Department of MedicineLecturer

Last Updated :2024/07/20

■Researcher comments

List of press-related appearances


■Researcher basic information

Researcher number




Research Keyword

  • Intercultural Communication   Medical English   Content and language integrated learning   English as a Foreign Language   English   psychology   

Research Field

  • Humanities & social sciences / Social psychology / psychology, counseling psychology, international psychology
  • Humanities & social sciences / Foreign language education



  • 2022/04 - 2023/03  Showa UniversitySchool of Medicine講師
  • 2020/10 - 2023/03  Tokyo University of Foreign Studies英語学部講師
  • 2021/10 - 2022/03  The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing医学部講師
  • 2018/04 - 2022/03  Tokyo College of Music外国語学部講師
  • 2017/04 - 2022/03  Dokkyo UniversityFaculty of Foreign Languages Department of English講師
  • 2017/04 - 2022/03  RIKKYO UNIVERSITYCollege of Intercultural Communication Department of Intercultural CommunicationAssistant Professor
  • 2012/09 - 2021/08  Chicago School of Professional PsychologyDepartment of International Psychology助教授
  • 2016/04 - 2017/03  Rikkyo University英語学科講師
  • 2015/04 - 2017/03  Yamanashi Gakuin UniversityInternational College of Liberal ArtsAssociate Professor
  • 2013/04 - 2015/03  Tokyo Medical and Dental Universityグローバルキャリア支援室講師

Educational Background

  • 2009/08 - 2012/08  Chicago School of Professional Psychology  Ph.D., International Psychology
  • 2007/08 - 2009/12  Antioch University  M.A., Psychology
  • 2005/08 - 2007/07  National University  M.Ed., Education
  • 2002/08 - 2005/06  University of California Los Angeles  B.A., English and French

Member History

  • 2022/04 - Today   KIndai University   Committee on Basic Medical Education

■Research activity information


  • Using Japanese Psychology to Promote Cultural Awareness and Self-Reflection in University Classrooms
    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Journal 2020 2021 [Refereed]
  • International Psychology Comes to Japan...But Is It Needed?
    American Psychological Association Division 52 International Psychology Bulletin 2021
  • Using TV Commercials to Promote Critical Thinking and Cultural Understanding
    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Journal 2018 2019 [Refereed]
  • Intercultural Communication: Critical Approaches and Future Challenges
    ociety for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) Journal of Intercultural Communication 2019
  • Beauty and Culture: The Effects of Beauty Perception on Cultural Assimilation
    International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities 2019 [Refereed]
  • Teaching in Silence
    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) College and University Educators 2019
  • Incorporating TV Commercials in University Classes
    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) College and University Educators 2018 [Refereed]
  • Incorporating Intercultural Communication Activities in English Language Classes
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Language Learning 2017 [Refereed]
  • Evaluate, Analyze, Describe (EAD): Confronting Underlying Issues of Racism and Other Prejudices for Effective Intercultural Communication
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Education 2015 [Refereed]
  • Confronting Underlying Issues of Racism for Effective Intercultural Communication
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Education 2014 [Refereed]
  • Global Sexual Deviancy: Learning From America’s Mistakes
    European Scientific Journal 2014 [Refereed]

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • A New Way to D.I.E.
    Asian Conference for Innovation in Education (ACIE)  2022
  • Using Japanese Psychology to Promote Self-Reflection and Cultural Awareness in Clients and Students
    merican Psychological Association (APA) 2022 Conference  2022
  • Promoting Self-Reflection and Cultural Awareness Using Japanese Psychology
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Conference 2022  2022
  • Using Japanese Psychology to Promote Self-Reflection and Cultural Awareness
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Conference 2021  2021
  • Making Morita Therapy Relevant Again
    International Congress of Psychology ICP2020+  2021
  • Applying Morita Therapy to University Students – A Program in Progress
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences  2020
  • Mental Health Support for Students Studying Abroad
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Conference 2020  2020
  • Let's Keep!
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Conference 2019  2019
  • Making intercultural communication fun again: Sharing ideas for the classroom/異文化コミュニケーション を面白くするための授業アイディアを 共有しよう(Bilingual/バイリンガル)
    Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) Japan 2019 Conference  2019
  • Using TV Commercials to Promote Critical Thinking and Cultural Understanding
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Conference 2018  2018
  • Evaluate, Analyze, Describe: Training in the E.A.D.: Promoting Self-Awareness and Cultural Awareness Through Intercultural Communication Exercises
    Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) Japan 2018 World Congress  2018
  • Teaching Intercultural Communication Without Teaching Intercultural Communication
    Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) Japan 2018 World Congress  2018
  • Teaching Students How to D.I.E
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Education  2018
  • Expanding Self-Awareness and Cultural Awareness Through Intercultural Communication Activities
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL) 2017  2017
  • Expanding Self-Awareness and Cultural Awareness Through Intercultural Communication Activities
    Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT) PanSIG Conference 2017  2017
  • Expanding Self-Awareness and Cultural Awareness Through Intercultural Communication Activities
    Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR) 2017 Annual Conference  2017
  • Confronting Underlying Issues of Racism and Other Prejudices for Effective Intercultural Communication
    International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016)  2016
  • A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies
    Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) 2016 Annual Conference  2016
  • A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL) 2015  2015
  • A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP) 2015  2015
  • A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Education (ACE) 2015  2015
  • Confronting Underlying Racism for Effective Intercultural Communication
    Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 2014 International Convention  2014
  • Confronting Underlying Racism for Effective Intercultural Communication
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Education (ACE) 2014  2014
  • Confronting Underlying Racism for Effective Intercultural Communication
    International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL) 2013  2013
  • Intercultural Communication
    English as a Second Language Teacher Conference  2012
  • Communicative Language Teaching
    English as a Second Language Teacher Conference  2011
  • Addressing Mental Health Issues in International Student Populations
    English as a Second Language Teacher Conference  2010
  • Addressing Mental Health Issues in International Student Populations
    Antioch University Conference on Mental Health  2009


  • Medical English 2Medical English 2 Kindai University
  • Medical English 1Medical English 1 Kindai University

Affiliated academic society

  • Japan Society for Medical English Education   Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching   Japanese Society for Morita Therapy   Japanese Psychological Association (JPA)   American Psychological Association (APA)   International Council of Psychologists (ICP)   International Mental Health Professionals Japan (IMHPJ)   Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR)   Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)   Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)   

Social Contribution Activities

  • Mental Health Counseling (pro bono)
    Date (from-to) : 2022/04-Today
    Role : Others
    Category : Others
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : Japan Counseling

Media Coverage

  • なぜ日本人はリアクションが薄い?海外の反応と「曖昧さ」のルーツを探る
    Date : 2022/12
  • Conquering a Fear of the Unknown: The Psychology Behind Covid-19 Anxiety and How to Cope With It
    Date : 2020/06
    Program, newspaper magazine: Tokyo Weekender