KANDA Hiroshi
Department of Law | Professor/Assistant General Manager |
Last Updated :2025/01/22
■Researcher comments
■Researcher basic information
Homepage URL
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
- actio libera in causa Crime Prevention through Environmental Design learning analytics neurolaw 裁判員 回帰分析 テキスト・マイニング 量刑
Current research field
Research Field
- Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Safety engineering
- Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Social systems engineering
- Humanities & social sciences / Educational technology
- Informatics / Learning support systems
- Life sciences / Basic brain sciences
- Humanities & social sciences / Criminal law
Educational Background
■Research activity information
- 神田 宏 近畿大学法学 62- (3) 113 -155 2015/03
- 神田 宏 近畿大学法学 61- (2) 1 -36 2013/12
- UESAKI Hajime; KANDA Hiroshi; HAYASHI Makiko Research report of JSET Conferences 2010- (5) 17 -22 2010/12
- 神田 宏; 柳内 隆 Law review of Kinki University 58- (2・3) 703 -719 2010/12
- 心神喪失等の状態で重大な他害行為を行った者の医療及び観察等に関する法律第42条1項3号のこの法律による医療を行わない旨の決定に対する抗告に関する決定に対する再抗告に関する最高裁判所の決定について(平成19.7.25最高二小決)<判例研究>神田 宏 近畿大学法学 56- (1) 83 -113 2009/06
- 神田 宏 Law review of Kinki University 56- (1) 83 -113 2008/06
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 55- (4) 37 -69 2008/03
- KANDA Hiroshi The journal of law & politics 58- (1) 268 -249 2007/04
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 53- (3+4) 428 -383 2006/03
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 53- (2) 504 -440 2005/11
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 52- (3) 232 -190 2005/03
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 52- (1) A33 -A75 2004/06
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 51- (2) 89 -110 2003/11
- KANDA Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 50- (2) 324 -298 2003/01
- 神田 宏 現代刑事法 3- (1) 17 -27 2001/01
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 47- (1) 156 -178 1999/09
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 46- (4) 180 -200 1999/03
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 45- (3) 105 -128 1998/03
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 44- (2) 35 -89 1997/01
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 43- (2) 119 -155 1996/03
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 43- (1) 129 -161 1995/11
- Kanda Hiroshi Kinkidaigaku hogaku : the law review of Kinki University 43- (1) 191 -216 1995/11
- 神田 宏 法と政治 44- (1) p309 -319 1993/03
- 神田 宏 法と政治 44- (1) p213 -263 1993/03
- 神田 宏 法と政治 42- (3) p497 -540 1991/09
Books and other publications
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2016/03Author : TAGUCHI Mana; TANAKA Tsumemi; MATSUSHITA Kayo; YOSHIDA Aya; HIRAYAMA Tomoko; MURAKAMI Masayuki; SAKAI Hiroyuki; INABA Rieko; IIYOSHI Toru; YABU Atsuo; MURAI Atsushi; OSADA Naoko; OZAWA Shigeto; HANZAWA Reino; KATSUMATA Azusa; ISHIMURA Gensei; SHIMOI Toshinori; SAWAI Tadayuki; KIMURA Shuhei; KANDA Hiroshi; MURAKAMI Hiromi; NISHIMURA Atsushi; SHINBO KenjiOur research aimed to obtain the knowledge necessary for smooth execution of course portfolio program contributing to the curriculum development. We developed the program for curriculum development using course portfolio and introduced this program to the department that plans to re-design the curriculum. By analyzing the process of re-designing curriculum, we found that course portfolio can become an effective resource for building the curriculum. Course portfolio enabled to build the curriculum based on the evidence obtained from teaching. Faculty can share their planned curriculum, how and what they taught. However, experienced curriculum, what student learn, was insufficient due to the lack of experience and methodology in learning evaluation.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2011 -2012Author : KANDA HiroshiThe research through the text mining approach aims to illustrate the differences of the sentencing process between professional judges and lay-judges (so-called "saiban-in") and also between sentencing death penalty and life imprisonment. The source cases are those resulting death penalty or life imprisonment for 10 years around introducing the saiban-in system. Findings: 1) Planning, manner and results of the crimes are of characteristic indexes in terms of co-occurrence and frequency. 2) Three axes from manner toward circumstances before and after, and then sentiment of the victim or the social influence is to fix. 3) The text mining approach is applicable to sentencing statements, as well.