浅居 正充(アサイ マサミツ)

生物理工学部 生命情報工学科教授

Last Updated :2024/12/24






  • 博士(工学)(1992年03月 大阪府立大学)


  • 愛光高等学校卒。大阪府立大学工学部卒。同大学院博士課程修了。University of Utah 客員研究員等を経て、2008年 近畿大学教授(現在に至る)。電磁理論・計算科学に関する研究に従事。博士(工学)。(公財) 輻射科学研究会執行理事(2011-2018)。(一社) 日本ヘリカルサイエンス学会理事 (2011-2019)。CMC総合研究所Advisery Board 委員 (2019-2022)。(一社) 海洋インバースダム協会専務理事。京都大学講師。伸学社出身。


  • 宇宙太陽光発電   インバースダム   メタマテリアル   準等方性粒子   行列固有値法   構造性発色   影理論   カーボンマイクロコイル   カイラル媒質   回折格子   電磁波   metamaterial   chiral   grating   diffraction   scattering   Electromagnetic wave   




  • 自然科学一般 / 数理物理、物性基礎 / 計算電磁気学
  • ナノテク・材料 / 応用物理一般



  • 2021年07月 - 現在  一般社団法人海洋インバースダム協会専務理事
  • 2008年 - 現在  近畿大学生物理工学部教授
  • 2008年 - 現在  京都大学講師(非常勤)
  • 2021年01月 - 2021年06月  一般社団法人海洋インバースダム協会常任理事
  • 2019年 - 2021年  和歌山大学講師(非常勤)
  • 2011年 - 2019年  一般社団法人日本ヘリカルサイエンス学会理事
  • 2015年 - 2018年  近畿大学生物理工学部図書館長
  • 2011年 - 2018年  公益財団法人輻射科学研究会執行理事
  • 2003年 - 2008年  近畿大学生物理工学部助教授・准教授
  • 1997年 - 2003年  近畿大学生物理工学部講師
  • 1997年 - 1998年  University of Utah客員研究員
  • 1993年 - 1996年  近畿大学生物理工学部助手
  • 1992年 - 1993年  近畿大学理工学部助手


  • 1989年04月 - 1992年03月   大阪府立大学   大学院工学研究科   博士後期課程(電気工学専攻)
  • 1987年04月 - 1989年03月   大阪府立大学   大学院工学研究科   博士前期課程(電気工学専攻)
  • 1982年04月 - 1987年03月   大阪府立大学   工学部   電気工学科
  • 1978年04月 - 1981年03月   愛光高等学校


  • 2021年07月 - 現在   一般社団法人海洋インバースダム協会 (KID-S)   専務理事
  • 2021年01月 - 現在   KID-S マイクロ波伝送委員会   委員長
  • 2019年 - 現在   Optical Society of America   "Optical Express", 論文査読委員
  • 2018年 - 現在   輻射科学研究会 (RSSJ)   代表
  • 2016年 - 現在   IEEE Nanotechnology Society   "IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology", 論文査読委員
  • 2001年 - 現在   応用物理学会 (JSAP)   "Applied Physics Express", 論文査読委員
  • 2001年 - 現在   応用物理学会 (JSAP)   "Japanese Journal of Applied Physics", 論文査読委員
  • 2001年 - 現在   IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society   "IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques", 論文査読委員   IEEE(米国電気電子学会)
  • 2021年01月 - 2021年06月   一般社団法人海洋インバースダム協会 (KID-S)   常任理事
  • 2019年 - 2020年   CMC総合研究所 Advisory Board   委員
  • 2011年 - 2019年   日本ヘリカルサイエンス学会 (JHSS)   理事
  • 2015年 - 2018年   岩出市図書館協議会   会長
  • 2011年 - 2018年   公益財団法人輻射科学研究会 (RSSJ)   執行理事   輻射科学研究会
  • 2016年 - 2016年   和歌山地域図書館協議会   議長
  • 2009年 - 2011年   国際高等研究所 (IIAS)   研究プロジェクト委員



  • 2023年09月 AIE (Advances in Engineering) Key Scientific Article Certificate
    受賞者: Masamitsu Asai
  • 2013年 2013 JSST International Conference on Simulation Technology Outstanding Presentation Award
    受賞者: Masamitsu Asai
  • 1996年 電気学会 電気学会論文発表賞
    受賞者: 浅居 正充


  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 40 2 305 - 305 2023年02月 
    In the shadow theory, a new description of electromagnetic fields using scattering factors has been employed. This paper presents a new numerical method based on scattering factors for the scattering problem of a composite dielectric grating embedded with conducting strips. The scattering factors for the primary fields, which are based on the assumption of conducting strips being removed completely and those for the secondary fields generated by the surface electric currents on conducting strips, are introduced. The presented method is formulated to obtain scattering factors for the total fields and Joule losses for propagating wave and evanescent wave incidences from the currents determined by using the Galerkin procedure. Numerical examples are given for an asymmetric multiple plane grating consisting of conducting strips. The scattering properties and the normalized Joule losses are calculated for propagating wave and evanescent wave incidences. It is shown that the diffraction efficiencies and scattering factors hold the symmetries on the reciprocity in the case of resistive plane gratings.
  • On the regular tetrahedral layout of helices for a quasi-isotropic chiral particle
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 1 2021年09月 [査読有り]
  • Application of multilayered division method to scattering by slanted gratings
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 1 2021年09月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 37 10 1539 - 1547 2020年08月 [査読有り]
  • Structural coloration by slanted subwavelength gratings in conical mounting
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 2019年11月 [査読有り]
  • Cubic arrangement of helices as a particle for a quasi-Isotropic chiral medium
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 2019年11月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35 11 1861 - 1870 2018年11月 [査読有り]
  • Numerical Analysis for Structural Coloration in Multilayered Dielectric Gratings
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2018年07月 [査読有り]
  • Accuracy evaluation on numerical analysis of scattering fields by dielectric gratings in terms of reciprocity theorem
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2018年07月 [査読有り]
  • On the accuracy of the MoM analysis for the scattering factors of metallic strip gratings with dielectric slabs in terms of the reciprocity theorem
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology OS2 21 2017年10月 [査読有り]
  • Reciprocity Error of Numerical Solutions in Dielectric Gratings
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology OS2 20 2017年10月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    In the theory of gratings, a numerical diffraction solution must be satisfy the energy balance and the reciprocity. The matrix eigenvalues method has been presented to study the diffraction by dielectric gratings. In the method, the error of energy balance always becomes zero except for rounding error. An accuracy criterion of a solution is left as a difficult problem. This paper shows the reciprocity for the diffraction efficiencies of the reflected and transmitted waves, numerically. It is suggested that the reciprocity can be used the criterion.
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Keiji Matsumoto; Jiro Yamakita
    Nakayama's shadow theory first discussed the diffraction by a perfectly conducting grating in a planar mounting. In the theory, a new formulation by use of a scattering factor was proposed. This paper focuses on the middle regions of a multilayered dielectric grating placed in conical mounting. Applying the shadow theory to the matrix eigenvalues method, we compose new transformation and improved propagation matrices of the shadow theory for conical mounting. Using these matrices and scattering factors, being the basic quantity of diffraction amplitudes, we formulate a new description of three-dimensional scattering fields which is available even for cases where the eigenvalues are degenerate in any region. Some numerical examples are given for cases where the eigenvalues are degenerate in the middle regions. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America
  • Numerical Analysis for Structural Coloration of Multilayered Gratings of Non-ideal Type
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 2016年10月 [査読有り]
  • Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Effective constitutive characteristics of three-dimensional periodic array of quasi-isotropic chiral particles composed of thin-wire twisted staples are analyzed. The Lorentz' approach is applied with the method of moments to evaluate the isotropy of the resultant medium. The cancellation of electric quadrupole moments is also checked for evaluation.
  • Numerical study on small quasi-isotropic particles for chiral media with fine granularity
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 2015年10月 [査読有り]
  • Three dimensional analysis of structural coloration in subwavelength gratings
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 2015年10月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E98C 2 162 - 165 2015年02月 [査読有り]
    In the scattering problem of dielectric gratings in conical mounting, we have considered and formulated scattering fields using transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) waves. This paper formulates scattering fields by superpositions of right-circularly (RC) and left-circularly (LC) polarized waves through the matrix eigenvalue method.
  • Periodic array of thin-wire chiral objects with cancellation of quadrupole moments
    Masamitsu Asai; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Keiji Matsumoto; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 2014年10月 [査読有り]
  • Application of shadow theory to middle regions of multilayered dielectric gratings placed in conical mounting
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Keiji Matsumoto; Jiro Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology 1 2014年10月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Keiji Matsumoto; Jiro Yamakita
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E97C 1 50 - 57 2014年01月 [査読有り]
    In the shadow theory, a new description and a physical mean at a low grazing limit of incidence on gratings in the two dimensional scattering problem have been discussed. In this paper, by applying the shadow theory to the three dimensional problem of multilayered dielectric periodic gratings, we formulate the oblique primary excitation and introduce the scattering factors through our analytical method, by use of the matrix eigenvalues. In terms of the scattering factors, the diffraction efficiencies are defined for propagating and evanescent waves with linearly and circularly polarized incident waves. Numerical examples show that when an incident angle becomes low grazing, only specular reflection occurs with the reflection coefficient 1, regardless of the incident polarization. It is newly found that in a circularly polarized incidence case, the same circularly polarized wave as the incident wave is specularly reflected at a low grazing limit.
  • Constitutive characteristics of distributions of conducting helices with helically-bent axes
    M. Asai; H. Wakabayashi; J. Yamakita; K. Matsumoto
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology OS13 1 55 - 56 International Conference on Simulation Technology 2013年09月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of wave scattering by dielectric gratings for low grazing of circularly-polarized incidence
    若林秀昭; 浅居正充; 山北次郎; 松本恵治
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology OS13 1 13 - 14 International Conference on Simulation Technology 2013年09月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Masamitsu Asai; Keiji Matsumoto; Jiro Yamakita
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E96C 1 19 - 27 2013年01月 [査読有り]
    We propose a new analytical method for a composite dielectric grating embedded with conducting strips using scattering factors in the shadow theory. The scattering factor in the shadow theory plays an important role instead of the conventional diffraction amplitude. By specifying the relation between scattering factors and spectral-domain Green's functions, we derive expressions of the Green's functions directly for unit surface electric and magnetic current densities, and apply the spectral Galerkin method to our formulation. From some numerical results, we show that the expressions of the Green's functions are valid, and analyze scattering characteristics by composite gratings.
  • 浅居 正充; 若林秀昭; 山; 松本恵治
    Materials Integrations 25 12 31 - 37 T.I.C. 2012年12月 [査読有り]
  • Effective constitutive characteristics of racemic mixture of thin-wire helices
    M. Asai; H. Wakabayashi; K. Matsumoto; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology OS1 8-1 - 8-4 2012年09月 [査読有り]
  • Hideaki Wakabayashi; Keiji Matsumoto; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E95C 1 44 - 52 2012年01月 [査読有り]
    In the scattering problem of periodic gratings, at a low grazing limit of incidence, the incident plane wave is completely cancelled by the reflected wave, and the total wave field vanishes and physically becomes a dark shadow. This problem has received much interest recently. Nakayama et al. have proposed "the shadow theory". The theory was first applied to the diffraction by perfectly conductive gratings as an example, where a new description and a physical mean at a low grazing limit of incidence for the gratings have been discussed. In this paper, the shadow theory is applied to the analyses of multilayered dielectric periodic gratings, and. is shown to be valid on the basis of the behavior of electromagnetic waves through the matrix eigenvalue problem. Then, the representation of field distributions is demonstrated for the cases that the eigenvalues degenerate in the middle regions of multilayered gratings in addition to at a low grazing limit of incidence and some numerical examples are given.
  • Analysis of wave scattering by composite dielectric gratings with conducting strips using scattering factors
    H. Wakabayasi; M. Asai; K. Matsumoto; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation Technology OS5 187 - 192 2011年10月 [査読有り]
  • Contributions of the Quadrupole Moments in the Effective Constitutive Characteristics for the Anisotropic Distributions of Metallic Thin-Wire Helices
    M. Asai; H. Wakabayashi; K. Matsumoto; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation Technology OS5 179 - 182 2011年10月 [査読有り]
  • Constitutive characteristics of periodic structures composed of coupled metallic helices
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Radio Wave Conference B4 B4-1 - B4-1 Asia-Pacific Radio Wave Conference 2010年09月 [査読有り]
  • 影理論を用いた誘電体回折格子による散乱界表現
    浅居 正充; 山北次郎; 若; 松本恵治
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C1 J93-C 3 81 - 90 電子情報通信学会 2010年04月 [査読有り]
  • Effective constitutive parameters of periodic structures composed of thin-wire helices
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of the International Laser, Light and Microwave Conference T2 24-TP2-4-1 - 24-TP2-4-4 2008年04月 [査読有り]
  • Effective Medium Parameters for Distributions of Clustering Helices with Structural Deviations
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings. of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagations 1 564 - 567 2007年08月 [査読有り]
  • M. Asai
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University 20 20 9 - 12 近畿大学 2007年 [査読有り]
  • Numerical Study on Waves from Particles Composed of Bunches of Helices
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Proceedengs of the Progress of Electromagnetics Research Symposium 1 490 - 490 2006年08月 [査読有り]
  • Study on EM waves scattered by chiral or racemic mixture of conducting helices based on thin-wire MoM
    M. Asai
    Memoirs of School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University No. 16, pp. 29-36 2005年 [査読有り]
  • H Wakabayashi; J Yamakita; M Asai; H Inai
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E87C 9 1560 - 1567 2004年09月 [査読有り]
    The scattering problem by metallic gratings has become one of fundamental problems in electromagnetics. In this paper, a thin metallic grating placed in conical mounting is treated as a lossy dielectric grating expressed by complex permittivity and thickness. The solution of the metallic grating by using the matrix eigenvalue, calculations is compared with that of the plane grating by using the resistive boundary condition and the spectral Galerkin procedure, and the availability of the resistive boundary condition for thin metallic gratings in conical mounting is investigated. In order to improve the convergence of the solutions of thin metallic gratings, the spatial harmonies of flux densities which are continuous function instead of electromagnetic fields are used.
  • らせん構造物質の電磁気学的キラリティ
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 松本恵治; 若林秀昭
    Materials Integration 17 7 27 - 33 2004年07月 [査読有り]
  • M Asai; J Yamakita; H Wakabayashi
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 147 3 1 - 8 2004年05月 [査読有り]
    Diffraction from a uniaxial chiral slab with a two-dimensional periodic array of conducting patches is analyzed by the matrix-based approach. Equatorial anisotropy is assumed for the chirality and permittivity whose optical axis is parallel to the plane of incidence. In the analysis, the total fields are given by the superposition of the current-dependent scattering fields, which are expanded in terms of the two-dimensional space harmonics and the incidence fields. The coupled mode equations for the equatorial uniaxial chiral media give the general solutions of fields as superpositions of elliptically polarized eigenmodes. The unknown currents on the patches are determined by applying the method of moments to the boundary conditions of the conducting array. In the numerical computations, the polarization characteristics of diffracted waves are investigated considering the design parameters. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • M. Asai
    Memoirs of the School of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University No. 14 14 41 - 48 近畿大学 2004年 [査読有り]
  • Improved convergence in the analysis of thin metallic gratings with thickness profiles
    H. Wakabayasi; M. Komatsu; J. Yamakita; M. Asai
    Radio Science 38 6 8-1 - 8-10 2003年08月 [査読有り]
  • 2次元平面アレイを含む1軸異方性キラルスラブによる回折電磁波の解析
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 若林秀昭
    電気学会部門誌A 123 3 239 - 245 2003年03月 [査読有り]
  • Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; Hideaki Wakabayashi
    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 123 3 239 - 245 2003年 [査読有り]
    Diffraction from a uniaxial chiral slab with a two-dimensional periodic array of conducting patches is analyzed by the 4 × 4 matrix-based approach. Equitorial anisotropy is assumed for the chirality whose optical axis is parallel to the plane of incidence. In the analysis, the total fields are given by the superposition of the current-dependent scattered fields which are expanded in terms of the two-dimensional space harmonics and the primary fields. The coupled mode equations for the equitorial uniaxial chiral media give the general solutions of fields as the superposition of elliptically-polarized eigen modes. The unknown currents on the patches are determined by applying Moment method to the boundary condition of the conducting array. In the numerical computations, the polarization characteristics of diffracted waves are investigated considering the design parameters. © 2003, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • Diffraction from an anisotropic chiral slab with a periodically-apertured plane
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi
    Proceedings of the Interim International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 1 21 - 24 2002年11月 [査読有り]
  • Diffraction by a periodically-apertured sheet on a uniaxial chiral slab
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi
    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 3 1533 - 1536 2002年11月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of electromagnetic waves interacting with a planar-stratified bianisotropic medium with a strip grating
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems 7 4 106 - 111 2002年04月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of electromagnetic waves interacting with planar-stratified bianisotropic media
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 58 1 154 - 163 2002年01月 [査読有り]
  • Use of multilayered step method in analysis of lossless and lossy dielectric gratings
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita; Keiji Matsumoto; Masamitsu Asai
    Proceedings of the International Laser, Lightwave and Microwave Conference 1 89 - 91 2001年11月 [査読有り]
  • Electromagnetic wave interaction with a planar-stratified bianisotropic medium with a strip grating
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita
    Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences Far-Eastern School Seminar on Mathematical modeling and Numerical Analysis 1 12 - 17 2001年08月 [査読有り][招待有り]
  • Verification of Resistive boundary of scattering by a plane grating on multilayered substrates
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita; Masamitsu Asai; Keiji Matsumoto
    Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Simposium 1 8 - 8 2001年07月 [査読有り]
  • Efficient computation of dielectric gratings in conical diffraction
    M. Komatsu; J. Yamakita; K. Matsumoto; M. Asai
    Proceedings of the Progress in Electro- magnetics Research Simposium 1 7 - 7 2001年07月 [査読有り]
  • Plane wave scattering from a thin metallic grating in a planar-stratified uniaxial chiral medium
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Simposium 1 386 - 386 2001年07月 [査読有り]
  • Plane wave diffraction from a periodic array of conducting patches between two uniaxial chiral slabs
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Simposium 1 1 13 - 13 2001年07月 [査読有り]
  • Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; Hideaki Wakabayashi; Junya Ishii
    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 121 10 899 - 904 2001年 [査読有り]
  • Efficient improved Fourier-expansion methods for dielectric lamellar gratings in conical diffraction
    M. Komatsu; J. Yamakita; K. Matsumoto; M. Asai
    Proceedings of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Optical Fiber Science and Electromagnetic Theory 1 87 - 90 2000年12月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of diffracted waves from a uniaxial chiral layer with a thin metallic grating
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Optical Fiber Science and Electro-magnetic Theory 1 243 - 246 2000年12月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of electromagnetic waves scattered by a uniaxial chiral slab with a thin strip grating
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the JSST International Conference on Modeling Cont. and Com. in Simulation 1 333 - 336 2000年10月 [査読有り]
  • Analysis of electromagnetic waves diffracted by a grounded uniaxial chiral slab with an infinite array of strips,
    M. Asai; J. Yamakita; H. Wakabayashi; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 1 113 - 116 2000年08月 [査読有り]
  • H Wakabayashi; J Yamakita; K Matsumoto; M Asai
    The spectral Galerkin procedure is often used for analyzing metallic gratings which are assumed to be zero-thickness plane gratings, In: this report, thin surface relief dielectric gratings with complex permittivity are discussed and analyzed by using the numerical approach for metallic plane gratings with surface impedance. From numerical results for dielectric gratings by the conventional method and metallic plane gratings by the spectral Galerkin procedure, the relations between dielectric and plane gratings are investigated. In addition, some numerical results for infinitely thin gratings with various surface reliefs are given and the differences between surface profiles are investigated. (C) 1999 Scripta Technica.
  • 若林英昭; 山北次郎; 松本恵治; 浅居正充
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I J82-C-1 4 175 - 183 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 1999年04月 [査読有り]
    極めて厚みの薄い表面レリーフ形誘電体格子を場所の関数で表される表面インピーダンスをもつ平板格子の計算法を用いて解析できる可能性について示している. 行列固有値による誘電体格子の解析法とスペクトル領域ガレルキン法による平板格子の解析法による数値計算結果の比較から電流展開と抵抗境界条件を適用でき, 平板格子として扱うことができる格子層の厚みについて言及している. 更に, 極めて厚みの薄い誘電体格子について, 格子形状による特性の違いを平板格子の計算法を用いて数値計算を行い, 検討している. 本論文では, 1次元の抵抗格子, リアクタンス格子を扱っている.
  • Analysis of an infinite metallic grating with thickness
    Hideaki Wakabayashi; Jiro Yamakita; Keiji Matsumoto; Masamitsu Asai
    Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics research symposium 2 649 - 649 1999年03月 [査読有り]
  • H Wakabayashi; J Yamakita; K Matsumoto; M Asai
    The spectral Galerkin procedure is often used to analyze scattering by metallic gratings. The resistive boundary condition is applied to metallic gratings that are assumed to be zero-thickness plane gratings. However, it is difficult to simulate plane gratings without knowing the limits of thickness in the application of such boundary conditions. In this report, the relations between a plane metallic grating and a thin dielectric grating with complex permittivity are investigated by using the conventional method for dielectric gratings. From numerical results, the effectiveness of resistive boundary conditions is discussed. (C) 1998 Scripta Technica.
  • Analysis of electromagnetic waves scattered by strip gratings with isotropic chiral media
    Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; Shinnosuke Sawa; Junya. Ishii
    Memoirs of the School of Biolog-Oriented Science and Technology, Kinki University 2 2 24 - 36 1997年10月 [査読有り]
  • 平板格子における抵抗境界条件の有効性
    若林英昭; 山北次郎; 松本恵治; 浅居正充
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I J-80-C-1 9 387 - 396 1997年09月 [査読有り]
  • J Ishii; J Kodama; S Hontsu; K Murakami; Y Noguchi; M Asai
    It is shown in this presentation that RC-thin film circuits composed of lamination by insulators and metallic films are well simulated using nodal analysis of single layered RC distributed lines, giving data base for intelligent simulation,design and methodology of multilayered RC films.
  • M Asai; J Yamakita; S Sawa; J Ishii
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E79C 10 1371 - 1377 1996年10月 [査読有り]
    4 x 4 matrix-based analysis of electromagnetic waves scattered anisotropic media are presented. In the analysis, the total fields are given as sum of the fields which exist even if the apertured plane are replaced by a ground plane and the fields scattered From the magnetic currents within the apertures. The scattered fields are expanded in terms of two-dimensional Floquet modes. Expression of each fields are obtained through eigenvalue problem for 4 x 4 coupled wave matrix. Unknown magnetic currents in the apertures are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the continuity condition about the magnetic fields in the apertures. Calculated results for isotropic cases are compared with other results for the complementary problem available in the literature using Babinet's principle. Further numerical calculations are performed in the case of gratings with polar-type anisotropic slab.
  • J Ishii; K Murakami; S Hontsu; M Asai
    MODELLING AND SIMULATION 1996 Vol. 10, pp. 17-22 574 - 576 1996年 [査読有り]
    Multi-coupled wires are formulated in the form of nodal equation allowing to speedy simulation at circuit-level.
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E78C 10 1453 - 1459 1995年10月 [査読有り]
    We present a 4 x 4 matrix-based analysis of scattering from a two-dimensional rectangular resistive plane gratings placed on an anisotropic dielectric slab. The solution procedure used is formulated by extending the 4 x 4 matrix approach[14]. The fields are expanded in terms of two-dimensional Floquet modes. Total fields can be given as sum of primary and secondary fields whose expression are obtained through eigenvalue problem of coupled wave matrix. Unknown currents on resistive patches are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the resistive boundary condition on resistive grating. Results are compared with other numerical examples available in the literature for isotropic cases. Further, numerical calculation are performed in the case of gratings with polar-type anisotropic slab.
  • Electromagnetic field simulation of cable in metallic duct
    J. Ishii; K. Aoki; S. Hontsu; M. Asai
    Proceedings of the European Simulation Congress 3 17 - 17 1995年09月 [査読有り]
  • Scattering by two-dimensional resistive plane gratings with polar-type anisotropic medium
    Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; S. Shinnosuke; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the China-Japan Joint Conference on Optical Fiber Science and Electro-magnetic Theory EMT95 A13 A77 - A82 1995年09月 [査読有り]
  • Electromagnetic wave scattering by a two-dimensional plane grating with anisotropic slab
    Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; S. Shinnosuke; J. Ishii
    Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference C-212 249 - 252 1994年09月 [査読有り]
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E77B 6 766 - 769 1994年06月 [査読有り]
    Electromagnetic power absorption in multilayered tissue media including anisotropic muscle regions whose principal dielectric axes (that is, muscle fibers) have various directions are analyzed by using 4x4 matrix method. Numerical calculations in 10 kHz-10 MHz show the effects of orientation of muscle fibers and polarization of incident wave on absorbed power density in tissues.
  • Akira Ozaki; Masamitsu Asai; Jiro Yamakita; Shinnosuke Sawa
    Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II: Electronics) 76 6 13 - 22 1993年 [査読有り]
    An analysis and numerical calculation of a leaky wave propagating in a magnetic waveguide with a resistive strip grating are presented. The analysis is formulated by a matrix. A characteristic equation of the waveguide is derived by applying the Galerkin method to a resistive boundary condition expressed by a Green function in a spectrum region for a magnetic material and also by a surface current density which is expanded in terms of functions. A numerical calculation is made for a leaky region where the effect of a surface resistance and magnetic loss are considered. A step function and a function with a singularity are used in expanding a surface current density. The validity of limiting expansion terms and the convergence of solutions are discussed for not only a propagation constant but also a root mean square error of the resistive boundary condition and a surface current density. Copyright © 1993 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
    In this paper, scattering waves by a strip grating with an anisotropic substrate for the incidence of inclined polarization are analyzed, and polarization characteristics of scattered waves are calculated. For simplicity, the analysis is limitted to the case of normal incidence and a perfectly conducting strip grating is assumed.
  • 抵抗平板格子を持つフェライトスラブ導波路の解析
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 澤新之輔
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I J75-C-I 11 694 - 702 1992年11月 [査読有り]
  • 表面抵抗をもつ平板格子による平面波の散乱-基板が一般異方性をもつ場合-
    浅居正充; 尾崎光; 山北次郎; 澤新之輔
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I J75-C-I 2 74 - 84 1992年02月 [査読有り]
  • 浅居正充; 尾崎光; 山北次郎; 澤新之輔
    Electronics and Communications in Japan 75 7 19 - 31 1992年 [査読有り]
    This paper analyzes the problem of scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave by a resistive strip grating placed on a multilayered anisotropic substrate. As the method for analysis, the procedures by Teitler and Berreman which can handle the electromagnetic fields in anisotropic medium are extended to which the space harmonic expansion is applied. The currents on the resistive strips are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the resistive boundary condition on the plane with a strip grating. Numerical examples are presented for the reflection coefficients and diffraction efficiencies. First, the results are given in comparison with the data from other publications in the case where the grating is in air or on a grounded dielectric substrate. Afterward, the examples with anisotropic media are presented. Copyright © 1992 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company
  • On the resistive boundary conditions for planar dielectric structures
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 澤新之輔
    Bulletin of Osaka Prefecture University Series A 40 1 19 - 30 1991年10月 [査読有り]
  • 多層異方性基板上の電流源による散乱界の表現-スペクトル領域のグリーン関数-
    山北次郎; 浅居正充; 六島克
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C-I J73-C-I 9 594 - 596 1990年09月 [査読有り]
  • マイクロストリツプ形方形ループアンテナの解析
    浅居正充; 山登亮太; 小南昌信; 六島克
    電子情報通信学会論文誌B J71-B 11 1376 - 1377 1988年 [査読有り]



  • 中野人志; 浅居正充 (担当:共著範囲:)コロナ社 2012年05月 ISBN: 4339008346 161
  • 持ちつ持たれつ生き物とエレクトロニクス第1章
    生き物と科学技術の会 (担当:共著範囲:第1章)電気書院 2006年 ISBN: 448530017X
  • 新機能を生むマイクロ構造の創製とその応用第Ⅱ部第1章4節
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 松本恵治; 若林秀昭 (担当:共著範囲:第2部、第1章4節)TIC 2005年 ISBN: 4924890618
  • 電子・医用デバイスに展開する先端カーボン
    浅居正充; 山北次郎; 松本恵治; 若林秀昭 (担当:共著範囲:第1章7節)TIC 2004年 ISBN: 4924890677


  • 生体システム工学基礎近畿大学大学院
  • 電気通信法規近畿大学
  • 情報通信工学近畿大学
  • 電磁波の概要と最近の話題和歌山大学
  • 医療・科学・暮らし近畿大学
  • 電磁波計算工学特論近畿大学大学院
  • 計算機アーキテクチャ近畿大学
  • マイクロ波工学近畿大学
  • 数値解析近畿大学
  • 応用数学近畿大学
  • 電波法規京都大学
  • 電子回路近畿大学
  • 電気回路近畿大学
  • 電磁気学近畿大学


  • Optical Society of America (OSA)   海洋インバースダム協会 (KID-S)   日本シミュレーション学会 (JSST)   輻射科学研究会 (RSSJ)   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)   電子情報通信学会 (IEICE)   電気学会 (IEEJ)   日本ヘリカルサイエンス学会 (JHSS)   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 1997年 -1997年 
    代表者 : 浅居 正充
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 1995年 -1995年 
    代表者 : 浅居 正充
    無線周波数領域における電磁波の人体に及ぼす影響を考える上で重要となる、多層異方性筋肉を含む人体モデルに対する電力吸収特性の解析を行った。特に、研究代表者が先に行った2次元問題における解析手法や計算結果をふまえ、3次元不均質問題に対する解析手法の定式化及びアルゴリズムの構築、及びそれを用いた電力吸収特性の解析を試みた。その結果、低周波領域で電気的異方性を有する多層筋肉を含み、かつ表面部分に周期性を持つ3次元モデルについて、所期の目的を達成することができた。 1.解析の定式化は、まず散乱界に2次元Floquet Mode展開を施し、4×4行列の固有値問題を介することにより各層の電磁波モードの表現を得た。さらに、変分法に基づく離散化手法を用いることにより、周期性をもつ部分の未知量を決定する線形方程式を導出するプロセスを示した。 2.アルゴリズムの構築に際しては、まず、未知複素振幅ベクトルの基本減衰特性を調べ、オーバーフロー等の数知的な不都合がないように初期値を設定した。つぎに、定式化した理論に完全に対応したアルゴリズムを構築し、各モジュールの動作を確認した。 3.本問題の特別な場合である等方性多層モデル及びその補対なモデルについて数値解析を行い、他文献における計算結果と比較することにより、手法の妥当性を確認した。さらに、解の収束性と種々の計算打ち切り因子との関係を明らかにした。 4.以上の検討に基づき、異方性多層筋肉を含み、かつ表面部分に周期性を持つモデルに対する数値解析を行い、異方性に起因する散乱・回折特性や、それらが電力吸収特性に与える影響等について明らかにした。
