Major in Psychology, Department of Applied SociologyAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/09/14

■Researcher basic information


  • Master of Arts(Tohoku University)

Research Keyword

  • 再統合   低自己統制   集団過程   少年犯罪   group process   juvenile delinquency with peers   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Social psychology

■Research activity information


  • 2006 Research Foundation for Safe Society (General research grant)


  • Why do certain youths identify a delinquent group? An intergroup perspective
    NAKAGAWA Tomohiro
    The Japanese Journal of Psychology 90 (3) 252 - 262 2019 [Refereed]
    The aim of this study was to investigate why certain youths identify with delinquent groups by examining specific factors that increase identification with them, such as intergroup relationships. Specifically, we hypothesized that the permeability of group boundaries would moderate the effect of group discrimination on identification with a delinquent group. In total, 96 male youths were recruited from four juvenile classification homes. The results revealed that youths who perceived group boundaries with lower compared with higher permeability cognitively identified with delinquent groups more strongly when perceiving group discrimination from teachers or the police; this finding supported our hypothesis. No other significant interaction effect was observed. Conversely, in terms of affective identification, we found an unexpected interaction between the permeability of group boundaries and group discrimination from peers. Overall, the findings did not support our hypothesis. However, some of the results suggest that delinquent youths may be able to decrease cognitive group identification by having friends outside of the delinquent group, even if they experienced discrimination from conformity groups such as teachers and the police.
  • Uehara Shunsuke; Nakagawa Tomohiro; Tamura Toru
    THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL & SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY The Japanese Group Dynamics Association 54 (2) 89 - 100 0387-7973 2015 
    Studies on anger have repeatedly assumed the existence of moral outrage, which is defined as the anger that results from witnessing a violation of a moral standard. However, recent research has found that more anger may be evoked by the unjustified treatment of one's self or a member of one's group, and not by the violation of a moral standard per se (e.g., Batson, Chao, & Givens, 2009). This is termed as personal anger. In our current study, we focused on justice sensitivity as a personality disposition and predicted that moral outrage would be a conditional emotional reaction that would be evoked only in individuals with high justice sensitivity. Japanese participants were asked to read a fictitious newspaper report describing an abduction case. For half the participants, the abducted victim was described as Japanese; for the remaining half, Slovenian. They were then asked to report their corresponding anger. Results indicated that even participants with high justice sensitivity reported more anger only when the victim of the abduction was Japanese. The finding that justice sensitivity did not lead to the evocation of moral outrage suggests that personal anger is an exceedingly prevalent and powerful emotion, which may be differentiated from moral outrage.
  • UEHARA Shunsuke; NAKAGAWA Tomohiro; KUNISA Yusuke; IWABUCHI Eri; TAMURA Toru; MORI Takemi
    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology The Japanese Society of Social Psychology 28 (3) 158 - 168 0916-1503 2013/03 
    Anger at the violation of a moral standard has been called moral outrage. However, recent research found that only when the victim of a moral violation was oneself (or a member of one's group) did it evoke strong anger. This suggests that the violation of a moral standard itself does not elicit anger, and such anger may be evidence of personal anger evoked by harm to oneself (or a member of one's group). In our study, we assume that moral outrage may be evoked when the likelihood of restoring fairness (e.g., compensation) is expected. We conducted three experiments in which Japanese university students read a newspaper report (fictitious) depicting an abduction case. For half of the participants, the abducted victim was Japanese; for the other half, Slovenian. After reading the news story, they were asked to report the intensity of the feelings of anger and whether the abduction was morally wrong. We found that the report evoked considerable anger only when the abducted victim was Japanese, regardless of whether restoring fairness was actually expected. This indicated that the reported anger provided evidence only of personal anger, not of moral outrage; thus, the likelihood of restoring fairness is not a determinant of moral outrage. These findings imply that personal anger, rather than moral outrage, is more prevalent in social life.
  • 中川 知宏; 林 洋一郎; 梅崎 修
    Journal of Career Design Studies 日本キャリアデザイン学会 8 (8) 51 - 64 1880-2753 2012/09
  • NAKAGAWA Tomohiro
    The Japanese Society of Social Psychology The Japanese Society of Social Psychology 27 (3) 161 - 173 0916-1503 2012/03 [Refereed]
    A core relational norm regulating social interaction is the idea of responsibility for needs (RN). Assuming that anger is a signal indicating a violation of RN, we attempted to test the mediation model that the perception that one's needs are frustrated by a close other (romantic partner) would generate a perceived RN violation, which in turn would increase anger. Further, we attempted to examine whether mediation also works in relationships with friends. In a role-taking study providing participants with a series of scenarios depicting the other (either romantic partner, friend, or mere acquaintance) as responding or not responding to one's needs, we asked them to rate the intensity of anger and the perceived RN violation. The results showed that in the romantic partner condition, the frustration increased the perception of RN violation, which in turn intensified anger. Further, this mediation was also confirmed in the friend condition, suggesting that RN also operates within friend relationships.
  • The role of social anxiety in anger against norm violations
    Uehara, S; Nakagawa, T; Komatsu, S; Ohbuchi, K
    Tohoku Psychologica Foli 69 40 - 52 2010 [Refereed]
  • 中川 知宏; 仲本 尚史; 山入端 津由
    Japanese journal of applied psychology 日本応用心理学会 32 (2) 61 - 72 0387-4605 2007/03
  • Nakagawa, T; Ohbuchi, K
    The Japanese journal of criminal psychology 日本犯罪心理学会 45 (2) 37 - 46 0017-7547 2007 
    in press


  • 中川 知宏  近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University  5-  (1)  13  -25  2016/09
  • 中川 知宏; 林 洋一郎  近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applied sociology research review Kinki University  4-  (1)  85  -94  2015/08
  • 上原 俊介; 手島 啓文; 田村 達; 中川 知宏  文化 = Culture  79-  (1)  117  -107  2015
  • 上原 俊介; 中川 知宏; 田村 達; 小形 佳祐; 齋藤 五大  文化  77-  (1)  1  -12  2013/09
  • Shunsuke Uehara; Tomohiro Nakagawa; Takemi Mori; Ken-Ichi Ohbuchi  JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH  54-  (2)  137  -149  2012/05
  • Anger in close relationships, perceived violation of responsibility for needs, and feelings of anger
    上原俊介; 中川 知宏; 田村 達; 森 丈弓  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  71-  33  -41  2012/04
  • The Moderating Effects of Communal Orientation on the Motives of Anger
    中川 知宏; 東北大学大学院文学研究科; いわき明星大学人文学部; 東京厚生年金病院; 東北大学大学院文学研究科  文化  75-  40  -45  2011
  • Dispositional determinant of anger at norm violations: Does it reflect an individual’s selective responsibility for needs
    中川 知宏; 東北大学文学研究科; いわき明星大学人文学部; 東京厚生年金病院; 東北大学文学研究科  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  70-  10  -20  2011
  • Ddevelopment of delinquency with peers: An empirical examination of the group process model.
    Nakagawa, T  Youth Problem  57-  26  -31  2010
  • Motives of anger in relationships: Relationship closeness moderates anger evoked motives.
    Uehara, S; Nakagawa, T; Mori, T; Kunisa, Y; Ohbuchi K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  68-  38  -48  2009
  • Motives of anger in relationships: Relationship closeness moderates anger evoked motives.
    Uehara, S; Nakagawa, T; Mori, T; Kunisa, Y; Ohbuchi K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  68-  38  -48  2009
  • 中川 知宏; 斎藤 綾香  Bulletin of Tohoku Fukushi University  31-  (0)  221  -233  2007
  • Effect of peer rejection and time perspective on delinquet behaviors and prosocial behaviors
    Nakagawa, T; Saitoh, A  Bulletin of Tohoku Fukushi University  31-  221  -234  2007
  • Nakagawa, T; Nakamoto, N; Yamanoha, T; Ohbuchi, K  Japansese Journal of Applied Psychology  32-  (2)  61  -72  2007
  • Effect of group identification and group orientation on collective delinquent behaviors based on differentiation for group structure
    Nakagawa, T; Nakamoto, N; Kuniyoshi, M; Mori, T; Yamanoha, T; Ohbhichi, K  2007 Research Foundation for Safe Society  2007
  • 集団同一化と集団志向性が集団非行に及ぼす効果-集団構造による差異の検討-
    中川知宏; 仲本尚史; 國吉真弥; 森丈弓; 山入端津由; 大渕憲一  平成18年度 社会安全研究財団報告書(一般研究助成)  2007
  • Effects of group rewards on group identification among delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents
    Nakagawa, T; Nakamoto, N; Yamanoha, T; Ohbuchi, K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  64-  31  -38  2005
  • Effects of group rewards on group identification among delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents.
    Nakagawa, T; Nakamoto, N; Yamanoha, T; Ohbuchi, K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  64-  31  -38  2005
  • Influence of group process in juvenile delinquency: An interview study with inmates of a reformatory home
    Nakagawa, T; Kikuchi, T; Ohbuchi, K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia  63-  61  -72  2004
  • Influence of group process in juvenile delinquency: An interview study with inmates of a reformatory home.
    Nakagawa, T; Kikuchi, T; Ohbuchi, K  Tohoku Psychologica Folia.  63-  61  -72  2004
  • The role of social anxiety in anger against norm violations.
    Uehara, S; Nakagawa, T; Komatsu, S  Tohoku Psychologica Folia

Books and other publications

  • 紛争・暴力・公正の心理学
    大渕憲一 (Contributor21章 非行集団と暴力犯罪)北大路書房 2016/02 264-273
  • 嘘と欺瞞の心理学 対人関係から犯罪捜査まで 虚偽検出に関する真実
    中川知宏 (Joint translation科学的内容分析)福村出版 2016
  • 犯罪心理学事典
    中川知宏 (Contributor低自己統制理論,文化的逸脱理論,非行集団)丸善出版 2016 16-21,118-119
  • 現代と未来 をつなぐ実践的見地からの心理学
    中川 知宏; 東北大学総合福祉学部; 東北大学総合福祉学部 (Joint work)八千代出版 2008
  • Social Psychology
    Kitaoji Publishing, Inc 2007
  • 社会心理学概説
    北大路書房 2007

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Contact experiences with babies raise the cognitive evaluation of babies.  [Not invited]
    中谷 勝哉; 中川 知宏; 須藤康正
    日本心理学会第76回大会  2012/09  川崎市  日本心理学会第76回大会
  • The role of intuitive versus rational processing in framing effect  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏; 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部; 新潟中央短期大学幼児教育科
    European Congress of Psychology  2011  Istanbul, Republic of Turkey  European Congress of Psychology
  • Effect of collective low self-control and strain on delinquency with peers  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏; 東北大学文学研究科
    International Society for Criminology  2011  Kobe, Japan  International Society for Criminology
  • Why do certain youths join a delinquent group? An intergroup perspective  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏; 熊本少年鑑別所; いわき明星大学人文学部; 沖縄国際大学総合文化学部; 東北大学文学研究科
    European Congress of Psychology  2011  Istanbul, Republic of Turkey  European Congress of Psychology
  • Effect of social self-regulation and group identification on university adjustment  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏; 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部
    International Congress of Applied Psychology  2010  Melbourne, Australia  International Congress of Applied Psychology
  • Effect of perceived group discrimination and permeability of group boundaries on group identification with delinquent peers  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏; 福岡少年鑑別所; 法務省矯正局; いわき明星大学人文学部; 沖縄国際大学総合文化学部; 東北大学文学研究科
    International Society for Research on Aggression  2008  Budapest, Republic of Hungary  International Society for Research on Aggression
  • Effect of collective and individual low self-control and group identification on collective problem behavior  [Not invited]
    中川 知宏
    British Psychological Society  2007  York, United Kingdom  British Psychological Society

Affiliated academic society


Research Themes

  • なぜ、非行集団に同一化するのか:集団内関係と集団間関係の統合モデルの構築
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013
  • Why do certain youths join a delinquent group? Constructing an integrated model of intergroup and intragroup perspective.
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2011 -2013
  • 集団同一化と集団志向性が集団非行に及ぼす効果:集団構造による差異の検討
    Date (from‐to) : 2006 -2007
  • Effect of group identification and group orientation on group delinquent behaviors by difference for group structure
    Grants and Funding
    Date (from‐to) : 2006