橋本 衛 (ハシモト マモル)

  • 医学科 教授/主任
Last Updated :2024/04/25

コミュニケーション情報 byコメンテータガイド

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  • 報道関連出演・掲載一覧

    <報道関連出演・掲載一覧> ●2023/8/22  関西テレビ「newsランナー」  アルツハイマー病の新薬「レカネマブ」の承認にあたり、期待される薬の効果について ●2023/2/18  スポーツ報知  前頭側頭型認知症について ●2021/6/8  関西テレビ「報道ランナー」  アルツハイマー病の治療薬について ●2021/5/27  読売テレビ「情報ライブミヤネ屋」  深田恭子さんの適応障害について



  • 医学博士(1996年03月 大阪大学)


J-Global ID




  • ライフサイエンス / 精神神経科学


  • 2021年10月 - 現在  近畿大学医学部精神神経科学教室主任教授
  • 2021年05月 - 2021年10月  近畿大学医学部精神医学教室主任教授
  • 2020年05月 - 2021年04月  大阪大学大学院医学系研究科精神医学教室
  • 2019年04月 - 2020年04月  大阪大学大学院連合小児発達学研究科 行動神経学・精神医学寄附講座
  • 2015年04月 - 2019年03月  熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部准教授
  • 2011年 - 2015年  熊本大学医学部附属病院神経精神科 講師University Hospital
  • 2011年 - 2015年  Lecturer, ,University Hospital ,Kumamoto University
  • 2015年  Associate Professor, ,Faculty of Life Sciences(Clinical medicine group),Kumamoto University
  • 2007年 - 2011年  熊本大学医学部附属病院神経精神科 助教University Hospital
  • 2007年 - 2011年  Assistant Professor, ,University Hospital ,Kumamoto University
  • 1996年 - 2004年  兵庫県立高齢者脳機能研究センター -


  •         - 1996年   大阪大学   医学研究科   内科系専攻(博士課程)
  •         - 1996年   大阪大学   Graduate School, Division of Medicine
  •         - 1991年   大阪大学   医学部   医学科
  •         - 1991年   大阪大学   Faculty of Medicine


  • 日本神経心理学会   日本老年精神医学会   日本内科学会   日本痴呆学会   日本神経学会   日本高次脳機能障害学会   日本精神神経学会   



  • Sumiyo Umeda; Hideki Kanemoto; Maki Suzuki; Tamiki Wada; Takashi Suehiro; Kyosuke Kakeda; Yoshitaka Nakatani; Yuto Satake; Maki Yamakawa; Fuyuki Koizumi; Daiki Taomoto; Sakura Hikida; Natsuho Hirakawa; Andrew Sommerlad; Gill Livingston; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Manabu Ikeda
    International psychogeriatrics 1 - 14 2024年03月 
    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to psychometrically evaluate and validate a Japanese version of the Social Functioning in Dementia scale (SF-DEM-J) and investigate changes in social function in people with dementia during the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic. DESIGN: We interviewed people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and mild dementia and their caregivers during June 2020-March 2021 to validate patient- and caregiver-rated SF-DEM-J and compared their scores at baseline (April 2020 to May 2020) and at 6-8 months (January 2021 to March 2021) during a time of tighter COVID-19 restrictions. SETTING: The neuropsychology clinic in the Department of Psychiatry at Osaka University Hospital and outpatient clinic in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Daini Osaka Police Hospital, Japan. PARTICIPANTS: 103 dyads of patients and caregivers. MEASUREMENTS: SF-DEM-J, Mini-Mental State Examination, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, UCLA Loneliness Scale, and Apathy Evaluation Scale. RESULTS: The scale's interrater reliability was excellent and test-retest reliability was substantial. Content validity was confirmed for the caregiver-rated SF-DEM-J, and convergent validity was moderate. Caregiver-rated SF-DEM-J was associated with apathy, irritability, loneliness, and cognitive impairment. The total score of caregiver-rated SF-DEM-J and the score of Section 2, "communication with others," significantly improved at 6-8 months of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The SF-DEM-J is acceptable as a measure of social function in MCI and mild dementia. Our results show that the social functioning of people with dementia, especially communicating with others, improved during the COVID-19 pandemic, probably as a result of adaptation to the restrictive life.
  • Shunichiro Shinagawa; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hajime Yamakage; Shunji Toya; Manabu Ikeda
    International psychogeriatrics 1 - 11 2024年02月 
    OBJECTIVES: Eating problems frequently occur in people with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), but few studies have investigated the clinical background of this phenomenon. This study examined the relationship between eating problems and various symptoms of DLB and the relation between the treatment needs for DLB people with eating problems and the understanding of their eating problems by caregivers and physicians. DESIGN, MEASUREMENTS, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a subanalysis of a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey study. Two hundred sixty-one subjects with DLB were divided into subjects with or without eating problems. Logistic or linear regression analysis was used to investigate the factors influencing eating problems. The treatment needs of DLB people for their eating problems and the understanding of these needs by caregivers and physicians were calculated as participant-caregiver and participant-physician kappa coefficient. RESULTS: Of the 261 participants, 27% suffered from eating problems. The presence of eating problems in participants with DLB was related to depression (p = 0.01, OR : 2.19, 95% CI: 1.23-3.91) and apathy (p = 0.01, OR 2.15, 95% CI: 1.20-3.87), while the worsening of eating problems was related to dysphagia (β = 0.24, p = 0.03), apathy (β = 0.23, p = 0.05), and nighttime behavior (β = 0.24, p = 0.04). The participant-physician kappa coefficient for physician understanding of constipation, weight loss, dysphagia, weight gain, and increase in appetite was significantly lower than the corresponding participant-caregiver kappa coefficient (p-value of five symptoms < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Physicians need to pay more attention to eating problems and their neuropsychiatric background in the long-term support and management of DLB subjects.
  • Daiki Taomoto; Shunsuke Sato; Hideki Kanemoto; Maki Suzuki; Natsuho Hirakawa; Akihiro Takasaki; Miu Akimoto; Yuto Satake; Fuyuki Koizumi; Kenji Yoshiyama; Rei Takahashi; Kazue Shigenobu; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toji Miyagawa; Bradley Boeve; David Knopman; Etsuro Mori; Manabu Ikeda
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 2023年12月 
    BACKGROUND: We aimed to validate the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR®) dementia staging instrument plus the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Centre Behaviour and Language Domains (CDR® plus NACC FTLD) for use in clinical settings in Japan and in the Japanese language. METHODS: This prospective observational study enrolled 29 patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and 21 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia from the Departments of Psychiatry at Osaka University Hospital and Asakayama General Hospital and the Brain Function Centre at Nippon Life Hospital. CDR® plus NACC FTLD, CDR®, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Western Aphasia Battery (WAB), Neuropsychiatric Inventory-plus (NPI-plus), Stereotypy Rating Inventory (SRI), and frontal behavioural symptom scores obtained from items of NPI-plus and SRI, were conducted to assess inter- and intra-rater reliability, validity, and responsiveness. We performed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to evaluate the discriminating power of the Behaviour/Comportment/Personality (BEHAV) and Language (LANG) domains of the CDR® plus NACC FTLD and the MEMORY domain of the CDR® in patients AD dementia and FTD. RESULTS: The CDR® plus NACC FTLD showed good inter- and intra-rater reliabilities. In patients with FTD, the BEHAV domain of the CDR® plus NACC FTLD was significantly correlated with all clinical measures except for the SRI total score, while the LANG domain of the CDR® plus NACC FTLD was significantly correlated with the MMSE and the WAB-Aphasia quotient. In addition, the CDR® plus NACC FTLD sum of boxes significantly changed after 6 months and after 1 year. ROC curve analysis showed that the BEHAV and LANG domains of the CDR® plus NACC FTLD distinguished between patients with AD dementia and FTD better than the MEMORY domain of the CDR®. CONCLUSIONS: This study validated the Japanese version of the CDR® plus NACC FTLD with good reliability, validity, and responsiveness.
  • 日高 洋介; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    医学のあゆみ 287 11-12 849 - 850 医歯薬出版(株) 2023年12月
  • Seiji Yuuki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Asuka Koyama; Masateru Matsushita; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Ryuji Fukuhara; Kazuki Honda; Yusuke Miyagawa; Manabu Ikeda; Minoru Takebayashi
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 23 4 682 - 689 2023年07月 
    BACKGROUND: Caring for patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) would be more stressful for their caregivers than those with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we compared levels of caregiver burden and the possible influential factors on the caregiver burden between DLB and AD. METHODS: Ninety-three DLB patients and 500 AD patients were selected from the Kumamoto University Dementia Registry. Caregiver burden, neuropsychiatric symptoms, basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) were assessed by the Japanese version of the Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview (J-ZBI), the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), the Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS), and the Lawton IADL scale, respectively. RESULTS: Despite the comparable Mini-Mental State Examination score, the J-ZBI score was significantly higher in the DLB group than the AD group (P = 0.012). A stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that IADL score (β = -0.23, P = 0.049), PSMS score (β = -0.31, P = 0.010), disinhibition (β = 0.22, P = 0.008), and anxiety (β = 0.19, P = 0.027) were significantly associated with J-ZBI score in DLB. In AD, caregiver's relationship with patient (child) (β = 0.104, P = 0.005), caregiver's gender (female) (β = 0.106, P = 0.004), IADL score (β = -0.237, P < 0.001), irritability (β = 0.183, P < 0.001), apathy (β = 0.132, P = 0.001), agitation (β = 0.118, P = 0.007), and aberrant motor behaviour (β = 0.107, P = 0.010) were associated with caregiver burden. CONCLUSIONS: Caring for DLB patients caused a higher degree of caregiver burden than AD patients in the same level of cognitive decline. The factors responsible for the caregiver's burden were different between DLB and AD. The caregiver burden for DLB patients was associated with the disability of basic ADL, IADL impairment, anxiety and disinhibition.
  • 地域在住高齢者における脳脊髄液体積変化と認知機能障害との関連 熊本県荒尾市研究
    日高 洋介; 橋本 衛; 末廣 聖; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 津野田 尚子; 小山 明日香; 本田 和揮; 宮川 雄介; 吉浦 和宏; 朴 秀賢; 石井 一成; 池田 学; 竹林 実
    精神神経学雑誌 2023特別号 S562 - S562 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2023年06月
  • 津野田 尚子; 福原 竜治; 橋本 衛
    高次脳機能研究 43 2 166 - 171 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2023年06月 
    幻聴は精神科領域において最も一般的な症候の1つであり,その研究は主に統合失調症などの機能性精神疾患で論ぜられてきた。一方,器質性精神疾患の幻覚は幻聴よりも幻視が特徴的であり,幻視はレビー小体型認知症(dementia with Lewy bodies:DLB)の中核症状の1つとして位置づけられている。しかしDLBにおいて幻聴は決して稀な症候ではなく,我々の調査では,DLB患者の約3人に1人が幻聴を有していた。またDLBの幻聴の大半は幻視とともに出現し,その多くが「幻視の人物が話す」という特徴を有していた。さらに幻聴の発現には,妄想,うつ,難聴,女性などの因子が関与していた。DLBの幻聴は,そうした多様な因子が幻視に作用することによって引き起こされる可能性が考えられた。(著者抄録)
  • 高齢者の心臓血管手術の術前不安と術後せん妄の関連 パーソナリティ特性とコーピングパターンに焦点をあてて
    福永 寛恵; 菅原 裕子; 小山 明日香; 岡本 健; 福井 寿啓; 石川 智久; 竹林 実; 積山 薫; 橋本 衛
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 86回 221 - 221 (公社)日本心理学会 2023年03月
  • 高齢者の心臓血管手術の術前不安と術後せん妄の関連 パーソナリティ特性とコーピングパターンに焦点をあてて
    福永 寛恵; 菅原 裕子; 小山 明日香; 岡本 健; 福井 寿啓; 石川 智久; 竹林 実; 積山 薫; 橋本 衛
    日本心理学会大会発表論文集 86回 221 - 221 (公社)日本心理学会 2023年03月
  • 意味性認知症患者に対する遠隔言語療法の有効性
    高崎 昭博; 鈴木 麻希; 垰本 大喜; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    高次脳機能研究 43 1 65 - 65 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2023年03月
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Yuta Manabe; Takuhiro Yamaguchi; Shunji Toya; Manabu Ikeda
    Alzheimer's research & therapy 15 1 4 - 4 2023年01月
  • 意味性認知症における心の理論の検討
    佐久田 静; 高崎 昭博; 堀田 牧; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 池田 学; 竹林 実; 橋本 衛
    精神神経学雑誌 125 1 71 - 71 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2023年01月
  • 小山 明日香; 石川 智久; 宮川 雄介; 日高 洋介; 福原 竜治; 藤瀬 昇; 城野 匡; 本田 和揮; 橋本 衛; 池田 学; 朴 秀賢; 竹林 実
    老年精神医学雑誌 33 増刊II 327 - 328 (株)ワールドプランニング 2022年11月
  • 垰夲 大喜; 末廣 聖; 佐竹 祐人; 中牟田 なおみ; 堀田 牧; 鈴木 麻希; 小泉 冬木; 佐藤 俊介; 鐘本 英輝; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 三好 豊子; 柏木 一恵; 繁信 和恵; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    老年精神医学雑誌 33 増刊II 376 - 376 (株)ワールドプランニング 2022年11月
  • Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS)-15下位項目における主要項目の検討 荒尾市研究
    小山 明日香; 石川 智久; 宮川 雄介; 日高 洋介; 福原 竜治; 藤瀬 昇; 城野 匡; 本田 和揮; 橋本 衛; 池田 学; 朴 秀賢; 竹林 実
    老年精神医学雑誌 33 増刊II 327 - 328 (株)ワールドプランニング 2022年11月
  • 認知症初期集中支援チームの困難事例からみた高齢者のごみ屋敷の特徴
    垰夲 大喜; 末廣 聖; 佐竹 祐人; 中牟田 なおみ; 堀田 牧; 鈴木 麻希; 小泉 冬木; 佐藤 俊介; 鐘本 英輝; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 三好 豊子; 柏木 一恵; 繁信 和恵; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    老年精神医学雑誌 33 増刊II 376 - 376 (株)ワールドプランニング 2022年11月
  • Yosuke Hidaka; Mamoru Hashimoto; Takashi Suehiro; Ryuji Fukuhara; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Naoko Tsunoda; Asuka Koyama; Kazuki Honda; Yusuke Miyagawa; Kazuhiro Yoshiura; Shuken Boku; Kazunari Ishii; Manabu Ikeda; Minoru Takebayashi
    Fluids and barriers of the CNS 19 1 82 - 82 2022年10月 
    BACKGROUND: Impaired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics may contribute to the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, and play a crucial role in brain health in older people; nonetheless, such age-related changes have not been well elucidated. Disproportionately enlarged subarachnoid-space hydrocephalus (DESH) is a neuroimaging phenotype of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus, originating from impaired CSF dynamics, and closely associated with aging. This study aimed to investigate the pathophysiology of DESH and determine age-related changes in CSF dynamics. METHODS: Using magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the pathophysiology of DESH by quantitatively evaluating the volumes of DESH-related regions (ventricles [VS], Sylvian fissure [SF], and subarachnoid spaces at high convexity and midline [SHM]) and brain parenchyma in community-dwelling individuals aged  ≥ 65 years. DESH-related regions were assessed using a visual rating scale, and volumes measured using voxel-based morphometry. Brain parenchyma volumes were measured using FreeSurfer software. RESULTS: Data from 1,356 individuals were analyzed, and 25 (1.8%) individuals had DESH. Regarding the relationships between the volume of each CSF space and age, VS and SF volumes increased with age, whereas SHM volume did not increase. VS and SF volumes increased as the whole brain volume decreased, whereas SHM volume did not increase even if the whole brain volume decreased; that is, SHM did not expand even if brain atrophy progressed. Moreover, lower Mini-Mental State Examination scores were significantly associated with lower SHM volume and higher VS volume. These associations remained significant even when individuals with DESH were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the volume of high-convexity and medial subarachnoid spaces did not expand and tended to decrease with age; the human brain continuously progresses toward a "DESH-like" morphology with aging in community-dwelling older persons (i.e., DESH might be an "accelerated aging stage" rather than an "age-related disorder"). Our results indicated that brain atrophy may be associated with the development of "DESH-like" morphology. In addition, this morphological change, as well as brain atrophy, is an important condition associated with cognitive decline in older adults. Our findings highlight the importance of investigating the aging process of CSF dynamics in the human brain to preserve brain health in older people.
  • Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS)-15下位項目における主要項目の検討 荒尾市研究
    小山 明日香; 石川 智久; 宮川 雄介; 日高 洋介; 福原 竜治; 藤瀬 昇; 城野 匡; 本田 和揮; 橋本 衛; 池田 学; 朴 秀賢; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 36 4 789 - 789 (一社)日本認知症学会 2022年10月
  • Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS)-15下位項目における主要項目の検討 荒尾市研究
    小山 明日香; 石川 智久; 宮川 雄介; 日高 洋介; 福原 竜治; 藤瀬 昇; 城野 匡; 本田 和揮; 橋本 衛; 池田 学; 朴 秀賢; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 36 4 789 - 789 (一社)日本認知症学会 2022年10月
  • Hideki Kanemoto; Yuto Satake; Takashi Suehiro; Daiki Taomoto; Fuyuki Koizumi; Shunsuke Sato; Tamiki Wada; Keiko Matsunaga; Eku Shimosegawa; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Manabu Ikeda
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 14 1 2022年09月 
    Abstract Background This study aimed to identify cases of potential prodromal DLB in very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis (VLOSLP), using indicative biomarkers of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and to evaluate the characteristics of psychosis as prodromal DLB. Methods Data of patients with VLOSLP without dementia and Parkinsonism, who underwent testing for at least one indicative biomarker of DLB, were retrospectively collected from the database of the psychiatry clinic at the Osaka University Hospital. Patients were divided into two groups based on the positive (VLOSLP+LB) and negative (VLOSLP–LB) results of the indicative biomarkers of DLB. Age, gender, cognitive battery scores, prevalence of each type of delusions and hallucinations, cerebral volume, and cerebral perfusion were compared between the two groups. Results Eleven VLOSLP+LB and 23 VLOSLP–LB participants were enrolled. There were no significant differences in age, proportion of females, and MMSE scores between the two groups. The standardized score of the digit symbol substitution test was significantly lower in the VLOSLP+LB than in VLOSLP–LB group (6.9 [3.1] vs. 10.0 [2.7], p = 0.005). The prevalence of visual hallucinations was significantly higher in the VLOSLP+LB group than in the VLOSLP-LB group (81.8% vs. 26.1%, p = 0.003). Auditory hallucinations were prevalent in both groups (43.5% in VLOSLP–LB, and 45.5% in VLOSLP+LB). Among patients with auditory hallucinations, auditory hallucinations without coexistent visual hallucinations tended to be more prevalent in VLOSLP–LB (7 out of 10) than in VLOSLP+LB patients (1 out of 5). Although cerebral volume was not different in any region, cerebral perfusion in the posterior region, including the occipital lobe, was significantly lower in the VLOSLP+LB group. Conclusions Psychomotor slowing, visual hallucinations, and reduced perfusion in the occipital lobe may be suggestive of prodromal DLB in VLOSLP patients, even though the clinical manifestations were similar in many respects between VLOSLP+LB and VLOSLP–LB. Although auditory hallucinations were prevalent in both groups, most patients in VLOSLP+LB complained of auditory hallucinations along with visual hallucinations. Future studies with a larger number of patients without selection bias are desirable.
  • 多様な幻覚・妄想を呈したが一部不合理性を自覚していたクモ膜下出血後前頭葉梗塞の一症例
    坂井 麻里子; 橋本 衛; 西川 隆
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集 46回 79 - 79 日本神経心理学会 2022年08月
  • 【認知症初期集中支援チームの現状と精神科医の役割】認知症初期集中支援チームの活動状況
    池田 学; 垰夲 大喜; 佐竹 祐人; 橋本 衛
    老年精神医学雑誌 33 8 756 - 766 (株)ワールドプランニング 2022年08月 
  • Hiroko Sugawara; Asuka Koyama; Takashi Maruyama; Yumiko Koda; Hiroe Fukunaga; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Minoru Takebayashi; Ken Okamoto; Toshihiro Fukui; Mamoru Hashimoto
    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2022年07月
  • Yuto Satake; Shunsuke Sato; Kenji Yoshiyama; Yoko Shimura; Masao Iwase; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 22 5 757 - 761 2022年07月
  • 認知症および軽度認知障害患者に関する医科歯科連携の意識調査 ECCOプロジェクト
    釘宮 嘉浩; 眞鍋 雄太; 笛木 賢治; 上田 貴之; 橋本 衛; 白石 成; 石川 智久; 内海 久美子; 稲用 友佳; 安部 友佳; 長島 信太朗; 井上 允; 窪木 拓男; 木本 克彦; 佐々木 啓一; 池田 学; 馬場 一美
    日本補綴歯科学会誌 14 特別号 347 - 347 (公社)日本補綴歯科学会 2022年07月
  • 認知機能と口腔機能の相関に関する医師・歯科医師アンケート ECCOプロジェクト
    笛木 賢治; 眞鍋 雄太; 上田 貴之; 橋本 衛; 釘宮 嘉浩; 白石 成; 石川 智久; 内海 久美子; 稲用 友佳; 安部 友佳; 長島 信太朗; 井上 允; 窪木 拓男; 木本 克彦; 佐々木 啓一; 池田 学; 馬場 一美
    日本補綴歯科学会誌 14 特別号 348 - 348 (公社)日本補綴歯科学会 2022年07月
  • Hiroe Fukunaga; Hiroko Sugawara; Asuka Koyama; Ken Okamoto; Toshihiro Fukui; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Minoru Takebayashi; Kaoru Sekiyama; Mamoru Hashimoto
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 22 4 453 - 459 2022年07月 
    BACKGROUND: Postoperative delirium is associated with increased mortality. Therefore, it is important to manage delirium during the entire perioperative period. Preoperative anxiety is associated with poor prognosis in postoperative patients who have undergone cardiovascular surgery. This study aims to investigate the relationship between preoperative anxiety and onset of delirium after cardiovascular surgery in elderly patients (aged 65 years or older), considering the individual psychological characteristics, such as personality and stress coping skills in response to anxiety, as confounding factors. METHODS: This prospective study included patients aged >65 years in a preoperative state before undergoing cardiovascular surgery. Subjects were divided into two groups based on whether they experienced postoperative delirium, or not. We compared clinical and demographic factors, preoperative psychiatric and psychological factors, and intraoperative and perioperative physical factors between the control and delirium groups. Multiple imputations were used to account for missing data. RESULTS: Out of 168 subjects enrolled in this study, 26 (15.5%) developed postoperative delirium. Univariate analysis showed significant differences in age (P = 0.027), cognitive function (P = 0.007), agreeableness (P = 0.029), and the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation-II (APACHE-II) score (P = 0.023) between the delirium and control groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis did not identify a significant association between preoperative anxiety and the onset of postoperative delirium. However, age (odds ratio (OR) = 1.114, P = 0.018), agreeableness (OR = 0.555, P = 0.008), and the APACHE-II score (OR = 1.227, P = 0.008) were identified as risk factors for postoperative delirium. CONCLUSION: Agreeableness, one of the personality traits associated with preoperative anxiety, appears to be involved in the development of postoperative delirium as an independent psychological factor, regardless of age or physical factors.
  • 大西 陽之; 垰夲 大喜; 森 康治; 繁信 和恵; 鐘本 英輝; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 124 6 373 - 381 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2022年06月 
    Diogenes症候群(DS)は,1975年にClark, A. N.らがセルフネグレクトによる不衛生な外見を示し,汚い,散らかった家で生活しているが羞恥心を示さない高齢者に対して提唱した神経行動症候群である.今回,われわれは行動異常型前頭側頭型認知症(bvFTD)によるDSの1例を経験した.症例は56歳男性.X-3年から脱抑制行動,X-1年からアパシー,共感や感情移入の欠如,固執・常同性,食事嗜好の変化が出現したため,X年に当科受診となった.浪費を行い,数百万円の借金を作っていた.また,電気とガスが止まり半年間ほとんど入浴しておらず,食べかけの弁当などの大量のゴミで自宅の床は覆われていた.神経心理検査において前頭葉機能低下,頭部MRIおよび脳血流SPECTでの前頭葉の萎縮,血流低下を認めたため,bvFTDによるDSと診断し,施設入所に向けての環境調整を行った.bvFTDによるDSの症例報告は本邦では過去にない.本症例では離婚前にbvFTDを発症していたが,DSが生じたのは離婚後であるため,配偶者の存在が発症に対し予防的に働いていたと考えられた.また,DSの患者は援助を拒絶する傾向があり介入が難しいとされるが,本症例では物の廃棄や介入に従順であった.先行研究と併せて,bvFTDによるDSに対しての介入は効果的である可能性が示された.DSは,本人の生命予後悪化だけでなく周辺住民への被害も引き起こす可能性があるため早期介入が重要である.ゴミ屋敷への対応に苦慮している市区町村は多く存在しており,症例の蓄積と早期発見・介入の確立のためには各自治体と医療機関の連携が求められると考えられた.症例報告については患者と家族の同意を取得し,プライバシー保護に留意した.(著者抄録)
  • Kazuhiro Yoshiura; Ryuji Fukuhara; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Naoko Tsunoda; Asuka Koyama; Yusuke Miyagawa; Yosuke Hidaka; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Minoru Takebayashi; Megumi Shimodozono
    Scientific reports 12 1 8202 - 8202 2022年05月 
    Cognitive frailty (CF) is a clinical condition defined by the presence of both mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and physical frailty (PF). Elderly with CF are at greater risk of dementia than those with MCI or PF alone, but there are few known clinical or neuroimaging features to reliably distinguish CF from PF or MCI. We therefore conducted a population-based cross-sectional study of community elderly combining physical, cognitive, neuropsychiatric, and multisequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations. The MRI evaluation parameters included white matter (WM) lesion volumes, perivascular and deep subcortical WM lesion grades, lacunar infarct prevalence, microbleed number, and regional medial temporal lobe (MTL) volumes. Participants were divided into 4 groups according to the presence or absence of MCI and PF-(1) no MCI, PF (n = 27); (2) no PF, MCI (n = 119); (3) CF (MCI + PF) (n = 21), (4) normal controls (n = 716). Unique features of CF included shorter one-leg standing time; severe depressive symptoms; and MRI signs of significantly more WM lesions, lacunar infarcts, small-vessel disease lesions, microbleeds, and reduced MTL volumes. These unique deficits suggest that interventions for CF prevention and treatment should focus on motor skills, depressive symptoms, and vascular disease risk factor control.
  • Yukiko Suzuki; Maki Suzuki; Kazue Shigenobu; Kazuhiro Shinosaki; Yasunori Aoki; Hirokazu Kikuchi; Toru Baba; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toshihiko Araki; Kristinn Johnsen; Manabu Ikeda; Etsuro Mori
    PLOS ONE 17 3 e0265484 - e0265484 2022年03月 
    Background and purpose An early and accurate diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is critical because treatments and prognosis of DLB are different from Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This study was carried out in Japan to validate an Electroencephalography (EEG)-derived machine learning algorithm for discriminating DLB from AD which developed based on a database of EEG records from two different European countries. Methods In a prospective multicenter study, patients with probable DLB or with probable AD were enrolled in a 1:1 ratio. A continuous EEG segment of 150 seconds was recorded, and the EEG data was processed using MC-004, the EEG-based machine learning algorithm, with all clinical information blinded except for age and gender. Results Eighteen patients with probable DLB and 21 patients with probable AD were the included for the analysis. The performance of MC-004 differentiating probable DLB from probable AD was 72.2% (95% CI 46.5–90.3%) for sensitivity, 85.7% (63.7–97.0%) for specificity, and 79.5% (63.5–90.7%) for accuracy. When limiting to subjects taking ≤5 mg donepezil, the sensitivity was 83.3% (95% CI 51.6–97.9), the specificity 89.5% (66.9–98.7), and the accuracy 87.1% (70.2–96.4). Conclusions MC-004, the EEG-based machine learning algorithm, was able to discriminate between DLB and AD with fairly high accuracy. MC-004 is a promising biomarker for DLB, and has the potential to improve the detection of DLB in a diagnostic process.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Shigetoshi Takeda; Yasuji Chiba; Tokiko Goto; Katsuhiro Fuchino
    Frontiers in neurology 13 810116 - 810116 2022年 
    OBJECTIVE: Treatment of idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) requires collaboration between dementia specialists and neurosurgeons. The role of dementia specialists is to differentiate patients with iNPH from patients with other dementia diseases and to determine if other dementia diseases are comorbid with iNPH. We conducted a nationwide hospital-based questionnaire survey on iNPH in medical centers for dementia (MCDs). METHODS: We developed a questionnaire to assess how physicians in MCDs evaluate and treat patients with cognitive impairment due to suspected iNPH and the difficulties these physicians experience in the evaluation and treatment of patients. The questionnaire was sent to all 456 MCDs in Japan. RESULTS: Questionnaires from 279 MCDs were returned to us (response rate: 61.2%). Patients underwent cognitive tests, evaluation of the triad symptoms of iNPH, and morphological neuroimaging examinations in 96.8, 77.8, and 98.2% of the MCDs, respectively. Patients with suspected iNPH were referred to other hospitals (e.g., hospitals with neurosurgery departments) from 78.9% of MCDs, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap test was performed in 44 MCDs (15.8%). iNPH guidelines (iNPHGLs) and disproportionately enlarged subarachnoid space hydrocephalus (DESH), a specific morphological finding, were used and known in 39.4% and 38% of MCDs, respectively. Logistic regression analysis with "Refer the patient to other hospitals (e.g., hospitals with neurosurgery departments) when iNPH is suspected." as the response variable and (a) using the iNPHGLs, (b) knowledge of DESH, (c) confidence regarding DESH, (d) difficulty with performing brain magnetic resonance imaging, (e) knowledge of the methods of CSF tap test, (f) absence of physician who can perform lumbar puncture, and (g) experience of being told by neurosurgeons that referred patients are not indicated for shunt surgery as explanatory variables revealed that the last two factors were significant predictors of patient referral from MCDs to other hospitals. CONCLUSION: Sufficient differential or comorbid diagnosis using CSF tap test was performed in a few MCDs. Medical care for patients with iNPH in MCDs may be improved by having dementia specialists perform CSF tap tests and share the eligibility criteria for shunt surgery with neurosurgeons.
  • Daiki Taomoto; Hideki Kanemoto; Yuto Satake; Kenji Yoshiyama; Masao Iwase; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Frontiers in psychiatry 13 1051067 - 1051067 2022年 
    BACKGROUND: Delusional infestation is characterized by delusions of being infested with parasites, vermin, or small insects and is frequently accompanied by tactile and visual hallucinations. Herein, we report two cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) with delusional infestation. CASE PRESENTATION: Case 1 was an 83-year-old man. At the age of 75, he began to show symptoms of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. At the age of 83, he began to complain of visual hallucinations of people and delusional infestation with tactile and visual hallucinations of insects, resulting in the use of insecticides for non-existent insects. He also complained of mild amnesia and was admitted to our psychiatric ward for evaluation and treatment. After admission, the delusional infestation disappeared without any new medication. Based on our examinations, he was diagnosed with probable DLB with delusional infestation. He was treated with 5 mg/day of donepezil hydrochloride; his visual and tactile hallucinations disappeared, and the delusional infestation had not recurred at the 1-year follow-up. Case 2 was a 69-year-old woman. At the age of 60, she underwent clipping for subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). At the age of 65, she began to have visual hallucinations of people. At the age of 67, she began to complain of visual illusions in which she mistook lint for insects. At the age of 69, she developed delusional infestation and mild amnesia. She took various actions to get rid of these non-existent insects, including insecticide use, consulting an exterminator, and visiting several dermatologists. She eventually burnt her leg in an attempt to kill the non-existent insects. Based on our examinations, she was diagnosed with prodromal DLB in addition to SAH sequelae. We determined that her delusional infestation was caused by DLB rather than SAH sequelae based on the course of her symptoms. She was treated with a combination of 3 mg/day of donepezil hydrochloride and 12.5 mg/day of quetiapine. Thereafter, the delusional infestation partially improved, and she took no further action against non-existent insects. CONCLUSION: Delusional infestation may be caused by DLB. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) may be effective for delusional infestation in DLB, although antipsychotics may also be needed in severe cases.
  • Shunsuke Sato; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Hideki Kanemoto; Maki Hotta; Shingo Azuma; Takashi Suehiro; Kyosuke Kakeda; Yoshitaka Nakatani; Sumiyo Umeda; Ryuji Fukuhara; Minoru Takebayashi; Manabu Ikeda
    Alzheimer's research & therapy 13 1 166 - 166 2021年10月 
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to clarify the neuropsychiatric symptoms of right-sided predominant semantic dementia (SD-R) by comparing them with those of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), left-sided predominant SD (SD-L), and Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study also aimed to identify clinical factors related to caregiver burden for bvFTD, SD-R, and SD-L. METHODS: The neuropsychiatric symptoms of 28 patients with bvFTD, 14 patients with SD-R, 24 patients with SD-L, and 43 patients with AD were evaluated using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Stereotypy Rating Inventory (SRI). Cognitive function was assessed using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Dementia severity was assessed using the Clinical Dementia Rating. Activities of daily living were assessed using the Lawton Instrument Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale and the Physical Self-Maintenance Scale. We compared the NPI and SRI scores among the four groups using the Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, clinical factors related to caregiver burden, represented by the Japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview (J-ZBI), were analyzed using multiple regression analysis in the bvFTD, SD-R, and SD-L groups. RESULTS: The NPI total score and the NPI subscale scores of apathy and disinhibition were significantly higher in the bvFTD group than in the SD-L and AD groups. The SD-R group scores were closer to those of the bvFTD group than the SD-L group. The SRI total score and SRI subscale scores for eating and cooking and speaking were significantly higher in the bvFTD, SD-R, and SD-L groups than in the AD group. The NPI total score was significantly associated with the J-ZBI score in the bvFTD group. The NPI total score and Lawton IADL scale score were independently associated with the J-ZBI score in the SD-R group. Furthermore, the NPI total score and MMSE score were independently associated with the J-ZBI score in the SD-L group. CONCLUSIONS: SD-R seemed to be a similar condition to bvFTD rather than SD-L regarding behavioral symptoms. Our results suggest that each frontotemporal dementia subgroup requires different approaches to reduce the caregiver burden.
  • 幻視に関連した幻触を認めたLewy小体型認知症(DLB)の1例
    工藤 輝; 橋本 衛; 垰本 大喜; 畑 真弘; 佐竹 祐人; 山川 麻貴; 小泉 冬木; 欠田 恭輔; 末廣 聖; 鐘本 英輝; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 123 10 694 - 694 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年10月
  • 後部皮質萎縮症による着衣障害に対して環境調整が有効と考えられた1例
    前西 真梨子; 鐘本 英輝; 垰夲 大喜; 鈴木 麻希; 石丸 大貴; 佐竹 祐人; 山川 麻貴; 小泉 冬木; 欠田 恭輔; 末廣 聖; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 123 10 697 - 697 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年10月
  • コロナ禍で急性に強い焦燥と不安を呈し、器質性精神障害との鑑別に難渋した不安障害の1例
    堤 真也; 鐘本 英輝; 垰夲 大喜; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 123 10 698 - 698 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年10月
  • 物忘れを主訴に来院した扁桃体腫大を伴う側頭葉てんかんの2症例
    佐竹 祐人; 鐘本 英輝; 橋本 衛; 鈴木 麻希; 畑 真弘; 間宮 由真; 三浦 耕人; 山川 麻貴; 和田 民樹; 垰本 大喜; 小泉 冬木; 末廣 聖; 佐藤 俊介; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 森 悦朗; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 35 4 625 - 625 (一社)日本認知症学会 2021年10月
  • 物忘れを主訴に来院した扁桃体腫大を伴う側頭葉てんかんの2症例
    佐竹 祐人; 鐘本 英輝; 橋本 衛; 鈴木 麻希; 畑 真弘; 間宮 由真; 三浦 耕人; 山川 麻貴; 和田 民樹; 垰本 大喜; 小泉 冬木; 末廣 聖; 佐藤 俊介; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 森 悦朗; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 35 4 625 - 625 (一社)日本認知症学会 2021年10月
  • 連合小児発達学研究科の研究の取り組み コロナウイルス感染症拡大防止のための一斉休校が児童のメンタルヘルスに及ぼす影響
    三好 紀子; 金井 講治; 松本 恵; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 2021特別号 S300 - S300 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年09月
  • 遅発緊張病の概念が有用であった経過29年の特定不能の精神病性障害の一例
    竹田 佳世; 佐竹 祐人; 森 康治; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 2021特別号 S568 - S568 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年09月
  • 遅発緊張病の概念が有用であった経過29年の特定不能の精神病性障害の一例
    竹田 佳世; 佐竹 祐人; 森 康治; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    精神神経学雑誌 2021特別号 S568 - S568 (公社)日本精神神経学会 2021年09月
  • 桁の概念、数に関する意味記憶に障害をきたしたposterior cortical atrophyの一例
    垰夲 大喜; 鐘本 英輝; 鈴木 麻希; 前西 真梨子; 佐竹 祐人; 小泉 冬木; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集 45回 91 - 91 日本神経心理学会 2021年09月
  • 桁の概念、数に関する意味記憶に障害をきたしたposterior cortical atrophyの一例
    垰夲 大喜; 鐘本 英輝; 鈴木 麻希; 前西 真梨子; 佐竹 祐人; 小泉 冬木; 和田 民樹; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集 45回 91 - 91 日本神経心理学会 2021年09月
  • Hideki Kanemoto; Etsuro Mori; Toshihisa Tanaka; Takashi Suehiro; Kenji Yoshiyama; Yukiko Suzuki; Kyosuke Kakeda; Tamiki Wada; Koichi Hosomi; Haruhiko Kishima; Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    International Psychogeriatrics 35 9 1 - 9 2021年08月 
    ABSTRACT Objectives: To examine the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and tap test response to elucidate the effects of comorbidity of AD in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). Design: Case–control study. Setting: Osaka University Hospital. Participants: Patients with possible iNPH underwent a CSF tap test. Measurements: Concentrations of amyloid beta (Aβ) 1–40, 1–42, and total tau in CSF were measured. The response of tap test was judged using Timed Up and Go test (TUG), 10-m reciprocation walking test (10MWT), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and iNPH grading scale. The ratio of Aβ1–42 to Aβ1–40 (Aβ42/40 ratio) and total tau concentration was compared between tap test-negative (iNPH-nTT) and -positive (iNPH-pTT) patients. Results: We identified 27 patients as iNPH-nTT and 81 as iNPH-pTT. Aβ42/40 ratio was significantly lower (mean [SD] = 0.063 [0.026] vs. 0.083 [0.036], p = 0.008), and total tau in CSF was significantly higher (mean [SD] = 385.6 [237.2] vs. 293.6 [165.0], p = 0.028) in iNPH-nTT than in iNPH-pTT. Stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed that low Aβ42/40 ratio was significantly associated with the negativity of the tap test. The response of cognition was significantly related to Aβ42/40 ratio. The association between Aβ42/40 ratio and tap test response, especially in cognition, remained after adjusting for disease duration and severity at baseline. Conclusions: A low CSF Aβ42/40 ratio is associated with a poorer cognitive response, but not gait and urinary response, to a tap test in iNPH. Even if CSF biomarkers suggest AD comorbidity, treatment with iNPH may be effective for gait and urinary dysfunction.
  • Asami Hozumi; Kenji Tagai; Shunichiro Shinagawa; Naoto Kamimura; Kazue Shigenobu; Tetsuo Kashibayashi; Shingo Azuma; Kenji Yoshiyama; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Masahiro Shigeta; Hiroaki Kazui
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 21 9 825 - 829 2021年07月 
    AIMS: Patients with severe behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are often admitted to mental hospitals, while, inpatient care could also lead to prolonged hospital stay. The present study aims to survey clinical profiles of patients who required inpatient treatment for BPSD, and then establish the criteria for introducing inpatient treatment through assessment by certified psychiatrists. METHODS: We performed a prospective survey about clinical characteristics of people with dementia who required treatment of BPSD at 12 mental medical institutions. All patients were assessed by certified psychiatrists to determine the optimal treatment settings: outpatient or inpatient. The multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to specify factors contributed to the judgement of clinicians. Subsequently, the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was conducted to explore a score derived from the Neuropsychiatric Inventory to divide patients into outpatient or inpatient groups. RESULTS: The present study included 386 patients, of which 242 were admitted to mental hospitals. BPSD were classified into four domains, and aggressive BPSD was significantly associated with assessment for inpatient treatment; the adjusted odds ratio was approximately 2 regardless of dementia severity. Furthermore, the composite score of agitation, irritability and aberrant behavior showed the highest area under the curve value (=0.706), which differentiated inpatients from outpatients with a sensitivity of 76% and a specificity of 54%. CONCLUSIONS: Aggressive BPSD was the risk factor for inpatient treatment. The composite score of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory subdomain-related aggressive BPSD could be a screening tool to introduce inpatient treatment for BPSD. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2021; ••: ••-••.
  • Tempei Ikegame; Yosuke Hidaka; Yutaka Nakachi; Yui Murata; Risa Watanabe; Hiroko Sugawara; Tatsuro Asai; Emi Kiyota; Takeo Saito; Masashi Ikeda; Tsukasa Sasaki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Minoru Takebayashi; Nakao Iwata; Chihiro Kakiuchi; Tadafumi Kato; Kiyoto Kasai; Miki Bundo; Kazuya Iwamoto
    Translational Psychiatry 11 1 2021年06月 
    AbstractSLC6A4, which encodes the serotonin transporter, has a functional polymorphism called the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR). The 5-HTTLPR consists of short (S) and long (L) alleles, each of which has 14 or 16 tandem repeats. In addition, the extralong (XL) and other rare alleles have been reported in 5-HTTLPR. Although they are more frequent in Asian and African than in other populations, the extent of variations and allele frequencies (AFs) were not addressed in a large population. Here, we report the AFs of the rare alleles in a large number of Japanese subjects (N = 2894) consisting of two cohorts. The first cohort (case-control study set, CCSS) consisted of 1366 subjects, including 485 controls and 881 patients with psychosis (bipolar disorder or schizophrenia). The second cohort (the Arao cohort study set, ACSS) consisted of 1528 elderly subjects. During genotyping, we identified 11 novel 5-HTTLPR alleles, including 3 XL alleles. One novel allele had the longest subunit ever reported, consisting of 28 tandem repeats. We named this XL28-A. An in vitro luciferase assay revealed that XL28-A has no transcriptional activity. XL28-A was found in two unrelated patients with bipolar disorder in the CCSS and one healthy subject in the ACSS who did not show depressive symptoms or a decline in cognitive function. Therefore, it is unlikely that XL28-A is associated with psychiatric disorders, despite its apparent functional deficit. Our results suggest that unraveling the complex genetic variations of 5-HTTLPR will be important for further understanding its role in psychiatric disorders.
  • Hiroko Sugawara; Junpei Takamatsu; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Annals of general psychiatry 20 1 14 - 14 2021年02月 
    BACKGROUND: Catatonia is a psychomotor syndrome that presents various symptoms ranging from stupor to agitation, with prominent disturbances of volition. Its pathogenesis is poorly understood. Benzodiazepines and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are safe and effective standard treatments for catatonia; however, alternative treatment strategies have not been established in cases where these treatments are either ineffective or unavailable. Here, we report a case of catatonia associated with late-life psychosis, which was successfully treated with lithium. CASE PRESENTATION: A 66-year-old single man with hearing impairment developed hallucination and delusions and presented with catatonic stupor after a fall. He initially responded to benzodiazepine therapy; however, his psychotic symptoms became clinically evident and benzodiazepine provided limited efficacy. Blonanserin was ineffective, and ECT was unavailable. His catatonic and psychotic symptoms were finally relieved by lithium monotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Catatonic symptoms are common in patients with mood disorders, suggesting that lithium may be effective in these cases. Moreover, lithium may be effective for both catatonic and psychotic symptoms, as it normalizes imbalances of excitatory and inhibitory systems in the brain, which underlies major psychosis. Cumulative evidence from further cases is needed to validate our findings.
  • Yuto Satake; Hideki Kanemoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Ryoko Nakahama; Keiko Matsunaga; Eku Shimosegawa; Takashi Morihara; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Frontiers in psychiatry 12 742659 - 742659 2021年 
    The association between primary psychotic disorders emerging in later life and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), is controversial. We present two female non-demented cases of psychosis with onset above the age of 60 years. Cases 1 and 2 were aged was 68 and 81 years, respectively. They suffered from persecutory delusions and scored 28 on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) at the first examination. Although detailed neuropsychological tests detected amnesia, they had preserved daily life function. Brain magnetic resonance imaging, N-isopropyl-p-[123I] iodoamphetamine (123I-IMP) single-photon emission computed tomography, and cardiac [123I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) scintigraphy showed no specific abnormalities in either case. We diagnosed them with very-late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis (VLOSLP) because there was no evidence that their psychoses were derived from organic diseases or affective disorders. Upon close inspection, the AD biomarkers, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing and Florbetapir F 18 positron emission tomography (PET), were positive in Case 1 and negative in Case 2. Case 1 scored 25 1 year later and 23 2 years later on the MMSE and was finally diagnosed as AD dementia. These two cases suggest that some clinically diagnosed VLOSLPs may be a prodromal AD. Although VLOSLP is a disease entity supposed to be a primary psychotic disorder, some are probably secondary psychosis with insidious neurodegeneration. Advanced biomarkers such as amyloid PET and CSF may contribute to the detection of secondary psychosis from clinically diagnosed VLOSLP.
  • Shizuka Sakuta; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Asuka Koyama; Akihiro Takasaki; Maki Hotta; Ryuji Fukuhara; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Seiji Yuki; Yusuke Miyagawa; Yosuke Hidaka; Keiichiro Kaneda; Minoru Takebayashi
    PloS one 16 2 e0247184  2021年 
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the behavioral characteristics of semantic dementia (SD) using an instrument originally developed for patients with autism spectrum disorder. METHODS: The behavioral symptoms of 20 patients with SD and 20 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in both the preclinical state and the dementia state were evaluated using the Pervasive Developmental Disorders Autism Society Japan Rating Scale (PARS). RESULTS: The SD group showed high prevalence in four behaviors related to stereotypy and social impairment: eating very few food items, selfishness, difficulty in recognizing others' feeling and thoughts, and interpreting language literally. Scores on the PARS short version, which is sensitive for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, were significantly higher in the dementia state than in the preclinical state in both the SD (11.5 ± 6.0 and 1.7 ± 2.5, respectively; t (19) = 6.7, p < 0.001) and AD (6.9 ± 4.6 and 1.7 ± 2.0, respectively; t (19) = 5.1, p < 0.001) groups. PARS short version scores after dementia onset increased in both the SD and AD groups, although the increase was significantly larger in the SD group (F = 5.6, p = 0.023). Additionally, a significantly higher rate of patients exceeded the cutoff score for autism diagnosis in the dementia state in the SD group (75%) than in the AD group (40%; χ2 = 5.0, p = 0.025). PARS scores in the dementia state were significantly correlated with illness duration (r = 0.46, p = 0.04) and Mini-Mental State Examination scores (r = -0.75, p < 0.001) in the SD group only. CONCLUSIONS: Although SD and autism spectrum disorder are etiologically distinct diseases, patients with semantic dementia behave like those with autism spectrum disorder. Our findings suggest the symptomatic similarity of the two disorders.
  • Takashi Suehiro; Yuto Satake; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Frontiers in psychiatry 12 665868 - 665868 2021年 
    Background: Erotomania, also known as de Clerambault's syndrome, is characterized by the delusion that a person has fallen in love with the patient. It occasionally appears secondary to psychiatric disorders and organic brain diseases. However, there have been no reports on cases secondary to dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Case Presentation: The patient was an 83-year-old woman who lived alone. Mild cognitive impairment appeared at the age of 82 years. Soon after, she had the delusional conviction that her family doctor was in love with her. Her symptoms, such as gradually progressive cognitive impairment, cognitive fluctuations, and parkinsonism, indicated DLB. She was treated with a small dose of antipsychotic agents. Conclusions: This case report suggests the possibility of de Clerambault's syndrome during the early stages of DLB. Further investigations are required to clarify the mechanism and treatment of de Clerambault's syndrome in patients with DLB.
  • 末廣 聖; 鐘本 英輝; 佐竹 祐人; 吉山 顕次; 欠田 恭輔; 梅田 寿美代; 仲谷 佳高; 小泉 冬木; 山川 麻貴; 橋本 衛; 森 悦朗; 池田 学
    老年精神医学雑誌 31 増刊II 161 - 161 (株)ワールドプランニング 2020年12月
  • 佐竹 祐人; 鐘本 英輝; 末廣 聖; 欠田 恭輔; 東 眞吾; 吉山 顕次; 和田 民樹; 松本 拓也; 梅田 寿美代; 仲谷 佳高; 山川 麻貴; 小泉 冬木; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    老年精神医学雑誌 31 増刊II 201 - 201 (株)ワールドプランニング 2020年12月
  • 小山 明日香; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 本田 和揮; 佐久田 静; 高崎 昭博; 朴 秀賢; 竹林 実
    老年精神医学雑誌 31 増刊II 192 - 192 (株)ワールドプランニング 2020年12月
  • 佐久田 静; 福原 竜治; 立花 直子; 石川 智久; 江田 由美子; 市川 麻紀; 小山 明日香; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    老年精神医学雑誌 31 増刊II 208 - 208 (株)ワールドプランニング 2020年12月
  • 大規模認知症コホート研究 荒尾サイトMRIを用いた地域高齢者の脳小血管病変の検討
    津野田 尚子; 石川 智久; 小山 明日香; 福原 竜治; 宮川 雄介; 吉浦 和宏; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 34 4 498 - 498 (一社)日本認知症学会 2020年10月
  • 大規模認知症コホート研究 荒尾サイト頭部MRIを用いた地域高齢者のiNPHの検討
    日高 洋介; 津野田 尚子; 石川 智久; 小山 明日香; 福原 竜治; 宮川 雄介; 吉浦 和宏; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 34 4 498 - 498 (一社)日本認知症学会 2020年10月
  • 行動異常型前頭側頭型認知症によるディオゲネス症候群の一例
    垰夲 大喜; 橋本 衛; 森 康治; 佐竹 祐人; 大西 陽之; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 34 4 489 - 489 (一社)日本認知症学会 2020年10月
  • 大規模認知症コホート研究 荒尾サイトMRIを用いた地域高齢者の脳小血管病変の検討
    津野田 尚子; 石川 智久; 小山 明日香; 福原 竜治; 宮川 雄介; 吉浦 和宏; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 34 4 498 - 498 (一社)日本認知症学会 2020年10月
  • 大規模認知症コホート研究 荒尾サイト頭部MRIを用いた地域高齢者のiNPHの検討
    日高 洋介; 津野田 尚子; 石川 智久; 小山 明日香; 福原 竜治; 宮川 雄介; 吉浦 和宏; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 34 4 498 - 498 (一社)日本認知症学会 2020年10月
  • Maki Suzuki; Maki Hotta; Aki Nagase; Yuki Yamamoto; Natsuho Hirakawa; Yuto Satake; Yuma Nagata; Takashi Suehiro; Hideki Kanemoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Etsuro Mori; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    International psychogeriatrics 32 10 1231 - 1234 2020年10月 [査読有り]
  • 十数年間の逆行性健忘に、特異な前向性健忘を合併した解離性健忘の一例
    佐竹 祐人; 鈴木 麻希; 橋本 衛; 竹田 佳世; 間宮 由真; 吉山 顕次; 岩瀬 真生; 森 悦朗; 池田 学
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集 44回 95 - 95 日本神経心理学会 2020年09月
  • 竹田 佳世; 佐竹 祐人; 森 康治; 岩瀬 真生; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    仁明会精神医学研究 18 1 98 - 104 (一財)仁明会 2020年09月 
  • 手指模倣と立方体模写は同じ認知機能を評価しているのか?
    高崎 昭博; 橋本 衛; 小山 明日香; 上野 由紀子; 石川 智久; 福原 竜治; 竹林 実
    日本神経心理学会総会プログラム・予稿集 44回 92 - 92 日本神経心理学会 2020年09月
  • 認知症を伴わず60歳以降に精神病症状を来した患者において速やかな入院加療を要した群についての検討
    末廣 聖; 鐘本 英輝; 吉山 顕次; 佐竹 祐人; 欠田 恭輔; 梅田 寿美代; 仲谷 佳高; 小泉 冬木; 山川 麻貴; 垰本 大喜; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    日本精神科救急学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集 28回 186 - 186 (一社)日本精神科救急学会 2020年09月
  • セロトニントランスポーター5-HTTLPR多型と老年期脳形態との関連の検討
    吉川 慧; 仲地 ゆたか; 日高 洋介; 村田 唯; 渡邊 理紗; 菅原 裕子; 石川 智久; 橋本 衛; 高野 裕治; 瀧 靖之; 岡本 泰昌; 竹林 実; 文東 美紀; 岩本 和也
    日本神経精神薬理学会年会・日本生物学的精神医学会年会・日本精神薬学会総会・学術集会合同年会プログラム・抄録集 50回・42回・4回 182 - 182 日本神経精神薬理学会・日本生物学的精神医学会・日本精神薬学会 2020年08月
  • Hiroto Ikezaki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Ryuji Fukuhara; Hibiki Tanaka; Seiji Yuki; Koichiro Kuribayashi; Maki Hotta; Asuka Koyama; Manabu Ikeda; Minoru Takebayashi
    International journal of geriatric psychiatry 35 8 877 - 887 2020年08月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVES: Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) experience a gradual loss in their ability to perform instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) from the early stage. A better understanding of the possible factors associated with IADL decline is important for the development of effective rehabilitation and support programs for patients with AD. Thus, we examined the relationships between comprehensive cognitive functions and neuropsychiatric symptoms and IADLs in patients with very mild AD. METHODS: In total, 230 outpatients with probable AD were recruited from the Memory Clinic at Kumamoto University Hospital between May 2007 and October 2016. All patients scored ≥21 points on the Mini-Mental State Examination at the first assessment. Relationships between the subdomains of the Lawton IADL scale and neuropsychological/neuropsychiatric tests were examined by multiple regression analysis. All analyses were performed separately in men and women. RESULTS: In female patients, scores on the Frontal Assessment Battery were significantly associated with telephone use ability, shopping, and ability to handle finances. Apathy scores in the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) were associated with telephone use ability, housekeeping, responsibility for own medications, and ability to handle finances. NPI agitation scores were associated with food preparation and housekeeping. Geriatric Depression Scale scores were associated with telephone use ability and ability to handle finances. In male patients, only NPI apathy scores were associated with telephone use ability. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest the importance of properly assessing executive function, depression, and apathy at interventions for impaired IADLs among female patients with very mild AD.
  • 高崎 昭博; 宮川 雄介; 渡邊 友起絵; 竹尾 美咲; 石川 智久; 福原 竜治; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    高次脳機能研究 40 1 98 - 99 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2020年03月
  • 「空白の期間」の多職種訪問指導によって、言語の維持と介護保険導入に至った意味性認知症患者の一例
    堀田 牧; 鈴木 麻希; 末廣 聖; 奥谷 光; 永田 優馬; 宮脇 英子; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    高次脳機能研究 40 1 20 - 21 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2020年03月
  • Takayuki Tabira; Maki Hotta; Miki Murata; Kazuhiro Yoshiura; Gwanghee Han; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Asuka Koyama; Noriyuki Ogawa; Michio Maruta; Yuriko Ikeda; Takaaki Mori; Taku Yoshida; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Background/Aims:Age-related changes in impairments in activities of daily living (ADL) in older adults with very mild Alzheimer's disease (vmAD) have been scarcely explored. We clarified the characteristics of ADL impairment and examined how ADL impairments differed by age in such patients compared with community-dwelling cognitively normal older adults.Methods:The participants were 107 older adults with vmAD (Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE] score >= 24), all of whom were first-visit outpatients at the Dementia Clinic of the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kumamoto University Hospital. The controls were 682 community-dwelling older adults who participated in the 3rd Nakayama Study with MMSE score >= 24. We examined the association of instrumental and basic ADL (IADL and BADL, respectively) independence with the odds of vmAD using multiple logistic regression analysis and determined differences in ADL impairment by age using age- and sex-matched analysis.Results:Impairments in handling finances (OR 57.08), managing medication (OR 5.13), and dressing (OR 3.35; BADL) were associated with greater odds of vmAD. Among those aged 65 years and above, there were fewer patients with vmAD than healthy controls who could independently handle finances and medication. Among patients with vmAD, the percentages of those who could independently manage shopping, food preparation, and housekeeping only decreased after age 74. Age-related decreases in independence were observed in few BADL items; these, however, were temporary.Conclusions:Patients with vmAD show significantly decreased IADL independence from early old age.
  • Yutaka Hatada; Mamoru Hashimoto; Shinya Shiraishi; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Ryuji Fukuhara; Seiji Yuki; Hibiki Tanaka; Yusuke Miyagawa; Mika Kitajima; Hiroyuki Uetani; Naoko Tsunoda; Asuka Koyama; Manabu Ikeda
    Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 75 1 361 - 361 2020年
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Maki Suzuki; Maki Hotta; Aki Nagase; Yuki Yamamoto; Natsuho Hirakawa; Yuma Nagata; Yuto Satake; Takashi Suehiro; Hideki Kanemoto; Kenji Yoshiyama; Etsuro Mori; Manabu Ikeda
    Frontiers in psychiatry 11 570580 - 570580 2020年 
    Background: Under the COVID-19 outbreak, the Japanese government has strongly encouraged individuals to stay at home. The aim of the current study was to clarify the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on the lifestyle of older adults with dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who live alone. Methods: Seventy-four patients with dementia or MCI aged ≥65 years, who regularly visited the dementia clinic of the Department of Psychiatry, Osaka University Hospital, were recruited in this study. The patients were divided into two groups according to their living situation: living alone group (n = 12) and living together group (n = 62). Additionally, the spouses of patients aged ≥65 years were assigned to the healthy control group (n = 37). Subjects' lifestyle changes were evaluated between April 8 and 28, 2020. Results: No subjects with acquaintances or relatives were infected with COVID-19 within the study period. The proportion of subjects who reduced going out in the living alone group, living together group and healthy control group was 18.2, 52.5, and 78.4%, respectively. The proportion of subjects who went out less frequently was significantly lower in both the living alone (p < 0.01) and living together (p < 0.05) groups than in the healthy control group. Conclusion: Most patients with dementia or MCI who live alone did not limit their outings or activities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Regular monitoring for potential COVID-19 infection in people living alone with dementia is vital for their safety and well-being.
  • レビー小体型認知症の認知機能と日常生活活動についてのアルツハイマー病との比較
    韓 こう煕; 丸田 道雄; 池田 由里子; 小山 明日香; 田中 響; 石川 智久; 福原 竜治; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実; 田平 隆行
    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 22 1 55 - 55 日本作業療法研究学会 2019年12月
  • 背景にASD傾向が見られる身体症状症についての一考察
    松本 恵; 三好 紀子; 金井 講治; 松本 拓也; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    日本児童青年精神医学会総会抄録集 60回 P24 - 5 (一社)日本児童青年精神医学会 2019年12月 [査読有り]
  • Akiko Hamauchi; Yosuke Hidaka; Izumi Kitamura; Yusuke Yatabe; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toshiro Yonehara; Ryuji Fukuhara; Manabu Ikeda
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 19 6 601 - 604 2019年11月 [査読有り]
    Some patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration have developed artistic skills after the onset mainly in painting and music. Most of these cases have semantic dementia (SD), one of the frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes. In previously reported cases, the paintings made by patients with SD were usually hyper realistic, without a significant symbolic or abstract component. Here, we report on a patient with progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), another frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtype, who started making creative bamboo crafts after PNFA onset. His techniques were completely his original; he devised the shapes of the crafts and made them without samples. His work did not become an obsessive preoccupation. The artistic style expressed by patients with PNFA differs from that expressed by patients with SD. Therefore, the underlying mechanisms for the emergence of artistic talent might differ between SD and PNFA.
  • Azuma M; Hirai T; Nakaura T; Kitajima M; Yamashita S; Hashimoto M; Yamada K; Uetani H; Yamashita Y; Wang Y
    Journal of the neurological sciences 406 116443 - 116443 2019年11月 [査読有り]
    PURPOSE: To determine whether the susceptibility value in the deep gray matter obtained by quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) provides additive value to the morphometric index for differentiating progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) from Parkinson's disease (PD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: PSP- (n = 8) and PD patients (n = 18) and 18 age-matched healthy controls who underwent QSM and 3D magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE) sequences. The mean susceptibility values (MSVs) of the deep gray matter structures on QSM- and areas of the midbrain (morphometric index, MI) on 3D MPRAGE images were measured by two neuroradiologists. Analysis of variance, the Scheffe test and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis were conducted to assess differences and discriminate among PSP, PD and controls by the MSVs and the MI. Using the MSV of a structure with the best area under the curve (AUC) and the MI, we created a decision tree to differentiate between PSP and PD. RESULTS: The MSVs of the globus pallidus (GP) and substantia nigra (SN) were significantly higher in PSP than PD and the controls (p < .05). By ROC analysis (PSP vs PD), AUC was greatest (0.903) for the GP. The MI was significantly smaller in PSP than PD and the controls (p < .05); AUC (PSP vs PD) was 0.917. The decision tree using cutoff values of 244 parts per billion for MSV of the GP and 74.0 mm2 for MI served to completely differentiate between PSP and PD. CONCLUSION: The MSV in the GP on QSM images adds value to the MI for differentiating PSP from PD.
  • 認知症に関する訴えを神経心理学的に分析する アルツハイマー病、レビー小体型認知症、軽度認知機能障害における取り繕い反応の比較
    松下 正輝; 矢田部 裕介; 小山 明日香; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    Dementia Japan 33 4 482 - 482 (一社)日本認知症学会 2019年10月
  • 意味性認知症患者の自動車運転中止をめぐる状況と対応に関する一考察
    高崎 昭博; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 小山 明日香; 宮川 雄介; 佐久田 静; 本堀 伸; 一美 奈緒子; 堀田 牧; 兼田 桂一郎; 品川 俊一郎; 池田 学; 竹林 実
    Dementia Japan 33 4 539 - 539 (一社)日本認知症学会 2019年10月
  • アンガーマネジメントにおける園芸活動の効果
    ハン・ゴアンヒ; 吉浦 和宏; 泉 雄気; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実
    日本作業療法学会抄録集 53回 PH - 1D06 (一社)日本作業療法士協会 2019年09月
  • 宗 久美; 井上 靖子; 藤瀬 隆司; 中村 光成; 大嶋 俊範; 片山 貴友; 岩本 理歌子; 橋本 衛; 石川 智久; 丸山 貴志; 池田 学; 王丸 道夫
    老年精神医学雑誌 30 増刊II 182 - 182 (株)ワールドプランニング 2019年06月
  • 小山 明日香; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 松下 正輝; 高崎 昭博; 勝屋 朗子; 福田 瑛; 井上 麻衣; 吉浦 和宏; 竹林 実
    老年精神医学雑誌 30 増刊II 198 - 198 (株)ワールドプランニング 2019年06月
  • 高次脳機能障害者における易怒性と本人及び家族の障害認識の関係性について
    伊地知 大亮; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 遊亀 誠二
    高次脳機能研究 39 1 104 - 105 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2019年03月 [査読有り]
  • Hiroko Sugawara; Takahiro Tsutsumi; Ken Inada; Jun Ishigooka; Mamoru Hashimoto; Minoru Takebayashi; Katsuji Nishimura
    Purpose: Mixed features in a major depressive episode (MDE) predict bipolar disorder (BD). The mixed features specifier included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) could be restrictive because it excludes the symptoms common to both mania/hypomania and depression, including psychomotor agitation. On the other hand, an anxious distress (ANXD) specifier has also been introduced in the DSM-5, and psychomotor agitation has been defined as a severity of ANXD. In this study, we retrospectively investigated the association between presence of ANXD in an MDE and bipolarity.Patients and methods: The subjects were patients admitted with an MDE to the Department of Psychiatry at Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital from December 2014 to March 2016. Eligible patients were older than 20 years of age and met the DSM-5 criteria for major depressive disorder or BD. All data were extracted from medical records. The subjects were grouped according to whether they did or did not have ANXD. The demographics and clinical features of these groups were compared. Severity of illness was evaluated according to the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) score on admission.Results: ANXD was present in 31 and absent in 33 of 64 patients with MDE. The HRSD score was significantly higher in the group with ANXD than in the group without ANXD (P=0.0041). Mixed features (P=0.0050) and suicide attempts (P=0.0206) were significantly more common in the group with ANXD than in the group without ANXD.Conclusion: We found that the presence of ANXD in an MDE was associated with greater severity and more mixed features and suicide attempts. It is important to evaluate a patient with an MDE for ANXD so that a diagnosis of mixed depression is not missed. More studies in larger samples are needed to investigate further the association between ANXD in MDE and bipolarity.
  • Hiroko Sugawara; Takahiro Tsutsumi; Ken Inada; Jun Ishigooka; Mamoru Hashimoto; Minoru Takebayashi; Katsuji Nishimura
    Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 15 267 - 270 2019年 
    Purpose: Mixed features in a major depressive episode (MDE) predict bipolar disorder (BD). The mixed features specifier included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) could be restrictive because it excludes the symptoms common to both mania/hypomania and depression, including psychomotor agitation. On the other hand, an anxious distress (ANXD) specifier has also been introduced in the DSM-5, and psychomotor agitation has been defined as a severity of ANXD. In this study, we retrospectively investigated the association between presence of ANXD in an MDE and bipolarity. Patients and methods: The subjects were patients admitted with an MDE to the Department of Psychiatry at Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital from December 2014 to March 2016. Eligible patients were older than 20 years of age and met the DSM-5 criteria for major depressive disorder or BD. All data were extracted from medical records. The subjects were grouped according to whether they did or did not have ANXD. The demographics and clinical features of these groups were compared. Severity of illness was evaluated according to the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) score on admission. Results: ANXD was present in 31 and absent in 33 of 64 patients with MDE. The HRSD score was significantly higher in the group with ANXD than in the group without ANXD (P=0.0041). Mixed features (P=0.0050) and suicide attempts (P=0.0206) were significantly more common in the group with ANXD than in the group without ANXD. Conclusion: We found that the presence of ANXD in an MDE was associated with greater severity and more mixed features and suicide attempts. It is important to evaluate a patient with an MDE for ANXD so that a diagnosis of mixed depression is not missed. More studies in larger samples are needed to investigate further the association between ANXD in MDE and bipolarity.
  • Sho Ochiai; Hiroko Sugawara; Yusuke Kajio; Hibiki Tanaka; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Ryuji Fukuhara; Tadashi Jono; Mamoru Hashimoto
    Annals of general psychiatry 18 29 - 29 2019年 
    Background: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairments, recurrent visual hallucinations, the motor symptoms of parkinsonism and REM sleep behavior disorder. Various neuropsychiatric symptoms including hallucination and delusions occur frequently; however, delusional parasitosis is rare in DLB. Here, we report a case of DLB patient with delusional parasitosis. Case presentation: The patient was an 89-year-old woman. At the age of 88, she began to complain her oral cenesthopathy, and developed cognitive decline, delusional parasitosis and parkinsonism. As a result of examination, she was diagnosed as DLB and treated with combination of donepezil 5 mg/day and aripiprazole 1.5 mg/day, and her complaint was disappeared. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to investigate the association between delusional parasitosis and underlying pathophysiology of DLB, and the utility of antipsychotics for delusional parasitosis in DLB has to be examined through more cases.
  • Yutaka Hatada; Mamoru Hashimoto; Shinya Shiraishi; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Ryuji Fukuhara; Seiji Yuki; Hibiki Tanaka; Yusuke Miyagawa; Mika Kitajima; Hiroyuki Uetani; Naoko Tsunoda; Asuka Koyama; Manabu Ikeda
    Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 71 1 273 - 280 2019年 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Although cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are commonly observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), their clinical relevance for AD remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the significance of CMBs in AD by examining the relationship between CMBs and cerebral blood flow (CBF) in patients with AD. METHODS: Thirty-four patients (aged 77.9±7.6 years; 17 men) with probable AD and multiple (≥8) CMBs were selected from 394 consecutive patients. For each lobe of the brain, the correlation between the number of CMBs observed on susceptibility-weighted images and the decrease in CBF observed on single-photon emission computed tomography was assessed. RESULTS: The number of microbleeds was significantly correlated with the severity of decrease in the occipital lobe (Spearman's r = 0.531, p < 0.001) and temporal lobe (r = 0.437, p < 0.001) but not in the frontal lobe (r = 0.201, p = 0.101) and parietal lobe (r = 0.178, p = 0.146). These results were unchanged in the partial correlational analysis after controlling the effect of other small vessel disease such as lacunars and white matter hyperintensities. CONCLUSION: Multiple CMBs are associated with cerebral hypoperfusion in AD. The effects of CMBs on CBF differed according to brain location, possibly reflecting different distributions of the underlying cerebral amyloid angiopathy and AD-related histopathology, such as neurofibrillary tangles.
  • アルツハイマー型認知症患者におけるMMSEの認知領域とADL自立度低下の関連
    韓 こう煕; 吉浦 和宏; 堀田 牧; 小山 明日香; 田平 隆行; 竹林 実; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 21 2 60 - 60 日本作業療法研究学会 2018年12月
  • 熊大附属病院における緩和ケアスクリーニングシートの結果から見る精神症状の特徴
    森枝 悟; 城野 匡; 橋本 衛
    総合病院精神医学 30 Suppl. S - 199 (一社)日本総合病院精神医学会 2018年11月
  • 5HTTLPRのハイスループットジェノタイピング法による新規多型の同定
    日高 洋介; 池亀 天平; 菅原 裕子; 清田 恵美; 笠井 清登; 石川 智久; 橋本 衛; 竹林 実; 文東 美紀; 岩本 和也
    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集 28回・48回 217 - 217 日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会 2018年11月
  • Machiko Tateishi; Mika Kitajima; Toshinori Hirai; Tetsuya Yoneda; Mamoru Hashimoto; Nan Kurehana; Hiroyuki Uetani; Ryuji Fukuhara; Minako Azuma; Yasuyuki Yamashita
    Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 17 4 283 - 292 2018年10月 [査読有り]
    PURPOSE: To test the feasibility of the phase difference enhanced (PADRE) imaging for differentiation between Alzheimer disease (AD) patients and control subjects on 3T MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients with AD and 10 age-matched control subjects underwent two-dimensional fast field echo imaging to obtain PADRE images on a 3T MR scanner. A double Gaussian distribution model was used to determine the threshold phase value for differentiation between the physiologic and non-physiologic iron in the cerebral cortices, and PADRE images were processed with the threshold. Using a 4-point grading system, two readers independently assessed the signal of the four cerebral cortices on PADRE images: the cuneus, precuneus, superior frontal gyrus, and superior temporal gyrus. The difference in the signals in each cortex between the AD patients and age-matched control subjects was determined by using Mann-Whitney U test. Inter-rater reliability was determined by Kappa analysis. We also evaluated the correlation between Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score and the hypointense grade, and between disease duration and the hypointense grade using the Spearman rank correlation test. RESULTS: The threshold phase value for differentiation between the physiologic and non-physiologic iron was -4.6% π (radian). The mean grades of the cuneus, precuneus, and superior temporal gyrus were significantly higher for the AD patients than for the control subjects (P = 0.002). Excellent inter-rater reliability was seen in the precuneus (kappa = 0.93), superior temporal gyrus (kappa = 0.94), and superior frontal gyrus (kappa = 0.93); good inter-rater reliability was observed in the cuneus (kappa = 0.75). We found a statistical correlation between MMSE score and the hypointense grade in superior temporal gyrus (STG) (P = 0.008), and no correlation between disease duration and the hypointense grade in any gyrus. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest the feasibility of PADRE imaging at 3T for differentiation between AD patients and control subjects.
  • 軽度AD患者の生活行為障害の特徴とAD-ADL評価表の実用性に関する考察
    堀田 牧; 吉浦 和宏; 村田 美希; 田平 隆行; 石川 智久; 田中 響; 兼田 桂一郎; 津野田 尚子; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 32 3 494 - 494 (一社)日本認知症学会 2018年09月
  • 堀田 牧; 吉浦 和宏; 村田 美希; 田平 隆行; 石川 智久; 田中 響; 兼田 桂一郎; 津野田 尚子; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    老年精神医学雑誌 29 増刊II 183 - 183 (株)ワールドプランニング 2018年06月
  • Tsunoda N; Hashimoto M; Ishikawa T; Fukuhara R; Yuki S; Tanaka H; Hatada Y; Miyagawa Y; Ikeda M
    The Journal of clinical psychiatry 79 3 2018年05月 [査読有り]
  • 医療介護連携の統合を目指した複合慢性疾患のための連携パスの開発 熊本県荒尾市における認知症多職種連携パスに関する取り組み
    宗 久美; 井上 靖子; 王丸 道夫; 藤瀬 隆司; 中村 光成; 長岡 智恵; 橋本 衛; 石川 智久; 丸山 貴志; 池田 学
    日本認知症ケア学会誌 17 1 308 - 308 (一社)日本認知症ケア学会 2018年04月
  • 池田 学
    Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra 8 1 128 - 137 2018年04月 [査読有り]
    Background: Caregiver burden is a serious concern for family caregivers of dementia patients, but its nature is unclear in patients with semantic dementia (SD). This study aimed to clarify caregiver burden for right-(R > L) and left-sided (L > R) predominant SD versus behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) patients. Methods: Using the Japanese version of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, we examined caregiver burden and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in 43 first-visit outpatient/family caregiver dyads (bvFTD, 20 dyads; SD [L > R], 13 dyads; SD [R > L], 10 dyads). Results: We found a significant difference in ZBI score between the 3 diagnostic groups. Post hoc tests revealed a significantly higher ZBI score in the bvFTD than in the SD (L > R) group. The ZBI scores in the SD (L > R) and SD (R > L) groups were not significantly different, although the effect size was large. Caregiver burden was significantly correlated with BPSD scores in all groups and was correlated with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living decline in the bvFTD and SD (R > L) groups. Conclusion: Caregiver burden was highest in the bvFTD group, comparatively high in the SD (R > L) group, and lowest in the SD (L > R) group. Adequate support and intervention for caregivers should be tailored to differences in caregiver burden between these patient groups.
  • Hiroko Sugawara; Yui Murata; Tempei Ikegame; Rie Sawamura; Shota Shimanaga; Yusuke Takeoka; Takeo Saito; Masashi Ikeda; Akane Yoshikawa; Fumichika Nishimura; Yoshiya Kawamura; Chihiro Kakiuchi; Tsukasa Sasaki; Nakao Iwata; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kiyoto Kasai; Tadafumi Kato; Miki Bundo; Kazuya Iwamoto
    Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 72 4 245 - 254 2018年04月 [査読有り]
    AIM: Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) have been known to share genetic and environmental risk factors, and complex gene-environmental interactions may contribute to their pathophysiology. In contrast to high genetic overlap between SZ and BD, as revealed by genome-wide association studies, the extent of epigenetic overlap remains largely unknown. In the present study, we explored whether SZ and BD share epigenetic risk factors in the same manner as they share genetic components. METHODS: We performed DNA methylation analyses of the CpG sites in the top five candidate regions (FAM63B, ARHGAP26, CTAGE11P, TBC1D22A, and intergenic region [IR] on chromosome 16) reported in a previous methylome-wide association study (MWAS) of SZ, using whole blood samples from subjects with BD and controls. RESULTS: Among the five candidate regions, the CpG sites in FAM63B and IR on chromosome 16 were significantly hypomethylated in the samples from subjects with BD as well as those from subjects with SZ. On the other hand, the CpG sites in TBC1D22A were hypermethylated in the samples from subjects with BD, in contrast to hypomethylation in the samples from subjects with SZ. CONCLUSION: Hypomethylation of FAM63B and IR on chromosome 16 could be common epigenetic risk factors for SZ and BD. Further comprehensive epigenetic studies for BD, such as MWAS, will uncover the extent of similarity and uniqueness of epigenetic alterations.
  • 意味性認知症患者の発話衝動について
    高崎 昭博; 福原 竜治; 宮川 雄介; 石川 智久; 遊亀 誠二; 兼田 桂一郎; 橋本 衛
    高次脳機能研究 38 1 99 - 99 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2018年03月
  • 言語リハビリテーションを導入した意味性認知症の1例
    古賀 裕作; 宮川 雄介; 高崎 昭博; 伊地知 大亮; 梶尾 勇介; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    高次脳機能研究 38 1 75 - 75 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2018年03月 [査読有り]
  • Koji Fukuda; Seishi Terada; Mamoru Hashimoto; Katsuyuki Ukai; Ryo Kumagai; Mizue Suzuki; Masahiro Nagaya; Mika Yoshida; Hideyuki Hattori; Kenta Murotani; Kenji Toba
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 18 3 487 - 494 2018年03月 [査読有り]
    AIM: Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia are an important source of distress for caregivers. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of educational intervention using printed educational material for reducing distress induced by behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia among caregivers working at facilities without medical specialists and/or registered nurses. METHODS: A cluster quasi-randomized, controlled comparative trial was carried out at 17 facilities in Japan. Our intervention was an educational program administered at baseline using printed educational material for the care staff. The primary outcome was evaluated using the Japanese version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire. The secondary outcome measures were caregiver burnout evaluated using the Japanese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the care dependency of residents measured using the Japanese version of the Care Dependency Scale. RESULTS: The total Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire score decreased significantly in the intervention group (F [1355] = 6.57, P = 0.01), and the difference between the intervention and control groups was also significant (F [1355] = 4.78, P = 0.03). There were no significant changes in the Maslach Burnout Inventory or Care Dependency Scale scores in the intervention group, while the Maslach Burnout Inventory subscale (personal accomplishment) score decreased significantly in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Our intervention achieved a significant reduction of distress among caregivers working at care homes without medical specialists and/or registered nurses. The findings of this research show that educational intervention can make a valuable contribution to training programs for care staff. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2018; 18: 487-494.
  • Masateru Matsushita; Yusuke Yatabe; Asuka Koyama; Akiko Katsuya; Daisuke Ijichi; Yusuke Miyagawa; Hiroto Ikezaki; Noboru Furukawa; Manabu Ikeda; Mamoru Hashimoto
    PloS one 13 5 e0197468  2018年 [査読有り]
    INTRODUCTION: To keep up appearances, people with dementia sometimes pretend to know the correct answer, as seen during administration of neuropsychological tests such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). These saving appearance responses (SARs) of people with dementia often lead to caregivers and/or medical staff underestimating the severity of dementia and impede proper early initiation of treatment. However, most descriptions of SARs are based on empirical knowledge of clinicians. In this study, we investigated whether SARs are typical communication patterns in people with Alzheimer's disease (AD), compared with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). METHODS: The participants were 107 outpatients with AD, 16 with mixed AD with cerebrovascular dementia, 55 with MCI, and 30 with DLB. We assessed the occurrence of SARs during the MMSE. The relationships between the SARs and AD were examined by the χ2 test and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: People with AD who showed SARs were 57.9%, whereas those with MCI were 18.2% and DLB were 20.0% (P with Bonferroni correction < 0.05). Although there were significant differences in some variables in each group of diagnosis, logistic regression analysis showed that people with AD were more likely to show SARs than those with MCI (Odds ratio = 3.48, 95% Confidential Interval = 1.18-10.28) and DLB (Odds ratio = 4.24, 95% Confidential Interval = 1.50-12.01), even after controlling for sex, estimated disease duration, MMSE, and frontal assessment battery scores. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of SARs could be found most frequently in people with AD. Clinicians should develop a respectful attitude toward dementia patients with SARs because SARs imply conflicted feelings about questions that patients cannot answer correctly.
  • Success rates of methods for managing symptoms of patients with dementia. Statistical analysis of care experiences through "Ninchisho Chienowa-net" website.
    Sato, S; Kazui, H; Kanemoto, H; Suzuki, Y; Azuma, S; Suehiro, T; matsumoto, T; Yoshiyama, K; Ishikawa, T; Hashimoto, M; Kosugi; N. Onizuka, M; Ikeda, M
    Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age CONFERENCE 2017 (International Psychogeriatric Association) 2017年11月 [査読有り]
  • Masateru Matsushita; Yusuke Yatabe; Asuka Koyama; Yukiko Ueno; Daisuke Ijichi; Hiroto Ikezaki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Noboru Furukawa; Manabu Ikeda
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 17 6 377 - 381 2017年11月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Toritsukuroi is a particular type of behaviour intended to save face or preserve appearances. Clinicians often observe toritsukuroi in people with dementia, but current knowledge about this behaviour is based on clinicians' empirical knowledge rather than on observational studies. This study was designed to clarify which behaviours are related to toritsukuroi based on neuropsychological examinations. METHODS: The subjects were 91 outpatients with dementia. Verbal responses, with the exceptions of 'I don't know' and erroneous answers, were recorded by certificated clinical psychologists and analyzed by qualitative study procedures. A qualitative study was separately conducted by two researchers to identify themes and types of reactions. The themes found through content analysis were organized and labelled by a senior psychiatrist. RESULTS: Among the patients, 41.8% verbally responded in way to 'keep up appearances'. Six distinct thematic categories were identified through conventional content analysis: (i) refuting sudden questions; (ii) disclosing trait; (iii) disclosing experience; (iv) demonstrating slight hesitation; (v) appealing to indifference; and (vi) other. CONCLUSIONS: All the responses that we defined as being toritsukuroi reflect a denial of acquired cognitive impairment. Further study is needed to clarify the association between toritsukuroi and either cognitive function or disease specificity.
  • Toshikazu Kawagoe; Masateru Matsushita; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Kaoru Sekiyama
    Scientific reports 7 1 14344 - 14344 2017年10月 [査読有り]
    Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is a prodromal stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previous studies have shown functional and structural degradation of the fusiform face area, which is a core region for face processing, in addition to medial temporal lobe degradation. We predicted that patients with aMCI exhibit a loss of face processing and/or face memory, accompanied by abnormal eye scanning patterns, since patients who have deficits in face perception (i.e. prosopagnosia) exhibit such tendencies. Eighteen patients with aMCI and age-matched healthy controls were tested for perception and short-term memory of visually presented faces and houses while their gaze was recorded. Patients with aMCI showed a decline in memory, compared with control observers, for faces, but not for houses. Patients looked more at the mouth of faces, compared with control observers. We demonstrate here the loss of short-term face memory in aMCI with abnormal scanning patterns that might reflect the cerebral abnormality found in patients with aMCI.
  • 認知症の症候学の進歩 認知症患者の妄想の発現に関わる要因について
    橋本 衛; 津野田 尚子; 福原 竜治
    Dementia Japan 31 4 522 - 522 (一社)日本認知症学会 2017年10月
  • 熊本地震が認知症外来通院患者に与えた影響についての報告
    宮川 雄介; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 遊亀 誠二; 田中 響; 梶尾 勇介; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 31 4 622 - 622 (一社)日本認知症学会 2017年10月
  • 精神病症状を伴う双極性うつ病にlamotrigineが奏功した症例
    加治屋 智子; 菅原 裕子; 森枝 悟; 田中 響; 梶尾 勇介; 城野 匡; 藤瀬 昇; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 125 - 125 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月
  • DLBのうつ症状に対してmECT施行し著明に改善を得た1例
    都 剛太朗; 日高 洋介; 西 良知; 梶尾 勇介; 城野 匡; 藤瀬 昇; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 125 - 125 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月
  • 周産期の精神疾患への大学病院での対応 その後
    楢村 仁美; 遊亀 誠二; 四郎園 綾子; 丸山 貴志; 梶尾 勇介; 城野 匡; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 127 - 127 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月
  • 皮膚寄生虫妄想を疑われ当科外来へ紹介となった2例
    赤城 真理子; 遊亀 誠二; 城野 匡; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 129 - 129 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月
  • AIDS治療の経過中に精神病性症状を呈した1例
    佐藤 英明; 山口 雅人; 西 良知; 梶尾 勇介; 石川 智久; 城野 匡; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 129 - 129 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月
  • 山口 達也; 城野 匡; 橋本 衛; 池田 学; 三村 將
    スポーツ精神医学 14 27 - 30 日本スポーツ精神医学会 2017年08月 
  • 言語リハビリテーションを導入した意味性認知症の1例
    古賀 裕作; 宮川 雄介; 今井 正城; 伊地知 大亮; 梶尾 勇介; 城野 匡; 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    九州神経精神医学 63 2 126 - 126 九州精神神経学会 2017年08月 [査読有り]
  • Tomoko Kajiya; Hiroko Sugawara; Yusuke Kajio; Satoru Morieda; Hibiki Tanaka; Tadashi Jono; Noboru Fujise; Mamoru Hashimoto
    ANNALS OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY 16 31  2017年08月 [査読有り]
    Background: Major depressive episodes with psychotic features are more common in bipolar disorder than in major depressive disorder; however, there is little information on the optimal treatment for bipolar depression with psychotic features. Case presentation: The patient was a 69-year-old man. At the age of 66, he was admitted to the hospital for the treatment of bipolar depression with psychotic features. He was treated with a combination therapy of antipsychotics and antidepressants during long-term hospitalization. At the age of 69, he relapsed and was admitted to the hospital again. He was initially treated with olanzapine and lithium for the treatment of bipolar depression with psychotic features. He partially responded to the combination therapy, and psychomotor retardation and delusion of guilt disappeared; however, he developed psychomotor agitation and delusion of persecution, which was a mood-incongruent psychotic feature. Finally, he fully recovered with an additional dosage of lamotrigine, and had no experience of relapse after discontinuation of olanzapine. Conclusions: This case report implicates the utility of lamotrigine for bipolar depression with psychotic features, and further studies are needed to establish the optimal treatment.
  • Hiroyuki Shimada; Mikio Shoji; Takeshi Ikeuchi; Kazushi Suzuki; Michio Senda; Kenji Ishii; Hiroshi Matsuda; Atsushi Iwata; Ryoko Ihara; Takeshi Iwatsubo; Kaori Mutoh; Eisuke Nakazawa; Yoshiki Sekijima; Etsuro Mori; Manabu Ikeda; Masaki Ikeda; Shinobu Kawakatsu; Aki Nakanishi; Mamoru Hashimoto; Akihiko Nunomura; Etsuro Matsubara; Mitsuru Fukui; Tomoyo Shirato; Kaori Hirai; Masako Sakamoto; Hisako Fujii; Hiroshi Mori
    Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo 69 7 701 - 709 2017年07月 [査読有り]
    The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network (DIAN) observational study compared pathophysiological markers between mutation carriers and non-carriers in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease. This study revealed that changes in the biomarkers in the mutation carrier's brain start as early as 20 or even 25 years prior to the onset of symptoms. Doctors of the DIAN-Japan team have successfully implemented the DIAN study in Japan (DIAN-J) with effort and enthusiasm. The DIAN-J study is completely compatible with the DIAN study. All members of the DIAN-J team were certified by the NIH and Washington University. The DIAN researchers started a prevention trial (DIAN-TU) testing two monoclonal antibodies in 2013. Together with the DIAN global members including the Japanese team, they will start the new DIAN-TU NexGen Trial testing a BACE inhibitor in 2017. The API study is another clinical trial of anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody therapy for family members of patients with early-onset familial AD who carry the PSEN1 E280A mutation. This study has shown the same biomarker changes that were reported in the DIAN study.
  • 高次脳機能障害者と介護者の患者に対する感情表出(Expressed Emotion、EE)の関係について
    伊地知 大亮; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 遊亀 誠二; 一美 奈緒子; 田中 希; 池田 学
    高次脳機能研究 37 1 113 - 113 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2017年03月
  • 高次脳機能障害者の就労と障害理解との関連についての検討
    田中 希; 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 遊亀 誠二; 一美 奈緒子; 伊地知 大亮; 池田 学
    高次脳機能研究 37 1 127 - 127 (一社)日本高次脳機能障害学会 2017年03月
  • Asuka Koyama; Masateru Matsushita; Mamoru Hashimoto; Noboru Fujise; Tomohisa Ishikawa; Hibiki Tanaka; Yutaka Hatada; Yusuke Miyagawa; Maki Hotta; Manabu Ikeda
    PSYCHOGERIATRICS 17 2 108 - 114 2017年03月 [査読有り]
    AimCaregiver burden in dementia is an important issue, but few studies have examined the mental health of younger and older family caregivers by comparing them with age- and gender-matched community residents. We aimed to compare the mental health of dementia caregivers with that of community residents and to clarify factors related to mental health problems in younger and older caregivers. MethodsWe studied 104 dementia caregivers; 46 were younger (<65years) and 58 were older (65years). A total of 104 community residents who were matched for age and gender were selected. We compared depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for younger participants; Geriatric Depression Scale for older participants), health-related quality of life (QOL) short-form health survey (SF-8), sleep problems, and suicidal ideation between the caregivers and community residents by age. Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, activities of daily living (ADL), and instrumental ADL were assessed among patients with dementia using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Physical Self-Maintenance Scale, and Lawton Instrumental ADL Scale, respectively. ResultsAccording to SF-8 results, both younger and older caregivers had significantly worse mental QOL than community residents (younger caregivers: 46.3 vs community residents: 49.7, P=0.017; older caregivers: 48.2 vs community residents: 51.1, P=0.024) but were not more depressive. Sleep problems were significantly more frequent in younger caregivers (39.1%) than in community residents (17.0%) (P=0.017). Multiple regression analysis revealed that caregivers' deteriorated mental QOL was associated with patients' behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in younger caregivers and with dementia patients' instrumental ADL and female gender in older caregivers. ConclusionsDementia caregivers had a lower mental QOL than community residents. To maintain caregivers' mental QOL, it is necessary to provide younger caregivers with skills or professional interventions for dealing with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, and older caregivers must be offered adequate care support.
  • Yasunobu Kabeshita; Hiroyoshi Adachi; Masateru Matsushita; Hideki Kanemoto; Shunsuke Sato; Yukiko Suzuki; Kenji Yoshiyama; Tatsuo Shimomura; Taku Yoshida; Hideaki Shimizu; Teruhisa Matsumoto; Takaaki Mori; Tetsuo Kashibayashi; Hibiki Tanaka; Yutaka Hatada; Mamoru Hashimoto; Yoshiyuki Nishio; Kenjiro Komori; Toshihisa Tanaka; Kazumasa Yokoyama; Satoshi Tanimukai; Manabu Ikeda; Masatoshi Takeda; Etsuro Mori; Takashi Kudo; Hiroaki Kazui
    International journal of geriatric psychiatry 32 2 222 - 230 2017年02月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Sleep disturbances in Alzheimer disease (AD) may affect behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Our aim was to elucidate the associations between sleep disturbances and other BPSD at different stages of AD. METHODS: This investigation was part of a multicenter-retrospective study in Japan (J-BIRD). Eligible for final analyses were 684 AD patients. Global severity of dementia was estimated using the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale. BPSD were assessed using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). We analyzed the relationships between sleep disturbances and BPSD at different stages of AD according to the CDR score. RESULTS: Among the 684 AD patients, 146 (21.3%) had sleep disturbances. Patients with very early AD (CDR 0.5) and sleep disturbances had significantly more BPSD than those without sleep disturbances, as indicated by the higher prevalence of the following four NPI items: anxiety, euphoria, disinhibition, and aberrant motor behavior. In AD at CDR 2, (moderate AD) only one NPI item (irritability) was affected, while none was affected at CDR 1 (mild AD) and 3 (severe AD). Multiple regression analyses were performed in those with AD having various CDR scores. At CDR 0.5, the presence of sleep disturbances was associated with a high total NPI score (β = 0.32, p < 0.001). However, other factors, including cognitive decline, age, gender, and years of education, were not significantly associated with the NPI score. At CDR 1 and 2, no factor was significantly related to BPSD. CONCLUSION: Sleep disturbances were strongly associated with other BPSD in the very early stage of AD. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Fumi Sakamoto; Shinya Shiraishi; Noriko Tsuda; Mamoru Hashimoto; Seiji Tomiguchi; Manabu Ikeda; Yasuyuki Yamashita
    The British journal of radiology 90 1070 20160156 - 20160156 2017年02月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: Since the clinical symptoms of different types of dementia frequently overlap, especially in the earlier stages at onset, it is difficult to distinguish dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) from other neurodegenerative dementias based on their clinical manifestations alone. Nuclear medicine imaging has been reported as a high-value index for the objective evaluation and diagnosis of DLB. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether nuclear medicine imaging findings may yield core features to be added to the diagnosis of DLB. METHODS: We enrolled 332 patients with suspected DLB. All were evaluated by both 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) myocardial scintigraphy and 123I-labelled N-isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine (123I-IMP). brain perfusion single-photon emission CT. The final clinical diagnosis indicated probable DLB in 92 patients (40 males, 52 females; mean age ± standard deviation, 77.4 ± 6.4 years; range, 56-89 years); 240 patients (98 males, 142 females; mean age, 75.5 ± 9.0 years; range, 70-87 years) were recorded as being without DLB. The accepted core features used for clinical evaluations were fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations and Parkinsonism. The nuclear medicine evaluation indices were the severity score of cerebral blood flow on 123I-IMP scintigraphs of the posterior cingulate and praecuneus and a reduction in the blood flow in the occipital lobe. For 123I-MIBG evaluation, we recorded the early and delayed heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratios and the washout rate. RESULTS: Univariate and multivariate analyses of fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations, Parkinsonism and early H/M ratio in patients with probable and without DLB revealed significant differences. Parameters based on 123I-IMP studies did not show any significant differences by multivariate analysis. The area under the curve for the early H/M ratio was 0.918; for fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations and Parkinsonism, it was 0.693, 0.760 and 0.611, respectively, by receiver-operating characteristic analysis. The early H/M ratio of <2.0 on 123I-MIBG scintigraphs was of the highest diagnostic accuracy. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the diagnosis of probable DLB were 82.4%, 96.3% and 92.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The early H/M ratio obtained by 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy can serve as a reliable diagnostic index for the core clinical features of DLB. It can be used for the early diagnosis and treatment of DLB. Advances in knowledge: 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy performed at the initial clinical examination can facilitate the early identification or exclusion of DLB and the early H/M ratio may be a diagnostic biomarker for DLB.
  • Fukuda K; Terada S; Hashimoto M; Ukai K; Kumagai R; Suzuki M; Nagaya M; Yoshida M; Hattori H; Toba K
    Geriatr Gerontol Int. 18 3 487 - 494 2017年
  • Integrated Care for Elderly People with Dementia: The Japanese Perspective
    Ikeda M; Hashimoto M; Kazui H
  • ADとDLBにおける生活行為障害の特徴と自立の割合に関する研究
    堀田 牧; 小山 明日香; 村田 美希; 吉浦 和宏; 田平 隆行; 田中 響; 石川 智久; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    Dementia Japan 30 4 549 - 549 (一社)日本認知症学会 2016年10月
  • Post-stroke depressionが回復期リハビリテーションに与える影響
    松崎 志保; 橋本 衛; 遊亀 誠二; 小山 明日香; 池田 学
    九州神経精神医学 62 2 78 - 78 九州精神神経学会 2016年08月
  • アルツハイマー型認知症とレビー小体型認知症におけるBPSDの性差について
    本田 和揮; 橋本 衛; 矢田部 裕介; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久; 兼田 桂一郎; 遊亀 誠二; 松崎 志保; 田中 響; 畑田 裕; 宮川 雄介; 川原 一洋; 長谷川 典子; 甲斐 恭子; 池田 学
    九州神経精神医学 62 2 78 - 78 九州精神神経学会 2016年08月
  • Symposium: Lifespan neuroscience of human cognition: Principles of healthy and pathological aging Cognitive impairment in neurodegenerative dementias at MCI stage
    Ikeda M; Hashimoto M; Matsushita M; Miyagawa Y; Ijichi D; Ueno Y; Iwata N; Kazui H
  • Inoue Y; Nakajima M; Uetani H; Hirai T; Ueda M; Kitajima M; Utsunomiya D; Watanabe M; Hashimoto M; Ikeda M; Yamashita Y; Ando Y
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 37 2 223 - 227 2016年02月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Because the diagnostic significance of cortical superficial siderosis for Alzheimer disease and the association between cortical superficial siderosis and the topographic distribution of cerebral microbleeds have been unclear, we investigated the association between cortical superficial siderosis and clinicoradiologic characteristics of patients with cognitive impairment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 347 patients (217 women, 130 men; mean age, 74 ± 9 years) who visited our memory clinic and underwent MR imaging (3T SWI). We analyzed the association between cortical superficial siderosis and the topographic distribution of cerebral microbleeds plus clinical characteristics including types of dementia. We used multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine the diagnostic significance of cortical superficial siderosis for Alzheimer disease. RESULTS: Twelve patients (3.5%) manifested cortical superficial siderosis. They were older (P =.026) and had strictly lobar cerebral microbleeds significantly more often than did patients without cortical superficial siderosis (50.0% versus 19.4%, P =.02); the occurrence of strictly deep and mixed cerebral microbleeds, however, did not differ in the 2 groups. Alzheimer disease was diagnosed in 162 (46.7%) patients. Of these, 8 patients (4.9%) had cortical superficial siderosis. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis for the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease, lacunar infarcts were negatively and independently associated with Alzheimer disease (P =.007). CONCLUSIONS: Although cortical superficial siderosis was associated with a strictly lobar cerebral microbleed location, it was not independently associated with Alzheimer disease in a memory clinic setting. Additional studies are required to investigate the temporal changes of these cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related MR imaging findings.
  • Manabu Ikeda; Etsuro Mori; Eizo Iseki; Sadao Katayama; Yasuto Higashi; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hideaki Miyagishi; Masaki Nakagawa; Kenji Kosaka
    Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 41 1-2 55 - 67 2016年 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND/AIMS: To evaluate the adequacy of using the consensus diagnostic criteria for dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) to recruit patients with homogeneous characteristics in future clinical trials, where multiple departments of multinational centres are expected to participate with a long enrolment period, and additionally, to contribute to the possible future criteria revision. METHODS: Using data from 2 trials of donepezil for DLB, conducted 3 years apart, characteristics in patients with probable DLB were analysed and compared between studies and between psychiatric and neurological centres. RESULTS: In 273 patients (phase II: 135, phase III: 138; psychiatric: 73, neurological: 184), clinical characteristics overall were very similar between studies, and between specialty centres, excluding distinctive parkinsonism in the neurological versus psychiatric centres: incidence of parkinsonism (91.8 vs. 71.2%, p < 0.001), Hoehn and Yahr stage (III: 55.0 vs. 21.2%, p < 0.001), and concomitant anti-Parkinson medication (24.5 vs. 11.0%, p = 0.017). Rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder, depression, and delusion, suggestive or supportive features, were observed in 35-40%. Additionally, a high prevalence (55.3%) of anxiety was observed. CONCLUSION: Employing the consensus criteria is adequate to enrol homogeneous DLB patients into future clinical trials regardless of the specialty of centres and time. Further discussion could involve adding anxiety to future criteria.
  • Yasuyuki Mamiya; Yoshiyuki Nishio; Hiroyuki Watanabe; Kayoko Yokoi; Makoto Uchiyama; Toru Baba; Osamu Iizuka; Shigenori Kanno; Naoto Kamimura; Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Chieko Takeshita; Tatsuo Shimomura; Etsuro Mori
    PloS one 11 5 e0154713  2016年 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Visual hallucinations are a core clinical feature of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and this symptom is important in the differential diagnosis and prediction of treatment response. The pareidolia test is a tool that evokes visual hallucination-like illusions, and these illusions may be a surrogate marker of visual hallucinations in DLB. We created a simplified version of the pareidolia test and examined its validity and reliability to establish the clinical utility of this test. METHODS: The pareidolia test was administered to 52 patients with DLB, 52 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 20 healthy controls (HCs). We assessed the test-retest/inter-rater reliability using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and the concurrent validity using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) hallucinations score as a reference. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the pareidolia test to differentiate DLB from AD and HCs. RESULTS: The pareidolia test required approximately 15 minutes to administer, exhibited good test-retest/inter-rater reliability (ICC of 0.82), and moderately correlated with the NPI hallucinations score (rs = 0.42). Using an optimal cut-off score set according to the ROC analysis, and the pareidolia test differentiated DLB from AD with a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 92%. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that the simplified version of the pareidolia test is a valid and reliable surrogate marker of visual hallucinations in DLB.
  • Fumi Sakamoto; Shinya Shiraishi; Noriko Tsuda; Koji Ogasawara; Morikatsu Yoshida; Hideaki Yuki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Seiji Tomiguchi; Manabu Ikeda; Yasuyuki Yamashita
    BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 89 1064 20160144  2016年 [査読有り]
    Objective: We performed I-123-meta- iodobenzylguanidine (I-123-MIBG) myocardial scintigraphy for the diagnosis of Lewy body disease (LBD) and assessed whether the early heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratio was diagnostic and whether visual image analysis was useful. Methods: Our study included 453 patients with clinically suspected LBD who had undergone I-123-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy. We evaluated semi-quantitative values (early and delayed H/M ratio, washout rate) and performed visual image analysis. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive-predictive value (PPV) and negative-predictive value (NPV) of both analyses were calculated. Results: The early H/M ratio exhibited the best diagnostic ability. Its overall sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV and NPV were 72.2%, 93.1%, 84.3%, 88.5% and 82.2%,respectively (cut-off value 2.2 or less). However, there was no significant difference from the delayed H/M ratio or the results of visual assessment. Conclusion: I-123-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy accurately differentiates between patients with and without LBD and a correct diagnosis can be established based on the early H/M ratio. We also document that visual evaluation of scintigrams is useful. Therefore, patients may benefit from the single performance of the procedure because a correct diagnosis can be obtained early in the disease process and their prognosis and appropriate treatment can be determined. Advances in knowledge: I-123-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy on the early H/M ratio makes it possible to differentiate between patients with LBD and patients without LBD.
  • Asuka Koyama; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hibiki Tanaka; Noboru Fujise; Masateru Matsushita; Yusuke Miyagawa; Yutaka Hatada; Ryuji Fukuhara; Noriko Hasegawa; Shuji Todani; Kengo Matsukuma; Michiyo Kawano; Manabu Ikeda
    PloS one 11 6 e0157053  2016年 [査読有り]
    Malnutrition among dementia patients is an important issue. However, the biochemical markers of malnutrition have not been well studied in this population. The purpose of this study was to compare biochemical blood markers among patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). A total of 339 dementia outpatients and their family caregivers participated in this study. Low serum albumin was 7.2 times more prevalent among patients with DLB and 10.1 times more prevalent among those with FTLD than among those with AD, with adjustment for age. Low hemoglobin was 9.1 times more common in female DLB patients than in female AD patients, with adjustment for age. The levels of biochemical markers were not significantly correlated with cognitive function. Family caregivers of patients with low total protein, low albumin, or low hemoglobin were asked if the patients had loss of weight or appetite; 96.4% reported no loss of weight or appetite. In conclusion, nutritional status was worse in patients with DLB and FTLD than in those with AD. A multidimensional approach, including blood testing, is needed to assess malnutrition in patients with dementia.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Kenji Yoshiyama; Hideki Kanemoto; Yukiko Suzuki; Shunsuke Sato; Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda; Hibiki Tanaka; Yutaka Hatada; Masateru Matsushita; Yoshiyuki Nishio; Etsuro Mori; Satoshi Tanimukai; Kenjiro Komori; Taku Yoshida; Hideaki Shimizu; Teruhisa Matsumoto; Takaaki Mori; Tetsuo Kashibayashi; Kazumasa Yokoyama; Tatsuo Shimomura; Yasunobu Kabeshita; Hiroyoshi Adachi; Toshihisa Tanaka
    PloS one 11 8 e0161092  2016年 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSDs) negatively impact the prognosis of dementia patients and increase caregiver distress. The aims of this study were to clarify the differences of trajectories of 12 kinds of BPSDs by disease severity in four major dementias and to develop charts showing the frequency, severity, and associated caregiver distress (ACD) of BPSDs using the data of a Japan multicenter study (J-BIRD). METHODS: We gathered Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) data of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 1091), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; n = 249), vascular dementia (VaD; n = 156), and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD; n = 102) collected during a 5-year period up to July 31, 2013 in seven centers for dementia in Japan. The NPI composite scores (frequency × severity) of 12 kinds of items were analyzed using a principal component analysis (PCA) in each dementia. The factor scores of the PCA were compared in each dementia by disease severity, which was determined with Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR). RESULTS: Significant increases with higher CDR scores were observed in 1) two of the three factor scores which were loaded for all items except euphoria in AD, 2) two of the four factor scores for apathy, aberrant motor behavior (AMB), sleep disturbances, agitation, irritability, disinhibition, and euphoria in DLB, and 3) one of the four factor scores for apathy, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances in VaD. However, no increases were observed in any of the five factor scores in FTLD. CONCLUSIONS: As dementia progresses, several BPSDs become more severe, including 1) apathy and sleep disturbances in AD, DLB, and VaD, 2) all of the BPSDs except euphoria in AD, 3) AMB, agitation, irritability, disinhibition, and euphoria in DLB, and 4) depression and anxiety in VaD. Trajectories of BPSDs in FTLD were unclear.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; for the SINPHONI-2 Investigators; Masakazu Miyajima; Etsuro Mori; Masatsune Ishikawa; O. Hirai; N. Kuwana; M. Hashimoto; K. Ishii; Y. Hirata; H. Miyake; S. Mori; Y. Kajimoto; H. Origasa; H. Yamamoto; K. Mori; S. Nakamura; T. Miki; H. Arai; Y. Kajimoto; T. Nakayama; M. Takeda; C. C. Chang; I. Date; M. Atsuchi; T. Okada; D. Kita; M. Watanabe; T. Kimura; M. Kaijima; S. Sunada
    The Lancet Neurology 14 6 585 - 594 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    Background: Lumboperitoneal shunt surgery has the potential to alleviate symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus but the benefits of such surgery have not been tested in a randomised trial. The aim of this trial was to determine the safety and efficacy of the lumboperitoneal shunt surgery for this disorder. Methods: For the open-label randomised SINPHONI-2 trial, eligible participants (60-85 years of age) with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, with ventriculomegaly, and tightness of the high-convexity and medial subarachnoid spaces on MRI, were recruited from 20 neurological and neurosurgical centres in Japan. Enrolled participants were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio according to a random code generated by the trial statistician, with a permuted block design (using a block size of 4 or 6) within each centre, to receive lumboperitoneal shunt surgery within 1 month after randomisation, or to surgery postponed for 3 months. Patients and assessors were not masked to treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was favourable outcome, defined as an improvement of one point or more on the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at 3 months after randomisation, analysed by intention to treat, and the main secondary endpoint was the same outcome 12 months after surgery, analysed per protocol. This trial is registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR), number UMIN000002730. Findings: Between March 1, 2010, and Oct 19, 2011, 93 patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus were enrolled and randomly assigned to the immediate treatment group (n=49) or the postponed treatment group (n=44). More patients in the immediate treatment group than in the postponed treatment group had an improvement of one point or more on the mRS at 3 months: 32 (65%) of 49 in the immediate group vs 2 (5%) of 44 in the postponed group (difference 61% [95% CI 42-68] p< 0·0001). The number of patients who had an improvement of one point or more on the mRS at 12 months after surgery was similar between the two groups: 30 (67%) of 45 patients in the immediate group vs 22 (58%) of 38 in the postponed group (difference 9% [95% CI -14 to 31] p=0·496). The proportions of patients with serious adverse events did not differ significantly between the groups during the 3 months post-randomisation (7 [15%] of 46 in the immediate group vs 1 [2%] of 42 in the postponed group p=0·060). During the 12 months after surgery, 19 (22%) of 87 patients had serious adverse events, the most common of which was cerebral infarction (six patients [7%]). Interpretation: Our results suggest that lumboperitoneal shunt surgery might be beneficial for patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus and, if these findings are confirmed in larger studies, could be a first-line treatment option for this disease. Funding: Johnson & Johnson and Nihon Medi-Physics.
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Shinichi Sakamoto; Manabu Ikeda
    The Journal of clinical psychiatry 76 6 691 - 5 2015年06月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: Delusional jealousy is a psychotic syndrome characterized by a belief in the infidelity of one's spouse that reaches delusional intensity. Although delusional jealousy has been described in relation to organic psychosis, little is known concerning the actual role of delusional jealousy in dementia. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical features of delusional jealousy and possible mechanisms whereby delusional jealousy arises in patients with dementia. METHOD: We studied 208 consecutive outpatients with dementia (diagnosis based on DSM-III-R criteria; mean [SD] age of 77.0 [8.0] years; study period: September 2011-August 2012). Delusional jealousy was defined as a false belief derived from a pathological jealousy that makes the patient believe that his or her spouse is unfaithful. The prevalence of delusional jealousy was compared between Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, and vascular dementia. Patients with and without delusional jealousy were compared in terms of general characteristics. In addition, each patient with delusional jealousy and their primary caregivers were interviewed about the clinical features of the syndrome. RESULTS: Of the 208 patients with dementia, 18 (8.7%) showed delusional jealousy. The prevalence of delusional jealousy in patients who had dementia with Lewy bodies (26.3%) was significantly higher than that in patients with Alzheimer's disease (5.5%) (P < .01). There were no significant differences between patients with and without delusional jealousy in regard to gender (P = 1.00), age (P = .81), educational attainment (P = .29), presence of other persons living with the couple (P = .22), and Mini-Mental State Examination score (P = .47). On the other hand, delusional jealousy was preceded by the onset of serious physical diseases in nearly half of the patients. Delusional jealousy resolved within 12 months after treatment in 15 of 18 patients (83%). CONCLUSIONS: Although delusional jealousy is a considerable problem in dementia, the prognosis of delusional jealousy in demented patients appears to be relatively benign. In dementia, delusional jealousy may develop more easily in patients who have dementia with Lewy bodies and those with coexisting serious physical disorders.
  • Hashimoto M; Yatabe Y; Ishikawa T; Fukuhara R; Kaneda K; Honda K; Yuki S; Ogawa Y; Imamura T; Kazui H; Kamimura N; Shinagawa S; Mizukami K; Mori E; Ikeda M
    Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra 5 2 244 - 252 2015年05月 [査読有り]
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo 67 4 427 - 32 2015年04月 [査読有り]
    Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD), including subcortical lacunar infarcts (lacunes) and white matter hyperintensities (WMH), is commonly observed on MRI of elderly individuals with and without dementia. SVD is frequently observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the association between SVD and clinical symptoms exhibited by patients with AD remains unclear. Our recent studies suggest that cerebral SVD observed on CT/MRI of patients with AD is associated with delusions and delirium as well as depression. Mechanisms underlying these psychiatric symptoms in patients with AD remain unclear.
  • Kyoko Kai; Mamoru Hashimoto; Koichiro Amano; Hibiki Tanaka; Ryuji Fukuhara; Manabu Ikeda
    PloS one 10 8 e0133666  2015年 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: Eating is one of the most important daily activities in managing patients with dementia. Although various eating disturbance occur as dementia progresses, to our knowledge, most of the studies focused on a part of eating disturbance such as swallowing and appetite. There have been few comprehensive studies including eating habits and food preference in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The aims of this study were to investigate almost all eating disturbance and to examine the relationship of eating disturbance to dementia stage in AD. METHODS: A total of 220 patients with AD and 30 normal elderly (NE) subjects were recruited. Eating disturbance was assessed by a comprehensive questionnaire that had been previously validated. Potential relationships between the characteristics of eating disturbance and dementia stage as classified by the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) were assessed. RESULTS: Overall, 81.4% of patients with AD showed some eating and swallowing disturbance, whereas only 26.7% of the NE subjects had such a disturbance. Even in an early stage, patients with AD had many types of eating disturbance; "Appetite change" was shown in nearly half of the mild AD patients (49.5%). In the moderate stage, the scores of "change of eating habits and food preference" were highest, and in the severe stage "swallowing disturbance" became critical. CONCLUSION: In AD, the relationship of dementia stage to eating disturbance differs according to the type of eating disturbance. The relationships between various eating disturbance and the severity of dementia should be considered.
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Ryuji Fukuhara; Manabu Ikeda
    Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo 66 11 1355 - 62 2014年11月 [査読有り]
    Hirotaka Tanabe was a Japanese neuropsychiatrist engaged in neuropsychological research on cerebrovascular disease and dementia. He contributed widely to the symptomatology of dementia, especially in the field of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). He focused on clarifying the clinical features of a language disturbance, termed Gogi-aphasia by Imura (1943), in 7 patients with anterior temporal circumscribed atrophy. He attributed the nature of Gogi-aphasia to a selective impairment of semantic memory for words and proposed that the pathological process of lobar atrophy with temporal predominance might affect the semantic memory system. In addition, he described in detail the behavioral symptoms of FTD. In his later years, he adovocated a neuropsychological approach to psychiatry.
  • Sakamoto F; Shiraishi S; Yoshida M; Tomiguchi S; Hirai T; Namimoto T; Hashimoto M; Ikeda M; Uetani H; Yamashita Y
    Annals of nuclear medicine 28 3 203 - 11 2014年04月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: We assessed the value of combining (123)I-IMP brain perfusion SPECT and (123)I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy for the discrimination of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) from other types of dementia. METHODS: We subjected 252 consecutive patients with clinically suspected DLB to both (123)I-IMP brain perfusion SPECT and (123)I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy. Patients with Parkinson's disease were included. The 252 patients were randomly assigned to an estimation (n = 152) or a validation group (n = 100). Using univariate analysis, we first analyzed the relationship between various variables and the presence or absence of DLB in estimation group and then proceeded to multivariate analysis to obtain a combined index that predicted the likelihood of DLB. The diagnostic value of the index was assessed by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) with the cutoff value selected from the ROC curve. We then tested the predictive accuracy of the index in validation group. RESULTS: The combined index was an arithmetic expression that combined the age, early (123)I-MIBG heart-to-mediastinum uptake (E-H/M) ratio, and the parietal lobe hypoperfusion score. Values for the AUC of the combined index, the E-H/M ratio, the parietal lobe hypoperfusion score, and the patient age in validation group were 0.95, 0.90, 0.72, and 0.73, respectively. There was a significant difference in the AUC of the combined index among other indices (p < 0.05). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the combined index for a diagnosis of probable DLB in validation group were 88, 87, and 87 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The combinational diagnosis based on (123)I-IMP brain perfusion SPECT, (123)I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy, and the patient age is a simple and reliable means for predicting probable DLB.
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Yuta Manabe; Etsuro Mori; Nobutsugu Hirono; Kenji Kosaka; Manabu Ikeda
    Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo 66 2 175 - 83 2014年02月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: The Cognitive Fluctuation Inventory (CFI) was developed to evaluate cognitive fluctuation in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The objective of this study was to assess the content validity and inter-rater reliability of the CFI. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Nine specialists in DLB treatment were invited to participate in the survey to assess the content validity of the CFI. They were asked to assess the relevance and comprehensibility of the question items. In the validation study, inter-rater reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: Regarding content validity, all nine specialists considered the main question and sub-questions to be relevant to cognitive fluctuation in patients with DLB. Eight out of nine specialists considered the CFI to be a comprehensive measure for detecting cognitive fluctuation in patients with DLB. In the analysis, which used data from 29 patients and their caregivers, the ICC of the CFI was 0.746, which suggests good inter-rater reliability. CONCLUSION: We found that the CFI showed good content validity and inter-rater reliability for evaluating cognitive fluctuation in patients with DLB.
  • Yoshiyuki Nishio; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kazunari Ishii; Daisuke Ito; Shunji Mugikura; Shoki Takahashi; Etsuro Mori
    NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 53 264 - 273 2014年01月 [査読有り]
    Amnesia and linguistic deficits that are associated with thalamic damage have attracted the attention of researchers interested in identifying the neural networks involved in memory and language. The Papez circuit, which is composed of the hippocampus, mammillary body and anterior thalamic nuclei, was first proposed to be critical for memory. However, subsequently, the roles of the neural circuit consisting of the rhinal/parahippocampal cortices and the mediodorsal thalamic nuclei became evident. The ventral lateral nuclei or its adjacent structures have been found to be involved in semantic processing, but the specific neural circuits dedicated to language functions have not been identified. Anterior thalamic infarcts, which affect very circumscribed regions of the ventral anterior portion of the thalamus, often cause paradoxically prominent memory and language deficits. We conducted tractography analyses in 6 patients with left anterior thalamic infarcts to identify neural connections or circuits in which disruptions are associated with memory and language deficits in this condition. The current study demonstrated that the mammillothalamic tract, which connects the mammillary body with the anterior thalamic nuclei, and the anterior and inferior thalamic peduncles, which contain neural fibers that extend from several thalamic nuclei to the anterior temporal, medial temporal and frontal cortices, are disrupted in anterior thalamic infarction. These extensive thalamo-cortical disconnections appear to be due to the dissection of the neural fibers that penetrate the ventral anterior nucleus of the thalamus. Our results suggest the following: (1) amnesia that is associated with anterior thalamic infarction is best interpreted in the context of dual/multiple-system theories of memory/amnesia that posit that multiple neural circuits connecting the anterior and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei with the hippocampus and rhinal/parahippocampal cortices work in concert to support memory function; and (2) the semantic deficits observed in this syndrome may be associated with thalamo-anterior temporal and thalamo-lateral frontal disconnections. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yusuke Yatabe; Mamoru Hashimoto; Keiichiro Kaneda; Kazuki Honda; Yusuke Ogawa; Seiji Yuuki; Manabu Ikeda
    Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society 13 2 88 - 93 2013年06月 [査読有り]
    BACKGROUND: With the recent approval of several new drugs, pharmacological management of Alzheimer's disease has become more complicated in Japan. The efficacy and safety of increasing the dose of donepezil to 10 mg daily were assessed in an open-label study of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease who were showing a diminished response to 5 mg daily. METHODS: The subjects included 27 patients with mild to moderate probable Alzheimer's disease whose primary caregivers had confirmed progression of symptoms during treatment with donepezil 5 mg daily. The dose of donepezil was increased to 10 mg daily, and the Alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (Japanese version), Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Zarit caregiver burden interview scores were compared before and after dose escalation. Adverse events were also investigated. RESULTS: Efficacy was evaluated in 24 patients; three dropped out because of adverse reactions. The Alzheimer's disease assessment scale score showed significant improvement after dose escalation of donepezil (P = 0.006). The total score of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory and the Zarit score showed no significant changes. However, the anxiety score of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory showed a significant increase (P = 0.028). Safety assessment revealed that the dropout rate was 11.1% and adverse reactions occurred in 40.7%. Nausea (29.6%) and loss of appetite (22.2%) were common adverse reactions. CONCLUSIONS: Because cognitive function showed improvement after increasing the dose of donepezil, the dosage of this drug should probably be adjusted based on the overall severity of Alzheimer's disease as well as the progression of cognitive dysfunction.
  • Mamoru Hashimoto
    Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology 51 11 857 - 60 2011年11月 [査読有り]
    Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is the term defined as symptoms of disturbed perception, thought content, mood or behavior that frequently occur in patients with dementia. As BPSD can cause remarkable distress for both the patient and the caregiver, clinicians are required to treat the symptoms effectively. Before undertaking an intervention to BPSD, patients should be assessed in a detailed clinical interview to establish symptoms causing distress to the patient and/or caregiver. Initial intervention should focus on nonpharmacologic measures. However, pharmacologic intervention is necessary in many cases. There are many classes of medications to choose from for treating BPSD, but the evidence behind treatment is varied and confusing. Clinicians should discuss the potential risks and benefits of treatment with patients, and must ensure a balance between side effects and tolerability compared with clinical benefit and QOL. To provide medical care to the patients with dementia represents the comprehensive management of them, including differential diagnosis, treatment of BPSD and education of caregivers. Almost all of the patients with dementia develop BPSD during the course of the disease. As long as dementia is a neurological disorder, both neurologists and psychiatrists should work cooperatively in the treatment of dementia.
  • Manabu Ikeda; Mamoru Hashimoto
    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine 69 Suppl 8 291 - 6 2011年10月 [査読有り]
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Manabu Ikeda
    Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 100 8 2099 - 108 2011年08月 [査読有り]
  • Koh Iwasaki; Kenji Kosaka; Hideo Mori; Reina Okitsu; Katsutoshi Furukawa; Yuta Manabe; Mitsuhiro Yoshita; Aya Kanamori; Nobuo Ito; Kenji Wada; Michio Kitayama; Jun Horiguchi; Shuhei Yamaguchi; Ryuji Fukuhara; Shinji Ouma; Seigo Nakano; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toru Kinoshita
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59 5 936 - 8 2011年05月 [査読有り]
  • Mamoru Hashimoto
    Nihon Ronen Igakkai zasshi. Japanese journal of geriatrics 47 4 294 - 7 2010年 [査読有り]
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; Hiroaki Kazui; Keiji Matsumoto; Yoko Nakano; Minoru Yasuda; Etsuro Mori
    The American journal of psychiatry 162 4 676 - 82 2005年04月 [査読有り]
    OBJECTIVE: The only approved pharmacological approach for the symptomatic treatment of Alzheimer's disease in Japan is the use of a cholinesterase inhibitor, donepezil hydrochloride. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies raise the possibility that cholinesterase inhibitors can slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether donepezil has a neuroprotective effect in Alzheimer's disease by using the rate of hippocampal atrophy as a surrogate marker of disease progression. METHOD: In a prospective cohort study, 54 patients with Alzheimer's disease who received donepezil treatment and 93 control patients with Alzheimer's disease who never received anti-Alzheimer drugs underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) twice at a 1-year interval. The annual rate of hippocampal atrophy of each subject was determined by using an MRI-based volumetric technique. Background characteristics, age, sex, disease duration, education, MRI interval, apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype, and baseline Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale score were comparable between the treated and control groups. RESULTS: The mean annual rate of hippocampal volume loss among the treated patients (mean=3.82%, SD=2.84%) was significantly smaller than that among the control patients (mean=5.04%, SD=2.54%). Upon analysis of covariance, where those confounding variables (age, sex, disease duration, education, MRI interval, APOE genotype, and baseline Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale score) were entered into the model as covariates, the effect of donepezil treatment on hippocampal atrophy remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Donepezil treatment slows the progression of hippocampal atrophy, suggesting a neuroprotective effect of donepezil in Alzheimer's disease.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Yoko Nakano; Keiji Matsumoto; Shuhei Yamamura; Kentaro Nagaoka; Etsuro Mori; Hidetoshi Endo; Hiromasa Tokunaga; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Masatoshi Takeda
    International journal of geriatric psychiatry 19 9 892 - 7 2004年09月 [査読有り]
    AIMS: Clinical pathways (CPs) are rarely used in the treatment of dementia. We established a CP for a series of medical practices (diagnosis, treatment, establishment of a care system, and caregiver education) for patients with dementia hospitalized for a three-week period, and evaluated its usefulness. METHODS: The length of hospital stay and hospital costs were compared between 23 consecutive patients with dementia hospitalized and treated using a CP and 20 controls treated by conventional medical practice without using a CP in a special ward for dementia patients. In the CP group, at the time of discharge, primary caregivers, physicians, and nurses were given a questionnaire to obtain their comments about the impression of treatment with the CP. RESULTS: The questionnaire survey indicated that the CP deepened the caregiver's understanding of the sequence of medical practices for the inpatient, the disorders of the inpatient, the treatment methods, and the methods for coping with the disorder. The CP was also useful for facilitating inpatient medical practice and promoting the establishment of a care system after discharge. The use of the CP significantly shortened the length of hospital stay and decreased hospital costs during hospitalization but increased the amount of work per day and made the medical staff feel that their freedom to choose medical procedures had been restricted. CONCLUSIONS: The CP was useful for execution of inpatient medical practices for patients with dementia.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Mamoru Hashimoto; Kazunari Ishii; Hiroaki Kazui; Etsuro Mori
    The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 16 4 488 - 92 2004年 [査読有り]
    By using [(18)F]-2-fluoro-deoxy-d-glucose and positron emission tomography, the authors studied changes in regional glucose metabolism after a 1-year interval in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Glucose metabolism declined over time in the bilateral precuneus and posterior cingulate gyri and in the frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices. Glucose metabolism in these regions may be a useful measure of the progression of AD and a valid surrogate outcome measure of clinical drug trials.
  • Y. Nishio; Y. Nakano; K. Matsumoto; M. Hashimoto; H. Kazul; N. Hirono; K. Ishii; Etsuro Mori
    European Journal of Neurology 10 4 457 - 460 2003年07月 
    We described a patient with bilateral striatal infarcts, in whom stereotyped and disinhibited behaviors were insidiously emerged over 2 years mimicking frontotemporal dementia (FTD). A positron emission tomography with 18-fluorodeoxy glucose showed a hypometabolism in the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, and thalami. The peculiar behavioral alterations remained unchanged for the following 7 years, suggesting that the disease is not degenerative but of vascular origin. A disruption of the fronto-subcortical circuits at the level of the striatum or the anterior thalamic peduncle is attributable to the FTD-like behavioral and cognitive syndrome. © 2003 EFNS.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori
    Neuropsychologia 41 8 981 - 8 2003年 [査読有り]
    Personal semantic memory is factual knowledge about a person's own past. Although personal semantic memory is assumed to have features of both semantic memory and episodic memory, the relationship to episodic memory and to semantic memory have not been well documented. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, episodic memory, semantic memory, and personal semantic memory are all defective. In this study, the hypothesis that defective personal semantic memory is related to both semantic and episodic memory dysfunction was tested in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Functions of episodic, semantic, and personal semantic memory were examined by using the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R), subtests of the WAIS-R (Information, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Similarities), and the Family Line Test (FLT) in 62 patients who met the NINCDS/ADRDA criteria for probable Alzheimer's disease. Specific effects of episodic and semantic memory on personal semantic memory were examined by using multiple linear regression analysis with the total score of the FLT as the dependent variable and the WMS-R Delayed Recall weighted sum score and the WAIS-R Semantic Memory score (a composite of standardized scores of the four subtests) as the independent variables. Personal semantic memory function was significantly correlated with both the episodic and semantic memory functions, after controlling age, sex, educational attainment, and severity of dementia. This result supports the hypotheses that personal semantic memory has features of both episodic and semantic memory, and that semantic memory is transformed from episodic memory.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Etsuro Mori; Mamoru Hashimoto; Nobutsugu Hirono
    The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 15 2 221 - 6 2003年 [査読有り]
    The specific effects of visual and verbal memory on the ability of emotional arousal to enhance declarative memory were examined by using multiple linear regression analysis on data from a sample of 56 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD). The enhancing effect of emotion on memory was evaluated by an illustrated story paradigm, and the visual and verbal memory by a standard memory test. In AD, memory enhancement by emotion was significantly correlated with visual memory but not with verbal memory, regardless of age, sex, educational attainment, and severity of dementia, suggesting a close association between memory enhancement by emotion and visual memory.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Mamoru Hashimoto; Minoru Yasuda; Hirokazu Kazui; Etsuro Mori
    The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences 15 3 354 - 8 2003年 [査読有り]
    To investigate a possible effect of the apolipoprotein (APOE) epsilon4 allele on memory decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD), we examined 64 AD patients with the APOE epsilon3/3, epsilon3/4, or epsilon4/4 allele using the Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) and its subtests at the initial examination and at the 1-year follow-up visit. One-year changes in the scores of the Word Recall subtest, Word Recognition subtest, and total ADAS-Cog were significantly correlated with the number of APOE epsilon4 alleles after controlling for the effects of age, sex, education, test interval, and baseline scores. Findings revealed that APOE epsilon4 allele is related to an accelerated memory decline in AD.
  • N. Hirono; M. Hashimoto; M. Yasuda; K. Ishii; S. Sakamoto; H. Kazui; E. Mori
    Neurology 58 5 743 - 750 2002年03月 
    Background: Although the APOE ε4 allele is a well-known risk factor for developing AD, the impact of the E4 allele on clinical manifestations in patients with AD is still controversial. One possible reason for this controversy is that previous studies did not consider the effect of patient age at symptom onset. Objective: To investigate the possible impact of patient age at onset of AD on the effect of APOE genotype on regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRglc). Methods: The authors compared rCMRglc between probable AD patients (based on criteria of the National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke/AD and Related Disorders Association) with APOE ε4/4 and APOE ε3/3 alleles in early-onset (≤65 years old) and late-onset (> 65 years old) groups. In each group, the patients with APOE ε4/4 and APOE ε3/3 alleles were comparable for age at onset, age at examination, sex, disease duration, education level, and severity of dementia. Results: In the early-onset group, the patients with the APOE ε4/4 genotype showed a significant decrease of rCMRglc in the medial temporal lobe and a significant increase of rCMRglc in the inferior parietal and posterior temporal cortices as compared with those patients with the APOE ε3/3 genotype. In the late-onset group, there were no significant differences in the rCMRglc pattern between the patients with APOE ε4/4 and APOE ε3/3 alleles. Conclusions: The current findings indicate that the impact of the APOE ε4 genotype on cerebral glucose metabolism of patients with AD may be a function of age at symptom onset.
  • Etsuro Mori; KangUk Lee; Minoru Yasuda; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hiroaki Kazui; Nobutsugu Hirono; Mieko Matsui
    Annals of neurology 51 2 209 - 14 2002年02月 [査読有り]
    Although apolipoprotein E epsilon4 is an established risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, its effect on the rate of progression of Alzheimer's disease remains unknown. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to elucidate whether the rate of hippocampal atrophy is a function of the apolipoprotein E genotypes and severity of disease. Fifty-five patients with probable Alzheimer's disease were the subjects. The annual rate of hippocampal atrophy was determined by using magnetic resonance imaging repeated at a 1-year interval. On a two-way analysis of variance, the effect of the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele on hippocampal atrophy was significant, but neither the effect of severity nor the interaction term was significant. In further analysis with one-way analysis of variance, the mean annual rate of hippocampal atrophy was significantly different between the groups of patients with (9.76 +/- 4.27%) and without the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele (6.99 +/- 4.24%). Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 dose was significantly correlated with the rate of hippocampal atrophy (rs = 0.277, Spearman rank correlation coefficient), suggesting a gene dose effect. The involvement of the apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele in the progression of hippocampal atrophy has implications for therapeutic approaches in Alzheimer's disease and should be taken into consideration in longitudinal studies including clinical drug trials.
  • Hashimoto M; Yasuda M; Tanimukai S; Matsui M; Hirono N; Kazui H; Mori E
    Neurology 57 8 1461 - 1466 2001年10月 
    Background: Although the APOE ε4 allele increases the risk of developing AD, the effects of the ε4 allele on brain atrophy in clinical AD patients are controversial. Objective: To investigate a possible relationship between the genetic variants of APOE and brain atrophy in patients with AD. Methods: Using MRI-based volumetry techniques, the authors compared the volumes of the hippocampal formation, amygdaloid complex, and whole brain in probable AD patients (based on criteria of the National Institute for Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke/ Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association) with different APOE alleles. One group (n = 46) had the ε3/3 allele, one group (n = 46) had the ε3/4 allele, and one group (n = 46) had the ε4/4 allele. The three groups were matched for age, sex, disease duration, education level, and severity of dementia represented by their score of the Mini-Mental State Examination. A possible difference in pattern of cognitive deficits with dose of the APOE ε4 allele was also examined. Results: The normalized hippocampal volume was correlated with the number of APOE ε4 alleles (r = - 0.285, p = 0.0007). The amygdalar volume was also correlated with the number of APOE ε4 alleles (r = -0.178, p = 0.037). The number of APOE ε4 alleles was positively correlated with the whole-brain volume (r = 0.185, p = 0.030). It was also correlated with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised performance IQ (r = 0.203, p = 0.017) and with Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised attention/concentration score (r = 0.191, p = 0.025). Conclusions: Different patterns of regional brain atrophy were found among patients of different APOE genotypes. The effect of APOE ε4 allele on the brains of AD patients may have regional specificity.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Etsuro Mori; Mamoru Hashimoto; Nobutsugu Hirono
    Cerebrovascular Diseases 12 3 283 - 284 2001年
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Kazunari Ishii; Toru Imamura; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Yoko Takatsuki; Hajime Kitagaki; Masahiro Sasaki
    Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 12 1 15 - 21 2001年 
    We examined 57 patients with mild Alzheimer's disease by using three kinds of verbal semantic memory tests (category fluency, confrontation naming and generation of verbal definition) and correlated each score with regional cerebral glucose metabolism determined by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography. The scores of all three verbal semantic memory tests correlated significantly with regional cerebral glucose metabolism in the left inferior temporal gyrus, even after controlling for the effects of age, sex and educational attainment. In contrast, the scores of the word recall test did not correlate significantly with regional cerebral glucose metaboliosm in the left inferior temporal gyrus, neither before nor after controlling for these confounders. Our results suggested that the left inferior temporal lobe contributes to verbal semantic memory. Copyright © 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • Toru Imamura; Kazunari Ishii; Nobutsugu Hirono; Mamoru Hashimoto; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Tokiji Hanihara; Masahiro Sasaki; Etsuro Mori
    Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 12 3 194 - 197 2001年 
    Reduction of glucose metabolism in the occipital lobe is reported in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease. If dysfunction of the nigrostriatal system is responsible for occipital hypometabolism, (1) DLB patients with parkinsonism would show a lower occipital metabolism than do patients without parkinsonism, and (2) DLB patients without parkinsonism would show an occipital metabolism comparable to those of normal subjects and patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). To examine these hypotheses, we studied the regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglc) in patients with a clinical diagnosis of DLB or AD, using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography. The subjects consisted of 15 DLB patients with parkinsonism, 7 DLB patients without parkinsonism and 7 AD patients without parkinsonism. The medial and lateral occipital rCMRglc was significantly lower in the DLB patients without parkinsonism than in the AD patients. There were no significant differences in occipital metabolic rates between the DLB groups with and without parkinsonism. DLB patients without parkinsonism showed a significant reduction of occipital glucose metabolism which is comparable with that of DLB patients with parkinsonism. The neurobiological bases of occipital hypometabolism in DLB may be pathological processes in the brainstem or basal forebrain structures other than the nigrostriatal system. Copyright © 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • Hashimoto M; Imamura T; Tanimukai S; Kazui H; Mori E
    Lancet 356 356 568 - 568 2000年
  • T. Imamura; N. Hirono; M. Hashimoto; H. Kazui; S. Tanimukai; T. Hanihara; A. Takahara; E. Mori
    European Journal of Neurology 7 1 77 - 79 2000年 
    Repeated falls are reported as one of the clinical characteristics in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). We examined the incidence of fall-related injuries in 561 dementia patients with various clinical diagnoses, including DLB and Alzheimer's disease (AD), in a ward established for dementia research. The incidence of fall-related injuries was significantly higher in DLB patients (10.7%) than in AD patients (1.1%) (P < 0.001). The high incidence in those patients with DLB cannot be attributed to Parkinsonism because none of the DLB patients with injuries showed extrapyramidal sign. Our observations suggest that patients with a clinical diagnosis of DLB have a high risk of fall-related injuries, even though they do not show Parkinsonism. An appropriate clinical discrimination between DLB and AD is recommended to manage and prevent fall-related injuries.
  • Etsuro Mori; Tatsuo Shimomura; Misato Fujimori; Nobutsugu Hirono; Toru Imamura; Mamoru Hashimoto; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Tokiji Hanihara
    Archives of Neurology 57 4 489 - 493 2000年 
    Background: In dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), vision-related cognitive and behavioral symptoms are common, and involvement of the occipital visual cortices has been demonstrated in functional neuroimaging studies. Objectives: To delineate visuoperceptual disturbance in patients with DLB in comparison with that in patients with Alzheimer disease and to explore the relationship between visuoperceptual disturbance and the vision-related cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Design: Case-control study. Setting: Research-oriented hospital. Patients: Twenty-four patients with probable DLB (based on criteria of the Consortium on DLB International Workshop) and 48 patients with probable Alzheimer disease (based on criteria of the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association) who were matched to those with DLB 2:1 by age, sex, education, and Mini-Mental State Examination score. Main Outcome Measures: Four test items to examine visuoperceptual functions, including the object size discrimination, form discrimination, overlapping figure identification, and visual counting tasks. Results: Compared with patients with probable Alzheimer disease, patients with probable DLB scored significantly lower on all the visuoperceptive tasks (P< .04 to P< .001). In the DLB group, patients with visual hallucinations (n = 18) scored significantly lower on the overlapping figure identification (P = .01) than those without them (n = 6), and patients with television misidentifications (n = 5) scored significantly lower on the size discrimination (P< .001), form discrimination (P = .01), and visual counting (P = .007) than those without them (n = 19). Conclusions: Visual perception is defective in probable DLB. The defective visual perception plays a role in development of visual hallucinations, delusional misidentifications, visual agnosias, and visuoconstructive disability characteristic of DLB.
  • N. Hirono; H. Kitagaki; H. Kazui; M. Hashimoto; E. Mori
    Stroke 31 9 2182 - 2188 2000年 
    Background and Purpose - There have been conflicting results involving the clinical significance of white matter changes in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). We studied the association between the volume of white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) on T2-weighted images and cognitive, neurological, and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Methods - The subjects were 76 AD patients who had WMHs but no obvious cerebrovascular diseases. We quantified the volume of WMHs by using fast-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images and whole brain atrophy by using 3D spoiled gradient-echo images. Effects of WMHs and brain atrophy on dementia severity, cognitive function, neuropsychiatric disturbances, and neurological findings were examined. Results - Whole brain atrophy was significantly associated with dementia severity and cognitive disturbances, as well as with grasp reflex and some kinds of neuropsychiatric disturbances. After we controlled for the effects of brain atrophy, duration of symptoms, and demographic factors, we found that WMH volume was not associated with global cognitive disturbances or dementia severity but was significantly associated with urinary incontinence, grasp reflex, and aberrant motor behaviors. Brain atrophy and WMH volume were not significantly correlated either before or after controlling for age, sex, education, and duration of symptoms. WMH volume was associated with hypertension, but brain atrophy was not positively correlated with any vascular risk factors. Conclusions - Our results support the hypothesis that WMHs in AD patients are superimposed phenomena of vascular origin. WMHs contribute to specific neurological and neuropsychiatric manifestations but not to global cognitive impairment, which is more closely associated with brain atrophy.
  • H. Kazui; E. Mori; M. Hashimoto; N. Hirono; T. Imamura; S. Tanimukai; T. Hanihara; L. Cahill
    British Journal of Psychiatry 177 177 343 - 347 2000年 
    Background: In an earlier study we showed that a powerful emotional experience (the Kobe earthquake) reinforced memory retention in patients with Alzheimer's disease, but we could not control factors other than the emotional impact of the earthquake. Aims: To test our previous findings in a controlled experimental study. Method: Recall tests consisting of two short stories were administered to 34 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 10 normal subjects. The two stories were identical except for one passage in each story: one was emotionally charged (arousing story) and the other (neutral story) was not. Results: In both groups, the emotionally charged passage in the arousing story was remembered better than the counterpart in the neutral story. In addition, the extent of the memory improvement was similar in the subjects and in the controls. Conclusions: The results provide further evidence that emotional arousal enhances declarative memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease, and give a clue to the management of people with dementia. Declaration of interest: None.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Kazunari Ishii; Masahiro Sasaki; Hajime Kitagaki; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toru Imamura; Satoshi Tanimukai; Tokiji Hanihara; Hiroaki Kazui; Etsuro Mori
    Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 11 3 139 - 146 2000年 
    We studied regional cerebral glucose metabolism in 15 patients with a clinical diagnosis of corticobasal degeneration (CBD), 15 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), and 15 healthy controls for 19 brain regions. Asymmetry in regional glucose metabolism was found in the central and frontal cortices in patients with CBD as compared with either the normal controls or the patients with AD. Regional glucose metabolism in CBD patients was significantly lower in the paracentral and superior parietal areas and thalamus than in patients with AD. Relative glucose metabolism in patients with CBD was significantly higher in the posterior cingulate, medial temporal and basal frontal areas, and significantly lower in the paracentral and superior parietal areas than in those with AD. These features of regional glucose metabolic abnormality in CBD may correspond to neurological and cognitive disturbances peculiar to CBD. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Nobutsugu Hirono; Toru Imamura; Satoshi Tanimukai; Tokiji Hanihara; Manabu Ikeda; Kenjiro Komori; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Etsuro Mori
    Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 11 1 53 - 58 2000年 
    We evaluated remote autobiographical memory impairment in 25 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 25 sex-, age- and education-matched healthy subjects by using a newly developed, highly effective assessment tool for remote memory, the Family Line Test (FLT). The FLT yields a total score, scores for 3 lifetime periods and the duration of remote memory impairment. In the patients with AD, the total score was significantly lower and the duration of remote memory impairment was significantly longer than in the healthy controls. A prominent temporal gradient in remote memory impairment was documented in the patients with AD. The total FLT score and duration of remote memory impairment correlated with recent memory and general cognitive dysfunctions.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Tokiji Hanihara; Toru Imamura
    Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 11 4 498 - 503 1999年09月 
    The distinctive neuropsychiatric features of Alzheimer's disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) were investigated by using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. The patients with FTD had significantly more euphoria, aberrant motor activity, and disinhibition and significantly fewer delusions compared with the patients with AD or DLB. The patients with DLB had significantly more hallucinations compared with the AD or FTD patients. The findings clearly demonstrate that AD, DLB, and FTD have distinctive neuropsychiatric features, which may correspond to different patterns of cerebral involvement characteristic of these three major degenerative dementias.
  • Toru Imamura; Kazunari Ishii; Nobutsugu Hirono; Mamoru Hashimoto; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazuai; Tokiji Hanihara; Masahiro Sasaki; Etsuro Mori
    NeuroReport 10 9 1903 - 1907 1999年06月 
    To investigate the neurobiological bases of visual hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), regional cerebral glucose metabolism was compared among three patient groups DLB with visual hallucinations, DLB without visual hallucinations and Alzheimer's disease (AD) without visual hallucinations. The regional metabolism was significantly lower in both DLB groups than in the AD group in the primary visual area and the posterior temporal, parietal and lateral occipital association areas. The hypometabolism in the right posterior temporal and parietal areas was significantly milder in DLB with visual hallucinations than in DLB without hallucinations. The hypometabolism in the primary visual cortex and the relatively preserved metabolism in the right temporoparietal association cortices may be associated with the occurrence of visual hallucinations in DLB patients.
  • Minoru Yasuda; Kiyoshi Maeda; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Thomas D. Bird; Chikako Tanaka; Gerard D. Schellenberg
    Archives of Neurology 56 1 65 - 69 1999年01月 [査読有り]
    Objective: To disclose a novel mutation of the presenilin 1 (PS1) gene responsible for early-onset Alzheimer disease and to clarify genotype- phenotype correlation that should help to establish the function of this protein. Background: The PS1 and presenilin 2 (PS2) genes carry missense mutations in families with Alzheimer disease. The PS1 and PS2 proteins have similar structures, and all presently known mutations are in nucleotides coding for amino acids that are conserved between the 2 presenilins. Methods: Sequence and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses of PS1 gene of DNA from a pedigree with early-onset Alzheimer disease. Results: Sequence analysis disclosed a novel PS1 mutation in a pedigree of Japanese origin with early-onset Alzheimer disease. This mutation, which is predicted to cause a missense substitution of lysine for glutamic acid, occurred at codon 123 of PS1 that was not a conserved residue in PS2. The 2 patients of this pedigree shared an early clinical phenotype consisting of later-onset, progressive aphasia, but preserved visuospatial ability, which was indistinguishable from those of other PS1-associated Alzheimer disease cases. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that a missense mutation in a region not conserved between PS1 and PS2 can cause Alzheimer disease.
  • Hirono N; Mori E; Yasuda M; Imamura T; Shimomura T; Hashimoto M; Tanimukai S; Kazui H; Yamashita H
    J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 11 1 66 - 70 1999年 
    The association between the apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 (APOE E4) allele and a wide spectrum of behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was investigated. Neither the severity nor the presence of any behavioural changes was associated with the number of APOE E4 alleles, even after controlling for the effects of age at onset, sex, education level, duration of illness, and severity of the dementia. The findings do not support the hypothesis that neuropsychiatric manifestations of AD are different in patients with the APOE E4 allele.
  • Toru Imamura; Nobutsugu Hirono; Mamoru Hashimoto; Tatsuo Shimomura; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Tokiji Hanihara; Etsuro Mori
    Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 10 3 210 - 216 1999年 
    We found 15 patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and 232 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) among 327 consecutive patients with mild to moderate dementia in a Japanese dementia registry, using the clinical criteria of the Consortium on DLB International Workshop. The percentage of females was significantly lower in DLB than in AD (p < 0.01), while age at examination, Mini-Mental State Examination score and duration of cognitive symptoms were comparable between the two diseases. Eight of the 15 DLB patients (53%) had spontaneous parkinsonism, which was observed in 6 of the 232 AD patients (2.6%). Visual hallucinations were reported by 11 of the 15 DLB patients (73%) and 8 of the 232 AD patients (3.4%). Cognitive fluctuation was positive in 13 of the 15 DLB patients (87%). We found two types of episodic cognitive deterioration: one was characterized by pronounced disturbances of attention and alertness (inattention type), and the other was characterized by marked and bizarre disturbances of orientation in time and places, and misidentification of persons (disorientation type). Systematized delusion was observed in 8 DLB patients, and 5 patients showed neuroleptic sensitivity. Patients with DLB have a unique dementia syndrome even in the stage of mild to moderate cognitive impairments. Further studies are recommended to establish diagnosis, treatment and management.
  • Tcitstio Sfiimomura; Efsuro Mon; Hikari Yamashitatont Inuimtira; Nolwfsiigtt Hirono; Mflmoni Hashimoto; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroajd Kaziti; Toleiji Hcmihara
    Archives of Neurology 55 12 1547 - 1552 1998年12月 
    Background: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is emerging as a common cause of degenerative dementia. Some preliminary evidence exists that the pattern of cognitive impairment in DLB is different from that in Alzheimer disease (AD). Objective: To delineate features of cognitive impairment of DLB on standardized neuropsychological tests. Methods: We performed neuropsychological assessments of 26 patients with probable DLB (based on criteria of the consortium on DLB international workshop) and of 52 patients with probable AD (based on criteria of the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke [now the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke])-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association) who were matched to the patients with DLB 2:1 by age, sex, education, and Mini-Mental State Examination score. Results: Compared with the group with probable AD, the group with probable DLB scored significantly lower on the picture arrangement, block design, object assembly, and digit symbol substitution subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised and on the Raven Colored Progressive Matrices test and significantly higher on the Mini-Mental State Examination locational orientation subtest and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale word recall subtest. A discriminant analysis revealed that the word recall score on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale and the block design score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised were the best discriminant factors. Conclusions: The disproportionately severe visuoperceptual, visuoconstructive, and visuospatial dysfunction and the disproportionately mild memory impairment in DLB compared with AD, which likely reflect the distribution of the pathologic changes in DLB, can help to differentiate DLB from AD.
  • Kazunari Ishii; Setsu Sakamoto; Masahiro Sasaki; Hajime Kitagaki; Shigeru Yamaji; Mamoru Hashimoto; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori
    Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39 11 1875 - 1878 1998年11月 [査読有り]
    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a dementia syndrome characterized by peculiar behavioral changes arising from frontotemporal involvement and distinct from Alzheimer's disease (AD). The purpose of this study was to elucidate the specific patterns in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with FTD and to compare them with the patterns in patients with AD and normal elderly subjects using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and PET. Methods: Twenty-one patients with a clinical diagnosis of FTD [mean age 67.0 ± 7.0 yr, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score 18.7 ± 5.7], 21 age-, sex- and dementia-severity-matched patients with probable AD (mean age 66.9 ± 7.1 yr, MMSE score 20.2 ± 5.5) and 21 age- and sex-matched normal control subjects (mean age 66.8 ± 5.7 yr) were studied. The cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRglc) was measured with FDG and PET. Absolute measures of regional CMRglc were compared among the three groups. One-way ANOVA and the posthoc Tukey HSD test were used for statistical analyses. Results: In the FTD group, CMRglc was preserved only in the left cerebellum, right sensorimotor area and occipital lobes. The CMRglc was significantly lower in the FTD group as opposed to the AD group in the hippocampi, orbital gyri, anterior temporal lobes, anterior cingulate gyri, basal ganglia, thalami, middle and superior frontal gyri and left inferior frontal gyrus. Conclusion: Although metabolic abnormality in FTD is predominant in the frontal and anterior temporal lobes and the subcortical structures, it is more widespread than has been previously stressed. These findings document an FTD-specific cerebral involvement and facilitate differential diagnosis of degenerative dementias.
  • Toru Imamura; Yoko Takatsuki; Misato Fujimori; Nobutsugu Hirono; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Tatsuo Shimomura; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita; Etsuro Mori
    Neuropsychologia 36 9 945 - 949 1998年09月 [査読有り]
    This study examined the effect of age at symptom onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD) on the pattern of language disturbance. We assessed 150 consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of mild-to-moderate AD using the Western Aphasia Battery and a 100-item picture-naming test. A multivariate linear regression analysis examined the effect of age at onset after controlling for gender, education, severity of dementia and duration of the disease. Patients with early onset performed significantly worse than did patients with late onset on the word comprehension and sequential commands subtests. On the other hand, late-onset patients performed more poorly than early-onset patients on the picture-naming test in a subgroup with mild language deficits. However, the trend disappeared in other subgroups with more degraded language function. We consider that the concomitant effects of normal aging worsened the picture-naming deficits in the late-onset patients, and the rapid decline of naming ability in the early-onset patients masked the aging effect with the progression of language deficits. The deterioration of word comprehension and the rapid decline of naming ability are the characteristics of early-onset patients. The different patterns of language deficits between early- and late-onset patients may correspond to the genetic heterogeneity of AD.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Minoru Yasuda; Kazunari Ishii; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita; Masahiro Sasaki
    Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 12 4 362 - 367 1998年 [査読有り]
    Parietal cerebral glucose metabolism is reduced before substantial impairments appeared in subjects carrying the apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele, but the effect of the APOE ε4 allele on cerebral metabolism in Alzheimer disease (AD) is still undetermined. To investigate the effect of the APOE ε4 allele on cerebral metabolism in AD, we examined regional cerebral glucose metabolism in 83 patients with AD by using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography. Cerebral glucose metabolism in the fronto-parieto-temporal association and limbic cortices was significantly decreased in the AD patients compared with 26 age- and sex-matched normal controls. Regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate was not correlated significantly with the number of APOE ε4 alleles in any region, which was consistent even after controlling the effects of age, sex, and severity of dementia, and in a subgroup analysis of those aged between 60 and 75. These results supported the view that the APOE ε4 allele is not associated with specific deficits in brain metabolism in AD despite evidence of preclinical alterations.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Kazunari Ishii; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita; Masahiro Sasaki
    Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 64 4 552 - 554 1998年 [査読有り]
    The relation between orientation for time and place and regional cerebral glucose metabolism was examined in 86 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease of minimal to moderate severity. Regional glucose metabolic rates in the posterior cingulate gyri and in the right middle temporal gyrus were significantly correlated with temporal orientation, and the glucose metabolic rate in the right posterior cingulate gyrus was significantly correlated with locational orientation irrespective of age, sex, education, and memory impairment. The results suggest that dysfunction of these structures plays an important part in producing disorientation in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Minoru Yasuda; Yoshitaka Ikejiri; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Manabu Ikeda; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita
    Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 64 5 648 - 652 1998年 [査読有り]
    Objectives - Many clinical and biological factors have been reported to be associated with the presence of psychosis in patients with Alzheimer's disease, although the associations were variable. The aim of this study was to clarify factors associated with the presence of psychosis in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Methods - Psychiatric functioning was studied in 228 patients with Alzheimer's disease based on the results of the behavioural pathology in Alzheimer's disease rating scale or the neuropsychiatric inventory. The effects of sex, education level, age, duration of illness, cognitive function, and apolipoprotein E genotype were investigated for dichotomous psychotic status with a multiple logistic regression analysis. Results - Of the 228 patients with Alzheimer's disease, 118 (51.8%) showed evidence of delusions or hallucinations. Of these, 94 had delusions only, three had hallucinations only and 21 had both. Older age, female sex, longer duration of illness, and more severe cognitive impairment were the factors independently associated with the presence of psychosis. The presence of psychosis was not significantly related to either educational level or apolipoprotein E genotype. Conclusions - Age, sex, and severity of illness were independent factors associated with the presence of psychosis in patients with Alzheimer's disease. The reason why some patients with Alzheimer's disease develop psychosis remains unclear. There may be distinctive subtypes of Alzheimer's disease or the presence of individual factors which affect the development of psychosis.
  • N. Hirono; E. Mori; K. Ishii; Y. Ikejiri; T. Imamura; T. Shimomura; M. Hashimoto; H. Yamashita; M. Sasaki
    Neurology 50 2 380 - 383 1998年 [査読有り]
    Depression is common in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Clinicoanatomic studies in focal brain injuries and functional imaging studies both in primary depression and in depression secondary to neurologic diseases have demonstrated involvement of the frontal lobe. Frontal involvement has not been established in the depression of AD. We studied the correlation between focal brain metabolic abnormalities and depression in AD. In 53 patients with probable AD of minimal to moderate disability, we assessed the severity of depression using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory and correlated the depression score with regional cerebral glucose metabolism determined by 18F- fluorodeoxyglucose and PET. Depression was present in 19 patients (36%). The depression score correlated significantly with normalized glucose metabolic rates in the bilateral superior frontal and left anterior cingulate cortices. These results indicated an association between depression and decreased activity in the frontal lobe in AD and support frontal involvement, especially in the left side, in depression, irrespective of disease etiology.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Mamoru Hashimoto
    Brain and Nerve 50 1 45 - 49 1998年01月 [査読有り]
    Background and Purpose: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is commonly accompanied by neuropsychiatric symptoms. Among them, visual hallucinations are reportedly distinguishing DLB from Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, studies that compared frequency of delusions or depression between in DLB and in AD demonstrated conflicting results. Other neuropsychiatric symptoms including aggression, anxiety, and disinhibition have been rarely explored in DLB. In the present study, in order to elucidate the distinctive neuropsychiatric features in DLB, we analyzed neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with DLB and with AD using data-based materials. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were 15 DLB patients extracted from the Dementia Data Bank in the Hyogo Institute for Aging Brain and Cognitive Disorders, where clinical information of patients with dementia were prospectively assembled with planed, standardized assessments. Both patients groups did not differ in age, education, and duration of illness. The male proportion was significantly greater in the DLB group compared with the AD group (DLB: Male 8, Female 7 AD: Male 27, Female 124, p=0.008). Patients' neuropsychiatric symptoms were assessed with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory during an interview with a caregiver familiar to the patient's everyday behavior. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was used for assessing severity of cognitive impairment. Results: The DLB group had significantly lower MMSE scores compared with AD group (DLB: 16.2±5.6, AD: 19.3±4.4, p=0.013). None of neuropsychiatric symptoms, however, showed a significant relationship with MMSE scores in the DLB group. Hallucination were present in eight (53.3%) of the DLB group. Visual hallucinations were present in seven patients, and both visual and auditory hallucinations in one patient. The frequency of hallucinations (p< 0.0001) and that of visual hallucinations (p< 0.0001) were significantly greater in the DLB group than in the AD group. There was no significant difference in the frequency of auditory hallucinations. Delusions were present in 11 (73.3%) of the DLB group. Misidentification delusions were present in 11 patients, and persecutory delusions were coexisted in 8 patients. The frequency of delusions and that of persecutory delusions in the DLB group did not significantly differ from the AD group. However, the frequency of misidentification delusions was significantly greater in the DLB group than in the AD group (p< 0.0001). No significant difference was noted in the frequency of other neuropsychiatric symptoms. Conclusions: Hallucinations, especially visual hallucinations, and misidentification delusions are helpful diagnostic features of DLB in differentiating from AD.
  • K. Ishii; T. Imamura; M. Sasaki; S. Yamaji; S. Sakamoto; H. Kitagaki; M. Hashimoto; N. Hirono; T. Shimomura; E. Mori
    Neurology 51 1 125 - 130 1998年 [査読有り]
    Objective: To delineate the features of regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRglc) in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Methods: We compared absolute CMRglc in 12 patients with a clinical diagnosis of DLB, 12 patients with a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and 12 normal volunteers (NC), using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and PET. The three groups were matched for age and sex, and there were no differences in disease duration or severity of cognitive disturbances between the DLB and AD groups. Results: CMRglc was significantly lower in patients with DLB than in that of NC in most parts of the brain, except the sensorimotor cortices, basal ganglia, thalamus, and pons. Between the DLB and AD groups, there were significant regional CMRglc differences in the medial and lateral occipital lobes. In DLB and AD, the CMRglc reduction patterns were similar, though the global metabolic reduction was larger in DLB, and the occipital CMRglc reduction in DLB could differentiate DLB from AD. The relative occipital CMRglc (normalized to the sensorimotor CMRglc) was a useful measure for the differential diagnosis of DLB from AD. The sensitivity and the specificity were 92% when using the minimal value of the normalized occipital CMRglc in the NC group as the cut-off point. Conclusion: These different regional CMRglc reductions substantiate the pathologic, neurochemical, and clinical differences between DLB and AD.
  • Nobutsugu Hirono; Etsuro Mori; Kazunari Ishii; Toru Imamura; Tatsuo Shimomura; Satoshi Tanimukai; Hiroaki Kazui; Mamoru Hashimoto; Hikari Yamashita; Masahiro Sasaki
    Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 65 6 913 - 916 1998年 
    Objectives - The ability to calculate, which is an important aspect of social daily living, is commonly impaired in patients with Alzheimer's disease even early in the course of the disease. Dyscalculia is often accompanied by focal brain damage, and has been argued to be an independent sign localised around the left temporoparietal region. However, the region most responsible for dyscalculia in Alzheimer's disease has not been determined. The relation between calculation ability and regional cerebral glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's disease was therefore examined. Methods - The calculation ability, In 91 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease of minimal to moderate severity, was assessed using the arithmetic subtest of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised and the performance correlated with regional cerebral glucose metabolism determined by 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and PET. Results - Regional glucose metabolism in the left inferior parietal lobule and in the left inferior temporal gyrus was significantly correlated with the calculation performance irrespective of age, sex, education, and severity of disease. Conclusions - The results suggest that dysfunction of the left inferior parietal lobule and the left inferior temporal gyrus plays an important part in producing dyscalculia in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Mamoru Hashimoto; H. Kitagaki; T. Imamura; N. Hirono; T. Shimomura; H. Kazui; S. Tanimukai; T. Hanihara; E. Mori
    Neurology 51 2 357 - 362 1998年 
    Objective: Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is emerging as a common cause of degenerative dementia. A recent pathologic study has indicated that the medial temporal lobe in patients with DLB was less atrophic than that in patients with AD. The purpose of this study was to examine whether medial temporal MRI volumetry was useful to differentiate DLB from AD clinically. Methods: We compared the volumes of the hippocampal formation, amygdaloid complex, and whole brain in 27 patients with probable DLB (based on the criteria of the Consortium on DLB International Workshop), 27 patients with probable AD (based on criteria of the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association), and 27 normal elderly subjects using an MRI-based volumetric technique. The three groups were matched for age and sex. Severity of cognitive disturbances represented by their Mini-Mental State Examination score was comparable between the DLB and AD groups. Results: Hippocampal volume (normalized to intracranial volume) in the DLB group was significantly larger than that in the AD group, but significantly smaller than that in the normal control group. There were no significant differences in the amygdala and whole-brain volume between the DLB group and the AD group, but the atrophies of the amygdala and whole brain were more severe in the DLB group than those in the control group. Conclusions: These findings indicate the usefulness of MRI hippocampal volumetry in clinically discriminating patients with DLB from patients with AD.
  • Imamura T; Ishii K; Sasaki M; Kitagaki H; Yamaji S; Hirono N; Shimomura T; Hashimoto M; Tanimukai S; Kazui H; Mori E
    Neuroscience letters 235 1-2 49 - 52 1997年10月 
    Imamura T, Ishii K, Sasaki M, Kitagaki H, Yamaji S, Hirono N, Shimomura T, Hashimoto M, Tanimukai S, Kazui H, Mori E. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease: a comparative study using positron emission tomography.
  • N. Hirono; E. Mori; Y. Ikejiri; T. Imamura; T. Shimomura; M. Hashimoto; H. Yamashita; M. Ikeda
    Brain and Nerve 49 3 266 - 271 1997年 [査読有り]
    Background and Purpose: Neuropsychiatric disturbances are common and burdensome symptoms of dementias. Assessment and measurement of neuropsychiatric disturbances are indispensable to the management of patients with dementia and for clinical research. No standardized instruments have been developed for these purposes in Japan. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), developed by Cummings et al., is a standardized, validated, and reliable tool to assess a wide range of neuropsychiatric derangements in patients with dementia, and has been used in clinical studies in North America. In this study, we prepared a Japanese version of the NPI and tested its reliability and usefulness in dementia patients. Subjects and Methods: The subjects were 174 patients with dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (140), frontotemporal dementia (12), vascular dementia (19), and normal pressure hydrocephalus (3), whose diagnosis was made on the basis of the results of extensive examinations including MRI and PET/SPECT of the brain and appropriate clinical diagnostic criteria for each disorder. The subjects consisted of 133 women and 41 men their mean age was 72.6 ± 7.7 years (S.D. range 49 to 88) years. An examiner (neurologist) used the NPI to interview a caregiver familiar with the patient's everyday behavior. In 24 randomly selected patients interview was repeated by another examiner (psychiatrist) one month later, and test retest reliability was evaluated. The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) were used to assess the severity of the dementia and cognitive impairment. Results: The MMSE scores ranged from 5 to 29 (mean ± SD 19.0 ± 4.8) and the ADAS scores ranged from 7 to 63 (24.3 ± 10.9). The CDR score was 0.5 in 17 patients, 1 in 95 patients, 2 in 52 patients, and 3 in 10 patient. Test retest reliability of each score was acceptably high, and the correlation coefficient for each score obtained by repeated assessments in this study was similar to the coefficient in the original report. Apathy was the most common behavior in the ten abnormal behavioral domains, and euphoria was the least common. The prevalence of abnormal findings was also comparable to the results in the original report. The total NPI scores and many of the NPI subscale scores were significantly correlated with both the severity of dementia and cognitive impairment. Conclusions: This Japanese version of NPI, whose reliability and competency are comparable to those of the original version, is a reliable and useful tool for measuring neuropsychiatric disturbances in dementia patients.
  • 数井裕光; 小森憲治郎; 数井美貴; 山田典史; 堀野敬; 森隆志; 篠原英明; 橋本衞; 森原剛史; 武田雅俊
    精神医学 39 937 - 944 1997年
  • Fumihiko Yasuno; Yuko Wada; Mamoru Hashimoto; Norifumi Yamada; Youko Eguchi; Yoshitsugu Nakagawa; Takashi Nishikawa; Nobuo Handa; Masayasu Matsunaoto; Hirotaka Tanabe
    Brain and Nerve 48 6 x6 - 579 1996年 [査読有り]
    We encountered a 45-year-old right-handed man who had suffered a predominant right thalamic infarction and complained of memory loss. Performance on the Miyake Test (recall of ten pairs of related and unrelated words), the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figures, the Benton Test of Visual Retention and the Wechsler Memory Scale-R disclosed a severe verbal memory disturbance associated with a little, if any, visual memory disturbance. An MRI study revealed bilateral lesions limited to the thalamus involving most of the right anterior nucleus (AN), mediodorsal nucleus (MD), ventrolateral nucleus (VL), and centromedial nucleus (CM), as well as a small part of the left MD, and CM. HM-PAO-SPECT scans showed areas of decreased cerebral blood flow not only in the right thalamus but in the medial and basilar region of the right temporal lobe. It is noteworthy that our patient had a pre dominat right thalamic lesion and exhibited a severe verbal memory disturbance rather than visual memory disturbance. This suggests that the right hemisphere is dominant for verbal memory function in this patient. (Received : October 2, 1995).
  • H Kazui; H Tanabe; M Ikeda; M Hashimoto; N Yamada; J Okuda; TN Wydell
    NEUROCASE 2 2 127 - 133 1996年 [査読有り]
    Two patients who met Hedges' clinical criteria for transient global amnesia (TGA) were given anterograde and retrograde memory tests during and after the attack, A SPECT scan was performed during TGA in one case, showing a reduced blood flow confined to the bilateral medial temporal robes, which resolved on the next day, In both cases, the initial period of retrograde amnesia was within several years, In one case, autobiographical and public retrograde memory were assessed separately, These assessments revealed that autobiographical and public retrograde amnesias were impaired to the same extent during TGA, During recovery, almost all the events that had been forgotten gradually recovered according to a temporal gradient, apart from a single exceptional memory which had made a deep impression at the time of memorizing, In addition, both cases during recovery first remembered the existence of the events and second their contents, This finding indicates that the memory of events themselves may be more easily accessible than their contents. Even when the two patients had recovered from the retrograde amnesia almost completely, definite anterograde amnesia still remained, This implies that there exists a time in the recovery phase where anterograde amnesia is still prominent but retrograde amnesia has already almost disappeared, which may account for the previously reported variation in the extent of retrograde amnesia.
  • H Tanabe; Y Nakagawa; M Ikeda; M Hashimoto; N Yamada; H Kazui; T Nishikawa; J Okuda
    BRAIN PROCESSES AND MEMORY 1108 141 - 152 1996年 [査読有り]
    A selective impairment of semantic memory for words was observed in two cases of herpes simplex encephalitis with a principal damage to the left anterior temporal lobe and in 11 cases of lobar atrophy with temporal predominance. In the former cases, words not comprehended fluctuated from session to session and some phonemic cue effects in naming were observed. The completion phenomenon of proverbs was also found. These findings indicate that the former cases show a failure to associate the lexical tag and the lexical meaning or a rarefaction of the verbal meaning representations. In the latter cases, words not comprehended were consistent from one occasion to another, and the words also lacked phonemic cue effects and signs of familiarity. In addition, the completion of proverbs phenomenon was almost totally absent. These findings indicate that they show a loss of lexicon or a degradation within the verbal meaning representations themselves, rather than a failure of access to them. This study suggests that semantic memory for words is mainly subserved by a neural network connecting the hippocampal area and the left temporal association cortex and the possibility that pathological processes of lobar atrophy with temporal predominance selectively affect the semantic memory system as a unit.
  • Longitudinal MRI-based quantitative and neuropsychological assessments in early Alzheimer's disease.
    Yamada N; Tanabe H; Kazui H; Ikeda M; Hashimoto M; Nakagawa Y; Wada Y; Eguchi Y
    Alzheimer Research 2 29 - 35 1996年
  • Selective loss of semantic memory for words. In Ishikawa K, McGaugh JL, Sakata H(eds) Brain Processes and memory.
    Tanabe H; Nakagawa Y; Ikeda M; Hashimoto M; Yamada N; Kazui H; Nishikawa T; Okuda J
    Elseiver Amsterdam 141 - 152 1996年
  • H. Kazui; H. Tanabe; M. Ikeda; M. Hashimoto; N. Yamada
    Brain and Nerve 47 1 77 - 85 1995年 [査読有り]
    A right-handed 72-year-old man (I.K.) who complained of difficulty identifying familiar faces was investigated on a series of tests of face perception (face matching, recognition of age and sex, and meaning of facial expressions), facial identity (faces of families and famous persons as retrograde ones and his doctor's faces as anterograde ones) and other neuropsychological abilities. His scores of face perception tests were normal or mildly disturbed. His memory performances measured with WMS-R and Rey-Osterrieth figure were normal. But he could identify none of anterograde and retrograde faces and failed to experience any familiarity with those faces. In addition, he could not recognize none of voices of family members and a doctor, despite of being able to recognize about the age and sex of voice. On the other hand, he could describe personalities of his family members and doctors, but knew none of famous people. Memory for personal events in the recent and remote past was well preserved, while that for social events was severely disturbed in both past. In addition to impairment of identification of familiar faces, he had severe problems with identifying famous common buildings and animals. He also presented Cogi (word meaning) aphasia and impairment of semantic memory for some common objects. Tyrrell et al. reported a similar case and McNeil et al. examined the patient on covert recognition of face in detail. On their task, he showed no covert effects and they attributed the result to impairment of face recognition units themselves. Their way of thinking seems to give an explanation of I.K.'s disturbance of anterograde and retrograde memory for faces. Namely, I.K. not only lost his retrograde facial representations, but also could not make new facial representations. Neuroanatomical studies with CT and MRI scans revealed striking focal atrophy in the anterior aspects of bilateral temporal lobes (more conspicuous on the right) and basal part of frontal lobe. SPECT images demonstrated a hypoperfusion in these areas. The present study suggests that the right anterior temporal lobe, especially its lateral aspect, plays a crucial role for the store of face representations. Furthermore, pathological process of lobar atrophy with right temporal predominance might affect the whole system for face recognition, resulting in storage deficit of faces.
  • N. Yamada; H. Tanabe; H. Kazui; M. Hashimoto; Y. Nakagawa; M. Ikeda; Y. Wada; T. Yoshimine; T. Hayakawa
    Brain and Nerve 47 11 1059 - 1067 1995年 [査読有り]
    We used naming and pointing tests and a proverb completion task to compare two cases of aphasia that exhibited a selective disturbance of word processing. One patient had anomia with word comprehension difficulty due to partial ablation of the left temporal lobe and the other patient had Gogi aphasia due to lobar atrophy with left temporal predominance. We presented 90 pictures of common objects divided into 9 categories in the naming and pointing tests, and used 10 well known Japanese proverbs as stimuli in the proverb completion task. Performance of the naming and pointing tests was severely impaired in both patients. In the patient with anomia, words the patient could not name or point to varied from session to session and phonemic cue effects were frequently observed. The proverb completion phenomenon was positive. These findings indicate that the patient had an obstruction of the access route to the intact word store or a partial rarefaction of the word store itself. In the patient with Gogi aphasia, the words the patient could not name or point to were consistent from one occasion to another, and no phonemic cue effects or signs of familiarity were observed at all. The proverb completion phenomenon was totally negative. These findings indicate that the patient has lost the word store itself. MR images in the case of anomia revealed a lesion extending from the anterior to the central portion of the inferior part of the left temporal lobe. In the case of Gogi aphasia, the MR images displayed knife edged focal atrophy in the anterior aspect of both temporal lobes, more prominently on the left. Thus the antero inferior part of the left temporal lobe that was damaged in both cases may play an important role in word processing. Loss of the word store itself in the case of Gogi aphasia may have developed as a result of an additional lesion in the right temporal lobe or may be attributable to the unique pathology of lobar atrophy with temporal predominance.
  • K. Nagano; H. Tanabe; H. Kazui; M. Ikeda; M. Hashimoto; N. Yamada; Y. Nakagawa; T. Nishimura
    Brain and Nerve 47 11 1051 - 1057 1995年 [査読有り]
    In contrast to Alzheimer's disease, it is unclear whether the MMS (Mini Mental State) or the RCPM (Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices) is clinically useful as a mental test battery in patients with Pick's disease, and it has not been fully evaluated whether intelligence of these patients really deteriorate along with the staging of dementia. The present study aimed to make these problems clear. We administered the MMS and the RCPM to 17 cases of Pick's disease including 7 cases with predominantly frontal lobe atrophy and 10 cases with predominantly temporal lobe atrophy, which were all classified into 3 groups according to the staging of dementia by using the NM scale (New Clinical Scale for Rating of Mental States). We also investigated whether these patients had 'Denkfaulheit' (laziness of thinking and/or 'gogi' aphasia (word meaning aphasia), which may affect performances on the mental test batteries. Two cases with predominantly frontal lobe atrophy and 5 cases with predominantly temporal lobe atrophy were assessed by the same examinations several years later. In cases with predominantly frontal lobe atrophy, all the patients presented with 'Denkfaulheit'. However, the mean RCPM score was normal in the mildly damaged patients, suggesting that their intelligence were relatively preserved. In moderately and severely damaged groups, their intelligence could not be assessed owing to their severe 'Denkfaulheit.' In cases with predominantly temporal lobe atrophy, all the patients had 'gogi' aphasia and 3 cases of the severely damaged groups presented with 'Denkfaulheit'. The mean RCPM scores were normal in the mildly and moderately damaged groups, while the mean MMS score were diminished in these groups. In 3 cases of the severely damaged group, their intelligence could not be assessed owing to their severe 'Denkfaulheit'. In contrast, the RCPM scores were normal in 2 cases of the severely damaged group without 'Denkfaulheit'. The discrepancy between MMS and RCPM scores was considered to be due to 'gogi' aphasia. This finding shows that the MMS is inadequate to evaluate intelligence of cases with predominantly temporal lobe atrophy and that non verbal mental test batteries such as the RCPM are better. Furthermore, the present study demonstrated that intelligence of cases with predominantly temporal lobe atrophy not having 'Denkfaulheit' is preserved regardless of the staging of dementia.
  • 特異な人物の同定障害を呈した限局性脳萎縮の1例
    数井裕光; 田辺敬貴; 池田学; 橋本衛; 山田典史
    脳神経 47 77 - 85 1995年
  • Pick病における知的能力の検討.
    永野啓輔; 田辺敬貴; 数井裕光; 池田学; 橋本衞; 山田典史; 中川賀嗣; 西村健
    脳神経 47 1051 - 1057 1995年
  • 山田典史; 田辺敬貴; 数井裕光; 橋本衞; 中川賀嗣; 池田学; 和田裕子; 吉峰 俊樹; 早川徹
    脳神経 47 1059 - 1067 1995年
  • 池田学; 田辺敬貴; 堀野敬; 小森憲治郎; 平尾一幸; 山田典史; 橋本衞; 数井裕光; 森隆志
    精神経誌 97 97 179 - 192 1995年
  • N. Yamada; H. Tanabe; H. Kazui; M. Ikeda; M. Hashimoto; S. Sakamoto; J. Sawada; J. Shiraishi
    Brain and Nerve 46 8 781 - 786 1994年 [査読有り]
    We report a case of a Pick's disease (frontal predominant type) with unusual laughing. The patient was a 54-year-old, right handed, female. The patient began to show low activity and inappropriate laughing at about 51 years. She did not speak at all and showed weird laughing with a voice 'hi hi hi hi hi hi' frequently at first presentation. When asked some questions, she sometimes answered with a nod. Almost all of her laughing did not match with the situation and seemed to lack a relationship between affective change and observed expressions. The laughing could be elicited by non specific and varied stimuli. She often interrupt laughing voluntarily unlike pathological laughing. Neurological examination revealed visual rooting reflex and forced grasping reflex but there was no signs of pseudobulbar palsy often observed in patients with pathological laughing. Her electromyogram of facial expression during the laughing showed that electric discharge of M. corrugator supercilii was over 4 times as much as that in normal laughing. And it showed also that the duration of her laughing was several seconds as normal laughing. CT and MRI scans demonstrated atrophy in the fronto-temporo-parietal lobe bilaterally (L> R) , most prominent in the frontal lobe. SPECT scan showed a significant diminution of blood flow in the atrophic region. An EEG was normal. We consider that the laughing of the present case is not due to an emotional disturbance but rather a disorder of affective expression as pathological laughing.
  • Hirotaka Tanabe; Hiroaki Kazui; Manabu Ikeda; Kazuo Hashikawa; Mamoru Hashimoto; Norifumi Yamada; Yoko Eguchi
    Neuropathology 14 2 105 - 114 1994年 [査読有り]
    This report concerns longitudin's investigations with comprehensive neuropsychologic's assessments and precise morphologic's, CT and MRI scan‐based, and function's, SPECT scan‐based brain imaging examinations of seven patients who had selective progressive amnesia on their initi's visit. Progressive loss of recent memory remained for sever's years the single most s'sient feature in six of them. The atrophy of the hippocamp's region was observed morphologic'sly, and dysfunction confined to the bilater's medi's tempor's lobe involving the hippocamp's area was demonstrated function'sly. These findings are consistent with recently reported atypic's cases of 'Szheimer's disease with unique neur‐opathologic's changes, namely the presence of numerous neurofibrillary tangles and few plaques in the hippocamp's region only. Copyright © 1994, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved
  • 特異な笑いを呈した葉性萎縮の1例.
    山田典史; 田辺敬貴; 数井裕光; 池田学; 橋本衛; 坂本栄; 澤田甚一; 白石純三
    脳神経 46 781 - 786 1994年
  • 一過性全健忘症発作中の逆向健忘の検討.
    数井裕光; 田辺敬貴; 池田学; 橋本衛; 山田典史
    神経心理 10 122 - 130 1994年


  • DSM-5を読み解く5、Alzheimer病による認知症(DSM-5)またはAlzheimer病による軽度認知障害(DSM-5)(共著)
    中山書店 2014年
  • 今日の治療指針 2014年版(共著)
    医学書院 2014年
  • Today's Therapy 2014
  • 認知症ハンドブック(共著)
    医学書院 2013年
  • 精神科臨床エキスパート 誤診症例から学ぶ 認知症とその他の疾患の鑑別(共著)
    医学書院 2013年
  • 今日の神経疾患治療指針 第2版(共著)
    医学書院 2013年
  • 認知症診療Q&A92(共著)
    中外医学社 2012年
  • アクチュアル 脳・神経疾患の臨床 認知症 神経心理学的アプローチ(共著)
    中山書店 2012年
  • 今日の精神疾患治療指針(共著)
    医学書院 2012年
  • 認知症 臨床の最前線(共著)
    医歯薬出版株式会社 2012年
  • プライマリケア医の認知症診療入門セミナー(共著)
    新興医学出版社 2011年
  • 日本臨床増刊号 認知症学 上(共著)
    日本臨床社 2011年
  • 高次脳機能障害Q&A 症候編(共著)
    新興医学出版社 2011年
  • 専門医のための精神科臨床リュミエール16 脳科学エッセンシャル ー精神疾患の生物学的理解のために(共著)
    中山書店 2010年
  • 新しい診断と治療のABC 66/精神6 認知症(共著)
    最新医学社 2010年
  • 新しい診断と治療の ABC66 認知症(共著)
    最新医学社 2010年
  • 専門医のための精神科臨床リュミエール10 注意障害(共著)
    中山書店 2009年


  • シンポジウム.「災害時の認知症患者の行動-熊本地震を通して-」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第36回日本社会精神医学会 2017年03月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウム.「抗認知症薬のBPSDへの適用」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第35回日本認知症学会学術集会 2016年12月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウム.「前頭側頭葉変性症(FTLD)と抑うつ」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第31回日本老年精神医学会 シンポジウム 2016年06月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • 教育講演.「高次脳機能障害の診察の進め方」  [通常講演]
    橋本 衛; 池田 学
    第112回日本精神神経学会学術総会 2016年06月 公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等
  • シンポジウム.「抗認知症薬のBPSDへの適用」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第112回日本精神神経学会学術総会 2016年06月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(公募)
  • プレミーティングセミナー:「併存例をどうするか.アルツハイマー型認知症との合併」.  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第17回日本正常圧水頭症学会 2016年03月 口頭発表(招待・特別)
  • シンポジウム.レビー小体型認知症における幻覚・妄想」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第20回日本神経精神医学会 2015年12月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウム.「BPSDのトータルケア~精神科の立場から~」  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第33回日本神経治療学会総会 2015年11月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウムB:認知症診療・介護の現状と問題点~特に早期の.「認知症疾患医療センターの現状と問題点」.  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第16回日本早期認知症学会学術大会 2015年10月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • 会長企画シンポジウム3:認知症疾患医療センターにおける精神科医の果たす役割.  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第111回日本精神神経学会学術集会 2015年06月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウム5:アルツハイマー病におけるsymptomatic drugsの使い方と使い分け.「BPSDに対する抗認知症薬の使い方を考える」.  [招待講演]
    橋本 衛
    第111回日本精神神経学会学術集会 2015年06月 シンポジウム・ワークショップパネル(指名)
  • シンポジウム9:レビー小体型の治療とケア.「レビー小体型認知症の妄想;嫉妬妄想と誤認妄想」.  [通常講演]
    第16回日本認知症ケア学会 2015年
  • トラックセッション1.症候学-認知症の認知機能障害を考える-「注意障害」  [通常講演]
    アルツハイマー病研究会 第16回学術シンポジウム 2015年
  • シンポジウム4:認知症の言語症状を徹底的に討論する.「Semantic dementiaの言語障害の本質は何か」.  [通常講演]
    第38回日本高次脳機能障害学会 2014年
  • シンポジウム2.DSM-V Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders.「4大認知症 症候学、画像からの分類  [通常講演]
    第34回日本精神科診断学会 2014年
  • The relationship between abstract attitude and stereotyped behavior in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD).  [通常講演]
    9th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias 2014年 ポスター発表
  • レビー小体型認知症の妄想-被害妄想と誤認妄想-  [通常講演]
    第20回九州老年期認知症研究会 2014年
  • レビー小体型認知症.「レビー小体型の薬物療法」  [通常講演]
    第29回日本老年精神医学会総会 2014年
  • トラックセッション1.認知症の症候学-初期症状を中心に-「精神疾患との鑑別を中心に」  [通常講演]
    アルツハイマー病研究会 第15回学術シンポジウム 2014年
  • 認知症専門医療機関におけるiNPHと他の認知症合併例の臨床特徴  [通常講演]
    第15回日本正常圧水頭症学会 2014年
  • Relationship between dementia severity and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease patients.  [通常講演]
    16th International Congress of International psychogeriatrics association 2013年 ポスター発表
  • BPSDに対する薬物治療.「BPSDに対する薬物療法において抗精神病薬は必要である」  [通常講演]
    第55回日本老年医学会学術集会 2013年
  • BPSDの発現機序の解明と治療法・対応法;Up to date.「認知症に伴う嫉妬妄想の臨床特徴とその対応法」.  [通常講演]
    第28回日本老年精神医学会総会 2013年
  • 認知症の臨床-予防、診断、治療のコツ-.「認知症の症候学-レビー小体型認知症と前頭側頭葉変性症-」  [通常講演]
    第109回日本精神神経学会学術総会 2013年
  • 認知症患者における嫉妬妄想の臨床特徴  [通常講演]
    第17回日本神経精神医学会 2012年
  • レビー小体型認知症とアルツハイマー病の記憶障害の比較検討-虚再認に注目して-  [通常講演]
    第36回日本高次脳機能障害学会 2012年
  • アルツハイマー病のBPSD-DLBとの比較-  [通常講演]
    アルツハイマー病研究会 第13回学術シンポジウム 2012年
  • 認知症患者の妄想-認知症専門外来初診患者の検討-  [通常講演]
    第106回日本精神神経学会総会 2010年
  • アルツハイマー病患者への塩酸ドネペジル10mg増量のタイミングについての検討  [通常講演]
    第106回日本精神神経学会総会 2010年



  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2022年04月 -2026年03月 
    代表者 : 柳 雅也; 橋本 衛; 石井 一成; 難波 寿明
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2018年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 小山 明日香; 橋本 衛; 藤瀬 昇; 松下 正輝; 池田 学
    本研究では、1)認知症介護者における介護負担感のなかで、多くの介護者に共通する負担と個別的要素の強い負担を明らかにすること、2)介護についての肯定的意味付けについての尺度であるPositive Aspects of Caregiving(PAC)の日本語版を作成し標準化すること、を目的とした。研究結果より、1)時間的制約という負担は個別性が高く、患者の将来への不安や頼られているという感覚は多くの介護者に共通してみられた。2)PAC日本語版の信頼性・妥当性はおおよそ確認できた。PACは介護者の希死念慮と有意な関連があったことから、介護に関する肯定的認知を高めるような支援が必要であると考えられた。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2017年04月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 橋本 衛; 福原 竜治; 石川 智久
    本研究では、「アルツハイマー病(AD)と特発性正常圧水頭症(iNPH)は、脳脊髄液の循環動態の変化を介して互いにその発現に影響し合う」という仮説を検証した。ADと臨床診断された461例の患者の脳MRIを視覚的に評価し、iNPHの特徴とされるDESH所見の有無ならびに、DESH所見と関連する要因を評価した。結果は、49例(10.6%)のAD患者でDESH所見が認められ、DESH所見には、糖尿病(オッズ比2.2)、MRI白質高信号域(オッズ比3.4)が関連していた。 AD患者のDESH所見の有症率は健常高齢者よりも極めて高く、AD病理がiNPHを引き起こす可能性が明らかになった。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2016年05月 -2021年03月 
    代表者 : 積山 薫; 橋本 衛; 月浦 崇; 樋口 貴広; 寺本 渉; 山田 実; 上田 祥代; 鈴木 麻希; 阿部 修士; 大澤 智恵; 曽雌 崇弘; 伊賀崎 伴彦; 四本 裕子; 松田 哲也; 西口 周
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2015年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 平井 俊範; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
    アルツハイマー病(AD)16例、レビー小体型認知症(DLB)14例と年齢をマッチさせた健常者16例に対して3T MRI装置にて定量的磁化率マップ(QSM)を作成した。QSM上で左右の黒質、赤核、尾状核、淡蒼球、被殻、中心前回皮質、楔前部皮質、楔部皮質に関心領域を置き、脳の各構造物の磁化率値を測定した。黒質の平均磁化率値は、AD、DLB、健常者の順に上昇がみられたが、有意差はみられなかった。楔前部皮質において、平均磁化率値はAD、DLBは健常者と比べ高い傾向であったが、有意差はみられなかった。その他の構造物においても3グループ間に有意差はなかった。今後症例を増やし更なる検討が必要である。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2018年03月 
    代表者 : 米田 哲也; 平井 俊範; 橋本 衛; 池田 学
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2014年04月 -2017年03月 
    代表者 : 池田 学; 橋本 衛; 平井 俊範; 福原 竜治
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2012年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 平井 俊範; 池田 学; 橋本 衛; 米田 哲也; 菰原 義弘
    組織の位相差を鋭敏に強調する位相差強調画像化法(PADRE)は脳組織の微細構造や磁化率に影響する物質の描出に有用であり、脳アミロイドβの蓄積を画像化できる可能性がある。本研究では、3T MRI 装置を用いて、位相差強調画像化法を健常者とアルツハイマー病の患者に応用した。PADRE画像の定性評価、定量評価において、健常者群と比べアルツハイマー群では頭頂葉の楔前部、側頭葉の上前頭回、後頭葉の楔部において有意な信号差がみられた。本研究から、3T MRI 装置を用いたPADRE画像のアルツハイマー病診断への有用性が示唆された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2011年04月 -2015年03月 
    代表者 : 橋本 衛; 池田 学
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2011年 -2013年 
    代表者 : 池田 学; 橋本 衛; 平井 俊範
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 池田 学; 橋本 衛
    パーキンソン病類縁疾患である進行性核上性麻痺(Progressive supranuclear palsy;PSP)は、最近になって行動面での異常が注目され、前頭側頭型認知症(frontotemporal dementia;FTD)の類縁疾患として分類されることもある。しかし、両疾患の精神症状や行動異常を直接比較した研究はほとんどない。そこで、認知症専門外来を受診したPSP ならびにFTD症例の常同行動をthe Stereotypy Rating Inventory(SRI)で、精神症状全般をthe Neuropsychiatric Inventory(NPI)を用いて評価し、特に常同行動の神経基盤について検討した。その結果、両疾患でもっとも高頻度にみられた精神症状はアパシーで、異常行動、脱抑制がそれに続き、類似したプロフィールを示した。しかし、常同行動と食行動異常はFTDで有意に高頻度に認められた。PSPでは常同行動や食行動異常が目立たなかったことから、これらの行動障害の神経基盤としてFTDで直接侵される前頭葉眼窩面や側頭葉前方部、扁桃体の関与が推察された。
  • 日本学術振興会:科学研究費助成事業
    研究期間 : 2008年 -2010年 
    代表者 : 橋本 衛; 池田 学


  • 2020年   日本老年精神医学会   理事
  • 日本認知症学会   評議員
  • 日本高次脳機能障害学会   評議員
  • 日本神経精神医学会   理事
  • 日本神経心理学会   理事



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