中西 英之(ナカニシ ヒデユキ)
情報学部 情報学科 | 教授 |
Last Updated :2024/10/14
日本経済新聞 朝刊(全国版) p. 26
存在感って?見えぬ正体 「画面越し」に難しさ
読売テレビ「 大阪ほんわかテレビ」
萌えキャラとデートもOK!? 夢を叶える「究極の手」
朝日新聞 朝刊(全国版) p. 1 & p. 39
J-Global ID
- ヒューマンインタフェース ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション バーチャルリアリティ ヒューマンエージェントインタラクション ヒューマンロボットインタラクション
- 2018年 - 現在 国際ジャーナル Frontiers in Robotics and AI 編集委員
- 2015年 - 現在 情報処理学会 シンポジウム「インタラクション」チーフPC委員
- 2009年 - 現在 情報処理学会 論文誌「インタラクションの理解および基盤・応用技術」特集 編集委員
- 2006年 - 現在 国際会議 CollabTech プログラム委員
- 2026年 情報処理学会 論文誌「AI時代のコラボレーション技術とネットワークサービス」特集 編集委員長
- 2025年 HAIシンポジウム 運営委員長
- 2021年06月 - 2024年05月 情報処理学会 論文誌シニア査読委員
- 2016年 - 2021年 国際ジャーナル Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 編集委員
- 2021年 国際会議 ACM CHI Associate Chair
- 2017年 - 2020年 情報処理学会 論文誌「知能グループ」編集委員
- 2015年 - 2020年 電子情報通信学会 HCS研究会専門委員
- 2019年 国際会議 HAI プログラム委員長
- 2019年 国際会議 CollabTech プログラム委員長
- 2015年 - 2018年 HAIシンポジウム プログラム委員
- 2005年 - 2018年 電子情報通信学会 SIGIC研究会幹事補佐
- 2016年 - 2017年 国際会議 ACM DIS Associate Chair
- 2017年 国際会議 ACM HRI Associate Chair
- 2009年 - 2014年 情報処理学会 シンポジウム「インタラクション」PC委員
- 2011年 - 2013年 ヒューマンインタフェース学会 論文誌編集委員
- 2012年 国際会議 ACM CSCW Associate Chair
- 2007年 - 2011年 電子情報通信学会 論文誌「SIGIC特集号」編集委員
- 2006年 - 2009年 情報処理学会 HCI研究会運営委員
- 2003年 - 2006年 情報処理学会 論文誌「応用グループ」編集委員
- 2006年 科学技術振興調整費 情報・通信研究評価WG委員
- 2001年 - 2004年 情報処理学会 GN研究会運営委員
- 2023年01月 情報処理学会 2022年度学会活動貢献賞
受賞者: 中西 英之https://www.kindai.ac.jp/informatics/news/research/2023/06/039172.html - 2020年03月 HAIシンポジウム2020 優秀論文賞(ロング)
受賞者: 池田 瑞, 岩﨑 雅矢, 河村 竜幸, 中西 英之https://hai-conference.net/symp2020/awards.php - 2019年10月 International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2019) Best Paper Award(68件中1位)
受賞者: Masaya Iwasaki;Jian Zhou;Mizuki Ikeda;Yuya Onishi;Tatsuyuki Kawamura;Hideyuki Nakanishi - 2018年09月 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech2018) Best Paper Award(26件中1位)
JPN受賞者: Kana Kushida;Hideyuki Nakanishi - 2017年12月 HAIシンポジウム2017 学生奨励賞
受賞者: 大西 裕也;田中 一晶;中西 英之https://hai-conference.net/symp2017/awards.php - 2017年08月 International Conference on Collaboration and Technology (CRIWG2017) 「Best Student Paper Award」
JPN受賞者: Yuya Onishi;Kazuaki Tanaka;Hideyuki Nakanishi - 2017年03月 情報処理学会インタラクション2017 「インタラクティブ発表賞(一般投票)(67件中の3件が受賞)」
JPN受賞者: 大城 健太郎;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2017年03月 情報処理学会インタラクション2017 「インタラクティブ発表賞(一般投票)(70件中の1件が受賞)」
JPN受賞者: 野村 和裕;猪股 誠至;中西 英之 - 2016年12月 電子情報通信学会HCGシンポジウム2016 「学生優秀インタラクティブ発表賞」
JPN受賞者: 西村 庄平;中西 英之 - 2016年12月 電子情報通信学会HCGシンポジウム2016 「最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞」
JPN受賞者: 大城 健太郎;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2016年03月 情報処理学会インタラクション2016 「インタラクティブ発表賞(一般投票)(75件中の1件が受賞)」
JPN受賞者: 耿 星;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2015年07月 第29回人工知能学会全国大会 「全国大会優秀賞(642件中の13件が受賞)」
JPN受賞者: 大城 健太郎;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2015年07月 大阪大学 「総長顕彰(研究部門)」
JPN受賞者: 中西 英之 - 2014年07月 第28回人工知能学会全国大会 「全国大会優秀賞(620件中の22件が受賞)」
JPN受賞者: 大西 裕也;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2014年07月 大阪大学 「総長顕彰(研究部門)」
JPN受賞者: 中西 英之 - 2014年04月 International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2014) 「Honorable Mention Award(上位5%)」
受賞者: Hideyuki Nakanishi;Kazuaki Tanaka;Yuya Wada - 2013年08月 大阪大学 「総長奨励賞(研究部門)」
JPN受賞者: 中西 英之 - 2013年06月 第27回人工知能学会全国大会 全国大会優秀賞(696件中の11件が受賞)
JPN受賞者: 宇野 弘晃;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2013年06月 第27回人工知能学会全国大会 全国大会学生奨励賞
JPN受賞者: 塩崎 恭平;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2013年05月 Springer CTS2013 Outstanding Paper Award(26件中1位)
受賞者: Kazuaki Tanaka;Satoshi Onoue;Hideyuki Nakanishi;Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2012年12月 HAIシンポジウム2012 ベストデモンストレーション賞(26件中の2件が受賞)
受賞者: 塩崎 恭平;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2011年12月 HAIシンポジウム2011 ベストデモンストレーション賞(16件中1位)
受賞者: 和田 侑也;田中 一晶;中西 英之 - 2010年10月 日本ソフトウェア科学会JAWS2010 ベストポスター賞(79件中3位)
受賞者: 尾上 聡;山本 健太;中西 英之 - 2006年04月 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(研究部門)
受賞者: 石田 亨;中西 英之記念写真 https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Lj0XzJjkxRjC65otzWItarHo7COTrCw - 2005年03月 電気通信普及財団 テレコムシステム技術賞
受賞者: 石田 亨;中西 英之;小泉 智史;伊藤 英明 - 2004年06月 第18回人工知能学会全国大会 全国大会優秀賞
受賞者: 中西 英之;小泉 智史;石田 亨;伊藤 英明 - 2003年07月 International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2003) Runner-up of Best Paper Award
受賞者: Hideyuki Nakanishi;Satoshi Nakazawa;Toru Ishida;Katsuya Takanashi;Katherine Isbister - 2003年05月 情報処理学会 坂井記念特別賞
受賞者: 中西 英之http://www.ipsj.or.jp/01kyotsu/award/sakai/h14_detail.html - 2002年07月 情報処理学会DICOMO2002 野口賞
受賞者: 伊藤 英明;中西 英之;石田 亨 - 2000年02月 情報処理学会インタラクション2000 研究奨励賞(14件中1位)
受賞者: 中西 英之;Katherine Isbister;石田 亨;Clifford Nasshttp://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/interaction2000/
- Yuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiRobotics Reports 2 1 141 - 151 2024年08月 [査読有り]
- Masaya Iwasaki; Akiko Yamazaki; Keiichi Yamazaki; Yuji Miyazaki; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiBiomimetics 9 7 404 2024年07月 [査読有り]
Service robots that coexist with humans in everyday life have become more common, and they have provided customer service in physical shops around the world in recent years. However, their potential in effective sales strategies has not been fully realized due to their low social presence. This study aims to clarify what kind of robot behavior enhances the social presence of service robots and how it affects human–robot interaction and purchasing behavior. We conducted two experiments with a sales robot, Pepper, at a retail shop in Kyoto. In Experiment 1, we showed that the robot’s social presence increased and that customers looked at the robot longer when the robot understood human gaze information and was capable of shared attention. In Experiment 2, we showed that the probability of customers picking up products increased when the robot suggested products based on the humans’ degree of attention from gaze and posture information. These results indicate that the robot’s ability to understand and make utterances about a customer’s orientation and attention effectively enhances human–robot communication and purchasing motivation. - Kazuaki Tanaka; Kentaro Oshiro; Naomi Yamashita; Hideyuki NakanishiFrontiers in Robotics and AI 11 1303440 2024年04月 [査読有り]
- Yuya Onishi; Kosuke Ogawa; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiFrontiers in Robotics and AI 11 1240408 2024年03月 [査読有り]
- Masaya Iwasaki; Kosuke Ogawa; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech2023) 193 - 200 2023年08月 [査読有り]
- Masaya Iwasaki; Kosuke Ogawa; Akiko Yamazaki; Keiichi Yamazaki; Yuji Miyazaki; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2022) 176 - 184 2022年12月 [査読有り]
- 岩﨑 雅矢; 小川 晃輔; 山崎 晶子; 山崎 敬一; 宮﨑 悠二; 河村 竜幸; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2022 31 - 38 2022年03月 [査読有り]
- Masaya Iwasaki; Mizuki Ikeda; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiSensors 20 6529 2020年11月 [査読有り]
Robotic salespeople are often ignored by people due to their weak social presence, and thus have difficulty facilitating sales autonomously. However, for robots that are remotely controlled by humans, there is a need for experienced and trained operators. In this paper, we suggest crowdsourcing to allow general users on the internet to operate a robot remotely and facilitate customers’ purchasing activities while flexibly responding to various situations through a user interface. To implement this system, we examined how our developed remote interface can improve a robot’s social presence while being controlled by a human operator, including first-time users. Therefore, we investigated the typical flow of a customer–robot interaction that was effective for sales promotion, and modeled it as a state transition with automatic functions by accessing the robot’s sensor information. Furthermore, we created a user interface based on the model and examined whether it was effective in a real environment. Finally, we conducted experiments to examine whether the user interface could be operated by an amateur user and enhance the robot’s social presence. The results revealed that our model was able to improve the robot’s social presence and facilitate customers’ purchasing activity even when the operator was a first-time user. - 渡邊 裕太; 大西 裕也; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2020 115 - 122 2020年03月 [査読有り]
- リモート空間とローカル空間の接続面の変形・移動によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化大西 裕也; 小峯 俊彦; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之電子情報通信学会論文誌 103 3 2020年 [査読有り]
採録決定済み - ビデオ会議画面貫通オブジェクトによるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化大西 裕也; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 61 2 2020年 [査読有り]
採録決定済み - Masaya Iwasaki; Jian Zhou; Mizuki Ikeda; Yuya Onishi; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2019) 19 - 27 2019年10月 [査読有り]
- Yuta Watanabe; Yuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2019) 234 - 235 2019年10月 [査読有り]
- Masaya Iwasaki; Jian Zhou; Mizuki Ikeda; Yuki Koike; Yuya Onishi; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiFrontiers in Robotics and AI 6 85 2019年09月 [査読有り]
- 人の振る舞いへの気付きの表出によるロボットのソーシャルプレゼンスの強化岩﨑 雅矢; 周 剣; 池田 瑞; 小池 祐輝; 大西 裕也; 河村 竜幸; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2019 38 - 47 2019年03月 [査読有り]
- 遠隔窓口システム:手書きの紙書類共有によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化田中 一晶; 大城 健太郎; 山下 直美; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 60 2 2019年02月 [査読有り]
- 空間の移動感と物体の共有感による鏡型ビデオ会議のソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化田中 一晶; 西村 庄平; 耿 星; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 60 2 2019年02月 [査読有り]
- Kana Kushida; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech2018), LNCS11000 200 - 212 2018年09月 [査読有り]
採択率46.2% Best Paper Award(26件中1位) - Masaya Iwasaki; Jian Zhou; Mizuki Ikeda; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018) 300 - 305 2018年08月 [査読有り]
- 鏡型ビデオ会議における空間の移動感と物体の共有感の強化田中 一晶; 西村 庄平; 耿 星; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2018 81 - 89 2018年03月 [査読有り]
採択率44.4% - Toward a Socially Intelligent Robotic Salesperson: A Preliminary Field Experiment in Kyoto's Nishiki MarketJian Zhou; Masaya Iwasaki; Mizuki Ikeda; Michelle Geilenberg; Tatsuyuki Kawamura; Hideyuki NakanishiInternational Symposium on Systems Intelligence Division 2018年01月
- Appearance of Physical Embodiment in Overlay-Type VideoconferencingYuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiHAI2017 Workshop on Next Generation Human-Agent Interaction (NGHAI2017) 2017年10月
- 遠隔地間での紙資料受け渡しによる対話相手の存在感の強化大城 健太郎; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2017 87 - 96 2017年03月 [査読有り]
採択率42.9% インタラクティブ発表賞(一般投票)(67件中の3件が受賞) - Yuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 10391 1 - 14 2017年 [査読有り]
There are several ways in which a conversation partner points to a remote place in videoconferencing: (1) displaying the partner’s pointing gesture, that is, ordinary videoconferencing, (2) displaying the partner’s arm on a tabletop display, (3) projecting a laser dot and it is synchronized with the laser pointer held by the partner, and (4) embodying the partner’s pointing behavior by a robotic pointer or a robotic arm. In this study, we implemented these methods on the videoconferencing system and compared the effect on social telepresence (i.e. the sense that a participant feels as if he/she meets with the conversation partner in the same place). We found that the fourth method, which embodied the remote partner’s pointing behavior, enhanced social telepresence. - Hideyuki Nakanishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Ryoji Kato; Xing Geng; Naomi YamashitaProceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 779 - 790 2017年 [査読有り]
- Shuichi Nishio; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Tsutomu FujinamiFRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 7 1784 2016年11月 [招待有り]
- Yuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiHAI 2016 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction 171 - 178 2016年10月 [査読有り]
There are several merits to embody the remote partner's body to the video conference: showing it physically, making a physical contact, and enhancing social telepresence. In this paper, we tackled to embody a part of a remote partner's body in a video conference. As a method to show how effectively the embodied body part works, we focused on face-to-face communication of the hand gestures such as thumb wrestling, finger number game and pointing. We developed a robotic arm, which seems the remote partner's arm popped out from the video. Our robot arm synchronizes with the remote partner's arm movements. We conducted experiments to verify the method of embodying a part of a remote partner's body. We found that, our method reduced the feeling of being far from the remote partner, and enhanced social telepresence, comparing video and physical embodiment. - 自律・遠隔操作の曖昧化によるロボット操作者との対話感覚の創出田中 一晶; 山下 直美; 中西 英之; 石黒 浩情報処理学会論文誌 57 4 1108 - 1115 2016年04月 [査読有り]
- 鏡型ビデオ会議による空間の視触覚的合成田中 一晶; 加藤 良治; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2016 38 - 46 2016年03月 [査読有り]
採択率31.6%(ロング発表) - Kana Kushida; Hideyuki NakanishiICMI'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION 412 - 413 2016年 [査読有り]
In this study, we developed a telepresence system which has a flexible and deformable screen. The screen deforms in synchronization with the move of the objects on the projected video. This deformation of the display surface provides the perception of depth for the projected video. We attempted to add the perception of depth to the video of the remote person and extend a video conferencing system. The results of the experiment suggested that the perception of depth provided by system strengthens the presence of a remote person and an object on the video. - 身体映像の部分的実体化によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化大西 裕也; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 57 1 228 - 235 2016年01月 [査読有り]
- ロボット会議:物理的実体を介した身体動作の提示によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化田中 一晶; 中西 英之; 石黒 浩情報処理学会論文誌 57 1 209 - 217 2016年01月 [査読有り]
- Kazuaki Tanaka; Naomi Yamashita; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Hiroshi IshiguroELEVENTH ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN ROBOT INTERACTION (HRI'16) 133 - 140 2016年 [査読有り]
Previous research has made various efforts to produce human-like presence of autonomous social robots. However, such efforts often require costly equipment and complicated mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a new method that makes a user feel as if an autonomous robot is controlled by a remote operator, with virtually no cost. The basic idea is to manipulate people's knowledge about a robot by using priming technique. Through a series of experiments, we discovered that subjects tended to deduce the presence/absence of a remote operator based on their prior experience with that same remote operator. When they interacted with an autonomous robot after interacting with a teleoperated robot (i.e., a remote operator) whose appearance was identical as the autonomous robot, they tended to feel that they were still talking with the remote operator. The physically embodied talking behavior reminded the subjects of the remote operator's presence that was felt at the prior experience. Their deductions of the presence/absence of a remote operator were actually based on their "beliefs" that they had been interacting with a remote operator. Even if they had interacted with an autonomous robot under the guise of a remote operator, they tended to believe that they were interacting with a remote operator even when they subsequently interacted with an autonomous robot. - Hideyuki NakanishiCognitive Neuroscience Robotics A 153 - 171 2016年 [査読有り]
- Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Ishiguro HiroshiCONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE 27 11 2706 - 2724 2015年08月 [査読有り]
Thanks to the maturity of motion tracking technologies, it became easy and inexpensive to use avatars that reflect the user's facial and body motions in real time. There is a possibility that those real-time avatars can serve as a substitute for videos in distant communication. We conducted two experiments to confirm positive effects of avatars on distant communication. In the first experiment, the subjects watched a conversation partner's video, avatar, photo, or nothing when speaking to the partner. Because the video and avatar delivered the partner's motion while the video and photo delivered the partner's appearance, we were able to observe the effects of the motion and appearance separately. As a result, we found that presenting the motion via a video or an avatar increased the degree of the smoothness of speaking to the partner, but the appearance did not significantly affect such an influence. In the second experiment, we compared the avatar and teleoperated robot to find how a physical embodiment influences the degree of the smoothness of speech. Teleoperated robots resemble avatars in transmitting the user's body motions without disclosing the user's appearance but differ in reflecting these motions onto a robot that has a physical embodiment. We predicted that the robot produces smoother speech because the physical embodiment might make the body motions recognizable. However, the robot decreased the degree of the smoothness of speech against our expectation. The results of these experiments showed that real-time avatars that present only body motions are enough to smooth distant communication. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. - Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Ishiguro HiroshiFrontiers in ICT 2 8 2015年05月 [査読有り]
- 遠隔握手: ビデオ会議と触覚提示デバイスの一体化によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化田中 一晶; 和田 侑也; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 56 4 1228 - 1236 2015年04月 [査読有り]
推薦論文 - 田中 一晶; 宇野 弘晃; 山下 直美; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2015 28 - 37 2015年03月 [査読有り]
採択率50.0% - PopArm: 身体映像の部分的実体化によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化大西 裕也; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2015 38 - 46 2015年03月 [査読有り]
採択率50.0% - Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Hiroshi IshiguroInternational Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech2014) 96 - 110 2014年09月 [査読有り]
採択率41.6% - 最新ロボット事情 第42回 ソーシャルテレプレゼンスのための遠隔握手用ロボットハンドの開発中西 英之ロボコンマガジン 94 102 - 105 2014年07月 [招待有り]
- ビデオ会議に身体接触を付加した遠隔握手によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化和田 侑也; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2014 25 - 32 2014年03月 [査読有り]
採択率11.3%(ロング発表) - Yuya Onishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki NakanishiPROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS (CTS) 137 - 141 2014年 [査読有り]
In a videoconferencing system, there is a problem that the direction to which a remote instructor points is unclear. To solve this problem, we developed the PopArm, a remote pointing robotic arm that seems to pop out from the video. The PopArm is able to move and rotate on a display, synchronizing with the movement of the remote instructor's arm. This robot arm allows the remote instructor to three-dimensionally point at remote locations. In addition, it is expected that the PopArm enhances social telepresence, i.e., the sense of resembling face-to-face interaction, due to the design which the remote instructor's arm seems to pop out from video. - Kazuaki Tanaka; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Hiroshi IshiguroConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings 1591 - 1596 2014年 [査読有り]
The main feature of robot conferencing is to present the body motions of a conversation partner with a physical embodiment. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of this feature on social telepresence, i.e., the sense of resembling face-to-face interaction. We conducted an experiment in which subjects talked with a remote conversation partner through various communication media to compare the robot conferencing with existing media that have no physical embodiment. As a result, we observed that the physical embodiment enhanced social telepresence. - Hideyuki Nakanishi; Kazuaki Tanaka; Yuya WadaConference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings 2143 - 2152 2014年 [査読有り]
Since past studies on haptic and visual communication have tended to be isolated from each other, it has remained unclear whether a touch channel can still enrich mediated communication where video and audio channels are already available. To clarify this, we analyzed remote handshaking in which a robot hand that was attached just under a videoconferencing terminal's display moved according to the opening and closing motion of a conversation partner's hand. Combining touch and video channels raises a question as to whether the partner's action of touching a haptic device should be visible to the user. If it can be invisible, the action may be unnecessary, and a unilaterally controlled device may be enough to establish an effective touch channel. Our analysis revealed that the feeling of being close to the partner can be enhanced by mutual touch in which the partner's action needs to occur but should be invisible. - 田中 一晶; 中西 英之; 石黒 浩情報処理学会インタラクション2013 125 - 132 2013年03月 [査読有り]
採択率40.9% - Appearance, Motion, Embodiment, and Touch: Minimal Design Approach Toward HumanlikenessHideyuki NakanishiHRI2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in HRI from Uncanny Valley to Minimal Design 2013年03月 [招待有り]
- Kazuaki Tanaka; Satoshi Onoue; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Hiroshi IshiguroPROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS (CTS) 465 - 472 2013年 [査読有り]
Thanks to the maturity of motion tracking technologies, it became easy and inexpensive to use avatars that reflect the user's facial and body movements in real time. There is a possibility that those real-time avatars can serve as a substitute for videos in distant communication. We conducted an experiment to observe differences between video chat and voice chat, and examined whether avatar chat can produce the same differences. In the experiment the subjects watched a conversation partner's video, avatar, photo, or nothing when speaking to the partner. Since the video and avatar delivered the partner's motion while the video and photo delivered the partner's appearance, we were able to observe the effects of the motion and appearance separately. As a result, we found that presenting the motion via a video or an avatar increased the degree of the smoothness of speaking to the partner. - 人の移動の表現方法:ズームカメラと移動ディスプレイによる社会的テレプレゼンスの向上田中 一晶; 加藤 慶; 中西 英之; 石黒 浩情報処理学会論文誌 53 4 1393 - 1400 2012年04月 [査読有り]
- 身体動作の提示による遠隔対話の円滑化尾上 聡; 山本 健太; 田中 一晶; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2012 57 - 64 2012年03月 [査読有り]
採択率41.9% - Robotic Social TelepresenceHideyuki NakanishiAnglo-Japanese Seminar on Technology and Social Interaction 2011年09月 [招待有り]
- 可動式カメラによる社会的テレプレゼンスの強化加藤 慶; 村上 友樹; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 52 4 1635 - 1643 2011年04月 [査読有り]
- 人物の接近の強調が社会的テレプレゼンスに及ぼす影響加藤 慶; 中西 英之; 石黒 浩情報処理学会インタラクション2011 9 - 16 2011年03月 [査読有り]
採択率38.5% - Virtual City for Location-Based Guidance in Emergency SituationsHideyuki NakanishiCommunicating Disaster Conference 2011年01月 [招待有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Kei Kato; Hiroshi IshiguroInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2011) 63 - 72 2011年 [査読有り]
- User Interfaces for Remote InteractionHideyuki NakanishiHCI2010 Workshop on East meets West: Challenges and Opportunities in Complementary Approaches to HCI 2010年09月 [招待有り]
- メディアスペースにおける可動式カメラによるテレプレゼンスの強化村上 友樹; 中西 英之; 加藤 慶情報処理学会インタラクション2010 251 - 258 2010年03月 [査読有り]
採択率26.4% - ロボット搭載カメラの移動がテレプレゼンスに与える影響村上 友樹; 中西 英之; 野上 大輔; 石黒 浩情報処理学会論文誌 51 1 54 - 62 2010年01月 [査読有り]
- 地理的コンテンツの収集に適合したコラボレーション支援機能の分析と評価玉田 大輔; 中西 英之情報処理学会論文誌 50 1 352 - 360 2009年01月 [査読有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Yuki Murakami; Kei KatoCHI2009: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH ANNUAL CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-4 433 - 442 2009年 [査読有り]
Media space is a promising but still immature technology to connect distributed sites. We developed a simple additional function that moved a remote camera forward when a local user approached a display so that the approach was amplified by a remote person's expanding image accompanied by motion parallax. We conducted an experiment in which, we observed that a movable camera enhanced social telepresence, which is the feeling of facing a remote person in the same room. Despite the camera's movement, subjects believed that the camera did not move and a zoom-in function expanded the image. Surprisingly, a zoom-in camera that expanded the image as the movable camera did, however, was ineffective probably because of a lack of motion parallax. Although we explained nothing about the camera, most subjects noticed that their walking caused the view's expansion. If a remote person initiated the camera's movement, social telepresence. could not be enhanced. - 地理的ユーザ生成コンテンツにおける社会的インタラクションの分析玉田 大輔; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2008 91 - 98 2008年03月 [査読有り]
採択率35% - Daisuke Tamada; Hideyuki NakanishiHandbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City 244 - 256 2008年 [招待有り]
A lot of street view services, which present views of urban landscapes, have recently appeared. The conventional method for making street views requires on-vehicle cameras. We propose a new method, which relies on people who voluntarily take photos of an urban landscape. We have developed a system called QyoroView. The system receives photos from users, adjusts the photos' position and orientation, and finally synthesizes them to generate a street view. We conducted two experiments in which the subjects generated a street view using our system. We also observed and interviewed the subjects who participated in order to learn their impression of the system. © 2009, IGI Global. - Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toru Ishida; Satoshi KoizumiHandbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City 257 - 269 2008年 [招待有り]
Many research projects have studied various aspects of smart environments including smart rooms, home, and offices. Few projects, however, have studied smart urban public spaces such as smart railway stations and airports due to the lack of an experimental environment. We propose virtual cities as a testbed for examining the design of smart urban public spaces. We developed an intelligent emergency guidance system for subway stations and used the virtual subway station platform to analyze the effects of the system. This experience allows us to argue that simulations in virtual cities are useful to pre-test the design of smart urban public spaces and estimate the possible outcome of real-life scenarios. © 2009, IGI Global. - Hideyuki Nakanishi; Yuki Murakami; Daisuke Nogami; Hiroshi IshiguroInternational Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW2008) 303 - 312 2008年 [査読有り]
- インタラクションを投影するデジタルシティ中西 英之; 石田 亨建築雑誌 122 1565 10 - 13 2007年08月 [招待有り]
- ビデオゲームに浸透するエージェント技術中西 英之; Katherine Isbister情報処理 48 3 250 - 256 2007年03月 [招待有り]
- 超越型コミュニケーションを用いた位置に基づく遠隔指示の分析伊藤 英明; 中西 英之; 石田 亨情報処理学会論文誌 48 3 1372 - 1380 2007年03月 [査読有り]
推薦論文 - Toru Ishida; Yuu Nakajima; Yohei Murakami; Hideyuki Nakanishi20TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1341 - 1346 2007年 [査読有り]
To test large scale socially embedded systems, this paper proposes a multiagent-based participatory design that consists of two steps; 1) participatory simulation, where scenario-guided agents and human-controlled avatars coexist in a shared virtual space and jointly perform simulations, and the extension of the participatory simulation into the 2) augmented experiment, where an experiment is performed in real space by human subjects enhanced by a large scale multiagent simulation. The augmented experiment, proposed in this paper, consist of 1) various sensors to collect the real world activities of human subjects and project them into the virtual space, 2) multiagent simulations to simulate human activities in the virtual space, and 3) communication channels to inform simulation status to human subjects in the real space. To create agent and interaction models incrementally from the participatory design process, we propose the participatory design loop that uses deductive machine learning technologies. Indoor and outdoor augmented experiments have been actually conducted in the city of Kyoto. Both experiments were intended to test new disaster evacuation systems based on mobile phones. - Hideyuki NakanishiT. Ishida, S.R. Fussell and P.T.J.M. Vossen Eds., International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC2007), LNCS 4568 170 - 181 2007年01月 [査読有り]
- 超越型コミュニケーションを用いた位置に基づく遠隔指示の分析伊藤 英明; 中西 英之; 石田 亨情報処理学会インタラクション2006 125 - 132 2006年03月 [査読有り]
- 超越型コミュニケーション: 大規模公共空間のための位置依存型誘導法伊藤 英明; 中西 英之; 小泉 智史; 石田 亨情報処理学会論文誌 47 2 547 - 554 2006年02月 [査読有り]
- Rie Tanaka; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toru ShidaAGENT COMPUTING AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS 4088 293 - 304 2006年 [査読有り]
Though research on agents that interact with humans via voice or text has been intensively conducted, agents that can interact with more than two persons in parallel have not been studied well. To enable an agent to interact with multiple people, we propose a method to assign multiple scenarios to one agent, in which each scenario describes an interaction protocol between the agent and one person. Obviously, coordination among multiple scenarios is required to avoid conflicts in actions. For example, one agent cannot execute both walking and sitting actions simultaneously. However, what is more important is that a coordination policy, a way of specifying how to manage conflicts among multiple actions, must be introduced. In this paper, we introduce a coordination scenario that avoids conflicts in actions and coordinates scenarios according to a coordination policy. The coordination scenario, which controls the execution of interaction scenarios by communication, is generated by a coordination policy for solving conflicts. When the coordination scenario receives a request to execute actions from an interaction scenario, it checks whether the actions will trigger conflicts and sends an order not to execute them if conflicts will occur. The coordination scenario interworks concurrent interaction scenarios by executing this process repeatedly. - Understanding Social Agents in Virtual SpaceHideyuki Nakanishi; Toru IshidaK. Okada, T. Hoshi and T. Inoue Eds., Communication and Collaboration Support Systems, IOS Press 116 - 131 2005年07月 [招待有り]
- H Nakanishi; S Shimizu; K IsbisterAPPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 19 3-4 341 - 361 2005年03月 [査読有り]
Virtual training allows the learning and rehearsal of implicit cues, e. g., trustworthy leading action in an emergency evacuation, that cannot be easily understood through merely reading about situations, while mitigating the danger and expense of live rehearsals. We have focused our efforts on designing social agents that can engage in and help to train humans to generate the trustworthy behaviors that help to ensure a successful evacuation. Drawing upon social science research and using a "role-reversal method,'' we successfully constructed agents that can perceive trustworthiness as humans do. The agents first collect human responses to their own nonverbal cues in controlled experimental training scenarios. Using these results, we obtain optimal parameters for nonverbal cues of trustworthiness, and then can use them to guide agents who evaluate human performance in the same training scenarios. The method enables us to convert social psychological findings into computational mechanisms. - H Nakanishi; T IshidaMASSIVELY MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS I 3446 283 - 294 2005年 [査読有り]
Future computing systems interact with a large number of users moving around buildings and streets. In this paper, we propose an example of such systems and how to evaluate ubicomp systems equipped with a large-scale physical environment that includes a large number of people inside. In our emergency guidance system, off-site guiding staff monitors a crowded large-scale public space to understand its situation, and instruct on-site guiding staff how to guide crowds effectively. Our system tracks and synthesizes the public space to enable the off-site staff to grasp it, and support communication between the on-site and the off-site staffs. Because it is not affordable to use the physical public space and a lot of human subjects to evaluate the system, we used our social interaction platform to simulate our guidance system. We could successfully construct simulations, in which the crowds are replaced with social agents in the virtual public space. - Interactive Information Agents and InterfacesMatthias Klusch; Elisabeth Andre; Thomas Rist; Toru Ishida; Hideyuki NakanishiR. W. Proctor and K. L. Vu Eds., Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 211 - 236 2005年01月 [招待有り]
- H Nakanishi; S Koizumi; T IshidaDIGITAL CITIES III 3081 204 - 216 2005年 [招待有り]
In this paper, we present the evacuation simulation system that is the combination of a virtual city and a crisis management simulation. The system allows users to become virtual evacuees in an evacuation simulation to learn about crowd behavior. In the experimental use of the system, we found that the synergic effects between a bird's-eye and a first-person views in learning emergency escaping behaviors. Based on this result, we designed a novel communication system that allows a remote leader to guide escaping crowds in an emergency situation. We deployed our prototype in the Kyoto Station. - H NakanishiMonitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems 423 - 437 2005年 [招待有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toru IshidaACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2004) 97 - 104 2004年11月 [査読有り]
採択率27% - 仮想空間におけるコミュニケーションの社会的エージェントによる支援石田 亨; 中西 英之SCAT TECHNICAL JOURNAL TELECOM FRONTIER 42 4 - 12 2004年05月 [招待有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Satoshi Koizumi; Toru Ishida; Hideaki ItoInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2004) 655 - 662 2004年04月 [査読有り]
採択率16% - H NakanishiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES 60 4 421 - 454 2004年04月 [査読有り]
FreeWalk is a social interaction platform where people and agents can socially and spatially interact with one another. FreeWalk has evolved to support heterogeneous interaction styles including meetings, cross-cultural encounters, and evacuation drills. Each of them is usually supported by an individual virtual environment. This evolution extended the capability to control social interaction. The first prototype only provides people with an environment in which they can gather to talk with one another while the third prototype provides them with a whole situation to behave according to their assigned roles and tasks. FreeWalk1 is a spatial videoconferencing system. In this system, the positions of participants make spontaneous simultaneous conversations possible. Spatial movements are integrated with video-mediated communication. FreeWalk1 is able to make social interaction more casual and relaxed than telephone-like telecommunication media. In contrast to conventional videoconferencing systems, people formed concurrent multiple groups to greet and chat with others. In FreeWalk2, a social agent acts as an in-between of people to reduce the problem of the low social context in virtual spaces. When the agent notes an awkward pause in a conversation, it approaches those involved in the conversation with a suggestion for a new topic to talk about. We used this agent to support cross-cultural communication between Japan and US. Our agent strongly influenced people's impressions of their partners, and also, their stereotypes about their partner's nationality. FreeWalk3 is a virtual city simulator to conduct virtual evacuation drills. This system brings social interaction into crisis management simulation. People can join a virtual scene of a disaster at home. Social agents can also join to play their roles assigned by simulation designers. The system architecture has a split control interface to divide control of multiple agents into high-level instruction for them and simulation of their low-level actions. The interface helps simulation designers to control many agents efficiently. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. - Sensitive Agent: シミュレーションのための人間エージェント間インタラクションの設計志水 信哉; 中西 英之情報処理学会インタラクション2004 11 - 18 2004年03月 [査読有り]
Communityware is for more diverse and amorphous groups of people. Compared to current groupware studies, communityware focuses on an earlier stage of collaboration: group formation from a wide variety of people. We have been working on real scale experiments on communityware for more than 8 years. This paper summarizes our experiences on real scale experiments on communityware: the Mobile Assistant Project, Digital City Kyoto, and the Intercultural Collaboration Experiment. - H Nakanishi; T Ishida; K Isbister; C NassAGENT CULTURE 245 - 266 2004年 [招待有り]
- デジタルシティの三次元インタフェースの設計と実装伊藤 英明; テー シューリン; 中西 英之; 羽河 利英電子情報通信学会論文誌 J86-DI 8 592 - 599 2003年08月 [査読有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Satoshi Nakazawa; Toru Ishida; Katsuya Takanashi; Katherine IsbisterInternational Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2003) 717 - 724 2003年07月 [査読有り]
採択率26% Runner-up of Best Paper Award - デスクトップ仮想環境のための視野の設計志水 信哉; 中西 英之; 石田 亨情報処理学会インタラクション2003 107 - 114 2003年03月 [査読有り]
- Toru Ishida; Hideyuki NakanishiN. Zhong, J. Liu and Y. Yao Eds., Web Intelligence, Springer-Verlag 59 - 76 2003年03月 [招待有り]
- 社会心理学実験のための仮想空間環境の実装伊藤 英明; 中西 英之; 石田 亨; スコット ブレイブ; クリフォード ナス報処理学会論文誌 44 2 256 - 265 2003年02月 [査読有り]
- バランス理論を用いた社会的エージェントの分析中澤 諭; 中西 英之; 石田 亨; 高梨 克也情報処理学会論文誌 43 12 3607 - 3616 2002年12月 [査読有り]
推薦論文 - Toru Ishida; Hiroshi Ishiguro; Hideyuki NakanishiLecture Notes in Computer Science 246 - 256 2002年07月
- 社会的エージェントのバランス理論中澤 諭; 中西 英之; 石田 亨; 高梨 克也情報処理学会インタラクション2002 109 - 116 2002年03月 [査読有り]
- M Okamoto; K Isbister; H Nakanishi; T IshidaNEW GENERATION COMPUTING 20 2 165 - 185 2002年 [査読有り]
As opportunities for international collaboration and crosscultural communication among people from heterogeneous cultures increase, the importance of electronic communication support is increasing. To support cross-cultural communication, we believe it is necessary to offer environments in which participants enjoy conversations, which allow them to share one another's background and profile visually. We believe that the following three functions are important: (1) showing topics based on participants' profiles and cultural background; (2) lifesized, large-screen interface; and, (3) displaying objects which show feelings of identify. In this paper, we discuss the implementation and the empirical evaluation of two systems that were designed to support cross-cultural communication in the real world or between remote locations. From the empirical evaluation of these systems, we conclude that these systems add new functionality to support conversation contents, which may be especially useful in a cross-cultural context where language skills are an issue, and this type of environment may be especially useful in a pre-collaboration context. - 仮想空間内でのコミュニケーションを補助する社会的エージェントの設計中西 英之; キャサリン イズビスタ; 石田 亨; クリフォード ナス情報処理学会論文誌 42 6 1368 - 1376 2001年06月 [査読有り]
- FreeWalk: Shared Virtual Space for Casual MeetingsHideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaB. Furht Eds., Handbook of Internet Computing, CRC Press 227 - 247 2000年06月 [招待有り]
- 仮想空間でのコミュニケーションを補助するヘルパーエージェントの設計中西 英之; Katherine Isbister; 石田 亨; Clifford Nass情報処理学会インタラクション2000 107 - 114 2000年03月 [査読有り]
研究奨励賞(14件中1位) - K Isbister; H NakanishiNTT REVIEW 12 2 55 - 59 2000年03月 [招待有り]
This article introduces a collaborative project between NTT's Open Lab, Kyoto University's Department of Social Informatics and Stanford University's Communications Department. We created an agent prototype that was designed to support human-human communication in virtual environments. The prototype mimics a party host, trying to find a safe common topic for guests whose conversation has lagged. We performed an experimental evaluation of the prototype's ability to assist in cross-cultural conversations, using the Global Enhanced Multifunctional Network (GEMnet) broadband line between Stanford University, Kyoto University and NPT's Open Lab. In this overview, we will discuss the design of the prototype, as well as the evaluation. - ヘルパーエージェント: 仮想空間における人間同士のインタラクションのアシスタントキャサリン イズビスタ; 中西 英之NTT R&D 49 2 96 - 101 2000年03月 [招待有り]
- Katherine Isbister; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toru Ishida; Cliff NassInternational Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2000) 57 - 64 2000年 [査読有り]
- Supporting Cross-Cultural Communication in Real-World EncountersMasayuki Okamoto; Katherine Isbister; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toru IshidaInternational Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI99) 2 442 - 446 1999年08月 [査読有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaIEEE MultiMedia 6 2 20 - 28 1999年04月 [査読有り]
- T Ishida; J Akahani; K Hiramatsu; K Isbister; S Lisowski; H Nakanishi; M Okamoto; Y Miyazaki; K TsutsuguchiCOOPERATIVE INFORMATION AGENTS III, PROCEEDINGS 1652 34 - 46 1999年 [査読有り]
This paper proposes the concept of digital cities as a social information infrastructure for urban life (including shopping, business, transportation, education, welfare and so on). We propose the three layer architecture for digital cities: a) the information layer integrates both WWW archives and real-time sensory information related to the city, b) the interface layer provides 2D and 3D views of the city, and c) the interaction layer assists social interaction among people who are living/visiting in/at the city. We started a three year project to develop a digital city for Kyoto, the old capital and cultural center of Japan, based on the newest technologies including GIS, 3D, animation, agents and mobile computing. This paper introduces the system architecture and the current status of Digital City Kyoto. - Silhouettell: Awareness Support for Real-World EncounterMasayuki Okamoto; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaT Ishida Eds., Community Computing and Support Systems, LNCS 1519 316 - 330 1998年12月 [査読有り]
- デスクトップ会議における3次元仮想空間の効果中西 英之; 西村 俊和; 石田 亨情報処理学会論文誌 39 10 2770 - 2777 1998年10月 [査読有り]
- FreeWalk: A Three-Dimensional Meeting-Place for CommunitiesHideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaT. Ishida Eds., Community Computing: Collaboration over Global Information Networks, John Wiley and Sons 55 - 89 1998年07月 [招待有り]
- FreeWalk:3次元仮想空間を用いた非形式的なコミュニケーションの支援中西 英之; 吉田 力; 西村 俊和; 石田 亨情報処理学会論文誌 39 5 1356 - 1364 1998年05月 [査読有り]
- Toshikazu Nishimura; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Tom IshidaProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 02- 471 - 476 1998年02月 [査読有り]
We have developed a desktop meeting environment named FreeWalk that supports casual meetings in a 3-dimensional (3D) virtual shared space, community common. Tools for human communicadons are always required to run at a practical speed in a widely-used non-luxury hardware environment. However, in the previous researches on 3D conferencing systems, such as VRML-based systems, this aspect has been sometimes neglected. Though we need a research testbed for investigating human-human interactions, researchers tend to concentrate on advanced 3D technologies. In the area of videogames, on the other hand, where 3D virtual spaces are also provided, technologies used there successfully achieve an attractive presentation under severe hardware constraints. Therefore, in the development of FreeWalk. we have applied videogame technologies especially to friendly interface and efficient visualization, so to realize casual communications in a network. - Yasuhiko Kitamura; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Tetsuya Nozaki; Teruhisa Miura; Toru IshidaWorkshop on Genome Informatics 137 - 146 1996年12月 [査読有り]
- Casual Meetings in a NetworkToru Ishida; Hirofumi Yamaki; Hideyuki Nakanishi; Toshikazu NishimuraInternational Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications (CODAS96) 391 - 397 1996年12月 [査読有り]
- Hideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaInternational Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW96) 303 - 314 1996年11月 [査読有り]
採択率22% - Hideyuki Nakanishi; Chikara Yoshida; Toshikazu Nishimura; Toru IshidaVisual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH96 120 1996年08月 [査読有り]
- コンピュータソフト 中西 英之 1998年12月
- コンピュータソフト 中西 英之 1997年12月 https://ameblo.jp/uitrawing775/entry-12784874357.html
- コンピュータソフト 中西英之 1996年 https://www.virtual-boy.com/magazines/dengeki-super-famicom-magazine/dengeki-super-famicom-1996-01/scans/?view=46
- コンピュータソフト 中西 英之 1995年04月 X68k用の自己解凍書庫(BIN\star.batを実行すると遊べます) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JssVcG1XBhEkb8bVfINVLX14gb63tYoa
- コンピュータソフト 中西 英之 1990年02月 -1992年11月 MSX・FAN1991年11月号掲載「壁打ちピンポン」 遊び方 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOMAz9iWvW3n5Qr-HO-BwghYXUOPT663 プログラム https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fM7zkC51cpDXCJPQBtyL68olqW5glMBd エミュレータで遊ぶ https://webmsx.org/?MACHINE=MSX1J&DISKA_URL=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1Qr12TipfVyffEYBN4ocahzxRsr_Zd4y2 を開いてエンターキーを押した後に「run"pingpong.bas」と入力してエンターキーを押す
- 接客ロボット用エンゲージメント推定手法の開発人工知能研究振興財団:人工知能研究助成金研究期間 : 2021年04月 -2023年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- ゲーミフィケーションによるサービスロボット操作へのエンターテイメント性の付与中山隼雄科学技術文化財団:助成研究研究期間 : 2019年03月 -2020年02月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE):ICTイノベーション創出型研究開発研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2015年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 遠隔地間で同じ部屋にいる状態を作り出す次世代コミュニケーション環境の研究大阪大学とNTTとの共同研究:研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2015年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 遠隔地間で同じ部屋にいる状態を作り出す次世代コミュニケーション環境の研究大阪大学大学院工学研究科:マッチングファンド方式産学連携共同研究研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2015年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 情報通信技術とロボット技術の融合による未来型映像通信デバイスの開発中部電気利用基礎研究振興財団:研究助成研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2014年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 移動カメラを用いたテレプレゼンスの強化大川情報通信基金:研究助成研究期間 : 2010年04月 -2011年03月代表者 : 中西 英之
- 情報処理推進機構:未踏ソフトウェア創造事業 2006年度下期研究期間 : 2006年10月 -2007年09月https://www.ipa.go.jp/archive/files/000006630.pdf
- 特許6355203:物体受け渡し装置、物体受け渡しシステム 2018年06月22日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 大城 健太郎, 山下 直美, 大和 淳司
- 特許6156934:空間合成システム 2017年06月16日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 加藤 良治, 山下 直美
- 特許6044047:映像実体化システム 2016年11月25日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 大西 裕也, 山下 直美
- 特願2015-104373:触覚提示システム、触覚提示方法、およびプログラム 2015年05月22日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 山下 直美, 大和 淳司
- 特願2015-031285:顔映像実体化システム,実体化装置 2015年02月20日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 岡島 知也, 山下 直美, 大和 淳司
- 特願2014-012112:情報伝送システム及び方法 2014年01月27日中西 英之, 田中 一晶, 和田 侑也, 山下 直美
- 特願2007-036856:撮像画像登録装置,地図画像生成装置,地図画像生成システム,Webサーバ,撮像対象位置推定装置,撮像画像登録方法,撮像画像登録プログラム,地図画像生成プログラムおよびコンピュータ読み取り可能な記録媒体 2007年02月16日中西 英之, 玉田 大輔
- 中西 英之, 石田 亨
- 報道 : 2020年09月27日発行元・放送局 : 日本経済新聞番組・新聞雑誌 : 朝刊(全国版)p. 26 新聞・雑誌 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO64270030V20C20A9MY1000/
- 報道 : 2020年02月19日発行元・放送局 : 集英社番組・新聞雑誌 : ウルトラジャンプ2020年3月特大号新聞・雑誌
- 報道 : 2014年04月28日発行元・放送局 : Discovery Digital Networks番組・新聞雑誌 : Seekerインターネットメディア
- 報道 : 2004年11月25日発行元・放送局 : 日本経済新聞番組・新聞雑誌 : 朝刊(NIKKEIマンスリー・京滋)新聞・雑誌