丸山 将広(マルヤマ マサヒロ)


Last Updated :2024/12/24



  • 医学博士(2021年12月 近畿大学)


  • その他 / その他



  • 心房頻拍に対して経大動脈アプローチのカテーテルアブレーション中に急性心筋梗塞を発症した1例
    筧 和剛; 上野 雅史; 山田 信広; 船内 陽平; 永野 兼也; 河村 尚幸; 丸山 将広; 安田 昌和; 山治 憲司; 岩永 善高; 栗田 隆志
    日本冠疾患学会誌 Suppl.2019 171 - 171 (NPO)日本冠疾患学会 2019年12月
  • Masahiro Maruyama; Takashi Kurita; Yasuhito Kotake; Naotaka Hashiguchi; Ryobun Yasuoka; Masafumi Ueno; Yoshitaka Iwanaga; Shunichi Miyazaki
    Journal of cardiology cases 19 2 66 - 69 2019年02月 
    Catheter ablation (CA) targeting premature ventricular contraction (PVC) from Purkinje fibers can be an effective therapy for refractory ventricular fibrillation (VF) after myocardial infarction (MI). We experienced two cases in which catheter ablation targeting PVC initiating VF after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in post-MI patients was effective despite transient early recurrences of VF. The first patient (a 68-year-old woman with MI) developed drug-refractory VF 3 days after PCI to the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and left circumflex artery. CA targeting Purkinje potential preceding PVC at the infarcted area eliminated both the PVCs and VF. Three days after the procedure, the VF attacks relapsed by a different type of PVC. However, the VF responded to conventional treatments and disappeared thereafter. In the second patient (an 83-year-old woman with old MI), refractory VF attacks occurred after PCI to the LAD. CA targeting Purkinje potential preceding two distinct types of PVC successfully suppressed the VF. Although the VF relapsed 2 days after CA, it was suppressed by conventional treatment and disappeared the next day. .

