Department of ArchitectureAssociate Professor

Last Updated :2024/10/16

■Researcher basic information

Research Keyword

  • 防災   Sustainable Community Management   urban studies   Renovation   Housing   Community Architect   Community Welfare   

Research Field

  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Architectural and city planning

■Research activity information


  • 2019/05 都市住宅学会 President's Award of the Urban Housing Society of Japan
     Maintenance of disaster public housing in the revival town planning business of the bay district of Kesennuma-city and the local community base 
    受賞者: 寺川 政司
  • 2018 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 Good Design Award
     既存の住宅の高環境化リノベーション [「窓辺のカートリッジ」によるエネマネRハウス] 
    受賞者: KINDAI University
  • 2017/12 エネマネハウス2017 エネマネハウス2017優秀賞+People’s Choice Award+エネルギー敢闘賞
    受賞者: 建築学部エネマネチーム
  • 2017/02 尼崎市 建築景観賞
    受賞者: 社会福祉法人いきいきのび
  • 2005/02 osaka city Osaka City Housing Design Award
    受賞者: Seiji Terakawa
  • 2004/05 都市住宅学会関西 都市住宅学会若手専門家登竜門(民間部門)
    受賞者: 寺川 政司



Books and other publications

  • Booking Citys
    都市アーキビスト会議ジャーナル編; 寺川 政司 (Contributor)建築資料研究社 2018/11 486358587X 224 
    The Kamagasaki area of Osaka City has a high concentration of simple lodging houses and has long been an area that has received day laborers. After the collapse of the bubble economy, the homeless problem became more serious and the area was transformed into a "welfare town," but in recent years, the number of foreign backpackers has increased rapidly, and the area is now undergoing development. Historically, this area has functioned as an "intermediate residence" that transcends the limited single function of housing and accommodations, and is a practical phenomenon that indicates the future of housing and citys in society.
  • Housing and Towns of the Future: Creation of Local Living Spaces that Utilize the Ability to Live in the Community
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)朝倉書店 2014/05 9784254266436 169
  • 寺川 政司; 鈴木 亘 (Contributor)明石書店 2013/07 4750338559 144
  • Development of Welfare Society - Place Formation and Support Work: Creating a community that connects opportunities for challenge
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)2013/03 4623064387 299
  • 居場所を紡ぐ「リノベーション特区」によるコレクティブタウンのまちづくり (特集 「西成特区構想」への提言) ホームレスと社会 Vol.7
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)明石書店 2012/12 9784750337418 136
  • 北芝まんだらくらぶ; 寺川 政司 (Supervisor)明石書店 2011 9784750334172
  • Re-Designing Contemporary Housing Complexes: Planning for "People, Time, and Space" through Case Studies
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)日本建築学会 編 2010/09 9784395008094 110
  • Community Development and Community Work
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)2006/09 4759202293
  • 人権年鑑2005-2006「人権のまちづくり-住宅政策における多様な住宅供給とまちづくりをめぐって」
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)解放出版社 2006/03 4759273050 354
  • Cooperative housing (building design document)
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)2004/05 4874608167 208
  • アジア建築研究―トランスアーキテクチャー/トランスアーバニズム (10+1別冊)
    寺川 政司 (Contributor)1999/12 4872750918 312

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • Vacant house issues and urban regeneration  [Not invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    International Conference on Habitation Problems in Korea, China and Japan  2018/10
  • Community Management Projects in JAPAN,NISHINARI 3  [Invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    World Bank Operational Support Mission to Romania(constanta)  2018/07
  • Community Management Projects in JAPAN,NISHINRI2  [Invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    World Bank Operational Support Mission to Romania( Brasov)  2018/07
  • Community Management Projects in JAPAN,NISHINARI  [Invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    World Bank Operational Support Mission to Romania(Bucuresti)  2018/07
  • 西成特区とコミュニティマネジメント(大阪panel)  [Not invited]
    寺川 政司
    世銀:安全で包摂的でレジリエントなまちづくり実務者研修会(大阪panel)  2018/04
  • 西成特区とコミュニティマネジメント(大阪)  [Invited]
    寺川 政司
    世銀:安全で包摂的でレジリエントなまちづくり実務者研修会(大阪)  2018/04
  • Community Management Projects in JAPAN,NISHINARI,tokyo  [Invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    2018-04 Planning Safe, Inclusive and Resilient Cities TDD  2018/04
  • A Study on the Actual Condition of Living Dweller Households in Residential Stocks in the Concentrated Urban Areas: Environmental Transition of Household Difficult Households in Northern Region of Osaka-shi City Part 1  [Not invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
  • A Study on living changes and “Place to live” accompanied by lifestyle protection: environmental transition of household difficult households in northern region of Osaka city -Part 2  [Not invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
  • Practical study on collaboration among different parties in an accumulation area: Case study of community development consultation body in the Kamagasaki region  [Not invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan  2015/09
  • A Practical Study on Shared-type Housing in the Public Rental Housing Estate: Case Study of N Y Area in Yao City (Residential Area Revival (2), Architectural Planning, Academic Lecture, Architectural Design Presentation)  [Not invited]
    Seiji Terakawa
    Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan  2015/09
  • 公営住宅団地の再生における多様な住宅供給手法に関する実践的研究  [Not invited]
    寺川 政司
    第3回住宅系研究報告会  2008/12
  • 現状・行政 大阪2000年実態調査からみた同和地区のまちづくりの実践と展望 (部落解放・人権入門2003 )- (課題別講演)  [Invited]
    寺川 政司
    第33回 部落解放・人権夏期講座  2003
  • Terakawa Seiji
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems  1995/07
  • 現状・行政 多様な主体の連携による参画型まちづくりの実践 (部落開放・人権入門 2004--第34回 部落開放・人権夏期講座 報告書) -- (課題別講演)  [Invited]
    寺川 政司
    第34回 部落開放・人権夏期講座

Research Themes

  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2023/03 
    Author : 棚田 洋平; 福原 宏幸; 川野 英二; 垣田 裕介; 白波瀬 達也; 熊本 理抄; 山本 崇記; 寺川 政司; 田中 聡子
    本研究では、構造的に生活困窮者集住地域とされてきた被差別部落において、地域福祉実現や差別解消などの取り組みの拠点としての機能を果たしてきた隣保館の役割に着目する。 特別措置としての同和対策事業が2002年に終了して20年経つが、この間に、格差や貧困の問題は社会全体の課題となり、生活困窮者自立支援法の施行(2015年施行、2018年改正)や社会福祉法の一部改正(2021年)がおこなわれ、地域共生社会の実現に向けた諸施策が展開されている。他方で、2016年には、障害者差別解消法、ヘイトスピーチ解消法、部落差別解消推進法、いわゆる差別解消三法が相次いで施行され、その他の人権課題についても同様の法整備の動きがあり、よりいっそうの差別解消に向けた教育・啓発の取り組みが求められている。また、2021年には、今般の新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて「改正新型インフルエンザ特措法」が、近年に各地で立て続けに発生している地震や水害などの災害をふまえて「改正災害対策基本法」がそれぞれ施行された。 こうしたなか、社会福祉法にもとづく第二種社会福祉事業施設としての隣保館の役割はますます重要になってきていると言える。地域福祉課題を解決するための相談・支援、あらゆる差別解消に向けた教育・啓発、災害時における避難場所の提供や相談・支援といった役割を果たす地域拠点のひとつとして、隣保館は位置づけることができるだろう。 そのような問題意識のもと、上記の諸々の一般施策に隣保館がどのように位置づいているのか、また位置づけることが可能であるのかを検証するために、2021年度は全国の隣保館(814館)とその設置自治体(382市町村)を対象にして、質問紙調査を実施した。最終的に、それぞれ半数を超える回答(58.0%、54.2%)があり、現在(2022年度)集計・分析作業を進めているところである。
  • Research on the Distribution of Vacant Houses and the Remodeling Market in Higashiosaka City
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/05 -2021/03 
    Author : Seiji Terakawa
  • Study on the Utilization of Vacant Houses in Higashiosaka City
    Date (from‐to) : 2018/05 -2019/03 
    Author : Seiji Terakawa
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2018/03 
    Author : TANADA YOHEI; TANIGAWA Masahiko
    This study aimed to clarify two points. First, we tried to grasp the realities of needy people in Buraku(Dowa Districts) today where social difficulties are aggregated. Second, we organized and examined the problem and the possibility of the consultation and the support system which have been carried out conventionally in the Rinpokan(settlement house) etc. At that time, we followed the trend of the "Independent Support Act for the needy people", which was enforced in April 2015. In addition, based on these results, we conducted an action research in a single Buraku, and so we proposed concrete support system for the needy people in the region.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2013/04 -2016/03 
    This research focused on the creation of new methods, and mechanisms for inner city regeneration and shed light on the reality of services and livelihood support, associated with dynamics of the housing market for singleton. While the existing housing stock is (re-)used in multiple ways, for instance as welfare apartments, residential guesthouses, holiday rentals (AirBnB), and small individual stores, these new applications do not lead to gentrification in the inner city. In contrast, they turned out to be effective methods to provide a living environment, featuring both, affordability and proper housing standards, appropriate for socially vulnerable people and foreign residents. For these new applications real estate agents fulfill an important role, by becoming keypersons for the provision of livelihood support, and by introducing a new real estate management system to the inner city, enabling socially resilience of vulnerable people and physical resilience of the built environment.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2015/03 
    Author : KODAMA Yoshiro; HIRANO Takayuki; HOSAKA Mituhiko; HARADA Masaki; TERAKAWA Seiji; IKEDA Masahiro; MOTOMOCHI Sachiko; PAKU Yumi; OGISO Sanae
    The study looks into development processes of communities wherein disaster-affected members extend mutual support each other for their livelihood reconstruction after the catastrophe. It covers 5 municipalities in Tohoku's 3 prefectures. It became evident that instrumental to the rebirth of such communities was the existence of places of casual gathering and social interactions and of key persons coordinating people to be linked together. The study also found that such intermediary organizations as a prefectural promotional office for local support centers, non profit corporations and planning consultants, together contributed multi-level support, from in and outside the affected areas, which effectively resulted in area-specific responses and human resource development.
  • Confirmation and comparison of thermal insulation performance of ordinary and reused insulation materials
    Author : 寺川 政司

Social Contribution Activities

  • 第1回 居住支援セミナー
    Date (from-to) : 2020/11/25-2020/11/25
    Role : Commentator
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 神戸YWCA/NGO神戸外国人救援ネット
  • 居住支援フォーラム
    Date (from-to) : 2020/01/11-2020/01/11
    Role : Commentator
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 神戸YWCA
  • Method of slum improvement by residents participation
    Date (from-to) : 2018/11/07
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : JICA
    Event, Program, Title : 2018年度JICA研修「住宅・住環境の改善と防災」
  • Method of slum improvement by residents participation.
    Date (from-to) : 2017/10/27
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : jica
    Event, Program, Title : 平成29年度JICA研修「住宅・住環境の改善と防災」
  • Improvement of living environment in Japan (community development type of residence citizen, role of consultant)
    Date (from-to) : 2016/10/19
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : jica
    Event, Program, Title : 2016年JICA住宅・住環境研修
  • Improvement of living environment in Japan (community development type of citizen, role of consultant)
    Date (from-to) : 2015/11/11
    Role : Lecturer
    Category : Seminar
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : jica
    Event, Program, Title : H27JICA住環境研修

Media Coverage

  • 西成の山王こどもセンターがリニューアル 路地に子どもたちの声戻る
    Date : 2023/09
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞
  • 大阪市西成区で60年近く続く山王こどもセンターが建て替え。子どもの声が聞こえる街を目指す西成の今
    Date : 2023/09
    Writer: Other than myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: LIFULL HOME'S PRESS
  • 弥刀盛り上げ隊について
    Date : 2023/03
    Program, newspaper magazine: 産経新聞
  • 大阪・梅田周辺の大規模再開発について
    Date : 2022/05
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 読売テレビ
    Program, newspaper magazine: かんさい情報ネットten.
    Media report
  • 空き家の税優遇廃止
    Date : 2020/10
    Program, newspaper magazine: 産経新聞
  • あいりん地区のまちづくりについて
    Date : 2020/04
    Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞
  • 都市部の空き家が増えている背景について
    Date : 2019/09
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 毎日放送
    Program, newspaper magazine: ミント!
    Media report
  • 西成の広場を子供と町の人と学生が一緒になってつくるプロジェクトについて
    Date : 2019/08
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK
    Program, newspaper magazine: NHKニュース
    Media report
  • 西成あいりん地区について
    Date : 2019/07
    Publisher, broadcasting station: テレビ大阪
    Program, newspaper magazine: やさしいニュース
    Media report
  • あいりん総合センター封鎖問題について
    Date : 2019/04
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 毎日放送
    Program, newspaper magazine: ミント!
  • 重要度増す 犯罪対策(あいりん地区 訪日客増加で環境激変)
    Date : 2019/01
    Program, newspaper magazine: 産経新聞
  • Recommendations by experts to activate Nishinari-ku
    Date : 2018/09/09
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK
    Program, newspaper magazine: NHK総合「おはよう日本」
    Media report
  • 「老いをどこで」あいりん編
    Date : 2018/07/31
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 読売新聞
    Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞 年間連載
  • Investigation into the community planning of Nishinari
    Date : 2018/06/06
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 毎日新聞
    Program, newspaper magazine: 毎日新聞「人」
  • About town development in Nishinari
    Date : 2018/06/06
    Program, newspaper magazine: 毎日新聞
    Media report
  • "SANKAKU" park in the farm? Change Nishinari - Special Zone Concept Recommendation to the next 5 years
    Date : 2018/04/18
    Publisher, broadcasting station: 毎日放送
    Program, newspaper magazine: VOICE
    Media report
  • Recommendation of Nishinari Special Zone Conception achievement, nationwide outgoing to Mayor of Osaka
    Date : 2018/04/18
    Program, newspaper magazine: 産経新聞
  • "Nishinari Special Zone Concept" About Large-scale Interview Survey Comments
    Date : 2017/09/09
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK
    Program, newspaper magazine: NHK大阪「ウィークエンド関西」
    Media report
  • Town development variously: college students and others close to Tenri city northern revitalization project proposed
    Date : 2017/07/12
    Program, newspaper magazine: 奈良新聞
  • Treasure of Manabiya: Kinki University's "Architectural Study Group" renovation of vacant houses as an exchange base
    Date : 2017/06/10
    Program, newspaper magazine: 毎日新聞
  • Creating big birth near the tree house
    Date : 2017/05/06
    Program, newspaper magazine: 朝日新聞
  • Moon cheeked college students planning at the playhouse in Higashi Osaka · Nagase aim for regional exchange base
    Date : 2017/01/12
    Program, newspaper magazine: 東大阪経済新聞
  • Satellite laboratory in the city residence building Yao City - To the exchange base with the neighboring residents
    Date : 2016/05/16
    Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞
  • Proposal for activation of laboratory to housing complex
    Date : 2016/05/15
    Publisher, broadcasting station: NHK
    Program, newspaper magazine: NHK関西
    Media report
  • Built in Osaka 86 years "Nagaya Revitalization Project" To the model of regional exchange base
    Date : 2016/05/11
    Publisher, broadcasting station: goo
    Program, newspaper magazine: goo news
  • The secret base is "pirate ship" - tree house construction / undergraduate architecture undergraduate students
    Date : 2016/03/30
    Program, newspaper magazine: 奈良新聞
  • Creating a new community in the city with a student cafe that has played a vacant house
    Date : 2016/01/19
    Publisher, broadcasting station: LIFULL HOME’S
    Program, newspaper magazine: HOME'S PRESS
  • Osaka · Nishinari Special Zone Concept Concerning to the Mayor Experts Recommend Parenting Households Invite Residential Measures
  • About Tree House "Kaguriguma"
    Program, newspaper magazine: 読売新聞