BALLOU Kevin(バルー ケビン)

建築学部 教養・基礎教育部門講師

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 修士




  • 英語教育   




  • 人文・社会 / 外国語教育



  • 2023年04月 - 現在  近畿大学建築学部講師
  • 2021年04月 - 2023年03月  近畿大学建築学部
  • 2018年04月 - 2021年03月  関西学院大学総合政策学部
  • 2014年04月 - 2018年03月  神戸女学院大学English Education Research Center
  • 2010年04月 - 2014年03月  関西学院大学国際学部Curriculum Coordinator
  • 2005年04月 - 2010年03月  関西外国語大学外国語学部


  • 2001年08月 - 2004年05月   University of Hawaii at Manoa   Department of Second Language Studies   M.A. in English as a Second Language
  • 1990年08月 - 1994年05月   Tufts University   Department of International Relations



  • 2019年09月 ISTSS Conference Committee 「Best Presentation」受賞
     "Japanese students’ use of digital tools while studying abroad" 
    受賞者: Kevin Ballou


  • ゲーミフィケーションが言語学習者のモチベーションに与える効果: パイロット研究の結果
    バルー ケビン
    Langauge, Literature, and Culture in Eduction 2023: Conference papers 2023年12月 [査読有り]
  • Powerlessness and Empowerment: Reflections of Japanese University Students While Studying Abroad in Australia
    Ballou, K
    Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts 12 1 442 - 453 2022年10月 [査読有り]
    This paper reports on the experiences of Japanese students studying abroad in Australia. Nine female Japanese university students were asked to keep a journal of their thoughts, experiences, and reflections during a five-week study tour in Perth, Australia. In addition, the researcher observed the students’ language classes, and interviewed teachers and program administrators. These journals and observations provide insight into their concerns and expectations, unique challenges, as well as the strategies the participants used to improve their linguistic and sociocultural competency. Drawing on selected passages from the students’ journals, the author discusses them with a focus on themes of anxiety, powerlessness, and empowerment. The results of this study may serve as a resource to program administrators, pre-departure curriculum developers, and teachers who aim to improve the study abroad experiences of their students.
  • COVID-19パンデミック時の日本人大学生の体験談
    Phillip M. Clark; Kevin P. Ballou; Richard; H. Derrah
    NORRAG Special Issue: States of Emergency: Education in the Time of COVID-19 6 113 - 117 2021年10月 [査読有り]
  • キャリアを調べる
    Kevin Ballou; Phillip M. Clark
    Taking it to Task 4 2 25 - 29 2020年12月 [査読有り]
  • 短期留学中の学生によるデジタルツール活用状況
    Kevin Ballou
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Technology and Social Science 2019 2019年09月 [査読有り]
  • Autonomous Language Learning With Technology: Beyond the Classroom. Chun Lai. London, England: Bloomsbury, 2017. viii + 228 pp. Reviewed by Kevin Ballou
    Kevin Ballou
    JALT Journal 41 1 66 - 69 2019年05月 [査読有り]
    Autonomous Language Learning With Technology Beyond the Classroom by Chun Lai is a new volume in the “Ad- vances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching” series edited by Michael Thomas, Mark Peterson, and Mark Warschauer that offers a thorough over- view of an area that has received far less attention: the use of technology by language learners outside the classroom.
  • 日本の大学におけるグローバルスタディコースのサービスラーニング
    Kevin Ballou
    Proceedings of Academics World 122nd International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 21st -22nd February, 2019 2019年02月 [査読有り]
  • 非核化交渉:外国学専攻の学生を対象としたCLILコースにおけるeラーニング・シミュレーションの活用
    Kevin Ballou
    Proceedings of AC 2018 in Prague 268 - 273 2018年08月 [査読有り]
    University language educators often struggle to find the balance of providing their students with interesting and relevant content while also promoting language learning through interaction with appropriate vocabulary and structures. Courses that focus on content may rely on more traditional learning methods, such as lecture and reading, leaving students without adequate opportunities to actively interact with the language they need to improve their ability. However, more communicative language skill courses may not deal with the discipline specific language and tasks that students need for success in their major of study or future career. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) employs a range of approaches to create a balance between academic content and language study. This paper describes the development and implementation of an e-learning simulation activity in which groups of students in a university foreign studies program assumed the roles of diplomats to negotiate an agreement between several state actors involved in the North Korean denuclearization talks. The CLIL lesson unit combined traditional academic study with online interaction to engage students with their learning and provide them with opportunities to practice real world communication strategies. Outcomes of the simulation are discussed.
  • BALLOU Kevin
    神戸女学院大学論集 = Kobe College studies 63 2 1 - 11 神戸女学院大学研究所 2016年12月 [査読有り]
  • BALLOU Kevin; Kevin BALLOU
    神戸女学院大学論集 62 1 13 - 20 神戸女学院大学研究所 2015年06月 [査読有り]
  • McDONALD Kurtis; BALLOU Kevin
    論集 61 1 27 - 37 神戸女学院大学 2014年06月 [査読有り]
  • グローバル危機グループ:グローバルな問題をテーマにした英語コースで架空の物語を使用する
    Kevin Ballou
    Global Issues in Language Education Newsletter 90 10 - 11 2014年02月 
    The Global Crisis Group is a series of content-based lessons woven together by a fictional narrative and related tasks that involve students working together to make decisions about both a story, its characters, and real world issues. The course was created by the instructor as part of the curriculum at a Japanese university in the department of international studies, and involved students with upper-intermediate to advanced English ability (TOEIC 720 to 850), who had completed three years of study in the fields of linguistics, business, economics, development, and cultural studies. The course objectives included practicing academic research skills, writing fiction and nonfiction, actively participating in discussion, and giving an effective multimedia presentation. The course was to make use of a content-based language learning approach with an overall theme of global communication.
  • キャリアプロジェクト:コンテンツベースのEFLコースでのプロジェクトワークの活用
    Kevin Ballou
    International Research Journal of Humanities and Environmental Issues 2 2 (1) 55 - 57 2013年05月 [査読有り]
    This paper reports on the implementation of a semester-long project in a content-based language course with a career theme. Over the course of one semester, Japanese university students in an international studies program worked with a group of peers to investigate career fields that they were considering entering after graduation. The project included individual research of companies and occupations, site visits to companies, interviews of professionals in the chosen field, and a group multimedia presentation on their findings. Suggestions are made for teachers considering adopting a similar project as part of their curriculum.
  • グローバル・シチズンシップ構築の為の国際学をテーマにしたスタディツアー
    Kevin Ballou; George Schaaff
    Journal of International Studies 2 1 79 - 85 2013年03月 [査読有り]
    本論では、教室内での学習のみにとどまらず、学生が実際に体験し理解を深め、さ らにそこから生きた英語を学ぶ手助けをする研究者の奮闘を報告する。六人の国際学部の 学生をカンボジアへのスタディツアーに研究者が先導し、学生達はカンボジアの歴史や文 化を学びつつ、農村の貧困問題や急速な発展、地域に密着した観光事業等の問題に NGO や地域社会がいかに直面しているかを目の当たりにした。そのツアーでは、開発に尽力す る NGO を訪問し、農村部の村にバイオ砂水フィルターを設置する作業を視察し、補足学 校で教え、職業訓練について学び、アンコールワット遺跡公園でカンボジアの歴史と文化 を体験した。日記を通した学生達の反応や経験が、本論で提示され議論されている。
  • BALLOU Kevin
    Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review 17 213 - 226 Kwansei Gakuin University 2012年02月 [査読有り]
    Utilizing the curriculum design framework provided by Nation and Macalister (2010), this paper discusses issues affecting an English- language curriculum that exists within an international studies program. Recommendations are made for designing a program that addresses the unique environment and needs of such a program in order to prepare students to engage the world community and serve as global citizens.
  • 第二言語学習者の大学生のブログに対する態度を探る
    Kevin Ballou; John Holthouse; Paul Marlowe
    Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review 16 111 - 120 2011年08月 [査読有り]
    This paper describes the implementation of a blogging project and the attitudes toward blogging in English at a private university in Japan. The researchers describe the growth and use of blogging with specific advantages for second language learners highlighted. A pre- and post- survey conducted among 165 first year university students measured the attitudes of students toward technology and the use of blogs as a fluency writing tool. The results showed that the students maintained overwhelmingly positive attitudes toward blogging in English and recognized it as a useful activity for improving their writing and second language acquisition.
  • オンライン仮想世界における学習者の経験
    Kevin Ballou
    JALT CALL Journal 5 2 61 - 70 2009年07月 [査読有り]
    This study looks at the experiences that two Japanese learners of English had playing an online fantasy role playing game. Samples of the types of interaction they encountered in the game itself as well as with other players are given. Excerpts from the participants’ journals are used to provide a learner’s perspective on their experience and to gain insight into benefits this type of virtual world might hold as a language learning resource.
  • コンテンツベースコースへのスキルと戦略の統合
    Kevin Ballou
    TESL Reporter 37 2 72 - 74 2004年10月 [査読有り]
    This paper describes the curriculum development process in putting a language focus back into a content course. The course had become an eclectic collection of new student orientation materials, tips for living in the U.S., and information about local and American culture. Teachers had become confused by the seemingly random and hopelessly disorganized materials available for use in the course, and students often commented that they could not see the purpose of the class and did not feel that it was helping them learn English. The process that we followed to re-establish a clearer link between content and language in this course may be of use to others engaged in curriculum development or revision.


  • Navigating Precarity in Educational Contexts: Reflection, Pedagogy, and Activism for Change
    (Chapter 6) Richard H. Derrah, Phillip M. Clark, Kevin Ballou (担当:共著範囲:Chapter 6: Shifting Fields: Japanese University Students' Habitus During the COVID-19 Pandemic)Routledge 2023年 ISBN: 9781032192239


  • English for architects: Creating content-based materials to teach sustainable development topics as a non-expert
    Kevin Ballou
    The 3rd Language Society and Culture International Conference (LSCIC 2024), Chonburi, Thailand 2024年08月
  • ゲーミフィケーションが言語学習者のモチベーションに与える効果
    Kevin Ballou
    Language, Literature and Culture in Education 2023, Malta (online) 2023年10月
  • ゲーミフィケーションが言語学習者のモチベーションに与える効果
    Kevin Ballou
    18th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies, 14th-16th August 2023, Boston, USA 2023年08月
  • Ready Student One:教育現場におけるゲーミフィケーション
    Kevin Ballou
    7th International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology, Krabi, Thailand 2023年02月 口頭発表(一般)
  • 無力感とエンパワメント: 日本人留学生の留学考察
    Kevin Ballou
    JALT 2022 2022年11月
  • 無力感と自信を与えること:オーストラリアで留学中の日本人学生の経験についての感想
    Kevin Ballou
    World Conference on Teacher Education - (WCTE-22) - Bangkok, Thailand 2022年08月 口頭発表(一般) 
  • アジア太平洋研究をテーマとしたCLILコースの効果的なデザイン
    Kevin Ballou
    16th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2020年02月 口頭発表(一般) 
  • 短期留学中の学生によるデジタルツール活用状況
    Kevin Ballou
    International Symposium on Technology and Social Science 2019 2019年09月 口頭発表(一般) 
  • 日本の大学におけるグローバルスタディコースのサービスラーニング
    Kevin Ballou
    Academics World 122nd International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 2019年02月 口頭発表(一般) 
  • 非核化交渉:外国学専攻の学生を対象としたCLILコースにおけるeラーニング・シミュレーションの活用
    Kevin Ballou
    Academic Conference: Education, Teaching, and E-Learning (AC-ETeL 2018), Prague, Czech Republic 2018年08月 口頭発表(一般)
  • パネルディスカッション:ネイタニエル・カーニー、カーティス・マクドナルド、ケビン・バルー「様々な状況下におけるL2英語学習者の双方向型オーラルコミュニケーション能力について」 )
    Nathaniel Carney; Kurtis McDonald; Kevin Ballou
    The 20th Annual Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Osaka, Japan 2018年02月 口頭発表(一般)
