浅野 真誠(アサノ マサナリ)

産業理工学部 情報学科准教授

Last Updated :2024/09/18






  • 博士(理学)(東京理科大学)




  • 自然科学一般 / 数理物理、物性基礎



  • 2022年04月 - 現在  近畿大学産業理工学部 情報学科准教授
  • 2013年04月 - 2022年03月  徳山工業高等専門学校一般科目准教授
  • 2012年04月 - 2013年03月  芝浦工業大学工学部非常勤講師
  • 2010年04月 - 2011年03月  東京理科大学量子生命情報研究センター
  • 2005年04月 - 2010年03月  東京理科大学理工学部情報科学科嘱託助教


  •         - 2005年   東京理科大学   理学研究科   物理学専攻科
  •         - 2005年   東京理科大学   Graduate School, Division of Natural Science   physics
  •         - 1999年   東京理科大学   理学部   物理学科
  •         - 1999年   東京理科大学   Faculty of Science   physics



  • Explaining Interference Effects in Prisoner Dilemma Games
  • Tadashi Uno; Taihei Matsuo; Masanari Asano; Ping Yeap Loh
    Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 12 1 2023年12月 
    This study investigated the effects of visual conditions associated with progressive eye disease on movement patterns and anxiety levels during gap-crossing tasks. Notably, 15 healthy young adults performed crossover platforms with a 10 cm gap at three different heights, namely equal (0 cm), raised (+15 cm), and lowered (-15 cm) levels, under four vision conditions, namely normal or corrected eyesight, 10° tunnel vision, 5° tunnel vision, and 5° tunnel vision with 0.04 occlusion. Leg movements during gap crossing were analyzed using three-dimensional motion analysis. The results highlighted a distinct motion pattern in the trajectories of participants' legs under the different visual conditions. Specifically, at the point where the gap-crossing movement began (D1), the normal or corrected eyesight conditions resulted in further separation between the steps compared with the other visual conditions. The highest point of the foot during movement (D2) did not differ between the visual conditions, except for the 0 cm step. Furthermore, anxiety levels, as quantified by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) questionnaire, were exacerbated under conditions of restricted visual information. In conclusion, visual impairments associated with progressive ocular diseases may perturb complex motor movement patterns, including those involved in gap-crossing tasks, with heightened anxiety potentially amplifying these disturbances.
  • Tadashi Ando; Masanari Asano; Andrei Khrennikov; Takashi Matsuoka; Ichiro Yamato
    Entropy 25 11 1487 - 1487 2023年10月 
    Biological systems have been shown to have quantum-like behaviors by applying the adaptive dynamics view on their interaction networks. In particular, in the process of lactose–glucose metabolism, cells generate probabilistic interference patterns similarly to photons in the two-slit experiment. Such quantum-like interference patterns can be found in biological data, on all scales, from proteins to cognitive, ecological, and social systems. The adaptive dynamics approach covers both biological and physical phenomena, including the ones which are typically associated with quantum physics. We guess that the adaptive dynamics can be used for the clarification of quantum foundations, and the present paper is the first step in this direction. We suggest the use of an algorithm for the numerical simulation of the behavior of a billiard ball-like particle passing through two slits by explicitly considering the influence of the two-slit environment (experimental context). Our simulation successfully mimics the interference pattern obtained experimentally in quantum physics. The interference of photons or electrons by two slits is known as a typical quantum mechanical effect. We do not claim that the adaptive dynamics can reproduce the whole body of quantum mechanics, but we hope that this numerical simulation example will stimulate further extensive studies in this direction—the representation of quantum physical phenomena in an adaptive dynamical framework.
  • Andrei Khrennikov; Masanari Asano
    APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 10 2 2020年01月 
    We present the quantum-like model of information processing by the brain's neural networks. The model does not refer to genuine quantum processes in the brain. In this model, uncertainty generated by the action potential of a neuron is represented as quantum-like superposition of the basic mental states corresponding to a neural code. Neuron's state space is described as complex Hilbert space (quantum information representation). The brain's psychological functions perform self-measurements by extracting concrete answers to questions (solutions of problems) from quantum information states. This extraction is modeled in the framework of open quantum systems theory. In this way, it is possible to proceed without appealing to the state's collapse. Dynamics of the state of psychological function F is described by the quantum master equation. Its stationary states represent classical statistical mixtures of possible outputs of F (decisions). This model can be used for justification of quantum-like modeling cognition and decision-making. The latter is supported by plenty of statistical data collected in cognitive psychology.
  • Basieva Irina; Khrennikova Polina; Pothos Emmanuel M; Asano Masanari; Khrennikov Andrei
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS 78 150 - 162 2018年10月 [査読有り]
    Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yuta Yamamori
    Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences 34 35 - 42 2018年 
    In this chapter, we give a mathematical representation of von Neumann's view on quantum measurement process, in which, a system to be measured interacts with infinite chain of measurement apparatus [1]. For the system, the measurement apparatus is an environment, and increase of degree of freedom in the environment is the cause of quantum decoherence of the system. We clearly represent this essential aspect in the background of quantum measurement by using lifting maps [3, 2]. A sequence of lifting maps realizes a unitary time evolution consistent with von Neumann's scheme.
  • Masanari Asano; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences 34 201 - 213 2018年 
    In this study, we discuss a non-Kolmogorovness of the optical illusion in the human visual perception. We show subjects the ambiguous figure of "Schröeder stair", which has two different meanings [1]. We prepare 11 pictures which are inclined by different angles. The tendency to answer "left side is front" depends on the order of showing those pictures. For a mathematical treatment of such a context dependent phenomena, we propose a non-Kolmogorovian probabilistic model which is based on adaptive dynamics.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Emmanuel M. Pothos; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov
    Entropy 20 6 394 - 394 2018年 [査読有り]
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Ichiro Yamato
    Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 130 88 - 98 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    Differentiation is a universal process found in various phenomena of nature. As seen in the example of cell differentiation, the creation diversity on individual's character is caused by environmental interactions. In this paper, we try to explain its mechanism, which has been discussed mainly in Biology, by using the formalism of quantum physics. Our approach known as quantum bioinformatics shows that the temporal change of statistical state called decoherence fits to describe non-local phenomena like differentiation.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    In this paper, we introduce a new model of selection behavior under risk that describes an essential cognitive process for comparing values of objects and making a selection decision. This model is constructed by the quantum-like approach that employs the state representation specific to quantum theory, which has the mathematical framework beyond the classical probability theory. We show that our quantum approach can clearly explain the famous examples of anomalies for the expected utility theory, the Ellsberg paradox, the Machina paradox and the disparity between WTA and WTP. Further, we point out that our model mathematically specifies the characteristics of the probability weighting function and the value function, which are basic concepts in the prospect theory. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2016 May 28;374(2068). pii: 20150243. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0243. 374 2068 2016年05月 
    We compare the contextual probabilistic structures of the seminal two-slit experiment (quantum interference experiment), the system of three interacting bodies and Escherichia coli lactose-glucose metabolism. We show that they have the same non-Kolmogorov probabilistic structure resulting from multi-contextuality. There are plenty of statistical data with non-Kolmogorov features; in particular, the probabilistic behaviour of neither quantum nor biological systems can be described classically. Biological systems (even cells and proteins) are macroscopic systems and one may try to present a more detailed model of interactions in such systems that lead to quantum-like probabilistic behaviour. The system of interactions between three bodies is one of the simplest metaphoric examples for such interactions. By proceeding further in this way (by playing with n-body systems) we shall be able to find metaphoric mechanical models for complex bio-interactions, e.g. signalling between cells, leading to non-Kolmogorov probabilistic data.
  • Masanari Asano; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    We compare the contextual probabilistic structures of the seminal two-slit experiment (quantum interference experiment), the system of three interacting bodies and Escherichia coli lactose-glucose metabolism. We show that they have the same non-Kolmogorov probabilistic structure resulting from multi-contextuality. There are plenty of statistical data with non-Kolmogorov features; in particular, the probabilistic behaviour of neither quantum nor biological systems can be described classically. Biological systems (even cells and proteins) are macroscopic systems and one may try to present a more detailed model of interactions in such systems that lead to quantum-like probabilistic behaviour. The system of interactions between three bodies is one of the simplest metaphoric examples for such interactions. By proceeding further in this way (by playing with n-body systems) we shall be able to find metaphoric mechanical models for complex bio-interactions, e.g. signalling between cells, leading to non-Kolmogorov probabilistic data.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 45 10 1362 - 1378 2015年10月 
    We discuss foundational issues of quantum information biology (QIB)-one of the most successful applications of the quantum formalism outside of physics. QIB provides a multi-scale model of information processing in bio-systems: from proteins and cells to cognitive and social systems. This theory has to be sharply distinguished from "traditional quantum biophysics". The latter is about quantum bio-physical processes, e.g., in cells or brains. QIB models the dynamics of information states of bio-systems. We argue that the information interpretation of quantum mechanics (its various forms were elaborated by Zeilinger and Brukner, Fuchs and Mermin, and D' Ariano) is the most natural interpretation of QIB. Biologically QIB is based on two principles: (a) adaptivity; (b) openness (bio-systems are fundamentally open). These principles are mathematically represented in the framework of a novel formalism- quantum adaptive dynamics which, in particular, contains the standard theory of open quantum systems.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    Contextuality from Quantum Physics to Psychology 399 - 414 2015年01月 [査読有り]
    This chapter reviews quantum(-like) information biology (QIB). Here biology is treated widely as even covering cognition and its derivatives: psychology and decision making, sociology, and behavioral economics and finances. QIB provides an integrative description of information processing by bio-systems at all scales of life: from proteins and cells to cognition, ecological and social systems. Mathematically QIB is based on the theory of adaptive quantum systems (which covers also open quantum systems). Ideologically QIB is based on the quantum-like (QL) paradigm: complex bio-systems process information in accordance with the laws of quantum information and probability. This paradigm is supported by plenty of statistical bio-data collected at all bio-scales. QIB reflects the two fundamental principles: a) adaptivity and, b) openness (bio-systems are fundamentally open). In addition, quantum adaptive dynamics provides the most generally possible mathematical representation of these principles.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Physica Scripta, Volume 2014, Number T163 (2014) T163 2014年12月 
    We interpret the Leggett-Garg (LG) inequality as a kind of contextual probabilistic inequality in which one combines data collected in experiments performed for three different contexts. In the original version of the inequality, these contexts have a temporal nature and they are represented by three pairs of instances of time, (t(1), t(2)), (t(2), t(3)), (t(3), t(4)), where t(1) < t(2) < t(3). We generalize LG conditions of macroscopic realism and noninvasive measurability in a general contextual framework. Our formulation is performed in purely probabilistic terms: the existence of the context-independent joint probability distribution P and the possibility of reconstructing the experimentally found marginal (two-dimensional) probability distributions from P. We derive an analog of the LG inequality, 'contextual LG inequality', and use it as a test of 'quantum-likeness' of statistical data collected in a series of experiments on the recognition of ambiguous figures. In our experimental study, the figure under recognition is the Schroder stair, which is shown with rotations for different angles. Contexts are encoded by dynamics of rotations: clockwise, anticlockwise and random. Our data demonstrated violation of the contextual LG inequality for some combinations of the aforementioned contexts. Since in quantum theory and experiments with quantum physical systems, this inequality is violated, e.g. in the form of the original LG-inequality, our result can be interpreted as a sign that the quantum-like models can provide a more adequate description of the data generated in the process of recognition of ambiguous figures.
  • Masanari Asano; Takahisa Hashimoto; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    PHYSICA SCRIPTA T163 2014年12月 [査読有り]
    We interpret the Leggett-Garg (LG) inequality as a kind of contextual probabilistic inequality in which one combines data collected in experiments performed for three different contexts. In the original version of the inequality, these contexts have a temporal nature and they are represented by three pairs of instances of time, (t(1), t(2)), (t(2), t(3)), (t(3), t(4)), where t(1) < t(2) < t(3). We generalize LG conditions of macroscopic realism and noninvasive measurability in a general contextual framework. Our formulation is performed in purely probabilistic terms: the existence of the context-independent joint probability distribution P and the possibility of reconstructing the experimentally found marginal (two-dimensional) probability distributions from P. We derive an analog of the LG inequality, 'contextual LG inequality', and use it as a test of 'quantum-likeness' of statistical data collected in a series of experiments on the recognition of ambiguous figures. In our experimental study, the figure under recognition is the Schroder stair, which is shown with rotations for different angles. Contexts are encoded by dynamics of rotations: clockwise, anticlockwise and random. Our data demonstrated violation of the contextual LG inequality for some combinations of the aforementioned contexts. Since in quantum theory and experiments with quantum physical systems, this inequality is violated, e.g. in the form of the original LG-inequality, our result can be interpreted as a sign that the quantum-like models can provide a more adequate description of the data generated in the process of recognition of ambiguous figures.
  • Yoshiharu Tanaka; Masanori Ohya; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Masanari Asano
    Recently, it has been reported that conventional probability law can be violated in the context dependent phenomena which are "adaptive" to the environment or experimental settings. Also, it has been discussed that non-Kolmogorov probability, e.g. quantum probability, is available for modeling such a context dependent phenomenon. In this study, we investigate context-dependency of human perception process for optical illusion of Schrader stair, and we propose the non-Kolmogorov probabilistic model for the illusion.
  • Masanari Asano; Takahisa Hashimoto; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    QUANTUM INTERACTION, QI 2013 8369 191 - 200 2014年 [査読有り]
    Recently, various examples of non-Kolmogorovness in contextual dependent phenomena have been reported. In this study, we introduce non-Kolmogorovness in the measurement of depth inversion for the figure of Schroder's stair. Also we propose a model of the depth inversion, based on a non-Kolmogorovian probability theory which is called adaptive dynamics.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    QUANTUM INTERACTION, QI 2013 8369 324 - 334 2014年 [査読有り]
    We develop a quantum-like (QL) model of cellular evolution based on the theory of open quantum systems and entanglement between epigenetic markers in a cell. This approach is applied to modeling of epigenetic evolution of cellular populations. We point out that recently experimental genetics discovered numerous phenomena of cellular evolution adaptive to the pressure of the environment. In such phenomena epigenetic changes are fixed in one generation and, hence, the Darwinian natural selection model cannot be applied. A number of prominent genetists stress the Lamarckian character of epigenetic evolution. In quantum physics the dynamics of the state of a system (e.g. electron) contacting with an environment (bath) is described by the theory of open quantum systems. Therefore it is natural to apply this theory to model adaptive changes in the epigenome. Since evolution of the Lamarckian type is very rapid - changes in the epigenome have to be inherited in one generation - we have to find a proper mathematical description of such a speed up. In our model this is the entanglement of different epigenetic markers.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    Systems and Synthetic Biology 7 4 161 - 173 2013年12月 
    We present a very general model of epigenetic evolution unifying (neo-)Darwinian and (neo-)Lamarckian viewpoints. The evolution is represented in the form of adaptive dynamics given by the quantum(-like) master equation. This equation describes development of the information state of epigenome under the pressure of an environment. We use the formalism of quantum mechanics in the purely operational framework. (Hence, our model has no direct relation to quantum physical processes inside a cell.) Thus our model is about probabilities for observations which can be done on epigenomes and it does not provide a detailed description of cellular processes. Usage of the operational approach provides a possibility to describe by one model all known types of cellular epigenetic inheritance. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
  • Dariusz Chruscinski; Takashi Matsuoka; Tatsunori Saito; Yuji Hirota; Masanari Asano
    OPEN SYSTEMS & INFORMATION DYNAMICS 20 4 2013年12月 [査読有り]
    We provide a symmetric class of 2-qudit bound entangled states within a so-called magic simplex of Bell diagonal states. This class generalizes well-known family of 2-qutrit states introduced by Horodecki [13].
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Ichiro Yamato
    FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 43 7 895 - 911 2013年07月 
    There exist several phenomena breaking the classical probability laws. The systems related to such phenomena are context-dependent, so that they are adaptive to other systems. In this paper, we present a new mathematical formalism to compute the joint probability distribution for two event-systems by using concepts of the adaptive dynamics and quantum information theory, e.g., quantum channels and liftings. In physics the basic example of the context-dependent phenomena is the famous double-slit experiment. Recently similar examples have been found in biological and psychological sciences. Our approach is an extension of traditional quantum probability theory, and it is general enough to describe aforementioned contextual phenomena outside of quantum physics.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Ichiro Yamato
    FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 43 7 895 - 911 2013年07月 [査読有り]
    There exist several phenomena breaking the classical probability laws. The systems related to such phenomena are context-dependent, so that they are adaptive to other systems. In this paper, we present a new mathematical formalism to compute the joint probability distribution for two event-systems by using concepts of the adaptive dynamics and quantum information theory, e.g., quantum channels and liftings. In physics the basic example of the context-dependent phenomena is the famous double-slit experiment. Recently similar examples have been found in biological and psychological sciences. Our approach is an extension of traditional quantum probability theory, and it is general enough to describe aforementioned contextual phenomena outside of quantum physics.
  • Tatsunori Saito; Masanari Asano; Takashi Matsuoka; Masanori Ohya
    Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 20 3 2013年 [査読有り]
    We will show the necessary and sufficient condition of separability for a sub-class of circulant states in the 3 ⊗ 3 system. This sub-class includes the models proposed by several authors as special cases. Moreover, it will be proved that our separability condition equals to the failure condition of quasi-distillation of entanglement. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    QUANTUM INTERACTION, QI 2013 8369 324 - 334 2013年 [査読有り]
    We develop a quantum-like (QL) model of cellular evolution based on the theory of open quantum systems and entanglement between epigenetic markers in a cell. This approach is applied to modeling of epigenetic evolution of cellular populations. We point out that recently experimental genetics discovered numerous phenomena of cellular evolution adaptive to the pressure of the environment. In such phenomena epigenetic changes are fixed in one generation and, hence, the Darwinian natural selection model cannot be applied. A number of prominent genetists stress the Lamarckian character of epigenetic evolution. In quantum physics the dynamics of the state of a system (e.g. electron) contacting with an environment (bath) is described by the theory of open quantum systems. Therefore it is natural to apply this theory to model adaptive changes in the epigenome. Since evolution of the Lamarckian type is very rapid - changes in the epigenome have to be inherited in one generation - we have to find a proper mathematical description of such a speed up. In our model this is the entanglement of different epigenetic markers.
  • Masanari Asano; Takahisa Hashimoto; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    Quantum Interaction - 7th International Conference, QI 2013, Leicester, UK, July 25-27, 2013. Selected Papers 8369 191 - 200 Springer 2013年 [査読有り]
    Recently, various examples of non-Kolmogorovness in contextual dependent phenomena have been reported. In this study, we introduce non-Kolmogorovness in the measurement of depth inversion for the figure of Schroder's stair. Also we propose a model of the depth inversion, based on a non-Kolmogorovian probability theory which is called adaptive dynamics.
  • Dariusz Chruscinski; Takashi Matsuoka; Tatsunori Saito; Yuji Hirota; Masanari Asano
    Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 20 4 2013年 [査読有り]
    We provide a symmetric class of 2-qudit bound entangled states within a so-called magic simplex of Bell diagonal states. This class generalizes well-known family of 2-qutrit states introduced by Horodecki [13].
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 314 130 - 137 2012年12月 
    In this paper we apply the quantum-like (QL) approach to microbiology to present an operational description of the complex process of diauxie in Escherichia coli. We take as guaranteed that dynamics in cells is adaptive, i.e., it depends crucially on the microbiological context. This very general assumption is sufficient to appeal to quantum and more general QL probabilistic models. The next step is to find the operational representation - by operators in complex Hilbert space (as in quantum physics). To determine QL operators, we used the statistical data from Inada et al. (1996). To improve the QL-representation, we needed better experimental data. Corresponding experiments were recently done by two of the authors and in this paper we use these new data. In these data we found that biochemical context of precultivation of populations of E. coli plays a crucial role in E. coli preferences with respect to sugars. Hence, the form of the QL operator representing lactose operon activation also depends crucially on precultivation. One of our results is decomposition of the lactose operon activation operator to extract the factor determined by precultivation. The QL operational approach developed in this paper can be used not only for description of the process of diauxie in E. coli, but also other processes of gene expression. However, new experimental statistical data are demanded. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 314 130 - 137 2012年12月 [査読有り]
    In this paper we apply the quantum-like (QL) approach to microbiology to present an operational description of the complex process of diauxie in Escherichia coli. We take as guaranteed that dynamics in cells is adaptive, i.e., it depends crucially on the microbiological context. This very general assumption is sufficient to appeal to quantum and more general QL probabilistic models. The next step is to find the operational representation - by operators in complex Hilbert space (as in quantum physics). To determine QL operators, we used the statistical data from Inada et al. (1996). To improve the QL-representation, we needed better experimental data. Corresponding experiments were recently done by two of the authors and in this paper we use these new data. In these data we found that biochemical context of precultivation of populations of E. coli plays a crucial role in E. coli preferences with respect to sugars. Hence, the form of the QL operator representing lactose operon activation also depends crucially on precultivation. One of our results is decomposition of the lactose operon activation operator to extract the factor determined by precultivation. The QL operational approach developed in this paper can be used not only for description of the process of diauxie in E. coli, but also other processes of gene expression. However, new experimental statistical data are demanded. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY 56 3 166 - 175 2012年06月 
    In this paper we develop a general quantum-like model of decision making. Here updating of probability is based on linear algebra, the von Neumann-Luders projection postulate, Born's rule, and the quantum representation of the state space of a composite system by the tensor product. This quantum-like model generalizes the classical Bayesian inference in a natural way. In our approach the latter appears as a special case corresponding to the absence of relative phases in the mental state. By taking into account a possibility of the existence of correlations which are encoded in relative phases we developed a more general scheme of decision making. We discuss natural situations inducing deviations from the classical Bayesian scheme in the process of decision making by cognitive systems: in situations that can be characterized as objective and subjective mental uncertainties. Further, we discuss the problem of base rare fallacy. In our formalism, these "irrational" (non-Bayesian) inferences are represented by quantum-like bias operations acting on the mental state. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Syst. Synth. Biol., DOI:10.1007/s11693-012-9091-1 (2012) 6 1-2 1 - 7 2012年06月 
    We developed a quantum-like model describing the gene regulation of glucose/lactose metabolism in a bacterium, Escherichia coli. Our quantum-like model can be considered as a kind of the operational formalism for microbiology and genetics. Instead of trying to describe processes in a cell in the very detail, we propose a formal operator description. Such a description may be very useful in situation in which the detailed description of processes is impossible or extremely complicated. We analyze statistical data obtained from experiments, and we compute the degree of E. coli's preference within adaptive dynamics. It is known that there are several types of E. coli characterized by the metabolic system. We demonstrate that the same type of E. coli can be described by the well determined operators we find invariant operator quantities characterizing each type. Such invariant quantities can be calculated from the obtained statistical data. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY 56 3 166 - 175 2012年06月 
    In this paper we develop a general quantum-like model of decision making. Here updating of probability is based on linear algebra, the von Neumann-Luders projection postulate, Born's rule, and the quantum representation of the state space of a composite system by the tensor product. This quantum-like model generalizes the classical Bayesian inference in a natural way. In our approach the latter appears as a special case corresponding to the absence of relative phases in the mental state. By taking into account a possibility of the existence of correlations which are encoded in relative phases we developed a more general scheme of decision making. We discuss natural situations inducing deviations from the classical Bayesian scheme in the process of decision making by cognitive systems: in situations that can be characterized as objective and subjective mental uncertainties. Further, we discuss the problem of base rare fallacy. In our formalism, these "irrational" (non-Bayesian) inferences are represented by quantum-like bias operations acting on the mental state. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY 56 3 166 - 175 2012年06月 [査読有り]
    In this paper we develop a general quantum-like model of decision making. Here updating of probability is based on linear algebra, the von Neumann-Luders projection postulate, Born's rule, and the quantum representation of the state space of a composite system by the tensor product. This quantum-like model generalizes the classical Bayesian inference in a natural way. In our approach the latter appears as a special case corresponding to the absence of relative phases in the mental state. By taking into account a possibility of the existence of correlations which are encoded in relative phases we developed a more general scheme of decision making. We discuss natural situations inducing deviations from the classical Bayesian scheme in the process of decision making by cognitive systems: in situations that can be characterized as objective and subjective mental uncertainties. Further, we discuss the problem of base rare fallacy. In our formalism, these "irrational" (non-Bayesian) inferences are represented by quantum-like bias operations acting on the mental state. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    In cognitive psychology, some experiments for games were reported, and they demonstrated that real players did not use the "rational strategy" provided by classical game theory and based on the notion of the Nasch equilibrium. This psychological phenomenon was called the disjunction effect. Recently, we proposed a model of decision making which can explain this effect ("irrationality" of players) Asano et al. (2010, 2011) [23,24]. Our model is based on the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, because psychological fluctuations inducing the irrationality are formally represented as quantum fluctuations Asano et al. (2011)[55]. In this paper, we reconsider the process of quantum-like decision-making more closely and redefine it as a well-defined quantum dynamics by using the concept of lifting channel, which is an important concept in quantum information theory. We also present numerical simulation for this quantum-like mental dynamics. It is non-Markovian by its nature. Stabilization to the steady state solution (determining subjective probabilities for decision making) is based on the collective effect of mental fluctuations collected in the working memory of a decision maker. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshiharu Tanaka; Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya
    REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 69 1 57 - 74 2012年02月 
    In this paper, we construct a teleportation model with nonmaximal entangled state. This model, called the m-level teleportation, is discussed on the basis of the Kossakowski and Ohya teleportation scheme. For this study, we define a generalized Bell state in terms of Latin square, by which we derive a general form of appropriate nonmaximal entangled state for a perfect m-level teleportation.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7620 138 - 147 2012年 
    In this paper we develop a general quantum-like representation of decision making. Here quantum-like representation is based on linear algebra, the von Neumann-Lüders projection postulate, Born's rule, and the quantum representation of the state space of a composite system by the tensor product. Our approach generalizes in a natural way the classical Bayesian inference and explains irrational (non-Bayesian) inference biased by psychological factors. For the mathematical description of irrational inference, we use the lifting map, which is important concept to discuss a general quantum dynamics called adaptive dynamics. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Quantum Interaction 6th International Symposium (QI2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol.7620, pp.160-171, 2012 7620 160 - 171 2012年 
    There exist several phenomena (systems) breaking the classical probability laws. In this report, we present a new mathematical formula to compute the probability in those context dependent systems by using the concepts of the adaptive dynamics and the lifting. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Quantum Interaction 6th International Symposium Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol.7620, pp.60-67, 2012 7620 60 - 67 2012年 
    Recently it is pointed out that there exists the experimental data in Escherichia coli's metabolism which violate the law of total probability in classical probability. In this report, we propose a model which describes such phenomenon based on adaptive dynamics. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    We apply theory of open quantum systems to modeling of epigenetic evolution. This is an attempt to unify Darwinian and Lamarckian viewpoints on evolution on the basis of a quantum-like model. The state of uncertainty of cell's epigenome is resolved to a stable and inherited epigenetic configuration. This process of evolution and stabilization is described by the quantum master equation (the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad equation). The initial state of epigenome starting interaction with a new environment is represented as a pure quantum state. It evolves to a steady state solution of the quantum master equation given by a diagonal density matrix. The latter represents the state resulting from a series of epimutations induced by the environment. We use the information interpretation of the wave function which was elaborated by C. Fuchs and A. Zeilinger.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    In cognitive psychology, some experiments of games were reported [1, 2, 3, 4], and these demonstrated that real players did not use the "rational strategy" provided by classical game theory. To discuss probabilities of such "irrational choice", recently, we proposed a decision-making model which is based on the formalism of quantum mechanics [5, 6, 7, 8]. In this paper, we briefly explain the above model and calculate the probability of irrational choice in several prisoner's dilemma (PD) games.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    Recently, we proposed a new method to compute probabilities which do not satisfy basic law in classical probability theory. In this note, we analyze glucose effect in Escherichia coli's growth with the method, and we show an invariant quantity which Escherichia coli has.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7620 160 - 171 2012年 [査読有り]
    There exist several phenomena (systems) breaking the classical probability laws. In this report, we present a new mathematical formula to compute the probability in those context dependent systems by using the concepts of the adaptive dynamics and the lifting. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7620 138 - 147 2012年 [査読有り]
    In this paper we develop a general quantum-like representation of decision making. Here quantum-like representation is based on linear algebra, the von Neumann-Lüders projection postulate, Born's rule, and the quantum representation of the state space of a composite system by the tensor product. Our approach generalizes in a natural way the classical Bayesian inference and explains irrational (non-Bayesian) inference biased by psychological factors. For the mathematical description of irrational inference, we use the lifting map, which is important concept to discuss a general quantum dynamics called adaptive dynamics. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • Masanari Asano; Irina Basieva; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7620 60 - 67 2012年 [査読有り]
    Recently it is pointed out that there exists the experimental data in Escherichia coli's metabolism which violate the law of total probability in classical probability. In this report, we propose a model which describes such phenomenon based on adaptive dynamics. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • 浅野 真誠
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 281, Issue 1, Pages 56-64 (2011) 281 1 56 - 64 2011年07月 
    We present a quantum-like model of decision making in games of the Prisoner's Dilemma type. By this model the brain processes information by using representation of mental states in a complex Hilbert space. Driven by the master equation the mental state of a player, say Alice, approaches an equilibrium point in the space of density matrices (representing mental states). This equilibrium state determines Alice's mixed (i.e., probabilistic) strategy. We use a master equation in which quantum physics describes the process of decoherence as the result of interaction with environment. Thus our model is a model of thinking through decoherence of the initially pure mental state. Decoherence is induced by the interaction with memory and the external mental environment. We study (numerically) the dynamics of quantum entropy of Alice's mental state in the process of decision making. We also consider classical entropy corresponding to Alice's choices. We introduce a measure of Alice's diffidence as the difference between classical and quantum entropies of Alice's mental state. We see that (at least in our model example) diffidence decreases (approaching zero) in the process of decision making. Finally, we discuss the problem of neuronal realization of quantum-like dynamics in the brain; especially roles played by lateral prefrontal cortex or/and orbitofrontal cortex. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov
    JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 281 1 56 - 64 2011年07月 [査読有り]
    We present a quantum-like model of decision making in games of the Prisoner's Dilemma type. By this model the brain processes information by using representation of mental states in a complex Hilbert space. Driven by the master equation the mental state of a player, say Alice, approaches an equilibrium point in the space of density matrices (representing mental states). This equilibrium state determines Alice's mixed (i.e., probabilistic) strategy. We use a master equation in which quantum physics describes the process of decoherence as the result of interaction with environment. Thus our model is a model of thinking through decoherence of the initially pure mental state. Decoherence is induced by the interaction with memory and the external mental environment. We study (numerically) the dynamics of quantum entropy of Alice's mental state in the process of decision making. We also consider classical entropy corresponding to Alice's choices. We introduce a measure of Alice's diffidence as the difference between classical and quantum entropies of Alice's mental state. We see that (at least in our model example) diffidence decreases (approaching zero) in the process of decision making. Finally, we discuss the problem of neuronal realization of quantum-like dynamics in the brain; especially roles played by lateral prefrontal cortex or/and orbitofrontal cortex. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Quantum-like Dynamics of Decision- Making in Prisoner’s dilemma game
    浅野 真誠
    American Institute of physics Volume 1424, pp. 453-457 : Proceedings of Foundations of Probability and Physics (2011) 2011年05月
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Andrei Khrennikov; Irina Basieva
    OPEN SYSTEMS & INFORMATION DYNAMICS 18 1 55 - 69 2011年03月 
    We proceed towards an application of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to cognitive psychology - the problem of decision-making in games of the Prisoners Dilemma type. These games were used as tests of rationality of players. Experiments performed in cognitive psychology by Shafir and Tversky [1,2], Croson [3], Hofstader [4,5] demonstrated that in general real players do not use "rational strategy" provided by classical game theory; this psychological phenomenon was called the disjunction effect. We elaborate a model of quantum-like decision making which can explain this effect ("irrationality" of plays). Our model is based on quantum information theory. The main result of this paper is the derivation of Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad equation whose equilibrium solution gives the quantum state used for decision making. It is the first application of this equation in cognitive psychology.
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Andrei Khrennikov
    FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 41 3 538 - 548 2011年03月 
    In experiments of games, players frequently make choices which are regarded as irrational in game theory. In papers of Khrennikov (Information Dynamics in Cognitive, Psychological and Anomalous Phenomena. Fundamental Theories of Physics, Kluwer Academic, Norwell, 2004; Fuzzy Sets Syst. 155:4-17, 2005; Biosystems 84:225-241, 2006; Found. Phys. 35(10):1655-1693, 2005; in QP-PQ Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, vol. XXIV, pp. 105-117, 2009), it was pointed out that statistics collected in such the experiments have "quantum-like" properties, which can not be explained in classical probability theory. In this paper, we design a simple quantum-like model describing a decision-making process in a two-players game and try to explain a mechanism of the irrational behavior of players. Finally we discuss a mathematical frame of non-Kolmogorovian system in terms of liftings (Accardi and Ohya, in Appl. Math. Optim. 39:33-59, 1999).
  • Quantum Uncertainty and Decisionmaking in Game Theory
    浅野 真誠
    QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis-Vol XXVIII 51-60 2011年02月
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato; Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov
    QUANTUM INTERACTION 7052 182 - + 2011年 
    We present the quantum-like paradigm for biology, cognitive psychology, and modeling of brain's functioning. By this paradigm contextuality of biological processes induces violation of laws of classical (Kolmogorovian) probability, starting with the fundamental law of total probability. New nonclassical models have to be used for mathematical modeling of contextual phenomena.
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Ichiro Yamato; Irina Basieva; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov
    QUANTUM INTERACTION 7052 182 - 191 2011年 [査読有り]
    We present the quantum-like paradigm for biology, cognitive psychology, and modeling of brain's functioning. By this paradigm contextuality of biological processes induces violation of laws of classical (Kolmogorovian) probability, starting with the fundamental law of total probability. New nonclassical models have to be used for mathematical modeling of contextual phenomena.
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Andrei Khrennikov; Irina Basieva
    ADVANCES IN QUANTUM THEORY 1327 57 - + 2011年 
    Recently, applications of quantum mechanics to coginitive psychology have been discussed, see [1]-[11]. It was known that statistical data obtained in some experiments of cognitive psychology cannot be described by classical probability model (Kolmogorov's model) [12]-[15]. Quantum probability is one of the most advanced mathematical models for non-classical probability. In the paper of [11], we proposed a quantum-like model describing decision-making process in a two-player game, where we used the generalized quantum formalism based on lifting of density operators [16]. In this paper, we discuss the quantum-like representation of Bayesian inference, which has been used to calculate probabilities for decision making under uncertainty. The uncertainty is described in the form of quantum superposition, and Bayesian updating is explained as a reduction of state by quantum measurement.
  • Irina Basieva; Andrei Khrennikov; Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka
    ADVANCES IN QUANTUM THEORY 1327 63 - 70 2011年 
    We present a quantum-like model of decision making in games of the Prisoner's Dilemma type. By this model the brain processes information by using representation of mental states in complex Hilbert space. Driven by the master equation the mental state of a player, say Alice, approaches an equilibrium point in the space of density matrices. By using this equilibrium point Alice determines her mixed (i.e., probabilistic) strategy with respect to Bob. Thus our model is a model of thinking through decoherence of initially pure mental state. Decoherence is induced by interaction with memory and external environment. In this paper we study (numerically) dynamics of quantum entropy of Alice's state in the process of decision making. Our analysis demonstrates that this dynamics depends nontrivially on the initial state of Alice's mind on her own actions and her prediction state (for possible actions of Bob.)
  • Yoshiharu Tanaka; Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya
    ADVANCES IN QUANTUM THEORY 1327 498 - 502 2011年 
    It has been considered that a maximal entangled state is needed for complete quantum teleportation. However, Kossakowski and Ohya proposed a scheme of complete teleportation for nonmaximal entangled state [1]. Basing on their scheme, we proposed a teleportation model of 2-level state with a non-maximal entangled state [2]. In the present study, we construct its expanded model, in which Alice can teleport m-level state even if non-maximal entangled state is used.
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya; Yoshiharu Tanaka; Andrei Yu. Khrennikov; Irina Basieva
    Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 18 1 55 - 70 2011年 [査読有り]
    We proceed towards an application of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics to cognitive psychology - the problem of decision-making in games of the Prisoners Dilemma type. These games were used as tests of rationality of players. Experiments performed in cognitive psychology by Shafir and Tversky [1,2], Croson [3], Hofstader [4,5] demonstrated that in general real players do not use "rational strategy" provided by classical game theory; this psychological phenomenon was called the disjunction effect. We elaborate a model of quantum-like decision making which can explain this effect ("irrationality" of plays). Our model is based on quantum information theory. The main result of this paper is the derivation of Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad equation whose equilibrium solution gives the quantum state used for decision making. It is the first application of this equation in cognitive psychology.
  • Lifting and its application to a non-Kolmogorovian model
    浅野 真誠
    京都大学数理解析研 究所講究録1705, 95-102, 2010-08 2010年08月
  • Yoshiharu Tanaka; Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya
    PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82 2 2010年08月 
    Recently, Kossakowski and Ohya (K-O) proposed a new teleportation scheme which enables perfect teleportation even for a nonmaximal entangled state [A. Kossakowski and M. Ohya, Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics 10, 411 (2007)]. To discuss a physical realization of the K-O scheme, we propose a model based on quantum optics. In our model, we take a superposition of Schrodinger's cat states as an input state being sent from Alice to Bob, and their entangled state is generated by a photon number state through a beam splitter. When the average photon number for our input states is equal to half the number of photons into the beam splitter, our model has high fidelity.
  • M. Asano; M. Ohya; Y. Tanaka
    In many models of perfect quantum teleportation, maximal entangled states are postulated between Alice and Bob. Recently, Kossakowski and Ohya proposed a new scheme of perfect teleportation where a non-maximal entangled state is used 3. In this paper, we introduce a concrete teleportation model of K-O scheme, called a m-level teleportation. A non-maximal entangled state in this model is realizable in optical techniques. Moreover, we propose another teleportation model designed by using a mathematical formalism of K-O theory. In the second model, a new operation is added to a conventional teleportation process, which is called a filtering and implemented before Alice's measurement. We show effects of the filtering for success probabilities of teleportation.
  • ゲームにおける意思決定過程の量子論的モデル
    浅野 真誠
    第32 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.T25-3(2009) 2009年12月
  • 浅野 真誠
    第32 回 情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.T35-1 (2009) 32nd 2009年12月
  • 結合系におけるカオス現象の解析とその応用
    浅野 真誠
    第32 回情報理論とその応 用シンポジウムSITA2009 予稿集. 839-843 (2009) 2009年12月
  • 浅野 真誠
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告巻:109 頁:19-23 (2009) 109 143(IT2009 6-31) 2009年07月
  • 2量子ビット系に対する量子誤り訂正について
    浅野 真誠
    電子情報通信学 会技術研究報告巻:109 頁:13-17 (2009) 2009年07月
  • Quantum Teleportation Based on Kossakowski- Ohya Scheme
    浅野 真誠
    QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis-Vol XXIV 19-29 2009年02月
  • Masanari Asano; Masanori Ohya
    The quantum teleportation has been discussed by several articles, and in most of models, perfect quantum teleportation can be occurred if the entangled state between Alice and Bob is maximal. Recently, Kossakowski and Ohya reformulated the teleportation process and proposed a new scheme of perfect teleportation where a non-maximal entangled state is used [3]. In this paper, we introduce two models designed according to the K-O formalism. The first one is called m-level perfect teleportation. We show that a non-maximal entangled state used in this model is realizable in optical techniques. In the second model, a new operation is added to a conventional teleportation process, which is called "filtering" and implemented before Alice's measurement. We show availabilities of the filtering for success probabilities of teleportation.
  • 非最大エンタングルド状態を用いた完全量子テレポーテーションのための入力情報処理
    浅野 真誠
    第31 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.4.5.3 (2008) 2008年12月
  • m-レベル完全テレポーテーションを起こす非最大エンタングルド状態 の構成法
    浅野 真誠
    第31 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.4.5.4 (2008) 2008年12月
  • 非最大エンタングルド状態を用いた量子テレポーテーションの物理的実現
    浅野 真誠
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IT, 情報理論109(357), 111-116,(2008) 2008年12月
  • Chaotic Behavior Observed in Linear Dynamics
    浅野 真誠
    QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis-Vol XXIV 9-18 2008年02月
  • ビームスプリッターを用いた新しい量子テレポーテーション・スキー ム
    浅野 真誠
    第30 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.5.2 2007年12月
  • 浅野 真誠
    第30 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集ROMBUNNO.5.3 30th 2007年12月
  • 浅野 真誠
    QPPQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis-Vol XXI 36-52 2007年02月
  • Logical Operations Realized on the Ising Chain
    浅野 真誠
    QP-PQ: Quantum Information and Computing-Vol.19, 46-51 2006年02月
  • 多量子ビット制御NOT 演算を実現する新しい量子回路
    浅野 真誠
    第28 回情報理論とその応用シンポジウム予稿集327-330 (2005) 2005年12月
  • Processing of Quantum Information Making Use of Many-body Effect
    浅野 真誠
    東京理科大学 2005年03月
  • M Asano; N Tateda; C Ishii
    PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70 2 2004年08月 
    Multiqubit logical gates are proposed as implementations of logical operations on N qubits realized physically by the local manipulation of qubits before and after the one-time evolution of an Ising chain. This construction avoids complicated tuning of the interactions between qubits. The general rules of the action of multiqubit logical gates are derived by decomposing the process into the product of two-qubit logical operations. The formalism is demonstrated by the construction of a special type of multiqubit logical gate that is simulated by a quantum circuit composed of controlled-NOT gates.
  • イジングスピン鎖上で実現される多qubit 論理演算
    浅野 真誠
    日本物理学会講演概要集59(1-2), 172 (2004). 2004年03月
  • Magnetization Process of S=1/2 XXZ Chainin a Periodic Magnetic Field
    浅野 真誠
    J.phys.Soc.Jpn.69,3965 2000年08月




  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 宇野 直士; 浅野 真誠
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2025年03月 
    代表者 : 浅野 真誠
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 外崎 明子; 松澤 智史; 田畑 耕治; 竹田 雄一郎; 浅野 真誠
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 外崎 明子; 松澤 智史; 田畑 耕治; 浅野 真誠; 竹田 雄一郎; 橋本 政典
    乳癌化学療法(以下、化療)中の患者で筋肉量が少なく抑うつ状態にある者は身体活動量が低かった。化療中の発熱性好中球減少症(FN)の発症予測は患者の身体活動性や生活の質の維持のために重要である。そこで肺癌、乳癌、大腸癌の化療患者の病歴調査よりFNのリスク因子を抽出した。続いて化療中で在宅期の患者がTablet PCを用いて体温、倦怠感等の身体状況を自己モニタリングし、これらのデータを送信しFN発症のリスクが高まった場合にはアラートを発信するシステムを開発した。過去の化療で敗血症既往があり、G-CSF(顆粒球コロニー刺激因子)の投与歴がある者はFN発症リスクが有意に高かった。
  • Research for feasibilities of quantum computer and teleportation
    研究期間 : 2002年 -2017年 
    We design quantum gates feasible with multiple interactions between qubits, and discuss the utility. Also, we propose the realization method of realistic quantum teleportations using non-maximum entangled-states.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
    研究期間 : 2009年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 大矢 雅則; 入山 聖史; 原 利英; 松岡 隆志; 浅野 真誠; 佐藤 圭子
