大塚 哲平(オオツカ テッペイ)

理工学部 エネルギー物質学科教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(九州大学)




  • 水素   重水素   トリチウム   炭素14   核融合炉材料   原子力材料   鉄鋼材料   水素吸蔵合金   燃料電池システム   放射線電池   イメージングプレート   トリチウムオートラジオグラフィ   地層処分   プラズマー壁相互作用   トリチウムリテンション   核融合炉ダスト   水素脆性   高温酸化   透過係数   拡散係数   溶解度   




  • エネルギー / 核融合学 / 核融合炉材料工学
  • ナノテク・材料 / 構造材料、機能材料
  • エネルギー / 原子力工学 / 原子力材料工学
  • ナノテク・材料 / 金属材料物性



  • 2022年04月 - 現在  近畿大学理工学部 エネルギー物質学科教授
  • 2016年04月 - 2022年03月  近畿大学理工学部 電気電子工学科准教授
  • 1999年04月 - 2016年03月  九州大学大学院総合理工学研究院助教


  • 2018年04月 - 2020年07月   プラズマ・核融合学会   プラズマ・核融合学会 学会誌編集委員会
  • 2017年04月 - 2019年03月   日本原子力学会   核融合工学部会 庶務幹事 プログラム編集委員



  • 2022年11月 プラズマ・核融合学会 技術進歩賞
    受賞者: 芦川直子;大塚哲平;鳥養祐二;朝倉伸幸;増崎貴
  • 2018年09月 日本金属学会 論文賞
    受賞者: 大塚 哲平;田邉哲朗


  • Y. Torikai; G. Kikuchi; A. Owada; S. Masuzaki; T. Otsuka; N. Ashikawa; M. Yajima; M. Tokitani; Y. Oya; S.E. Lee; Y. Hatano; N. Asakura; T. Hayashi; M. Oyaidzu; J. Likonen; A. Widdowson; M. Rubel
    Nuclear Fusion 64 1 016032 - 016032 2023年12月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Divertor tiles after Joint European Torus-ITER like wall (JET-ILW) campaigns and dust collected after JET-C and JET-ILW operation were examined by a set of complementary techniques (full combustion and radiography) to determine the total, specific and areal tritium activities, poloidal tritium distribution in the divertor and the presence of that isotope in individual dust particles. In the divertor tiles, the majority of tritium is detected in the surface region and, the areal activities in the ILW divertor are in the 0.5–12 kBq cm−2 range. The activity in the ILW dust is associated mainly with the presence of carbon particles being a legacy from the JET-C operation. The total tritium activities show significant differences between the JET operation with ILW and the earlier phase with the carbon wall (JET-C) indicating that tritium retention has been significantly decreased in the operation with ILW.
  • Hideaki Matsuura; Taisei Abe; Kanta Kitagawa; Motomasa Naoi; Hiromi Kawai; Kazunari Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Shimpei Hamamoto; Kenji Tobita; Satoshi Konishi; Yuki Koga; Ryoji Hiwatari; Youji Someya; Yoshiteru Sakamoto
    Fusion Engineering and Design 197 114054 - 114054 2023年12月 [査読有り]
  • Yuki Koga; Hideaki Matsuura; Kazunori Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shimpei Hamamoto; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Kenji Tobita; Youji Someya; Yoshiteru Sakamoto
    Nuclear Engineering and Design 415 112665  2023年12月 [査読有り]
  • Teppei Otsuka; Ryo Hatano; Masashi Inoue; Alexander Potekhin; Kirill Klimov
    Fusion Engineering and Design 193 2023年08月 [査読有り]
    A model of deuterium permeation through liquid (liq.) Sn supported by a nickel (Ni) substrate is proposed as follows; deuterium dissolves in liq. Sn according to the Sieverts’ law and its concentration immediately becomes uniform through the liq. Sn layer due to large diffusivity of deuterium in liq. Sn. A thin intermediate Sn-Ni alloy layer is formed at an interface of liq. Sn and the Ni substrate in a transient of deuterium permeation. Deuterium concentration and diffusivity in the alloy layer would be lower than those in liq. Sn and pure Ni, resulting in lower deuterium permeability. Consequently, the intermediate Sn-Ni alloy layer could control total deuterium permeation through the liq. Sn supported by the Ni substrate.
  • S. Lee; Y. Hatano; S. Masuzaki; Y. Oya; M. Tokitani; M. Yajima; T. Otsuka; N. Ashikawa; Y. Torikai; N. Asakura; H. Nakamura; H. Kurotaki; T. Hayashi; T. Nozawa; A.M. Ito; J. Likonen; A. Widdowson; M. Rubel
    Nuclear Fusion 63 4 046023 - 046023 2023年03月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Tritium retention in the castellated structure of beryllium limiters used in JET with the ITER-like wall (ILW) during the first (ILW1), third (ILW3) and all three (ILW1-3) campaigns were examined and evaluated. Tritium was deposited on the surfaces inside the castellation grooves together with deuterium, beryllium, oxygen, carbon and small amounts of metallic impurities such as nickel, copper and tungsten. The tritium content after the ILW1 campaign was greater than after the ILW3 campaign. This is attributed to the steadily decreasing amount of carbon impurities in JET from campaign to campaign. The majority of tritium was retained in shallow regions in the grooves, up to 2 mm from the entrance to the gap. It was comparable on all sides of the castellation, i.e. no difference has been detected between the toroidal and poloidal gaps. Secondly, the tritium retention in the gaps was similar on all specimens independent of their position in the tokamak, while the retention on the plasma-facing surfaces clearly depended on the tile position. The tritium deposition patterns in the castellation were also compared with the deuterium distribution determined in earlier studies.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Yuya Kondo; Hiroyuki Ogawa; Tomofumi Sakuragi
    MRS Advances 2023年 [査読有り]
    The diffusivity values of C in pure Zr and in Zr containing dissolved O (Zr(O)) were determined in a temperature range of 623–1023 K for Zr and 923–1123 K for Zr(O) from depth profiles of C obtained by glow-discharge emission spectroscopy. The C diffusivity in Zr(O) decreased as the O concentration in Zr increased and that for Zr containing 15 at % O was two orders of magnitude smaller than that for pure Zr. One-dimensional numerical calculations of Fick’s diffusion equation with a Soret effect indicated various non-uniform distributions of C in a 5-mm-thick Zr matrix under a temperature gradient of 573 to 773 K for 3 years, assuming a heat of transport of − 1.5 to + 1.5 eV. Isothermal annealing at 773 K for 10 years could result in a uniform distribution, whereas dissolution of O in the interstitials of the Zr matrix would hinder C transport through the interstitials. Graphical Abstract: As concentration of O increased in HIP Zr by 15 at%, the diffusivity of C decreased more than two orders of magnitude.For the positive Q∗c, concentration of C slightly segregated at the surface of the cooler side but had maximum peaks at a middle to a higher temperature zone, and depleted at the surface of the hotter side.For the negative Q∗c, concentration of C depleted at the surface of the cooler side and at the middle to the higher temperature zone, and highly segregated at the surface of the hotter side. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].
  • T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; M. Shinohara
    Fusion Science and Technology 2023年 [査読有り]
    Effects of a gap/open space between double membranes of Ni/Ni and Pd/Ni on hydrogen permeation through the double membranes are studied. For easy detection of permeated H, T is introduced. For Ni/Ni and Pd/Ni, the influence of the gap on hydrogen permeation is not appreciable, while the permeation for Ni/Pd is significantly reduced because the gap holds H2O produced by the reaction of permeated hydrogen and the surface oxide of Ni facing toward the gap; consequently, the partial pressure of H2O in the gap becomes high and subsequent reduction of the surface oxide is prohibited. From these findings, a new double-walled tube concept for the reduction of T permeation is proposed with a combination of a rather thin front tube with its back side oxidized as a permeation barrier and a thick tube as a structure material.
  • T Otsuka; S Masuzaki; N Ashikawa; Y Torikai; Y Hatano; M Tokitani; Y Oya; N Asakura; T Hayashi; H Tanigawa; Y Iwai; A Widdowson; M Rubel
    Physica Scripta 97 2 024008 - 024008 2022年02月 [査読有り][招待有り]
    Abstract Tritium (T) retention characteristics in dust collected from the divertor in JET with ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) after the third campaign in 2015–2016 (ILW-3) have been examined in individual dust particles by combining radiography (tritium imaging plate technique) and electron probe micro-analysis. The results are summarized and compared with the data obtained after the first campaign in 2011–2012 (ILW-1). The dominant component in ILW-1 dust was carbon (C) originating from tungsten-coated carbon fibre composite (CFC) tiles in JET-ILW divertor and/or legacy of C dust after the JET operation with carbon wall. Around 85% of the total tritium retention in ILW-1 dust was attributed to the C dust. The retention in tungsten (W) and beryllium (Be) dominated particles was 100 times smaller than the highest T retention in carbon-based particles. After ILW-3 the main component contributing to the T retention was W. The number of small W particles with T increased, in comparison to ILW-1, most probably by the exfoliation and fragmentation of W coatings on CFC tiles though T retention in individual W particles was smaller than in C particles. The detection of only very few Be-dominated dust particles found after ILW-1 and ILW-3 could imply stable Be deposits on the divertor tiles.
  • Yuki Koga; Hideaki Matsuura; Kazunari Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shimpei Hamamoto; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Kenji Tobita; Satoshi Konishi; Ryoji Hiwatari; Youji Someya; Yoshiteru Sakamoto
    Nuclear Engineering and Design 386 2022年01月 [査読有り]
    Tritium is required for research and development activities for the deuterium–tritium (DT) fusion reactor and fueling the DEMOnstration Power Station (DEMO). However, tritium is a very rare nuclide and must be produced artificially. Tritium production by loading Li compounds (Li rods) into burnable poison holes of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has been proposed (H. Matsuura, et al., Nucl. Eng. Des. 243 (2012) 95–101.). Al2O3 and Zr are used to prevent tritium leaks. Nuclear reaction heat caused by the nuclear reaction (e.g., 6Li(n,α)T reaction) can cause a spatial temperature profile in the Li rods and may change its tritium containment performance, because Al2O3 and Zr performance strongly depend on these temperatures. The effect of nuclear reaction heat by the 6Li(n,α)T reaction on the tritium containment performance of the Li rods was evaluated by simulation. The temperatures of the Li rods for the high-temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR) and gas turbine high-temperature reactor 300 (GTHTR300) increased by 36 K and 46 K, and the leaked tritium decreased by 32% and 37% via nuclear reaction heat, respectively.
  • Masashi Inoue; Teppei Otsuka; Keitaro Imae; Alihide Azuma
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 170 2021年09月 [査読有り]
    Behavior of hydrogen trapping in defects induced by cold-working (CW) of pure aluminum (Al) and Duralumin (A2017) were examined by thermal desorption analysis (TDA). The total desorption amount of deuterium in pure Al and A2017 increased with the working rate of CW; the desorption amount for hydrogen trapped at dislocations increased though that at vacancies and their clusters was likely saturated. Strong hydrogen trapping was observed in A2017, which disappeared by CW.
  • Hideaki Matsuura; Takuro Suganuma; Yuki Koga; Motomasa Naoi; Kazunari Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Shinpei Hamamoto; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Kenji Tobita; Satoshi Konishi; Ryoji Hiwatari; Youji Someya; Yoshiteru Sakamoto
    Fusion Engineering and Design 169 2021年08月 [査読有り]
    The production of tritium (T) using high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) has been studied for a prior engineering research with T handling and initial T possession in demonstration fusion reactors. Stable containment of T in Li-loading rods during HTGR operation is a critical issue. This study investigates this for an irradiation test to examine T-containment performance in Li-loading rods and develops an analytical model of evaluating the amount of T outflow to a He coolant. The hydrogen absorption characteristics, including the deterioration of the hydrogen absorption speed after Zr has sufficiently absorbed the hydrogen, is experimentally measured assuming an HTGR setting. We present an analytical model of evaluating the T outflow from a Li rod and, on the basis of this model, estimate the total T outflow, assuming the presence of a gas-turbine high-temperature reactor of 300 MWe with a nominal capacity and a high-temperature engineering test reactor. It is demonstrated that, by loading a sufficient amount of Zr into the Li rod, the T outflow can be suppressed to less than a small percent of the total T produced during 360 days of reactor operation.
  • M. Yajima; S. Masuzaki; N. Yoshida; M. Tokitani; T. Otsuka; Y. Oya; Y. Torikai; G. Motojima
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 27 2021年06月 [査読有り]
    In the Large Helical Device (LHD), the first deuterium plasma experiment was conducted in 2017. To investigate tritium migration in the LHD vacuum vessel, long-term material probes were installed on the first wall before the deuterium plasma experiment. After the experiment, the microstructure and amount of tritium remaining in each probe were analyzed. The results showed that a relatively large amount of tritium remained in the probes on the first wall, forming a thick deposition layer, rather than in the probes located in the erosion-dominant area. In the deposition layers on the probes, the dominant element is carbon, which can be generated on the divertor tiles made of graphite. The result of orbit calculation of the energetic tritons in the case of the standard magnetic configuration in the LHD showed that approximately 40% of the tritons generated by deuterium–deuterium fusion reactions were promptly lost mainly to the divertor. Thermalized tritons also flew to the divertor along with the background plasma. The divertor tiles, on which the tritons impinged, were eroded by the divertor plasma, and carbon atoms and tritiated hydrocarbon molecules were generated and deposited on the first wall. This can be the dominant mechanism of tritium retention in the first wall. Among the material probes located in the erosion-dominant area, the amount of tritium remaining in the probe on which the energetic tritons impinged was relatively large. The results of the tritium balance analysis show that the first wall is not the dominant reservoir of tritium in the LHD.
  • S. E. Lee; Y. Hatano; M. Tokitani; S. Masuzaki; Y. Oya; T. Otsuka; N. Ashikawa; Y. Torikai; N. Asakura; H. Nakamura; K. Isobe; H. Kurotaki; D. Hamaguchi; T. Hayashi; A. Widdowson; S. Jachmich; J. Likonen; M. Rubel
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 26 2021年03月 [査読有り]
    Nondestructive analysis of tritium (T) distribution was performed by means of imaging plate technique on specimens cut from the Be limiters, W-coated carbon tiles and bulk W lamellae retrieved from the JET tokamak after the first and third experimental campaigns with the ITER-like wall. Afterwards, analyses were continued using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, microscopy techniques and thermal desorption spectroscopy. Co-deposits formed on the W-coated tiles in the 1st campaign showed large T retention because of high carbon content reaching up to 50 atomic %, while the carbon fraction in co-deposits after the 3rd campaign was distinctly lower. The T retention of the plasma-facing surface of the bulk W tile was smaller than that of the W-coated tiles by a factor of 20, while deposition of small amount of T was found at the side surfaces facing to the gaps in a lamella structure. The correlation of T distributions with surface morphology and the discharge conditions is discussed.
  • S. Masuzaki; M. Yajima; K. Ogawa; G. Motojima; M. Tanaka; M. Tokitani; M. Isobe; T. Otsuka
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 26 2021年03月 [査読有り]
    To reveal the triton transport and the tritium migration in a deuterium plasma experiment in the Large Helical Device (LHD), the distribution of the remaining tritium in divertor tiles made of graphite after the first deuterium plasma experimental campaign in 2017 was investigated. In this study, tritium contents in divertor tiles have been measured by using a full-combustion method. The asymmetric tritium retention in divertor tiles located at symmetric positions, which was found in the previous study by the surface tritium measurement using an imaging plate technique, has been confirmed by the results of the full-combustion method. The asymmetry is considered to be attributed to the asymmetric distribution of lost-points of energetic tritons in divertor. A depth profile of remaining tritium in a divertor tile estimated by using a combination of the imaging plate technique and a sputtering treatment shows that the peak of the profile locates at several micro-meters from the surface. This result suggests that the majority of the remaining tritium impinged upon the divertor tile as energetic tritons. In this study, a distribution of lost-points of energetic tritons has been calculated by using a Lorentz orbit following code (LORBIT) with taking into account divertor components. The obtained distribution has been compared with measured tritium distributions on divertor tiles. The measured and calculated distributions are similar to each other, but they are not the same. The difference between them can be attributed to plasma exposures during and after the deuterium plasma campaign.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Natsuki Sawano; Yuji Fujii; Tomohiro Omura; Chase Taylor; Masashi Shimada
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 2020年12月 [査読有り]
    © 2020 The Authors Oxidation kinetics of pure tungsten (W) and tungsten-rhenium (W-Re) alloys with Re contents of 1%, 5% and 15% has been examined in the oxygen gas atmosphere at 873 K. The oxidation kinetics of the W-Re alloys were well characterized by a parabolic rate law. During oxidation of the W-Re alloys, the Re oxide sublimated near the top surface of the oxide layer. The sublimation of the Re oxide may play roles as a sintering agent and/or a stress relief agent in the W oxide layer to be more resistant to oxidation than pure W. There will be an effective value of Re content in W oxide layers for suppression of oxidation depending on oxidation temperatures or atmospheres. The Re oxide in the gas phase could deposit at cooler remote area on materials surface. Furthermore, the Re oxide deposits can be easily moved or transported to different area by dissolving in a water content or a moisture of flowing gas atmosphere.
  • 大塚 哲平; 原 正憲
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 96 8 423 - 426 プラズマ・核融合学会編集委員会 2020年08月
  • 大塚 哲平; 波多野 雄治
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 96 8 420 - 422 プラズマ・核融合学会編集委員会 2020年08月
  • Teppei Otsuka; Takuma Shimada; Kenichi Hashizume; Kazunari Katayama; Toshiaki Hiyama
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 76 4 578 - 582 2020年05月 [査読有り]
    A technique to monitor the permeation behavior of tritium in metals to pure water was successfully developed. A metal membrane separated two containers: one is for tritium loading as an upstream side, and the other is for tritium permeation release as a downstream side. Tritium was loaded by gas absorption at controlled temperatures of 303 K, 323 K, and 373 K and pressures of 4 and 8 kPa at the upstream side. Pure water in the downstream side was automatically and continuously circulated to a solid scintillation counting apparatus by which the tritium concentration in the pure water was directly measured for more than 100 h. When the present technique was applied, almost diffusional permeation behavior of tritium at the nickel-water interface was demonstrated.
  • Yasuhisa Oya; Suguru Masuzaki; Masayuki Tokitani; Moeko Nakata; Fei Sun; Makoto Oyaidzu; Kanetsuku Isobe; Nobuyuki Asakura; Teppei Otsuka; Anna Widdowson; Jari Likonen; Marek Rubel
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 76 4 439 - 445 2020年05月 [査読有り]
    Hydrogen isotope retention and chemical state for the tiles exposed to plasma in the JET-ITER-like wall (ILW) during two campaigns in 2011-2012 (first campaign, ILW-1) and 2015-2016 (third campaign, ILW-3) were studied and compared by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy. In both campaigns the upper part of the inner divertor tiles was the deposition-dominated area, while erosion was observed on the outer divertor tiles. Therefore, higher deuterium retention was found on the inner divertor tiles. The major D desorption peak for the inner divertor tiles from ILW-3 was located at the temperature range of 470 degrees C to 520 degrees C, which was higher than measured after ILW-1: 370 degrees C to 430 degrees C. The XPS analyses showed the formation of a BeO layer on the ILW-3 inner divertor tiles, while after ILW-1 the layers also contained a significant amount of carbon. Deuterium retention was reduced toward the outer divertor tiles. The differences could be related to the difference in the power level in the two campaigns.
  • Yudai Urabe; Kenichi Hashizume; Teppei Otsuka; Kan Sakamoto
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 76 4 392 - 397 2020年05月 [査読有り]
    Tritium permeability through FeCrAl-oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) ferritic steel containing Ce oxides (Ce-ODS steel) was measured at temperatures ranging from 373 to 623 K. Some of the Ce-ODS steel specimens were oxidized by means of an autoclave treatment at 563 K for 30 days to examine the effect of the surface oxidized layer on the tritium permeability. The tritium permeability obtained for nonoxidized specimen was consistent with that for other common ferritic steels and FeCrAl ferritic steel. For the oxidized specimen, the surface oxide layer suppressed the apparent tritium permeability. The permeability for the oxidized specimen also depended on the atmosphere of the downstream in the permeation experiment: An atmosphere containing water vapor yielded lower tritium permeability compared with a reductive one.
  • 大矢 恭久; 波多野 雄治; 信太 祐二; 山内 有二; 小林 真; 大宅 諒; 片山 一成; 大塚 哲平; 上田 良夫
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 96 3 140 - 144 プラズマ・核融合学会編集委員会 2020年03月
  • 波多野 雄治; 横峯 健彦; 檜木 達也; 橋本 直幸; 大矢 恭久; 大塚 哲平; 近藤 正聡; 宮澤 順一; 長坂 琢也
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 96 3 145 - 148 プラズマ・核融合学会編集委員会 2020年03月
  • M. Tokitani; M. Miyamoto; S. Masuzaki; Y. Hatano; S. E. Lee; Y. Oya; T. Otsuka; M. Oyaidzu; H. Kurotaki; T. Suzuki; D. Hamaguchi; T. Hayashi; N. Asakura; A. Widdowson; S. Jachmich; M. Rubel, JET Contributors
    Physica Scripta 2020 T171 2020年01月 [査読有り]
    Surface characterization of bulk tungsten tiles (W lamellae) used during the first campaign of JET with the ITER-Like Wall (JET-ILW) was performed by means of microscopy and tritium imaging techniques. This is the first report regarding very detailed structural studies of W lamellae from the JET-ILW divertor. A special feature of the W lamellae installed in JET is the intrinsic network of micro-cracks detected on surfaces of the as-manufactured material. Analyses of different W lamellae samples on the plasma-facing surface reveal two types of surface structures caused by plasma impact: Areas with strong erosion and regions of mild plasma interaction. In regions of strong erosion, a thin modified layer (thickness of ∼20 nm) with a high density of defects including bubble-like structures has been formed. In addition, features indicating melting along edges of micro-cracks with the micro-scale plastic deformation have been identified.
  • S. Masuzaki; T. Otsuka; K. Ogawa; M. Yajima; M. Tokitani; Q. Zhou; M. Isobe; Y. Oya; N. Yoshida; Y. Nobuta
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T171 1 2020年01月 [査読有り]
    Remaining tritium in the vacuum vessel after the first deuterium plasma experimental campaign conducted over four months was investigated in the large helical device (LHD) for the first time in stellarator/heliotron devices by using the tritium imaging plate technique. In-vessel components such as divertor tiles and first wall panels, and long-term material probes retrieved from the vacuum vessel were analyzed. The in-vessel component in which tritium remained most densely is the baffle part of divertor tiles made of graphite retrieved from the inboard-side divertor. Asymmetric tritium retention is observed on divertor tiles located at magnetically symmetric positions, and can be attributed to the toroidal field direction dependence of the asymmetric loss of energetic tritons generated by deuterium-deuterium nuclear fusion reactions. On the first wall, tritium remained in a deposited layer, which mainly consists of carbon.
  • N. Ashikawa; Y. Torikai; N. Asakura; T. Otsuka; A. Widdowson; M. Rubel; M. Oyaizu; M. Hara; S. Masuzaki; K. Isobe; Y. Hatano; K. Heinola; A. Baron-Wiechec; S. Jachmich; T. Hayashi
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 22 2020年01月 [査読有り]
    © 2019 Quantitative tritium inventory in dust particles from campaigns in the JET tokamak with the carbon wall (2007–2009) and the ITER-like wall (ILW 2011–2012) were determined by the liquid scintillation counter and the full combustion method. A feature of this full combustion method is that dust particles were covered by a tin (Sn) which reached 2100 K during combustion under oxygen flow. The specific tritium inventory for samples from JET with carbon and with metal walls was measured and found to be similar. However, the total tritium inventory in dust particles from the ILW experiment was significantly smaller in comparison to the carbon wall due to the lower amount of dust particles generated in the presence of metal walls.
  • Hideaki Matsuura; Ryo Okamoto; Yuki Koga; Takuro Suganuma; Kazunari Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Kenji Tobita
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 146 1077 - 1081 2019年09月 [査読有り]
    Production of tritium using a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has been studied for a prior engineering test with tritium handling and for the startup operation of a demonstration fusion reactor. For this purpose, the hydrogen absorption speed of Zr in a Li-loading rod for the reactor operation is experimentally measured, and an analysis model is presented to evaluate the tritium outflow from the Li rod in a high-temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR). On the basis of the presented model, the structure of the Li-loading rod for the demonstration test using the HTTR is proposed.
  • T. Otsuka; S. Masuzaki; N. Ashikawa; Y. Hatano; Y. Asakura; Tatsuya Suzuki; Takumi Suzuki; K. Isobe; T. Hayashi; M. Tokitani; Y. Oya; D. Hamaguchi; H. Kurotaki; R. Sakamoto; Hiroyasu Tanigawa; M. Nakamichi; A. Widdowson; M. Rubel
    Nuclear Materials and Energy 17 279 - 283 2018年12月 [査読有り]
    © 2018 The Authors A tritium imaging plate technique (TIPT) in combination with an electron-probe microscopic analysis (EPMA) were applied to examine tritium (T) retention characteristics in individual dust particles collected in the Joint European Torus with the ITER-like Wall (JET-ILW) after the first campaign in 2011–2012. A lot of carbon (C)-dominated dust particles were found, which would be pre-existing carbon deposits in the JET-C or released carbon particles from the remaining carbon-fiber components in the JET-ILW. Most of T was retained at the surface of and/or in the C-dominated dust particles. The retention in tungsten, beryllium and other metal-dominated dust particles is relatively lower by a factor of 10–100 in comparison with that in the C-dominated particles.
  • M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, S. Masuzaki, R. Sakamoto, Y. Oya, Y. Hatano, T. Otsuka, M. Oyaidzu, H. Kurotaki, T. Suzuki, D. Hamaguchi, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, K. Heinola, M. Rubel
    Fusion Engineering and Design 136 199 - 204 2018年11月 [査読有り]
    © 2018 Micro/nanoscopic observations on the surface of the divertor tiles used in the first campaign (2011–2012) of the JET tokamak with ITER-like Wall (JET ILW) have been carried out by means of several material analysis techniques. Previous results from the inner divertor were reported for a single poloidal section of the tile numbers 1, 3 and 4, i.e., upper, vertical and horizontal targets, respectively. The formation of the thick stratified mixed-material deposition layer on tiles 1 and 4, and erosion on tile 3 were identified. This study is mostly focused on the outer divertor: tiles 6, 7 and 8. In contrast to the inner tile, remarkable surface modifications have not been observed on the vertical target (tiles 7 and 8) where sputtering erosion and impurity deposition would have been almost balanced. Only a specific part of tile 6 (horizontal target) located near the exhaust channel was covered with a stratified (“geological-like”) mixed-material deposition layer which mainly included Be and Ni with the thickness of ∼2 μm. Special feature of this mixed layer was that a certain amount of nitrogen (N) was clearly detected in the layer. Since the concentration of N varied with the depth position, it could be depended on the amount of that gas puffed for plasma edge cooling during the JET experimental campaign. In addition to the outer divertor tiles, a very interesting feature of the local erosion and deposition effects is reported in this paper.
  • Yuki Koga; Hideaki Matsuura; Yuma Ida; Ryo Okamoto; Kazunari Katayama; Teppei Otsuka; Minoru Goto; Shigeaki Nakagawa; Satoru Nagasumi; Etsuo Ishitsuka; Yosuke Shimazaki
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 136 587 - 591 2018年11月 [査読有り]
    Large quantities of tritium are required to start up fusion reactors and conducts engineering tests using tritium for a fusion blanket system. However, tritium is very rare and kg orders of tritium must be produced artificially. Tritium production, by Li-6(n,alpha)T reaction using a high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has been proposed. This method considers the loading of Li rods into burnable poison holes in the HTGR. In this paper, the Li rod suited for use in the High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) was designed, and tritium production and leakage from Li-rod capsules were evaluated by adjusting the thicknesses of LiAlO2, alumina, and Zr layers. An irradiation test scenario to be conducted in the HTTR for demonstration of the Li rod's tritium production and containment performance was presented.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Kengo Goto; Akihiro Yamamoto; Kenichi Hashizume
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 136 509 - 512 2018年11月 [査読有り]
    Effects of the shot-peening on hydrogen permeation and retention behaviors were examined by applying tritium tracer techniques to the gas-driven hydrogen permeation experiments. Hydrogen permeability in shot-peened iron was reduced by a factor of ten in comparison with the as-received iron at lower temperatures of 298 K and 453 K. The effects were disappeared at higher temperatures than 473 K. Hydrogen was trapped at least two trapping sites induced by the shot-peening treatment. The amount of trapped hydrogen in the shot-peened surface was three times larger than that in the normal surface of the as-received iron.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Kengo Goto; Kan Sakamoto; Kenichi Hashizume
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 132 107 - 109 2018年07月 [査読有り]
    To clarify factors controlling variation of chemical forms of hydrogen desorbed by permeation phenomena through the oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic (ODS) steels, permeation behaviors of hydrogen through pure alpha iron (Fe) and the ODS steel into a pure argon (Ar) gas atmosphere have been examined by hydrogen permeation experiments with a tritium tracer technique. Difference of chemical forms of hydrogen desorbed by permeation through pure Fe and the ODS steel was explained by oxygen potential at a downstream side which was determined by an amount of hydrogen supplied by permeation and a moisture content in the Ar gas atmosphere at a certain temperature. Due to very high stability of chromium oxides formed on the ODS steels, most of hydrogen desorbed as a hydrogen gas molecular form into the Ar gas atmosphere in the present experimental temperatures ranging from 303 K to 623 K.
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 加藤修; 建石剛; 吉田誠司; 桜木智史
    九州シンクロトロン光研究センター年報 2016 20‐22  2018年03月
  • S. Masuzakil; M. Tokitanii; T. Otsuka; Y. Oya; Y. Hatan; M. Miyamoto; R. Sakamoto; N. Ashikawa; S. Sakurada; Y. Uemura; K. Azuma; K. Yumizurus; M. Oyaizu; T. Suzuki; H. Kurotaki; D. Hamaguchi; K. Isobel; N. Asakura; A. Widdowson; K. Heinola; S. Jachmich; M. Rubel
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T170 2017年12月 [査読有り]
    Results of the comprehensive surface analyses of divertor tiles and dusts retrieved from JET after the first ITER-like wall campaign (2011-2012) are presented. The samples cored from the divertor tiles were analyzed. Numerous nano-size bubble-like structures were observed in the deposition layer on the apron of the inner divertor tile, and a beryllium dust with the same structures were found in the matter collected from the inner divertor after the campaign. This suggests that the nano-size bubble-like structures can make the deposition layer to become brittle and may lead to cracking followed by dust generation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses of chemical states of species in the deposition layers identified the formation of beryllium-tungsten intermetallic compounds on an inner vertical tile. Different tritium retention profiles along the divertor tiles were observed at the top surfaces and at deeper regions of the tiles by using the imaging plate technique.
  • まとめと今後の研究計画
    大矢恭久; 波多野雄治; 片山一成; 山内有二; 信太祐二; 大塚哲平; 近田拓未; 原 正憲; 大宅 諒; 上田良夫; 外山 健
    J. Plasma Fusion Res. 2017年03月
  • M. Tokitani; M. Miyamoto; S. Masuzaki; Y. Fujii; R. Sakamoto; Y. Oya; Y. Hatano; T. Otsuka; M. Oyaidzu; H. Kurotaki; T. Suzuki; D. Hamaguchi; K. Isobe; N. Asakura; A. Widdowson; M. Rubel
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 116 1 - 4 2017年03月 [査読有り]
    Micro-/nano-characterization of the surface structures on the divertor tiles used in the first campaign (2011-2012) of the JET tokamak with the ITER-like wall (JET ILW) were studied. The analyzed tiles were a single poloidal section of the tile numbers of 1, 3 and 4, i.e., upper, vertical and horizontal targets, respectively. A sample from the apron of Tile I was deposition-dominated. Stratified mixed-material layers composed of Be, W, Ni, O and C were deposited on the original W-coating. Their total thickness was similar to 1.5 mu m. By means of transmission electron microscopy, nano-size bubble-like structures with a size of more than 100 nm were identified in that layer. They could be related to deuterium retention in the layer dominated by Be. The surface microstructure of the sample from Tile 4 also showed deposition: a stratified mixed-material layer with the total thickness of 200-300 nm. The electron diffraction pattern obtained with transmission electron microscope indicated Be was included in the layer. No bubble-like structures have been identified. The surface of Tile 3, originally coated by Mo, was identified as the erosion zone. This is consistent with the fact that the strike point was often located on that tile during the plasma operation. The study revealed the micro-and nano-scale modification of the inner tile surface of the JET ILW. In particular, a complex mixed-material deposition layer could affect hydrogen isotope retention and dust formation. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 58 10 1364 - 1372 2017年 [査読有り]
    A new methodology for depth profiling of hydrogen in metals is developed applying a tritium imaging plate technique (TIPT) with cross sectional observation. Owing to its high sensitivity and wide dynamic range for tritium detection, depth distribution of hydrogen dissolved in the BCC metals such as tungsten (W) and steels are successfully obtained. The depth distributions enable us to determine reliable lattice diffusion coefficients of hydrogen in W and a ferritic/martensitic steel (F82H) within 20% errors taking into account three dimensional desorption/release from the surfaces of the sample metals. Hydrogen trapped at surface and subsurface are clearly separated from the dissolved one. In BCC metals, since the former could be much larger than the latter, observation of overall hydrogen behavior without knowing detailed depth distributions could lead to wrong estimation of diffusion coefficients and solubility.
  • S. Nagasumi; H. Matsuura; K. Katayama; T. Otsuka; M. Goto; S. Nakagawa
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 72 4 753 - 759 2017年 [査読有り]
    Performance of tritium production for fusion reactors, using a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) is examined. From the viewpoints of tritium recovery and environmental safety, tritium outflow from Li rods should be suppressed to the same level as the liquid radioactive waste from the pressurized water reactors (PWRs) in Japan. Methods for suppressing tritium leakage from Li rods are studied. The tritium outflow is reevaluated accurately on the basis of non-equilibrium simulations and the influence of coolant temperature on tritium leakage is clarified. The approach using Zr in the Li rod to reduce the tritium pressure and the resulting suppression of tritium leakage are also investigated.The results of the non-equilibrium simulation show that the tritium outflow is approximately 40% lower than the outflow reported in a previous study. Although the electric power generation efficiency is reduced, lowering the coolant temperature to 600 K results in a reduction of the tritium outflow to similar to 1/30 compared to the outflow in the case of a coolant temperature of 800 K. The incorporation of Zr into the Li rod can suppress tritium outflow (to similar to 1/200 compared to the case without Zr) to below the outflow level in PWRs in Japan.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Yusuke Ogawa; Hiroki Horinouchi; Kenichi Hashizume
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 113 227 - 230 2016年12月 [査読有り]
    Release behaviors of tritium (T) from pure copper (Cu) and its alloys into pure water were examined at ambient temperature by a tritium imaging plate technique and a liquid scintillation counting technique. Two mechanisms govern the liberation of T into pure water; one is rapid release and the other is chronic release. The former is caused by diffusional release of T dissolved in bulk of Cu alloys and the latter by release of T strongly bound on/in surface oxide layers. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Dean A. Buchenauer; Richard A. Karnesky; Zhigang Zak Fang; Chai Ren; Yasuhisa Oya; Teppei Otsuka; Yuji Yamauchi; Josh A. Whaley
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 109 PA 104 - 108 2016年11月 [査読有り]
    To address the transport and trapping of hydrogen isotopes, several permeation experiments are being pursued at both Sandia National Laboratories (deuterium gas-driven permeation) and Idaho National Laboratories (tritium gas- and plasma-driven tritium permeation). These experiments are in part a collaboration between the US and Japan to study the performance of tungsten at divertor relevant temperatures (PHENIX). Here we report on the development of a high temperature (<= 1150 degrees C) gas-driven permeation cell and initial measurements of deuterium permeation in several types of tungsten: high purity tungsten foil, ITER-grade tungsten (grains oriented through the membrane), and dispersoid-strengthened ultra fine grain (UFG) tungsten being developed in the US. Experiments were performed at 500-1000 degrees C and 0.1-1.0 atm D-2 pressure. Permeation through ITER-grade tungsten was similar to earlier W experiments by Frauenfelder (1968-69) and Zaharakov (1973). Data from the UFG alloy indicates marginally higher permeability (< 10x) at lower temperatures, but the permeability converges to that of the ITER tungsten at 1000 degrees C. The permeation cell uses only ceramic and graphite materials in the hot zone to reduce the possibility for oxidation of the sample membrane. Sealing pressure is applied externally, thereby allowing for elevation of the temperature for brittle membranes above the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; Y. Hatano
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T167 2016年02月 [査読有り]
    Tritium imaging plate technique (TIPT) has been applied to examine tritium (T) retention in individual particles made of titanium (Ti) with 30 and 100 mu m in diameter and tungsten (W) with 50 mu m in diameter. Distribution of T radioactivity observed by TIPT corresponded well to spatial distribution of the particles. In a limited case of uniform and high T concentration in the bulk of the individual particle, the amount of T is directly quantified from T radioactivity by a master curve method. Density and size of the particle and T concentration profiles in the bulk of the particle are important factors to change emission behavior of T beta-ray and thus accurate quantification of the amount of T in the individual particle.
  • Kan Sakamoto; Katsumi Une; Masaki Aomi; Teppei Otsuka; Kenichi Hashizume
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 52 10 1259 - 1264 2015年10月 [査読有り]
    The change of chemical states of niobium with oxide growth was examined in the oxide layers of Zr-2.5Nb around the first kinetic transition by the conversion electron yield - X-ray absorption near-edge structure measurements. The detailed depth profiles of niobium chemical states were obtained in both the pre- and the post-transition oxide layers of Zr-2.5Nb formed in water at 663 K for 40-280 d. The depth profiling revealed that the inner oxide layer remained protective to oxidizing species even though in the post-transition region and this excellent stability of barrierness would be attributed the suppression of hydrogen pickup.
  • Masashi Shimada; Masanori Hara; Teppei Otsuka; Yasuhisa Oya; Yuji Hatano
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 463 1005 - 1008 2015年08月 [査読有り]
    Three tungsten samples irradiated at High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory were exposed to deuterium plasma (ion thence of 1 x 10(26) m(-2)) at three different temperatures (100, 200, and 500 degrees C) in Tritium Plasma Experiment at Idaho National Laboratory. Subsequently, thermal desorption spectroscopy was performed with a ramp rate of 10 degrees C min(-1) up to 900 degrees C, and the samples were annealed at 900 degrees C for 0.5 h. These procedures were repeated three times to uncover defect-annealing effects on deuterium retention. The results show that deuterium retention decreases approximately 70% for at 500 degrees C after each annealing, and radiation damages were not annealed out completely even after the 3rd annealing. TMAP modeling revealed the trap concentration decreases approximately 80% after each annealing at 900 degrees C for 0.5 h. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; Y. Ogawa; M. Higaki; Y. Ishitani
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 463 1029 - 1032 2015年08月 [査読有り]
    Retention behaviors of hydrogen loaded by gas absorption and plasma implantation to pure copper, pure tungsten and the F82H steels at various temperatures have been examined by the tritium imaging plate technique. Three components are distinguished in hydrogen retained near the surface region; one is an endothermic trapping component in the bulk or near the surface region, second is an exothermic trapping component induced by plasma implantation and third is a trapping component in oxide layers. The relative amount of each component in depth near the surface region of the metals can alter retention behaviors of hydrogen with respect to the loading temperatures. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • K. Yamashita; T. Otsuka; K. Hashizume
    SOLID STATE IONICS 275 43 - 46 2015年07月 [査読有り]
    A tritium imaging plate technique has been applied to visualize hydrogen distribution and examine hydrogen solubility and diffusivity in a proton-conducting oxide, Y-doped BaCeO3 (BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 - alpha. Tritium charging of the BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 (-) (alpha) specimens was carried out by a gas absorption method using partially tritiated water vapor (HTO, 3 kPa, T/H similar to 10(-6)) at temperatures ranging from 673 K to 873 K for a given time. After charging, tritium distributions of the surface and cross section of the halved specimens were visualized using an imaging plate technique. From the tritium concentration and distributions of the surface and cross section, hydrogen solubility and hydrogen (tritium) diffusivity of the BaCe0.9Y0.1O3 - alpha specimens were determined. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Kenichi Hashizume
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 67 3 511 - 514 2015年04月 [査読有り]
    In order to understand behaviors of hydrogen uptake and permeation in pure alpha-iron (alpha Fe) during water corrosion around room temperature, hydrogen permeation experiments for a alpha Fe membrane have been conducted by means of tritium tracer techniques.Hydrogen produced by water corrosion of alpha Fe is trapped and/or blocked in/by product oxide layers to delay hydrogen uptake in alpha Fe for a moment. However, the oxide layers do not work as a sufficient barrier for hydrogen uptake. Some of hydrogen dissolved in alpha Fe could normally diffuse and permeate through the alpha Fe bulk.Assuming hydrogen dissolution at the water/Fe interface proportional to the square root of the hydrogen pressure (Sieverts' law), the partial hydrogen pressure were estimated to be 0.7, 5.0 and 9.5 kPa at 303, 323 and 348 K, respectively.
  • M. Higaki; T. Otsuka; K. Tokunaga; K. Hashizume; K. Ezato; S. Suzuki; M. Enoeda; M. Akiba
    Fusion Science and Technology 67 2 379 - 381 2015年03月 
    Hydrogen diffusion coefficients in a reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel (F82H) and an oxide dispersion strengthened F82H (ODS-F82H) have been determined from depth profiles of plasma-loaded hydrogen with a tritium imaging plate technique (TIPT) in the temperature range from 298 K to 523 K. Data of hydrogen diffusion coefficients, D, in F82H are summarized as D [m2 s-1] =1.1×10-7exp(-16[kJ mol-1]/RT). The present data indicate almost no trapping effect on hydrogen diffusion due to an excess entry of energetic hydrogen by the plasma loading, which results in saturation of the trapping sites at the surface and even in the bulk. In the case of ODS-F82H, data of hydrogen diffusion coefficients are summarized as D [m2 s-1] =2.2×10-7exp(-30[kJ mol-1]/RT) indicating a remarkable trapping effect on hydrogen diffusion caused by tiny oxide particles in the bulk of F82H.
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 上野 友輔; イスラム モハメドサイフル; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 70 1414 - 1414 一般社団法人日本物理学会 2015年
  • Masashi Shimada; G. Cao; T. Otsuka; M. Hara; M. Kobayashi; Y. Oya; Y. Hatano
    NUCLEAR FUSION 55 1 2015年01月 
    Tungsten samples were irradiated by neutrons in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), Oak Ridge National Laboratory at reactor coolant temperatures of 50-70 degrees C to low displacement damage of 0.025 and 0.3 dpa. After cooling down, the HFIR neutron-irradiated tungsten samples were exposed to deuterium plasmas in the Tritium Plasma Experiment, Idaho National Laboratory at 100, 200 and 500 degrees C twice at the ion fluence of 5 x 10(25) m(-2) to reach the total ion fluence of 1 x 10(26) m(-2) in order to investigate the near-surface deuterium retention and saturation via nuclear reaction analysis. Final thermal desorption spectroscopy was performed to elucidate the irradiation effect on total deuterium retention. Nuclear reaction analysis results showed that the maximum near-surface (<5 mu m depth) deuterium concentration increased from 0.5 at% D/W in 0.025 dpa samples to 0.8 at% D/W in 0.3 dpa samples. The large discrepancy between the total retention via thermal desorption spectroscopy and the near-surface retention via nuclear reaction analysis indicated the deuterium was trapped in bulk (at least 50 mu m depth for 0.025 dpa and 35 mu m depth for 0.3 dpa) at 500 degrees C cases even in the relatively low ion fluence of 10(26)m(-2).
  • Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 580 Supplement 1 S44 - S46 2013年12月 [査読有り]
    In order to understand how hydrogen loaded by plasma in F82H is removed by annealing at elevated temperatures in vacuum, depth profiles of plasma-loaded hydrogen were examined by means of a tritium imaging plate technique.Owing to large hydrogen diffusion coefficients in F82H, the plasma-loaded hydrogen easily penetrates into a deeper region becoming solute hydrogen and desorbs by thermal annealing in vacuum. However the plasma-loading creates new hydrogen trapping sites having larger trapping energy than that for the intrinsic sites beyond the projected range of the loaded hydrogen. Some surface oxides also trap an appreciable amount of hydrogen which is more difficult to remove by the thermal annealing. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • H. Horinouchi; M. Shinohara; T. Otsuka; K. Hashizume; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 580 1 S73 - S75 2013年12月 
    Copper (Cu) and its alloys are candidate materials for heat sinks or cooling-tubes in a fusion reactor. Hence their tritium retention and permeation are very important safety concerns. Most data for diffusion and permeation of hydrogen in Cu so far available have been limited for rather higher temperatures and data for lower temperatures, in particular, for near room temperature (RT) are scarce. We have applied a tritium tracer technique for gaseous hydrogen permeation in pure Cu at near RT and succeeded to get reliable data for hydrogen permeation coefficients given by Phi = (2.8 +/- 0.4) x 10(-6) exp(-85 +/- 2(kJ/mol)/RT), mol m(-1) s(-1) Pa-1/2, which is reliable in very wide temperature range from 300 K to 1000 K.However, diffusion coefficients determined by the time-lag method are bending downward from the extrapolation of higher temperature data and are influenced by initial surface contamination which is removed by hydrogen loading. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; M. Shinohara; H. Horinouchi; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 442 1-3 S726 - S729 2013年11月 
    Hydrogen permeation and diffusion coefficients in alloys of iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) with the Ni content of 5, 9, and 20 at.% and a crystal structure of alpha/alpha' phase have been examined around room temperature (RT) using a tritium-tracer hydrogen-permeation experiment. Hydrogen permeation coefficients around RT agree well with values extrapolated from literature data obtained at higher temperatures for the respective alloys. On the other hand, apparent hydrogen diffusion coefficients determined using the time-lag method are several orders of magnitude smaller than extrapolated from the literature data. This could be caused by surface blocking and/or barrier effects due to surface oxide and/or other impurities. Initially, hydrogen permeation is suppressed by the existence of the surface oxide. It appears that hydrogen, mostly at the upstream side or even at the downstream side, can reduce and remove the surface oxides so that normal hydrogen steady-state permeation can occur without surface blocking or barrier effects. Thus, true hydrogen diffusion coefficients for respective Fe-Ni alloys during steady-state permeation must be much larger than those estimated from the time-lag method. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; K. Tokunaga
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 438 S1048 - S1051 2013年07月 
    Depth profiles of tritium (T) loaded by gas and plasma in tungsten (W) coatings on ferritic steels have been examined by using a tritium imaging plate technique and their changes during storage and after annealing have been monitored. The depth profiles of T consisted of 4 components, (I) T trapped at impurities and defects newly introduced in the near surface region of the coating by plasma loading, (II) T trapped at the inner surfaces of the grains and dissolved in the grains resulting in a flat depth profile throughout the whole coating, (III) T dissolved and diffused into the substrate giving a decaying profile, and (IV) T trapped at the backside surface of the substrate. The results support that retention of T is mainly caused by pore diffusion of gaseous T followed by dissolution and trapping in/at each W grain, and dissolution of T into the F82H substrate to allow permeation. Release of T proceeds in an opposite way of retention but each component desorbs independently. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • Y. Hatano; M. Shimada; T. Otsuka; Y. Oya; V. Kh. Alimov; M. Hara; J. Shi; M. Kobayashi; T. Oda; G. Cao; K. Okuno; T. Tanaka; K. Sugiyama; J. Roth; B. Tyburska-Pueschel; J. Dorner; N. Yoshida; N. Futagami; H. Watanabe; M. Hatakeyama; H. Kurishita; M. Sokolov; Y. Katoh
    NUCLEAR FUSION 53 7 2013年07月 
    The effects of neutron and ion irradiations on deuterium (D) retention in tungsten (W) were investigated. Specimens of pure W were irradiated with neutrons to 0.3 dpa at around 323 K and then exposed to high-flux D plasma at 473 and 773 K. The concentration of D significantly increased by neutron irradiation and reached 0.8 at% at 473 K and 0.4 at% at 773 K. Annealing tests for the specimens irradiated with 20 MeV W ions showed that the defects which play a dominant role in the trapping at high temperature were stable at least up to 973 K, while the density decreased at temperatures equal to or above 1123 K. These observations of the thermal stability of traps and the activation energy for D detrapping examined in a previous study (approximate to 1.8 eV) indicated that the defects which contribute predominantly to trapping at 773 K were small voids. The higher concentration of trapped D at 473 K was explained by additional contributions of weaker traps. The release of trapped D was clearly enhanced by the exposure to atomic hydrogen at 473 K, though higher temperatures are more effective for using this effect for tritium removal in fusion reactors.
  • Kazutoshi Tokunaga; Tomohiro Hotta; Teppei Otsuka; Akira Kobayashi; Kuniaki Araki; Yoshio Miyamoto; Tadashi Fujiwara; Makoto Hasegawa; Kazuo Nakamura; Koichiro Ezato; Satoshi Suzuki; Mikio Enoeda; Masato Akiba; Takuya Nagasaka; Ryuta Kasada; Akihiko Kimura
    Yosetsu Gakkai Ronbunshu/Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society 31 4 2013年 
    Tungsten coating with a thickness of 0.6 mm on reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel (RAF/M) F82H (Fe-8Cr-2W) have been produced by Vacuum Plasma Spraying (VPS). Heat flux experiments using an electron beam and quantitative analyses about temperature profiles and thermal stress using FEM have been carried out on the VPS-W coated F82H. In addition, behavior of hydrogen penetration/permeation on the VPS-W coated F82H has been investigated by the tritium (T) tracer technique.
  • T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; K. Tokunaga
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T145 2011年12月 [査読有り]
    In order to understand the role of a plasma-sprayed tungsten (W) coating on tritium (T) permeation in a W-coated ferritic/martensitic steel (F82H), we have examined depth profiles of T in the coating and the substrate using the tritium imaging plate technique after T loading by a dc glow-discharged plasma at 453 and 573K for 2 h. Tritium loaded by plasma exposure was distributed uniformly in the whole coating, while T penetrated to the substrate by diffusion. The former is caused by T diffusion through open pores and/or along grain boundaries followed by adsorption on grain surfaces and dissolution in the grains. The main role of the W coating on T permeation is to reduce the incoming flux at the coating/substrate interface owing to pore diffusion in the coating and the effective area for T dissolution in the substrate.
  • Masashi Shimada; T. Otsuka; R. J. Pawelko; P. Calderoni; J. P. Sharpe
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 60 4 1495 - 1498 2011年11月 
    Tritium retention in plasma-facing components influences the design, operation, and lifetime of fusion devices such as ITER. Most of the retention studies were carried out with the use of either hydrogen or deuterium. Tritium Plasma Experiment is a unique linear plasma device that can handle radioactive fusion fuel of tritium, toxic material of beryllium, and neutron-irradiated material. A tritium depth profiling method up to mm range was developed using a tritium imaging plate and a diamond wire saw. A series of tritium experiments (T-2/D-2 ratio: 0.2 and 0.5 %) was performed to investigate tritium depth profiling in bulk tungsten, and the results shows that tritium is migrated into bulk tungsten up to mm range.
  • T. Otsuka; M. Shimada; T. Tanabe; J. P. Sharpe
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 60 4 1539 - 1542 2011年11月 
    In order to understand behavior of tritium (T) on surface and in bulk of metals exposed to T plasma, both surface activities and depth profiles of T were periodically observed by a tritium imaging plate technique during storage in air at room temperature (RT) for over 1 year. In the T depth profiles, T localized within a depth of sub mm from the surface was clearly distinguished from T in the bulk. The former was attributed to strong trapping by some defects produced by the plasma exposure and remained quite longer during the storage, while the latter was released from the surfaces by diffusion. T surface activity measured on the plasma-exposed surface changed in a complicated way with time due to removal of T by isotopic replacement with H in ubiquitous H(2)O and T supply from the bulk in the course of the diffusional release.
  • T. Ikeda; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 60 4 1463 - 1466 2011年11月 
    Applying a tritium tracer technique, we have investigated hydrogen plasma driven permeation (PDP) through tungsten (W) near room temperature. The technique was confirmed to give reliable data on diffusion and permeation coefficients of pure W for gas driven permeation (GDP), and then it was applied to observe PDP in W near room temperature. It was found that PDP in earlier phase was controlled by diffusion giving reliable diffusion coefficients. Taking literature data at higher temperatures and present ones near room temperature determined from PDP into account, we have proposed new diffusion coefficients D(Upper) (limit) = (3.8 +/- 0.4)x10(-7) exp ((-39.8 +/- 1.5) (kEmol)/RT), m(2)s(-1). (1) The activation energy for permeation determined by PDP was similar to that by GDP. The extrapolation of the present data to higher temperature agreed well with Frauenfelder's data, suggesting the activation energy of around 65 kJ/mol for permeation is quite reasonable. However prolonged measurements resulted in significant reduction of PDP. The cause of the reduction was attributed to the increase of reemission owing to surface cleaning and/or roughening by incidence of energetic hydrogen.
  • Kenichi Hashizume; Kazuhiro Ogushi; Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 417 1-3 1175 - 1178 2011年10月 [査読有り]
    In order to obtain heat of transport, Q*, of tritium in V-4Cr-4Ti alloy (NIFS-HEAT-2), thermomigration experiments have been carried out at a temperature ranging from 333 to 471 K. Tritium homogeneously distributed in the specimen bar was forced to migrate by an applied temperature gradient. The resulting tritium profile was visualized by an imaging plate technique and Q* was determined from the profile according to a thermomigration theory. The obtained value of Q* was about +20 kJ/mol for the initial hydrogen concentration of 0.008 at.%, and no appreciable temperature dependence was observed. In order to examine the effect of thermomigration on tritium retentions in pure V and the alloy used as cooling tubes or first walls of the blanket, a simple model calculation was made under designed temperature gradients in fusion reactors. The result showed that tritium retention could be enhanced about 10-20% compared with the case without thermomigration. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takahiro Ikeda; Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 417 1-3 568 - 571 2011年10月 [査読有り]
    In a fusion reactor, tritium retention and permeation in structure materials are very important safety concerns. Most data for diffusion and permeation of hydrogen in metals so far available have been limited for rather higher temperatures and, in particular, no data are available for high-Z metals near room temperature (RT). We have tried to observe gaseous hydrogen permeation through metals near RT applying a tritium tracer technique, which is a very powerful tool to detect quite small amount of hydrogen (tritium) by a liquid scintillation counting (LSC) method. After confirming the reliability of the method for the determination of diffusion and permeation coefficients in pure Ni, it was applied to hydrogen permeation in W near RT, and diffusion and permeation coefficients of hydrogen in W were determined,D = (3.42 +/- 0.68) x 10(-9) exp((-37.8 +/- 1.2)(kJ/mol)/RT), m(2) s(-1),andphi = (1.21 +/- 0.24) x 10(-5) exp((-57.8 +/- 0.9)(kJ/mol)/RT), mol m(-3) s(-1) Pa-1/2. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takamitsu Hoshihira; Teppei Otsuka; Ryusuke Wakabayashi; Tetsuo Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 417 1-3 559 - 563 2011年10月 [査読有り]
    Tritium tracer techniques are applied to observe behavior of hydrogen (tritium (T)) in near surface regions of Mo and W loaded by gaseous absorption (GAS) and a glow discharge (GDC). GDC produces blisters on both Mo and W surfaces and Tritium Auto-RadioGraph (TARG) showed the thickness of blister skins is larger than the escaping depth of T beta-electrons, around 1 mu m. For GAS specimens, T evolution is likely controlled by diffusion giving diffusion coefficients of,D-Mo = 1.5 x 10(-7) exp (-41 kJ/mol/RT) m(2) s(-1)D-w = 4.3 x 10(-9) exp (-38 kJ/mol/RT)m(2) s(-1)at 273-323 K. GDC specimens show much smaller diffusion coefficients with higher activation energies and T release continues very long, suggesting T release from blisters. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Otsuka Teppei; Tanabe Tetsuo; Tokunaga Ken; Yoshida Naoaki; Ezato Koichiro; Suzuki Sadaaki; Akiba Masato; 大塚 哲平
    Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 1 1135 - 1138 Elsevier 2011年10月 
    Hydrogen including a trace amount of tritium was loaded on the edge surface of an F82H rod. After the loading, the rod was held at 298 or 323 K to allow hydrogen diffuse in and release out. Tritium tracer techniques have been applied to determine hydrogen depth profiles and hydrogen release rates by using an tritium imaging plate technique and a liquid scintillation counting technique, respectively. The depth profiles were composed of a surface localized component within 200 mu m of the surface and a diffused component extending over 1 mm in depth. The apparent hydrogen diffusion coefficients obtained from the depth profile of the diffused component are near the extrapolated value of the literature data determined at higher temperatures. The surface localized component, which is attributed to trapping at surface oxides and/or defects, was released very slowly to give apparent diffusion coefficients much smaller than those determined from the diffused component. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • P. Calderoni; J. Sharpe; M. Shimada; B. Denny; B. Pawelko; S. Schuetz; G. Longhurst; Y. Hatano; M. Hara; Y. Oya; T. Otsuka; K. Katayama; S. Konishi; K. Noborio; Y. Yamamoto
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 417 1-3 1336 - 1340 2011年10月 
    The Safety, Tritium and Applied Research facility at the Idaho National Laboratory is a US Department of Energy National User Facility engaged in various aspects of materials research for nuclear applications related to fusion and advanced fission systems. Research activities are mainly focused on the interaction of tritium with materials, in particular plasma facing components, liquid breeders, high temperature coolants, fuel cladding, cooling and blanket structures and heat exchangers. Other activities include validation and verification experiments in support of the Fusion Safety Program, such as beryllium dust reactivity and dust transport in vacuum vessels, and support of Advanced Test Reactor irradiation experiments. This paper presents an overview of the programs engaged in the activities, which include the US-Japan TITAN collaboration, the US ITER program, the Next Generation Power Plant program and the tritium production program, and a presentation of ongoing experiments as well as a summary of recent results with emphasis on fusion relevant materials. Published by Elsevier B.V.
  • T. Ikeda; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 415 1 S684 - S687 2011年08月 
    Tungsten is a primary candidate of plasma facing material in ITER and beyond, owing to its good thermal property and low erosion. But hydrogen solubility and diffusivity near ITER operation temperatures (below 500 K) have scarcely studied. Mainly because its low hydrogen solubility and diffusivity at lower temperatures make the detection of hydrogen quite difficult. We have tried to observe hydrogen plasma driven permeation (PDP) through nickel and tungsten near room temperatures applying a tritium tracer technique, which is extremely sensible to detect tritium diluted in hydrogen. The apparent diffusion coefficients for POP were determined by permeation lag times at first time, and those for nickel and tungsten were similar or a few times larger than those for gas driven permeation (GDP). The permeation rates for POP in nickel and tungsten were larger than those for GDP normalized to the same gas pressure about 20 and 5 times larger, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; M. Shimada; R. Kolasinski; P. Calderoni; J. P. Sharpe; Y. Ueda; Y. Hatano; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 415 1 S769 - S772 2011年08月 
    We have applied a tritium imaging plate technique to measure the tritium distribution profile on surface and in bulk of various metal materials after exposure to a deuterium-tritium plasma in a linear plasma experimental apparatus. The experimental tritium concentration profiles in mm range are interpreted according to a simple hydrogen diffusion model in each metal. We found that a significant amount of tritium is localized in near surface regions and is clearly distinguishable from tritium diffused in the bulk. The amount of surface tritium is not likely correlated to bulk properties (diffusivity and solubility), but is related to trapping in surface defects or metal impurities such as oxide and carbide. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; K. Tokunaga
    Physica Scripta T T145 2011年 
    In order to understand the role of a plasma-sprayed tungsten (W) coating on tritium (T) permeation in a W-coated ferritic/martensitic steel (F82H), we have examined depth profiles of T in the coating and the substrate using the tritium imaging plate technique after T loading by a dc glow-discharged plasma at 453 and 573 K for 2 h. Tritium loaded by plasma exposure was distributed uniformly in the whole coating, while T penetrated to the substrate by diffusion. The former is caused by T diffusion through open pores and/or along grain boundaries followed by adsorption on grain surfaces and dissolution in the grains. The main role of the W coating on T permeation is to reduce the incoming flux at the coating/substrate interface owing to pore diffusion in the coating and the effective area for T dissolution in the substrate. © 2011 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
  • K. Hashizume; H. Kimura; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; T. Okai
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1264 223 - 228 2010年12月 
    Gamma cells using p-type Si substrates with various resistivities were fabricated with a vacuum evaporation method. The energy conversion efficiency from gamma ray to electric power successfully reached about 2% for the gamma cell with a resistivity of 50∼100 Ω·cm.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 85 7-9 1437 - 1441 2010年12月 [査読有り]
    Tritium release behavior and surface tritium behavior were separately examined for typical fcc and bcc metals by using tritium tracer techniques. Pure copper (Cu), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) were loaded with hydrogen including a trace amount of tritium and then immersed into water at around room temperatures. Then, the tritium release rate into the water was examined by a liquid scintillation counting technique and the surface tritium concentration by a tritium imaging plate technique.The tritium release from the metals is attributed to the release of dissolved tritium by diffusion from the normal interstitial sites, and the first order desorption of trapped one with detrapping energies of 64, 72 and 25 kJ mol(-1) for Cu, Fe and Mo. respectively. Overall release behavior is varied depending on the ratio of dissolved and trapped amounts of tritium. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; T. Hoshihira; T. Tanabe
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T138 2009年12月 [査読有り]
    The tritium imaging plate (TIP) technique has been applied to visualize penetration profiles of hydrogen (tritium) loaded in pure tungsten (W) by a dc glow discharge at a temperature ranging from 473 to 673 K. The penetration profile consists of two components, i.e. a highly localized one in the near-surface region (sub-mm in depth), and another, deep penetrating one (several mm in depth). An apparent hydrogen diffusion coefficient is determined from the latter to be D(2) = (3 +/- 2 x 10(-7)) x exp(-0.39 +/- 0.03 inverted right perpendiculareVinverted left perpendicular/kT), which agrees well with the extrapolation of Frauenfelder's data obtained at elevated temperatures. The near-surface localized one is attributed to hydrogen trapping with a trapping energy of 0.84 +/- 0.04 eV.
  • R. D. Kolasinski; M. Shimada; D. A. Buchenauer; R. A. Causey; T. Otsuka; W. M. Clift; J. M. Shea; T. R. Allen; P. Calderoni; J. P. Sharpe
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T138 2009年12月 [査読有り]
    Under appropriate conditions, exposing tungsten to a high flux D plasma creates near-surface blisters and other changes in surface morphology. We have characterized the sizes of blisters formed at different temperatures (147 degrees C <= T(surface) <= 704 degrees C) and performed a surface analysis to elucidate factors that influence blister formation. Tungsten targets that were exposed to low energy (70 eV) D ions at a flux of 1.1 x 10(22) m(-2) s(-1) in the tritium plasma experiment (TPE) were considered. We used AES to analyze the surface for evidence of implanted impurities. Blister diameters and heights were quantified using SEM imagery and vertical scanning interferometry. Given the likelihood of D precipitation in blisters, we expect that the data obtained here could be incorporated into a computational model to better simulate the diffusion and desorption of D in W. With this in mind, we present an analysis of thermal desorption profiles showing the release of D from the surface.
  • T. Hoshihira; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 390-91 1029 - 1031 2009年06月 
    in order to study blistering mechanisms of Molybdenum (Mo), hydrogen distributions at and around blisters formed on Mo surfaces are examined by Tritium (T) radio-luminography or autoradiography (TARG). TARG shows that large amount of hydrogen (T) is accumulated at and near grain boundaries and some blisters are covered with Ag precipitates representing T under the blister skins. Two independent types of blistering mechanisms seem to occur on Mo surface simultaneously. One is typical blistering due to bubble coalescence accompanying plastic deformation of the blister skins and only very thin blister skins allow T detection by TARG. Another is exfoliation or cracking of a grain caused by mechanical fracturing of the grain boundaries and/or defect clusters due to brittle nature of Mo, remaining tritium on the fractured surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Shinsuke Sasabe; Tetsuo Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 386-88 884 - 887 2009年04月 [査読有り]
    We have revisited hydrogen behavior in Fe-Ni alloys with the tritium evolution technique. Applying a 3D analytical solution of Fick's diffusion equation to the tritium evolution curve from disk shaped samples, hydrogen retention and apparent diffusion coefficients in Fe-Ni alloys with Ni content from 6 to 50 at.% are determined around RT. In gamma phase region, diffusion coefficients were not appreciably changed and increased with lattice parameter. In the alpha' phase region, two diffusion components were distinguished: For fast diffusion components, diffusion coefficients have quite good agreement with the literature value and decreased with increase of lattice parameter. The slower diffusion components are likely attributable to retained gamma phase precipitates or Ni(3)Fe dispersed in the alpha' matrix and must be very important to understand hydrogen embrittlement and tritium safety handling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Hoshihira; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 386-88 776 - 779 2009年04月 
    Hydrogen distribution around blisters on aluminum (AI) and molybdenum (Mo) was examined by tritium radio-luminography, i.e. tritium autoradiography (TARG) and an imaging plate technique. Tritium accumulated in the blisters on Al surface was successfully visualized at the first time. The tritium density in the blisters was found to increase with their radius to the power of 2.3. This supports the blister mechanism of bubble coalescence but the blister shape was flattened along the surface with increasing their size. For Mo. tritium distribution was not well correlated with blisters, and the bubbles coalescence was not clearly observed, too. But the erosion or exfoliation of thick layers with wider area than blisters were observed and hydrogen was released by the exfoliation of the thick surface layers, remaining not tritium on the exfoliated surface. Such exfoliation is very likely caused by mechanical stress given by accumulated hydrogen at trapping site such as grain boundaries, intrinsic defect, or self trapping. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Otsuka; T. Hoshihira; T. Tanabe
    Physica Scripta T T138 2009年 
    The tritium imaging plate (TIP) technique has been applied to visualize penetration profiles of hydrogen (tritium) loaded in pure tungsten (W) by a dc glow discharge at a temperature ranging from 473 to 673 K. The penetration profile consists of two components, i.e. a highly localized one in the near-surface region (sub-mm in depth), and another, deep penetrating one (several mm in depth). An apparent hydrogen diffusion coefficient is determined from the latter to be D2 = (3±2 × 10-7) × exp(-0.39±0.03 [eV]/kT), which agrees well with the extrapolation of Frauenfelder's data obtained at elevated temperatures. The near-surface localized one is attributed to hydrogen trapping with a trapping energy of 0.84±0.04 eV. © 2009 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
  • R. D. Kolasinski; M. Shimada; D. A. Buchenauer; R. A. Causey; T. Otsuka; W. M. Clift; J. M. Shea; T. R. Allen; P. Calderoni; J. P. Sharpe
    Physica Scripta T T138 2009年 
    Under appropriate conditions, exposing tungsten to a high flux D plasma creates near-surface blisters and other changes in surface morphology. We have characterized the sizes of blisters formed at different temperatures (147°C≤Tsurface≤704°C) and performed a surface analysis to elucidate factors that influence blister formation. Tungsten targets that were exposed to low energy (70 eV) D ions at a flux of 1.1×1022 m-2 s-1 in the tritium plasma experiment (TPE) were considered. We used AES to analyze the surface for evidence of implanted impurities. Blister diameters and heights were quantified using SEM imagery and vertical scanning interferometry. Given the likelihood of D precipitation in blisters, we expect that the data obtained here could be incorporated into a computational model to better simulate the diffusion and desorption of D in W. With this in mind, we present an analysis of thermal desorption profiles showing the release of D from the surface. © 2009 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 54 2 541 - 544 2008年08月 [査読有り]
    Hydrogen release behaviors from the 8Cr2W stainless steel (RAF/M) around RT are examined by using tritium tracer techniques, and trapping effects of bulk and surface are discussed In the overall release, three different release stages are clearly distinguished giving three different diffusion coefficients and release amounts which indicate the existence of different kinds of trapping. In addition, the appreciable amount of hydrogen (tritium) is trapped on the surface and/or surface oxides of RAF/M, but they are hardly released and show no influence on the overall hydrogen release behavior.At very low hydrogen concentration, almost all hydrogen atoms are trapped at the deepest trapping site, probably M23C6, and the sites are easily saturated. With increasing the hydrogen concentration, the shallower trapping sites are occupied Remaining hydrogen atoms seem to be in normal (interstitial) sites, whose amount increases with the square root of the hydrogen loading pressure, but they are still influenced by trapping with lattice imperfections and/or grain boundaries.
  • Teppei Otsuka; Tetsuo Tanabe
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446 655 - 659 2007年10月 [査読有り]
    Tritium (hydrogen) accumulation and release processes at MnS precipitates and surrounding αFe matrix area at room temperature (RT) were studied by means of tritium autoradiography (TARG) using a pseudo-binary alloy of Fe-MnS. Hydrogen accumulation at the MnS precipitates at RT was clearly observed but only at a limited occasion. The process involves diffusion, solution and trapping in a complex way including a temperature effect. TARG is proved to be a very good technique to obtain hydrogen area profiles in a near surface region, whereas it is only a snap shot at a particular time and temperature. It could lead us to a totally different interpretation of the accumulation process without detailed dependencies of hydrogen diffusivity and solubility in inclusion species and αFe on temperatures. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • K. Hashizume; J. Masuda; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; Y. Hatano; Y. Nakamura; T. Nagasaka; T. Muroga
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 367 876 - 881 2007年08月 
    Tritium diffusion behavior in a V-4Cr-4Ti (NIFS-Heat-2) alloy has been examined with a tritium tracer technique. Firstly, a small amount of tritium (T) was implanted into the specimen surface, and then the specimen was diffusionannealed at temperatures ranging from 373 K to 573 K. The diffusion depth profile of T in the specimen was measured with a tritium imaging plate (IP) technique to determine the diffusion coefficient. The obtained diffusion coefficient of tritium in V-4Cr-4Ti is expressed as D-t (cm(2)/s) = (7.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) exp(-0.13(eV)/kT), which is lower than that in pure vanadium, and is comparable with literature values of protium in a V-4Ti alloy taking the isotope mass effect into consideration. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • J. Masuda; K. Hashizume; T. Otsuka; T. Tanabe; Y. Hatano; Y. Nakamura; T. Nagasaka; T. Muroga
    JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 363 1256 - 1260 2007年06月 
    Tritium diffusion in a vanadium alloy (V-4Cr-4Ti) has been investigated at temperatures ranging from 230 K to 573 K. Tritium was loaded into the surface layers of the alloy specimen with an ac-glow discharge. Before and after diffusion annealing of the specimen, tritium diffusion profiles were measured by means of an imaging plate (IP) technique. Tritium diffusion coefficients (D-T), which were evaluated by fitting a numerical solution of the diffusion geometry employed here to the obtained diffusion profiles, were a little smaller than those for pure V with the activation energy of 0.13 +/- 0.01 eV. Below 320 K, in addition, the Arrhenius plot of DT bent downwards showing a larger activation energy of 0.19 +/- 0.01 eV, probably owing to the trapping effect of both of Cr and Ti. The effect of alloying elements on tritium diffusion and the influence of tritium release from the surface were discussed. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • H Hanada; T Otsuka; H Nakashima; S Sasaki; M Hayakawa; M Sugisaki
    SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 53 11 1279 - 1284 2005年12月 
    Two characteristic hydrogen migration processes in the tempered martensite steel are distinguished by means of tritium autoradiography: (i) long range transport in the ferrite matrix, and (ii) local hydrogen accumulation in the cementite precipitates and/or at boundaries between the cementite precipitates and the surrounding ferrite matrix. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • T Otsuka; H Hanada; H Nakashima; K Sakamoto; M Hayakawa; K Hashizume; M Sugisaki
    FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 48 1 708 - 711 2005年07月 
    Hydrogen distributions around non-metallic inclusions in steels are successfully characterized with high-resolution tritium autoradiography. The autoradiographs show that hydrogen accumulation characteristics around the inclusions depend on types of the inclusions. In the case of MnS, hydrogen was inhomogeneously distributed in the ferrite matrix surrounding the MnS inclusion, probably because hydrogen is trapped in defects formed around MnS. The inhomogeneous distribution of hydrogen may be originated from the asymmetric stress field produced by a contraction of the MnS phase in the heat treatment, i.e. the inhomogeneous volumetric change of MnS owing to its larger thermal expansion than that of the ferrite phase. In the case of Al2O3, hydrogen was intensely localized at boundary layers of the ferrite matrix surrounding the Al2O3 inclusion. This could be attributed to hydrogen trapping at defects introduced by a residual stress in the boundary layers of the ferrite matrix due to larger contraction of the ferrite phase than that of the Al2O3 phase on cooling. Similarly hydrogen was accumulated in the surrounding ferrite matrix but more widely distributed around Cr carbide probably because difference in the thermal expansion between the Cr carbide and ferrite phases is. less than that between the Al2O3 and ferrite phases.
  • Otsuka Teppei; Hashizume Kenichi; Sugisaki Masayasu
    Journal of nuclear science and technology 41 3 247 - 251 Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2004年03月 
    The impact properties of an oxidized and a hydrogenated Zircaloy have been Studied with an instrumented Charpy machine by using a strip Charpy V-notch specimen (1 mm thick by 4 mm wide). Fracture processes Such as crack initiation and propagation were examined using load-displacement Curves obtained in this Study. In the case of the hydrogenated specimen containing preferentially oriented hydrides, an appreciable decrease in the absorbed energy was observed in the crack propagation rather than in the crack initiation. From results of fractographs of the specimen, it was suggested that the reduction of the crack propagation energy of hydrogenated specimen could be attributed to the change of the stress state in the Zircaloy matrix, which was caused by the fracture of hydride in the inner part of specimen. In the case of the specimen oxidized at 973 K for 60 min, on which an oxide layer (4 pin in thickness) and oxygen incursion layer (4 mum) were formed, the surface layers affected the crack initiation process. The growing oxygen incursion layer, in particular, resulted in the constraint of plastic deformation of the Zircaloy matrix not only in the crack initiation but also in the crack propagation as its thickness increased.
  • Sato Seichi; Otsuka Teppei; Kuroda Yasuhiro; HIGASHIHARA Tomohiro; OHASHI Hiroshi
    Journal of nuclear science and technology 38 7 577 - 580 Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2001年07月
  • S Sato; T Otsuka; Y Kuroda; T Higashihara; H Ohashi



  • 松岡 寛大; 大塚 哲平; 藤乗 幸子
    アイソトープ・放射線研究発表会 2022年 公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
  • 高温ガス炉におけるT製造用Liロッドの検討~炉心非均質性を考慮したLiロッド構造と装荷法~
    古賀友稀; 松浦秀明; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 濱本真平; 石塚悦男; 中川繁昭; 飛田健次; 日渡良爾; 坂本宜照; 小西哲之; 染谷洋二
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2021年
  • F82H/水界面におけるトリチウム透過挙動
    大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 檜山敏明; 近田拓未; 原正憲; 中島基樹; 野澤貴史
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2021年
  • トリチウム透過低減被覆の高圧水共存性試験
    近田拓未; 中島基樹; 鈴木亮権; 大塚哲平; 原正憲; 野澤貴史
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2021年
  • 大塚哲平; 芦川直子; 増崎貴; 朝倉伸幸; 林巧; 谷川博康; WIDDOWSON Anna; RUBEL Marek
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2020年 プラズマ・核融合学会編集委員会
  • T製造高温ガス炉用LiロッドのT閉じ込め性能(3)LiロッドからのT流出量の評価
    松浦秀明; 古賀友希; 菅沼拓朗; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 濱本真平; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • T製造高温ガス炉用LiロッドのT閉じ込め性能(1)Li酸化物共存下におけるニッケル被覆ジルカロイ4の水素吸蔵特性
    大塚哲平; 横山翔; 赤星雄也; 片山一成; 松浦秀明; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 濱本真平; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 高温ガス炉におけるT製造用Liロッドの検討~Zr水素吸収速度の温度依存性~
    中川恭一; 松浦秀明; 古賀友稀; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 濱本真平; 石塚悦男; 中川繁昭; 飛田健次; 小西哲之; 日渡良爾; 坂本宜照
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020年
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    古賀友稀; 松浦秀明; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 濱本真平; 石塚悦男; 中川繁昭; 飛田健次; 日渡良爾; 坂本宜照
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2020年
  • LHD重水素実験後の第一壁における水素同位体保持量調査
    矢嶋美幸; 吉田直亮; 増崎貴; 時谷政行; 大塚哲平; 本島厳
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2020年
  • T製造高温ガス炉用LiロッドのT閉じ込め性能(2)Liロッド模擬試験体によるトリチウム閉じ込め性能評価
    片山一成; 平安山大介; 松浦秀明; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 濱本真平; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 大塚 哲平
    日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ 2019年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会


  • 高温ガス炉におけるT製造用Liロッドの検討~T閉じ込め性能に及ぼすLi核発熱の影響~
    古賀友稀; 松浦秀明; 菅沼拓朗; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 濱本真平; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • JET-ILW実験で生成されたダストの特性
    大塚哲平; 芦川直子; 芦川直子; 増崎貴; 波多野雄治; 鳥養祐二; 朝倉伸幸; 磯部兼嗣; 林巧; 時谷政行; 時谷政行; 大矢恭久; 谷川博康; 中道勝; WIDDOWSON Anna; RUBEL Marek
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2019年
  • JET-ILW実験で使用されたWダイバータタイルおよびBeリミタタイルの微細構造
    時谷政行; 宮本光貴; 増崎貴; 波多野雄治; 大矢恭久; 大塚哲平; 濱口大; 黒滝宏紀; 小柳津誠; 鈴木卓美; 鈴木達也; 磯部兼嗣; 林巧; 朝倉伸幸; WIDDOWSON Anna; JACHMICH Stefan; RUBEL Marek
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2019年
  • 2011-2012年と2015-2016年にプラズマに曝されたJET-ILWのダイバータタイルにおける水素同位体滞留挙動の比較
    大矢恭久; 増崎貴; 時谷政行; 仲田萌子; SUN F.; 小柳津誠; 林巧; 朝倉伸幸; 大塚哲平; WIDDOWSON Anna; LIKONEN Jari; RUBEL Marek
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 金属から水中へのトリチウム透過挙動観察手法の開発
    大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 片山一成; 檜山敏明
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • Zrを用いた高温ガス炉用T製造Liロッドの検討~H/Zr比とZr水素吸蔵性能の関係~
    岡本亮; 松浦秀明; 古賀友稀; 菅沼拓朗; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 岡本亮; 松浦秀明; 井田祐馬; 古賀友稀; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 長住達
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年03月
  • 片山一成; 泉野純逸; 松浦秀明; 大塚哲平; 深田智
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年03月
  • 大塚哲平; 増崎貴; 芦川直子; 波多野雄治; 朝倉伸幸; 鈴木卓美; 鈴木達也; 磯部兼嗣; 林巧; 時谷政行; 大矢恭久; 濱口大; 黒滝宏紀; 坂本隆一; 谷川博康; 中道勝; WIDDOWSON A; RUBEL M
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年03月
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 加藤修; 建石剛; 吉田誠司; 桜木智史
    九州シンクロトロン光研究センター年報 2018年03月
  • 大矢恭久; 小林真; 大塚哲平; 片山一成; 信太祐二; 山内有二; 原正憲; 波多野雄治; 島田雅; BUCHENAUER Dean; 加藤雄大
    核融合エネルギー連合講演会(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • LHD重水素実験におけるダイバータ部トリチウム分布
    増崎貴; 大塚哲平; 矢嶋美幸; 時谷政行; 時谷政行; 小川国大; 小川国大; 磯部光孝; 磯部光孝
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2018年
  • HTTRを用いたLi装荷用ロッド照射試験及び粒状Zr性能評価方法の検討
    古賀友稀; 松浦秀明; 岡本亮; 菅沼拓朗; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 飛田健次
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2018年
  • LHD第一壁における水素同位体保持量評価
    矢嶋美幸; 吉田直亮; 増崎貴; 時谷政行; 大塚哲平; 本島厳
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2018年
  • 微粒子のトリチウム蓄積測定技術の開発とJET ITER-like wall実験で生成されたダストへの応用
    大塚哲平; 芦川直子; 増崎貴; 朝倉伸幸; 林巧; 谷川博康; WIDDOWSON Anna; RUBEL Marek
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2018年
  • 第一回重水素実験後のLHD内における水素同位体分布
    矢嶋美幸; 吉田直亮; 増崎貴; 時谷政行; 大塚哲平; 本島厳
    核融合エネルギー連合講演会(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 高温ガス炉用LiロッドにおけるZrの重水素吸蔵特性
    菅沼拓朗; 松浦秀明; 岡本亮; 古賀友稀; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 飛田健次
    核融合エネルギー連合講演会(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • タングステン-レニウム合金の高温酸化挙動
    大塚哲平; 藤井勇志; 澤野夏基
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • フェライト鋼の重水素透過・蓄積挙動に及ぼす表面窒化およびピーニング処理の効果
    大塚哲平; 薗部朋哉; 森翔吾; 梅景崇之; 津山美穂; 武村祐一朗
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 粒状Zrを用いた高温ガス炉用T製造Liロッド構造の検討~Zrの非定常水素吸蔵特性~
    岡本亮; 松浦秀明; 古賀友稀; 菅沼拓朗; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 飛田健次
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • JET-ITER like wallから発生したダスト粒子のトリチウム保持特性
    大塚哲平; 増崎貴; 芦川直子; 波多野雄治; 朝倉伸幸; 鈴木卓美; 鈴木達也; 磯部兼嗣; 林巧; 時谷政行; 大矢恭久; 濱口大; 黒滝宏紀; 坂本隆一; 谷川博康; 中道勝; WIDDOWSON A.; RUBEL M.
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 浦部雄大; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 坂本寛
    日本金属学会九州支部・日本鉄鋼協会九州支部・軽金属学会九州支部合同学術講演大会講演概要集 2018年
  • 高橋克仁; 坂本寛; 大塚哲平; 鵜飼重治; 平井睦; 山下真一郎
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2017年08月
  • 大塚哲平; 松本剛
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2017年08月
  • 岡本亮; 松浦秀明; 井田祐馬; 古賀友稀; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男; 長住達; 島崎洋祐
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2017年08月
  • 大矢恭久; 波多野雄治; 片山一成; 山内有二; 信太祐二; 大塚哲平; 近田拓未; 原正憲; 大宅諒; 上田良夫; 外山健
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2017年03月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 瀬尾優太; ISLAM Md. S; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2017年03月
  • 井田祐馬; 松浦秀明; 長住達; 古賀友稀; 岡本亮; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭; 石塚悦男
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2017年03月
  • 大矢 恭久; 波多野 雄治; 片山 一成; 山内 有二; 信太 祐二; 大塚 哲平; 近田 拓未; 原 正憲; 大宅 諒; 上田 良夫; 外山 健
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 2017年03月
  • 後藤健吾; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    材料とプロセス(CD-ROM) 2016年09月
  • 片山一成; 松浦秀明; 大塚哲平; 深田智; 後藤実; 中川繁昭
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 池田陽子; 大塚哲平; 桜木智史; 吉田誠司
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 平井睦; 坂本寛; 鵜飼重治; 木村晃彦; 草ヶ谷和幸; 大塚哲平; 山下真一郎
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 森玉貴也; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 加藤修; 建石剛
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 加藤修; 建石剛; 吉田誠司; 桜木智史
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 松浦秀明; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 上野友輔; ISLAM Md. S; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2016年03月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; ISLAM Md. S; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2016年03月
  • 長住達; 中屋裕行; 松浦秀明; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年03月
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 加藤修; 建石剛; 吉田誠司; 桜木智史
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年03月
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; イスラム モハメド サイフル; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2016年
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 梶原 裕太; モハメドサイフル イスラム; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2016年 


  • 上野友輔; 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; ISLAM Md. S; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2015年09月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 上野友輔; ISLAM Md. S; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2015年09月
  • 橋爪健一; 松原圭祐; 大塚哲平; 永田浩章
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2015年08月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 上野友輔; ISLAM Md. S; 川崎洋輔; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • 川崎洋輔; 高田弘樹; ISLAM Md. S; 西村直人; 稲垣祐次; 家永紘一郎; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • 上野友輔; 高田弘樹; ISLAM Md. Saiful; 家永紘一郎; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 上野 友輔; Islam Md. S; 川崎 洋輔; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2015年03月
  • 川崎 洋輔; 高田 弘樹; Islam Md. S; 西村 直人; 稲垣 祐次; 家永 紘一郎; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2015年03月
  • 大塚哲平; 波多野雄治
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 堀内良; 坂本寛
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • 河江達也; 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 稲垣祐次; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2015年03月
  • プラズマからタングステンに注入されたトリチウムの放出挙動
    石谷佳暉; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2015年
  • 高温ガス炉を用いた初期核融合炉用トリチウム生産法の検討-非定常拡散計算によるトリチウム閉じ込め性能の評価及び最適化-
    長住達; 中屋裕行; 松浦秀明; 片山一成; 大塚哲平; 後藤実; 中川繁昭
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2015年
  • 上野 友輔; 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; イスラム モハメド サイフル; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2015年
  • 上野 友輔; 高田 弘樹; Islam Md. Saiful; 家永 紘一郎; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2015年
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 上野 友輔; イスラム モハメドサイフル; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2015年
  • 山下健太; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    固体イオニクス討論会講演要旨集 2014年11月
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2014年08月
  • 高田 弘樹; 家永 紘一郎; 稲垣 祐次; 辻井 宏之; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 河江 達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2014年08月
  • 高田弘樹; 家永紘一郎; 稲垣祐次; 辻井宏之; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 河江達也
    日本物理学会講演概要集 2014年08月
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年03月
  • 檜垣誠; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年03月
  • レニウム添加タングステン合金中の水素拡散挙動
    石谷佳暉; 大塚哲平; 檜垣誠; 橋爪健一
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年
  • プラズマから金属に注入されたトリチウムの表面分布
    大塚哲平; 小川裕輔; 檜垣誠; 石谷佳暉; 橋爪健一
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年
  • トリチウムトレーサー技術を用いた室温付近における銅合金の水素放出機構の解明
    小川裕輔; 堀之内寛輝; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年
  • Kazutoshi Tokunaga; Tomohiro Hotta; Teppei Otsuka; Akira Kobayashi; Kuniaki Araki; Yoshio Miyamoto; Tadashi Fujiwara; Makoto Hasegawa; Kazuo Nakamura; Koichiro Ezato; Satoshi Suzuki; Mikio Enoeda; Masato Akiba; Takuya Nagasaka; Ryuta Kasada; Akihiko Kimura
    Yosetsu Gakkai Ronbunshu/Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society 2013年12月 
    Tungsten coating with a thickness of 0.6 mm on reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel (RAF/M) F82H (Fe-8Cr-2W) have been produced by Vacuum Plasma Spraying (VPS). Heat flux experiments using an electron beam and quantitative analyses about temperature profiles and thermal stress using FEM have been carried out on the VPS-W coated F82H. In addition, behavior of hydrogen penetration/permeation on the VPS-W coated F82H has been investigated by the tritium (T) tracer technique.
  • 徳永和俊; 宮本光貴; 大塚哲平; 梶田信; 大野哲靖; 上田良夫
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2013年11月
  • 波多野雄治; 大矢恭久; 原正憲; 小田卓司; 大塚哲平; 佐藤紘一; ZHANG Kun
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2013年11月
  • 波多野 雄治; 大矢 恭久; 原 正憲; 小田 卓司; 大塚 哲平; 佐藤 紘一; 張 鯤
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2013年11月 
    プラズマ対向材料中のトリチウム挙動に及ぼす中性子照射の影響を明らかにするため,候補材であるタングステンをオークリッジ国立研究所の研究炉High Flux Isotope Reactor(HFIR)で中性子照射した上で,アイダホ国立研究所の線型プラズマ装置Tritium Plasma Experiment(TPE)にて同位体である重水素の高フラックスプラズマにばく露し,捕獲重水素濃度と昇温脱離挙動を調べた.照射欠陥の捕獲効果により水素同位体滞留量が著しく増大すると共に,加熱処理による除去が困難となるため,同位体交換法等の新たなトリチウム除去技術の開発が必要であることが示された.
  • 徳永 和俊; 宮本 光貴; 大塚 哲平; 梶田 信; 大野 哲靖; 上田 良夫
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2013年11月 
  • 波多野 雄治; 大矢 恭久; 原 正憲; 小田 卓司; 大塚 哲平; 佐藤 紘一; 張 鯤
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2013年11月 プラズマ・核融合学会
    プラズマ対向材料中のトリチウム挙動に及ぼす中性子照射の影響を明らかにするため,候補材であるタングステンをオークリッジ国立研究所の研究炉High Flux Isotope Reactor(HFIR)で中性子照射した上で,アイダホ国立研究所の線型プラズマ装置Tritium Plasma Experiment(TPE)にて同位体である重水素の高フラックスプラズマにばく露し,捕獲重水素濃度と昇温脱離挙動を調べた.照射欠陥の捕獲効果により水素同位体滞留量が著しく増大すると共に,加熱処理による除去が困難となるため,同位体交換法等の新たなトリチウム除去技術の開発が必要であることが示された.
  • 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 橋爪健一; 西村務; 加藤修; 建石剛; 桜木智史
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2013年08月
  • 橋爪健一; 森聡史; 大塚哲平
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2013年08月
  • 檜垣誠; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 徳永和俊; 江里幸一郎; 鈴木哲; 榎枝幹男; 秋場真人
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2013年03月 
  • 坂本寛; 宇根勝己; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 青見雅樹
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2013年03月 
  • 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 島田雅; 徳永和俊
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2013年03月 
  • 田辺哲朗; 池田隆博; 星平貴光; 大塚哲平
    KURRI KR (CD) (CD-ROM) 2013年
  • 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 徳永和俊
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2012年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    プラズマから多孔質W被覆層に573 K近傍の一定温度でトリチウム(T)を注入し、その直後にイメージングプレート(IP)法により被覆層中のT深さ分布を調べたところ、被覆層中にほぼ均一にTが分布していたことから、空隙(粒界)拡散によって進入したTがW粒子または空隙の表面に捕獲されている可能性を前学会にて報告した。今回は、この被覆層中のTがどのように放出されるのかを明らかにするために、被覆層を233 K、大気中で保持した後、再び同様に被覆層中のT深さ分布を調べた。3ヶ月間経過後、被覆層中のTはほぼ均一に分布した状態で、その濃度が1/3にまで低下していた。この結果は、W被覆層からの放出が捕獲されたTの脱捕獲によって律速されていることを示唆している。
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を利用した金属中の水素拡散および透過係数測定(II)
    大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 篠原雅典; 堀之内寛輝
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2012年
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を利用した金属中の水素拡散および透過係数測定(III)
    堀之内寛輝; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2012年
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を利用した金属中の水素拡散および透過係数測定(I)
    池田隆博; 池田隆博; 池田隆博; 田辺哲朗; 大塚哲平
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2012年
  • トリチウムトレーサー法を利用した金属中の水素の透過および拡散係数の測定(IV)
    篠原雅典; 篠原雅典; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要(CD-ROM) 2012年
  • 大塚哲平; 田邉哲朗; 徳永和俊
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2011年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚哲平; 田邉哲朗; 徳永和俊
    日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2011年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 多層金属中の水素拡散・透過測定へのトリチウムトレーサー技術の応用
    篠原雅典; 大塚哲平; 永井拓也; 田邉哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2011年
  • トリチウムプラズマ駆動透過による金属中の水素拡散係数測定
    大塚哲平; 池田隆博; 田邉哲朗; 篠原雅典
    日本金属学会講演概要 2011年
  • 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 池田隆博; 大塚哲平; 篠原雅典; 田辺哲朗
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 若林竜介; 田辺哲朗; 大塚哲平; 渡辺英雄; 吉田直亮
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    FCC金属およびBCC金属表面にトリチウムを含んだ水素によるブリスターを形成させ、トリチウムオートラジオグラフィによりブリスター近傍の水素集積状態を可視化・定量化した。 ブリスター形成時の温度、ブリスタ形成後の時間等を様々に変化させ、ブリスター近傍の水素分布がどのように変化するかを調べ、ブリスタ形成機構を議論する。
  • 橋爪 健一; 木村 大樹; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗; 岡井 富雄
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 片山将仁; 土内義浩
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    ジルカロイ‐4板材(4x8x0.9 mm3)の表面に酸素を50ミクロン程度の深さまで溶解させ、その後400ppm水素を溶解、厚さ方向に温度勾配(高温側設定温度400℃、低温側150℃)をかけ24時間程度熱拡散させた。試料断面の水素化物の分布を観察した結果、酸素を溶解していないジルカロイ‐4板材では、水素化物が低温側に集積し、一部は表面にブリスターを形成しているのに対し、酸素を溶解した試料では酸素濃度が高い領域には水素化物の集積は見られず、温度勾配下でも酸素溶解層は水素溶解の障壁になることが分かった。
  • トリチウムプラズマ照射した金属材料表面および内部のトリチウム挙動(TITAN)
    大塚哲平; 島田雅; 上田良夫; 波多野雄治; CALDERONI P.; SHARPE J.P.; 田辺哲朗
    核融合エネルギー連合講演会(CD-ROM) 2010年
  • 波多野 雄治; 鳥養 祐二; 大矢 恭久; 小田 卓司; 田中 知; 中村 博文; 朝倉 大和; 大内 浩子; 大塚 哲平; 小林 和容
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 = Journal of plasma and fusion research 2009年10月 プラズマ・核融合学会
  • 波多野 雄治; 鳥養 祐二; 大矢 恭久; 小田 卓司; 田中 知; 中村 博文; 朝倉 大和; 大内 浩子; 大塚 哲平; 小林 和容
    プラズマ・核融合学会誌 2009年10月
  • 橋爪 健一; 久保 宣昭; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗; 土内 義浩
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2009年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 橋爪 健一; 大串 和弘; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2009年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    長さ25mmの板状のバナジウム合金(NIFS-HEAT 2)試料に溶解したトリチウムの電界拡散実験を100℃で行った。定常濃度分布に達した後、試料中のトリチウム分布をイメージングプレートを用いて測定した。濃度分布と印可した電界の強度値から、トリチウムの有効電荷Z*の値を0.2と決定した.得られたZ*値は、純バナジウム中の値1.2より小さかった。これは合金成分によるトリチウムのトラップの影響が大きいものと考えられる.
  • 池田 隆博; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2009年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚 哲平; 島田 雅; 上田 良夫; 波多野 雄治; 田辺 哲朗; Kolasinski Robert; Calderoni Pattrick; Shape Phil
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2009年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚 哲平
    日本原子力学会誌 = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2008年03月 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 星平 貴光; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2008年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗; 橋爪 健一
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2008年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    トリチウムルミノグラフィーにより、鋼表面から注入されたトリチウムの表面分布と深さ分布を同時に測定し、トリチウム(水素)の表面偏析が内部への溶解・拡散へ及ぼす効果を調べた。 陰極電解法により導入されたトリチウムの表面分布は、極めて不均一であったが、これらは極表面の酸化膜近傍に捕獲されたものであり、鋼中のトリチウム拡散・透過に与える影響は小さいことが示唆された。
  • 橋爪 健一; 大串 和弘; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2008年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大塚 哲平; 橋爪 健一; 田辺 哲朗; 徳永 和俊; 吉田 直亮; 江里 幸一郎; 鈴木 哲; 秋場 真人
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2008年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 金属表面に偏析したトリチウムの挙動
    大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web) 2008年
  • 星平 貴光; 大塚 哲平; 橋爪 健一; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 大串 和弘; 益田 丈輔; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗; 波多野 雄治; 中村 幸夫; 長坂 琢也; 室賀 健夫
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    バナジウムは液体リチウムを冷却材、増殖材に用いたときのブランケット構造材料としての使用が考えられており、照射耐性、強度の観点から、同じく誘導放射能の減衰が早いCr、Tiを合金成分としたV-4Cr-4Tiが候補材として選定されている。現在、核融合科学研究所(NIFS)では酸素や窒素などの不純物を低減した高純度バナジウム合金、V-4Cr-4Ti (NIFS-HEAT-2)が開発されており、実用化に向けてそのデータベースの拡充が急務となっている。 核融合炉構造材料中のトリチウムの拡散挙動の解明は燃料粒子のプラズマ-壁間のリサイクリング、トリチウム透過、トリチウムインベントリーなどの観点から重要な問題であり、様々な金属、合金に対して研究が行われている。しかし炉心構造材料は厳しい温度勾配下での使用が予想されるため温度勾配を駆動力として物質の拡散が起きる熱拡散現象を考慮しなければならない。熱拡散現象の大きさと方向は輸送熱Q*により与えられる。 熱拡散実験ではNIFS-HEAT-2板材(25×4×0.2mm)中にトリチウムを吸収させ均一濃度状態になった後アルミニウム棒に埋め込み上部にシースヒーター、下部に冷却水をセットし温度勾配をかけた。試料温度は上部で100℃、下部で83℃に保ち、1週間後試料を取り出し液体窒素温度でイメージングプレートに露出しトリチウム濃度分布を得た。その結果、本条件では濃度分布にほとんど変化は見られず、輸送熱Q*の値は純バナジウムと同様に小さいことを示唆している。今後はさらに急峻な温度勾配下での実験を行いQ*値を決定していく予定である。
  • 星平 貴光; 田辺 哲朗; 大塚 哲平
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 橋爪 健一; 益田 丈輔; 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗; 波多野 雄治; 中村 幸男; 長坂 琢也; 室賀 健夫
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 久保 宣昭; 橋爪 健一; 田辺 哲朗; 大塚 哲平; 土内 義浩
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 一木 訓; 田辺 哲朗; 橋爪 健一; 大塚 哲平; 岡井 富雄
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    γ線をSi pn接合半導体に照射し、Si内で生成された電子-正孔対を電気エネルギーとして取り出すことが可能である。しかし、Si pn接合半導体にγ線照射した場合、γ線の透過性が高いため、Si pn接合半導体γ線のエネルギー付与は小さくなり、発生する電力も小さい。過去の報告から、Si pn接合半導体として太陽電池を使用した場合、太陽電池の前に鉛板を配置することで、出力が改善されることが分かっている。そこで本研究では、γ線照射によるSiへのエネルギー付与を増加させるためn型Si薄膜の厚さの異なるSi pn接合を作製し、その前後に鉛板を設置し、γ線照射し、Siへのエネルギー付与を増加させることで出力が向上することを確認し、出力増加のために鉛板の配置位置の最適化を行ってきた。具体的には試料であるn型Si薄膜の作製には高周波マグネトロン二極スパッタ装置を用いた。基板にp型Siウェーハ、ターゲット材にn型Siウェーハを用いた試料を作製した。スパッタガスとして、水素ガスを用いた。また、基板温度は150℃、スパッタ時間は2時間~19時間で、圧力は10Paで成膜を行った。また、γ線照射実験は九州大学量子線照射分析実験施設で行った。γ線源としては60Co(0.3kGy/h)を用いた。その結果、n型Si薄膜の膜厚が大きいほど出力が向上することが分かった。また、鉛板をγ線源に対してシリコンの後に設置することで出力が向上することを確認した。さらに、MCNPコードを用いて様々な半導体材料についてシミュレーションを行い、その結果、γ線照射に対してSiよりもそれぞれ5倍、3倍程度大きなエネルギー付与を持つことが分かったInPとGaAsについて、pn接合半導体とショットキー接合半導体を作製し、γ線照射し、出力を測定し、Siとの比較を行うことを検討中である。
  • 大塚 哲平; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2007年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
    ステンレス鋼からのトリチウム放出挙動の解明は、トリチウム化されたステンレス鋼の中間貯蔵や処分にかかるハンドリング時の安全性を確保するうえで重要である。 金属表面酸化膜が水素透過を阻害することは良く知られた事実である。ところが最近、室温付近におけるSUS316からのトリチウム放出は、バルク中の拡散が律速しているとの報告がなされた[1]。一方では、表面には極めて高濃度のトリチウムが存在していることもわかっており、そのトリチウム放出挙動に及ぼす役割は明確にされていない。そこで本研究では、ステンレス鋼の微細組織を変化させて、表面のトリチウム濃度の変化およびトリチウム放出の変化を調べ、両者の対応から表面トリチウムの役割を明らかにすることを試みた。 実験は、フェライト系(8Cr-2W)およびオーステナイト系(SUS316) の2種類のステンレス鋼について行った。これら試料鋼への水素導入法・温度を変化させることにより鋼中トリチウム濃度を変化させて、液体シンチレーション測定法によるトリチウム放出実験を行った。その結果、トリチウム導入時の温度・濃度により異なる表面酸化膜バリア効果およびバルク内トラップ効果が、放出挙動を大きく変化させることが分かった。発表では、放出挙動に対応した表面トリチウム濃度測定結果についても報告する。また、これらの結果を関連づけて放出挙動を数値モデル化し、トリチウム放出の機構を検討する。[1] R-D. Penzhorn et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 353 (2006) 66-74
  • 橋爪健一; 田上浩士; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2006年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 益田丈輔; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 波多野雄治; 中村幸男; 長坂琢也; 室賀健夫
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM) 2006年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • Zr及びZr合金中のトリチウムの拡散
    橋爪健一; 猿渡祐輝; 平野智久; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    日本原子力学会春の年会要旨集(CD-ROM) 2006年
  • 室温以下の低温における鉄鋼中の水素拡散に与えるセメンタイトの影響
    大塚哲平; 雀部晋輔; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2006年
  • イメージングプレートを利用したBa2In2O5中のトリチウム分布の可視化
    田上浩士; 橋爪健一; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗
    固体イオニクス討論会講演要旨集 2006年
  • バナジウム合金中のトリチウム挙動
    橋爪健一; 益田丈輔; 大塚哲平; 田辺哲朗; 波多野雄治; 中村幸男; 長坂琢也; 室賀健夫
    核融合エネルギー連合講演会予稿集 2006年
  • Zr中のトリチウム拡散における水素,酸素の影響
    平野智久; 猿渡祐輝; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗; 土内義浩
    日本金属学会講演概要 2006年
  • イメージングプレートを利用したBa2In2O5中の水素同位体分布の可視化
    田上浩士; 久木原聡; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2006年
  • 大塚哲平; 磯谷武則; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本原子力学会春の年会要旨集 2005年 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
  • 高強度鋼の疲労破壊面のトリチウムオートラジオグラフィ
    川添博司; 後藤滋; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2005年
  • イメージングプレート法による水素吸蔵合金中の水素分布の可視化
    大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2005年
  • 室温付近における鉄鋼中の水素拡散係数測定
    雀部晋輔; 後藤滋; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2005年
  • シリコン半導体素子を利用したγ線電池
    児玉篤憲; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗
    日本金属学会講演概要 2005年
  • イメージングプレートを用いた酸素溶解Zrのトリチウム拡散係数測定
    平野智久; 猿渡祐輝; 大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 田辺哲朗; 土内義浩
    日本金属学会講演概要 2005年
  • 猿渡 祐輝; 平野 智久; 大塚 哲平; 橋爪 健一; 田辺 哲朗
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2005年 
  • Otsuka Teppei; Hashizume Kenichi; Sugisaki Masayasu
    Journal of nuclear science and technology 2004年03月 
    The impact properties of an oxidized and a hydrogenated Zircaloy have been studied with an instrumented Charpy machine by using a strip Charpy V-notch specimen (1 mm thick by 4 mm wide). Fracture processes such as crack initiation and propagation were examined using load-displacement curves obtained in this study. In the case of the hydrogenated specimen containing preferentially oriented hydrides, an appreciable decrease in the absorbed energy was observed in the crack propagation rather than in the crack initiation. From results of fractographs of the specimen, it was suggested that the r...
  • 大塚 哲平; 中山 賢治; 磯谷 武則; 橋爪 健一
    日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集 2004年 
    ジルコニウム合金酸化膜の濡れ性を接触角測定により調べた。また、純水中および大気中でガンマ線照射を行い、ジルコニウム合金酸化膜の親水化機構を検討した。 ジルコニウム合金酸化膜は、水との接触角が親水性および疎水性の境界である90度付近にあり、結晶構造および表面粗さなどの要因により親水性および疎水性を示し得ることが分かった。また、純水中および大気中でジルコニウム合金酸化膜にガンマ線照射を行った場合に、酸化膜の濡れ性の変化には大きな違いが見られた。
  • ジルカロイ酸化膜の親水化発現機構
    森重直樹; 磯谷武則; 坂本寛; 大塚哲平; 杉崎昌和
    日本原子力学会春の年会要旨集 2003年
  • OTSUKA Teppei; HASHIZUME Kenichi; SUGISAKI Masayasu
    Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE 2003年
  • 水素化ジルカロイ-4の衝撃特性に及ぼす冷却速度の影響
    大塚哲平; 上村仁; 橋爪健一; 杉崎昌和
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 2002年
  • Sato Seichi; Otsuka Teppei; Kuroda Yasuhiro; HIGASHIHARA Tomohiro; OHASHI Hiroshi
    Journal of nuclear science and technology 2001年07月
  • 不均一に酸素を溶解したジルカロイ-4平板のシャルピー試験
    大塚哲平; 馬場英知; 橋爪健一; 杉崎昌和
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 2001年
  • 水素を溶解したジルカロイ2微小試験片の機械的性質
    大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 杉崎昌和
    日本原子力学会春の年会要旨集 2000年
  • 圧密カルシウム型モンモリロナイト中におけるヘリウムの拡散係数
    東原知広; 大塚哲平; 佐藤正知; 大橋弘士
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 1999年
  • フミン酸存在下でのカオリナイトに対するAm(III)およびCm(III)の分配係数Kdに与えるイオン強度の影響
    桜木智史; MOHAMMAD S; 大塚哲平; 佐藤正知; 大橋弘士; 三頭聡明; 原光雄; 鈴木吉光
    日本原子力学会春の年会要旨集 1999年
  • 水素を溶解したジルカロイ-2のシャルピー試験
    大塚哲平; 橋爪健一; 杉崎昌和
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 1999年
  • 圧密モンモリロナイト中におけるヘリウムの拡散係数
    大塚哲平; 黒田康宏; 佐藤正知; 大橋弘士
    日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集 1998年


  • 科学技術英語近畿大学
  • エネルギー物質科学近畿大学
  • ベクトル解析近畿大学
  • 固体内物質輸送論近畿大学
  • 物理学近畿大学


  • プラズマ・核融合学会   日本金属学会   日本原子力学会   


  • ギガサイクル疲労破壊機構に及ぼす水素の影響と疲労強度信頼性向上方法の確立


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2024年03月 
    代表者 : 松浦 秀明; 片山 一成; 大塚 哲平; 後藤 実; 中川 繁昭; 濱本 真平; 石塚 悦男
    原型炉初期保有及び炉工学試験用トリチウム(T)調達法として高温ガス炉を用いたT製造法を検討している.HTTRを用いたT製造実証試験に向け,試験体,試験法,試験後T計測法を明確にすることを目的に下記(1)~(4)を実施した. (1)アルミナ円柱キャプセルの製作:水素吸収用にニッケル(Ni)被覆ジルコニウム(Zr)粒子及び高密度アルミナ円柱キャプセルを試作した.試作したアルミナ容器に,リチウムアルミニウム酸化物(LiAlO2)及びNi被覆Zr粒子を装荷した状態で600℃に加熱して3日間保持した後,アルミナ容器外部の水素圧力を観測することで,その封止性能を確認した. (2) Ni被覆チタン(Ti)粒子の水素吸収性能に関する検討:LiAlO2共存下においてNi被覆したTi粒子による水素吸蔵特性を確認した.Ni被覆厚さ(0.3~3ミクロン)には依存せず,Ni被覆Ti粒子中の見かけの水素拡散係数は純Tiの水素拡散係数の1/100程度であることがわかった.また,LiAlO2を予水素処理することにより,Ni被覆Ti粒子の水素吸蔵特性を改善できることがわかった. (3)照射後試料T測定法の検討:水バブラーと酸化銅を組み合わせることで,水蒸気状T(HTO)と水素状T(HT)を弁別測定可能なT測定装置を作製した.LiAlO2の模擬試料としてLi2TiO3を準備し,京大炉で中性子照射した後,九大にてT放出実験を行った.Arガスパージでは,ほとんどのTがHTOとして放出されることがわかった. (4)HTTR炉心中性子マップの作成: HTTRを用いたT製造試験の検討に資するために,HTTR炉内の中性子束空間分布を示す中性子束マップを作成した.一般的に,原子炉内の中性子束空間分布は燃焼に伴い変化するため,HTTRの3次元炉心モデルを作成して炉心燃焼計算を行い,燃焼日数別にHTTRの炉内中性子束マップを作成した.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 松浦 秀明; 片山 一成; 大塚 哲平; 後藤 実; 濱本 真平; 石塚 悦男; 飛田 健次
    令和元年度は,昨年度に続き高温工学試験研究炉(HTTR)を用いた照射実証試験を視野に,試験用Liロッドの設計に必要な下記の検討を実施した. (1) 高温環境下でのT閉じ込め性能評価実験:Zr管を用いて流通式軽水素透過実験を行い,透過速度の温度依存性を調べた.また,Zr管-Zr管-Al2O3管からなるLiロッド模擬試験体でのトリチウム閉じ込め実験において、水蒸気状トリチウム(HTO)を主成分とするトリチウムガスを用いた場合,700℃での80時間加熱ではZr管内側にトリチウムが留まることを明らかにした.次年度に向けて,水素状トリチウム(HT)を供給する設備を新たに作製した. (2) 高周波誘導加熱によるジルコニウム粒子へのニッケル被覆手法の新規開発を行った.本手法は透磁率が高く,融点が低いニッケルのみを選択的に溶解し,ジルコニウム粒子表面を被覆しようとしたものである.実験結果より,選択溶解は確認されたものの,ジルコニウムと溶融ニッケルとの濡れ性の悪さにより,ニッケル被覆層が不均一であることがわかった.今後は、真空中スパッタリング蒸着によるジルコニウム粒子へのニッケル被覆手法を開発する予定である. (3) 上記(1)(2)の最新情報からLiロッド内ZrにNi被覆を施した場合に対し炉心核特性及びトリチウム拡散計算を組み合わせ,HTTR及びGTHTR300におけるトリチウム流出量を評価した.良好な閉じ込め可能性が示された. (4) HTTRの冷却材中のメタン濃度を明らかにし,メタン状トリチウムの存在量を評価した.水素濃度測定に使用するガスクロマトグラフ質量分析計を点検・整備した.水素濃度測定手順及び整備した分析計を用いたHTTR1次冷却系の水素濃度測定試験計画を作成した.また,HTTR1次冷却系のトリチウムの移行挙動モデルの検討を進めるとともに,トリチウムによる被ばく評価手法を検討した.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 松浦 秀明; 大塚 哲平; 片山 一成; 後藤 実; 中川 繁昭; 中屋 裕行; 川本 靖子; 高良 和樹; 長住 達; 井田 祐馬; 岡本 亮; 古賀 友稀; 菅沼 拓朗; 牛田 博貴
    高温ガス炉を用いたトリチウム製造の実証試験を視野に入れ、Li装荷体の模擬試験体を製作し、トリチウム透過実験を実施した。Zr及びアルミナ管で構成される試験体にトリチウムガスを供給し、700℃で封じ込め性能を調べた結果、10数時間の連続加熱においてもトリチウムの流出は検出されず、試験体のトリチウム封じ込め性能が確認された。一方、ZrとLiAlO2の共存下では、Zrのトリチウム吸蔵性能が劣化すること、Zr表面へのNiメッキにより性能が回復することが示された。高温工学試験研究炉(HTTR)における照射試験体及び試験法を検討した。HTTRは最大年間30 g程度のトリチウム製造が可能との結果を得た。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 波多野 雄治; 大塚 哲平
    国際核融合実験炉ITERでは第一壁やリミタ材料としてBeを、ダイバータ材料としてWを用いる。その準備のため、欧州の核融合プラズマ装置JETでBeとWを壁材とするITER-Like Wall実験が実施されているが、トリチウム(T)蓄積量は調べられていなかった。そこで我が国で開発されたT計測法を用い、同実験で使用されたW被覆ダイーバータタイルおよびBeタイル表面のT分布を測定した。Tの蓄積機構としてBe等との共堆積ならびに材料バルク中への打ち込みがあった。堆積層中のT濃度は以前の炭素時代と比べ低く、タイル側面への堆積層形成も低減されていた。これらの効果による真空容器中のT蓄積量の減少が期待された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 大塚 哲平
    本研究では水/金属および金属/水界面におけるトリチウム透過輸送モデルとして、(1) 水中トリチウムの金属への侵入、(2) 金属中トリチウムの水中への放出、(3) (1)および(2)に及ぼす応力負荷の影響を提案することができた。 水中における金属の腐食によって発生した水素ガスに含まれるトリチウムのごく一部が金属の格子間に溶解(侵入)する。金属表面のフガシティ、金属中の水素拡散係数によってトリチウム透過速度が定まることが示唆された。金属を透過してきた原子状トリチウムは再結合して水分子状として放出されることがわかった。また、金属のトリチウム透過挙動に及ぼす応力負荷の影響は小さいことがわかった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2010年 -2012年 
    代表者 : 大塚 哲平
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    研究期間 : 2010年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 大塚 哲平
    核融合実証炉の第一壁としてプラズマ対向面にタングステン(W)を被覆したフェライト・マルテンサイト鋼(F82H)を利用することが検討されている。W被覆層は放射性トリチウム(T)を含んだプラズマに曝されることになるので、炉内のTインベントリー評価ひいては安全性評価のために、TがW被覆層およびF82H基板にどのように進入し、蓄積(汚染)するのか、あるいは、加熱放出によってTがどのように除去(除染)されるのかを明らかにすることが重要である。本研究では、極微量のTを含んだ水素のDCグロー放電プラズマに、溶射法によりW被覆したF82Hを曝したのち、被覆層および基板中のトリチウム進入深さ分布をイメージングプレート法により測定し、その分布の温度変化および時間変化を調べることにより、両者への水素の進入・蓄積および放出機構を解明することを目的とした。 本年度の研究成果は、W被覆層中では主としてガス状水素の空隙(粒界)拡散が、F82H基板中では溶解水素の拡散が水素の進入または放出に大きく寄与しているという機構を構築できたことである。多孔質なW被覆層は、プラズマからの原子状、イオン状の水素の進入を表面(近傍)で阻み、ガス状水素の進入を空隙(粒界)に限定することにより、F82H基板への水素(T)の拡散進入・蓄積および透過を低減する役割を果たしていると考えられる。一方で、W被覆層では、プラズマ注入時の表面改質および表面近傍で生成した欠陥が水素捕獲サイトになり、これらに捕獲された水素が高濃度に局在化しており、内部では水素が各W粒子表面へ吸着し、さらに粒内への溶解するので、Tの蓄積量が増える可能性がある。表面近傍に局在した捕獲水素の捕獲エネルギーは極めて大きく、大気中保持や真空加熱を実施しても放出除去することが難しいこともわかった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特定領域研究
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2009年 
    代表者 : 大塚 哲平
    放射性トリチウムによって汚染された金属材料の保管・廃棄にかかるハンドリングや除染時において、外部被爆や経口摂取による内部被爆を防止する観点から、金属表面および内部のトリチウム挙動を理解することは極めて重要である。金属材料表面には極めて高密度にトリチウムが偏在することが知られているが、この表面に偏在したトリチウムが及ぼす材料内部からのトリチウム放出に及ぼす影響は必ずしも明らかになっていない。本研究ではトリチウムトレーサー技術を利用し、金属中のトリチウム吸・放出挙動に及ぼす表面に偏在したトリチウムの影響を解明することを目的としている。 水素溶解度や拡散係数が既知である各種金属にトレーサーレベルのトリチウムを含有した水素を高温気体吸収法(400℃,4kPa)により溶解し、これら金属の表面水素濃度をトリチウムイメージングプレート(IP)法により、また材料からの水素放出速度を液体シンチレーション計測法により測定し、両者の関係を調べた。この結果、表面に偏在した水素と内部に溶解した水素との存在量比によって、金属からの水素放出挙動が整理されることがわかった。ニッケル(Ni)のようなFCC金属では、内部に溶解した水素量が表面に偏在した水素量よりも多いため、金属からの水素放出は、見かけ上、内部に溶解した水素の拡散によるものである。表面に偏在した水素は、金属表面酸化膜に-OH基や吸着水として存在しており、深い捕獲サイトに捕獲されたものであると考えられる。このような表面捕獲水素の室温付近における脱捕獲速度は小さい。このため、内部に溶解した水素が放出されてしまえば、相対的に存在量が多くなった表面に偏在した水素の脱離が見えるようになる。同様に、表面酸化膜が水素を捕獲しやすい銅(Cu)やBCC金属からの水素放出は、内部に溶解した水素量が表面に偏在した水素量よりも少ないため、表面に偏在した水素の脱離によるものであるといえる。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 特別推進研究
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 村上 敬宜; 近藤 良之; 野口 博司; 松岡 三郎; 高井 健一; 松永 久生; 栄 中; 大塚 哲平; 吉村 達彦; 杉崎 昌和; 南雲 道彦
    環境・エネルギーの両問題の解決へ向けて水素利用に関する研究開発が世界各国で活発化する中で,安全な水素利用社会実現のために本研究の重要性は益々高まっている.本研究では当初の目的であった高強度鋼のギガサイクル疲労破壊に及ぼす水素の影響に加え,近い将来燃料電池システムへの使用が想定される各種金属材料の疲労強度に及ぼす水素の影響の解明に取り組んだ.得られた成果・知見を以下に示す. (1)超長寿命域における疲労き裂進展への非金属介在物にトラップされた水素の関与の証拠を,水素濃度を制御した試験片の疲労試験や2次イオン質量分析(SIMS),トリチウムオートラジオグラフィによって示した. (2)水素の関与を考慮した超長寿命疲労破壊のメカニズムを提案した.それを基に,材料中の水素濃度の制御や材料中に含まれる非金属介在物の寸法・種類の制御による超長寿命疲労強度向上の指針を得た. (3)研究代表者・村上が提案した√パラメータモデル,極値統計法およびODA(Optically Dark Area)の成長曲線に基づく疲労強度設計法を確立した. (4)各種金属材料の疲労強度に及ぼす水素の影響についての実用的なデータに加えて,水素によってすべり変形が局在化する現象や,相変態に伴う水素拡散機構の変化がき裂進展の加速に果たす役割など,いわゆる水素脆化(Hydrogen Embrittlement)と呼ばれている水素による疲労強度低下の機構解明への足掛かりとなる重要な知見を得た. 本研究の成果を総合的に分析して2つの重要なことが明らかになった. I.水素はいわゆる脆化を引き起こすのではなく,転位を動き易くし,すべりの集中をもたらす. II.ギガサイクル疲労の発端となる介在物周辺にトラップされた水素の役割は,低応力で微視的なすべりの集中を引き起こすことである.
  • イメージングプレート法による金属材料中の水素挙動の解明
    研究期間 : 2005年
  • トリチウムオートラジオグラフィによる鉄鋼中の水素分布可視化
    研究期間 : 2003年 -2004年
