IDA Tomoya
Department of International Economics | Professor |
Last Updated :2025/01/22
■Researcher basic information
Researcher number
J-Global ID
Research Keyword
- Public Economics Public Finance Local Public Economics Regional Science
Research Field
Educational Background
Member History
- 2008/07 - Today Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Committee Member of Study Group on Basic Decentralization Problem
- 2018/10 -2023/09 Japan Institute of Public Finance Director
- 2015/07 -2017/01 Oita Prefecture Evaluation Committee Member of Designated Manager
- 2015/01 -2017/01 Oita Prefecture Committee Member of Administrative and Financial Reform Promotion
- 2008/10 -2014/09 Ministry of Finance Committee Member of Financial Monitor
- 2012/12 -2013/03 Hita City Committee Member of Administrative Reform Promotion
- 2006/02 -2006/06 Hiji Town Council Member of Comprehensive Development Plan
■Research activity information
- 水道料金の制度改正に関する論点の一考察井田知也公営企業 54 (7) 4 - 10 2022/10 [Invited]
- The future frameworks of corporation and merge in Japanese fire serviceIDA TomoyaLocal Public Finance 61 (4) 4 - 12 2022/04 [Invited]
- ONO Hiroshi; IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 72 (4) 2020/11 [Refereed]
- IDA Tomoya; ONO HoroshiPublic Choice (74) 26 - 47 2020/09 [Invited]
- Efficient Wide-Area Administration and Optimal Jurisdiction Size of Fire DepartmentONO Hiroshi; IDA TomoyaOita University Working Paper 21 2019/03
- Discussing the Efficiency of a Large Administrarion : A Case Study of the Fire ServiceOno Hiroshi; IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 69 (5・6) 79 - 98 2018/03 [Refereed]
- ONO Hiroshi; IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 大分大学経済学会 68 (5・6) 31 - 60 0474-0157 2017/03 [Refereed]
- IDA TomoyaLocal Public Finance 地方財務協会 55 (6) 4 - 13 2016/06 [Invited]
- An Empirical Test of Dominant Tax Externality in SwedenIDA Tomoya; Mats WilhelmssonScandinavian Working Paper in Economics 14 (5) 2014/04
- IDA TomoyaInternational Tax and Public Finance SPRINGER 21 (2) 228 - 247 0927-5940 2014/04 [Refereed]
This paper examines endogenous timing in an international tax competition model. Unlike existing studies, governments are assumed to decide not only tax rates but also whether they are set early or late. The Nash equilibrium provides four conclusions for alternative double tax allowances. First, tax deductions cause simultaneous tax competition, whereas tax credits yield sequential tax competition. Second, any double taxation relief would generate capital trade. Third, a credit system could maximize one country's economic welfare but would lower another country's economic welfare more than a deduction regime. Fourth, a home country's government would choose credit regimes under a maximax rule, but select deduction methods under minimax and maximin rules, while all double tax allowances are indifferent to a host country. The findings resolve the question raised by Bond and Samuelson (Economic Journal 99:1099-1111, 1989) of why governments choose tax credits when tax deductions are clearly better. Namely, this paper shows that one country is better off but another is worse off with credits rather than deductions. Accordingly, we cannot clearly specify whether governments choose credit systems or deduction regimes. The possible double tax allowances employed by the governments depend on their own decision criterion. - IDA TomoyaLocal Public Finance 地方財務協会 52 (10) 4 - 12 2013/10 [Invited]
- IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 大分大学経済学会 63 (3) 67 - 89 0474-0157 2011/09
- IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 大分大学経済学会 62 (3・4) 87 - 103 0474-0157 2010/12
- The Heisei Administrative Merger and Municipal Public Finance in Oita Prefecture.IDA TomoyaEconomics and Industry in Oita Prefecture 35 - 42 2010/01 [Invited]
- IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 大分大学経済学会 60 (6) 23 - 36 0474-0157 2009/03
- IDA TomoyaReview of Urban and Regional Development Studies 18 (3) 192 - 208 0917-0553 2006/11 [Refereed]
This paper examines international tax competition, with respect to both corporate income tax rates and tax rules for double taxation. Unlike existing studies, this study assumes that governments set non-discriminatory tax rates on domestic- and foreign-sourced corporate income and can choose no tax allowance as the tax rule. Consequently, the Nash equilibrium outcomes contradict the intuition underlying previous studies: no tax allowance is chosen as the tax rule where world economic welfare can be maximized. A capital-exporting country gains whereas a capital-importing country loses, compared to the case where there is a tax allowance of any kind. © The Applied Regional Science Conference (ARSC)/Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd. 2006. - IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review 大分大学経済学会 58 (3) 101 - 127 0474-0157 2006/09
- IDA TomoyaFinance (Ministry of Finance Japan) 大蔵財務協会 41 (4) 58 - 63 0448-6072 2005/07 [Invited]
- Comparative Advantage, Agglomeration Economics and Interregional Trade PatternsIDA Tomoya; YOSHIDA AtsushiJournal of Applied Regional Science (7) 17 - 27 2002/07 [Refereed]
- IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review Oita University 53 (4) 73 - 87 0474-0157 2001/11
- Tomoya IDAOita University Economic Review 大分大学 52 (6) 37 - 56 0474-0157 2001
- IDA TomoyaOita University Economic Review Oita University 51 (3-4) 141 - 156 0474-0157 1999/11
- IDA TomoyaPublic Choice Studies 現代経済研究センタ- 32 (32) 49 - 58 0286-9624 1999/07 [Refereed]
- IDA Tomoya; YOSHIDA AtushiJCER Economic Journal 日本経済研究センタ- 38 (38) 107 - 129 0285-5925 1999/03 [Refereed]
- Taxation on Foreign Investment Income and Each Government’s Strategic BehaviorsIDA Tomoya博士論文(大阪府立大学) - 247 1999/03
- IDA TomoyaThe Journal of Economic Studies (Osaka Prefecture University) Osaka Prefecture University 43 (4) 21 - 38 0451-6184 1998/09
- International Taxation and Strategic BehaviourIDA TomoyaPublic Choice Studies (28) 64 - 74 1997/04 [Refereed]
- IDA TomoyaThe Journal of Economic Studies (Osaka Prefecture University) Osaka Prefecture University 42 (2) 77 - 101 0451-6184 1997/03
Books and other publications
- Advances in Local Public Economics-Theoretical and Empirical Studies-IDA Tomoya (ContributorChapter 11)Springer 2019/03
- Glocalization of Economy and SocietyIDA Tomoya (ContributorChapter 2)Minervashobo 2008/04
- Globalization and Economic Society in JapanIDA Tomoya (ContributorChapter 9)Minervashobo 2003/07
- Public FinanceIDA Tomoya (ContributorChapter 10)Keisoshobo 2002/09
- Local Public Finance ReformIDA Tomoya (ContributorChapter 3)Yuhikaku 2001/09
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- The Effects of Urban Structure on Supply Costs of Water Service in Japan [Not invited]Tomoya IdaThe 30th Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Local Public Finance 2022/06
- The Effect of Urban Structure on Local Public Costs in Japan [Not invited]IDA Tomoya16th Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute 2019/07
- The effect of urban sprawl on local public costs in Japan: A threshold regression approach [Not invited]IDA Tomoya63rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International 2016
- Urban sprawl and local public service costs in Japan [Not invited]IDA Tomoya71st Annual Congress of International Institute of Public Finance 2015
- An empirical test of dominant tax externality: the Swedish case [Not invited]Tomoya Idath JEPA International Conference 2010
- International tax competition with endogenous sequencing [Not invited]Tomoya Ida2008 Far Eastern and South Asian Meeting of Econometric Society他 2008
- An empirical test of migration and fiscal externality: the Swedish case [Not invited]Tomoya Ida47th Annual Meeting of Western Regional Science Association他 2008
- Transfer pricing and reinforcement of tax executive system [Not invited]Tomoya Ida2005 Annual Meeting of European Public Choice Society他 2005
- Optimal tax policy on foreign source income :there is no need for tax allowance of international double taxation [Not invited]Tomoya Ida60th International Atlantic Economic Conference他 2005
- Optimal Tax Policy on Foreign Direct Investment: The Allowance of International Double Taxation [Not invited]60th International Atlantic Economic Conference and so on 2005
- International tax competition and double taxation [Not invited]Tomoya Ida2004 Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society 2004
- Strategic behaviors and tax systems for foreign direct investment [Not invited]Tomoya Ida第57回日本財政学会 2000
- 移転価格税制の下での多国籍企業と税務当局の戦略的行動 [Not invited]井田知也第56回日本財政学会 1999
- 社会資本の部門別生産力効果 [Not invited]井田知也第55回日本財政学会 1998
- 国外資本所得への最適課税 [Not invited]井田知也1997年度理論・計量経済学会西部部会 1997
- Local Public FinanceLocal Public Finance Tezukayama University
- Public EconomicsPublic Economics Tezukayama University
- Macro Economics②Macro Economics② Kindai University
- Public FinanceⅠ・ⅡPublic FinanceⅠ・Ⅱ Kindai University
- Local Public EconomicsLocal Public Economics Kindai University
- Tax TheoryTax Theory Oita University
- Local Public FinanceLocal Public Finance Oita University
- Introduction to Economics II / EconomicsIIIntroduction to Economics II / EconomicsII Oita University
- Introduction to Economics I / Economics IIntroduction to Economics I / Economics I Oita University
- Micro EconomicsMicro Economics Kindai University
- Local Public FinanceⅠ・ⅡLocal Public FinanceⅠ・Ⅱ Kyushu Sangyo University
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)Date (from‐to) : 2021/04 -2025/03Author : Tomoya Ida; Hiroshi Ono; Junichi Igawa今後、我が国では人口減少に伴い税収が低下する一方、高度経済成長期に集中的に整備されたインフラの維持管理費などを中心に歳出増加も見込まれる。その結果、財政難に直面する多くの地方公共団体は、現在の公共サービスの水準を維持できず、市民生活にも大きな支障が生じる。この課題に対して、我が国では「地方自治体の連携と集約」が有効な対策とされ、定住自立圏構想などの地域政策がとられている。ところが、国内外の分析結果を見ると、両者の効果に必ずしも肯定的でない。つまり、持続可能性や住民満足を高める公共サービスの供給費用の低下やその品質の向上を導くとは限らないとされる。そこで、本研究では地方自治体の連携と集約が公共サービスの供給費用と品質に及ぼす効果を分析して、持続可能で住民も満足できるそのあり方を明らかにする。具体的には、(1)基礎分析「集約と連携の指標構築と定住自立圏のヒアリング調査(2021-23年度)」、(2)理論分析「地方歳出関数の導出と公共サービスの集約と連携の弾力性の定式化(2021-23年度)」、(3)実証分析「地方歳出関数の推計と公共サービスの集約と連携の弾力性の計測(2022-24年度)」、(4)政策提言「持続可能性と住民の満足を両立する地方自治体の集約と連携に係る提言(2022-24年度)」からその目的を達成する。この中で2021年度は次の様な分析を実施した。(1)基礎分析では、地方自治体の集約に係る指標に関しては、基盤となる都市構造変数をデータの単位や数値範囲などから受ける影響を調整した上で再構築した。他方、地方自治体の連携に係る指標作成に必要な基礎調査を、総務省が作成した『定住自立圏取組事例集』などを活用しながら実施した。(2)理論分析では、説明変数に地方自治体の集約に係る指標も含めた地方歳出関数を、既存研究の分析枠組みを踏襲しながら、公共サービスの需要関数と費用関数の結合から理論的に導出した。
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03Author : IDA Tomoya
- 人口減少社会の中で健全な自治体運営が持続可能な都市形成を導く経済政策に関する研究Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2014/04 -2017/03Author : IDA Tomoya
- Transfer Pricing and Reinforcement of Tax Executive SystemJapan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for International ConferenceDate (from‐to) : 2015/04 -2015/04Author : IDA Tomoya
- 自治体間競争を通じて深化する地方分権社会の効率性と非効率性に関する理論・実証分析Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2011/04 -2014/03Author : IDA Tomoya
- 都市空間の自発的な集約を誘発する郊外開発税に関する研究Obayashi Foundation:International Exchange GrantDate (from‐to) : 2013/11 -2013/11Author : IDA Tomoya
- 地方分権の進展に伴い支配的となる租税外部性に関するスウェーデン王立工科大学との共同研究Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation:Reserch GrantDate (from‐to) : 2010/04 -2011/03Author : IDA Tomoya
- 国際租税政策の内生的手番決定モデルに基づく分析Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2008/04 -2011/03Author : IDA Tomoya
- An Empirical Test of Migration and Fiscal Externality : The Swedish CaseJapan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for International ConferenceDate (from‐to) : 2009/10 -2009/10Author : IDA Tomoya
- 移転価格税制の経済分析 - 移転価格の算定方法を中心に -Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific ResearchDate (from‐to) : 2004/04 -2007/03Author : IDA Tomoya
Social Contribution Activities
- Lectures for Staff Promotion ExaminationDate (from-to) : 2019/06/01-TodayRole : LecturerCategory : LectureSponser, Organizer, Publisher : Yao CityLectures for Financial StaffDate (from-to) : 2014/08/25-2015/09/01Role : LecturerCategory : LectureSponser, Organizer, Publisher : Oita Prefecture
Media Coverage
Other Link