MAEGATA Mitsuhiro
Department of Environmental Management | Associate Professor |
Last Updated :2024/09/14
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J-Global ID
Research Keyword
- 水産経済学 Fisheries management
Educational Background
■Research activity information
- 2018年3月に沖縄県西表島で観察された蝶類藤木玲美; 鯨津香奈; 田中彩恵; 小松華子; 谷口桜子; 森宗智彦; 櫻谷保之;前潟光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 52- 83 -91 2019/03 [Refereed]
- 沖縄県西表島産ゴマフエダイの形態的特徴田中和大;中田依里;清水隆之;前潟光弘;細谷和海 近畿大学農学部紀要 48- 30 -36 2015/03 [Refereed]
- 伊藤 康宏; 前潟 光弘 JOURNAL OF REGIONAL FISHERIES 53- (3) 95 -114 2013/08 [Refereed]
- MAEGATA Mitsuhiro 近畿大学農学部紀要 第46巻- 277 -298 2013/03 [Refereed]
- 前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第46巻- 299 -307 2013/03 [Refereed]
- 前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第45巻- (45) 143 -156 2012/03 [Refereed]
- Report of biorojical research amphibians and reptiles in Yaeyama islands, Okinawa, Japan前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第44巻- 163 -169 2011/03 [Refereed]
- Report of biorogical research on wild birds in Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa prefecture, Japan前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第44巻- 151 -161 2011/03
- Report of biorojical research on Lepidoptera in Yaeyama Islands,Okinawa prefecture, Japan前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第44巻- 139 -149 2011/03 [Refereed]
- A record of the butterflies and termites observed in Okinawa prefecture前潟 光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 第44巻- 131 -137 2011/03 [Refereed]
- 後藤 桃子; 前潟 光弘 Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University 第43巻- (43) 37 -45 2010/03 [Refereed]
- Effort State and Prospects for a Sustainable Coastal Fishery in Japan: A Case Study of a Small Trawl Fishery in Hyogo PrefectureMitsuhiro Maegata Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research 12- (2) 15 -22 2004
- Shrimp Culture its Development and Future Prospects in Taiwan : A Case Study in Southern TaiwanJOURNAL OF REGIONAL FISHERIES Vol. 43 No. 3 P. 61-74- 2003
- 台湾におけるエビ養殖業の展開と今後の展望―台湾南部地域を事例として―前潟光弘 地域漁業研究 43巻 第3号, P. 61-74- 2003
- 台湾バナナの生産及び輸出の組織活動と価格形成分析前潟光弘 近畿大学農学部紀要 (35), 89-110- 2002
- Changes and Future Prospect of the Swall Trawl FisheryJapanese Journal of Fisheries Economics 46(3), 19-37- 2002
- Production, Marketing and Export of Taiwan Banana and Its Price Analysis in JapanMEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE OF KINKI UNIVERSITY (35), 89-110- 2002
- 小型底曳網漁業の変化と展望前潟光弘 漁業経済研究 46(3), 19-37- 2002
- Problems and Prospects of Labor Force in Medium and Small Scale Fisheries : A Case of Large Trawl in East China Sea, Nagasaki PrefectureBULLETIN OF THE JAPAN FISHERIES ECONOMY 33- (1) 1993
- 中小漁業における労働力不足の現状と対策-長崎・以西底曳網漁業を事例として-前潟光弘 漁業経済論集 33- (1) 1993
- 漁業における国際的競争激化に対応する中小漁業の戦略.前潟光弘 北日本漁業 21- 1992
- A trial of Live-fish forwarding at bull trawl fishery in Nagasaki PrefectureBULLETIN OF THE JAPAN FISHERIES ECONOMY 32- 1991
- 長崎・以西底曳網漁業における活魚化への試み前潟光弘 漁業経済論集 32- 1991
- 養殖共済が果たしている役割と今後の課題-長崎県戸石町を事例として-前潟光弘; 濱田英嗣 長崎大学水産学部研究報告 67- 1990
- The Accomplishments of a Fish Culture Mutual Association and its future (A case study of Toishi town of the Nagasaki Prefecture)Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University 67- 1990
Books and other publications
Affiliated academic society
- 大阪におけるフグ流通と養殖フグの評価前潟 光弘 Others 2009/10
- オルタナティブ・トレードの普及可能性と消費者責任に関する比較研究2004 -2007
- 農水産物のオルタナティブ・トレードによる経済効果と地域開発の比較研究2000 -2002
- 徳島県沿岸水産物地域特産物化推進事業にかかわる調査報告書1997
- 平成9年度沿岸優良漁業経営条件調査委託事業地域調査報告書(京都府伊根地区)1997
- 平成9年度長崎魚市場活性化対策調査委託事業報告書1997
- 漁協・ズームアップ 香川県鴨庄漁協-事業多角化戦略-1997
- 鹿児島県阿久根市における水産加工業の現状と課題1995
- 平成6年度漁業経済委託調査報告書-徳島県小型底曳網漁業漁獲物流通の実態と問題点1994
- 平成6年度水産物需給動向等実態調査報告書(沿岸漁獲物の流通と産地業者の動向と課題)1994
- 田崎水産物市場における取扱動向1994
- 洲本市水産物流通市場調査報告書1994
- 琵琶湖産魚介類の漁獲量と採捕場所の長期変遷に関する研究(その3)1994
- Inquiry report as distribution of Sumoto's fisheries products.1994
- Analysis in regard to change of fisheries products and fishing ground of LAKE BIWA. vol. 31994
- 琵琶湖産魚介類の漁獲量と採捕場所の長期変遷に関する研究(その2)1993
- Analysis in regard to change of fisheries products and fishing ground of LAKE BIWA. vol. 21993
- 鹿児島県の活魚出荷事例1992
- つくり育てる漁業の展開方向1990 -1991
- 活魚産地市場の形成1990 -1991
- 活魚化が生産者に与えた影響と流通業者の対応1989 -1990
- 長崎市水産加工業の現状と課題1989 -1990
Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2004 -2007Author : IKEGAMI Koichi; ONO Seiichiro; YAMAO Masahiro; ENOKI Akinori; MAEGATA Mitsuhiro; TSURUTA TadasuThis study aims at examining the potential of expanding Alternative Trade (AT) and the roles and the responsibilities of consumers in the AT. AT means another trade model, not based on the conventional production mode and trade such as GATT/WTO. This study has carried out the investigations from the four aspects. First one is the impacts of the change in the structure of international trade under the WTO regime on the developing countries. Second is to clarify the forms of AT and the effects of respective form. The third is the questionnaire survey regarding Fair Trade (FT), a form of AT, and consumers' buying behavior, in Japan, France and Taiwan so as to compare the concept of consumers' responsibility. This survey is the first one in the world. The fourth is the theoretical consideration about economic meaning of FT. What this study has made clear are as follows. (1) North-South problem has changed drastically in quality. Accordingly, it is the time to build another trade system of agricultural and fishery products, not depending on market mechanism. (2) Although consumers play an important role in doing this, it is necessary for consumers in Japan to know more about consumers responsible buying. Even in Taiwan, those who know the concept of FT are growing. The FT market in East Asia, which is smaller than other regions, can expand its scale now. (3) FT is also taking root in the Republic of South Africa, which holds the problem of dual structure of economy. The feature of FT in South Africa is that big farms are promoting FT and its beneficiaries are agricultural hired workers, while the target of typical FT is small producers. (4) The cooperative sector is expected to play an important role in FT. It is necessary to analyze conditions for realizing such an expectation. (5) AT can be explained by the economics of internal organization, and from this standpoint, the economic significance of AT lies in transferring the risks of marginalized producers to the chain of distribution and consumption, and in stabilizing their utility.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2000 -2002Author : IKEGAMI Koichi; MAEGATA Mitsuhiro; HIDAKA Takeshi; ENOKI Akinori; TANANGONAN Jean; TSURUTA TadasuThis research was intended to examine the current situation of the "alternative trade," and then to provide a theoretical framework for an alternative way of international trade other than the conventional free trade advocated by WTO and FTA. To achieve this end, we carried out field research on banana and shrimp production in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Philippine, and Vietnam, together with Taiwan. In Thailand and Philippines, there are some attempts to create fair relationship between local producers and Japanese consumers through the trade of herbicide-free bananas on the basis of affiliation between producer-cooperatives and consumer-cooperatives. Meanwhile, shrimp production and marketing in these countries were largely carried out by individual entrepreneurs as a profitable business. Although there are trials of eco-friendiy shrimp production in some countries, it is difficult to find the emergence of alternative trade of shrimp as an integrated system of production, marketing, and consumption. On the other hand, in European countries, especially in UK, there is a remarkable development of alternative trade of agricultural produces such as coffee and tea, and the commodities dealt under the name of "fair trade," as they call it, account for as two to three percents of total share of marketing. This feet suggests that we have now reached to the point to consider the "commercial" aspects of the altemative trade.
- トラフグ流通の現状と課題
- 台湾における養殖業の展開