楠 正暢(クスノキ マサノブ)

生物理工学部 人間環境デザイン工学科教授/就職委員会委員長

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(名古屋大学)




  • デバイスプロセス   生体材料   アパタイト   バイオデバイス   バイオセンサ   センシングデバイス   歯科治療・予防素材   レーザーアブレーション   結晶化   高分解能測定法   超伝導   高温超伝導   高周波表面抵抗   超伝導フィルタ   単一磁束量子   ナノワイヤ   ナノブリッジ   移動体通信基地局   単一光子検出   超伝導アンテナ   ミリ波   マイクロ波   サファイア   誘電損   




  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 計測工学
  • ナノテク・材料 / 構造材料、機能材料
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 電子デバイス、電子機器
  • ナノテク・材料 / 無機材料、物性
  • ライフサイエンス / 生体材料学
  • ライフサイエンス / 生体医工学
  • ライフサイエンス / 口腔再生医学、歯科医用工学
  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 電気電子材料工学
  • ライフサイエンス / 補綴系歯学
  • ライフサイエンス / 栄養学、健康科学
  • ナノテク・材料 / ナノマイクロシステム
  • ナノテク・材料 / ナノ材料科学



  • 2011年 - 現在  近畿大学生物理工学部教授
  • 2005年 - 2011年  近畿大学助教授・准教授
  • 2003年 - 2005年  近畿大学 講師
  • 1996年 - 2003年  山形大学 助手
  • 1999年 - 2000年  ライプツイヒ大学 招聘研究員


  •         - 1996年   名古屋大学大学院   工学研究科   電子工学専攻
  •         - 1991年   名城大学   理工学部   電気電子工学科



  • 2003年 インテリジェントコスモス奨励賞
  • 2001年 応用物理学会講演奨励賞


  • Soichi Okada; Nobuo Takeshima; Eiji Fujita; Takeshi Kohama; Masanobu Kusunoki; William F. Brechue
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science 36 1 9 - 20 2024年
  • Yosuke Osuka; Nobuo Takeshima; Narumi Kojima; Takeshi Kohama; Eiji Fujita; Masanobu Kusunoki; Aiko Imai; Yukiko Kitabayashi; William F. Brechue; Hiroyuki Sasai
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 108 104915 - 104915 2023年05月
  • Hidetaka Togo; Kento Terada; Akira Ujitsugu; Yudai Hirose; Hiroki Takeuchi; Masanobu Kusunoki
    Cells 12 2 2023年01月 [査読有り]
    Spheroids are expected to aid the establishment of an in vitro-based cell culture system that can realistically reproduce cellular dynamics in vivo. We developed a fluoropolymer scaffold with an extracellular matrix (ECM) dot array and confirmed the possibility of mass-producing spheroids with uniform dimensions. Controlling the quality of ECM dots is important as it ensures spheroid uniformity, but issues such as pattern deviation and ECM drying persist in the conventional microstamping method. In this study, these problems were overcome via ECM dot printing using a resin mask with dot-patterned holes. For dot diameters of φ 300 μm, 400 μm, and 600 μm, the average spheroid diameters of human iPS cells (hiPSCs) were φ 260.8 μm, 292.4 μm, and 330.7 μm, respectively. The standard deviation when each average was normalized to 100 was 14.1%. A high throughput of 89.9% for colony formation rate to the number of dots and 89.3% for spheroid collection rate was achieved. The cells proliferated on ECM dots, and the colonies could be naturally detached from the scaffold without the use of enzymes, so there was almost no stimulation of the cells. Thus, the undifferentiated nature of hiPSCs was maintained until day 4. Therefore, this method is expected to be useful in drug discovery and regenerative medicine.
  • 幸福 恵吾; 藤田 英二; 久保 誠吾; 小濱 剛; 楠 正暢; 竹島 伸生; 中垣内 真樹
    スポーツパフォーマンス研究 14 109 - 117 日本スポーツパフォーマンス学会 2022年 [査読有り]
    地域在住高齢女性11名(77.6 ± 7.1 歳)を対象にモトタイルを用いた運動を地域公民館において集団で週2 回,12 週間実施し,バランス能力への効果を検討した.バランス能力の指標には,開眼での20 秒間その場足踏みテスト(マーチテスト)を実施し,2 つの赤外線センサー機器を用いて頭部関節点の総軌跡長(TMD)と最大軌跡長(MMD)並びに膝関節点の軌跡長(KMD)の変化と両脚の歩調(PACE)とその変動係数(CV)を用いた.また,バランス能力に関連するパフォーマンステストのファンクショナルリーチ(FR),30 秒間チェアスタンド(30-CS),アップアンドゴー(TUG)も実施した.この結果,TMD,MMD,PACE 左脚CV およびTUG が運動後に有意に小さく,またFR,30-CS は有意に増加した.これらは,中程度以上の効果量が示された.他の赤外線センサー関連指標に有意な変化は認められなかったが,全体的にマーチテスト時の頭部関節点と膝関節点の揺れ,両脚を上げる際のバラツキが小さくなる傾向がみられた.以上から,モトタイルを用いた運動は,地域に在住する自立した高齢者のバランス能力改善のための運動の一つとして勧められる.
  • Hidetaka Togo; Kento Yoshikawa-Terada; Yudai Hirose; Hideo Nakagawa; Hiroki Takeuchi; Masanobu Kusunoki
    Applied Sciences 11 21 10495 - 10495 2021年11月 [査読有り]
    Establishing an in vitro–based cell culture system that can realistically simulate in vivo cell dynamics is desirable. It is thus necessary to develop a method for producing a large amount of cell aggregates (i.e., spheroids) that are uniform in size and quality. Various methods have been proposed for the preparation of spheroids; however, none of them satisfy all requirements, such as cost, size uniformity, and throughput. Herein, we successfully developed a new cell culture method by combining fluoropolymers and dot patterned extracellular matrix substrates to achieve size-controlled spheroids. First, the spheroids were spontaneously formed by culturing them two-dimensionally, after which the cells were detached with a weak liquid flow and cultured in suspension without enzyme treatment. Stable quality spheroids were easily produced, and it is expected that the introduction and running costs of the technique will be low; therefore, this method shows potential for application in the field of regenerative medicine.
  • A 20-sec Stepping Test and KINECTTM Sensor Provides Objective Quantification of Movement/Balance Dysfunction in Older Individuals.
    Nobuo Takeshima; Takeshi Kohama; Masanobu Kusunoki; Sochi Okada; Eiji Fujita; Yukiya Oba; William F. Brechue
    Experimental Aging Research in press 2020年03月 [査読有り]
  • Fabrication of c-plane-oriented hydroxyapatite film on amorphous SiO2 substrate
    Yuki Okada, YukaWatanabe, Takumi Sato, Masanobu Kusunoki
    Electronics and Communications in Japan 103 1 26 - 31 2020年03月 [査読有り]
  • 岡田 悠希; 渡部 由香; 佐藤 匠海; 楠 正暢
    電気学会論文誌C 139 11 1260 - 1265 2019年11月 [査読有り]
  • Nobuo Takeshima, T. Kohama, M. Kusunoki, E. Fujita, S. Okada, Y. Kato, K. Kofuku, M. M. Islam, W. F. Brechue
    The Journal of Frailty & Aging online 1 - 6 2019年06月 [査読有り]
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Yasuhiro Sakoishi; Takayuki Makino; Tomoya Tsunemine; Naoki Fujita; Yuki Okada; Daisuke Okai; Hidetaka Togo; Takashi Hayami
    Applied Surface Science 484 433 - 440 2019年 [査読有り]
  • Kusunoki M; Kohama T; Yamada Y; Fujita E; Okada S; Maeda A; Takeshima N
    Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology 14 4 1 - 11 2018年03月 [査読有り]
    PURPOSE: With a growing proportion of elderly people in the population, the maintenance of activities of daily living (ADLs) in elderly people is crucial to keep medical costs down. We investigated the ADL measurement accuracy of KINECTTM and Kinect Studio. To eliminate the subjectivity of conventional methods, we numerically assessed motions with computer analysis. METHODS: Eighteen actions that repeated "move" and "stationary" phases, including movement of arms, legs, head and torso were measured using KINECTTM. Errors and standard deviations of joint coordinates at the stationary points outputted from KINECT Studio were evaluated. Simultaneous measurements were performed with KINECTTM using conventional high-performance motion capture, and the output was treated as a true value for comparison. RESULTS: In most motions, errors of the joint coordinates were within 100 mm; however, there were two cases where errors due to the skeleton-model estimation by KINECT Studio increased. Firstly, when a part of the body unexpectedly moved out of the infrared measurable area, and secondly, when parts of the body overlapped each other on the KINECTTM image. CONCLUSIONS: KINECTTM and Kinect Studio are effective for ADL assessment when positions that cause large errors are excluded. Since KINECTTM has sufficient precision, it should also be possible to develop a more appropriate ADL evaluation system with a new algorithm of skeleton-model estimation that does not depend on KINECT Studio. Implications for Rehabilitation The KINECTTM and Kinect Studio are effective for ADL assessment when positions that cause large errors are excluded With an increasing proportion of elderly people in the population, the maintenance of activities of daily living (ADLs) in elderly people is crucial to keep medical costs down Systems such as the KINECTTM can support these goals.
  • Naoki Fujita; Takayuki Makino; Yasuhiro Sakoishi; Katsuya Asano; Masanobu Kusunoki
    CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 51 3 215 - 219 2016年03月 [査読有り]
    The relation between O-2 pressure and composition in the pulsed-laser deposition of fluoroapatite was investigated using both on-axis and off-axis methods to determine the optimal conditions for obtaining a pure fluoroapatite film without OH groups. Through this, it was found that an O-2 pressure of 10 Pa, combined with an off-axis method, results in P/Ca and F/Ca values (0.6 and 0.2, respectively) that match closely with a stoichiometric composition of Ca-10(PO4)(6)F-2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis confirmed that this optimized film was almost pure fluoroapatite, with no evidence of any OH groups originating from hydroxyapatite. X-ray diffraction also revealed that this fluoroapatite film crystallizes with a c-axis orientation perpendicular to its surface.
  • KOTANI Katsumi; MIYAKE Tomoki; YAMASHITA Taro; MIKI Shigehito; TERAI Hirotaka; KUSUNOKI Masanobu
    Mem Fac Biol Oriented Sci Technol Kinki Univ 36 36 1 - 7 近畿大学生物理工学部 2015年09月 [査読有り]
    [Abstract]A fabrication technique for high temperature superconducting (HTS) nanowires has been developed to realize photon detectors operating at high temperatures. HTS nanowires based on YBa_2Cu_3O_y (YBCO) were fabricated by electron beam (EB) lithography and Ar ion milling. During the Ar ion milling. Duuribg the Ar iron milling process, the samples were cooles by liquid N_2 to suppress degradation of YBCO due to increasing temperature. The acceleration voltage of the samples were cooled by liquid N_2 to suppress degradation of YBCO due to increasing temperature. The acceleration voltage of the Ar ions was optimized to decrease the energy of ion bombardment. To reduce the degradation from the side edge of the YBCO nanowire, a dry process using oxygen ions was employed to remove the EB resist instead of a wet process with remover and rinse solutions. A YBCO nanowire 150 nm wide and 5.4 mm long was successfully fabricated by minimizing the degradation of the YBCO film quality during the fabrication process. [要旨]液体窒素温度以上の高温領域で動作する単一光子検出器の実現を目的として, 酸化物高温超伝導ナノワイヤーの作製方法について検討を行った. 電子ビームリソグラフィーでナノパターンを形成し, Arイオンエッチングを用いて酸化物高温超伝導薄膜のYBa_2Cu_3O_yに微細加工を施すことでナノワイヤーを作製した. Arプラズマのイオン衝撃による温度上昇は超伝導特性の劣化をもたらすため, これを防ぐ目的でArイオンエッチングを行う際に液体窒素で試料の冷却を行った. これと同時に, イオソ衝撃のエネルギーを抑えるため Arイオンの加速電圧の最適化も行った. 電子ビームレジストを除去する際のリムバーやリンスなどの液体を用いたウエットプロセスによっても, YBa_2Cu_3O_yナノワイヤーの側壁部に劣化を生じるため、その対策としてOイオンを用いたドライプロセスにより電子ビームレジストの除去を行う条件を見出した. その結果, 超伝導特性に殆ど劣化のない, ワイヤー幅150nm, ワイヤー長5.4mm の酸化物高温超伝導ナノワイヤーの実現に成功した.
  • Yoshiya Hashimoto; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; PeiQi Li; Shigeki Hontsu
    DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL 34 3 345 - 350 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    Cell sheet technology is a scaffold-free method for tissue reconstruction. A sheet-shaped scaffold would be suitable for the regeneration of periodontal membrane. We designed a stem cell sheet combining human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) and a 10-mu m thick biological apatite (BAp) membrane fabricated with an ArF pulsed laser ablation for periodontal regeneration. X-ray diffraction showed that crystalline hydroxyapatite (HAp) was present in BAp and HAp membranes after post-annealing. Energy dispersive analysis of the BAp membrane revealed peaks of Na and Mg in addition to Ca and P. Approximately 3x10(4) hMSCs were cultured on BAp and HAP membranes for 7 and 14 days. From in vitro assays, hMSCs grew faster and had higher osteoblast differentiation when cultured on the BAp membrane than did the cell culture on the HAp membrane. Stem cell sheets combined with a BAp membrane may have potential applications in guided bone regeneration and osteoconductive scaffolds.
  • 小濱 剛; 楠 正暢; 岡田 壮市; 竹島 伸生
    体力科学 64 1 12 - 12 (一社)日本体力医学会 2015年02月 [査読有り]
  • Nobuhiro Kato; Arata Isai; Ei Yamamoto; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Kazushi Yoshikawa; Kenzo Yasuo; Kazuyo Yamamoto; Shigeki Hontsu
    Key Engineering Materials 631 258 - 261 2015年 [査読有り]
    Dentin hypersensitivity is induced by mechanical stimuli or heat stimuli applied via dentin tubules exposed by lost of dental enamel or gingival recession. Common treatments for dentin hypersensitivity are resin coating or laser irradiation. However, these treatments have some problems such as poor biocompatibility or insufficient durability. We have been developing a treatment that creates artificial tooth enamel by attaching flexible ultrathin calcium phosphate sheet having a crystal structure similar to that of tooth enamel to seal the dentin tubules. In this study, the quantitative evaluation of dentin tubule sealing rate improved by attaching ultrathin amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) sheet on human dentin is presented. The obtained sealing-rate by APC sheet application was 70.9 ±4.8%.
  • 本津茂樹; 加藤暢宏; 山本衛; 吉川一志; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢
    バイオインテグレーション学会誌 4 1 65 - 69 バイオインテグレーション学会 2014年07月 [査読有り]
  • Hiroaki Nishikawa; Yusuke Morita; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigeki Hontsu; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tamio Endo
    In this study, we prepared a uniaxially oriented oxide on a flexible polymer substrate. We first grew [100] oriented SrTiO3 (STO) on a MgO(100) substrate. After bonding the STO film to a poly(ethylene naphthalete) (PEN) sheet with a photoresist, we etched the MgO substrate with a phosphoric acid solution to transfer the oxide film to the PEN sheet. The thin (300nm) STO films did not crack after release, even after bending the sheet around a rod with a 1cm radius, while the thicker (800 nm) films did. Ultimately, this process could be adapted to prepare a flexible epitaxial oxide. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Hiroaki Nishikawa; Yusuke Morita; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigeki Hontsu; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tamio Endo
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 53 5 05FB06.1-05FB06.4  2014年05月 [査読有り]
    In this study, we prepared a uniaxially oriented oxide on a flexible polymer substrate. We first grew [100] oriented SrTiO3 (STO) on a MgO(100) substrate. After bonding the STO film to a poly(ethylene naphthalete) (PEN) sheet with a photoresist, we etched the MgO substrate with a phosphoric acid solution to transfer the oxide film to the PEN sheet. The thin (300nm) STO films did not crack after release, even after bending the sheet around a rod with a 1cm radius, while the thicker (800 nm) films did. Ultimately, this process could be adapted to prepare a flexible epitaxial oxide. (C) 2014 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Takashi Hayami; Masanobu Kusunoki
    BIOMMEDD V 583 51 - 55 2014年 [査読有り]
    In order to impart both osseointegration and osteoconduction characteristics onto extruded pure polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for use as an artificial bone material, the surface of the PEEK was sputter-coated with a thin bilayer-film consisting of a commercially pure titanium (Ti) layer with a thickness of 90 nm and a hydroxyapatite layer with a thickness of 200 nm derived from simulated body fluid (SBF-HA). A specimen of PEEK coated only with Ti was used in peeling tests to determine the adhesive strength of the interface between the two materials, which was found to be 2.55 +/- 0.45 MPa. Tensile tests were also carried out, and it was found that no exfoliation of the Ti film occurred until an ultimate strain of 129% was reached. In a cell culture test using mouse osteoblast on the bilayer-coated PEEK, cell proliferation following 168 h of culturing was 1.3 times higher on the SBF-HA than on synthetic hydroxyapatite, and 2.4 times higher than that on the Ti-coated PEEK. In addition, the proliferation on the Ti-coated PEEK was 2.1 times higher than that on uncoated PEEK.
  • M. Kusunoki; T. Matsuda; N. Fujita; Y. Sakoishi; R. Iguchi; S. Hontsu; H. Nishikawa; T. Hayami
    BIOMMEDD V 583 47 - 50 2014年 [査読有り]
    A technique to control the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite (HA) was investigated for applications such as dentistry, regenerative medicine, cell culture scaffolding, and bio-sensors. An amorphous HA film was first produced by pulsed laser deposition. After deposition, it was separated from a substrate as a free-standing sheet. Annealing was then performed to control the crystallinity of the sheet. It was found that conventional annealing in an electric oven was not suitable for HA sheets, because it led to curling and cracking. Since such problems were assumed to be caused by thermal stress, annealing was next carried out with the HA sheet enclosed in HA powder in the center of a metal capsule. This method allowed annealing to be successfully carried out without causing any curling or cracking. Uniform pieces with dimensions of 10 mm x 10 mm cut from a large HA sheet were annealed at temperatures of 200 to 800 degrees C and then examined using X-ray diffraction. It was found that the intensity of the diffraction peaks associated with crystalline HA changed with annealing temperature, and that the strongest peaks were observed for the sample annealed at 500 degrees C. These results indicate that the crystallinity of the HA sheet can be controlled using the proposed method.
  • Restoration of tooth enamel using a flexible hydroxyapatite sheet coated with tricalcium phosphate
    Yamamoto, E; Kato, N; Isai, A; Nishikawa, H; Kusunoki, M; Yoshikawa, K; Hontsu, S
    Bioceramics Development and Applications S1 - S006 2013年12月 [査読有り]
  • Ultrathin amorphous calcium phosphate freestanding sheet for dentin tubule sealing
    Kato, N; Yamamoto, E; Isai, A; Nishikawa, H; Kusunoki, M; Yoshikawa, K; Hontsu, S
    Bioceramics Development and Applications S1 - S007 2013年12月 [査読有り]
  • Yasuhiro Sakoishi; Ryo Iguchi; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu; Takashi Hayami; Masanobu Kusunoki
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 6 11 115501.1-115501.3  2013年11月 [査読有り]
    A method of fabricating c-axis-oriented hydroxyapatite film on a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor was investigated. ZnO was used as a template to obtain a hexagonal hydroxyapatite crystal of uniaxial orientation. The ZnO was grown as a c-axis film on a Au/quartz with the surface structure of a QCM sensor. Under optimized conditions, hydroxyapatite was deposited by pulsed laser deposition. X-ray diffraction showed the hydroxyapatite film to be oriented along the c-axis. Because Au and ZnO are applied to many devices, the anisotropic properties of hydroxyapatite may be incorporated into these devices as well as QCM sensors. (C) 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • 本津 茂樹; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    Journal of bio-integration 3 1 67 - 70 バイオインテグレーション学会 2013年09月 [査読有り]
  • T. Nishigaki; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; S. Hontsu
    Bioceramics Development and Applications S1-008 2013年05月 [査読有り]
  • レーザーアブレーション法により作製したハイドロキシアパタイト薄膜の圧電性の評価
    西垣 勉; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    Journal of bio-integration 3 71 - 74 2013年 [査読有り]
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 32 2 125 - 125 (一社)日本歯科理工学会 2013年 [査読有り]
  • E. Yamamoto; N. Kato; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; K. Yoshikawa; S. Hontsu
    BIOCERAMICS 24 529-530 522 - + 2013年 [査読有り]
    Tooth enamel cannot be reconstructed once it is destroyed immoderately. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) thin sheet can potentially be used for a novel dental biomaterial to repair the enamel. Using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method, we have successfully created a flexible HAp sheet of less than a few micrometers in thickness. Due to its flexibility, the HAp sheet is tightly adhered on curved surfaces at the target site. In the present study, we newly developed double-layered sheets composed of HAp film coated with tricalcium phosphate (TCP) thin layer. The HAp/TCP sheet was adhered to the extracted human teeth using a calcium phosphate solution for 3 days. The adhesive strength between the HAp/TCP sheet and tooth enamel was evaluated by quasi-static tensile tests. Moreover, the interface structure between them was observed by a scanning electron microscopy. As a result of the mechanical evaluation, the adhesive strength was greater than approximately 2.5 MPa. The electron microscopic observation revealed that the sheet was partially fused with the enamel. These findings suggest the possibility that enamel defects are repaired using the HAp/TCP sheet for a short duration.
  • 穴あきアパタイトシートを用いたエナメル質の修復
    本津 茂樹; 以西 新; 山本 衛; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 速水 尚; 吉川 一志
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 シンポジウム2012 197 - 197 日本バイオマテリアル学会 2012年11月
  • 本津 茂樹; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan : セッコウ・石灰・セメント・地球環境の科学 19 361 504 - 510 無機マテリアル学会 2012年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢
    J Soc Inorg Mater Jpn 19 361 504 - 510 無機マテリアル学会 2012年11月
  • 本津 茂樹; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan : セッコウ・石灰・セメント・地球環境の科学 19 361 504 - 510 無機マテリアル学会 2012年11月 [査読有り]
  • Shigeki Hontsu; Yoshiya Hashimoto; Yoshihiro Yoshikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Akihiro Ametani
    JOURNAL OF HARD TISSUE BIOLOGY 21 2 181 - 187 2012年04月 [査読有り]
    To develop an improved surface conformation of titanium web (TW) scaffold, we examined the in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of a thin hydroxyapatite (HA) deposited by pulsed laser ablation. Thin HA film was deposited on titanium discs using an pulsed laser operating at a repletion rate of 10 Hz and annealed by heating at 380 degrees C for 1 h. The presence of HA not only along the surface but also in the TW inner region was confirmed by the elementary mapping of calcium, phosphorous, and titanium. X-ray diffraction pattern showed that crystalline HA was present in the HA coating. Microscopic images after actin staining with rhodamine phalloidin revealed that the spread of clonal stromal cells was markedly greater on HA coating than on untreated TW. When infused with clonal stromal cells, the HA-coated TW could indeed generate bone formation in the backs of nude mice. However, the appearance of new bone was not enhanced by the HA coating, likely because air in the porous scaffold during cell loading reduces the cell-scaffold contact. Mild vacuum loading techniques might enable differences of osteo-differentiation between HA-coated TW and non-coated TW to emerge.
  • 本津 茂樹; 吉川 一志; 松田 太陽; 楠 正暢; 丸山 敏朗; 山本 衛; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭
    日本セラミックス協会 年会・秋季シンポジウム 講演予稿集 2012 0 706 - 706 公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会 2012年 [査読有り]
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 31 5 445 - 445 (一社)日本歯科理工学会 2012年 [査読有り]
  • 本津茂樹; 樋口裕一; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 小正裕
    バイオインテグレーション学会誌 2 1 119 - 123 バイオインテグレーション学会 2012年 [査読有り]
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 松田太陽; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 31 2 112 - 112 (一社)日本歯科理工学会 2012年 [査読有り]
  • 本津茂樹; 樋口裕一; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 小正裕
    バイオインテグレーション学会誌 2 1 119 - 123 バイオインテグレーション学会 2012年 [査読有り]
  • Daisuke Ito; Katsumi Kotani; Tomoki Miyake; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu; Masanobu Kusunoki
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 132 11 1722 - 1726 2012年 [査読有り]
    We studied a method to obtain superconductivity even in very thin films of YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO). These thinner YBCO films will be able to be applied to optics/superconductivity (opt/super) converters with high optical sensitivity. Opt/super converters composed of YBCO nano-bridges or nano-wires require a low critical current that is determined by the film thickness. According to X-ray diffraction, critical temperature (Tc) and residual resistivity ratio for the substrates of MgO (100), SrTiO 3 (100) and NdGaO3 (110), superconducting features are influenced by the lattice mismatching layer in YBCO closing to a hetero-epitaxy interface between YBCO and single crystal substrate. YBCO films with different thicknesses varying from 80 to 10 nm were prepared on SrTiO3, using a suitable temperature. The values of Tc slightly decreased when reducing YBCO thickness from 80 to 20 nm, and then declined sharply at less than 20 nm. It is considered that a layer in the beginning of deposition less than 20 nm causes stress in the crystal lattice. The Tc of 20 nm YBCO film on SrTiO3 was 80.8 K. It can work above liquid N2 temperature. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • Shigeki Hontsu; Yoshiya Hashimoto Dr.; Yoshihiro Yoshikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Akihiro Ametani
    Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 21 2 181 - 188 2012年 [査読有り]
    To develop an improved surface conformation of titanium web (TW) scaffold, we examined the in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of a thin hydroxyapatite (HA) deposited by pulsed laser ablation. Thin HA film was deposited on titanium discs using an pulsed laser operating at a repletion rate of 10 Hz and annealed by heating at 380°C for 1 h. The presence of HA not only along the surface but also in the TW inner region was confirmed by the elementary mapping of calcium, phosphorous, and titanium. X-ray diffraction pattern showed that crystalline HA was present in the HA coating. Microscopic images after actin staining with rhodamine phalloidin revealed that the spread of clonal stromal cells was markedly greater on HA coating than on untreated TW. When infused with clonal stromal cells, the HA-coated TW could indeed generate bone formation in the backs of nude mice. However, the appearance of new bone was not enhanced by the HA coating, likely because air in the porous scaffold during cell loading reduces the cell-scaffold contact. Mild vacuum loading techniques might enable differences of osteo-differentiation between HA-coated TW and non-coated TW to emerge. © 2012 The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association Printed in Japan, All rights reserved.
  • S. Hontsu; N. Kato; E. Yamamoto; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; K. Yoshikawa
    Key Engineering Materials 493-494 615 - 619 2012年 [査読有り]
    Before a tooth erupts, the ameloblasts are lost, which means that the tooth enamel does not regenerate itself after tooth eruption. In the present study, we attempt to regenerate the tooth enamel artificially using a flexible hydroxyapatite (HAp) sheet. First, a HAp film was deposited on a soluble substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using an ArF excimer laser. Next, the HAp film was collected as a freestanding sheet by dissolving the substrate using a solvent. The HAp sheet was adhered to the extracted human teeth using a calcium phosphate solution. The variation of the crystal structure of the HAp sheet with time was investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis. Furthermore, the variation in the mechanical characteristics with time between the HAp sheet and dental enamel were evaluated using tensile and scratch tests. The results suggest that the HAp sheet became fused to the tooth enamel within approximately one week. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.
  • フレキシブル極薄フッ素化アパタイトシートの作製
    本津 茂樹; 丸山 敏朗; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 速水 尚; 橋本 典也
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 33回 79 - 79 日本バイオマテリアル学会 2011年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 楠正暢; 西川博昭
    セラミックス 46 9 745 - 749 日本セラミックス協会 2011年09月 [査読有り]
  • 本津 茂樹; 楠 正暢; 西川 博昭
    セラミックス 46 9 745 - 749 日本セラミックス協会 2011年09月 [査読有り]
  • Takashi Hayami; Shigeki Hontsu; Yuichi Higuchi; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki
    CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH 22 7 774 - 776 2011年07月 [査読有り]
    Objective: To impart rapid and durable osteoconductivity to implants, a commercial titanium screw implant was coated with stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (HA; 50 nm thick), and then with bovine hydroxyapatite (B-HA; 300 nm thick) using the pulsed laser deposition technique. As control specimens, a commercial implant coated with HA (20 mu m thick) using the flame spraying method (sprayed implant) and a simple titanium implant (basic implant) was used. Methods: The osteoconductivities of these three types of implant, after implantation for 4-24 weeks, were histologically evaluated. Results: Peeling of HA from the sprayed implant was observed by scanning electron microscopic observation. In the fourth postoperative week, the bilayered implant was already closely adhered to bone. On the other hand, the basic implant was surrounded by a gap containing connective tissue. With the sprayed implant, the bone adhered to the thick HA coating. Conclusion: The bilayer deposition technique supplies quick and long-term fixation of implants to bone, because the B-HA film dissolves to aid osteoconduction right immediately after implantation and the HA thin film maintains osteoconduction without dissolution. Neither of the thin-film fractures easily compared with thick coatings.
  • 本津 茂樹; 楠 正暢; 西川 博昭
    機能材料 31 5 63 - 68 シーエムシー出版 2011年05月
  • 本津茂樹; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 吉川一志
    機能材料 31 5 63 - 68 2011年04月 [査読有り]
  • SungChul Lee; Mohammod M. Islam; Michael E. Rogers; Masanobu Kusunoki; Akiyoshi Okada; Nobuo Takeshima
    JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH 25 4 1089 - 1097 2011年04月 [査読有り]
    Lee, S, Islam, MM, Rogers, ME, Kusunoki, M, Okada, A, and Takeshima, N. Effects of hydraulic-resistance exercise on strength and power in untrained healthy older adults. J Strength Cond Res 25(4): 1089-1097, 2011-The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of hydraulic-resistance exercise (HDRE) in improving strength and power in healthy older adults. Thirty-nine older adults (68.6 +/- 4.9 years; 15 men, 24 women) were divided into a training group or control group (CON). Hydraulic-resistance exercise consisted of a 12-week supervised program, 50 min.d(-1), 3 d.wk(-1). Hydraulic-resistance exercise was used for 10 exercises: Chest press and pull, shoulder press and pull, low back flexion and extension squat, leg adduction/abduction, leg press, and elbow extension/flexion. The number of the sets and the hydraulic-resistance dial setting (D) were gradually increased in 3 stages during the 12-week program. Strength, rating of perceived exertion, and relative intensity during exercise increased significantly from stage to stage whereas repetition velocity decreased. Total work was higher in the second stage compared with the first but lower in the final stage because of reduced repetitions. Peak torque at D2 and D11 increased (p < 0.05) for knee extension (58 and 9%) and flexion (94 and 21%), chest press (35 and 12%) and pull (29 and 14%), shoulder press (14 and 18%) and pull (75 and 18%), and low back flexion (59 and 46%) and extension (84 and 34%). Peak power at D2 and D11 also increased (p, 0.05) for knee extension (140 and 26%) and flexion (96 and 36%), chest press (54 and 28%) and pull (62 and 23%), shoulder press (55 and 31%) and pull (159 and 30%), and low back flexion (177 and 127%) and extension (104 and 66%). There were no significant changes in the CON. Hydraulic-resistance exercise elicits significant improvements in strength and power in older adults. Therefore, HDRE is an effective form of resistance training that provides benefits using low and moderate intensity of training for older adults.
  • Masumi Iijima; Hiroyasu Kadoya; Satoko Hatahira; Shingo Hiramatsu; Giman Jung; Aaron Martin; John Quinn; Joohee Jung; Seong-Yun Jeong; Eun Kyung Choi; Takeshi Arakawa; Fumiyo Hinako; Masanobu Kusunoki; Nobuo Yoshimoto; Tomoaki Niimi; Katsuyuki Tanizawa; Shun'ichi Kuroda
    BIOMATERIALS 32 6 1455 - 1464 2011年02月 [査読有り]
    To enhance the sensitivities and antigen-binding capacities of immunosensors, oriented immobilization of antibodies on the surface of the sensor chip is critical, but to date, this has not been adequately achieved. We describe a way of adsorbing immunoglobulin (Ig) proteins onto 32-nm bio-nanocapsules (BNCs) through IgG Fc-binding domains derived from Staphylococcus aureus protein A (ZZ-BNC). This arrangement permits similar to 60 molecules of mouse total IgG bind to ZZ-BNC and all the IgG Fv regions to be displayed outwardly for the effective binding of antigens. ZZ-BNCs adsorbed onto the gold surface of the sensor chip of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) could markedly enhance the sensitivity and antigen-binding capacity of the chip. On the sensor chip of surface plasmon resonance (SPR), antibodies on the ZZ-BNCs showed higher affinities to each antigen than those on protein A. The BNC-coated sensor chip is very stable, and should prove useful for various immunosensor applications due to oriented immobilization of antibodies. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 本津 茂樹; 山本 一世; 加藤 暢宏; 山本 衛; 丸山 敏朗; 松田 太陽; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 速水 尚; 吉川 一志
    日本セラミックス協会 年会・秋季シンポジウム 講演予稿集 2011 0 231 - 231 公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会 2011年 [査読有り]
    可撓性のハイドロキシアパタイト(HAp)シートを用いたエナメル質の再生を試みた。抜去ヒト歯を歯根歯冠境界部で切断して、露出したエナメル質を耐水研磨紙で研磨し、その上にリン酸カルシウム水溶液を用いてHApシートを貼付した。その後、人工唾液を1日1回塗布し、試料とした。HApシートを貼付して10分間乾燥させたのち、X線回折(XRD)パターンを順次測定するとともに、貼付後21日目におけるシートのエナメル質表面に対する固着応力を、3 mmφの引張り冶具を用いた引張り試験により評価した。XRDパターンより、約1週間程度でHApシートとエナメル質が一体化したことが示唆された。また、21日後の引張り試験では、3.4 MPaでシートに接着剤で固定していた治具がシートから剥がれたため、エナメル質上のシートの固着強度は3.4 MPa以上であることが明らかになった。
  • Control of Ca/P ratio of hydroxyapatite thin film by pulsed laser deposition
    H. Nishikawa; R. Yoshikawa; H. Nakajima; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; S. Hontsu
    24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials 2011年 [査読有り]
  • S. Hontsu; K. Yoshikawa; N. Kato; Y. Kawakami; T. Hayami; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; K. Yamamoto
    A freestanding hydroxyapatite (HAp) sheet of 5 similar to 10 mu m thickness was successfully prepared by a novel method. After depositing the thin HAp film on a soluble substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, the HAp film was collected as a freestanding sheet by dissolving the substrate using a solvent. Thereafter, HAp sheets were directly attached to enamel and dentin surfaces of extracted human teeth. Artificial saliva was sprayed every third day, and the course was observed for 90 days. Observation of the enamel-HAp and dentin-HAp interface by scanning electron microscopy revealed that the HAp sheet had stuck to the enamel and dentin surface.
  • Scratch Test of Simulated Body Fluid-derived Hydroxyapatite Film on Biomedical Titanium Substrates
    速水尚; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 松村和明; 本津茂樹; 大政光史; 澤井徹
    The 3rd International Congress on Ceramics, Osaka 2010年11月 [査読有り]
    Mem Fac Biol Oriented Sci Technol Kinki Univ 26 87 - 91 2010年09月 [査読有り]
    Mem Fac Biol Oriented Sci Technol Kinki Univ 25 25 1 - 5 2010年03月 [査読有り]
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Yoshiaki Kawakami; Taiyo Matsuda; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Takashi Hayami; Shigeki Hontsu
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 3 10 107003.1-107003.3  2010年 [査読有り]
    A large hydroxyapatite (HA) sheet of 50 mm diameter was constructed using a new fabrication process. The HA sheet was prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and then separated from the substrate. An intermediate layer of spin-coated photoresist between the PLD film and the substrate was dissolved in acetone to enable the separation. Sufficient crystallinity was obtained after postannealing. The area of the HA sheet prepared by the proposed process was approximately 20 times larger than that of the HA sheet prepared by the previous process. The proposed process can also be used for larger sheets. The HA sheet has promise in medical and dental applications. (C) 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Yoshitaka Togo; Takuto Wada; Yoshiya Hashimoto; Yoshiya Hashimoto; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 129 11 2014 - 2018 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 2009年11月 [査読有り]
    We developed a patterning technique for nerve cells that uses polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and poly-D-lysine (PDL). The PDL layer on the PTFE substrate acted as a buffer for nerve cell adhesion, while Ar ion-irradiated areas on PTFE were used for separation of nerve cells. This structure was then used as a scaffold. A matrix circuit of nerve cells with dendrites or axons was subsequently observed on the scaffold after a week of cell culture. The Ar ion-irradiated area exhibited graphite or amorphous carbon, and PDL was detached from carbon grains by mechanical stress during cell culture. A possible explanation for the adhesion between PDL and PTFE is the van der Waals force. The stress between PDL/PTFE was reduced by the flexibility of PDL gel, which prevented separation of PDL from PTFE.
  • Daisuke Koizumi; Nicole L. Rogers; Michael E. Rogers; Mohammod M. Islam; Masanobu Kusunoki; Nobuo Takeshima
    JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH 6 4 467 - 474 2009年07月 [査読有り]
    Background: Although many Japanese older adults spend more than an hour each day walking for exercise, the intensity is often lower than the minimum level associated with various health benefits. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a lifestyle physical activity intervention on improving quantity and quality of daily physical activity (DPA) as well as cardiorespiratory endurance in community-dwelling older women. Methods: 68 women (60-78 yr of age) were randomly assigned to either a lifestyle physical activity intervention group (LIFE) or control group. During the 12-wk intervention, feedback based on accelerometer DPA data (number of daily steps (STEPS) and time spent performing daily moderate intensity physical activity (MPA) was provided to each participant in LIFE every two weeks. Cardiorespiratory endurance was evaluated using the 12-Minute Walk Test (12-MW). Results: Following the 12-wk intervention, significant group interactions were observed for STEPS, MPA, and cardiorespiratory endurance. LIFE increased STEPS by 16%, MPA by 53%, and the distance walked during the 12-MW by 10%. Conclusions: Promotion of DPA using accelerometers can significantly improve quantity and quality of daily physical activity as well as cardiorespiratory endurance in older women.
  • Daisuke Koizumi; Nicole L. Rogers; Michael E. Rogers; Mohammod M. Islam; Masanobu Kusunoki; Nobuo Takeshima
    Journal of Physical Activity and Health 6 4 467 - 474 2009年 
    Although many Japanese older adults spend more than an hour each day walking for exercise, the intensity is often lower than the minimum level associated with various health benefits. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a lifestyle physical activity intervention on improving quantity and quality of daily physical activity (DPA) as well as cardiorespiratory endurance in community-dwelling older women. Methods: 68 women (60-78 yr of age) were randomly assigned to either a lifestyle physical activity intervention group (LIFE) or control group. During the 12-wk intervention, feedback based on accelerometer DPA data (number of daily steps (STEPS) and time spent performing daily moderate intensity physical activity (MPA) was provided to each participant in LIFE every two weeks. Cardiorespiratory endurance was evaluated using the 12-Minute Walk Test (12- MW). Results: Following the 12-wk intervention, significant group interactions were observed for STEPS, MPA, and cardiorespira- tory endurance. LIFE increased STEPS by 16%, MPA by 53%, and the distance walked during the 12-MW by 10%. Conclusions: Promotion of DPA using accelerometers can significantly improve quantity and quality of daily physical activity as well as cardiorespiratory endurance in older women. © 2009 Human Kinetics, Inc.
  • ヒト間葉系幹細胞とハイドロキシアパタイトシートを組み合わせた新規骨再生誘導メンブレンの開発
    橋本典也; 谷中直樹; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 武田昭二
    日本再生歯科医学会誌 7 82  2009年 [査読有り]
  • 極薄アパタイトシートの軟組織再生足場としての応用
    浅野弘樹; 東郷秀孝; 橋本典也; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    再生医療 8 260  2009年 [査読有り]
  • Hiroaki Nishikawa; Ryota Hatanaka; Masanobu Kusunoki; Takashi Hayami; Shigeki Hontsu
    APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 1 8 088001.1-088001.3 - 0880013 2008年08月 [査読有り]
    Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is one of the most widely used materials for tissue culture scaffolding in regenerative medicine. To apply HAp as a suitable material for tissue culture scaffolding, we have developed freestanding HAp membranes that can be directly transplanted "as is" into a diseased site after tissue culturing. These freestanding HAp membranes are highly biocompatible, provide early cell proliferation and differentiation, and their flexibility allows some degree of configuration to the target site. This tissue culture scaffold is ideal from the standpoint of harvesting tissue and directly transplanting it to the diseased site. (C) 2008 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
  • 速水 尚; 西川 博昭; 樋口 裕一; 橋本 典也; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 渋江 唯司; 山本 全男
    実験力学 : journal of JSEM 8 2 127 - 132 日本実験力学会 2008年06月
  • Sung Chul Lee; Masanobu Kusunoki; Motoo Watanabe; Tomomi Yamada; Nobuo Takeshima; Michael E. Rogers
    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE 40 5 S370 - S370 2008年05月 [査読有り]
  • 速水 尚; 西川 博昭; 樋口 裕一; 橋本 典也; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 渋江 唯司; 山本 全男
    実験力学 8 2 127 - 132 The Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics 2008年 
    The fixation between a beads-type porous-surfaced dental implant and a surrounding bone is dependent on 3-dimensional anchoring effect which new bones develop into a porous structure. The speed of a bone ingrowth into the porous structure and the good fixation to bone is strongly related to biocompatibility of the implant. To impart a functional fixation by biointegration to the implant, in this study, a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique was used to form 300 nm thick hydroxyapatite (HA) film even on the depths of the porous structure. Through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) analysis, it was found that HA was crystallized and was deposited on the depths of interconnecting pores of complicated shape. The implants were placed into posterior regions of completely edentulous mandible of a canine. The bone ingrowth condition was scanned by CT scanner. In three weeks after operation, the bone ingrowth speed in the HA-deposited implant was increased as compared with the non-HA-deposited one. In five weeks after operation, no particular differences on the bone ingrowth between the HA-deposited and non-HA-deposited implants were found. HA thin film deposition on a porous-suerfaced implant was effective in the improvement of functional bone fixation.
  • エキシマレーザーアブレーション法によるアパタイト被覆三次元チタン繊維細胞足場の開発
    橋本典也; 吉川美弘; 浅野弘樹; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 池尾隆; 飴谷彰洋; 吉野和卓; 久保木義徳
    日本再生歯科医学会誌 6 56  2008年 [査読有り]
  • Y. Hashimoto; M. Kawashima; R. Hatanaka; M. Kusunoki; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu; M. Nakamura
    In the current studies, we deposited ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films on a pure titanium substrate by pulsed laser deposition, and we examined the effects of these surfaces on rat bone marrow (RBM) cells. This method allowed deposition of 500-, 2,000-, and 5,000-angstrom-thick hydroxyapatite films. X-ray diffraction showed that the amorphous films recrystallized to a hydroxyapatite crystal structure after annealing. The proliferation of RBM cells was unaffected by the hydroxyapatite films, but osteocalsin and alkaline phosphatase mRNA and protein levels were elevated in cells grown on 2,000- and 5,000-angstrom-thick films. These results indicate that ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films generated by pulsed laser deposition are better at promoting osteogenesis than pure titanium surfaces.
  • 李 成哲; 渡辺 元夫; 小泉 大亮; 長谷川 龍一; 山田 ともみ; 竹島 伸生; 楠 正暢
    体力科学 56 6 882 - 882 (一社)日本体力医学会 2007年12月 [査読有り]
  • 楠正暢; 上田亮平; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 李成?; 小泉大亮; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生
    生理人類学会論文誌 11 4 191 - 196 日本生理人類学会 2007年11月 [査読有り]
    We developed a real-time measurement system for quantities of movement using hydraulic resistance exercise (HRE) machine-based circuit training that is a promising method for health promotion of aged people. Muscular strength and displacement of motion are measured as fundamental quantities with hydraulic pressure gauges that are connected to the hydraulic cylinders of HRE machine. The time series data of the fundamental quantities are transferred to the computer, by using them, the velocities of motion, the angles of bend, the muscle powers and total energy consumption are calculated and displayed by graphical representation on the monitor. Batch processing by single computer was performed to all resistance machines in circuit training. This system makes possible to accumulate the scientific proofs steadily for the hydraulic resistance exercise.
  • Y. Hashimoto; M. Kawashima; R. Hatanaka; M. Kusunoki; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu; M. Nakamura
    In the current studies, we deposited ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films on a pure titanium substrate by pulsed laser deposition, and we examined the effects of these surfaces on rat bone marrow (RBM) cells. This method allowed deposition of 500-, 2000-, and 5000-angstrom-thick hydroxyapatite films. X-ray diffraction showed that the amorphous films recrystallized to a hydroxyapatite crystal structure after annealing. The proliferation of RBM cells was unaffected by the hydroxyapatite films, but osteocalsin and alkaline phosphatase mRNA and protein levels were elevated in cells grown on 2000- and 5000-angstrom-thick films. These results indicate that ultra-thin hydroxyapatite films generated by pulsed laser deposition are better at promoting osteogenesis than pure titanium surfaces.
  • Takashi Hayami; Kazuaki Matsumura; Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu
    MATERIALS LETTERS 61 13 2667 - 2670 2007年05月 [査読有り]
    To impart good cell adhesion to poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel (PVA-H) as an artificial articular cartilage, hydroxyapatite thin film 300 nm thick was deposited by a pulsed laser deposition technique on PVA-H, which has virtually no cell adhesion. A cell culture method was used to study the effect of hydroxyapatite deposition on PVA-H upon cell adhesion among mouse fibroblasts. The cell adhesion of water content 33% PVA-H coated with the amorphous hydroxyapatite film showed a maximum as high as that of commonly used tissue culture dishes. This technique was also effective for improving cell adhesion, even on a higher water content (53%) PVA-H. This is a novel technique to improve the biocompatibility and attachment of PVA-H and with the underlying bone and natural cartilage. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Takashi Hayami; Kazuaki Matsumura; Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu
    MATERIALS LETTERS 61 13 2667 - 2670 2007年05月 [査読有り]
    To impart good cell adhesion to poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel (PVA-H) as an artificial articular cartilage, hydroxyapatite thin film 300 nm thick was deposited by a pulsed laser deposition technique on PVA-H, which has virtually no cell adhesion. A cell culture method was used to study the effect of hydroxyapatite deposition on PVA-H upon cell adhesion among mouse fibroblasts. The cell adhesion of water content 33% PVA-H coated with the amorphous hydroxyapatite film showed a maximum as high as that of commonly used tissue culture dishes. This technique was also effective for improving cell adhesion, even on a higher water content (53%) PVA-H. This is a novel technique to improve the biocompatibility and attachment of PVA-H and with the underlying bone and natural cartilage. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 速水 尚; 西川 博昭; 渋江 唯司; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 山本 全男
    年次大会講演論文集 2007 243 - 244 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2007年 
    To improve osteoblasts attachment to a porous implant such as artificial tooth root, plasma spray coating of hydroxyapatite (HA) has been attempted applying. However, plasma sprayed HA powders plugged up a way in holes of the porous structure which is important way of bone growth. To solve this problem, in this experiment, HA thin film 300nm thick was deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on the tooth root. HA thin film was reached easily to the depth of the porous structure. In 3 weeks after operation, the bone in-growth speed in HA-deposited tooth root was increased as compared with non HA-deposited one. In 5 weeks after operation, no particular difference between HA-deposited and non HA-deposited tooth roots was found. HA thin film deposition on a porous implant was effective in the improvement of osteoblast attachment.
  • 今井晴香; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気学会論文誌C(Vol.127、No.11、p1839-1842) 127 11 4 - 1842 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 2007年 [査読有り]
    Biological molecular adsorption on crystal hydroxyapatite (HAp) and amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 was investigated using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) method. The pulsed laser ablation (PLA) was applied to coat both kind films for QCM sensors. A crystal HAp sensor was prepared with thermal treatment during the fabrication process. An amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 sensor was prepared without any thermal treatment. Not only crystal HAp but amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 showed good adsorptive feature compared with conventional QCM on the market. The result showed that a low temperature deposition of HAp is adaptable to polymer-based materials for medical purposes.
  • Haruka Imai; Masanobu Kusunoki; Yoshiya Hashimoto; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 127 11 4 - 1842 2007年 [査読有り]
    Biological molecular adsorption on crystal hydroxyapatite (HAp) and amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 was investigated using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) method. The pulsed laser ablation (PLA) was applied to coat both kind films for QCM sensors. A crystal HAp sensor was prepared with thermal treatment during the fabrication process. An amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 sensor was prepared without any thermal treatment. Not only crystal HAp but amorphous Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 showed good adsorptive feature compared with conventional QCM on the market. The result showed that a low temperature deposition of HAp is adaptable to polymer-based materials for medical purposes.
  • 小泉 大亮; 李 成吉吉; 那須 英里子; 竹島 伸生; 楠 正暢
    体力科學 55 6 915 - 915 日本体力医学会 2006年12月 [査読有り]
  • Improvement of hydroxyapatite deposition on titanium dental implant using ArF laser ablation: effect on osteoblast biocompatibility in vitro
    Y.Hashimoto; M.Kusunoki; R.Hatanaka; K.Hamano; H.Nishikawa; Y.Hosoi; S.Hontsu; M.Nakamura
    Materials in Clinical Applications 7 287 - 294 2006年06月 [査読有り]
  • Sung Chul Lee; Hiroshi Takeda; Mohammod M. Islam; Ryouhei Ueda; Ryouhei Ueda; Daisuke Koizumi; Eriko Nasu; Masanobu Kusunoki; Nobuo Takeshima; Michael E. Rogers
    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE 38 5 S332 - S333 2006年05月 [査読有り]
  • S Hontsu; K Agemura; H Nishikawa; M Kusunoki
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E89C 2 151 - 155 2006年02月 [査読有り]
    A coplanar type lumped-element 6-pole microwave Chebyshev bandpass filter (BPF) of center frequency (f(0)) 2.0 GHz and fractional bandwidth (FBW) 1.0% was designed. For the design method, theory of direct coupled resonator filters using K-inverters was employed. Coplanar type lumped-element BPFs are composed of a meander-line L and interdigital C elements. The frequency response was simulated and analyzed using an electromagnetic field simulator (Sonnet-EM). Further, the changes in fo and FBW of the BPF were also realized by the mechanical tuning method.
  • S Hontsu; K Agemura; H Nishikawa; M Kusunoki
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E89C 2 151 - 155 2006年02月 [査読有り]
    A coplanar type lumped-element 6-pole microwave Chebyshev bandpass filter (BPF) of center frequency (f(0)) 2.0 GHz and fractional bandwidth (FBW) 1.0% was designed. For the design method, theory of direct coupled resonator filters using K-inverters was employed. Coplanar type lumped-element BPFs are composed of a meander-line L and interdigital C elements. The frequency response was simulated and analyzed using an electromagnetic field simulator (Sonnet-EM). Further, the changes in fo and FBW of the BPF were also realized by the mechanical tuning method.
  • 高齢者の身体活動向上を目指した加速度計の有効性―個人データフィードバックの意義―
    小泉大亮; 李成てつ; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生; 楠正暢
    体力科学 55 915  2006年 [査読有り]
  • 生体アパタイト超薄膜被覆インプラントの生体親和性
    本津茂樹; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一; 橋本典也
    バイオマテリアル 24 353 - 360 2006年 [査読有り]
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトコート基材が神経分化誘導に及ぼす影響の検討
    竹原 俊幸; 畑中 良太; 楠 正暢; 西川 博昭; 橋本 典也; 本津 茂樹; 細井 美彦
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 18 25 - 29 2006年 [査読有り]
  • 生体アパタイト超薄膜被服インプラントの生体親和性
    本津茂樹; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一; 橋本典也
    バイオマテリアル 9 353 - 360 2006年 [査読有り]
  • S Hontsu; K Iguchi; K Agemura; H Nishikawa; M Kusunoki
    The tunable filter has variable center frequency (f(o)) and variable bandwidth (BW) that can be adapted to software defined radio. In our mechanical tunable filter, capacitance of each element is changed by motion of dielectric plate that is located above the capacitive elements. The dielectric plates are moved by piezoelectric bimorph actuators. Tuning test of the fo in a cryocooler is performed using an actual superconducting filter fabricated with YBa2Cu3Oy thin film deposited on an MgO (100) substrate. Taking into account of the effective change of parallel capacitance to ground plane by movement of dielectric plates above the element, we choose the coplanar wave guide type filter that has the ground plane on top side of the substrate. Suitable design of the mechanically tunable superconducting lumped element filter is discussed.
  • M Kusunoki; M Kawasima; H Nishikawa; K Morimoto; T Hayami; S Hontsu; T Kawai
    Protein adsorption on hydroxyapatite (HAP) thin film was investigated before and after patterning. Hydroxyapatite thin film 100 nm thick was deposited by pulsed laser deposition. The film was patterned by photolithography and wet etching with HCl solution. Proteins (phospholyrase b, bovine serum albumin, and others) labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were used as the reagent. After the HAP film was soaked in the reagent and washed with pure water, a conspicuous contrast in FITC was observed between the HAP pattern and the glass substrate (or photoresist). This behavior showed that the biocompatibility of the HAP thin film was not influenced by the patterning process. Our technique for HAP thin film is adaptable for applications involving biosensors as electronic devices and scaffolds for tissue culture.
  • 生体アパタイト超薄膜被覆インプラントの生体親和性
    本津 茂樹; 川島 将実; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 速水 尚; 大橋 芳夫; 樋口 裕一; 橋本 典也
    バイオマテリアル : 生体材料 : Journal of Japanese Society for Biomaterials 24 353 - 360 2005年 [査読有り]
  • レーザーアブレーション法を用いた生体アパタイト薄膜の細胞適合性評価(in vitro)
    橋本典也; 畑中良太; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 中村正明
    歯科材料・器械 24 353  2005年 [査読有り]
  • M Kusunoki; M Kawasima; H Nishikawa; K Morimoto; T Hayami; S Hontsu; T Kawai
    Protein adsorption on hydroxyapatite (HAP) thin film was investigated before and after patterning. Hydroxyapatite thin film 100 nm thick was deposited by pulsed laser deposition. The film was patterned by photolithography and wet etching with HCl solution. Proteins (phospholyrase b, bovine serum albumin, and others) labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) were used as the reagent. After the HAP film was soaked in the reagent and washed with pure water, a conspicuous contrast in FITC was observed between the HAP pattern and the glass substrate (or photoresist). This behavior showed that the biocompatibility of the HAP thin film was not influenced by the patterning process. Our technique for HAP thin film is adaptable for applications involving biosensors as electronic devices and scaffolds for tissue culture.
  • M Kusunoki; H Nishikawa; S Hontsu
    PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 412 414 1524 - 1527 2004年10月 [査読有り]
    An error in surface resistance (R-s) originating from the dielectric loss (tan delta) of the parallel plate dielectric resonator using the two-resonators method is investigated. In the two-resonators method, the error in R-s(DeltaR(s)) due to the difference in tan delta(Delta tan delta) between the TE011 and TE01n mode rods is examined, considering the actual scattering of values of tan delta among sapphire rods. Taking this scattering into account, the projected value of DeltaR(s) cannot be disregarded for general R-s values (about 0.1 mOmega) of HTS films. As a comparative simulation, the case of a single resonator was also considered where the tan delta is neglected in the estimate of R-s. Due to the uncertainty and complexity in the two-resonators method, this method is not so superior to the single-rod resonator measurement by neglecting tan 6 at higher resonance frequency. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Masashi Mukaida; Yuya Yamazaki; Yuki Shingai; Sayoko Makino; Masanobu Kusunoki; Atsushi Saito; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Superconductor Science and Technology 17 3 337 - 341 2004年03月 [査読有り]
    The growth and characterization of a BaZrO3 buffer layer for controlling the in-plane orientation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown on MgO substrates is described. BaZrO3 buffer layers and YBa2Cu3O7-δ films are grown by pulsed laser deposition. 45° grain boundaries typically exist in YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown on MgO(001) substrates; these are fatal defects for microwave device applications and are eliminated using the BaZrO3 buffer layer. The preferred orientation and in-plane orientation with respect to the MgO substrates are estimated for MgO lattice-matched BaZrO3 buffer layers grown on MgO substrates. YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown at an optimum growth temperature of 710°C on BaZrO3 buffer layers on MgO(001) substrates show a lower surface resistance (RS) than those on MgO(001) substrates without BaZrO3 buffer layers.
  • A Sundaresan; H Asada; H Kito; Y Tanaka; A Iyo; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 17 3 350 - 353 2004年03月 [査読有り]
    Epitaxial thin films of a Tl(Ba, Sr)(2)Ca2Cu3Oy (Tl-1223) superconductor with a thickness of 5000 Angstrom were grown on a moderate dielectric constant (epsilon = 23.8) substrate (LaAlO3)(0.3) (Sr2AlTaO6)(0.7) (LSAT) in order to study the miniaturization of a superconducting thin film microwave filter. For the annealing conditions followed in this work, we observed two kinds of surface morphology: both of them have a large plate-like morphology with pits but they differ from each other by the presence of needle shaped (a-axis-oriented) grains on top of the plate-like surface. The superconducting transition temperature (T-c) and critical current density (J(c)) for both kinds of films (with and without needles) are about 108 K and similar to0.8 MA cm(-2) at 90 K, respectively. However, the values of the temperature dependence of the microwave surface resistance (R-s) of the films with needles are about one order higher than those for the films without needles, due to the absorption of microwaves by a-axis-oriented needles. The value of R-s for the films without needles at 90 K and 10 GHz is 507 muOmega, which satisfies the requirement for microwave device applications with high performance.
  • 内田 貴; 須藤 雅樹; 三上 宏; 竹田 真; 楠 正暢; 齊藤 敦; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学 39 1 18 - 24 低温工学協会 2004年01月
  • 内田 貴; 須藤 雅樹; 三上 宏; 竹田 真; 楠 正暢; 齊藤 敦; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    This paper reports the results the application of sapphire rod trimming to improve HTS filter properties. First, we examined the optimum position of the sapphire rod above the hairpin filter to shift the resonance frequency. The resonance frequency could be changed about 20 MHz, a value which is sufficient for filter trimming. Next, we examined sapphire rod trimming for a 5-resonator hairpin filter. We found that sapphire rod trimming is a very useful technique for improving filter properties; for example, reducing the ripple and increasing the steepness of the filter properties. We also discuss improving sapphire rod trimming using an equivalent circuit model. The improvement and sapphire rod position could be explained by the equivalent circuit model.
  • 橋本典也; 楠正暢; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 中村正明
    歯科材料・器械 23 328  2004年 [査読有り]
  • Buffer layers for TFA-MOD YBa2Cu3O7? d films on MgO substrate
    M. Mukaida; M.Miura; T.Araki; Masanobu Kusunoki; A.Saito; S. Ohshima; I. Hirabayashi; K.Tanabe
    Institute of Physics Conference Series 12 1514 - 1519 2004年 [査読有り]
  • M Kusunoki; M Inadomaru; D Kousaka; S Ohshima; K Aizawa; M Mukaida
    PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 392 392 1241 - 1244 2003年10月 [査読有り]
    The parallel plate dielectric resonator was applied to surface resistance (R-s) measurement of high temperature superconducting films with small area for the purpose of material research in early stage. Using 38 GHz resonance of TE013 mode, available measurement area in the film was diameter of 9 mm. From the theoretical calculation, the measurement at higher frequency had an advantage of less error in R-s that is caused by dielectric loss tangent (tan 6). The effect of dielectric loss is negligible at 38 GHz even using a sapphire with order of 10(-7) of tan delta. In lower R-s region, R-s values of YBa2Cu3Oy that were measured at 38 GHz agreed well with that of standard measurement method at 22 GHz. However the difference of R, between two methods became larger with increase of R-s. It is owing to poor signal to noise ratio at higher frequency. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • M Shirakawa; J Unno; K Aizawa; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    We have examined in-plane orientation Of CeO2 buffer layers on c-plane and tilt-c-plane sapphire substrates. The tilt angles are 5degrees, 10degrees and 15degrees, which are defined as the angles between the c-plane and the surface planes of the sapphire substrates (called 5degrees, 10degrees, 15degrees tilt-c-plane substrates). The films were prepared by inductively coupled plasma sputtering. The in-plane orientation of the films was measured using X-ray phi-scan. phi-scan peaks of films fabricated on c-plane substrates appeared every npi/6 or npi/12 (n: integer), showing 12-fold or 24-fold symmetry. The in-plane orientation is influenced by the hexagonal symmetry of the sapphire c-plane. The degree of film orientation depends on the substrate temperature during preparation. On the other hand, we found weak 4-fold symmetry for films fabricated on 10degrees and 15degrees. tilt-c-plane substrates. This suggests that we can obtain CeO2 films with perfect 4-fold symmetry on tilt-c-plane sapphire substrates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S Ohshima; M Kusunoki; M Inadomaru; M Mukaida; Y Tanaka; H Ihara
    We have examined the relationship between the surface resistance and the depairing current density of superconductors. From the two-fluid model and the relationship between the depairing current density and the thermodynamic critical field, we can show that the surface resistance is in inverse proportion to the depairing current density. We also experimentally examined the correlation between the surface resistance and the critical current density of YBCO thin films, and found that the surface resistance is in inverse proportion to the critical current density. The results mean that our theoretical analysis is suitable for predicting the correlation between the surface resistance and the critical current density.
  • A Sundaresan; H Asada; A Crisan; JC Nie; H Kito; A Iyo; Y Tanaka; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    Epitaxial Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy and Tl(Ba,Sr)(2)Ca-2 Cu3Oy thin films have been prepared on CeO2 buffered sapphire substrate by an ex situ process with high reproducibility. Microstructure analysis of the surface of the TI-2212 films showed well connected and smaller sized grains of 1 mum or less. In the case of TI-1223 film, plate-like crystals with pits and pin holes could be observed. The superconducting critical temperatures of both films are around 96 K. Critical current density measured by ac susceptibility technique is as high as 1 MA/cm(2) at 77 K. The microwave surface resistance of these films was measured over a wide range of temperatures by a HTS-sapphire-HTS resonator method at 38 GHz on films with area 10 mm x 10 mm. The temperature dependence of surface resistance of TI-2212 film follows very closely to that of the best YBCO films on MgO substrate, whereas the TI-1223 exhibits slightly higher values resulting from an inferior surface morphology.
  • H Yamada; K Moriai; S Kanno; K Aizawa; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    We observed vortices with a modified Bitter method by evaporating nickel as the medium of decoration, in film and QMG (which are made with the quench-and-melt-growth method) YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) samples. The temperature range of observation was from 25 K to 90 K, and the external magnetic field was 2 mT. Consequently, we found that the vortex structures of these samples were stable from 25 K to near the critical temperature (similar to90 K). The density of vortex was almost three times larger than that estimated from the external magnetic field. This suggests that the vortex motion may be hopping during nickel evaporation.
  • A Sundaresan; Y Tanaka; A Iyo; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 16 5 L23 - L24 2003年05月 [査読有り]
    A simple method, fishing high-T-c superconductor thin films out of a liquid nitrogen bath by a permanent magnet (field > H-c1), due to the effect of high flux pinning, has been suggested to identify films that have high critical current density (J(c) > 10(6) A cm(-2) at 77 K) and thus a low microwave surface resistance (R-s). We have demonstrated that a Nd-Fe-B magnet, having a maximum field of similar to0.5 T, could fish out TI-1223 superconducting thin films on LSAT substrate with a thickness of similar to5000 Angstrom having J(c) > 1 MA cm(-2) (at 77 K) whereas it could not fish out other films with J(c) < 0.1 MA cm(-2) at 77 K. The fished out films exhibit R-s values 237-245 mum at 77 K and 10 GHz, which is lower than that (R-s = 317 mum) of the commercially available YBCO film at the same temperature and frequency. On the other hand, the non-fishable films show very high R-s values. This method is a very simple tool to test for high J(c) and good microwave properties of large area superconducting films which would otherwise require a special and expensive tool.
  • A Sundaresan; H Asada; A Crisan; JC Nie; H Kito; A Iyo; Y Tanaka; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 388 473 473 - 474 2003年05月 [査読有り]
    Tl2Ba2CaCu2Oy (Tl-2212) and Tl(Ba,Sr)(2)Ca2Cu3Oy (Tl-1223) superconductor thin films have been prepared on CeO2 buffered sapphire substrate by an ex situ process namely, amorphous phase epitaxy (APE) method. In the case of Tl-1223, an amorphous layer of TlSr2CaCu2Oy (TlSr-1212) was deposited on top Of CeO2 layer to avoid chemical reaction between Tl-1223, containing Ba, and CeO2 layers. All films are epitaxial with smooth surface and excellent crystallinity. Superconducting transition temperatures (T-c) of Tl-2212 and 1223 are around 95 and 104 K, respectively. Critical current density (J(c)) at 77 K measured on 5 x 5 mm. films by inductive technique is as high as 2 MA/cm(2). Surface resistance R-s of Tl-2212 films measured by a dielectric resonator technique at 38 GHz is comparable to the best YBCO films. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 向田昌志; 山崎裕弥; 新海優樹; 楠正暢; 松本要; 吉田隆; 一瀬中; 堀井滋; 斉藤敦
    Buffer layer materials for growing YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films on MgO substrates are examined from the viewpoint of YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin-film crystallinity. The buffer layers were grown using an excimer laser. Crystallinity of the buffer layers grown on MgO substrates and the YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films on the buffer layers were evaluated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray rocking curves and X-ray φ-scan methods. One of key points to obtain YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films of the highest quality on the MgO substrates is the usage of BaZrO3 buffer layers that are lattice matched to the MgO substrates. However, every buffer layer examined here showed the result of high-quality YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films with a Tc of around 89 K and low surface resistance.
  • D Okai; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    To design superconducting microwave receivers, the surface resistance of the superconducting thin film must be considered. Therefore, a. highly accurate technique for measuring the surface resistance of superconducting thin films should be established. In this paper, we propose a probe-coupled microstrip line resonator as a technique for measuring the surface resistance of superconducting thin films. In the resonator technique, the surface resistance is calculated from Q(u), the unloaded Q, of the resonator. Since the microstrip line resonator searches for an accurate surface resistance of the superconducting thin film, establishing a technique that accurately determines the Q(u) of the resonator is crucial. We measure the Q(u) values of resonators fabricated from metal and superconducting thin film by a probe-coupled microstrip line resonator and describe the accuracy of Q(u) measurement by the probe-coupled micro-strip line resonator and the repeatability of the surface resistance measurement of a superconducting thin film. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • M Kusunoki; Y Takano; K Nakamura; M Inadomaru; D Kosaka; A Nozaki; S Abe; M Yokoo; M Lorenz; H Hochmuth; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    A scanning mapping technique of surface resistance (R-s) using the sapphire dielectric resonator was developed and demonstrated for a 3-inch-diameter YBa2Cu3Oy film. The area of the 3-inch film was divided by 5 x 5 nun grid for scan, resulting in 101 measurement points. Values of R, in the film varied from 2.9 to 3.8 mOmega at 22 GHz and 77 K. The distribution of R-s corresponded to that of the critical current density. Sampling of quality factors at each point was performed using non-contact measurement between film and sapphire. Since the airtight chamber was filled with dry N-2 gas to avoid film degradation by frost and water during the warming process, perfect non-destructive measurement is realized. Fluctuation of distance between the surface of film and dielectric rod was monitored by resonance frequency. Errors in R-s caused by the fluctuation were calculated within 0.01 mOmega. Furthermore, the system could detect a small (0.3 mm x 0.5 nun) scratch defect as well as the gradient of film thickness on Ag film. This technique is effective for inspection of large-area high temperature superconducting films for microwave applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • H Yamada; K Moriai; S Kanno; K Aizawa; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    We have examined vortex distribution of YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO, Y-123) films and YBCO-QMG samples. The vortices were observed by the Bitter method using the decoration of the fine magnetic particles. Observation of vortex distribution was done in the temperature range between 25 and 90 K in the magnetic field range between 0 and 10 mT. We found that vortices of YBCO films and YBCO-QMG samples did not move at 25 K and moved slightly at 75 K, and the interface of the Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) and Y-123 phases of the YBCO-QMG sample works as pinning center. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • M Mukaida; S Sato; Y Takano; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS 378 1232 1232 - 1235 2002年10月 [査読有り]
    A grain size control technology will be described. YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films are grown by a pulsed laser deposition method in 400 mTorr oxygen atmosphere. The films are grown by a self-template method with various self-template growth temperatures. However the temperature of the main YBa2Cu3O7-delta layer was fixed. Grain size of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films on MgO substrates are observed by atomic force microscope. Mean diameter of grains are calculated by the number of grains in scanned area of 1 x 1 mum(2). The mean diameters are 2.49 x 10(2), 2.89 x 10(2), 4.047 x 10(2) and 4.192 x 10(2) nm for films with an initial layer growth temperature of 670, 690, 714 and 730 degreesC, respectively. Grain size is found to depend on the initial growth stage of the YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin film growth. These grain sizes have a strong relationship with the inverse of substrate temperature indicating thermally excited migration of YBa2Cu3O7-delta nuclei. It is also clarified that migration length of YBa2Cu3O7-sigma nucleus is longer on an YBa2Cu3O7-delta films than on MgO substrates. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • M Kusunoki; M Inadomaru; S Ohshima; K Aizawa; M Mukaida; M Lorenz; H Hochmuth
    We investigated the dielectric loss tangent (tan delta) of sapphire single crystals produced by edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG) method using a dielectric resonator with YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) films. Surface resistance (R-s) of the YBCO film was low enough to obtain high resolution of tan 6 measurement. For comparison, tan delta of the sapphire prepared by the Czochralsky (Cz) method was also evaluated. Measurements of 14 sapphire rods showed that EFG sapphire tends to have lower tan delta than Cz sapphire, while defects in Cz crystal were 1/14-1/2 less than that in EFG crystal. It means that the number of defects does not influence tan delta, if the density of defects is within the order of 10(4)/cm(2). In most EFG sapphire the value of tan 6 at 30 K was estimated to be < 1.0 x 10(-7). It is usable for R-s measurement of high critical temperature superconducting materials. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S Ohshima; S Oikawa; T Noguchi; M Inadomaru; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; H Yamasaki; Y Nakagawa
    We have examined the correlation between the critical current density (J(c)) and the surface resistance (R-s) of an YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) thin film. YBCO films were prepared in an inductively coupled plasma sputtering system on MgO and BSO/MgO substrates. BaSnO3 (BSO) was used as a buffer material for the MgO substrates. J(c) was determined by magnetic measurements, and R-s was measured using a sapphire rod resonator method, The correlation of critical current and surface resistance has been reported previously, however. there is few researches in which a systematic correlation of R-s and J(c) using the same sample has been done. To begin with, we measured R-s by the dielectric resonator method, and next, J(c) was measured using the magnetic field method, As a result, it was proven that there was a strong correlation between R-s and J(c). We found that the relationship between J(c) and R-s (at 22 GHz) could be expressed by the following equation, R-s = 2.0 x 10(7) J(c)(-1), where the unit of R-s is the ohm, and the unit of J(c) is A/m(2). It was found that the relation was applicable in a wide temperature range under T,. The value of the surface resistance can be estimated. if an accurate critical current is obtained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • A Cassinese; M Barra; Fragala, I; M Kusunoki; G Malandrino; T Nakagawa; LMS Perdicaro; K Sato; S Ohshima; R Vaglio
    Dual mode devices based on high temperature superconducting films represent an interesting class for telecommunication applications since they combine a miniaturized size with a good power handling. Here we report on a novel compact antenna obtained by crossing a square patch with two or more slots. The proposed design has an antenna size reduction of about 40% as compared to the conventional square patch microstrip antennas. Single patch antenna both with linear (LP) and circular (CP) polarization operating in the X-band have been designed and tested at prototype level. They are realized by using double sided (YBa2Cu3O7-x) YBCO and TI2Ba2Ca1Cu2O8 (TI-2212) superconducting films grown on MgO substrates and tested with a portable cryocooler. They showed at T = 77 K a return loss <25 dB and a power handling of 23 dBm. Exemplary 16 elements arrays LP antennas operating in the X band have been also realized by using YBCO film grown on 2" diameter MgO substrate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • M Barra; A Cassinese; Fragala, I; M Kusunoki; G Malandrino; T Nakagawa; LMS Perdicaro; K Sato; S Ohshima; R Vaglio
    SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 4 581 - 585 2002年04月 [査読有り]
    The use of high-temperature superconducting films for the fabrication of antennas allows us to realize radiating structures that are small in size and have a very high efficiency. In this paper, we investigate the properties of a novel compact antenna obtained by crossing a square patch with diagonal and transverse slots. Single patch antennas, with both linear and circular polarization operating in the X-band, with a size reduction of about 40% as compared to conventional square patches, have been designed and tested at prototype level. They have been realized by using double-sided YBa2Cu3O7-x,(YBCO) and Tl2Ba2Ca1Cu2O8(Tl-2212) superconducting films grown on MgO substrates and have been measured using a portable cryocooler. At T = 77 K, the experimental scattering parameter, S11, agrees well with simulations, showing a power handling of 23 dBm for YBCO devices. The miniaturized patch antenna investigated has allowed us to realize a 4 x 4 array of linear polarization antennas at 11.5 GHz, using a YBCO film grown on a MgO substrate with a 2" diameter, by considering a reduced interspace (more than 20%) between the elements. The far-field pattern and the 16-array gain are in good agreement with the simulated results.
  • 岡井 大祐; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. C, エレクトロニクス 84 11 1113 - 1121 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 2001年11月 [査読有り]
    超伝導マイクロ波受動デバイスを設計するためには, 超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗を考慮する必要がある.このため, 超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗の高精度測定法の確立が望まれている.本論文では, 超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗の測定法としてプローブ結合型マイクロストリップ線路共振器法を提案する.共振器法では, 表面抵抗は共振器の無負荷Q, Quから計算される.したがって, マイクロストリップ線路共振器法により超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗を正確に求めるためには, 共振器のQuを高精度測定する技術の確立が重要となる.プローブ結合型マイクロストリップ線路共振器法により金属と超伝導薄膜から作製した共振器のQu測定を行い, プローブ結合型マイクロストリップ線路共振器法によるQu測定の測定精度と, 超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗測定の再現性について述べる.
  • M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 357-360 1 1382 - 1385 2001年09月 [査読有り]
    Lanthanide (Ln) atom in Ln2CuO4 buffer layer dependence of c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin film growth is discussed and preferred orientation growth model of a bc-plane matched growth model is proposed. The c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBCO thin films are very attractive from both the researches on the origin of high Tc superconductors and microelectronics device applications. However the c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented films are difficult to grow. We have been proposing Ln2CuO4 buffer layers for the c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBCO thin film growth. We have examined various Ln atoms in Ln2CuO4 buffer layers for the growth of YBCO thin films by pulsed laser deposition. From a lattice matching point of view, a Tb2CuO4 buffer layer is the best one for the c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBCO thin films. However the result shows that the Nd2CuO4 and Tb2CuO4 buffer layer causes YBCO thin films with c-axis oriented portion about 35% and 32%, by X-ray diffraction peaks, which is much larger than those on Gd2CuO4 buffer layers (7.4%). The most promising Ln atom in Ln2CuO4 buffer layers for the growth of the c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBCO thin films so far is Gd2CuO4 buffer layers or Eu2CuO4 buffer layers. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T. Kinpara; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 357-360 1 1503 - 1506 2001年09月 [査読有り]
    High-temperature superconducting microwave filters were designed for the W-CDMA communication system. Frequency responses of the filters were calculated by the electromagnetic simulator "Sonnet-em". A cross-coupled 8-pole microstrip line filter shows 1.949 GHz of center frequency and 1.04% of transmission fractional bandwidth on the LaAlO3, and 1.950 GHz of center frequency and 1.02% of transmission fractional bandwidth on the Al2O3. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • S Kanno; T Kawai; S Satou; K Aizawa; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohsima; S Hayashi; T Nishizaki; N Kobayashi
    PHYSICA C 357 625 - 628 2001年08月 [査読有り]
    We have observed vortices of the high-temperature superconductor using the Bitter technique. Hopping movement of vortices of Y-123 and Bi-2212 single crystal was observed in the temperature range of 50-90 K (T-c) by the thermal energy. We estimated pinning potential by migration length, The pinning potential, we have also observed the vortex pattern of Y-123 QMG sample including Y-211 phase. We found that vortex existed in the grain boundary of Y-211 and Y-123 phase. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • K. Chiba; S. Makino; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 1 2734 - 2737 2001年03月 [査読有り]
    The effect of lattice matching between YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) films and buffer layers as well as between buffer layers and MgO substrates have been discussed from viewpoints of crystalline, critical temperature and surface resistance of YBCO films. SrSnO3(SSO) as well as BaSnO3 (BSO) were used as buffer materials. SSO has closer lattice constant to YBCO than BSO. YBCO films were grown on these materials at the optimal growth temperature by pulse laser deposition. The FWHM of φ-scan (102) plane of YBCO films on SSO buffer layers was smaller than that of YBCO films on BSO buffer layers. However the values of FWHM of 005 rocking-curve of YBCO films on BSO buffer layer were smaller than that of YBCO films on SSO buffer layer. The difference of surface resistance between YBCO film on BSO buffer layer and YBCO film on SSO buffer layer was very small indicating superconducting properties are not mainly governed by lattice mismatch at this region. We obtained the same values for c-axis length and critical temperature in YBCO films on these materials.
  • S. Ohshima; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; T. Suzuki; K. Chiba; M. Inadomaru; Y. Takano
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 1 3493 - 3496 2001年03月 [査読有り]
    We have examined the relationship between in-plane orientation, grain size, fluctuation of grain axis and surface resistance of YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) films. The surface resistance of YBCO films with a mixture of (100) and (110) in-plane grains was larger than that of the films with perfect in-plane orientation. The behavior of surface resistance could be explained by the degree of grain boundaries of (100) and (110) in-plane orientation. The surface resistance of YBCO films was proportion to the fluctuation of grain axis. It was also proven that surface resistance of high-temperature superconductors is affected by the critical current.
  • D Okai; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    We have developed a new surface resistance (R-s) measurement technique of high-temperature superconductors using a probe coupling microstrip line resonator. In this technique, the probe coupling method is used to measure the R-s of superconductors without attaching any contacts to the superconductors, This paper reports the measurement process of the R-s of a superconducting fine-wire using this technique. The quality Factors of the copper wires, gold fine-wire and the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O whisker crystal were measured by the probe coupling resonator method. The measurement results revealed that this technique is feasible for the R-s measurement of the superconducting fine-wire.
  • K Ehata; K Sato; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima; Y Suzuki; K Kanao
    Two types of miniaturized cooling systems for High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) antennas were designed and built, In this paper, details of these systems, measured and simulated properties of patch antennas installed in these systems, and results of a seal-off trial for 1 month are reported, Both the systems had portable size and weight and could cool the HTS devices. When a patch antenna with resonant frequency of 4.9 GHz was installed in the Ist cooling system, the radiation pattern of the antenna was strongly focused in the forward direction. This is because the vacuum chamber in which the antenna was packaged influenced the microwaves radiated from the antenna. Due to this effect, the directive gain of the antenna was enhanced by 11.2 dB. In the 2nd system, a seal-off-trial was carried out to investigate the airtight property that is necessary for thermal isolation. The temperature of the sample stage could be kept under the critical temperature of YBCO for 1 month without continuous vacuum pumping. The cooling systems developed in this work are expected to promote the practical use of HTS antennas.
  • M Lorenz; H Hochmuth; D Natusch; M Kusunoki; VL Svetchnikov; Riede, V; Stanca, I; G Kastner; D Hesse
    Large-area poised laser deposition (PLD) has reached a state in terms of film quality and reproducibility which makes possible now real market applications of PLD-YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) thin films on both sides of it-plane sapphire substrates as HTSC devices in satellite and mobile communication systems. Bandpass filters optimized from PLD-YBCO thin films presently fulfill the requirements of the main national companies which are active in future communication techniques. A relatively simple PLD arrangement with fixed laser plume and rotating substrate, with an offset between the laser plume and the center of the substrate is employed to deposit laterally homogeneous 3-inch diameter Ag-doped YBCO thin films. With the experience of more than 1,000 doable-sided 3-inch diam, films a high degree of homogeneity and reproducibility of j(c) and R-s is reached. The extension up to 8-inch substrate diameter will increase the productivity of the flexible PLD technique considerably.
  • H. Obara; S. Kosaka; A. Sawa; H. Yamasaki; Y. Kobayashi; T. Hashimoto; S. Ohshima; M. Kusunoki; M. Inadomaru
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 357-360 1511 - 1515 2001年 [査読有り]
    The surface resistance of high-Tc superconducting films at microwave frequencies was carefully measured by the dielectric resonator method using two sapphire rods. The dielectric resonator method is appropriate for the standard measurement of surface resistance at microwave frequencies. In the present work, we focused on asymmetry in coupling and the parasitic coupling effect which cause error in this method and discussed the precision and accuracy of the measurements. Finally, we report on a round robin test in which the observed surface resistances in three institutes gave good agreement. These results were reflected in the working draft of the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 90 (IEC/TC90). © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
  • K. Ehata; K. Sato; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima; Y. Suzuki; K. Kanao
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 357-360 1507 - 1510 2001年 [査読有り]
    Measured results and discussion on vacuum seal-off property of a cooling system for high-temperature superconducting antennas are reported. The cooling system was designed and fabricated and its cryogenic packaging was investigated. Vacuum seal-off tests were performed and high vacuum for thermal isolation could be kept for 25 days. On the cold stage of the system, some kinds of gas, including H2O and CO2, were adsorbed on a cold stage. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
  • K. Chiba; S. Makino; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 349 1-2 35 - 39 2001年01月 [査読有り]
    The critical thickness of BaSnO3 (BSO) buffer layer for YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) thin films on MgO substrate is discussed from viewpoints of the in-plane orientation and critical temperature. Thin films are grown by changing the thickness of BSO buffer layers at optimal growth temperature of YBCO films by pulse laser deposition. We are able to control the in-plane orientation of YBCO films with the BSO buffer layers thicker than 2 nm. This result indicates that BSO buffer layers can control the in-plane orientation of YBCO with a thickness less than the other buffer materials reported so far.
  • M Mukaida; S Makino; K Chiba; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    Microstructures of YBa2Cu3O7 (delta) / BaSnO3 superlattice are analyzed by Transmission electron microscopy. YBa2Cu3O7 (delta) / BaSnO3 superlattices are fabricated by a pulsed laser deposition technique with in-situ rotation of target materials. Typical growth conditions of substrate temperature and oxygen pressure are 710 degreesC and 400 mTorr, respectively. A few nm thick BaSnO3 insulating layers and YBa2Cu3O7-delta superconducting layers are sequentially deposited with total thickness of around 150 nm. Crystallographic characteristics of these superlattices are evaluated by x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Several layers of YBa2Cu3O7 (delta) and BaSnO3 are clearly observed by TEM. The observed thickness of one layer of YBa2Cu3O7-delta and that of BaSnO3 films are 12 nm and 6.5 nm, respectively From a high-resolution TEM observation, the strain induced by lattice length difference between YBa2Cu3O7 (delta) and BaSnO3 are released by introducing misfit dislocations in the YBa2Cu3O7 (delta) films not in the BaSnO3 films. A new insulating layer is required with small lattice mismatch to YBa2Cu3O7-delta for avoiding introduction of misfit dislocations.
  • Katherine D. Develos; Katherine D. Develos; Masashi Mukaida; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 39 3 1116 - 1120 社団法人応用物理学会 2000年12月 [査読有り]
    The elimination of α-axis orientation in YBa2Cu3O7-8 (YBCO) films grown on CeO2-buffered A12O3 for microwave devices was achieved through a two-step deposition process performed at different temperatures. The growth of α-axis-oriented YBCO film was considered to be due to the impediment of the adatom mobility by the surface roughness of the underlying buffer layer. For the initial layer, the deposition was carried out at a high temperature to increase surface mobility. Next, the deposition was performed at a lower temperature as necessary for optimum α-axis-oriented growth. By this method, only a α-axis-oriented film was obtained. The characteristic surface resistance Rs(T) values for this film were significantly lower than those with mixed c-and α-axis orientations. © 2000 Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
  • S Ohshima; Y Takano; M Mukaida; M Kusunoki; K Ehata; K Chiba; T Suzuki; M Inadomaru
    PHYSICA C 341 2565 - 2568 2000年11月 [査読有り]
    We have examined that how to reduce the surface resistance, Rs of YBCO films, and found that control of the in-plane alignment of the YBCO films was very important to realize that. The in-plane alignment of the YBCO films on MgO substrates could be controlled by the BaSnO3(BSO) buffer layers, and self-template method. We also examined YBCO patch antenna and its compact cooling system. The compact cooling system was easy to keep YBCO patch antennas in the superconducting state.
  • M. Mukaida; S.Oikawa; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 13 9 L5 - L9 2000年09月 [査読有り]
    The electrical resistance of a c-axis-oriented YBa2Cu3O7-δ film is measured at elevated temperatures, under various values of oxygen pressure. The resistance shows a monotonic increase with substrate temperature up to around 450 °C, indicating little oxygen out-diffusion. Above this temperature, the rapid increase of the electrical resistance shows out-diffusion of oxygen from the film. As the temperature is increased, an abrupt drop occurs above a certain temperature (Tm) where the resistance indicates its highest value. Tm has an oxygen pressure dependence, which is similar to the oxygen pressure dependence of the orthorhombic-to-tetragonal transition line in an oxygen pressure-inverse of temperature phase diagram of YBa2Cu3O7-δ. From the observation of surface morphologies, the Tm is thought to be a sort of melting temperature where a partial melting of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ film occurs.
  • M Inadomaru; D Kousaka; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY XII 5 1069 - 1071 2000年 [査読有り]
    The configuration of the antenna of the dielectric resonator is investigated to measure the exact surface resistance (R-s) of the high temperature superconductor (HTS) thin films over a wide range of temperature. The sapphire dielectric resonator is operated at 22GHz. The loop-terminated semi-rigid cables are used as the antennas. Using a Cu resonator at room temperature, the circumference length of the loop (L), the distance from the dielectric center to the loop center (d), and the height of the loop plane from the substrate surface (h) were changed. It is found that the smaller loop set at a position halfway to the height of the dielectric rod brought the widest region of d in which exact measurements can be carried out. This result was then applied using a HTS resonator. In order to measure exact Q(u) over a wide temperature region from low temperature to the critical temperature, weak coupling rather becomes a disadvantage. The best position of the antenna can be obtained when insertion loss set around -10dB at minimum temperature of the system.
  • T Suzuki; S Sato; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY XII 5 1048 - 1050 2000年 [査読有り]
    The YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) film having low surface resistance (RS) was prepared using an inductive coupled plasma sputtering technique. To increase the low deposition rate, a new self-template method was examined. The YBCO films fabricated on the 21-nm-thick template YBCO layer were c-a ris oriented grain perfectly and successfully grew even at 3 times higher deposition rate. However, the R-s was not low enough, due to the in-plane misaligned grains. Therefore, the BaSnO3 (BSO) buffer was used to obtain perfect in-plane aligned grains. The R-s value of the YBCO/YBCO-template/BSO/MgO film was 0.38 m Omega at 35 K and 1.13 m Omega at 77 K in measurement frequency 22 GHz. The R-s values scaled to 10 GHz were 0.08 m Omega at 35 K and 0.23 m Omega at 77 K, respectively.
  • K Chiba; D Kousaka; M Mukaida; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY XII 5 924 - 926 2000年 [査読有り]
    YBa2Cu3O7-delta(YBCO)/BaSnO3(BSO) thin films are successfully deposited by laser ablation on both sides of [100] MgO substrate. At first, YBCO/BSO thin films were grown to estimate BSO critical thickness. The critical thickness of BSO for YBCO in-plane orientation is found to be approximately 2nm. Using this condition, double-sided YBCO/BSO films are grown on both sides. In-plane orientation for both sides indicates the absence of impurity phases. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the YBCO (005) peak for both sides is similar to 0.50 degrees. The surface resistances in both sides at 22GHz are approximately 1.0 m Omega at 35K.
  • M. Mukaida; J. Sugimoto; S. Sato; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 957 - 959 2000年 [査読有り]
    Effects of cation mixing on the growth of a-axis oriented NdBa2Cu3O7-delta films grown by ArF pulsed laser deposition on LaSrGaO4 (100) substrates with a buffer layer of Gd2CuO4 are investigated by x-ray diffractometry and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Films are c-axis in-plane aligned a-axis oriented with a few amount of c-axis oriented portion. mixture of a- and c-axis oriented regions were observed in the NdBa2Cu3O7-delta films which are quite different from a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films. In the a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films, c-axis oriented portion was always observed in the vicinity of the interface between the substrates and the, films. These results indicate that a preferred orientation changing of YBa2Cu3O7-delta films from c-axis to a-axis on lattice mismatched substrates are not originated from mixing of cations of Y and Ba.
  • D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1063 - 1065 2000年 [査読有り]
    We have examined the effect of the loss in the cavity on the measurement accuracy of surface resistance (Rs) of a superconducting thin film using a microstripline resonator. The Rs of a YBCO thin film was measured as a parameter of the height of the cavity's ceiling. The investigation revealed that the loss in the ceiling affected the measurement accuracy of Rs for a comparatively lower ceiling height. However, when the ceiling's height was sufficiently high, the effect was negligible.
  • Daisuke Okai; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masashi Mukaida; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC 3 880 - 883 1999年12月 
    We have developed a probe-coupling type microstripline resonator method for accurate measurement of the surface impedance of superconductors. By this improved microstripline resonator method, the surface impedance can be measured without attaching any contacts to the film. This paper reports the accurate and reproducible measurement process of surface impedance using the probe-coupling type microstripline resonator. The surface impedance of a YBCO thin film was measured using this technique. The measured results revealed that this technique may be used for the accurate measurement of surface impedance.
  • Masashi Mukaida; Yoshinobu Takano; Kazuaki Chiba; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 38 4 1945 - 1948 公益社団法人 応用物理学会 1999年12月 [査読有り]
    The appearance of 45° grain boundaries in c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox films grown by pulsed laser deposition on MgO (001) substrates is discussed. X-ray φ-scan (in-plane orientation) measurements have revealed that YBa2Cu3Ox films grown at around 700°C have two types of grains with [100]Mgo ∥ [100]YBCO and [110]MgO ∥ [100]YBCO in-plane epitaxial relationships. A plausible growth model is proposed from the viewpoints of lattice matching and ionic adhesive energy. The ratio of 0° and 45° grains is found to be a function of the substrate temperature. By decreasing the substrate temperature, we obtained c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox thin films with only a [100]Mgo ∥ [100]YBCO in-plane epitaxial relation. We have eliminated the 45° grain boundaries which drastically increase the surface resistance of the YBa2Cu3Ox films for microwave applications. ©1999 Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
  • Masashi Mukaida; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 38 3 1370 - 1374 公益社団法人 応用物理学会 1999年12月 [査読有り]
    All in-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Ox/Gd2CuO 4/YBa2Cu3Ox superconductor/insulator/superconductor (SIS) junction structures are fabricated by a pulsed laser deposition technique and their microstructures are characterized. An insulating barrier of Gd2CuO4 with an atomic graphoepitaxial relation is selected from a lattice-matching point of view for the b-and c-axes of YBa2Cu3Ox at a deposition temperature of the YBa2Cu3Ox films. Preferred orientations and in-plane alignments of electrodes of YBa2Cu3Ox films and barriers of Gd2CuO4 films are confirmed by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and an X-ray φ-scan technique. X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that all the YBa2Cu3Ox/Gd2CuO 4/YBa2Cu3Ox films are a-axis oriented. The c-axes of the layers are also in-plane aligned. ©1999 Publication Board, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
  • K Ehata; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    The surface resistance of superconductors is smaller than that of normal conductors by several orders of magnitude. Hence, a superconducting microwave device has lower loss and higher performance than a normal conducting one. Since the mobile communication systems have become popular and cryocoolers of small size and light weight have been fabricated in recent years, research activity on superconducting microwave devices has been enhanced. In this paper, the design, fabrication, and characterization of a patch antenna using a high-temperature superconducting thin film are reported. It is demonstrated that the superconducting patch antenna has higher gain than a normal conducting one. The temperature dependence of the resonant frequency, the input resistance, and the power handling properties are also discussed. (C) 1999 Scripta Technica.
  • MI Ali; K Ehata; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    PHYSICA C 325 3-4 143 - 152 1999年11月 [査読有り]
    The complex surface impedance (Z(s)) of a superconductor is comprised of two unequal components, surface resistance (R-s) and surface reactance (X-s). We have investigated the effects of R-s and X-s on the YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) superconducting microstrip antenna properties (resonant frequency, input impedance, and gain) by theoretical analysis and experimentation. The antennas were fabricated from YBCO thin films on (100) MgO single crystal substrate at 11.7 GHz. The investigation of the antenna properties reveals that the X-s of the superconducting thin film mainly influences the antenna resonant frequency (f(r)) and has small influence on the antenna input impedance (R-m). On the other hand, R-s mainly affects the input impedance of the antenna. The antenna gain, and hence the efficiency, is found to be influenced by the film surface resistance. The antennas were characterized in the temperature range of 10-90 K. Possible influences of the substrate dielectric properties (permittivity, epsilon(r) and loss tangent, tan delta) on the antenna properties were also considered in the investigation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • K Ehata; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    The surface resistance of superconductors is smaller than that of normal conductors by several orders of magnitude. Hence, a superconducting microwave device has lower loss and higher performance than a normal conducting one. Since the mobile communication systems have become popular and cryocoolers of small size and light weight have been fabricated in recent years, research activity on superconducting microwave devices has been enhanced. In this paper, the design, fabrication, and characterization of a patch antenna using a high-temperature superconducting thin film are reported. It is demonstrated that the superconducting patch antenna has higher gain than a normal conducting one. The temperature dependence of the resonant frequency, the input resistance, and the power handling properties are also discussed. (C) 1999 Scripta Technica.
  • KD Develos; M Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 12 11 887 - 889 1999年11月 [査読有り]
    We have examined the effect of varying the CeO2 buffer layer thickness on the microwave surface resistance R-s and surface morphology of YBCO films deposited by pulsed laser deposition. Above the critical thickness value d(c) of CeO2 at similar to 90 nm, the surface roughness and areal density of outgrowths of the film increased significantly. The YBCO films grown on CeO2 with thickness less than d(c) were completely c-axis oriented and had lower c-axis lengths than those grown on CeO2 with thickness greater than d(c). R-s measured via the sapphire dielectric resonator technique was significantly lower for the YBCO film grown on CeO2 with thickness less than d(c). The increase in the R-s value when the buffer layer thickness is greater than d(c) is considered to be due to the increased surface outgrowths and presence of a-axis domains in the YBCO film. Changes in the microstructure and orientation of the YBCO films were found to be strongly influenced by the underlying CeO2 layer.
  • M. Mukaida; Y. Takano; K. Chiba; T. Moriya; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Superconductor Science and Technology 12 11 890 - 892 1999年11月 [査読有り]
    45° grain boundaries, which drastically increase surface resistance (RS) in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ films for microwave devices on MgO substrates, are eliminated using a new buffer layer of BaSnO3. BaSnO3 buffer layers and YBa2Cu3O7-δ films are grown by ArF pulsed laser deposition. Epitaxial relationships among BaSnO3, YBa2Cu3O7-δ and MgO are confirmed by x-ray φ-scanning. The RS values of the YBa2Cu3O7-δ films are measured using a dielectric resonator with 22 GHz TE011 mode. The epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown on BaSnO3 buffered MgO substrates show lower RS than YBa2Cu3O7-δ films directly grown on MgO substrates. The BaSnO3 buffer layer which enables YBa2Cu3O7-δ films to grow without 45° grain boundaries at a optimum film growth condition is attractive for microwave applications.
  • M. Kusunoki; Y. Takano; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    PHYSICAC 321 1-2 81 - 85 1999年08月 [査読有り]
    The effect of in-plane 0-45° grain boundaries on surface resistance (R s ) of c-axis YBa 2 Cu 3 O y (YBCO) films on MgO substrates is discussed. Samples that have various densities of 45° rotated grains were prepared using a self-template technique. The R s values at 22 GHz were measured by the dielectric resonator method using a cryocooler. The R s systematically changed corresponding to the amount of 0-45° grain boundaries. Conspicuous feature of the films including 0-45° grain boundaries is a large residual surface resistance. The R s of almost perfectly in-plane aligned YBCO film scaled to 10 GHz were 0.12 mΩ at 20 K and 0.67 mΩ at 77 K on the assumption of tan δ = 0, respectively.
  • Masashi Mukaida; Yoshinobu Takano; Kazuaki Chiba; Takuo Moriya; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters 38 8B L926 - L928 1999年08月 [査読有り]
    A new BaSnO3 buffer layer is proposed for controlling the in-plane orientation of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown on MgO substrates. BaSnO3 buffer layers and YBa2Cu3O7-δ films are grown by pulsed laser deposition. 45° grain boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown on MgO (001) substrates, which are fatal defects for microwave device applications, are eliminated using the BaSnO3 buffer layer. YBa2Cu3O7-δ films grown at an optimum growth temperature of 710°C on BaSnO3 buffer layers on MgO (001) substrates show lower surface resistance (RS) than those on MgO (001) substrates without BaSnO3 buffer layers.
  • Katherine D. Develos; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masashi Mukaida; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    PHYSICAC 320 1-2 21 - 30 1999年07月 [査読有り]
    We have investigated the effect of the deposition rate, as a direct function of the laser pulse repetition rate, on the surface morphology of CeO2 films deposited by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on r-cut Al2O3 (11̄02) substrates. The critical thickness is defined as the thickness before the onset of increased growth of large islands and abrupt increase in surface roughening. Two regimes of growth were found within the investigated range of deposition rate. It is found out that in the high deposition rate-regime (within 2-4 nm/min), the critical thickness is approx. 90 nm, but in the low deposition rate-regime (less than 1 nm/min), the critical thickness is shifted to approx. 40 nm. Films belonging to these two regimes of crystalline growth were found to have characteristically different formations and surface morphologies. As observed through atomic force microscopy (AFM), the surface morphology is composed of longitudinal islands forming a maze-like pattern in the high deposition rate-regime, while the characteristic morphology was composed of rounded islands in the low deposition rate-regime. Significant reduction in the areal density of large islands and characteristically smoother films was achieved using a low deposition rate.
  • Shigetoshi Ohshima; Akira Kamimura; Masanobu Kusunoki
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9 2 2187 - 2190 1999年 [査読有り]
    The high-resolution Bitter pattern technique has been used to observe vortex movement of oxide superconductors, Bi2St2CaCu2Oz (BI2212). The Bitter pattern was observed in field-cooled (FC) and zero-field cooled (ZFC) experiments. We also examined vortex movement of the BI2212 single crystal in which transport current was applied parallel to the c plane, and a de magnetic field applied normal to the c plane at the Ni decoration. The Ni decoration pattern was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an atomic force microscope ( AFM). Through observation of the Ni decoration pattern, we can identify vortex movement. The vortices moved into the sample on FC experiment, and the direction of vortex movement was approximately normal to the edge of the sample. We also found the vortex movement in a line under application of transport currents. They moved hopping among pinning centers due to Lorentz force. © 1999 IEEE.
  • M. Kusunoki; T. Suto; D. Okai; Y. Takano; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9 2 1932 - 1935 1999年 [査読有り]
    The effects of the crystallinity and surface roughness of CeOz buffer on It-plane A1}O3 substrate on the microwave surface resistance (RJ of YBBjCUjO YBCO) thin films are discussed. We estimated Rf from the transmission characteristics of the microstrip line resonator at 25 K and 6.7 GHz. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of 6-26 and -scan showed that CeO, was completely (OOl)-oriented and in-plane aligned crystal Four CeO: samples with different thicknesses were prepared nsing identical conditions except for the deposition time. The dependence of Rf on CeO, thickness was measured in the range from 10 nm to 200 nm. The value of Rt was minimum at CeO2 thickness of 100 nm. The dependence of A( vs CeO2 thickness was similar to that of the amount of a-axis domains against the thickness. The crystallinity of thin CeOj was poor because the lattice was strongly strained by A12O3. This affected the quality of the upper YBCO layer. In contrast, thick CeO2 had excellent crystallinity. However, for the thickness of more than 100 nm a drastic change in surface morphology was observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). A number of projections appeared on the CeO,surface. These projections act as nucleation centers for the a-axis domains. © 1999 IEEE.
  • Katsufumi Ehata; Mohamrnad; Idris All; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity 9 2 3081 - 3084 1999年 [査読有り]
    Measured results of power handling capability characteristics of superconducting patch antenna and it's improvement are reported. A direct-fed patch antenna is fabricated by YBa2Cu3Oy, thin film with 50nm thickness. The gain of the antenna does not change with the applied power up to 26.3dBm at 12.3K, but drop of the gain is observed more than 26.5dBm. It is found by electromagnetic analysis that this gain drop occurs due to huge current concentration in the direct-fed patch. However, this current concentration can be reduced using the gap-coupled feed, and breakdown power is expected to be three times larger than that of direct feed. © 1999 IEEE.
  • New Measurement Technique of the Surface Resistance Rs using the Microstrip Resonator
    D. Okai; T. Tomiyama; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1259 - 1262 1999年 [査読有り]
  • Influence of the Microstructure of a CeO2 Buffer Layer on the Superconducting Properties of YBa2Cu3Oy on Al2O3
    K. D. Develos; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1109 - 1112 1999年 [査読有り]
  • Growth Manner of c-axis Oriented YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films
    M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1019 - 1022 1999年 [査読有り]
  • M. Mukaida; Y. Takano; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1125 - 1128 Springer-Verlag 1999年 [査読有り]
  • Effect of Substrate Lattice Mismatch on the Crystallographic properties of YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films for Microwave Devices
    Y. Takano; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1129 - 1132 1999年 [査読有り]
  • T. Tomiyama; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1255 - 1258 Springer-Verlag 1999年 [査読有り]
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 12 12 915 - 923 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 1998年12月 [査読有り]
    超伝導体は通常の金属に比べて数けた小さい表面抵抗を有するため, 超電導体を用いた低損失な高周波デバイスの実現が期待されている.特に近年に見られる移動体通信の急速な普及と, 超伝導デバイスの冷却に用いる冷凍機の小型化技術の進歩に伴い, 超伝導体を用いた高周波デバイスの研究が盛んに行われている.本論文では, 酸化物超伝導薄膜を用いたパッチアンテナの設計・試作・評価について述べる.超伝導パッチアンテナは, 同じ形状の常伝動アンテナに比べて高い利得を有することが明らかとなり, 超伝導アンテナの高効率性を実証した.また, アンテナ特性の温度変化の原因についての考察や, 耐電力特性の測定結果とその向上策, 小型冷凍機を用いた超伝導アンテナの実用化についての検討などについて述べる.
  • KD Develos; M Kusunoki; S Ohshima
    We studied the surface morphology and orientation of CeO2 films grown by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) on r-cut (1 (1) over bar 02) Al2O3 substrates and evaluated the effects of predeposition annealing conditions of Al2O3 and film thickness of CeO2, The annealing of Al2O3 substrates improves the smoothness of the surface and performing this in high vacuum leads to better crystallinity and orientation of deposited CeO2 films compared to those annealed in oxygen. A critical value of the film thickness was found beyond which the surface roughness increases abruptly. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) study showed that the surface of CeO2 films is characterized by a mazelike pattern. Increasing the film thickness leads to the formation of larger islands which cause the increase in the surface roughness of the films. The areal density and height of these islands increased with film thickness.
  • 江畑 克史; 楠 正暢; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 81 12 915 - 923 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 1998年 
    超伝導体は通常の金属に比べて数けた小さい表面抵抗を有するため, 超電導体を用いた低損失な高周波デバイスの実現が期待されている.特に近年に見られる移動体通信の急速な普及と, 超伝導デバイスの冷却に用いる冷凍機の小型化技術の進歩に伴い, 超伝導体を用いた高周波デバイスの研究が盛んに行われている.本論文では, 酸化物超伝導薄膜を用いたパッチアンテナの設計・試作・評価について述べる.超伝導パッチアンテナは, 同じ形状の常伝動アンテナに比べて高い利得を有することが明らかとなり, 超伝導アンテナの高効率性を実証した.また, アンテナ特性の温度変化の原因についての考察や, 耐電力特性の測定結果とその向上策, 小型冷凍機を用いた超伝導アンテナの実用化についての検討などについて述べる.
  • Study on Optimum Configuration on Microstrip Bandpass Filters
    T. Tomiyama; D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1157 - 1160 1998年 [査読有り]
  • Examination of the Microstripline Resonator for Measurement of the Magnetic Penetration Depth
    D. Okai; T. Tachiki; Y. Shinkai; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1161 - 1164 1998年 [査読有り]
  • K. Ehata; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima; H. Kinder
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1153 - 1156 1998年 [査読有り]
  • Akira Fujimaki; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masaru Kito; Syuji Yoshida; Hiroya Andoh; Hisao Hayakawa
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 7 2399 - 2402 1997年12月 [査読有り]
    We have investigated the performances of several types of vortex flow transistors including nanobridge vortex flow transistors (NBVFTs) based on a parallel array of nanobridges planar Josephson vortex flow transistors (planar JVFTs) based on a parallel array of grain boundary Josephson junctions and new JVFTs with a stacked structure (stacked JVFTs). Considering the integration and the reduction of the L/R time constant the areas of the transistors were restricted to less than 3 5 O-4m2. A NBVFT showed a flux-to-voltage transfer function of 2.6mV/Q which was one order of magnitude larger than that of the other transistors. In contrast the NBVFTs showed a very small current gain due to a large kinetic inductance of a nanobridge while the NBVFT had the smallest area among the three. A planar JVFT with asymmetric geometry was easy to fabricate and showed a current gain of 2.2 at 4.2K. However the planar JVFT requires a large area leading to a long response time other than the internal delay time. A stacked JVFT also showed a current gain of 2.5 at 4.2K. A layered structure yielded a strong coupling between the body of the JVFT and the control line. Due to this strong coupling the response time of the stacked JVFT was considerably improved compared to that of the p lanar JVFT. © 1997 IEEE.
  • 楠正暢; 大須賀彰; 江畑克史; 大嶋重利; 増本博; 平井敏雄
    日本金属学会誌 61 9 951 - 955 1997年09月 
    YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) superconducting thin films were deposited on MgO single crystals by induction-coil-coupled sputtering. The effects of the induction coil on the qualities of YBCO thin films are examined. Uniformity of film thicknesses below +/-5% was obtained over an area of 40 mm diameter using a 50 mm diameter target by the condition of the substrate-target distance of 90 mm. Even in the area of 60 mm diameter which was wider than that of the target, the uniformity of thickness within +/-17% was obtained. In order to clarify the effects of the induction-coil, we studied the dependence of the critical temperature (T-c) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the films on the applying power of coil. T-c and FWHM showed optimum Values at the applying coil power of 70W. It is confirmed from these results that the induction-coil operated effectively to fabricate high quality films. The epitaxial relations of YBCO films on MgO single crystal substrates were examined by X-ray pole figure measurements. Basically film of YBCO was aligned with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. The film deposited at the coil power of 70W exhibited well single-oriented grains with the a- or b-axis parallel to the a-axis of MgO. However, films deposited at the applying coil power of 0W contained grains with two different orientations which were rotated by 45 degrees. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the film surface showed the films to consist of a smooth background surface and a distribution of particles. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) measurements showed that the Ba concentration was larger than that of exact stoichiometric composition. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) revealed that the elements contained in the particles were richer in Ba than in the smooth background surface. The BaCuO2 particles seemed to precipitate on the surface of the film.
  • 楠 正暢; 大須賀 彰; 江畑 克史; 大嶋 重利; 増本 博; 平井 敏雄
    日本金屬學會誌 61 9 951 - 955 日本金属学会 1997年09月 [査読有り]
    YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) superconducting thin films were deposited on MgO single crystals by induction-coil-coupled sputtering. The effects of the induction coil on the qualities of YBCO thin films are examined. Uniformity of film thicknesses below +/-5% was obtained over an area of 40 mm diameter using a 50 mm diameter target by the condition of the substrate-target distance of 90 mm. Even in the area of 60 mm diameter which was wider than that of the target, the uniformity of thickness within +/-17% was obtained. In order to clarify the effects of the induction-coil, we studied the dependence of the critical temperature (T-c) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the films on the applying power of coil. T-c and FWHM showed optimum Values at the applying coil power of 70W. It is confirmed from these results that the induction-coil operated effectively to fabricate high quality films. The epitaxial relations of YBCO films on MgO single crystal substrates were examined by X-ray pole figure measurements. Basically film of YBCO was aligned with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. The film deposited at the coil power of 70W exhibited well single-oriented grains with the a- or b-axis parallel to the a-axis of MgO. However, films deposited at the applying coil power of 0W contained grains with two different orientations which were rotated by 45 degrees. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the film surface showed the films to consist of a smooth background surface and a distribution of particles. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) measurements showed that the Ba concentration was larger than that of exact stoichiometric composition. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) revealed that the elements contained in the particles were richer in Ba than in the smooth background surface. The BaCuO2 particles seemed to precipitate on the surface of the film.
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Akira Osuka; Katsufumi Ehata; Sigetoshi Ohshima; Hirosi Masumoto; Toshio Hirai
    日本金属学会誌「特集-超伝導材料における進歩」 61 9 951 - 955 1997年 
    YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) superconducting thin films were deposited on MgO single crystals by induction-coil-coupled sputtering. The effects of the induction coil on the qualities of YBCO thin films are examined. Uniformity of film thicknesses below ±5% was obtained over an area of 40 mm diameter using a 50 mm diameter target by the condition of the substrate-target distance of 90 mm. Even in the area of 60 mm diameter which was wider than that of the target, the uniformity of thickness within ±17% was obtained. In order to clarify the effects of the induction-coil, we studied the dependence of the critical temperature (Tc) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the films on the applying power of coil. Tc and FWHM showed optimum values at the applying coil power of 70W. It is confirmed from these results that the induction-coil operated effectively to fabricate high quality films. The epitaxial relations of YBCO films on MgO single crystal substrates were examined by X-ray pole figure measurements. Basically film of YBCO was aligned with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. The film deposited at the coil power of 70W exhibited well single-oriented grains with the a- or b-axis parallel to the a-axis of MgO. However, films deposited at the applying coil power of 0W contained grains with two different orientations which were rotated by 45°. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the film surface showed the films to consist of a smooth background surface and a distribution of particles. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) measurements showed that the Ba concentration was larger than that of exact stoichiometric composition. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) revealed that the elements contained in the particles were richer in Ba than in the smooth background surface. The BaCuO2 particles seemed to precipitate on the surface of the film.
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Akira Osuka; Katsufumi Ehata; Sigetoshi Ohshima; Hirosi Masumoto; Toshio Hirai
    Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 61 9 951 - 955 1997年 [査読有り]
    YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) superconducting thin films were deposited on MgO single crystals by induction-coil-coupled sputtering. The effects of the induction coil on the qualities of YBCO thin films are examined. Uniformity of film thicknesses below ±5% was obtained over an area of 40 mm diameter using a 50 mm diameter target by the condition of the substrate-target distance of 90 mm. Even in the area of 60 mm diameter which was wider than that of the target, the uniformity of thickness within ±17% was obtained. In order to clarify the effects of the induction-coil, we studied the dependence of the critical temperature (Tc) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the films on the applying power of coil. Tc and FWHM showed optimum values at the applying coil power of 70W. It is confirmed from these results that the induction-coil operated effectively to fabricate high quality films. The epitaxial relations of YBCO films on MgO single crystal substrates were examined by X-ray pole figure measurements. Basically film of YBCO was aligned with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface. The film deposited at the coil power of 70W exhibited well single-oriented grains with the a- or b-axis parallel to the a-axis of MgO. However, films deposited at the applying coil power of 0W contained grains with two different orientations which were rotated by 45°. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the film surface showed the films to consist of a smooth background surface and a distribution of particles. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) measurements showed that the Ba concentration was larger than that of exact stoichiometric composition. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) revealed that the elements contained in the particles were richer in Ba than in the smooth background surface. The BaCuO2 particles seemed to precipitate on the surface of the film.
  • Design and Fabrication of Metal and Superconducting Meander-Line Antennas
    T. Ogasawara; K. Ehata; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1269 - 1272 1997年 [査読有り]
  • K. Ehata; Takashi Ogasawara; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1273 - 1276 Springr-Verlag 1997年 [査読有り]
  • Akira Fujimaki; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masaru Kito; Syuji Yoshida; Hiroya Andoh; Hisao Hayakawa
    IEICE Transactions on Electronics E79-C 1247 - 1252 1996年12月 [査読有り]
    We have studied the performances of several types of vortex flow transistors including prototype flux flow transistors (FFTs), nanobridge vortex flow transistors (NBVFTs) based on a parallel array of nanobridges, planar Josephson vortex flow transistors (planar JVFTs) based on a parallel array of grain boundary Josephson junctions, and JVFTs with a stacked structure (stacked JVFTs). The NBVFTs had considerably higher magnetic field sensitivity and shorter response time than the FFTs. A flux-to-voltage transfer function dV/dG> of 2.6 m V/(Z>0 and a modulation depth of 0.5mV were obtained for the NBVFT composed of 2 nanobridges, while the current gain was small. The temperature dependence of the device parameters (the dynamic resistance and the inductance) suggests that the surface barrier to the Abrikosov vortex entry into the nanobridge strongly contributes to the relatively large dV/dQ values. The response time of the nanobridge is estimated to be 5 ps. On the other hand, the JVFTs showed large current gains because of the small kinetic inductance of the Josephson junction. The planar JVFT composed of 3 Josephson junctions with an asymmetrical geometry showed a current gain of 2.2 at 4.2 K. Also, the stacked JVFT showed the current gain of 2.0, while the maximum value of dV/dd> was 210/iV/OV The mutual inductance between the control line and the superconducting loop within the transistor was enhanced in the stacked JVFT. This enhancement may yield a short response time compared to that of the planar JVFT. When we apply these vortex flow transistors, we should take account of the properties peculiar to each transistor.
  • Hiroya Andoh; Masaru Kito; Masanobu Kusunoki; Akira Fujimaki; Hisao Hayakawa
    Superconductor Science and Technology 9 4A A55 - A58 1996年 [査読有り]
    We study variations of the order parameter and the vector potential with time using the rescaled time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation. Computer simulations for several conditions are performed to discuss the bias current distribution and the time necessary for the transition from the normal state to the superconducting state for the superconducting narrow line. As a result, we have found that the time necessary for the transition from the normal state to the superconducting state is an important factor to explain the I-V characteristics due to the vortex motion in superconducting narrow lines. © 1996 IOP Publishing Ltd.
  • A. Fujimaki; M. Kusunoki; M. Kito; S. Yoshida; H. Andoh; H. Hayakawa
    Advances in Superconductivity 5 1193 - 1198 1996年 [査読有り]
    A miniaturization of high critical temperature (T-c) superconducting flux flow transistor (SFFT) was studied. The weak link width in the direction of the vortex flow was varied from 5 mu m to 10 mu m. The weak link length in the direction of bias current flow was fixed to 5 mu m. An increase in the gain was observed as the weak link width decreased. A control line was placed close to the weak link in the distance of 0.5 mu m to compensate for a decrease of magnetic sensitivity due to the miniaturization. We also improved the characteristics of the SFFT by forming a corrugated structure, which is named corrugation flux flow transistor (CFFT). A submicron patterning of YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) thin film was performed using focused ion beam lithography. Furthermore, we demonstrated a micro flux flow transistor (MFFT) consisting of a single bridge. The MFFT also operated as well as the CFFT.
    We study the dynamics of vortex lines in superconducting flux flow transistors (SFFT's) made of High T-c superconductors, YBa2Cu3Ox. By computer simulations we have found that the density of vortex lines in SFFT's has close relation to device I-V characteristics rather than the velocity of vortex lines and that we have to increase the density of vortex lines to get ones with available gain. To be more concrete, in order to increase the density of vortex lines we have to lower surface barriers at the edge of weak-links and heighten the magnetic field near the edge of weak links. Especially, it is very important to heighten the magnetic field at the both sides of a link in a SFFT. Under the control of the control current, vortex lines in a SFFT are driven by the transport current (the bias current) mainly, but it is important to think the other forces such as the force by screening current, the force induced by the other vortices and the force induced by the image vortices. Based on the local stochastic equation of motion for vortex lines, computer simulations for some conditions are performed to discuss the dynamic behavior of vortex lines in a SFFT. We report the effect of the external magnetic field induced by the control current on the motion of vortex lines in SFFT's.
    The variation of critical current density with reduced line width and the temperature dependence of voltage for superconducting narrow lines are calculated theoretically. Critical currents of superconducting narrow lines increase progressively as the lines become narrower. The surface barriers for superconducting narrow lines are discussed in order to understand the progressive increase in critical currents of superconducting narrow lines. Furthermore, the thermally activated flux lines jumping over the surface barrier are discussed ill order to understand the temperature dependence of voltage for superconducting narrow lines. The results of calculation using the surface barriers agree well with experimental results.
  • Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroya Andoh; Akira Fujimaki; Hisao Hayakawa
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 34 5 L612 - L614 1995年 [査読有り]
    Critical current densities (Jc’s) of submicron YBa2CuaOy (YBCO) lines were studied. Increase in Jc with reduc­tion of line width (w) was observed reproducibly, when temperature rise of the substrate is suppressed during plasma etching of YBCO. Intermittent etching and liquid-nitrogen cooling were very effective in obtaining sufficient cooling. Temperature dependence of current-voltage characteristics was interpreted in terms of thermal­ly activated vortex motion. This result indicated the existence of a potential barrier to vortex motion. In particu­lar, the surface barrier played an important role in determining Jc in the submicron lines. Furthermore, the depen­dence of Jc on w was strongly dependent on the current concentration to the edges due to Meissner effect. © 1995 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS 33 8A L1124 - L1127 1994年08月 [査読有り]
    We have developed a new technique for YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) submicron structure formation. Nb films serving as etching masks are patterned into line structures with submicron dimensions, using focused ion beam lithography and a vertical etching technique of the Nb films. Then the mask patterns are accurately transferred to the YBCO film in an electron cyclotron resonance plasma etcher. Fine lines are successfully patterned down to 180 nm of the linewidth without any degradation of superconductivity, as long as a temperature rise is suppressed during plasma etching. The temperature dependence of the current-voltage characteristics can be interpreted in terms of the thermally activated vortex motion.
    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS 32 11A L1609 - L1611 1993年11月 [査読有り]
    The dependence of the gap voltage on impurities in Nb films is studied. The gap voltage is determined by the number of impurities included in the films. The impurities arise from the residual gas in the sputtering chamber before the deposition of Nb films. By reducing the impurities in the films, we obtain high-quality Nb/AlO(x)-Al/Nb Josephson junctions having the gap voltage of 2.95 mV which is close to that estimated from the energy gap of Nb bulk at 4.2 K. In addition, the use of a thin Al layer is also an important factor in obtaining excellent current-voltage characteristics.



  • 機能材料, フレキシブルアパタイトシートの作製と歯科応用
    本津 茂樹; 楠 正暢; 西川 博昭; 吉川 一志 (担当:共著範囲:)シーエムシー出版 2011年04月 
  • 持ちつ持たれつ生き物とエレクトロニクス(第2章)
    吉川 昭; 浅居 正充; 中桐 紘治; 秋濃 俊郎; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 堀江 和夫 (担当:共著範囲:)(株)電気書院 2006年08月 
  • Porous Metals and Metal Foaming Technology, Addition of Advanced Biocompatibility to a Porous Artificial Root
    西川 博昭; 速水 尚; 本津 茂樹; 楠 正暢 (担当:共著範囲:)社団法人 日本金属学会 2006年02月 
  • 油圧マシンを使ったレジスタンストレーニングの理論と実際
    メディカルレビュー 2005年


  • スフェロイド培養足場作製のためのマイクロスタンプ装置の開発
    廣瀬 祐大; 東郷 秀孝; 中西 龍馬; 武内 大輝; 中川 秀夫; 楠 正暢
    第60 回日本生体医工学会大会 2021年06月
  • 常峰知也; 岡田悠希; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2016年08月
  • Development of Objective ADL Assessment Particularly in Frail Older Adults Using a Kinect Sensor  [通常講演]
    N. Takeshima; T. Kohama; M. Kusunoki; T. Ogayu; S. Okada; E. Fujita; MM. Islam; WF. Brechue
    the 9th World Congress on Active Ageing 2016年06月
  • 藤田英二; 岡田壮市; 小濱剛; 楠正暢; 長谷川太一; 竹島伸生
    第70回日本体力医学会 2015年12月
  • 岡田壮市; 藤田英二; 小濱剛; 楠正暢; 成田誠; 加藤芳司; 竹島伸生
    第70回日本体力医学会 2015年12月
  • 楠正暢; 小濱剛; 岡田壮市; 藤田英二; 竹島伸生
    第70回日本体力医学会 2015年12月
  • 竹島伸生; 岡田壮市; 楠正暢; 小濱剛; 藤田英二
    第70回日本体力医学会 2015年12月
  • 齋藤絢香; 常峰知也; 牧野隆之; 楠正暢; 西川博昭
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 2015年11月
  • 齋藤絢香; 常峰知也; 牧野隆之; 楠正暢; 西川博昭
    応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2015年08月
  • 牧野隆之; 藤田尚希; 稲垣貴也; 硲石康裕; 浅野克弥; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会 2015年03月
  • 小濱剛; 楠正暢; 岡田壮市; 竹島伸生
    体力科学 2015年02月
  • 速水尚; 楠正暢; 田村将一; 田村将一; 岡田和真; 岡田和真; 廣川敬康; 渋江唯司; 大政光史
    日本設計工学会研究発表講演会講演論文集 2015年
  • フッ素濃度と結晶性にグラデーション構造を有するアパタイトシート作製法の検討  [通常講演]
    牧野隆之; 常峰知也; 楠正暢
    生体医工学シンポジウム2015 2015年
  • チタン/プラスチックハイブリッド人工骨への応用を目的としたチタン薄膜の内部応力に関する研究  [通常講演]
    常峰知也; 牧野隆之; 楠正暢; 速水尚
    生体医工学シンポジウム2015 2015年
  • 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2014年11月
  • 硲石康裕; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2014年11月
  • 牧野隆之; 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会第27回秋季シンポジウム 2014年08月
  • 藤田尚希; 牧野隆之; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会第27回秋季シンポジウム 2014年08月
  • 本津茂樹; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 保尾謙三; 吉川一志
    日本セラミックス協会年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2014年03月
  • Fabrication of hydroxyapatite thin film with entirely c-plane surface  [通常講演]
    Masanobu Kusunoki; Yasuhiro Sakoishi; Katsuya Asano; Naoki Fujita; Takayuki Makino; Daisuke Okai
    26th European Conference on Biomaterials 2014年
  • 小濱 剛; 楠 正暢; 前田侑大; 並河弘樹; 鬼塚将稔; 橋下尚弥; 森本 譲; 西野 誠; 楠本嘉幹; 新 ゆり
    第33回医療情報学連合大会 2013年11月
  • 三宅智貴; 伊藤大介; 小谷克己; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2013年11月
  • 小谷克己; 三宅智貴; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年11月
  • 硲石康裕; 井口亮; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 速水尚; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年11月
  • 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年11月
  • 森田知樹; 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年11月
  • 田中秀俊; 硲石康裕; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年11月
  • 西垣 勉; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    Journal of bio-integration 2013年09月
  • 藤田尚希; 松田太陽; 森田知樹; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会 第26回秋季シンポジウム 2013年08月
  • 藤田尚希; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会 第26回秋季シンポジウム 2013年08月
  • 以西新; 松本明子; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 吉川一志
    日本セラミックス協会 第26回秋季シンポジウム 2013年08月
  • 硲石康裕; 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会 第26回秋季シンポジウム 2013年08月
  • 浅野克弥; 田村将一; 藤田尚希; 楠正暢
    日本セラミックス協会 第26回秋季シンポジウム 2013年08月
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2013年03月
  • 本津 茂樹; 吉川 一志; 以西 新; 山本 衛; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 山本 一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2013年03月 
    We have successfully created a flexible hydroxyapatite (HAp) sheet of less than a few micrometers, and we have been trying to establish the all-HAp restoration technique for tooth enamel. In this study, we evaluated the re-calcification layer at the various sheets (amorphous HAp, HAp, amorphous HAp/amorphous calcium phosphate: ACP, HAp/ACP)-enamel interface by scanning electron microscope (SEM).
  • NISHIKAWA Hiroaki; TANAKA Hidekazu; ENDO Tamio; KUSUNOKI Masanobu; HONTSU Shigeki
    Abstr JSAP MRS Jt Symp (CD-ROM) 2013年
  • PrBa2Cu3Oyバッファ層を用いた極薄YBa2Cu3Oyの作製  [通常講演]
    三宅智貴; 伊藤大介; 小谷克己; 楠正暢
    電気関係学会関西連合大会 2013年
  • レーザーデポジション法による歯科用アパタイトシート作製技術の 検討  [通常講演]
    藤田 尚希; 本津 茂樹; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢
    生体医工学シンポジウム2013 2013年
  • 液泡対策を目的とした歯科用スルーホールアパタイトシート作製法 の検討  [通常講演]
    浅野 克弥; 藤田 尚希; 松田 太陽; 本津 茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠 正暢
    生体医工学シンポジウム2013 2013年
  • アパタイトコート水晶振動子マイクロバランスセンサの平滑表面作 製技術の検討  [通常講演]
    硲石 康裕; 藤田 尚希; 楠 正暢
    生体医工学シンポジウム2013 2013年
  • 人工骨への応用を目的としたスーパーエンジニアリングプラスチッ クに対する生体親和性の付与  [通常講演]
    岡田 和真; 楠 正暢; 速水 尚
    生体医工学シンポジウム2013 2013年
  • 細胞/スフェロイドアレイを目的としたアパタイトドット作製法の検討  [通常講演]
    田村 将一; 浅野 克弥; 藤田 尚希; 楠 正暢
    生体医工学シンポジウム2013 2013年
  • 岡田和真; 藤原孝俊; 楠正暢; 速水尚
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム予稿集 2012年11月
  • 大西真弘; 野中蔵人; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2012年11月
  • 中林一世; 野中蔵人; 原崎隆道; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2012年11月
  • Daisuke Ito; Katsumi Kotani; Tomoki Miyake; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu; Masanobu Kusunoki
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 2012年11月 
    We studied a method to obtain superconductivity even in very thin films of YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO). These thinner YBCO films will be able to be applied to optics/superconductivity (opt/super) converters with high optical sensitivity. Opt/super converters composed of YBCO nano-bridges or nano-wires require a low critical current that is determined by the film thickness. According to X-ray diffraction, critical temperature (Tc) and residual resistivity ratio for the substrates of MgO (100), SrTiO 3 (100) and NdGaO3 (110), superconducting features are influenced by the lattice mismatching layer in YBCO closing to a hetero-epitaxy interface between YBCO and single crystal substrate. YBCO films with different thicknesses varying from 80 to 10 nm were prepared on SrTiO3, using a suitable temperature. The values of Tc slightly decreased when reducing YBCO thickness from 80 to 20 nm, and then declined sharply at less than 20 nm. It is considered that a layer in the beginning of deposition less than 20 nm causes stress in the crystal lattice. The Tc of 20 nm YBCO film on SrTiO3 was 80.8 K. It can work above liquid N2 temperature. © 2012 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 三宅智貴; 小谷克己; 伊藤大介; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 楠正暢
    平成24 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2012年11月
  • 小谷克己; 三宅智貴; 伊藤大介; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 楠正暢
    平成24 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2012年11月
  • 中島浩之; 山脇伸行; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 楠正暢
    平成24 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2012年11月
  • 硲石康裕; 井口亮; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 速水尚
    平成24 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2012年11月
  • 岡田和真; 藤原孝俊; 楠正暢,速 尚
    平成24 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2012年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 吉川一志
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2012 2012年11月
  • 硲石康裕; 井口亮; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津 茂樹; 速水尚
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2012 2012年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2012年09月
  • 本津 茂樹; 吉川 一志; 以西 新; 山本 衛; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 山本 一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2012年09月 
    We have fabricated a flexible hydroxyapatite (HAp) using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method and a film isolation technique. We adhered the HAp sheet to the dentine surface using a calcium phosphate aqueous in order to apply this sheet to hyperesthetic treatment. In the present study, the time dependence of the composition at the interfaces between the HAp/TCP sheet and the dentine was evaluated using X-ray diffraction measurement, and the adhesive strength between the HAp/TCP sheet and the dentine surface was evaluated by quasi-static tensile tests.
  • 岩城有晃; 丸山敏朗; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 吉川一志
    日本セラミックス協会第25回秋季シンポジウム 2012年09月
  • 以西新; 丸山敏朗; 松田太陽; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 吉川一志
    日本セラミックス協会第25回秋季シンポジウム 2012年09月
  • 本津茂樹; 樋口裕一; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 小正裕
    バイオインテグレーション学会誌 2012年08月
  • In vitro response and adhesive strength of titanium and hydroxyapatite bilayer coating on polyetereterketon (PEEK) substrate  [通常講演]
    T. Hayami; M. Kusunoki; K. Okada; T. Jinno
    The 5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” 2012年08月
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 松田太陽; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 山本一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2012年03月
  • 本津 茂樹; 吉川 一志; 松田 太陽; 加藤 暢宏; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 山本 一世
    日本歯科理工学会誌 2012年03月 
    We have succeeded to fabricate flexible hydroxyapatite (HAp) sheet for adhering directly onto tooth and bone surfaces using a pulsed laser deposition method and a film isolation technique. We have investigated a method to regenerate the tooth enamel by just attaching the flexible HAp sheet onto the tooth surface with artificial saliva. In this paper, we report the result of adhering the HAp sheet to the enamel assisted by an TCP over-deposition and calcium phosphate aqueous solution in order to reduce the period required to regenerate the enamel.
  • 本津茂樹; 吉川一志; 松田太陽; 楠正暢; 丸山敏朗; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭
    日本セラミックス協会年会 2012年03月
  • 穴あき極薄アパタイトシートを用いたエナメル質の修復  [通常講演]
    本津茂樹; 以西新; 山本衛; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 吉川一志
    日本歯科保存学会秋季学術大会(第137回) 2012年
  • スーパーエンジニアリングプラスチックに対するチタンスパッタ膜の密着強さの評価  [通常講演]
    岡田和真; 藤原孝俊; 楠正暢,速 尚
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2012 2012年
  • Investigation of very thin YBa2Cu3Oy film for the optics / superconductivity converters  [通常講演]
    D. Itoh; K. Kotani; T.Miyake; H. Nihiskawa; S. Hontsu; M. Kusunoki
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'12) 2012年
  • Investigation of etching process parameters on HTS nano-devices  [通常講演]
    T.Miyake; K. Kotani; D. Itoh; H. Nihiskawa; S. Hontsu; M. Kusunoki
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'12) 2012年
  • Fabrication of superconducting nano-wire using YBa2Cu3Oy  [通常講演]
    K. Kotani; T.Miyake; D. Itoh; H. Nihiskawa; S. Hontsu; M. Kusunoki
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'12) 2012年
  • Crystallization Control of Hydroxyapatite Sheet  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; T. Matsuda; N. Fujita; Y. Sakoishi; R. Iguchi; S. Hontsu; H. Nishikawa; T. Hayami
    The 5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” 2012年
  • Application of the flexibile hydroxyapatite sheet to artifical enamel  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; N. Katou; E. Yamamoto; M. Kusunoki; H. Nishikawa; T. Hayami; K. Yoshikawa
    9th World Biomaterial Congress 2012年
  • Adhesive Strength Between Flexible Hydroxyapataite Sheet and Tooth Enamel  [通常講演]
    E. Yamamoto; N. Kato; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; S. Hontsu
    24th Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society of Ceramics in Medcine (Bioceramics 24) 2012年
  • H. Nishikawa; R. Yoshikawa; H. Nakajima; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; S. Hontsu
    24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials 2011年12月
  • 吉川亮太; 中島浩之; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 2011年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 丸山敏朗; 加藤暢宏; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 橋本典也
    第33回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2011年11月
  • 松田太陽; 井口亮; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2011年10月
  • 井谷章也; 川口忠男; 川山巌; 神吉輝夫; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 田中秀和; 斗内政吉; 西川博昭
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2011年10月
  • 森田祐輔; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2011年10月
  • 吉川亮太; 中島浩之; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2011年10月
  • 伊藤大介; 三宅智貴; 小谷克己; 高橋晋也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    平成23 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2011年10月
  • 中島浩之; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    平成23 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2011年10月
  • 本津茂樹; 加藤暢宏; 山本衛; 丸山敏朗; 松田太陽; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 吉川一志; 山本一世
    第24回日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム 2011年09月
  • 井谷章也; 川山巌; 神吉輝夫; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 田中秀和; 斗内政吉; 西川博昭
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2011年08月
  • 森田祐輔; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011年08月
  • 吉川亮太; 中島浩之; 楠正暢; 速水 尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011年08月
  • 吉川亮太; 中島浩之; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2011年03月
  • アパタイトシートの高効率作製システムの開発  [通常講演]
    松田太陽; 井口亮; 西川 博昭; 速水尚; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    平成23 年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2011年
  • 3次元培養足場での神経細胞挙動と足場サイズの関係  [通常講演]
    中島浩之; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    生体医工学シンポジウム2011 2011年
  • LaFeO3/SrTiO3-δの電気・磁気特性  [通常講演]
    井谷章也; 川山巌; 神吉輝夫; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 田中秀和; 斗内政吉; 西川博昭
    第72回応用物理学会学術講演会 2011年
  • パルスレーザー堆積法によって作製されるハイドロキシアパタイト薄膜の高品質化  [通常講演]
    吉川亮太; 中島浩之; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭
    日本バイオマテリアル学会第6回関西若手研究発表会 2011年
  • 3次元格子構造を持つスキャフォールドの格子間隔と神経細胞の挙動の関係  [通常講演]
    中島浩之; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会第6回関西若手研究発表会 2011年
  • 3インチウエハーサイズのハイドロキシアパタイトシートの作製  [通常講演]
    松田太陽; 末廣隼也; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会第6回関西若手研究発表会 2011年
  • 大面積アパタイトシートのシート面内均一性の評価  [通常講演]
    松田太陽; 末廣隼也; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第6回日本セラミクス協会関西支部各術講演会 2011年
  • Regeneration of tooth enamel by flexible hydroxyapatite shee  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; N. Katou; E. Yamamoto; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; K. Yoshikawa
    23rd Symposium and Annual Meetin of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (Bioceramics 23) 2011年
  • Fabrication of Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite Thin Film and Sheet by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; N. Katou; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; Y. Hashimoto
    11th Asian Bio Ceramics Symposium 2011年
  • Fabrication of Flexible Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite Sheet by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; T. Hayami; Y. Hashimoto
    The 3rd Asian Biomaterials Congress 2011年
  • 川上佳晃; 中島浩之; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 本津茂樹
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 松田太陽; 川上佳晃; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 吉川亮太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 大北晃弘; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 中島浩之; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 川上佳晃; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 吉川一志; 山本一世
    第32回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2010年11月
  • 中島浩之; 溝越正人; 神田浩孝; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2010年10月
  • 高橋晋也; 伊藤大介; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会 2010年10月
  • 川上佳晃; 松田太陽; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会 2010年10月
  • 高橋晋也; 馬場康仁; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会 2010年10月
  • 西川博昭; 篠原悠; 橋本典也; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2010年08月
  • 蔦谷燈; 松村和明; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 速水尚
    日本セラミックス協会年会 2010年03月
  • 神経の活動電位計測を目的とした3次元神経ネットワーク作成法の検討  [通常講演]
    中島浩之; 溝越正人; 神田浩孝; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成22年電気関係学会関西連合大会 2010年
  • The restoration and Conservation of dental enamel using the flexible apatite sheet  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; K. Yoshikawa; N. Katou; T. Hayami; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; K. Yamamoto
    5th International Symposium on Apatites and Correlative Biomaterials 2010年
  • Scratch Test of Simulated Body Fluid-derived Hydroxyapatite Film on Biomedical Titanium Substrates  [通常講演]
    T. Hayami; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; K. Matsumura; S. Hontsu; M. Ohmasa; T. Sawai
    International Congress on Ceramics 2010年
  • Deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films on titanium substrates and assessment of interfacial adhesion using a scratch test  [通常講演]
    T. Hayami; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; K. Matsumura; S. Hontsu; N. Hirokawa; T. Shibue
    International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science 2010年
  • Composite coating of hydroxyapatite for rapid and durable bone fixation of dental implant  [通常講演]
    T. Hayami; H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; Y. Higuchi; Y. Hashimoto; S. Hontsu
    The 23rd European Conference on Biomaterials 2010年
  • 篠原 悠; 蔦谷 燈; 西川博昭; 楠 正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2009 2009年11月
  • 川上佳晃; 楠 正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2009 2009年11月
  • 馬場康仁; 高橋晋也; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成21年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2009年10月
  • 虫邉慶悟; 東郷秀考; 和田拓士; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成21年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2009年10月
  • 本津茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚; 橋本典也; 飴谷彰洋; 吉野和卓; 久保木芳徳
    第22回日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム 2009年09月
  • ナノスケール生体アパタイト/HAp 積層被覆インプラントの骨伝導に関する組織学的検討  [通常講演]
    本津 茂樹; 速水 尚; 西川 博昭; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 樋口 裕一
    第 21 回アパタイト研究会 2009年
  • PLD アパタイトの大面積化の検討  [通常講演]
    川上佳晃; 楠 正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第 21 回アパタイト研究会 2009年
  • Preparation of Carbonate Apatite thin films and Evaluation of its Biocompatibility  [通常講演]
    Shigeki Hontsu; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Naoki Taninaka; Masanobu Kusunoki; Yoshiya Hashimoto; Y. Higuchi
    ICMAT 2009 & IUMRS-ICA 2009 (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2009 & Intnational Union of Material Resarch Societies - International Conference in Asia 2009) 2009年
  • 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008 2008年11月
  • 和田拓士; 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008 2008年11月
  • 浅野弘樹; 濱畑 燈; 橋本典也; 飴谷彰洋; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008 2008年11月
  • 篠原悠; 西川博昭; 橋本典也; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008 2008年11月
  • 谷中直樹; 東郷秀孝; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2008 2008年11月
  • 景山卓; 中川雄祐; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2008年10月
  • 雛子芙美代; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成20年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2008年10月
  • 馬場康仁; 大田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 堂田泰史; 川山巌; 村上博成; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    平成20年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2008年10月
  • 和田拓士; 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成20年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2008年10月
  • 東郷秀孝; 和田拓士; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成20年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2008年10月
  • 蓬莱谷忠孝; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集 2008年09月
  • 梶野顕明; 木村大至; 堀井佑樹; 楠正暢; 川山巌; 井上真澄; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2008年03月
  • 高感度QCMチタンセンサの開発  [通常講演]
    橋本典也; 箕浦沙恵; 伊藤敦; 川越徹也; 西浦亜紀; 本田領; 松本尚之
    第52回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会 2008年
  • SFQ-光インターフェース用YBCOナノブリッジ特性の作製  [通常講演]
    梶野顕明; 木村大至; 堀井佑樹; 楠正暢; 川山巌; 井上真澄; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2008年
  • Fabrication of HAp/ZnO bilayer for protein sensitive field effect transistor  [通常講演]
    Hiroaki Nishikawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigeki Hontsu
    2008 MRS Fall Meeting 2008年
  • 李成吉吉; 渡辺元夫; 小泉大亮; 長谷川龍一; 山田ともみ; 竹島伸生; 楠正暢
    体力科学 2007年12月
  • 浅野弘樹; 東郷秀孝; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第29回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2007年11月
  • 田名宗毅; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第29回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2007年11月
  • 本津茂樹; 浅野弘樹; 東郷秀孝; 西川博昭; 橋本典也; 楠正暢
    第29回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2007年11月
  • 楠正暢; 合田祥太朗; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第29回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2007年11月
  • 中川雄祐; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007年11月
  • 太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 村上博成; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    平成19年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2007年11月
  • 合田祥太郎; 雛子芙美代; 今井晴香; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2007年11月
  • 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2007年11月
  • 和田拓士; 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2007年11月
  • 速水 尚; 西川 博昭; 渋江 唯司; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 山本 全男
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2007年09月 
    To improve osteoblasts attachment to a porous implant such as artificial tooth root, plasma spray coating of hydroxyapatite (HA) has been attempted applying. However, plasma sprayed HA powders plugged up a way in holes of the porous structure which is important way of bone growth. To solve this problem, in this experiment, HA thin film 300nm thick was deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on the tooth root. HA thin film was reached easily to the depth of the porous structure. In 3 weeks after operation, the bone in-growth speed in HA-deposited tooth root was increased as compared with non HA-deposited one. In 5 weeks after operation, no particular difference between HA-deposited and non HA-deposited tooth roots was found. HA thin film deposition on a porous implant was effective in the improvement of osteoblast attachment.
  • 速水尚; 西川博昭; 渋江唯司; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 山本全男
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2007年09月
  • 本間久由樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2007年09月
  • 浅野弘樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第68回応用物理学学術講演会 2007年09月
  • 西川博昭; 本間久由樹; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第68回応用物理学学術講演会 2007年09月
  • 井上真澄; 杉本 学; 梶野顕明; 藤巻 朗; 楠 正暢
    第68回応用物理学会学術講演会 2007年09月
  • 太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 村上博成; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2007年03月
  • 西川博昭; 奥村大地; 畑中良太; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2007年03月
  • 楠正暢; 東郷秀孝; 川畑君代; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2007年03月
  • 本間久由樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2007年03月
  • 本津茂樹; 浅野弘樹; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 樋口裕一
    日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2007年
  • SFQ/光インターフェース技術のためのYBa2Cu3O7-xナノブリッジの作製  [通常講演]
    梶野顕明; 杉本学; 楠正暢; 川山巌; 井上真澄; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第6回低温工学・超伝導若手合同講演会 2007年
  • YBCOナノブリッジの光応答特性  [通常講演]
    太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 村上博成; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第6回低温工学・超伝導若手合同講演会 2007年
  • アパタイトのバイオセンサー応用〜QCMによる歯質表面のシミュレーション〜  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 合田祥太朗; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第20回アパタイト研究会 2007年
  • 薄膜作製技術を用いた可撓性アパタイトシートの作製と細胞培養足場への応用  [通常講演]
    浅野弘樹; 生物理工; 東郷秀孝; 生物理; 橋本典也; 科大; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 近大生物理工; 本津茂樹
    第20回アパタイト研究会 2007年
  • 生体内吸収性アパタイト/有機複合ソフトマテリアルの作製とその生体親和性の評価  [通常講演]
    東郷秀孝; 浅野弘樹; 橋本典也; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第20回アパタイト研究会 2007年
  • GBR用生体内吸収性アパタイト/有機複合シートの作製と評価  [通常講演]
    東郷秀孝; 浅野弘樹; 橋本典也; 樋口裕一; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第11回生体関連セラミックス討論会 2007年
  • 可撓性透明アパタイトシートの作製と細胞シート応用  [通常講演]
    浅野弘樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第11回生体関連セラミックス討論会 2007年
  • アパタイトコートQCMセンサの歯科応用  [通常講演]
    合田祥太郎; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第11回生体関連セラミックス討論会 2007年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトを用いた神経細胞のパターニング技術の検討  [通常講演]
    東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    生体医工シンポジウム2007 2007年
  • 細胞の三次元的成長を目的としたハイドロキシアパタイトマイクロウェルの作製  [通常講演]
    和田拓士; 東郷秀孝; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    生体医工シンポジウム2007 2007年
  • Utility of quartz crystal microbalance sensor with natural apatite composition  [通常講演]
    1st Asian Biomaterials Congress 2007年
  • Optical response of high temperature superconducting nanobridge  [通常講演]
    Shinsuke Ota; Masanobu Kusunoki; Hiroaki Nishikawa; Shigeki Hontsu; Yasushi Doda; Iwao Kawayama; Hironaru Murakami; Masayoshi Tonouchi; Akira Fujimaki
  • Application of epitaxial hydroxyapatite thin film as a biosensor  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; H. Homma; M. Kusunoki; S. Hontsu
    European MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 2007年
  • 小泉大亮; 李成てつ; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生; 楠正暢
    体力科学 2006年12月
  • 本津茂樹; 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 2006年11月
  • 楠正暢; 川畑君代; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第28回バイオマテリアル学会 2006年11月
  • 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 本津茂樹
    第28回バイオマテリアル学会 2006年11月
  • 奥村大地; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部大会 2006年11月
  • 今井晴香; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部大会 2006年11月
  • 小川敦子; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第28回バイオマテリアル学会 2006年11月
  • 今井晴香; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第28回バイオマテリアル学会 2006年11月
  • 太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部大会 2006年11月
  • 八田和己; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部大会 2006年11月
  • 田宮雅樹; 和田拓士; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    平成18年電気関係学会関西支部大会 2006年11月
  • 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 本津茂樹
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2006年08月
  • 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第67回応用物理学会学術講演会 2006年08月
  • 今井 晴香; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 西川 博昭; 本津 茂樹
    日本生体医工学会大会 2006年05月
  • 上田亮平; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 李成吉吉; 小泉大亮; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生
    日本生体医工学会大会 2006年05月
  • 田宮雅樹; 太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本生体医工学会大会 2006年05月
  • 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2006年03月
  • 太田真輔; 八田和己; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2006年03月
  • 楠正暢; 西岡佑珠; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2006年03月
  • 小川敦子; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2006年03月
  • 西川博昭; 奥村大地; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2006年03月
  • 橋本典也; 樋口裕一; 小正裕; 岡崎定司; 中村正明; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本金属学会講演概要 2006年03月
  • 本津茂樹; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 岡崎定司; 小正裕
    日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2006年
  • サーキットトレーニングのための油圧レジスタンスマシンによる計測法  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 上田亮平; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 李成吉吉; 小泉大亮; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生
    生体医工学シンポジウム2006 2006年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトを用いた神経細胞の選択的吸着  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 川畑君代; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    生体医工学シンポジウム2006 2006年
  • レーザーアブレーション法により作製した生体アパタイト薄膜の生体適合性評価  [通常講演]
    橋本典也; 樋口裕一; 小正裕; 岡崎定司; 中村正明; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第138回日本金属学会講演集 2006年
  • 生体親和性・吸収性を持つ可撓性透明アパタイト細胞シートの作製  [通常講演]
    本津茂樹; 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速水尚
    第28回バイオマテリアル学会 2006年
  • 高温超伝導ナノブリッジ作製プロセスの検討  [通常講演]
    太田真輔; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 川山巌; 斗内政吉; 藤巻朗
    第5回低温工学・超伝導若手合同講演会 2006年
  • 高齢者の身体活動向上を目指した加速度計の有効性  [通常講演]
    小泉大亮; 李成吉吉; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生; 楠正暢
    第61回体力医学会 2006年
  • 透明アパタイトシートでの生細胞観察  [通常講演]
    畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 本津茂樹
    第67回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集 2006年
  • Preparation of Hydroxyapatite Sheet with Various Shapes and its Application to Programmable Tissue Engineering Scaffold  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; R.Hatanaka; M. Kusunoki; S. Hontsu
    2006 MRS Fall Meeting 2006年
  • Improvment of hydroxyapatite deposition on titanium dental implant using ArF laser ablation:effect on osteoblast biocompatibility in vitoro  [通常講演]
    Y. Hashimoto; M. Kusunoki; R. Hatanaka; K. Hamano; H. Nishikawa; Y. Hosoi; S. Hontsu; M. Nakamura
    11th International Conferrences on Modern Materials and Technologies 2006年
  • Improvement of fabrication process for HTS nano-bridges  [通常講演]
    Shinsuke Ohta a; Masanobu Kusunoki a; Hiroaki Nishikawa a; Shigeki Hontsu a; Iwao Kawayama b; Masayoshi Tonouchi b; Akira Fujimaki c
    Nano-Virtual-Labs Joint Workshop on Superconductivity (NVLS2005) 2006年
  • HTS nano-bridges for SFQ-optics converter  [通常講演]
    M.Kusunoki; S. Ohta; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu; I. Kawayama; M. Tonouchi; A. Fujimaki
    Applied Superconductivity Conference 2006 2006年
  • Application of hydroxyapatite thin film as a biosensor  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; D. Okumura; M. Kusunoki; S. Hontsu
    APS March Meeting 2007 2006年
  • 畑中良太; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 細井美彦; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    第27回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2005年11月
  • 小川敦子; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第27回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2005年11月
  • 奥村大地; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第27回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会 2005年11月
  • 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    第66回応用物理学会学術講演会 2005年09月
  • 西川博昭; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2005年03月
  • 楠正暢; 井口一輝; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2005年03月
  • 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 奥村大地; 川島将実; 本津茂樹; 仲森昌也; 川合知二
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2005年03月
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトコート基材が神経分化誘導に及ぼす影響の検討  [通常講演]
    竹原俊幸; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 畑中良太; 松本和也; 佐伯和弘; 本津茂樹; 細井美彦
    日本動物細胞工学会 2005年
  • 天然ハイドロキシアパタイト被覆基材の骨誘導能の検討  [通常講演]
    川田延幸; 濱野恵子; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 畑中良太; 橋本典也; 松本和也; 佐伯和弘; 本津茂樹; 細井美彦
    日本動物細胞工学会 2005年
  • ナノスケールアパタイト薄膜の医療応用  [通常講演]
    本津茂樹; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 速水尚; 橋本典也; 樋口裕一
    社団法人レーザー学会第338回研究会 2005年
  • 集中定数型超伝導フィルタの作製とチューニング特性の評価  [通常講演]
    井口一輝; 楠正暢; 揚村和幸; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2005年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトのa/c軸配向制御  [通常講演]
    西川博昭; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2005年
  • 誘電体共振器法を用いた超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗測定システムの作製とその再現性の検討  [通常講演]
    八田和己; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 西川 博昭; 本津 茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2005年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイト吸着層を持つQCMバイオセンサの作製条件の検討  [通常講演]
    今井 晴香; 楠 正暢; 橋本 典也; 西川 博昭; 本津 茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2005年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトバイオセンサの作製プロセスの検討  [通常講演]
    田宮雅樹; 西岡佑珠; 川畑君代; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    電気関係学会関西支部連合大会 2005年
  • 油圧式トレーニングマシンによる運動量の自動計測法に関する研究  [通常講演]
    上田亮平; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 李成吉吉; 小泉大亮; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生
    生体医工学シンポジウム2005 2005年
  • 骨芽細胞培養による生体アパタイト薄膜の生体親和性のin vitro評価  [通常講演]
    畑中良太; 橋本典也; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 細井美彦; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    生体医工学シンポジウム2005 2005年
  • 地域高齢者を対象とした加速度計付歩数計を用いた身体活動向上への取り組み  [通常講演]
    小泉大亮; 李成?; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生; 楠正暢
    第60回体力医学会 2005年
  • 高齢有疾患者を対象とした油圧マシンを用いたレジスタンス運動の有用性  [通常講演]
    李成吉吉; 小泉大亮; 那須英里子; 竹島伸生; 竹田裕司; 楠正暢
    第60回体力医学会 2005年
  • Tunable Range of Center Frequency and Bandwidth of Superconducting Bandpass Filter with Mechanically Movable Sapphire Rods  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; S. Aga; K. Iguchi; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu
    European Conference on Applied Superconductivity(EUCAS'05) 2005年
  • Fabrication of HTS nano-bridges for SFQ-optics converter  [通常講演]
    M.Kusunoki; S. Ohta; M. Tamiya; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu; I. Kawayama; M. Tonouchi; A. Fujimaki
    Nano-Virtual-Labs Joint Workshop on Superconductivity (NVLS2005) 2005年
  • Coplaner superconducting lumped elements filter with meander-line inductors and inter-digital capacitors  [通常講演]
    S. Hontsu; K. Agemura; M. Kusunoki; H. Nishikawa; K. Iguchi
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '05) 2005年
  • Biosensor Consists of Na - Doped Hydroxyapatite Thin Film  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; M.Kawashima; S. Hontsu; T.Kawai
    アメリカ物理学会定例3月ミーティング2005 2005年
  • Addition of Advanced Biocompatibility to the Porous Artificial Root  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu; T. Hayami; M. Kusunoki
    4th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metal Foaming Technology (MetFoam2005) 2005年
  • 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム予稿集 2004年11月
  • 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 畑中良太森田友規; 増田育久; 速水尚; 本津茂樹
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2004 2004年11月
  • 畑中良太; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 速水尚; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一; 小正裕; 岡崎定司
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2004 2004年11月
  • 西川博昭; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2004 2004年11月
  • 西川博昭; 仲森昌也; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2004 2004年11月
  • 井口一輝; 楠正暢; 揚村和幸; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    第65回応用物理学会学術講演会 2004年09月
  • 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 河合知二
    秋季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年09月
  • 西川博昭; 仲森昌也; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    2004年(平成17年)秋季第65回応用物理学会学術講演会 2004年09月
  • 西川博昭; 川島将実; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    2004年(平成17年)秋季第65回応用物理学会学術講演会 2004年09月
  • 井口一輝; 楠正暢; 揚村和幸; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2004年05月
  • 井口一輝; 揚村和幸; 峯成伸; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年03月
  • 揚村和幸; 井口一輝; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年03月
  • 楠正暢; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 森本康一; 河合知二
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年03月
  • 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年03月
  • 仲森昌也; 本津茂樹; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 河合知二
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2004年03月
  • 中心周波数・帯域幅のメカニカル独立制御に適した集中定数型超伝導フィルタの設計  [通常講演]
    井口一輝; 揚村和幸; 楠正暢; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹
    低温工学・超電導若手合同講演会 2004年
  • 酸素制御ErBa2CuOx薄膜  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 堀井滋; 松本要; 吉田隆; 一瀬中; 楠正暢
    低温工学・超電導学会 2004年
  • サファイアロッドチューニングによる高温超電導フィルタの特性改善  [通常講演]
    低温工学・超電導学会 2004年
  • ハイドロキシアパタイトコート層を持つQCMセンサの開発  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 橋本典也; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 河合知二
    日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2004 2004年
  • エキシマレーザーアブレーション法を用いたハイドロキシアパタイトコートQCMセンサーの開発  [通常講演]
    橋本典也; 楠正暢; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 本津茂樹; 中村正明
    第44回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会 2004年
  • チューナブルフィルタの実現に向けた集中定数型超伝導フィルタの設計  [通常講演]
    揚村和幸; 井口一輝; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    日本学術振興会超伝導エレクトロニクス第146委員会「光マイクロ波」分科会および応用物理学会関西支部合同講演会 2004年
  • Mechanical Tuning of Superconducting Lumped Element Filter  [通常講演]
    Applied Superconductivity Conference 2004 2004年
  • Magnetoelectric properties of magnetic/ferroelectric multilayered thin film  [通常講演]
    H. Nishikawa; M. Kusunoki; M.Kawashima; S. Hontsu; T.Kawai
    アメリカ物理学会定例3月ミーティング2004 2004年
  • 川島将実; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一
    日本バイオマテリアル学会大会予稿集 2003年12月
  • 本津茂樹; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 速見尚; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一; 岡崎定司; 小正裕
    日本バイオマテリアル学会 2003年12月
  • 酸素制御ErBa2Cu3Ox  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 堀井滋; 大狭間徹; 一瀬中; 松本要; 吉田隆; 楠正暢; 斉藤敦; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2003年12月
  • 西川博昭; 井口一輝; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2003年12月
  • 向田 昌志; 堀井 滋; 大狭間 徹; 一瀬 中; 松本 要; 吉田 隆; 楠 正暢; 齊藤 敦; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2003年12月
  • S Ohshima; H Mikami F Aida A; Saito; M; Mnkaida M. Kusunoki
    The 8th IUMRS Intemational Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS-ICAM2003), Japan 2003年12月
  • 竹澤 基範; 相田 史裕; 楠 正暢; 齊藤 敦; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 2003年09月
  • 竹沢基範; 相田史裕; 楠正暢; 斉藤敦; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 2003年09月
  • 相田 史裕; 竹澤 基範; 安達 学人; 三上 宏; 楠 正暢; 斉藤 敦; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 2003年09月
  • 相田史裕; 竹澤基範; 安達学人; 三上宏; 楠正暢; 齊藤敦; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 2003年09月
  • 仲森昌也; 本津茂樹; 川島将実; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 川合知二
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 川島将実; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 川合知二
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 揚村和幸; 井口一輝; 峯成伸; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 野口章; KURIAN J; 飴村隆; 岩田展幸; 楠正暢; 田辺圭一; 森下忠隆; 山本寛
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 井口一輝; 揚村和幸; 峯成伸; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 西川博昭; 寺篭正史; 楠正暢; 本津茂樹; 川合知二
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2003年08月
  • 安達 学人; 野口 恭史; 相田 史裕; 三上 宏; 齊藤 敦; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2003年05月
  • 森合克成; 氏家健吾; 山田博信; 相沢慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; MARINARO D G; DOU S X
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2003年05月
  • 白川政信; 山崎裕弥; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2003年05月
  • 竹澤基範; 相田史裕; 楠正暢; 齊藤敦; 向閏昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会 2003年05月
  • 相田史裕; 三上宏; 竹田真; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年05月
  • 白川政信; 山嵜裕弥; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年05月
  • 向田昌志; 三浦正志; 海野純一; 山嵜裕弥; 荒木猛司; 平林泉; 田辺圭一; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年05月
  • 大狭間徹; 山嵜裕弥; 新海優樹; 三浦正志; 松本要; 吉田隆; 堀井滋; 一瀬中; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年05月
  • 森合克成; 氏家健吾; 山田博信; 相沢慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; D. G. Marinaro; S. X. Dou
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年05月
  • 楠正暢; 大嶋重利; 向田昌志; SUNDARESAN A; 田中康資; 荒木猛司; 平林泉; 田辺圭一; HOCHMUTH H
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2003年03月
  • 海野純一; 三浦正志; 森合克成; 黒田尚志; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2003年03月
  • 大狭間徹; 山崎裕弥; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2003年03月
  • 大嶋重利; 森合克成; 山田博信; 相澤慶二; 楠 正暢; 向田昌志
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年03月
  • 三浦正志; 海野純一; 山嵜裕弥; 楠 正暢; 大嶋重利; 荒木猛司; 平林 泉; 田辺圭一; 向田昌志
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年03月
  • 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年03月
  • 大嶋重利; 渡部 忍; 楠 正暢; 向田昌志
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年03月
  • 三上 宏; 楠 正暢; 相澤慶二; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年03月
  • Ba2NdTaOバッファ層を用いたMgO基板上のNdBa2Cu30δ薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    野口章; J.Kurian; 飴村隆; 岩田展幸; 楠正暢; 田辺圭一; 森下忠隆; 山本寛; 超電導工研; 目大理工; 山形大工
    秋季第64回応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年
  • 高温超電導体分配器の設計と評価  [通常講演]
    竹澤基範; 竹田真; 三上宏; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年
  • YBCO薄膜のドライエッチング加工技術の検討と評価  [通常講演]
    安達学人; 野口恭史; 相田史裕; 三上宏; 齊藤敦; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年
  • BaF2パウダーを用いたMOD法によるYBCO薄膜作製と評価  [通常講演]
    海野純一; 三浦正志; 森合克成; 黒田尚志; 楠 正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2003年
  • マイクロ波デバイス用高温超伝導薄膜の開発の現状  [通常講演]
    楠 正暢; 大嶋重利; 向田昌志; アシナラヤナンスンダレサン; 田中康資; 荒木猛司; 平林 泉; 田辺圭一; ミヒャエルローレンツ; ホルガーホフムス
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年
  • Low microwave surface resistance at 90 K in Tl-1223 superconducting thin films fabricated on LSAT substrate  [通常講演]
    Sundaresan Athinarayanan; 浅田秀人; 鬼頭聖; 伊豫彰; 田中康資; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2003年
  • レーザーアブレーション法により作製したアパタイト薄膜の生体親和性評価  [通常講演]
    川島将実; 本津茂樹; 西川博昭; 楠正暢; 橋本典也; 大橋芳夫; 樋口裕一
    日本バイオマテリアル学会 2003年
  • Preparation and Characterization of NdBa2Cu307-δ / Ba2NdTa06//MgO multilayer films  [通常講演]
    A.Noguchi; J.Kurian; T.Amemura; K.Tanabe; T.Morishita; N.Iwata; H.Yamamoto; M.Kusunoki; M.Mukaida; S.Ohshima
    The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2003), Japan 2003年
  • Orientation control of HTS films  [通常講演]
    M. Mnkaida; Y.Yamazaki; Y.Shingai; T.Ohazama; S. Horii; A. Ichinose; Y. Yoshida; K. Matsumoto; M. Kusunoki; A. Saito; S. Ohshima
    The 8th IUMRS Intemational Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2003), Japan 2003年
  • Microwave performance of double sided T1 1223 films on LSAT substrate; A possible operation of device at 90K  [通常講演]
    A Sundaresan; Y. Tanaka; A. Iyo; M.Kusunoki; S. Ohshma
    6th European conference on Applied SupercQnductivity (EUCAS'03), Italy 2003年
  • High-Tc Lnl23 films for microwave devices  [通常講演]
    M. Mnkaida; T. Ohazama; S. Horii; A. Ichinose; K. Matsumoto; Y; Yoshida M. Kusunoki; A. Saito; S. Ohshima
    The 11th Japan-US Workshop on High-Tc Su perconductors, Japan 2003年
  • Error in surface resistance originated in dielectric loss of the parallel plate dielectric resonator using two modes resonators method  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; H. Nishikawa; S. Hontsu
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'03) 2003年
  • Buffer layers for TFA-MOD YBCO films on MgO substrate  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; M.Miura; T.Araki; Masanobu Kusunoki.A.Saito; S. Ohshima; I. Hirabayashi; K.Tanabe
    6th European conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS'03), Italy 2003年
  • 大嶋 重利; 白川 政信; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 山崎 裕文
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年10月
  • 向田 昌志; 山嵜 裕弥; 新海 優樹; 海野 純一; 楠 正暢; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年10月
  • 向田昌志; 山崎裕弥; 新海優樹; 海野純一; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2002年10月
  • 大嶋重利; 楠正暢; 稲童丸桃子; 向田昌志
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2002年09月
  • 森合克成; 氏家健吾; 山田博信; 相沢慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; MARINARO D G; DOU S X
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2002年09月
  • 山崎裕弥; 新海優樹; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2002年09月
  • 浅田秀人; SUNDARESAN A; BADICA P; 伊予彰; 田中康資; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2002年09月
  • 白川政信; 海野純一; 相沢慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2002年09月
  • 白川 政信; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年05月
  • 渡部 忍; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年05月
  • 楠 正暢; 稲童丸 桃子; 高坂 大介; 大嶋 重利; 相澤 慶二; 向田 昌志
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年05月
  • 山田 博信; 森合 克成; 菅野 慎介; 相澤 慶二; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2002年05月
  • 山崎裕弥; 新海優樹; 牧野さよ子; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2002年05月
  • 白川政信; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 2002年05月
  • 渡部忍; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2002年05月
  • 大嶋重利; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 山崎裕文
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2002年05月
  • 山嵜裕弥; 牧野さよこ; 新海優樹; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2002年05月
  • 山崎裕弥; 牧野さよ子; 新海優樹; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2002年03月
  • 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2002年03月
  • C面サファイア基板を用いたYBa2Cu3Oy薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    白川政信; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2002年
  • 小面積超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗測定法に関する研究  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 稲童丸桃子; 幸坂大介; 大嶋重利; 相澤慶二; 向田昌志
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2002年
  • ビッタ法によるBi2212単結晶の磁束量子分布の角度依存性の観察  [通常講演]
    森合克成; 山田博信; 氏家健吾; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2002年
  • YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜とバッファ層間の格子整合性の効果  [通常講演]
    山嵜裕; 弥牧野さよこ; 新海優樹; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2002年
  • Relationship between the surface resistance and depairing current density of superconductors  [通常講演]
    Shigetoshi Ohshima; Masanobu Kusunoki; Momoko Inadomaru; Masashi Mukaida; Yasumoto Tanaka; Hideo Ihar
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'02) 2002年
  • Preparation of Tl-2212 and Tl-1223 superconductor thin films and their microwave surface resistance  [通常講演]
    A. Sundaresan; H. Asada; A. Crisan; J. C. Nie; H. Kito; A. Iyo; Y. Tanaka; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'02) 2002年
  • Fabrication and characterization of a Ce02 buffer layer on c-plane and tilt-c-plane sapphire substrates  [通常講演]
    M. Shirakawa; J. Unno; K. Aizawa; M. Kusunoki; M Mukaida; S Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'02) 2002年
  • Effects of Buffer-Layer Lattice Matching on the Growth of YBCO Films  [通常講演]
    Masashi Mukaida; Yuya Yamazaki; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima; Sayoko Makino; Fujitsu AMD; Y. Shingai
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'02) 2002年
  • Correlation between Vortex Distribution and Temperature in YBCO Films and YBCO-QMG Samples  [通常講演]
    Hironobu Yamada; Katsunari Moriai; Shinsuke Kanno; Keiji Aizawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masashi Mukaida; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'02) 2002年
  • 吉田 隆; 須藤 公彦; 松尾 尚慶; 高井 吉明; 楠 正暢; 稲童丸 桃子; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 2001年11月
  • 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2001年09月
  • 楠正暢; 高野祥暢; 中村健; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 野崎篤志; 上野聡; 阿部修一; 横尾政好; LORENZ M; HOCHMUTH H; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2001年09月
  • 高坂大介; 佐藤照; 鈴木敏幸; 及川進一郎; 野口恭史; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2001年05月
  • 中川智博; 佐藤和明; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; A. Cassinese; M. Barra; I. Fragala; G. Malandrino; L.M. S. Perdicaro; R. Vaglio
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2001年05月
  • 大嶋重利; 及川進一郎; 野口恭史; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 山崎裕文; 中川愛彦
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2001年05月
  • 竹田真; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2001年05月
  • 牧野さよ子; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2001年03月
  • 及川進一郎; 野口恭史; 大嶋重利; 向田昌志; 楠正暢
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2001年03月
  • 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2001年03月
  • 森合克成; 河合崇; 菅野慎介; 佐藤周平; 山田博信; 相沢慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 坂元周作; 太田昭男
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2001年03月
  • 冷凍機を用いた誘電体共振器法による酸化物高温超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗の完全自動測定  [通常講演]
    高坂大介; 楠正暢; 稲童丸桃子; 相澤慶二; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 誘電体共振器法を用いたサファイア単結晶の損失の比較  [通常講演]
    稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • マイクロ波デバイス用YBa2Cu3Oy薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 横尾政好; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • ビッタ法によるBi2212単結晶の磁束量子観察  [通常講演]
    森合克成; 山田博信; 氏家健吾; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 超伝導フィルタの設計パラメータの検討  [通常講演]
    三上宏; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • セキュリティ用超伝導マイクロ波センサの設計・試作・評価  [通常講演]
    関谷尚人; 佐藤和明; 江畑克史; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 小型超伝導パッチアレイアンテナの評価  [通常講演]
    中川智博; 佐藤和明; A. Cassinese; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利; M. Barra; I. Fragala; G. Malandrino; L.M. S. Perdicaro; 向田昌志; R. Vaglio
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 高温超伝導マイクロ波デバイス作製のためのドライエッチングプロセスの検討  [通常講演]
    野口恭史; 安達学人; 丹野英樹; 楠正暢; 高坂大介; 稲童丸桃子; 横尾政好; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 高温超伝導体の磁束量子分布の温度依存性及び磁界依存性  [通常講演]
    山田博信; 森合克成; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • MgO基板上YBa2Cu3O7-d/BaSnO3多層薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    牧野さよこ; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 中川愛彦; 山崎裕文
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 2001年
  • 誘電体共振器法による表面抵抗精密測定の条件の検討  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2001年
  • ビッター法によるBi系単結晶および線材の磁束量子観察-  [通常講演]
    森合克成; 河合崇; 菅野慎介; 佐藤周平; 山田博信; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 坂元周作; 太田昭男
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2001年
  • YBCO薄膜に対するBaSnO3バッファー層の膜厚効果-  [通常講演]
    及川進一郎; 野口恭史大嶋重利; 向田昌志; 楠正暢
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2001年
  • MgO基板上YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の110面内方位用バッファー層  [通常講演]
    牧野さよこ; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2001年
  • The correlation of critical current density and surface resistance of YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films  [通常講演]
    Shigetoshi OHSHIMA; Shinichiro Oikawa; Takafumi Noguchi; Momoko Inadomaru; Masanobu KUSUNOKI; Masashi MUKAIDA; Hirofumi Yamasaki; Yoshihiko Nakagawa
    European conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS '01) 2001年
  • Superconducting Dual-Mode Cross-Slotted patches for Telecommunication Applications  [通常講演]
    A.Cassinese; M. Kusunoki; K. Sato; S. Ohshima; R. Vaglio; B. Mario; F. Ignazio; M. Graziella; L.M.S. Perdicaro
    European conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS '01) 2001年
  • Scatter in loss tangent of single crystalline sapphire  [通常講演]
    M. Inadomaru; M. Kusunoki; K. Aizawa; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • Observation of Vortex Distribution in YBCO QMG Samples and YBCO Thin Films  [通常講演]
    Hironobu Yamada; Katunari Moriai; Shinsuke Kanno; Keiji Aizawa; Masanobu Kusunoki; Masashi Mukaida; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • Measurement of surface resistance distribution of large area YBa2Cu3Oy thin films  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; Y. Takano; K. Nakamura; M. Inadomaru; D. Kohsaka; A. Nozaki; S. Abe; M. Yokoo; M. Lorenz; H. Hochmuth; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '01) 2001年
  • Loss Tangent of Sapphire Single Crystal Prepared by Edge-defined Film-fed Growth Method  [通常講演]
    M. Inadomaru; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '01) 2001年
  • Full Automatic Measurement of Surface Resistance with Dielectric Resonator Method using Cryocooler  [通常講演]
    D. Kosaka; M. Kusunoki; M. Inadomaru; K. Aizawa; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • Evaluation of Superconducting Dual-Mode Cross-Slotted Patch Array Antenna  [通常講演]
    T. Nakagawa; K.Sato; A. Cassinese; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima; B. Mario; F. Ignazio; M. Graziella; L.M.S. Perdicaro; M. Mukaida; R. Vaglio
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • Demonstration of Scanning Surface Resistance Measurement System for 3 inch YBa2Cu3Oy films  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; Y. Takano; K. Nakamura; M. Inadomaru; D. Kosaka; A. Nozaki; S. Abe; M. Yokoo; M. Lorenz; H. Hochmuth; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • Control of grain size by initial growth stage of YBCO thin films  [通常講演]
    Masashi Mukaida; S. Sato; Yoshinobu Takano; Masanobu Kusunoki; Shigetoshi Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'01) 2001年
  • BaSnO3 buffer layers for YBCO films on MgO substrates  [通常講演]
    Masashi MUKAIDA; Kazuaki Chiba; Takafumi Noguchi; Daisuke Kohsaka; Masanobu KUSUNOKI; Shigetoshi OHSHIMA
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '01) 2001年
  • BaSnO3 Buffer Layers Effect on the Surface Resistance of YBa2Cu3O7-δ Films  [通常講演]
    Shigetoshi OHSHIMA; Shinichiro Oikawa; Kazuaki Chiba; Masanobu KUSUNOKI; Masashi MUKAIDA
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '01) 2001年
  • 江畑克史; 佐藤和明; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 鈴木雄一郎; 金尾憲一
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年10月
  • 千葉和秋; 牧野さよ子; 高坂大介; 稲童丸桃子; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2000年09月
  • 向田昌志; 杉本淳一; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2000年09月
  • 鈴木敏幸; 後藤理喜治; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 2000年09月
  • 牧野さよ子; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年09月
  • 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年09月
  • 金原智之; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年05月
  • 高坂大介; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年05月
  • 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 岸
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年05月
  • 高野祥暢; 佐藤周平; 鈴木敏幸; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 横尾政好
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年05月
  • 菅野慎介; 河合崇; 佐藤周平; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 林成行; 西嵜照和; 小林典男
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年05月
  • 千葉和秋; 牧野さよ子; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2000年03月
  • 佐藤周平; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 高野祥暢
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2000年03月
  • 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 2000年03月
  • 岡井 大祐; 稲童丸 桃子; 佐藤 史朗; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2000年03月
  • 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 2000年03月
  • 低表面抵抗YBCO薄膜の作製とそれを用いたパッシブマイクロ波デバイスの試作  [通常講演]
    大嶋重利; 江畑克史; モファムドアリ; 高野祥暢; 千葉和秋; 鈴木敏幸; 向田昌志
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 2000年
  • 大面積超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗の測定  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; ミヒャエル・ローレンツ; ホルガー・ホフムス; ディーター; ノートゥッシュ; トーマス・ターリンゲン
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 2000年
  • 楕円関数型超伝導フィルタの設計と評価  [通常講演]
    金原智之; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 2000年
  • 酸化物超伝導体超格子薄膜と表面抵抗の相関  [通常講演]
    牧野さよこ; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年
  • YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の表面抵抗と結晶粒径・面内配向の関係  [通常講演]
    佐藤周平; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 高野祥暢
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2000年
  • a-軸配向YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜成長におけるLn2CuO4バッファ層の比較  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 杉本淳一; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年
  • ビッター法によるBi2212単結晶とBi2223線材の磁束量子観察  [通常講演]
    河合崇; 菅野慎介; 森合克成; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 坂元周作; 太田昭男
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 2000年
  • 誘導結合プラズマスパッタリング法によるC面Al2O3基板上YBCO薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 佐藤史郎; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年
  • α−軸配向YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜成長におけるLn2CuO4バッファ層の比較  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 杉本淳一; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年
  • MgO基板上YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜用バッファ材料の比較  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 牧野さよ子; 高坂大介; 稲童丸桃子; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 2000年
  • 超伝導材料における科学-YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の結晶軸制御成長機構  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2000年
  • YBa2Cu3O7_δ薄膜の表面抵抗と結晶粒径・面内配向の相関  [通常講演]
    佐藤周平; 千葉和秋; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 高野祥暢
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2000年
  • MgO上_YBa2Cu3O7_δ薄膜用新バッファ材料の提案  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 牧野さよ子; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 2000年
  • The Phenomenalistic Examination of Temperature Dependence of a Surface Resistance of YBCO films  [通常講演]
    M. Inadomaru; D. Kousaka; T. Suzuki; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'00) 2000年
  • The Effect of Lattice Matching betwen Buffer Layer and YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Film on In-plane Alignment of C-axis Oriented Thin Films  [通常講演]
    K.Chiba; S. Makino; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • Relationship between the surface resistance and crystal orientation of YBa2Cu3O7-d thin film  [通常講演]
    S. Ohshima; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; T. Suzuki; K. Chiba; M.Inadomaru; Y. Takano
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • Precise surface resistance measurement of YBa2Cu3Oy films with the dielectric resonator method  [通常講演]
    H. Obara; S. Kosaka; A. Sawa; H. Yamasaki; Y. Kobayashi; T. Hashimoto; S. Ohshima; M. Kusunoki; M. Inadomaru
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'00) 2000年
  • Observation of vortices in the high-temperature superconductor  [通常講演]
    S. Kanno; T. Kawai; K. Aizawa; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima; S. Hayashi; T. Nishizaki; N. Kobayashi
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'00) 2000年
  • New Surface Resistance Measurement Technique of High-Temperature Superconductors Usin a Probe Coupling Microstrip Line Resonator  [通常講演]
    D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • Miniaturized Cooling System for HTS Antenna  [通常講演]
    K. Ehata; K.Sato; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima; Y. Suzuki; K. Kanao
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • Ln dependence in Ln2CuO4buffer layers of c-axis on-plane aligned a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7-d thin film growth  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'00) 2000年
  • High-quality Y-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films by PLD-Ready for Market Applications  [通常講演]
    M. Lorenz; H. Hochmuth; D. Natusch; M. Kusunoki; V. L.. Svetchnikov; V. Riede; I. Stanca; G. Kastner; D. Hesse
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • Design of Cross-coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter  [通常講演]
    T. Kinpara; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'00) 2000年
  • Buffer layer technology for crystalline axis control of YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; J. Sugimoto; K. Chiba; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'00) 2000年
  • 鈴木 敏幸; 佐藤 史郎; 稲童丸 桃子; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 = Meetings of Cryogenics and Superconductivity 1999年11月
  • 及川進一郎; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 江畑克史; 佐藤和明; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 鈴木雄一郎; 金尾憲一
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 牧野さよ子; 千葉和秋; 杉本淳一; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 河合崇; 菅野慎介; 佐藤周平; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 楠正暢; 杉本淳一; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 千葉和秋; 牧野さよ子; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 菅野慎介; 河合崇; 佐藤周平; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利; 林成行; 西嵜照和; 小林典男
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年11月
  • 千葉和秋; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1999年09月
  • 鈴木敏幸; 佐藤史郎; 稲堂丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1999年09月
  • 岡井 大祐; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 1999年08月
  • 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 1999年08月
  • M. Kusunoki; Y. Takano; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 1999年08月 
    The effect of in-plane 0-45° grain boundaries on surface resistance (Rs) of c-axis YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) films on MgO substrates is discussed. Samples that have various densities of 45° rotated grains were prepared using a self-template technique. The Rs values at 22 GHz were measured by the dielectric resonator method using a cryocooler. The Rs systematically changed corresponding to the amount of 0-45° grain boundaries. Conspicuous feature of the films including 0-45° grain boundaries is a large residual surface resistance. The Rs of almost perfectly in-plane aligned YBCO film scaled to 10 GHz were 0.12 mΩ at 20 K and 0.67 mΩ at 77 K on the assumption of tan δ = 0, respectively.
  • 鈴木雄一郎; 金尾憲一; 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年06月
  • 河合崇; 菅野慎介; 佐藤周平; 相澤慶二; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年06月
  • 高野祥暢; 千葉和秋; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1999年03月
  • 及川進一郎; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1999年03月
  • 千葉和秋; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1999年03月
  • 金原智之; 冨山岳郁; 佐藤徹也; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 1999年03月
  • 金原 智之; 冨山 岳郁; 佐藤 徹也; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 1999年03月
  • 岡井 大祐; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 1999年03月
  • 江畑 克史; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 1999年03月
  • 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1999年03月
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1999年03月
  • ヘアピン共振器を用いた狭帯域フィルタの設計  [通常講演]
    金原 智之; 冨山 岳郁; 佐藤 徹也; 楠 正暢; 向田 昌志; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1999年03月
  • レーザー蒸着法による超伝導薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    日本学術振興会第146委員会第4回「マイクロ波_光」分科会 1999年
  • 誘導結合プラズマスパッタリング法で作製したYBa2Cu3Oy薄膜のマイクロ波特性の評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1999年
  • YBCO薄膜のCeO2バッファ層に対する制膜レートの効果  [通常講演]
    カテリンデベロス; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • YBa2Cu3Ox/BaSnO3/MgO薄膜の面内配向性評価  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • c軸配向YBa2Cu3Oy薄膜における45゜面内配向結晶粒の表面抵抗に与える影響  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1999年
  • 誘導結合プラズマスパッタリング法によるマイクロ波デバイス用薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 佐藤史郎; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1999年
  • 誘導結合プラズマスパッタリング法により作製したYBa2Cu3Oy薄膜のマイクロ波特性の評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 佐藤史郎; 稲童丸桃子; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1999年
  • マイクロストリップ線路共振器を用いた表面抵抗の測定  [通常講演]
    岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1999年
  • YBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の面内配向制御におけるBaSnO3バッファ層の臨界膜厚  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 高坂大介; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1999年
  • YBCO薄膜のCeO2バッファ層に対する製膜レートの効果  [通常講演]
    カテリン・デベロス; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • YBa2Cu3Oyエピタキシャル薄膜の基板格子整合性の効果  [通常講演]
    高野祥暢; 千葉和秋; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • YBa2Cu3Ox薄膜成長に及ぼすガス圧の影響  [通常講演]
    及川進一郎; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • BaSnO3/MgOを用いたYBaCu3Ox薄膜の面内配向制御  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1999年
  • ヘアピン共振器を用いた狭帯域フィルタの設計  [通常講演]
    金原智之; 冨山岳郁; 佐藤徹也; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1999年
  • プローブ結合型マイクロストリップ線路共振器法による表面抵抗の測定  [通常講演]
    岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1999年
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1999年
  • Optimum Configuration of the Antenna to the Dielectric Resonator to Measure the Accurate Surface of the HTS Films’’  [通常講演]
    M.Inadomaru; D. Kousaka; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • New Measurement Technique of the Suface Impedance of Superconductors Using the Probe-Coupling Type Micostripline Resonator’’  [通常講演]
    D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    T. Suzuki; S. Sato; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • High temperature resistance of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films under various oxygen pressures  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; Shinichiro Oikawa; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '99) 1999年
    K.Chiba; D. Kousaka; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • Effects of cation mixing on the growth of a-axis oriented NdBa2Cu3O7-δthin films’’  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; J. Sugimoto; S. Sato; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • Effect of Cavity’s Loss on the Measurement Accuracy of the Surface Resistance by Microstripline Resonatot Method’  [通常講演]
    D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • Development of A Miniaturized Cooling System for HTS Antennas’’  [通常講演]
    K. Ehata; M; I. Ali; K.Sato; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima; Y. Suzuki; K. Kanno
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'99) 1999年
  • Design and Fabrication of Narrow-band Compact Configuration Hairpin Filters’’  [通常講演]
    S. Ohshima; T. Tomiyama; T. Kinpara; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '99) 1999年
  • A new epitaxial BaSnO3 Buffer layer for YBaCu3O7-δthin films on MgO substrates  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; Y. Takano; K.Chiba; Takurou Moriya; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '99) 1999年
  • 千葉和秋; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1998年12月
  • 須藤俊英; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1998年12月
  • 高野祥暢; 須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1998年12月
  • 岡井大祐; 冨山岳郁; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1998年09月
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1998年09月
  • 冨山岳郁; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1998年09月
  • 須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1998年09月
  • 向田昌志; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1998年09月
  • 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年09月
  • 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1998年05月
  • 江畑 克史; 楠 正暢; 大島 重利; Helmut Kinder
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 1998年03月
  • 岡井大祐; 冨山岳郁; 新開陽子; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1998年03月
  • 須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1998年03月
  • マイクロ波デバイス用高温超伝導薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    山形大学超伝導デバイス研究会-高温超伝導の基礎から応用まで- 1998年
  • マイクロストリップ共振器法による誘電体基板の誘電率、tanδの測定(共著)  [通常講演]
    第1回東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究 研究会 1998年
  • 誘導結合プラズマスパッタリング法によるYBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の作製と評価  [通常講演]
    鈴木敏幸; 須藤俊英; 森谷拓朗; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会 1998年
  • 低誘電率MgO基板上におけるマイクロデバイス用YBa2Cu3Ox薄膜の成長と評価  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年
  • 超伝導フィルタの設計・試作・評価  [通常講演]
    佐藤徹也; 冨山岳郁; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会 1998年
  • マイクロ波デバイス用薄膜の面内配向性に与える格子整合の効果  [通常講演]
    高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年
  • クロスカップル型超伝導フィルタの設計  [通常講演]
    冨山岳郁; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    日独フィルタシンポジウム 1998年
  • YBCO薄膜の結晶成長に与える格子整合の効果  [通常講演]
    高野祥暢; 須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 1998年
  • CeO2バッファ層の膜圧がYBCOの表面抵抗に与える影響  [通常講演]
    須藤俊英; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 1998年
  • BaSnO3バッファ層によるMgO上YBa2Cu3Ox薄膜の結晶配向制御  [通常講演]
    千葉和秋; 高野祥暢; 向田昌志; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部大会 1998年
  • 線路共振器法による表面抵抗の測定に関する一検討  [通常講演]
    岡井大祐; 冨山岳郁; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1998年
  • ホモエピタキシャル法を用いたYBa2Cu3Ov薄膜のグレイン成長  [通常講演]
    高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 向田昌志; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1998年
  • YBCO/CeO2/Al2O3ヘテロエピタキシャル成長におけるバッファ層の機能  [通常講演]
    須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1998年
  • PLA法を用いたCeO2薄膜の成長におけるレーザーエネルギーとパルス間隔の効果  [通常講演]
    カテリン・デベロス; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1998年
  • 超伝導薄膜を用いたパッチアンテナの試作・評価  [通常講演]
    江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利; H.Kinder
    電子情報通信学会総合大会 1998年
  • 低誘導率MgO基板上におけるマイクロ波デバイス用YBa2Cu3Ox薄膜の成長と評価  [通常講演]
    向田昌志; 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年
  • YBCO/CeO2/Al2O3構造のマイクロ波特性  [通常講演]
    須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年
  • YBa2Cu3O7-x 角膜の超伝導特性に対するCeO2バッファ層の微細構造の効果  [通常講演]
    カテリン・デベロス; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1998年
  • Observation of Vortex Movement in Oxide Superconductors by Means of the Bitter Pattern Technique  [通常講演]
    S. Ohshima; Akira Kamimura; M. Kusunoki
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'98) 1998年
  • New Measurement Technique of the Surface Resistance Rs using the Microstrip Resonator  [通常講演]
    D. Okai; T. Tomiyama; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • Microwave Surface Resistance of YBCO Thin Films on Cerium Oxide Buffer  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; T. Sudo; D. Okai; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'98) 1998年
  • Influence of the Microstructure of a CeO2 Buffer Layer on the Superconducting Properties of YBa2Cu3Oy on Al2O3  [通常講演]
    K. D. Develos; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • Growth Manner of c-axis Oriented YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • Examination on Power Handling Capability of Superconducting Patch Antenna  [通常講演]
    K. Ehata; Mohammad. I. Ali; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'98) 1998年
  • Elimination of 45 degree Grain Boundaries in LnBa2Cu30y Thin Films for Microwave Devices on MgO Substrates  [通常講演]
    M. Mukaida; Y. Takano; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • Effect of Substrate Lattice Mismatch on the Crystallographic properties of YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Films for Microwave Devices  [通常講演]
    Y. Takano; M. Mukaida; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • Design and Fabrication of Cross-coupled Microstrip Bandpath Filters  [通常講演]
    T. Tomiyama; M. Kusunoki; M. Mukaida; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'98) 1998年
  • 高久歩; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1997年12月
  • 須藤俊英; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利; 増本博; 平井敏雄
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1997年12月
  • 松橋潤; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1997年12月
  • 高野祥暢; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1997年12月
  • 楠正暢; 高久歩; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1997年10月
  • 岡井大祐; 新開陽子; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1997年10月
  • 楠正暢; 江畑克史; 高野祥暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 1997年09月
  • 冨山岳郁; 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集 1997年09月
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1997年09月
  • 江畑 克史; 楠 正暢; 大嶋 重利
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集 1997年08月 
  • 楠正暢; 江畑克史; 高野祥暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1997年08月 
  • 冨山岳郁; 岡井大祐; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1997年08月 
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集 1997年05月
  • 楠正暢; 江畑克史; 岡井大祐; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1997年05月
  • 楠正暢; 大須賀彰; 江畑克史; 岡井大祐; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1997年03月
  • 江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1997年03月
  • 超伝導パッチアンテナの設計・試作・評価  [通常講演]
    江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季低温工学・超伝導学会 1997年
  • 超伝導パッチアンテナの試作と評価  [通常講演]
    江畑克史; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1997年
  • ヘリコンプラズマ源を用いたYBa2Cu3Oy薄膜の作製  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 大須賀彰; 江畑克史; 岡井大祐; 大嶋重利
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1997年
  • Design and fabrication of Cu and YBCO patch array antenna  [通常講演]
    M.I.Ali; K.Ehata; M.Kusunoki; S.Ohshima
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1997年
  • PLA法を用いたCeO2薄膜の作製及びその配向と表面の評価  [通常講演]
    カテリン・デベロス; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1997年
  • Variations of order parameter and bias current distribution with time in thin film superconducting lines  [通常講演]
    H. Andoh; M. Kito; M. Kusunoki; A. Fujimaki; H. Hayakawa
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '97) 1997年
  • The Gain and Directivity of a Superconducting Patch Antenna  [通常講演]
    S. Ohshima; K. Ehata; M. Kusunoki
    International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC '97) 1997年
  • Study on Optimum Configuration on Microstrip Bandpass Filters  [通常講演]
    T. Tomiyama; D. Okai; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'97) 1997年
  • High-Temperature Superconducting Microwave Applications, Antenna and Filter  [通常講演]
    S. Ohshima; K. Ehata; T. Ogasawara; M. Kusunoki
    International Workshop on HTS Electron Devices (HTSED '97) 1997年
  • Examination of the Microstripline Resonator for Measurement of the Magnetic Penetration Depth  [通常講演]
    D. Okai; Takasi TACHIKI; Yoko SHINKAI; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'97) 1997年
  • Characterization of Superconducting Patch Antenna Fabricated by Both-Side Superconducting Thin Film  [通常講演]
    K. Ehata; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima; H. KINDER
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'97) 1997年
  • 大須賀彰; 楠正暢; 大嶋重利
    応用物理学会東北支部学術講演会講演予稿集 1996年12月
  • 大嶋重利; 小笠原孝; 楠正暢
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1996年11月
  • 大嶋重利; 江畑克史; 小笠原孝; 楠正暢
    秋季低温工学・超伝導学会 1996年11月
  • 藤巻朗; 楠正暢; 鬼頭傑; 吉田宗司; 安藤浩哉; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1996年03月
  • 吉田宗司; 楠正暢; 鬼頭傑; 安藤浩哉; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1996年03月
  • New vortex flow transistors made of YBa2Cu3Oy thin films  [通常講演]
    A. Fujimaki; M. Kusunoki; M. Kito; S. Yoshida; H. Andoh; H. Hayakawa
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'96) 1996年
  • Josephson Vortex Flow Transistor with Small Dimensions  [通常講演]
    A.Fujimaki; S.Yoshida; M.Kito; M. Kusunoki; H.Hayakawa
    International Workshop on Superconductivity 1996年
  • Design and Fabrication of Metal and Superconducting Meander-Line Antennas  [通常講演]
    T.Ogasawara; K.Ehata; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'96) 1996年
  • Design and Characterization of Superconducting Patch Antenna  [通常講演]
    K. Ehata; Takashi Ogasawara; M. Kusunoki; S. Ohshima
    International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'96) 1996年
  • 楠正暢; 鬼頭傑; 吉田宗司; 安藤浩哉; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1995年08月
  • 鬼頭傑; 楠正暢; 吉田宗司; 安藤浩哉; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1995年08月
  • 安藤浩哉; 鬼頭傑; 楠正暢; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1995年03月
  • 制御電流変化がSFFT弱結合部内部の磁束量子に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    安藤浩哉; 楠正暢; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1995年
  • Superconducting Transistors Composed of Nanobridges  [通常講演]
    International Workshop on Novel Terahertz Technology 1995年
  • 鬼頭傑; 楠正暢; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫; 安藤浩哉
    電気関係学会東海支部連合会 1994年10月
  • 藤巻朗; 楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 鬼頭傑; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1994年09月
  • 楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集 1994年09月
  • 安藤浩哉; 楠正暢; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1994年09月
  • 楠正暢; 赤池宏之; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1994年03月
  • 藤巻朗; 鬼頭傑; 楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 早川尚夫
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1994年03月
  • 超伝導Flux Flow Transistorの動作特性に及ぼす表面ポテンシャルの影響  [通常講演]
    安藤浩哉; 楠正暢; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1994年
  • 収束イオンビームを用いた酸化物超伝導体のサブミクロン加工  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 赤池宏之; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    電子情報通信学会超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会 1994年
  • サブミクロン構造をもったマイクロフラックスフロートランジスタ  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 藤巻朗; 早川尚夫
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1994年
  • Flux Flow Transistorの解析とその応用  [通常講演]
    藤巻朗; 鬼頭傑; 楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 早川尚夫
    日本学術振興会超伝導エレクトロニクス第146委員会研究会 1994年
  • Corrugation Flux Flow Transistor  [通常講演]
    藤巻朗; 楠正暢; 安藤浩哉; 鬼頭傑; 早川尚夫
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1994年
  • Superconducting Flux Flow Transistors with Submicrometer Structures  [通常講演]
    M. Kusunoki; H. Akaike; A. Fujimaki; H. Hayakawa
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'94) 1994年
  • Computer simulations of dynamics of vortex lines in superconducting flux flow transistors  [通常講演]
    H. Andoh; M. Kusunoki; A. Fujimaki; H. Hayakawa
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC'94) 1994年
  • A Novel Technique for YBa2Cu3O7-x Submicrometer Structure Formation Using Focused A Novel Technique for YBa2Cu3O7-x Submicrometer Structure Formation Using Focused Ion Beam Lithograp  [通常講演]
    A. Fujimaki; M. Kusunoki; H. Hayakawa
    International Workshop on HTS Electron Devices (HTSED '94) 1994年
  • 楠正暢; 赤池宏之; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1993年09月
  • 楠正暢; 田部章; 山森弘毅; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 1993年03月
  • 楠正暢; 赤池宏之; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1993年03月
  • ギャップ電圧3mVの高品質Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb接合の作製  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 田部章; 山森弘毅; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    春季応用物理学関係連合講演会 1993年
  • 楠正暢; 山森弘毅; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    秋季応用物理学会学術講演会 1991年10月
  • ジョセフソンジャンクションのトンネル障壁層AlOxの酸化ガス圧と臨界電流密度の関係  [通常講演]
    楠正暢; 山森弘毅; 藤巻朗; 高井吉明; 早川尚夫
    電気関係学会東海支部連合会 1991年
  • 森永 洋; 楠 正暢; 上出 和英; 大内 美佳; 日置 辰視
    年会講演予稿集 1988年03月


  • 日本体力医学会   日本生体医工学会   電子情報通信学会   応用物理学会   


  • 単一磁束量子テラヘルツエレクトロニクスの創製
  • 携行型運動量計測デバイスを用いた高齢者用遠隔健康管理プラットホームの開発
  • 生活習慣改善のための加速度計を用いた身体活動量と質の解析用システムの開発と指導システムの作製に関する研究
  • 有機EL製造装置洗浄溶液の低コスト処理技術に関する研究
  • 超低損失高温超伝導薄膜の作成法及び高周波特性評価法
  • 移動体通信基地局用低損失高温超伝導薄膜の作製とその周辺機器の実用化②
  • 走査型表面抵抗測定装置の開発
  • 超伝導アンテナの研究
  • Study on superconducting antenna
  • マイクロ波超伝導セキュリティーシステム
  • 大面積超伝導薄膜の表面抵抗評価
  • Investigation of surface resistance of large area HTS film


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢; 杉本 俊之
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2020年04月 -2023年03月 
    代表者 : 竹島 伸生; 楠 正暢; 藤田 英二; 小濱 剛; 金 憲経
    これまでに東京都健康長寿医療センター研究所とのプロジェクトチームが実施した板橋区の検診において,ジョイントしKINECTを使って高齢者に1回の起居動作と開眼での20秒間その場足踏み(マーチ)テストを1500人に近い大量データを収集した。検診データは研究所において厳重に管理されており,この起居とマーチ時KINECTデータのみを持ち帰り解析を行ってきた。その解析が一人一人の動画を確認しながら行うという状況で大量データの分析プログラムが必要となったこと、歩行数などの新たな追加変数の解析が必要となり,共同研究者の小濱准教授,楠教授によってプログラムの修正を試みた。解析は可能となったが,KINECTデータと研究所に集積されたデータとの連結がコロナ感染予防のために東京への出張等全て禁止となり,データの操作が全くできない環境に陥っていたが,外出移動の緩和に伴い,少しずつであるが解析を進め,その結果から 1) Falling history associated with 20-sec stepping test movement displacement in independent, community-dwelling older women,2) Age-associated decline in 20-sec stepping test performance in independent, community-dwelling older women, 3) Head-knee movement pattern during a 20-sec stepping test discriminates dependent- from independent-living older womenについて比較検討した。これらの結果は,令和4年(2022年)度アメリカスポーツ医学会及び世界大会(サンディエゴ)において成果を公表する予定である。また,これらの成果は最終年度において論文化を行う計画である。また,フレイル,サルコペニア,軽度認知症などの変数との関連性も検討している。
  • オプティカルセンシング技術を用いた高齢者の介護予防スクリーニングシステムの開発
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 竹島 伸生
  • 虚弱高齢者の自立評価の客観的指標の作成と身体運動の有用性に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 竹島 伸生
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2015年 -2017年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2012年 -2014年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢; 岡井 大祐
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2012年 -2014年 
    代表者 : 速水 尚; 楠 正暢
    本研究の新奇性のひとつは、3Dプリンタを用いてエンジニアリングプラスチック(EP)製ヒト海綿骨を作製することである。H25年度、3Dプリンタを用いた製造技術が世界で脚光を浴び、経済産業省が各種企業等へ導入奨励したのは周知である。本研究はこの影響を受け、外注先に突然多数の加工が発注されたため人工骨の納期が遅延した。一方、本研究課題がこのような世情を的確に捉えていたことを実感した年でもあった。H24年度の予備的研究を本実験に移して実施し、公表可能な成果を得て一部を発表した。また、H24年度の射出成形で製作したEPに対応する本実験として、3Dプリンタで製作したEP材の一般強度実験、切削性実験を完了し、強度は構造形態を最適設計することで生体骨と同等レベルに調整できることおよび被削性は生体骨より優れ、本人工骨は人工関節軟骨の下骨として必要十分な機械的特性を有することを明らかにした。H24年度は3D造形基材へ被覆したチタン(Ti)薄膜の密着性とその表面での単純な細胞増殖実験を行い、良好な生体親和性をEPに付与できることを確認した。H25年度は、Ti薄膜を人工骨の複雑な内部構造深部まで到達させるための条件検索と骨芽細胞の増殖能だけでなく分化能も確認した。Ti薄膜の被覆性につき、生体骨を模倣した構造において空孔の表面から内部へ 5 mm の深部に至る被覆の到達を確認した。同外形寸法のより単純な幾何学的構造では、Ti薄膜は構造の内外全体に成膜され、本課題で採用したスパッタリング法が人工骨に対して優れた被覆性を示すことを確認した。細胞の増殖・分化能は、構造の表面粗さに大きく影響された。最適な表面粗さ値および濡れ性が存在することが示唆され、H26年度の研究で追究する。
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢; 三木 茂人; 岡井 大祐
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2009年 -2011年 
    代表者 : 速水 尚; 楠 正暢; 松村 和明
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 本津 茂樹; 橋本 典也; 樋口 裕一; 楠 正暢
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2007年 -2008年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢; 藤巻 朗; 斗内 政吉; 藤巻 朗; 斗内 政吉
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2005年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 橋本 典也; 中村 正明; 楠 正暢; 本津 茂樹; 西川 博昭
    水晶振動子マイクロバランス(以下QCMと記す.)法は,振動子の振動数が液体,気体などの媒質中の含有物,微粒子の化学物質の吸着量に応じた変化に基づいてホストを発振子上に固定すればゲストの吸着量をナノレベルで検出出来る.本研究ではその原理を利用して,歯科に特化したオリジナルなセンサを創製することを目的とする.薄膜チタンの細胞適合性評価:Na, Mg, K, Zn等の微量元素を含む牛大腿骨を原料とした生体アパタイトバルク体を作製し,レーザーアブレーションを行うことによってチタン基板上に同薄膜を作製した.その生体適合性についてマウス骨芽細胞を用いてin vitro試験法によって評価した.その結果,化学量論的HAP薄膜に比較して生体アパタイト薄膜で優れた生体適合性を示した.製造方法によって異なる形態をもつ,結晶化HApとアモルファスHApについて,その吸着性についての評価を行った.方法として,定量測定が可能なQCM法を用い,レーザーアブレーション法(PLA法)によるハイドロキシアパタイトコートセンサを作製した.生体分子としてタンパク質(BSA)を用いてこれらの薄膜の吸着特性を比較した結果,いずれのHApコートセンサも市販のセンサに比べ高い吸着性を示した.アモルファスHApは結晶化HApよりは吸着性が劣っていたが,生体親和性材料として応用が可能であることが確認できた.QCM法による歯質表面汚染ならびに除去のモニタリング試験を行った.歯質センサとしてPLA法による生体アパタイトコートセンサを作製した.歯質センサと歯質汚染原因物質の一つである茶葉との結合をモニタリングした.紅茶葉溶液との結合によって周波数が減少し,歯磨剤成分(ポリリン酸ナトリウム等)を添加することで周波数が増加し,除去したことが明らかとなった.
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))
    研究期間 : 2004年 -2006年 
    代表者 : 竹島 伸生; 高橋 龍尚; 宮原 一弘; 楠 正暢; 高橋 龍尚
    本研究は,地域在住高齢者の機能的自立と健康づくりを支援するためにITを導入した運動方法システムの構築を目指すことが目標であった。施設または集中型運動方法としては,これまでにwell-rounded exerciseおよびresistance exerciseの機器として油圧マシンを改良し,筋力,筋パワーを瞬時に測定し,評価できるシステムを開発した。特に地域に居住しているが介護保険を利用する虚弱高齢者においての体力評価または運動効果の評価までを可能にするシステムができ有効なものとみられた。加速度形付歩数計を用いて高齢者自身が日常生活における身体活動を評価し,入力後瞬時にフィードバックできるシステムを開発し,介入効果も検討できた。これは,タッチパネル式の入力を可能にしたものであり,集中,分散型に対応したものといえる。油圧マシン,加速度計付歩数計などの機器を使った体力,身体活動量の評価は実施でき,かつ,体力の評価ノルムを作成すること,エアロビクス,レジスタンンス,柔軟性,バランスなどの運動効果を検討し,メニューの作成まで完了できたが,これらツールとして体力評価から運動方法の具体的例示などのフィードバックまでに至るITを完全利用したシステム構築までには至らなかった。この点は早急に開発を目指したい。運動の継続や容易性という点からは公民館などを中心とした地域型運動プログラムと家庭型運動プログラムの併用が求められるものの,地域差や季節差に対する運動プログラムの対応や家庭型運動に加えて集団指導(地域型運動)をいかに取り入れていくかが継続と効果の課題とみられる
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2003年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1999年 -1999年 
    代表者 : 楠 正暢
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(国際学術研究)
    研究期間 : 1997年 -1998年 
    代表者 : 大嶋 重利; CHALOUPKA He; 楠 正暢; 平田 拓; 沢谷 邦男; 小野 光弘; HEINTZ Chalo
    超伝導フィルタ、アンテナに関して、ドイツ ブッパタール大学のProf.Heintz Chaloupkaと共同研究を行い、次の様な成果を得ている。1. 平成9年度楠 正暢助手がProf.Heintz Chaloupkaの研究室に3週間滞在し、超伝導フィルタの設計・試作に関して共同研究を行ってきた。山形大学では高温超伝導薄膜(YBa_2Cu_3O_7-δ)の作製とその評価、超伝導フィルタの設計について主に研究し、ドイツ ブッパタール大学では、超伝導フィルタの設計・試作・評価を主に研究した。2. 平成10年度Prof.Heintz Chaloupkaが山形大学工学部大嶋研究室に3週間滞在し、超伝導フィルタに関する共同研究を行った。Prof.Heintz Chaloupkaが山形大学に滞在している期間に、日独超伝導フィルタシンポジウムを開催し、Prof.Heintz Chaloupka、移動体通信先端技術研究所、松下電器、山形大学から最近の研究成果を発表してもらった。超伝導フィルタの開発を目的とした、山形大学とブッパタール大学との研究交流は、平成10年度以降も継続される。
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(一般研究(B), 基盤研究(B))
    研究期間 : 1995年 -1997年 
    代表者 : 大嶋 重利; 神戸 士郎; 平田 拓; 楠 正暢
  • 文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))
    研究期間 : 1995年 -1997年 
    代表者 : 大嶋 重利; 奥山 克郎; 神戸 士郎; 小野 光弘; 楠 正暢
  • Fabrication of high quality superconducting thin films
  • microwave applications of high-Tc swperconducting thin films
  • Superconducting Electronics

