志水 恒介(シミズ コウスケ)


Last Updated :2024/09/18





<報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2023/8/22  NHK「ほっと関西」「列島ニュース」「ニュース845」  NHK和歌山「ギュギュっと和歌山」  近大マンゴー「愛紅」の収穫・出荷について ●2023/3/18  毎日新聞(和歌山)  近大マンゴー「愛紅」や、研究への思いなどについて ●2022/9/5  テレビ大阪「やさしいニュース」  近大マンゴー「愛紅」の収穫・出荷について ●2022/8/4  毎日放送「よんチャンTV」関西テレビ「ニュース」  近大マンゴーの収穫・出荷について ●2021/8/28  NHK「おはよう日本」「関西のニュース」  近大マンゴー「愛紅」について●2021/8/27  NHK和歌山「ギュギュっと和歌山」  近大マンゴー「愛紅」について



  • 博士(農学)(2021年09月 近畿大学)




  • 環境・農学 / 園芸科学



  • 2022年04月 - 現在  近畿大学附属農場講師
  • 2007年04月 - 2021年03月  近畿大学附属農場助教
  • 2002年04月 - 2007年03月  近畿大学附属農場助手


  • 2000年04月 - 2002年03月   近畿大学   農学部農学研究科農学専攻



  • 志水恒介; 井田民男
    スマートプロセス学会誌 12 1 2023年 [査読有り]
  • Kosuke Shimizu; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Risa Kanematsu; Kimihisa Itoh; Shinya Kanzaki; Shigeru Shigeoka; Shin'ichiro Kajiyama
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 85 8 1789 - 1797 2021年07月 [査読有り]
    ABSTRACT Headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is one of the strongest tools for comprehensive analysis of volatile compounds and has been used to analyze aromatic components of mango and investigate its varietal characteristics. In this study, profiling of aroma compounds in 17 mango cultivars, grown in the same green house to exclude the effect of environmental factors, was conducted and the patterns were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the relationship between the aroma components and cultivars. Fifty-nine different volatile constituents were detected from the blends of these 17 mango cultivars. The cultivars were divided into 4 clusters using PCA based on the volatile components determined in the study. Aiko was found to mainly contain δ-3-carene and showed a composition more similar to its pollen parent, Irwin, than to its seed parent, Chiin Hwang No. 1.
  • 志水 恒介; 巽 賢太郎; 宇都宮 直樹; 神崎 真哉; 伊藤 仁久; 重岡 成
    園芸学研究 = Horticultural research (Japan) 20 1 87 - 94 園芸学会 2021年01月 [査読有り]
    マンゴー ‘愛紅’ は ‘アーウィン’ と比べて隔年結果性が強く,大果性の晩生品種である.本研究では,カンキツの栽培に適用されている隔年交互結実栽培法をマンゴー ‘愛紅’ に応用し,その有効性を検討した.交互結実処理には主枝別交互結実区と樹別交互結実区の2処理区を設け,慣行法の対照区と比較した.花穂発生率に対照区と処理区間で有意な差はみられなかったが,ON-branchおよびON-treeの花穂発生率は安定して高く,ほぼすべての枝から花穂が発生した.両交互結実処理区の収量は対照区と有意差がなかったが,平均果実重は対照区より軽くなり,小玉果の割合が高くなった.作業効率に関し,両交互結実処理区ではせん定時間が短縮され省力化が可能であることが示唆された.一方,MiFT遺伝子の発現量は ‘愛紅’ の隔年結果性と関連があることが示され,開花数の予測に利用可能であることが示唆された.マンゴー ‘愛紅’ において,隔年交互結実栽培は慣行法と同程度の果実品質と収量を維持しながら,生産量の変動制御と省力化を可能にする有効な方法であると考えられた.
  • 志水恒介; 巽賢太郎; 宇都宮直樹; 神崎真哉; 伊藤仁久; 重岡成
    熱帯農業研究 14 1 19 - 25 日本熱帯農業学会 2021年 [査読有り]
  • Shinya Kanzaki; Asuka Ichihi; Yuta Tanaka; Shiina Fujishige; Sota Koeda; Kosuke Shimizu
    SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 272 109567 - 109567 2020年10月 [査読有り]
    The skin color of mature mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit varies from green to red depending on cultivars. Red coloration of mango fruit skin is due to anthocyanin accumulation and is known to be induced by light exposure as in some other fruit crops. Recently, several investigations on the genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in mango fruit skin have been conducted, to understand the molecular mechanism underlying red coloration of the mango fruit. In the present study, we investigated the characteristics of four R2R3-MYB transcription factors (TF) including MiMYB1, which is assumed to be the MYB TF regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in mangoes. The deduced amino acid sequence of MiMYB1 showed a high degree of similarity with the anthocyanin-related R2R3-MYB TFs from other plant species and contained two conserved motifs defining the anthocyanin-related MYB TFs. Expression analysis in the mango fruit skin under different light conditions showed that the expression of MiMYB1 increased as the intensity of light exposure increased, parallel to anthocyanin accumulation and the expression of some structural genes of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. In addition, a transient expression assay of tobacco leaves showed that co-infiltration of MiMYB1 and MibHLH2, which is a bHLH TF of mango, induced anthocyanin accumulation in tobacco leaves. These results suggest that MiMYB1 acts as the key regulator for anthocyanin biosynthesis in mango fruit skin, and that light-dependent red coloration of mango fruit skin is regulated by MiMYB1 in transcript levels.
  • Kimihisa Itoh; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Mamoru Okamoto; Kanasa Minami; Norimichi Tomohiro; Kosuke Shimizu; Shin’ichiro Kajiyama; Yuichi Endo; Hideaki Matsuda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Journal of Plant Studies 9 2 39 - 39 2020年06月 [査読有り]
    In this study, we aimed to identify the utility of pruned mango (Mangifera indica ‘Irwin’) leaves as a resource for ingredients with antioxidant activity. Firstly, we examined the antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from the pericarps, flesh, flowers, barks, seeds, young dark reddish brown leaves (YDL-ext), young yellow leaves (YYL-ext), and pruned old dark green leaves (OML-ext) obtained from ‘Irwin’ mango. Among them, methanolic extract of flower and OML-ext showed the most potent 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity. The flesh extract showed weak DPPH radical scavenging activity, but did not show SOD-like activity. Secondly, we investigated the relationship between the maturation of leaves and their antioxidant activity by considering the contents of their two active polyphenolic components, 3-C-β-D-glucosyl-2,4,4’,6-tetrahydroxybenzophenone (1) and mangiferin (2), in addition to chlorophyll (3) and anthocyanins represented by cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (4). The DPPH radical scavenging activity of YDL-ext, YYL-ext and OML-ext were mainly attributable to 1, 2 and 3, whereas their SOD-like activity was partly attributable to 2. The DPPH radical scavenging and SOD-like activities of YDL-ext and YYL-ext were attributable to 1 and 2. These activities were also due to anthocyanins whose content is highest in YDL-ext. Considering the amounts of leaves obtained from pruning, old dark green leaves may be a reasonable natural resource for preparing cosmetics and/or supplemental ingredients with health-enhancing properties, antioxidant activity and inhibitory effect on AGEs formation and pancreatic lipase.
  • Kimihisa Itoh; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Kanasa Minami; Mamoru Okamoto; Norimichi Tomohiro; Kosuke Shimizu; Shin’ichiro Kajiyama; Yuichi Endo; Hideaki Matsuda; Shigeru Shigeoka
    Journal of Plant Studies 9 2 33 - 33 2020年05月 [査読有り]
    As a part of our ongoing research to find novel functions in mango leaves, we have reported that the methanolic extract of pruned old dark green mango leaf (Mangifera indica ‘Irwin’) exhibited inhibitory effects on the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in nonenzymatic glycation of albumin. The purpose of this study was to find other mango cultivars with more potent activity in this regard. We examined the inhibitory effect of seventeen mango (Mangifera indica) cultivar leaf extracts on AGEs formation. We also investigated the relationship between the inhibitory activity of the extracts and the contents of their active components, 3-C-β-D-glucosyl-2,4,4’,6-tetrahydroxybenzophenone (1), mangiferin (2) and chlorophyll (3). On the basis of the evaluation of the inhibitory activity of mango cultivar leaf extracts, the HPLC determination of the contents of 1 and 2, and the spectrophotometric determination of 3, it was found that almost all extract showed a significant activity, and the content of 2 and 3 detected in each was similar. In contrast, AGEs formation inhibition tended to be higher as the content of 1 in the leaf extracts increased. This is the first report of phytochemical analysis of compounds 1, 2 and 3 in various cultivars of mango leaf. From the phytochemical point of view, these results suggest that the pruned leaves of any cultivar of Mangifera indica except ‘Chiin Hwang No. 1’ and ‘Kyo Savoy’ may be useful for the preparation of natural ingredients with inhibitory activity of AGEs formation.
  • Ayako Katayama-Ikegami; Zion Byun; Suzuka Okada; Masahiro Miyashita; Takane Katayama; Tomoaki Sakamoto; Asuka Ichihi; Kosuke Shimizu; Shinya Kanzaki
    HORTICULTURE JOURNAL 89 5 516 - 524 2020年 [査読有り]
    Red mangos (Mangifera indica L.) accumulate appreciable amounts of cyanidin-based anthocyanins in the skin, and previous studies showed that these anthocyanins contain galactose as a sugar moiety. To date, two UDP:flavonoid 3-O-glycosyltransferase (UFGT)-like genes named MiUFGT1 and MiUFGT3 (MiUFGalT3) have been isolated from mango `Irwin' peel as anthocyanin-related UFGT genes, but the function of the proteins of the genes have not yet been elucidated. In this study, we characterized recombinant MiUFGT1 and MiUFGalT3 expressed in Escherichia coli. In the presence of quercetin as an acceptor, rMiUFGT1 showed marginal glucosylation activity, while rMiUFGalT3 exhibited significant galactosylation activity 20-fold higher than its glucosylation activity. Specificity analysis using purified MiUFGalT3 found that rMiUFGalT3 almost equally accepts anthocyanidins and flavonols. The anthocyanins extracted from the `Irwin' skins were cyanidin 3-O-galactoside and 7-O-methylcyanidin 3-O-galactoside by instrumental analyses, which is consistent with previous results obtained for other red mango cultivars. The results suggest that MiUFGalT3 is responsible for the red coloration of `Irwin' mango fruit skins.
  • Shinya Kanzaki; Shiori Kamikawa; Asuka Ichihi; Yuta Tanaka; Kosuke Shimizu; Sota Koeda; Naoki Utsunomiya
    HORTICULTURE JOURNAL 88 4 435 - 443 2019年 [査読有り]
    The red coloration of the mango 'Irwin' skin is an important factor determining its value in the Japanese domestic luxury fruit market. In the present study, to investigate the molecular mechanism underlying anthocyanin biosynthesis of mango fruit skin, UFGT-like genes were isolated and the expression profile of anthocyanin-related genes was determined. Several UFGT-like genes were identified in transcriptome data of red 'Irwin' mango skin and two genes, MiUFGT1 and MiUFGT3, were considered to be involved in mango skin coloration. Deduced amino acid sequences of these genes exhibited high similarity to other plant UFGTs and contained the conserved PSPG box common to the glycosyltransferase family. The presence of a glutamine and a histidine residue at the C-terminus end of the PSPG box in MiUFGT1 and MiUFGT3, respectively, implied that MiUFGT1 and MiUFGT3 use glucose and galactose, respectively, as a sugar donor; however, the actual function and sugar donor preference of these enzymes remain to be elucidated. Expression analysis of anthocyanin-related genes during skin coloration suggested that MiCHS and MiANS, as well as MiUFGT1 and MiUFGT3, play important roles in the anthocyanin biosynthesis of mango fruit skin and that the expression of these genes is regulated by the MYB transcription factor, as reported in other plant species.
  • Kimihisa Itoh; Kazuya Murata; Nao Sakaguchi; Kohei Akai; Tomoka Yamaji; Kohsuke Shimizu; Kaoru Isaki; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Shinichiro Kajiyama; Masahiko Fumuro; Morio Iijima; Hideaki Matsuda
    Journal of Plant Studies 6 2 102 - 102 2017年08月 [査読有り]
    The purpose of this study was to examine an inhibitory effect of mango leaf extracts on advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation and to identify these active ingredients, and also to investigate a relationship between leaves maturation and the inhibitory activity. A methanolic extract of old dark green mango leaf extract (OML-ext) exhibited an inhibitory activity of AGEs formation in nonenzymatic glycation of albumin. The inhibitory activity of OML-ext was attributable to 3-C-β-D-glucosyl-2,4,4’,6-tetrahydroxybenzophenone (1), mangiferin (2) and chlorophyll. Inhibitory effect of young dark reddish brown mango leaf extract (YDL-ext) on AGEs formation was similar to that of OML-ext. The inhibitory activity of YDL-ext was attributable to 1 and 2, in addition, a part of the the activity of YDL-ext due to anthocyanins whose content is highest in young dark reddish brown mango leaves. Considering the amounts of leaves obtained from pruning, old dark green leaves may be a reasonable natural resource for the preparation of ingredients with inhibitory activity of AGEs formation.
  • Kimihisa Itoh; Kazuya Murata; Yuta Nakagaki; Ayaka Shimizu; Yusuke Takata; Kohsuke Shimizu; Tetsuya Matsukawa; Shin'ichiro Kajiyama; Masahiko Fumuro; Morio Iijima; Hideaki Matsuda
    Journal of Plant Studies 5 2 72 - 78 2016年06月 [査読有り]
  • Masahiro Nakagawa; Chitose Honsho; Shinya Kanzaki; Kousuke Shimizu; Naoki Utsunomiya
    SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 139 108 - 117 2012年05月 [査読有り]
    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most important evergreen fruit trees, but it has a high tendency of biennial bearing because of irregular flowering. In this study, a FLOWERING LOCUS T-like (FT-like) gene was isolated from mango (MiFT) and characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence of MiFT showed high identity of the gene to other plant FT-like genes, and further, MiFT expression increased only in the leaves under floral-inductive conditions. Comparison of heavy crop load (HC) and no crop load (NC) mango trees showed that MiFT expression strongly increased only in NC trees under cool temperature. In NC trees, almost all the apical buds formed panicles, whereas in HC trees, only a few panicles were produced in the next season of fruit set. Further. HC trees had lower starch content in the shoots than NC trees. Furthermore, application of 250-ppm gibberellin 3 (GA(3)) completely inhibited flowering and MiFT expression in both HC and NC trees. GA metabolism genes were also isolated from mango and their expression patterns were investigated. Gibberellin-3-oxidase (GA3-ox) controls the final step of biosynthesis of active GA, and its gene expression surged only in HC trees under cool temperature. In conclusion, MiFT is considered a key factor in mango flowering, and regulation of MiFT expression through GA metabolism was discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




  • エネルギー・資源学会   日本熱帯農業学会   園芸学会   
