IZAWA Masaoki
Department of International Economics | Associate Professor |
Last Updated :2024/10/10
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■Research activity information
- 1927年ミシシッピ川大洪水における避難所の地域格差―災害と人種差別の関係史―伊澤正興生駒経済論争 21 (2) 1 - 19 2023/11
- 20世紀初頭の深南部における農業移民と債務奴隷労働-アーカンソー綿花農園の再建と挫折-伊澤正興社会経済史学 88 (4) 75 - 97 2023/02 [Refereed]
- 1927年ミシシッピ川大洪水と避難所における人種関係-NAACPと連邦政府の調査の比較検討-伊澤正興アメリカ史研究 (45) 80 - 96 2022/08 [Refereed][Invited]
- 20世紀初頭アメリカ南部の移民政策と債務奴隷制-ペオネージ制の再検討-伊澤正興生駒経済論叢 19 (2) 83 - 102 2021/11
- アメリカ連邦治水法と費用分担システム伊澤正興国際交通安全学会誌 42 (2) 109 - 116 2020 [Invited]
- ミシシッピ川上流域の排水農業の変遷からみた自然保護運動ー1951年ミネソタ湿地救済基金の設立背景ー伊澤正興アメリカ経済史研究 (17) 1 - 21 2018/12 [Refereed]
- 20世紀初頭ミシシッピ・デルタの排水堤防事業と湿地開墾―パーシー家文書を中心に―伊澤正興アメリカ経済史研究 (16) 1 - 20 2017/11 [Refereed]
- 伊澤正興アメリカ経済史研究 アメリカ経済史研究会 (12) 1 - 23 1347-1554 2013/12 [Refereed]
- Izawa MasaokiJournal of economics Osaka City University 109 (2) 17 - 39 0451-6281 2008/09 [Refereed]
- Izawa MasaokiThe Journal of Political Economy and Economic History The Political Economy and Economic History Society 50 (4) 19 - 34 1347-9660 2008/07 [Refereed]
The purpose of this paper is to clarify neglected aspects of the canal history of the nineteenth century, focusing on the role of the canal trustees of the Illinois and Michigan canal (1845-1871) in comparison with the failed enterprise managed through the canal commissioners appointed by the state legislature (1836-1843). Previously, the success of private companies has been explained by the financial difficulties of the state government and the increasing influence of private capitalists in the 1850s as compared with the 1830s. However, hostility to private companies prevailing throughout the country overturned a proposal to sell the canal to private business, and led to a movement for the transfer of the deed of the canal to the trustees of the Illinois and Michigan canal appointed by foreign investors and the state government. The canal was not able to make use of lake water when it opened in 1848, because a deep cut canal project to give the canal direct access to the waters of Lake Michigan was too expensive and the state government was short of capital. However, the canal trustees were created with the purpose of abandoning this earlier plan and instead of constructing a canal tapping into the canal feeders. As a result, water power was supplied by pumping water out of the Chicago River and from the canal feeders in order to solve the water shortage in Illinois River. The canal feeders supported by the pumping engine promoted the interrelationship between the inland navigation and the Chicago waterway, and helped to start the city of Chicago on its growth as the great inland lake port of the Midwest. Despite preferable conditions, Illinois and Michigan canal trustees became increasingly unable to control both water power for hydraulic needs and pumping water supply for transportation on inland navigation in the depression years of the late 1850s. As a result, there was no direct relationship between the canal business and regional developments in the Upper Illinois Valley. - Izawa MasaokiJournal of economics Osaka City University 108 (4) 18 - 36 0451-6281 2008/03 [Refereed]
- 伊澤正興アメリカ経済史研究 アメリカ経済史学会 (4) 1 - 18 1347-1554 2005/09 [Refereed]
- 国法銀行制度下のアメリカの信用機構―シカゴの貨幣市場を中心に―伊澤正興大阪市大論集 33 - 70 2003/02
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- フーヴァー政権下の堤防事業と労働問題―黒人建設作業員の待遇改善要求と帰結― [Not invited]伊澤正興社会経済史学会第93回全国大会 2024/05
- Impact of Italian Immigrants on the Mississippi Delta at the turn of Century [Not invited]IZAWA MasaokiWorld Economic History Congress 2018/08
- 20 世紀初頭ヤズー・ミシシッピ・デルタにおける湿地開墾の社会経済的インパクト [Not invited]伊澤正興社会経済史学会第86回全国大会 2017/05
- ミシシッピデルタ「沖積帝国」と排水・治水インフラ整備 [Not invited]伊澤正興アメリカ経済史学会第58回全国大会 2015/10
Research Themes
- 1927年ミシシッピ川大洪水における避難所と人種関係の実態解明日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業:基盤研究CDate (from‐to) : 2022/04 -2025/03Author : 伊澤正興
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)Date (from‐to) : 2019/04 -2022/03Author : IZAWA MASAOKIThis research analyzed the Sunnyside plantation of the Arkansas Chico county based on the Peonage Files of the U. S. Federal Department of Justice and the Percy Family Papers in order to reexamine the failure factor of the immigration policy in the U. S. South. In this research, it was summarized that the research result about the situation of an Italian farmers not having been inferior rather than the having been thought. The failure factor of the immigration policy in the U. S. South was due to advantageous settlement conditions and raised their economic independence. Therefore, Most of the Italian farmers had moved from the cotton plantation of the delta to the plantation in northwestern part of Missouri.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03Author : Masaoki IzawaThe Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 marked a major shift in relation between river and society. Focusing on the land drainage, flood control projects, this study show the impact of great flood on the Mississippi river basin. After 1880s, The Yazoo-delta had grown dramatically. The population had increased and the amount of land in cultivation had nearly doubles, but white planters agreed that the South should not rely on the negro for its prosperity. Finally, this study concludes that the oppression experienced during the flood drove many blacks to abandon the delta and move to northern cities. On the contrary, in south Minnesota, drainage work were began in 1880s and 1890s, large areas of wet prairies were acquired by northern european settlers. They maintained close links with their home. But since great flood of 1927, farmers were reducing acreage of drainage farm land, the state authority launched a project to acquire wetland areas threatened by agricultural drainage.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-upDate (from‐to) : 2011 -2012Author : IZAWA MasaokiThe Federal Flood Control Act marked a major shift in relation between river and society. However, this study is neither a history of legislative power politics nor ahistory of the federal river policy. Focusing on the local authorities improvingecological protection against great flood along the lower Illinois River, this study showshow the nature-centered river system initially developed as a response of the localdrainage and levee districts. I made use of the archival materials on the local landdistricts, which reveals that because of the general flood and operating costs for landdrainage at high level, landowners were delinquent in paying off the principal andinterest due on drainage bonds. As a consequence, the reversion of reclaimed land toits natural functions proceeded rapidly through the Soil and Water ConservationDistricts.