General Education DivisionLecturer

Last Updated :2024/12/24

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 庭園   17世紀英文学   ジョン・ミルトン   十七世紀英文学   英詩   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Literature - British/English-languag



  • 2019/04 - Today  Kindai UniversityFaculty of Economics専任講師
  • 2013/04 - 2018/03  Kosen of Osaka Prefecture University一般科目講師

■Research activity information

Books and other publications

  • Yae Kanasaki (Single workpp.1-pp.12)Ikoma Journal of Economics 2023/07 97 1-12 
    Milton’s works have been divided into three categories: early pastoral poetry, middle period’s political prose, and late period’s long epic poetry. During the period of Milton’s political activity, Milton had been appreciated as a politician, not as a poet. In discussing Milton as a poet, there has been a big disconnect between his early and late works. In this paper, I will discuss Milton’s sonnets, which are poems he wrote infrequently during the period of his political activities, and examine their significance as a link between his early and late works.
  • Yae Kanasaki (Single workpp.21-31)Ikoma Journal of Economics 2022/07 68 21-31 
    [Abstract] Numerous artists of later generations, who were influenced by the poet John Milton, have created new works using Milton’s works as motifs. In this thesis, I will discuss how Milton’s works have been musically transformed and accepted from the 18th century through to the present day, focusing on the keyword "harmony." By presenting arguments based on the music of Haydn and Handel, along with Mark Morris’ stage performances, I will explore how Milton’s poetry, as an art form of "lyrics" and "sounds," has survived across the generations.
  • 玉井 暲; 小松, 和彦; 玉井, 暲 (Joint translation第3章「人類学の過去の風景」、第8章『パウサニアスの<ギリシャ案内記>』)ロバート・アッカーマン 法蔵館 2020/07 4831826111 456 116-162, 368-411
  • Okumura, Nobuhiko (Joint workPart 3 "Codes and Ciphers")Kairyudo 2017/03 9784304051579 103p
  • 沖田, 知子; 米本, 弘一 (Joint workpp.130-139 「ミルトンの庭」)英宝社 2015/10 9784269770539 v, 253p 130-139
  • 玉井暲教授退職記念論文集刊行会 (Joint workpp.225-237 「なぜコウマスは逃げたのか ―『コウマス』における自然」)英宝社 2010/03 426976001X 879 225-237
  • 17世紀英文学研究会 (Joint workpp.1-18「ミルトン『デイモン墓碑銘』における自然の変容」)金星堂 2008/03 9784764709928 iii, 296p 1-18

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • ミルトンの詩と後世の芸術家たち ――調和と融和――  [Not invited]
    日本ミルトン協会 第16回研究会  2021/07
  • ミルトンと閉じられた世界  [Not invited]
    金崎 八重
    十七世紀英文学会 関西支部 第 213 回例会  2019/06
  • 文明と野蛮  [Not invited]
    金崎 八重
    日本ミルトン協会 第7回研究大会  2016/12
  • ミルトンの庭  [Not invited]
    金崎 八重
    日本ミルトン協会研究会 第11回研究会  2014/07
  • Arcades, Epitaphium Damonis and the Garden of Eden  [Not invited]
    Yae Kanasaki
    The Tenth International Milton Symposium  2012/08

Affiliated academic society

  • 17世紀英文学会   THE ENGLISH LITERARY SOCIETY OF JAPAN   Milton Association of Japan   十七世紀英文学会