separately, all three drugs were shown to be anti-hypertensive. However, using the fish meal diet combined with hydralazine was more effective than were any of the drugs given separately, while the effect of hydralazine combined with captopril or SQ 29,852 was even greater than that of the combined fish meal diet and hydralazine treatment. Some rats treated with captopril or SQ 29,852 separately were resistant to treatment, however even for these rats life spans were significantly prolonged and hypertensive vascular lesion incidence rates were drastically lowered. It was also found that even such vascular lesions as angionecrosis seemed to disappear with captopril or SQ 29,852 treatment.
  • Chikugo Taka-aki; Ohta Yoshio; Shiokawa Hiroki; Okamoto Kozo
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 31 (4) 544 - 544 0021-4868 1990 
    Captopril, SQ 29852, hydralazine or a combination therapy was administered to 11-week-old male M-SHRSP and 20- to 25-week-old male SHRSP all of which evidenced angionecrosis in verious organs. Blood pressures for captopril or SQ 29852 or hydralazine groups slightly lowered to about 220mmHg, and those of combination therapy groups decreased within normal range. In captopril, SQ 29852 and combination group, fibrinoid substances of blood vessels were absorbed and disappeared, and vacuoles were found in vessel wall, and smooth muscle cells proliferated and, then, blood vessels repaired. These latter effects were not seen in the rats given hydralazine.
  • Hamada Yoh; Otori Toshifumi; Chikugo Takaaki; Ohta Yoshio; Okamoto Kozo
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 30 (4) 609 - 609 0021-4868 1989
  • Chikugo Taka-aki; Ohta Yoshio; Suzuki Tsuneyuki; Okamoto Kozo; Hamada Yoh
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 30 (4) 606 - 606 0021-4868 1989 
    The time for the onset of angionecrosis in the ocular vessels was slightly later than that in the brain, kidneys, heart and adrenal glands, but was the same as that in the testes. Retinal and cerebral vessel hyperpermeability (tracer leakage) was observed almost at the same time.
  • Chichibu Shiko; Chiba Atsushi; Kosaka Masaaki; Hamaguchi Masamitsu; Ohta Yoshio; Chikugo Takaaki; Okamoto Kozo
    International Heart Journal International Heart Journal Association 30 (4) 575 - 575 0021-4868 1989
  • Yoshio Ohta; Nobuko Morita; Hiroki Shiokawa; Yoh Hamada; Taka-aki Chikugo; Kozo Okamoto
    Japanese Heart Journal International Heart Journal (Japanese Heart Journal) 30 (4) 543 - 545 0021-4868 1989
    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS 4 S409 - S411 0263-6352 1986/10 [Refereed]
    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION RAPID SCIENCE PUBLISHERS 4 S21 - S24 0263-6352 1986/10 [Refereed]


Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Cytomorphology of Candida organisms in visceral candidiasis  [Not invited]
    木村 雅友; 榎木 英介; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修
    the 18th International Congress of Cytology  2013/05  フランス,パリ  the 18th International Congress of Cytology
  • 腸重積を契機に発見された回腸癌の1例  [Not invited]
    八木澤朋弘; 足立 哲平; 高山 政樹; 峯 宏昌; 永田 嘉昭; 永井 知行; 川崎 正憲; 朝隈 豊; 櫻井 俊治; 松井 繁長; 樫田 博史; 工藤 正俊; 大東 弘治; 吉岡 康多; 上田 和毅; 筑後 孝章
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部第98回例会  2013/02  神戸ポートピアホテル, 兵庫  日本消化器病学会近畿支部第98回例会
  • IgG4関連腎臓病にネフローゼ症候群を呈した1例  [Not invited]
    大西 佐代子; 中谷 嘉寿; 中野 志仁; 高見 勝弘; 松岡 稔明; 筑後 孝章; 谷山 佳弘; 有馬 秀二; 長田 道夫
    第42回日本腎臓学会西部学術大会  2012/10  沖縄  第42回日本腎臓学会西部学術大会
  • シングルバルーン小腸内視鏡検査(SBE)にて診断し得た小腸癌について  [Not invited]
    高山 政樹; 樫田 博史; 足立 哲平; 峯 宏昌; 永田 嘉昭; 永井 知行; 川崎 正憲; 朝隈 豊; 櫻井 俊治; 松井 繁長; 工藤 正俊; 竹山 宜典; 筑後 孝章
    第20回日本消化器関連学会週間JDDW2012(第16回日本肝臓学会大会・第54回日本消化器病学会大会・第84回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会・第10回日本消化器外科学会大会・第50回日本消化器がん検診学会  2012/10  神戸国際展示場, 兵庫  第20回日本消化器関連学会週間JDDW2012(第16回日本肝臓学会大会・第54回日本消化器病学会大会・第84回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会・第10回日本消化器外科学会大会・第50回日本消化器がん検診学会
  • 耳下腺原発扁平上皮癌のMRI所見:病理所見との対比と考察  [Not invited]
    高橋 洋人; 村上 卓道; 柏木 伸夫; 筑後 孝章; 中西 克之; 冨田 裕彦
    第71回日本医学放射線学会学術集会  2012/04  横浜  第71回日本医学放射線学会学術集会
  • FDP-PETにて治療経過を観察しえた腫瘤形成型膵炎像を呈した自己免疫性膵炎の一例.  [Not invited]
    門阪 薫平; 坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 小牧 孝充; 今井 元; 鎌田 研; 宮田 剛; 工藤 正俊; 筑後 孝章; 土手 健作; 廣岡 知臣; 高柳
    日本消化器病学会近畿支部第95回例会  2011/08  大阪国際交流センター, 大阪  日本消化器病学会近畿支部第95回例会
  • 耳下腺多形腺腫由来癌のMRI所見  [Not invited]
    柏木 伸夫; 筑後 孝章; 村上 卓道; 川野潔
    第70回日本医学放射線学会総会  2011/05  Web開催  第70回日本医学放射線学会総会
  • Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: MR imaging findings with pathologic correlation  [Not invited]
    柏木 伸夫; 筑後 孝章; 村上 卓道; 中西 克之
    The 23rd European Congress of Radiology-Scientific Paper  2011/03  Vienna  The 23rd European Congress of Radiology-Scientific Paper
  • Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: MR imaging findings with pathologic correlation  [Not invited]
    柏木 伸夫; 筑後 孝章; 村上 卓道; 中西 克之
    27th Eeuroopean Congress of Radiology  2011/03  Vienna  27th Eeuroopean Congress of Radiology
  • 腫瘤形成性膵炎と膵癌との鑑別診断に苦慮した一例.  [Not invited]
    小牧 孝充; 北野 雅之; 坂本 洋城; 今井 元; 鎌田 研; 工藤 正俊; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典
    第54回日本消化器画像診断研究会  2011/02  昭和女子大学, 東京  第54回日本消化器画像診断研究会
  • 皮膚肉芽腫性疾患の鑑別―非感染性肉芽腫を中心に--  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本病理学会近畿支部  2009/12  第47回日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会(西宮市 兵庫医科大学  日本病理学会近畿支部
    炎症性皮膚疾患のうちの肉芽腫性疾患のなかでも鑑別疾患の多い非感染性肉芽腫について,特に環状肉芽腫(granuloma annulare,GA)を中心にして実際の症例の呈示とともにAckermanやWeedonらの方法を元に,代表的な疾患の鑑別について解説した.GAの4症例の呈示と鑑別疾患として,リポイド類壊死症,リウマトイド結節,類壊死性黄色肉芽腫,弾力線維融解性環状巨細胞肉芽腫などをGAと比較し重要な鑑別点を提示した.
  • Estimation of the malignant potential of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: for a precise management of SMT by CHE-EUS.  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 鎌田 研; 小牧 孝充; 今井 元; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典; 工藤 正俊
    UEGW  2009/11  London, UK  UEGW
  • EUS-guided broad plexus-neurolysis over the superior mesenteric artery using a 25 gauge needle. Awarded as a (Best submit abstract)  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 鎌田 研; 小牧 孝充; 今井 元; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典; 工藤 正俊
    UEGW  2009/11  London, UK  UEGW
  • Estimation of the malignant potential of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: imaging  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 鎌田 研; 小牧 孝充; 今井 元; 筑後 孝章; 竹山 宜典; 工藤 正俊
    UEGW  2009/11  London, UK  UEGW
  • 脳硬塞を合併した進行性核上性麻痺の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 村上俊一
    日本病理学会  2009/05  第98回日本病理学会総会(京都)  日本病理学会
  • 粘膜下異所性胃腺を合併した早期胃癌の2例.  [Not invited]
    岡田 無文; 松井 繁長; 朝隈 豊; 川崎 正憲; 梅原 泰; 工藤 正俊; 今本 治彦; 筑後 孝章
    第95回日本消化器病学会総会  2009/05  北海道厚生年金会館, 北海道  第95回日本消化器病学会総会
  • 早期胃癌とキサントーマが同一病巣内に存在した1例.  [Not invited]
    高山 政樹; 松井 繁長; 岡田 無文; 朝隈 豊; 川崎 正憲; 梅原 泰; 工藤 正俊; 筑後 孝章
    第82回日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿地方会  2009/03  大阪国際交流センター, 大阪  第82回日本消化器内視鏡学会近畿地方会
  • Gastric Duplication Cyst Mimcking Pancreas pseudocystの一例.  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 小牧 孝充; 野田 佳寿; 今井 元; 末冨 洋一郎; 工藤 正俊; 筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 竹山 宜典
    第50回日本消化器画像診断研究会  2009/01  万国津梁館サミットホール, 沖縄  第50回日本消化器画像診断研究会
  • Utility of contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasonography for diagnosis of small pancreatic carcinomas.  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 末冨 洋一郎; 野田 佳寿; 小牧 孝充; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    16th United Europian Gastroenterology Week(UEGW)  2008/10  Vienna Asutria  16th United Europian Gastroenterology Week(UEGW)
  • Prospective comparative study of the EUS guided 25-gauge FNA needle with the 19-gauge trucut needle and 22-gauge FNA needle in patients with solid pancreatic masses.  [Not invited]
    坂本 洋城; 北野 雅之; 野田 佳寿; 小牧 孝充; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    16th United Europian Gastroenterology Week(UEGW)  2008/10  Vienna Asutria  16th United Europian Gastroenterology Week(UEGW)
  • まれな胸壁腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 浩行
    日本病理学会  2008/05  第97回日本病理学会総会, 金沢市  日本病理学会
    33歳,女性の胸壁に発生した稀な血管腫瘍の症例を報告した. 類円形核を有した異型細胞が血管様構造をとって増殖しており,一部では嚢胞様拡張を伴っていた.免疫染色ではCD34陽性, S-100, NSE一部陽性であり,総合的にpolymorpharous hemangioendotheliomaと診断された.
  • コンパニオンミーティング:皮膚の軟部腫瘍「平滑筋腫瘍」  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    皮膚病理診断研究会、日本病理学会  2008/05  第97回日本病理学会総会(金沢市)  皮膚病理診断研究会、日本病理学会
  • 高度のmyxoid changeを伴った皮下腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本外科病理学会  2007/11  第12回日本外科病理学会学術総会(山形市)  日本外科病理学会
    高齢者の皮下腫瘍で、高度のmyxoid changeを伴った症例を報告した。免疫染色の結果、脂肪肉腫であった。HE染色で判断が難しい症例であった。
  • シンポジウム「悪性黒色腫」ー悪性黒色腫と鑑別を要する良性色素性病変  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会  2007/11  第39回日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会(京都市)  日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会
  • 希な胸壁腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本外科病理学会  2007/09  第12回日本外科病理学会学術総会(山形市)  日本外科病理学会
  • Preventive Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Spontaneous Stroke in Rats  [Not invited]
    大島 佳奈; 田渕 正樹; 筑後 孝章; 石塚 俊晶; 丹羽 淳子; 東野 英明; 富士常葉大学環境防災学部
    第43回高血圧関連疾患モデル学会学術総会  2007/09  大阪  第43回高血圧関連疾患モデル学会学術総会
  • 膵癌と急性膵炎の鑑別が困難であった1症例.  [Not invited]
    今井 元; 北野 雅之; 坂本 洋城; 前川 清; 筑後 孝章; 工藤 正俊
    第87回日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会  2007/09  大阪  第87回日本消化器病学会近畿支部例会
  • 膵頭部内分泌腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 浩行
    日本病理学会  2007/03  第96回日本病理学会総会(大阪市)  日本病理学会
    73歳,女性の症例で,膵頭部の被膜を有する径2,5cm大の腫瘤が認められた.組織学的に類円形核と好酸性胞体とを有する異型細胞が索状,胞巣状を呈し増殖していた.Synaptophysin, S-100やglucagon, somatostatinなどが陽性であったが,insulin,gastrinは陰性であった.膵内分泌腫瘍でparaganglioma typeと考えられた.良性としたがfollow upが必要と思われた.
  • 皮膚の血管の解剖  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本病理学会  2007/03  第96回日本病理学会総会  日本病理学会
  • Usefulness and limitation of contrast-enhanced power Doppler EUS for diagnosis of pancreatic diseases.  [Not invited]
    北野 雅之; 工藤 正俊; 坂本 洋城; 前川 清; 末冨 洋一郎; 西尾 健; 竹山 宜典; 筑後 孝章
    15th International Symposium on Endoscopic Ultrasonograhy  2006/06  Amsterdam, Netherland  15th International Symposium on Endoscopic Ultrasonograhy
  • A case of granular cell carcinoma of the kidney  [Not invited]
    栁生 行伸; 下野 太郎; 岡田 真広; 任 誠雲; 葉 輝明; 米矢 吉宏; 堀川 重樹; 植村 天受; 筑後 孝章; 細野 眞; 村上 卓道
    第20回腹部放射線研究会  2006/05  東京  第20回腹部放射線研究会
    腹部CTにて左腎腫瘍を指摘されて当院泌尿器科受診。腹部CTでは均一で骨格筋と同程度のCT値であり、内部に小さな石灰化がみられた。脂肪成分は指摘できず。造影CT早期相では均一によく造影されて、後期相では周囲の腎よりも低吸収であったがtime density curve 上は漸増性を示していた。MRI T2強調画像では骨格筋と同程度の低信号であり、chemical shift imageでは微少脂肪成分は指摘できず、in phase, opposed phaseとも腫瘤は腎実質よりも高信号を示していた。Dynamic studyではCT同様均一に造影されている。T2強調画像で腫瘍そのものが低信号を示しており、被膜の同定は不可能であった。脂肪成分が少ない血管筋脂肪腫との鑑別に苦慮したが、clear cell carcinoma以外の悪性腫瘍の可能性も考え、左腎摘出術を施行。Gerota筋膜表面の血管は強く怒張し、易出血性であった。左腎上極の癒着も著しかった。割面は灰白色で均一であった。組織診断はgranurlar cell carcinomaであった。
  • 分節性動脈中膜解離の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 宮崎龍彦; 能勢眞人
    日本病理学会  2006/04  第95回日本病理学会総会(東京都)  日本病理学会
    症例は55歳,女性.中結腸動脈に動脈瘤が認められ手術的に切除された.組織学的には動脈壁全層にfibrinoid壊死をきたしていた.結節性多発性動脈炎に類似する点がみられるが,内弾性板の断裂がみられた.さらに,非病変部でも中膜平滑筋細胞に空胞変性が著明であり,分節性動脈中膜解離と診断された. 原因不明な稀な症例であり,症例数の蓄積が期待される.
  • TS1膵癌診断における造影超音波および超音波内視鏡検査の有用性  [Not invited]
    北野 雅之; 工藤 正俊; 前川 清; 坂本洋城; 西尾 健; 末冨洋一郎; 竹山 宜典; 筑後 孝章
    日本超音波医学会第31回関西地方会学術集会  2006/02  京都テルサ  日本超音波医学会第31回関西地方会学術集会
  • 中結腸動脈破裂を来たしたsegmental arterial mediolysisの1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本外科病理学会  2005/10  第10回日本外科病理学会学術総会(愛知医科大学)  日本外科病理学会
    中結腸動脈破裂で緊急手術をされた症例で、病理組織学的に検討した結果、中結腸動脈に発生したsegmental arterial mediolysisであることが判明した。本疾患は報告例が少なく原因究明には更なる症例の蓄積が必要と考えられた。
  • 粘液産生肝内胆管癌の一例  [Not invited]
    栁生 行伸; 下野 太郎; 米矢 吉宏; 任 誠雲; 大久保 充; 葉 輝明; 廣井 啓二; 西村 恭昌; 保田 知生; 坂本 洋城; 筑後 孝章
    第19回腹部放射線研究会  2005/06  熊本  第19回腹部放射線研究会
    平成6年頃より胆道感染症を繰り返すも、保存的加療を続けていた。 平成15年10月と平成16年1月に化膿性胆管炎を併発したため再度受診。精査の結果,粘液産生腫瘍が疑われた。ため当院紹介となった。 まれな腫瘍であり、大量の粘液産生により閉塞性黄疸や繰り返す胆道感染症を引き起こす。 悪性腫瘍、良性腫瘍、過形成など様々な組織が混在することが多い。 腫瘍は小さくCT やMRI では指摘できないこともある。 通常の胆管癌に比して長期予後が望める。 粘液産生肝内胆管癌を経験したので報告した。 術前に充実成分を指摘できたが、それ以上に乳頭状病変が広がっていた。 切除範囲決定には空間分解能に優れた超音波検査が有用と考えられる。
  • ポスター「内視鏡的に切除した単発性胃粘膜下異所性胃腺の2例ー超音波内視鏡所見を含めてー  [Not invited]
    吉本理恵; 工藤 正俊; 汐見 幹夫; 上田泰輔; 末冨洋一郎; 中岡 良介; 筑後 孝章
    第69回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会  2005/05  ホテルニューオータニ東京, 東京  第69回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会
  • 悪性像を伴った胆道系管内乳頭状粘液産生腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 佐藤 隆夫; 伊藤 浩行
    日本病理学会  2005/04  第94回日本病理学会総会(横浜市)  日本病理学会
  • 二重癌の死亡例で,病理解剖により肺塞栓症が認められた1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    近畿臨床血栓性疾患研究会  2005/03  第2回近畿臨床血栓性疾患研究会  近畿臨床血栓性疾患研究会
  • 悪性像を伴った胆道系管内乳頭状粘液産生腫瘍の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章
    日本外科病理学会  2004/10  第9回日本外科病理学会学術総会(千葉県流山市)  日本外科病理学会
  • Boron neutron capture therapy of malignant gioma: pathological effect  [Not invited]
    中川 修宏; 赤井 文治; 種子田 護; 筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 小野 公二
    第63回日本脳神経外科学会総会  2004/10  名古屋  第63回日本脳神経外科学会総会
  • Faculty evaluation by students in the Department of Patholgy and its significance.  [Not invited]
    佐藤 隆夫; 木村 雅友; 河合 潤; 筑後 孝章; 前西 修; 伊藤 浩行
    第36回日本医学教育学会  2004/07  高知  第36回日本医学教育学会
    2学年の病理学コースのなかで,37回の講義について毎回,学生による教員評価を行った。被評価者は教授1,助教授1,講師4で,担当時間数は異なっている(最高9,最低3)。評価項目は10項目で,5段階評価,無記名とした。平均回収率は58%であった。以下に項目ごとの結果を示す。数値は教員ごとの平均の最高,最低および全教員の平均を示している。1.説明が明快で全体としてまとまりがある(最高4.5,最低3.2 平均4.0)2.よく準備している(最高4.5,最低3.7 平均4.2)3.重点をうまく要約してくれる(最高4.5,最低3.2 平均4.0)4.授業を静粛に保つ配慮をしてくれる (最高4.2,最低3.6 平均3.9)5.教師の意見と違った別の見方も紹介してくれる(最高3.8,最低3.2 平均3.6)6.授業が興味深く触発されることが多い(最高4.1,最低3.1 平均3.7)7.学生に対して関心が深い(最高4.3,最低3.4 平均3.8)8.担当科目に情熱を持っている(最高4.
  • 理解剖後に同定された国内ヒストプラズマ症の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 浩行
    日本病理学会  2004/06  第93回日本病理学会総会(札幌市)  日本病理学会
    症例は84歳,男性.全身倦怠感で入院,腹部CTで偶然に両側副腎腫瘤が認められた.経過観察となったが退院2ヶ月後,全身状態が悪化し死亡された.解剖の結果,真菌感染が考えられ,免疫染色,遺伝子検索の結果,Histoplasma capsulatumと診断された.海外渡航歴はなく,国内に定着している可能性が疑われた.
  • A domestic case of Histoplasmosis identified after autopsy  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 木村 雅友; 伊藤 浩行
    第93回日本病理学会総会  2004/06  札幌  第93回日本病理学会総会
    84歳、男性。4ヶ月前から食欲不振、全身倦怠感出現し、腹部CTにて両側副腎腫瘤が指摘された。治療検査目的で入院したが、高齢のため経過観察となっていた。2ヶ月後状態悪化し再入院し治療するも改善なく死亡し病理解剖が施行された。目立った合併症、悪性腫瘍はなく海外渡航歴はなかった。剖検では両側副腎を含む全身臓器に真菌の播種が認められた。免疫染色、遺伝子検索の結果Histoplasma capsulatumと同定された。本疾患は大部分は輸入感染症と認識されているが近年ごく稀に国内発生例と思われる報告がみられる。
  • Pathlogical changes after boron neutoron capture therapy for malignant glioma  [Not invited]
    中川 修宏; 赤井 文治; 内山 卓也; 住井 利寿; 渡邊 啓; 種子田 護; 筑後 孝章; 小野 公二
    第22回日本脳腫瘍病理学会  2004/05  新潟  第22回日本脳腫瘍病理学会
  • A case of multiple lesions of the esophagus  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 音川公冶; 豊永高史
    第22回日本病理学会近畿支部学術総会  2003/09  京都  第22回日本病理学会近畿支部学術総会
  • A case of the liver tumor which suffered from a diagnosis  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 寺嶋応顕; 田村研冶
    第2回 Hepatology Forum  2003/08  福岡  第2回 Hepatology Forum
  • 虫垂間膜嚢胞の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 中村眞一
    日本病理学会  2003/04  第92回日本病理学会総会,福岡市  日本病理学会
  • 食道多発性病変の1例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 音川公治; 豊永高史
    日本病理学会近畿支部  2003/04  第22回日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会 (京都)  日本病理学会近畿支部
  • A case of a mesoappendix cyst  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 中村眞一
    第92回日本病理学会総会  2003/04  福岡  第92回日本病理学会総会
    52歳、女性。虫垂根部に腸間膜嚢胞の形成が認められた稀な症例を経験したので報告した。嚢胞は虫垂、結腸との連続性はなくmesentric cystが考えられた。組織学的検索、免疫染色等での検索の結果中皮由来が考えられた。鑑別診断や文献的考察を加えて報告した。
  • 胃粘膜下腫瘍の一例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 坂本一喜; 家永慎一郎; 林部 章; 園村哲郎
    日本病理学会近畿支部  2002/09  第18回日本病理学会近畿支部学術集会(大阪市)  日本病理学会近畿支部
    69歳,女性の胃粘膜下腫瘍で稀な組織型を呈した症例を報告した.胃亜全摘が施行され,組織学的にGISTに類似した組織であった.免疫染色ではvimentin陽性で,CD117, CD34は陰性であった.電顕観察を加え総合的に判断するもGISTのどの分類にも当てはまらず,悪性間葉系腫瘍と診断した.
  • 間質に大量の好酸性無構造物質の沈着を認めた胃癌の一例  [Not invited]
    筑後 孝章; 伊藤 浩行; 広岡大司; 清水道生
    日本病理学会  2002/05  第 91回日本病理学会総会,横浜市  日本病理学会
    症例は64歳,男性.検査の結果,胃癌と診断され胃全摘出術が施行された.組織学的には中分化型腺癌であり,一部はhCG陽性を示した.間質の一部に著明な好酸性無構造物質の沈着が認められ,PAS(+), PTAHで赤褐色を呈し,電顕では大量の線維状物質が認められた.本態は不明であるが,腫瘍細胞が産生する特異な所見と思われた.