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- 2万8千年前のケナガマンモス組織から得られたタンパク質の翻訳後修飾の解析西端 智也; 永井 宏平; 山縣 一夫; 宮本 裕史; 安齋 政幸; 加藤 博己; 宮本 圭; 東 里香; Kolodeznikov Igor I.; Protopopov Albert V.; Plotnikov Valerii V.; 細井 美彦; 三谷 匡; 松本 和也; 入谷 明電気泳動 日本電気泳動学会 63 (Suppl.) 195 - 195 2189-2628 2019/07
- 2万8千年前のケナガマンモスの筋肉組織と骨髄組織のプロテオーム解析永井 宏平; 宮本 裕史; 安齋 政幸; 東 里香; 西端 智也; 山縣 一夫; 加藤 博己; 宮本 圭; Kolodeznikov Igor I.; Protopopov Albert V.; Plotnikov Valerii V.; 細井 美彦; 三谷 匡; 松本 和也; 入谷 明電気泳動 日本電気泳動学会 63 (Suppl.) 196 - 196 2189-2628 2019/07
- Kazuo Yamagata; Kouhei Nagai; Hiroshi Miyamoto; Masayuki Anzai; Hiromi Kato; Kei Miyamoto; Satoshi Kurosaka; Rika Azuma; Igor I Kolodeznikov; Albert V Protopopov; Valerii V Plotnikov; Hisato Kobayashi; Ryouka Kawahara-Miki; Tomohiro Kono; Masao Uchida; Yasuyuki Shibata; Tetsuya Handa; Hiroshi Kimura; Yoshihiko Hosoi; Tasuku Mitani; Kazuya Matsumoto; Akira IritaniScientific reports 9 (1) 4050 - 4050 2019 [Refereed]
The 28,000-year-old remains of a woolly mammoth, named 'Yuka', were found in Siberian permafrost. Here we recovered the less-damaged nucleus-like structures from the remains and visualised their dynamics in living mouse oocytes after nuclear transfer. Proteomic analyses demonstrated the presence of nuclear components in the remains. Nucleus-like structures found in the tissue homogenate were histone- and lamin-positive by immunostaining. In the reconstructed oocytes, the mammoth nuclei showed the spindle assembly, histone incorporation and partial nuclear formation; however, the full activation of nuclei for cleavage was not confirmed. DNA damage levels, which varied among the nuclei, were comparable to those of frozen-thawed mouse sperm and were reduced in some reconstructed oocytes. Our work provides a platform to evaluate the biological activities of nuclei in extinct animal species. - Searches and characterization of shell matrix proteins common in molluscs.MIYAMOTO HiroshiVenus 74 A-18 2016
- Takeuchim, T; Koyanagi, R; Gyoja, F; Kanda, M; Hisata, K; Fujie, M; Goto, H; Yamasaki, S; Nagai, K; Morino, Y; Miyamoto, H; Endo, K; Endo, H; Nagasawa, H; Kinoshita, S; Asakawa, S; Watabe, S; Satoh, N; Kawashima, TZoological Lett. 2 3 - 3 2016 [Refereed]
INTRODUCTION: Bivalve molluscs have flourished in marine environments, and many species constitute important aquatic resources. Recently, whole genome sequences from two bivalves, the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, and the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, have been decoded, making it possible to compare genomic sequences among molluscs, and to explore general and lineage-specific genetic features and trends in bivalves. In order to improve the quality of sequence data for these purposes, we have updated the entire P. fucata genome assembly. RESULTS: We present a new genome assembly of the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata (version 2.0). To update the assembly, we conducted additional sequencing, obtaining accumulated sequence data amounting to 193× the P. fucata genome. Sequence redundancy in contigs that was caused by heterozygosity was removed in silico, which significantly improved subsequent scaffolding. Gene model version 2.0 was generated with the aid of manual gene annotations supplied by the P. fucata research community. Comparison of mollusc and other bilaterian genomes shows that gene arrangements of Hox, ParaHox, and Wnt clusters in the P. fucata genome are similar to those of other molluscs. Like the Pacific oyster, P. fucata possesses many genes involved in environmental responses and in immune defense. Phylogenetic analyses of heat shock protein70 and C1q domain-containing protein families indicate that extensive expansion of genes occurred independently in each lineage. Several gene duplication events prior to the split between the pearl oyster and the Pacific oyster are also evident. In addition, a number of tandem duplications of genes that encode shell matrix proteins are also well characterized in the P. fucata genome. CONCLUSIONS: Both the Pinctada and Crassostrea lineages have expanded specific gene families in a lineage-specific manner. Frequent duplication of genes responsible for shell formation in the P. fucata genome explains the diversity of mollusc shell structures. These duplications reveal dynamic genome evolution to forge the complex physiology that enables bivalves to employ a sessile lifestyle in the intertidal zone. - Molecular characterization of glycine-rich shell matrix proteins in Pinctada fucata and Haliotis discus discus.MIYAMOTO, HVenus : journal of the Malacological Society of Japan 72 160 2014/03
- Hiroshi MiyamotoNippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition) The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 80 (1) 102 - 102 0021-5392 2014
- Hiroshi Miyamoto; Hirotoshi Endo; Naoki Hashimoto; Kurin Iimura; Yukinobu Isowa; Shigeharu Kinoshita; Tomohiro Kotaki; Tetsuji Masaoka; Takumi Miki; Seiji Nakayama; Chihiro Nogawa; Atsuto Notazawa; Fumito Ohmori; Isao Sarashina; Michio Suzuki; Ryousuke Takagi; Jun Takahashi; Takeshi Takeuchi; Naoki Yokoo; Nori Satoh; Haruhiko Toyohara; Tomoyuki Miyashita; Hiroshi Wada; Tetsuro Samata; Kazuyoshi Endo; Hiromichi Nagasawa; Shuichi Asakawa; Shugo WatabeZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 30 (10) 801 - 816 0289-0003 2013/10 [Refereed]
In molluscs, shell matrix proteins are associated with biomineralization, a biologically controlled process that involves nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate crystals. Identification and characterization of shell matrix proteins are important for better understanding of the adaptive radiation of a large variety of molluscs. We searched the draft genome sequence of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata and annotated 30 different kinds of shell matrix proteins. Of these, we could identified Perlucin, ependymin-related protein and SPARC as common genes shared by bivalves and gastropods; however, most gastropod shell matrix proteins were not found in the P. fucata genome. Glycinerich proteins were conserved in the genus Pinctada. Another important finding with regard to these annotated genes was that numerous shell matrix proteins are encoded by more than one gene; e.g., three ACCBP-like proteins, three CaLPs, five chitin synthase-like proteins, two N16 proteins (pearlins), 10 N19 proteins, two nacreins, four Pifs, nine shematrins, two prismalin-14 proteins, and 21 tyrosinases. This diversity of shell matrix proteins may be implicated in the morphological diversity of mollusc shells. The annotated genes reported here can be searched in P. fucata gene models version 1.1 and genome assembly version 1.0 (http://marinegenomics.oist.jp/pinctada_fucata). These genes should provide a useful resource for studies of the genetic basis of biomineralization and evaluation of the role of shell matrix proteins as an evolutionary toolkit among the molluscs. - Okumura, N; Miyamoto, HMem.Inst. Advanced Tech. Kinki Univ. 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 18 (18) 12 - 20 1346-8693 2013/03 [Refereed]
[Abstract] In metazoans, carbonic anhydrase(CA)is a common enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide. CA plays important roles in many biological processes, and in molluscs several CA-like proteins are thought to be responsible for calcification in shell formation. As part of our investigation of the process of shell formation, we searched for a CA gene in the oyster Crassostrea gigas, with resultant identification of a single cDNA that encodes two CA domains. This atypical CA is similar to an α-CA and is mainly expressed in the egg. This suggests that the newly identified CA is responsible for production of bicarbonate in the early development phase prior to metamorphosis. [要旨] 炭酸脱水酵素は後生動物に広く存在しており、二酸化炭素の水和を可逆的に触媒する。機能的には様々な生命過程で重要な役割を担っており、軟体動物では炭酸脱水酵素や類似タンパク質が貝殻形成における石灰化に関与していることが示唆されている。本論文では、貝殻形成の過程を調べる研究の中で同定したマガキの新規炭酸脱水酵素について報告する。単離したcDNA は、二つのCA ドメインを有しており、典型的な炭酸脱水酵素とは構造が異なっていたが、それぞれのCA ドメインはα タイプの炭酸脱水酵素との類似性を示した。また、今回同定した新規炭酸脱水酵素は卵での発現が著しく高く、変態前の重炭酸イオンの生成を担っていると推察される。 - Two novel glycine-rich proteins expressed in the mantle of the pearl oyster. Recent advances in pearl research.Okumura, N; Miyamoto, HRecent advances in pearl research. 239 - 244 2013 [Refereed]
- Hiroshi MiyamotoBIOCHEMICAL GENETICS SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS 50 (3-4) 269 - 276 0006-2928 2012/04 [Refereed]
Carbonic anhydrases are conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates, and a noncatalytic carbonic anhydrase-related protein VIII (CARP VIII) has been found in deuterostomes and the phylum Placozoa. I isolated a cDNA encoding a noncatalytic CARP from the mantle of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. The polypeptide (CARP-1) predicted from the nucleotide sequence shares 44-60% identity with known CARP VIII sequences, and its phylogenetic analysis showed that P. fucata formed a single group with deuterostome invertebrates. However, since CARP VIII sequences are not identified in protostomes, these results suggest that CARP-1 may have originated in molluscs independently from deuterostome CARP VIII sequences. - Highly rearranged mitochondrial genome of the bivalve pearl oyster Pinctada fucata.Okumura, N; Oishi, M; Okayama, K; Miyamoto, HMem. Faculty. B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ 29 1 - 6 2012 [Refereed]
- SPARC is a common calcification-related molecule expressed in the mantle of Pinctada fucata and Haliotis discus discus.Miyamoto, HVenus 70 90 2012
- SPARC is a common mineralization-related molecule in bivalves and gastropods.Miyamoto, H; Asada, FMem. Faculty. B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ 27 1 - 6 2011 [Refereed]
- Comparison of shell proteins between Pinctada fucata and Haliotis discus discus.Miyamoto, HVenus 69 108 2010 [Refereed]
- 矢野昌人; 宮本裕史Mem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ 近畿大学生物理工学部 23 (23) 47 - 53 1342-7202 2009/03 [Refereed]
Departmental Bulletin Paper - Molecular characterization of genes expressed in the mantle of the pearl oyster.Miyamoto, H; Yano, MProceedings of the WFC2008 1 - 2 2008 [Refereed]
- Masato Yano; Kouhei Nagai; Koichi Morimoto; Hiroshi MiyamotoBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE 362 (1) 158 - 163 0006-291X 2007/10 [Refereed]
A novel 19 kDa protein, which was named N19, was isolated from the nacreous layer of the pearl oyster Pinetada fucata. N19 is one of predominant proteins found in the water-insoluble fraction of the nacreous layer. MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis indicated that the three trypsin-digested peptides (791.45, 824.42, and 1118.65 m/z) corresponded to the amino acid sequences predicted from a cDNA isolated from a mantle cDNA library of P. fucata. Northern blot analysis revealed that the N19 mRNA was a little more abundant in the pallial region than the edge region, in the mantle. In CaCO3 precipitation assay, the recombinant N19 protein inhibited the crystallization of CaCO3. These results indicate that N19 is localized in the nacre and plays a negative regulatory role in calcification in the pearl oyster. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. - Kouhei Nagai; Masato Yano; Koichi Morimoto; Hiroshi MiyamotoCOMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 146 (2) 207 - 214 1096-4959 2007/02 [Refereed]
In molluscan shellfish, pigmentation is frequently observed in the calcified shell, but the molecular basis of this process is not understood. Here, we report two tyrosinase proteins (Pfty1 and Pfty2) found in the prismatic shell layer of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata; this layer is recognized as the pigmented region in P. fucata. The protein sequences were deduced from the corresponding cDNAs and confirmed by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis. The sequences suggest that both tyrosinases have two copper-binding sites in similar N-terminal domains that are homologous to tyrosinases of cephalopods and hemocyanins of gastropods. In turn, this suggests that bivalve tyrosinases are evolved from a common ancestral copper-binding protein in the mollusc. Pfty1 and Pfty2 were specifically expressed in the mantle, and their expression in the mantle is different from each other, suggesting that these tyrosinases have distinctive roles in melanogenesis in shells. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. - M Yano; K Nagai; K Morimoto; H MiyamotoCOMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 144 (2) 254 - 262 1096-4959 2006/06 [Refereed]
Random sequencing of molecules from a cDNA library constructed from mantle mRNA of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata was used to obtain information on organic matrix proteins in the shell. In the determined sequences, we identified 7 distinct cDNAs encoding similar glycine-rich domains. Complete sequence analysis of these cDNAs showed that the predicted sequences of the proteins, which we named shematrins, possessed similar domains comprising repeat sequences of two or more glycines, followed by a hydrophobic amino acid. In addition, in shematrin-1, -2 and -3, a repeat domain designated as XG(n)X (where X is a hydrophobic amino acid) was conserved. It is of further note that all the shematrin proteins have RKKKY, RRKKY or RRRKY as their C-terminal sequence. According to northern blot analysis, all shematrins are exclusively expressed in the mantle, and particularly in the edge region of the mantle-, furthermore, peptide fragments similar to shematrin-1 and -2 were detected in the prismatic layer of shells by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis. These findings suggest that many of shematrins are synthesized in the mantle edge and secreted into the prismatic layer of the shell, where the protein family is thought to provide a framework for calcification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. - Miyamoto, H; Kajihara, KMem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 近畿大学 16 1 - 5 1342-7202 2005/09 [Refereed]
cDNA fragments encoding ribosomal proteins were isolated from the mantle of pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas by the subtractive hybridization method. The sequence information was used to isolate entire cDNAs, and the predicted amino acid sequences were shown to be very similar to the 40S ribosomal protein genes (S5, S18, S27, and S30) of Crassostrea virginica. Northern blot hybridization revealed that S5, S18, and S30 were predominantly expressed in the digestive gland, the gill, and the mantle. On the other hand, S27 was highly expressed in the adductor muscle. - Miyamoto HVenus : journal of the Malacological Society of Japan 日本貝類学会 64 (1) 82 - 82 1348-2955 2005/06
- Miyamoto, H; Kajihara, KMem.Inst. Advanced Tech. Kinki Univ. 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所 15 (10) 15 - 20 1346-8693 2005/03マガキリボソームタンパク質遺伝子の構造解析
- Molecular characterization of tubulin genes of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas.宮本 裕史; 河野 淳; 梶原清高Mem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 10 37 - 41 2005/03マガキチューブリン遺伝子の構造解析
- H Miyamoto; F Miyoshi; J KohnoZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 22 (3) 311 - 315 0289-0003 2005/03 [Refereed]
Signals and organic matrix proteins secreted from the mantle are critical for the development of shells in molluscs. Nacrein, which is composed of a carbonic anhydrase domain and a Gly-X-Asn repeat domain, is one of the organic matrix proteins that accumulates in shells. In situ hybridization revealed that nacrein was expressed in the outer epithelial cells of the mantle of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. The recombinant nacrein protein inhibited the precipitation of calcium carbonate from a saturated solution containing CaCl2 and NaHCO3, indicating that it can act as a negative regulator for calcification in the shells of molluscs. Because deletion of the Gly-X-Asn repeat domain of nacrein had a significant effect on the ability of nacrein to inhibit the precipitation of calcium carbonate, it is conceivable that the repeat domain has a primary role in the inhibitory function of nacrein in shell formation. Together these studies suggest that nacrein functions as a negative regulator in calcification in the extrapallial space between the shell and the mantle by inhibiting the precipitation of CaCO3. - Functional analysis of the nacrein gene in Pinctada fucata.Miyamoto, HVenus 64 82 2005 [Refereed]
- Molecular characterization of tubulin genes of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas.Miyamoto, H; Kohno, J; Kajihara, KMem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 10 37 - 41 2005 [Refereed]
- Hiroshi Miyamoto; Yukihiko Naka; Kiyotaka KajiharaZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE ZOOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN 21 (12) 1344 - 1344 0289-0003 2004/12 [Refereed]
- H Miyamoto; M Yano; T MiyashitaJOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES OXFORD UNIV PRESS 69 87 - 89 0260-1230 2003/02 [Refereed]
- S Fukuda; Y Kitade; H Miyamoto; S Nagashima; S Takahashi; T Ohba; K Asada; Kato, I; N SagaJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL 15 (1) 81 - 86 0921-8971 2003/01 [Refereed]
A gene of Porphyra yezoensis, coding for the translation elongation factor 1alpha (EF-1alpha), was isolated from a P. yezoensis genomic library. The coding of 1347 nucleotides encodes a polypeptide of 449 amino acids which exhibits sequence similarity as the known EF-1alpha. An intron is located in the 5' untranslated region. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence showed higher similarity to the Porphyra purpurea EF-1alpha tef-c (97%) than to the P. purpurea EF-1alpha tef-s (61%). The mRNA was detected both in the leafy gametophyte and filamentous sporophyte by RT-PCR. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number AB098024. - T Miyashita; R Takagi; H Miyamoto; A MatsushiroVELIGER CALIFORNIA MALACOZOOLOGICAL SOC INC 45 (3) 250 - 255 0042-3211 2002/07 [Refereed]
We have found a carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the prismatic layer of Pinctada fucata. This CA has the same kinetic properties as Nacrein, which is a CA existing in the nacreous layer of Pinctada fucata. We have examined the effects of inhibitors on the enzyme activity. Sodium sulfide and sulfanilamide are typical inhibitors of various types of CA; however. a CA in the prismatic layer and Nacrein were found to be resistant to sodium Sulfide and to show a weak resistance to sulfanilamide. This is the first report of a carbonic anhydrase with resistance to sodium sulfide, The molecular mass of the prismatic layer CA was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be approximately 60 kDa. Moreover, we have determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a CA in the prismatic layer. The sequence of the first 11 amino acids was in agreement with that of Nacrein, as deduced from the cDNA sequence. From these results, we have concluded that the carbonic anhydrase of the prismatic layer is Nacrein. Nacrein contributes to the formation of a prismatic layer as well as a nacreous layer of mollusk shells as a carbonic anhydrase and is a matrix component. - H Miyamoto; M Hamaguchi; K OkoshiFISHERIES SCIENCE JAPANESE SOC FISHERIES SCIENCE 68 (3) 651 - 658 0919-9268 2002/06 [Refereed]
total of 347 cDNA were isolated from the mantle of the oyster Crassostrea gigas by the suppression subtractive hybridization method. By northern blot analysis, we found the mRNA sequences of the several cDNA were highly expressed in the mantle. A total of 61 sequences showed close similarities to known sequences, and they were classified into seven groups: (i) protein synthesis; (ii) cytoskeleton; (iii) signal transduction; (iv) extracellular matrix; (v) metabolism; (vi) transcription factors; and (vii) others. Number 64 cDNA was more similar to the actin of Placopecten magellanicus than C. gigas, indicating that C. gigas has two isotypes of actin genes. This work is the first step to clarify functional activities of the mantle at the molecular level. - アコヤガイ感染症原因の分子生物学的手法による解析宮本裕史農林水産技術会議「魚介類の新興及び再興感染症の病害防除技術の開発 399 67 - 76 2002
- A novel isoform of actin in the pacific oyster.Miyamoto, HMem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 9 1 - 4 2002 [Refereed]
- Miyashita, T., Takagi, Y., Miyamoto, H., and Matsushiro, A.Miyashita, T; Takagi, Y; Miyamoto, H; Matsushiro, AThe Veliger. 45 250 - 255 2002 [Refereed]
- 宮下知幸; 宮本裕史; 松代愛三Mem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 近畿大学生物理工学研究所 5 (5) 1 - 8 1344-414X 2000/11 [Refereed]
継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要= Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University - Miyamoto, H; Matsumoto, K; Hosoi, Y; Saeki, K; Matsushiro, A; Iritani, AJpn. J. Fertil. Steril. 日本不妊学会 45 (4) 37 - 39 0029-0629 2000/10 [Refereed]
- T Miyashita; R Takagi; M Okushima; S Nakano; H Miyamoto; E Nishikawa; A MatsushiroMARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY SPRINGER-VERLAG 2 (5) 409 - 418 1436-2228 2000/09 [Refereed]
Calcified shell layer is composed of two polymorphs of CaCO3, aragonite or calcite, and an organic matrix. The organic matrix consists of EDTA-soluble and insoluble fractions. These fractions are thought to regulate the formation of the elaborate shell structure. After decalcification of powdered pearl with 0.3 M EDTA, an EDTA-insoluble fraction was extracted with 0.3 M EDTA/8 M urea. This extraction step enabled us to purify a new class of EDTA-insoluble protein, Pearlin, almost homogeneously. Pearlin has a molecular weight of about 15 kDa and contains a sulfated mucopolysaccharide. We cloned the complementary DNA coding for Pearlin and deduced its complete amino acid sequence. Sequence analysis reveals that Pearlin is composed of 129 amino acids with a high proportion of Gly (10.8%;), Tyr (10.0%), Cys (8.5%), Asn (7.7%), Asp (7.7%), and Arg (7.7%). Northern blot analysis showed that Pearlin messenger RNA was expressed specifically in mantle epithelium. From the sequencing data, Pearlin was shown to be quite different from the fibrous protein rich in Ala and Gly. The function of this protein in biomineralization is discussed. - N Yamada; Y Tamai; H Miyamoto; M NozakiGENE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 241 (2) 267 - 274 0378-1119 2000/01 [Refereed]
Human prostate-specific Ets (hPSE) is a novel Ets transcription factor and is exclusively expressed in human prostate glandular epithelium. To explore the role of PSE, we cloned the mouse Pse (mPse) and examined its pattern of expression. A sequence analysis indicated that mPse contains a conserved carboxy-terminal ETS DNA-binding domain and central Pointed domain, and the overall amino acid sequence shares 86% identity with that of hPSE. The ETS DNA-binding domain is highly conserved between human and mouse (98.8% sequence identity) and is similar to Drosophila dets4 (76.7% identity), but not similar to other Ets factors. A Northern blotting analysis revealed that mPse shows organ-specific expression. An in situ hybridization analysis of the prostate and intestine showed that mPse transcripts were present in their epithelial cells, mPse transactivates the promoter of the MASPIN gene in transient transfection assay. These results suggest that mPse encodes a novel Ets family member and is expressed in epithelial cells of restricted organs. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. - Matsushiro, A; Sato, K; Miyamoto, H; Yamamura, T; Honda, TMem. Research Inst. B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 近畿大学生物理工学研究所 2 (2) 6 - 10 1344-414X 1999 [Refereed]
In this communication, we analyzed primarily an O157 strain isolated during the EHEC outbreak in Tokyo and revealed that all stx-converting phages examined were lambdoid and induced with ultraviolet light or norfloxacin and that an optimal dosage required for induction and patterns of time course in VT-specific DNA synthesis and toxin release were essentially similar to those in an O157 Sakai strain as described in the previous report. But the relationship appears to be rather remote between stx-converting phages lysogenized in O157 strains prevalent in Sakai city, west of Japan and those in O157 strains prevalent in Tokyo and Nagano, east of Japan in 1996, since the immunity is different from each other. Thus, stx-converting phages derived from the same hosts or the same prevalent area are related to each other but lower degree of relatedness is observed for those derived from different years and areas. These results may be accounted for by a hypothesis of the presence of a cassette of lysis genes associated with an stx gene that is mutually exchangeable by recombination between these phages.継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University - 宮下 知幸; 高木 良介; 宮本 裕史; 松代 愛三Memoirs of the Research Institute of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学生物理工学研究所 (1) 36 - 40 1344-414X 1998/11継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University貝殻は無脊椎動物における典型的な硬組織であり、方解石あるいはアラレ石構造の炭酸カルシウムの結晶からなる。アコヤ貝の硬組織についてみると、外側は稜中層と呼ばれ、方解石構造の炭酸カルシム結晶であり、また、真珠層と呼ばれる内側は同様に炭酸カルシムの結晶であるが、アラレ石構造である。これらの硬組織形成には以前から炭酸脱水酵素が関与することが指摘されてきたが、アコヤ貝稜中層よりEDTAで抽出した可溶性マトリックスタンパク質中にも真珠層と同様に炭酸脱水酵素の存在が確認された。この酵素は稜中層における方解石構造形成過程で働くものと思われ、真珠層のナクレインに対応するものと考えられる。また、一般的に、炭酸脱水酵素は硫化ナトリウムやスルファニルアミドで活性が阻害されるが、可溶性マトリックス中の酵素は硫化ナトリウムに抵抗性であることが解かった。 (英文) Mollusk shells are typical hard tissue in invertebrate, and composed of either calcite or aragonite, differ with polymorphs of CaCO_3. Shell of pearl oysters (Pinctada fucata) consists of both layers, one is outer prismatic layer which is bearing calcite, another is inner nacreous layer which is bearing aragonite. It is already suggested that carbonic anhydrases that catalyze the interconversion of CO_2 and H_2O (CO_ 2 + H_2O ⇔ HCO_3^- + H^+) are participate in the process of calcification. We have detected a carbonic anhydrase activity in the soluble matrix proteins from the prismatic layer in Pinctada fucata. A putative molecular weight is about 60KDa. It is assumed that this enzyme is responsible for the formation of prismatic layer and corresponds to nacrein in the nacreous layer. Sulfanilamide and sodium sulfate are generally inhibitors of carbonic anhydrases. However, these enzymes in the soluble matrix proteins are resistance to sodium sulfate.
- 松本 和也; 細井 美彦; 豊川 弘治; 中上 佳世子; 宮本 裕史; 佐伯 和弘; 入谷 明Memoirs of the Research Institute of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University 近畿大学生物理工学研究所 (1) 31 - 35 1344-414X 1998/11継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University微小ガラス針を使って受精卵前核に遺伝子溶液を注入する顕微注入法に代わる簡便なトランスジェニックマウスの作製方法を検討するために、外来遺伝子を雄マウスの精巣に直接注入して雌マウスと交配させることによって、トランスジェニックマウスを作製することを検討した。DNA/リポソーム複合体を4匹の雄マウスの精巣に直接注入したのち静置させ、1週間後に雌マウスと交配させたところ、計38匹の産子を獲得した。離乳後各マウスの尾部組織より抽出したゲノムDNAを使ったサザンプロット解析の結果、5匹のマウスに導入遺伝子の組込みが認められた。そのうち、次世代へ導入遺伝子の伝達が認められたトランスジェニックマウスは、2匹であった。また、トランスジェニックマウスのゲノムDNAから導入遺伝子と考えられる遺伝子断片の一部を増幅し、ダイレクトシークエンスでその塩基配列を決定したところ、導入遺伝子がマウス染色体へ組込まれていることが確認された。以上の結果より、経精巣遺伝子導入法によるトランスジェニックマウスの作製の可能性が示唆された。しかし、精巣に導入されたDNAと精子の結合様式、また卵子と受精後の染色体への組込み機序については未だ不明な点が多く、今後さらに検討が必要と考えられた。 (英文) DNA transfer mediated by sperm has the potential to simplify the production of transgenic animals, but the possibility in mice has been controversial. On the other hand, the ability of animal spermatozoa to capture foreign DNA has been suggested. In this study, we investigated the feasibility to produce transgenic mice by direct injection of foreign DNA in mouse testis. DNA/liposome complex was injected through a needle into testes bilateral testis of four mature mice. After all males were mated with female mice, 38 pups were delivered. In Southern blot analysis and direct sequencing, the foreign DNA was shown to be integrated in host genome of five mice (13%). However, only two trangenic mice exhibited the transmission of transgene to next generation. Thus, direct introduction of exogenous DNA/liposome complex into the testis will provide a simple methodin generation of transgenic mice, and further investigations are also necessary to determine molecular mechanisms based on the uptake of foreign DNA by sperm.
- Molecular Analyses of Nacrein, a Common Carbonic Anhydrase involved in Mollusk Shell formation.Miyamoto, H; Miyashita, T; Matsushiro, ASymposium on Molecular Bioengineering of Food Animals. 31 - 38 1998 [Refereed]
- 松代 愛三; 宮下 知幸; 宮本 裕史; 本津 茂樹Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 近畿大学 1 24 - 30 1342-7202 1997/02軟体動物による結晶形成は、一般的に酸性の高分子によって制御されている。本研究では、真珠貝の真珠層から主要なタンパク質であるnacreinタンパク質を同定し、そのcDNAをクローニングすることに成功した。単離したcDNAから予想されるポリペプチドはカーボニックアンヒドラーゼと相同なドメインとカルシウム結合ドメインと思われる領域を有していた。このことは、nacreinが構造タンパク質であると同時に酵素タンパク質としても機能していることを示唆する。また、nacrein存在下においてin vitroでのアラレ石結晶の形成が観察されたことから、nacreinは結晶化の開始と結晶型の決定において重要な役割を担っていると推察される。
- Matsushiro, A; Miyashita, T; Miyamoto, H; Hontsu, SMem. School B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ 近畿大学生物理工学部 1 (1) 24 - 30 1342-7202 1997/02 [Refereed]
軟体動物による結晶形成は、一般的に酸性の高分子によって制御されている。本研究では、真珠貝の真珠層から主要なタンパク質であるnacreinタンパク質を同定し、そのcDNAをクローニングすることに成功した。単離したcDNAから予想されるポリペプチドはカーボニックアンヒドラーゼと相同なドメインとカルシウム結合ドメインと思われる領域を有していた。このことは、nacreinが構造タンパク質であると同時に酵素タンパク質としても機能していることを示唆する。また、nacrein存在下においてin vitroでのアラレ石結晶の形成が観察されたことから、nacreinは結晶化の開始と結晶型の決定において重要な役割を担っていると推察される。 - H Miyamoto; T Miyashita; M Okushima; S Nakano; T Morita; A MatsushiroPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATL ACAD SCIENCES 93 (18) 9657 - 9660 0027-8424 1996/09 [Refereed]
It is believed that the polymorphism observed in calcium carbonate crystals, such as aragonite and calcite in mollusk shells, is controlled by organic matrix proteins secreted from the mantle epithelia. However, the fine structures of these proteins are still unknown, and to understand the molecular mechanisms of mineralization process, detailed structural analyses of the organic matrix proteins are essential, For this, we have carried out purification, characterization, and cDNA cloning of nacrein, which is a soluble organic matrix protein in the nacreous layer of oyster pearls, Northern blot analysis showed that the nacrein transcript was specifically expressed in mantle pallial, Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that the protein contained two functional domains: one was a carbonic anhydrase and another was a Gly-Xaa-Asn (Xaa = Asp, Asn, or Glu) repeat domain; however, the carbonic anhydrase domain was split into two subdomains with insertion of the Gly-Xaa-Asn repeat domain between them, Our findings suggest that nacrein actually functions as a matrix protein whose repeated Gly-Xaa-Asn domain possibly binds calcium and as a carbonic anhydrase that catalyzes the HCO3- formation, thus participating in calcium carbonate crystal formation of the nacreous layer. - M Nozaki; Y Onishi; S Togashi; H MiyamotoDNA AND CELL BIOLOGY MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL 15 (6) 505 - 509 1044-5498 1996/06 [Refereed]
To study the general physiological role of the Mo25 gene, which has been cloned from mouse cleavage-stage embryos, we isolated a Drosophila equivalent, dMo25, cDNA from an embryo cDNA library, The 2,222 nucleotides contained a single open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 339 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 39,278 daltons, The deduced amino acid sequence of the dMo25 cDNA had 69.3% identity with mouse Mo25, A homology search revealed that these were similar to a protein encoded in an open reading frame near the calcineurin B subunit gene on chromosome XI in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In particular, the carboxy-terminal region was highly conserved in Drosophila, mouse, and yeast. The dMo25 gene was mapped to the left arm of the third chromosome at 73AB, and 2.3- and 1,8-kb mRNA bands were detected during development and in adult Drosophila. Conservation of the gene structure and the wide expression profile indicated that the function of the gene is likely to be fundamental in many cell types as well as during development. - D Yamamoto; Nihonmatsu, I; T Matsuo; H Miyamoto; S Kondo; K Hirata; Y IkegamiROUXS ARCHIVES OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY SPRINGER VERLAG 205 (5-6) 215 - 224 0930-035X 1996/02 [Refereed]
The sevenless (sev) cascade plays an inductive role in formation of the R7 photoreceptor, whilst the pokkuli (pok) and tramtrack (ttk) gene products are known to repress R7 induction in developing ommatidia of Drosophila melanogaster. To elucidate how these positive and negative signalling mechanisms co-operate in the normal fate determination of R7, genetic interactions of mutations in the pok locus with ttk and downstream elements of sev including Gap1, raf1, rolled (rl) and seven in absentia (sina) were examined. The eye phenotype of a weak hypomorph, pok(15), was enhanced dominantly by Gap1(mip), a recessive mutation in a gene encoding a down-regulator of Ras1, producing multiple R7 in ommatidia. Ras1 has been reported to activate rl-encoded mitrogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase via Raf1 that is associated physically with Ras1. Ommatidia of raf1(c110) and rl(2)/rl(EMS64) typically lacked R7 and a few outer photoreceptors. The pok(1) mutation suppressed dominantly the raf1(c110) and rl2/rl(EMS64) eye phenotypes, allowing single R7 cells to develop in ommatidia. The raf1(c110) mutation improved adult viability of pok(1) homozygotes. An in vitro experiment demonstrated that MAP kinase phosphorylates Pok protein. Ttk is a transcriptional repressor which binds to the regulatory sequence upstream of the fushi-tarazu (ftz), even skipped (eve) and engrailed (en) coding region. A reduced activity in ttk resulted in enhancement of the pok phenotype. ttk mutations produced extra R7 cells even in sina homozygotes whilst the pok mutation did not. This result indicates that Ttk represses R7 induction downstream of the sites where Pok and Sina function. - Genetic and molecular analysis of a canoe, a pattern formation locus of Drosophila melanogaster.Yamamoto, D; Miyamoto, HBasic Neuroscience in Invertebrates 111 - 121 1996 [Refereed]
The canoe(misty1) (cno(mis1)) mutation was isolated by virtue of its severe rough eye phenotype from similar to 500 fly lines, each harboring a single autosomal insertion of a P element (Bm Delta w). Excision of the P element generated a lethal, null allele, cno(mis10), together with many revertants with normal eye morphology. Ommatidia homozygous for cno(mis10), produced in an otherwise wild-type eye by somatic recombination, typically contain a reduced number of outer photoreceptors. Some cno(mis1) homozygous adults bear extra macrochaetes on the head, notum, humerus and/or scutellum. cno(mis1) hemizygotes often show conspicuous wing phenotypes such as a notched blade and the loss of a cross vein. The sequence of cno cDNA clones isolated from an embryonic cDNA library revealed a long open reading frame that potentially encodes a 1893-amino-acid protein with the GLGF/DHR motif, a conserved sequence in Discs large, Dishevelled, and some other proteins associated with cellular junctions. Flies doubly mutant for cno(mis1) and scabrous(1) (sca(1)) and those for cno(mis1) and the split (spl) allele of Notch (N) always have rumpled wings curved downward. The spl; cno(mis1) double mutant flies also exhibit a ''giant socket'' phenotype. These phenotypes are rarely observed in flies singly mutant for either cno(mis1), sca(1) or spl. The wing vein gaps caused by Abruptex(1), a N allele producing an activated form of N protein, are dominantly suppressed by cno(mis1). Heterozygosity for shaggy and myospheroid promotes formation of extra wing veins in cno(mis1) homozygotes. The genetic interactions suggest that cno participates with members of the N pathway in regulating adhesive cell-cell interactions for the determination of cell fate. - H MIYAMOTO; A MATSUSHIRO; M NOZAKIMOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT WILEY-LISS 34 (1) 1 - 7 1040-452X 1993/01 [Refereed]
In an approach to study genes transcribed during early mouse development, a cDNA library was constructed from poly(A) RNA isolated from the 8-cell morula. The cDNA library was differentially screened with labelled cDNA probes synthesized on poly(A) RNA isolated from the 8-cell morula or unfertilized eggs. Six clones which increased in abundance in the 8-cell morula were selected and further analyzed. Sequencing analyses showed that some of these clones corresponded to RNA transcripts from B1 and B2 repetitive sequences, as well as mRNA for cytochrome C oxidase I and NADH dehydrogenase III derived from the mitochondrial genome. One clone was not identical to any known sequences. The unidentified sequence (MO25) was found at low levels in the unfertilized egg, but increased at the 2-cell stage. The predicted amino acid sequence revealed that the MO25 gene may encode a Ca2+ binding protein. - Molecular cloning and expression of misty gene required for development of drosophila photoreceptor cells.Miyamoto, H; Ikegami, Y; Hirata, K; Nihinmatsu, I; Yamamoto,DNeurosci. Res. 18 80 1993 [Refereed]
The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the structural gene (Tcp-1) encoding mouse t-complex polypeptide 1 (TCP-1) has been determined. The nt sequence extending to 10 043 bp shows that the Tcp-1 gene is divided into 12 exons, 11 introns and 5'-and 3'-flanking regions. The Tcp-1 gene has a tight cluster of major transcription start points (tsp). Two GC boxes, one CCAAT box and some other possible regulatory elements are located in the region upstream from the tsp, but no TATA box was found. Extending from the 5'-flanking region to the first intron, a CpG dinucleotide-rich cluster is located. In addition, Tcp-1 gene transcripts in mouse organs, embryos and cultured cells were analyzed by Northern blotting. The Tcp-1 mRNA is enriched not only in testes, but also in early post-implantation embryos and some cultured cell lines, as compared with mouse organs other than the testis. The amount of Tcp-1 mRNA in embryos decreases during development. These results suggest that the expression of the Tcp-1 gene may be regulated spatially and temporally in embryonic and adult mice by transcriptional control or by mRNA stability. - Y ICHINOSE; K HASHIDO; H MIYAMOTO; T NAGATA; M NOZAKI; T MORITA; A MATSUSHIROGENE ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV 80 (2) 315 - 323 0378-1119 1989/08 [Refereed]
- Characterization of the cDNA clone (MO25) screened by differential hybridization of a mouse 8-cell morula cDNA library. Cell Differ. and Develop.Nozaki, M; Miyamoto, H; Morita, T; Matsushiro, ACell Differ. and Develop. 27 146 1989 [Refereed]
- Analyses of mouse 8-cell cDNA clones.Nozaki, M; Miyamoto, H; Morita, T; Matsushiro, ADevelop. Growth & Differ. 30 447 - 447 1988/10 [Refereed]
- Structure of the organic matrix protein nacrein, and its function on the macreous layer formationA.Matsushiro; T.Miyashita; H.Miyamoto; S.HontsuMem. School. B.O.S.T. Kinki Univ. 1 24 - 29 [Refereed]
- 永井宏平; 宮本裕史; 安齋政幸; 東里香; 西端智也; 山縣一夫; 加藤博己; 宮本圭; KOLODEZNIKOV Igor I.; PROTOPOPOV Albert V.; PLOTNIKOV Valerii V.; 細井美彦; 三谷匡; 松本和也; 入谷明 日本プロテオーム学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2019- 2019
- 西端智也; 永井宏平; 山縣一夫; 宮本裕史; 安齋政幸; 加藤博己; 宮本圭; 東里香; KOLODEZNIKOV Igor I.; PROTOPOPOV Albert V.; PLOTNIKOV Valerii V.; 細井美彦; 三谷匡; 松本和也; 入谷明 日本プロテオーム学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2019- 2019
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 森本康一; 宮本裕史; 宮本裕史 マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会講演要旨集 11th- 2008
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 森本康一; 宮本裕史; 宮本裕史 質量分析総合討論会講演要旨集 56th- 2008
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 森本康一; 宮本裕史; 宮本裕史 日本動物学会大会予稿集 79th- 2008
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 森本康一; 宮本裕史; 宮本裕史 生化学 2007
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史 マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会講演要旨集 10th- 2007
- Miyamoto Hiroshi; Kohno Jun; Kajihara Kiyotaka Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 15- 15 -20 2005/03
- 矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 森本康一; 宮本裕史; 宮本裕史 日本分子生物学会年会講演要旨集 28th- 2005
- 宮下 知幸; 近藤 雅大; 小林 純子; 宮本 裕史; 松代 愛三 Memoirs of the Research Institute of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University (4) 15 -21 2000/03
- A Matsushiro; K Sato; H Miyamoto; T Yamamura; T Honda JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 181- (7) 2257 -2260 1999/04
- Hiroshi Miyamoto; Wataru Nakai; Naoto Yajima; Akemi Fujibayashi; Tomonori Higuchi; Koki Sato; Aizo Matsushiro DNA Research 6- (4) 235 -240 1999
- MIYASHITA Tomoyuki; TAKAGI Ryosuke; MIYAMOTO Hiroshi; NISHIKAWA Etsuko; MATSUSHIRO Aizou 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 21- 694 -694 1998/12
- MIYAMOTO Hiroshi; NAKAI Ayumi; YANO Masato; YAJIMA Naoto; MIYASHITA Tomoyuki; MATSUSHIRO Aizo 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 21- 266 -266 1998/12
- 宮本 裕史 海洋 28- (11) 669 -674 1996/11
- H Miyamoto; T Miyashita; M Okushima; S Nakano; T Morita; A Matsushiro PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 93- (18) 9657 -9660 1996/09
- 宮本 裕史; 宮下 知幸; 松代 愛三 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 19- 579 -579 1996/08
- 高橋 邦明; 松尾 隆嗣; 宮本 裕史; 三宅 端; 瀬崎 真理子; 貝淵 弘三; 山元 大輔 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 19- 676 -676 1996/08
- 宮下 知幸; 宮本 裕史; 高木 良介; 松代 愛三 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・講演要旨集 19- 834 -834 1996/08
- M Nozaki; Y Onishi; S Togashi; H Miyamoto DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY 15- (6) 505 -509 1996/06
- D Yamamoto; Nihonmatsu, I; T Matsuo; H Miyamoto; S Kondo; K Hirata; Y Ikegami ROUXS ARCHIVES OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 205- (5-6) 215 -224 1996/02
- MIYAMOTO H.; MIYASHITA T.; MATSUSHIRO A. The Japanese journal of genetics 70- (6) 706 -706 1995/12
- Molecular cloning of a novel mRNA sequence expressed in cleavage stage mouse embryos.Molecular Reproduction & Development 34- (01)
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 真珠タンパク質研究の現状宮本裕史真珠研究シンポジウム2018 2018/11
- 海産無脊椎動物における硬組織関連遺伝子の多様性宮本裕史近畿大学 生物理工学部 産学官交流会 2018/10
- 多毛類における外骨格関連タンパク質の特徴宮本裕史第89会日本動物学会 2018/09
- ヤッコカンザシ棲管タンパク質の探索 [Not invited]宮本裕史日本プランックトン学会・ベントス学会合同大会 2017/09
- Identification of calcareous tube protein genes in the serpulid Spirobranchus kraussii. [Not invited]MIYAMOTO HiroshiInternational congress of zoology. 2016/11
- グリシンリッチ貝殻タンパク質の多様性 [Not invited]宮本 裕史日本貝類学会平成28年度大会 2016/04
- 軟体動物における共通する貝殻タンパク質の解析 [Not invited]宮本 裕史日本貝類学会平成27年度大会 2015/05
- 真珠から始まる貝殻タンパク質研究. [Not invited]宮本裕史日本水産学会シンポジウム「真珠研究の最前線‐真珠養殖技術の革新を目指して‐」 2013
- クロアワビとアコヤガイにおけるグリシンリッチタンパク質の解析. [Not invited]宮本裕史日本貝類学会平成25年度大会 2013
- アコヤガイ貝殻タンパク質の多様性. [Not invited]宮本裕史第83会日本動物学会シンポジウム「多様な軟体動物研究の魅力と新しい展開」 2012
- Molecular characterization of a noncollagenous matrix protein SPARC and glycine-rich proteins from Pinctada fucata and Haliotis discus discus. [Not invited]N.Okumura; H.MiyamoThe International Symposium on Pearl Reasearch 2011
- SPARCはアコヤガイとクロアワビの外套膜で共通して発現する石灰化関連因子である. [Not invited]宮本裕史日本貝類学会平成23年度大会 2011
- アコヤガイとクロアワビの貝殻タンパク質の比較. [Not invited]宮本裕史日本貝類学会平成22年度大会 2010
- 二枚貝類と腹足類に存在するグリシンリッチな貝殻タンパク質. [Not invited]宮本裕史第80回日本動物学会年会 2009
- 軟体動物外套膜で発現するグリシンリッチタンパク質. [Not invited]深井美穂; 藤田督; 田中祐也; 矢野昌人; 宮本裕史第31回日本分子生物学会年会. 2008
- アコヤガイ外套膜に発現するphenoloxidase関連遺伝子の配列および局在比較. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 宮本裕史第31回日本分子生物学会年会. 2008
- アコヤガイ貝殻タンパク質の同定. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 宮本裕史日本動物学会第79回大会 2008
- アコヤガイ真珠層タンパク質の解析. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史第11回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会 2008
- バイオミネラリゼーションにおけるプロテオーム解析の応用. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史第56回日本質量分析学会 2008
- 真珠タンパク質の多様性. [Not invited]宮本裕史特許ビジネスフェアinわかやま 2007
- アコヤガイ新規真珠層タンパク質の解析. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史第2回バイオミネラリゼーションワークショップ 2007
- アコヤガイ貝殻に存在する新規tyrosinase. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史第10回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会大会 2007
- アコヤガイ外套膜に発現するグリシンリッチタンパク質: [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史バイオミネラリゼーションワークショップ 2006
- Molecular analysis of genes expressed in the mantle of the pearl oyster and characterization of proteins in the nacreous layer of shells. [Not invited]M.Yano; K.Nagai; K.Morimoto; H.Miyamoto20thIUBMB/第20回国際生化学・分子生物学会議 2006
- Nacreinの外套膜特異的発現と炭酸カルシウム結晶形成への抑制的な効果 [Not invited]宮本 裕史; 三好史子第75回日本動物学会 2005/10 つくば 第75回日本動物学会
Nacreinタンパク質が炭酸カルシウム結晶形成に与える影響を調べた。 - アコヤガイ外套膜で発現する遺伝子の網羅的解析 [Not invited]宮本 裕史第75回日本動物学会 2005/10 つくば 第75回日本動物学会
アコヤガイ外套膜で発現する遺伝子を報告した。 - Molecular analyses of cytoskeletal proteins expressed in the mantle of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas [Not invited]宮本 裕史International Marine Biotechnology Conference 2005 2005/06 St John's, Canada International Marine Biotechnology Conference 2005
軟体動物の外套膜で発現する細胞骨格様の遺伝子のいくつかに関してcDNAを単離し、その塩基配列を決定した。 - アコヤガイnacrein遺伝子の機能解析 [Not invited]宮本 裕史日本貝類学会平成17年度大会 2005/04 兵庫県西宮市 日本貝類学会平成17年度大会
アコヤガイnacrein遺伝子の機能解析を行った。 - マガキの卵特異的炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子 [Not invited]谷本隼教; 宮本 裕史平成17年度日本水産学会大会 2005/04 東京 平成17年度日本水産学会大会
マガキの卵特異的に発現する新規炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子の塩基配列を報告した。 - アコヤガイ外套膜で発現する遺伝子の網羅的解析 [Not invited]大岩辰徳; 宮本 裕史平成17年度日本水産学会大会 2005/04 東京 平成17年度日本水産学会大会
アコヤガイ外套膜で発現する遺伝子のEST解析に関して報告した。 - マガキグリシンリッチタンパク質の構造と機能 [Not invited]三好史子; 宮本 裕史; 仲 幸彦平成17年度日本水産学会大会 2005/04 東京 平成17年度日本水産学会大会
マガキグリシンリッチタンパク質の一次構造と組換えタンパク質の機能を調べた。 - アコヤガイNacrein遺伝子の機能解析 [Not invited]宮本 裕史; 三好史子平成17年度日本水産学会大会 2005/04 東京 平成17年度日本水産学会大会
アコヤガイに存在するnacrein遺伝子の炭酸カルシウム結晶形成に与える影響を検討した。 - 軟体動物における炭酸脱水酵素遺伝子の多様性 [Not invited]宮本 裕史; 仲 幸彦和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第 平成16年度研究成果報告会 2005/03 和歌山市 和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第 平成16年度研究成果報告会
軟体動物における炭酸脱水酵素遺伝子の構造と機能の特性に関して報告した。 - アコヤガイ貝殻有機マトリックスタンパク質の同定. [Not invited]矢野昌人; 永井宏平; 森本康一; 宮本裕史第28回日本分子生物学会年会 2005
- 牡蛎の新規炭酸脱水酵素遺伝子. [Not invited]谷本隼教; 宮本裕史第28回日本分子生物学会年会 2005
- アコヤガイ外套膜で発現する遺伝子の解析. [Not invited]大岩辰徳; 宮本裕史第28回日本分子生物学会年会 2005
- 軟体動物における石灰化の制御因子nacrein. [Not invited]三好史子; 宮本裕史第28回日本分子生物学会年会 2005
- Nacrein acts as a negative regulator in calcification in the mollusc Pinctada fucata. [Not invited]H.Miyamoto; F.Miyoshi第78回日本生化学会大会 2005
- マガキ外套膜で発現する新規グリシンリッチタンパク質 [Not invited]三好史子; 宮本 裕史第27回日本分子生物学会年会 2004/12 神戸 第27回日本分子生物学会年会
マガキ外套膜で発現する新規グリシンリッチタンパク質の炭酸カルシウム形成に与える影響を検討した。 - Crassostrea属2種のカキにおけるリボソームタンパク質遺伝子の解析 [Not invited]梶原清高; 宮本 裕史第27回日本分子生物学会年会 2004/12 神戸 第27回日本分子生物学会年会
日本産およびアメリカ産カキのリボソームタンパク質遺伝子の比較を行った。 - 軟体動物に存在する炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子の解析 [Not invited]河野 淳; 宮本 裕史第27回日本分子生物学会年会 2004/12 神戸 第27回日本分子生物学会年会
軟体動物に存在する炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子の塩基配列を報告した。 - Analysis of carbonic anhydrase-like genes expressed in the mantle of mollusc [Not invited]宮本 裕史VIII International Congress on Medical and Applied Malacology 2004/11 Mexico city VIII International Congress on Medical and Applied Malacology
軟体動物に存在する炭酸脱水酵素用遺伝子に関して報告した。 - マガキの新規炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子の解析 [Not invited]宮本 裕史近畿大学先端技術総合研究所公開シンポジウム 2004/10 海南市 近畿大学先端技術総合研究所公開シンポジウム
マガキの新規炭酸脱水酵素様遺伝子の構造解析に関して報告した。 - Two novel glycine-rich proteins expressed in the mantle of the pacific oyster [Not invited]三好史子; 宮本 裕史近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム・和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業ジョイントシンポジウム 2004/09 和歌山市 近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム・和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業ジョイントシンポジウム
マガキの新規グリシンリッチタンパク質に関して報告した。 - A novel carbonic anhydrase found in pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas [Not invited]河野 淳; 宮本 裕史近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム・和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業ジョイントシンポジウム 2004/09 和歌山市 近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム・和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業ジョイントシンポジウム
マガキで同定された新規炭酸脱水酵素に関して報告した。 - 軟体動物外套膜で発現する新規グリシンリッチタンパク質 [Not invited]三好史子; 宮本 裕史神戸 2004/09 第75回日本動物学会 神戸
軟体動物であるマガキを材料として、外套膜で発現する新規グリシンリッチタンパク質の構造と機能に関して報告した。 - 軟体動物における炭酸脱水酵素の多様性 [Not invited]宮本 裕史第75回日本動物学会 2004/09 神戸 第75回日本動物学会
軟体動物の新しい炭酸脱水酵素の遺伝子クローニングに関して報告した。 - バイオミネラルとしての真珠の形成 [Not invited]宮本 裕史和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第1回公開シンポジウム 2004/03 和歌山市 和歌山県地域結集型共同研究事業第1回公開シンポジウム
真珠養殖の過程と真珠層形成に関与する遺伝子nacreinについて紹介した。 - 硬組織形成の遺伝的制御機構. [Not invited]宮本裕史近畿大学生物理工学研究所公開シンポジウム 2000
- タンパク質を基盤とした真珠層形成の分子機構. [Not invited]宮本裕史和歌山テクノフェスティバル2000 2000
- Profile of genes expressed in the mantle of the mollusk Crassostrea gigas. [Not invited]H.Miyamoto; K.Okoshi; M.Hamaguchi5th International Marine Biotechnology Conference Townsvill, Australia 2000
- Genomic organization of Stx2-converting phage VT2-Sa. [Not invited]H.Miyamoto; W.Nakai; N.Yajima; A.Fujibayashi; T.Higuchi; K.Sato; A.MatsushiroInternational Conference on Microbial and Model Genomes. Paris 2000
- VT2ファージのゲノム構造. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 中井 渉; 藤林明美; 樋口智紀; 佐藤弘毅; 松代愛三第22回日本分子生物学会年会 1999
- Stx-converting phageの全塩基配列の決定とベロ毒素産生機構の解析. [Not invited]松代愛三; 宮本裕史; 中井 渉; 藤林明美; 樋口智紀; 佐藤弘毅第4回腸管出血性大腸菌感染症シンポジウム 1999
- アコヤガイコレシストキニンレセプターの構造. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 宮下知幸; 松代愛三第3回マリンバイオテクノロジー学会 1999
- ナクレインタンパク質の構造と機能. [Not invited]宮本裕史共同利用シンポジウム「海洋生物におけるバイオミネラリゼーションの分子生物学」東京大学海洋研究所 1998
- 軟体動物マトリックスタンパク質nacreinによる炭酸カルシウム結晶化の制御. 第 [Not invited]宮本裕史; 中井渉; 矢島昌人; 矢島直人; 宮下知幸; 松代愛三第21回日本分子生物学会年会 1998
- Nacrein, a novel carbonic anhydrase, is conserved in mollusk. [Not invited]H.Miyamoto6th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues Vittel, France 1998
- 海洋生物におけるバイオミネラリゼーション. [Not invited]宮本裕史日本学術振興会・未来開拓学術研究推進事業「食資源動物の科学」研究推進委員会主催.第1回公開シンポジウム「食資源動物の分子生物工学」 1998
- 海産動物の石灰化と発生分化への分子生物学アプローチ. [Not invited]宮本裕史東海大学先端技術研究所一周年記念シンポジウム「海洋生物研究の新しい展開へ期待する」 1997
- Identification of a novel carbonic anhydrase in organic matrices of mollusk. [Not invited]H.Miyamoto4th International Marine Biotechnology Conference,Italy 1997
- 軟体動物有機マトリックスタンパク質の遺伝子解析. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 宮下知幸; 松代愛三第19回日本分子生物学会年会 1996
- 真珠構成タンパク質とその遺伝子に関する分子生物学的研究. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 宮下知幸; 松代愛三シンポジウム「バイオミネラリゼーション:反応過程の解析と有機マトリックス研究」東京大学海洋研究所 1995
- 真珠構成タンパク質の分子生物学. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 宮下知幸; 松代愛三第67回日本遺伝学会年会.シンポジウム「これからの育種と遺伝学的基礎」 1995
- ショウジョウバエ複眼形成に関わる遺伝子 [Not invited]宮本裕史; 平田加奈子; 近藤俊三; 上田 龍; 冨樫 伸; 二本松伊都子; 山元大輔第27回日本発生生物学会年会 1994
- ショウジョウバエ光受容細胞形成に関わる遺伝子 [Not invited]宮本裕史; 池上佑子; 平裕加奈子; 二本松伊都子; 山元大輔第17回日本神経科学会年会 1993
- ショウジョウバエ光受容細胞の分化異常を起こす突然変異体 [Not invited]宮本田史; 佐藤華奈子; 平田加奈子; 上田龍; 冨樫伸; 二本松伊都子; 山元大輔第15回日本分子生物学会年会 1992
- マウス桑実胚由来遺伝子 [Not invited]宮本裕史; 野崎正美; 森田隆; 松代愛三第12回日本分子生物学会年会 1989
- マウス初期胚で発現している遺伝子について. [Not invited]宮本裕史; 野崎正美; 森田隆; 松代愛三第11回日本分子生物学会年会 1988
Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2003 -2005Author : MIYAMOTO HiroshiIn molluscs, biominerals of CaCO_3 are formed as shells with extremely divergent morphologies among species, enabling classification and identification of species. Shells are genetically regulated biominerals which consist of an external periostracal layer and an inner calcareous layer which is composed of several layers, such as a foliate, crossed lamellar, prismatic and nacreous layer. These layers are composed of CaCO_3, but their crystal types vary according to species ; in most pearl oysters, calcite in the prismatic layer and aragonite in the nacreous layer. The aragonitic nacreous layer is known as mother-of-pearl and consists of compact tablets of several hundreds nm in diameter. It is reported that its toughness is 1000 times greater than simple aragonite crystals produced by a chemical procedure. In addition to CaCO_3, mollusc shells contain as minor components organic matrix proteins, which are thought to be responsible for the toughness on the nacreous layer and to have some critical roles in calcification. In this research, I carried out analysis of genes expressed in the mantle. The results are as follows : 1.Several housekeeping genes that are expressed in the oyster mantle were isolated and their primary structure were determined. 2.Novel genes encoding glycine-rich proteins were isolated from the oyster mantle and their primary structure were determined. Recombinant proteins produced using the cDNAs inhibited the calcium carboane crystallization. 3.The nacrein protein, which is found in the nacreous layer of the pearl oyster, has inhibitory activity in the calcium carbonate crystallization 4.Novel genes encoding glycine-rich proteins in the pearl oyster were discovered and their entire nucleotide sequence were determined.
- 無脊椎動物における石灰化の分子機構その他の研究制度Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2005
- 細胞分化を制御する情報伝達系の解明その他の研究制度Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2005
- Mechanism of calcification in invertebratesThe Other Research ProgramsDate (from‐to) : 2000 -2005
- Signal transduction regulating cell differentiationThe Other Research ProgramsDate (from‐to) : 2000 -2005
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 2000 -2001Author : 宮本 裕史腸管出血性大腸菌O157感染症は、一頃のように大流行を見せることはなくなってきた。しかしながら、先進国において散発的に感染者が観察されており、その効果的な治療法の確立が待望されている。O157感染では溶血性尿毒症などの重篤な症状が小児において著しく、治療は困難をきわめている。溶血性尿毒症の原因はO157が産するベロ毒素が原因となっていると考えられており、その遺伝子はO157に溶原化するラムダ様ファージゲノム中に存在している。ベロ毒素遺伝子は2種類に大きく分類され、stx1,stx2と表記される。この二つの遺伝子のどちらを有するかにより、溶原ファージの種類が分けられ、それぞれVT1ファージ、VT2ファージと呼ばれる。 先に私たちの研究グループではO157に内在するVT2ファージの全ゲノム構造を明らかにし、それが、基本的にラムダと同一であることを示した。本研究ではstx2遺伝子の発現機構を明らかにするために、stx2の上流にあるpR'プロモーターの同定を行った。方法としてはpR'プロモーターと思われる領域の下流にルシフェラーゼ遺伝子を連結したプラスミドを大腸菌BL21株に導入し、ルシフェラーゼの酵素活性を指標として、pR'プロモーターの絞り込みを行った。その結果、Q遺伝子の3'端180塩基では非常に高いルシフェラーゼ活性を確認することができたが、Q遺伝子の3'端180塩基にそのさらに下流320塩基を加えた配列をルシフェラーゼ遺伝子の上流につないだ場合には活性が低下した。このことはQ遺伝子の3'端180塩基にプロモーターが存在し、その下流320塩基にはターミネーターが存在することを意味する。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 1999 -2001Author : SATO Koki; MIYAMOTO HiroshiIn Enterohemorrhagic Exchericia coli, Shiga toxin is produced by lysogenic prophages. We have isolated the prophage VT2-Sa that is responsible for production of Shiga toxin type 2 protein, and determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this phage DNA. The entire DNA sequence consisted of 60942 bp, exhibiting a marked similarity to that of 933W phage genome. However, several differences were observed in the immunity and replication regions, where cI, cII, cIII, N, cro, O, and P genes were present : Predicted amino acid sequences of N, cI, cro, O and P in the VT2-Sa genome did not show significant similarity to the counterparts of the 933W genome ; however its cI showed higher similarity to λ ; further O and P closely resembled those of phage HK022.These observations suggest that the various degrees of hoology observed in the immunity and replication regions of VT2-Sa could have resulted from frequent recombination events among the lambdoid phages, and that these regions play a key role as a functional unit for phage propagation in competition with other lambdoid phages. Antimicrobial agent nolfloxacin is recommended for medical treatment of O157 infection. However, we found that nolfloxacin induce the shiga toxin production, resulting in hemolytic-uremic syndrome. In addition, the increase of shiga toxin production was inhibited by recA mutation, indicating that the shiga toxin production is concomitant with the clavage of cI repressor protein by the activated recA protein.
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 1999 -2000Author : 松代 愛三; 宮本 裕史アコヤガイの貝殻は炭酸カルシウムの結晶と微量の有機成分から構成されている。有機成分としてはタンパク質が主なものであり、タンパク質によって炭酸カルシウムの結晶形成が制御されることが報告されている。貝類の炭酸カルシウム結晶としては真珠層のアラレ石と稜中層の方解石があり、それぞれ特異的なタンパク質によって誘導されると推察されている。真珠層タンパク質としてはすでにNacreinタンパク質の遺伝子に関して報告しているが、本研究では真珠層に存在する新しいタンパク質として新たにPearlinを単離し、そのcDNAをクローニングすることに成功した。cDNAから予想されるPearlinタンパグ質は131アミノ酸残基よりなり分子量は16000であった。既知のタンパク質との相同性はみられなかったが、アスパラギン酸が多く含まれており、酸性タンパク質として炭酸カルシウムの結晶形成に関与していると推察される。このタンパク質を基盤として、飽和炭酸カルシウム中で結晶形成を誘導し、そのX線回折を行ったところ、アラレ石特有のピークが観察された。このことから、Pearlinタンパク質はアコヤガイ真珠層においてアラレ石結晶の形成を誘導していると考えられる。
- 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業Date (from‐to) : 1998 -1999Author : 宮本 裕史貝殻などのバイオミネラル形成が、遺伝的に制御された過程であることは明らかであり、貝殻中に含まれるタンパク質が炭酸カルシウムの結晶形成を左右することが報告されている。この報告を受け、最近のバイオミネラリゼーション研究の流れは、個々のタンパク質を同定し、その一次構造を決定することに主眼がおかれてきた。しかし、これらのタンパク質の特珠性ゆえか、現在までに同定されているタンパク質は数えるほどしかない。我々のグループでは、アコヤガイを材料として、バイオミネラル中に存在するタンパク質であるnacreinのcDNA単離に成功し、貝殻形成を左右するタンパク質解析への口火をきった。 本年度の本研究では、nacreinタンパク質がアコヤガイのような二枚貝だけではなく、ヤコウガイのような巻き貝にも存在し、グリシン、アスパラギンの繰り返し配列の特徴に両者の間で違いのあることを示した。また、nacreinタンパク貿が真珠層のアラレ石形成を制御していることを明らかにした。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 1997 -1999Author : IRITANI Akira; MIYAMOTO Hiroshi; MATSUSHIRO Aizo; HOSOI YoshihikoAbnormalities in placenta affect development of embryo proper. Indeed much of the embryonic loss that occurs in eutherian mammals is found during the periimplanation period. Therefore, normal implantation and placenta formation are important prerequisite for subsequent cell differentiation and organogenesis in embryo. A conspicuous process, compaction, followed by blastocyst formation characterizes Early embryogenesis in mammal. Trophoblast cells in blastocyst are the first cell lineage and are devoted to establishing extraembryonic tissues, which make up the placenta. At mid-gestation, trophoblast cells interact with uterine epithelium, allowing of exchange of gases and nutrients between the mother and fetuses. Recent molecular and genetic studies have revealed information on the basis of establishment and maintenance of placenta. In mouse, it has been reported that Hxt and Mash2, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of proteins, function essentially for normal development of placenta. Hxt is expressed in trophoblast giant cells and regulates their formation. Mash2, which encodes the mouse homologue of the Drosophila achaetescute complex (ASC) genes, is specifically expressed diploid trophoblast. The loss of function induces abnormal placental development that results in embryonic lethality at midgestation. We have screened a cDNA library constructed from the rabbit placenta using mash2 cDNA as a probe to identify genes regulating normal placental development in mammal. We find a cDNA RBPB1, encoding a novel basic protein that is rich in arginine (13%), lysine (10%), and glutamine (13%). RBPBI has three transcripts in placenta and the predicted amino acid sequence shows a limited similarity to mouse Mash2. These findings suggest that the RBPBI protein may have a role in developmental process of placenta correlating the Mash2 function.