東 賢一(アズマ ケンイチ)


Last Updated :2024/09/14





<報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2021/8/20  読売テレビ「かんさい情報ネットten.」  デルタ株の感染リスク、感染対策の見直しについて ●2021/1/22  毎日放送「ミント!」  新型コロナウイルスの経路別の感染リスクを算出した研究成果について ●2021/1/15  日本テレビ「ZIP!」  新型コロナウイルスのリスクと予防効果について ●2020/7/29  朝日新聞  密閉空間での感染リスク、予防について ●2020/6/25  産経新聞  店の感染対策について ●2020/6/3  産経新聞  スポーツ時の感染予防のためのマスク着用リスクについて ●2020/5/29  日本経済新聞  コロナの感染予防について ●2020/4/16  毎日放送「ミント!」  新型コロナウイルス感染症とマスクの効果等について ●2020/4/12  愛媛新聞  公園遊具等からのコロナウイルス感染リスクについて ●2020/4/7  毎日新聞  化学物質過敏症について ●2020/4/3  朝日新聞  新型コロナウイルスの感染経路について ●2018/8/10  産経新聞  堺市「発がんリスク」について



  • 博士(工学)(2007年03月 京都大学)




  • 資格等



  • 衛生学   公衆衛生学   疫学   リスク評価   環境保健   環境医学   健康影響   




  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含む
  • ライフサイエンス / 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない
  • ライフサイエンス / 医療管理学、医療系社会学
  • 環境・農学 / 環境負荷、リスク評価管理
  • 環境・農学 / 化学物質影響



  • 2024年04月 - 現在  近畿大学医学部予防医学・行動科学教室教授
  • 2018年11月 - 現在  国立研究開発法人国立環境研究所客員研究員
  • 2018年04月 - 現在  奈良県立医科大学医学部医学科非常勤講師
  • 2016年04月 - 現在  公益財団法人日本建築衛生管理教育センター教授
  • 2016年04月 - 現在  厚生労働省国立保健医療科学院客員研究員
  • 2009年04月 - 現在  厚生労働省国立保健医療科学院非常勤講師
  • 2023年04月 - 2024年03月  関西福祉科学大学健康福祉学部 福祉栄養学科教授
  • 2015年10月 - 2023年03月  近畿大学大学院医学研究科 環境医学・行動科学分野准教授
  • 2015年04月 - 2023年03月  近畿大学医学部環境医学・行動科学教室准教授
  • 2008年04月 - 2023年03月  近畿大学付属看護専門学校非常勤講師
  • 2010年04月 - 2021年02月  公益財団法人ルイ・パストゥール医学研究センター客員研究員
  • 2012年04月 - 2015年03月  近畿大学生物理工学部医用工学科Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering非常勤講師
  • 2009年12月 - 2015年03月  近畿大学医学部環境医学・行動科学教室講師
  • 2007年11月 - 2009年11月  近畿大学医学部環境医学・行動科学教室助教
  • 1988年04月 - 2007年10月  積水化学工業株式会社
  • 2002年04月 - 2007年03月  国立保健医療科学院建築衛生部協力研究員


  • 2006年03月 - 2007年04月   京都大学   大学院工学研究科   都市環境工学専攻環境衛生学講座
  • 1984年04月 - 1988年03月   神戸大学   工学部   工業化学科


  • 2024年08月 - 現在   International Commission on Occupational Health   Scientific Committee: Indoor Air Quality and Health, Secretary
  • 2024年03月 - 現在   日本衛生学会   副理事長
  • 2024年01月 - 現在   環境省   環境省有害大気汚染物質健康リスク評価等に関する検討会
  • 2023年10月 - 現在   International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)   Conference Committee   The Conference Committee is tasked with overseeing ISIAQ conferences.
  • 2023年06月 - 現在   日本疫学会   代議員
  • 2023年05月 - 現在   日本産業衛生学会職業性呼吸器疾患研究会   世話人
  • 2022年12月 - 現在   室内環境学会   理事長
  • 2022年05月 - 現在   ヤフー株式会社   Yahoo!ニュース公式コメンテーター
  • 2021年11月 - 現在   堺市教育委員会   堺市立小学校アスベスト含有建築物における健康リスクの検証に関する懇話会委員
  • 2021年07月 - 現在   環境省中央環境審議会水環境・土壌農薬部会環境基準健康項目専門委員会   専門委員
  • 2021年06月 - 現在   日本臨床環境医学会編集委員会委員
  • 2021年05月 - 現在   日本医学連合会   日本医学連合会「新型コロナウイルス感染症の情報発信ワーキンググループ」指導研究者
  • 2021年04月 - 現在   日本産業衛生学会   産業衛生技術部会幹事
  • 2021年02月 - 現在   日本産業衛生学会近畿地方会   幹事
  • 2020年11月 - 現在   日本産業衛生学会   代議員
  • 2020年03月 - 現在   日本衛生学会   理事
  • 2020年03月 - 現在   日本衛生学会   代議員
  • 2020年03月 - 現在   日本産業衛生学会許容濃度等委員会   委員
  • 2019年04月 - 現在   環境省   環境リスク委員会企画委員会
  • 2019年04月 - 現在   堺市   北部地域整備事務所アスベスト飛散事象健康対策等アドバイザー
  • 2019年01月 - 現在   International Commission on Occupational Health   Scientific Committee: Neurotoxicology and Psychophysiology, member
  • 2017年07月 - 現在   日本臨床環境医学会   理事
  • 2016年12月 - 現在   神戸市   開発審査会
  • 2016年11月 - 現在   日本公衆衛生学会   モニタリング・レポート委員会環境保健グループ
  • 2016年06月 - 現在   日本臨床環境医学会   評議員
  • 2015年08月 - 現在   総務省   公害等調整委員会専門委員
  • 2014年08月 - 現在   厚生労働省大阪労働局   粉じん対策指導員
  • 2014年04月 - 現在   空気調和・衛生工学会   室内空気質小委員会
  • 2013年04月 - 現在   日本建築学会   室内空気質小委員会
  • 2013年 - 現在   大阪府教育庁   アスベスト飛散事故に関する協議会(座長)
  • 2013年 - 現在   日本衛生学会   環境リスク研究会代表世話人
  • 2012年 - 現在   厚生労働省   シックハウス(室内空気汚染)問題に関する検討会委員
  • 2011年04月 - 現在   世界保健機関(WHO)   WHO Housing and Health Guideline Developing Group(住宅と健康ガイドライン作成専門委員会委員)
  • 2010年 - 現在   日本建築学会   環境系論文集査読委員
  • 2010年 - 現在   環境省   健康リスク総合専門委員会ワーキンググループ
  • 2010年 - 現在   環境省   健康リスク評価分科会
  • 2009年01月 - 現在   室内環境学会   評議員
  • 2008年03月 - 現在   日本建築学会   近畿支部空気環境部会委員
  • 2016年09月 - 2024年09月   神戸市   ごみ屋敷対策に関する学識経験者会議
  • 2022年06月 - 2024年07月   International Commission on Occupational Health   Scientific Committee: Indoor Air Quality and Health, Chair
  • 2014年 - 2024年03月   環境省   有害大気汚染物質健康リスク評価手法等に関する検討会
  • 2022年06月 - 2023年07月   第31回日本臨床環境医学会学術集会   会長
  • 2021年04月 - 2023年03月   環境省   有害大気汚染物質対策調査検討会
  • 2010年07月 - 2022年06月   日本リスク研究学会   学会誌編集委員会委員
  • 2019年01月 - 2022年05月   International Commission on Occupational Health   Scientific Committee: Indoor Air Quality and Health, Secretary
  • 2021年07月 - 2022年03月   世界保健機関・国際がん研究機関(IARC/WHO)Volume 13発がん性評価ワーキンググループ   専門委員
  • 2015年07月 - 2022年03月   日本衛生学会   編集委員
  • 2008年04月 - 2022年03月   チルチンびと地域主義工務店の会   顧問
  • 2019年09月 - 2021年03月   環境省   有害大気汚染物質の選定等に関する検討調査等業務に係る検討会
  • 2017年04月 - 2020年02月   日本産業衛生学会許容濃度等委員会   起案委員
  • 2015年03月 - 2020年02月   日本衛生学会   評議員
  • 2017年07月 - 2019年06月   日本公衆衛生学会   代議員
  • 2016年10月 - 2019年03月   堺市   北部地域整備事務所アスベスト飛散の検証に関する懇話会(座長)
  • 2016年07月 - 2018年03月   奈良県   奈良の木で健康になる実証事業検討委員会
  • 2014年 - 2018年03月   東京都文京区   アスベスト健康対策専門委員会委員
  • 2016年10月 - 2017年09月   医療系共用試験評価機構   CBTモニター委員
  • 2011年07月 - 2017年06月   日本公衆衛生学会   評議員
  • 2015年08月 - 2017年03月   日本産業衛生学会許容濃度等委員会   臨時起案委員
  • 2011年01月 - 2016年12月   室内環境学会   学術委員会委員長
  • 2011年01月 - 2016年12月   室内環境学会   副理事長
  • 2009年01月 - 2016年12月   室内環境学会   学術委員会委員
  • 2009年01月 - 2016年12月   室内環境学会   事業委員会委員
  • 2009年09月 - 2016年05月   日本予防医学リスクマネージメント学会   評議員
  • 2015年07月 - 2016年03月   神戸市   空家等対策計画の作成に関する協議会
  • 2013年 - 2015年03月   一般財団法人日本自動車研究所   疫学研究会委員
  • 2012年04月 - 2015年03月   日本建築学会   放射性物質汚染対策ワーキンググループ
  • 2012年04月 - 2015年03月   日本建築学会   ハウスダスト調査ワーキンググループ世話人
  • 2012年04月 - 2015年03月   日本建築学会   燃焼排ガス汚染検討ワーキンググループ
  • 2011年04月 - 2015年03月   NPO法人日本健康住宅協会   空気環境部会専門委員
  • 2010年04月 - 2015年03月   日本建築学会   ホルムアルデヒド・アカデミックスタンダード改訂ワーキンググループ
  • 2011年 - 2015年02月   総務省   公害等調整委員会専門委員
  • 2011年01月 - 2014年07月   大気環境学会   近畿支部人体影響部会長
  • 2011年02月 - 2014年03月   室内環境学会   関西支部役員
  • 2011年04月 - 2013年03月   住環境疾病予防研究会   代表幹事
  • 2012年02月 - 2012年10月   環境省   SAICM国内実施計画検討ワーキンググループ
  • 2010年04月 - 2011年03月   NPO法人日本健康住宅協会   次世代空気質評価分科会専門委員
  • 2010年04月 - 2011年03月   経済産業省   今後の木製家具等のVOC環境対策有識者会議
  • 2005年01月 - 2011年03月   住環境疾病予防研究会   住環境疾病予防研究会幹事
  • 2010年01月 - 2010年12月   室内環境学会   関西支部長
  • 2008年12月 - 2010年12月   世界保健機関欧州地域事務局(WHO Europe)   WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected pollutants, Working Group(室内空気質ガイドライン専門家会合委員)
  • 2008年12月 - 2009年12月   室内環境学会   2009年度総会・研究発表会大会長



  • 2024年05月 日本産業衛生学会 優秀査読者賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2023年11月 日本リスク学会 学会賞
     JPN international_academic_award 
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2023年03月 日本衛生学会 Editor-in-chief Award
     Environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission: effect and role of indoor environmental quality in the strategy for COVID-19 infection control 
    受賞者: Kenichi Azuma;U Yanagi;Naoki Kagi;Hoon Kim;Masayuki Ogata;Motoya Hayashi
  • 2022年07月 近畿大学医学会 2022年度近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2021年08月 Architectural Institute of Japan The 2020 Best Paper Award, Japan Architectural Review
     Measures against COVID‐19 concerning Summer Indoor Environment in Japan 
    受賞者: Motoya Hayashi;U Yanagi;Kenichi Azuma;Naoki Kagi;Masayuki Ogata;Shoichi Morimoto;Hirofumi Hayama;Taro Mori;Koki Kikuta;Shin-ichi Tanabe;Takashi Kurabuchi;Hiromi Yamada;Kenichi Kobayashi;Hoon Kim;Noriko Kaihara
  • 2021年07月 近畿大学医学会 2021年度近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2020年07月 近畿大学医学会 2020年度近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2020年06月 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 第36回空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会奨励賞
  • 2020年05月 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 第17回空気調和・衛生工学会功績賞
    受賞者: 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会換気設備委員会室内空気質小委員会
  • 2019年06月 近畿大学医学会 2019年度近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2018年07月 近畿大学医学会 平成30年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2018年04月 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 第34回空気清浄とコンタミネーションコントロール研究大会奨励賞
  • 2017年07月 近畿大学医学会 平成29年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2016年06月 近畿大学医学会 平成28年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2015年07月 近畿大学医学会 平成27年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2015年05月 日本産業衛生学会 第88回日本産業衛生学会優秀演題賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2014年07月 International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate The 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Hong Kong, July 7–12, 2014: Best Poster Award
    受賞者: 萬羽郁子;東 賢一
  • 2014年07月 近畿大学医学会 平成26年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2013年07月 近畿大学医学会 平成25年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2010年12月 近畿大学医学会 平成22年近畿大学医学会賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一
  • 2006年01月 財団法人ビル管理教育センター 第32回建築物環境衛生管理調査研究奨励賞
    受賞者: 東 賢一


  • 化学物質過敏症患者の嗅覚特性―においの同定能力およびにおいの種類の告知が評価に及ぼす影響―
    萬羽郁子; 東 賢一; 東 実千代; 水越厚史; 谷川真理; 内山巌雄
    室内環境 in press 2024年12月
  • 戸次 加奈江; 湯川 慶子; 東 賢一
    室内環境 27 2 139 - 146 2024年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Comprehensive survey on the use of plastic additives in toy products used in Japan
    Kanae Bekki; Akifumi Eguchi; Kohki Takaguchi; Yohei Inaba; Keiko Yukawa; Satomi Yoshida; Kenichi Azuma
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine in press 2024年07月 [査読有り]
  • 大山正幸; 東 賢一; 峰島知芳; 水越厚史; 安達修一; 竹中規訓
    大気環境学会誌 59 3 47 - 61 2024年03月 [査読有り]
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)と室内外の環境要因との関係について
    東 賢一
    クリーンテクノロジー 33 10 38 - 41 2023年10月 [招待有り]
  • 野見山 哲生; 圓藤 吟史; 圓藤 陽子; 河合 俊夫; 岸 玲子; 田中 茂; 長野 嘉介; 那須 民江; 矢野 栄二; 東 賢一; 石竹 達也; 市場 正良; 市原 学; 伊藤 昭好; 岩澤 聡子; 大前 和幸; 奥田 裕計; 加藤 貴彦; 上島 通浩; 苅田 香苗; 川本 俊弘; 日下 幸則; 熊谷 信二; 祖父江 友孝; 竹下 達也; 武林 亨; 原 邦夫; 福島 哲仁; 保利 一; 堀江 正知; 宮内 博幸; 宮川 宗之; 森本 泰夫; 山野 優子; 横山 和仁; 伊藤 由起; 上山 純; 梅田 ゆみ; 佐藤 一博; 諏訪園 靖; 竹内 靖人; 竹内 文乃; 塚原 照臣; 辻 真弓; 内藤 久雄; 中野 真規子; 松本 明子; 山内 武紀; 池田 敦子; 上野 晋; 奥田 昌之; 各務 竹康; 原田 浩二; 堀口 兵剛; 山本 健也; 日本産業衛生学会, 日本産業衛生学会許容濃度等に関する委員会(2022年度)
    産業衛生学雑誌 65 5 268 - 300 (公社)日本産業衛生学会 2023年09月
  • Atsushi Mizukoshi; Sachiko Hojo; Kenichi Azuma; Masami Mizuki; Mikio Miyata; Hideo Ogura; Kou Sakabe; Naomi Tsurikisawa; Chiyako Oshikata; Jiro Okumura
    Environmental Sciences Europe 35 32  2023年04月 [査読有り]
  • Shinako Inaida; Atsushi Mizukoshi; Kenich Azuma; Jiro Okumura
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 28 18  2023年03月 [査読有り]
  • Yoko Mori; Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa; Maiko Tahara; Tsuyoshi Kawakami; Akira Aoki; Yoshinori Okamoto; Takashi Isobe; Susumu Ohkawara; Nobumitsu Hanioka; Kenichi Azuma; Shinobu Sakai; Hideto Jinno
    The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 48 1 37 - 45 2023年01月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    室内環境 25 3 307 - 315 2022年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Masayuki Ohyama; Kenichi Azuma; Chika Minejima; Norimichi Takenaka; Shuichi Adachi
    Environmental Sciences Europe 34 1 112  2022年11月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Epidemiological evidence regarding the effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is inconclusive because NO2 assays measure nitrous acid (HONO) as NO2. Epidemiological study using separate measurements of indoor HONO and NO2 suggests that indoor HONO levels are associated with decrease in lung function, and HONO exposure experiment in rats suggests that HONO adversely affects respiratory function more than NO2. Effects of NO2 on respiratory tract resistance have not been observed in rats but have been observed in guinea pigs, including baseline specific airway resistance (sRaw). The present study aimed to investigate the effects of HONO exposure on baseline sRaw in guinea pigs. Eighteen male Hartley guinea pigs were divided into Groups C, M, and H (n = 6 per group) and exposed to HONO at three concentrations, respectively, 24 h/d for 7 weeks. Double-flow plethysmography was used to measure the sRaw once a week and grade respiratory waveforms, indicating increased airway resistance. The experiment was performed twice. Mean HONO concentrations of two experiments in Groups C, M, and H were 0.02, 0.66, and 3.43 parts per million (ppm). The sRaw increased significantly in Groups H and M compared with sRaw in Group C, and in a concentration-dependent manner after the 4th week of HONO exposure. Increased airway resistance was observed in 50% of animals in Group M and 100% of animals in Group H in some weeks. However, in some animals from Group M, increased airway resistance was observed earlier than the airway resistance increases observed in all animals in Group H. These sRaw results suggest that HONO affects asthma symptoms or COPD, at a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of < 0.66 ppm. HONO may affect baseline sRaw after shorter exposure periods and at lower concentrations compared with the reported effects of NO2. The present results suggest that HONO is the most important nitrogen oxide affecting asthma and COPD indoors, and that HONO may be the causative agent in the association between NO2 and asthma symptoms in epidemiological studies.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kagi; U Yanagi; Kim Hoon; Haruki Osawa
    Indoor Air 32 11 e13164  2022年11月 [査読有り]
  • シックビルディング症候群に関連するオフィスビルの室内環境要因
    東 賢一
    クリーンテクノロジー 32 11 1 - 4 2022年11月 [招待有り]
  • WHOによる住宅と健康のガイドライン
    東 賢一
    公衆衛生情報 52 7 19 - 21 2022年10月 [招待有り]
  • 野見山 哲生; 圓藤 吟史; 圓藤 陽子; 河合 俊夫; 岸 玲子; 田中 茂; 長野 嘉介; 那須 民江; 矢野 栄二; 東 賢一; 石竹 達也; 市場 正良; 市原 学; 伊藤 昭好; 岩澤 聡子; 大前 和幸; 奥田 裕計; 加藤 貴彦; 上島 通浩; 苅田 香苗; 川本 俊弘; 日下 幸則; 熊谷 信二; 祖父江 友孝; 竹下 達也; 武林 亨; 原 邦夫; 福島 哲仁; 保利 一; 堀江 正知; 宮内 博幸; 宮川 宗之; 森本 泰夫; 山野 優子; 横山 和仁; 伊藤 由起; 上山 純; 梅田 ゆみ; 佐藤 一博; 諏訪園 靖; 竹内 靖人; 竹内 文乃; 塚原 照臣; 辻 真弓; 内藤 久雄; 中野 真規子; 松本 明子; 山内 武紀; 池田 敦子; 上野 晋; 奥田 昌之; 各務 竹康; 原田 浩二; 堀口 兵剛; 山本 健也; 日本産業衛生学会, 日本産業衛生学会許容濃度等に関する委員会(2021年度)
    産業衛生学雑誌 64 5 253 - 285 (公社)日本産業衛生学会 2022年09月 
  • 環境過敏を評価する質問票の今後の展望
    水越厚史; 北條祥子; 東 賢一; 中間千香子; 黒岩義之; 奥村二郎
    室内環境 25 2 191 - 194 2022年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Margaret R Karagas; Amy Wang; David C Dorman; Amy L Hall; Jingbo Pi; Consolato M Sergi; Elaine Symanski; Elizabeth M Ward; Victoria H Arrandale; Kenichi Azuma; Eduardo Brambila; Gloria M Calaf; Jason M Fritz; Shoji Fukushima; Joanna M; Gaitens; Tom K Grimsrud; Lei Guo; Elsebeth Lynge; Amélia P Marinho-Reis; Melissa A McDiarmid; Daniel R S Middleton; Thomas P Ong; David A Polya; Betzabet Quintanilla-Vega; Georgia K Roberts; Tiina Santonen; Riitta Sauni; Maria J Silva; Pascal Wild; Changwen W Zhang; Qunwei Zhang; Yann Grosse; Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa; Aline de Conti; Nathan L DeBono; Fatiha El Ghissassi; Federica Madia; Bradley Reisfeld; Leslie T Stayner; Eero Suonio; Susana Viegas; Roland Wedekind; Shukrullah Ahmadi; Heidi Mattock; William M Gwinn; Mary K Schubauer-Berigan
    THE LANCET Oncology 23 5 577 - 578 2022年05月 [査読有り]
  • 水越厚史; 北條祥子; 黒岩義之; 東 賢一; 中間千香子; 奥村二郎
    自律神経 59 1 28 - 36 日本自律神経学会 2022年04月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 東賢一
    大気環境学会誌 57 1 A49 - A53 2022年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Naoki Kunugita
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research 151 110665 - 110665 2021年12月 [査読有り]
    Objective: The Japanese chemical intolerance (JCI) study was conducted in January 2012 with a cohort of 7245 adults from population-based sampling. This study aimed to investigate the childhood constitutional and environmental factors involved in the development of chronic CI from the prospective cohort study. Methods: In the cohort, 4683 persons were identified after six years. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to the subjects to obtain information on CI status; medical history; constitution, lifestyle, and housing environment during childhood; and recent psychosomatic states. We assessed the differences between individuals with persisting CI status during the follow-up (defined as chronic CI) and controls not having CI status during the follow-up. Results: A total of 2500 individuals responded. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed significant associations between chronic CI and motion sickness to car or bus and allergic conjunctivitis during childhood. Significant associations between a possible increased risk of CI and the existence of high-voltage power lines close to housing, the use of vinyl covering in wall material, the use of strong perfume by a family member, and the experience of stinky odor of paint or wax at elementary school were observed. However, the use of carpet in floor material and plaster coating in wall material was associated with a possible decreased risk of CI. Conclusions: Some potential constitutional predisposition from childhood, including inherent susceptibility in the autonomic nervous system may be involved in the development of CI.
  • Atsuko Araki; Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Tetsuhito Fukushima; Kunio Hara; Kouji Harada; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Hyogo Horiguchi; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Tatsuya Ishitake; Akiyoshi Ito; Yuki Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Takeyasu Kakamu; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Reiko Kishi; Shinji Kumagai; Akiko Matsumoto; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Hiroyuki Miyauchi; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Hisao Naito; Tamie Nakajima; Makiko Nakano; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Hirokazu Okuda; Masayuki Okuda; Kazuyuki Omae; Kazuhiro Sato; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Ayano Takeuchi; Shigeru Tanaka; Mayumi Tsuji; Teruomi Tsukahara; Susumu Ueno; Jun Ueyama; Yumi Umeda; Kenya Yamamoto; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 63 1 2021年11月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    公衆衛生 85 7 432 - 437 2021年07月 [招待有り]
  • Peder Wolkoff; Kenichi Azuma; Paolo Carrer
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 233 113709  2021年02月 [査読有り]
    Epidemiological and experimental studies have revealed the effects of the room temperature, indoor air humidity, and ventilation on human health, work and cognitive performance, and risk of infection. In this overview, we integrate the influence of these important microclimatic parameters and assess their influence in offices based on literature searches. The dose-effect curves of the temperature describe a concave shape. Low temperature increases the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and elevated temperature increases the risk of acute non-specific symptoms, e.g., dry eyes, and respiratory symptoms. Cognitive and work performance is optimal between 22 °C and 24 °C for regions with temperate or cold climate, but both higher and lower temperatures may deteriorate the performances and learning efficiency. Low temperature may favor virus viability, however, depending on the status of the physiological tissue in the airways. Low indoor air humidity causes vulnerable eyes and airways from desiccation and less efficient mucociliary clearance. This causes elevation of the most common mucous membrane-related symptoms, like dry and tired eyes, which deteriorates the work performance. Epidemiological, experimental, and clinical studies support that intervention of dry indoor air conditions by humidification alleviates symptoms of dry eyes and airways, fatigue symptoms, less complaints about perceived dry air, and less compromised work performance. Intervention of dry air conditions by elevation of the indoor air humidity may be a non-pharmaceutical treatment of the risk of infection by reduced viability and transport of influenza virus. Relative humidity between 40 and 60% appears optimal for health, work performance, and lower risk of infection. Ventilation can reduce both acute and chronic health outcomes and improve work performance, because the exposure is reduced by the dilution of the indoor air pollutants (including pathogens, e.g., as virus droplets), and in addition to general emission source control strategies. Personal control of ventilation appears an important factor that influences the satisfaction of the thermal comfort due to its physical and positive psychological impact. However, natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation can become sources of air pollutants, allergens, and pathogens of outdoor or indoor origin and cause an increase in exposure. The "health-based ventilation rate" in a building should meet WHO's air quality guidelines and dilute human bio-effluent emissions to reach an acceptable perceived indoor air quality. Ventilation is a modifying factor that should be integrated with both the indoor air humidity and the room temperature in a strategic joint control to satisfy the perceived indoor air quality, health, working performance, and minimize the risk of infection.
  • Atsushi Mizukoshi; Chikako Nakama; Jiro Okumura; Kenichi Azuma
    Environment Internatioal 147 106338 - 106338 2021年01月 [査読有り]
    We assessed the risk of COVID-19 infection in a healthcare worker (HCW) from multiple pathways of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in a health-care setting of short distance of 0.6 m between the HCW and a patient while caring, and evaluated the effectiveness of a face mask and a face shield using a model that combined previous infection-risk models. The multiple pathways of exposure included hand contact via contaminated surfaces and an HCW's fingers with droplets, droplet spray, and inhalation of inspirable and respirable particles. We assumed a scenario of medium contact time (MCT) and long contact time (LCT) over 1 day of care by an HCW. SARS-CoV-2 in the particles emitted by coughing, breathing, and vocalization (only in the LCT scenario) by the patient were considered. The contribution of the risk of infection of an HCW by SARS-CoV-2 from each pathway to the sum of the risks from all pathways depended on virus concentration in the saliva of the patient. At a virus concentration in the saliva of 101-105 PFU mL-1 concentration in the MCT scenario and 101-104 PFU mL-1 concentration in the LCT scenario, droplet spraying was the major pathway (60%-86%) of infection, followed by hand contact via contaminated surfaces (9%-32%). At a high virus concentration in the saliva (106-108 PFU mL-1 in the MCT scenario and 105-108 PFU mL-1 in the LCT scenario), hand contact via contaminated surfaces was the main contributor (41%-83%) to infection. The contribution of inhalation of inspirable particles was 4%-10% in all assumed cases. The contribution of inhalation of respirable particles increased as the virus concentration in the saliva increased, and reached 5%-27% at the high saliva concentration (107 and 108 PFU mL-1) in the assumed scenarios using higher dose-response function parameter (0.246) and comparable to other pathways, although these were worst and rare cases. Regarding the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions, the relative risk (RR) of an overall risk for an HCW with an intervention vs. an HCW without intervention was 0.36-0.37, 0.02-0.03, and <4.0 × 10-4 for a face mask, a face shield, and a face mask plus shield, respectively, in the likely median virus concentration in the saliva (102-104 PFU mL-1), suggesting that personal protective equipment decreased the infection risk by 63%->99.9%. In addition, the RR for a face mask worn by the patient, and a face mask worn by the patient plus increase of air change rate from 2 h-1 to 6 h-1 was <1.0 × 10-4 and <5.0 × 10-5, respectively in the same virus concentration in the saliva. Therefore, by modeling multiple pathways of exposure, the contribution of the infection risk from each pathway and the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 were indicated quantitatively, and the importance of the use of a face mask and shield was confirmed.
  • Philippe Glorennec; Derek G Shendell; Pat E Rasmussen; Roger Waeber; Peter Egeghy; Kenichi Azuma; Aurélie Pelfrêne; Barbara Le Bot; Williams Esteve; Guillaume Perouel; Valérie Pernelet Joly; Yves Noack; Matthieu Delannoy; Marion Keirsbulck; Corinne Mandin
    Indoor Air 31 1 112 - 115 2021年01月 [査読有り]
    Indoor settled dust may result in substantial human exposure to chemicals, especially by ingestion following hand-to-mouth or hand-to-object-to-mouth contact. As with other environmental media related to exposure, dust may thus be subject to regulation. An international scientific workshop was convened in Paris in September 2019 firstly to assess the relevance for public health of setting guidelines for indoor settled dust, and secondly to discuss scientific and technical challenges related to such guidelines. The main discussions and conclusions, with consensus achieved, are reported herein. Discussions concerned general considerations, objectives and definitions, relevance for a health-based guideline, units of measure, and finally derivation of the guideline. These points should be addressed when considering an indoor settled dust guideline as part of a policy to reduce exposure indoors to a given chemical or group of chemicals.
  • Takeshi Miyama; Hiroshi Matsui; Kenichi Azuma; Chika Minejima; Yasuyuki Itano; Norimichi Takenaka; Masayuki Ohyama
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 24 9507 - 9507 2020年12月 [査読有り]
    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an air pollutant discharged from combustion of human activities. Nitrous acid (HONO), measured as NO2, is thought to impact respiratory function more than NO2. HONO and NO2 have an equilibrium relationship, and their reaction is affected by climate conditions. This study was conducted to discuss the extent of HONO contained in NO2, depending on the level of urbanization. Whether climate conditions that promote HONO production enhanced the level of NO2 measured was investigated using time series analysis. Climate and outdoor air pollution data measured in April 2009–March 2017 in urban (Tokyo, Osaka, and Aichi) and rural (Yamanashi) areas in Japan were used for the analysis. Air temperature had a trend of negative associations with NO2, which might indicate the decomposition of HONO in the equilibrium between HONO and NO2. The associations of relative humidity with NO2 did not have consistent trends by prefecture: humidity only in Yamanashi was positively associated with NO2. In high relative humidity conditions, the equilibrium goes towards HONO production, which was observed in Yamanashi, suggesting the proportion of HONO in NO2 might be low/high in urban/rural areas.
  • Kenichi Azuma; U Yanagi; Naoki Kagi; Hoon Kim; Masayuki Ogata; Motoya Hayashi
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 25 1 66  2020年11月 [査読有り]
    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new zoonotic agent that emerged in December 2019, causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This infection can be spread by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and symptomatic carriers. SARS-CoV-2 spreads primarily via respiratory droplets during close person-to-person contact in a closed space, especially a building. This article summarizes the environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, including a strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a building environment. SARS-CoV-2 can persist on surfaces of fomites for at least 3 days depending on the conditions. If SARS-CoV-2 is aerosolized intentionally, it is stable for at least several hours. SARS-CoV-2 is inactivated rapidly on surfaces with sunlight. Close-contact aerosol transmission through smaller aerosolized particles is likely to be combined with respiratory droplets and contact transmission in a confined, crowded, and poorly ventilated indoor environment, as suggested by some cluster cases. Although evidence of the effect of aerosol transmission is limited and uncertainty remains, adequate preventive measures to control indoor environmental quality are required, based on a precautionary approach, because COVID-19 has caused serious global damages to public health, community, and the social economy. The expert panel for COVID-19 in Japan has focused on the “3 Cs,” namely, “closed spaces with poor ventilation,” “crowded spaces with many people,” and “close contact.” In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan has been recommending adequate ventilation in all closed spaces in accordance with the existing standards of the Law for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings as one of the initial political actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, specific standards for indoor environmental quality control have not been recommended and many scientific uncertainties remain regarding the infection dynamics and mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in closed indoor spaces. Further research and evaluation are required regarding the effect and role of indoor environmental quality control, especially ventilation.
  • SARS-CoV-2の伝播に関わる環境要因
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 58 3 124 - 129 2020年11月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kagi; Hoon Kim; Motoya Hayashi
    Environmental Research 190 110042 - 110042 2020年11月 [査読有り]
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rapidly spread worldwide in the first quarter of 2020 and resulted in a global crisis. Investigation of the potential association of the spread of the COVID-19 infection with climate or ambient air pollution could lead to the development of preventive strategies for disease control. To examine this association, we conducted a longitudinal cohort study of 28 geographical areas of Japan with documented outbreaks of COVID-19. We analyzed data obtained from March 13 to April 6, 2020, before the Japanese government declared a state of emergency. The results revealed that the epidemic growth of COVID-19 was significantly associated with increase in daily temperature or sunshine hours. This suggests that an increase in person-to-person contact due to increased outing activities on a warm and/or sunny day might promote the transmission of COVID-19. Our results also suggested that short-term exposure to suspended particles might influence respiratory infections caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Further research by well-designed or well-controlled study models is required to ascertain this effect. Our findings suggest that weather has an indirect role in the transmission of COVID-19 and that daily adequate preventive behavior decreases the transmission.
  • Motoya Hayashi; U Yanagi; Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kagi; Masayuki Ogata; Shoichi Morimoto; Hirofumi Hayama; Taro Mori; Koki Kikuta; Shin‐ichi Tanabe; Takashi Kurabuchi; Hiromi Yamada; Kenichi Kobayashi; Hoon Kim; Noriko Kaihara
    Japan Architectural Review 3 4 423 - 434 2020年10月 [査読有り]
  • Masayuki Ohyama; Hiroshi Nishimura; Kenichi Azuma; Chika Minejima; Norimichi Takenaka; Shuichi Adachi
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 25 1 56  2020年09月 [査読有り]
    Abstract Background We previously demonstrated that continuous exposure to nitrous acid gas (HONO) for 4 weeks, at a concentration of 3.6 parts per million (ppm), induced pulmonary emphysema-like alterations in guinea pigs. In addition, we found that HONO affected asthma symptoms, based on the measurement of respiratory function in rats exposed to 5.8 ppm HONO. This study aimed to investigate the dose-response effects of HONO exposure on the histopathological alterations in the respiratory tract of guinea pigs to determine the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of HONO. Methods We continuously exposed male Hartley guinea pigs (n = 5) to four different concentrations of HONO (0.0, 0.1, 0.4, and 1.7 ppm) for 4 weeks (24 h/day). We performed histopathological analysis by observing lung tissue samples. We examined samples from three guinea pigs in each group under a light microscope and measured the alveolar mean linear intercept (Lm) and the thickness of the bronchial smooth muscle layer. We further examined samples from two guinea pigs in each group under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Results We observed the following dose-dependent changes: pulmonary emphysema-like alterations in the centriacinar regions of alveolar ducts, significant increase in Lm in the 1.7 ppm HONO-exposure group, tendency for hyperplasia and pseudostratification of bronchial epithelial cells, and extension of the bronchial epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells in the alveolar duct regions. Conclusions These histopathological findings suggest that the LOAEL of HONO is < 0.1 ppm.
  • Atsuko Araki; Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Tetsuhito Fukushima; Kunio Hara; Koji Harada; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Masayuki Ikeda; Akiyoshi Ito; Yuki Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Takeyasu Kakumu; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Takahiko Katoh; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Shinji Kumagai; Yukinori Kusaka; Akiko Matsumoto; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Hiroyuki Miyauchi; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Hisao Naito; Tamie Nakajima; Makiko Nakano; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Hirokazu Okuda; Masayuki Okuda; Kazuyuki Omae; Haruhiko Sakurai; Kazuhiro Sato; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Ayano Takeuchi; Masatoshi Tanaka; Shigeru Tanaka; Teruomi Tsukahara; Masashi Tsunoda; Susumu Ueno; Jun Ueyama; Yumi Umeda; Kenya Yamamoto; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 62 1 e12151  2020年08月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    室内環境 23 2 129 - 139 2020年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 柳 宇; 長谷川兼一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 85 777 811 - 817 日本建築学会 2020年07月 [査読有り]
    The emission mechanisms for 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2E1H) are not only the primary emission that directly generates from materials but also the secondary emission from material that contains di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in PVC floor using with various adhesives and self-leveling sub-floor material that contains water with high pH. Many previous studies showed that the secondary emission for 2E1H is the main emission source in the indoor environments that use concreate and PVC flooring materials. However, there are some cases where the 2E1H concentration are high even in a room that is not constructed with concrete and PVC flooring materials.  This study carried out the field measurements of airborne 2E1H and the 2E1H emission tests for PVC sheets, carpets and adhesives on various humidity conditions by using the small chamber method for focusing on the emission behavior of 2E1H due to moisture supplied to flooring materials from the air and base material. The airborne 2E1H with humidifiers in the room and wiping of the materials were also measured to investigate the characteristics of indoor concentration.  From the results of the field measurements, 2E1H was detected in all office rooms in this study, and the 2E1H concentrations of the room B and H were higher than 130 µg/m3. Since the high concentration of 2E1H was detected even in the room where no PVC flooring material was directly applied to the concrete, the primary emission also contributed to the increase of the indoor 2E1H concentration.  From the emission test from the PVC sheet, tile carpet, adhesives and composite material on the various water conditions, it was confirmed that the 2E1H emission rates for PVC sheet and adhesive were increased due to the moisture from the base material and the water vapor in the air. It was found that moisture of the materials and humidification in the air increased the primary emission of 2E1H from building materials.  From real-scale experiments, it was shown that 2E1H emissions from PVC building materials increased due to humidification and increased water content of building materials. The water content of the building material and 2E1H emission did not change even if the materials were wiping for adding water.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Hideto Jinno; Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa; Shinobu Sakai
    International journal of hygiene and environmental health 225 113470  2020年04月 [査読有り]
    Individuals living in general indoor environments are exposed to a greater variety of chemical pollutants, albeit at lower concentrations, compared with industrial workers in occupational environments. These pollutants can result in a variety of adverse health effects, including those affecting the respiratory, neurological, reproductive, dermatologic, and cardiovascular systems. In Japan, indoor air quality guidelines have been established for 13 chemicals since 1997, and these developments have continued on the basis of scientific discussions in the Committee on Indoor Air Pollution (CIAP) that was set up by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. However, the types and concentrations of these pollutants have been observed to be inconsistent over time due to lifestyle changes and the development of novel household products and building materials. Therefore, continuing the monitoring of indoor chemicals and the development of indoor air quality guidelines for substances that pose potential high health risks are essential for the protection of public health. In indoor environments, there are multiple media by which humans come in contact with indoor chemicals and multiple exposure pathways that can affect human health, particularly for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). This is defined as aggregate exposure. Furthermore, combined exposure to multiple low-level pollutants occurs in indoor environments. In this article, a comprehensive overview of the indoor air quality guidelines in Japan and assessment approaches for developing indoor air quality guidelines is provided. In addition, future issues facing approaches for indoor chemicals, including aggregate exposure to SVOCs and combined exposure to multiple pollutants with common toxicological effects in indoor environments, are discussed.
  • 東 賢一; 稲葉 洋平; 金 勲; 戸次 加奈江; 林 基哉; 内山 巖雄; 欅田 尚樹
    日本衛生学雑誌 75 Suppl. S151 - S151 (一社)日本衛生学会 2020年03月
  • 室内化学物質汚染の現状と今後の対策
    東 賢一
    クリーンテクノロジー 30 2 41 - 45 2020年02月 [招待有り]
  • Field study of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol in office buildings and the effect of sub-floor materials on the emission characteristics
    Naoki Kagi; Ami Tsuchiko; Kenichi Azuma; Hoon Kim; U. Yanagi
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020年
  • Effects of the total floor area of an air-conditioned office building on building-related symptoms: Characteristics of winter and summer
    Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kagi; U. Yanagi; Hoon Kim; Kenichi Hasegawa; Dai Shimazaki; Noriko Kaihara; Naoki Kunugita; Motoya Hayashi; Kenichi Kobayashi; Haruki Osawa
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020年
  • 建築物環境衛生管理基準の設定根拠と近年の科学的知見
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 57 5 4 - 13 2020年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 【建築物衛生法制定50周年に当たって(1)】特定建築物における空気環境不適率の実態
    林 基哉; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 小林 健一; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一
    空気清浄 57 5 14 - 23 (公社)日本空気清浄協会 2020年01月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 建築物衛生法とISO基準による国内事務所建築の室内温熱環境評価の比較
    中野 淳太; 林 基哉; 小林 健一; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 長谷川 兼一; 李 時桓
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 2019年 394 - 395 (一社)室内環境学会 2019年12月
  • Masayuki Ohyama; Takae Nakajima; Chika Minejima; Kenichi Azuma; Kenji Oka; Yasuyuki Itano; Shouichiro Kudo; Norimichi Takenak
    International Journal of Environmental Health Research 29 6 632 - 642 2019年11月 [査読有り]
    The association between nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and asthma has been investigated. However, conventional NO2 assays measure nitrous acid (HONO) as NO2. In this pilot epidemiological observational study, we assessed exposure to indoor HONO and some air pollutants in pediatric asthma patients and examined possible association between exposure and asthma symptoms. Indoor HONO and nitric oxide (NO), which are primarily generated by the combustion of certain substances, were significantly associated with asthma attacks in 2010. In 2010, indoor HONO was closely correlated with indoor NO than with outdoor NO2. Conversely, in 2012, indoor HONO was closely correlated with outdoor NO2 and NO than with indoor NO2 and NO. Outdoor NO2 was significantly associated with asthma attacks in 2012. Our results highlight the need for further epidemiological studies of the association between indoor HONO and asthma symptoms using multivariate analyses to examine the role of NO2 in asthma symptoms.
  • 事務所建築における空気環境管理に関する研究(その1) 夏期室内環境の連続測定
    林 基哉; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 小林 健一; 島崎 大; 東 賢一; 長谷川 兼一; 欅田 尚樹
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 78回 582 - 582 日本公衆衛生学会 2019年10月
  • 事務所建築における空気環境管理に関する研究(その2) 室内温湿度の実態と課題
    開原 典子; 金 勲; 東 賢一; 長谷川 兼一; 島崎 大; 欅田 尚樹; 林 基哉; 小林 健一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 78回 583 - 583 日本公衆衛生学会 2019年10月
  • 事務所建築における空気環境管理に関する研究(その3) 冷暖房期のCO2濃度の実態調査
    金 勲; 林 基哉; 開原 典子; 東 賢一; 長谷川 兼一; 島崎 大; 欅田 尚樹; 小林 健一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 78回 583 - 583 日本公衆衛生学会 2019年10月
  • 事務所建築における空気環境管理に関する研究(その4) ビル関連症状と建築物規模
    東 賢一; 金 勲; 長谷川 兼一; 島崎 大; 開原 典子; 欅田 尚樹; 林 基哉; 小林 健一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 78回 583 - 583 日本公衆衛生学会 2019年10月
  • 事務所建築における空気環境管理に関する研究(その5) 室内環境と建築物規模
    長谷川 兼一; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 島崎 大; 開原 典子; 欅田 尚樹; 林 基哉; 小林 健一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 78回 583 - 583 日本公衆衛生学会 2019年10月
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Mari Tanigawa; Ikuko Bamba; Michiyo Azuma; Hirohisa Takano; Toshikazu Yoshikawa; Kou Sakabe
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 24 1 61  2019年10月 [査読有り]
    Background: Chemical intolerance (CI) is a chronic condition characterized by recurring and severe symptoms triggered by exposure to low levels of odorous or pungent substances. The etiology of CI has been a controversial subject for a long time. The aim of this review is to summarize findings on the neurological processing of sensory information during and after exposure to low levels of odorous or pungent substances in individuals with CI, focusing on the brain function and networks. Methods: Scientific studies on CI published between 2000 and 2019 in academic peer-reviewed journals were systematically searched using medical and scientific literature databases. Only peer-reviewed articles reporting original research from experimental human studies directly associated with CI, and involving related neurological responses or brain imaging after exposure to odorous or pungent substances (i.e., in chemical provocation tests), were considered. Results: Forty-seven studies were found to be eligible for a full-text review. Twenty-three studies met the selection criteria and were included in this review. Evidence indicated that differences between subjects with CI and healthy controls were observed by brain imaging during and after exposure to odorous or pungent substances. Differences in brain imaging were also observed between initial exposure and after exposure to these substances. Neurological processing of sensory information after exposure to extrinsic stimuli in the limbic system and related cortices were altered in subjects with CI. A previous documentable exposure event was likely to be involved in this alteration. Conclusions: This review documents consistent evidence for the altered neurological processing of sensory information in individuals with CI. Further neurophysiological research exploring the processing of extrinsic stimuli and cognition of sensation through the limbic system and related cortices in CI, and the appearance of symptoms in individuals with CI, are required.
  • Atsushi Mizukoshi; Kenichi Azuma; Shigehiro Sugiyama; Daisuke Tanaka; Masashi, Inoue; Masahiro Tokumura; Jiro Okumura
    Building and Environment 163 106320  2019年10月 [査読有り]
    High ozone concentrations often exist under the reduced pressure conditions observed in aircraft cabins during flight. In this study, we measured the concentrations of the products obtained from the reaction of ozone with limonene in a simulated aircraft cabin environment (i.e., vacuum chamber at approximately 70 kPa). The concentration of total volatile organic compounds increased under reduced pressure when compared to that under atmospheric pressure, whereas the ozone concentration decreased during the hour after limonene was injected into the chamber. These changes can be partially explained by the increased evaporation of limonene under reduced pressure. With respect to secondary products, a decrease in particulate matter was observed under reduced pressure for an initial ozone concentration of 0.4-0.5 mg/m(3). In contrast, the effects of reduced pressure on the concentrations of gaseous products, such as formaldehyde and limonene oxide, were small when the initial ozone concentration was approximately 0.3 mg/m(3). These results indicate that the reaction between limonene and ozone under reduced pressure is similar to that occurring under atmospheric pressure.
  • Naoki Kagi; U. Yanagi; Kenichi Azuma; Hoon Kim
    E3S Web of Conferences 111 2019年08月 
    The characterization of indoor PM2.5 has been concerned about health effects. PM2.5 in indoor air is affected by not only indoor emissions but also penetrations from outdoor air. Therefore, it is important for indoor PM2.5 to take into account of penetration factors of PM2.5 through air conditioning units in buildings. This study aimed at investigating PM2.5 concentrations and I/O ratios (indoor/outdoor concentration) in office buildings. As a result, the relationships between PM2.5 concentrations or I/O ratios and building characteristics could be classified as the types of buildings, such as specific or non-specific, and air conditioning units, such as the individual or central system. The I/O ratio for the specific buildings, over 3,000 m2 of total floor area and buildings that had the central air conditioning unit was relatively low because of medium performance filter in air conditioning units.
  • Hoon Kim; Yohei Inaba; Kanae Bekki; Motoya Hayashi; Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kunugita
    E3S Web of Conferences 111 2019年08月 
    This study aims to investigate the relevance of between SVOC concentrations in house dust and living environments. Using the newly proposed dust collecting and SVOC analysis method, we determined concentrations of the nine SVOC substances by dust size and made simultaneously the questionnaire about residential environments. Collected dusts were screened with sieves and then analyzed on nine components (DEP, DMP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DBP, DNOP, DIDP, DIBP) by LC/MS/MS method. The results leaded to selecting less than 100μm and 100-250μm as the target size of dusts to be investigated intensively by considering the concentration distribution and the oral intake of humans. DEHP and DINP accounted for 96 to 97% of determined amount of SVOC and only the small amounts in the other seven components were detected. There was no significant difference in the component ratio depending on particle size. Significant difference was obtained between a few substances of SVOC and several living environment items.
  • 今後の室内化学物質汚染
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 57 2 15 - 20 2019年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 東 賢一
    室内環境 22 2 203 - 208 2019年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Atsuko Araki; Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Tetsuhito Fukushima; Kunio Hara; Koji Harada; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Masayuki Ikeda; Akiyoshi Ito; Yuki Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Takeyasu Kakumu; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Takahiko Katoh; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Shinji Kumagai; Yukinori Kusaka; Akiko Matsumoto; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Hiroyuki Miyauchi; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Hisao Naito; Tamie Nakajima; Makiko Nakano; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Hirokazu Okuda; Masayuki Okuda; Kazuyuki Omae; Haruhiko Sakurai; Kazuhiro Sato; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Ayano Takeuchi; Masatoshi Tanaka; Shigeru Tanaka; Teruomi Tsukahara; Masashi Tsunoda; Susumu Ueno; Jun Ueyama; Yumi Umeda; Kenya Yamamoto; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 61 4 328 - 330 2019年07月 [査読有り]
  • QEESIのMCS患者スクリーニング用新基準値によるMCS患者、喘息患者、EHS有訴者、一般人の比較
    水越 厚史; 北條 祥子; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 水城 まさみ; 宮田 幹夫; 小倉 英郎; 釣木澤 尚実; 押方 智也子; 加藤 貴彦; 角田 和彦; 西影 京子; 坂部 貢
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 74 - 74 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • 建築物衛生法の特定建築物における空気環境の不適率(その1) 空気衛生環境基準の不適率の現状
    金 勲; 林 基哉; 開原 典子; 小林 健一; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 63 - 63 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • 建築物衛生法の特定建築物における空気環境の不適率(その2) 室内二酸化炭素濃度の不適率の要因分析
    林 基哉; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 小林 健一; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 63 - 63 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • QEESIのMCS患者スクリーニング用新基準値によるMCS患者、喘息患者、EHS有訴者、一般人の比較
    水越 厚史; 北條 祥子; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 水城 まさみ; 宮田 幹夫; 小倉 英郎; 釣木澤 尚実; 押方 智也子; 加藤 貴彦; 角田 和彦; 西影 京子; 坂部 貢
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 74 - 74 日本臨床環境医学会 2019年06月
  • Sachiko Hojo; Atsushi Mizukoshi; Kenichi Azuma; Jiro Okumura; Masami Mizuki; Mikio Miyata
    PLoS ONE 14 4 e0215144  2019年04月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) developed by Miller and Prihoda in the USA is used as a questionnaire for patients with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in >10 countries. We developed a Japanese version of QEESI, assessed its reliability and validity, and defined original cut-off values for screening Japanese patients with MCS in 2003. Our recent study revealed that opportunities for exposure to various chemicals had increased for people in Japan, while subjective symptoms of MCS in patients had increased in severity. In this study, we considered new cut-off values that combined QEESI subscale scores based on the current situation in Japan. METHODS: The questionnaire used was a Japanese version of QEESI. The survey was conducted from 2012 to 2015. Participants were 111 patients with MCS (mean age: 46 ± 20, 81% female) initially diagnosed by physicians, and 444 age- and gender-matched controls not diagnosed with MCS by doctors. The discriminatory validity of QEESI scores of patients and controls were evaluated by logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic analyses when considering interactions of the Masking Index (ongoing chemical exposure). New combined cut-off values were then set. RESULTS: New combined cut-off values (meeting conditions of Chemical Intolerances ≥ 30, Symptom Severity ≥ 13, and Life Impacts ≥ 17) showed high sensitivity (82.0%) and specificity (94.4%). Using new criteria when considering ongoing chemical exposure, study participants were categorized as: Very suggestive, Somewhat suggestive, Problematic, and Not suggestive. Participants classified as Very suggestive included 25 (5.6%) controls. CONCLUSIONS: We have set new criteria with combined cut-off values based on current Japanese conditions. Such new criteria can be used for screening and as a diagnostic aid for Japanese patients with MCS and suggest approximately 6% of the Japanese general population may be classified as "Very suggestive people with MCS".
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Naoki Kunugita
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research 118 1 - 8 2019年03月 [査読有り]
    This article was selected as Editor's Choice (first quarter in 2019) of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM).
  • 林 基哉; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 小林 健一; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 84 765 1011 - 1018 日本建築学会 2019年 [査読有り]

     The state of the increase in the nonconformity rates of air environment in specific buildings was investigated using local government survey reports. The factors in the increase of carbon dioxide concentration were analyzed in consideration of the increase of ambient concentration, the characteristics of indoor concentrations and the characteristics of the government reports. The results were as follows.

     1 The nonconformity rates of humidity, temperature and carbon dioxide concentration have increased with the number of specific buildings since 1999. And reports made by the owners of specific buildings are substituted for inspections by government officials in most prefectures.

     2 One of the factors in the increase of nonconformity rates of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration is the increase of reports using measurement data by building maintenance suppliers. The nonconformity rates of humidity and carbon dioxide concentration were higher in northern prefectures.

     3 The frequency of indoor carbon dioxide concentration in specific buildings in Tokyo was similar to that in Osaka. The frequency distribution of the differences between indoor concentration and outdoor concentration in Tokyo follows Weibull frequency distribution.

     4 The ambient concentration of carbon dioxide has increased especially in urban areas. The increase of ambient concentration is thought to increase the indoor concentrations in specific buildings.

     5 The nonconformity rates of carbon dioxide concentration depend on not only ambient concentration but also the rates of ventilation reduction and survey methods by governments. The nonconformity rates were calculated using an equation composed on the basis of Weibull frequency. The coefficients of these factors were calculated using the equation and the survey data on all Japan.

     6 The increase of ambient concentration made the nonconformity rate of indoor concentration 3.1% higher and ventilation reduction made it 7.2% higher and the change of survey method made it 11.6% higher in these nineteen years.

     These results showed that the increase of nonconformity rates depends on several factors. Therefore it is necessary to design integrated countermeasures in order to decrease these nonconformity rates.

  • 萬羽郁子; 東 賢一; 東実千代; 谷川真理; 内山巌雄
    におい・かおり環境学会誌 50 1 27 - 39 2019年01月 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Masayuki Ohyama; Emiko Azuma; Takae Nakajima
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 23 52  2018年12月 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Naoki Kagi; U Yanagi; Haruki Osawa
    Environment International 121 51 - 56 2018年12月 [査読有り]
    Scientific literature and documents pertaining to the effects of inhalation exposure to carbon dioxide (CO2) on human health and psychomotor performance were reviewed. Linear physiological changes in circulatory, cardiovascular, and autonomic systems on exposure to CO2 at concentrations ranging from 500 to 5000 ppm were evident. Human experimental studies have suggested that short-term CO2 exposure beginning at 1000 ppm affects cognitive performances including decision making and problem resolution. Changes in autonomic systems due to low-level exposure to CO2 may involve these effects. Further research on the long-term effects of low-level CO2 exposure on the autonomic system is required. Numerous epidemiological studies indicate an association between low-level exposure to CO2 beginning at 700 ppm and building-related symptoms. Respiratory symptoms have been indicated in children exposed to indoor CO2 concentrations higher than 1000 ppm. However, other indoor comorbid pollutants are possibly involved in such effects. In the context of significant linear increase of globally ambient CO2 concentration caused by anthropogenic activities and sources, reducing indoor CO2 levels by ventilation with ambient air represents an increase in energy consumption in an air-conditioned building. For the efficient energy control of CO2 intruding a building from ambient air, the rise of atmospheric CO2 concentration needs to be urgently suppressed.
  • Sachiko Hojo; Atsushi Mizukoshi; Kenichi Azuma; Jiro Okumura; Satoshi Ishikawa; Mikio Miyata; Masami Mizuki; Hideo Ogura; Kou Sakabe
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 221 8 1085 - 1096 2018年09月 [査読有り]
    Background: Recently, with rapid changes in the Japanese lifestyle, the clinical condition of patients with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) may also have undergone change. Thus, we conducted a new survey for subjective symptoms, ongoing chemical exposures, the prevalence of allergic diseases, and presumed onset/trigger factors in patients with MCS and compared results with those of an old survey from ten years ago. Methods: The new survey was conducted from 2012 to 2015 and the old survey was independently conducted from 1999 to 2003, meaning it was not a follow-up study. Patients were initially diagnosed by physicians at five medical institutions with MCS specialty outpatient services, with 111 and 103 patients participating in the new and old surveys, respectively. The controls were a general population living in Japan, with 1313 and 2382 participants in the new and old surveys, respectively. Subjective symptoms and ongoing chemical exposure were evaluated using a quick environmental exposure sensitivity inventory. Additionally, from clinical findings recorded by an attending physician, the prevalence of allergic diseases and presumed onset/trigger factors were evaluated. Differences between new and old surveys were analyzed using logistic regression analyses and significance tests. Results: Compared with ten years ago: (1) Regarding factors affecting patients with ongoing chemical exposures, the proportion of patients affected decreased significantly for two items only (insecticides and second-hand smoke). The proportion of controls showing ongoing exposure to 8 out of 10 items changed significantly. (2) In patients, scores for chemical intolerances, other intolerances, and life impacts increased significantly. (3) In terms of the prevalence of allergic diseases among patients with MCS, bronchial asthma (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 5.19), atopic dermatitis (AOR: 3.77), allergic rhinitis (AOR: 5.34), and food allergies (AOR: 2.63) increased significantly, while hay fever (AOR: 0.38) and drug allergies (AOR: 0.40) decreased significantly. (4) With regard to construction and renovation, which was the presumed predominant onset/trigger factor for MCS 10 years ago, this decreased from 68.9% to 35.1%; in contrast, electromagnetic fields (0.0%–26.1%), perfume (0.0%–20.7%), and medical treatment (1.9%–7.2%) increased significantly, confirming the diversification of onset/trigger factors. Conclusion: Compared to ten years ago, for patients with MCS, an increase in avoidance behavior toward chemical substance exposures, which were presumed to be aggravating factors for symptoms, was confirmed. It has been suggested that the ongoing chemical exposure of the general population in Japan has largely changed. In addition, for patients with MCS, chemical intolerances and life impacts have become severe, the prevalence of the main allergic diseases has increased, and onset/trigger factors have become diversified.
  • Masayuki Ohyama; Ichiro Horie; Yoichiro Isohama; Kenichi Azuma; Shuichi Adachi; Chika Minejima; Norimichi Takenaka
    Inhalation Toxicology 30 4-5 149 - 158 2018年09月 [査読有り]
    We examined the baseline pulmonary resistance (RLung), baseline dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), cytokine inductions, and histological alterations in rats exposed to nitrous acid (HONO) with secondary products of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO) to assess its biological effects. We exposed three groups of nine male F344 rats to different doses of HONO for six weeks (24 h/day). The cumulative values of HONO concentration were measured twice. The average concentrations of nitrogen oxide for each group were 5.8 parts per million (ppm) HONO with secondary products of 0.7 ppm NO2 and 2.3 ppm NO, 4.1 ppm HONO with 0.1 ppm NO2 and 0.6 ppm NO, and a clean air control. We measured baseline RLung and baseline Cdyn using tracheal cannulation. A tracheal tube was inserted into the trachea by tracheostomy, and lung function measurements (baseline RLung and baseline Cdyn) were conducted in mechanically ventilated rats. We measured mRNA levels of Cxcl-1, TNF-α, and Muc5ac in the right lung using quantitative RT-PCR, and observed histological alterations and the alveolar mean linear intercept (Lm) on the left lung. Our results demonstrated that HONO exposure significantly increased baseline RLung, Lm and Muc5ac expression, but did not affect baseline Cdyn or expression of Cxcl-1 and TNF-α. Further, we identified bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy, pulmonary emphysema-like alterations in the alveolar duct centriacinar regions, and increased goblet cells in HONO-exposed rats. The present results suggest that HONO (with secondary products) adversely affects respiratory function, but that these pathologies may be unrelated to inflammation.
  • 東 賢一
    室内環境 21 2 113 - 120 2018年08月 [招待有り]
  • 奥村二郎; 東 賢一; 水越厚史
    公衆衛生 82 8 626 - 630 株式会社医学書院 2018年08月 [招待有り]
  • Atsuko Araki; Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Tetsuhito Fukushima; Kunio Hara; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Hyogo Horiguchi; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Masayuki Ikeda; Tatsuya Ishitake; Akiyoshi Ito; Yuki Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Takeyasu Kakumu; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Takahiko Katoh; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Shinji Kumagai; Yukinori Kusaka; Akiko Matsumoto; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Hiroyuki Miyauchi; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Hisao Naito; Tamie Nakajima; Makiko Nakano; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Hirokazu Okuda; Masayuki Okuda; Kazuyuki Omae; Haruhiko Sakurai; Kazuhiro Sato; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Ayano Takeuchi; Masatoshi Tanaka; Shigeru Tanaka; Teruomi Tsukahara; Masashi Tsunoda; Susumu Ueno; Jun Ueyama; Yumi Umeda; Kenya Yamamoto; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 60 4 333 - 335 2018年07月 [査読有り]
  • Mizukoshi A; Azuma K; Sugiyama S; Tanaka D; Inoue M; Tokumura M; Okumura J
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID498 8 pages  2018年07月 [査読有り]
    In an aircraft cabin during flight, high ozone concentrations often exist in reduced pressure conditions. We measured the concentration of products from the reaction of ozone with limonene in a vacuum chamber, which was used to simulate an aircraft cabin, at approximately 70 kPa. Results indicated that under reduced pressure, the concentration of total volatile organic compounds increased and ozone concentration decreased in comparison with these concentrations at atmospheric pressure. Evidence suggested that these differences were observed because of the increased evaporation of volatile organic compounds under reduced pressure. Regarding secondary products, a decrease in particulate matter was observed under reduced pressure at approximately 0.5 mg/m3 ozone concentration. In contrast, the influence of total pressure on the concentration of gaseous products like formaldehyde, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and limonene oxide was small at approximately 0.3 mg/m3 ozone concentration. The reaction between limonene and ozone under reduced pressure is thus suggested to be similar to that under atmospheric pressure.
  • Effects of thermal conditions and carbon dioxide concentration on building-related symptoms: a longitudinal study in air-conditioned office buildings
    Azuma K; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Kim H; Kaihara N; Hayashi M; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID106 6 pages  2018年07月 [査読有り]
  • 日本人の日常生活からの化学物質曝露状況の10年間の変化 QEESIのMasking Indexと統計データを比較して
    水越 厚史; 北條 祥子; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 石川 哲; 宮田 幹夫; 水城 まさみ; 小倉 英郎; 乳井 美和子; 坂部 貢
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 27回 57 - 57 日本臨床環境医学会 2018年07月
  • ハウスダスト中SVOC濃度の実態と居住環境
    金 勲; 稲葉 洋平; 戸次 加奈江; 東 賢一; 林 基哉; 欅田 尚樹
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 27回 78 - 78 日本臨床環境医学会 2018年07月 [査読有り]
  • 金 勲; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 林 基哉; 大澤 元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 83 749 581 - 588 日本建築学会 2018年07月 [査読有り]
     Endotoxin (ET) is the outer membrane component of gram-negative bacteria and secreted by destruction of bacterial cell. It is ubiquitous in living environment and elicits strong immune responses such as inflammation, fever, septic shock etc. when get into the blood. It also known as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and lipoglycans, has been ascribed as allergen on the hygiene hypothesis.
     Since most of the eubacteria are gram-negative and ET is also the specific substance produced from gram-negative bacteria, it is reasonable premise that ET concentration can serve as a representative index to bacterial pollution.

     The aim of this study is to prove the benefit of measuring ET as a substitute for the traditional cultural method to investigate the bacterial pollution in indoor air.

     The followings were reported in this article.
     1) Interference tests to gelatinization of lysate reagent in order to select the air sampling filter and preservation method
     2) Field survey results on airborne ET and bacteria concentrations in indoor air at office buildings and elderly facilities
     3) Correlation analysis between ET and bacteria concentration

     As a result, it was obvious that ET concentration tended to be high in elderly facilities than in offices, and the same tendency was not observed from airborne bacterial concentrations measured with the cultural method. In elderly facilities, there were several rooms that indicated evidently higher ET concentrations and a few of them observed repeatedly in the winter seemed to be associated with domestic humidifiers and/or a drop in ventilation amount.
     I/O ratios of bacterial concentrations in offices differed significantly with those of ET as “I/O ratio≧1” was observed more frequently, while were not marked by a difference in elderly facilities. Numerical values of I/O ratios of ET concentrations had a tendency to fall behind those of bacterial concentrations.
     “Outdoor air” of elderly facilities and “indoor air” of offices revealed the moderate correlation between ET and bacterial concentrations. Meanwhile, the correlation between the two methods was derived from all data of elderly facilities. For whole values measured, however, the moderate correlation was found only in outdoor air. Though the moderate correlations could be obtained partially between ET and bacterial concentrations, the definite correlation could not be obtained as a whole in all the measurement results.
     Determination method of ET has a high performance and reliability in terms of quantitative accuracy and reproducibility. Even if there are several limitations to be resolved, determining ET might be useful to investigate the bacterial contamination from the viewpoint of practical use in field survey and analysis convenience.

     Further studies should be also performed to comprehensively understand the correlation between airborne ET and bacterial concentrations, and one example for possible consideration might be a genetic sequencing method.
  • シックハウス(室内空気汚染)問題に関する国内での取り組みについて
    東 賢一
    ビルと環境 161 51 - 55 2018年06月 [招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Ikuko Bamba
    Environmental Risk Analysis for Asian-Oriented, Risk-Based Watershed Management: Japan and Malaysia 45 - 55 2018年05月 
    In the areas close to watersheds, ambient humidity is likely to be high. Elevated humidity and increased indoor mold growth may occur in homes in such areas. Because of climate change, more frequent and extreme precipitation events may be expected in future, along with increased flooding. Localized torrential downpours can cause serious flooding along rivers and other waterways. This chapter describes the health effects of flooding and the impacts of dampness and mold on residents' health.
  • 東 賢一
    日本衛生学雑誌 73 2 143 - 146 2018年05月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Koichi Ikeda; Naoki Kagi; U. Yanagi; Haruki Osawa
    Science of the Total Environment 616-617 1649 - 1655 2018年03月 [査読有り]
    We conducted a cross-sectional epidemiological study to examine the correlation between indoor air quality (IAQ) and building-related symptoms (BRSs) of office workers in air-conditioned office buildings. We investigated 11 offices during winter and 13 offices during summer in 17 buildings with air-conditioning systems in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, and we included 107 office workers during winter and 207 office workers during summer. We conducted environmental sampling for evaluating IAQ and concurrently administered self-reported questionnaires to collect information regarding work-related symptoms. Multivariate analyses revealed that upper respiratory symptoms showed a significant correlation with increased indoor temperature [odds ratio (OR), 1.55 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.11–2.18] and increased indoor concentration of suspended particles released from the ambient air pollution via air-conditioning systems (OR, 1.31 95% CI, 1.08–1.59) during winter. In particular, smaller particles (particle size > 0.3 μm), which possibly penetrated through the filter media in air-conditioning systems from ambient air, were correlated with upper respiratory symptoms. The use of high-efficiency particulate air filters in air-conditioning systems and their adequate maintenance may be an urgent solution for reducing the indoor air concentration of submicron particles. Several irritating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (e.g., formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes) that were positively correlated with the indoor air concentration among their VOCs, were associated with upper respiratory symptoms, although their indoor air concentrations were lower than those specified by the indoor air quality guideline. A new approach and strategy for decreasing the potential combined health risks (i.e., additive effect of risks) associated with multiple low-level indoor pollutants that have similar hazardous properties are required.
  • 瀬戸 啓太; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 金 勲; 中野 淳太; 東 賢一; 林 基哉; 大澤 元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2018 0 49 - 52 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2018年 


  • 岸 玲子; 吉野 博; 荒木敦子; 西條泰明; 東 賢一; 河合俊夫; 大和 浩; 大澤元毅; 柴田英治; 田中正敏; 増地あゆみ; 湊屋街子; アイツバマイゆふ
    日本衛生学雑誌 73 2 116 - 129 2018年 [査読有り][招待有り]
    Recently, we have published a book containing evidence-based public health guidelines and a practical manual for the prevention of sick house syndrome. The manual is available through the homepage of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-11130500-Shokuhinanzenbu/0000155147.pdf). It is an almost completely revised version of the 2009 version. The coauthors are 13 specialists in environmental epidemiology, exposure sciences, architecture, and risk communication. Since the 1970s, health problems caused by indoor chemicals, biological pollution, poor temperature control, humidity, and others in office buildings have been recognized as sick building syndrome (SBS) in Western countries, but in Japan it was not until the 1990s that people living in new or renovated homes started to describe a variety of nonspecific subjective symptoms such as eye, nose, and throat irritation, headache, and general fatigue. These symptoms resembled SBS and were designated "sick house syndrome (SHS)." To determine the strategy for prevention of SHS, we conducted a nationwide epidemiological study in six cities from 2003-2013 by randomly sampling 5,709 newly built houses. As a result 1,479 residents in 425 households agreed to environmental monitoring for indoor aldehydes and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). After adjustment for possible risk factors, some VOCs and formaldehyde were dose-dependently shown to be significant risk factors. We also studied the dampness of the houses, fungi, allergies, and others. This book is fully based on the scientific evidence collected through these studies and other newly obtained information, especially from the aspect of architectural engineering. In addition to SHS, we included chapters on recent information about "multi-chemical sensitivity."
  • 建築物における粒径分布を考慮した室内粒子濃度の予測
    小松 礼奈; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 林 基哉; 開原 典子; 大澤 元毅
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 平成29年 P - 23 (一社)室内環境学会 2017年12月
  • 室内環境汚染による健康リスクと今後の課題
    東 賢一
    臨床環境医学 26 2 82 - 86 2017年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama
    PLoS One 12 11 e0188236  2017年11月 [査読有り]
    Noise in housing environments may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs); however, the most significant sources of noise among elderly individuals remain poorly understood. A nationwide cross-sectional study comprised of 6,181 elderly people (age >= 65 years) was conducted using a web-based self-reported questionnaire in 2014. Questions pertaining to CVD-related subjective symptoms within the past year addressed symptoms of chest pain, disturbances in pulse, acute impaired tongue movement, limb paralysis, and foot pain or numbness during walking. Questions concerning noise included awakening during the night due to noise, automobile, neighborhood, construction, railway, and aircraft noise. The multivariable analyses revealed that all symptoms were significantly associated with awakening during the night due to noise. Automobile, construction, railway, and aircraft noise were significantly associated with more CVD-related symptoms at nighttime than at daytime. Our results suggest that noise at nighttime is an important risk factor for CVDs. Although several different sources of environmental noise, including automobile, neighborhood, construction, railway, and aircraft noise were found to be significantly associated with CVD-related symptoms, the strongest association was observed for construction noise, followed by neighborhood and automobile noise. The adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for construction noise at nighttime were 1.12 (1.06-1.19) with disturbances in pulse, 1.21 (1.08-1.35) in acute impaired tongue movement, 1.25 (1.15-1.36) in limb paralysis, and 1.19 (1.12-1.28) in foot pain or numbness during walking. The associations with railway and aircraft noise were found to be weaker than those with automobile, neighborhood, and construction noise. Our study suggests that CVD-related symptoms may exhibit a greater association with construction, neighborhood, and automobile noise than with railway and aircraft noise.
  • 長谷川兼一; 吉野 博; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 大澤元毅; 鍵 直樹
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 82 741 967 - 975 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011, causing severe damage to cities in the Tohoku district along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Many people in the Tohoku area lost their homes, and as a result, more than 50,000 temporary housing units were built in three affected prefectures. Most temporary housing units were terrace houses built closely together with subpar thermal insulation and energy conservation, so potential problems concerning indoor thermal and acoustic environments, as well as the air quality, are a serious concern. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to clarify the relationship between the indoor and outdoor environment of temporary housing and the overall living situation of temporary housing residents. We also sought to propose an optimal method for the environmental design of temporary housing and to suggest ways to improve environmental policies. We conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the environmental factors and self-reported health conditions of residents living in temporary housing in and around Sendai city in the summer of 2011 and the winter of 2012. Questionnaires were distributed by mail to 99 temporary housing units in the summer and 152 in the winter, with response rates of 77.8% and 57.9%, respectively. In addition, we performed multivariable logistic regression analysis to investigate the association between adverse health effects and influencing factors related to living in temporary housing. Based on the results, 78.7% of the respondents answered that there was visible condensation on the surfaces of doors and windows, and 46.6% answered that they had observed mold growth in the winter. About 40% of the respondents reported that they used exhaust fans in the lavatory or bathroom continuously for ventilation. On the other hand, about half of the respondents only used exhaust fans when using the toilet or taking a bath. These results suggest that air circulation and ventilation are inadequate in temporary housing. The questionnaires also included items regarding the following health-related symptoms: ocular symptoms, nasal symptoms, respiratory symptoms, dermal symptoms and mental symptoms. The results showed that the prevalence of each symptom was about 40%, and that symptom onset was within 3 months after moving into the temporary housing. Adjusted odds ratios for each health symptom in the summer and winter were calculated using a multivariable logistic regression model adjusted for age, gender, and smoking status. In the summer, the risk of ocular, nasal, respiratory and dermal symptoms increased significantly with closer proximity to industrial plants (p< 0.05> In the winter, the nsk of nasal, respiratory, and dermal symptoms increased significantly with increased frequency of hanging the laundry indoors (p< 0.05). These results suggest that among residents of temporary housing, the outdoor air environment is associated with health symptoms during the summer and the indoor air environment is associated with adverse health effects during the winter.
  • 特定建築物の空気環境に関する研究(第1報) 空気環境の実態調査
    金 勲; 林 基哉; 大澤 元毅; 開原 典子; 東 賢一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 76回 668 - 668 日本公衆衛生学会 2017年10月
  • 特定建築物の空気環境に関する研究(第2報) 空気環境基準の不適率に関する分析
    林 基哉; 大澤 元毅; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 東 賢一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 76回 668 - 668 日本公衆衛生学会 2017年10月
  • 特定建築物の空気環境に関する研究(第3報) 自治体を対象にした空気環境6項目の調査
    開原 典子; 林 基哉; 大澤 元毅; 金 勲; 東 賢一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 76回 668 - 668 日本公衆衛生学会 2017年10月
  • 特定建築物の空気環境に関する研究(第4報) 空気環境管理の課題
    大澤 元毅; 林 基哉; 金 勲; 開原 典子; 東 賢一
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 76回 669 - 669 日本公衆衛生学会 2017年10月
  • Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Tetsuhito Fukushima; Kunio Hara; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Hyogo Horiguchi; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Masayuki Ikeda; Tatsuya Ishitake; Akiyoshi Ito; Yuki Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Takahiko Katoh; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Reiko Kishi; Shinji Kumagai; Yukinori Kusaka; Akiko Matsumoto; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Hiroyuki Miyauchi; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Hisao Naito; Tamie Nakajima; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Hirokazu Okuda; Kazuyuki Omae; Haruhiko Sakurai; Kazuhiro Sato; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Ayano Takeuchi; Masatoshi Tanaka; Shigeru Tanaka; Teruomi Tsukahara; Masashi Tsunoda; Susumu Ueno; Jun Ueyama; Yumi Umeda; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 59 4 364 - 366 2017年07月 [査読有り]
  • A review of the effects of exposure to carbon dioxide on human health in indoor environment
    Azuma K; Yanagi U; Kagi N; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 ID0022 6 pages  2017年07月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    環境技術 46 7 4 - 9 2017年07月 [招待有り]
  • 環境アレルギーと日本の行政施策
    奥村二郎; 東 賢一; 水越厚史
    日本職業・環境アレルギー学会雑誌 24 2 11 - 16 2017年07月 [招待有り]
  • 本態性環境不耐症―いわゆる化学物質過敏症の疾病概念・疫学・病態解明について―
    東 賢一
    PASKEN JOURNAL 26-29 26 - 34 2017年07月 [招待有り]
  • 化学物質過敏症患者、喘息患者、自己申告電磁過敏症患者、および一般人の自覚症状比較および自覚症状と他覚的臨床検査結果との相関関係の検討
    北條 祥子; 水越 厚史; 宮田 幹夫; 水城 まさみ; 大友 守; 小倉 英郎; 釣木澤 尚実; 押方 智也子; 坂部 貢; 東 賢一; 石川 哲
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 26回 33 - 33 日本臨床環境医学会 2017年06月
  • Kenichi Azuma; Koichi Ikeda; Naoki Kagi; U. Yanagi; Haruki Osawa
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 22 1 38  2017年04月 [査読有り]
    Background: Psychosocial and environmental factors at the workplace play a significant role in building-related symptoms (BRSs). Environmental factors change during summer cooling and winter heating using air-conditioning systems. Thus, significant risk factors in each season need to be clarified. Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional study was conducted during summer in Japan and seasonal differences between summer and winter were evaluated. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 489 offices. Possible risk factors for BRSs associated with the work environment, indoor air quality, and job stressors were examined by multiple regression analyses. Results: Among people having at least one BRS, the prevalence of BRSs in summer (27.8%) was slightly higher than that in winter (24.9%). High prevalence was observed for eye and nasal symptoms related to dryness and general symptoms related to psychological distress in both seasons. Analyses revealed that dryness of air was an important and significant risk factor associated with BRSs, and job stressors were significantly associated with general symptoms in both seasons. Conversely, humidity was a significant risk factor of general symptoms in summer (odds ratio, 1.20; 95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.43). Carpeting, recently painted walls, and unpleasant chemical odors in summer and noise, dust and dirt, and unpleasant odors such as body or food odors in both seasons were significant risk factors for BRSs. Conclusions: Improvements in the physical environmental qualities in an office throughout the year are important along with the reduction in psychological distress related to work.
  • 長谷川兼一; 吉野 博; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 大澤元毅; 鍵 直樹
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 82 731 19 - 29 2017年01月 [査読有り]
    In Japan the Great East Japan Earthquake had occurred on March 11 in 2011. There are serial damages in seaside cities of the Pacific Ocean in Tohoku district. Many people in these areas had lost their houses and more fifty thousand temporary houses were built in three prefectures of the Tohoku district. Most temporary housing units are terrace houses, and distance between buildings is narrow, and the performance of the thermal insulation is not enough to keep an adequate indoor thermal environment and energy conservation. Therefore, we are anxious about the possibility several problems may occur, such as indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality as well as sound environment problems. This research aims to propose the optimal environmental design method of temporary housing and show how to improve the environmental policy, after clarifying the relationship between the healthy situation of residents living temporary housing and the indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality. Therefore questionnaire surveys, interviews and environmental measurement for temporary housing in Sendai city, which is located in Myagi prefecture, have started the summer of 2011 and were continued to the summer of 2012. This paper describes the measured results of indoor temperature and humidity, and occupants' behaviors related to thermal environment in the temporary housing during summer and winter seasons of 2011 and 2012. It was found the associations between indoor temperature profiles and occupants' behavior such as using air conditioner, opening or closing windows and so on from the measured results during summer season. During winter season the indoor temperature was maintained around 20°C dunng heatmg time. However alter heating equipment was turned off, the indoor temperatures decreased rapidly due to poor thermal performance of building envelope. In addition a numerical analysis revealed the thermal envelope performance and mechanical ventilation system for adequate indoor climate and saving energy. We propose the temporary houses located in cold climatic regions such as Sendai city should have both the building thermal performance closer to the building code for energy conservation and mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery in a living room and bed room.
  • 事務所建築物室内における室内PM2.5の特徴評価
    小松 礼奈; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 林 基哉; 開原 典子; 大澤 元毅
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 平成28年 124 - 125 (一社)室内環境学会 2016年12月
  • Kou Sakabe; Minoru Kimura; Hayato Terayama; Masashi Tsunoda; Eriko Miyajima; Hirohisa Takano; Kenichi Azuma; Atsushi Mizukoshi; Tetsuya Matsuda; Chisato Mori; Satoshi Kawakami; Mikio Miyata; Satoshi Ishikawa; Yoshiharu Aizawa
    臨床環境医学 25 2 49 - 54 2016年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Katsuyasu Kouda; Masashi Nakamura; Saeko Fujita; Yoshio Tsujino; Michiko Uebori; Shigeto Inoue; Shuichi Kawai
    Environments 3 4 37  2016年12月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    臨床環境医学 25 2 76 - 81 2016年12月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Mari Tanigawa; Ikuko Bamba; Michiyo Azuma; Hirohisa Takano; Toshikazu Yoshikawa; Kou Sakabe
    PLoS One 11 12 e0168006  2016年12月 [査読有り]
    Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a disorder characterized by nonspecific and recurrent symptoms from various organ systems associated with exposure to low levels of chemicals. Patients with MCS process odors differently than controls do. Previously, we suggested that this odor processing was associated with increased regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the prefrontal area during olfactory stimulation using near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) imaging. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of odor thresholds and changes in rCBF during olfactory stimulation at odor threshold levels in patients with MCS. We investigated changes in the prefrontal area using NIRS imaging and a T&T olfactometer during olfactory stimulation with two different odorants (sweet and fecal) at three concentrations (zero, odor recognition threshold, and normal perceived odor level) in 10 patients with MCS and six controls. The T&T olfactometer threshold test and subjective assessment of irritating and hedonic odors were also performed. The results indicated that the scores for both unpleasant and pungent odors were significantly higher for those for sweet odors at the normal perceived level in patients with MCS than in controls. The brain responses at the recognition threshold (fecal odor) and normal perceived levels (sweet and fecal odors) were stronger in patients with MCS than in controls. However, significant differences in the odor detection and recognition thresholds and odor intensity score between the two groups were not observed. These brain responses may involve cognitive and memory processing systems during past exposure to chemicals. Further research regarding the cognitive features of sensory perception and memory due to past exposure to chemicals and their associations with MCS symptoms is needed.
  • 鍵 直樹; 吉野 博; 長谷川兼一; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 大澤元毅
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 81 729 979 - 985 2016年11月 [査読有り]
    The Great East Japan Earthquake had occurred on March 11th in 2011. There were serious damages in Tohoku and Kanto district, especially seaside cities of the Pacific Ocean in Tohoku district by tsunami. Many people in these areas had lost their houses and more than fifty thousand temporary houses were built in three prefectures of the Tohoku district. Several problems, such as indoor thermal environment and indoor air quality as well as sound environment problems might be occurred in temporary houses. This study aimed to investigate the indoor air quality, especially indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in the temporary residential houses. In summer in 2011 and winter in 2012, measurements have been conducted in the temporary houses in Sendai and measuring results were compared with guideline value in Japan. As a result, total VOC (TVOC) concentrations in the most houses were over tentative guideline value in Japan, 400 μg/m3.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Ginji Endo; Yoko Endo; Kunio Hara; Koji Harada; Hajime Hori; Seichi Horie; Hyogo Horiguchi; Masayoshi Ichiba; Gaku Ichihara; Masayuki Ikeda; Tatsuya Ishitake; Akiyoshi Ito; Satoko Iwasawa; Michihiro Kamijima; Kanae Karita; Toshio Kawai; Toshihiro Kawamoto; Akio Koizumi; Shinji Kumagai; Yukinori Kusaka; Muneyuki Miyagawa; Yasuo Morimoto; Kasuke Nagano; Tamie Nasu; Tetsuo Nomiyama; Kazuyuki Omae; Kazuhiro Sato; Hirokazu Okuda; Haruhiko Sakurai; Tomotaka Sobue; Yasushi Suwazono; Toru Takebayashi; Tatsuya Takeshita; Akito Takeuchi; Masatoshi Tanaka; Shigeru Tanaka; Teruomi Tsukahara; Masashi Tsunoda; Susumu Ueno; Yuko Yamano; Takenori Yamauchi; Eiji Yano
    Journal of Occupational Health 58 4 Spec No 385 - 7 2016年09月 [査読有り]
  • Influence of moisture against acetaldehyde emitted from wood-based materials
    Nishioka F; Kagi N; Osawa H; Yanagi U; Hasegawa K; Azuma K; Kim H
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID1068 2 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り]
  • Endotoxin Concentration in House Dust and Indoor Air in Japan
    Kim H; Lim E; Yanagi U; Kagi N; Azuma K; Osawa H; Hayashi M
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID457 2 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り]
  • Investigation of reaction products of ozone and organic compounds in a simulated aircraft cabin Endotoxin Concentration in House Dust and Indoor Air in Japan
    Mizukoshi A; Azuma K
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID358 7 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り]
  • Health risk assessment of inhalation exposure to 2-ethylhexanol, 2,2,4- trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate, and texanol in indoor environments
    Azuma K; Tanaka-Kagawa T; Jinno H
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID168 7 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り]
  • Physicochemical risk factors for building-related symptoms: thermal conditions and combined exposure to indoor air pollutants
    Azuma K; Ikeda K; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate ID113 7 pages  2016年07月 [査読有り]
  • QEESI問診票およびEHS問診票を用いた調査(その1) 化学物質過敏症専門医による症状経過からの患者のタイプ分類
    北條 祥子; 水越 厚史; 水城 まさみ; 宮田 幹夫; 大友 守; 小倉 英郎; 坂部 貢; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 角田 和彦; 乳井 美和子; 熊野 宏昭
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 25回 37 - 37 日本臨床環境医学会 2016年06月
  • QEESI問診票およびEHS問診票を用いた調査(その2) 化学物質過敏症患者、喘息患者、自己申告電磁過敏症有訴者、および一般人の症状・反応の比較
    水越 厚史; 水城 まさみ; 宮田 幹夫; 大友 守; 小倉 英郎; 釣木澤 尚実; 押方 智也子; 熊野 宏昭; 坂部 貢; 青木 真一; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 金谷 久美子; 今井 奈妙; 宮田 英威; 北條 祥子
    日本臨床環境医学会総会プログラム・抄録集 25回 38 - 38 日本臨床環境医学会 2016年06月
  • 東 賢一
    アレルギーの臨床 36 6 21 - 25 2016年06月 [招待有り]
  • 柳 宇; 吉野 博; 長谷川兼一; 東 賢一; 大澤元毅; 鍵 直樹
    日本建築学会技術報告集 22 51 615 - 839 2016年06月 [査読有り]
    The Great East Japan Earthquake generated on March 11, 2011 brought damage to much of the northeast area of Japan. The required number of temporary houses is more than 50,000. Many disaster victims have to reside in temporary houses for the near- to long-term future. Fungus contamination is expected to be an ongoing problem, especially given increased residential humidity resulting from dew condensation which originates insufficiently insulation. This paper describes the results obtained by a survey of 40 temporary houses in Sendai city, Miyagi in August and October, 2011, March and September, 2012. We report that in 40 temporary houses, the highest fungal concentrations rose up to 46,420cfu/m3. Moreover, almost 100% of surveyed houses in summer exceeded AIJ standard 1,000cfu/m3. On the other hand, as the I/O ratio is over 1 greatly, and genera of airborne fungi and settled fungi are almost same, it became clear that settled fungi is major indoor pollution source. Thus, it is necessary to perform evaluation including settled fungus to elucidate the actual condition of fungus contamination in residential environment.
  • 東 賢一; 内山 巌雄; 谷川 真理; 東 実千代; 萬羽 郁子; 高野 裕久; 吉川 敏一; 坂部 貢
    日本衛生学雑誌 71 Suppl. S195 - S195 (一社)日本衛生学会 2016年05月
  • 高齢者福祉施設における室内環境に関する研究:第2報-室内温湿度・CO2濃度の長期連続測定結果
    柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 鎌倉良太; 杉山順一; 大澤元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 229 15 - 22 2016年04月 [査読有り]
  • Ikuko BamBa; Kenichi Azuma
    Journal of the Human-Environment System 18 2 33 - 41 人間-生活環境系学会 2016年04月 [査読有り]
    In Japan, forest resources have not been used effectively, and much lumber from thinning has been left unused for a long time. These days, forest improvement has been reconsidered such that more wood will be used in public buildings and living spaces in Japan. Moreover, the arousing and/or sedative effects of wood extract fragrances have attracted increasing attention. We investigated the psychological and physiological effects of cedar's appearance and emissions in an indoor environment. Three test rooms varied in cedar cues: Room 1 contained cedar paneling, which provided both visual and odor cues; Room 2 had air circulating from the adjoining Room 1 (i.e., odor cues only); and the detached Control Room had no cedar-related cues. Twelve subjects (six males and six females) moved to the test room after they performed simple calculations for 15 minutes in an anteroom and stayed there for 10 minutes. Odor intensity in Room 1 was rated significantly higher than that of either Room 2 or the Control Room. Cedrol and β-eudesmol were specifically detected in Rooms 1 and 2 through an indoor air quality analysis. The subjects reported a faster rate of fatigue perception reduction in Room 1 via a visual analog scale (VAS). No between-subjects differences were detected in terms of physiological responses. The results indicate that an interior room that contains Japanese cedar facilitates psychological rehabilitation and supports well-being.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Shigehisa Uchiyama; Naoki Kunugita
    Environmental Research 145 39 - 49 2016年02月 [査読有り]
    Over the past few decades, multiple low level indoor pollutants have been found in domestic dwellings. The types and concentrations of these indoor pollutants have not been consistent over time and have changed with alterations in lifestyle, the development of novel products used in housing, and the development of new measurement technologies. To clarify the highest risk pollutants for which health risks should be reduced, we conducted a health risk assessment of 49 indoor air pollutants measured in 602 houses during winter and summer from 2012 to 2014. Inhalation reference concentrations were determined, and the margins of exposure were estimated for each indoor pollutant from measured indoor air concentrations. Health risks due to ammonia and acidic gases, including formic acid, acetic acid, and hydrogen chloride, were also assessed. Overall, during both winter and summer, the highest risk pollutants were acrolein, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, formic acid, and hydrogen chloride. The health risks of propanal, acetaldehyde, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were also high. Principal component analysis (PCA) suggested an independent principal component for 1,4-dichlorobenzene. The primary source of exposure to 1,4-dichlorobenzene in Japan is an indoor household insect repellent. The improvement of individual lifestyle and housing may be appropriate targets for reducing the risk associated with this compound. The provision of further information on the risk to consumers and promotion of changes in consumer consciousness are needed. PCA suggested that the health risks of indoor air pollutants are amalgamated into similar chemical families, such as aldehydes, aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, or acetic esters. Our results suggest that health-based guidelines or source control measures, based on these chemical families and similar health endpoints, are appropriate for reducing total health risk due to multiple low level indoor pollutants. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 志摩 輝治; 大澤 元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2016 17 - 20 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 

    省エネと室内空気質の両立の視点から採用されているCO2濃度検知による換気量制御の実態に関する調査を行い,空調方式別の室内CO2濃度の実態解明を図ると同時に,その換気量制御のあり方について考察を行った。 (1)オフィスビルの一人当たりの気積が大きいことにより室内CO2濃度は定常濃度にならず,執務時間帯では常に低く抑えられている。 (2)室内CO2濃度の瞬時値ではなく,その平均値を関連基準値以下に制御することで室内空気質の確保と省エネの両立が図られる。

  • 西岡 芙実; 鍵 直樹; 大澤 元毅; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 長谷川 兼一; 金 勲
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2016 69 - 72 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 大澤 元毅; 金 勲; 東 賢一
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2014 77 - 80 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 長谷川 兼一; 大澤 元毅; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 松本 真一; 高木 理恵; 細淵 勇人
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2014 169 - 172 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 東 賢一; 金 勲; 大澤 元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2015 101 - 105 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 東 賢一; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 大澤 元毅; 金 勲; 池田 耕一
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2014 125 - 128 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 柳 宇; 長谷川 兼一; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 大澤 元毅
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 2015 93 - 97 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2016年 


  • 加藤貴彦; 藤原悠基; 中下千尋; 盧 渓; 久田 文; 宮崎 航; 東 賢一; 谷川真理; 内山巌雄; 欅田尚樹
    日本衛生学雑誌 71 1 94 - 9 2016年 [査読有り]
    Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is an acquired chronic disorder characterized by nonspecific symptoms in multiple organ systems associated with exposure to low-level chemicals. Diagnosis of MCS can be difficult because of the inability to assess the causal relationship between exposure and symptoms. No standardized objective measures for the identification of MCS and no precise definition of this disorder have been established. Recent technological advances in mass spectrometry have significantly improved our capacity to obtain more data from each biological sample. Metabolomics comprises the methods and techniques that are used to determine the small-level molecules in biofluids and tissues. The metabolomic profile-the metabolome-has multiple applications in many biological sciences, including the development of new diagnostic tools for medicine. We performed metabolomics to detect the difference between 9 patients with MCS and 9 controls. We identified 183 substances whose levels were beyond the normal detection limit. The most prominent differences included significant increases in the levels of both hexanoic acid and pelargonic acid, and also a significant decrease in the level of acetylcarnitine in patients with MCS. In conclusion, using metabolomics analysis, we uncovered a hitherto unrecognized alteration in the levels of metabolites in MCS. These changes may have important biological implications and may have a significant potential for use as biomarkers.
  • 室内エンドトキシン濃度に関する研究
    金 勲; イム・ウンス; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 大澤 元毅; 林 基哉
    室内環境学会学術大会講演要旨集 平成27年 214 - 215 (一社)室内環境学会 2015年12月
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Takahiko Katoh; Hiromitsu Ogata; Keiichi Arashidani; Naoki Kunugita
    Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health 70 6 341 - 353 2015年11月 [査読有り]
    Population-based cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of chemical intolerance and to examine the characteristics of the sample. A Web-based survey was conducted that included 7,245 adults in Japan. The criteria for chemical intolerance proposed by Skovbjerg yielded a prevalence of 7.5% that was approximately consistent with that reported from a Danish population-based survey. Female gender, older age, and renovation in the house during the past 7years were positively associated with chemical intolerance. Improvements in the condition were observed with daily ventilation habits. Medical history of atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, food allergy, multiple chemical sensitivity, and depression were associated with chemical intolerance. Fatigue, depressed mood, and somatic symptoms were also positively correlated with chemical intolerance. Better elucidation of the causes, comorbidities, concomitants, and consequences of chemical intolerance has the potential to provide effective solutions for its prevention and treatment.
  • Kenichi Hasegawa; Hiroshi Yoshino; U. Yanagi; Kenichi Azuma; Haruki Osawa; Naoki Kagi; Naohide Shinohara; Asako Hasegawa
    Building and Environment 93 24 - 34 2015年11月 [査読有り]
    The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. The resulting tsunami caused extensive damage in seaside cities along the Pacific coast of the Tohoku district of Japan. The long-term presence of water in crawl spaces and wall cavities causes elevated humidity and fungal contamination, with potential implications for affecting the health of the occupants. In order to clarify the actual indoor environment and occupants' adverse health effects, a cross-sectional study in the flood-damaged homes located in the flooding areas was conducted from July to December of 2012. We randomly selected 234 dwellings, and a total of 170 responses were obtained for a main survey (Phase 2). Indoor environmental problems related to dampness and mould growth were observed in flood-damaged homes after the flooding. Exposure to poor indoor environmental quality after flooding was positively associated with adverse health effects. Persistent health and environmental problems were recognized within six months after flooding and the long-term effects of mould growth after flooding was observed at least for one year. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 長谷川 兼一; 石山 智; 大澤 元毅; 柳 宇; 鍵 直樹; 東 賢一; 高木理恵
    日本建築学会技術報告集 21 49 1117 - 1120 2015年10月 [査読有り]
    In order to clarify indoor climate in a crawl space after flooding, long-term experiment using a test house was performed. A second-story test house was constructed in a campus of Akita Prefectural University in 2003. In this experiment two rooms on the first floor of the test house and crawl spaces were used. Tap-water was supplied to 100mm depth on a crawl space in each room, and after 72 hours it drained. In this paper, indoor humidity and water contents of wood and concrete in a crawl space were analyzed from the view point of moisture balance in a crawl space after flooding.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Koichi Ikeda; Naoki Kagi; U Yanagi; Haruki Osawa
    Indoor Air 25 5 499 - 511 2015年10月 [査読有り]
    A nationwide cross-sectional study of 3335 employees was conducted in 320 offices in Japan to estimate the prevalence of building-related symptoms (BRSs) and determine the risk factors related to work environment, Indoor Air Quality, and occupational stress. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires. The prevalences of general symptoms, eye irritation, and upper respiratory symptoms were 14.4%, 12.1%, and 8.9%, respectively. Multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that eye irritation was significantly associated with carpeting [odds ratio (OR), 1.73; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-2.41], coldness perception (OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.13-1.45), and air dryness perception (OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.42-1.82). General symptoms were significantly associated with unpleasant odors (OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.13-1.65), amount of work (OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.06-1.45), and interpersonal conflicts (OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.23-1.69). Upper respiratory symptoms were significantly associated with crowded workspaces (OR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.13-1.63), air dryness perception (OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.79-2.38), and reported dustiness on the floor (OR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.16-1.67). Although psychosocial support is important to reduce and control BRSs, maintaining appropriate air-conditioning and a clean and uncrowded workspace is of equal importance.
  • Mizukoshi A; Azuma K; Okumura J
    Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings Europe 2015 ID616 1 - 2 2015年05月 [査読有り]
  • Nonspecific building-related symptoms of office employees and indoor air quality of the work environment: a surveillance study for their relevance in office buildings in Japan
    Azuma K; Ikeda K; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings Europe 2015 ID424 1 - 6 2015年05月 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Mari Tanigawa; Ikuko Bamba; Michiyo Azuma; Hirohisa Takano; Toshikazu Yoshikawa; Kou Sakabe
    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 20 3 185 - 194 2015年05月 [査読有り]
    Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic acquired disorder characterized by non-specific symptoms in multiple organ systems associated with exposure to odorous chemicals. We previously observed significant activations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) during olfactory stimulation using several different odorants in patients with MCS by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) imaging. We also observed that the patients with MCS did not adequately distinguish non-odorant in the late stage of the repeated olfactory stimulation test. The sensory recovery of the olfactory system in the patients with MCS may process odors differently from healthy subjects after olfactory stimulation. We examined the recovery process of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) after olfactory stimulation in patients with MCS. NIRS imaging was performed in 6 patients with MCS and in 6 controls. The olfactory stimulation test was continuously repeated 10 times. The study also included a subjective assessment of the physical and psychological status and of the perception of irritating and hedonic odors. After olfactory stimulation, significant activations were observed in the PFC of patients with MCS on both the right and left sides compared with controls. The activations were specifically strong in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Compared with controls, autonomic perception and feelings identification were poorer in patients with MCS. OFC is associated with stimuli response and the representation of preferences. These results suggest that a past strong exposure to hazardous chemicals activates the PFC during olfactory stimuli in patients with MCS, and a strong activation in the OFC remains after the stimuli.
  • National ambient air quality standards for fine particles (PM2.5) in japan
    Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama
    PM2.5: Role of Oxidative Stress in Health Effects and Prevention Strategy 3 - 19 2015年04月 
    This chapter summarizes the national ambient air quality standards for fine particles (PM2.5) in Japan. An extensive body of scientific evidence indicates that long-and short-term exposure to PM2.5 can cause respiratory problems, adverse cardiovascular problems (which leads to increased hospitalizations and emergency department visits for heart attacks and strokes), and in extreme cases, premature death. The World Health Organization established the air quality guidelines in 2005 and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) established the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in 1997 and revised them in 2006. Following these guidelines and standards, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment established the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5 in 2009. The daily average standard of 35 μg/m3 and the annual average standard of 15 μg/m3 were established based on the standards set in the USEPA. These guidelines or standards for long-term exposure were evaluated based on the epidemiological evidence of premature death, and for short-term exposure, they were set based on the statistical relationship between the annual and daily concentrations. In January 2013, significant air pollution occurred in and around Beijing in China, with PM2.5 being one of the contributors to the problem. At that time, PM2.5 levels exceeding the daily standard were observed in western Japan. Interim measures were implemented in February, and the Ministry of the Environment issued provisional guidelines for alerts to warn people of the situation. The new guidelines advise people to limit prolonged outdoor exertion when the average daily PM2.5 concentrations exceed 70 μg/m3. In recent years, several lines of evidence suggest that significant health effects are caused by PM2.5 at lower levels than indicated by current guidelines and standards. In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer revised the classification of particulate matter including fine particles to group 1 (carcinogenic to humans) in 2013. These suggest further risk assessment and risk management for PM2.5 would be required to protect public health.
  • 東 賢一; 内山 巌雄; 谷川 真理; 東 実千代; 萬羽 郁子; 高野 裕久; 吉川 敏一; 坂部 貢
    日本衛生学雑誌 70 Suppl. S186 - S186 (一社)日本衛生学会 2015年03月
  • 室内化学物質規制に関する国内外の動向
    東 賢一
    ビルと環境 148 6 - 19 2015年03月 [招待有り]
  • 青野明子; 萬羽郁子; 奥野洋子; 東賢一; 奥村二郎
    近畿大学臨床心理センター紀要 7 65 - 78 近畿大学臨床心理センター 2014年11月 [査読有り]
  • 東 賢一
    保健医療科学 63 4 334 - 341 2014年09月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • ダスト中の汚染物質による公衆衛生上の問題
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 52 3 164 - 169 2014年09月 [招待有り]
  • 鉛中毒
    東 賢一
    小児内科 46 9 1399 - 1402 2014年09月 [招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Rika Funaki; Ayumi Hasegawa; Naohide Shinohara; Makoto Yamaguchi; Kiyo-Omi Fujita; Yusuke Kikuchi; Shin-Ichi Tanabe
    Indoor and Built Environment 23 5 653 - 664 2014年08月 [査読有り]
    Information on the compositions of construction products is useful to construction designers, builders and occupants to help establish good indoor air quality and building environment. Existing measures to deliver this information, such as labelling or material safety data sheets, have not been adequate for construction products. The study aims to evaluate the status of the current information-delivery system and clarify requirements for a future system. A questionnaire survey on the current status and requirements of an information-delivery system for construction-product compositions was conducted in Japan. In total, 203 manufacturers, including two associations, and 35 users responded. Responses relating to 439 and 226 products from manufacturers and users, respectively, were obtained. Majority of the manufacturers and users responded that a standardized scheme is needed. Large discrepancies were noted between the delivery levels required by users and the actual levels from manufacturers in terms of the information-delivery range and display elements. The limitations of information delivery for manufacturers differed between composite products or equipment and products in which the compositions played an important role in quality and performance. Concerns included the cost and manpower required to examine the compositions for new information-delivery system and the importance of maintaining consistency with existing systems.
  • 東 賢一
    公衆衛生 78 8 533 - 540 2014年08月 [招待有り]
  • Relation of Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Diffusion Material Caused by Smelling Wood
    Bamba I; Azuma K
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate HP0970 2014年07月 [査読有り]
  • Hasegawa K; Yoshino H; Yanagi U; Otake T; Azuma K; Osawa H; Kagi N; Shinohara N; Hasegawa A
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate HP0806 615 - 620 2014年07月 [査読有り]
    The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. The resulting tsunami caused extensive damage in seaside cities along the Pacific coast of the Tohoku district of Japan. The long-term presence of water in crawl spaces and wall cavities causes elevated humidity and fungal contamination, with potential implications for affecting the health of the occupants. To clarify the actual indoor environment and occupants' adverse health effects, a questionnaire survey of flood-damaged housing in the disaster area was conducted from July to December of 2012. This paper describes the outcome of the survey and the statistical analysis of the results. We randomly selected 234 dwellings, and a total of 174 responses were obtained. Indoor dampness and mould growth were significantly increased in flood-damaged homes compared to non-flooded homes. Indoor dampness and mould growth were increased in flood-damaged homes after the tsunami disaster and adverse health effects developed six months after the flooding.
  • Yanagi U; Yoshino H; Hasegawa K; Kagi K; Azuma K; Shinohara N; Hasegawa H; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate HP0964 504 - 510 2014年07月 [査読有り]
    On March 11, 2011, the giant tsunami following the Great East Japan Earthquake brought damage to much of northeast Japan. The giant tsunami delivered a large volume of water to the area along the shore, resulting in a flood mark as high as 9.3 m. The tsunami resulted in the destruction of at least 129,483 houses, the partial destruction of 255,447 houses, and water damage to at least 35,945 residences, including 20,432 flooded above floor level [1]. As part of this study, we propose techniques for the detection of settled fungi contained in house dust and of adhesive fungi on surfaces such as under-floor joists. Findings show that contamination caused by fungi persisted in under-floor spaces even 2 years after the giant tsunami. Aspergillus and Penicillium were the most frequently recovered genera of fungal contamination on these under-floor surfaces. And the techniques used here to detect settled fungi (house dust) and adhesive fungi (tape-lift) are expected to find use in estimating the status of fungus contamination in indoor spaces.
  • Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Nonspecific Building-Related Symptoms in Employees Working in Office Buildings: Relationships among Indoor Air Quality, Work Environment, and Occupational Stress in Summer and Winter
    Azuma K; Ikeda K; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Shimodaira T; Osawa H
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate HP0073 2014年07月 [査読有り]
  • 並木孝招; 関口和彦; 王 青躍; 並木則和; 東 賢一; 田村 一; 諏訪好英; 鍵 直樹; 藤井修二
    エアロゾル研究 29 2 112 - 118 2014年06月 [査読有り]
  • Akiko Aono; Ikuko Banba; Yoko Okuno; Kenichi Azuma; Jiro Okumura
    Acta medica Kinki University 39 1 11 - 20 Kinki University Medical Association 2014年06月 [査読有り]
    [Abstract] This study aims to evaluate the effect of a communication skills training program developed for mothers of preschool children. The study was carried out between September 2010 and July 2012 among 73 consenting mothers of preschool children. The training program, consisting of six 90-minute sessions, was delivered to 36 of the mothers in the experimental group. Remaining 37 mothers who did not participate in training program were set as the control group. The allocation to experimental and control groups was made on a voluntary basis. Before and after the training program, the experimental group and the control group both completed a questionnaire comprising questions about their social skills, self-esteem, empathic ability, sense of trust, sense of self-efficacy, and group awareness. Each training program involved a 50-minute PowerPoint presentation, 30 minutes of practical exercises, and 10 minutes for participants to complete a written evaluation of their experience. The presentation covered skills such as listening and problem-solving. The practical exercises included pair work to develop listening techniques. For each of the indicators, we carried out two-way repeated-measures ANOVA. We performed between-subject factor analysis for both groups (experimental and control) and within-subject factor analysis for time (before and after the experiment). Where the interaction effect was found to be significant, we tested for simple main effects. The results showed a significant increase in scores for the experimental group after the training program for communication skills, sense of fulfillment, sense of trust, cognitive empathic ability, and group awareness behavior. This suggests that the communication skills training program was effective at improving participants' communication skills.
  • 職業性アレルギー疾患診療ガイドライン発刊について Ⅶ 法律的側面
    奥村二郎; 東 賢一; 萬羽郁子; 水越厚史
    アレルギーと免疫 21 5 66 - 72 2014年05月 [招待有り]
  • 微小粒子状物質PM2.5の健康リスク評価に関する近年の動向
    東 賢一
    クリーンテクノロジー 24 4 23 - 26 2014年04月 [招待有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Koichi Ikeda; Naoki Kagi; U. Yanagi; Kenichi Hasegawa; Haruki Osawa
    International Journal of Environmental Health Research 24 2 158 - 175 2014年03月 [査読有り]
    We evaluated the health status of residents and the environmental risk factors of housing after flooding. Questionnaires were distributed to 595 selected households (one adult resident per household) in six areas in Japan which were severely flooded between 2004 and 2010. A total of 379 responses were obtained. Indoor dampness and visible mold growth significantly increased in homes with greater flood damage. The incidence of respiratory, dermal, ocular, and nasal symptoms one week after flooding was significantly higher in flooded homes compared with non-flooded homes, the incidence of psychological disorders was significantly high for six months after flooding, and the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder was significantly high six months after flooding. Significant risk factors for respiratory and nasal symptoms included proximity to industrial and waste incineration plants. Our results suggest that rapid action should be taken after flooding to ensure adequate public health and environmental hygiene in the water-damaged homes.
  • 空気質と健康影響
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 51 5 71 - 78 2014年01月 [招待有り]
  • 奥野洋子; 萬羽郁子; 青野明子; 東 賢一; 奥村二郎
    健康心理学研究 26 2 95 - 107 一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会 2013年12月 [査読有り]
    Factors determining the sense of self-growth and burnout among hospital nurses, and its differences resulting from the number of years of nursing experience were investigated. Nurses working in a general hospital (N=284) completed the following questionnaires: Posttraumatic Growth Inventory to assess the sense of self-growth; the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory to assess burnout; the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire to assess stressors and social support; the 15-item Hardiness Scale to assess personality characteristics; the Emotional Labor Inventory for Nurses to assess job characteristics of nurse and the worker's stress scale to assess the degree of total experienced stress from life events. An analysis of variance revealed that nurses working for more than 11 years had a high level of the sense of self-growth and a low level of client-related burnout. Multiple regression analysis indicated that factors determining the sense of self-growth and burnout were different according to the number of years of the nursing career. These results suggest that in order to prevent burnout and facilitate psychological growth, it is necessary to develop support programs suited for different levels of nursing experience.
  • 奥野洋子; 萬羽郁子; 青野明子; 東 賢一; 奥村二郎
    近畿大学医学雑誌 38 3-4 115 - 124 近畿大学医学会 2013年12月 [査読有り]
    [抄録] 対人援助職は, 職務におけるストレッサーが大きい一方, 対人援助職としての成長もあることが明らかになっている. しかしこれらの研究は, 一時点における横断的調査であり, ストレス体験が対人援助職の自己成長感につながっているのかについての縦断的研究は行われていない. 本研究では, 105人の看護師に対して1年間の縦断的調査を行い, 仕事上のストレス体験と1年後の自己成長感との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした. 自己成長感(心的外傷後成長尺度), ストレッサーとソーシャルサポート(職業性ストレス簡易調査票), 個人特性(15項目ハーディネス尺度), 体験ストレスに関する質問紙調査を看護師に対して実施し, 1年後の自己成長感について重回帰分析を行った. その結果, 周囲の状況に対してコントロールできると考える性格傾向であること, 看護職の経験が浅いこと, そして仕事上のストレス体験が多かったこと, 仕事を自分のペースでできていたこと, 働きがいを感じていたこと, 加えて1年後の現在の, 職務上の身体的・環境的なストレッサーが強いこと, 同僚からのサポートがあることと自己成長感との有意な関連性が認められた. 仕事上のストレス体験の多さは, その時点よりも1年後の自己成長感を高め, 個人特性としてのハーディネスのコントロール傾向の高さも自己成長感を高めることが示唆された.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Hirohisa Takano; Mari Tanigawa; Michiyo Azuma; Ikuko Bamba; Toshikazu Yoshikawa
    PLoS One 8 11 e80567  2013年11月 [査読有り]
    Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is characterized by somatic distress upon exposure to odors. Patients with MCS process odors differently from controls. This odor-processing may be associated with activation in the prefrontal area connecting to the anterior cingulate cortex, which has been suggested as an area of odorant-related activation in MCS patients. In this study, activation was defined as a significant increase in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) because of odorant stimulation. Using the well-designed card-type olfactory test kit, changes in rCBF in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were investigated after olfactory stimulation with several different odorants. Near-infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) imaging was performed in 12 MCS patients and 11 controls. The olfactory stimulation test was continuously repeated 10 times. The study also included subjective assessment of physical and psychological status and the perception of irritating and hedonic odors. Significant changes in rCBF were observed in the PFC of MCS patients on both the right and left sides, as distinct from the center of the PFC, compared with controls. MCS patients adequately distinguished the non-odorant in 10 odor repetitions during the early stage of the olfactory stimulation test, but not in the late stage. In comparison to controls, autonomic perception and negative affectivity were poorer in MCS patients. These results suggest that prefrontal information processing associated with odor-processing neuronal circuits and memory and cognition processes from past experience of chemical exposure play significant roles in the pathology of this disorder.
  • 東 賢一; 内山巌雄
    AROMA RESEARCH 54 107 - 110 2013年05月 [招待有り]
  • 東 賢一; 内山 巖雄; 高野 裕久; 谷川 真理; 東 実千代; 萬羽 郁子; 井上 正雄; 四方田 聡; 吉川 敏一
    日本衛生学雑誌 68 Suppl. S159 - S159 (一社)日本衛生学会 2013年03月
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Jiro Okumura
    Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 65 1 1 - 6 2013年02月 [査読有り]
    Legionella are widely found in the built environment. Patients with Legionnaires' disease have been increasing in Japan; however, health risks from Legionella bacteria in the environment are not appropriately assessed. We performed a quantitative health risk assessment modeled on residential bathrooms in the Adachi outbreak area and estimated risk levels. The estimated risks in the Adachi outbreak approximately corresponded to the risk levels exponentially extrapolated into lower levels on the basis of infection and mortality rates calculated from actual outbreaks, suggesting that the model of Legionnaires' disease in residential bathrooms was adequate to predict disease risk for the evaluated outbreaks. Based on this model, the infection and mortality risk levels per year in 10 CFU/100 ml (100 CFU/L) of the Japanese water quality guideline value were approximately 10(-2) and 10(-5), respectively. However, acceptable risk levels of infection and mortality from Legionnaires' disease should be adjusted to approximately 10(-4) and 10(-7), respectively, per year. Therefore, a reference value of 0.1 CFU/100 ml (1 CFU/L) as a water quality guideline for Legionella bacteria is recommended. This value is occasionally less than the actual detection limit. Legionella levels in water system should be maintained as low as reasonably achievable (<1 CFU/L). (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 川井秀一; 宮越順二; 木村彰孝; 中川美幸; 仲村匡司; 東 賢一; 萬羽郁子; 辻野喜夫; 上堀美知子; 大山正幸; 三宅英隆; 藤田佐枝子; 中山雅文
    生存圏研究 8 55 - 68 2013年 [査読有り]
  • 柳 宇; 吉野 博; 長谷川兼一; 東 賢一; 大澤元毅; 鍵 直樹; 猪野琢也
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 78 694 917 - 921 2013年 [査読有り]
    This paper describes the measured results on carbon dioxide concentrations in 27 temporary houses in summer and winter in Sendai city after half a year of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The carbon dioxide concentrations in temporary houses were high generally. In summer, the median value in 7 temporary houses (26%) and 75% tile value in 20 temporary houses (74%) exceeded 1,000 ppm. Moreover, concentrations in 17 residences (63%) exceeded 5,000 ppm, and highest was about 11,000 ppm. In winter, the median value and 75% tile value were both higher than that in summer respectively. Although ventilation is effective to reduce the indoor carbon dioxide concentrations, temporary house where air volume is small, when an open type combustor was used in winter, indoor carbon dioxide concentration might exceed 10,000 ppm.
  • 谷川 真理; 東 賢一; 宇野 賀津子; 東 実千代; 萬羽 郁子; 高野 裕久; 内山 巌雄; 吉川 敏一
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌 36 5 414a - 414a 日本臨床免疫学会 2013年01月 
    【背景と目的】いわゆる化学物質過敏症(Multiple chemical sensitivity : MCS)は現代の環境がひきおこした後天的疾患である.日常的にさまざまな化学物資に曝されることに反応して神経系,免疫系,内分泌系をはじめ全身の多様な症状が起こり,通常の社会生活にも支障をきたすようになる.しかしその病態の詳細は解明されておらずMCS有訴者は診断を受けることも困難な状況に置かれている.MCSの病態解明を目的として免疫学的機能検査を実施し解析した.
  • 東 賢一
    化学物質と環境 116 116 13 - 15 エコケミストリー研究会 2012年11月 [招待有り]
  • Indoor Environment and Health Effects in Water-Damaged Homes after Flooding
    Azuma K; Ikeda K; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Hasegawa K; Osawa H
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 Paper 7H.5 2012年07月 [査読有り]
  • Indoor Airborne and Settled Mould in Water-Damaged Houses after Flooding
    Yanagi U; Kagi N; Hasegawa K; Azuma K; Ikeda K; Sugita K; Osawa H
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 Paper 7H.10 2012年07月 [査読有り]
  • Indoor environment and resident's health condition of the temporary housing built after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 - Measurements of indoor volatile organic compounds during summer
    Kagi N; Yoshino H; Hasegawa K; Yanagi U; Azuma K; Osawa H; Homma Y; Hamada K; Ino T; Kakuma T
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 Paper 1B.8 2012年07月 [査読有り]
  • Indoor thermal environment and IAQ of the housing in stricken areas after Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011: The measurement results of fungi in 40 temporary houses in Miyagi prefecture
    Ishioka S; Yoshino H; Yanagi U; Hasegawa K; Azuma K; Osawa H; Kagi N; Hamada K; Ino T; Kakuma T
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 Paper 7H.6 2012年07月 [査読有り]
  • Effects of Japanese cedar on psychological and physiological factors in an indoor environment: The influence of Interior Specifications
    Banba I; Azuma K; Nakamura M; Fujita S; Tsujino Y; Uebori M; Kouda K; Kawai S
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2012 Paper 7D.10 2012年07月 [査読有り]
  • 小児の中毒 II-4.重金属による中毒 ⑥鉛
    東 賢一
    小児科臨床 65 増刊号 1501 - 1508 2012年06月 [招待有り]
  • Tomoya Myojin; Kenichi Azuma; Jiro Okumura; Iwao Uchiyama
    Industrial Health 50 3 197 - 204 2012年05月 [査読有り]
    Mesothelioma is a malignancy with poor prognosis. It is chiefly caused by asbestos exposure and its symptoms can occur about 30-50 yr after the initial exposure. This study aims to predict the future trends in mesothelioma mortality in Japan using a method that is an alternative to the age-cohort model. Our approach is based on a risk function that links mesothelioma mortality combined with data pertaining to the population, size of the labor force, and quantity of asbestos imports. We projected the number of deaths occurring in individuals aged 50-89 for yr 2003-2050 using risk functions. Our results have indicated that mesothelioma mortality among Japanese people aged 50-89 yr will continue to increase until 2027 and reach a maximum of 66,327 deaths in the years 2003-2050. Our estimate has also suggested that the number of mesothelioma deaths could be significantly reduced if there were adequate compliance with the administrative level guidelines for occupational asbestos exposure.
  • 東 賢一; 内山 巖雄; 高野 裕久; 谷川 真理; 東 実千代; 萬羽 郁子; 井上 正雄; 四方田 聡; 吉川 敏一
    日本衛生学雑誌 67 2 285 - 285 (一社)日本衛生学会 2012年02月
  • 東 賢一; 池田耕一; 大澤元毅; 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 齊藤秀樹; 鎌倉良太
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 37 179 19 - 26 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2012年02月 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Norikazu Namiki; Naoki Kagi; Shuji Fujii; Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Yoshihide Suwa; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 215 - 216 2012年 [査読有り]
    Previous our studies reported on the health and toxicological effects of nanoparticles (NPs) such as the characteristics, toxicokinetics, biological reaction, dose-response relationships. Recently, furthermore studies have been reported. We continuously conducted a literature review of the toxic and adverse health effects of NPs. Considering that the toxicological effects of NPs are dependent on particle size, the critical effect levels may be possible determined depends on particle size. However, it has been suggested such effects would be also influenced by the physical/chemical properties of NPs including solubility, deposition in organs, surface charge, surface coatings, and aggregation potential.
  • Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Shinji Kudo; Syuji Fujii; Naoki Kagi; Norikazu Namiki; Yoshihide Suwa; Kenichi Azuma; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 213 - 214 2012年 [査読有り]
    The photochemical reaction of toluene intended for indoor environment was carried out using a Teflon chamber bag. The chamber bag was located inside a room equipped with three types of lamps (BLB; 352 nm, UV-B; 306 nm, and fluorescent lamp; 550 nm). Prior to light irradiation, purified air was filled in the 2.1 m(3) chamber bag with NO (0.1 ppm), NO2 (0.03 ppm), and toluene (ca. 0.5 ppm). After light irradiation, the increase of 03 and particle number concentrations were measured by an 03 analyzer and a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), respectively. In chamber experiment, the growth of particle size by coagulation was observed in the experiments with fluorescent lamp compared with the experiments without fluorescent lamp. This result indicates that the fluorescent lamp irradiation affects indoor secondary organic aerosol (ISOA) formation by the condensation of nano particles. On the other hand, ISOA formation from specific VOCs in Japanese indoor environment, d-limonene and p-dichlorobenzene (PDCB) were investigated using a flow photoreactor with or without 03 addition and 254nm of UV irradiation. Remarkable particles formation including m/z 44 (CO2+) were measured in all particles by AMS. Moreover, in PDCB, the particles containing CI were also measured simultaneously.
  • Yoshihide Suwa; Yuiko Yamane; Naoki Kagi; Shuji Fujii; Norikazu Namiki; Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Kenichi Azuma; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 173 - 174 2012年 [査読有り]
    In recent years, the interest on ISOAs (Indoor Secondary Organic Aerosols) is growing up because it may affect on human health. A purpose of this work is to make clear the formation of ISOAs from origins such as VOCs. Chemical reaction in early stage of ISOA formation was studied using quantum chemistry computation (molecular orbital computation) technique. As the result, probability of chemical reaction by UV irradiation was predicted with CNDO/S simulation, and the reaction paths to the precursor of ISOAs from diLimonene and p-Dichlorobenzene were studied using the simulation of heat of formation based on PM3 approximation.
  • Norikazu Namiki; Naoki Kagi; Shuji Fujii; Yoshihide Suwa; Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Kenichi Azuma; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 211 - 212 2012年 [査読有り]
    The emission of ultrafine particles (UFPs) from laser printers has become an issue of great concern in indoor environments. The previous study(3)) revealed that particles generated from the tested laser printers, especially the color one were caused by forming vapors of VOCs, mainly consisting of cyclosiloxanes and adipate ester, and water via the fixing process with a fuser roller, to cool them by surrounding air, and condense water vapor onto the nuclei of VOC droplets. Therefore, we aimed to verify the above-mentioned mechanism for particle generation by replicating the formation process using model vapors of cylosiloxanes generated from heated silicone oil and water. As a result, it was found that the peak size in size distribution of particles generated from the model siloxane vapor shifted to a larger size by adding water vapor even though the size distribution did not resemble that of the color laser printer. In addition, the particles from the model vapors mainly consisted of chain-like siloxanes while those form the printer of cyclosiloxanes.
  • Yuiko Yamane; Shuji Fujii; Naoki Kagi; Norikazu Namiki; Yoshihide Suwa; Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Kenichi Azuma; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 209 - 210 2012年 [査読有り]
    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from volatile organic compounds (VOC) is an important factor in the indoor environments. There are many reports about particles formation from d-Limonene and O3 reaction. On the other hand, there are a few studies about SOA from p-Dichlorobenzene that is generally emitted from the mothball in Japan. It is known that SOA is generated from d-Limonene with O-3 and UV irradiation. In this study, screening experiments were performed about particles formation from VOCs, especially d-Limonene and p-Dichlorobenzene, without initial O-3 source. Particle, NOx and O-3 concentrations of the air were measured. On the case of d-Limonene with UV radiation, particles formation was started when O-3 was generated in the gasbag. In contrast, for the p-Dichlorobenzene experiments (without NOx), particles (<50nm) generated immediately after UV irradiation.
  • Naoki Kagi; Yuiko Yamane; Shuji Fujii; Norikazu Namiki; Yoshihide Suwa; Kazuhiko Sekiguchi; Ken-ichi Azuma; Hajime Tamura
    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012 207 - 208 2012年 [査読有り]
    In recent years, the improvement of air tightness in residential buildings for energy savings and high emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from interior materials in indoor environments have caused indoor chemical pollutions, which lead to the sick house syndrome in Japan. The photochemical reaction from VOCs could also occur in indoor environments irradiated with UV rays through windows. It is known that secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is generated from d-Limonene with 03 in indoor environments. This study focused on SOA formation from VOC under UV irradiation in indoor environments. SOA fonnations from specific VOC emission products in the real indoor environment were investigated. As a result, SOA formation from VOCs emitted from an air freshener and mothball under UV irradiation was detected.
  • Chiba, Y; Banba, I; Azuma, K
    BioMedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology. 4 1 47 - 53 2011年11月 [査読有り]
  • Christophe Rousselle; Corinne Mandin; Kenichi Azuma
    Environnement, Risques et Sante 10 1 25 - 34 2011年03月 [査読有り]
    Collection of data on air pollution in indoor environments (homes, schools, offices, etc.) has increased considerably over the last few years, but only the development of guideline values makes it possible to assess the possible health effects associated with measured levels of pollutants in these environments. Indoor air quality guidelines define safe levels of indoor pollutant concentrations below which adverse health effects are not expected to occur in the general population. Many countries have adopted such guidelines, Japan among the earliest, for it has always considered indoor air quality to be a major public health issue. A working group, coordinated by the French agency for occupational and environmental health safety (Afsset), was set up in 2005 to develop guideline values in France. This article provides a comparative analysis of the approaches followed in France and in Japan to establish these values. This analysis shows that both countries used relatively similar processes to establish the values, despite slight differences in their methods. In contrast, the substances regulated by these indoor air quality guidelines differ completely, except for formaldehyde, which is common to both countries. Japan's longer experience shows the diversity of management tools and regulations that can be based on these values.
  • 建築物環境衛生管理基準の解説と近年の知見
    東 賢一
    ビルと環境 134 4 - 17 2011年 [招待有り]
  • Ikeda K; Osawa H; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Azuma K; Saito H; Kamakura R
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Paper 976 1215 - 1218 公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会 2011年 [査読有り]
    The indoor environments in large-scale commercial buildings are managed under the "Low for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (established in 1970)" in Japan. This study aimed at examining the actual status of environmental sanitation and building maintenance of, referring to the nationwide on-site building inspection data base developed by the Japanese Government. The exceeding ratios of environmental standards of CO_2 concentration, temperature and relative humidity were slightly increasing year by year, especially in office and school buildings. The reasons for the tendencies could be caused by the revision of the Low in 2002, which lead to the excessive encouragement of energy saving measures in buildings.
  • Questionnaire Survey on Indoor Air Quality and Maintenance of Sanitary Environment in Buildings
    Azuma K; Ikeda K; Osawa H; Kagi N; Yanagi U; Shimodaira T; Saito H; Kamakura R
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Paper 248 2011年 [査読有り]
  • Health Risks and Toxic Effects of Indoor Secondary Organic Aerosols
    Azuma K; Namiki N; Nishimura N; Sekiguchi K; Kagi N; Tamura H; Suwa Y; Fujii S
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Paper 249 2011年 [査読有り]
  • Modeling And Computer Simulation Of Ultrafine Particles Generated From Laser Printers
    Suwa Y; Fujii S; Namiki N; Kagi N; Sekiguchi K; Azuma K; Tamura H
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Paper 1048 2011年 [査読有り]
  • Kenichi Azuma; Katsuyasu Kouda; Masashi Nakamura; Saeko Fujita; Yoshio Tsujino; Michiko Uebori; Junko Kusaki; Shigeto Inoue; Shuichi Kawai
    Epidemiology 22 1 S39 - S39 2011年01月 [招待有り]
  • 我が国と海外における病院環境の管理の現状
    東 賢一
    クリーンテクノロジー 21 3 5 - 11 2011年 [招待有り]
  • 東 賢一
    生活衛生 54 2 116 - 127 大阪生活衛生協会 2010年 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 東 賢一; 内山巌雄
    公衆衛生 74 4 289 - 294 2010年 [招待有り]
  • Yasutaka Chiba; Kenichi Azuma; Jiro Okumura
    Annals of Epidemiology 19 5 298 - 303 2009年05月 [査読有り]
    PURPOSE: The use of marginal structural models (MSMs) to adjust for measured confounding factors is becoming increasingly common in observational studies. Here, we propose MSMs for estimating effect modification in observational cohort and case-control studies. METHODS: MSMs for estimating effect modification were derived by the use of the potential outcome model. The proposed methods were applied to a cohort study and a case-control study. RESULTS: In cohort studies, effect modification can be estimated by the application of a logistic MSM to individuals who experienced the event in question. In case-control studies, effect modification can be estimated by the ratio between the estimate from the model applied to case data and that applied to control data. The application of the model to real data from a cohort study indicated that the estimate from the proposed method was close to that from standard regression analysis. In a case-control study, the estimate from the proposed method may be biased. CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological researchers can use MSMs to estimate effect modification. In case-control studies, it should be determined whether the estimated effect modification is biased by applying a logistic MSM of control data. Ann Epidemiol 2009;19:298-303. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Yasutaka Chiba; Jiro Okumura
    International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 15 2 166 - 172 2009年04月 [査読有り]
    Although asbestos has been widely distributed in the environment, health risks due to general environmental exposure to asbestos have not been estimated. Future mesothelioma risk from environmental exposure to asbestos in japan was estimated by comparing historical exposure data and mortality attributed to environmental exposure. We developed an equation to estimate environmentally-attributable mesothelioma based on the US Environmental Protection Agency's model for occupational mesothelioma mortality. Based on our calculations, mesothelioma risks per year of exposure will reach peak levels in 2033 and range from 4.8 x 10(-6) to 1.1 x 10(-5). The number of deaths is estimated to range from 542-1276 in 2033. The cumulative number of deaths will reach around 17,000-37,000 in the years 1970-2070. Our estimation of risk approximately, corresponded to observed risks. Past and predicted future disease Suggest the need for social and medical support in these areas.
  • 内山巌雄; 村山留美子; 奥村光; 宮川雅充; 安川文朗; 岸川洋紀; 奥村二郎; 東賢一
    バイオテロの曝露状況の推定、被害予測・公衆衛生的対応の効果評価のための数理モデルを利用した天然痘ワクチンの備蓄及び使用計画に関する研究 平成20年度 35 - 46 2009年
  • Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Ikeda, K; Chiba, Y; Okumura, J
    Journal of Human-Environment System. 12 1 1 - 13 2009年 [査読有り]
  • 榎本ヒカル; 池田耕一; 東 賢一; 栃原 裕
    労働安全衛生研究 2 1 5 - 10 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 2009年 [査読有り]
  • 内山巌雄; 東 賢一
    モダンメディア 55 4 1 - 8 2009年 [招待有り]
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment of Inhalation Exposure to Legionella Species in Residential Bathroom
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Fukui, Y; Murayama, R; Okumura, J
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2009. Paper 543  2009年 [査読有り]
  • Preliminary Questionnaire Survey on Information Delivery System for Ingredients of Construction Products
    Azuma, K; Funaki, R; Hasegawa, A; Shinohara, N; Yamaguchi, M; Fujita, K; Kikuchi, Y; Tanabe, S
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2009. Paper 32  2009年 [査読有り]
  • 未観察交絡要因があるときの効果の指標のバイアスの向き
    千葉康敬; 東賢一; 奥村二郎
    近畿大学医学雑誌 33 3 14A - 14A 2008年09月 [査読有り]
  • 日本における石綿の大気環境曝露による中皮腫死亡リスクに関する研究
    東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 内山巌雄
    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集 49 344  2008年08月
  • Yasunari Kusaka; Shigeru Nakamura; Kenichi Azuma; Taku Sasaki; Takao Unate; Yasuhiro Nakatani; Akira Nakasuga; Kimihiro Matsukawa; Naoki Watanabe; Hiroyoshi Naito; Hironori Kaji
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 47 2 1377 - 1381 2008年02月 [査読有り]
    Novel photosensitive insulating materials comprising of organic silsesquioxane (OSQ) have been developed. The OSQ had the high photosensitivity, insulating performance, transparency, and heat resistance required for a passivation layer of semiconductors in thin-film-transistor liquid crystal displays (TFT-LCDs). A passivation layer is needed for high resistivity to ensure the electrical stability of TFIF-LCDs. We analyzed the electrical properties and local structures by impedance spectroscopy and solid-state (29)Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The impedance Cole-Cole plots and frequencydependent dielectric constants (,epsilon') at 20 and 60 degrees C were obtained by impedance spectroscopy of Al/OSQ/Al multilayer substrates. Cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) (29)Si NMR analyses of OSQ samples showed that the condensation reaction did not occur by UV irradiation. The condensation occur-red during baking processes above 150 degrees C. The NMR analyses also showed the behaviors of various ionic migration species detected by impedance spectroscopy.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Koichi Ikeda
    JOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH 11 3 301 - 314 2008年 [査読有り]
    In recent years public health problems caused by indoor air pollution, known as 'Sick Building Syndrome in housing', or 'Sick House Syndrome' in Japan, have been drawing strong public concern. After conducting extensive exposure assessment, government authorities have taken effective measures to solve the problem. However, as a result of diversification and increase in quantities of industrial chemicals, existing regulations do not cover enough ranges of various potential hazardous chemicals. Hence, the regulations seek to be changed from hazard-based regulation to a risk-based one. Good indoor air quality (IAQ), which does not pose unacceptable health risks from all pollutants affecting indoor air, should be ensured for all public people. The objective of this study is to clarify the remaining issues to be solved urgently, related to the regulations to ensure a good IAQ. We reviewed enormous numbers of the existing governmental and industrial voluntary standards and/or guidelines, literature and documents concerning IAQ research in the past 40 years. Our results showed six subjects from those remaining issues. Based on these subjects we created a new scheme to control the IAQ; we especially regarded a comprehensive labeling system as one of the important strategies.
  • Health Risks due to Asbestos Exposure in Indoor Environment in Japan: Risk Levels and Recommendations for Risk Management
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Ikeda, K; Okumura, J
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 2008年
  • Evaluation and analysis of biological and personal monitoring for non-occupational exposure to para-dichlorobenzene in Japan
    Murayama, R; Azuma, K; Okumura, J; Goto, S; Uchiyama, I
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. 2008年 [査読有り]
  • 日本における石綿の大気環境曝露による中皮腫死亡リスク
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 千葉康敬; 奥村二郎
    第49回大気環境学会年会講演要旨集 34  2008年
  • 日本における石綿の大気環境曝露によるがん死亡リスクに関する研究
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 千葉康敬; 奥村二郎
    日本公衆衛生雑誌、第67回日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 55 10 642  2008年
  • 諸外国におけるアスベストの室内環境基準に関する調査研究
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一; 小畑美知夫; 奥村二郎
    日本衛生学雑誌, 第78回日本衛生学会総会講演集 63 2 443  2008年
  • 日本における中皮腫発症リスクの将来予測に関する研究
    明神大也; 東 賢一; 岸川洋紀; 村山留美子; 奥村二郎; 内山 巖雄
    日本衛生学雑誌, 第78回日本衛生学会総会講演集, 63 2 444  2008年
  • 奥村二郎; 東 賢一; 千葉康敬
    近畿大学医学雑誌 33 2 95 - 100 近畿大学医学会 2008年 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • 明神大也; 東 賢一; 山本一輝; 村山留美子; 奥村二郎; 岸川洋紀; 内山巌雄
    環境衛生工学研究 22 3 88 - 91 2008年
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Koichi Ikeda
    RISK ANALYSIS 27 6 1623 - 1638 2007年12月 [査読有り]
    In recent years, public health problems caused by indoor air pollution have been drawing strong public concern in Japan. After conducting extensive exposure assessment, governmental agencies have taken effective measures to solve the problem; for instance, "Guidelines for indoor air quality (IAQ)" of 13 chemicals, for example, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene, has been established. Thousands of chemicals have been identified in the indoor environment. Priority rating of those chemicals, however, was not based on the health risk level. We developed a risk-screening scheme for indoor air pollution chemicals and analyzed the current status of the risk levels of those chemicals in Japan. We researched scientific knowledge of health hazards and exposure surveys of indoor air pollution chemicals in Japan, and classified those chemicals based on the health risk level estimated from the scheme. The risk levels of 93 chemicals were characterized and six chemicals (formaldehyde, acrolein, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, benzene, tetrachloroethylene, and benzo(a)pyrene) were classified in the highest risk category.
  • 諸外国における病院環境の管理の現状
    東 賢一
    空気清浄 45 4 281 - 288 2007年 [招待有り]
  • Yasunari Kusaka; Shigeru Nakamura; Kenichi Azuma; Taku Sasaki; Takao Unate; Yasuhiro Nakatani; Akira Nakasuga; Kimihiro Matsukawa; Shuichi Murakami; Kensaku Ohkura; Takamaro Kikkawa
    In this paper, we describe a novel positive type photosensitive silica-based spin on glass (SOG) material. This material is made by organic/inorganic hybrid technologies cat? provide good performances of high insulating resistance, transparency, and heat resistance. This material could be used as a passivation layer on TFT LCDs. and provide a novel vacuum-less process.
  • Kenichi Azuma; Iwao Uchiyama; Koichi Ikeda
    Facilities 24 11-12 420 - 429 2006年 [査読有り]
    Purpose - In order to clarify the determining features of approaches adopted in policies for regulating indoor air pollution, this paper analyzes case studies of the approaches taken, in four countries, to risk management of indoor air pollution caused by formaldehyde in housing. Design/methodology/ approach - We pursued case studies to provide historical perspectives on early warnings and actions taken in relation to suspected health hazards from exposure to formaldehyde, in Germany, the USA, Canada and Japan. Many investigations of indoor air pollution caused by formaldehyde in housing have been conducted, and regulations established, in these countries. We reviewed the vast quantity of literature and documents relating to governmental and/or industrial actions and of research on indoor air quality produced in the past 40 years, and compared the approaches adopted. Findings - The study identified the differing character of the approaches adopted in policies for the regulation of indoor air pollution, in order to clarify the range of actions that may be taken in response to reported risk from indoor air pollutants and describe possible risk management models for indoor air pollution. Practical implications - Understanding of the nature of approaches already adopted will help to preserve good indoor air quality and minimize health hazards due to indoor air pollution. Originality/value - This paper identifies a range of actions that have been taken in response to suspected risk from indoor air pollutants, through the analysis of its case studies. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • The Risk Screening for Indoor Air Pollution Chemicals in Japan.
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Ikeda, K
    Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2006. 1 283 - 288 2006年 [査読有り]
  • 「クールビズ」実施オフィスおよびその勤務者に関する温熱環境実測調査
    輿水ヒカル; 栃原 裕; 池田耕一; 東 賢一
    日本生理人類学会誌第55回大会要旨集 11 特別号1 52 - 53 2006年
  • Health Risks of Asbestos in General Ambient Environmental Exposure in Japan: Risk Levels and Recommendation
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Ikeda, K
    The Second JSPS-VCC Group-4 Seminar on Environmental Toxicity Evaluation and Risk Management. 2 145 - 156 2006年
  • オフィス温熱環境基準の国際比較について
    池田耕一; 東 賢一; 輿水ヒカル; 栃原 裕
    第30回人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 221 - 224 2006年
  • 夏期における「クールビス」実施オフィスの温熱環境およびその勤務者評価に関する調査研究
    輿水ヒカル; 栃原 裕; 東 賢一; 池田耕一
    第30回人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 283 - 286 2006年
  • Yasunari Kusaka; Shigeru Nakamura; Kenichi Azuma; Taku Sasaki; Takao Unate; Yasuhiro Nakatani; Akira Nakasuga; Kimihiro Matsukawa; Shuichi Murakami; Kensaku Ohkura; Takamaro Kikkawa
    Novel photosensitive insulating materials comprised of organic silsesquioxane (OSQ) have been developed The OSQ had high photosensitivity, insulating performance, transparency, and heat resistance required as a passivation layer on TFT LCDs. In this decade, a passivation layer has needed the planarization layer for high aperture and high contrast. The development of a thicker passivation layer on the production of a semiconductor was required for cost reduction. However, some issues were remained, e.g., better crack resistance at high temperature or faster developing rate. In this paper, we report about the improvement of OSQ film thickness. Our photosensitive insulating materials could be formed thicker than 3 mu m without the independent planarization process. In addition, we could conduct the improvement of developing rate in an aqueous solution of tetra-methyl-ammonium-hydroxide (TMAH).
  • 東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 597 597 89 - 96 日本建築学会 2005年 [査読有り]
    We studied the historical perspectives and social or political backgrounds to define the regulation for indoor air quality (IAQ) in residential environment in 29 foreign countries. In contrast to the indoor air in occupational environment, there are multiple low concentration chemicals in residential environments. Therefore, the fundamental concept of approaches to preserve a good IAQ is non-regulatory strategies by IAQ information, e.g., guideline values, labeling systems or documents. In addition, the indoor air pollutants that were caused the serious public health effects and extensively used in residential environment, have been enforced the restriction of the emission rate or banning the use of the emitting materials. The indoor air quality guidelines were established in 13 countries or states. These guidelines were based on each original situation or strategies, e.g., indoor air pollutions, lifestyle, climates or policies. Especially, the guideline values with two or three classifications with the aim of precaution for vulnerable groups to indoor air pollutants, or people with allergies or respiratory illnesses, were established in Germany or the Republic of Finland.
  • The Regulations for Indoor Air Pollution in Japan: A Public Health Perspective.
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Ikeda, K
    Proceedings of the 2nd WHO International Hosing and Health symposium 551 - 563 2005年 [査読有り]
  • K Azuma; S Nakamura; T Unate; A Nakasuga; K Matsukawa
    JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 18 1 41 - 46 2005年 [査読有り][招待有り]
    Novel photosensitive insulating materials by organic-inorganic hybrid technologies have been developed. These materials are comprised of organic silsesquioxane (OSQ) and photo acid generators (PAGs). OSQ is soluble in alkaline solutions. After UV light was exposed to OSQ and post exposure baking (PEB), OSQ was cross-linked and became insoluble in alkaline solutions of the resulting patterns with high photosensitivity. We found that the OSQ with low post-baking temperature had high insulating performance and transparency.
  • 諸外国における室内空気質規制に関する調査研究
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    ビルと環境 111 21 - 25 2005年
  • 諸外国における室内空気質規制に関する調査研究
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    第32回建築物環境衛生管理全国大会抄録集 26 - 27 2005年
  • 東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    環境衛生工学研究 19 3 63 - 68 京都大学環境衛生工学研究会 2005年
  • K Azuma; Uchiyama, I; K Ikeda
    When addressing a broad range of hazards due to environmental pollutants linked to public health or the environment, there were some cases that the regulatory actions were delayed due to scientific uncertainty, ambiguity or complexity of causes inherent in the consequences of risk assessment regardless of early warnings on hazards. As the result, the hazards were expanded in these cases. Indoor air pollution caused by formaldehyde in housing have been conducted many investigations or regulatory actions in Europe and North America. We implemented the case studies of historical perspectives on early warnings and actions concerning health hazard due to formaldehyde in Germany, USA, Canada and Japan. We showed the ranges of actions that may be taken in response to risk from indoor air pollutants, which would be one of the risk management model for indoor air pollution.
  • 日本における室内空気汚染化学物質のリスクスクリーニング
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    日本リスク研究学会第18回研究発表会講演論文集 18 129 - 134 2005年
  • 日本における室内空気汚染化学物質のリスクとその特徴
    東 賢一; 内山巌雄; 池田耕一
    室内環境学会研究発表会講演集 8 2 106 - 107 2005年
  • Shigeru Nakamura; Kenichi Azuma; Yasunari Kusaka; Takao Unate; Akira Nakasuga; Kimihiro Matsukawa; Shuichi Murakami; Kensaku Ohkura; Takamaro Kikkawa
    Novel photosensitive insulating materials comprised of organic silsesquioxane (OSQ) have been developed. The OSQ showed high photosensitivity, insulating performance, transparency, and heat resistance required as a passivation layer on TFT LCDs. We examined features on the photolithographic and electric properties. The higher photosensitivity and resolution were obtained by the improvement of the material composition of OSQ. And we discussed the further evaluation of the V-g-I-d and V-ds-I-d characteristics on TFT devices.
  • シリカ系有機無機ハイブリッド技術による感光性絶縁膜の開発
    日下 康成; 東 賢一; 中村 秀; 雲梯隆夫; 中壽賀章; 大倉健作; 吉川公麿; 村上修一; 松川公洋
    第24回無機高分子研究討論会抄録集 41 - 42 2005年
  • 感光性絶縁膜
    東 賢一
    第94回ラドテック研究会講演会抄録集 17 - 22 2005年 [招待有り]
  • Shigeru Nakamura; Kenichi Azuma; Takao Unate; Akira Nakasuga; Kimihiro Matsukawa
    Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium 36 1 510 - 513 2005年 [査読有り]
    Novel silica-based spin on glass (SOG) materials by organic/inorganic hybrid technologies have high photosensitivity, insulating performance, transparency, and heat resistance. These materials can make a passivation layer on TFT LCDs with only standard photolithography process and low heat treatment, and thus they provide a novel vacuum-less process on TFT LCDs. © 2005 SID.
  • 東 賢一; 塩津弥佳; 池田耕一
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 584 584 83 - 90 日本建築学会 2004年 [査読有り]
    According to a substantial literature, some living environmental factors are associated with an increased incidence of allergic diseases. However, the relationship between living environmental factors and allergic diseases is not so clear. We surveyed a general population samples aged all years (0 to 99) living in Saitama prefecture in Japan (n=7,395) to study the relationship. Multiple logistic regression analyses estimating independently the role of the various living environmental factors showed significant influence associated with rural area, near landfill sites, near industrial plants, structure of house, re-covering of wall papers, indoor pets, indoor molds e.g., for symptoms like some allergies or SBS. As the results, these analyses indicate a hypothesis that indoor air pollution induced by living environmental factors included ambient environments are possible influence of symptoms like some allergies or SBS.
  • 欧州環境庁(EEA)の予防原則報告書について
    東 賢一; 大竹千代子
    水情報 22 4 7 - 10 2002年
  • 東 賢一
    「住まい・まち学習」実践報告・論文集 3 123 - 128 住宅総合研究財団 2002年
  • 大竹千代子; 東 賢一
    水情報 22 6 3 - 5 〔月刊水情報〕 2002年
  • 東 賢一; 大竹千代子
    水情報 22 8 11 - 14 〔月刊水情報〕 2002年
  • 東 賢一
    公衆衛生研究 50 3 151 - 156 国立公衆衛生院 2001年 [招待有り]
  • 東 賢一
    技術と人間 29 10 36 - 46 技術と人間 2000年 [招待有り]
  • 出生性比の変動とダイオキシン汚染の現状との地域的対比
    神山美智子; 松崎早苗; 田中寿子; 武田玲子; 東 賢一
    日本内分泌攪乱化学物質学会第3回研究発表会要旨集 357  2000年
  • 谷川 聡; 井元 義典; 東 賢一; 中前 勝彦; 松本 恒隆
    日本接着学会誌 26 1 14 - 21 日本接着学会 1990年 [査読有り]
  • 真空蒸着金属薄膜と高分子基板との接着性に及ぼす基板温度の効果
    谷川 聡; 井元 義典; 東 賢一; 中前 勝彦
    接着研究発表会講演要旨集 26 135 - 136 1988年



  • テキスト健康科学改訂第3版
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第6章C 住宅と健康)南江堂 2024年09月
  • 室内環境の事典
    東 賢一; 関根嘉香; 橋本一浩; 山口 一; 篠原直秀; 鍵 直樹; 中島大介; 徳村雅弘; 池田四郎 (担当:共編者(共編著者)範囲:pp. 86−87, 196−197, 226−227, 230, 402−404, 424)朝倉書店 2023年09月 ISBN: 9784254266528
  • IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans Volume 131: Cobalt, antimony compounds, and weapons-grade tungsten alloy
    Karagas, MR; Wang A; Dorman DC; Hall AL; Pi J; Sergi CM; Symanski E; Ward EM; Arrandale VH; Azuma K; Brambila E; Calaf GM; Fritz JM; Fukushima S; Gaitens JM; Grimsrud TK; Guo L; Lynge E; Marinho-Reis AP; McDiarmid MA; Middleton DRS; Ong TP; Polya DA; Quintanilla-Vega B; Roberts GK; Santonen T; Sauni R; Silva MJ; Wild P; Zhang CW; Zhang Q; Grosse Y; Benbrahim-Tallaa L; de Conti A; DeBono NL; Ghissassi FE; Madia F; Reisfeld B; Stayner LT; Suonio E; Viegas S; Wedekind R; Ahmadi S; Mattock H; Gwinn WM; Schubauer-Berigan MK (担当:分担執筆範囲:pp.49−59, 65−88, 307, 368−395, 511−512)International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization (WHO) 2023年05月 ISBN: 9789283201984
  • 住まいのアレルギー対策-室内環境からのアプローチ-
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:喘息と環境因子、感作性物質)技報堂出版 2023年05月 ISBN: 9784765526388
  • 今日の治療指針 2023年版-私はこう治療している
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:シックハウス症候群/化学物質過敏症)医学書院 2023年01月 ISBN: 9784260050357
  • 東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第7章 生活環境と健康)三共出版 2022年03月 ISBN: 9784782708118 218 103-136
  • Kenichi Azuma; Hideto Jinno (担当:分担執筆範囲:Toxicity of SVOCs)Elsevier 2022年03月 ISBN: 9780128245330 346 33-54
  • 東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:住宅の温熱環境による障害)医学書院 2022年01月 ISBN: 9784260047760 2224
  • Indoor Environmental Quality and Health Risk toward Healthier Environment for All
    Kenichi Azuma (担当:分担執筆範囲:Guidelines and Regulations for Indoor Environmental Quality)Springer 2020年01月 ISBN: 9789813291829 334 303-318 
  • 東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:[対策]室内汚染対策/室内環境指針値、[物質編]マンガン及びその化合物)朝倉書店 2019年09月 ISBN: 9784254180541 464
  • 最新の抗菌・防臭・空気質制御技術
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第5章第2節その他の規格・基準、第5項WHO、諸外国の空気質ガイドライン, pp. 515−518)テクノシステム 2019年07月
  • WHO Secretariat; Philippa Howden-Chapman (chair; Mike Clarke; Matti Jantunen; Maria del Carmen Rojas; Jeroen Douwes; Angela Mathee; Kenichi Azuma; Lidia Morawska; Hina Zia; David Ormandy; Maria Joao; Lopes Freitas; Peter Phibbs; Yaser Al Sharif; Matthias Braubach; David Jacobs (担当:分担執筆範囲:Low indoor temperatures and insulation; High indoor temperatures)World Health Organization, Geneva 2018年11月 ISBN: 9789241550376 172 31-54
  • Kenichi Azuma; Ikuko Bamba (担当:分担執筆範囲:Indoor environmental pollution associated with floods and dampness)Springer 2018年05月 ISBN: 9789811080890 196 45-55
  • 自動車室内環境2017(総合技術レビュー): 技術報告シリーズ51
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:3.1.4.アレルギー, pp. 22-29)公益社団法人自動車技術会 2017年06月
  • 東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:第5章D住宅と健康, pp.219-230)南江堂 2017年02月 ISBN: 9784524258857 265 219-230
  • 東日本大震災合同調査報告、建築編8
    東 賢一; 吉野 博; 田辺新一; 柳 宇; 長谷川兼一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:118-123)丸善 2015年05月
  • AZUMA K; Uchiyama I (担当:分担執筆範囲:National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Fine Particles (PM2.5) in Japan)Nova Science Publishers 2015年05月 ISBN: 9781634824774 268 3-20
  • 日本建築学会環境基準: AIJES-A0001-2014ホルムアルデヒドによる室内空気汚染に関する設計・施工等規準・同解説
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:16−17)日本建築学会 2014年03月
  • 健康・快適な住宅づくりのチェックポイント
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:2-3)オーム社 2013年01月
  • 新版・知らずに使っていませんか?-家庭用品の有害物質-(ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議ブックレット(8))
    東 賢一; 神山美智子; 立川 涼; 角田季美枝; 中下裕子 (担当:分担執筆範囲:)ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議 2010年12月
  • 住居医学(Ⅳ)
    吉田 修; 東 賢一; 池田耕一; 上原裕之; 宮崎良文; 大槻剛巳; 筏 義人 (担当:分担執筆範囲:11-34)米田出版 2010年08月
  • 日本建築学会環境基準: AIJES-A005-2010トルエンによる室内空気汚染防止に関する設計・施工等規準・同解説
    東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:14-18)日本建築学会 2010年03月
  • Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Japan and Malaysia
    Azuma, K; Uchiyama, I; Okumura, J (担当:分担執筆範囲:Air Pollution and Health Risks: Indoor Pollutants and Environmental Asbestos in Japan)Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Cataloguing-in-publication Data 2010年01月 ISBN: 9789675227325 129 81-91
  • 増補改訂版リスク学事典
    盛岡 通; 酒井泰弘; 池田三郎; 広瀬弘忠; 内山巌雄; 東 賢一 (担当:分担執筆範囲:371-372)阪急コミュニケーションズ 2006年07月
  • 建築に使われる化学物質事典
    東 賢一; 池田耕一; 久留飛克明; 山田裕巳; 中川雅至; 長谷川あゆみ; 森有紀子 (担当:監修範囲:分担執筆: 5-13, 120-496)風土社 2006年05月
  • 公害はなぜ止められなかったか?-予防原則の適用を求めて-(ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議ブックレット(4))
    東 賢一; 大竹千代子; 武田玲子; 立川 涼; 中下裕子 (担当:分担執筆範囲:51-53)ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議 2005年06月
  • 国内外VOC規制の最新動向と放散ガスの測定及び評価
    池田耕一; 柳 宇; 朴 俊錫; 東 賢一; 柳沢幸雄; 本橋健司 (担当:分担執筆範囲:3-8)技術情報協会 2005年05月
  • 予防原則-人と環境の保護のための基本理念-
    大竹千代子; 東 賢一 (担当:共著範囲:)合同出版 2005年05月
  • シックハウスを防ぐ最新知識-健康な住まいづくりのために-
    池田耕一; 柳 宇; 朴 俊錫; 東 賢一; 田辺伸一; 柳沢幸雄; 石川 哲 (担当:分担執筆範囲:42-46)丸善 2005年03月
  • 知らずに使っていませんか?-家庭用品の有害物質-(ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議ブックレット(3))
    東 賢一; 神山美智子; 立川 涼; 角田季美枝; 中下裕子 (担当:分担執筆範囲:38-41)ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議 2004年09月
  • 化学汚染から子供を守る(ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議ブックレット(1))
    東 賢一; 神山美智子; 中下裕子; 松崎早苗; 水野玲子 (担当:分担執筆範囲:36-39)ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議 2003年03月


  • 招待講演(一般、教育研修等)、記事掲載、テレビ・ラジオ出演80件(2022年3月末まで)  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
  • 研究発表(国外・国内)419件(2022年3月末まで)  [通常講演]
    東 賢一
  • 招待講演(学会、公益法人、行政等)78件(2022年3月末まで)  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
  • 被害のピーク「これから」  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    東京新聞 2014年10月 メディア報道等
  • 「キレイな空気」が当たり前でなくなった  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    OMソーラー 2014年07月 メディア報道等
  • 家の中の空気をきれいに  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    日本経済新聞 2013年06月 メディア報道等
  • 「化学物質を考える」子どもの成長への影響  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    産経関西 2012年06月 メディア報道等
  • なぜ28℃と決まったのか?  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    テレビ東京「たけしのニッポンのミカタ!」 2012年06月 メディア報道等
  • シックハウス症候群について  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    サンテレビ「アサスマ」 2011年08月 メディア報道等
  • 学校と職場の空気質について  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    FM79.7MHz京都三条ラジオカフェ番組 2010年10月 メディア報道等
  • 住宅の室内空気質について  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    FM79.7MHz京都三条ラジオカフェ番組 2010年09月 メディア報道等
  • 鉛の人体影響  [招待講演]
    東 賢一
    TBS NEWS23 2010年08月 メディア報道等


  • 医学総論(環境医学)近畿大学医学部
  • 医療社会学近畿大学生物理工学部医用工学科
  • 建築物衛生研修国立保健医療科学院
  • 臨床実習(環境医学)近畿大学医学部
  • 環境保健応用国立保健医療科学院
  • 生命科学(環境医学と疾病予防)近畿大学医学部
  • 公衆衛生学近畿大学付属看護学校
  • 住まいと健康国立保健医療科学院
  • 公衆衛生学近大姫路大学看護学部看護学科
  • 医学総論(学外施設実習)近畿大学医学部
  • 環境医学実習近畿大学医学部
  • 医学英語近畿大学医学部
  • 健康と環境近畿大学医学部
  • 環境疫学近畿大学大学院医学研究科
  • 医学情報収集とEBM近畿大学医学部
  • 環境と社会近畿大学医学部
  • 健康危機管理近畿大学医学部
  • 医療法近畿大学医学部
  • 医療計画近畿大学医学部


  • International Commission on Occupational Health   日本疫学会   日本産業衛生学会   日本臨床環境医学会   近畿大学医学会   日本医学教育学会   空気調和・衛生工学会   日本建築学会   Society for Risk Analysis   International Society for Environmental Epidemiology   International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate   日本衛生学会   日本リスク研究学会   日本公衆衛生学会   大気環境学会   室内環境学会   日本行動医学会   


  • WHO Housing and Health Guideline, World Health Organization, Geneva, Guideline Developing Group
    2011年 - 現在
  • 日本学術振興会アジア研究教育拠点事業「リスク的観点からの流域管理」(マレーシア)
    2011年 -2016年
  • 日本学術振興会拠点大学交流事業「環境科学」(マレーシア・マラヤ大学)
    2008年 -2010年
  • WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected pollutants, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe,Copenhagen, 454 pages
    2008年 -2010年


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2027年03月
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2027年03月
  • 室内空気汚染化学物質対策の推進に資する総合的研究
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2027年03月
  • 木質住環境での室内環境の質的変化と居住者の健康維持増進に関する前向きコホート 研究
    研究期間 : 2023年04月 -2027年03月
  • ヒト便中マイクロプラスチック分析による取り込み評価と生体影響
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2027年03月
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2023年04月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 鍵 直樹; 柳 宇; 並木 則和; 金 勲; 東 賢一; 海塩 渉
  • 予防・健康づくりのための住環境整備のための研究
    研究期間 : 2023年04月 -2026年03月
  • 中規模建築物所有者等による自主的な維持管理手法の検証のための研究
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2025年03月
  • 住宅における機械換気の実質効果と健康リスク影響に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2025年03月
  • 室内空気汚染化学物質の標準試験法の開発・規格化および国際規制状況に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2024年03月
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の令和4年度追跡調査のデータ収集
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2023年03月
  • 乳幼児期の玩具使用における健康被害防止に向けた有害性化合物の曝露評価に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2023年03月
  • 健康増進に向けた住宅環境整備のための研究
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月
  • 住宅室内における汚染粒子の発生から居住者への曝露の挙動解析と健康リスク評価
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月
  • 化学物質への非特異的過敏状態に関する脳の神経活動の評価とその改善方法に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月
  • 環境過敏症の発症予防とバリアフリー環境実現に向けた質問票による環境因子の実態調査
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月
  • 木質住環境における室内環境の質的変化と居住者の心理生理応答に関する長期実証研究
    研究期間 : 2019年03月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • クラスター発生場所におけるCOVID-19のリスク分析と有効なクラスター防止策の研究
    研究期間 : 2021年07月 -2022年03月
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の令和3年度追跡調査のデータ収集
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2022年03月
  • 奈良の木を使用した快適なリモートワーク環境の検証事業
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2022年03月
  • 特定建築物における室内空気中化学物質の実態把握のための研究
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2022年03月
  • 室内環境中のフタル酸エステル・2-エチル-1-ヘキサノールの動態解析/リスク評価
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2022年03月
  • 空調システム中菌叢解析とそれに基づく室内環境改善策の提案
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2022年03月
  • COVID -19 における曝露経路別感染リスク評価と有効な感染予防策
    研究期間 : 2020年07月 -2021年03月
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の令和2年度追跡調査のデータ収集
    公益財団法人ルイ・パストゥール医学研究センター:公益財団法人ルイ・パストゥール医学研究センター 委託研究
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2021年03月
  • 半揮発性有機化合物(SVOC)によるシックハウス症候群への影響評価及び工学的対策の検証に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2021年03月
  • 室内空気環境汚染化学物質の標準試験法の策定およびリスク低減化に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月
  • 健康増進のための住環境に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2020年03月
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の令和元年度追跡調査のデータ収集
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 奈良の木ライフスタイル向上検証事業
    研究期間 : 2019年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 建築物環境管理基準の検証に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月
  • 中規模建築物における衛生管理の実態と特定建築物の適用に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月
  • 化学物質過敏症の病態を免疫機能から解明する基礎研究
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月
  • 室内における動的挙動と相互作用を考慮した粒子汚染履歴の解明及び健康リスク評価
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2019年03月 
    代表者 : 水越 厚史; 東 賢一; 奥村 二郎; 徳村 雅弘; 長野 晃; 野口 美由貴; 北條 祥子; 柳沢 幸雄; 山崎 章弘
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の平成30年度ベースライン調査のデータ収集
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2019年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 化学物質に対する非特異的な過敏状態の解明とその改善方法に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2019年03月
  • 室内環境におけるSVOC類の挙動解析及び統合的曝露評価/リスク評価
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2019年03月
  • 実住宅の木質住環境における居住者の健康維持増進に関する研究
    「チルチンびと地域主義工務店の会」代表株式会社 風土社:「チルチンびと地域主義工務店の会」代表株式会社 風土社受託研究
    研究期間 : 2017年 -2019年 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 循環器疾患に対する自動車排出物の影響に関する前向きコホート研究の基本設計
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 建物仕様と居住性・快適性の関係に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 半揮発性有機化合物をはじめとした種々の化学物質曝露によるシックハウス症候群への影響に関する検討
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2018年03月
  • 脳機能イメージングを用いた木材による人の心理生理反応とその評価方法に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 気候激化変動に伴う浸水によるダンプと健康被害の低減に向けた住宅の診断・復旧技術の提案
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月
  • 気道障害性を指標とする室内環境化学物質のリスク評価手法の開発に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月
  • 自動車排出物の心血管疾患等への影響に関する全国調査データの解析
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 動物曝露実験による亜硝酸ガスの生体影響に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2017年03月
  • 建築物環境衛生管理に係る行政監視等に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2017年03月
  • 自動車排出物の心血管疾患等への影響に関する全国調査データの解析
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • オゾン雰囲気における有機物の化学反応に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2016年03月
  • 科学的エビデンスに基づく「新シックハウス症候群に関する相談と対策マニュアル(改訂版)」の作成
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2016年03月
  • 様々な形態の水が関与する二次有機エアロゾル生成による室内汚染機構の解明と健康影響
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月
  • 環境中の微量な化学物質による健康影響に関する調査研究
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2016年03月
  • 木質住環境と健康~空気質特性の解明とヒトへの影響解析~
    研究期間 : 2011年03月 -2016年03月
  • 室内空気中の化学物質に係る基準・指針等に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 消費者製品に含有されるSVOCの経皮経路の暴露評価に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 木の香りがヒトに与える影響に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 萬羽郁子
  • 室内空気中の浮遊微粒子を媒体とした新たな汚染メカニズムの解明と健康リスク評価
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2015年03月
  • 浸水に伴う室内環境と健康への影響解明及び被害低減方策に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2015年
  • 被災者の健康に配慮した未来の仮設住宅のつくり方・すまい方-東北および阿蘇地域における仮設住宅実測調査から-
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2014年03月
  • 室内濃度指針値策定物質に係るハザード情報等に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 保育園における内装木質化の効果調査
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 居住空間におけるスギ材の心理的及び生理的効果に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • シックハウス症候群の発生予防・症状軽減のための室内環境の実態調査と改善対策に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2014年03月
  • 建築物環境衛生管理及び管理基準の今後のあり方に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2014年03月
  • 室内空気中の化学物質に係る基準・指針等に関する調査
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2013年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 津波による浸水被害住宅における環境問題の実態調査と改善手法の提案
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2013年03月
  • 化学物質過敏症の病態解明と疾患概念の確立に関する基礎的研究
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2013年03月
  • 杉材健康教室コンソーシアム
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2012年03月
  • 木材および木質内装の見えに関する実大検証
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2012年03月
  • 木材の空気浄化機能の解明と木質住環境のヒトへの視覚・生理・心理効果
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2012年03月
  • 室内ナノ粒子の新展開-二次生成ナノ有機エアロゾルの発生・挙動・制御
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2012年03月
  • 密閉化された床下構造の浸水被害と室内環境への影響に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2012年03月
  • スギ材の空気浄化機能の解明とヒトの心身への影響に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2011年03月
  • 建築物環境衛生管理基準の設定根拠の検証について
    研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2011年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 京都産木材や自然素材でつくる快適空気質の京町屋の普及システムの開発
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2011年03月
  • 建築物の特性を考慮した環境衛生管理に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2011年03月
  • 居住空間におけるスギ材の心理的及び生理的効果に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2010年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 建築物の衛生的環境の維持管理に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2006年04月 -2009年04月 
    室内環境におけるアスベストに関する調査研究 特定建築物以外の居住環境の維持管理に関する調査研究
  • 建材製品における含有物質の情報提供に関する標準化調査研究(経済産業省社会ニーズ対応型基準創成調査研究事業)
    研究期間 : 2008年04月 -2009年03月 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 室内粒子状物質の規制のあり方関する研究
    研究期間 : 2007年04月 -2008年03月 
  • 建築物における貯水槽の衛生的管理に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2007年04月 -2008年03月
  • 建材から放散される化学物質に関する調査分析
    研究期間 : 2008年 
    代表者 : 東 賢一
  • 今後の建築物の維持管理のあり方に関する課題等に関する
    研究期間 : 2005年04月 -2006年03月
  • 夏期における我が国のオフィス温熱環境の特徴に関する調査研究
    研究期間 : 2005年04月 -2006年03月
  • 諸外国における室内空気質規制に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2004年04月 -2005年03月


  • 粘着剤混合制御装置及び粘着テープの製造方法
  • アクリル系両面粘着テープ
  • 積層体
  • 制振シート及び制振材
  • 難燃性光重合性組成物及びこれを用いた難燃性粘着テープ
  • シリコン含有感光性組成物、これを用いた薄膜パターンの製造方法、電子機器用保護膜
  • 放熱用部材及び接続構造体
  • 放熱用部材及び接続構造体
  • 放熱用部材及び接続構造体
  • 熱伝導性感圧接着剤、熱伝導性感圧接着シート及びその積層体


  • 2014年10月 - 2014年10月  東京新聞(記事掲載) 
  • 2014年07月 - 2014年07月  雑誌「きづき」(記事掲載) 
  • 2013年06月 - 2013年06月  日本経済新聞(記事掲載) 
  • 2012年06月 - 2012年06月  産経関西(記事掲載) 
