Major in Community Design, Department of Applied Sociology Lecturer
Last Updated :2024/04/25

Researcher Information


  • Doctor of Engineering(Osaka University)

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • 資源利用評価   環境システム   Social System Engineering   Environmental Systems   

Research Areas

  • Environmental science/Agricultural science / Recycling systems and society
  • Social infrastructure (civil Engineering, architecture, disaster prevention) / Civil engineering (environmental systems)


  •        - 1997  Osaka University  工学研究科  環境工学
  •        - 1997  Osaka University  Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  •        - 1992  Osaka University  School of Engineering  環境工学
  •        - 1992  Osaka University  Faculty of Engineering

Association Memberships

  • 廃棄物資源循環学会   社会・経済システム学会   土木学会   

Published Papers

  • UTSUMI Hideki
    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G Japan Society of Civil Engineers 13 323 - 328 1884-8419 2005 
    This paper is intended as an investigation of the effectiveness of carbonization treatment of organic waste, especially wood waste, in global environment issues. Generally, carbonization treatment furnaces need fossil fuel to carbonize organic waste with radiating heat and discharging CO2. Carbonization treatment can get charcoal as products and energy resources from organic waste. But if the process needs a lot of fossil fuel, the evaluation of the process is not very good.
    This paper focuses on some carbonization furnace, estimates energy and carbon budget. The result of the estimation makes clear that the mass of the acquired energy and carbon is smaller than the mass of the lost them in the case of some furnaces. Even though these furnaces produce high quality charcoal or activated carbon, these furnaces need to be improved from the viewpoint of global warming and energy depletion issues. But in other cases the mass of the acquired energy and carbon is larger than the mass of the lost them by the effective use of energy that is included in wood waste.
    So, it is clear that the some types of carbonization treatment furnace for wood waste are useful against global environment issue.


Awards & Honors

  • 2004 奨励論文賞(環境システム計測制御学会)

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/04 -2014/03 
    Author : UTSUMI Hideki
    Many environmental policies focused on only end product, for example, as with plastics recycling policy. But there are few policies that focus on more upstream complementary product too. In this study, based on UN Energy Statistics Database, the supply-demand structure of petroleum products in Japan and some other countries is analyzed for planning environmental policies focusing on complementary product too. The petroleum products relatively consumed for non-energy uses are naphtha, natural gas, petroleum asphalt, liquefied petroleum gas and so on. Naphtha and asphalt are especially consumed for non-energy uses and are difficult to find out other practical energy use. But other products are consumed for energy use too. For example, thermal recovery from the waste of the plastic that are made from naphtha mainly means that naphtha can be used as fuel through plastic product. Waste recycling policies should focus on both end product and upstream complementary product.
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
    Date (from‐to) : 2008 -2011 
    Author : FUJII Shigeo; TANAKA Shuhei; UTSUMI Hideki; UTSUMI Hideki
    1) Development of analytical procedures of perfluorinated compounds(PFCs) in wastewater samples, 2) Quantitative analysis of PFCs distribution in urban water environments, 3) Mass flow analysis of PFCs by industrial sociology, and 4) Estimation of amount of PFCs exposure to human and scenario analysis for risk reduction, were carried out in order to examine occurrences and behavior of PFCs in urban environment and to propose scenario for health risk reduction. 1) Simple and time-saving as well as showing high accuracy and precision was developed. 2) As a result of performing the use of PFOS, and search of allied products based on patent information, the use of 18 and the allied products of 1, 589 were specified. 3) Effectiveness of the adsorption processing by polymers was shown as a countermeasure in sources.
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2007 
    Author : 松井 三郎; 松田 知成; 内海 秀樹
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    Date (from‐to) : 2005 -2006 
    Author : 内海 秀樹
    一般廃棄物の収集運搬を行う際の主要な計画は、収集員や運転手等の人員配置と収集経路の策定である。本研究は、清掃事務所等の現場で人員の配置計画を策定する際に策定者が留意する事項や考え方についてアンケート調査を行い、その結果を基に人員配置計画の策定を支援する技術について基礎的な研究を行ったものである。 人員の組合せが、複数存在する場合、策定者が人員配置を行う方法は、班員の顔ぶれを決定し次に担当業務に割りあてるという方法と、担当業務に個々人を割りあて結果的に班員の顔ぶれを決定するという方法とを併せると、それらは有効回答の半数以上を占めた。 班員の顔ぶれについて「毎回同じようにする」という方針の目的は、習熟を早めるためと考えている回答が多く、「毎回異なるようにとする」という方針の目的は公平感への配慮や緊張感の保持のためと考えている回答が多い。担当業務についてもほぼ同様の傾向が見られた。一方、ノウハウの伝達や欠勤への対応を目的として挙げている者の割合は、顔ぶれについて異なるようにと回答した者と、同じようにと回答した者との間で有意な差は見られなかった。担当業務についても同様であった。さらに、顔ぶれおよび担当業務の方針については、両方とも同じようにするか、異なるようにするかという方針がほとんどであった。 これらのアンケート調査の結果を踏まえ、遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いて顔ぶれと担当業務とに関する両方の方針に柔軟に対応できる計算手法について探求し、乱数によって仮想的に設定した人員配置履歴を元に、乱数による人員配置計画より、方針により沿っている計画の提案を行えることを確認し、策定支援技術の構築に対する見通しを得ることができた。
  • 廃棄物炭化処理の環境社会システム的観点からの評価
  • 一般廃棄物収集運搬計画の策定支援システムに関する研究-経路策定と人員配置を対象に-

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