加藤 麻衣子(カトウ マイコ)


Last Updated :2024/12/24






  • 医学博士(2015年03月 近畿大学)




  • ライフサイエンス / 皮膚科学



  • Chisa Nakashima; Maiko Kato; Atsushi Otsuka
    The Journal of Dermatology 50 3 280 - 289 2023年01月 
    Abstract In December 2019, a new infectious pathogen named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) was identified in Wuhan, China. Transmitted through respiratory droplets, SARS‐CoV‐2 is the causative pathogen of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19). Although this new COVID‐19 infection is known to cause primarily interstitial pneumonia and respiratory failure, it is often associated with cutaneous manifestations as well. These manifestations with COVID‐19 can be classified into seven categories: (i) chilblain‐like skin eruption (e.g., COVID toes), (ii) urticaria‐like skin eruption, (iii) maculopapular lesions, (iv) vesicular eruptions, (v) purpura, (vi) livedo reticularis and necrotic lesions, (vii) urticarial vasculitis, and others such as alopecia and herpes zoster. The pathogenesis of skin eruptions can be broadly divided into vasculitic and inflammatory skin eruptions. Various cutaneous adverse reactions have also been observed after COVID‐19 mRNA vaccination. The major cutaneous adverse reactions are type I hypersensitivity (urticaria and anaphylaxis) and type IV hypersensitivity (COVID arm and erythema multiform). Autoimmune‐mediated reactions including bullous pemphigus, vasculitis, vitiligo, and alopecia areata have also been reported. Several cases with chilblain‐like lesions and herpes zoster after COVID‐19 mRNA vaccination have been published. Various skin diseases associated with COVID‐19 and COVID‐19 vaccination have been reported, and the mechanism has been partly elucidated. In the process, for example, some papers have reported that it is not related to COVID‐19 infection, although it was initially called COVID‐toe and considered a COVID‐19‐associated cutaneous eruption. In fact, some COVID‐19‐associated skin reactions are indistinguishable from drug eruptions. In the future, the mechanisms of COVID‐19‐ or COVID‐19 vaccine‐associated skin reactions need to be elucidated and verification of causal relationships is required.
  • 岩津 理世; 佐藤 雅子; 加藤 麻衣子; 柳原 茂人; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁; 大塚 篤司
    皮膚の科学 21 2 108 - 113 日本皮膚科学会-大阪地方会・京滋地方会 2022年06月 
    52歳,男性。7年前に尋常性天疱瘡と診断され当科に通院していたが,背部の皮膚と両側頬粘膜のびらんが徐々に増悪したため入院となった。入院時のPemphigus Disease Area Index(PDAI)は皮膚10点,粘膜2点と中等症であったが難治であり,入院後激しい咽頭痛,呼吸困難感が生じ上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行したところ,食道全長にわたって粘膜びらん・潰瘍・裂創を認めた。抗デスモグレイン1抗体630U/mL,抗デスモグレイン3抗体2,540U/mLと上昇を認め,さらに粘膜びらんと潰瘍が食道全体に散発していたため,尋常性天疱瘡の食道粘膜病変と考え,ステロイドパルス療法,全身投与,免疫抑制剤内服,血漿交換療法,免疫グロブリン大量静注療法を行ったところ,皮膚症状と口腔内粘膜症状は改善した。上部消化管内視鏡検査にて食道全長に生じた粘膜病変の改善も確認し,治療効果判定もおこなった。自験例では入院時のは皮膚10点,粘膜2点と中等症であったが難治であり,重度の食道粘膜症状もきたした。口腔粘膜病変を伴う場合,上部消化管内視鏡検査で食道粘膜病変の観察を行うこと,重症例においては積極的に初期治療を行うことが重要であると考える。(著者抄録)
  • 岩津 理世; 佐藤 雅子; 加藤 麻衣子; 柳原 茂人; 大磯 直毅; 立石 千晴; 橋本 隆; 鶴田 大輔; 川田 暁; 大塚 篤司
    皮膚の科学 21 2 126 - 132 日本皮膚科学会-大阪地方会・京滋地方会 2022年06月 
  • 廣田 菜々子; 鈴木 緑; 加藤 麻衣子; 柳原 茂人; 遠藤 英樹; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁; 大塚 篤司; 田中 薫; 藤田 岳
    皮膚の科学 21 1 1 - 5 日本皮膚科学会-大阪地方会・京滋地方会 2022年03月 
  • Nanako Hirota; Midori Suzuki; Maiko Kato; Shigeto Yanagihara; Naoki Oiso; Akira Kawada; Atsushi Otsuka; Kaoru Tanaka; Takeshi Fujita
    Skin Research 21 1 1 - 5 2022年 
    A 64-year-old Japanese woman was referred to us with erosions on the lips and erythematous macules on the trunk and extremities. She had undergone right lateral temporal bone resection, postoperative radiation therapy, and chemotherapy for the right external auditory canal cancer one year before. The eruptions occurred 12 days after administering nivolumab for recurrence. The eruptions were diagnosed as nivolumab-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome, an immune-related adverse event with clinical and histopathological features. The lesions were cured after applying steroid pulse therapy, plasma exchange, and intravenous immunoglobulin. To date, six cases of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and one case of toxic epidermal necrosis due to nivolumab have been reported in Japan. To prevent poor prognosis due to nivolumab-associated immune-related adverse events, immediate diagnosis and intensive treatment are required. It would be necessary to accumulate similar case series to establish appropriate management for nivolumab-induced severe immune-related adverse events.
  • 食道全長にわたって粘膜びらん・潰瘍を呈した尋常性天疱瘡の1例
    岩津 理世; 鈴木 緑; 内田 修輔; 加藤 麻衣子; 柳原 茂人; 遠藤 英樹; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁
    西日本皮膚科 83 3 252 - 252 日本皮膚科学会-西部支部 2021年06月
  • Yanagihara S; Oiso N; Morita Y; Miyake Y; Kato M; Matsumura I; Kawada A
    The Journal of dermatology 2019年11月 [査読有り]
  • Yanagihara S; Oiso N; Hirota N; Kato M; Miyake S; Kawada A
    European journal of dermatology : EJD 29 3 332 - 333 2019年06月 [査読有り]
  • Kato M; Oiso N; Uchida S; Yanagihara S; Sano H; Tohda Y; Kawada A
    The Journal of dermatology 46 7 e230 - e232 2019年02月 [査読有り]
  • Midori Suzuki; Megumi Tatebayashi; Maiko Kato; Shigeto Yanagihara; Naoki Oiso; Akira Kawada
    Skin Research 17 5 265 - 269 2019年 
    A Japanese man in his 80’s visited our hospital with reddish plaques and alopecia on the occipital region, reddish plaques on the back, and reddish follicular papules on the right forearm. The patient had noticed them a few months earlier. Based on the histopathological ndings, we diagnosed this case as follicular mucinosis (FM). During two years of treatment with a topical corticosteroid, reddish nodules on the temporal and occipital region, and reddish plaques and papules on the left back appeared. We performed a second skin biopsy and diagnosed folliculotropic mycosis fungoides (FMF). Oral PUVA therapy achieved positive clinical effects for FMF. Our case suggested that oral and topical PUVA may be a good therapeutic modality for FMF.
  • PUVA療法で寛解したfolliculotrophic mycosis fungoidesの1例
    鈴木 緑; 立林めぐ美; 加藤麻衣子; 栁原茂人; 大磯直毅; 川田 暁
    皮膚の科学 17 5 265 - 269 2018年10月 [査読有り]
  • 鈴木 緑; 立林めぐ美; 三宅雅子; 加藤麻衣子; 柳原茂人; 大磯直毅; 川田 暁; 松尾仁子
    皮膚の科学 17 2 70 - 74 2018年04月 [査読有り]
  • Maiko Kato; Sachiyo Tsuji-Kawahara; Yuri Kawasaki; Saori Kinoshita; Tomomi Chikaishi; Shiki Takamura; Makoto Fujisawa; Akira Kawada; Masaaki Miyazawa
    JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 89 2 1468 - 1473 2015年01月 [査読有り]
    Toll-like receptor 7 and Myd88 are required for antiretroviral antibody and germinal center responses, but whether somatic hypermutation and class-switch recombination are required for antiretroviral immunity has not been examined. Mice deficient in activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) resisted Friend virus infection, produced virus-neutralizing antibodies, and controlled viremia. Passive transfer demonstrated that immune IgM from AID-deficient mice contributes to Friend virus control in the presence of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells.
  • Maiko Kato; Naoki Oiso; Yuji Nozaki; Asuka Inoue; Yuji Hosono; Masanori Funauchi; Tsuneyo Mimori; Itaru Matsumura; Akira Kawada
    JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 41 11 1034 - 1036 2014年11月 [査読有り]
  • Maiko Kato; Naoki Oiso; Mitsuhisa Nishimoto; Yasunori Mori; Yoshinari Katoh; Hirotsugu Uemura; Akira Kawada
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 24 5 622 - 623 2014年09月 [査読有り]
  • A case of lupus vulgaris: Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in culture from a Biopsied Specimen
    Maiko Kato; Muneharu Miyake; Naoki Oiso; Akira Kawada; Kazunari Tsuyuguchi
    Skin Research 13 3 172 - 175 2014年06月 
    An 82-year-old woman was referred to us because of a slightly pruritic eruption on the right cheek. It had gradually enlarged in size over several years. Physical examination revealed a slightly pruritic, scaly erythematous plaque, 6 × 4 cm in size, on the right cheek. A histopathologic specimen showed granuloma with central infiltration of epithelioid cells and Langhans giant cells and peripheral infiltration of lymphocytes without caseous necrosis in the upper and lower dermis. QuantiFERON TB Gold showed a positive reaction. We suspected that the eruption was lupus vulgaris, but acid-fast bacilli were not detected by Ziehl-Neelsen staining in a biopsied specimen and Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA was not identified by polymerase chain reaction. However, Mycobacterium tuberculosis grew in a culture from a biopsied specimen on Ogawa egg medium three weeks later. Thus, we diagnosed the eruption as lupus vulgaris. Our case reemphasizes the importance of the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by various methods of examination when we clinically and histopathologically suspect an eruption to be lupus vulgaris.
  • 加藤 麻衣子; 三宅 宗晴; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁; 露口 一成
    皮膚の科学 13 3 172 - 175 日本皮膚科学会-大阪地方会・京滋地方会 2014年06月 
    82歳,女性。数年前より右頬部に軽度そう痒を伴う皮疹が出現し,徐々に拡大してきた。初診時,右頬部に鱗屑と痂皮が付着する直径6×4cm大の境界比較的明瞭な紅斑局面を認めた。生検標本の病理組織検査で,乾酪壊死はなかったがリンパ球浸潤を伴った類上皮細胞肉芽腫を認めた。クオンティフェロンTBゴールドは陽性を示した。病理組織のZiehl-Neelsen染色で抗酸菌を認めなかった。生検皮膚からの結核菌DNAのPCRは陰性であった。しかし生検皮膚からMycobacterium tuberculosisが分離培養され,尋常性狼瘡と診断した。喀痰培養,胸部CTを施行したが活動性の肺病変はなかった。臨床症状や病理所見より尋常性狼瘡の可能性を考えた際には,さまざまな検査法を用いて抗酸菌の存在を証明する必要があると考えた。(著者抄録)
  • Maiko Kato; Naoki Oiso; Tatsuki Itoh; Masako Sato; Kazuhiko Matsuo; Takashi Nakayama; Takao Satou; Akira Kawada
    JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY 41 5 459 - 461 2014年05月 [査読有り]
  • アダリムマブ投与後に発症した抗PL-12抗体陽性皮膚筋炎の1例
    加藤 麻衣子; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁; 井上 明日圭; 野崎 祐史; 船内 正憲
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 124 4 802 - 802 (公社)日本皮膚科学会 2014年04月
  • Shiki Takamura; Eiji Kajiwara; Sachiyo Tsuji-Kawahara; Tomoko Masumoto; Makoto Fujisawa; Maiko Kato; Tomomi Chikaishi; Yuri Kawasaki; Saori Kinoshita; Manami Itoi; Nobuo Sakaguchi; Masaaki Miyazawa
    PLOS PATHOGENS 10 3 e1003937  2014年03月 [査読有り]
    In chronic viral infections, persistent antigen presentation causes progressive exhaustion of virus-specific CD8(+) T cells. It has become clear, however, that virus-specific naive CD8(+) T cells newly generated from the thymus can be primed with persisting antigens. In the setting of low antigen density and resolved inflammation, newly primed CD8(+) T cells are preferentially recruited into the functional memory pool. Thus, continual recruitment of naive CD8(+) T cells from the thymus is important for preserving the population of functional memory CD8(+) T cells in chronically infected animals. Friend virus (FV) is the pathogenic murine retrovirus that establishes chronic infection in adult mice, which is bolstered by the profound exhaustion of virus-specific CD8(+) T cells induced during the early phase of infection. Here we show an additional evasion strategy in which FV disseminates efficiently into the thymus, ultimately leading to clonal deletion of thymocytes that are reactive to FV antigens. Owing to the resultant lack of virus-specific recent thymic emigrants, along with the above exhaustion of antigen-experienced peripheral CD8(+) T cells, mice chronically infected with FV fail to establish a functional virus-specific CD8(+) T cell pool, and are highly susceptible to challenge with tumor cells expressing FV-encoded antigen. However, FV-specific naive CD8(+) T cells generated in uninfected mice can be primed and differentiate into functional memory CD8(+) T cells upon their transfer into chronically infected animals. These findings indicate that virus-induced central tolerance that develops during the chronic phase of infection accelerates the accumulation of dysfunctional memory CD8(+) T cells.
  • Sachiyo Tsuji-Kawahara; Tomomi Chikaishi; Eri Takeda; Maiko Kato; Saori Kinoshita; Eiji Kajiwara; Shiki Takamura; Masaaki Miyazawa
    JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 84 12 6082 - 6095 2010年06月 [査読有り]
    Several host genes control retroviral replication and pathogenesis through the regulation of immune responses to viral antigens. The Rfv3 gene influences the persistence of viremia and production of virus-neutralizing antibodies in mice infected with Friend mouse retrovirus complex (FV). This locus has been mapped within a narrow segment of mouse chromosome 15 harboring the APOBEC3 and BAFF-R loci, both of which show functional polymorphisms among different strains of mice. The exon 5-lacking product of the APOBEC3 allele expressed in FV-resistant C57BL/6 (B6) mice directly restricts viral replication, and mice lacking the B6-derived APOBEC3 exhibit exaggerated pathology and reduced production of neutralizing antibodies. However, the mechanisms by which the polymorphisms at the APOBEC3 locus affect the production of neutralizing antibodies remain unclear. Here we show that the APOBEC3 genotypes do not directly affect the B-cell repertoire, and mice lacking B6-derived APOBEC3 still produce FV-neutralizing antibodies in the presence of primed T helper cells. Instead, higher viral loads at a very early stage of FV infection caused by either a lack of the B6-derived APOBEC3 or a lack of the wild-type BAFF-R resulted in slower production of neutralizing antibodies. Indeed, B cells were hyperactivated soon after infection in the APOBEC3- or BAFFR-deficient mice. In contrast to mice deficient in the B6-derived APOBEC3, which cleared viremia by 4 weeks after FV infection, mice lacking the functional BAFF-R allele exhibited sustained viremia, indicating that the polymorphisms at the BAFF-R locus may better explain the Rfv3-defining phenotype of persistent viremia.
  • Shiki Takamura; Sachiyo Tsuji-Kawahara; Hideo Yagita; Hisaya Akiba; Mayumi Sakamoto; Tomomi Chikaishi; Maiko Kato; Masaaki Miyazawa
    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 184 9 4696 - 4707 2010年05月 [査読有り]
    During chronic viral infection, persistent exposure to viral Ags leads to the overexpression of multiple inhibitory cell-surface receptors that cause CD8(+) T cell exhaustion. The severity of exhaustion correlates directly with the level of infection and the number and intensity of inhibitory receptors expressed, and it correlates inversely with the ability to respond to the blockade of inhibitory pathways. Friend virus (FV) is a murine retrovirus complex that induces acute high-level viremia, followed by persistent infection and leukemia development, when inoculated into immunocompetent adult mice. In this article, we provide conclusive evidence that FV infection results in the generation of virus-specific effector CD8(+) T cells that are terminally exhausted. Acute FV-induced disease is characterized by a rapid increase in the number of virus-infected erythroblasts, leading to massive splenomegaly. Most of the expanded erythroblasts strongly express programmed death ligand-1 and MHC class I, thereby creating a highly tolerogenic environment. Consequently, FV-specific effector CD8(+) T cells uniformly express multiple inhibitory receptors, such as programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), T cell Ig domain and mucin domain 3 (Tim-3), lymphocyte activation gene-3, and CTLA-4, rapidly become nonresponsive to restimulation and are no longer reinvigorated by combined in vivo blockade of PD-1 and Tim-3 during the memory phase. However, combined blockade of PD-1 and Tim-3 during the priming/differentiation phase rescued FV-specific CD8(+) T cells from becoming terminally exhausted, resulting in improved CD8(+) T cell functionality and virus control. These results highlight FV's unique ability to evade virus-specific CD8(+) T cell responses and the importance of an early prophylactic approach for preventing terminal exhaustion of CD8(+) T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 184: 4696-4707.
  • Miyazawa, M; S. Tsuji-Kawahara; T. Chikaishi; M. Kato; S. Takamura
    Retrovirology 6 Suppl 2 O9  2009年



  • 遺伝性ポルフィリン症に対する新規光線防御剤の有用性(第3報)  [通常講演]
    加藤 麻衣子; 川田 暁; 川原 繁; 上出 良一; 浅野 新; 寺村 崇
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 2014年08月
  • アダリムマブ投与後に発症した抗PL-12抗体陽性皮膚筋炎の1例  [通常講演]
    加藤 麻衣子; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁; 井上 明日圭; 野崎 祐史; 船内 正憲
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 2014年04月
  • 脂肪類壊死の1例  [通常講演]
    加藤 麻衣子; 吉田 益喜; 大磯 直毅; 川田 暁
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 2014年04月
  • 尋常性狼瘡の1例  [通常講演]
    加藤 麻衣子; 三宅 宗晴; 栗本 貴弘; 大磯 直毅; 吉田 益喜; 川田 暁; 露口 一成
    皮膚の科学 2013年02月
  • Infection of thymus with murine retrovirus induces virus-specific central tolerance that prevents dynamic differentiation of functional memory CD8+ T cells.  [通常講演]
    高村 史記; 梶原 栄二; 河原 佐智代; 近石 友美; 加藤 麻衣子; 木下 さおり; 宮澤 正顯; 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部
    第40回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会 2011年 第40回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会
  • 多発性Bowen病の1例  [通常講演]
    成田 智彦; 加藤 麻衣子; 山鳥 佳香; 吉永 英司; 吉田 益喜; 川原 繁; 川田 暁
    日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 2009年05月
  • 抗BP180粘膜天疱瘡の1例  [通常講演]
    三宅 宗晴; 吉永 英司; 加藤 麻衣子; 遠藤 英樹; 大磯 直毅; 吉田 益喜; 川原 繁; 川田 暁; 大山 文悟; 橋本 隆
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 2009年04月
  • 悪性黒色腫と基底細胞癌を多数認めた白人男性の1例  [通常講演]
    門脇 麻衣子; 松田 洋昌; 成田 智彦; 吉田 益喜; 川原 繁; 川田 暁
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌 2008年03月
  • Blue toe syndromeの2例  [通常講演]
    門脇 麻衣子; 笹屋 晴代; 栗本 貴弘; 川原 繁; 川田 暁; 諸岡 花子; 山治 憲司; 岩永 善高; 内藤 映理
    皮膚の科学 2008年02月
  • Stevens-Johnson症候群進展型と考えられたTEN型薬疹の1例  [通常講演]
    遠藤 英樹; 門脇 麻衣子; 吉永 英司; 大磯 直毅; 川原 繁; 川田 暁
    アレルギー 2007年09月
  • TEN型薬疹の1例  [通常講演]
    門脇 麻衣子; 成田 智彦; 鈴木 高子; 吉永 英司; 遠藤 英樹; 大磯 直毅; 川原 繁; 川田 暁; 清水 祐希; 小阪 博
    皮膚の科学 2006年12月
