Department of Career Management | Associate Professor |
Last Updated :2024/12/24
■Researcher basic information
Researcher number
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
- Diversity Management (especially female labor), Work-Life Balance, and human resource management
Research Field
- 2022/04 - Today Kindai UniversityFaculty of Business AdministrationAssociate Professor
- 2017/04 - 2022/03 PwC Consulting LLCChief Researcher
- 2015/04 - 2017/03 Gakushuin UniversityFaculty of EconomicsVisiting Professor
- 2012/04 - 2014/03 TORAY CORPORATE BUSINESS RESEARCH, INCChief Researcher
- 2010/07 - 2012/03 The University of TokyoInstitute of Social ScienceProject Researcher
- 1992/04 - 1999/08 Tokyo GAs Co., Ltd.
■Research activity information
- Characteristics of Managers' Behaviors to Effectively Manage Diverse Workforces - Findings from a survey of managers of global companies in Switzerland and GermanyHiromi Sakazume; Emiko Takeishi; Tamie Matsuura; Yukiko Nakagawa; Mitsuyo Matsubara生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 17 (2) 157 - 177 2020/03
- Challenges in Career Management While Promoting Diversity Management- Suggestions from Survey of Germany and Switzerland CompaniesEmiko Takeishi; Hiromi Salazume; Tamie Matsuura; Mitsuyo Matsubara; Yukiko Nakagawa生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 17 (2) 135 - 154 2020/03
- Diversity and Collective Labor-management Communication - Role of Employee Resource Group from various fieldsTamie Matsuura; Hiromi Sakazume; Emiko Takeishi; Yukiko Nakagawa; Mitsuyo Matsubara生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 17 (2) 83 - 100 2020/03
- Management that encourages the active participation of non-regular employees-Considerations for conversion employment to regular employeesMitsuyo MatsubaraGEM Bulletin 31 153 - 165 2017/12
- Flexible working styles in France, Implications for Japanese work-life balance measures that refers to the Flexible working styles in EU countriesMitsuyo Matsubara; Akira WakisakaGEM Bulletin 30 71 - 92 2016/12
- Work and Balance for managers engaged in long-term care: Impact of care on motivation and work efficiencyMitsuyo MatsubaraThe Journal of Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University 53 (1) 21 - 30 2016/04
- Mitsuyo MatsubaraJapan Journal of Human Resource Management 日本労務学会 16 (2) 100 - 111 1881-3828 2015/12 [Invited]
- Mitsuyo Matsubara; Akira WakisakaThe Journal of Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University 学習院大学経済学会 51 (3) 151 - 166 0016-3953 2015/01
- Flexible Working Styles in the UK and Germany, Implications for Japan on Effectively implementing Measures of shortening Work HoursEmiko Takeishi; Mitsuyo Matsubara生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 11 (2) 15 - 31 2014/03
- The impact of long-term use of the short working hour system on careersMitsuyo MatsubaraJapan Labor Review 10 (3) 19 - 39 2013
- Research on "win-win" brought about by work-life balance (2)Mitsuyo Matsubara; Akira WakisakaGEM Bulletin 26 59 - 100 2012/12
- Research on "win-win" brought about by work-life balance (1)Akira Wakisaka; Mitsuyo MatsubaraGEM Bulletin 25 (1) 41 - 71 2011/12
- Workplace Factors for Work-Life Balance-Importance of Agreement on Business Process between Managers and Subordinates-Mitsuyo Matsubara2009/08
- Equalizing Career Development Opportunities for Part-Timers and Permanent Employees: Part-time Development in the Retail IndustryMitsuyo Matsubara; Reikan Rin; Atsushi Kawakami; Akira WakisakaThe Journal of Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University 44 (1) 93 - 115 2007/04
- Summary of research and analysis on the relationship between work-life balance measures and corporate performance in the United Kingdom and the United StatesMitsuyo Matsubara; Akira Wakisaka学習院大学 『経済論集』 2005
- Potential of Short-Term Regular EmployeesMitsuyo MatsubaraThe Japanese Journal of Labour Studies 528 69 - 79 2004/07 [Refereed]
- Change of role and treatment of part-time workersAkira Wakisaka; Mitsuyo Matsubara学習院大学 『経済論集』 40 (3) 259 - 294 2003/10
- パートタイマーの基幹化と均衡処遇(Ⅰ)脇坂明; 松原光代学習院大学 『経済論集』 40 (2) 157 - 174 2003/07
- Differences between support for Work-Life Balance of treatment and childcare, elder-careMitsuyo Matsubara カエルジャパン 2021/11 [Invited]
- Work style reform and development of innovation human resourcesMitsuyo Matsubara ESTRELA 2020/05 [Invited]
- What is the real problem in "women's advancement"?Mitsuyo Matsubara 企業年金 454- 2019/11 [Invited]
- What is needed to achieve diversity managementMitsuyo Matsubara 日本看護協会機関紙「看護」 169- (5) 32 -35 2019/03 [Invited]
- Female Labour Force Participation and Japanese Style Human Resources ManagementMitsuyo Matsubara Review of Consumer Co-operatives Studies 514- 36 -44 2018/11 [Invited]
- Correcting long working hours by reviewing personnel managementMitsuyo Matsubara Komei 137- 12 -19 2017/05 [Invited]
- Mitsuyo Matsubara 地方公務員月報 624- (624) 2 -18 2015/07
- Similar and non-similarThe Japanese Journal of Labour Studies 657- 2015/04 [Invited]
Books and other publications
- 佐藤, 博樹; 武石, 恵美子 (Joint work転勤が総合職の能力開発に与える効果)東京大学出版会 2017/01 9784130511407 x, 347p
- 経団連出版 (Joint work社員のワーク・ライフ・バランス実現のための管理職の役割)経団連出版 2014/05 9784818514010 219p
- 佐藤, 博樹; 武石, 恵美子 (Joint work男性の育児休業)東京大学出版会 2014/02 9784130511384 ix, 305p
- 佐藤, 博樹; 武石, 恵美子 (Joint work企業のワーク・ライフ・バランス推進と自治体の支援)東京大学出版会 2014/02 9784130511384 ix, 305p
- 武石, 恵美子 (Joint workワーク・ライフ・バランス施策が効果的に機能する人事管理)ミネルヴァ書房 2012/06 9784623063406 x, 355p
- 佐藤, 博樹; 武石, 恵美子 (Joint work社員のワーク・ライフ・バランス実現のための管理職の役割)勁草書房 2011/03 9784326653607 xiii, 212, iip
- 佐藤, 博樹; 汐見, 稔幸; 大日向, 雅美; 小宮, 信夫; 山縣, 文治 (Joint work男性の子育て参画の現状と企業の取組み)ぎょうせい 2008/11 9784324083666 x, 325p
- 佐藤, 博樹; 武石, 恵美子 (Joint work制度導入企業の要因分析)勁草書房 2008/11 9784326503148 xi, 186p
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- support to realize an autonomous career [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第51回全国大会 2021/07
- Factors that contribute to the reemployment of affected people [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第49回全国大会 2019/06
- Effect of transfer on capacity development [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第46回全国大会 2016/06
- Challenge for career development of short-time worker [Not invited]Emiko Takeishi; Mitsuyo Matsubara日本キャリアデザイン学会 第12回全国大会 2015/09
- The work -life balance of managers engaged in long-term care : Impact on motivation and work efficiency [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第45回全国大会 2015/08
- Factors that enable flexible work styles in Germany and the Netherlands [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本キャリアデザイン学会 第11回全国大会 2014/09
- Measures for Shortening Working Hours in Japan: Current Status and Challenges [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara; Emiko TakeishiWork Family Research Network, Second Conference 2014/06
- The impact of long-term use of the short working hour system on careers [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matubara日本キャリアデザイン学会 第9回全国大会 2012/09
- Current Situation and Challenges for the Promotion of Work‐Life Balance Policies in Japanese Companies [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara; Emiko TakeishiWork Family Research Network, First Conference 2012/06
- International comparison of personnel management where WLB measures are effective for workplace productivity [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第41回全国大会 2011/06
- Workplace Factors for Work-Life Balance-Importance of Business Process Agreement between Managers and Subordinates [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubar日本労務学会 第39回全国大会 2009/08
- Issues of discretionary labor system for planning work [Invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 関東部会 2006/05
- Family Friendly Measures and Performance [Not invited]Mitsuyo Matsubara日本労務学会 第33回全国大 2003/06
Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2017/03Author : WAKISAKA AKIRAWe tried to grasp the situation of non-regular member as well as an outcome using regular member's WLB index.We found out that it's different depending on various employment patterns in non-regular members.It is possible to get basic data,so it'll be a problem to do the index development added to the respective employment patterns from now on. We found out that quitting of nursing work is related to a specific HR system of a hospital.This will be fed back to Japanese Nursing Association and it's linked to further improvement of a nursing WLB index. We got basic data by the questionnaire survey applied based on the former WLB index about compatibility of treatment and work,so the preparations which make a benchmark of that index are done.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2016/03Author : TAKEISHI Emiko; MATSUBARA MitsuyoThe revised Child Care and Family Care Leave Law that took effect in 2010 made employers responsible for establishing measures to shorten work hours for those workers raising children aged three years and younger, leading to an increase in the use of such measures. However, certain issues are starting to arise from the use of these measures. First, longer validity periods would seem to mean more employees taking advantage of the shorter hours ; how many such employees can a workplace handle? Secondly, one must consider how lengthening the validity period will affect the participating employee’s career. Thirdly, there are the issues of the participating employee’s task assignments and the evaluation of his or her performance work. In this study, I pointed out that a system wherein participating employees proactively consider their own career development will allow for the effective use of such measures, while also indicating the need for participant support at the workplace.
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2013/03Author : 松原 光代
- 育児休業および育児短時間勤務制度の利用後の仕事意欲向上に影響する要因の分析公益財団法人労働問題リサーチセンター:研究助成金Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2013/03
- 企業の次世代育成の推進に資する自治体支援のあり方に関する調査財団法人こども未来財団:児童関連サービス調査研究等事業Date (from‐to) : 2011/07 -2012/03
- 男性の子育て参加に関する調査財団法人こども未来財団:児童関連サービス調査研究等事業Date (from‐to) : 2010/07 -2011/03
Media Coverage
- Work style reform and shorter working hours for childcareDate : 2017/08Writer: Other than myselfProgram, newspaper magazine: 日本経済新聞Paper
- Promotion of women's advancementDate : 2016/09Writer: Other than myselfProgram, newspaper magazine: 日本経済新聞Paper
- How to increase female managersDate : 2014/04Publisher, broadcasting station: NHKProgram, newspaper magazine: 特報首都圏Media report