Kindai University HospitalAssistant Professor A in Medical School

Last Updated :2024/09/14

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  • Yasuhiro Sanada; Kiyoshi Tsuji; Yuumi Hamada; Kazuhiro Fujishima; Kentaro Furukawa; Norihito Fukawa; Hisashi Kubota; Tetsu Satow; Jun C. Takahashi
    Surgical Neurology International Scientific Scholar 14 337 - 337 2229-5097 2023/09 
    Background: Given the popularity of pterional craniotomy, numerous modifications have been made to prevent postoperative deformities. With the advent of titanium plates, fixation has become both simple and excellent. However, titanium plates can cause skin problems, infection, or cause skull growth to fail. Methods: To develop a simple, cost-effective, and esthetically satisfactory fixation method, without the use of non-metallic materials, six young and older patients underwent pterional craniotomy. CranioFix Absorbable clamps were used to fix the bone flap in the frontal and temporal regions such that the frontal part was in close contact with the skull. After fixation, the bone chips and bone dust were placed in the bone gap and fixed with fibrin glue. We measured the computed tomography values of the reconstructed area and thickness of the temporal profiles postoperatively over time. Results: Bone fusion was achieved in all patients by 1 year after surgery. Both the thickness of the temporalis muscle and the thickness of the temporal profile had changed within 2 mm as compared with the preoperative state. Conclusion: Our simple craniotomy technique, gentle tissue handling, and osteoplastic cranioplasty yielded satisfactory esthetic results and rigidness in pterional craniotomy.
  • Nobuhiro Nakagawa; Norihito Fukawa; Kiyoshi Tsuji; Kentaro Furukawa; Akira Watanabe; Shuichi Izumoto
    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy 16 (1) 19 - 25 1882-4072 2022
  • Norihito Fukawa; Nobuhiro Nakagawa; Kiyoshi Tsuji; Hiromasa Yoshioka; Kentaro Furukawa; Kazuhiro Nagatsuka; Hisashi Kubota; Naoki Nakano; Jun C. Takahashi
    Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy 16 (2) 127 - 134 1882-4072 2022
  • 古川 健太郎; 久保田 尚; 真田 寧皓; 田崎 貴之; 大山 憲治; 伊藤 昌広; 加藤 天美
    脳卒中の外科 (一社)日本脳卒中の外科学会 48 (3) 196 - 199 0914-5508 2020/05 
  • 古川 健太郎; 布川 知史; 眞田 寧皓; 久保田 尚; 中川 修宏; 辻 潔; 加藤 天美
    脳神経外科速報 (株)メディカ出版 29 (3) 316 - 321 0917-1495 2019/03 
  • Kiyoshi Tsuji; Nobuhiro Nakagawa; Norihito Fukawa; Masaharu Miyauchi; Kentaro Furukawa; Kinya Nakanishi; Naoki Nakano; Kazuo Kataoka; Amami Kato
    Journal of Neurosurgery Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG) 129 (2) 465 - 470 0022-3085 2018/08 
    OBJECTIVE The vascular lumen of an acutely occluded internal carotid artery (ICA) generally contains numerous thrombi. Therefore, carotid angiography on the affected side during revascularization therapy of acute ICA occlusion has a potential risk of causing distal embolization. In this study the authors propose the use of contralateral carotid angiography. METHODS Six patients with acute ICA occlusion underwent revascularization therapy using a stent retriever or Penumbra system. Revascularization therapy was performed with placement of a 9-Fr balloon-guiding catheter (BGC) in the affected ICA and a 4-Fr diagnostic catheter in the contralateral ICA. During the procedure, the 9-Fr BGC was kept inflated, and all control angiography was performed from the 4-Fr diagnostic catheter. After thrombectomy, contralateral carotid angiography combined with manual aspiration from the 9-Fr BGC was performed to assess the presence or absence of residual thrombi in the affected ICA. The 9-Fr BGC was deflated only after the complete absence of residual thrombi in the affected ICA was confirmed. RESULTS The time required for introducing the 4-Fr diagnostic catheter into the contralateral ICA was within a few minutes in all patients. Residual thrombi in the affected ICA were found in 3 of 6 patients. The residual thrombi in these 3 patients were completely removed; thus, distal embolization was prevented. CONCLUSIONS Contralateral carotid angiography is useful for avoiding distal embolization during revascularization therapy of acute ICA occlusion. Further studies involving a larger number of patients are warranted to verify the clinical efficacy of this contralateral carotid angiography.
  • Hisashi Kubota; Yasuhiro Sanada; Saori Murakami; Masaharu Miyauchi; Michihiro Iwakura; Kazuhiro Nagatsuka; Kentaro Furukawa; Amami Kato; Mitsugu Fujita
    Surgical Neurology International Scientific Scholar 8 (1) 204 - 204 2152-7806 2017


  • Direct CCFに対する経動脈的と経静脈的を併用したコイル塞栓術
    布川 知史; 中川 修宏; 辻 潔; 吉岡 宏真; 古川 健太郎; 加藤 天美  脳血管内治療  4-  (Suppl.)  S150  -S150  2019/11
  • 椎骨動脈起始部近傍の鎖骨下動脈狭窄に対するステント留置術
    辻 潔; 中川 修宏; 布川 知史; 吉岡 宏真; 古川 健太郎; 加藤 天美  脳血管内治療  4-  (Suppl.)  S360  -S360  2019/11
  • 右S状静脈洞部硬膜動静脈瘻塞栓術後に脳静脈洞血栓症を起こした1例
    古川 健太郎; 布川 知史; 中川 修宏; 辻 潔; 加藤 天美  脳血管内治療  2-  (Suppl.)  S199  -S199  2017/11
  • 血行再建術を行った症候性総頸動脈閉塞症の2例
    古川 健太郎; 真田 寧晧; 久保田 尚; 中川 修宏; 布川 知史; 辻 潔; 岩倉 倫裕; 加藤 天美  脳循環代謝  28-  (1)  219  -219  2016/11
  • 急性頭蓋内tandem閉塞を伴う頸部内頸動脈病変に対する再開通療法
    中川 修宏; 布川 知史; 辻 潔; 村上 沙織; 古川 健太郎; 加藤 天美  脳血管内治療  1-  (Suppl.)  S194  -S194  2016/11
  • PercuSurgeによるanchoring techniqueを用いた総頸動脈起始部狭窄の経大腿動脈ステント留置術
    辻 潔; 中川 修宏; 布川 知史; 宮内 正晴; 古川 健太郎; 加藤 天美  脳血管内治療  1-  (Suppl.)  S210  -S210  2016/11