Department of Fisheries | Lecturer |
Last Updated :2024/12/24
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- Oceanography 養殖 Microbe Diversity Ecology マイクロスケール サンゴ 魚類環境や腸内 プラスチック 人間と自然との共存共栄 プロバイオティクス 分子生態学的解析 寒天培養法
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- 2006/06 - 2008/03 The University of Tokyo 海洋研究所 特別研究生
- 2005/04 - 2008/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biosphere Science 博士課程後期
- 2003/04 - 2005/03 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biosphere Science 博士課程前期
- 1999/04 - 2003/03 Hiroshima University Faculty of Applied Biological Science 生物生産学科
■Research activity information
- Shuji Shirakashi; Ryuichiro Aoki; Yasuhisa Kobayashi; Masanori Aida; Ryouichi Yamada; Akito TaniguchiFrontiers in Aquaculture Frontiers Media SA 3 2024/11 [Refereed]
Enhancing fish growth and bolstering immune responses to diseases are of paramount concern in fish aquaculture. The use of probiotics has emerged as a promising strategy for addressing these challenges. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics (salinity tolerance, starch-assimilating ability, organic acid production, β-galactosidase activity) of Heyndrickxia coagulans SANK70258 and its probiotic effects on red sea bream (Pagrus major). Our results indicate that H. coagulans SANK70258 exhibits a high salinity tolerance and thrives as a probiotic in marine environments. Moreover, its starch assimilation capability, organic acid production, and β-galactosidase activities suggest that it might play a role in enhancing the host’s immune system. Over the 63-day experimental period, supplementation with H. coagulans SANK70258 significantly increased the survival rate of red sea bream compared with that of the experimental control group (vehicle starch for the probiotic) after the final experimental day, as determined by Kaplan–Meier analysis (log-rank test, p = 0.0228). Furthermore, supplementation affected the body length and weight of fish, but it did not influence digestive enzyme activities. The goblet cell abundance in the intestinal tract of fish supplemented with H. coagulans SANK70258 was significantly higher than that in the experimental control group (Welch’s t-test, p = 0.03742). These results suggest that H. coagulans SANK70258 is a promising probiotic for enhancing marine fish aquaculture production. - Ryota Okamura; Katsuki Kikuchi; Akito Taniguchi; Kenichiro Nagai; Reiko Seki; Satoshi Ohte; Taichi Ohshiro; Masashi Ando; Teruyoshi Tanaka; Takashi FukudaThe Journal of antibiotics 2024/05 [Refereed]
Seriniquinone was isolated as a melanoma-selective anti-cancer agent from a culture broth of the marine-derived bacterium Serinicoccus marinus CNJ927 in 2014. It targets the unique small protein, dermcidin, which affects the drug resistance of cancer cells. Due to its significant activity against cancer cells, particularly melanoma, and its unique target, seriniquinone has been developed as a new pharmacophore. However, it has the disadvantage of poor solubility in drug discovery research, which needs to be resolved. A new seriniquinone glycoside (1) was synthesized by the biological transformation of seriniquinone using the deep sea-derived bacterium Bacillus licheniformis KDM612. Compound 1 exhibited selective anti-cancer activity against melanoma, similar to seriniquinone, and was 50-fold more soluble in DMSO than seriniquinone. - Akito Taniguchi; Shota Nishimura; Mitsuru EguchiJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Elsevier BV 573 152003 - 152003 0022-0981 2024/04 [Refereed]
- Akito Taniguchi; Yuki Kuroyanagi; Ryuichiro Aoki; Mitsuru EguchiMicrobes and environments 38 (3) 2023 [Refereed]
A direct relationship exists between diverse corals and fish farming in Keten Bay, Amami-Oshima, Japan. The release of coral mucus has a significant impact on the microbial activity of surrounding seawater. To obtain a more detailed understanding of biogeochemical cycles in this environment, the effects of coral mucus on the community structure and function of bacteria in surrounding seawater need to be elucidated. We herein used a bromodeoxyuridine approach to investigate the structures and functions of bacterial communities growing close to mucus derived from two different Acropora corals, AC1 and AC2. The alpha diversities of actively growing bacteria (AGB) were lower in mucus-containing seawater than in control seawater and their community structures significantly differed, suggesting that the growth of specific bacteria was modulated by coral mucus. Rhodobacteraceae and Cryomorphaceae species were the most dominant AGB in response to the mucus of Acropora AC1 and AC2, respectively. In contrast, the growth of Actinomarinaceae, Alteromonadaceae, Flavobacteriaceae, and SAR86 clade bacteria was inhibited by coral mucus. The results of a Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States (PICRUSt2) ana-lysis suggested that the predicted functions of AGB in mucus-containing seawater differed from those in seawater. These functions were related to the biosynthesis and degradation of the constituents of coral mucus, such as polysaccharides, sugar acids, and aromatic compounds. The present study demonstrated that complex bacterial community structures and functions may be shaped by coral mucus, suggesting that corals foster diverse bacterial communities that enhance the ecological resilience of this fish farming area. - Taniguchi, A.; Kawagishi, T.; Tanaka, A.; Takata, S.-Y.; Hagimoto, T.; Shirakashi, S.; Fujiwara-Nagata, E.; Eguchi, M.Aquaculture Science 71 (2) 75 - 86 2185-0194 2023 [Refereed]
- Succession of the intestinal bacterial community in Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) larvaeAkito Taniguchi; Ryuichiro Aoki; Isamu Inoue; Mitsuru EguchiPLOS ONE Public Library of Science (PLoS) 17 (10) e0275211 - e0275211 2022/10 [Refereed]
We investigated the succession process of intestinal bacteria during seed production in full-cycle aquaculture of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis). During the seed production, eggs, healthy fish, rearing water, and feeds from three experimental rounds in 2012 and 2013 were collected before transferring to offshore net cages and subjected to a fragment analysis of the bacterial community structure. We identified a clear succession of intestinal bacteria in bluefin tuna during seed production. While community structures of intestinal bacteria in the early stage of larvae were relatively similar to those of rearing water and feed, the bacterial community structures seen 17 days after hatching were different. Moreover, although intestinal bacteria in the late stage of larvae were less diverse than those in the early stage of larvae, the specific bacteria were predominant, suggesting that the developed intestinal environment of the host puts selection pressure on the bacteria in the late stage. The specific bacteria in the late stage of larvae, which likely composed ‘core microbiota’, were also found on the egg surface. The present study highlights that proper management of the seed production process, including the preparation of rearing water, feeds, and fish eggs, is important for the aquaculture of healthy fish. - Akito Taniguchi; Mitsuru EguchiPLOS ONE PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE 15 (6) 1932-6203 2020/06 [Refereed]
In fish-farming areas, copious amounts of organic matter are released into the surrounding environment. Although it is well-known that bacterial community structures and activities are tightly coupled with organic conditions in the environment, actively growing bacteria (AGB) species that are responsible are still largely unknown. Here, we determined seasonal variations in the community structures of free-living and particle-attached AGB in surface and bottom seawater, and also in the easily resuspendable sediment boundary layer. Accordingly, we used bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) magnetic bead immunocapture and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (BUMP-DGGE) analysis. Whereas overall bacterial communities in the resuspendable sediment were quite different from those of the free-living and particle-attached bacteria, the AGB community structures were similar among them. This result suggests that sediment resuspension in aquaculture environments functions as an organic source for bacteria in the water column, and that bacterial species contributing to the environmental capacity and carbon cycle are limited. We identified 25 AGB phylotypes, belonging to Alphaproteobacteria (Roseobacterclade, nine phylotypes), Gammaproteobacteria (five phylotypes), Deltaproteobacteria (one phylotype), Bacteroidetes (seven phylotypes), and Actinobacteria (three phylotypes). Among them, some AGB phylotypes appeared throughout the year with high frequency and were also identified in other coastal environments. This result suggests that these species are responsible for the environmental capacity and carbon cycle, and are key species in this fish-farming area, as well as other coastal environments. - 松井一彰; 横山雄一; 亀井訓平; 中口譲; 江口充; 谷口亮人; 竹原幸生; 麓隆行土木学会論文集 G(環境)(Web) 公益社団法人 土木学会 73 (3) 134‐142(J‐STAGE) - 142 2185-6648 2017 [Refereed]
We explored the impact of combined sewer overflow (CSO) on the water quality of an urban river. We characterized the bacterial community of the Higashiyokobori-gawa waterway using next-generation DNA sequencing (Illumina Miseq). We examined bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicons during rainfall periods. When rainfall exceeded 4 mm/h at our experimental site on the waterway, the bacterial community composition in the river water exhibited transient changes attributable to the CSO. The bacterial community composition in the waterway differed greatly from those in sewage, suggesting that the CSO had been diluted with bulk rainwater prior to discharge into the river. After a newly constructed stormwater storage pipe called Heisei-no-Taikougesui was commissioned, we found no changes in the bacterial community in river water even when rainfall exceeded 8 mm/h. This indicates that the storage pipe effectively prevented CSO discharge into the waterway. We suggest that bacterial community composition analysis is useful when evaluating/monitoring water quality. - Akito Taniguchi; Ryuichiro Aoki; Mitsuru EguchiAQUACULTURE RESEARCH WILEY 47 (2) 370 - 378 1355-557X 2016/02 [Refereed]
A major concern in larvae production is a mass mortality caused by fish diseases. In larvae production, pumped-up natural seawater filtered through a sand filter system is used for fish rearing, and microalgae and rotifer cultures. Here, we investigated the community structures of eukaryotic microbes, as well as total bacteria and vibrios, in various processed waters' used in a larvae production site. We observed that ultraviolet irradiation of seawater was effective to reduce not only total bacteria and vibrios but also eukaryotic microbes. Moreover, the community structures of total bacteria and vibrios in rearing waters for fish larvae were different from those in rotifer cultures fed with Chlorella, but rather similar to those in natural seawater and microalgae cultures. These results suggest that the bacterial community in rearing waters may originate mainly from natural seawater and then be selected by microalgae in rearing water. Overall, this study provides useful information for avoiding the risk of fish disease outbreaks in a larvae production site. - Koji Hamasaki; Akito Taniguchi; Yuya Tada; Ryo Kaneko; Takeshi MikiGENE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 576 (2) 650 - 656 0378-1119 2016/02 [Refereed]
The "rare biosphere" consisting of thousands of low-abundance microbial taxa is important as a seed bank or a gene pool to maintain microbial functional redundancy and robustness of the ecosystem. Here we investigated contemporaneous growth of diverse microbial taxa including rare taxa and determined their variability in environmentally distinctive locations along a north-south transect in the Pacific Ocean in order to assess which taxa were actively growing and how environmental factors influenced bacterial community structures. A bromodeoxyuridine-labeling technique in combination with PCR amplicon pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes gave 215-793 OTUs from 1200 to 3500 unique sequences in the total communities and 175-299 OTUs nearly 860 to 1800 sequences in the active communities. Unexpectedly, many of the active OTUs were not detected in the total fractions. Among these active but rare OTUs, some taxa (2-4% of rare OTUs) showed much higher abundance (>0.10% of total reads) in the active fraction than in the total fraction, suggesting that their contribution to bacterial community productivity or growth was much larger than that expected from their standing stocks at each location. An ordination plot by the principal component analysis presented that bacterial community compositions among 4 sampling locations and between total and active fractions Were distinctive with each other. A redundancy analysis revealed that the variability of community compositions significantly correlated to seawater temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration. Also, a variation partitioning analysis showed that the environmental factors explained 49% of the variability of community compositions and the distance only explained 4.0% of its variability. These results implied very dynamic change of community structures due to environmental filtering. The active bacterial populations are more diverse and spread further in rare biosphere than we have ever seen. This study implied that rare microbes are important as an active part of microbial communities functioning ecosystems. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. - Akito Taniguchi; Takashi Yoshida; Kodai Hibino; Mitsuru EguchiJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY ELSEVIER 469 105 - 112 0022-0981 2015/08 [Refereed]
Coral mucus influences the composition and abundance of bacteria in the surrounding seawater. In this study, the phylogenetic affiliations of actively growing bacteria (AGB) in seawater supplemented with the mucus of Acropora sp. during a 24-h incubation period were determined. For this purpose, bromodeoxyuridine magnetic-beads immunocapture and PCR-DGGE (BUMP-DGGE) analysis was used. The coral mucus contained higher concentrations of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen and exhibited higher bacterial abundance than seawater did, and the organic matter and bacteria varied dramatically during the incubation. BUMP-DGGE analysis showed that the AGB stimulated by the coral mucus also varied during the incubation. The bulk of the active growers originated from seawater and not the mucus. However, not all of the bacterial phylotypes in seawater could use the coral mucus as a suitable growth substrate. Cluster analysis revealed that the AGB community structures identified across the incubation period were considerably different in seawater supplemented with coral mucus as compared with those in coral mucus. In total, 12 phylotypes of AGB were identified, and these belonged to Alphaproteobacteria (Rhodobacterales 5 phylotypes), Gammaproteobacteria (Oceanospirillales 3 phylotypes, Vibrionales 1 phylotype, Alteromonadales 1 phylotype), and Bacteroidetes (Flavobacteriales 2 phylotypes). In the coral mucus, phylotypes belonging to Oceanospirillales appeared only at the beginning of the incubation, whereas those belonging to Rhodobacterales appeared only in the late phase of the incubation. Thus, coral mucus can alter the AGB community structure and create an organic matter flux that is specific to a reef environment. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Akito Taniguchi; Takashi Yoshida; Mitsuru EguchiJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 461 331 - 336 0022-0981 2014/12 [Refereed]
Coral mucus influences the abundance and composition of microbes in the surrounding seawater. Here, the hypothesis that the mucus of the coral genera Acropora, Favia, Favites, and Goniastrea would influence bacterial growth (production) in seawater (measured using 3H-thymidine and 3H-leucine incorporation methods) was tested. The bacterial production in mucus-supplemented seawater was significantly greater than that in unsupplemented seawater: production in the mucus-supplemented seawater ranged from 108.2 to 4111 mu g C.L-1.d(-1) when measured by thymidine incorporation and from 72.9 to 115.9 mu g C.L-1.d(-1) when measured by leucine incorporation. This study showed that the enhanced production may be due to bacteria originating from seawater and not from coral mucus. Nonetheless, the effect of mucus on bacterial production was different among the coral genera: the mucus of Favia did not always enhance bacterial production. Additionally, even a very small amount of coral mucus, only similar to 300 mu L. of mucus per liter of seawater, was sufficient to enhance bacterial production by approximately 2-fold compared to unsupplemented seawater. These results suggest that coral mucus has a significant impact on the marine biogeochemical cycle around coral reefs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - Koji Hamasaki; Yuki Sato-Takabe; Akito Taniguchi; Yuya TadaWestern Pacific Air-Sea Interaction Study 2014
- Yuya Tada; Ryosuke Makabe; Nobue Kasamatsu-Takazawa; Akito Taniguchi; Koji HamasakiPOLAR BIOLOGY SPRINGER 36 (5) 691 - 704 0722-4060 2013/05 [Refereed]
Roseobacter/Rhodobacter and SAR11, affiliated with Alphaproteobacteria, and the phylum Bacteroidetes constitute a large proportion of marine planktonic bacteria, but information about their growth and distribution patterns in the Southern Ocean is scarce. The aim of the present study is to determine patterns in the biomass and productivity of Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, and Bacteroidetes groups along the steep temperature, salinity, and organic matter gradients in the Southern Ocean by using catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunocytochemistry FISH. We found that Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, and Bacteroidetes are prominent contributors to total bacterial biomass and production. SAR11 bacteria were the predominant lineage, but their biomass was low in the coldest regions. In contrast, the biomasses of Roseobacter/Rhodobacter and Bacteroidetes lineages were positively correlated with organic matter concentrations. The Roseobacter/Rhodobacter had the highest proportion of BrdU-positive (i.e., actively growing) cells among the three phylotypes at all stations, despite their low abundance. The relative contribution of Bacteroidetes to the total bacterial productivity (number of active cells) was negatively correlated with temperature. These results suggest that the growth and distribution patterns of Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, and Bacteroidetes were determined by different environmental gradients (e.g., organic matter concentrations or temperature) in the Southern Ocean. - Yuya Tada; Akito Taniguchi; Yuki Sato-Takabe; Koji HamasakiJOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY SPRINGER 68 (4) 509 - 519 0916-8370 2012/08 [Refereed]
Our objective was to track microbial processes associated with serial degradation of organic matter derived from algal blooms. To do this, we analyzed population fluctuations and growth responses of major phylogenetic groups of free-living marine bacteria. We used bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry-fluorescence in situ hybridization methodology to examine marine bacterial community development during and after a diatom bloom in a mesocosm. We revealed that the Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, Alteromonas, and Bacteroidetes groups were clearly major phylotypes responsible for most free-living bacterial biomass and production throughout the experiment. The clearest bacterial response was a proliferation of the Alteromonas group (cells with large volumes) during development of the bloom (up to 30 % of actively growing cells). Populations of these bacteria declined sharply thereafter, likely due to grazing. Alteromonas group responses suggest that these bacteria strongly influenced the flux of organic matter at an early bloom stage. The growth potential of Bacteroidetes was relatively large as the bloom peaked; this early development probably contributed to the initial stage of bloom decomposition. In contrast, the contribution of Roseobacter/Rhodobacter to total bacterial production increased at a late stage of decomposing of the bloom. The contributions of Betaproteobacteria, SAR11, and SAR86 groups to total bacterial abundance and production were relatively minor throughout the experiment. These results imply that the ability to utilize organic matter derived from diatoms varies among bacterial phylotypes, and, frequently, less abundant but ecological specialist taxa such as Alteromonas may play major roles in the flux of organic matter during diatom blooms. - Akito Taniguchi; Yuya Tada; Koji HamasakiMICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE 26 (4) 339 - 346 1342-6311 2011/12 [Refereed]
Using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) magnetic beads immunocapture and a PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technique (BUMP-DGGE), we determined seasonal variations in the community structures of actively growing bacteria in the neritic waters of Hiroshima Bay, western Japan. The community structures of actively growing bacteria were separated into two clusters, corresponding to the timing of phytoplankton blooms in the autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons. The trigger for changes in bacterial community structure was related to organic matter supply from phytoplankton blooms. We identified 23 phylotypes of actively growing bacteria, belonging to Alphaproteobacteria (Roseobacter group, 9 phylotypes), Gammaproteobacteria (2 phylotypes), Bacteroidetes (8 phylotypes), and Actinobacteria (4 phylotypes). The Roseobacter group and Bacteroidetes were dominant in actively growing bacterial communities every month, and together accounted for more than 70% of the total DGGE bands. We revealed that community structures of actively growing bacteria shifted markedly in the wake of phytoplankton blooms in the neritic waters of Hiroshima Bay. - Possible Role of Microalga Nannochloropsis in Controlling Vibrio Species in Fish Larva Rearing WaterTANIGUCHI Akito; SHARIFAH Noor Emilia; EGUCHI MitsuruAquaculture Science 水産増殖談話会 59 (3) 451 - 458 0371-4217 2011/09 [Refereed]
We performed duplicate microcosm experiments to determine Vibrio species dynamics over 13 days in enriched natural seawater inoculated with Nannochloropsis. Chlorophyll a concentrations in Tanks 1 and 2 ranged from 8.71 to 235μg/l and 10.9 to 255μg/l, respectively; peak values were recorded on Day 6 in both tanks. Culturable Vibrio abundance on TCBS agar decreased from 180 CFU/ml on Day 2 to 50 CFU/ml on Day 5 in Tank 1, and from 120 CFU/ml on Day 1 to 20 CFU/ml on Day 6 in Tank 2. Total Vibrio abundance estimated by qPCR ranged from 3.2×102 to 2.6×104 cells/ml in Tank 1 and from 2.2×102 to 1.6×104 cells/ml in Tank 2. Interestingly, after the peak of chlorophyll a concentration in both tanks, no culturable Vibrio and only a few total Vibrio were detected. PCR-DGGE analysis showed that the Vibrio community was unexpectedly diverse at the onset, but the structure became simpler over time with the increasing chlorophyll a concentration. Hence, the addition of Nannochloropsis to larval-rearing water may control Vibrio species growth, a key factor responsible for the survival and growth of fish larvae. - Akito Taniguchi; Hiroyuki Onishi; Mitsuru EguchiFISHERIES SCIENCE SPRINGER JAPAN KK 77 (4) 607 - 613 0919-9268 2011/07 [Refereed]
We developed a quantitative PCR assay for detecting the parasitic ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans, which causes "white spot disease" in marine fishes, from the natural environment. A specific primer set for C. irritans was designed and its high specificity was confirmed in silico: almost all of the sequences deposited in the GenBank nucleotide database were covered, 22/23 for the forward primer and 7/7 for the reverse primer. We estimated that there were 3,415.9 rRNA gene copies per genome of C. irritans. In artificial mixture experiments to validate whether the qPCR assay is applicable to natural samples, the estimated copy numbers showed significantly positive correlations with the number of theronts added (p < 0.001). When we applied this qPCR assay to natural samples collected bimonthly from surface and bottom seawaters at an aquaculture site (water depth, 10 m) from May 2009 to March 2010, we only detected C. irritans (112.0 +/- A 6.3 cells/l) in the surface seawater sample in November. This qPCR assay is a useful tool for detecting C. irritans rapidly and quantitatively in natural environments; it could also help advance our understanding of the ecology of C. irritans, as well as facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. - Yuya Tada; Akito Taniguchi; Ippei Nagao; Takeshi Miki; Mitsuo Uematsu; Atsushi Tsuda; Koji HamasakiAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY 77 (12) 4055 - 4065 0099-2240 2011/06 [Refereed]
Growth and productivity of phytoplankton substantially change organic matter characteristics, which affect bacterial abundance, productivity, and community structure in aquatic ecosystems. We analyzed bacterial community structures and measured activities inside and outside phytoplankton blooms in the western North Pacific Ocean by using bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization (BIC-FISH). Roseobacter/Rhodobacter, SAR11, Betaproteobacteria, Alteromonas, SAR86, and Bacteroidetes responded differently to changes in organic matter supply. Roseobacter/Rhodobacter bacteria remained widespread, active, and proliferating despite large fluctuations in organic matter and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentrations. The relative contribution of Bacteroidetes to total bacterial production was consistently high. Furthermore, we documented the unexpectedly large contribution of Alteromonas to total bacterial production in the bloom. Bacterial abundance, productivity, and growth potential (the proportion of growing cells in a population) were significantly correlated with Chl-a and particulate organic carbon concentrations. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that organic matter supply was critical for determining bacterial community structures. The growth potential of each bacterial group as a function of Chl-a concentration showed a bell-shaped distribution, indicating an optimal organic matter concentration to promote growth. The growth of Alteromonas and Betaproteobacteria was especially strongly correlated with organic matter supply. These data elucidate the distinctive ecological role of major bacterial taxa in organic matter cycling during open ocean phytoplankton blooms. - Yuya Tada; Akito Taniguchi; Koji HamasakiAQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY INTER-RESEARCH 59 (3) 229 - 238 0948-3055 2010 [Refereed]
To explore the possibility of calculating phylotype-specific growth rates of marine bacteria, we optimized a protocol that combines bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunocytochemistry with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The protocol worked well with 8 isolates tested, showing a significant positive correlation between average cellular fluorescence intensity and cell-specific BrdU contents. The BrdU immunocytochemistry-FISH (BIG-FISH) was then applied to neritic sea-water in Hiroshima Bay, western Japan. Rhodobacter/Roseobacter and Bacteroidetes groups were dominant in BrdU-positive cells (22 +/- 8 and 26 +/- 8%), suggesting a significant contribution to bacterial community productivity in the water. Analysis of single-cell immunofluorescence showed higher BrdU incorporation rates in the Gammaproteobacteria, SAR86, and Vibrio groups, suggesting that these less abundant groups were growing more rapidly than other phylotypes. Our study suggests that BIG-FISH has the potential to estimate phylotype-specific variability of bacterial productivity in aquatic systems. - Noriaki Yoshida; Masahiko Nishimura; Katsuyuki Inoue; Susumu Yoshizawa; Eriko Kamiya; Akito Taniguchi; Koji Hamasaki; Kazuhiro KogureMICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE 24 (4) 297 - 304 1342-6311 2009 [Refereed]
We developed a method for the separate and simultaneous analysis of the community structure of heterotrophic nanopkankton (HNP) and autotrophic nanoplankton (ANP). This method consists of three steps. First, nanoplankton cells were concentrated using a cross-flow filtration system because cell densities in natural seawater are usually too low for genetic studies. Second, HNP and ANP were separated by flow cytometric sorting ("flow sorting") on the basis of the presence or absence of chlorophyll. Finally, the community structure was analyzed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis targeting 18S rRNA gene. The newly developed method was applied to the coastal surface water of Aburatsubo Inlet, Japan, in July 2008. The separation of nanoplankton into HNP and ANP was validated by phylogenetic analysis, and the trophic mode of uncultured nanoplankton was confirmed (e.g. Marine Alveolata group II [MALV II] and Marine Stramenopile clade-2 [MAST-2]). This new method involving cell concentration, flow sorting and phylogenetic analysis is a potentially powerful tool for evaluating the population dynamics and ecology of marine protozoa. - Yuya Tada; Akito Taniguchi; Koji HamasakiMICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS JAPANESE SOC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY, DEPT BIORESOURCE SCIENCE 24 (4) 315 - 321 1342-6311 2009 [Refereed]
Among the fundamental questions in marine microbial ecology are which taxa or phylogenetic groups account for total bacterial productivity and what is the relative contribution of each. We combined bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunocytochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization (BIC-FISH) to examine phylotype-specific contributions to total bacterial productivity in eutrophic seawater. We also examined year-round changes in phylotype-specific contributions and explored the factors controlling these changes. Monitoring by BIC-FISH throughout the year revealed the importance of the Roseobacter/Rhodobacter group as a constantly proliferating basic population (27% of all BrdU-positive cells), although their contribution was not significantly correlated with water temperature or with chlorophyll a or organic matter concentration. The Bacteroidetes were another important group, as they greatly increased in abundance after the end of phytoplankton blooms. Two other phylotypes tested, the SAR86 and Vibrio groups, changed their contributions to bacterial productivity with changes in water temperature. To our knowledge, this study was the first to estimate the yearly contribution of major subgroups of marine bacteria to total bacterial productivity in a seawater environment. - Akito Taniguchi; Koji HamasakiENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY WILEY 10 (4) 1007 - 1017 1462-2912 2008/04 [Refereed]
Bacterial community structures and their activities in the ocean are tightly coupled with organic matter fluxes and thus control ocean biogeochemical cycles. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), halogenated nucleoside and thymidine analogue, has been recently used to monitor actively growing bacteria (AGB) in natural environments. We labelled DNA of proliferating cells in seawater bacterial assemblages with BrdU and determined community structures of the bacteria that were possible key species in mediating biochemical reactions in the ocean. Surface seawater samples were collected along a north-south transect in the North Pacific in October 2003 and subjected to BrdU magnetic beads immunocapture and PCR-DGGE (BUMP-DGGE) analysis. Change of BrdU-incorporated community structures reflected the change of water masses along a north-south transect from subarctic to subtropical gyres in the North Pacific. We identified 25 bands referred to AGB as BrdU-incorporated phylotypes, belonging to Alphaproteobacteria (5 bands), Betaproteobacteria (1 band), Gammaproteobacteria (4 bands), Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) group bacteria (5 bands), Gram-positive bacteria (6 bands), and Cyanobacteria (4 bands). BrdU-incorporated phylotypes belonging to Vibrionales, Alteromonadales and Gram-positive bacteria appeared only at sampling stations in a subtropical gyre, while those belonging to Roseobacter-related bacteria and CFB group bacteria appeared at the stations in both subarctic and subtropical gyres. Our result revealed phylogenetic affiliation of AGB and their dynamic change along with north-south environmental gradients in open oceans. Different species of AGB utilize different amount and kinds of substrates, which can affect the change of organic matter fluxes along transect. - Koji Hamasaki; Akito Taniguchi; Yuya Tada; Richard A. Long; Farooq AzamAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY 73 (9) 2787 - 2798 0099-2240 2007/05 [Refereed]
A fundamental question in microbial oceanography concerns the relationship between prokaryote diversity and biogeochemical function in an ecosystem context. We combined bromodeoxymidine (BrdU) magnetic bead immunocapture and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (BUMP-DGGE) to examine phylotype-specific growth in natural marine assemblages. We also examined a broad range of marine bacterial isolates to determine their abilities to incorporate BrdU in order to test the validity of the method for application to diverse marine assemblages. We found that 27 of 29 isolates belonging to different taxa could incorporate BrdU. BUMP-DGGE analysis revealed phylogenetic affiliations of DNA-synthesizing, presumably actively growing bacteria across a eutrophic to mesotrophic transect in the Inland Sea of Japan. We found that the BrdU-incorporating (growing) communities were substantially different from the total communities. The majority (34/56) of phylotypes incorporated BrdU and were presumably growing, and these phylotypes comprised 10 alphaproteobacteria, 1 betaproteobacterium, 11 gammaproteobacteria, 11 Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bateroides group bacteria, and 1 unclassified bacterium. All BrdU-responsive alphaproteobacteria were members of the Rhodobacterales, suggesting that such bacteria were dominant in the growing alphaproteobacterial populations in our samples. The BrdU-responsive gammaproteobacteria belonged to the Oceanospirillales, the SAR86 cluster, the Pseudomonadales, the Alteromonadales, and the Vibrionales. Thus, contemporaneous cooccurrence of diverse actively growing bacterial taxa was a consistent pattern in our biogeochemically varied study area.
- 坂口舞; 菊地克樹; 岡村玲汰; 谷口亮人; 関怜子; 長井賢一郎; 安藤正史; 田中照佳; 福田隆志; 福田隆志 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web) 144th- 2024
- 石川碧伊; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024- 2024
- 松浦大貴; 谷口亮人 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024- 2024
- 丹原弥空; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024- 2024
- 李培希; 中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 田畑侑樹; 伊村広吉; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024- 2024
- 丹原弥空; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023- 2023
- 石川碧伊; 豊川治; 山崎景也; 井口博紀; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023- 2023
- 中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人 日本サンゴ礁学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 26th- 2023
- 白樫柊児; 川岸朋樹; 田中歩美; 谷口亮人 アグリバイオ 7- (11) 2023
- 丹原弥空; 向井励; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023- 2023
- 中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023- 2023
- 石川碧伊; 武田真生; 豊川治; 廣岡とし; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023- 2023
- 谷口 亮人; 向井 励; 丹原 弥空 アグリバイオ = Agricultural biotechnology 6- (7) 631 -633 2022/07 [Invited]
- 向井 励; 谷口 亮人 アグリバイオ = Agricultural biotechnology 6- (2) 177 -179 2022/02 [Invited]
- 中高誠一; 谷口亮人 日本サンゴ礁学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 25th- 2022
- 豊川治; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2022- 2022
- 向井 励; 谷口 亮人 アグリバイオ = Agricultural biotechnology 5- (10) 882 -884 2021/09 [Invited]
- 横地駿; 向井励; 鳥澤眞介; 家戸敬太郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021- 2021
- 豊川治; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021- 2021
- 向井励; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021- 2021
- Bacteria controlling material cycling in a fish farming areaHayao Yokochi; Akito Taniguchi アグリバイオ 4- (10) 81 -82 2020/08 [Invited]
- 中瀬玄徳; 永田恵里奈; 谷口亮人; 江口充; 家戸敬太郎 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019- 2019
- 阿川泰夫; 前田知隆; 八木洋樹; 谷口亮人; 本領智記; 倉田道雄; 澤田好史 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019- 2019
- 横地駿; 山崎景也; 野嵜有優人; 中瀬玄徳; 家戸敬太郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充 日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019- 2019
- 青木 隆一郎; 小原 紘平; 梶 暁登; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (29) 121 -121 2013
- 吉田 隆志; 青木 隆一郎; 西村 翔太; 畔柳 裕樹; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (29) 101 -101 2013
- Hirai Mayumi; Taniguchi Akito; Eguchi Mitsuru 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (28) 133 -133 2012
- Yoshida Takashi; Taniguchi Akito; Eguchi Mitsuru 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (28) 136 -136 2012
- 谷口 亮人; 金子 亮; 濱崎 恒二 生物の科学 遺伝 65- (3) 61 -67 2011/05 [Invited]
- ONISHI HIROYUKI; TANIGUCHI AKITO; EGUCHI MITSURU 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (26) 104 -104 2010
- 谷口 亮人; 平田 惣祐; 江口 充 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (25) 89 -89 2009
- シャリファ ノル エミリア; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (25) 97 -97 2009
- 浜崎 恒二; 谷口 亮人 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (25) 54 -54 2009
- 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 浜崎恒二; 横川太一; 茂手木千晶; 永田俊 東京大学海洋研究所国際沿岸海洋研究センター研究報告 (33) 9 -10 2008/07 [Invited]
- Yoshida Noriaki; Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuuya; Hamasaki Kouji; Kogure Kazuhiro 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (24) 129 -129 2008
- Taniguchi Akito; Kamiya Eriko; Tada Yuya; Fujii Naoki; Ishii Haruto; Hamasaki Koji 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (24) 62 -62 2008
- Sato Yuki; Fukuda Hideki; Taniguchi Akito; Yoshida Noriaki; Hamasaki Kouji 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (24) 171 -171 2008
- 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 横川太一; 茂手木千晶; ヤン ヤンヒュイ; 永田俊; 浜崎恒二 日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2007- 200 2007/09
- 多田 雄哉; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (23) 149 -149 2007
- Tada Yuya; Taniguchi Akito; Hamasaki Koji 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (22) 82 -82 2006
- Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuya; Hamasaki Koji; Yokokawa Taichi; Motegi Chiaki; Nagata Toshi 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (22) 81 -81 2006
- Tada Yuya; Taniguchi Akito; Hamasaki Koji 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (21) 205 -205 2005
- Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuya; Hamasaki Koji 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (21) 204 -204 2005
- 多田 雄哉; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (20) 188 -188 2004
- 谷口 亮人; 多田 雄哉; 浜崎 恒二 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (20) 187 -187 2004
- 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (19) 87 -87 2003
- 御手洗 由香; 西村 崇之; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二 日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 (19) 107 -107 2003
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 深海由来微生物 Bacillus licheniformis KDM612 を用いた新規 seriniquinone 配糖体の作製岡村 玲汰; 菊地 克樹; 谷口 亮人; 関 怜子; 長井 賢一郎; 大手 聡; 大城 太一; 安藤 正史; 田中 照佳; 福田 隆志第 144 回日本薬学会 2024/03
- Research for melanoma selective anticancer agents from deep sea derived microorganisms.坂口舞; 菊地克樹; 岡村玲汰; 谷口亮人; 関怜子; 長井賢一郎; 安藤正史; 田中照佳; 福田隆志; 福田隆志第 144 回日本薬学会 2024/03
- 田辺湾養殖場水域の有機物分解プロセスを制御する環境酵素の温度特性石川碧伊; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024
- ミズクラゲエフィラの発生におよぼす環境要因の影響松浦大貴; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024
- 海産稚魚用配合飼料由来の溶存有機炭素の細菌による無機化速度丹原弥空; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024
- Tubastraea属サンゴの共在細菌がもつサンゴ病原細菌に対する抗菌活性李培希; 中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 田畑侑樹; 伊村広吉; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2024
- 長期の野外観測から評価した田辺湾養殖場水域における環境酵素の活性石川碧伊; 豊川 治; 山崎景也; 井口博紀; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充令和5年度 日本水産学会 秋季大会 2023/09
- 丹原弥空; 向井励; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人2023/09
- 丹原弥空; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人令和5年度 日本水産学会 秋季大会 2023/09
- 有胞子性乳酸菌 Weizmannia coagulans SANK70258 の海産魚養殖への応用検討 [Not invited]白樫柊児; 青木隆一郎; 山田良一; 相田正典; 松政智紀; 神直翔; 熊田達也; 佐藤弘基; 谷口亮人令和5年度 日本水産学会 秋季大会 2023/09
- Antibacterial activity of bacteria isolated from Tubastraea coccinea against coral pathogenic bacteria中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人日本サンゴ礁学会大会講演要旨集(Web) 2023
- 有胞子性乳酸菌Weizmannia coagulans SANK70258の海産魚養殖への応用検討白樫柊児; 青木隆一郎; 山田良一; 相田正典; 松政智紀; 神直翔; 熊田達也; 佐藤弘基; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 魚類養殖漁場における細菌による無機化速度と代謝活性が高い細菌数丹原弥空; 向井励; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 微生物を利用した抗がん活性化合物seriniquinoneの構造変換岡村玲汰; 谷口亮人; 長井賢一郎; 関怜子; 安藤正史; 田中照佳; 福田隆志; 福田隆志マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会講演要旨集 2023
- 田辺湾養殖場水域における細菌炭素消費量の経時変化丹原弥空; 向井励; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 養殖いけす網に付着するサンゴから単離された細菌のVibrio owensiiに対する抗菌活性中高誠一; 勝田芳樹; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 田辺湾養殖場水域における環境酵素(エンドペプチダーゼとエキソペプチダーゼ)の働き石川碧伊; 武田真生; 豊川治; 廣岡とし; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 生分解性樹脂の添加がシオミズツボワムシ培養水の細菌叢に与える影響白樫柊児; 川岸朋樹; 田中歩美; 畑下真那斗; 西島高久; 東亮太; 谷口亮人; 永田恵里奈; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2023
- 魚類養殖いけすに群棲するイボヤギからの細菌の単離 [Not invited]中髙誠一; 谷口亮人日本サンゴ礁学会第25回大会 2022/11
- 生分解性樹脂がシオミズツボワムシの培養に与える影響白樫柊児; 川岸朋樹; 田中歩美; 高田慎也; 萩本啓仁; 永田恵里奈; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2022
- 養殖場水域における有機物分解と雨水による塩分低下の関係豊川治; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2022
- 養殖場水域における細菌群集構造のマイクロスケール解析横地駿; 向井励; 鳥澤眞介; 家戸敬太郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021
- 雨水等による塩分変化が養殖場水域のタンパク質分解活性に及ぼす影響豊川治; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021
- 魚類養殖場海域における活発な細菌の動態~クリック反応による解析~向井励; 谷口亮人; 家戸敬太郎; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM) 2021
- 魚類養殖場水域の植物プランクトンに応答する細菌群の群集構造 [Not invited]横地駿; 山崎景也; 野嵜有優人; 中瀬玄徳; 家戸敬太郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019/03
- 養殖漁場の利用休止時の底質回復と漁場特性との関係 [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 永田恵里奈; 谷口亮人; 江口充; 家戸敬太郎日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019/03
- シマアジ稚魚成長形質と鰓蓋部分欠損形質に関連する親魚推定について [Not invited]阿川泰夫; 前田知隆; 八木洋樹; 谷口亮人; 本領智記; 倉田道雄; 澤田好史日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2019/03
- 魚類養殖場における細菌群集構造の変動解析横地駿; 中瀬玄徳; 家戸敬太郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本微生物生態学会大会(Web) 2019
- 給餌による底質への有機物負荷の比較的近距離内での減少 [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 永田恵里奈; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2018/03
- 魚類養殖場水域における細菌群集構造の季節周期性 [Not invited]横地駿; 井口博紀; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2018/03
- 田辺湾の養殖場水域及びそれに隣接する干潟域における無機化活性の季節変動 [Not invited]山崎景也; 井口博紀; 家戸敬太郎; 中瀬玄徳; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2018/03
- 魚類養殖場水域における海洋細菌の存在量 [Not invited]西村俊人; 横山直人; 井口博紀; 山崎景也; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2018/03
- 田辺湾の養殖場水域における有機物の加水分解活性とその季節変動 [Not invited]井口博紀; 家戸敬太郎; 中瀬玄徳; 山本竜次; 井上太一; 鈴木俊之; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2017/03
- 生簀直下およびその近傍の底質と沈降粒子 [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2017/03
- Seasonal variation in community structures of actively growing bacteria in the aquaculture environment [Invited]Akito TaniguchiThe 8th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology 2016/10
- 種苗生産期における養殖魚4種の消化管内細菌叢の変遷 [Not invited]西田雄人; 井上勇; 青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2016/09
- 養魚場水域とそれに近接する干潟域の栄養塩の動態 [Not invited]井口博紀; 清水沙理; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2016/09
- クロマグロ養殖場海域における造礁サンゴがつくり出す細菌群の多様性 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 畔柳裕樹; 西田雄人; 山口兼門; 田中遥至; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2016/03
- 生簀への投餌と周辺底質の有機物量の関係 [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2016/03
- 養殖マダイの仔稚魚期における消化管内細菌叢の解析 [Not invited]西田雄人; 井上勇; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2016/03
- 養殖マダイおよびトラフグの仔稚魚期における腸内細菌叢の解析 [Not invited]西田雄人; 青木隆一郎; 滝野雄斗; 小原紘平; 梶暁登; 井上勇; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2015/03
- 隣り合う養殖筏直下の底質における有機物蓄積パターンの違い [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 吉祥庵貴昭; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2015/03
- 完全養殖クロマグロ仔稚魚における消化管内細菌叢の解析 [Not invited]青木隆一郎; 小原紘平; 梶暁登; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2013/11
- クロマグロ養殖場のサンゴが細菌群の生産と組成に与える影響 [Not invited]吉田隆志; 青木隆一郎; 西村翔太; 畔柳裕樹; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2013/11
- PE-017 完全養殖クロマグロ仔稚魚における消化管内細菌叢の解析(微生物群集構造,ポスター発表) [Not invited]青木 隆一郎; 小原 紘平; 梶 暁登; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2013/11
- PA-003 クロマグロ養殖場のサンゴが細菌群の生産と組成に与える影響(水圏生態系,ポスター発表) [Not invited]吉田 隆志; 青木 隆一郎; 西村 翔太; 畔柳 裕樹; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2013/11
- 完全養殖クロマグロの成長過程における消化管内細菌叢の変遷 [Not invited]青木隆一郎; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2013/09
- PAa-17 Coral mucus as an enhancer of prokaryotic productivity(PAa Aquatic microbial ecology(general),Poster session) [Not invited]Yoshida Takashi; Taniguchi Akito; Eguchi Mitsuru日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2012/09
- PAa-07 Bacterial mineralization activities in a tidal flat(PAa Aquatic microbial ecology(general),Poster session) [Not invited]Hirai Mayumi; Taniguchi Akito; Eguchi Mitsuru日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2012/09
- クロマグロ養殖場のサンゴが促進する細菌生産 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 吉田隆志; 青木隆一郎; 中西健; 西村翔太; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2012/09
- 田辺湾養殖漁場の底泥に蓄積する有機物量の増減パターン [Not invited]中瀬玄徳; 那須敏朗; 和泉健一; 家戸敬太郎; 宮下盛; 諏訪剛; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2012/03 平成24年度日本水産学会春季大会
- ミズクラゲポリプの微生物学的制御 [Not invited]浜崎恒二; 都丸亜希子; 多田雄哉; 神谷英里子; 谷口亮人日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2012/03
- クロマグロ養殖場のサンゴがもたらす海水細菌群の変化 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 日比野紘大; 浜中貴士; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2011/09
- 南大洋における主要細菌系統群の生産と群集構造の変動 [Not invited]多田雄哉; 谷口亮人; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2011/03
- 1A-9 Seasonal variation of bacterial key species maintaining an aquaculture environment(Oral Session) [Not invited]TANIGUCHI AKITO; HAMANAKA TAKASHI; EGUCHI MITSURU日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2010/11
- P-151 Vibrio species bio-control by the phytoplankton-bacteria interaction in a microcosm experiment(Poster Session) [Not invited]SHARIFAH NOOR EMILIA; TANIGUCHI AKITO; EGUCHI MITSURU日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2010/11
- P-20 Dynamics of the parasitic ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans in aquaculture area estimated by real time PCR(Poster Session) [Not invited]ONISHI HIROYUKI; TANIGUCHI AKITO; EGUCHI MITSURU日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2010/11
- リアルタイムPCR法を用いた海産白点虫Cryptocaryon irritans検出系の確立 [Not invited]大西宏幸; 谷口亮人; 江口充日本水産学会大会講演要旨集 2010/09
- 植物プランクトンブルームにおける海洋性酸素非発生型好気性光合成細菌の増殖応答特性 [Not invited]佐藤由季; 福田秀樹; 谷口亮人; 吉田典明; 浜崎恒二; 鈴木光次日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2010/03
- P-4 南太平洋から南大洋における稀少微生物圏の多様性(ポスター発表) [Not invited]浜崎 恒二; 谷口 亮人日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2009/11
- P-102 植物プランクトン培養液中における細菌間相互作用(ポスター発表) [Not invited]シャリファ ノル エミリア; 谷口 亮人; 江口 充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2009/11
- P-84 養殖場環境における増殖細菌群の構造解析(ポスター発表) [Not invited]谷口 亮人; 平田 惣祐; 江口 充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2009/11
- 吉田典明; 西村昌彦; 井上雄介; 吉澤晋; 神谷英里子; 谷口亮人; 浜崎恒二; 木暮一啓日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2009/03
- 西部北太平洋植物プランクトンブルームにおける細菌群集の動態解析 [Not invited]多田雄哉; 谷口亮人; 津田敦; 植松光夫; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2009/03
- 養殖場環境における増殖細菌群の構造解析 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 平田惣祐; 江口充日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2009
- 南太平洋から南大洋における稀少微生物圏の多様性 [Not invited]浜崎恒二; 谷口亮人日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2009
- ミズクラゲ幼生の着底誘引および阻害細菌の探索 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 神谷英里子; 多田雄哉; 藤井直紀; 石井晴人; 浜崎恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- 中栄養沿岸域における酸素非発生型好気性光合成細菌の現存量の変動 [Not invited]佐藤由季; 福田秀樹; 谷口亮人; 吉田典明; 浜崎恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- メソコスムにおける植物プランクトンブルーム形成及び崩壊過程に伴うナノプランクトン群衆の動態解析 [Not invited]吉田典明; 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 浜崎恒二; 木暮一啓日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- 12-226 Change of abundance of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in a mesotrophic coastal area(Biogeochemical cycles) [Not invited]Sato Yuki; Fukuda Hideki; Taniguchi Akito; Yoshida Noriaki; Hamasaki Kouji日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- Yoshida Noriaki; Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuuya; Hamasaki Kouji; Kogure Kazuhiro日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- Taniguchi Akito; Kamiya Eriko; Tada Yuya; Fujii Naoki; Ishii Haruto; Hamasaki Koji日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2008/11
- 植物プランクトンブルーム崩壊過程における細菌群集の動態解析 [Not invited]多田雄哉; 谷口亮人; 吉田典明; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2008/09
- サロマ湖海氷細菌群集構造解析‐極域海氷細菌群はサロマ湖海氷で生きていけるか‐ [Not invited]谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2008/09
- 相模湾西部沿岸域における従属栄養性細菌の時空間変動解析特にその生産力と群集構造について [Not invited]寺西聡子; 谷口亮人; 浜崎恒二; 菊池知彦日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2008/03
- ボトムアップ効果による海洋細菌群集構造の通年変化 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2008/03
- 西部北太平洋における植物プランクトンブルーム内外の細菌群集構造 [Not invited]多田雄哉; 谷口亮人; 津田敦; 植松光夫; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2008/03
- マイクロビーズアレイシステムを用いた海洋細菌の群集構造解析 [Not invited]多田雄哉; 谷口亮人; 浜崎恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2007/09
- 多田 雄哉; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2007/09
- 海洋中のサブミクロン粒子を捕獲する細菌の分布と現存量 [Not invited]菅友美; 徐維那; 池本栄子; 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 寺西聡子; 浜崎恒二; 菊池知彦; 木暮一啓日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2007/09
- 岩手県大槌湾における酸素非発生型好気性光合成細菌の分離と現存量の推定 [Not invited]佐藤由季; 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2007/09
- 大規模南北トランゼクトの細菌群集構造の空間的変動 [Not invited]谷口亮人; 多田雄哉; 横川太一; 茂手木千晶; ヤン ヤンヒュイ; 永田俊; 浜崎恒二日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2007/09
- Tada Yuya; Taniguchi Akito; Hamasaki Koji日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2006/10
- Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuya; Hamasaki Koji; Yokokawa Taichi; Motegi Chiaki; Nagata Toshi日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2006/10
- Tada Yuya; Taniguchi Akito; Hamasaki Koji日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2005/10
- Taniguchi Akito; Tada Yuya; Hamasaki Koji日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2005/10
- 海洋細菌群集の構造と機能の解析~ヌクレオシドトレーサー法による統合的アプローチ~ [Not invited]浜崎恒二; 谷口亮人; 多田雄哉日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2005/09
- 多田 雄哉; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2004/11
- B-25 海洋環境における活性細菌群集の多様性解析2(群集構造解析,口頭発表) [Not invited]谷口 亮人; 多田 雄哉; 浜崎 恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2004/11
- ブロモデオキシウリジン法による細菌生産の測定 [Not invited]浜崎恒二; 原田直樹; 多田雄哉; 谷口亮人日本海洋学会大会講演要旨集 2004/09
- 28-C-01 有毒植物プランクトンに共生する細菌の探索(共生・相互作用,一般講演) [Not invited]御手洗 由香; 西村 崇之; 谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2003/10
- 28-A-05 海洋環境における活性細菌群集の多様性解析(群集構造解析,一般講演) [Not invited]谷口 亮人; 浜崎 恒二日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集 2003/10
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 2024/04 -2028/03Author : 谷口 亮人
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2024/03Author : 谷口 亮人養殖漁場の水質浄化は細菌が担っている。細菌が駆動する物質循環が乱れると水質が悪化するが、その鍵を握る細菌種は未だ分かっていない。本研究では、養殖漁場における有機物の分解・利用に直接寄与している細菌種を特定することを目的としている。令和3年度は、既得試料と新規採取試料の処理を実施するとともに、養殖漁場の特徴的な有機物である養殖魚の餌料に応答して増殖してくる細菌を分離培養し、細菌種を特定した。使用した餌料は、現場養殖漁場で使用されているドライペレット(DP)とモイストペレット(MP)で、細菌が直接利用できる有機物は溶存画分であるため、溶存画分のみを抽出した。養殖漁場の海水および非養殖漁場の海水を採取し、それぞれに約3 mg/LとなるようにDPならびにMP有機物を添加したマイクロコスム実験を実施した。培養3日後および培養8日後にサブサンプリングし用いた培地は、海洋細菌分離汎用培地1/2 ZoBell培地ならびにDPあるいはMP有機物を1/2 ZoBell培地と同じような有機物量となるように添加したDPあるいはMP寒天培地である。寒天培地に塗抹して2週間以降に単離を行い、最終的に91株を得て、グリセロールストックした。あわせて、これら分離株のうち57株のITS領域と16S rRNA遺伝子領域の塩基配列を読んだ。特定できた細菌種のなかに、Proteobacteria門Alphaproteobacteria綱Rhodobacterales目やBacteroidetes門Flavobacteriia綱Flavobacterialesに近縁な分離株が複数いた。これらの細菌群は、研究代表者の先行研究において沿岸域で活発に増殖して物質循環を司っている細菌鍵種であることが示唆されている。今後、既得データと照合することで、これら細菌群の本養殖漁場における季節的な動態を明らかにする予定である。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03Author : 江口 充; 谷口 亮人養殖漁場では、水域生態系に負荷される有機物量が生簀がない場合に比べて大きい。この有機物負荷が当該水域の持つ自浄能力を超えると、有機汚濁、富栄養化、底層の貧酸素化といった自家汚染を起こす。養殖漁場の持つ自浄能力を評価することは難しい。有効な評価指標の一つが、当該水域における高分子有機物(例えばタンパク質)を低分子有機物(例えばアミノ酸)に加水分解する酵素活性の測定である。この高分子有機物が細菌群が利用可能な低分子有機物に加水分解されるプロセスが水域における有機物フローの制限要因となり、これを"gate keeper"と呼ぶ。 この有機物の流れを主に担う海洋細菌群の加水分解活性は、水温、塩分、溶存酸素などの環境要因により変化する。今までの研究から、水域が成層し、海底が貧酸素化しやすい夏季には、この加水分解活性が特に底層で停滞しがちであり、強風により鉛直混合が起こる冬季に活性が上がることを確認している。本研究課題では、加水分解活性が停滞しやすい夏季底層に強いインパクトを与える台風の影響を評価しようとしている。 2021年の台風発生数は例年よりも少なく、2020年に引き続き台風が暴風域を伴ったまま上陸することは皆無であった。野外調査で台風の影響を評価することが出来なかったが、室内実験により興味深い成果を得ることができた。それは、雨水の影響である。降雨により表層海水の塩分が低下するとペプチドの末端からアミノ酸を一つずつ切り離していくエキソペプチダーゼの活性が有意に高くなるのである。タンパク質の内部のペプチド結合を切るエンドペプチダーゼや糖類の加水分解酵素ではそのような傾向は確認できなかった。雨水により加水分解活性が上昇する現象を室内実験で確認したことは新規な知見と言える。
- 種苗生産における「水作り」の微生物生態学的な解析とマニュアル化文部科学省:科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))Date (from‐to) : 2009/04 -2014/03Author : 江口 充
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2013 -2014Author : TANIGUCHI AkitoIn this study, bacterial key species which would regulate organic matter flux in a bluefin tuna farming environment have been identified. Bacterial production in seawater was enhanced by released coral mucus regardless of the season. It was found that only a few bacterial species were dominant in the community of active growing bacteria from the analysis of next generation sequencing, suggesting they play a key role in the enhanced production. These bacteria should be "key species" as regulators of organic matter flux in the bluefin tuna farming environment where corals inhabit.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2013/03Author : EGUCHI Mitsuru; TANIGUCHI Akito; NAGATA ErinaMany beautiful corals are living on the ropes of tuna cages in Amami Experimental Station of Kinki University. This suggests that the appropriate aquaculture activities would be done in this area. Such co-existence between aquaculture and coral is very rare in the world. In this study, we focused on the ecological functions of marine bacteria and coral mucus as the first step to understand the wonderful balance of the ecosystem. The mucus was collected from Acropora sp. which was a dominant species on ropes of the tuna cages. Bacterial abundance in the “mucus+seawater” sample during 10-h-incubation increased, while that in the seawater sample (control) was lower and constant. Bacterial composition changed drastically in the “mucus+seawater “ sample, but not in the seawater sample.
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007Author : 谷口 亮人本年度は、海洋における有機物フラックスの変動機構を解明するために、細菌群集と各環境条件の相互関係について明らかにすることを目的とし、以下の試料についてさらなるデータを得た。 1.2004、2006、2007年に採取した北海道サロマ湖の海水・海氷試料についてBrdU/DGGE解析を行った。この結果、海水・海氷中の全体の細菌群と増殖速度の速い細菌群のDGGEバンドパターンは異なっており、0℃以下の低温環境に適応し増殖する細菌群の存在が示唆された。また、各年で海氷細菌群集構造が異なっていたことと、海氷植物プランクトン組成が年によって大きく異なるという報告から、海氷中における細菌群と植物プランクトン細胞あるいはその産生有機物との相互関係が示唆された。 2.広島県呉湾にて採取した試料について一年を通した経時的変動解析を行った。その結果、観測期間中RoseobacterやCFBグループといった細菌群が優占しており、その細菌群集構造は海洋の一大イベントである植物プランクトンブルームによって大きく変化していることが分かった。 これまで特定してきた細菌群を、有機物の分解・生成に直接的に大きく貢献している"key species"として捉え、その時空間変動や環境条件の変動から生態的ニッチを考察し、これを"key species eco-typing仮説"として提案した。本研究は、天然環境の細菌群の増殖に着目し、それに基づいた生態的ニッチを初めて提案した独創的な研究であり、有機物フラックスの変動機構解明の先駆的研究である。各生態的ニッチを代表する"key species"に焦点を当て、その現存量や増殖、活性などの定量的な解析を行うことで、細菌群集を介する有機物フラックスの変動を説明することが出来ると期待される。
Industrial Property Rights
- 特開2023-123008:動物プランクトンの飼育設備及び動物プランクトンの飼育方法 2023/09/05田中 歩美, 川岸 朋樹, 谷口 亮人, 永田 恵里奈, 江口 充 三菱ケミカル株式会社, 学校法人近畿大学 202303007334750639
Social Contribution Activities
- 水と人と微生物-クロマグロ養殖とサンゴと微生物-Date (from-to) : 2018/10/06-2018/10/06Role : LecturerCategory : Visiting lectureSponser, Organizer, Publisher : 川西市生涯学習短期大学講義水と人と微生物-クロマグロ養殖を支えるミクロな宇宙-Date (from-to) : 2017/10/21-2017/10/21Role : LecturerCategory : Visiting lectureSponser, Organizer, Publisher : 川西市生涯学習短期大学講義
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