末吉 遊(スエヨシ ユウ)
医学科 | 医学部講師 |
Last Updated :2024/10/10
J-Global ID
- 切断指 マイクロサージェリー 骨再生 神経再生 耳介軟骨再生
- Nobuyuki Tanaka; Koichi Tomita; Yoshihito Itani; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Hitomi Nakao; Yu Sueyoshi; Shinnosuke Okuda; Yuta Shimizu; Riku HayashiPlastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open 12 9 e6129 2024年09月The profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap, commonly used for small- to medium-sized breast reconstructions, offers easy harvest and inconspicuous donor-site scars. However, its shorter vascular pedicle compared with the deep inferior epigastric perforator flap limits its reach to lateral recipient vessels. This often requires strategic placement of perforators at the flap's edge to extend reach, potentially causing congestion in the distal part of the flap. To address these challenges, using the posterior accessory saphenous vein (pASV) has proven effective. Using the pASV as a vein graft significantly extends the pedicle length of the PAP flap, enhancing anastomosis success with recipient vessels. Additionally, in cases of flap congestion, the proximal segment of the pASV can be used as an additional venous outflow pathway, while grafting the distal segment further extends its length. This dual approach improves overall flap viability and reduces venous congestion risks. This discussion highlights two cases demonstrating the innovative use of the pASV within the PAP flap. In case 1, the pASV extended the pedicle length, enhancing the flap's placement flexibility and facilitating anastomosis with thoracodorsal vessels. In case 2, the pASV served as a secondary venous outflow pathway, with the distal segment grafted to extend the proximal portion. This adaptation provided additional venous drainage and effectively managed positioning constraints imposed by recipient vessel locations. These examples illustrate the significant benefits of utilizing the pASV in PAP flap breast reconstructions, offering a novel strategy to improve viability and expand its use in complex scenarios requiring extended vascular reach.
- 【脂肪移植】手技の実際,乳房切除後再建 自家組織皮弁との併用冨田 興一; 伊谷 善仁; 楠原 廣久; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 田中 信行Oncoplastic Breast Surgery 9 2 58 - 64 (一社)日本乳房オンコプラスティックサージャリー学会 2024年06月
- 眼窩コンパートメント症候群に伴う視力障害を来した例と来さなかった例中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 磯貝 典孝眼科臨床紀要 17 1 64 - 65 眼科臨床紀要会 2024年01月
- 術前シミュレーションを利用した遊離皮弁による再建 術前3Dイメージングと3D印刷鋳型を利用した初心者でも迷わないDIEP flap乳房再建冨田 興一; 伊谷 善仁; 楠原 廣久; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 田中 信行日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 50回 118 - 118 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 2023年12月
- 神経再建法/縫合法のベストプラクティス ループ針を用いた神経導管の縫合法と新しい神経縫合法への応用楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 伊谷 善仁; 中尾 仁美; 田中 信之; 冨田 興一日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 50回 119 - 119 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 2023年12月
- 母指再建の実際 母指再建の実際楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 中尾 仁美; 伊谷 善仁; 田中 信之; 冨田 興一日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 50回 124 - 124 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 2023年12月
- 美容外科的視点に配慮した乳房再建 術前より綺麗な乳房形態を再建する冨田 興一; 伊谷 善仁; 楠原 廣久; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊日本美容外科学会会報 45 4 140 - 140 (一社)日本美容外科学会 2023年12月
- 鼻部皮膚悪性腫瘍切除後においてサブユニットを考慮し複数の局所皮弁を用いた再建方法伊谷 善仁; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 冨田 興一日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 41回 136 - 136 (一社)日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会 2023年11月
- Yu Sueyoshi; Atsuko Niwa; Yuki Nishikawa; Noritaka IsogaiJournal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 111 1 16 - 25 2022年07月Among various biomaterials, we focused on nanofiber-based polyglycolic acid (PGA) fabric and examined the dynamics of cells that migrate within the non-woven fabric after implantation. The efficacy of nano-PGA as a tissue reinforcement in the process of subcutaneous tissue repair was immunohistochemically investigated. Two types of clinically available PGA non-woven sheet (nano-PGA: fiber diameter = 2.0 μm, conventional PGA: fiber diameter = 14.2 μm) were used and subcutaneously implanted in rats. Samples were collected 3 days, and 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the implantation to perform histological and immunohistochemical (CD68, CD163, α-SMA, Type I collagen, CD34, MCP-1, IL-6, TNF-α, TGF-β, VEGF, IgG) examinations to assess the expression of molecules related to inflammation or tissue repair. Immunohistochemical analysis in nano-PGA revealed that the intensity and positive cells (CD68, MCP-1, IL-6, TNF-α) significantly increased which indicated an early inflammatory response. This was followed by phagocytosis of nano-PGA with foreign body giant cells and CD68+ macrophages. Finally, the number of proliferating cells (CD163, α-SMA, TGF-β) and angiogenesis (CD34, VEGF) for tissue repair promoted the formation of collagen fibers (type I collagen). Unlike nano-PGA, implantation of conventional PGA sheet resulted in a prolonged inflammatory response and was characterized by the presence of discontinuous collagen fibers with many foreign body giant cells, which did not lead to tissue repair. Nano-PGA sheets demonstrated a better tissue compatibility compared with conventional PGA by inducing early polarization to M2 phenotype macrophages, which triggered subsequent angiogenesis and tissue repair in the subcutaneous tissue.
- マウスケロイドモデルにおけるトリアムシノロンアセトニドの治療効果西川 侑輝; 丹羽 淳子; 末吉 遊; 坂井 和子; 西尾 和人; 磯貝 典孝瘢痕・ケロイド治療ジャーナル 16 31 - 35 (株)全日本病院出版会 2022年07月高度免疫不全マウスを用いたケロイドモデル(NOD/ShiJic-scidJcl)を作製し、ケロイドに対するトリアムシノロンアセトニド局所注射の作用機序と治療効果について免疫組織学的に検討した。ケロイド由来線維芽細胞(ATCC)を培養してハニカム構造を有するコラーゲンスポンジに播種し、作成した細胞・ハニカムスポンジ複合体を培養後、高度免疫不全マウスに皮下移植した。移植4週目に、トリアムシノロンアセトニド0.1mLを複合体周囲に局所注射した。移植8週目に複合体を採取し、免疫組織学的検索を行った。移植後8週目における採取組織の肉眼所見では、細胞・ハニカムスポンジ複合体群(KF群)は球状に拡大したが、トリアムシノロン投与群(KF-Tr群)では複合体サイズの縮小が認められた。免疫組織学的検討の結果、KF群では複合体全体に多数のTGF-β(+)、α-SMA(+)、NF-κB(+)細胞が観察された。KF-Tr群ではTGF-β(+)およびNF-κB(+)細胞数は減少し、特にTGF-β(+)の発現は有意に減弱していた。コラーゲン産生に関して、KF群ではハイドロキシプロリン陽性反応領域が複合体の広範囲に観察されたが、KF-Tr群では陽性反応領域は限定されていた。
- ヘバーデン結節に伴うdigital mucous cystに対する外科的治療の重要性楠原 廣久; 伊谷 善仁; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 家村 真実; 磯貝 典孝日本手外科学会雑誌 39 1 O39 - 3 (一社)日本手外科学会 2022年04月
- Yu Sueyoshi; Atsuko Niwa; Yoshihito Itani; Makoto Yamauchi; Shinichi Asamura; Takeshi Teramura; Noritaka IsogaiInternational journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 153 111037 - 111037 2022年02月BACKGROUND: In order to enhance cartilage regeneration, surface modification of the cubic micro-cartilage with the collagenase treatment was tested and its efficacy to tissue engineer ear cartilage was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Harvested cubic micro-cartilages were treated with collagenase with different digestion time (0, 15, 60, and 120 min). Histological, ultrastructural (SEM and TEM), and Western blot analyses were carried out. Subsequently, A total of 45 dogs were used to tissue engineer ear cartilage. Using collagenase-treated micro-cartilage, the ear cartilage regeneration with the prepared dilution (8, 12.5, 25, 50, 100%) of micro-cartilage block seeding was performed to determine the minimum amount of cartilage tissue required for ear tissue-engineering (n = 6 at each point in each group). At 10 weeks after surgery, samples were resected and subjected to histochemical and immune-histological evaluation for cartilage regeneration. RESULTS: In vitro study on micro-cartilage morphology and western blot analysis showed that collagenase digestion was optimal at 60 min for cartilage regeneration. In vivo evaluation on the reduced proportions of micro-cartilage block seeding onto implant scaffolds under 60-min collagenase digestion determined the minimum amount of cartilage tissue necessary to initiate a one-step ear cartilage regeneration in a canine autologous model, which was 12.5-25% of the original ear size. CONCLUSION: Tissue-engineering ear cartilage from limited volume of donor cartilage can possibly be achieved by the collagenase treatment on micro-cartilage to expand cartilage regeneration capacity, application of cytokine sustained-release system, and seeding on a suitable ear scaffold material.
- 楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 南雲 吉祥; 磯貝 典孝末梢神経 32 2 247 - 247 日本末梢神経学会 2021年12月
- 人工神経を用いた再建の現状 当科における人工神経を用いた再建の現状楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 南雲 吉祥; 西川 侑輝; 家村 真実; 磯貝 典孝日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 48回 272 - 272 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 2021年12月
- 人工神経を用いた再建の現状 当科における人工神経を用いた再建の現状楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 南雲 吉祥; 西川 侑輝; 家村 真実; 磯貝 典孝日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 48回 272 - 272 (一社)日本マイクロサージャリー学会 2021年12月
- ループ針を使用した新しい神経導管の縫合法楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 南雲 吉祥; 磯貝 典孝末梢神経 32 2 247 - 247 日本末梢神経学会 2021年12月
- Tsunehito Horii; Hiroyuki Tsujimoto; Akeo Hagiwara; Noritaka Isogai; Yu Sueyoshi; Yasumitsu Oe; Susumu Kageyama; Tetsuya Yoshida; Kenichi Kobayashi; Hiroshi Minato; Joe Ueda; Hiroshi Ichikawa; Akihiro KawauchiACS applied bio materials 4 9 6924 - 6936 2021年09月By mimicking the extracellular matrix, nonwoven fabrics can function as scaffolds for tissue engineering application ideally, and they have been characterized regarding their fiber diameter and fiber spacing (spacing size) in vitro. We chronologically examined the in vivo effects of these fabrics on the cellular response and tissue remodeling. Four types of nonwoven polyglycolic acid fabrics (Fabric-0.7, Fabric-0.9, Fabric-3, and Fabric-16 with fiber diameters of 0.7, 0.9, 3.0, and 16.2 μm and spacing sizes of 2.0, 19.3, 19.0, and 825.4 μm, respectively) were implanted into the rat dorsum and subjected to histologic and immunohistochemical analyses from day 3 to 70. With Fabric-0.7, inflammatory cells (mainly M1 macrophages) and myofibroblasts with collagen type III accumulated mainly on the surface of the fabric and did not infiltrate inside the fabric initially, likely due to the narrow fiber space. Massive formation of collagen type I then appeared with the degradation of the fabrics, and finally, the remodeled tissue turned into a dense scar. With Fabric-0.9 and Fabric-3, inflammatory cells (predominantly M2 macrophages) were seen in all layers of the fabric initially. A mild increase in collagen type I was then seen, with few myofibroblasts, and the remodeled tissue ultimately showed a relatively little scar with an adequate thickness of the tissue induced by the fabrics. With Fabric-16, inflammatory cells (predominantly M1 macrophages) infiltrated into all layers of the fabric initially along with many myofibroblasts, especially in the hole. Lately, massive formation of collagen type I was noted due to the slow degradation of the fabric, with the shrinking of the fabric substantially, and the remodeled tissue finally turned to a dense scar. These findings suggest that optimizing the spacing size as well as the fiber diameter of artificial scaffolds may control the cellular response and tissue remodeling and facilitate favorable tissue regeneration without scar formation.
- Yu Sueyoshi; Noritaka Isogai; Yoshiaki Nagumo; Yuta Onodera; Takeshi Teramura; Shinichi Asamura; Hirohisa KusuharaMicrosurgery 41 5 448 - 456 2021年07月BACKGROUND: Using the rat sciatic nerve model, sliced nerves of different thickness was combined to a biodegradable nerve conduit and the amount of nerve fragment necessary to promote nerve regeneration was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Harvested sciatic nerve (n = 6) was processed in sliced nerve of the different width; 2, 1, 0.5 mm, respectively. Western blot analysis was carried out to determine protein expression of Erk1/2. Subsequently, a total of 246 rats were used to create a 10 mm gap in the sciatic nerve. A polyglycolic acid-based nerve conduit was used to bridge the gap, with one sliced (width; 2, 1, 0.5 mm) or two (width; 1 mm × 2) incorporated within the conduit (n = 6 at each point in each group). At 2, 4, 8, and 20 weeks after surgery, samples were resected and subjected to immune-histological, transmission electron microscopic, and motor functional evaluation for nerve regeneration. RESULTS: Western blot analysis demonstrated Erk1/2 expressions were significantly increased in the groups of 2-mm and 1-mm width and attenuated in the 0.5-mm width group (p < .05). The immune-histological study showed the migration of Schwann cells and axon elongation were significantly extended in the groups of 2-mm, 1-mm, and 1 mm × 2 width at 4 weeks (p < .01), in which nerve conduction velocity was marked at 20 weeks (p < .01) after implantation. CONCLUSION: When nerve tissue was inserted in the biodegradable nerve conduit as a sliced nerve, the method of inserting two sheets with a slice width of 1 mm most strongly accelerated motor function.
- Hirohisa Kusuhara; Yoshihito Itani; Noritaka Isogai; Yu SueyoshiAnnals of plastic surgery 86 5 532 - 535 2021年05月ABSTRACT: Subungual exostosis is a benign tumor that occurs under the nail plate of the distal phalanx and causes nail deformity and pain. There are many reports of recurrence and postoperative nail deformity, and the surgical approach needs to be reassessed. Two typical surgical approaches are from the nail fold and the nail bed. Here, we compare 2 surgical approaches for subungual exostosis that were performed in our department. Twenty-three cases of subungual exostosis were treated between 2010 and 2019; 12 cases were treated by the nail fold approach and 11 by the microscopic nail bed approach. The nail fold approach resulted in not only scarring but also nail deformities, such as onychodystrophy. There were 2 (18.2%) cases of recurrence. In the microscopic nail bed approach, there was no case of recurrence. It was possible to preserve the thinned nail bed by dissecting under a microscope, and the thinned nail bed did not become necrotic in any cases. To solve postoperative nail deformity and a high recurrence rate, sufficient resection and meticulous surgical procedure on the nail bed and nail matrix are essential. The microscopic nail bed approach satisfied both of these criteria and was considered to be a useful method for subungual exostosis.
- 手外科の再生医療における基礎研究 手指節骨および関節の再生楠原 廣久; 井内 友美; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝日本手外科学会雑誌 38 1 PD2 - 6 (一社)日本手外科学会 2021年04月
- Hirohisa Kusuhara; Yu Sueyoshi; Yoshiaki Nagumo; Shinichi Asamura; Noritaka IsogaiPlastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open 9 2 e3435 2021年02月A hemi-pulp flap is widely known as a flap useful for aesthetic and functional reconstruction of the fingers, and rarely used for toe reconstruction. We performed third toe pulp reconstruction using a free hemi-pulp flap harvested from the contralateral second toe to repair the tissue defect following toe replantation. An 18-year-old woman was injured with complete left third toe amputation and open fracture of the proximal phalanx of the left second toe in a traffic accident. On the same day, third toe replantation was urgently performed. After surgery, the third toe was partially taken, and had a toe pulp tissue defect due to necrosis. It was reconstructed with a free hemi-pulp flap prepared from the contralateral second toe. The flap was completely taken. Three years after surgery, the reconstructed left third toe was aesthetically favorable. Perception of the flap region was restored up to S2 without pain and there was no complication such as numbness, callus, and ulceration. In the flap donor site (right second toe), the skin graft was unnoticeable without pigmentation. Toe pulp reconstruction requires a sensory flap as low-invasive as possible with excellent sensory restoration, texture, feel, and shear property. This method is considered as one of the low-invasive, aesthetic, and functional reconstruction methods.
- Narihiko Hirano; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Yu Sueyoshi; Takeshi Teramura; Ananth Murthy; Shinichi Asamura; Noritaka Isogai; Robin DiFeo Jacquet; William J LandisPloS one 16 7 e0253149 2021年A major obstacle for tissue engineering ear-shaped cartilage is poorly developed tissue comprising cell-scaffold constructs. To address this issue, bioresorbable scaffolds of poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) and polyglycolic acid nanofibers (nanoPGA) were evaluated using an ethanol treatment step before auricular chondrocyte scaffold seeding, an approach considered to enhance scaffold hydrophilicity and cartilage regeneration. Auricular chondrocytes were isolated from canine ears and human surgical samples discarded during otoplasty, including microtia reconstruction. Canine chondrocytes were seeded onto PCL and nanoPGA sheets either with or without ethanol treatment to examine cellular adhesion in vitro. Human chondrocytes were seeded onto three-dimensional bioresorbable composite scaffolds (PCL with surface coverage of nanoPGA) either with or without ethanol treatment and then implanted into athymic mice for 10 and 20 weeks. On construct retrieval, scanning electron microscopy showed canine auricular chondrocytes seeded onto ethanol-treated scaffolds in vitro developed extended cell processes contacting scaffold surfaces, a result suggesting cell-scaffold adhesion and a favorable microenvironment compared to the same cells with limited processes over untreated scaffolds. Adhesion of canine chondrocytes was statistically significantly greater (p ≤ 0.05) for ethanol-treated compared to untreated scaffold sheets. After implantation for 10 weeks, constructs of human auricular chondrocytes seeded onto ethanol-treated scaffolds were covered with glossy cartilage while constructs consisting of the same cells seeded onto untreated scaffolds revealed sparse connective tissue and cartilage regeneration. Following 10 weeks of implantation, RT-qPCR analyses of chondrocytes grown on ethanol-treated scaffolds showed greater expression levels for several cartilage-related genes compared to cells developed on untreated scaffolds with statistically significantly increased SRY-box transcription factor 5 (SOX5) and decreased interleukin-1α (inflammation-related) expression levels (p ≤ 0.05). Ethanol treatment of scaffolds led to increased cartilage production for 20- compared to 10-week constructs. While hydrophilicity of scaffolds was not assessed directly in the present findings, a possible factor supporting the summary data is that hydrophilicity may be enhanced for ethanol-treated nanoPGA/PCL scaffolds, an effect leading to improvement of chondrocyte adhesion, the cellular microenvironment and cartilage regeneration in tissue-engineered auricle constructs.
- Yoshiaki Nagumo; Noritaka Isogai; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Shinichi Asamura; Yuta Onodera; Takeshi Teramura; Yu SueyoshiMicrosurgery 40 8 886 - 895 2020年11月BACKGROUND: Using the rat sciatic nerve model, the difference in outcome using a nerve segment either sliced open or minced with a blade incorporated into a nerve conduit were compared and the relative effects upon the rate and completeness of the nerve regeneration was determined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 10-mm gap was created in the rat sciatic nerve and bridged with a biodegradable nerve conduit. Segments of the resected nerve (2-mm lengths) were prepared by either slicing the nerve with one longitudinal cut or by scalpel mincing of the nerve tissue, with insertion of the prepared nerve segment into the center of the conduit. Flow cytometry and Western blotting of these preparations were performed to measure viable cells and to examine the expression of Erk1/2 for neural regeneration potential with both treatments. in vivo nerve regeneration was evaluated at 2, 4, 8, and 20 weeks, using immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy, muscle wet weight, and nerve conduction velocity determination. RESULTS: The sliced nerve group showed significantly greater Schwann cell migration with the subsequent axonal elongation at 4 weeks after implantation, in comparison to the minced nerve group and controls (unaltered conduit grafts). By 20 weeks anterior tibial muscle weight and nerve conduction velocity were also greater in the sliced nerve group in comparison to the other groups (p < .05). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that insertion of a sliced section of nerve into a biodegradable nerve conduit can shorten the time for and improve the quality of nerve regeneration.
- Hirohisa Kusuhara; Yuichi Hirase; Noritaka Isogai; Yu SueyoshiMicrosurgery 39 5 395 - 399 2019年07月 [査読有り]
BACKGROUND: In this study, we evaluated the clinical efficacy of a biodegradable nerve conduit constructed of polyglycolic acid (PGA) tube with external and internal collagen scaffolding for digital nerve repair. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A multi-center registry study was conducted in 11 locations between July 2013 and May 2016. Multiple mechanisms of injury included clean-cut (12 patients), crush (5 patients), and avulsion (3 patients) types of injuries. These patients underwent nerve repair with a biodegradable nerve conduit, with 9 patients having a primary repair and 11 patients having delayed repair. Average nerve gap was 16.7 mm (range: 1-50 mm). An average of 13 months follow-up (range: 12-15 months) was available including sensory assessments. RESULTS: Improved s2PD was found with less severe injury as in clean-cut (7.5 ± 1.5 mm), which was statistically significant in comparison to those in crush (9.8 ± 1.9 mm, P = .0384) and in avulsion (10.7 ± 4.7 mm, P = .0013) type injuries. A meaningful recovery (S3+ or S4) was observed in 90% of the 20 digital nerve repairs with a biodegradable nerve conduit of PGA with external and internal collagen scaffolding. Avulsion injuries had significantly lower levels of meaningful recovery (67%) in comparison to those of clean-cut (P = .0291) and crush (P = .0486) types of injury. No adverse effects were reported postoperatively. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that a biodegradable nerve conduit of PGA with external and internal collagen scaffolding is suitable for digital nerve repair of short nerve gaps with high levels of sensory recovery as measured by two-point discrimination. - Tomokazu Fukuda; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Takuya Nakagoshi; Noritaka Isogai; Yu SueyoshiMicrosurgery 38 8 899 - 906 2018年11月 [査読有り]
BACKGROUND: A basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) slow-release system was combined to a biodegradable nerve conduit with the hypothesis this slow-release system would increase the capacity to promote nerve vascularization and Schwann cell proliferation in a rat model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Slow-release of bFGF was determined using Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA). A total of 60 rats were used to create a 10 mm gap in the sciatic nerve. A polyglycolic acid-based nerve conduit was used to bridge the gap, either without or with a bFGF slow-release incorporated around the conduit (n = 30 in each group). At 2 (n = 6), 4 (n = 6), 8 (n = 6), and 20 (n = 12) weeks after surgery, samples were resected and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical, and transmission electron microscopic evaluation for nerve regeneration. RESULTS: Continuous release of bFGF was found during the observation period of 2 weeks. After in vivo implantation of the nerve conduit, greater endothelial cell migration and vascularization resulted at 2 weeks (proximal: 20.0 ± 2.0 vs. 12.7 ± 2.1, P = .01, middle: 17.3 ± 3.5 vs. 8.7 ± 3.2, P = .03). Schwann cells showed a trend toward greater proliferation and axonal growth had significant elongation (4.9 ± 1.1 mm vs. 2.8 ± 1.5 mm, P = .04) at 4 weeks after implantation. The number of myelinated nerve fibers, indicating nerve maturation, were increased 20 weeks after implantation (proximal: 83.3 ± 7.5 vs. 53.3 ± 5.5, P = .06, distal: 71.0 ± 12.5 vs. 44.0 ± 11.1, P = .04). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the bFGF slow-release system improves nerve vascularization and Schwann cell proliferation through the biodegradable nerve conduit. - 諸富公昭; 西脇仁; 平野成彦; 末吉遊; 山内誠; 磯貝典孝形成外科 61 増刊 S281‐S288 - S288 克誠堂出版(株) 2018年07月 [査読有り]
- Yoshio Ueda; Yu Sueyoshi; Takuya Nakagoshi; Noritaka Isogai; Hirohisa KusuharaBiomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 3 5 3620 - 3624 2018年04月 [査読有り]
- Enhanced cartilage regeneration by slow-release of basic fibroblast growth factor imperegnated in gelatin microspheresYoshio Ueda; Hirohisa Kusuhara; Yoshiaki Nagumo; Yu Sueyoshi; Noritaka Isogai; Yoshihito ItaniActa Med Kindai Univ 43 1 27 - 33 2018年 [査読有り]
- Hirohisa Kusuhara; Kouhei Ichinohashi; Yu Sueyoshi; Yasuhiko Tabata; Noritaka IsogaiPlastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open 5 6 e1384 2017年06月 [査読有り]
Supplemental Digital Content is available in the text. - Tadaaki Morotomi; Tomomi Iuchi; Takahiro Hashimoto; Yu Sueyoshi; Tomohisa Nagasao; Noritaka IsogaiJournal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 43 10 2066 - 70 2015年12月 [査読有り]
PURPOSE: The main cause of diplopia induced by orbital floor fracture is strangulation or damage of the extraocular muscles, and the outcome varies depending on the severity of trauma. In this study, we evaluated the dynamics of the eyeball and inferior rectus muscle based on cine magnetic resonance (MR) images acquired before surgery. The preoperative images and outcomes were retrospectively investigated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The subjects were 20 patients with orbital floor fracture. The patients repeated upgaze and downgaze, and images of these were acquired using cine mode magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Image series were obtained in the sagittal direction including the eyeball and long axis of the optic nerve. The eyeball rotation angle, strangulation, and morphology of the inferior rectus muscle were evaluated in each phase. RESULTS: On cine mode MRI, the outcome was poor in cases with a maximal inferior rectus muscle thickness of 5 mm or greater on extension (two or more times thicker than on the healthy side). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the development of sequelae can be predicted by preoperative image analysis using cine MRI, which may be beneficial to help surgeons understand the mechanism of contracture.
- 家村真実; 諸富公昭; 平野成彦; 西脇仁; 末吉遊; 磯貝典孝; 丹羽幸司 日本形成外科学会会誌 42 (4) 2022年
- 末吉遊; 寺村岳士; 四ツ柳高敏; 磯貝典孝 日本再生医療学会総会(Web) 20th 2021年
- 中尾仁美; 末吉遊; 伊谷善仁; 楠原廣久; 諸富公昭; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 64th 2021年
- 爪下外骨腫における手術手技の検討楠原 廣久; 山内 誠; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 涼; 家村 真実; 磯貝 典孝 日本形成外科学会会誌 40 (8) 429 -429 2020年08月
- 当院における頭頸部・食道癌再建手術の統計的検討楠原 廣久; 平野 成彦; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 諒; 家村 真実; 磯貝 典孝 頭頸部癌 46 (2) 212 -212 2020年07月
- 人工神経のフロントライン ナーブリッジでの神経再生を促進させる基礎研究楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 涼; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 36 (6) 1065 -1065 2020年04月
- 人工神経のフロントライン ナーブリッジでの神経再生を促進させる基礎研究楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 涼; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 36 (6) 1065 -1065 2020年04月
- 南雲吉祥; 笠井涼; 末吉遊; 西脇仁; 楠原廣久; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会プログラム・抄録集 29th 2020年
- 楠原廣久; 末吉遊; 家村真実; 西川侑輝; 平野成彦; 西脇仁; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 63rd (CD-ROM) 2020年
- 西川侑輝; 末吉遊; 伊谷善仁; 山内誠; 寺村岳士; 磯貝典孝 多血小板血漿(PRP)療法研究会プログラム・抄録集 12th 2020年
- 楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝 末梢神経 30 (2) 174 -174 2019年12月
- 次世代の人工神経 次世代における我々の人工神経の神経再生を促進させるコンセプト楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 笠井 凉; 西川 侑輝; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 46回 102 -102 2019年11月
- 第3趾切断再接着術後組織欠損に対して第2趾hemipulp free flapで足趾再建した一例楠原 廣久; 平野 成彦; 西脇 仁; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 46回 145 -145 2019年11月
- 次世代の人工神経 次世代における我々の人工神経の神経再生を促進させるコンセプト楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 笠井 凉; 西川 侑輝; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 46回 102 -102 2019年11月
- 第3趾切断再接着術後組織欠損に対して第2趾hemipulp free flapで足趾再建した一例楠原 廣久; 平野 成彦; 西脇 仁; 中尾 仁美; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 46回 145 -145 2019年11月
- 磯貝 典孝; 末吉 遊 日本整形外科学会雑誌 93 (8) S1585 -S1585 2019年09月
- 神経導管(conduit) 神経縫合におけるループ針の有用性楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 涼; 磯貝 典孝 日本形成外科学会会誌 39 (7) 360 -360 2019年07月
- 再生医療分野で必要となるDDS技術 形成外科領域におけるDDS技術を導入した再生医療の臨床展開磯貝 典孝; 末吉 遊 日本DDS学会学術集会プログラム予稿集 35回 94 -94 2019年06月
- 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝; 平瀬 雄一 PEPARS (149) 54 -60 2019年05月
- 手指における骨髄炎の治療方法について楠原 廣久; 西脇 仁; 平野 成彦; 福田 智一; 末吉 遊; 西川 侑輝; 笠井 涼; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 36 (1) O41 -3 2019年04月
- 家村真実; 末吉遊; 笠井諒; 平野成彦; 西脇仁; 山内誠; 諸富公昭; 鎌倉慎治; 田畑泰彦; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会プログラム・抄録集 28th 2019年
- 鼠径部に発生したNodular hidradenomaの1例伊谷 善仁; 末吉 遊; 平野 成彦; 西脇 仁; 中尾 仁美; 山内 誠; 楠原 廣久; 諸富 公昭; 磯貝 典孝 日本形成外科学会会誌 38 (11) 633 -633 2018年11月
- 末吉遊; 楠原廣久; 山内誠; 一ノ橋紘平; 西川侑輝; 笠井諒; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会プログラム・抄録集 27th 118 2018年09月
- 悪性腫瘍が疑われた後頭部巨大神経鞘腫の1例末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 橋本 隆宏; 西脇 仁; 磯貝 典孝; 吉龍 澄子 日本形成外科学会会誌 38 (8) 449 -449 2018年08月
- 諸富 公昭; 西脇 仁; 平野 成彦; 末吉 遊; 山内 誠; 磯貝 典孝 形成外科 61 (増刊) S281 -S288 2018年07月
- 楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西脇 仁; 伊谷 善仁; 田畑 泰彦; 磯貝 典孝 再生医療 17 (2) 154 -160 2018年05月
- 神経再生における神経再生誘導チューブの至適サイズの検討楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 福田 智一; 西脇 仁; 平野 成彦; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 35 (1) S504 -S504 2018年04月
- 諸富公昭; 末吉遊; 丹羽幸司; 丹羽幸司; 福田智一; 西脇仁; 井内友美; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会プログラム・抄録集 27th 2018年
- 楠原廣久; 西脇仁; 末吉遊; 一ノ橋紘平; 伊谷善仁; 平野成彦; 福田智一; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 61st 155 2018年
- 楠原廣久; 福田智一; 末吉遊; 伊谷善仁; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 61st 184 2018年
- 手指再建における持続動脈注入抗血栓療法について楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 西脇 仁; 一ノ橋 紘平; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 44回 106 -106 2017年12月
- 診断に難渋した腹壁隆起性腫瘍に対して大腿筋膜張筋皮弁を用いて再建をした1例末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 前川 昌平; 山内 誠; 橋本 隆宏; 西脇 仁; 八木 誠; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 44回 137 -137 2017年12月
- 生分解性人工神経の神経再生における塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子(bFGF)徐放化システムの有用性福田 智一; 楠原 廣久; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝 日本創傷治癒学会プログラム・抄録集 47回 157 -157 2017年11月
- 静脈皮弁による足趾部分移植採取部の再建末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 西脇 仁; 橋本 隆宏; 中尾 仁美; 一ノ橋 紘平; 磯貝 典孝 日本形成外科学会会誌 37 (6) 338 -338 2017年06月
- 再生医療におけるDDSの役割 3次元硬組織の再生誘導におけるDDSの役割磯貝 典孝; 末吉 遊; 福田 智一; 平野 成彦; 西脇 仁 日本DDS学会学術集会プログラム予稿集 33回 128 -128 2017年06月
- 徐放型fibroblast growth factorの神経再生誘導チューブへの応用末吉 遊; 楠原 廣久; 福田 智一; 平野 成彦; 磯貝 典孝 日本DDS学会学術集会プログラム予稿集 33回 152 -152 2017年06月
- 前川 昌平; 澤井 利夫; 吉田 英樹; 末吉 遊; 西脇 仁; 橋本 隆宏; 楠原 廣久; 八木 誠 日本小児外科学会雑誌 53 (3) 737 -737 2017年05月
- 神経再生誘導チューブでの末梢神経再生における徐放化Fibroblast growth factorの効果楠原 廣久; 福田 智一; 末吉 遊; 西脇 仁; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 34 (1) S450 -S450 2017年04月
- 菅野 百合; 平瀬 雄一; 末吉 遊 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (6) 881 -885 2017年04月
- 楠原廣久; 末吉遊; 西脇仁; 一ノ橋紘平; 磯貝典孝 日本創傷外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 9th 167 2017年
- 諸富公昭; 井内友美; 末吉遊; 一ノ橋紘平; 松井哲也; 劉洋; 草井寛之; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 60th 254 2017年
- 楠原廣久; 西脇仁; 一ノ橋紘平; 末吉遊; 平野成彦; 福田智一; 中尾仁美; 磯貝典孝 日本形成外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 60th 327 2017年
- 末吉 遊; 平瀬 雄一; 菅野 百合 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (3) 278 -283 2016年12月
- suture anchorを用いた母指CM関節suspension arthroplasty平良 貴志; 平瀬 雄一; 菅野 百合; 末吉 遊 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (3) 401 -402 2016年12月
- 手指腱鞘巨細胞腫の当院での治療成績末吉 遊; 平瀬 雄一; 平良 貴志; 菅野 百合 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (3) 413 -413 2016年12月
- wrap-around flap採取部の被覆方法の検討 静脈皮弁の有用性楠原 廣久; 西脇 仁; 末吉 遊; 和田 仁孝; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 43回 206 -206 2016年11月
- 母指再建におけるTwisted wrap around flapの有用性楠原 廣久; 西脇 仁; 末吉 遊; 和田 仁孝; 磯貝 典孝 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 43回 244 -244 2016年11月
- 当科における手部皮膚欠損の治療戦略楠原 廣久; 西脇 仁; 一ノ橋 紘平; 磯貝 典孝; 和田 仁孝; 末吉 遊 日本手外科学会雑誌 32 (6) 1142 -1142 2016年04月
- 当院における手根管症候群治療 内視鏡併用の小切開による手根管開放手術と3DCTの検討菅野 百合; 平瀬 雄一; 末吉 遊; 竹田 絵理子; 竹厚 和美 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (1) S135 -S135 2016年04月
- Glomus腫瘍の治療経験100例末吉 遊; 平瀬 雄一; 菅野 百合; 伊川 真実; 加藤 真里 日本手外科学会雑誌 33 (1) S575 -S575 2016年04月
- 楠原廣久; 西脇仁; 一ノ橋紘平; 末吉遊; 平野成彦; 磯貝典孝 日本創傷外科学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 8th 120 2016年
- リンパ浮腫の評価における軟部3DCTの有用性末吉 遊; 平瀬 雄一; 平良 貴志; 戸田 千里; 加藤 真里 日本マイクロサージャリー学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 42回 214 -214 2015年11月
- 病理診断に苦慮した頬部悪性腫瘍の1例井内 友美; 諸冨 公昭; 末吉 遊; 福田 智一; 磯貝 典孝; 山脇 聖子; 元村 尚嗣 日本形成外科学会会誌 35 (10) 621 -622 2015年10月
- 井内 友美; 諸富 公昭; 末吉 遊; 福田 智一; 磯貝 典孝 日本形成外科学会会誌 35 (5) 303 -303 2015年05月
- エピネフリン含有リドカインを用いた手指局所麻酔の有用性楠原 廣久; 和田 仁孝; 西脇 仁; 末吉 遊; 磯貝 典孝 日本手外科学会雑誌 32 (1) 1 -8 2015年04月