平栗 靖浩(ヒラグリ ヤスヒロ)

建築学部 建築学科 准教授

Last Updated :2024/09/14






  • 博士(工学)(熊本大学)

J-Global ID


  • 地理情報学   福祉音響学   騒音制御工学   建築音環境   建築環境工学   Geographic information system   Noise control engineering   Architectural environment   




  • 社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 建築環境、建築設備



  • 2018年 - 現在  近畿大学建築学部 建築学科准教授
  • 2017年 - 2018年  Ghent UniversityDepartment of Information technologyVisiting Professor
  • 2015年 - 2018年  徳山工業高等専門学校准教授
  • 2012年 - 2015年  徳山工業高等専門学校助教
  • 2006年 - 2012年  九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院学術研究員
  • 2005年 - 2006年  熊本大学工学部Faculty of Engineering学術研究員
  • 2005年 - 2006年  Post Doctoral Fellow, Kumamoto University
  • 2004年 - 2005年  Researcher, Prefectural University of Kumamoto Center for Community Collaboration
  • 2002年 - 2004年  熊本県立大学環境共生学部研究支援センターFaculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences研究員


  •         - 2005年   熊本大学   自然科学研究科   環境共生科学専攻
  •         - 2001年   熊本大学   自然科学研究科   建築学専攻
  •         - 1999年   大阪工業大学   建築学科


  • 2016年06月 - 現在   日本騒音制御工学会   評議員
  • 2016年04月 - 現在   日本騒音制御工学会ノイズマップ分科会   委員(2016.4-2017.3: 幹事)
  • 2015年10月 - 現在   光市環境審議会   委員
  • 2014年04月 - 現在   周南市ゴミ対策推進審議会   委員
  • 2012年04月 - 現在   日本騒音制御工学会   社会調査データアーカイブ分科会
  • 2015年04月 - 2017年03月   日本音響学会騒音・振動研究委員会   幹事
  • 2014年04月 - 2016年03月   日本騒音制御工学会   広報部会
  • 2011年10月 - 2015年03月   International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN2014) 実行委員会
  • 2012年11月 - 2013年09月   日本騒音制御工学会   2013年秋季研究発表会実行委員会
  • 2006年04月 - 2011年03月   日本建築学会   九州支部環境工学委員会



  • 2017年 日本音響学会 第5回 学会活動貢献賞
  • 2014年12月 日本音響学会関西支部 ベストコメンテーター賞
    受賞者: 平栗 靖浩
  • 2013年08月 日本建築学会 奨励賞
    受賞者: 平栗 靖浩
  • 2012年10月 International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design The Honorable Mention Award
  • 2012年05月 日本騒音制御工学会 守田栄論文賞
  • 2010年05月 日本騒音制御工学会 守田栄論文賞
  • 2009年05月 日本騒音制御工学会 研究奨励賞


  • Takashi Morihara; Yasuhiro Murakami; Koji Shimoyama; Makoto Morinaga; Shigenori Yokoshima; Sohei Tsujimura; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Yano
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 21 6 783 - 783 2024年06月 
    Kyushu Shinkansen and conventional railway lines run parallel in the areas 5 km north of Kumamoto Station (northern area) and 12 km south of the station (southern area). Following the operation of the Kyushu Shinkansen Line in 2011, the adjacent conventional railway line in the north was elevated, a new station was operated in the south, and large earthquakes struck the Kumamoto area from March to April 2016. Sleep disturbances were compared before and after the interventions and earthquakes based on noise source (Shinkansen and conventional railways), area (northern and southern), and house type (detached and apartment) through socio-acoustic surveys from 2011 to 2017. The Shinkansen railway caused significantly less sleep disturbances in detached houses in the north after compared to before the earthquakes, presumably due to more frequent closures of bedroom windows in northern detached houses following the earthquakes. The Shinkansen railway caused significantly more sleep disturbances in apartments in the south after compared to before the earthquakes, presumably because the Shinkansen slowed down immediately after the earthquakes and returned to normal speed during the survey, suddenly increasing the noise exposure. There was no significant difference in the other six cases investigated. Overall, the interventions may not have caused significant differences in sleep disturbances. This article expands on the congress paper by Morihara et al. presented in the “Community Response to Noise” session at the 52nd International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering in Makuhari, Japan, organized by the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
  • Tran Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Thu Lan Nguyen; Makoto Morinaga; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Morihara; Yosiaki Sasazawa; Tri Quang Hung Nguyen; Takashi Yano
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 8 5450 - 5450 2023年04月 [査読有り]
    Air traffic bans in response to the spread of the coronavirus have changed the sound situation of urban areas around airports. This study aimed to investigate the effect of this unprecedented event on the community response to noise before and after the international flight operation at Tan Son Nhat Airport (TSN) in March 2020. The “before” survey was conducted in August 2019, and the two “after” surveys were conducted in June and September 2020. Structural equation models (SEMs) for noise annoyance and insomnia were developed by linking the questionnaire items of the social surveys. The first effort aimed to achieve a common model of noise annoyance and insomnia, corresponding to the situation before and after the change, respectively. Approximately, 1200 responses were obtained from surveys conducted in 12 residential areas around TSN in 2019 and 2020. The average daily flight numbers observed in August 2019 during the two surveys conducted in 2020 were 728, 413, and 299, respectively. The sound pressure levels of the 12 sites around TSN decreased from 45–81 dB (mean = 64, SD = 9.8) in 2019 to 41–76 dB (mean = 60, SD = 9.8) and 41–73 dB (mean = 59, SD = 9.3) in June and September 2020, respectively. The SEM indicated that the residents’ health was related to increased annoyance and insomnia.
  • 山城 裕大; 原田 和典; 菅原 彬子; 平栗 靖浩; 大嶋 拓也; 齊藤 由典; 跡部 哲士
    日本音響学会誌 79 3 140 - 147 2023年03月 [査読有り]
  • 菅原彬子; 平栗靖浩; 岸本一蔵
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 87 802 1093 - 1103 2022年12月 [査読有り]
  • 黒坂優美; 大嶋拓也; 平栗靖浩; 奥園健
    日本音響学会誌 78 11 635 - 645 2022年11月 [査読有り]
    地表面音響特性の広域における空間分布データは,未整備である。そこで,ハイパスペクトル航空画像を用いて地表面をその音響特性に応じて分類する手法を開発する。3 季節に複数種の地表面の音響特性を測定し,実効的流れ抵抗を推定して地表面の状態の分類クラスを決める。教師付き分類手法のMED-SD法を用い,教師スペクトルと適用する画像の撮影季節を12パターンに組み合わせ,分類精度を評価する。最 後に,886 m × 445 mの範囲を分類する。その結果,秋に撮影した航空画像から求めた教師スペクトルが最も分類に適した。これにより,広域の地表面の音響特性を実際の状態に基づき,的確かつ効率的に設定できる可能性が示された。
  • 跡部 哲士; 齊藤 由典; 原田 和典; 大嶋 拓也; 山城 裕大; 平栗 靖浩
    自動車技術会論文集 53 6 1076 - 1080 2022年10月 [査読有り]
  • Bach Lien Trieu; Tran Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen; Thu Lan Nguyen; Makoto Morinaga; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Yano; Yosiaki Sasazawa
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 263 1 5511 - 5522 2021年08月 [査読有り]
    The change in the self-reported health status of residents associated with the reduced aircraft noise around Tan Son Nhat airport (TSN) after the epidemic outbreak in early 2020 was investigated in three stages. Stage 1 is pre-outbreak when the airport was operating at its highest capacity. Phases 2 and 3 are three months and six months after the stop of international flight operation implemented in March 2020. Data on the residents' health status was obtained from face-to-face interviews. The questionnaire items were composed of Noise annoyance questions using the 11-point ICBEN scale, the Total Health Index, Health and lifestyle questionnaire, Depression Scale revised questionnaire, and questionnaires to identify insomnia, hypertension, and hearing loss. Other factors related to living conditions such as education, income, or housing were also collected as health adjustment factors. The noise levels of phases 2 and 3 were estimated by updating the noise contour map of phase 1 using the TSN airport's operation data in corresponding periods in 2020. This study provided evidence relating to variation of the residents' health status due to the noise situation change.
  • Thulan Nguyen; Tran Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Makoto Morinaga; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Yano; Yosiaki Sasazawa
    INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 263 1 5114 - 5124 2021年08月 [査読有り]
    The travel restrictions caused by the epidemic outbreak in early 2020 worldwide have caused many changes in all aspects of life, especially in the acoustic environment. This study examines the impact of this environmental change at Tan Son Nhat International Airport (TSN), the largest airport in Vietnam, by comparing the situations before and after the airport stopped operating all international flights in March 2020. The after-the-change survey was conducted in 2 phases, June and September 2020, three months and six months after the stop decision. The number of flights observed in August 2019 was 728; this number is 413 and 299 for the two surveys in 2020. The range of noise levels estimated for 12 sites around TSN decreased from 63-81 dB in 2019 to 32-67 dB in June 2020 and 33-69 dB in September 2020. At the same aircraft noise level, the percentage of highly annoyed (% HA) and the percentage of insomnia (%ISM) in the 2020 survey are higher than those in the 2019 survey. The comparison results of reaction to noise before and after the TSN's noise change indicated an increase in negative responses to noise might happen in the increased noise and reduced noise situation.
  • Bach Lien Trieu; Thu Lan Nguyen; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 8 4307 - 4307 2021年04月 [査読有り]
    There have been many arguments about findings of an increase in noise annoyance over time and a recommendation of stricter limits on aircraft noise levels to protect the health of residents around airports. It is crucial to examine if the established exposure–response relationship is suitable for designing future aircraft noise regulations. This study was focused on identifying changes in response to noise over time by comparing community responses from two surveys conducted in 2008 and 2019 at Tân Sơn Nhất (TSN) international airport. Annoyance was found to significantly reduce in 2019 compared to 2008; however, changes in sleep quality were relatively small. Unexpectedly, a gradual increase in the annoyance due to aircraft noise was not found. Results of multiple regression analysis indicated that differences in the reaction of the residents to noise in the two studies were significantly attributed to nonacoustic factors. Noise sensitivity and dissatisfaction with the living environment (e.g., inconvenience in accessing workplace) considerably affect noise annoyance, whereas noise sensitivity, age, and dissatisfaction with the green environment of living areas affect sleep quality. These findings suggest the fulfillment of desired living environment as effective measures for mitigating noise impacts on residents in the vicinity of busy airports.
  • In-situ measurements of the deterioration of reinforced concrete buildings on Hashima island using the hammering method
    Akiko Sugahara; Ichizo Kishimoto; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    "Advances in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration - 2021" Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2021 2021年 
    On Hashima Island (commonly known as Gunkanjima) in Nagasaki, Japan, where Hashima Coal Mine was formally approved as a part of the World Heritage Site, there are many reinforced concrete (RC) structures constructed several decades to a century ago. Continuous evaluation of their deterioration properties generates data regarding historic buildings and helps understand the progress of deterioration in RC buildings. A visual inspection (VI) is generally used for deterioration surveys however, determining the internal deterioration using this method alone is difficult. In this study, the hammering method is used, which analyzes the acoustic characteristics of impact echoes to determine the deterioration condition. The impact sound on the concrete surface is analyzed and compared with the VI results to improve the deterioration investigation accuracy. A steel ball impacts the columns of RC buildings, and the radiated sound from the concrete surface is recorded using a microphone. Next, the sound pressure level at the maximum amplitude of the impact sound is obtained. The above levels are compared with the VI results in general, the worse the visual results, the louder are the levels. On the other hand, although visual results are suitable, some data have higher sound pressure levels. According to a 1/3 octave band analysis, the data having similar sound pressure levels show similar frequency characteristics regardless of the visual results, indicating that such data have similar deterioration properties. These results show that the hammering method can provide information regarding the deterioration of the RC buildings on Hashima that cannot be obtained via the VI alone.
  • Itsuki Ikemi; Kazunori Harada; Akiko Sugahara; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2021 - 2021 International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering 2021年 
    The sounds from childcare facilities are often a cause of noise problems with neighbors. However since the sound power levels of children's play and other sounds in child-care facilities have not become clear, evaluation methods have not been established, making countermeasures difficult. In order to evaluate the noise, it is necessary to model the location of the sound source and the sound power level. We have been developing a sound source identification system that uses multiple Raspberry Pi-based recording devices to estimate the location of a sound source and sound power levels. By using GPS for time synchronization, the system can be distributed and placed without connecting cables, which is expected to expand the measurement area significantly. As a method of estimation, the arrival time difference is calculated by cross-correlation from the signals input to each recording device, and the sound source location is estimated from the calculated arrival time difference and the location information of the device. The effectiveness of this system was verified in an anechoic chamber and outdoor fields.
  • Thanh Loc Bui; Thu Lan Nguyen; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    ACOUSTICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 42 1 50 - 57 2021年 [査読有り]
    Noise map provides a basis for land-use and flight path planning to limit the noise impact on residents around airports. This study is one of the first attempts to access an appropriate method to create noise maps for airports in Vietnam. In this study, the L-den around Noi Bai International Airport (NBIA) was predicted by using the Integrated Noise Model (INM) with available Noise-Power-Distance (NPD) data in INM and NPD data of military airplane created based on the field measurement. Besides, to assess the validity of the prediction, the predicted L-den was compared with the measured L-den, which were defined by field measurements conducted at ten residential sites around NBIA in November 2017. The noise levels were estimated with 3 cases: (1) Civil aircraft only, using INM' s NPD; (2) Civil aircraft & military aircraft, using INM' s NPD for military aircraft; (3) Civil aircraft & military aircraft, using measurement-based NPD for military aircraft. By comparing the root mean square error between the predicted and the measured values, it could be found that the prediction in Case 3 is the most consistent with the measured L-den. In other words, the prediction validity was improved by using measurement-based NPD of military aircraft.
  • Noriaki Oota; Atsushi Iwamae; Fumio Kimura; Masaru Abuku; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan) 85 778 923 - 933 2020年12月 
    In this study, we applied a non-contact mat sensor to measure the body motion and the heart rate (HR) of human examinees during the experiment under different conditions. This mat sensor be able to avoid any restriction of human body movement that may affect the sleeping condition. The obtained HR data from the mat sensor was transformed into LF/HF as an indicator of HRV. Then Structural Equation Modeling was performed to identify of the relation between Environmental factors, the body motion, the HRV and results on subjective feeling of sleep from OSA sleep inventory MA version.
  • Does the community response to noise change? A follow-up investigation on the impact of aircraft noise around Tan Son Nhat Airport after 11 years
    Thu Lan Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Wei Zhang; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara; Takashi Yano
    Proceedings of 2020 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2020 2020年08月 
    A representative exposure-response relationship for aircraft noise annoyance in Vietnam was established partly based on data obtained from a social survey on community response to aircraft noise carried out around Tan Son Nhat International Airport (TIA), Vietnam's largest airport, in 2008. The question is whether the response to noise changes throughout the time and if the established relationship is suitable for the present consideration for future aircraft noise regulations. This study provided a comparison between the previous survey in 2008 and the recent investigation on noise impact conducted at the same residential areas near TIA in 2019. The average flight number increased from 200 in 2008 to more than 720 in 2019. Accordingly, the day-evening-night noise level (Lden) ranged from 53 to 71 dB and from 63 to 81 in 2008 and 2019, respectively. The percentage of highly annoyed respondents in an area of above 70 dB (Lden) was 52% in the 2008 survey, while this number only 12 percent in the 2019 survey. The residents living in the noisier environment seem to be more tolerant of noise.
  • Investigation on the association between aircraft noise and general health of residents living near tan son nhat airport
    Bach Lien Trieu; Thu Lan Nguyen; Wei Zhang; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara; Takashi Yano; Yosiaki Sasazawa
    Proceedings of 2020 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2020 2020年08月 
    Tan Son Nhat International Airport (TIA) is Vietnam's largest airport with more than 700 take-offs and landings per day and is surrounded by densely populated areas of Ho Chi Minh City. A health survey was carried out to investigate the association of aircraft noise with the prevalence of annoyance, insomnia and other risks of physical and mental health problems such as obesity, hypertension, stress, depression and so on in the community living near TIA in August 2019. In total, 502 responses obtained in 12 residential areas including ten target sites which scattered under the landing and take-off route of the airplanes and exposed to different aircraft noise ranging from low to high levels, and two control sites which are not affected by aircraft noise. Out of 294 in the total of 502 respondents exposed to day-evening-night noise levels of above 65 dB. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that aircraft noise significantly affected the prevalence of annoyance but have no direct effect on insomnia and hypertension. The indirect effect of noise on other health indicators was also investigated.
  • Thu Lan Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara; Takashi Yano
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 7 2597  2020年04月 [査読有り]
    Herein, the effects of changes in acoustic and non-acoustic factors on public health and reactions were assessed using two follow-up investigations; this was achieved after three surveys were conducted on the impact of the step change in noise caused by the increased number of flights at the Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi (Vietnam) after the new terminal building was opened to the public. Exposure-response relationships established in the follow-up studies were less in number than those established in 2015 after the step change had occurred, and were almost similar to the relationship established in the survey conducted before the step change; however, these relationships were significantly greater than those established in the European Union position paper. Comparisons between respondents with high blood pressure and insomnia ratios at different noise level ranges showed that there is no significant association between ratios of high blood pressure and day-evening-night noise levels; however, an exposure-response relationship was discovered between insomnia and night-time noise levels. Non-acoustic factors such as noise sensitivity, sound insulation capacity of houses, and length of residence were found to curb the respondents' annoyance, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Thus, an improvement in residence quality and a restriction on nighttime flight operation is necessitated.
  • Optimization of sleeping environment based on HRV using non-contact mat sensor
    Noriaki Oota; Atsushi Iwamae; Fumio Kimura; Masaru Abuku; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020年 
    Heart rate variability (HRV) is the temporal fluctuation of heart rate (HR) and has been often used in the study of autonomic nerve activity of a human body. In this study, we applied a non-contact mat sensor to measure the HRV of human examinees during sleep in order to avoid any restriction of human body movement that may affect the sleeping condition during the experiment. The obtained HR data from the mat sensor was transformed into LF/HF (the ratio of a low frequency factor to a high frequency factor of the power spectrum of the HR) as an indicator of HRV. Then correlation analysis was performed to identify the strength of the relation between environmental factor, the Vital signs including LF/HF, and results from OSA sleep inventory MA version. The most significant correlation was found between the body motion and OSA subjective feeling of sleep.
  • Assessing the ease of conversation in multi-group conversation spaces: Effect of background music volume on acoustic comfort in a café
    Naoya Maruyama; Keiji Kawai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Mari Ueda
    Building Acoustics OnlineFirst 2020年01月 [査読有り]
  • Thulan Nguyen; Bachlien Trieu; Takashi Yano; Takashi Morihara; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga
    Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2019- 3652 - 3659 2019年 
    The rapid development of air transport resulted in increased levels and wider influential scale of noise due to the airport operation. The number of flights operated and the housing conditions at residential areas around Noi Bai International Airport has increased significantly in the past nine years. The exposure noise levels (Lden) at surveyed sites ranged between 48 and 61 dB in 2009, but increased to range between 54 and 76 dB in 2017. General health indicators such as Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, etc. were investigated in two surveys conducted in November 2017 and August 2018. Exposure-response relationships established in the five surveys conducted from 2014 to 2018 were found to be higher than that established in 2009 survey. Comparisons of respondents with high blood pressure and insomnia ratios at different noise exposure level ranges showed that there is no significant association between ratios of hypertension and noise exposure levels (Lden) but a significant exposure-response relationship was found between night-time noise exposure levels and insomnia. This study results suggested that improvement of residence quality and a restriction on nighttime flight operation should be considered to protect health of resident living around airports in Vietnam.
  • Naoya Maruyama; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji Kawai; Mari Ueda
    Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2019- 4178 - 4185 2019年 
    We refer to “Multi-group conversation space (MGCS)” as a space where more than one groups share a space and make conversations within the groups, such as restaurant or café. In this study, we investigated acoustic comfort in MGCS considering speech intelligibility and speech privacy as major factors by conducting acoustic measurements and a questionnaire survey to the customers for four days in an actual café. The volume of background music (BGM) during operating hours was changed each day at three levels of low, middle and high and no BGM. The indoor noise levels were measured at six representative points with six sound level meters hung from the ceiling. The questionnaire consisted of eight items including ease of making conversation, comfort, and atmosphere (lively/relaxed). The customers were asked to answer questions at their table after having their meal or drink and, at the same time, the occupancy of neighboring table and the number of customers in the café were recorded. Results show that the ease of conversation tended to be evaluated better when the volume setting of the BGM was middle level than other settings. Also the impression evaluation varied by gender, age, or seat position and occupancy.
  • Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Akinori Fukushima; Takashi Morihara; Shigenori Yokoshima
    Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2019- 1639 - 1646 2019年 
    Up until now, in Japan, the dose-response relationship of Shinkansen railway noise has been estimated using measurement-based noise exposure levels as dose value. The noise exposure levels at the house of respondents were calculated by assuming a line sound source and a noise attenuation due to buildings was not considered. In this paper, we propose a noise mapping technique of Shinkansen-railway by using a point sound source model and re-estimate the dose-response relationship of Shinkansen railway noise.
  • Comparing noise contours calculated using existing and measurement-based NPD data for two major airports in Vietnam
    Thanh Loc Bui; Thu Lan Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Junichi Mori; Takashi Morihara
    INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering 2019年 
    The rapid development of air traffic in Asia along with the urbanization process made the increasing population living around airports exposed to higher noise levels. A noise map is helpful to track the level of change and evaluate the environmental impact due to the airport noise for appropriate countermeasures. This study is one of the first attempts to access an appropriate method to create noise maps for Vietnam in the absence of required data and limited technical means. Field measurements were conducted at Noi Bai International Airport (HNBIA) and Da Nang International Airport (DNIA), which were jointly used by the military and the civil aviation, in November 2017 and August 2018, respectively. Data related to the flight paths and operation of the aircraft were processed and input in the Integrated Noise Model (INM). Particular characteristics of the two airports such as climate conditions, geographical location, and operation of specific military aircraft types caused the difference between Noise-Power-Distance (NPD) data created by field measurement data and available NPD data in INM. The estimated noise levels using INM's existing and measurement-based NPD were compared with field measurement data to clarify the accuracy of the estimation process proposed in this study.
  • Assessment of health effects of aircraft noise on residents living around Noi Bai International Airport
    Bach Lien Trieu; Thu Lan Nguyen; Thanh Loc Bui; Takashi Yano; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara
    INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering 2019年 
    The number of studies on the impact of noise on health is very limited especially for people living around major airports in developing countries. Two surveys on health effects of aircraft noise were conducted at 13 sites around Noi Bai International Airport (HNBIA) in November 2017 and August 2018. The surveyed contents included aircraft noise exposure levels, noise annoyance, sleep disturbance and general health indicators such as Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, etc. Exposure levels were obtained by field measurement and noise map estimation. Community responses were investigated by face-to-face interview. Blood pressure of the respondents was assessed by self-reported method and measurement. Comparisons of respondents with high blood pressure and insomnia ratios at different noise exposure level ranges showed that there is no significant association between ratios of hypertension and noise exposure levels (Lden) but a significant exposure-response relationship was found between night-time noise exposure levels and insomnia. This result suggested that a restriction on nighttime flight operation and a specific regulation for aircraft noise limit should be considered to protect the health of residents living around airports for sustainable and balanced development of air transport in Vietnam.
  • Community response to noise around noi bai international airport from 2009 to 2018
    Thu Lan Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Thanh Loc Bui; Takashi Yano; Takashi Morihara; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga
    INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering 2019年 
    Noi Bai International Airport (HNBIA) is the second largest airport in Vietnam. Recently, the rapid development of air transport in Vietnam, together with the urbanization of the area around the airport, resulted in increased levels and wider influential scale of noise due to the airport operation. This study summarizes the results of socio-acoustic surveys on community response to noise conducted around NBIA from 2009 to 2018. The number of flights operated at NBIA and the population density at residential areas around the airport has increased significantly in the past nine years. The exposure noise levels (Lden) at surveyed sites ranged between 48 and 61 dB in 2009, but increased to range between 54 and 76 dB in 2017. Exposure-response relationships established in the five surveys conducted from 2014 to 2018 were found to be higher than that established in 2009 survey. Especially, an excess response due to the step-change of noise exposure was found when the airport operation changed after the opening of the new terminal at the end of 2014. This effect seems to decline over time but responses remain high when compared to that of the steady state at the same noise exposure level.
  • Development of aircraft tracking camera system for sound power level measurement of aircraft noise
    Junichi Mori; Makoto Morinaga; Ippei Yamamoto; Takatoshi Yokota; Koichi Makino; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering 2019年 
    In order to obtain sound power level in a single event of aircraft noise, not only successive series of noise levels in each 1/3 octave band under the flight path, but also distance between the measuring site and the aircraft is needed to measure the sound power level is estimated by correcting for the amount of sound attenuation due to spherical spreading and air absorption based on the distance to the noise level obtained at the measuring site. As the technique for measuring this distance, we developed an aircraft-tracking camera system by combining a hemispheric camera and motion-tracking. The effectiveness of this system was examined by means of a case study, and it was confirmed that the distance can be reasonably measured just by leaving this system unattended.
  • Long term follow-up study of community response to step-change in aircraft noise exposure around Noi Bai International Airport
    Thu Lan Nguyen; Bach Lien Trieu; Thanh Loc Bui; Takashi Yano; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Makoto Morinaga; Takashi Morihara; Thao Linh Nguyen
    INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering 2018年 
    This paper reports a follow-up investigation of the three surveys on step-change noise impact due to the increase of flight number in Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport (HNBIA) after the new terminal building opened in December 2014. The follow-up survey was conducted in November 2017, two years and 11 months after the step-change occurred. About 623 responses were obtained from 13 sites around HNBIA by interview method. Noise exposure levels was obtained by field measurement and using a noise map model. In addition to the main survey items about respondents' living conditions, noise annoyance and activity disturbance, data of residents' health conditions such as Body Mass Index and blood pressure were accessed by self-reported method. The changes in percentages of highly annoyed to noise and insomnia are found to be greatly various among sites. Nonetheless, an exposure-response relationship established in this follow-up study was found to be more parallel to that in the EU position paper than the relationships established in previous surveys but located significantly higher. In other words, though the excess response due to the step-change seems to decline over time but still stay higher than that of the steady state at the same noise exposure level.
  • Sound from rain drops impacting double layer structure consisted of mesh fabric
    Hirayama Yuji; Hiraguri Yasuhiro; Ueda Mari; Kawai Keiji
    Proc. Of Internoise 2017 2017年08月
  • A survey on acoustic comfort of conversing in multi-group conversation spaces
    Maruyama Naoya; Takata Shiho; Kawai Keiji; Hiraguri Yasuhiro; Ueda Mari
    Proc. Of Internoise 2017 2017年08月
  • Calculation tool of strategic noise map in Japan based on ASJ RTN-Model with GIS
    Fukuda Taiki; Hiraguri Yasuhiro
    Proc. Of Internoise 2017 2017年08月
  • 大嶋拓也; 平栗靖浩; 星和磨
    日本音響学会誌 73 6 364 - 369 一般社団法人 日本音響学会 2017年06月
  • How to establish a better information disclosure system on noise and environment - Concept proposals of information disclosure and a noise experience tool -
    Mari Ueda; Takeshi Nishikubo; Takahiro Miura; Takashi Morihara; Yoshio Tsuchida; Masaaki Hiroe; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Proc. Of ICBEN2017 No. 3799 2017年06月
  • 雨滴のメッシュ通過が膜衝撃音レベルに及ぼす影響
    平山裕二; 平栗靖浩; 上田麻理
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2016-60 2016年12月
  • Potential of Novelty Noise Evaluation by Using Road Traffic Noise Maps in Japan
    HIRAGURI Yasuhiro
    Proc. Of Internoise 2016 2822 - 2831 2016年08月
  • Takuya Oshima; Kei Wakamatsu; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takeshi Okuzono; Reiji Tomiku; Noriko Okamoto; Toru Otsuru
    Proc. Of Internoise 2016 1857 - 1864 2016年08月 
    © 2016, German Acoustical Society (DEGA). All rights reserved. Recent advances in outdoor acoustic propagation modeling and simulation techniques have enabled wide-area environmental noise assessment as represented by noise mapping. However, among main input information for such an assessment, ground acoustic properties are not available as a geographical dataset, whereas topography is readily obtainable as a digital surface model (DSM). In this paper, a wide-area estimation technique of ground acoustic absorption coefficient using remote sensing is explored. The selected sensor is a CASI-3 airborne hyperspectral imager, which provides high spectral and spatial resolutions in visible and near-infrared optical wavelengths. Hyperspectral images of 34 bands with a ground sampling distance of 1 m was acquired for a region of approximately 1570x3730 m2. Simultaneously, ground acoustic properties were measured using an in-situ technique at 8 locations in the imaged region, each of which has 36 measurement points. A modeling process using single and multiple regression analyses derived a set of equations that estimates the acoustic absorption coefficient from 160 to 3150Hz one-third-octave bands using the optical spectral reflectance tracked down to 3 bands. The acoustic absorption maps obtained by applying the derived model to the entire image provided qualitative validity of the model.
  • 航空ハイパースペクトル写真による地表面吸音率推定および 3 次元マッピング
    大嶋拓也; 若松慶; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2016-32 2016年06月
  • 多群会話空間における会話の明瞭度とプライバシーからみる会話しやすさの主観評価実験
    田中雅也; 川井敬二; 上田麻理; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2015-60 2015年12月
  • Takuya Oshima; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takeshi Okuzono
    JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 138 3 EL258 - EL263 2015年09月 [査読有り]
    Knowledge of distinct effects of moisture content and air volume on acoustic properties of soil is sought to predict the influence of human activities such as cultivation on acoustic propagation outdoors. This work used an impedance tube with the two-thickness method to investigate such effects. For a constant moisture weight percentage, the magnitude of the characteristic impedance became smaller and the absorption coefficient became higher with increase of the air space ratio. For a constant air space ratio, the absorption coefficient became larger and the magnitude of the propagation constant became smaller with increasing moisture weight percentage. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America
  • 地表面の形状及び超過減衰を考慮した屋外騒音伝搬の波動解析と幾何解析の比較
    星和磨; 大嶋拓也; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2015-30 2015年06月
  • 騒音曝露人口算出のための住居系建物の居住者数推定手法に関する研究
    平栗靖浩; 藤本一寿
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2015-11 2015年02月
  • 障壁に対して非鉛直方向から到来する音の回折減衰量に関する基礎的研究
    川端将大; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2015-07 2015年02月
  • Effect of reverberation on easiness of talking in multi-group conversation spaces
    Megmi Furukawa; Mari Ueda; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji KAWAI
    Proceedings of Kyushu-Yongnam Joint Conference on Acoustics 2015 1 1 124 - 127 2015年
  • 広域地表面分光反射特性からの直接的吸音特性推定モデルの検討
    若松慶; 大嶋拓也; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2014-48 2014年11月
  • Comparison of the results of numerical and geometrical outdoor acoustic simulations in a real-life area
    Kazuma Hoshi; Takuya Oshima; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Proc. Of Internoise 2014 2014年09月
  • Fundamental investigation of easy to talk at multigroup communication space
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Mari Ueda; Keiji Kawai; Takashi Yano
    Proc. Of ICBEN2014 2014年06月
  • 防災拡声放送の長期モニタリングとクロススペクトル法による気象影響の把握
    大島俊也; 岡田恭明; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2014-25 2014年05月
  • Effect of Reverberation on Easiness of Conversation in Multi-group Conversation Spaces
    Masaya Tanaka; Mari Ueda; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji Kawai
    Proceedings of the 9th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST 2014) 1 1 209 - 210 2014年
  • Takuya Oshima; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Masashi Imano
    Acoustical Science and Technology 35 2 108 - 118 2014年 [査読有り]
    With the recent progresses in computer performance and simulation techniques, it is becoming feasible to apply full three-dimensional wave-based numerical simulation techniques to large-scale problems of real-life sound propagation outdoors. In the present paper, a reconstruction technique for real-life urban geometries with full reproduction of the roof shapes and for the ground profiles using digital geographic information is presented. Also, a generation technique for the uniform rectilinear grid used in finite-difference time-domain simulations is presented. The types of geographic dataset used for the reconstruction are a digital surface model and a two-dimensional building outline map. For comparison, another geometry with flat building roofs, which is the type of geometry used in former noise-mapping studies using empirical models, is created. Comparison of the results of finitedifference time-domain acoustic simulations performed over the geometries shows sound pressure level differences above and behind buildings. The maximum level difference of 10 dB in magnitude indicates the necessity of proper reconstruction of the roof shapes in real-life urban acoustic simulations. © 2014 The Acoustical Society of Japan.
  • Takuya Oshima; Masashi Imano; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Yoshikazu Kamoshida
    APPLIED ACOUSTICS 74 12 1354 - 1366 2013年12月 [査読有り]
    The procedure of sound propagation calculation employing the linearized Euler (LE) model has been known to be complex because the procedure requires a chaining of two distinct simulations, namely a fluid dynamics simulation (CFD) in order to solve the background flow field, and a succeeding sound propagation simulation using the LE model over the flow field. The complexity is considered one of the main reasons why the most of the applications of the model remain in investigations assuming highly abstract geometries. In the study, a streamlined workflow is established for LE simulations over a complex urban terrain with its reconstruction utilizing digital geographic models which provide building outline maps and digital surface elevation information. Focus is given to automatic geometry reconstruction and mesh generations of realistic urban terrain. Subsequent processes of CFD and LE simulations are validated through comparisons with published results of wind-tunnel tests and with theoretical solutions. The workflow is deployed to an actual urban terrain of Nagaoka, Japan. The present technique generates a good reconstruction of urban geometry and subsequent split-hexahedral unstructured grid for CFD software and uniform structured mesh for finite-difference LE simulation. The numerical experiments show differences of up to 5 dB between sound pressure levels obtained by the present reconstruction technique and those by a flat-roof geometry. Also, the wind effects are mostly representable in terms of the source-observation point distance in spite of the complex urban configuration. Subtle wind effects of less than 0.5 dB are observed in crosswind condition as well. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Finite-difference time-domain outdoor acoustic simulation of a real-life area using land cover acoustic characteristics identified by airborne hyperspectral imagery
    Takuya Oshima; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Kazuma Hoshi
    Proc. Of Internoise 2013 No.635 2013年09月 [査読有り]
  • Improvement of estimation method of land cover acoustic characteristics using hyperspectral imaging data
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takuya Oshima; Kazuma Hoshi
    Proc. Of Internoise 2013 No.677 2013年09月
  • ハイパースペクトルデータを用いた地表面吸音境界条件の設定方法
    平栗靖浩; 大嶋拓也; 星和磨
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2013-38 2013年08月
  • GIS to Evaluate Road Traffic Noise in Makassar City in Indonesia
    Muralia Hustim; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design 1 119 - 130 2013年03月 [査読有り]
  • Takuya Oshima; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Kazuma Hoshi
    Acoustical Science and Technology 34 5 364 - 366 2013年 [査読有り]
    The article examines time-domain outdoor acoustic simulation of a real-life area using land cover classification identified by airborne hyperspectral imagery. In order to solve the identification problem, the authors presented a classification technique of using airborne hyperspectral imagery for land cover types in a real-life area. The simulation employs a porous-medium model for the solution of acoustic absorption by the surfaces. A validation of the porous-medium model through comparisons with exact solutions is given. The results are compared with those obtained assuming perfectly reflecting surfaces. The source is a coherent linear Gaussian pulse with a full width at half maximum of 1.25m and an amplitude of 1 Pa placed on a road, assuming a road traffic noise source.
  • Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takuya Oshima; Kazuma Hoshi
    Acoustical Science and Technology 34 5 367 - 370 2013年 [査読有り]
    The article presents a possible land cover classification estimation technique specialized for acoustic simulations using high-accuracy hyperspectral imaging data through a case study using a Nagaoka sample. The image was obtained by PASCO Corp. on 5 June 2004 using the Airborne Imaging Spectroradiometer for Application (AISA), which is a hyperspectral sensor with a 1m spatial resolution developed by Spectral Imaging Ltd. The image data comprise 67 bands, covering both the visible and a part of near-infrared wavelengths from 400 nm to 1,000 nm. Spectral band widths are equally spaced by 8-9 nm. The spectrum value at each picture element indicates a normalized spectral reflectance, which is calculated based on the spectral radiance of the ground surface and the sun observed simultaneously. The land cover classification that should be estimated is determined by referring to ASJ RTN-Model 2008 in the first step to discuss classification methods.
  • Case study of land cover classification estimation using hyperspectral imaging data for outdoor acoustic simulations
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takuya Oshima; Kazuma Hoshi
    The 41th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering Paper No.477  2012年08月
  • Development of Long-term Data Acquisition System of Noise Exposure and Personal Behavior for Analysis of Health Risk: Measuring Equipments
    Yuichi Yonemoto; Masaharu Ohya; Hi-royuki Imaizumi; Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Acoustics 2012 Paper No.1aNSb8  2012年05月
  • Development of Long-term Data Acquisition System of Noise Exposure and Personal Behavior for Analysis of Health Risk: Preliminary Studies
    Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Acoustics 2012 Papr No.1aNSb7  2012年05月
  • Development of Long-term Data Acquisition System of Noise Exposure and Personal Behavior for Analysis of Health Risk: Research Background
    Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Acoustics 2012 Paper No.1aNSb6  2012年05月
  • 線形化Euler法による屋外音響伝搬解析のための数値地形情報を用いた形状生成および格子生成
    大嶋拓也; 平栗靖浩; 今野雅
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2012-10 2012年02月
  • POEM: Application to Prediction and Mapping of Road Traffic Noise and the Practice
    Masanobu Hamatani; Yuko Oshima; Ken Shiohara; Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    The 40th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering Paper No. 432610  2011年09月
  • 多孔質材で構成したヘルムホルツ型吸音構造の吸音特性
    花田泰紀; 金子芳人; 平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一壽
    都市・建築学研究 20 61 - 66 2011年07月 [査読有り]
  • Development of new GIS software for prediction and evaluation of road traffic noise based on ASJ RTN-Model 2008
    Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Kazutoshi Fu-jimoto; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; more authors
    Journal of Habitat Engineering 3 119 - 130 2011年03月 [査読有り]
  • Effect of the accuracy of GIS digital map data on the Environmental Quality Standard for Noise in Japan
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    Proceedings of Kyushu-Youngnam Joint Conference on Acoustics 2011 11 - 14 2011年01月
  • 平栗靖浩; 川井敬二
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 75 657 937 - 945 2010年11月 [査読有り]
  • 平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一寿
    騒音制御 34 5 408 - 417 日本騒音制御工学会 2010年10月 [査読有り]
  • 視覚障害者のための降雨騒音低減傘とその使用感評価に関する研究
    上田麻理; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2010-36 2010年07月
  • Prevention strategy of active noise control system for a ventilation opening from malfunction caused by living sound: Discriminating strategy between automotive noise and living sound based on frequency characteristics
    Ken Anai; Takuro Shibata; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    Proceedings of the 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering Paper No.247  2010年06月
  • New GIS software for predicting and evaluating road traffic noise based on ASJ RTN-Model 2008
    Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Masanobu Hamatani; Yuko Oshima
    Proceedings of the 39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering Paper No.298  2010年06月
  • 上田 麻理; 平栗 靖浩; 藤本 一寿
    日本音響学会誌 66 6 265 - 269 一般社団法人日本音響学会 2010年06月 [査読有り]
  • 上田 麻理; 平栗 靖浩
    日本人間工学会大会講演集 46 112 - 113 一般社団法人 日本人間工学会 2010年
  • Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Ken Anai; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    Acoustical Science and Technology 31 1 68 - 74 2010年 [査読有り]
    The Acoustical Society of Japan's prediction model for road traffic noise, ASJ RTN- Model 2003, which is generally used for the evaluation of the 'Environmental Quality Standards for Noise in Japan' (EQS), estimates the average noise level as the representative value in the evaluated area. However, because the noise level at each building changes greatly depending on the arrangement of buildings, it is necessary, for the evaluation of EQS, to consider the distribution of noise levels in an evaluated section. From that perspective, a new concept to adopt the most frequent level of insertion loss of road traffic noise as a representative value of the evaluated section is proposed. A simple method to predict the most frequent level of insertion loss is presented that is based on the authors' simulation method of the insertion losses attributable to detached houses. Furthermore, the validity of the proposed equation for evaluating EQS is verified by comparing this method with ASJ RTN-Model 2003, which consists of identical parameters. The result confirms that the proposed prediction equation is appropriate for evaluating EQS.©2010 The Acoustical Society of Japan.
  • 志岐朋晃; 穴井謙; 平栗靖浩; 藤本一壽
    都市・建築学研究 16 125 - 131 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 2009年07月 [査読有り]
    Preservation of silence in the house is important for comfortable living environment. Ventilation openings, which are indispensable to keep indoor air clean, might be a bottleneck in the noise insulation. This study aims at improving noise reduction of the ventilation openings in low-frequency using active noise control(ANC) technique. In our previous study, basic performance of the ANC system for ventilation openings was examined. However, when the living sound is mixed into the ANC system, it is doubtful whether the noise reduction performance of the ANC will be ensured. In this paper, therefore, one tactic distinguishing between outdoor noise and indoor living sound with the difference of sound pressure level acquired by omni-directional and uni-directional microphones of the system is investigated to improve the ANC performance degraded by the living sound.
  • 盛土道路に面する地域における戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測法
    山口晃治; 藤本一寿; 穴井謙; 平栗靖浩
    騒音制御 33 156 - 164 2009年04月 [査読有り]
  • 平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一寿
    都市・建築学研究 15 95 - 102 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 2009年01月 [査読有り]
    ASJ RTN-Model 2003, which is generally used for the evaluation of 'the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise' in Japan, estimates the averaged noise levels as the representative value in each estimate section. However, the noise level at each building is greatly changed by the arrangement of buildings. Therefore, it is necessary for the evaluation of the Standards to take the distribution of noise levels in the estimate sections into consideration. From the above viewpoint, we propose a new concept to adopt the most frequent level of insertion loss of road traffic noise as the representative value of each estimate section, and a simple method to predict the most frequent level of insertion loss is presented based on the simulation of the insertion losses caused by detached houses by the authors' method.
  • 「騒音に係る環境基準」の評価のためのGIS数値地図の精度に関する研究
    サウンド 24 1 - 7 2009年01月
  • Improving sound insulation capability at a ventilation opening using active noise control: improving sound insulation performance degraded by living sound
    Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Yasumori Takahashi; Ken Anai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Proceedings of the 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 0252 2008年10月
  • Practical use of ASJ RTN-Model 2003 on road traffic noise mapping in city area
    Ken Anai; Shiki Tomoaki; Hiraguri Yasuhiro; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    Proceedings of the 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 0717 2008年10月
  • 沿道の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価のためのGIS数値地図の補正法
    平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一寿
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2008-57 2008年10月
  • 建物換気口に対するアクティブ騒音制御の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響に関する実験的検討
    穴井謙; 志岐朋晃; 平栗靖浩; 藤本一壽
    都市・建築学研究 14 111 - 117 2008年07月 [査読有り]
  • Prediction of Insertion Loss of Road Traffic Noise by Detached Houses in an Area Facing a Plane Road
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri
    Sustainable Habitat News Letter 5  2008年05月
  • 藤本一寿; 山口晃治; 穴井謙; 平栗靖浩
    都市・建築学研究 13 83 - 90 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 2008年01月 [査読有り]
    In the "Environmental Quality Standards for Noise," the problem of environmental noise in areas facing roads is evaluated by obtaining the numbers and the rates of the buildings at which noise levels exceed the environmental quality standards. In order to estimate noise distribution in the residential area facing roads, it is necessary to grasp the insertion loss caused by the buildings. The authors proposed in the previous study a simple method to predict the insertion loss of road traffic noise caused by detached houses when the road is at the same level with that of the houses. However, there are lots of residential areas where are located around an embanked road. In such residential areas, the noise would be expected to be higher. The purpose of this paper is to derive a new method to predict the insertion loss of road traffic noise caused by detached houses when a road is embanked. A one-twentieth scale model experiment is performed. On the basis of the experimental results, to extend the authors' previous predicting method to be applicable when a road is embanked is examined, and then a simple procedure to compensate the increase of noise level caused by the increase of the height of a road is derived. The results of an additional experiment, comparison with the former studies, and comparison with the measurement verify the validity of the proposed method.
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的研究
    上田麻理; 平栗靖浩; 藤本一寿
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2008-3 2008年01月
  • 盛土道路に面する地域における戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測法
    藤本一寿; 山口晃治; 穴井謙; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2007-51 2007年12月
  • Simple predicting method of the highest frequency level of insertion loss of road traffic noise caused by detached houses
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Ken Anai; Kazutoshi Fujimoto
    Proceedings of the 36th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 645  2007年08月
  • Hiroyuki Imaizumi; Kazutoshi Fujimoto; Yasumori Takahashi; Ken Anai; Ya-suhiro Hiraguri
    Proceedings of 14th Congress on Sound and Vibration, CD-ROM 2007年07月
  • 平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一寿
    都市・建築学研究 12 109 - 114 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院都市・建築学部門 2007年07月 [査読有り]
    ASJ RTN-Model 2003, which is generally used for the evaluation of the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise in Japan, estimates the averaged noise levels as the representative value in each estimate section. However, the noise level of each building is greatly changed by the arrangement of buildings. Therefore, it is necessary for the evaluation of the Standards to take the distribution of noise levels in the estimate sections into consideration. From the above viewpoint, we propose a new concept to adopt the highest frequency level of insertion loss of road traffic noise as the representative value of each estimate section, and a simple method to predict the highest frequency level of insertion loss is presented based on the simulation of the insertion losses caused by detached houses by the authors' method(F2006).
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の区間最頻値の簡易予測法-平面道路に面する地域の場合-
    平栗靖浩; 穴井謙; 藤本一寿
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2007-18 2007年05月
  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムの沿道騒音対策選択手法への適用
    穴井謙; 藤本一寿; 平栗靖浩
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2006-60 2006年12月
  • 平栗靖浩; 川井敬二; 矢野隆
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 71 604 1 - 7 日本建築学会 2006年06月 [査読有り]
    Design of sound environment of urban shopping arcades is important for promotion of a lively atmosphere and better speech/sound transmission. In this study sound environments in arcades of two cities were surveyed for 1) sound levels and audible distances of sounds from loudspeakers, 2) time of day variation of the sound environment with regard to sound levels and types of audible sounds, and 3) reverberation characteristics. The results were: 1) loudspeakers were widely used and sometimes set toward the street; 2) L_ values in the arcades were around 70dB in the daytime; 3) The reverberation times were around 1.5 seconds at 500Hz when stores opened.
  • アーケード街路における音環境の実態についての実測調査
    平栗靖浩; 川井敬二; 矢野隆
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会資料 AA-2005-43 2005年10月
  • Temporal characteristics of urban sound environments: a survey of arcades and parks
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji Kawai; Takashi Yano
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Temporal Design 117 - 120 2005年07月
  • 平栗 靖浩; 川井 敬二; 矢野 隆
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 70 591 1 - 6 日本建築学会 2005年05月 [査読有り]
    In this study, we obtained an overview of the sound environment in large-scale stores, with the aim of providing better sound conditions in them. We measured the noise levels and the types of audible sound in 139 large-scale stores, selling groceries, electrical appliances, or household equipment. The overall noise level in the stores varied from 52 to 76 dBA. A cluster analysis, which produced groups of stores based on similarities between the patterns of audible time of each sound, revealed that specific sounds, such as information from loudspeakers, were found in the group of stores with a relatively high noise level.
  • Qualitative descriptions of the sound environment in living context
    Keiji Kawai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Yano
    Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2004年08月
  • 辻原万規彦; 平栗靖浩
    日本建築学会技術報告集 19 19 214 - 214 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2004年06月 [査読有り]
    In order to confirm the effect of the shield cloths, the thermal environment, especially air temperature distribution, inside an enclosed arcade with the shield cloths was investigated both in summer 2001 and 2002. At the point without the shield cloths, vertical distribution of air temperature showed a sharp slope in the upper part inside the arcade. However, at the point with the shield cloths, vertical distribution showed a blunt slope. The outside air temperature just on the arcade and under the shield cloths was higher than without the shield cloths.
  • 辻原万規彦; 平栗靖浩
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 69 578 55 - 61 日本建築学会 2004年04月 [査読有り]
    In order to confirm the effect of the shield cloths, the thermal environment inside an enclosed arcade with the shield cloths was investigated in summer 2001 and 2002. The thermal environment was evaluated by calculating the SET^* and the equivalent air temperature and by voting on thermal comfort. In daytime, air temperature inside the arcade without shield cloths was lower than with shield cloths. From the viewpoint of the penetration ratio of solar radiation, the change 2001 to 2002 wasn't found. The shield cloths on the arcade improved the thermal environment inside the arcade in daytime, but in nighttime some new problems were found.
  • Measurement of sound environments in shopping spaces of large-scale stores
    Keiji Kawai; Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Takashi Yano
    Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 1235 - 1239 2003年08月
  • Acoustic measurements in arcades
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji Kawai; Takashi Yano
    Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2835 - 2842 2003年08月
  • スーパーマーケット等の店舗空間における音環境の実測調査
    平栗靖浩; 川井敬二; 矢野隆
    日本音響学会騒音振動研究会資料 N-2002-47 2002年07月
  • Relation between the overall impression of the sound environment and the types and loudness of environmental sound
    Yasuhiro Hiraguri; Keiji Kawai; Takashi Yano
    The seventh western pacific regional acoustics conference 687 - 690 2000年10月
  • オープンソース・ソフトウエアを活用した実在市街地環境複合解析
    大嶋拓也; 今野雅; 平栗靖浩
    ながれ 31 3 293 - 300



  • 多群会話空間における会話しやすさに関する実験室実験 −発声音量に対する BGM のジャンルと周囲会話音の影響−  [通常講演]
    丸山 直也; 川井 敬二; 平栗靖浩; 上田麻理
    日本音響学会研究発表会 2018年09月
  • 多群会話空間における会話しやすさに関する検討 会話の発声音量への周囲会話音と背景音楽の影響  [通常講演]
    丸山 直也; 川井 敬二; 平栗靖浩; 上田麻理
    日本建築学会大会学術講演会 2018年09月
  • 多群会話空間での会話しやすさに関する検討 実際の食堂・カフェにおける音響測定とアンケート調査  [通常講演]
    丸山 直也; 平栗 靖浩; 上田 麻理; 川井 敬二
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 2016年08月
  • 実在地域における地表面の吸音特性を考慮した音響数値解析技術の開発 地表面データを用いた時間領域音響数値解析  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 959-960 2012年09月
  • 実在地域における地表面の吸音特性を考慮した音響数値解析技術の開発 ハイパースペクトルデータを用いた地表面データ生成手法の検討  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 955-958 2012年09月
  • 環境騒音曝露レベルと個人行動に関する長期間データ計測システムの開発 その3 システムの試行計測とデータ検証  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 1037-1038 2012年09月
  • 環境騒音曝露レベルと個人行動に関する長期間データ計測システムの開発 その2 システムの構成と特徴  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 1035-1036 2012年09月
  • 環境騒音曝露レベルと個人行動に関する長期間データ計測システムの開発 その1 システム開発の背景と目標  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 1033-1034 2012年09月
  • A Tentative Plan of Road Traffic Noise Measure in Makassar City, Indonesia  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 2012年09月
  • 数値地図の違いが沿道の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集 秋, 257-260 2012年09月
  • 屋外音場数値解析のための数値地形情報を用いた地面形状生成および格子生成  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 春, No.1-8-21 2012年03月
  • 健康リスク解析のための長期間騒音曝露データ収集システム  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第51-2号, 57-60 2012年03月
  • 線形化Euler 法による屋外音響伝搬解析のための数値地形情報を用いた形状生成および格子生成  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音振動研究会資料, N-2012-10 2012年02月
  • 散乱反射法による高架裏面反射音の計算方法の簡易化-高架裏面の積分範囲-  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 秋, 1007-1008 2011年09月
  • 多孔質材で構成したヘルムホルツ型吸音構造の吸音特性  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 335-336 2011年09月
  • 点音源モデルに基づく戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測計算法-その2 予測計算式の有効性の検証-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 297-298 2011年09月
  • 点音源モデルに基づく戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測計算法-その1 予測計算式の導出-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 295-296 2011年09月
  • 散乱反射法による高架裏面反射音の計算方法の簡易化-考慮すべき離散音源点の範囲  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 293-294 2011年09月
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測法の検討-点音源モデルに基づく予測法  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第50-2号, 101-104 2011年03月
  • 多孔質材で構成したヘルムホルツ型吸音構造の吸音特性  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第50-2号, 61-64 2011年03月
  • 住宅換気口のアクティブ騒音制御効果に及ぼす生活音の影響-ANC効果低下に対する自動車騒音判別手法の改善能力-  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 秋, 293-296 2010年
  • 視覚障害者のための降雨騒音低減傘の使用感に関する検討  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 2010年秋, 1-5-2 2010年
  • 試験住宅に設置された換気口における自動車騒音に対するアクティブ騒音制御効果  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 243-244 2010年
  • 視覚障害者のための降雨騒音低減傘とその使用感評価に関する研究  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2010-36, 1-7 2010年
  • アクティブ騒音制御技術の住宅換気口への適用-自動車騒音の制御効果に関する実験的検討-  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 春, 9-12 2010年
  • 雨天時の視覚障害者の移動支援のための傘の開発-メッシュ生地を用いた二重構造傘の降雨騒音低減効果  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 春, 2-3-8 2010年
  • ポリエステル不織布とそのリサイクル材の吸音特性  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 春, 1-4-12 2010年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響-その5 周波数特性に基づく制御対象音の判別手法の改善-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第49-2号, 17-20 2010年
  • 住宅換気口における自動車騒音に対するアクティブ騒音制御効果-実住宅における制御対象騒音だけが存在する条件下の実験-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第49-2号, 13-16 2010年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測-点音源モデルに基づく予測法の検討-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第49-2号, 9-12 2010年
  • 数値地図の精度が沿道の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価に及ぼす影響-版元の異なる数値地図に関する検討-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第49-2号, 5-8 2010年
  • 住宅換気口のアクティブ騒音制御効果に及ぼす生活音の影響-周波数特性に基づく制御対象騒音の判別-  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 秋, 173-176 2009年
  • ポリエステル不織布とそのリサイクル材の単位面積流れ抵抗と吸音特性  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 秋, 165-168 2009年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響 その4 周波数特性に基づく制御対象音の判別によるANC効果低減の改善  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 275-276 2009年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響 その3 2つのマイクロホンを用いた生活音の判別によるANC効果低減の改善  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 273-274 2009年
  • 沿道の単独建物背後における道路交通騒音の予測-ASJ RTN-Model 2008とASJ RTN-Model 2003の比較-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 265-266 2009年
  • 沿道の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価のためのGIS数値地図の補正法の有効性  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 263-264 2009年
  • ポリエステル不織布とそのリサイクル材の単位面積流れ抵抗と吸音特性  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第48-2号, 41-44 2009年
  • 「騒音に係る環境基準」の評価のための騒音レベル区間最頻値の簡易予測法の有効性に関する検討  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第48-2号, 53-56 2009年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音性能向上の試み-指向性・無指向性マイクロホンを用いた生活音による遮音性能低下の改善  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第48-2号, 45-48 2009年
  • 沿道の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価のためのGIS数値地図の補正法  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2008-57, 1-7 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的検討  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会関西支部 第11回若手研究者交流研究発表会 2008年 ポスター発表
  • 住宅換気口のアクティブ騒音制御効果に及ぼす生活音の影響-ANC効果低減の改善に関する基礎的検討-  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 2008年9月, 177-180 2008年
  • 視覚障害者が雨天時に望む音響情報の音量について  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 2008年9月, 145-148 2008年
  • 建物群背後の道路交通騒音予測法に関する考察  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 2008年9月, 97-100 2008年
  • 沿道住宅地の「騒音に係る環境基準」評価のためのGIS数値地図補正法  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集 2008年9月, 77-80 2008年
  • GIS数値地図の精度が道路交通騒音の環境基準の評価に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 331-332 2008年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響 その2 ニューラルネットワークを用いたANC効果低減の改善  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 241-242 2008年
  • アクティブ騒音制御による建物換気口の遮音効果に及ぼす生活音の影響 その1 指向性マイクロホンを用いたANC効果低減の改善  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 239-240 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的検討 その3 傘の雨滴衝撃音の音響特性について  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 2008年秋, 1571-1574 2008年
  • 住宅換気口のアクティブ騒音制御効果に及ぼす 生活音の影響とその改善に関する実験的検討  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 2008年秋, 1279-1282 2008年
  • 平面道路に面する戸建て住宅地における騒音レベル区間最頻値の簡易予測法  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集 2008年秋, 1017-1020 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的検討  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会講演論文集, 1519-1522 2008年
  • GIS数値地図の精度が沿道騒音の環境基準の評価に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第47-2号, 65-68 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的検討-その2 疑似降雨実験による傘の材料の比較  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第47-2号, 53-56 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的検討-その1 雨天時の歩行環境に関する意識調査  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告 第47-2号, 49-52 2008年
  • 視覚障害者のための傘の降雨騒音低減に関する基礎的研究  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2008-3, 1-8 2008年
  • GIS数値地図の精度が沿道騒音の環境基準の評価に及ぼす影響  [通常講演]
    第6回「循環型住空間システムの構築」フォーラム,九州大学21世紀COEプログラム「循環型住空間システムの構築」,144-150 2008年 ポスター発表
  • 盛土道路に面する地域における戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測法  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2007-51, 1-8 2007年
  • 平面道路に面する戸建て住宅地における騒音レベル区間最頻値の簡易予測法  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集, 73-76 2007年
  • 盛土道路に面する地域における戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測  [通常講演]
    日本騒音制御工学会研究発表会講演論文集, 69-72 2007年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量 その2 F2006+の有効性の検証と応用例  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 159-160 2007年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量 その1 F2006の盛土道路への拡張  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 D-1, 157-158 2007年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の区間最頻値の簡易予測法 -平面道路に面する地域の場合-  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2007-18, 1-7 2007年
  • 道路交通騒音の面的評価のための騒音レベルの簡易推計手法  [通常講演]
    第5回「循環型住空間システムの構築」フォーラム,九州大学21世紀COEプログラム「循環型住空間システムの構築」,195-201 2007年 ポスター発表
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の簡易予測法 -平面道路に面する地域を対象とした予測式-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,46-2,105-108 2007年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測-F2006の盛土道路への拡張(その2)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,46-2,101-104 2007年
  • 戸建て住宅群による道路交通騒音減衰量の予測-F2006の盛土道路への拡張(その1)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,46-2,97-100 2007年
  • 遺伝的アルゴリズムの沿道騒音対策選択手法への適用  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音・振動研究会資料 N-2006-60 2006年
  • 音環境の質的記述に関する基礎的研究 -音事象の聴取頻度の記録における単位時間の検討-  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会秋季研究発表会講演論文集,687-688 2006年
  • アーケード街路における音環境の実態についての実測調査  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会建築音響研究会資料 AA-2005-43 2005年
  • 都市公園の音環境 -熊本市街地の公園における実測調査-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1 2005年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握 -長崎浜市観光通商店街のアーケード改修工事前後の比較(その2)-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,85-86 2004年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握 -長崎浜市観光通商店街のアーケード改修工事前後の比較(その1)-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,83-84 2004年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握 -その2 長崎浜市観光通商店街のアーケード改修工事前後の比較-  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,42・2,85-88 2004年
  • 遮光網を設置した全蓋式アーケード内部の気温分布性状と温熱環境  [通常講演]
    空気調和・衛生工学会学術講演論文集,261-264 2003年
  • 遮光網を設置した全蓋式アーケード内部の温熱環境  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,933-934 2003年
  • アーケードを有する街路空間における音環境特性の把握(その2)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,203-204 2003年
  • アーケードを有する街路空間における音環境特性の把握(その1)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,201-202 2003年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,41・2,77-80 2003年
  • 商業空間の音環境の現状 -熊本市内のスーパーマーケット等における店内実測調査-  [通常講演]
    日本サウンドスケープ協会第8回研究発表会 2002年
  • スーパーマーケット等の店舗空間における音環境の実測調査  [通常講演]
    日本音響学会騒音振動研究会資料,N-2002-47 2002年
  • 店舗空間における音の出現と音量の把握  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,75-76 2002年
  • 商業空間における音の出現率と音量の把握  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,40・2,37-40 2002年
  • 商業空間の音環境の現状把握  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,89-90 2001年
  • 熊本-スウェーデンにおける商業空間の音環境比較  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会九州支部研究報告,39・2,121-124 2001年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握(その2)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,137-138 2000年
  • 街路空間における音環境特性の把握(その1)  [通常講演]
    日本建築学会学術講演梗概集,D-1,135-136 2000年


  • 地理情報システム学会   Acoustical Society of America   日本騒音制御工学会   日本音響学会   日本建築学会   日本リモートセンシング学会   


  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2024年04月 -2027年03月 
    代表者 : 森原 崇; 森長 誠; 辻村 壮平; 平栗 靖浩
  • ノイズマップ作成・活用に関する総合的研究
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 平栗 靖浩
  • 広域環境騒音伝搬予測のための地表面音響特性時空間変動モデルの確立
    研究期間 : 2016年04月 -2020年03月 
    代表者 : 大嶋 拓也
  • ハイパースペクトルデータを用いた地表面吸音境界条件の生成手法の確立
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 若手(B)
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2016年03月 
    代表者 : 平栗 靖浩
  • 防災音声放送の聞こえにくさを「見せる化」するハザードマップの推計手法
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 基盤(B)
    研究期間 : 2012年10月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 大久保; 朝直
  • 健康リスク分析のための高レベル道路交通騒音の予測と曝露人口推定法
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 基盤(C)
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 藤本 一壽
  • 屋外音響シミュレーションのための地表面吸音境界条件の生成・設定手法
    研究期間 : 2013年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 平栗 靖浩
  • 数値地形情報を用いた実在地域音響数値解析技術の研究開発
    日本学術振興会:科学研究費補助金 基盤(B)
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2014年03月 
    代表者 : 大嶋 拓也
  • GISを用いた道路交通騒音の環境基準の評価における数値地図データの補正手法に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2008年10月 -2009年09月 
    代表者 : 平栗 靖浩
  • 「騒音に係る環境基準」の評価のためのGIS数値地図の精度に関する研究
    研究期間 : 2008年04月 -2009年03月 
    代表者 : 平栗 靖浩
  • Prediction of Insertion Loss of Road Traffic Noise
    The Other Research Programs
  • Acoustic environment in commercial area
    The Other Research Programs
