Department of Architecture | Associate Professor |
Last Updated :2024/12/24
■Researcher basic information
Researcher number
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
- 中山間地域における移住定住 空き家再生による地方創生 歴史的建造物の保存活用 現代日本の建築家の設計論 design theories
Research Field
- 2018/04 - Today Kindai University次世代技術研究所兼務
- 2017/04 - Today Kindai UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture准教授
- 2022/04 - 2023/03 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya研究員
- 2012/04 - 2017/03 Kindai UniversityFaculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture専任講師
- 2010/04 - 2015/03 Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Engineering, Architecture非常勤講師
- 2002/05 - 2012/03 一級建築士事務所 谷川大輔建築設計事務所代表
- 2007/04 - 2010/03 Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Engineering, Architecture助教
- 2006/04 - 2007/03 Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Engineering, Architecture助手
- 2005/04 - 2006/03 Tokyo University of ScienceFaculty of Engineering, Architecture補手
Educational Background
■Research activity information
- The city of Barcelona and the architecture of CataloniaDAISUKE TANIKAWA日本都市計画学会中国支部研究会梗概集 2023/04 [Invited]
- 戦後『新建築』誌にみられた建築家の保育所の設計論における主題とその具体化 -保育や幼児教育に関わる施設の建築設計論に関する研究 その1-毛利展; 井上翔太; 谷川大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集〔論文〕 (31号) 2021/03 [Refereed]
- 公立図書館建築の設計論における地域と関わりをもつ主題とその具体化の対応 -戦後『新建築』に掲載された建築家の公立図書館建築の設計論に関する研究 その2-井上翔太; 谷川大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集〔論文〕 (31号) 2021/03 [Refereed]
- 井上 翔太; 守本 怜矢; 谷川 大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集 日本インテリア学会 (28) 139 - 142 1882-4471 2018/03 [Refereed]
- 守本 怜矢; 谷川 大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集 日本インテリア学会 (28) 135 - 138 1882-4471 2018/03 [Refereed]
- 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集 日本インテリア学会 (28) 107 - 113 1882-4471 2018/03 [Refereed]
- 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集 日本インテリア学会 (27) 47 - 54 1882-4471 2017/03 [Refereed]
- INOUE Shota; TOGE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 82 (731) 71 - 81 1340-4210 2017 [Refereed]
This study is to illustrate thought on regionality from the point of view of space composition in design theories on Public Hall by contemporary Japanese architects, Through the investigation of their published articles after the Second World War. Public Hall is important to local communities as "open regionalism facilities". After the Great East Japan Earthquake, The designers of public architecture need to think for the local community. Recently, Public architecture was developed every major application (Building types). So, The thinking about the relationship between architecture and regions is the most important for the contemporary Japanese architects. Therefore, this report were described about the thinking of relationship between architecture and regions on design theories on Public Hall. Further after this paper, the some design theories of several building types (Public Museum, Public Theater, Public Hall, Public Library, etc.) are going to be compared.<br> Firstly, the contents each design theory on Public Hall were analyzed, and several descriptions of “The subject” were extracted (Fig. 1). Next, the meaning of these comments was analyzed by applying the method created by Jiro Kawakita. Then, there were drawn a relationship diagram and 5 groups of meaning were found (Fig. 2). Next, those meanings were divided into two different groups (Fig. 2) ; “Phenomenon value” and “Physical value”. Then, the change of that relationship in terms of time was analyzed (Table 1).<br> Secondly, the contents each design theory were analyzed again, and several descriptions of “The Realization by space composition” were extracted. And the space compositions were analyzed. So, these were classified into 2 space compositions (Table 2); “Singular area” and “Plural areas”. Then Singular area was classified into 3 areas; “Inside”, “Exterior” and “Outside”. So Plural areas were classified into 2 areas; “In site” and “Out site”. “In site” is things that have no relationship with “Out site”. “Out site” is things that have relationship with “Out site”. Furthermore each Plural areas were classified into 2 areas more ; “Adjacency” and “Non-adjacency”. As a result, “Plural areas” is the most large (Table 2). Then, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered (Table 3).<br> Finally, Between “The subject” and “The Realization by space composition” were analyzed (Table 4). Then, Relationships of “Phenomenon value and Plural areas” are large. Next, from the detailed analysis, 3 Patterns were found (Table 5). (1) The subjects with Phenomenon value, “Base of a group activity - Creation of much activity” and “Free space - Opening to a citizen”, are represented by “In site-Adjacency”. (2) The subjects with Phenomenon value, “Construction of the community - Solution to social problem”, are represented by “Exterior”. (3) The subjects with Physical value, “Continuation with the natural scenery”, are represented by relationship by “Out site-Non-adjacency”. Further, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered (Table 6). So, The thought on regionality of the designers of Public Hall has changed from around 2000.<br> Consequently, a definite meaning about thought on regionality in design theories on Public Hall was found. In this particular study, we have pointed out the design ideas of contemporary Japanese architects about public architecture after Second World War. - 檜垣 政宏; 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本インテリア学会論文報告集 日本インテリア学会 (26) 63 - 70 1882-4471 2016/03 [Refereed]
- INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 81 (725) 1503 - 1513 1340-4210 2016 [Refereed]
This study is to illustrate thought on regionality from the point of view of space composition in design theories on Public Theater by contemporary Japanese architects, Through the investigation of their published articles after the Second World War. Public Theater is important to local communities as "New open space". After the Great East Japan Earthquake, The designers of public architecture need to think for the local community. Recently, Public architecture was developed every major application (Building types). So, The thinking about the relationship between architecture and regionality is the most important for the contemporary Japanese architects. Therefore, this study is described about the thinking of relationship between architecture and regionality on design theories on Public Theater. Further after this paper, the some design theories of several building types (Museum, Theater, Public Hall, Library, etc.) are going to be compared.<br> Firstly, the contents each design theory on Public Theater were analyzed, and several descriptions of “The subject on regionality” were extracted(Fig. 1). Next, the meaning of these comments was analyzed by applying the method created by Jiro Kawakita. Then, there were drawn a relationship diagram and 7 groups of meaning were found (Fig. 2). Next, those meanings were divided into two different types (Fig. 2); “Phenomenon value and Physical value” and “Universality and Locality”. Then, the change of that relationship in terms of time was analyzed (Table 1).<br> Secondly, the contents each design theory were analyzed again, and several descriptions of “The Realization by space compositon” were extracted. And the space compositions were analyzed. So, these were classified into 2 space compositions (Table 2); “Singular area” and “Plural areas”. Then Singular area was classified into 3 areas; “Inside”, “Exterior” and “Outside” (Table 3). So Plural areas were classified into 2 areas; “In site” and “Out site”. “In site” is things that have no relationship with “Out site”. “Out site” is things that have relationship with “Out site”. As a result, “Inside” is the most large (Table 4). And “Exterior-Out site” is large. Then, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered (Table 5).<br> Finally, Between “The subject on regionality” and “The Realization by space composition” were analyzed (Table 6). Then, Relationships of “Phenomenon value and Singular area” and “Physical value and Plural areas” are large. Next, from the detailed analysis, 3 Patterns were found (Table 7). (1) The subjects with Phenomenon value, “Art culture”, are represented by “Inside”. (2) The subjects with Phenomenon value, “Life culture”, are represented by “Exterior”. (3) The subjects with Physical value, “Continuation with neighboring scenery”, are represented by relationship between “Exterior” and “Out site”. Further, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered (Table 8). So, The thought on regionality of the designers of Public Theater has changed from around 2000.<br> Consequently, a definite meaning about thought on regionality in design theories on Public Theater was found. In this particular study, we have pointed out the design ideas of contemporary Japanese architects about public architecture after Second World War. - INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 80 (718) 2843 - 2853 1340-4210 2015 [Refereed]
This study aims to illustrate thought on local society from the point of view of space composition in design theories on Public museum by contemporary Japanese architects after the Second World War. Firstly, the contents each design theory on Public Museum were analyzed, and several descriptions of “The thought on local society” were extracted. Next, the meaning of these comments was analyzed by applying the method created by Jiro Kawakita. Then, there were drawn a relationship diagram and 9 groups of meaning were found. Next, those meanings were divided into two different types; “Phenomenon value and Physical value” and “Universality and Locality”. Secondly, the contents each design theory were analyzed again, and several descriptions of “The areas of relationship with local society” were extracted. And the space compositions were analyzed. Finally, Between “The thought on local society” and “The areas of relationship with local society” were analyzed. Then, 3 Patterns were found. Further, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered. - TANIKAWA Daisuke; KATO Takuro; OKUYAMA Shin-ichiJournal of architecture and planning 一般社団法人日本建築学会 (630) 1699 - 1706 1340-4210 2008/08 [Refereed]
The aim of this report is to illustrate the thoughts on urban environment in design theories by contemporary Japanese architects. At first, some comments on the thoughts on urban environment and the relationship-method between buildings and urban environment were extracted from each theory. Secondly, the meanings of those comments was analyzed through the KJ method originated by Kawakita Jiro. Next we connected thoughts on urban environment with the range that architects recognized the urban environment and the relationship-method between buildings and urban environment. Then it was found some definite meanings. Finally we made it clear how contemporary Japanese architects recognized the urban environment. - 現代日本の建築家の設計論における社会的枠組みとしての都市環境に関する研究東京工業大学・博士論文 2006/03 [Refereed]
- TANIKAWA Daisuke; SHIOZAKI Taishin; OKUYAMA Shin-ichiJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 71 (600) 57 - 64 1340-4210 2006 [Refereed]
The aim of this report is to illustrate how contemporary Japanese architects think of commercial buildings in the city, through studying their published articles after World War II. Firstly, the contents of each article were considered and some descriptions about the exterior expression of building were extracted. Then, these descriptions were abstracted into two different levels; what the concept and how they represent the exterior expression of building. Secondly, the meaning of concept was analyzed by applying the KJ method. After that those meanings were divided, from a viewpoint of vector in the concept, into two different types; from city to building and from building to city. Thirdly, the representation for exterior expression of building was classified into three types; skin, volume, and space. Consequently, a relationship between the concept for city and the representation of exterior expression of building was found. - TANIKAWA Daisuke; SASAKI Eiko; OKUYAMA Shin-ichiJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 70 (595) 25 - 32 1340-4210 2005 [Refereed]
The aim of this report is to illustrate what contemporary Japanese architects think of city halls through the investigation of their published articles after the Second World War. Firstly, the content of each article was considered, and some descriptions about community were extracted from each theory. Then, they were abstracted into two different levels; the level of the domain of representation and the level of the subject. Secondly, the domain of representation was classified into 6 categories. Addition each relationship of those categories was analyzed. And meanings of subject were analyzed by applying the method created by Jiro Kawakita. Then 7 groups of meaning were found. Next those meanings were divided into two different types; UNIVERSALITY and LOCALITY. Thirdly, a relationship between the subject and the area of representation was analyzed. Consequently, the change of that relationship in terms of time was considered. - TANIKAWA Daisuke; OKUYAMA Shin-ichiJournal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 日本建築学会 66 (550) 157 - 164 1340-4210 2001 [Refereed]
By means of studying articles published by contemporary Japanese architects, this report aims to illustrate their ideas on public architecture. At first, the content of each article was studied, and some comments were extracted from each theory. Then, they were abstracted into two different levels: the level of the subject and the level of the representation. Next, the meaning of these comments was analyzed by applying the method created by Jiro Kawakita. Those theories were then distracted on the basis of certain ideas. The subject was correlated with the representation, and their relationship was studied. Consequently, a definite meaning was found. In this particular study, we have pointed out the design ideas of contemporary Japanese architects about public architecture after the Second World War.
- 上西 芳明; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 955 -958 2017/03
- 山縣 怜史; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 935 -938 2017/03
- 檜垣 政宏; 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 911 -914 2017/03
- 檜垣 政宏; 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 915 -918 2017/03
- 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 807 -810 2017/03
- 守本 怜矢; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 739 -742 2017/03
- 橋目 悠揮; 谷川 大輔; 塩澤 竜弥 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 971 -974 2017/03
- 塩澤 竜弥; 橋目 悠揮; 谷川 大輔 日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 40- 975 -978 2017/03
- INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 677 -680 2016/03
- HIGAKI Masahiro; INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1029 -1032 2016/03
- YAMAGATA Satoshi; INOUE Shota; SHIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1017 -1020 2016/03
- SHIOZAWA Tatuya; INOUE Shota; YAMAGATA Satoshi; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1013 -1016 2016/03
- TOGE Shota; INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1021 -1024 2016/03
- HASHIME Yuki; INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1009 -1012 2016/03
- INOUE Shota; TOGE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA Daisuke Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1025 -1028 2016/03
- TANIKAWA Daisuke; HIGAKI Masahiro; HASHIME Yuki; INOUE Shota Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 39- 1005 -1008 2016/03
- INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; SIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015- 599 -600 2015/09
- INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; SIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015- 597 -598 2015/09
- HIGAKI Masahiro; TOUGE Shota; INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015- 605 -606 2015/09
- TANIKAWA Daisuke; HIGAKI Masahiro; INOUE Shota; SIOZAWA Tatuya Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015- 595 -596 2015/09
- INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2014- 923 -924 2014/09
- 谷川 大輔 ACE : architecture & civil engineering 1- (12) 42 -46 2011/12
- 谷川 大輔 ACE : architecture & civil engineering 1- (11) 48 -52 2011/11
- 谷川 大輔 建設業界 1- (10) 42 -46 2011/10
- 谷川 大輔 建設業界 1- (9) 44 -48 2011/09
- 谷川 大輔 建設業界 1- (8) 42 -46 2011/08
- 谷川 大輔 建設業界 1- (7) 42 -46 2011/07
- 谷川 大輔 建築雑誌 126- (1614) 54 -54 2011/02
- IWASHITA Ryo; MORI Yoshihiko; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 635 -636 2009/07
- ISOBE Hiroki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 629 -630 2009/07
- UCHIYAMA Takashi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 637 -638 2009/07
- OHMURA Rie; FUDENO Nozomi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 577 -578 2009/07
- IIDA Juichi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 583 -584 2009/07
- ENDO Ryo; YONEKURA Natsu; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 579 -580 2009/07
- Taguchi RYOTA; KINOSHITA Yasumasa; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 581 -582 2009/07
- IZUMA Yumi; WATANABE Yusuke; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 593 -594 2009/07
- OKAZAKI Motofumi; CHO Komi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009- 571 -572 2009/07
- DOUMYOU Yoshie; FUKUDA Kyo; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 587 -588 2009
- HIROTA Akinori; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 635 -636 2008/07
- UCHIYAMA Takashi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 313 -314 2008/07
- YOSHIKAWA Kazuhiro; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 489 -490 2008/07
- MORI Yoshihiko; KOSHIISHI Madoka; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 637 -638 2008/07
- WATANABE Yuusuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 633 -634 2008/07
- FUKUDA Kyo; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 641 -642 2008/07
- ENDO Ryo; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008- 639 -640 2008/07
- 谷川 大輔 理大科学フォーラム 25- (1) 30 -32 2008/01
- MATSUYA Ryuki; HIROTA Akinori; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 589 -590 2008
- OGAWA Hiroyuki; NINOMIYA Masayuki; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007- 287 -288 2007/07
- SHIMAZAKI Eri; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007- 469 -470 2007/07
- MARUYAMA Takayuki; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007- 465 -466 2007/07
- OKAZAKI Motofumi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007- 561 -562 2007/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; MORI Daisuke; TSUKAMOTO Mai; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory 2006- 725 -726 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; UESUGI Masashi; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 217 -218 2006/07
- YAMADA Hirofumi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 599 -600 2006/07
- KITAGAWA Takeshi; YAMADA Hirofumi; HAN Sangmi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 597 -598 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; IKEDA Naoya; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 753 -754 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 743 -744 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006- 727 -728 2006/07
- MIZOGUCHI Emi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2004- 691 -692 2004/07
- TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 685 -686 2004
- SASAKI Eiko Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 687 -688 2004
- TANIKAWA daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003- 265 -266 2003/07
- NAKAJIMA Toshiaki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003- 269 -270 2003/07
- ONISHI Yasufumi; OKUYAMA Shin-ichi; TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003- 271 -272 2003/07
- TAKATSUBAKI Soichi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003- 267 -268 2003/07
- KOBAYASHI Yoh-ichi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002- 559 -560 2002/06
- MURAKAMI Shuhei Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002- 589 -590 2002/06
- MURAKAMI Shuhei Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002- 587 -588 2002/06
- TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002- 557 -558 2002/06
- OKUYAMA Shinichi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 559 -560 2001/07
- OMURA Taku Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 561 -562 2001/07
- MIYAWAKI Yasuki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 533 -534 2001/07
- TAKATSUBAKI Soichi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 563 -564 2001/07
- KOBAYASHI Tetsuya Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 595 -596 2001/07
- MORITANI Hidekazu Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001- 597 -598 2001/07
- Tanikawa Dasuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 567 -568 2001
- KATO Takuro Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 569 -570 2001
- SHIOZAKI Taishin Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 487 -488 2000/07
- KITSUNAI Hidetoshi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 543 -544 2000/07
- HARADA Shinya Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 489 -490 2000/07
- MARUYAMA Miki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 495 -496 2000/07
- TANIKAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 493 -494 2000/07
- MURAKAMI Shuhei Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 491 -492 2000/07
- OMURA Taku Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000- 541 -542 2000/07
- HIGASHI Nobuaki Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000- 871 -872 2000/07
- KATO Takuro Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000- 873 -874 2000/07
- YAMADA Hidenori Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000- 875 -876 2000/07
- TANIGAWA Daisuke Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 1999- 651 -652 1999/07
- KITUNAI Hidwtoshi Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 1999- 649 -650 1999/07
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- Thought on design theories of Nursery school by contemporary Japanese architects 2Tanikawa Daisuke; Mouri HiroSummaries of The 32nd annual conference of Japan Society for Interior Studies 2020/10
- Thought on design theories of Nursery school by contemporary Japanese architects 1Mouri Hiro; Tanikawa DaisukeSummaries of The 32nd annual conference of Japan Society for Interior Studies 2020/10
- 現代日本の建築家の保育所の設計論における主題とその具体化 [Not invited]毛利展; 谷川大輔2019年度日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集第43巻,[建築歴史・意匠] 2020/03
- 東広島市高屋町白市の町並み景観ゾーンにある大藤家の歴史的価値と建築的特徴 白市の歴史に着目した歴史的建造物の保存・活用に関する研究 [Not invited]長尾祐輔; 谷川大輔2019年度日本建築学会大会(北陸)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2019/09
- 建築写真における公立文化施設のホワイエ空間の室内意匠に関する研究 [Not invited]高橋佳穂; 谷川大輔2019年度日本建築学会大会(北陸)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2019/09
- 現代日本の建築家の小学校建築の設計論における主題の具体化 [Not invited]藤田尚也; 谷川大輔2019年度日本建築学会大会(北陸)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2019/09
- 東広島市高屋町白市の町並み景観ゾーンにある大藤家の歴史的価値と建築的特徴 白市の歴史に着目した歴史的建造物の保存・活用に関する研究 [Not invited]長尾祐輔; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集第42 巻[建築歴史・意匠] 2019/03
- 東広島市黒瀬町金光酒造における歴史的背景と建築的価値 黒瀬町に唯一ある酒造の保存と再生に関する研究 [Not invited]北條友寛; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集第42 巻,[建築歴史・意匠] 2019/03
- 戦後「新建築」誌に掲載された建築写真における公立文化施設のホワイエ空間の室内意匠に関する研究 [Not invited]高橋佳穂; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集第42 巻[建築歴史・意匠] 2019/03
- 現代日本の建築家の小学校建築の設計論における主題の具体化 [Not invited]藤田尚也; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集第42 巻[建築歴史・意匠] 2019/03
- 東広島市安芸津町の今田酒造の建築群のファサードと平面構成 [Not invited]林武志; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 東広島市安芸津町の柄酒造の歴史的背景と建築的特徴川口椋太郎; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 東広島市安芸津町の榊山八幡神社の建築的特徴と歴史的価値影山雅稀; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 東広島市安芸津町の榊山八幡神社の歴史的背景と配置構成田中聖人; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 現代日本の建築家の寺院建築の設計論における設計意図とその具体化塩澤竜弥; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 現代日本の建築家の小学校・中学校建築の設計論における主題毛利展; 塩澤竜弥; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 現代日本の建築家の幼稚園・保育所の設計論における主題とその具体化の対応藤田尚也; 佐藤悠人; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 現代日本の建築家の幼稚園・保育所の設計論における主題佐藤悠人; 藤田尚也; 谷川大輔2018年度日本建築学会大会(東北)学術講演梗概集〔建築歴史・意匠〕 2018/09
- 塩澤 竜弥; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- The design theories of elementary school and junior high school by contemporary japanese architects [Not invited]谷川 大輔; 塩澤 竜弥日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- The Historical background and architectural features of Sakakiyama Hachiman Shrine in Akitsu Town, Higashi Hiroshima City [Not invited]影山 雅稀; 田中 聖人; 川口 椋太郎; 林 武志; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- The historical background and architectural features of Tsuka Brewery and Imada Brewery in Akitsu Town, Higashi Hiroshima City [Not invited]影山 雅稀; 田中 聖人; 川口 椋太郎; 林 武志; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- Thought on design theories of Kindergarten and Nursery school by contemporary Japanese architects [Not invited]佐藤 悠人; 藤田 尚也; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- Thought on design theories of Kindergarten and Nursery school by contemporary Japanese architects [Not invited]佐藤 悠人; 藤田 尚也; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- Creation of architectural structure design using IESO method : Application to design design competition [Not invited]渡部 桃子; 谷川 大輔; 藤井 大地日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2018/03
- The design theories and the embodiment of stadium with the roof by contemporary japanese architects [Not invited]塩澤 竜弥; 橋目 悠揮; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- The design theories and the embodiment of stadium with the roof by contemporary japanese architects [Not invited]橋目 悠揮; 谷川 大輔; 塩澤 竜弥日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 上西 芳明; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 檜垣 政宏; 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 山縣 怜史; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 檜垣 政宏; 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 井上 翔太; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- 守本 怜矢; 谷川 大輔日本建築学会中国支部研究報告集 日本建築学会中国支部 編 2017/03
- Study on reconstruction of tourist attractions network of Mitarai area in Kure-city, Hirosima [Not invited]INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- HIGAKI Masahiro; INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- TOGE Shota; INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- INOUE Shota; TOGE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- YAMAGATA Satoshi; INOUE Shota; SHIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- SHIOZAWA Tatuya; INOUE Shota; YAMAGATA Satoshi; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- HASHIME Yuki; INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; TANIKAWA DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- TANIKAWA Daisuke; HIGAKI Masahiro; HASHIME Yuki; INOUE ShotaProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2016/03
- HIGAKI Masahiro; TOUGE Shota; INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015/09
- INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; SIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015/09
- INOUE Shota; HIGAKI Masahiro; SIOZAWA Tatuya; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015/09
- TANIKAWA Daisuke; HIGAKI Masahiro; INOUE Shota; SIOZAWA TatuyaSummaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2015/09
- INOUE Shota; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of annual meeting 2014/09
- Tamura Kai; Tanaka Takahiro; Tsukamoto Toshiaki; Tanigawa DaisukeProceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) 2013
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(7)第二五回受賞作品 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館 [Not invited]谷川 大輔ACE : architecture & civil engineering 2011/12
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(6)第二〇回受賞作品(一九七九年) ひろしま美術館 [Not invited]谷川 大輔ACE : architecture & civil engineering 2011/11
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(5)第二六回受賞作品(一九八五年) 国立能楽堂 [Not invited]谷川 大輔建設業界 2011/10
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(4)第一四回受賞作品(一九七三年) 平安神宮会館 [Not invited]谷川 大輔建設業界 2011/09
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(3)第一六回受賞作品(一九七五年) 日本学士院会館 [Not invited]谷川 大輔建設業界 2011/08
- BCS賞受賞作品探訪記(2)第六回受賞作品(一九六五年) 神戸ポートタワー [Not invited]谷川 大輔建設業界 2011/07
- 創造都市時代における新しい公共空間の可能性 [Not invited]谷川 大輔建築雑誌 2011/02
- OKAZAKI Motofumi; CHO Komi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- UCHIYAMA Takashi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- 9318 A Study about Modular Planning of Librarise Designed by Kito Azusa : Comparison of Public and University Libraries [Not invited]IWASHITA Ryo; MORI Yoshihiko; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- ISOBE Hiroki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- IZUMA Yumi; WATANABE Yusuke; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- IIDA Juichi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- Taguchi RYOTA; KINOSHITA Yasumasa; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- ENDO Ryo; YONEKURA Natsu; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- OHMURA Rie; FUDENO Nozomi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009/07
- DOUMYOU Yoshie; FUKUDA Kyo; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2009
- ENDO Ryo; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- FUKUDA Kyo; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- MORI Yoshihiko; KOSHIISHI Madoka; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- 9318 On the design process of the achievement works : Consider the subject of "musee a croissance illimitee" by Le Corbusier [Not invited]HIROTA Akinori; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- 9245 Consideration of the design process of the National Museum of Western Art : rearrangement of plans and documents [Not invited]YOSHIKAWA Kazuhiro; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- WATANABE Yuusuke; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- 9157 On the develop process of PREMOS by Kunio Maekawa : Consider the subject from a constitution member. [Not invited]UCHIYAMA Takashi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008/07
- MATSUYA Ryuki; HIROTA Akinori; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2008
- 谷川 大輔理大科学フォーラム 2008/01
- OKAZAKI Motofumi; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007/07
- SHIMAZAKI Eri; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007/07
- 9233 Research on the change of window in a living room of the wooden houses designed by Antonin Raymond [Not invited]MARUYAMA Takayuki; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007/07
- 9144 On the design process of the marseille unite d'habitation : consider the subject from apartment units [Not invited]OGAWA Hiroyuki; NINOMIYA Masayuki; YAMANA Yoshiyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2007/07
- 戦中・戦後の建築雑誌に掲載された諸外国の工業化住宅に関する研究 [Not invited]日本建築学会学術講演会 2007
- マルセイユ・ユニテ・ダビタシオンの住居ユニットに着目した設計過程の考察 [Not invited]日本建築学会学術講演会 2007
- アントニン・レーモンド設計の木造住宅作品の居間における開口部要素の変遷 [Not invited]日本建築学会学術講演会 2007
- 『ル・コルビュジエ全作品集』における工業化に関する言説の研究 作品解説における生産方法及び美学・情緒に着目した分析 [Not invited]日本建築学会学術講演会 2007
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; MARUYAMA Takayuki; TANIGAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; OGAWA Hiroyuki; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; SHIMAZAKI Eri; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; IKEDA Naoya; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- YAMADA Hirofumi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- KITAGAWA Takeshi; YAMADA Hirofumi; HAN Sangmi; TANIKAWA Daisuke; YAMANA YoshiyukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- YAMANA Yoshiyuki; UESUGI Masashi; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2006/07
- 5357 The development process of built-up house by Jyutaku-Eidan on building construction and floor planning [Not invited]YAMANA Yoshiyuki; MORI Daisuke; TSUKAMOTO Mai; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and 2006/07
- MIZOGUCHI EmiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2004/07
- 9343 The Theme of Design Theories on City Hall by Contemporary Japanese Architects (1) [Not invited]TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2004
- 9344 The Theme of Design Theories on City Hall by Contemporary Japanese Architects (2) [Not invited]SASAKI EikoSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2004
- ONISHI Yasufumi; OKUYAMA Shin-ichi; TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003/07
- NAKAJIMA ToshiakiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003/07
- TAKATSUBAKI SoichiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003/07
- TANIKAWA daisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2003/07
- MURAKAMI ShuheiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002/06
- MURAKAMI ShuheiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002/06
- KOBAYASHI Yoh-ichiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002/06
- Factors of Surroundings on Commentaries on Houses : A Study on Housing Theories of Contemporary Japanese Architects (10) [Not invited]TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2002/06
- MORITANI HidekazuSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- KOBAYASHI TetsuyaSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- TAKATSUBAKI SoichiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- OMURA TakuSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- OKUYAMA ShinichiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- MIYAWAKI YasukiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001/07
- 9284 The Recognition of Urban Environment on Design Theories by Contemporary Japanese Architects (1) [Not invited]Tanikawa DasukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001
- 9285 The Recognition of Urban Environment on Design Theories by Contemporary Japanese Architects (2) [Not invited]KATO TakuroSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2001
- HIGASHI NobuakiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000/07
- KATO TakuroSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000/07
- YAMADA HidenoriSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems 2000/07
- The Image of the City on Collective Housing Theories of Contemporary Japanese Architects (2) [Not invited]KITSUNAI HidetoshiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- The Image of the City on Collective Housing Theories of Contemporary Japanese Architects (1) [Not invited]OMURA TakuSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- MARUYAMA MikiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- TANIKAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- Grounds of Design conception on Roofs of Houses : A Study on Housing Theories of Contemporary Japanese Arshitects 4 [Not invited]MURAKAMI ShuheiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- HARADA ShinyaSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- Design Conceptions on Facade spase of Urban commercial architectures : A Study on Design Method of Commecial Buildings [Not invited]SHIOZAKI TaishinSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 2000/07
- TANIGAWA DaisukeSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 1999/07
- KITUNAI HidwtoshiSummaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-2, History and theory of architecture 1999/07
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- 福富町における廃校小学校の空間的価値を活かしたリノベーションによる循環経済の具現化東広島市:令和5年度近畿大学Town & Gown COMMONプロジェクトDate (from‐to) : 2023/07 -2024/03
- 西条酒蔵通りレンガ煙突の修繕と維持管理システムの確立に関する研究東広島市:令和3年度大学連携政策課題共同研究事業(行政課題解決型共同研究)Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2022/03
- 東広島市福富町竹仁「みんなのハレヤグラ」プロジェクト東広島市:平成31年度東広島市市民協働のまちづくり活動応援補助金Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2020/03
- 中山間地域の再生古民家での農泊によるまちづくりの可能性(公財)サタケ技術振興財団:(公財)サタケ技術振興財団 2019年度大学研究助成Date (from‐to) : 2018/04 -2019/03
- 広島県東広島市福富町における農泊推進事業中国四国農政局:平成29年度農山漁村振興交付金(農泊推進対策費)Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2019/03
- 東広島市志和町・みはらし公園のパーゴラ東広島市:平成29年度東広島市市民協働のまちづくり活動応援補助金Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2018/03
- 東広島市福富町・郷のえんがわ マルシェ東広島市:平成29年度東広島市市民協働のまちづくり活動応援補助金Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2018/03
- 広島県三原市のヒノキ間伐材と瀬戸漆喰を用いた空き家古民家の蔵の再生 〜広島県の中山間地域における空き家古民家活用による移住定住に関する研究〜公益財団法人 古川技術振興財団:平成29年度 公益財団法人 古川技術振興財団研究助成Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2018/03
- 「福富・星降るテラス』プロジェクト 〜中山間地域における空き家古民家の利活用に関する研究〜」近畿大学:クラウドファンディングCAMPFIREを活用した研究資金Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2018/03
- ふくとみ星降るテラスプロジェクト 空き家古民家を再利用した里山レストハウス&ゲストハウス広島県:平成28年度『ひろしま さとやま未来博2017』【ココロザシ応援プロジェクト】補助金Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2017/03
- 中山間地域における空き家古民家再生プロジェクト 広島県東広島市福富町における農家の囲炉裏の再生中山間地域における空き家古民家再生プロジェクト 広島県東広島市福富町における農家の囲炉裏の再生:総合資格学院研究活動助成金Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2017/03
- 広島県東広島の中山間地域における空き家古民家再生による移住定住促進の拠点整備東広島市:東広島市福富町空き家再生プロジェクト補助金(空き家活用移住促進拠点整備事業のハード事業)Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2017/03
Social Contribution Activities
- 平成30年度キャリア講演会東広島市福富町における再生古民家・星降るテラスとまちづくりDate (from-to) : 2019/02/22Role : LecturerCategory : LectureSponser, Organizer, Publisher : 東広島市立福富中学校
Media Coverage
- 元就的SDGsすたこらIN福富・高屋の後半戦!世界に誇る職人の技!Date : 2021/02/14Publisher, broadcasting station: RCCテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: 元就。Media report
- 広島東広島市 復興のシンボル〝やぐら〟披露Date : 2019/10/15Publisher, broadcasting station: NHKProgram, newspaper magazine: おはようひろしまMedia report
- 被災した福富町に復興やぐらDate : 2019/10/14Publisher, broadcasting station: 広島ホームテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: 5UP!Media report
- 笑顔集う復興やぐら 福富 あすマルシェでお披露目Date : 2019/10/13Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 豪雨復興の櫓 福富に立つ 住民と交流 近大生ら製作Date : 2019/10/13Publisher, broadcasting station: 読売新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞Paper
- 中学生がキャンパス体験Date : 2019/08/28Publisher, broadcasting station: NHKProgram, newspaper magazine: ひろしまニュース845Media report
- 近畿大の谷川准教授たち再建 福富で古民家再生Date : 2019/08/22Publisher, broadcasting station: 株式会社 プレスネット本社Program, newspaper magazine: THE WEEKLY PRESSNETPaper
- 広島とアメリカの大学生らが平和について学ぶ国際交流Date : 2019/05/23Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONMedia report
- 東広島市総合計画審議会Date : 2019/05/23Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 米学生 古民家で平和学習 福富 被曝樹木の苗木植えるDate : 2019/05/20Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 東広島 日米大学生が平和を考える交流会Date : 2019/05/20Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK HIROSHIMAProgram, newspaper magazine: おはようひろしまMedia report
- 田舎暮らし古民家で体験 福富 顕微鏡手作りや草花観察Date : 2019/03/27Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 本っておもしろい!Date : 2019/03/11Publisher, broadcasting station: FM東広島Program, newspaper magazine: 本っておもしろい!Media report
- 近大工学部の学生らが 志和みはらし公園の整備に協力Date : 2019/02/27Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 大学生たち使われなくなった建物を公園の休憩所にDate : 2019/02/25Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK HIROSHIMAProgram, newspaper magazine: おはようひろしまMedia report
- 折り紙建築ペーパークラフト親子教室Date : 2018/08/04Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAONたいむ
- 日米学生が平和交流 東広島Date : 2018/05/27Publisher, broadcasting station: 読売新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞Paper
- 米学生福富で平和学ぶ 戯曲鑑賞 近大生と意見交換Date : 2018/05/27Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 瀬戸漆喰をもちいた蔵の再生Date : 2018/04/22Publisher, broadcasting station: RCCラジオProgram, newspaper magazine: 新里カオリのうららか日曜日Media report
- 東広島市歴史文化基本構想策定記念講演会Date : 2018/03/30Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 空き家を学生たちが再生!地域活性化を目指すDate : 2018/03/27Publisher, broadcasting station: RCCテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: イマまなっ!くらしナビMedia report
- 西志和小学校の児童がみはらし公園へ 卒業記念植樹Date : 2018/03/26Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 福富交流 常設テント 近大生、設計に協力 朝市などに活用 18日お披露目会Date : 2018/03/14Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 福富町・星降るテラスでのイベントDate : 2017/08/03Publisher, broadcasting station: 広島FMProgram, newspaper magazine: DAYS!Media report
- 古民家設備充実へCF 福富 土間・かまどで田舎体験Date : 2017/07/31Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 福富町・星降るテラスの現在Date : 2017/07/24Publisher, broadcasting station: 広島FMProgram, newspaper magazine: 9ジラジMedia report
- 教授名鑑 古民家を再生させ地域活性化の核にDate : 2017/06/27Publisher, broadcasting station: 山陰中央新報社Program, newspaper magazine: 山陰中央新報Paper
- 大学徹底研究 広島県の大学に行こう きらり名物教授 古民家を地域の拠点にDate : 2017/06/25Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 空き家再生プロジェクト第一期完成披露会Date : 2017/05/11Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 空き家再生し資源に 大学生が改修 学びの場Date : 2017/05/09Publisher, broadcasting station: 朝日新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞Paper
- 移住体験いらっしゃい 福富 古民家改修し披露会Date : 2017/05/05Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 学生目線で地域貢献への思いつづる 地域課題研究懸賞論文Date : 2017/04/13Publisher, broadcasting station: ザ・ウィークリー・プレスネットPaper
- 必聴!キャンパス自慢Date : 2017/04/04Publisher, broadcasting station: NHKラジオ第一Program, newspaper magazine: コイらじMedia report
- 守本さんが最優秀賞 東広島市の地域課題論文Date : 2017/03/18Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 近畿大学工学部建築学科 谷川研究室 中山間地域活性化に貢献 東広島市福富町で空き家をゲストハウスに再生Date : 2017/02/22Publisher, broadcasting station: 日刊 建設工業新聞Paper
- 合併町人口減の東広島市 定住促進へ情報発信に力 拠点整備や動画配信 特色生かし魅力づくりをDate : 2017/01/26Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞 現場初2017Paper
- 学生提言「東広島を元気に」古民家再生や最先端体験Date : 2016/12/05Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 東広島“まちづくり”大学生が市長と意見交換Date : 2016/12/04Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK HIROSHIMAProgram, newspaper magazine: ひろしまニュース645Media report
- 福富町・星降るテラスについてDate : 2016/11/10Publisher, broadcasting station: 広島FMProgram, newspaper magazine: 9ジラジMedia report
- 学生ワークショップによる古民家再生Date : 2016/09/13Publisher, broadcasting station: 広島FMProgram, newspaper magazine: 9ジラジMedia report
- 移住促進 モデル地区選定へ 広島県 御手洗など6候補Date : 2016/06/08Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 古民家をリノベーション 空き家再生プロジェクト始動Date : 2016/05/28Publisher, broadcasting station: ザ・ウィークリー・プレスネットPaper
- 近畿大学工学部の学生が空き家再生プロジェクトを始めるDate : 2016/05/18Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 古民家再生 師弟で挑む 東広島・築100年超 近大・谷川講師「交流の場に」 学生「昔の職人技にワクワク」Date : 2016/05/17Publisher, broadcasting station: 読売新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞Paper
- 福富の古民家 学びの場に 近畿大の谷川講師購入 地域活性化へ学生と改修」Date : 2016/05/16Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 中山間地の古民家よみがえれ 近大生ら東広島で活動Date : 2016/05/16Publisher, broadcasting station: 朝日新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞Paper
- 東広島市福富町における空き家再生プロジェクトDate : 2016/05/10Publisher, broadcasting station: RCCラジオMedia report
- 空き倉庫 近大生が改修 志和の公園 憩いの空間創出へDate : 2016/05/09Publisher, broadcasting station: 中国新聞社Program, newspaper magazine: 中国新聞Paper
- 空き家再利用に向け 大学生が整備へDate : 2016/05/09Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK HIROSHIMAProgram, newspaper magazine: NHK NEWSMedia report
- さとやま未来博2018春での星降るテラスでのワークショップDate : 2016/05/07Publisher, broadcasting station: FM東広島Program, newspaper magazine: 中継インタビューMedia report
- 福富町における古民家再生プロジェクトDate : 2016/05/05Publisher, broadcasting station: RCCテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: ラブグリーン CMMedia report
- 福富町での空き家再生の試みDate : 2016/05/02Publisher, broadcasting station: FM東広島Program, newspaper magazine: EASTじゃけんMedia report
- 折り紙建築親子教室Date : 2015/08/12Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 志和みはらし公園 植樹の集いDate : 2015/02/26Publisher, broadcasting station: KAMONケーブルテレビProgram, newspaper magazine: KAMONたいむMedia report
- 伝統芸能についてDate : 2014/10/23Publisher, broadcasting station: FM東広島Program, newspaper magazine: 和のこころMedia report
- 日本建築についてDate : 2014/07/17Publisher, broadcasting station: FA東広島Program, newspaper magazine: 和のこころMedia report
Other Link